The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 19, 1900, Image 1

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T ANARUS, MOUSING news ' Incorporated ISM t' j u ESTU.U President BRYAN IN NEW YORK , , |M A< K# WAA MARKED EA- AIIOAVX. GRE at MEETING AT OSWEGO. \r iiiat nnr tub moat xot iu.i; or TIIK DAV. nt Home Warn lrf anil Ht*eiDe— Attention \Vn Hr , w here * rowila Hrrr I - rod'i'll Amall—ln vlted a t om }>1 rltin *I the Two Plntfnrmi— An <lr>rr tinlbereil nt Ayracuae In n laid. Ilrlitllot Ualn. X Y . Oct. 18.—Willi im J nucd hi* tour of th* Kmp IV t , trawling half-way a.-roe* It , w at. lie Im'i;ju hi* journey • Mohawk and th© Itn- of ral. h© reached this fv>int late *fi moon. From her** Ik* made a r \ ird to th© southern >h. r of i,; t .. . nark* and mad** a Pjteeeh of half i . , 11ion .a (Maexo. Returning ,*• , > later, h© s|*ok© hre o n ght. lance .it the majority of m© - I . mplimenuiry in sue. and some . , . • were farce. In eom.oia- I , . . j aces was there mark'd n- I . , here was. however, clone t -; . ry ln?tanc©. and in no roe ■ v inurrupGon worthy of noi*\ r . meeting wan the best alt*nd' :htr reapecta the ino-t notable A if h!.< stopping places to-da' . was confronted by large and . l> i>.jted billa. warning th . , *a.usi him. Th** bills unuoui.ccd . . r. and lettera; “Bryan In here,* i . -rave *x:ra<*ta from hi* aperche? 4. . Knogvilia. Tenn.. m IW*. and at U.. last September, and then r .m? national dishonor and in w waxes or no wagon. Bread up house**. Hard Time*.*' Portmlfa lllapla >ed fit Home. \> I:: in npoke from a balcony In StanwiX llall in Home. In ir; front of him were ?usp©n<JoJ , i r rails of th** Democratic twin* i ationul ticket, while only a • way the portraits of McKinley til. • • \ -it also aw unc aero#* th* si**nce at this place was large and j and the speech was punctuated f;* . lent bursts of appiouse. Ex . i..' pleasure at being In Home, ir 1 it. .-aid that the larg© attendance ii . i. be accounted for upon the * at: urloshy. because he had been . y before, aial the people ther© i■. an opportunity to see and bear H cused the Republican* of t lac f the real Issues of the cani * * * i asked: not insult the Intelligent of * . fitixens when they ask their i : %.t decline to outline what they t to lo? Head tin* platform of [ * , omi>are It with the platform . ■ üblican party and you wtd hud | • is tliat the Democratic po- ■ I st t©d with n clearness tl at a I- I r.o ambiguity, while th** Kepubll- j states Its position in glittering j • ind spend* morwtlm© bragging it rain that the !©>rd has sent •• l ing of the imperial reign that j .! an party intends to bring up- ; i ountry." to the trusts in the Utica | Democratic? party Is intrusted > power, it Is pledgel to put forth f - T rt to destroy private monopoly ii fate and city, and I think that IU publicans now give m** credit k k.- honest In my determination to the platform. In fact, a senator U• . her day that that was the great :* me, i!a. I was hont'st and dangerous—an objection that rno*le to sonv* Republicans who * (’ in j>ow**r. I have promised thot t - * •• n., v general will not come from —and I have promised that he ' 1 <• the law.** V Triumph nt OKwrxn. '■•wego meeting proved one of the N'* 1 triumphs of Mr. Bryan’s nnrs was a reminder of his l*est Ohio ** * *•’- The meeting there was held in >ti S*piare, and th* Isind stand, - ut.ilsed as a siieiker’s i surroundo<l by a va* mas- of packed so closely together that 1 is Jf it would be imp *db!* to Hryan or other members of the '• m the train. ' w#*re i r .tmblv five times as many • present ue i*oubl hear what was 2 M* Hryan s|*ok** for only about half ll* mounted a table so ail Referring to the as** of the lirjan said he wasted h great *' • u* in visiting other places, “not 1 ■ the whole slat** would be in % f !. i 1 done In his previous speeches Mr. Bryan gave the principal - talk to the trust question. He ‘t tile Heptihlh'ans hoped by > c* I su- h means to deceive the o voting their tickets. In re ’ • voice from the crowd con tan h combination, Mr. Bry •* h* knew nothing iersonally •o tiie Oswego works, but that T**' I’**-n 1 ’**-n told that the works were 1 - f w r men now than formerly, r p \ circumstances connected !• k*l p’o*eedlngs against the ■ranch the starch combina t ? i.*T warns*! his bearers gen trusts of all ktnls as oal* •' any time to close any Industrial * ;r ‘ ’ which might be controlled by ‘ ”* i *iirn trio to Kyraruse was mads | . f ' ir and this city was reached at * r "" il In Wplfr of Itn In. . r 'Pirrllng rain, which set in r * ,v ' evening, *ikl not dampen In i dor and enthusiasm of the *’„** ‘ nv l whl< h greeted Mr. Hryan b', V Vr ‘V*d here at &;U5 o’clock from U:g ** l ‘h>wd was probably the y. *'■ his greeted n po it leal Nfr. r ‘ ‘' r many yrars. The crowd i‘‘" f * i squetsed Itself Into the large iV, ’ . t,r ■* on the tile Canal Backet . p k- fiom a stand h. ~ r ° n * of the Wleting Opera r. h h**ter there was a mass J • *, “' 1 fl wraa addressed by Mayor io until Mr. Bryan flnishe*! s ‘ J h. He spoke for half an t„• , nnd then went Into Kh T --*1 -poke for an hour and a f**,, .. * ‘’er speech he presented in -t,’ ne MUfB beginning with the P v ” ta *d ’hat he believed It was ? r#Vfnt * nsr Private monopoly P -L ' * n *ss in this country. His -firs, ilX* f °llow: aisiic u* o corporation take out Sntiannal) Moaning iXtlus. a license; the i squecse the wat*r out of the stock. 1 be.leve that this metlM>*l w'.U effectively prevented any monopoly from existing I believ* tha* you have got to destroy the trusts, or they will de stroy your liberty “ Then, taking up imperialism, he raid. In I art: The Republican* want to force upon you a standing army of 100,000 If this government is administered according to Jefferson’s Man of equal rights for all m l special privileges for non**, there will be no need of such a standing army. The cidy reason that can be given why the Republican waot such an army is to • ■nforce tyrannical 1 *w* against the labor ing man R i übih a* * ay that we re trying to i r you with the cry of im perialism in he Hhlllpplnes We have no titie t. the Philippine? AH we ever got from Spa n in return for our wan a license to hunt in the Philippines. W kenw when we acquired theislauds that the Filipinos eg|N*et* i independence. We say that th* Filipinos should h* treated as the Itepublicans promise to treat the Cubans.*' Tin* Im ( otnmnudmmfo. At Canastota Mr. Bryan sail that the Republican* had amende*! tho (*ornmand mem ,* as to read “Th ai shalt not steal— • amerniment to the Ten Commandments as ih tug In consonance with the Republican loliciea. making cne of them read: “Thou shalt n r *t kill unless there an* more of you than of the other fellow.'* At In Witt there were number of rall road men In Mr. Bryan’s audience. He stoke to them of the ‘ full dinner pall." Me said that even if there was a full pud for the laboring man It would be ini p ssible to trac* Its existence to the Re publican party. “The labor organisations of the coun- j try.’ he said, “have clone more for labor In the p.iwt few years than the Republican party could do In u century." He also said that the newspaper organ of 4he I/O. omotlv* Firemen had been re duced thirty-two page* in six*- l*eeause of the increa-ed price of paper du to th* l*npcr trust, and that the Republicans would probably be wiring to cut nil the remainder of the publh itkn so that the renders o # It could get nothing to read ex cept what the Republicans themselves might supply. JON I * M IliRB % mTEMKXT. lit* nil linn no Jlneh I'nrpoara ■> Are %eerellt**d to Him. Chicago, Oct. 18 Hena'or J. K Joi,3. chairman of the D* mo rat e National Committee, to-day made th** following statement: •‘lt has hien the fashion for the Re publican* for some years to denounce I cmu* :ais as arv*ri'hDt*, r v>l'itlotil s and th** like, ar.d the Republican party ems to have a monopoly of r-volution ary suggestions Just now. “We see a Secretary of the Treasury In an effort to disturb th# business of the country for poll!I al effect, suggesting that Mr. Bryan. In case of his election, would deliberate:)* evade the law. with a purpoae as and unpatriot ic as Ids own in miking thl* a gesiioi. Fortunately, Mr. Bryan has h*en before the {hi bile long enough for every on a to know that trick- and false pretenses are not among hi* weapons, and ,ugg**s t:ons of this kind excite contempt. 'Hut won** than this 1* tb* fart that other men, who should despise such pre tense*. affect to believe (hut In case Mr Bryan shall be elected, h* will pack the Supreme Court for purp- of Id? **wn. fan It b*- jHisslble that those m*M ih tn selves actually cont'midatc such revolu tionary methods In ca-e McKinley shall Ih* elected? Certainly no such revolution ary schemes have been advocated or even suggested by any 1 im> rat- of whom I have ever heard. Then- is nothing In any l>emo< rati platform *>r in the utterances of any assemblage of Democrats or of any single lending l>einocrui to uggest such an id**a. "Th* v sugg*-iion- originate*! only with RepuMlcxn* ond seem u> show, when once th* party has aban*loned the principles of th** constitution, to wnat ex raordinary length? it* extren * membeis are ilkeiy to go. This manifestation Is if itself a strong argtimer, for a return olatervance of th* principles >f the constl tut ion and of the Democratic do tr;n* o:’ a conservative an*l hone-t goyernment. “1 r*|aa. that ther* is nothing In any Democratic utterance U|>on which this tear of ‘at'uck upon th** Supreme four!* cu n he foumied. Th condruction pul up on 4he expre-s'.on? in the Democratic platform of I*S‘. which were perverted and misconstrued as a basts of such charges, was unwarranted and tint rue. No such |)iir;toi‘<' has ever entered th-'* mind of any Democrat, but the leading Idea with Dem ocrat* everywherr is to return to th* principles of he Constitution nnd to faith fully administer th* law* as written." JONR* HH’AKI OF TUB STM IKK. *ys Trn*t Show n Wholesome Re gard for l*whllc Opinion. Chicago, Oct. 18.—•Chairman Jones of the Democratic National Committee to day said: “The settlement of t!> miners* strike indicates clearly the fact that the trusts are beginning to have a wholesome regard tor public opinion. They would not have yielded to the demands of the men ex cept from a fear that the consequences might bo disastrous to the administration, which is the friend of the trusts This that the trusts are themselves afraid of public lesson will not be lost It means the people and is a hopeful sign for the Democracy." A* Republican National Commit!*.- headquarter* Secretary Heath stut**d that some weeks before th** strike was ordered Chairman llanna was requested by a del egation. headed by President Mltchll. to try to effect an adjustment of the miners’ grievances. Mr. Hanna informed the del egation that h* was glad to hear from them an*l that he would consult with the mine owners. *• as to be informed on Uith aide** of the situation After doing ,o. he concluded that nearly all f* h claims of the miners should be allowed The principal object of Mr. Hanna s la visit to New York. Mr. Heath said wa to consult with the min* owner* and ratl joad officials, and then he scored a promise that th.'> would accede to sub stantially all lof the miners demand*. Mrvensun at l.oalsvllle. t.wvtll*. N. Y.. Oct. E ttt.vrn.on nnd John M Quinn of Now York arrived hor. to-nlsht from Watertown At th. Opera Houe ,h.v wer. (treeted by l/M> per*x>*. there* o liberal prtnk!ln of ladle* in the audience. Mr. S.avenaon dUCU*ad Im perlalUm knd denounced the Philippine *r. Have Been finaetted. Madrid, Oet. II -Oen LJnaree hae been nxetted a mlnlater of war and Oen. Azarraxa as preeidsDl of tha aanatw SAVANNAH, GA„ FRIDAY, OCTOBER ID, I!NH>. BY FEVER AND SHOT MjU. AND MHV M. It. PETEMON 11 1 BO IN II % A AN %. WERE KNOWN IN SAVANNAH. dih:a!m;riu.K4) the u*banoand TUB WIFE ( OHMIITED id HIDE. t| ra. Peterson Went to llntitna to Nurse Her HasbanU—Shot Herself Willi a Revolver an Hour After Ills Death—llnu* in llavtun nt Unit llnst—M|. Petersna \%ns lliittnllon 4 (iinninnilrr of the Ililst likllooo While the Regiment Was Here. Havana, Oct. 18—Maj. Peterson, the chief commissary of Cuba, died 10-day of yellow fever Mrs. Peterson, his wife, who arrive*! here last Monday from Cin cinnati to nurse him, shot herself in the h* ad w ith a revolver one hour ufter the Major's death and died Instantly. The remains of MaJ Peterson nnd bis wif.* were interred this afternoon with military honors. The flag- nt B 1 Moro and on all the public buildings were at half mast. The tragic occurrence has greatly depressed the whole military couimutUty m Havana. Washington. Oct. 18.—The war depart ment lias recelv.*l the following cable gram: “Havana. Oct. 18 Surgeon General. Washington. MaJ Mott R Peterson, I*. H V . dies! at !*>s Animas at 8 o’clock Oct. 17. Mrs. Peterson, hla wife kllle l herself nn hour after. '■Gorgas. "Chief Sanitary Officer." MaJ. Peterson was of the cotnmieeary department and held the rank of captain of the regular establishment. He was a graduate of Wset Point and was appoint ed from North Carolina Mrs. Peterson was the daughter of a prominent business man of Cincinnati and was gifted with unusual charm* of per son and mind Her devotion to her husb and is Indicated by the tragic manner of her death. MaJ. Peterson and Mr- Peterson may be recalled by RavwnnAhlan*. Before h • muster out of the One hundred and sixty firs* Indiana Regiment he was In com mand of one of th** battalions, hav ng been given an appointment in the com mand, under Col. Winfield T Durbin, up on its organization. MaJ. pet*r-on wa with the regiment when It arrived here in the fall of 1898 from Jacksonville and remained until the command left for Cub*. He was with It again when it returned from Cuba to l*e mustered out of ihe ser vice. Being an officer in the regular army, he was then subject to orders and b*• he received took him again to Cuba. Ha was an affable, pleasant gentleman and was regarded a- an excellent officer. He was :i t the point at th*- rime time wl-h Col. Oscar Brown, who was In command of the Second Georgia >n the HpanPh- Amaricxn War. YKLI.OW FBVKM I\l it K AXl\<i. I’,-it ml There Ms) " He nn Kto lu From tlnnai<. Havana. Oct. 18.—Yellow fever Is In creasing here. Il Is said that there Is not one block In the city but has contrib ut'd from one to seventeen cases. If there Is no Improvement there will soon lie an exodus from here. Frank W. Hayes, general manager of the Havana llranch of Ihe North Ameri can Trust Company, who Is suffering from yeJlow fever. Is very low, and Mrs. llnyes his been isolat'd with him HANDWRITING EXPERTS. Testified In Ihe l‘l rleb-Jone* Case, f srisllia said Ihe < liecks Were rnrgrrif*. New York. Oct 18.—Preliminary pro ceedings In the Rice case resumed to-day before Magistrate Urann. The accused are Albert TANARUS, Patrick and Charles F. Jones. The charge Is forging the name of William M. Rice to a check for drawn In Pal rick's favor on the hanking house of Swenson & Sons of this city. Walter O. Betherhee, who was on the stand yesterday, was cross-examined by Dowyer House for the defense. The wit ness sakl he would not swear that the $25.(100 check was not signed by Rice, but In hta lies! opinion It was not. James A. Baker, Jr., the next witness, said that he was Rice's private counsel. He told of his getting some papers from PaSrlck. These were the alleged forged checks, one for 125.000 and the other for s&;.<, The checks were given him volun tarily by Patrick, he sakl. In witness' judgment the signature were not those of WOllllam M. Rice. William J. Kinsley. Ihe first handwrit ing expert witness for the proseeutlon.wae next called. He said Ihe signatures to ihe Checks for *2s.<s*> ansi soo.'*> were not written by the same hand that wrote the signatures) on the standards of compari son submitted to him. I'nder the croso-examlnallon of Mr. House Expert Kingsley slated that he was employed by Para Haker. He had made no arrangements with Cept Baker as to compensation, hut It ws understood with Mr Oerard of the law firm of Powers A Sands that It would be from *o to !l> a day. Davll N. Carvalho. Ihe next wltnqas. and, -lured that Ihe signature* lo the dis puted Cheeks for 135. W and s.<•) ore for geries Mr Carvalho -old. In reply lo Mr. tiro-man of counsel for the accused, that the forgeries were the work of an unskilled 'orger He though, that after the Iran- Inge hod been !!llrd In. bread was used over the dry Ink to' efface the iro Ing marks In the Initial letter of the signa ture in the cheek. Ih- odln-ae tesl t,, and having found strong snd unmkiiak aole evidence of dry pen tracing." MiMMtA Ih IXDIONAXT. Doesn't Want Invalid Troopers Re turned tn the Steerage. Dondon. Oct. 19.—The morning papers express indignation at the discovery that the admiralty Is sending home a doten invalided AuetralUn troopers, who were attacked wsth enteric fever. In the eieer age. A charitable fund has been wired to (Yibralter. where the troopers have been recuperating, ta Insure their truant er t* second cabin PROPOSITIONS ARE MADE. Prince t tiing nnd 1.l flung Bhang Make Ali anoea—Tkej Arc lnok lug fur n Set llrnieul. Washington, th-i 18 For tho first time In three days Minister Conger was he*rd from at ihe S.ate D**i>uttm*nt to-day. lie communicated by cable the eub-*ian , e of certain propositions advanced by Prince Chlni; and Id Hung Chung a* a teds for the conduct of negotiations for a settle meni of Ih© Chinese trouble. The Chinese government had prepared the way for these by a preliminary action looking toward the punishment of Chinese officials guilty of complicity in tin* Box r uprising While the text of Mr. Cong r’a omniunlCMikiii Is not made public. H is believed that the last Chinese advance is a idre***-*! to some of the propo*ituns con tained In the French nob*, being m the nature of counter propt-sal* and proceed ing upon the theory that what lias be n done in th matter of punishment! sufficient t. meet the demands of ih** Powers tn that respect. It wa* learned at the Htate Department * tat Mr. Conger's previous Instruction tit him perfectly to deal with the n*w phase of the Chinese sltuutlon developed by the general acceptance of the French note us the basis for prewtiu action Y* -lerday M. Thtebaut. the French charge here, called at tm** State Department and proposed to the secretary the immediate Institution at Pekin of negotiations for a settlement, and It appeals that the sec retary' then agreed to do hi* part. Hi? promise was made verbally, and it may not l>e redueed to writing at all. but Mr Conger 1* already acting in eonformtty therewith Most of the Poweres have accepted th** French note with reservations, hut it Is said that they H agree upon a sufficient number Of points of the first magnitude ;o warrant tha assembling of the diplomatic body at Pekin to t*egln th * work of formulating objects of common dtsir** and reconciling divergent views It is probable that to this body will b. referred th** latest t hlnesv counter pr.** csltlcn regelved to-day by cable from Mr Conger. TUB TAKING OF MUKDEN. Further Particular* of the Opera tions Received by Russia. Bt. Petersburg. Oct. 18.—Th© war office has piiblmhcd further official advices re garding th* advance to the occupation of Mukden. These show that the Russians left camp at Lino Jan B*pU 30. The Chi nes** mired before them in disorder, plundering nnd burning the villages as they traversed them. The main h*dy of Chinese ret Ind in the direction of Muk den, although large numbers moved east ward and westward. At Jan Tat Gen. Subbovlteh, one of the RtissiOn commanders, learned that the Chlnee authorities had deserted Mukden and that th* r 11 ght bad been followed by that o fth© Chinese troops, after pil laging the town. He Immediately dispatch ed a flying column, under Col Arinmonoff. which, after sight resistance, occupied Mukden at 1 o'o’ock p. m.. Oet. 1 einplund— shrdlu omfwyp vhgkqj xxftfl The Chinese had fired the mines and ffi*- Mroyd the city gates The* found all the building? belonging to Euro pean** and native converts burning Tba imperial palace had been looted nnd |vr tialiy burned. A f**u Chinese maintained a wwk rifle fire In the sireets. but soon retired The miin body of th*- Russluu* occuple 1 th** town In th* course of the following day and cleared out ail of th** remaining Chi nese troops Considerable Mores and wr material, with some indent guns und rifles, were funl. PHiIPOSAI. FOR ShTTU'IHFAT. One Prom Ihe Chinese la Considered In London. 1-ondnn, Oct. 18.—A representative of the Associated Press learns that Prince Chlng and Dl Hung Chang have lln.illy succeeded In drawing up a Joint proposal for a settlement. This has Just been re ceived by the Powers. Beyond (he fact that It la likely tn re quire considerable alteration before prov ing acceptable, nothing Is ascertainable here regarding Ihe actual terms. The Chinese minister here professes Ignorance of such proposal, but It can li' definitely sakl that It is now enguging the attention of the British foreign ot!h-e. t'lmu: rt mix. it on. Taking the Lend In Trying tn tiring About Pence. Paris. Oct. 18 —Russia, Austria. Ger many snd Great Britain having alrradv replied affinnat.vely to M Ihdcanse's note, he Is notifying the Powers of the acceptance of Ihe ilrst note and Is ask ing them to Instruct their ministers at Pekin to begin |">*ce negotiations. Favorabie replies are expected from all M. PI eh on. the French minister at Pekin, therefore, ha- been Instructed to place himself In touch with the ambassadors and Chinese emissaries tor the tairpos of opening negotiations at Ihe earliest moment. PROURRH OF THB ALLIES. AAnldrrsre lias Taken Charge of the Empress* Palace. Pekin. AVednesdny. Oct. 17. vis Tien Tsln and Shanghai. Oct. 18—The Pekin column of the Pao Ting Fu expedition ar rived ala point six miles south of Chi Chow yesterday, without encountering op position. They found the heads of fourteen Boxers on the walls at Chou Choon. arid they killed seven of the Impei-lnl troops. Field Marshal Count von Waklerse. has arrived here ami has been accorded full military honors. He was accompanied by an eseorl of International troops to the palace of the Dowager F.mpresa. WAS rt REI-V FORMAL. \ natter of the t nlted Sintra Sent tn the Emperor. Washington Oct. 1* —Secretary Hay said to-day that the reply lo the message of the Emperor of Chins, thanking the President for the attitude of the United States snd expressing hope of a speedy arttlement, had been dispatched It was purely formal In character; It thanked th Emperor for his expressions and Joined In the hope of u speedy snd satisfactory peace A Rsee, Comment. Berlin. Oct. ll.—Commenting upon Kwang Hsu's message of thanks to Pres McKinley, the Boerrer. Courier says that this Is "proof of the responsibility of th* Untied States for Chlnesa stubbornness." MAY CONVENE AGAIN row it F.vriciN in Tttoi ri.e- XOAIB TO Till. STRIKERS. WANTED STRAIGHT ADVANCE. INCREASE MIT TO I MRU At K A INC ( HEABE IN t OAT OF PtIAA HER. Nearly All (if tlie <ni|innle Agreed to Amend Notices Already Posted. They A!*l%e Their otter of to Per tent. Adxnnee Hold Good After April I I mil Further Notice. Alltehell Wouldn't Itlseusa the Ef fect I |iun a Prosper!!* e Settle ment. Bran too, Pa., Oct 18 Repre *niall\e* of nearly a l the big the region conferr* I here to-day and nudo an aKre nidil to amend the noti< **s .<1 ady issted by ait.n hing li* f.4l wli g “Infurther explarmtion of h* atiove no tice. this company desires to say that II I* Its Intention to pay the advance tn wages above noted until April 1, 1901. inti there after until further not!•■." The following statement was issued to the press: ‘The representatives of the 'O-il companies after their meeting this uft-r --rujun statrtl. In reply t* imiUtrles, that they had offered th* .r men n 10 per cent, advance as inll*-ai**l by the notices they had pasted; that this notice ptolflcilly stated that the reduction of iln* powier from E 7a to ll.iiO w>ulci Ik* considered In arriving at the wages of tlie contract miners. It was expected when the n üb**s wer** posted that th** offer wa* to stand until April 1 and indefinitely thereat Ir, but Inasmuch as th* ie seem.*- to be om** misuml*rstatullng in this matter, they have agreed to add to their nolle* a clause to the effect that it is their Intention to pay the advance In wages until April 1, ISWI. and ihereafier until further notice." National President Mitchell. District President T. D. Nichols, District Kecr**- tnry John T. Dempsey am! National Or ganiser Ditcher of the Unite*! Mine Work ers have all la** n quoted us saying that the resolution? of the Hcranton Conven tion contemplated a straight advance of to per coni. f*r all |*rts of the region, and that the matter of having this In crease made up In part of a decrease in the cost of powder, in these upper re gions where powder Is sold for 12.75 a keg, was not to b© agreed to. The |*ow der question, they one und all said, was left out of the present negotiation* with the understanding that it should form one of the grievances to be adjusted in the conferences which the offer says the o|*- vrators agree to have with their men to “take up any grievances they may have.** President Mit - tiell, when Informe*! hr telephone of th© action of the operators, *tat*-d that he would have to decline to dho'uss Us probable effect In arranging s settlement until h* i*l given th mil ter careful *onsib*rMtlon 11•• would not say whet Iter or not It would be panil4** to d*al with the difficulty without calling another convention. President Ni* hols, whnsr whole district Is affected by the |Hw*ler question, euWl this evening that it looked to him as If another convention was necessary. “1 do not know that the delegates will consent to waiving the r d* maml for a straight Increase ami allowing the sub stitution of this clause about powder, which the operators are ?o lnd*t*nt i*out.“ sold he “Hut without their con- S'-nt. I do not see how the matter can he adjusted To me It look* like a prolonga tion of the fight." Th* Gibbon* Coal Company’s *’rlft. which supplies fuel for the city schools, started up thl** morning, full handed, with the approval of th© min© workers It Is understood that the company shall mine on.y sufficient * oal to All Us contra*'t with th© school district. The men are to receive the straight 10 per cent advance Fifty hands are employed. AO MOVE FOR AD.II AT ME AT. Striker* - Ollt'-lnls Took nn Action During the Hay. Haxleton. Pa.. Oct. 18.—As far as end ing the coal miners' strike Is concerned, not a move In Hut! direction was made by Ihe Pnlted Mine Workers' officials to-day. President Mitchell Is absolutely silent on oil questions pertaining to the termination of the ronteal, ami It Is not believed that he will have anything to say on rhe sub ject until he calls a meeting of Ihe Na tional Executive Board for Ihe purpose of considering Hie question of la-ulng a for mal declaration calling the sirlke off When that shall be. depends, W Is un derstood. entirely upon Ihe operators The feeling Is prevalent here 10-n!ght that Ihe decision of Ihe operators' meet ing at Hrrsnton to-day to Insist that th redunion In th* prlc* of powder must be taken Into consideration In determining the net )<> per cent. Increase In wages has complicated mailers somewhat. Fur ther delay In reaching an amicable ad justment of ihe trouble is now feared. TtItAKA IT l OVF.It. Act, York Retail Itealrrs t ome Dona nn t oot Prices. New York. Oct. 18 —The announcement of the end of th* strike had an Immediate . fT.d on ,h kcal eoal market, and It Is stared by the retail dealers that, beginning to-morrow, all ikmiestk- sixes of coal will In ofT-r*4 to Hi* rbnsiimer ala reduction of 50 cents a lon from th* prices that prevailed during the strike. OHAWIAU TO AA EAD. The Verdlrt la the Aoatsey Ease I* Expected To-iti). Georgetown. Ky.. Oct. 18—The Youlsey trial ls drawing rapidly to a close. All Ih* testimony Is In. ihe Instruction* have been g.ven Ihe Jury ond the speeches are being made. A verdiot 11 exfneied by to morrow afternoon. There Is no Improvement In Youlsey's condition, though he 1* not any worse to day. Now and then the paroxysms re turn. and for an hour afterwards he Is much worse, but Is still able lo rally, allowing remarkable vitality. Opinion here as to the verdict Is divided, some thinking M will he guilty, while others believe In acquittal or a hung Jury. I.mean's Withdrawing, Shanghai, Oct. l*.-The Germans an withdrawing their troops stationed hers and a transport la expected tomorrow. JOHNSON CALLED AGAIN. Fxpert Accountant on (lie Mood tn • lie (irrrnr-tin* nor €*•©—t|uea tlooed by Hose. New Yoik, Oct. 18 K(4ward I. Johnson. *f New orienns. wa? the first witness called before i'ommls*loner Shields to-day in the proceedings for the trtnoval of John F. E Ii and W T. Gay nor an*l U. D Greene to tho Jurisdiction of the United Slat*- Court In Georgia. Mr Jt>ftiis iv is the l*atik examiner who preiutred an ©xnaustlve analysis of the accounts of Gr-n* aid flay nor for th* work done by them In th© harbor of Sa vannah at)*l rIV* i** ill <;•: K I The 2!l> *i?* purports to show exactly wlvat becem** of over E. 000,000 paid to Greene and Gay t or by the g vverimient. on checks drawn ty ex t’apt u M farter It also pur l*-rts to show that It. F. AY ©strati, far ter * father-m-iaw, rt*cl\©'l one-tklrd of the amounts divided It not onl% assumes to show that We tcott rwa*lvr I ttil? money *ui that he InwMed it ami turnwl the tntnds thus pur ha-ed over to Carter Mr. Johnson croas-examlnai! by Abram J. Rose, uttgney for ti** defandint. said th© statement was prtp.vrl fran the the i?*oks of Imivk* aisi lookers In this city ni and elsewhere where the defendant had n< count? The i©r!*<l tovered is from net; to i*7 Mr Kro attemised to snow that tl* MUHHint? Invesis*! by far ter wtr© it* g- ther ibsprof o ' oust© to the sums he might have invested If h© received, a* alleged, of the amounts {mi*l Greene anl Gs>tu*r Withes* said thot the sreming llfferen e was fully a** our• ed f**r by the fact that certain imynietds ai *g*d t< have breil l*4i I*l Carter as shown by* the anoly-l*. had not been invested by the enginar offi*er ni the time tw licfivni them The comp! hit lon did not pretend to show all th© profits of live business it showed tin* sum hiii t*i N*w York and which h a.-sum*d were divld*l into till© parts. After r© ©*a the matter r*f the payments •luring the year INK were taken up. John son said that In )Bi*i two checks, aggre gating I&7&.<nD. were paid by order of Nr ter. ns ilishurslng offi*er. Th** witness purports to show* In his compilation that the amount due Ii D Green© under the supposed arrangement was 8118.141 68. less ammints advanced by him. and shows by his analysts the investment of a sum within ii few hundred <k!lars of that omouni Included In Mr. tjreene'a ac count wer** lfin government bonds, worth SIB2'NO. several thousand dollars less than Carter’s share of the proceeds. Witness had never heard that these bonds Were turned over to farter. Witness saltl that part of th© bonds were sold by Greene’s brokers and the pro ceeds credited to Mr. Greene's account. The bonds were sold in November. 1K97 The hearing was adjourned until Mon day next ROOSEVELT WAS AROUSED. Ilt©an'( lilke Ihe MiitrmrnU Arrrfd* lied lo lllui—He la Vv Tourlnq \\ eat VlrtflnlM. Wheeling, W. V., Oct. 18 -Gov. Roo*©- velt ©lofted hla compfiiqn in Ohio At the town of Navarre and entered at noon up on hi© Weat Virginia Itinerary, mnking hi* flrt *|*eeoh here lo a large crowd which gathered at the Fair Ground*, or h.d followed him there In a notable pa rnd*. Gov. Ilooeevcfct #*iid in i*art “1 want to t all your attention to a cir cular tha* haa been circulated on theae ground* ly a lot of aooundrela. It contalna what purport* to lx* extract* from ?pe©**hea I am *ald o have made, in one of which I am accuaed of ©eying thac the way to get rid of Hryrnnlem or labr trouble* wa© to stand the offender up again©! tho wall and ©hoot him. and that any person who would J*in a strike or go rear one *houl! be kill'd. “They dare not give th© dates of th© ©pe© h©s h©cau?© there wer© no auch •pecob©?. It her In N©w York or Chicago or anywhere el©© The atntemeut© ar© lies, known 10 h© lies by those wno start ed them, and by tho?# who clrrulaied them, and It I? cherart©rl©tlc of th© party which s and* f->r civic diaorder arvl lawlfsanes© at horn* rind th© dishonor of th© flag abroad, that It should tak© refuge In *h© fouletM and rn<>at deliberate men dacity when all other met hols frail.** THINK* OF TUB KM TBit OH. \\ illtam \% rote llolirnlnhr an %nto acrnplr l.eftrr. iWrlln, Oct. li.—Bmperor William has written to Brine© llohenlohe an autograph letter, ylekllng to the rhrrv*Jk>r© re quest for relief frm hi© officlsl duties anl expr??lnK th© warmest thanks for hla fldelity, distinguish***! services, self-sacri ficing devotion arnl unvarying faithful ness. Th© retirement of Prince floh©nk>h© Is. naturally, th© principal theme of discue ©lon here. The Agrarian and Li her a I pres* say the chanedlorsMp has practically long t*e#*n vacant The press, generally. n )>pt? on ©x|>ectant ntilMel*. and there I* much (Airlodt/ as to (*ajnt von Buelow * policy In respect to tht* Prussian Diet and th© Imperious demands of th© Junker Bquierarchy. The general feeling is thot a strong, young Ptot©?(nan behm* the re ?ia#n*ih|© chief In command of the atote arsl empire. orriCIABBY BUTIPIBD. Usahlsglnn la Advised of Von Use* low's Ho re© an ton. Washington, Oct. lS.—Th© Btate De part to-day re< elved the following cablegram: “Berlin, t>ct. 18 —Hecretnry of Btnfe. Washington: Princ© llohenlohe has re tired and Count von Buelow been appoint ed chancellor of the empire. No crisis and no change In the policy of the govern ment probable. Jackson, Charge." I lIHITIKII ARE AA Dll 111 ED. Oprratias. nt th. Iln.r. D**lar*d tn ll* Intfivrattl.. Prstorla, Oot. II —Th* Bo*r* ar* daily l<orinx up portion* of th* rallroait and eultlntc Ihe t*l*xram and l*l*phon* wlrea Th*lr attack* ore Intolerahl*. Tho im pairing lln*sm*n cannot Inin th* kar rlaonnl point* without considerable ee eorte Th* only remedy iwmi to be to corral all the burahera and deport them, a* ap parently none can he t rueted. Pope AVa* Forbidden. Rome. Oet. I*.—The Pope Intervl*d to visit Hi PereFs fo-dsy enl hi e tho French end lietlan pl artm*. but Dr Dap ponl forbad* him to do o. owing to Ho pontiff ufr*rlnk from a slight cold. Il lo hoped he will be able lo visit Bt. Deter s Baiurday. nexL DAIRY, iv A YEAR. 6 CENT* A COPY WEEKLY 2 A YEAR SAVANNAH’S HARBOR IMOk* FOR A RfUrOOT CHAY ni:i. po hi: m u>e. COL LESTER’S INFLUENCE t row i ii n i. Fti Ton in iiKiiii.r or mi': im'Hnvnmarr. Ill.rr nnil Harbor Hill In Hr l'rr.,|. •*tl I*. I nnnrrll In Dri'rahrM dpi, (■lll.-llr'. Immml U nrk In I nliurr. tl.n Will, flar llmi.r—Hr. Irakrn', I ■nrililnri N„l Hrnnr,lr4 Krrlnntlr In W nnliluulon—W lint W„ul.l In. %VIYIi Him In thr lion,, W.ihliiitioii, Oet. It.—Them In nn <rn rt (l„lr on Ihe |ur( of iho Wnr ln -partmrnl ..Ifl lain lu h ive Snv.innjh har- U>r l,ii|>r<rvetl to the full extent of It* tom mer. In I rmiiilirtivntn. Knelii'-rr odlmrn ahmli H.i tiiiv.iniiuh nnil t'uniferrlaml ttoun.l have nuPTer,l In r)n'.|uMU'e nt Ihr (llnojontrrr* In I hr* ■ i ,>f i.'jp*. t'nrtrr. In • onvrr,nlWm with i"I Ma k'iulr, in otarxe of ihe rivet nn.l h.irUtr .llvmlmi of Ihe tmri>n .T enxinerm. on thin nubjvct, I I,rtrin.l that II In Ihe Intention of the n*i imnlnlraiiim i nrx'' U|wn Cunßrena im* Im|>rt ntier of Iriß n river nn.l hnrhor bill tlurlnx Ibe enrly hmim of Ihe cumin* nhon n* n.lon. In Dncrnbcr, Reprenenlnllve Iturioii of Ohio, elinlr* mnn of ihe lllver nnil llnrtmr mini lire of Ihe lioune. ml n In h .ohlngU'n * f. w 'layn xo. he noubl bin, n call for Ihe conuiMliin to nniombl* liimi..llHi ly nfler Ihe |> nlinl > :reilon, lo |ire pore Ihe liver unit hnrhor bill. , Unit II may I.' premnlml US noon nn Consrenn cotivrnn*. Ii in hi* Intention to try Mid ne- uro lie iMnenxe In fore the i'—n hotlilay rermn In Inken. Them In no doubt In the mind of Col. Mnckensie I tint provision for tetvinx Bu vunn.ih hnrhor ■ of fret of writer will in. mnile In the new rlvr nnd haf. her bll!. Col Mnekeniie went mv,to nny lli.rl the Intere.'ln of S.ivAniirth ure tietn* fulthfiilly nn.l ably limilc.i ufter by illile'le, nnd llie n|*foi,itm**ni >f the bonrd <'f oflli err. now Iri n* niton ut H.ivan* nnh. lo exnmlnr ntl ri lion m to w hnt rhnnnei or inn !!f!<'nt!ofi er • iioeniarT 10 curry out Ihe |vtnn for <l'm jh nli.n H ivnn. nnh harlw wan pr<n|>l"l by a romyrn heunlve eupplemeninl ri'iiorL.recently nub. milled to the chtet ol cnslneer. by ( ulit. OlHett*. An Inn nny. ern hie Aricnment, In hln retiort. whlrh In now In the hands of Ihe Chief of Engineers. Capt. Ulllelle. rnitken an unnnsW' rable plm for a proje.-t which. If faithfully carried out, will *lv Hnvannnh harbor ample facilities for tho ever-increasing commerce of that indus trious and thriving port. Col. Mnekrnsle nays It Is unfortunala lhf ,he apiirofirlnllon for Hnvnnnnh hnn been lied up In ron>ei|iiriiee of the Carter compiles Doan, but there In clear sky In night for Savannah, and In tho near fu ture she wl I gel her just deserts In Ihe matter of harbor Improvements. Tim Chief of Knclrmcrn has managed to keep Ihe dredging of the elMnn.l going right along nnd an annual appropriation for ih<t work hnn lien steadily recommend—) by the Hecrtrtury of War In hln reports lo Congress. It Is quite probable that some modlflen. lions will lay suggested In Ihe original Ciricr plans ns a result of the pen.lln* examination by the board, of which Col. Peter C. Ilalnes Is senior officer, but In any event It Is quite rerialn Hint It will be nercniiry lo build a modern deep sea dredge and keep II station—l permanently In Havnnnnh. Charleston Is ms having one ronstrurted for her harbor, and two others are being built for ut> along the Ho.jth Atlantic const. line tn I I.nuresnninn Icier. t>f course there In something hewldes ihs friendly 'llep.efiton on ihe jir' of Ihe Wor liepartmcnt lo sour, for Hiv.innsh hartior oil that she require. |n Ihe coming river and harbor hill The previous goo I work of Col. lister, ns the ranking tkm— erallc mcmln r of the lllver m and liarlmr Committee. Is really at Ihe bottom of ihe friendly feeling In la-half of lHavat nth. ex |iricicc In Congress and '-ff.ellvn service on that Impot'ant comml'tee hat laughi Col. lister the value of reclpraelty. lie has always managed lo maintain cor dial reiallm* with ihe engineer <1 part mem of the army, la-.-susa be wa- ever willing 10 recognise their jurt recom mendations In la-half of narltortoo. ir> Jeols, and coming from a live y comma - clal city like Hovannah. could b-tt'-r t>- preclaie the demands of commerce then some of the members of ll:a ■'sr.iD-'t— who represent towns The Col<>- nel hss a quiet hut effective method of looking after the Interests of hln cocatl luenls which m.mirs of other delega tions would he glad lo imitate, if that only coukl only catch on to hla persuasive system. A 111. l for I'ntrnssge, At Republican or Democratic congres sional headquarters but lltlle. If any. stock Is lak-n tn Ihe announcement that As slunnt Diserlct Attorney li-aken in going lo compete for congressional honors, with Col. Denier, from the Havannah District. I! Is nurmlaxt that Mr. l.cak- n nntlclpataa the re-election of President M Klnley and In order to retain his |slllon and si the same time control llie f—brill patmnnga In Havnnnah. he Is willing to offer himself up as on official sacrifice on the political altar. This I. the view O—.rglsnn at this end of Ihe line lake of Mr Deaken's ran. dldary. He must realise that he haa no show of defeating Col. l.estcr. Indeed, there ore many Republicans who are anx ious for Col. lister to remain In Con gresa, because of his liberal nnd broad mind'd statesmanship In dealing with great national questions. Fancy, for an Instant. Ihe voters of fta vsnnnh. disregarding their own commer cial Inleresls to the extent of sending Col. Dester Into retirement, and substi tuting for him the gmial and affable Mr. Deaken. The lalier would come to Wash ington al Ihe very lime when Havannah needs an Influential man to represent her In Ihe House, If the Democrats should carry Ihe House, what would become of Mr. Deaken when the committee assign ments are made? Would he go on the River and Harbor Committee, one of the most desirable committees next to the Committee on Appropriations? Not much. He would he hurled at the tail-end of some Insignificant committee, where he would never he heard from, and It might lake iwo or three terms for him to se cure one-half the recognition that Col. Dealer enjoys. On Ihe other bond, should the Democrats elect the next Speaker. Col Dester. as the ranking Democrat on tha committee, wou'd naturally aucceed lo the chairmanship Even If the Republi cans retain control of the House. It Is quite likely that the Colonel will retain his place on the ooromittee at the head of she minority.