The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 17, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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financial and commercial . „t I OTTO* HTI HK. O%HK . .... io or Hfa AH*'” Tfcr Farther 0..r-rU Trn l-- n> Heavy lor MWI® • *■ lr ,sad ** Weather In I l. |,_.,.1r11 Turpentine Firm i r ,,le—Hoelne Firm nad I - no- 1 ■ ,na tj*rk***- Thr Morn Inn N>wi office. Tur**lay. Oct. 1< K( , . uongly waged ffKht It loofcejl to-day the bull* in the . s market were being r , .ir oid HtronKhold Much of • i reflected In the check to the ~ .iti was attributed to the buy financial lnterama on the th. calf had i Ifiven r . to hang hlmscif. and tiait a fifty points or more, was In ', , ij, lV y receipts at the port*, to * , tdg estimates for Houston Orleans to-morrow, could not be ind th* effect of tide was to , ther weak effect to the situa * market closed easy at n net ,vf and 12 points. ♦*fion la still unsettled, with nov ations of a possible further de .. dm* to the large port receipts, cot on the sea that will relieve the pres f for -uppllos abroad, and no 4 .dictions of frost. Is aeeins that ■ turn will be brought about, as usual Influence which had not l>eei iA i a important. Violent changes direction must romo as surprise’s j.jrlts turpentine market closed t , ;o t rents, with sab sofa fair lot. , lost! firm and unc banned, th demand for the offerings. The . aW markets closed steady The - wh g resume of the markets will show ~ and quotations at the closing -da# COTTON. . . -.11 market closed easy to-day at .. ,>( , cent. The demand was v ep* upon liberal conceaakMl*. - r a holders of cotton were deposed . Hai**s f 296 hak * were retried < t The day’s receipts were ■a, *.! *. 'jo last > **or. iwl IS.7W year he |at * hskl middling f ° b. was nt*. though this w- nominal. , , -ii ,i y no business was doing on ,u- bii by exporters While there ui* <n , e--lona lieing made on th** iiold*th the trade on th*- !-.• i hat firm stand has been • I • hi many hoWle?> do not show , f ..ition to hoist the w hite flag. .Vifig were tne official spot quo fin close of the market atfMhe tvrion Exchange to-day: {This; I*at day. | year. -j mi idling •% 7 M i l . g **♦ U‘W middling Hi ***> Mjrk* eway; sales, 296. ! ii Exports an*l Slocks. H* ' j this day IW® !:*• • r* this day last year 6.W0 year l*efore l ist H* • [*’- since Sept. 1. 19o> 314..VW s -lay list year 263.**27 • • nt exports 24.3*1 • exports 46 SfO'k on hand thin ky K7.VU abme -lay iaet veur W* 191 i:- ,>t and tttooks at the Ports l ei • this day 939 } s this day last year 44.153 i • ,* this day year before last.. 74.%1 . 0 r ** **ipts sin • Sept. 1. 19*i0 .. .1,421. #*'2 Sn: time last year 1.419,0 ft 1 time year before last 1,65.014 k at all port* to-day 531.363 r mine day laat yar 772 115 I : ly Movements at Other ports— *’ifveston—Easy; middling f J\: net re nts, 9.573. gross. 9.973, sales, 250; stock. 109 *.<?, N w* Orleans—Quiet; middling. 9 3-16, receipts, 21.764; gr*>ss. 22.249; aales. . stock. 175.262. Mobile—Nominal; middling. 9* 4 ; net re *ip .s. 1,46; gross, 1.052; s iles. KJfi. stock, Charleston—Firm; middling 9 l 4 . net re • , *s, 2 591 gross, 2.591; stock. 3hGfl9. Wilmington—Firm; middling. 9*-*: net receipts, 3.7-I6; gross. 3.706; stock. 25.297 Norfolk—lull middling 9 l a ; net rei’eipts. gross. sales, 33*; sto-'k. 25.937. H i!timor—Nominal; middling. ret r- elpljj, J 4, gross. 33; sSock. 3.153. N.• York—Quiet; middling. 10 1-16; net upfe >t. gross 5.725, >al**s, 219. sto k. ton--Easy; middling, 14M4: nel re fs. 1,724; gr*s*. 2.3<iß. C ilad l|hi—Quiet; middling. 10 5-16; • t ••;pt-. 206; gross, 3K; slock, 4.20 H * - i.01.i Mi-kliing, easy; net receipts 1.3<: gross. 1,230. I>4ily Movements at Interior Towns— igi“tii Steady; middling. 9*%: net re mp'v 2.732, gross. 2.732; soles. 775; stock. 34, I **M. Memphis—Quiet; middling, 9 11-16; net r* *dpfs . r *.27*. gross, 7.546; sales, 2.600; 7.947 —*** >t I.uis—Quiet; middling. Jk*: net re* . gross. 7 060; stork, 19.932. Cu cinnntl—Holiday. H iston— Easy; middling. 9 5-16; net re et*ts. 26.561;. gross. 26.566; sto'k, 52,617. 1 iisvllle- Firm; middling. 9^*. I*l rts of Cotton This l)ay— *}iivestot> To ( Britain. 26.923 New Orleans—To the continent,; ro*tw*ise. 77^4 Miitule—Coastwise, 496. >’ *' *nnah To Great Britain. 1,530; to the • "ctlnent. 22 734. Norfolk— Const wipe, 4.191. New York—To the continent. 5.606. p-Mon—To Great Britain. 9.730. b-u * * da T the continent. 1.230 To*.? foreign exports from and! ports this To Great Britain. 39.193; to the con tintvkv, 39,670 "f *r. ign exports from all ports thu* " week To Great Britain. 72.0fd. ’ * • 19.117; to the continent. 64.11 R. TV ti foreign exports since Sept. 1. 19M: r* 4 t Britain. 469.749; to Fmnce, R 2.174; b* ntlnent. 946.176. ton. Oct. 16. —Cotton firm, mid dfg 9i 4 e bid. M V BUM) COTTON. • mbout ns follows- But muss 23%4*- r .n and fancy Floi i-k* 234yff71 v “* choice and fancy Georgias23Vfjf23% " * 1 r*Ofgie* miss ; r< n, ‘" R '**lpt nrt Mto-'U.— |Hvrn tW!MO • t" M w—k | uT Cut p *"" i‘ |r t W"k I 421 2.MS 'l'’ thl- ,* a.nvi I 14.i44 k.\ w *' w " k I *.*! s.‘ - on h ' r " j 5.7 W BUI COTT4IN Ft Tt HES. Mark.! Knar With Prlrra " 26t1'2 Palata. CVt 16 Colton fulur., op.n --4 imtntp l iw.r to S point, hlifh i fir,t Lat.r rttltnir of th !►. ,hu *" 4 > >ock of ronfldanca on ’ll ■ *-• of radra: market • n .i *** unfavorably tnflu ./' ", v-rllnaly illaappotntlnK al -, * r ‘** n Lt'"rpool. It wt* ihoiiKht. b-- '. r marl<M up-n*l. that th* flr4 would ahowr a dM-lln* of at •‘■'''■•a: th* fart that our mar. t„ ' '" n *o was largely attributed i '■* um * !0 to aomr pretty goi.l tit, v “ mr v, r> aubatantiai houara ! *o.utv ', ry ,h ®’ P f tJ— had declined too '• January, tf„ nwat active poat- MURPHY & CO., INC.. Board of Trade Building Savannah I’rivat* leased wires direct to New York Chicago and New Orleans COTTOV STOCKS .4SO GH AIN. New York office, No. (1 UruaJway. OfTlcaa In principal cities throughout the Houlh. V'.U. for our Mjrket Manual and book corialnltig instructions for traders tion. opened at 9 17c. than broke to l.Vi and later rallied, after many ups and dostm to | with ihi prlet tor mat position tlnaily (,11c. Throughout th we.- slon there was more or less heavy selling on continued heavy receipts. The Interior move ment was also on a heavy angle H< Ing was cheeked b) frost talk and also a tielirf more a less generally current, that Ihe iute sharp dtdlfis would eaitaa less energj on the- |art of planter* In marketing tla Ir ,*>lloll. Meonwhlh w. tther rejiorts failed to point 10 Imme diate frost, nnd crop estimate!. particu larly those r. aching here* from the South reflected a -to[noliion to look for a lug r yield. There was a very fair volume of ep*culuUcHr with considerable buying on ths* reai Hon theory. The market clor. 1 easy at a net loss of 2 to 12 |a>|nl*. hav'.ic xorw off In the ast half hour under gen eral selling and Pars of weak cables to morrow. Kll <TI ITIII4S l\ FI Tl It 458. New York. Or l IS.— Cotton luturvs opened steady at ihe decline, and closed eusy. Brices as follows: Open. High. la>w Clo> January *9 16 9.31 9.10 912 February 9.u 910 1 11 :• :i March 9.11 9.31 9 11 9.12 April 9 13 9 22 9.12 9 12 May 9.14 9 39 MO 9 11 June 9.14 9.24 9.10 9.10 July f.n 919 9.0 T August .. ... S 97 9 DO 6 97. 8.91 September October 9.4 f * 9 47 9 21 9.33 November 9.1N 9 31 9 13 9 12 December 9 M 9 32 9 11 9 U IJVKHl’noi, 4OTTOS FITI'HI.S. Liverpool. Oct. is. 4 p, m —Colton Kjiot, moderate huelness; prices easier. Ameri, an mid Hu g fair, 6 13-32d. good middling. 6 11-lid; middling .' VC low mid dling, 5 7-16d; good ordinary 4 %ri; ordi nary, 4VI Tile sale* of the day w. r. 3- uno bales, of whl h .*■ am for sixculi tlon and export and Included 4 390 Amrl can Receipts, 21 .'<►>. Including J'.oO' American. Futures opened easb-r; closed quiet but steady. American mi Idling. I. m. c f>c tol>er. 6.1 jd. aellers; Ociober-Novetnher. s<y.,i 7(1, sellers. Nov.-rubcrt veremn'u. f. 21i3 3rt. buyers. Dec ember-January. 51® 5.1d. sellers; January-Ke.bruary. 4 62dj4itl sellers, February-March t.OOfjlSld, sell ers; March-April, 4 Mb 4 s*l re lets; Ap II- May. 4 37911.:*]. *. Her-; MsV-June 4 Vdf 4.57d, sellers; Jun--July. 4 sellers. July-Augusi. 4 '.41. buyers; August 8-p tember, 1.49.1, sellers New Orb arc 01 16 —Cotton future* -teady m the line. Oct * BS#*.JpMarch 8 s>uf* sj N’.av 8.53 1s . \| Mi .. .. - " ■ - >e* S.Kits*.42 May B.BDOBW lan 8.*2*18.1*3 June 980@4* Feb S.SIfIP 36 COTTOR I.HTTV.H4 New York. Oct. 13-Murphy & Cos say As compared with yesterday's sensational decline of nearly 32 per bale, the morning cotton mnrkei revealed considerable fesl tan as to the pressure tha! continued to be exerted from many quarters. Whetlsr due to a general cleaning up of the king interest, an Increased dmand from shorts to take profits, a better demand from con sumer* as January approaches 9 rents or to lower temperatures In the Northwest, the early market ruled within 5 points of yesterday's closing level. All who had cotton lo sell were able to And a market for their fundings, and at time there seemed to he considerable anxiety on the part „< shorts to terminal, Ml obliga tions. There was no change of sentiment based upon the general outlook, but the f. ellr.g that a reaction might naturally be expected Increased as the market failed to decline A majority have been looking for a grtoter degree of steadiness since January touched 9S rents lasi week and the further Ihe declltw the greater Ih. disposition to expect a rally. With the exception of some selling by one or two Arms there appeared to be very little bear hammering during the , ariy dealing* Transaction* on call were large, one broker covering about B.UW bales. Mild at Ihe beginning of Ihe decline For an hour January ranged between 9.12 and 9 IV, but Instead of dismaying In creased weakness as the price declined, the buying appeared to exceed the dispo sition to sell. Before noon January was advanced to 9 24c and the tone strength ened. Liverpool bought more than was sold, while commission houses .1 liberal quantity of buying orders Port receipts were estimated tit 60<M> against 41.143 last year. Houston received 3S..V*. against 27 .'63 last v.str. A further material .le-llne In future* h. i- Is expecH.xt to depend upon the a -of spinners ami grower*. With print cloths Arm .it 3', cents, the high prices of lasi year, a considerable demand for cotton around 99, ami 9 rents for January Is pwsonably looked for. On the other hand there I* a disposition on Ihe part of Ihe punters to look for good prices this year, and many cases of holding cotton are reported The market at the moment I* believed lo t In a reactionary, unsettl. 1 condition, following the protracted decline Fear of < old weather In the Southron states, with Indk-atlona of frost In the t'p- IM-r Mississippi valley, assisted Ih. r*n-- tlon after Ihe owning hls morning, hut considering the de'ilru- of yesterday 4hc advance was not material tip to noon. New York, <>et 16—Hubbard Bros. Ac Cos. say: Liverpool was again Ihe weak sister, but Immediately after the opening of our market rallied under buying order from Ameri .1 Arbitrage brokers hough! fthere as our market under a sharp covering demand rhow.d ability to absorb all offerings Local trades quickly adopt ed the reaction theory, and aided by rumores of a cold wave brought about a reaction of fifteen to seventeen points from the opening The weather map shows a warmer wave coming, following -hi* cool one. which Is not likely to bring frost to the cotton belt Our local trade feel the market la entitled to a reaction fr>m the shnrp decline of the week and have bought freely expecting a sharp re action in Liverpool to-morrow DRY GOOD*. New York Oi l. 16—Business con trues quiet The decline In th. twice of cotton dor, not make s. tiers of gods any . sler JO deal With, hut buyers are Inclined 'o hold off more Brown sheetings ~nd flrlll* dull on hoim* r'ount, hut firm in price Blenched, quite Arm. •'oarse rot ions Arm. sabs light; prim doth,, dull lh-tms Arm flume business doing In new fancy calicos for spring HHk are show ing a steadier tone, with strong markc* for raw silk. KAY At. STOI4KB. Tuesday. Oct. 16 RPIRITH TURPBNTIN B—The spirits turpentine market showed the effect* of strong laill mampulallun to-day In 11 de cided advance above yesterday - rioting Tha opening as th< Board of Trad, war Arm at 3* rents paid and hid. with ssl.s of T 74 casks, and the closing Arm at 3*4 rents, with further sales of 471 casks There was a fairly good demand, and th Indications pointed to the maintenance of the price It was nottreabk. however, that the rceelpis were considerably larger 4# JOHN W. DICKEY, Moek and Hand Broker. AI 411 ST X. UA. Write for I.l*l. THE MOKNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 17. 11MK). The'day’a receipt* were I.Mi. and the ex irt* 231. lit 'SINS— Tne rosin market closed llrm I nd unchanged, with no sales reported at h Board of Trade. It seenia the market m pretty firm position though there "n not un.hrstool to he u great deal loing during ihe day. The .lay's receipt* were 3 76*. and ihe .■xpolls 4.832. Price* as lollows A. B. C tl *> 1 /. 21 S l> 1 30 K 1 70 K 1 S3 M 1 43 F 1 *1 N 2 16 II 1 46 W a 2 40 II I 10 W W 276 Receipt* Tuesday.— Spirits Ho In Central Railway 411 1476 S . F A \V 657 2 016 8 A. I. 786 1.988 Bteamer Day 91 .. . Steamer Bantee 191 Schooner Mary Kverett 16 91 Kx|iorts Tuesday 1 S S Alleghany. Phlla 2T.1 370 Hark Zetlro (llal). Trieste 4 J<2 Naval Sbire* Stalensnt— Spirit* Rodn Stock April 1, 1* 2 197 142.'<6 Receipts to-day 1.880 3,761 It. . Has previously M 3.143 362 ip; Total sines April 1 .317.230 I Ivxports to-day 231 H'2 1 Kxpotsi previously 113.938 673,249 exports sine. April 1 214.1k0 377.t®l Sto. k on hand to-day . £lOll 1.3.226 Slot k on hand same day last year 23.3d 146. <Tiarlesto*i. Oct. 16—Turpentine Arm 374 Roam steady, unchanged. Wilmington. N t\. Oct. 16 —Splrlrs tiirpinline Arm. 37H4i38c; recslp4a. 17. Rosin steady, unchanged; receipts. A> t’rude turpentine Arm 81 30 and 82.30. re ceipt* 67 Tar Arm. 81.40; receipts. 91 New t irlrane. t>ct 16. Re-'elptw— ltualn. 113; urpemine. 10; exiwrts none. FI Y % Nt I 41.. SIONEY—The di tnatiil keeps fairly up with the supply. DOMESTIC EXCHANOE - fteeadv. banka are buying at 3-16 discount and sell ing as follow* 823 and under. 10c pre mlum; 125 to 3.V>. 13c premium. 850 to |luc 20.- premium; 2100 to 820'. 25c premium. 8200 to 81.0ft 1 . par; 81,000 and over. 1-16 dla count. FORBION EXOHANOF—Market I J steadier. Commercial demand. 84 814; *l* y days 11774: ninety days. 84 764. franc*. Paris and Havre, sixty days, 5 234 Swiss, sixty days, 83 2*4; Belgian 3 23 3-16. mark*, sixty days, 93 5-16 c; ninety days. 92 13-16 BE<T’RITIES—The market appears • be hardening with light offerings Stocks. Bid. As* Augusta and S ivannah R R. ... .10*4 194 Atlanta and West Point 123 12* do 6 per cent, certlllcatea 108 1* Augusta Factory *0 *6 C'ltixens Bank 131 133 Chatham Bank 110 111 Chatham R. E. & I. Cos., A 684 574 do do B 554 64 Eagle and Phoenix Mfg. Cos 107 Edison Electric ilium 106 106 Enterprise Mfg. Cos 103 Germania Bank 130 131 Georgia A Alabama 23 26 Georgia Railroad, common 212 213 Granltevllle Mfg. Cos ..163 167 J P King Mfg Cos. 101 1(B Lsingley Mfg Cos lIJ 130 Merchants National Bank 1194 111 National Bank of Savannah 150 Oglethorpe Savings and Trust Idt people's Savings and I-nan ln Southwestern Railroad Cos l'lfd, l'* 1 . Savannah Gas Light Cos. 214 264 Southern Bank 151 134 Savannah Bank and Truat 114 115 Sibley Mfg Cos.. Augusta *3 SS Savannah Brewing 99 Hands. Bid Ask Char.. Col. & Aug Ist ss. 190 U. ...196 .... Atlanta city 4s. 1922 104 106 Augusta elty 4s. 1927 166 107 do 44. 1925 11l do 7s. 1903 107 do 6*. 1913 122 Ala. Mid. s*. tnd'd. 1928. M & N . 984 K 0 Augusta Factory. 6 |ier cent .1915.112 Brunswick .md Western 4s. 1938 . 82 84 C. K R A- Banking collateral 6*. 93 C of O. Ist Income*. 1945 40 41 F. A A 119 C. of G. con. ss. 1945. MAN 91 94 C. of O Ist Inconu •, 1946 49 44 do 2nd Incomes, 1945 11 12 do 3d Incomes. 1945 6 6 C of O. (XI U. A A. Dtv) s*. 1947. J A J 91 C. of Ci. (Eaton Branch), 6s. 1929. J. A D 93 city A Suburban B. H. lai 7.. .1094 Columbus city 5* 1909 107 Charleston elty 4*. 1909 101 108 Eagle A Phoenix Ml lie 6*. 1928 .106 KM Edison Electric Illumln itlng 6a .194 196 Enterprise Mfg 6s. I*o3 KB Georgia Railroad 6s. I*lo 114 1134 O. S A F . 1945. J. A J 112 1124 Georgia A Alabama Ist 6s. 1943.. 104 106 Georgia state 34*. IB'. J- A J...1'4t do 34*. 1915, M AN 106 .... do 44? I*ls 1174 ll*c Macon city 6s. 1910, J. A J ....116 118 do 14s. 1926. Jan. par KM Ocean Steamship 3*. 1926 102 1% Savannah city &*, quar. January. 1913 110 in do 6s. quar. November. 1909 ...10*4 1104 Booth Carolina state 44*. 1931 ..116 118 Sibley Mfg. Cos. 6s. 1903 102 South 801 lnd 3s 96 964 9. F A W gen mt'ge. 6s. 1934 .121 123 do do Ist ss, gold 1931 110 112 do 8t John Dlv. Ist > 1934 91 96 New York. Oct. 16—Money on rail tlrni 3534 per cent.; last loan, 34 P*r cent Prime mercantile paper. sfi6 per cent Sterling exchange, steady with actual business In hankers hills at 84 844 for de mand and at 81 >A'i44 804 for sixty days Posted rates 81 MU, mil 84 *.411854. Com mercial hilt*. 84 794*1l *o>4 Hllvrr certify rates. C24'/i6lr Bar silver, 2\r Mexi can dollars. 49'2C. Government bond* strong, state bond* Inactive; railroad bond? firm. vrOfK* AND BOA’DM. Itronu l-lffnrta llelnis Made t> Bulla la Maintain Hlar. New X'ork, Oct. 16,—The msrkat fo-day demonstrated convincingly how larg a whorl interest had teen eliminated In the course of yesterday's wholesale de mand for stocks, and the supporting In fluence nf this element deprived the hull pools of a very effectual source of Strength The campaign for the rise was by no means abandoned, tin th'- con trary. very powerful and r.-ourceful ef fort’ wer. made towards 'tnntlnulng the upward movement of prices Th* notable iHjylng of Ihe .lay was In Pnlon Pacific, In which transfer* of Eft*. I.2Pi and even 1,000 share lots were fre quently recorded on the ta|*e, It was the advance In price that brough' out these offerings, and they were confidently ab sorbed b> th* brokers haling the advance in charge. Dn the frwpien* retortion* the volume of 'holing*. **>lh In tills stock and In other* widen were manipulated for a rise, fell away notably, loading to r current periods of dullnes. during the day. Norfolk and XVestern gave most con spi nous evidence of concerted effort* for a rise next lo Fnlon Pacific. But these movement- by Ihe bull party did >t tw , on,.- prominent until after very large selling lo re illxe had been accomplished The greater |>art of the flrwt hour was given up to fudous activity and a some what wavering upward movement, mark ing the feeding of the outside demand by Ihore s-ho had accumulated etoek? ar the lower level The taking of profit* dor in* thl period mut have been on s very large *<-*!• The subsequent efforts to re sume the advance met with a number of drawbacks and he heavy undertone of the market gained force a the day pro gressM. The closing was disflnrsly heavy, with pruts, bttow th* beat aud oat - Southern Railway. Tratu* Arrive and Depart Savannah on 9nth Meridian Timo—One Hour Slower Than City Time. Schedulea In tiffed Sunday. Jura 19, ,9(*>. 1. nnsews; -i*> thl i. * s:•. p No 34 N. • - <C | ’’ ’ N N " 14 12 29pm S Axim Lv 7 Savannah Si lam 6pm I (Baatarn Tlini 1 , 4 2lpin 4 2.<tn Ar HI 1 kvl.le Lv ; 'Owni I '7pm 6 vipm 61, am Ar Columbia* . I.v 1 -oun’l -*a 11 9 ;opm 9 46am Ar charlotte I.v 9 66pm a loam 11 4lpm 12 23pin Ar Green-boro ■■ Lv 7 Went isuit 3 HOamj igr "Norfolk ! L\ 100 pm 12 201 1 3spn> Ar I>a iv life lu i 1 ■.an * lam 601.1 m 6 Spni Ar 111. huh,cl I m <Y<pn* t hum, 343 pm Ar ............7. . Lynchburg 1.1 .* .‘t'ln - 'Ann 4 3lstrn 336 pm Ar ... fTlrrloc I. 1 7 33am 6 3i*pm Ar 1 isnlnftion Lv II 16am 9 oOpm 9 Ijatm.ll 33pm Ar alumor. Lv s 22.uu s -Ipm 11 23am : aim Ar I' Dl pua I.v 4>in 6 Ootun 2 "ipm 6 23.iri, Ar New York . Lv 12 hum 3 .'.■pin * JUpm 303 m Ar Bailon .. 1 N0.36 TO“ THE SOUTH AND WEST. I No 33 || (Oniral TIM > 12 20am ,Lv Bitrannoh Ar b luam (Eastern Tmw 6 39am Lv Columbia Lv 1 ‘m 9 39am,,Lv flpnrlanbitrg I.' 6 lbpin 12 10pm Lv A h vllle Lv 3 >*ln t 92pm Ar Hot flprlnKW Lv II Lain 7 A'pm Ar Knoxville l>' 6 Xam 3 l"am Ar Lexlngtou Lv 10 3Kpn> 7 4ban> Ar Cm I lino II •• l.' 1 Ooin OWpni Ar SI Louis Lv | I Mffl 7 3uam Ar Loulavilla —. Lv,i 7 4bam All traina arrive and depart from the I'lant Bysiem fliatlon. TIIROCOH CAR SERVICE. ETC TRAINS S3 AND 31 DAILY NEW YORK AND I Loltll'A EXPRESS Vest! billed limit' .1 trains, with Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car* liivc.-n Savin nah and New York Connect* ,u \VaaMnion with Colonial Kxpr, • foi IP .-ion. Pullm-in Sleeping Cars between Charlotte and Kl linioiel and Charlotte and Nor folk Dining Cars serve all meals between Savannah and Washington TRAINS 33 AND 36 DAILY THE I NITI O STATES EAST M\H. Vestibule,l limited trains, currying I’ullman Drawing Room Slrepluu Can Savaetiab and New York Dining Cars serve all meals s.ivannun and W.i-h.ngl 'n. Also Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cos between Savannah ami Cincinnati, through Asheville and The l*ntl "f I' ** Sky For complete tnformallon as to rates, ■ hfslubs. etc, apply lo (7 ORIXaVEII Ticket Agent. Plant Sy-'.m Siailon JAMES FREEMAN, C. P. and T. A.. 11l Bull street. Telephones—Bell. ED; Georgia, 660 S H HARDWICK. Assistant Gcne'Sl F I'-enxet Asertl. Atlanta, fla. :.*?** In Doin'- Important sto-k*. while ttic striking net gains were con lined 1 com parativelv few cases The suddeq brightening In Ihe mon. v outlook, by reason of Saturday s bank srai.m.-nt ami the gold Import movement, gave the bull* an opportunity for a swift turn against their eg’P'Uiente There •* some positive weakness In People's Ga* as a r*ult of the povpoattlon for munici pal control of the selling price of the pro duct and some of the *4el slock* gave evidence of depression There were re cession* In the anthracite coalers on th** delay In the strike settlement Then.- and other Ilk* minor consideration* would have been Ineffective in yesterday's rush to buy. but In the |siuse to-day they Itad added Influence. One large engagement of gold for Import was announced, but there I* striking falling off In the number of notion bills offering in the exchange mar ket. which promises to redu.e the accu mulated credits from foreign cotton buy ers. The violent reaction In the price of cotton has check'd the export demand pending more settled conditions In the trade But while this has diminished Ihe cotton hlli* of exchange, there Is a corre sponding falling off In the recent large demands from the Houth for money. 3lon*y market condition* In New York re mained up 'hanged to-day. but there a* -sme renewal of an apprehension that a later money stringency might not be en tirely avoided The Imnd market showed a continuance nt yes'erdav's Improved conditions, price* gn< rally advancing on an enlarged de mand. Total sate*, par vaiue, 32.17u.fv0 F. 9. refunding 2w and the old 4s ad vanced 4 on the last call The total sales of stocks fo-day were 532.400. Including Aiehlsoti. 14.140. Atchln *on preferred. 18.613. Baltimore ansi Ohio. 11.995. Chesap-ak' and <>4ilo. 14,093, Chi cago. Burlington ami Quincy, 8.9 W. Ixvuls vllle and Nashville. 7.685, Manhattan. - 830; Xletropolttan Btreet Railway,9.B7o; Mis souri Pacific, 11,410, Norfolk and Western, 22.000. Northern I’aelflf. 12.1(0; lVnn*yl vanla, 23.90',. Bt. Paul. 6,824; Southern Pa cific. 11.473; Southern Ital.way. 7.257; d*> preferrd. 7.660. Fnlon Pacific, 83,142. do preferred. 6.OK>; Am* Hmelllng. 5.738. American tileel and Wire, 8.131; Amort,an Tobacco. I&.O40; Itionklyn Rapid Transit. 14 997; Continental Tobacco, 5.702. People * Ga*. 19.188: Hugar. 39.93 C New York Stock List. txtchlson 29‘s do pref TS (lo pref XVabash 7XB 11. & 0 734, do pref IBS fan Pacific ... *7 XV. AL. E. 9 Can. Bouthern.. 51 ; do 2d pref .... 244 C. A O i j XVIs. Central.... ll C. G. XX' lot, Third Avenue . 112 C., B. A Q. .. 127 | Adam* Expraas 126 C, I. A L 21 dm Expres- .. I7d do pref 33 1 Foiled tk ties Ex 46 C. A E. 11l .... 92‘i XX'ells Fargo Ex 125 C A N. XX’ ... 161 lAm Cotton 011 31*. C., R, I A P... 107i,| do pref 91 C. C. C. A St. L. 621- Am Malting ... 4H Col. Bouthern... 54 do pref ZS'i do Ist pref ... mu. Am. Bm. A R. .. 118, do 2d pref .... 15 | do pref 8i Del. & Hudson 11214, Am Hplrtts 1 D. L. & XX'. .. 179 | do pref 17 Den A It. U. .. I9! Am. Htecl Hoop 20 do pref 68',’ do pref 66'4 Erie 12 Am. Sb-el A XV. 33\ do Ist pref .... 351. *1 pref 744. Gt North, pref 13'e Am Tin Plate .. 32 Hocking Coal .. lm do pref 76 Hocking Valley 34'. Am. Tobacco ... 921, Illinois Central 1174, do pref 127 lowa Central .. 19 Anaconda M. Cos. 41 do pref 41 Brooklyn It T.. Id'- L E. * XV 311* Col. Furl A 1... 35’i do pref 97>%: Com. Tobacco .. 27', Lake Shore .. 3® | do pref 79 L. * N. 74 | Federal Blerl .. SC, Manhattan L.. 66\ do pref 61 Met Bt. By. .. 15C. Gen Electric .. 142 Mex. Central .. 113'. (Burns, Sugar .. 1214 Minn. A St. L... 35 | do pref 9* do pref 95 | Inter. Paper ... 19 Mo Paclfle SZV do pref 635, Mobile A Ohio 37 Laclede Ga* .... 694, M K. A T 84, National Biscuit 33 do pref 28V do pref 60 N. J. Central. 18414 National Lead .. 18'-, N. Y. Central 1311. do pref 9114 N. * XV 378. National Steel .. 27 do pref 7514 do pref *4X4 Noringrn Par. 3214 N Y Air Brake 122 do pref 71 | North American 1514 Out. dr XX' 21 | Pacific Coast .. 58 Ore Ry. A Nav. 42 j do Ist pref .... *5 <lo pref 76 do 2d pref .... 68 Pennsylvania.. 1538s Pacific Mull .... 32-j Reading 16A,lPeople's Gas ... 9214 do Ist pref .... 578. Pressed tteerlCar 79 do 2d prof .... 27 | do pref 76 R O XV 49 j Pullman P. Car 186 •to prof 90 Stan R. A T. .. 514 St L A S F... 1014 Sugar 121'a do Ist pref .... 668. do pref 11614 do 2d pref ... 35 Trnn Coal A Ir. Bt. L. 8 XV. ... 12*7 ex-dtv 57'i do pref ........ 30 itJ. 8 Leather.. I"'*. 8U Paul R4* do pre-f 70*4 do pref 1701, C B Rubber .. 291* St P. A Om. .. 112 do pref 91 Southern Pae... 34 I Western Union. 7*' Southern Ry.... 12- • R. I. A 8 13 do pref (31, do pref 5314 T. * P l’a P. C. C. A 81. L. S3 Union I’aclflc.. 6114 Bonds. V. B. lm rat. | L A N. V. 4s 9*B, . rsg Itr i* M . K A T 3d 66 do roup, 103X41 do 1* 92 do 3* rag K#‘,i N. Y. C. I*4 do 3*. OUP ...I<W4 N J C. O 5* 124 do new 4s. r*g 133 North. Pac. 3s. *4l. d.i new 4*. r 134 'lo 4s li*?A do old 4s. re*.ll4V N Y. C A 8t do OKI 4*.’l*S Lout* 4s 106 do ss. rsg ...I*2 1 N A XV C. 4*. 97 and., f* couu . 1111*1 Ore. Nav. 15t..109 p of C 3 65.'. 123 do 4s lffll* Atchtson gen- ,O. 8 L 6s 1271, . real 4* WXi do eon. 5* —1124 k do adji 4a 87 , Kaad. Uan. 4a.. S7S *' of Ga . 7m .. 94'* R. G. VV. Ist . 98', da tag tat ee. Si I. A I M •In 2nd In. , ,on. 5a l'4' Ibbli I. St. 1.. A Sin r Can. Sou. 2nd* .107 General 6? 122'* C *• O I>. 9* 81 Paul ... s. 170 do 5s . Il'i'si (it P , C. A P CAN con. 7* 1394 Ist - 11*4 do H F. I> | .to 3 11*4 3s. .. 12>4j Boil P.ic 45.. 7)4 Chic. Trim 4*.. 914 Hull llv 3 ... 10.< t'OI. Boil is .. 814 R ll A T 6a 68 D- A R. O. IMS. 11*41 Tex. A P Die ,113'i ilo Is 184 .ki 2nd* .. ... TO eh. Om. te ... t. 94; cnian Pa 4* o. Erie Gen 4* . .i’ 4 Walwsli Isis ..1174 F. XV. & D. C. | ilo 2nd (I! 1 , Ist 7214! \Vel Sh.,r, Is 113 Gen. Elec. 5* 12 | XVI*. Cent. Ista .. 85 low a Cri. Ist.. 112 | X’a Centuries .. ID New York. Oct. 16 —titan.lord Oil, Mg) 382. Murphy A t'a.'s Mock l.etter. New York, Ocl. 16—Murphy A Cos. say Th" dealings In the stock market at the opening at business this morning were In tietnendnus volume and for Ihe most part further sharp advati. es "-suited from the transactions The trailing was gov erned by Ihe same general consideration wntch pr> vailed in yesterday's m.ikei and there were no essentia) changes In any aspect of the situation till* morning In the mam the tendency of the market was still attributable to the development of confidence regarding the political sit nation, the more satisfactory monetary outlook, and the general belief in a pro traeted expansion In trade after the elec tions Practically the only exception to the tendency of the market In the early dealings was P A O. wherein a slight tendency was apparent, and Pennsyl vania. which after opening at a material advance, underwent a reaction. The deal trigs were again partleualrly heavy in the Bouthern Railway stocks, Bout hem pre ferred Norfolk A Western, all advancing on large dealings. Northern Pacific, and t’nlon Pacific, were attain notably atremK and actlva and the Granger share* was tne feature of the local traction group In an advance of nearly 1 imlnt in the first few minutes of business. Metropolitan also, rose rapidly and Brooklyn Rapid Transit, was firm In the industrial quarters, sugar was n conspicuous fea ture. and noteworthy rise* appeared also In American Hmelllng and National Tube The London market for American was re. period fairly buoyant with heavy pur chase-. from this side, a feature of the dealings Transaction* here, however, for foreign accounts on the opening of business iHstrid on both sld'S of the account. XAF.ttl -4 MARKET*. Note.—Theae quotations are revtoad da ly, and are k pt as o*ll a- po>thle In necurd with tn prevailing whuiraal" prl es Ofllcial quotaikm* ara not used when they dlagr*e with the prices whole saler* ask Country anil Northern Produce. POULTRY’—Th* market I* steady. Quo tations. Broilers. U33c; p- r puli ; half gr.,wrt 45tt’O*’; thre<-fmirih* grown. 5541 60c. hens 6512760; roosters, ("Stoic. ducks. M>ffj7Sc geese. 75ctt$l.00 F.GGB --fitcady at 16”. BFTTER—The tone of the market Is firm Quotations: XVestern creamery, 194# 24Vc- New X’ork state dairy, 17!4ii22!4c; extra Klxli s. 21i25c. CHEESE— Market Aim; fancy full cream cheese. 1314 c for 9) to 22-pound uvrrag', 214|•-ts und average, 13c. Early Veg•• 1111>Ir IRISH POTATOES-Northcrn. *2OO lack • 'ARRAOE- 6f170 per head. ONIONS—YeIIow. In barrels, (2 00, crates. 90c; red. tl 9og?oo Itreadstults, Hay and Grata. FLOUR—Market steady; patent, (4 40. straight. 14 0, faaev. (2 V>, f,irmly, (2 Ox MEA L IV at 1. per birrel. |2 j. t : a k. II :st), city meal, per *> k, bulled, 11.30® 1 23; water ground. |! 25; city grits, sack*, tl 25; (sari grits, Hudnut*'. per barrel, 82 85; per sick. $1.30, sundry brands. t!.?341l >1 sack CORN-Market firm, white. Job lots, 63c; rarload lots. 62c; mixed corn, Job lots. Ale; carload lot*. 59c RlCE—Market steady, demand good fancy head. 6c; fancy, (l*c. Prlmu j fs *6l 4'4484 - ®P4 Common OATB—No. 2 mixed, rarload. HV ; Job Ini*. 254)36-; whllt* cllpprd gi , job, 37.- RRAN Job lota. 95c; . arloud lots, P)c HAY—Market steady; No. I timothy 9214 c )ob; 8714 cars; No 2. 85. Job; 8214 care.' Nsrna, Mams and l.nrd. BACON—Market Arm; D 8 C It. aldmi. B>,c. I). H bellbs, 9140 fEastemi, ac cording to average *!<•: Ir 8 Iw lllcs, 91*. (Western), smokrel C II sides. 91yc. llAMS—Sugar cured, 124r1214< LARD—Pure. In Heroes. kc; In 56- pound tin* an I 9>-pound tubs, 9e; compound In tierce*. 6‘a< , 50-pound tin*, and M>-pound tubs, 6>,c. Sugar and Lugee. BCOAR- Cut loaf 6 58i Diamond A 5.68 Crushed 6 1* <vmfeotionera' A 5.8.1 Powdered 6,12 White Extra C.. 5 51 XXXX lOT'cl . 6 18, Extra C 647 Granulatol .. ..(.03i Gol<k-n C (.18 Cut's* 6 li Yellows .. 3.05 Mould A 6 -t| COFFEE- Mo ha 26c | Prime No. 3 ...11 e 'Good No 4 ...l(,c peaberry .. ...14 < Fair, No 5 ....lOlyc Fancy No I .12 cf Ordinary No *.|o c Choice No 2 lllid Common No 7 9V llsronsre ml Maldiug Supplies LIME. CALCIUM. PLASTER AND CEMENT—Alabama and Georgia lime In Plant System of Railways. Trains Oprratt.l by 9n!h M-rlJlan Time um, Hour Slower Than TtaMg 32 I 6 I 7 North amf South. |] 3 | 36 | S [ f HEAD DOWN. Effective Oci l.“ I9OU - || RIUIfOR ' ~ 1 ... v*.—. .L—.-w * 19, I" 'SI 6 2*l Ar ~ 4 hit..slon... Lv II tbp Stow, 3 f |- 7if Ar lilcbuiond.M Lv, H 4 6 4*1.;.. L-. -Um* Tull It JPt Ar . IS ashing ion... Lvj 4 JOaj 3 7p—.... h 39.. tid 1 Ar .. Baltimore.... Lv 3 36a 1 b n,.... . L*.,.|we, ,lU—. ,3 30. Sr ...Philadelphia... t. ■nay n <3p - -{r- i UP <•' S' • New York.... I.S 9 ar.,v ■ Ma[.^...J.. S O'! >1 Si I- 101 l Lv Iwp 'juuni; * 1 Uoulh 136 23 r3J—TT* " I * r,|' * '.l I. *• 3lk I.v I4.ivam n*i Ar 1 11*4 12 19a 7 U0p,12 10|>|I<) llu * l"i> 3 40| lo I 723 6 3 Ai .. Waycroes.... |.v ; ilti • 43p 4 lop I b-r 7 Iks I H.. 1 9 Sip 2 ISp .!|> 2 'bp Ar Thom iav 111.- .. |.v 6 lop 8 Kp| | 8 lia| 3 13a I" Alp 7 top 12 3111 9 I 8 3UI Ar . J.nk onvllle . I.v 6 isip 7 tbp 2 OUp, Bus 3 udm U'.,p I v.v 12 "2p IJ 02|, Ar I'alatka I.v 3.1,4. 4 60pj j 2 380 3Sm • ••♦P Ar •• Sanfo, ,1 Lv 12 2ip ... .( jUMujUfOa ... 1.,. ~| .. 2 >ip 2 -Dp Ar Uulna.vllle ... I.v 3 topi ... .... |.. 316 p 3 18|. Ar .Ocala Lv 1 4up| ’ 10 6U|i 10 p Ar .SI let rsburg . Lv Uop . .. .| i **• m o' ip 10 OD| sr . Tanipn Lv Sun st.i| * fxg, * oup *.<u IQ 10 plO 39|> Ar . I tort Timpa.. I.v 73,, 7 2oa‘ 7 7i,p 7 2.p .. ... 110. lie. I Ida Ac . .I'm 4 . third 1... I.v 1 .... 4 3Sp In 4.Yv;to 4'. 1 Ar . St. Augustine.. Lv 42p >. J*c op p . 1 , > avannan.... 1 , |o j.;j , o. T.7Z - 6 tbp • I .Vi 4 61>| 64*a |. Ar .■ ■>' *up |, v , ,n.i id 3<>p 1 | S .lap 7UM 6 73p 8 Ar Brun wl. k .. Lv 6 40.1, 9 oil [ NORTH WEST AND SOt'THWEST 1, .VI Slv Je up h' >* !• 36 ( Vi* MontgotlMiy. 14 |7l . tsip . aLv Siv.innah Ar 'hi ISa 12 10a '■ p s Lv .vain all Ar ,19 Ua| 1 uS9 6 43|, 6 4IM Ac J.wup I.V < 29.1 P> W|> S 19. 9 3t4> Ar M’tg np'iy Lv 'I 7 topl ll 2£*a Sola 1 16p Sr Mn. at Lv 1 '*** *9’ 7 Irtp 6 Vs. Ar Ni-hvltle I.v' 9noi'2 21 . ;s,| Ship Ar Atlanta I.v 10 tip IS 88|> 2 30a 12 gq> Ar la.uksvllle I.v JUm 9 12rg 9 4.1 1 Hf, Sr CIIIIT I.V; o'.p 6 I.V* 7no 41164 Ar Cincinnati Lv;jU Uup 6 440 7 'up 7 . Sr 1 4, and Ir lv 7 1 :7I >p 7av 7 hip Ar Ht. I*>uls Lv 3 *f as 7 39p 7 4',, Ar Cincinnati I.v! * AM. 7 OOp , rL. * N I 1 7 Ola 6 .tip Ar .Ht I*>ulh I.v 9Up k fIU 7 S2a| At Ht. la.uls L' i * OOp!.-.... 7’■ I ll Si <tll. • I .l • ISIA l> > If j 3 40a 113: I.v Atlanta A- 18 V.p 11 .101 *• # ttp Ar .Chb.igo.. I.v | 7 <op' 1 0(1 KtVp 7 P.I \r M mphl I.v vOi 9 "Op 412, % 03a Ar Mobile Lv 12 3*p ll 20j 9 4.V1 7 19. Ar lv it* 1 liyl.vl 6 10p! 943 . k ,>p 7 4Ui Ar N Orleans L* 7 V'| 7 tV| 3mp ~ isi Lv Hivantiah At 19 I.3a|t) llw Through Sloping Car Service 1 tba 12’ S9p Ar . Tlf'ott.. I.v 2 16a j 6 agg 3 13a 2 let* At A luny.. I.v 12 Otaf 8 l&p to North. East an.l W at. and to F'orl.l t. j 6 .'up Ar < olilnihtts l.v|| 110 Asa C.aine, lloti mi le al Port Timiu wit h 1 S mall at* ttnuhlps of the Peninsula* and Occidental St* tmahlp l.’tu* having I’orl Tsiniu Monda>a, Thursday* ai>4 Saturdays at 1! "0 •> m J. 11. Pnlhemus. T P A Word Clark. Oily Tkt Agt , De |4oin Hotel. Pbona 76 11 W WRKNN, Pas-cnger Truffle Manager. Havannah, Oa McDOiXOtGH & BALLANTYM^, Iron Founders, Machinists, “*“* **•. I*t* *, t*.n,ra. k.„, mshuli cturers ..I stall,.a- „ ‘ *-e mrr aaa Par last* Kaglaas. * ertlaal aad Yep ttnanla* ~'xA:, > S tara MII la. Mill ail t'aaa. Ska til.a I’nltn, tl*. TELEPHONE NO. 123. fair demaiue and selt al 86 cents a barrel; special calcined ixaalal. II 00 per tiarrel; hair. 4gic Rosettale cenirut 81 3UQI 8(; carload loin, special; Portmml .emeni, re tail. (2 25: carload lot? 22<>>u2 20 LUMBER F O. B VESSELS SAVAN NAH Minimum. yard ■niri. 110 biQll (X); car sills. (12.502)13.0). difficult slx. s 314 >u 4118 00. ahlp atock. 116004)18 00. sawn ll*a, |KIX?UB&U. hewn Ilea. 154)38”. OIL- Market steady. demand fair; sig nal. IKifti • West Virginia Me. k. 9012 c; laid, tc neatf,*ol. o-uma<’lilnery. 16 •Me; linseed aO, raw. 86'’. tajHeil. ... keroaen*. prime atilm 13- ; watar while, JJ.-; Pralta aslral 14: de.slorlte>t alov* saeidlne. flremia. HV. amidy oil i 4 rrel>. delivered. 83c SHOT Drop. *1 60; U. H. and large, $1 tg ; chtllrel. 31 75. IRON Market very ateadv; Hwede, JV4O. NAILB—Cut, 32*0 has*, wire. $25 baas. BARRED WillE USO |*er DO |unda straight good*. 23j)9i>,-. augar houaa na laas.-s 1102 a GUN POWDER—Par keg. Aualln crack ah'", (4 00; half kegs. 32 35. quarter k g,. |! 25; champion du. king, quarter keg*. (2 25; Duponl and Itaxaro omokalea*. hall kegs. 51135; quarter kegs, *5 76. 1-iwind eanlsler*. II 00. less 35 per cent ; Trnledorf arnokeleea powder, 1-puund can*. (1.00. 10- puurid cans. 9)B* pum.iL Sail, Hides Bad Waul. BALT—Demand la (air and the market steady; carioad tola. Ua> pound bureau aarks. 44c. IDU puuO'l cation sack. 43c; Uu-puund burlap sacks, 451 y. llu-pounii ralloo sacks. 491 a.-: 225 pound burlap ai. kp, i£s , 195 pouin) culton sack, 66c, 3JU-pound burlap sacks. 86c. 111 DEB—Mark'd Brm; dry flint, llXkc; flry salt, llV4c; gram salted. Bc. WOOL—Nomtnw,; prime Georgia, free of rand burr* and black wool, 19c; black. 16c; burry. 10c Wax, 2tc, tallow. Ilyc. Deer skins, kk- S”rullB aa* Mala. APPLKB— Nofibem variety. 82 2M13 V). PRFNHB- 10? to 50" 10c; 60? to 60s. B*4c; 6U lo 70s. Tc. 70* to 80a. 6Mro; Bre lu 90s, 6c; SSI* lo 100*. stje HAVANAS 81 X 412 busi’-h LEMONS Mnrkei "Rady al 82 9t300 Cim'OANFTB |1 7V.|4 on |r l< PEANFTS- Ample alo-k fair demand: market firm, fan-y hand-picked. X’lrglnt*. per pound, 4He, hand picked, X'lrglnia. ex tras 4e. N C seed peanut*. 4e NFTB- Almond*. Tarragona. 18c; Irlcaa, |6e; walnuts, French 12c. Naples. 11c; pa . ans. 12>-: Brasil*. 13c; filbert*, lie; nasort ad mil? fin-pound and 25-pound boxaa, 19r. lot ton liaaslsg and Tlra. BAGGING- Market Arm; Jute. 214- pound. Il4 r ; large lot* 984 c; small lot*. ( pound.; 184-pound. ’sUV4c; sea Island bagging. 124 c TlES—fttanoard, 43 pound, arrow, larg* lots (1 40. small lot*. (1.30. Dried and Etapuraied Frails. APPLES— Evaporated. 7<g7B4c, sun-dried, 51-/o*,. APRICOTS— Evaiuruled, 10c pound, neciartne?. 10c BAIBINB-L L, (2.00; Imperial cabinet*. (2 50; !■< e. 50 | mind iMxea, Bp?'4. pound PEACH EB Ki .i|Kr lied. I salad. 178xc, uniaialvd. 6848)(c. PEAKS— Evaporaled. *Hc. HISCKLL.IXEODI. FlSH—Muckercl, laill-barrels. No. 1, (a.til. No. 2, (7.D0, No. 3, 15.75, kilo. N<>. 1. (I.JU; No. 2. (110. No 3. 85<’ C.altlah. 1-pouroi brick*. 6Vc. 2-|*>utid bricks, e Sinoki?! Ixrrbigs. per l*>x, 17'ul9i- Dutch herrings. In kegs, (1.10, new mulUea, belf bnrrels. . BYRCP Market quiet: Oenrgla an.l Florid" syrup, buying at 2Mf*lc; aetllns; at sugar hoo*** * lOtflXc, HONEY Fair demand; strain'd, In bar rel*. 654160 c gallon High wine haste, 21.26. Of L A A FREIGHT*. COTTON —Sa *aonah 10 lioaton. per ewt., 25c; to N*w York, per rwt.. 20c; to Philadelphia per bale. II: Baltimore, *l. KOHEIGN DlKEtT—Bremen. Cft”, Uv rrpnol. (Or; Hamburg. 60e; Genoa 6*B-. Barcelona, 70c; Mam haatar, 57c. Havre, 50c, Antwerp. 6nr. FOREIGN INDIRECT Weak and nom inal Liverpool, 6ft. Manchester, 6.V. Hamburg, 5Sc; Havre. 72c; Ge noa. 6i> . Beval and St. Petersburg. 70c; Antwerp. Me. LUMBER Ry Pall - Freight* dull; to Raltlmora and >*ie*w ird, $4 60 to (6 00 per M . Including Portland LUMBER—By Steam Savannah to n.i - tlmore, (5 00; lo P M R or B. A O dorks. (5 50; lo Philadelphia. 1684 c. per cirt, ft |K>und? lo foot); to New York, ft!,*) per M. 7T 2S to dock; lightered to Boston to dock (8 50 NAVAL STORES—The market |* firm; medium six* vesael*. Raarln—Cork for orders. Ss ft I per barrel nf 310 pound*, and 5 per cent, primage. Spirit*. 4a 9>l per 4 gallons truer, and I per cent, jwlmag lairge vessels, rueln. 3s; spirits. 4s 3d 9l<m. 11c pr 100 pound? on rosin; Zlß*o on spirits. Savannah 10 Boston, and 9V on roeln and 19< on st lrtt* lo New York. 1!R413, PIIOVtSIDXI, ETC. New York, Oct. 16.—Flour steadier. Rye flour Arm Corn meal steady. Rye qulei Harley steady Harley mult dull. Wheal— Spot steady: No. 2 red, 798*2; options were generally Arm ami higher Continued on Eighth Page. 0$ Vgeorgia A'titdutai Rffieilv P#pt. to. IM. * Trains arrive #t mii<l • |•*rt frotn <Vtnrl Ptailon. Wm| It road. foot of l.iherty nirwi >th Meridian Tim* -On# hour slower th* efljr time. ”~Arrlv# * J* v * liri *‘’- Hivunneti: ' .. lAugust#. MV -*> AUanU.I •s i&um < >vinr t*. M;ii*d#\ n.*j% oopß^ |*ld all iiitrrn* ditto j>oini#j I Augusta. A!.ion, Atlantal iAth*tj*, Mun’jfomery. Co-] i (%>n lumhna, fiirm mutism. Am-i% OOaoft t€ uuytn L*ovf*r ArcutDOiodiituti f ami 18 wpmi Uuyiun Dimtor Train. ~H Span •Dally. fExrrpl Sunday, " tIKTWI'KN SAVANNAH AND TTBICtt. TSDi meridian or Huvannah dly lime. DKAVK SAVANNAH. Monday only .55 „ ln I>al | y PXC Monday !.30 a. m Dally J flo p m. LEAVE TYIIEE. Monday only 714 <■ m |>„||y rioej* Monday 10 36 a. m. Dally 630 p. m I'onnectlona madu ai 1 rmlrval mini* wllh all iraina Northwaal. Went aod Booth wai. r Bleeping cara on nlytu Iraina between Bavannnh am! Außiiata. Macon. Atlanta and Hlrmlnsham. Parlor cara on day trains between Ha. venneh. Me< on end Atlanta. For ompiam mromnilon, eerbadutaa. 'nne. tlon apply to "* *■' ,,,!I: WEH. City Tick,l and Taan. ,r ‘K"r At;* nt, Kl 7 Bull atrret or r<'Vln N r TT rE? D ;r Asenu F H A *' nt - THEO. D. KI.IJfE. Oen Superintendent B>VRnftsh On. /gg^VESTIBUItO Eiß [imiteo Trains Double Daily Service Th abort lino to Norfolk. Washington. Baltimore, nilladelptda, Now Turk and tlio k *M. I I~KiTiIT UL W • * * >- l<> 1215pn.1l siM A ' SiT?*’. 1 - Au R > 4 M f m 4 •** Ar Hkl.d*h. H A. D. R,r. 11 87pm 11 Mom Ar Durham, H. A. D. Ily 7 3Mra 4 Mpaa *1 Ar !< .♦.. <■! -A AU Hy i:,„m i *,. Ar Washington, Henna... * 46am I Kt>m Ar Baltimore Hanna. io (*m 11 Spin Ar Hhltudrlphla, I'onna... Ij 27pm IHani Ar New York Henna 3 u#|*n ( Uaoa No 41 No M I. Hovmnoh K A E fiy 12 33pm,11 Mpm Ar Portatnouth, BA.L.Ry| 7 uuam! t 40pm Hteamera leave Norfolk dally, eirwpt Sunday, for Italilmora, Hhll idejphla and New York, and dally for Washington. Tha short llna to Montgomery, Mobil* and New Orleans, leaving Savannah at 7:25 a. m., arriving ui Montgomery 7:40 p. m., at which point close connection ia made with the 1* AN. R. R., arriving at Mobil* 3:06 a. m. and New Orlsana 7:40 a. m. Tha short line to Fornandlna, Jackaon villa. Turn pa and other Florida polnta. | No. 27 I Na&' Lv B*vannaK7 8. A 1,. Ry tMam fOf pen Ar Fernnndlna, 8 A L.R) : V 3&om I 06pm Ar Jackaonvtlle. B.A D.lty] t loam 7 40pm Ar Tampa, 8 A. L. Ity [ 5 30pm ( loam Magnificent Hullman buffet sleeping car aervlee to Washington. Ualtlmore, Phila delphia and New York; also to Jackaoiw vllle and Tampa. Pining cars from Savannah to Hamlet, and Richmond to New York. fluff'd parlor cars Savannah to Mont gomery. For additional Information apply *d Ticket Office, Bull and Bryan street*, phone 3* J. D. WEED ti CO bavamam, 6A Leather Belling Steam PackiDß & Hose. Agaota for NEW YOU* MU tißb.H B&DTINQ AND HACKINO COM HAN Y. 9