The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 17, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 CONDITION OF STATE BANKS. RETORT OF KX OIIM'.II TERSER JIOT riHIN.KTKU. II In one of the Mml ißlrrolln* (iralll)lnit Ever Iseurd From III* Office—l apt Ini Decrease llu, m Four Mule Hunk* llerimiliil* National Other lioln* More limn Till* llerrrr. Atlanta. Oct If- -*'■>'• H"k Koislmr H <J Turner has Just m|iield hla nn mini tepurt lit l I '' b£TX"- of Owra i 1 ti tt 'al y<ar. end ing hn I WHO Th< report to one ol in. most Ini. r- - ami gratifying. onl> in the num.'- of *u*t tsinke. bul also 111 -loir loan i. serve, prolll accounts iTTT"' • 01.1. • A)(tx>< . i. ■ t i4 *f* tul xh< v> . •i ■ cr*aw v ISgmWO ihirinif the ia*i >< r. tbre > nothing rtltroiirulni i* Ihrt*. frum thi* fa< that it l* l<irif*lv •*l hy me uC four etutf* into na tional ;*aUik.**. involving a total gum of s77&.*m Tlii-*v ov#>re in* laOtarv I u.k. topical |Juo.uuo, th** Capital City link rapltal $400,000 both of th* M r rnaiita' am) Planters Bank < arrolH >% cap4tal $56,00)*. arid th** AiOmy TrtiM and bank capital $. * Tin ** n * btuocTH* naiional m> mat ifittr • ital haa not !**n wi ratrawn front G-ui C*. To tak* thr.i t* * i •? In b* Mat#* hank ifigt Met. in. lift.* n i.w iik iuvi lit* • orfanlifd. with .m <tiul of sSso.irt'. amoi.K Un-in n.** Germania L ant) Itanktru: ( imtany of Atlanta, witn capital of l-'U.tM only t%%* hank- lwv> iron* Into \oiuntartl> liqufcit• : hat, th> L\*r* Hank of Atlaitl . apital IPhMM* and the Boutn Georgia Liank of Way. ro* , capital fio.two The Mali* banka allow a net iniftsf in reaourc*.*- thta year, of sl.67:<.u*i4>.j. whin the Inina-- in loan.* amount* t* 12.30 T - AK W an-i th-lr and undivided profile ahnar an it >r * * of SOI,OOO Tn**.r Iriral reserve fund. (2.'* f* i I’tit of their demanded indebteln**se is this year I* ii/mmi. a.* against 9S.fh.wo in 1*99. snow ing that th* \ ar*. ?file, year away over the legal r <qtiir m*n( or in< rea in r*- Mftrv*. sj:.4<*mjuo. On of th** most gratifying f.ature* of Dank Examiner Turner's report is the in crease in Ucjxwdte, which Is $52*6,754.99 While the ipit 11 sti - k of slat*’ o.iiik* lue to the chans. - above explain***) has decrease) I**,*• ■ their snrplu* and net profits ntiis th** ft*•!ittiy increase of $356 299 Sift. tnbrMttnK th*n the bank* have don* most satisfactory bueinee* .luring the pet twelve months It is also nn ln*li • ■ I- • . ■ it 4r.if( M .xHi* nw i mark*d decrease. m imiM. ii • viiffcx. Great Interest It.lnu In Urn In Lit erary Swirly Work. Emory Col leg*. oxford. Ga,. Oct IS— Thr mo Mterary aorlnicr. Frw and Phi Gamma, arc noa in u mort prosperous rondlilon. ami have hrfore them ilie brlfhlrrt propm for n •iiccrssful year .hat they have had for arveral years Ps*’ Kar h has Initiated a large number of nr* men, and among three har hern found some of the treat oratorical mate* rial that ha* ever route to Emory This morning at Phi Uamm.i the uurstion, "Re solved. That ths I’nlted States should own all railroads within Its borders," wu< discussed, nnrl after a splrlterl ilet.ite th • decision was awarded lo the affirmative The memi.-r* of Pew had as the ques tion for debate. "Resolved Thai itu- Failed Hlaies should estahllah .a tiallonal university at Wnehington " and after a lively dlsruKslon rk teimJne.l that such an Inetltution should N estahilshed Itutlng the debate a committee came from Phi tianinui lo deliver ti I'halleuae to an mv | tempi it debate. The rhallettKe was ac ceptesl. and the following were selecte<l to rspreeesit Few Hn. lety. on the occasion of the debate Oscar I, IVozen raft of Hoc It mart. John XV Itudd of Mi Itae Madison Hell of Atlanta Mtewart Rot,, erts of Macon. Thomas Hrunsoti of 110-k mart, ami John t'alvin Itrmks of For sythe. Mr Htaneon Is anew stoilert. having entered tn September, and his lion to this debate Is quite a t'ovnpltfnrnf. The representatives of Phi Gamma, who will meet the above In Impromptu delwte during November, were elected last Mon day. and are Howard E Elder of Way. s’.oss. XX ad,- H latsseter of Vienna Carl l.ewl* of Atlanta Alf rid C Hr.m of Newnsn. Hugh A XVoodward of \V|n chester. Trnn . and Charlea I. lt,*H.c K of XXaycmss. XISTHXI.ItX HAL MIT. Hardwick Wants It a* n sort of Sub • fltWf* for ll( Nrgrn Hill. Atlanta. Oct. M.— A bill r*i|utring the usr of the Australian hallo* system In state elections will probably be Introduced *t the fill meeting of th* Qcotrsl As aembly by Hon W T Hard wick of Wauih- Ington. The object of thi* bill will be to eltmtnntr. u ir as p*sslbk*. the negro vote, and if it Is |ut>aed by the ls*Kial,i* •ore at this .-e*ion. In l!kl Mr llardwh k will introduce his dlsfran* hlw ment bill again. It Is not likely thnt th. Hardwi k bill, which caused s* much discussion at th* last session of the o*nrral Assembly, and which was kill**) by a vote f 171 to ,1, will be Introduced wh y the legislature meets this yeur. Numerous publications regard ing tie* bill have been ma)e recently hut ocordtng t Mr. Hardwick u is not his Intention to put *h. measure in this ses sion Mr If irdw k says that there have been many 1* gtslator* elected this year who are in favor of both bills, nnd he does not think there will hr much trouble In getting them passed Mr Hardwick w el* ted to the Gen eral Assembly from his county again with th*. disfranchisement hill as the issue His majority was .i large on*, nnd h c om*s back to the General A'***mhly pledged to make .mother effort to have the hill passed During th* year Mr Hardwick ha> written a number of letters *o members of th*- Legislature < on. rning both the measure- he Intends to Introduce. an*l It is und rstoo*) th 4 h*- has recalvd u numta-r of favorable replies Tbe §••* i Prescription for Malaria. Chills nnd Fever i* a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonlr. It Is simply iron and quinine tn a tasteless form. No curs —no pay. Fries fita- -ad. Titvix. Till: tsg. trunk tpprsml lleftre llie vii|irrmr C ourt lit % tin of n. Atlanta. Oct. 16 -Hoti Jo-- ph A Crock of &.ivnnnah argued a < ***• l> fore the* Fupr* me Court this morning In defense of his nephew. Hell, who was convicted and sentenced to harg in the Chatham Superior Court. The contention r.f Mr Cronk Is that the killing w,i* d*n< in self l* fens* So Heitor Osborn* is representing the state A peculiar f;tur of the rs- Is that Judge Fallignr.t of Savannah. befor* whom the case was tried, is In attendance on the court, listening to the trial Your Uvor Will tw rotund to tl* nttirl dnllßi gnd yotir bUlouxiiyx*. hvili iw il fWiuiUpatloo bv rurt-il It you lkf Hood’s Pills bold by aU druggists. 25 cent*. Apollinaris (•'the QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS") BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTIONS WHEELED Wil l 1117 Till ME. The General and Other Confederates Will \ Hit the Fair. Atlanta. (>• t. 14.—Next Mondayfwlll he Wheeler day and the Confederate Vete rans day at the Interstate Fair. Gen. Wheeler, with a staff, will arrive from Montgnm* r'• and bis r ejaion will be the featur* of the day. Gov. Candler has tel* graph* 1 to the governors of th* ne|ghl*rlng u k inif them to be present nt th* *%* r ises The invit.itlori* were **■ nt to-<l.y nd h* definite arrangements will be cotnple'ed £ siion a th* -■ gentlemen nt* heard from The Fair Commit!*- Iriten-D to in ik* hls day a notable • Th* re will )*• new features Introduce*! in many of . l* p.rt ments and many extra thing** In th- pr * gmrnme Gee \Vh*elr and Gov Cat dler. nccomptnlel by th* *th*r g*v -* w*th th .i -taff- will in**p * *be fair after the review of the state troops | I'leaty #f McKinley Horj. Atlanta, Oct 14 -Harry Silverman ha m hand $; do*) which I* wih |>U* •• *♦ fid of two o one. In amounts of not les than $Uf). ui**>n M irk Hanna's man Ari l this he will do he S*y-. In th* far** **f the tact that his own ballot Is going to be cast for the Nebraskan STOPS THE COt (iN %\l> WORK* OFF THE t OLD. Laxative From** Quinine Tablets cure a •old in one day. No cure, no pay. Prka 26 dents.—ad riTBRAL ISTITATIOIW WOODBRIDGB The relatives* and frtetids of Mr Wyllv Wood bridge, Mr* J c Habersham and Ir C A Stiles, are invited to wttend tti* funeral of the former nt 4 orlork, this afternoon, from her Life r*‘4*bnce. 120 Cast Dolton street MKRTLSUa. tdCtmldA CHAPTER \<L 3 It. A. M. A regular convocation of *I- chapter will held fWedresdav) evening at Mi J sonfr Temple nt Rta o’ c Ux k U/ The M V| Degre. will be jTjj co nferrrd V'isltltig companions frater- 1 nally Invite) to rn** w’lth ' J us. Dy order ~*t II H cotxPINO. H. F. W B ROCKWELL, He< retary. CHATHAM REAL EAT ATE AM) IM rnovi MEvr cohpwv. Office of The Chatham Real Fettle and Improvement Company, Opt. I*. 1 non —The annual meeting of this ompany will be held on Thur s*#v IMh inst . at S oft o'clock P m at the ofhro of the company. No. II Dryan etreet. qa-i J II ESTILX*. President. M J SOLOMONS HfC'jr in*l Treas a%% %A \ %II RR4MH WHOLE WORK €•( ILD. It Is earnestly requested that officers, members and all Interested In this noble charity will m*et at 8t John’s Parish Hall. Friday, Oct 19. at 490 p m Please be prompt JCLIA MYI)ILETON. Secretary pro tern • I’Lt lAI. lOKUJ. HIDE 4 vrWAMW 4\D HE, < OATEAT. TEAT. No such bargain as the Steam- Special at S4O-00 has ever been offered the riding public Think of It the finest wheel that the Stearns factory builds, one that hHS been tested by years of experience, a wheel that has given universal satisfac tion. for s4orn. Htearns riders are Im mune* from broken forks, spokes, cone* and cup*. Have you not liad enough of the other kind? * Goodrich Tires are. without question, the best in •he world. These tires are made in the largest rubber factory in this country, and by a firm who refuse to make a cheap tire. All Goodrich* Tires are sold with • most liberal guarantee At the following prices un unguaranteed tire has no vain* No 19 Goodrich $ v f -ft P' t- pair No. 999 Goodvlch 10.0 ft per pair The Palmer Tile 12-W per pair Our Repair Department h * • mpb i as moni y and experience can make it Our mechanic* are men who have bad y*rs of experience and who h ive reputa tions as being the "beat in the business/’ We want your trade. Free air on tap R. V. CONNKRAT. Hell Phone No 660 $46-34$ Dull Street “FT ATE AAD 4 Ol ATA T A AKA, Office rolleclor Riate and County Taxes. Chatham County, Oa„ Bavannah. Oct b. 1900 The digest is now open for the collec tion of the above taxen on all property, real and personal, the specific tax on pro fesslons; also the Poll Tax for Kdu- ati*>n il Puri*oses on all Male Residents of th*- Ity and county between th* ages of 21 *nd 40 years. Office at th* Court Houa* % Hour*. 9 a. m to 2p. m JAB J McOOW AN Tax Collector. C. C. MM Is XI X> v AI l Che? Trervnu commence* today to serve hls well known Merchants' Lunch fr.qn 11.30 in 2 p in Old and new customer, are cordially In vit'd Alsu bill of fare ala . arte Respectfully. OKORiIK DECK MANN Importer \Vu*riburirer Hof Itr.iu mix tx on xieKiM t:x . Th it Is the national question tletilny good food for yourself and family Is the local or main question. The most imiiort ant of foods In goods meats you can al ways get that at my stalls In the City Maik'S For to-day I offer prime lieef, mutton ami veal, lamb, matchless corned beef, etc. Moth phones 557 JOHN FI'NK Mim • Neither the'i r nor consignees of llrittsh steamship Asama. Rem. nt. mas ter. 11l bo responsible for any debts con tracted by the crew GEORGIA EXPORT * IMPORT CO. mi i ii i:. Neither the mister, owners nor con sign" of the Itrltlsh steamship Pydno will be responsible for any debts con tracted by the crew J il CROMBLEY, Mister. OCR CUBKTB Loan money at U per eht. on real estate security. BECKETT A BECKETT, Attorney, at I*w and Conveyancera nn. htKtttx HAB RETURNED AND RESUMED PRACTICE AT Xi 7 Junes street, we.u THF. MOHNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 1". 1900. •FECIAL NOTH LA. LEA % A** ATE, REST Al HA AT lAII OVSTKH HOI ftE. til ( (inireii Street, W e*t. Mine Point. Itorkssi) nnl Aaflv*- Ov *ter In all affylea. t HOP ITEAKA A AII 4i \ME OF ALL KIAIV* IN SRHOA EAEHATHIAG FlltAT-f’l. AAA. DIAIAG ROOM A t PST AIIt A. 14 HI I Al AITAM. Mr Nat T Elliott of Live Oak Fin . says • • "For four \-ar> previous to lfikl I was a great sufferer from rheumatism I was wr* k and and fearfully deformed, al most entirely tv Ipl* w hen I w ent t Sj u an* * Kprlng- s< much so that I had to he carried in at.l out th* pring when t>athing At tin expiration of thrw* months I .ime w<iy not only restored to my normal form but fr** from pain, sine** which time 1 have not felt a symp tom of the disease J Al Alltel:. Mr. Robert M Hull of Savannah, Ga writes: • • "No* *lf h • * b* -n t*.LI of the \ tlu *1 I-# pr*i -tl ft m *• >r beautiful spring and If el that 1 • i •*' say too much for a water that hav lengthened mv father s life ad r- li* ved m of th- severe • use of Jaundice with whi i I was suf fering when I came to you " • • MARK APPLE, IV2O Weftf llroiiK ti ton street, CARRIAGE REPOSITORY. Agent for following manufacturers make your select ion from them. Mayer. Columbus, Buckeye Fraxler Cortland. Waterloo. Watertown, West colt. Rock Hill. Old Hickory, Milburn aid Florence Farm Wagon*. Full and >ompete line of Harness. Bad dies Lap Robes, etc Kelley Bpnngfit-ld Rubber Tires put on at abort notice. HAIGHT* PHARMACY, OPEN ALL NIGHT. Reef. Wine and Iron 75c Roach 801 l guaran;eed) iu K R C $lO. Talcum Powder, botated 5c Palmers Toilet Water* ...Me Empty Capsules. 1 for be T. P. Dyspepsia Tablets Fr*** Imported Castile 80-tp 50 Insect Powder, P D A Cos 40c Truaaas file to 3.**> Byrlngee. Fountain 75c to $3 00 Thermometer (F* vcr to $2 Ou We lead In everything in our line. KNIGHT 8 PHARMACY. Ga Phone 533 Bell Phone UO HKLMKEV9 C AKK, Liberty and Whitaker. The only up tc (Lite cafe suitable fr select parties in the city. One block from De Boto. Phone 644; J. 11. if ELM KEN. Prop. FI A E It O A *TA. The finest ro- is In the < tv Just r * < iv* *i Bf * ill cut* from b* ivy tt l. One will l** a revelation to you Hav* on** for dinn* r Phones 575 M B. G ARDNER P S l keep poultry. I imh. fruits an*l vegetables. Full line brains, trip*', sweet bread and all su< h IF IT*A RICK. WK tl AVP IT. New California Prunes. Evaporate*! Ap ricots. Peaches and Dried Figs. Bulk Jelly, s*' per pound. Bulk Preserves. iv per pound. HARDEE A MARSHALL, ’Phone 9fw. GOOD 1.111 OH. Get Wilson Whisky at ROBT. REM LHR’B. Liberty aral Drayton. Head quarters for .he best brands. Country trad*- solicited. No charge for .tugs. Phone 41$ I.MEKGEACA I A * I'A. Prescriptions filie*! anytime, day or night We comp -und acu'urately, u* uly tbe best drug- The only wide awake pharma v in t*•* southern >*••(ion PARK AVENI E PHARMACY. J. L. lirunan. Prop . Corn* r Park Avenue and Barnard streets ’Phone 1146 THE AD K llAI)i: AA ELL. And H came to pssa that a patriot was taken sick and lay upon tils bed In sore distress An.l nb family -nt for a man I* irne.i In th** science of ni*i. n* who .a me inl wrote many prescriptions, which were filled at th* Masoni-' T**mple Pharm irv by <>inpetr*nt pharmacists, with pur** drugs, and lo? In a short lime he was made well MASONIC TEMPLE PHARMACY. ‘Phone ss* PL.AATEIt ERA* tWD MAMIAV IIP. PL IE A. Cement. Lime. Plaster, llalr and River Band. Prompt deb wry Reasonable price SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO.. Corner Drayton and Congress. Phone 619 I ORE TO mi; Bring me your furniture to he uphol •■! ! ! t * t * ’ Furniture having my house U as good as new und as pretty. DAVID CLARK. 11l Jefferson. P 8 —Remember I make mattresses. mi net Neither the ma?'*-r. owners nor *on ignees of th** British steamship Tresco will be responsible for any debts xvnurac ted by the crew WM. G. lIUOWNC, Master. jyipari ar fi] a ;i f lim Superior to All. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. PHONE 383 THE ONLY Exclusive Family Liquor Store IN THE CITY. TRY OUR FAMOUS Bell’s Pure Rye Whiskey. Fall Quarts 75c; four bottles, containing full Gallon,s3.oo. nn Oilmen 0 pn Sol. Proprietor,. 4.1 WblttkerStreet DLLOINuLn W ulllf PULL UNIiM CLARET WINES. SPKCUL AOTICBI. 11l %•> THIS. Vlt-sar*. S|oit limn, ( 0., Savnnnnli. <*n. (icnllrmrii-*1 hvr t*rn m icrntf auffrrrr frum lnlljc*tln anil anfler kpui Ural. Hrard of >nr Vrge ia It l* llltfrra ilirtiugh iravrllu* ult-tiiiian iu Bwlllmore. I procurfd n Itoltlr and find It *!%*• nit* term! relief. I certainly recommend If to liny one ufY rinu frttm Inl inn lour* rrpcctfully. CBA9. A. ( KAMDALt, Innapolli, >l4. IA V AMT AH FOtNimV A\l> MACIIhR CO Hl* AMY. Builders of Marine and Stationery Boilers, will fumlwh estimate* on new work In competition with Northern and Western menu for turera. It c pair work on EogJnee end Boil era HI Y OTLY THIS IIK9T GINORH AI.K. The best te the Wheeler Brand of Bel fast (Unger Ale. made by VVheeier 4k Cos., of Belfast, Ireland, from Uia celebrated cruinac opium* ol mat city, These epititfs aie the property of Wheeler O Cos., hi noe no other Ginger Aie manufac turer in Ireland h. thone waters but themeelvee T.'w Wheeler Ginger Ale la cnud from pure Jamaica tlinger Root and not from Red Pepper, as others are; oue la deleterious— th** other Is a tonic. For li**a it hf nines* and Purity the cele brated Whf'Mfr biard of Belfast Ginger Ale la the best UPPMAN BROTHERS Southern Agents. Savannah. Os. NOTICE. We nr* now moving our Wholesale I>e partment to the commodious quarters 127 Congress at reed (formerly occupied by M Pryfus, and will he In perfect shape in a few days, and be pleased to serve our friends. SOLOMONS COMPANY. BO >l>9 1- VI i l ILU liy the Amcriesa Bonding an 1 Trust v oiupaiiy of Baltimore. We are uu'-hor ned to exwcut* loyally (Imm diately upon application), a.l bon la In Judicial pro c * dings In elthtr the stole or United H nti s courta. ar.d of adminisirstore an ) guard! ns PEARINO A HT’LL. A rents Telephone 21 •. Provident Bui Id tag so rit k. The schedule Is changed for Buwsnee Springs. You tan leave Savannah. vu Plant fy.Mecn. nt h a m . arrive ot th Springs at l.' jj p. m. This schedule is * n-1 • i %Hlf %M* ( 1 ritl>! LI Hilt:lt FOR MALIC. 1,7*000 feet of iish, suitable for wheel wrights rriag makers, works and interior h**M finish. Also cypress lumber * our famous brands of vprss shtnghs unl will moo have a fud lln* of them for salt. VALE ROYAL MFO CO lilt I: MILLING. HM E FLO tit. HII E t IIAFF. We have anew mill with all modem pro * -.h. - nl machinery, and arc now lead* for business We m-lielt your pat ronage and Invite correspondence; rice chaff free to patrons THE SAVANNAH RIPE MILL CO.. T M Cunningham. Preaidnt. John fVrrveti. Jr.. Manager. WE 111 1 AM* SELL HEAL KSTAYK, Negotiate loan# on same at 5 per cent, an ) collect rent a Represent The Travel era* Insurance Or*., accident and liability driarltnetitt. Represant the New York Underwriter* Fire Ins. agency. Represent the Ort nwlch Fire Ins. <*o Reprenent the Phoenix Mutual Life In. Cos. All bust nees i ntrusted to • will be appre< igtad. and will receive prompt and careful at tention. No. 2/ Bay street, east Tele* phone A L W. C. FRIPP & CO. 8H151.U NOT ICES. WEDDING GIFTS. Our stock Is so full and va ried In style that the simplest as well as the most extrava gant taste can be suited. All the newest things In sil ver now being opened. THEUS BROS, The Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Cos ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms. Whenever the Best is Wanted PHONE 700 3C17 Bull direct. Telephone 70b THE GEORGIA STATE BULLING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ti YORK STREET. WEST. ” PER CENT per tinnum allowed on O deposits withdrawable on demand. Interest cridlted quarterly. 6 PER CENT per annum allowed on deposits of even hundreds, withdraw aide at annual psrlode. OEII. XV TIEDKMAN. President. It. H LEVY. Vice Pre*tdent. E. W. BELL Secretary. C. G ANDERSON. JR., Treasurer •t-KCIAI. .XUIICKk, SPECIAL NOTH E. City of Savannah. Office Clerk of Council. Oct. 5. 19TO. A vacancy having occurred In the Itogrd of the CommlgHlonere of Pilotage by rea son of the -k-ath of Commissioner J J XVllder. nnd by virtue of a resolution adopted at u meeting of Council held the evening of the 3rd Instant Notice Is hereby given thtt an election will he h< Id at Hie next regular nt'-vtlng of Coun cil. Oct. 17. 8 p nt tn fill th. tinexplrad term o< adornd by the death of the said Commissioner Wilder All applications to he tiled on or before 1! m. of the 17th Instant WILLIAM P HAILEY. Clerk of Council I Ml- WAX lot LEAN CAHPH.IX. Tea only way to get your carpet* prop er y take i up, i leaned and taken are of fur the summer l- o turn tbs Job over to tn. District M ss tg r and Delivery Cos., telephone .. or call al 22 Montgomery at set, and they will mk you an sail, mat ■ on the co t of ths work Prlooa roa* nahle They also pick, move and autre furniture and planes C. IL MED LOCK. Supt. and Mgr. HEAOX ITIXG-M tTTHKSSE*- REMI. V ATIXG. Hair. moss, tickings, fiber, feathers Our slock of new material and manufac turing products air up to date Our reno vating ami remaking has delighted many prominent residents Ask your acquaint, ances. Material sent us It picked, steamed, cleaned and medicated by modem mi cHnery. Making done by mechanics XX'e confine our work lo mattresses and bed ding g. nerally. XVe sell tickings of all kinds, moss, hair, cotton, fiber, feathers. nr anv article ted In mattress line NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENO VATING CO. Hell Phone 1138 331 Drayton street. RKI) HEART. The beer of all beer* I* -RED HEART - All good people ..rink il. XV M BRICKEN, Manager. JUNO BREWING CO Phone 3IL A This morning we . 2- opened a consider- C' r ''*\ able shipment of a new style dress \ shoe, that will ■ \ surely be of interest to you. Jftgjr They come from makers of ladies’ shecs xxho have for many years made none but the , highest priced Roods. W e jtave them a larjce order, so they could afford to make us a specially low price, considering the most excellent quality They are $3.50, but the leather is simply superb, and the shoemaking is faultless. They fit in every spot, and as for looks, why anybody can tell they are fine shoes. AMI St..MI.VIS. Wednesday October 17th 8 10 P. M oroQii mi qi me dim -BY MI J. LEWIS BROWNE, -OF- Atlanta. Georgia. a Misted by Mn. M M. OBr‘ra *>f At lanta. G* Mrp W. W.UroM. Mr# M Ed Wilton, Mitt Allan. Mr J. M Black and Prof John Wiegaud. ac*-om4anltt. under the direction of Mr Frank E R*-barer. Choir Master of 4h* Cathedral PROGRAM. Part Flrtf. No 1. (a) Bach Fantasia tn O Major (Bk IV' No. 11) Treat Vlt Kment. Orave. Lentemente. (b) Bra hint —Andante—And an Moiio. Gram Bonata In F Minor op 5.). 2. Rottinl Pro Peccant J M Black 3. (a) Buxtehude Fugue in C Major (b) Dubo.r .."In Paraditlum 4 Massenet Aria from Hcrodlad- Mrs M M O’Brien 6. (a) Reeboeck. "Beranata Napoli tana (b) Browne 'B* her*oMarch (new) Part Second. 1. Let lie.. Come Unto H;m Mrs M Ed. Wilton 2. Roesinl Quls Eet Homo Mrs \V. W. Gross ttid Mia Nelne 3. Nevm •'Veneiu.’* (a> "A ba (b( "troralolieri.” (ci "Carisone *’ (and) "Rouna Notte. (Ave Marla) 4 Batsini ".Salve Regina" Mrs M M O Brier 5. Extemporisation in Bonati form upon themes io to* furnished At time of by the director. On this orc.ision the new organ of the Cathedral, th* )arg**! and finest In the Bouth, will be opened and its compl**** nets of mechanism and magnificent tone quality <)cnionstrate4i thoroughly by Mr Browne, a most a*comp :-bed organist An admission of t<* cents will he charged for the irefit of the organ fund of tin church TlekHa oti tale it Connor's U->k-* and ut the door of ihe Cathe dral, gAVANNAH THEATER. Thursday Matinee nnd Night. Oct 13 The Event of the 8-ason Engagement of Amerirt’s Tragedian. Mr ROBERT DOWNING, Assisted by the Talented nnd Beautiful ALBERTA CONVERSE, and a complete company, including Chns. D Herman. William Somert. Lillian Kingsbury and Minnie Llndley. presenting his latest and greateat successes. "RICHARD. THE LION-HEARTED." —and— • THE GLADIATOR " Under direction of E. D SHAW Pricet-Matlne*. 75c. 50c and 25. Night, $1.50 SI.CO. 75c, 50c und 25c. gAVANNAH THCATBR. Friday and Saturday nights am) Satur- Matlnee, Oct. 19 and 3. Engagement of MR CHARLES B. HANFORD, Areompanlwl by MISS MARIE DROE NAH. and a .pl.ndld .upportlns com pany. prru-nnnK 4 new romantic comedy drama by I.,'*' Arthur, “PRIVATE JOHN ALLEN ” A utorv of the South. fnctnt!n* by IntercrtlMß deep heart Inter..*, clever comedy, .tronn .Ituatlnn., thrullmt dl mao. Poaltlvely an elaborate scenic production, entirely new and appropriate to I ie attnoephere of the play. Seat, on Mile. Pricer— ac. &oc, 7SC, 81. Matinee, orchertra, 75?; balcony. MV. ■IIIRKU ROTICBA i iiif Site Per .al., a Foraattb Newapaper Pold.r will fold ilrnt r.xU It l. in ood oru.f Prlc. 8300 It cost originally 81.100. but w. hav. ou ue. far U sod want Lb. room It txcuplaa. It will b an lb value td. adluaot *■ aay newspaper offlot. , Addr.M MORNING NEWS, iavaaa.k, Oa New Pictures. Picture Framer, XX'all Paper. Water Color*, liru.hes, oibeon'r Calendars GREENE * CO., Whitaker. LEOPOLD ADLER. JNO R DILLOJf President. Carhvr ' C 8 EI,LIS. BARRON CARe-f;. Vice Presldoat. Arrt Caihler The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH Will be pleaaed to receive th. ..-omjM of Merchants, Firms. Individuals. and Corpor.ittona Liberal favors extended Uneurpae-Wd collection roclllUee. Pane Iny prompt returns SEPARATE} AVINGS DEPARTMENT IMLHEST (UNI'OI M)l4> C|l %Klkk. LY ON DF. I*o**lTS Safety Deposit Box so and Vault* fg rvnt Corregpondcnco solicited The Citizens Ban! *- s.tVAMAIi. CAPITAL. $500.00a -. u,. M si ..rAiq ■alioiia iHSttst. od 1.4P14UA ■.mkuia, lulu eta.r Carte raUtta,. Cellttctl.n Bu4IM erltk Mit.ty, <n.eteb lafere.t ne.on.tH ell.wm ea deposits lo one .avisos D-partosoat. •*•'** *■*eell *OXOO aad Stsrsai ▼•alts. BBANTI.BY A. DRSIURK. Pe.aldssa ■ II.La B. LtXR, Vie# PrHldr.L •BOROR C. FK BmAlt, Ca.hler. •o*ooß L GROOVER, ruths SOUTHERN BANK of the State of Geeirt Capital IMO.M Surplus and undivided proflu MC.*t depository ok tut. rii'Ait or OBORQIA. Superior facilities lor transacting e General Kai using Huslnsn * o.iecilon. made on all point* .' irulMe through banka and hanker*. Avcouni. ei isana, BaaEer*. MeriEar'* and other, aollcflasl. sate D.pudi Box— for root. department of Saving., Interest peyeh)* quarterly Sell. Sterling Exchange on Londoa 0 and upwards JOHN FI.A NNERY. President. HORACE A CRANE. Vice President JAMES SfT.T.TVA V P„.hter DIRECTORS J NO. FLANNERY. WM W. GORDON * A. WEIL. W W GORDON It. H A CRANE. JOHN M EGAN. LEE ROY MYERS JOSEPH FERST If P SMART. CHARLES BLLIk EDWARD KELI.T JOHN J KIRBY Sill MM CAPITAL, *350.000 Account, of banka merchant#, torpor, tlort. and Individual. solicited. Savings Department, Interest I* 1 * quarterly. Safety Lore* and Storage Vault. f* rent. Collection# mad* oo all points at re— ■onable rates Drafts sold on all tbe chief cities of tl> world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D. WEED. President. JOHN C. ROWLAND, Vice I'restdant. w. r. McCauley, caanier. THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH. GA. Capital *"-2 Undivided proflta ’ Thle bank otfera It* aervlcee to corptr Ilona, merchant# and individual*. Ha* authority to ael akecutor, • mlntatrator, guardian e>o „ bauie drafts on the prlnelp*. rl I Great Britain aad Ireland •• ld on Contlneg*. „,,.r>erir paid or compounded dar on dap.ll* In the Saving* Depo ' n '* l Safety Hexes for rent HENRT HLUN. Preeldenf. O*o. W TIE DEM AN. Vice Pr* W JOHN M HOGAN. Cashier WALTER F. HOOAN. A*’ r * lrf No 1640. Chartered. —THE— Midis Mill 111 Or SAVANNAH. capital. wt, ou. BVHr Jd,T fret** UNITED STATES DEPOSITOR*- J A. O. CARSON. Pr*v4d*L HEIftNB GORDON. Vie I’f* 1 W M DAVANT. Caahlcr. r . Account, of l ank* and bar*'' _ # chant* and corporation# reeel' „ttk the moat favorable term* condMt aafe and conaerva’lve banking