The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 18, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 CONSOLIDATED THE VOTE. HEM LT %%MH \i ;ft l\ THK H U K run uTATK i*ki< i:%. jM*t-mnr% nf Maf* I onk H* < - plrfrd Hl* I |ik-Onh • •** \ ole for the l.trnofM| *• lilvf ii Owl. mm Ihe Sirr tmry I* A u Ihorlaeil In ( ount mill < on*all -■e TbWf—\nte lml for Hemo rrnt* nnd l onle*lln*i • , #pwH*t. Atlanta. On IT S mmry off Nate Cook han *on#o **)('• * vot# rp| In the laai el- Mr. ? r "• H i## offlc m, x*!?h the ea f the vote for Qw ernor which i •!• r the law. he la not Hut horsed * dint i ltd • •naolWJate. The follow *• i* the statement of th*- return- th<* I * n* nio name* t>etns Ar#? jr or 8 • * try ..f Btate, }‘tulip Cook W C.V L I. Clfmtnt\ 24 .Ml; for Controller C.enT iJ. W A Wrishi, *2 2T.. .1 T Hoi hro k. *4 7*l. for Htatt Trenetirer. H K l*ark. *. fc7. J Wild I’ark. 34.7. for At* i era). J. if. Terrell. M.IIA. K. H Baff- ld. .ikd. for ComroKMonrj of Ail- dtur* < li. Htevena. JOT. A If T.l j ley. 24.577; for CommlMlon* r of Rdii* . [ no' • li <#**i ii m,m, w t Flint, #.• Mat f.r l*n*>n c. mmiM-lon*? (full termr t A- Bvana, 91 v.rj. J T !•* k \ i3.7wt. for J'rieon Comm a*loner (*hort t- rml, Toom n* Kamm. 9>".447. 8 C Nf C,*ndl*##, 23.A1*! The vote polled hv IVmorrwf* *ed I*op l.liat* will amount to over and I* i e largest win • I*7'. itK<aHl)4 %forio\ 4KHIOI’tV. Order of the *it|ir iti • t onrl Relwllvr to i My I Hurt ( *•*. • this morning l. ted a very t .. affl ana or drr In ronn< Mon wi h the unique m<> tlon made by Solicitor (hneral Robert Hodges of ilacon. The order lamod to day 1# taken to indi ate ihat the court regards very perlou-ly the point made by Solicitor ll*id*ep, and the consensus of le gal opinion le h*t the f>olni will be sus tained If this Is done only . ares from the City Court* of Savannah can go before the fiupreme Court on direct appeal, and scores of *•**• now pending before ih* Hupreme Court from court# like the City Court of Macon will b* tbrwn out. nd the Judgment- already entered will .-Sand nfflrmol Th** order Issued by the * our( to-day Is us follow* ’‘Motions having been made by th* so* Heitor general of the Macon circuit to dis miss the writs of error In severs! crim inal casts brought here from the City Court of M'<on. on the grv.und that a writ of error does not he therefrom to the Supreme Court. In-atise the an es tablishing that City Court doe# not ft* Its location In any Incorporated cKy find lec.ius** said City Court Is not a "Ilk*- court to the Chy Court of Atlanta or the City Court of Savannah " and it ap pearing from an inspection of the civil docket of this court that several cases from *a,d City Court are entered thereon. It Is ordered that counsel interested In the cose* last mendon-d he permitted to file, during the next thirty dyg. briefs or wr.tten arguments. clih*r In support or In denial of the proposition that this court has Jurladl tlon to entertain writs of error from said City Court. Let coun sel be notified of this order “ HILL TO T%\ PTt%N HIIFi. $1 111 fir Intend weed at thr Next He*- slow nf the Legislature. Atlanta. Oct. 17 —What wi 1 no doubt be the liveliest fight at the next tension nf (he I>*pl*latur* will be brought übout by a fr <n hlse tax bill to he Intro duced by Repfe?eniatlvc William Bch!ey Howard of IVKaib The bill 1 now ♦ !ng drafted and will he presented at the very leginning of the legislative fesslon. as Its friends r**alixr that there will be a long, desperate struggle over the meas ure It Is esrlmated that the taxpayer* of Georgia will hnve to pav less than one half the tax they now pay if the Howard bill go-s through. Mr Howard declares that It will not only greatly reduce the burden upon the rltlsens of the state, but wi.l swell the fund In the state treasury. He say* h* will be Kicked up In the fight and that his MU Is certain to pass nix) be ©nv- a law There are millions of lo lira' worth of franchise In this state, and Mr. Howard claims that all of the fnitv-ht* should If laxl and made to bring heavy sums Into the treasur>. It stead of paying no revenue at all. \% % NT* POH RH OR MANUHK I. It all road Comas Isalon Would like to liip<se I‘eii nll le*. Atlanta, Oct. 17.-*A recommendation vitally affecting the railroad* nf the state will he maie by the Railroad Commission to the next general assembly, whereby the commission seeks the power to man damus the railroad* when they fall to obey Its orders. Coder the present ar rangmeot* the CootmiHslon can only pro ceed against the loads through the courts, but In order that Its orders may l> better ar.forced. the Commission thinks It should have summary power to mandamus and apply a penalty. The Commission will also ask the Leg- Islature to confer upon It power to com | 1 rallrrad* to build side track* has sugge*ted l(*elf to the Commlselon through numerous • otnplalnta of factorle* which have sougnt to secure side tracks, but could not. SUMO ON A IKHTORT HILL. Account \\ nm l'urclm*l at a *ale of the l*hy*l*lnu* I'fteet*. Atlanta, Oci. 1| —An operation for appendicitis, performed on the m nor son of G. O. Hudson in Novem -ar. 11*96. was the but Is of a suit for Sl&j filed In the City Court to-day. This ornouct rpr eents th<- dootoc sgplll, though the do tor does not figure In the case In Nuvrmler, IKP6. l>r \N*. F. Weet more!ar.d Is .'illrged to have ivrfotnvd n (•pnelon for iptendlcltls on tbv min r child of Mt. Hudson, for which tli lit ter l* sa.i to hive agreed t< pay sl3n In August. Mrs K 8. Tnomn on purchased the account. Ii Is (film'd at the truste* sale in bankruptcy pro ceding* against the doctor. Bhe c aim* to have demanded and Wn refused payment of the account by the defendant a 1 sue* to recover the amount, with Interest. W ILL ( 4> oval Kill. •I. W. Tatum llnuiht the Stork of the Aiken I anniUK Company. Brunswick. Oa . Oct. 17-—J. W. Tatem a wealthy naval stores operator. to*ds> dooed a deal for sil the stock of the Aiken Canting Company. It Is announced that h* will within sixty day*, build a mam moth arming ft. tcry srwl by Jan. 1. em ploy aliOiH operatives Ui ''inning < \ ters. When the ovster season expires, fruits and v* .et*b - will la canned. The sale of the *tock carries with It all the oyster bed bit**** m Glynn coun ty. J. li Atestns of Brunswick, will be secretary and treasurer of the new com- | vany. TO Cl RE, % C OLD IN ONK D %T. Take laxatlve Rromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falla j to cure. I W Grove's signature Is on each box. 2Jc.— ad. 44 Actions of the Just Smell Sweet.'" The friqnnce of life is vigor and strength, neither of which can be found in a per son whose blood is impure, and whose every breath speaks of internal troubles. Hood' s Sarsaparilla purifies, vitalizes and enriches the blood, gives i good appetite and makes the weak strong. Run Down ’My huibsnd tuJ* n/e do*w* rn health *nd mt! ftrtd out. Thoti tt'tiltot mtdict*ct. Hoed * PHLs Mod simi pa*(//l. built Affrj up *o4*o M'%. H L Mom*x. Tomfsods. P* gilt*rate wt**i • >i> irnuittr , - ■ *. ■ i 9POKK TO THK *TI DRNT9. Hr. J. L. M. I urr) and f om n!lnr r Glenn m tthrn*. A then-. Oa., Oct 17 Hon J L. M Cur ry u*i He *it Bch'>ol Commissioner 0. R Glenn w# re th guests of trt • university yesterday morning, and at the conclusion of the prayer *ervl< <•*. Fr of. Barrow In troduced Hr. Curry, who mad* an address of one hour and a half to t • student t*dy und several visitor* Dr. Curry l* one "f ‘he m'*t distinguished nlumni of the university and w.t* heareily greeted by th* boys Dr Curry *il l tha* he felt as If he were t pllgrinng* and tha? next to h e family hl> for bis uni versity l- ifu great*-r He spoke #>n general educational lue sand touched In a masterly manner U|*n the negro ques tion He maintain* i ht if the problem < • tUI h settbd at all, that h*' lower cb>> must be ••du sted or the higher cla>* would degenerate The speech was con sll* red to !•** one of the most muMerly ever heit'l In th*- chap**l and was enthus- ISMtlcally received by sh* 1 large audience. At the conclusion of the speech calls for Glenn were made, and he responded in u very appropriate speech. FR KIM It IN 4. FOR WIHIRLKR DAY. General \% ef Has Hern Marie Graml Marshal. Atlanta. Oct. 17 —Official order* for Wheeler day celebntlon were issued this morning by Brigmiler General A J West, grand marshal of th* parade. Gen. Wheel er will be In Atlanta on Monday. Oct 22. Confederate Veterans* day at the Inter state Fair. Gen West’s order* followed hi* appointment a* marshal by the com mittee In charge of the exercises for the day. Grand Marshal West immediately ls !u* and a bulletin from hi# headquarters, a* urnlng charge of the parade feature. Ill* fir.-t order was the at>t>otntment of 51<iJ Nash as chief of staff Invitation* have b* vn sent to all the military und civic organisations In Atlan ta to participate In the parade. It I* be lieved each will respond favorably, anl the parade will be one of the largest ever i formed In the city. The Governor- of Georgia. Alabama. Tennessee. North Carolina. Routh Caro lina and Florida, with their personal staffs, jvlll he In the llna. ii j FIRt: NK4H IRKRICTft. Farmer* llu%e Marketed All I Itrir 1 otlnn. Amerlcu*. Gu.. 0* t 17—The handsome resilience of John R. Gatewood, mar Amerlcu-. was tWilly destroyed by flw this morning, together with oil outbuild ings in the yard. The flumes had their origin In the kitchen mri advanced with such rapidity that no furniture was saved, the family escaping In night clothing and saving nothing Th loss will amount to several thousand dollars, with little or no Insurance on the property. Copt. Sntjiuel M< Gurroh. cotton ware houseman. and one of tin* most prominent farmers in Sumter county brought In to-, day the lust bale of • otton of hi* crop, and report* his neighbor* as having fin ished also. Many public gins have closed down for the season Receipts here drop ped to the minimum, with no sales at pre vailing prices. Last year farmers picked cotton until Christmas, hut the crop this . year has been practically gathered. GOV KRNOR'N IN VI Gl H ATION. It Will Take Flare the Third Hn> Vf ter the Le* lata I are Meet*. Atlanta. Oa., Oct. 17 —Gov. Candler will be Inaugurated on Saturday. Oct. 27. the third day af(er the meeting of the Gen- ! eral Assembly. On that day the Governor will deliver his Inaugural address, and will take the oath of office The oath will be admlnlftertd by Chief Justice Himqions of the Rupreme Court. The Inaugural exer cise* will be held In the hall of the House of Representatives, and wll probably le wltnc'-ed by thounei*)* of people. After th* LcgL ritiure ha* been organise*! a com mittee will 1* appoint and o wait upon the 'Governor and u*k at whai time he de sires to take the oath of office III* inau gural address will be very ehort. and w, 1 iot occupy over tflirt > minute?*. Th e wll; be no display of military on the dav of Inauguration, a* the Govern r is opjO - ed to the troopa turning out on such an occasion. } HAH IIKK> % HI.I.LK. Mwrrlaae* ol Two VV *-l l-K how n ( Miiplc* In ( olusilitis. Columbus, Gw . Oct. 17.—-News of the tragic death of Mrv. J J. Mobley In Ba .umiah gave Columbus a terrib.e shock this afternoon. Mrs. Mobley was for merly Miss Lfflc FeatKNly, daughter of the late Hon. John Feabody. and a reign- Ir g belle in aocial circles here. Two important weddings occurred in social circles here to-day. At the First Baptist Church this morning. Mr N M Dudley of Amcrirus, and Miss Busle Dar by. *l.itighter of Dr. John Darby, were married in the presence of a large crowd At the Episcopal rhurch Gits ifternoon Mr Rug one Daniel und Miss Kate Dll linghnm were happily married. Both couple* are pr*>nfi**nt and are popular ,n ao<'lal circles. VV a* (•rnnt**l tliniony, Atlanta. Oct 17—Carrie L W.dVer was | to-day granted s total divorce from John M Ws.ker, given thV custody of her baby girl and gmt ?• 1 alimony In ‘he sum of ISM. together with fI.N) for lawyer fees Three thousand five hundred dollars of the alimony goes absolutely to the moth er. snd |24m to the child. * girl 2 year** old. fall lt* v John E. White. Atlanta. <V 17 Th*- congregation r f the Be* on*l BaptU* Church * t ih i cltv to-night decided to call K*v. John E. White, geertfary of the Rap ist tnt*ion Itoard of North Carolina, lo OH Che pul- THF.MOKNING NEWS: Till KSDAY. (H’TOTtKI! IS. 1900. TWO WKRDIW.* I> I.nln Hearts aa,l linnrfa Jmiard In i:rrlNtlna I sl**s. Griffin. G.i . cw? 17 This afternoon at oYio* k. .* th* Firs? Hap *t Church ! Rav J L Grose performed the ceremon\ | -ha tvwldsi '1 r Wltdam Bell Lawson **f A (Se ville. 8 C t*> Ms Je-sle peckham jof this tty. T*‘ large edifice wi- mag* | nifkentiy d* or?*< for the *h* as ion with -mtittX palms. 1•i n begot . a*, and ptnk i hryaunthemums. th*- archaa an*l a*?•* j nu.g artL*- (U ai 1 bandsome. forming a perf t eden-like bower of the green foll | age, and loaurlful -anners. Th*- brkles- I makt# were Ml#- Harlot? • 'sp* Mills. Ml** | Maud*- llimmot l and Miss Uhlan Patter son. Mr 1/uo -n atten.lant* wrer*- Mr 1*• k I>t• *. t Mr William Bryaofi of Aolm vi. i* 8 C ind Mr. (aluw Doe f LiG rang** After ih* *r*nny th tom** < f (‘apt md Mr- G. 11 I'* k< am, on VVst Holo mon street. w. the s*c*n of brilliance when all gathered it the reception until s o lot k ** extend congratul itlons an I best wish*# to Mr. l/iwion and his beau tiful bride After r*lvlg th*- congratulations *t th*!r frien*!* they left for ih lr future horn* In Abtw vilW- where Mr. is promlm ui In busine-a clrcl*e. T> night at h o'cio* k at th*- r* G fence of thf brtdt parents ••? Ki rim>ni Mr. Ralph Bf*wne Small of Mar. n and Miss Annie Adel*’ Kimbrough w. re married l*y Rev W T Irvine.of th- First Meth odist Church of Gtiffn. The ceremony w |**rf**im‘ and iri ih* pre *n * i ov* T four hundred gu-st. who added hrlght n*H t< t alieady brilliant ova*lon. Mr. 4i*i* Mi* Hniall l**ft at it L for New York Niagara KBlii, Hoe ton :n*l Wash lt./**a w h*a - th* will *, n*l their honey n> iff* r which they will be at home to tifir friend.- at No 70* Bprlng street, Ma on, Oa. VV. 11. IfAHLF.% INDK’TF.D. Ji*-*-|*-r of Oamhllag llous** In Which n Man VV ns Killed. Columbia. 8 C . Oct. 17—As the city ofh ♦r# *eem indl#|ot-*l to prosecute the keeper nf the gambling rooms In which ii man was murdered r* ently, th A grand Jury of th'* county ha# presentr*! the pro prietor. w n IBirley. Of li*- th** city authorltl* hnv* been very active in re quiting barber shops o be closed nt 12 o’rlohk Ratuiday night, and In passing blcy •> ordinances, but the gambling e*- tabllahments and blln*l tigers keep open ly on their way. rejoicing. - 1 " M |T9 MW HI. RHOI MT. Vnuir of fle Former Military officer* Are ffliort With the Ntate. Atlanta. Oct 17 —Suits may te Instigat ed soon against some former officer* In the Georgia Htate Troops, unless arm# and other equipments. Issued to them several year# ago. are forthcoming In spector General Obear has been investi gating for some time the number of guns missing, and he has found that a con sderable amount of the states property ha* not been a counted for. | 4 OH I llh * Gone I |- Atlanta. Oct 17 —Within the piet tw.% w*-ek# the price of coal has advanced rent# per ton in Atlanta, nnd it I# now selling for the mid-winter price of Insr year. The supply la short, too. and local dealers are ex!***r lending more or P-># diffi culty in securing enough to supply their trade. Another advance In is look ed for If th* present weather continue* the advan e will probably be about W cents, but If cold weather sets In. there Is no telling how high the price will soar. Sebonnsr Venn* ISonmacd. Beaufort, 8 C., O': 17.—The three masiod schooner Venus from Baltimore arrived lure yesterday with a cargo of coal for the Central Phosphate Mining Company. The ve*#< I’s main eall had been carried away, and her mazier re ports very rough weather on the passage down. The Venus 1# drawing eleven fe.n of water, and put into Fort Royal because she was not in condition to work up 8t Ilelmu sound Tht# afternoon the tug May McWilliams of the Central Fhos phate Company, will tow the Venue through Brickyard creek to her destina tion. Sarißor# of tinmpf<m*s Lealnn. Co'umMu. S. C . Oct. 17.—1 tls propose! lo have n reunion here during fair week : of th** survivor* of the famous Hampton legion the body of cavalry prgantxed and equipped by Wade Hampton nt the out break of hostilities In l*d. It 1# rot kn*wn how many survivors there ar*\ but If they get here in any number* they will lx* greeted by the old general, who of late has been very much In retirement. Duffy's HILARII, w Feveiw. t hills. Cong'x Ot'VC Cold*, f>l • of wie ■ all W ever form, quickly cor || la by taking DI'FFT'S Malt fflQlf A tablespoonful in gla*.- c .... a . water three time* a da' Hie If All. All druggnia and grn .< ■ rl ll(*Awf Beware of iuiltutivi:*. irKCUL NOTICE*. hiikim Mr Thomas N. Pierce of Hawklnwvllle, Qa., writes: • • "Wat reduced in weight to ninety pounds. suffering great pains, ami when ■town could not get up without aeslstance. After Ik mg at your spring* one week 1 noticed a change for the better I but oh! what a change win wrought In me after a etay of el* week.- I waa entirely .tired * * In one month's time after reaching home 1 weighed one hundred and sixty five pounds, and though It o currcd eight y.afr ago l iiave never (<lt rheumatism since Mr. P. T MrGrlff of Houston. Fla . says: • • "My wife Buffered five months of the most excrueialng pains from rheu matism In her feel and limbs, She tried every known remedy to the mmllcal fra ternity. hut secured no bencllt. I carried her to Suwance Springs, and had to help her In and out of the carriage. In fifteen days she could get about without my as sistance. nnd to si ay Is sound and well— a living wllncss lo the curative powers of Suwanee Spring* water • * These waters have also cured me of a case of catarrh of tw*nly years' standing I .Un with all safety, recommend these waters for that disease."* • torirg. Any one In possession of freight ex steamboat W ft Took, sunk In river. Is requested to r*porl same lo Gibson's wharf. and reasonable compensation will be given. sprit 41. tonrE. All bills against the Spanish barkentlne Marla Teresa must b presented at our office before li o'clock m this day. or pay ment thereof will ts> debarred JOBE M. nsTKVF A CO, <’ Savannah. Ha.. Oct It, IMn Mini t:. NelilVr the master nor consignees of the Norwegian steadnshlp Ssnna. Wahl l>erg. master will he lesponslbl* for any j debts contracted by crew of eald vessel. J. F. MINIS A f()., C'onslgneea 1 rtiAr* ttn not sr. paistixo Wa handle nothing but the VERT LEST grades of PAINT* and OILS, and employ the very best painters to be had Allow us to make bid on painting your house. SAVANNAH BITLDINO 81’PPLT CO.. I Corner Cong teas and Drayton Vl,otto Ut. STARTS WITH A COLD, t I ntnrrh Is a l.isserlns f old V% htch Hcfasr* to Held to Ordinary Treat meat. I Caatrrh usually otart* with a cold in . *h*- head ai*d If kft in this limate, rarely gets well of it*eif. A* fresh cold Is taker the disease ! sp*eads. getting leeper and deeper, ereep ! \nm a.■■ok the muro'w mcmbriunes from nose to toms?, from threw? to windpipe. | from windpipe to bronchial tube# and from ! branchial tube# to iung cells The mucous membrane* all connect on' with another Hence It Is easy to spread from one part to another lin* 1 with this same membrane This I* why catarrh in ??>e head sen affects the throat and final . the stomach Itself, bringing on chronic atarrh cf the stomach, Is the most | obstinate form of dyspepsia Everybody is now well agreed that ca tarrh Is a Mood disease and not a lodal •ne. ar.d the attempt to cure by .oca! ap plications simply gives temporary' relief from the purely local symptoms without the remotest efT#-ctw In staying th* pro gress of tlw disease. Ther** Is anew preparation recently of- I fend to the public that Is apparently I d* Mined to do away wl?h every other form ! >f catarrh treatment This new remedy I* not a secret patent tnedldna. but Ia large, pleasant tasting tablet rompoeod of Haugulnaria. Kucalyp* to). Gualacol. Hydrastln and other vaius- IMe and harmless specific#, which are taken Internally and seem to have a re markably beneficial effect upon the blood • ind mucous membranes. apparently | • llmlr.atlng the > atarrhal pokon from th* whole system 1 These tablets while being pleasant, con venient ami absolutely -f* to use have made tire# In long standing of ca tarrh that are little khort of marvelous. They nre sold by druggists und#*r name uf Stuart’s Catarrh Tablets, and any ca tarrh sufferer who ha# tried inhnl* rs. lo tions. ointments, salves, etc., and realise i their Inconvenience and uselessness, wl.l fully appreciate the difference b*-*tw*en a mere palliative and a permanent cure fter giving Stuart's Catarrh Tablets a r impartial trial. All druggists sell th*m st .VI cents for full fixed package and no mat?cr where the catarrh l# located. In the h* ad. throat, lung or stomach. Stuart * Catarrh Tab lets will surprise you with the effective results cf even a few day# use rtICRAL XIA A' IT ATlOffW RANKIN-The relatives and friend* of Mr Jamea L Rankin. Jr. and Mr and Mrs Jam** D Rankin are re spectfully invited to attervl the funeral of the former from the family residence, 10fi Duffy street east, this (Thursday) af ternoon at 4 o’clock. meetings. SOLO MOV* LODGE NO. 1, F. A A. M. A regular communication of thie fr lodge will be held at Masonic Tem- Tlf pie this (Thursday) evening at *ls r nt > o'clock. The t; A Degree wilt be conferred Transient brethren and members of sis ter lodge* fraternally invited to attend. JOHN W PARKER. W. M. J AH. R •CAIN. Secretary. Ot KAN CITY LODGE, K. OF KOVAL ARCH. Savannah. Oa , Oct I*. 1300 The regular meeting of thl# lodge will be held Thursday evening. Oct. Ik. 1900. at K of F. Hall. % o'clock H K DREEBON. V. C. W. F. COURTENAY. Recorder CHATHAM REAL EOT ATE AND IM FIItIVEMENT COMPANY. Office of The Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Company, Oct. 14. 1900—The annual meeting of this company will be h* Id on Thurfdtiv lftth mat. at 5:00 o'clock p m at the office of the company. No. II Bryan street, east. J H. EBTJLL. President. M J. SOLOMONH. Sec y and Treat NOTH B. Members of Gjc First District Roberto vllle Indepn4ent Club are hereby nofl ff*-d to meet at hall corner Liberty ami West Ttrnad street# for reorganisation Thursday as S o'clock p m R A CLBMKNCE. Chairman HAVANT All RHAIM H NF2EOLB WORK GIILD. It Is earnestly requested that officers, members und all Interejsged In this noble charity will meet at St. John's Pariah Hall. Friday, Oct. 19. at I;*) p m Please be prompt. JULIA MYDDLETON. Secretary pro tem. SPECIAL NOTICE*. IEV.IN** CAFE. ItEftTAI KA\T (Ml OYftTF.I* HOt ftE. 11l I'oagrrH fltreet, *Vet. Blue Point. Bncknnny und Native oysters in all styles. CHOP ftTE IK* AND GAME OF ALL KINDS IN ftBAftON EVERYTHING FIRT-CL4*S. DINING BOOMS IPITAIM. BV SPECIAL ItEDt B'T We have gotten permission to ship by New York steamer IS Jobs, even before the big convention Is over. They will be on exhibition next week at our repository. The public are Invited to attend our show. Date of same will bn announced early next week. COHEN-KCLMAN CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO.. Up lo Date Reliable Vehicles and Harnesa Dealers. THFS n iIMSS PREP ABA TOBY Si MOOL. tIILITAHY. Harris and Barnard streets, Ormond B. Strong p'ornelli. bred master. Greek. Latin and Eng Lh. Rev B P Jonnani, A. M (Prlncetom. lately of Si Mat thews' Military Academy. History, j Geography and Modern languages. John Steiger. A. 8., Mathematics and Chem- ; tatry. tail 4XI) rVPkrtS LIMBER FOR SAI.K. 150000 feet of ash suitable for whee!- wrightt. carnage makers, car works and interior house!;. Also* um'.er of all elxea We have resumed cutting our famous brands of cypres* shingles and will soon hava a full line of them for ' gale. VALE ROYAL MFU CO. KODAKS and GRAPUOPHONES PHOTO. SUPPLIES nnd RECORDS EYEGLASSES and SPECTACLES SJ.OO, that others charge S2.SO. Save your life, save a trip to Hot Springs, by taking FRANK’S REMEDY^ Cures when all remedies fail. LIVINGSTON’S PHARWI ACIEs7 Bull and Congress. Branch .HW Bull 51. Phones (‘Hones 382. Superior to All. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. PHONE 383 SFBCIAL UTI( U PAt bUIM. U, LU .U ISI.A*D CELt. uum lii rim* aitle ciukh. Thu pur.* cldar u >rv.d on at imem oa the Amertcn line, nnd at the Waldorf-As toria and leodina t.mliy grater. In Now York city. ,be puro Juice ot hond p > ksd a| plea from hi* own mill on the i>reinle. It to oboo lutely pure apple juice, and ail the eft or vtocene. is na'ural. ar.d we suaranteo N to be tha eh. Icaet cider In ,h.- world. Loading phj'OiCtana lr. New York and flrook.yn recumm,d thl cider to their pa Ici.U lie p-r( ci put*'y I, JOrantead. In Pauldln** Pippin clda-. only I .-mt la land Nawton'e Pippins aia vaed The ap ples are lafi on the *rees unill late in Oe lobar when they are hand pkkod and placed In a dry room to ripen. Pauldlnf e.i\a the a; pi a ar* thcr utb- I) crushed In h a own milt and the Jules pressed out and run Into aweet clean raeke ’ The difference be-ween cruablns ar.d gr.ndln, apples t very <reai You will Know lha difference between crushed appea and ground Apple, If you take *ome atem, and chew them you wll! And tha* bUter mate which la not with Pa .id:iCa crushed applta. Thl* elder hae not tba extreme ew etneu of tha ituasat elder, and everyone will nnd the Pauld <n* a Pippin cider just - l.rht to 'aka with dinner. UII'PMAN BROS . Bole Acenta In HavannatL PNESEIIVE YOU* SIIJHT By wearlr.B Blarses that not alone enable you to aee. but cqfrect every defect that may exist. a There la no ffuesswork In our methods We have the latest and most approved scientific apparatus for accurals eye tast ing. We make no charge for consulta tion or examination, and should you need the services of a physician we trill frank ly tell you no. Our crystal lenses are perfect In every respect, being ground under our own su pervision. They cannot be compared n value to th* kind offered as cheap by the so-called opticians or Jeweler, wtio han dle Inferior glasses as a side line. DR. U. SCHWAB A BON. Exclusive Opticians. *7 Bull Street. N. B —Oculist prescriptions filled sams day received. Repairing dsue at abort notice. NOTICE. We ore now moving our Wholesale De partment to (he commodious quarters 127 Congress street (formerly occupied by M Dryfus, and will be In perfect shape In a few days, and be pleased to serve our friends. SOLOMONS COMPANY. BE*OV RENO VATING. Hair. moss, tickings, fiber, feathers Our stork of new material and manufac turing products are up to dale. Our reno vating ami remaking has dellgh'ed many prominent residents. Ask your acquaint ances. Material sent us Is picked, steame l. Cleaned and medicated by modern mi cflnary. Making done by mechanics \V, confino our work to mattresses and bed ding generally. We sell tickings of all kinds, moss. hair, cotton, fiber, feather . or any article needed in mattress line. NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENO VATING CO., Ilell Phone 1*36 Ml Drayton street BECKMANN** CAFE. Chef Tresvau commences to-day lo serve his well known Merchants' Lunch lr m 11.30 to 2p. m Old and new customers are cordially in vited Also bill of fare ala carte. Respectfully. GEORGE BECKMANN. Importer Win rxbtirgcr Hof lb , ■ lllb WAS TO A LEAN CARPETS. Ti a only way lo get your carpets prop er.y laken up, clautied and taken care of f u r the summer Is to turn lb* Job over to tn. District vi sa, ng r and Delivery C 6 . telephone 2, or call al 23 Montgomery it mi, and they will moke you an aitb mate on the cost of tha work Prtosa rwaairat-le They also pack, move sod •tor* furniture snd pianos C. H. MSULOCK. Supt and Mgr. BONDS EAEC t TED By the American Bond.r.g and Trust i onipany of Baltimore. W are author txed to ssrut- locally (Imm diatelj upon app (cationj. ail bonds in Judicial pro- C'.dßgs In either the suite or United B ates courts, and of adm nisirat ra and guaidlsna DEARING A HULL AgvctS Telsphcna SR. Provident Building. NOTICE. The schedule I, changed for Springs. You can leave Savannah, via Pianl System, ai 5 a m , arrive al the Springe at 12.20 p. m. This schedule Is good for every day In the week. RUE MILLING, RICE FI.OIR, HUE CHAFF. We have anew in.II with all modem processes, and machUiery, and arv now ready for business We solicit your p.i iouage and Invite correspondence, nee chaff free :o patrons. THE BAVANNAH RICE MILL CO., T M. Cunningham. President. John Screven, Jr., Msnager, am t st:art:nts. gAVANKAH America's Tragedian, Mr. ROBERT DOWNING. Assisted by the Talented and Beautiful ALBERTA CONVERSE, ind :i complete company, including Chas D Herman. William Somers. Lillian Kingsbury and Mtnme Lindlsy, presenting his latest and greatest surcesAes, Matinee To-day 3 p m . "THE GLADIATOR." Prices—OrOieatra 75c. Balcony Mr. Gal lery 2Sc. To-nlsbt A:Jt> o'clock. • RICHARD. THE LION HEARTED" Prl< ee— Orchestra ll.Sn and ft no, Bal cony 75c and Me. Gallery 25c. gAVANNAH THCATER. Friday and Saturday nights and Satur- Mstlnee. Oct. 19 and M. Engagement of MR. CHARLES B. HANFORD Accompanied by MISS MARIE DROF NAH and a splendid supporting com pany. presenting anew romantic comedy drama by Lee Arihur, "PRIVATE JOHN ALLEN ” A alory of the South, faselnatlng by Interertlng deep heart Interest, clever comely, strong situations, thrilling cli maxes. Positively an elaborate scenic production, entirely new and appropriate to the atmosphere of the pay. Scats on sale. Price*—lSe, 60c. 75c, SI. Matinee, orchestra, balcony. 50c. ■riiNGia NOTICE*. Worcestershire Sauce. You will be surprised to find how cheaply a really superior srtlc> of Worcestershire can be purchased. The brand Is— Royal Worcestershire, an*l It Is second pi none made. Price for pints 3) cents, for half Idnta 10 cents. Just try It once* IK S. I MCI a. Corner Broughton and Whitaker. Phones 7. WEDDING SILVER. WEDDING CUT GLASS. WEDDING ART POTTERV. WEDDING DECORATED WARE. For everything In these linen anti a hundred other wedding specialties—at close prices for first class good*- see or write to us HUNTER & VAN KEUREN, Jewelers. 1(3 Bull slreej. Gg. I’horc 991. HARVARD PURE BEER TBADE SUPPLIED BY HENRY SOLOMON & SON, BREWER'S AGENT 8 NEAR ZERO THESE RESULTS ARE ATAINED BY HILL'S MATCHLESS REFRIGERA TORS CALL AND EXAMINE AT OUR STORES. HENRY SOLOMON & SON. liny nn! .feftersnn Street*. NOTICE. Neither the master, owners nor con sign. .• of the British suomshlp .Pydna will be responsible for uny debt* con tracted by the crew. J H CROSSLET. Matter. oi n cLir.NTu Loan money at six per cent, on real estate aecurlty. BECKETT A BECKETT, Attorneys at Law and Conveyance™. LEOPOLD AIJLEtt. j x ,, . President !> U-Log (*• 8- KLLIB. BABi v Vlca Pretidojt. Tli® Maltem Bin W ill be pleased to rs. th of Merchant,. Firms. Ina.w Ofi*l Corporntiona * A ** Liberal favors extended *TxsrZiZ2r m w SEPAHATE b A VIN3" OE COMI'OI'M„j, .fill LY O* DEPOSIT* lfcß * Safety Deposit Boxes tr i v. ■ rent. Correspondence aoll.-ltcj ' * ,0 * The CitizenslaS aavaavau ,i ’ .— c<p,T * L -*swcoa tiuei avee. '**“*'"* —•***( eulielta Aecoaat. . Uer.bee HmmkM '"“ 4 ' Cwll.ctton. haw4lw •••■•■ay and latere*, esapoosii.j C^wVc v^::. ,F “ •<— ■EANTLEY A. tSKHUAUH ■iLta i*. lour, vte, GF-(IHUP, c. FRF.rWAV. r..tu, •OEDOi. L. OROOVFH. A..,. , SOUTHERN MM o t tlia blttli ot GtAX*.* L'*V>ll durplue and undivided profits DEPOSITORY OF t In. STa'tbm GEORGIA •Superior faclllnee fur transacting , Getter a. 'lone n.atle U.'l ail acceeslble through Iwnke and taata^ Acuuuiit* at liei.its, li.r.Ke,, t.utl. arid others soltvttad. Bale Dep.k i*,in for rent. Department of Savings, Interest neysais quarterly. Bell, .Sterling Exchange on !/>nda, n snd upwards. JOHN FLANNERY President HORACE A. CRANE. Vic* JAiIFS SULT.TvaN DIRECTORS JNO. FLANNERY. WM. W. GORDON E. A. W'EIL W. W GORDON J. H. A CRANE. JOHN M E 0 LEE ROY MYERS JOSEPH FrR*T H P FMART CHARLES El.m EDWARD KELLY. JOHN J KIRBY Sum 11 1 in CAPITAL, A3AO,im*<j. Accounts of banka merchants, corpcrw t tons and Individuals solicited. Savings Department, interest wu quarterly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vaults fas rent. Collections mada on all points at r .enable rates. Drafts soi l on all the chief cities of t*. world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D WEED President. JOHN C. ROWLAND. Vice ! reeMWl W. F. McCALLET. Cashier. THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH, GA. ua.a* Undivided profUa kd Tbl* bank offers Its servli es lo uurpaft. Ilona, merchants and in livid jals Has authority to acl aa avecutor, H mlniatrator. guardian etc Issues drafts on the prlnrlpa; cl’las la Great Britain and Ii eland and on da Conti neat. Inter, at paid or compounded . iirtafiy on dopislta In the Savings Departmtal Safety Boxes for rent. lIKNP.Y BI.TTN, Presllert OEO. W TIE DEM.IN Vice PratHel J| lfN M HOGAN. Cashier ■WAITER F. HOGAN, As't Cad-lar No. UM. CbartrreJ. UB —THK— HIS HU i Or BAVANNAH. CAPITAL, r.. 0 . o'. BCKPICB. i’AOA UNITED BTATES DEPOtGTuRI. J A. G. CARBON, Pra-U ot. HEIR.S'K GORDON. VI >• PresMaal W. M DAVANT. Cashier Ac-asunta of tanka and ha'kra, urt* ehan'a and corporations received W<* the moat favorable term* consistent - 1 J safe and conservative banking THE GEORGIA STATE B LILDINQ AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 15 YORK STREET, WEST. - PER CENT, per annum allow*® ** O deposits, withdrawable on dun* 0 * Interest credited quarterly 6 PER CENT per annum • lo * deposits of even able at annual periods. OEII. W. TIED!.MAN. President B. H. LEVY. Vice President. B. W. REI.L. Secretary. C. O ANDERSON. JR . Tre.tUfW The Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Cos, ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Term* lo newspaper Pi® For sals, a Forsaltb Nawf|WP will fold shoe* Ex*a It *e ► r 1 * 1 Pries 808. U ooat originally B. °* P we have Do use for II end wain '*• *** It occupies. It will be an Invaluable adjua-' newspaper afßoe. Address MORNING NEWS, OLD NEWBPATERB. ** *''" V C ""* Uuelncaa Office Homing News.