The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 17, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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"U s.biret ••* *"• r •* *•■ I lrrl.l* • , , lecture series of the Ba (Ljrv Course. "Pari, and the .n glvrn at the (Juurd* .til by Mr. Oarrrt P. Hervlss ~,.j i,v an excellent audience, , , pf the seats In the hall be- The lecture was llluatrated n view a which were unus ,l,l which were thoroughly U* > f prefaced hta lecture by a „it o the city of which he S ' - he eatd. "la the alren .he call* ami the whole , >ne biskons nnd the whole London atiracta mankind njlty and populouam-ss It U.ugy loadatone. Every city ullne or feminine. Lon ilme. but Pane ui of the oth ,r every charm la that of a , . ■■ oman. I raid that Parle hae an •>- r.ttvl retaliation for wlcked . i, wicked, he eald. but no m „ nae le London. because alto i .<> airgr. Paris la gay. not i,, i* wicked, bu: becauae she i , r beautiful sunshiny sklea, atmosphere I* exhilarating me tills (he spirit of mankind * 4 i o( efferveaeence.” a i ..... with the help of the pte k his audience through Pari* wu*. and u* she le to-day. Start r II er earliest position on the lu ll the Seine, where still stand r palest and most Impressive , j . i ,ful buildings, he showed by ■ we how she has grown, until .a t duy. tv,. nh of the places shown, places • 1 in history, song, and story. ~, • irer gave short sketches of the so nes for w hich they have be eeai- known. He told his hearers .oiling strange cities, and espe . they would take with them , rations, for with it they could . hare walls, and ancient chum a the actors and stirring scenes • ist. He gave a number of ex we of the Notre Pams ikithc dr.i. 1 the Madelelne.and also sonic par i . . Od views of the parks* and tv i for which Parts Is so cele- T I part of the lecture he devoted • . ! apoalllon. 1r covered, he eald. lona, practically the same i i -id for lhat of I*. and. as be f -i Eiffel Tower occupied almost r enter of the show. 8, ik r.g of the Polled State* exhibit exposition, particularly of the Vi.:r..t States buildings on the Street of u Nanais he sukl that though it oc ■ Ii neplcaious and advantageous p in It r<i>reaented really nothing t- . i ti tle of this country, and was on t from this viewpoint failure. Its- more conspicuous because the only f. : r- Kul If the building was a I u-c u was most gratifying to the Amer it v to know that asuccess was ehveil hv their countrymen In other This was particularly true of • • ' ibltlons of the paintings ami sculp, lure* of Americans. it. of ihe nvowt artistic and pleasing of •’ v (bits, he said, was that of the I'olonlea, which was in every way n . re aa It could be made. T • I 'ure was closed with a superb I r in colors of the electric building. at right, when lighted. Mr. Rervlss m ! -a is one of the most beautiful If not ■ i the most beautiful sights of t . mire e x|* isition. \ I* %*TKI H IMTITITK. (<frgin !*•> *l*l*n Ratiabllati •!*#* In %f limtn t pw.-ur Institute and leaonratory ha* mixed In Gt'orgia. and has rc , f . *MWhcd quart**!** In Atlanta \ t iit meeting of the Georgia M**d i \*ociatlon. r*i*olutkn*t were adopt ml 1 < g to the fftabtlfhment of *urh an . iM.m tut nectasary to complete the? Bad il equipment of the state. i*ir • ihi-n jorao of Georgia** enterprU ai m\* taken Dm matter in Id and given the Institution a *tart rj R Ra k of UOniiie m; Dr. J H. XcDuffle of Coium t* president; Dr. Cl.iu<k A Smith, • ami paihclogtst. nnd Dr. C. D. •• f Atlanta, treasurer. Phyaldao* t <• received letter* from the secre i titifyinw them of the establishment Institute, and solicit their co-op* -•' . nnd support. r.i of the Savannah phy*k*l.ini ore much interested In the Paateur In r ami will manifeat their intercut • **n*rihutlna to it* support. The |n- nts? only h ho|>ttai nccommo<lu *:r,- t.,r the treatment of patlefßl aYTUc t- M raoiea, tt \n for m.ikitiff ;t 1 Ki ai t x|h rlntentm. The conetltu ' rr.iken u the duty of the patholoicPM c hand a supply of rabbit* and r.! for purpose* of inoculation r,r,,# r tiiat frequent experiment* may n.ile. no’ <*>)y In the treatment of but for ihe benefit and Instruction member* of the profeNlon. and • * whirl y of th aupporter* of the in lt I* believed that the institute *f great vilm to the m •* of Georgia a* well .1* a bon who have the ml*fortune to * " r from raidea. K %>t K Ml%l’l‘HOVt: IT. ontroller'H Move Icnlitn Wild (ai InMiirnnre. irance men of Savannah are no*. at the report announce) * Atlanta that Controller General ••'commend that ihe law per • ‘**ment tire inruranre com * bimint aa la ih< -1 ita t** ra tr r Ok • com panic* i s * doing bind ,f 1 u however, and there lan 1 ’ • trouble on ihl* *core The ’ 1 hre companies have proven • (< tory. It 1* etated, .mil n ar* • * * tone out of bunlner*. . i laiure reduced the depo*lt • hre Insurance comrxinle* do ng ■ ic *>ate from $3'.00l to $lO.- that the report that a de *■* D to b* required 1* an er mlmion. Wildcat Inauranca. '••I life, 1* look* and u,on w h f vor In Savannah, and Ihe in here will approve of any to tht - x. |yal ts >r this '"'•I II HIIIHW.M lIOUBISm 1 . ° nik l ' l, "e Inst Mg lit on the l.onls* '•He Hund. r ' colored, wa* arrefted la*l <**l Proud street about 10 Patrolman Miller at the re *4 1 , 1 Davis, also colored. Davit n •!• Lotiiaviila • night he wa* beat by three \V 1 nf w^om waa Dixon, and '••rnpted to rob him. He man *•, r ,. ' >way from them and came to p ft. , th ** miin West flroad 1 lied on the officer to arrest 1 . ' x ''• w ho I>avl* nay* in the one , : ern*d In the hold-up. wa* t ~f Die other* managed to make - C ASTOR IA tor Infant* and Children. frnd You Have Always Bought Finding a Fortune and Founding a Fortune. A TRAMP’S LI CK AND AS ES ERfIFmC MAX’S PI RPOSK. It is perhaps true as told that a tramp, searching a Rarhagc barrel for wraps of refuse food, found a fortune in good United States currency. Such a tlunp mav happen. But the workman who (fives up a steady occupation however unrrmtiaer ative to hunt jfarhage barrels for a fort une will surely degenerate to a tramp There is a difference between finding a fortune and founding a fortune. Few men chance uj*>n fortunes. The fort unes we know about arc not found but founded on u certain substantial basis. The nature of that basis of fortune is well set forth in the advice Riven by a successful merchant to a young man who asked, "What is the 6rst requisite to making a fortune ? r "The first re quisite to making a fortune" said the rich man. "is health.” "The idea that fortunes are tnadt suggests toil and in dustry ami skill. Nothing can br made without these. But a weak man cannot toil, and industry' is incompatible with ill-health. If you want to be strong remember that all physical strength comes from foal and that the amount of strength extracted from food depends upon the ability of the stomach to di gest food and assimilate its nutrition. The man who takes care of his digestion is, in general, taking carr of every other organ of his body.” SUCCESS A!* THE STOMACH. The merchant who gave the above Xnion may not have been much of a ysiciau but he was a good deal of a philosopher. He bad seen men with success almost within the grasp, break down because of "stotmeh trouble.” He had theorized the saying that the " weakest must go to the wall ” into the saying that "the man with the weakest stomach must go to the wall,” because no man is stronger than his stomach. The man who will learn this lesson of success has taken a great stride to his goal. Health is the first prerequisite of success and health in general means a •ound stomach and a good digestion Iyook at the logic of the matter. Foal is a man's life, ms strength. Physical life is sustained by food. But the fact that a thing can lie eaten doesu’t make it foal. Many a physician practising in the tenements of a city says of failing men or women, "What they need is rtoumhtng foal." Shipwrecked men eat scraps of leather, the bark of trees, anything to satisfy hunger. But this is not food in any true sense because it contains no nutrition. All foal must be considered in relation to its nutritive AT THK TIIKITER. Ilnbort lion nine l Two Plnya Tn morrnv. Stattnee land Night. To-morrow matinee ami night, Robert Downing will ho non in Savannah In two of hi* strongest piny*. At the matinee ho will present "The Gladiator," aaml u night. '•Klohar.l. tho IJon Hearted.” It la not known how many time* Joseph Jefferson ha* played “Rip Van Winkle.” nor how many time* iho Into lamented Kdwlr Booth playe.l •■Hamlet.*’ hut when either one of tho named plays are men. tloned, the name of the actor who plova them la epoken of in the same breath. It la olwo the onte *vlth "Tho Gla<llator,” whoever mentions the name of that with out connecting the name of Robert Down ing with It? The question has of ion been asked of Mr. Ivywnlng: "How many time* hove you ploy ed 'The Gladiator*?*' Thl* summer Mr. Downing bad In* stenographer look bock over tho tx>ok~ where all record* nro kept of each performance of the play* ho ha* prolueeil for the past fifteen year*, and the exact number of time* that he ha* played "The Gladiator." I* throe thou*an>l four hundred and elghtv-alx, Thl* la a piny that will probably live, almost every speech in tho tragedy I* n poem. The action of the- play from the rise of the curtain on the flr*t art to the final cur tain of tho last. never la** for on Instant. It I* o play thnt Is Interesting, entertain ing aisl Instructive. Friday night ami Saturday mitlnee Charter R Hanford will >e *een in his new pln>. ’Trlvalo John Allen." There Is illtle thnt eon be said about Mr Han ford a* on actor that Savannah theater goer* do not know and approve. Hl* la*: nnrn-aranre hero war with Krederl * Warde and Katryn Kidder in "A Win ter** Tale.'* one of the first productions seen In Savannah in year*. Hi* present engagement can hardly lie notable "Private John Alien” I* a eomedy-dram* that he ha* selected after much can*, is a pinv suited to his purpose*. Although the (day lt*olf disdain* the elegant rhythms of blank verso an.l expresses h!m*"lf In honest eoilouiilnl Rpgllsh. th loading ciiaraetor Is a man of wonderful natural dignity, whoso personality eom mands Instant admlmdon and enduring respect. Mr Hanford l-.i* spared neither cure nor money In securing proper mounting for his new piny, an.l In organ izing a company ca|iot>le of doing Justl-e to the Ktrong isiri* It contains. Miss Marie I>rofnrih. on a tr.sia whose -pieodld talents have In-on widely recognised. I* his leading lady. ' POSTAL** l iri Of DEMtL. Says There Is nn ( nnililnstlnn anil Cnmpany Is Ant for Sale. The I'ostal Telegraph-Cable Company hna Issued the following letter relative to the re-ent reported eomhlnalion: To Our Catrons: I’crslstent rumors are In circulation regarding a pending rom t>lnation of the PoMal Telegraph-Cgbl* Company. Commercial Cable Company. Western Union Telegraph Company, and Amerlcun B- I Toietihcne Compan) with the Tel-phone. Tel. graph on I Cable Company of America. The officers of the Postal Telegraph-Ca ble Company and of the Commercial Ca THE MOHNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, OCTODEK 17, 1000. value. When the stomach and the al lied organs of digestion and nutrition are <liara.oed the nutrition contained in food is imperfectly extracted and the haly fails of nutrition adequate to its needs. The shipwrecked sailor living upon scraps in which there is no nutri tion is on a level with the man who eats abundant nutritious foal but whoar stomach with its allied organs ia dia rased and therefore fails to extract from the food eaten the nutrition which is the body’s need. SOU XU STOMACH, SOUNII MAX. That is almost an axiom. The man with a sound stomach and good diges tion will in ordinary he a sound man, because the nutriment of foal is the life and strength of heart, lungs, liver, kid neys and every organ of the laxly. The first need of a weak man is to look after his stomach and his digestion. There is the common scat of physical weakness. How weak men have been made strong; stroug of heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, and other orgaus by being made strong of stomach and strong of di gestion has lieen told thou sands of times by those who have used Dr. lherce's Golden Medical Discover)-. "I write to tell you of the great benefit I have re ceived from the use of Dr. Pierre's Golden Meilical Discovery,” writes Mr. G. B. Bird, of Byrnside, Putnam Cos., \V. V*. "It cured me of a very bad case of indi gestion associated with tor pid liver. Before I begun the use of ' Golden Medical Discovery ' I bad no appe tite ; could not sleep nor work hut very little. The little that I ate did not agree with me, bowels con stipated, and life was a misery to me. I wrote to Dr. Herce giving the symp toms, and asked for advice. You advised me to try the ‘Golden Med ical Discovery’ so I began the use of it and after taking four bottles I felt so well that 1 went to work, but soon got worse, so I again began the use of it and use*! it about eight weeks longer, when I was permanently cured. I took in all twelve bottles of the * Discovery' ’ and some of Dr. I*ierce's Pleasant Pellets in connection with the ‘ Discovery.’" Dr. Pierre's Golden Medical Discov ery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. It cures through the stomach diseases which seem remote from that organ but which have tlieir origin in disease of the stomach and its allied organs. There is no alcohol in "Golden Med ical Discovery" and it is entirely free froxn opium, cocaine and other narcotics. Persons suffering from disease in chronic form are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter, free. All letters held as strictly private and sacredly confi dential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. There is no similar offer of free con sultation by letter or free medical ad vice which has behind it an institution such as the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. There is no similar offer of free medical advice which has behind it a physician of Dr. Pierce’s skill and success. In a little more than thirty years Dr. Pierce, as chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, assisted by his staff of nearly a score of physicians, has treated and cured hun dreds of thousands of men and women. IS YOUR LIKE WORTH ZI CENTS? It may often hapjien that the issue of life or death depends upon knowing what to do and how to do it in a crisis. I)r. Dierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is full of helpful information which may at any time mean the saving of a life. This great work containing tooH large pages is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing onlr Send ji one-cent stamps for the cloth-bound volume or only 31 stamps for the look in paper-covers Address Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo. N. Y. ble Compnny l**nv emphi*lc-lly thit cl(h er company 1* any *ii h romblnaflon and *ni# thni Gif- ronirol of (ho Pout'll T*!o:r.i|*b-(’.iblp Company iiihl of tin* Commercial Ciibli* Company i* not for iil*. Very re*jMt-cfully. Foetal Telegriph-C-ible Company, By Wm II H iker. Vlro Pre* and Gen Man ixrcr. *♦* I'uihtnl of Mn. \\ oollirltln**. The funeral of the late Mr*. Wyliy Woolbrldiri\ who**' tl-nth at Gre*n Inl and. wim nniionn* te| tn the Mnrmmr N>h* yrmorday. will ink** pl; e from (he lat> re*ksencr of the on Holton *tr*e:, at f o’clock ihl* fieriwx>ii. \\ n rin \\ rnDirr Kr*|i* I p, The temperature yesterday wan five de. £ice* nliove Hie iveraae for the day. So far October 1m sixty-two decree* atiea<l In lemp* r.ture. an*l over 3% Inches ahead In rainfall. • I.F.GAt, TOTII M. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COI’NTV Whrm Rtbwci Kady ha* applied (o Court of Ordinary for leta-m of gu.irdlan *hl[> on the perron* and property of Win nie V. and Rady Bt. C. Ander*on. minor* These arc. therefore. to -n- ar.d d -monl*h all whom It may concern to ho and appear la-fore ald Court to malt* objec tion* (If any they have! on or itefore ih* ttr*t Monday In November, next, other wise nlil letter* will be arantnl VVltne** Hie Honorable Hampton L. Ferrlll, Ordinary for Chatham county, thl* the tram’ll day of October. 180. FRANK K KKII.ItACII Clerk Ct. Ordinary. C. Cos. NOTICE TO DEHTORS AND CRKD ITORB. GEORGIA, CHATHAM COCNTY— Notice l hereby given to n'l person* hav ing demand* against Mr* Kdaa C. Chl holm. late of *ald county. dn ea*ed, to pre *ent them to me, properly made oat. with in the time prescribed by law. so n- to ■ how their character and amount; and till person* Indebted to ld deceased are required to make Immediate payment to me WALTER 8. CHISHOLM. Executor. Savannah, da., Oct. , IMO. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COINTY- Wlterea*. William J yuanto. k hat appltrd to Court of Ordinary for letter* of admln -1.1r011.m oat the estate of Mory L yuan to k deceaed There are, therefore to cite and ad monish all whom It may concern to be and appear liofotr raid court to make oh. je tton tlf any they havri on or la-fore the tlrit Monday in November next, oth erwise raid letter* will be granted Wltne** the Hon. Hnmploti L Eerrlll, ordinary for Chatham county, thl* the ninth day ol Oeiober. IPS'. FRANK E KEILBACH. Clerk Ct. Ordinary C. Cos. GEORGIA CHATHAM COCNTV- Wherea*. T M Cunningham, ha* applied r'ourt of Op 1 1 nary for letter* dmmls ,o:y a* ■dmlntatmtor on the estate of Matv 8. 1-amnr. deceased There are. therefore, to cite and admonl*|i all whom It mav concern to be and apoear before raid court to make obje tlon Ilf any they base) bn or before the flrt Mon.lay 111 February, n xt. o-herwlee rad le-t-r- wl I Im- granted. WltuUM. the Hen HiimidO’i l_ pvrrlll. ordinary for Chatham county, thl* the 3lt day of October. lk*‘ thl* tm FRANK E KEII.IIACH. Clttk CL Ord’y., C. Cos. IIOVT SEE HOW IT I'tt HE DONE. ■tier *rx Oei'lare Hire (•■Mhlsslisa Scheme ImpraetlralKe. Home time ago Ihe Mornlnc News wrote up ihe schemes for Ihe formation of omblnatlon in l.mlst.ina to control the rice crop of the country by luir 'haso slt recs from the growers. Savannah rice men who were ask. I about the wcheme at the time pronounced It Impracticable. It was staled llwtl Ihe #> ndicate expected to lake In ihree-lourths of the crop of the Carolina*, Georgia Texas and laHl*ina. lhouh rice men licrr do not see how It can be done. John Tannage, the well-known rice man. j in an Interview in New York, say -of the scheme: "It cannot fall lo help Ihe rile plant ers. If Ihe eomhliiMllon will lo all that has been promised. The' uiwlertftklng I* glganeic. and. in my opinion, Impraetlea b <■. However. Ihe prices lhat they have oxtered to pay for rite for the next four years are most generous, and I am sure thut every planter In the stare will will ingly be a parly to the agreement If fie •un be mark* to believe that th* prt re of the combination are Iron-clad Tin most attractive part of the plan Is tip offer to pay for rice on a weight bast- I do not see hlw the organisation will manage to do this For instance. If the fnrnn r has SB.OUO bush* Is of Ma,‘k rice that Is almost useless, he would receive the same price os If It went In g>od con- j •lltlon. The offer Is qulxorlc on Ihe face* of il. "I am at a loss to see what surety the planters wall have. The combination will agree to many things, but If they do not abide by their promises wliat recourse will Ihe planters have? There will doubt less Is* a plentltude of red tape, but it may lie assume! that Xhe combination will have a fall supply of loopholes 111 rase of a critical moment. If I were a farmer I would not hesitate a moment tn uccept- In* the offer of the combination, but la fore doing so I would see that l was be yond all peradveimtre of a doubt by the deposit of a forfeiture. "The i-omblnation Intends to take In sev enty-live |>er cent of the entire crop of th. Carollnas, Georgia. Texas and Louis iana How will It lie known Hint that amount has been pledget! ' The company states that It will be cupltnlixed at 17,- >l*loo It will require all of that amoui). and more, to mike H profitable. The price of rice will have to br raised, nnd If Ihe price goes too high other mills will be built and Ihe combination will have i hard road to travel." l t mill aE OF ASOTHEH t 01.011. Fiank finffnry to Answer Two t tin rites of llorrowlnx Horses. Frank Gaffney, arrested day before yes terday for borrowing, without permission, the horse of Patrolman lilegnan. an ac count of which was published In yester day's Morning News, tlld not appear In Ihe Recorder's Court yesterday on account of being sick. When he shows tip thl* morning there will be another sunwise In store for film, ns Patrolman Hnndlfor*!, whose horse was taken S*pt. IS In twae t!< ally the same way as that of Dlognan's, lias charge*! Gaffney with the d-ed nnd preferred charges against him which be will have to answer In comic. Hon with the others this morning —Not What lie Meant.—Dick Whitting ton—"How beautiful you are and how homely she Is." "Ah. but Sadie h.ia brains." "Still. I would rather lie you."— Life. UIMILLAMIOIS. the ptar that i.kadh them all. New Domredtc Machln*-. With ball lanringo Pen,on Ht Hon. ~FOR FISHING TACKLE. NETS. ETC , go to Cornwell A Ch.pmon. CALL I’P"”pERItY* * BENTON. IF you are going to move, shift or store fur niture; Bell 'phone 1124. HAVE Y OL* Il HOUSE PAINTED with German ready-mixed paint, entire satisfaction guaranteed. Adams Point Company. "SANITARY PLUMBING. GAS AND steam fitting: only experienced men em ploy,*l; allow u. lo give you a figure on your work. A. C. Price a t*o„ State and Jefferson streets, phones, <H. “WANTED. ONE THOUSAND HUNL gry fieoplc al ihe Southern Grocery Com pany, 114 Bernard street. “'PHONE 157S FOR FOREST CITY I laundry They trill call for your linen Immediately GET YOI'R WEDDING PRESENTS at Koch * Sylvan's. 4* Whitaker. They are beautiful and cheap. “FOR PAPER HANGER AND PAIVT er get Taylor s **tlma,es. You won't re tire! 11. Painters' supplies “ATTACHMENTS and MACHINE RE paired while you Ball: all work guaran teed. For poor iK'cpte free. Penton A Son “ladies. HAVE Vlh r kink CRE pon irnt tailor ma.le dresses dye I by new oxadye pro.os. guaranteed not to shrink or gel out of sho,*e New Y'ork Dye Works, Whitaker and State. 'Phone 943 FOR HARDiVARE AND TOOLS. GO to Cornwell A Chlpman's. ' I’EIIRY' * A BENTON Wll.l, RENO vate your old maltresees and furniture, make good as new, at very lltlle cost. WE SELL SEWER PII'K FLU* pipe, fire clay, fire brick nt lowest price*. Adams Paint Company, 104 Congress, west. “MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED CENTS In every dollar of your hard-earned hard cash al the Southern Grocery Company, 114 Barnard street. PHONE AM BELL OR GEORGIA. AND let u* .Reconnect and connect your range, repair* of any make furnlehed for your stove or range: ex|>er( workmen only em ployed; can figure very close. A. C. Price A Cos. Slate and Jefferson streets. THE MOST UP-TO-DATE WORK 18 being turned out by Forest City latundry •Phone 1575. WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING given personal attention, al Koch A Syl van's. 41 Whitaker. W ILL PAPERS. PAINTS. VAR rlshgß. kalsotrlnes nnd gtuas and g oJ imchanlca. See Taylor. K. of I’. Hall SINGER NEEDLE*. THREE FOR five cents; gill oil with doxen frea Penton A Son K< 'll RANGES YND ST"\ : G" 1 Cornwell A Chlpmen ~PKRRY A BENTON USE SPECIAL care In moving, ••hipping and storing furniture; 'phone 1124. OYPBINK IS THE BEST WALL FIN- Ish made Adam* Paint Cos., Savannah agents, 104 Con.reas. west. PERFECT GAS MANTLES. ]<k- 15c 25. and t&c each: all guaranteed gas lamps ihe very hitest make*, put un In your off! r. store or residence; only 73 cents; If your old gas burner* need re pairing and overhauling, telephone. Georgia or Hell, and we will do til.- r. : A C. Price A Cos.. Stata and Jefferaon street*. REDUCE YOUR LIVING EXPENSES by Investing your fiord-earne.l hard cash with tha Southern Grocery Company. 114 Barnard street Norwood's "Satire" For sale at all Sews Stands in Savannah. (j\ NO DIFFERENCE \ r LIEBIG 'A _ COMPANY'S EXTRACT _ OF BEEF. ITKEEPJ IT//TRENCTH . and FLAVOR in GREENLAND / V A r UNDER THE EQUATOR TRAVELERS DO A^EETHEPOHJT? . j 7 w ,*£ House Purnisliinn IS NOW II HOT. You want to l. n tho rll right, and thli l- Ihe *or wh< rt right thlnga r<* alwav* to ht fount) We have ill |!u**e labor-living device* appreclnltd by the ludle*. Our Ag.te Iron Ware 1* the kind worth buying For the .-iopre t hing wedding* we are fullv preiirs!. Elegance and exelufdven*** or# th. ohaia terhuicj* of >ur we l ling gift# de partment. The grent Uhbey K.ctor\, for whDh we ■tre exru*tve agent*. cntlnu<B to *eiul u* TUB FINEST CFT GLABB I.N THE WOULD. We *how the large*! and moat carefully refected mo. k of cut gla In llu etui THOS. WEST & CO., II BROKiMTON STREET. W. CLASSIFIED AUVbKfISEMENTS. Plllt SO Y AL. "DULL RAZORS' 'cause" SHARP talk, avoid Istih by having your taxor ground, honed, eel and tuo.le to shave like near, by Ihe old experienced 2X East Broughton. Ilulr, J. welry and Shaving Supply House, Ihe place for fine rnxurs, stroje. and shavlftg ouitlts, barber chairs for sale or relit, barber shops thought and sold. IS Ytr‘l j Tit I>N HAKE Kilt E-1 * ROO K ? Stlfiel A Kreeman have a standing offer of SI.(00 for evt ry safe of their make that does not preserve Ita contents. One oaf,* was In burning debris llli hours. When taken out, the hose hud to be turned on It When opened, not a |.ug* was discol ored. not a record lost, not a dollar de stroyed. If you want security, buy* u Htlffei A Kreeman safe. C. P. Miller, agent. THE KKRNiTKIIE EXCHANGE. 113 Barnard s:reet. buy an.l sells .11 kinds of second-hand furniture for cash. HOW AIIOKT YOUR WINTER clothing'’ 1.-t us put It In shape; $1 per month. Sterling Pr.sslng Club. 19 York, w YOU WILL LIKE THE MILK FROM Springfield Dairy; It'* rich and pure; try It _____ FURNITURE UPHOIsKTERBD. MAT tresses Anllque furniture re fmllsbed, furtilturo packed ami shipped In lesl manner. Send me your orders. C. P Miller, agent. BON!•! FI-OUR; S'-PtM'NIl HAG, •": l.Skvn order with E. Moyle, 10 Broughton street, east, or 114 Park avenue, east. J. Gardner, agent. “if its ruos you want, you can get them cheaper from McOllila. special! an unlimited supply cf nice willow rockers; l.tdlca' aise, at 12 J. W. Teeple. ' I AM NOW LOCATED AT “tit' WEST Broughton; ring up IIM If you won, to have your fundi ore moved or packed for or storage; I guarantee prices the same as 1 do the work that's given to rut A S. Griffin. 414 Broughton street, west; mattress, s made to >ri. r HOW ABOUT YOUR WINTER clothing? let us put It in shape; II per month Sterling Pressing Club. I'., Y'ork. w. MILLER'S STOVES AND RANGES give autlsfartluti The Mogtititlc, Econo mist. Waldorf. King, and other good makes at reasonable prices. 2U7 Brough ton. west. KEN S l NOTON ~Fa'i :M"M i I SCHfUN eurpassed for rlchctlis; d*livery Is per fect. phone. 234 T. SEE MiI.I.EH FOR OFFICE DESKS! office lables. off! c matting, office shade* 207 Broughton, wst. WHEN YOU SEE MGILLIB BlXTT fnch ri cents rugs, you will buy them. Just can't help It, will sell In any quan tity. FOR FLORA I* DESIONS CUT FLOW ers. p,arils and bulbs, from ta-le*-hlg’s nursery; leave cnicr* wllh K. Moyle, in Broughton street, east. J. Ourdti* r, agent. ' "FURNITURE MOrBD WITH CAKB. ' la a specialty with McGllila. “MILLER'S NEW STYLES IN CAR pcls. mat ing-, linoleums, window shade-, etc All work done In litat-cia-s style. 207 Brought.n. west “see THE jewel” STOVES AND ranges for sale by J. YV. Teeple; also agent for In-urance gasoline stove. “M’GILUB IS CHEAP ON RUGS. NETS, loo* curtain*, hammocks, water cooler*, pillows, pi tur**. stoves, bedroom suites, and furniture of every dew r I talon. |l.4k buys NICE RATTAN ROCKERS while they last. Larg a-sortmen' of rockefs, divans and easy chair*. C. P Miller, agent H'tW AUDIT YOUR AVIN+ER clothing'’ Id ti- pm I' m *ha|> . !! |>r motiih Sterling Pi.-sing Club. 19 Y. rk, w “KENSINGTON FARM IS ON AN elevation In the country. !r." from city drainage Impossible for milk lo become contaminated, by Impure odors; If you want pur. Jer-ey photo 2343 De livery prompt; satisfaction guaranteed. M OTLLIS MOVES. PACKS. SHIP* end Mores |danos and furniture, beet work •ally; no "Cheap-John" price#—no "Cheap- John" Job#. 1100 FOR YVOVEN YVIRE COTS, while thty last. C. P. Millet, agent. MGILLIS- LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor. 52.30 FOR ART SQUARES WHILE they last Wig assortment, all grades of art square*, rugs, mats, portieres C. P. Miller, agent. MTU ELIS BELLS SIXTY-INCH RUOS —Smyrna pattern*—for *0 cente. aknn XL. HOW ARE YOUR FEET ? IF TOUR feet are troubling you, call on me and f will giva you relief; 1 cure Ingrowing nails, corn* and all diseases of the feet without pain; charg"* reasonable; can give the bet reference* in the city; pa tients trented at resiliences; 'rd#rs can he left ax Livingston's drug >loe. Bull and Congress streets; telephone 2*3. Lem Davit, surgeon chlropodtot. $3.00 :&/ $3.00 The Shoe that is daily growing more popular with Savannah ladies. SMART SHOES. MANY STYLES. They are perfect fitting, comfortable to wear and very stylish: wt- have no shopworn shoes—relicts of past seasons— but this fall's new, up-to-date styles, and we are the only authorized agents in Savannah for Queen Quality Shoes. GLOBE SHOE CO., SOLI-: AGENTS. HFI.P YY AXTKdX—MAI.K. lIItItKI.AYKHS WANTF.I* AT <* AH bail i N •' Flynt Hulidlng and Coustruc t oii t omiaitiy. U \\ I I l> •' YltPI N rKits AND l.ib.'ff ut Park Kxten-lan Fall at 7 oi lo k W. .In. day morning Elks' ,'ar nlval ."omntlllet HOYS WANTKI*; STRONG AUTIVF. white Ih.vh. I. to Ik years of age >'ii ob tain steady employment by studying a* works of Southern 'ou|>any. WANTED A THOROUGHLY COMI'F* tint planing mill man. one wli.v under stand.. setting up ind running planlnß ma chinery; no other need apply. Ueppard. Snedeker a. <'*.. lumber yard. Ilenry aireet an.l H K. A W. Ity. crcx-alng. WANTED I'IKHT-fI.AHS MACHINIST at Mlngle.lorff A Cos s machine atioi>, .10 Indian ►'•••, W ANTIC!'. HOOKKKEPF.R, STENOtl raplt. r. druggist, laundry machinist, bah ers bricklayers, mill man. lie choppers, rvpres- an l pine log ehoppera. sawyers, orange packers. Ilulter, Jl7 West Hay, Jacksonville. ailil I.l* YV I.IIKb-lgktLK. "wanted! wiTmT imtL to do . ,sitting and g. ra ral housework German prof, rred Apply -'H*k Hull street, neat Seventh sir*. I. WANTED. PAPER I'I.oWER MAK rr ,. fan bushels (lowers wanted at Elk* headquarters, corner latterly and Hull stieeta. \\ INn D first clam cook . good wag.-a lo right party. Apply 111 Waldhurg street, west, with \ SETTLED WHITE WOMAN TANARUS, > ire for Invalid >oy; must It*' strong and have good references; good wages. Aiudy I*. (1. t>x 3U. WANTED, H <i P 8 E K F. E P E It 8. clerks, stenographers, companions, lailles' maids, nurses, cook* laundresses, sal tte.-ses, • hambermalds; all parts of Flor ida and South Oeorgb, Huber. il7 West liny street, Jacksonville. MIMPI.OYMEXT TAAXTKD. ”|VANT. POSITION AS CLERK Oil shipper, with several y*ars' experience; can furnish l*est of recommendation. B. W M , care News. W’AYTKb-Mint KLLAXBO|ja. "wan TE ILP MHEH, FRA MI NO stuff, ft.siring snd w*al her-boar'ling, to ex. bang., lole for sam*. C. 11. Dorset!. WANTED, To IH'Y FOR t'ASII A nt. small house, either frame or Itrlck. must !"• good location. A.klress Home, care News. ___________ |F yot WANT GOOD MILK. GET IT from Springfield Dairy, IPs rich, pure and tiukaonitf. _ _ ir you WANT A Ft. Acts TO PUMP earth, dirt, an,id. manuys. He., fraa of Charge (its! al city limits. hauUng over hard road, writs or telephone It roam Pros . corne. Anderson snd East Broad atreota. FUR RIMtT—I4,IO4I9. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, southern exposure, modern convenience*. 31. t Jones, east. FINE SOUTH room.’ FURNISHED, for one or two gentlemen; every conven ience. 22* West IJberty. “ E I.EGANTI.Y “Fl : It NISII ED SI NGEK or .I*.tlld. room, with or wlthaaß Ixiard. .very comfort. I’rliYl* family. 3* llab ersham. near Broughton FOR RENT. ROOMS. FURNISHED OR unfurnished, with or without l)oar.1; 3n5 York east “FOR RENT. DELIGHTFUL ROOM; nicely furnlehf.l; all .-onvenlexoce*. use of telephone, at 391 Oglethorpe nventie, west. KOR RENT. NICELY FURNISHED south front room; all conveniences; tic gh lMrh.Md central M 5 I'erry aireet. “FOR RENT. RtMtMS FURNISHED OI unfurtilcli.'.l. Andy PX. I'.rry cl YY. FI YTfi FUR IIEYT. —uhhTZ?. flat AND IIAHEMENT to small family No. 12 Jonea slreel. east. “FOR RENT, FLAT tIF FOUR CON rc.-ting rooms; every convenience, 133 Lincoln street. KoR RENT FLAT OF 4 CONNECT- Ing room* an*l bath; Gwinnett, west; next to Barnard; inquire on premise*, or of W. J Ml*- ally. Jr. . j _ - FUR REST—IIOI/'tHfi FOR RENT. 17 DUFFY STREET, east, poseesslon at once. Andy Georg,, L Gar,nan>. 1* Bryan street, east. FOR RENT. COMFORTABLE HOUSE, No 217 YValdburg street, easl. between Abercorn and Uncoln, first-clam order and condition, every convenience Right rent to right tenant Estate Salomon Cohen, YVest Broad and Bmughlon streets DESIRABLE RESIDENCE; ALL CON vt'.ilene, -. servania* rooms and stable. HJ6 Ninth s'reel. ea-d. D. R. Lister. FOR RENT. DESIRABLE DWELLING with all modern Improvements; In good repair. 305 Jones, east. Kolloch A Screv en. FOR RENT. DESIRABLE HOUSE fronting .Yndersott street school. Aitplv 413 Amleraon east. FUR RKYT-STORKS. “TTTn —sftUTHYVEsr torn.-r YVhitaker and Llb.-ny streets. Ap ply 15 Liberty street, west. “FOR RENT, STORE. 113 MROUOH. too street, east; foasesslon Immedlataly ■l o eevaral -I'd lilx r*idencra and tints Apply A. Wyliy, 12 Bryan atreat. aast FUR SALE-REAL ESTATE. FOR HALE. A LOT FOR TWO HUN dred dollars; easy isrma, on Ninth street, near East Broad; no city taxation. C. H. Doraatt. FOR HALE," IXVTB ON NINTH. NEAR Ea-t Broad, at l each; will soon be advan-ed to 5223; when a lot baa been paid for I can arrange to get a home built. C. H Doraatt. FOR BALE.~LOTB ON NINTH STREET near Ko*t Broad; no city tsxe*. at 52>0 each; iwsnty-flva dollars cash, and sway monthly payments. C. H. Dorsalt. “RESIDENCES AND BUILDINO IvOTfi for sale nil over th* city. Robarl R Tatem. real aatate dealer. No. t York street, weal. FOR SALE OR RENT. 40-ACRE farm with tmuse and out buddings. :n good condition. Apply ST Btewart street. at t-Ttox aai.K* this oar. OLDHOSS SALE tr Y Til YI. II til It It (O Tt> day. Wednesday. 17th. Id o'-lork a in telty timet u, the down freight ware house of the above company, on Wes, Bros.l str*e. at ilm* head of p.rry street, I will sell m lols |o still purefia-ers th„ following unclaimed freight t'as.-s dry go.uls dress good*. sh*a-s. hats, clothing, millinery, blankets. | a re curtains, glove*. hr.| llcklnr. X. laixes and .-addles tobacco! I. sacks gre. n coffee, soda, soap candy! ■ •iti goods, vimgar. molasses, wrapping paper fireworks, sewing machines, stoves, tie king chairs, refrigerators, hardware, ni.'kw computing counter scale, srhnni desk- hooks, marline, plow points, heels, wings, slides, etc. ac.; ,-olton gin, cotton cropiter on wheels, hae*. tin jatte. sllvsr novelties, sawmill carriage, head blocks, rolls wire, galvanised p|p*. whHs o-ik baskets for cotton a.implea. <r for gathering vegetables. an.l a large lot as sorie.l goods J W. COM Kit. P. A. FUN SA LL-kXAL htTATR FOR HALE. sirs*!, near Etsat Broad, have only been sold to find class parties, rko will make good neighbors, an.l none other can buy. The terms are very easy, and they are cheaper than any other tn the vicinity C H Doraatt, FOR HEMT-MIM-ELLAYROI'g. "Tor rent™nlurjtkradk ,'OfL tumes of all characters, from one .Vtilar U| At Mrs. M. Iletlorlch, no Htate street, weal. " FOR RENT. TWO NICE HALLS near Market, rent /ery cheap. M J. I Style Murk'S square. f ~EHt RENT. MAIHJI'RRADE Cfltt: tunics nf all characters, from rate dollar up At Mrs. M. Iletterlrh, Ho Htate iihfi, worn. LARUE WAHWHoI'HK AND OFFICH for rent, corner llroug' and West Hroad streets, formerly occupied by tho Savannah Carriage and Wagon Cos. H. P. Htnart. ruk BALK— MIaikiLLAABOUI. StIV REM. THE COt'GII KING! THY II when your favorite remealy falls, at lie bottle *i.filed t*> a gill of honey make* a splendid mixture for Infants an.l children BENZOIN HALM. MAKER THE HKIN like velvet, for sale by druggist or at Hen r> and A Iter corn Persse Drug Stores, Whitaker and Tkvlor streets. FOR SALE TWO VERY FINE COWS; must be sold at once. II J. Doyle, Mao kel square I -.-It SALE Ml' IKS; LARGE, smooth rnttlea and some <4ieap mules and horse**. Havannuli Halo and Hoarding Stablest. hi'ggy road ary and harness cheap Savannah Sale and Hoarding Ht aides. terpentine' LOCATION FOR sale, II crops firal year lasses, IXOgl acre* round llmher. al 11 fat |>er acre; th per thousand boxes for leaned tlmlwr; plenty of timber to la* got. In five mties of rail road; will give poewsskai now or at end of season Addreaa Round Timber, eara Morning News. FIRE PROOF HAKES YVE CARRY A finn line of fire proof safe* In etock at all limes The I!riles can see exactly what they are getting Our price** are as low at manufacturers a*U It. with freight add ed Partlea Interested, who wish a good fire proof safe wtll do well to inspect our etock. lJixm,i Bros, Llppman ••fink, ugenta for manufacturer*. “for" sale”cheap aloon“con nedett with bortier shop; must sell at once, on account of going Into other business; corner Itroughton and Houston street, Savannah. O*. SPniNGFIELD DArnY “IS NOTED for having rich, pure mtlk. try II; you will be pleased. lost Ann pou.yd. IA>BT. WHITE FOX TKRRGuTTfALE puppy, six months old. black head, white spot in forehead and single small bla -k Stan on lank, answers name of Jlp. Kinder reorarded If returne*! to Georgia Brewing Association, ' I.IIST, DOG COLLAR; HEAVY leather. stu*l*h'*l with brass knobs Re ward and no question* naked If returned to D. Taylor. No. 3UB Bay. east. I>)HT. PANTS-BOARD ROLL. CON l.lining two designs tor monument. Re ward If reiurned to 22 East Bryan street. auikPiaa. SOUTHERN BOGIN; HATH ON Him*' floor; first-class table ooand. 30 Macon street, cant. “FURNISHED ROOMS. YVITH BOARD: also laid*- boarders. 119 LBrerty street, east. ■DtICATIOSAIs SPECIAL TO CITY STUDENTS- Twenty per cent, discount to city stud. or*. If enter soon. No money re quired In advance. Not aatlsfled quit and no pay. Draughon's Practical Btislneas College, Odd Fellows' Hall, corner Bar nard ami Slat* streets. “THE PHILHHICK KINDKHGARTEX un*fi-r xhe matiagemcxit of the Kale Bald win free Kindergarten, will open Nov. 1, at 302 Hail street, east; for particulars;; Mis* M G Backus, 304 Hunt ingdon street, east "SHGRTIIA ND.~TY I’EWRITING~ENG lish branches. laxtln: careful Individual lm*trootl.m. Apply for terms J. E. Haro, 113 Oglethorpe ave. west. Pl.t' VIIII YX*. lo your Interest lo let me give you an aa ttmate on your plumbing, new or old work; repair work a specially, as I am a practical plumber. No guess work to era Is tiger your life. Wiggins, 'phone f*T. Georgia or HeM MINI BUASHI fi. WE GIVE YOU EITHER IKIMhSTIC or gloss Iln4h; perfect work. Forest CSy lsiimdry. Park avexiue. KOCH * SYLVAN. 45 WHITAKER have Just received a large assortment of small fancy gIM clocks. * * NO BOTCH. NO HI MBKoT BUT - A thorough painter, paper hang r and doc orator. Taylxw. K of P Hall WE CLEAN CLOTHES RY THE RK •orclne antßrpttc process. Try us. New York Steam Dye Works, Whitaker and SUte, 3