The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 19, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 IS BUSY WITH HIS MESSAGE. oovemor i'rhparing hi* nHKit to Tin: n hi:. A rhmKr In lll** I onvlet Will Hr Recommended, amt the 4i*v rrnnr Will Have •nwrlhlM l ** Abnul Pabllc <rlml.ourl <*ltl rrr. Will Oppose *rw Convict Law. Fonr Railroad* Have Agreed In Thr Hlnnia Depot Plan and Ihe Appropriation Will Hr Hrrom mended. Atlanta. Oft. 11-Tbe message of Gov. Candler ha* been about half completed A portion of thr document >* eent to th* printer lhl morning and the rest will be IM'TII A* won hh ronn* of thn Btiilr Ilonw official*, who have not made lh< Ir report*, send them In to the Governor and an sovn a* the railroad* are heard from *aym* whether or not they will pay e.x per cent, on the propor. ,| r.ew and. pot The roe*-age to l.e trlven the a.fttnblr will he very Important thin year and will contain norm recommendation* on which thr Legislature In nitre to take act! n Onr of the most Important r.c uwnctvdl - will hr In repaid to the change In the convict system The Govern' r will also have something to ray about the public et hoole, which will no doubt be in tercut In*. He la In doubt now aa to whether or not he will be able to gel the message ready for delivery by thr time Ihe legislature rmetn. which In negi Wednesday. Solicitor* of the different court clrrulie In Georgia would be affected by the rw convict law which would be recommended by Gov. Candler. In the event It should paee the legi*lature It would also tak** away compensation from clerkn anil sher iffs of superior court* If the round'* work the convicts and receive no pay. the solicitor*, clerks and sheriff# are also out of pocket. It In expected that vigorous opposition will hr made to thr hill unless there be some provision In It providing for pwv to the courts and officers Several solicitors who arc here attending III" Supreme Court were een this morning and every one la opposed to the recumfnendsilon >h. Governor Intend* to make, unless they are taken care of The aollcltors, cletk and sheriff* gel in at of the money from lees and If these fee* are removed, so they claim. Ihe offices would not be worth boding Four of the railroads entering Atlanta the Central of Georgia, the Atlanta and West Point, the Georgia and Ihe Naah vllle, Chatt mooga arid St I.mis. have agreed to pay the six per cent rental On anew union station, the price reoulred by the Special l>i pot rvmml#-lnn If the slate should erect the building Thl practically settle* the depot question If Ihe laei.islature will make the approprla tion The Southern Hallway ha* not been hen id from so far. but General Manager Biott. of the Georgia, raid this morning the Southern would do the same as th olhera. Gov. Candler has not been notified of the agreement of the railroads, but h vill probablv lie acquainted to-morrow with the aellon of the four, eo that tn ran Incorporate the recommendation for the appropriation in his message He agreed to make ihe recommendation pro vided the railroad* should pay the six per cent. Every obstacle Is now out of the way for anew: depot In Atlanta MJ. HANSON HTCEBDEI). Elected Director of the A. A AA. P. Vice the latte . M. Comer. Atlanta. Oct. 1* -George C Smith was re-elected president and general manager of the Atlanta and West Point railroad at a meeting of the stockholder* this morning. M.tJ. J F Hanson of Macon was elected a director to succred the late 11. M Comer. The other members of Ihe od board were re-elected Aside from an agreement to accept the proposition to pay a A per cent rental for anew depot In Atlanta, no other business was transacted. No mention was made of an alleged consolidation of the Georgli Atlanta anal Weal Point oral Western of Alabama with the Louisville. about which there has been much speculation. *t l( ll>E AT II AINKIHIIMaE. Important Matters Considered by m, Georgia Pine Railroad. B.itnbrblge. Ga . Oct. IS —Bruce I.ynn. a prosperous farmer of this county, com mitted suicide here to-day. Ills act was unex|>ected and his condition was no; realised until there was scarcely a ves tige of life left In him li Is said that he took two bottles of morphine The eauac of the autclde Is unknown He was under the Influence of whisky when the ad was committed He )eavc a family nr 1 children. There was u meeting of the stockholder* ond directors of the Georgia Pine Railroad held here to-day. lit which sum*- very Important steps were taken toward ex tending ihe road from Palnbrldgc to Tall ahassee. - - - m ■ * idv tnorrtir< view of it. Drnnrrsn 4 uuld Gain hut I.title Es i-onragrmrnt From It. Atlanta, Ocl. I*.—Congressman L. F Lilvingrton. who haa been speaking In the interests of she Democratic party In New Jersey, returned to Atlanta to-day Mr Livingston thinks that Indiana. Illinois. New York, Kentucky, West Virginia. Maryland. New Jersey and Delaware are doubtful, and that If one of these states goes against Mr Bryan In the coming na tional election all of them will, and If one goes for him. so will all. with the possible exception of Illinois—he same political conditions prevailing In them nil now. DECLARED DIVIDENDS. Good *hoss lug Made by the Georgia Southern and Florida. Macon. Oct. I*.—Georgia Southern end Florida directors to-day declared a IH per cent. seml-onnunl dividend on the first preferred stock and a 4 per cent, annual divided on Ihe second preferred The stockholders held their annual meet ing and re-elected the directors. General satisfaction was expressed at the condi tion of the rtod. A negro was brought her*- from Barnes vllle -o day HUppveed to tie Condueior Lat tlmore's slayer, but he proved to he too small to answer Ihe description He will be released Will Increase Their Stoek. Columbia, ft C.. Oct. 1* —The stock holder* of the Glen Lowry Manufacturing Company at Newberry have decided lo Increase the capital from 1300,090 to 1500,000 and build another otton mill Whit mori The old mill have been running full time on the liner grade of goods and Is not affected by present depression feh In some quarters. No Gripe, Pain Or dlseomfort, no Irritation of Ihe in testines—but gentle, prompt, thorough beuiltiful cleansing, wben you take Hood's Pills Sold by all druggist*. 25 cents MUNYOH 5 —I do wet believe there is a esse of drspep. Jr y ■ • > 7 ,- ,"2K’, •'*. indigestion or JEf ■"'* any atomaeh Iron Ila ®* ■Rw that ranoct be re thi .-gOp lieved st once and fS ’ hMJp tiermanrntly cured \ /Ap -iNIUL At all druggists, Cue. s rial Guide * WI to ITealtb and niedi cal advice free 1500 1 1 Arch street, Pbila. DYSPEPSIA CURE In ( n I.ruler nnl Mr. *hr||nr<l. Swain*boro. Ga„ Oct. ls.-Mr. \V. W Hhrpjmrd. cn4*lut* I r |rft4lrmini rlrc ior of thr Flr*t Conifr* r-ional diatrlct, h|*ok‘ i on the rational |!‘Jurr hrrr >*ntrr day 111 #i>r*ch wa weli arnrigMl, fA*rri bl* and o thr point, and waa wr.l rrrclvf*! by a larir* and appreciatlvr audirncr At thr conrlualtin of .Vlr. Bnrpfmrd’i* crlra w<ni up from all part* of thr hoU9 for <*2orlr*t in a f*w brlrf whlrh aerr unfortunatrly rut rhort by thr hour hnvlnic arrived for court Hla r*marka %v-rr wr!l rrc Ivt and. and ihe propV trurt-i that hr did not have the t n to finish. Everybody In thl rounty knows Col. I-e*- ter. and in alwaya triad to hear an>thin* tnut hr ha* to nay Thr Bui*rlor c ourt dorkrt la very heavy, aid cannot nearly be dlpoa**d of thin week There will be an adjourn**! term In D* * ember. Herry Hall, who war releaaed by Jua* ike M rL.K In .1 pr* llmlnury trill, for the murler of M inning Hull, ha* l>ern Indict* e l ar.d Ir now lit Jail He will be - rented by Colt. Warren and Hufford of the local bar. Mr ears. Danlrl, Hertlnsion and Brown will airlrt Boilcltor HawiliiK In the prorecutlon I MOW THE ITVtIOV QOE9. (government Money I'nM for Whtrk) ly the ftallon. Beaufort. 8 C., Ocl. IS Laura Davie, colored daughter of a negro voldier In the Federal army during the Civil War. re ceived :t lump rum of fl.Ofln tmunty money from the government a few day* rlnce. 1 he woman It* married and liver in a nea( little houre In the auhurb* of the town. The premier* belong to John Davla the hunhand f lainra A year or two ago th** man bore an e*r#*||eiu re|>uatlon for thrift and robrtety. but he got out of em ployment and Into bad company and for ihe past 1 hr**** month* he haa ac.trcely drawn a eober breath. Their means were fnat being exhausted when the woman's pension claim was allowed and a check for sl.*n was forwarded to her from Washington. Neighbors relate that since she received her money both her husband and hc have been holding high carnival, the wife pur chasing liquor by the gallon and consum ing It .t* freely as her Inebriate husband EXCITEMENT IX UR AM.Kill RG. \rgro With a Pistol Caused a lllg Dlsturhanee, Columbia. S C., Oct. IS—The town of Orangeburg wa* greatly excited about mklnlght last ntgh*. and for a time there was promise of serious trouble. January Corbett, a negro bully, became disorderly at a negro dance ond Pol teem an Demira was called to arrest him When the offi cer arrived Corbett tired two shots at him .ind then ran home and barricaded him self. When several polkkmen arrived at the door and demanded hi* surrender. Cor bet fired through the door The police men returned the Are In the meantime a Mg crowd of white* and negroes had gathered, both being armed. Many armed negroes were arrested. Finally Mayor Duke arrived on the scene and to him Corbett surrendered. None of the shot* took effect. ATTACKED HY HtMiS. Three Children Were Seriously In jure .1 Arnr Athens. Athena. Ga . Oct. It —A horrible acci dent occurred at Edwin, (is . twelve miles below Athens to-day. Tho three little children of Mr. Will Hayes were playing In thetr father's lot. and seeing several little tugs, ran In to catch them, for fun. to make them squeal. The squealing attracted the attention of three large hog* that bore .town upoo the children In great rage An old hog grab bed tho little 2-year-old girl In Ihe shoul der an.l crushed It. breaking every bone The little hoy's wrist was broken, and all are badly bruleed all over thslr bodies Medical attention war Immediately sent for. The emallest child's arm was ampu tated. a IIEf FIVER FOR lA'BLLHOI BE. An Atlanta Paper € ontpnu, Itae #2.1.000 Liabilities. Atlanta. Oct. I*.—Judge Candler to-day appointed Walter R. Daley of this city temporary receiver for the Wellhotise Paper Company. The llabliltle, are Mat ed in the petition to be about 125.0U1). The creditors are principally Eastern Arm* Negro Filled W ith lllrd Shot. Columbia. H. C.. Oct. 15— gam Giles, a negro, fired at a dog belonging to a party of men who were hunting birds out of •rason on his land In Union county. The dog was peppered nnd the men retaliated by filling Giles' skin full of holes He was peppered with small shot from head to foot. Oil** did not know the men, A doctor Is attending the wounded man. ♦ ■ t otitest iYllhtlrsns. Lumpkin. Oa., Oct. I*.—The rontest for Sheriff tn Btewart county ha* been with drawn. Mr Walter K. Johnston is the sheriff STOP* THE t'Ot till %Ml W ORK* OFF THE COLD. Laxative Promo Quinine Tablet* rure a coM tn one day. No rure, no pay. Pile* 25 dents ad. SPECIAL NOTICE*. iriiicuScnsk^ Mr. G Reuben Butler. Druggist, of Sav annah. Ga., says: • • "It gives me pleasure to expree* my appreciation of the virtue of 'Bttwa nee Spring's' The best evidence of my belief tn the curative propertle* of the water is Ihe fact thot In my o**c I was relieved of a severe attack of rheumnDm and have sent numbers to 'Suwanee who. being also brnefltled are, like myself, warm In It* praise." • * Mr D. M. MeAljdn. Tax Assessor of Suwanee County Fin., writes: • • "Since my babyhood, thirty years ago. I have been afflicted with rheu matism. often to such an extent that 1 could not turn myself In bed. • • At last I went to 'Suwanee Sprlnr* ' Eureka’ I was relieved, and have never used crutches since, and never expect to tak o- recommend any other medicine than 'Suwanee Spring' Water for rheumatism again." THE MOIINING NEWS: FKTDAY. OCTOBER 10. 1900. rOMIfIED Wai fctiof lu a WMf|emnn at Beach htatloa. Wsycrose. Ga . Oct 18 —Aaron Tlilnwn. 1 11 colored laborer, wa* sliot at a nation on th** Waycro-<* Air tdne Batl road, and the attending physlrian says bis recovery Is extremely doubtful The noo<- , mg mi done by James Bulrer. a white man. who it* employed as woodsman for II L Biggin*, managi r of the Beach Uimb*r Company. It Is raid that Bulzer I engaged the negro Tillman to aealst him In loading a <ar of rrosMies. The negro got hurt In w*me way, *0 it Is alleged, am! had to lay off Bulser refused to pay nlm unleea tie 'otnirfend the This he refused to do. ami some hot word* t>e* iwf*n the men were followed by ea b of 1 them drawing a stick Bulx**r threw o*ld* his stick and rrk red the rv gro to do like wise. but In* refused whereupm Biilii r drew his revolver nnd began ahootmr The negro wa* M In the right aid* ol the stoma - h In h rlghi groin, and between ihe hear* a* 4 •ft shoulder No arre-t Keen made up to the ttm* •he corresjondent received lnf*rmatl**o from Beach The chances are the negro will die Train Dispatcher Georg* T Dixon of the Piant System receive ! a t* legram yesterday afternoon from !*ake War a maw. N c . .mnounclng the serous nine s of his father, and he left last night for that place. WHAT PEOPLE SAY I* Nut it list Makes ■ Hrstnlr Val> tishlr, T<*tlmMtl*ls are *ocl thin** anil we are always itlstl to them, but they don't make our remedy any better. . Stuart'* Dvipejvsla Tablets are good be rauM they do grm.l—because they rure. Testimonials simply prove that the tab let* have helped othr people, hut IF* yourself you are most Interested in. and whether they will cure you I* the question It Is very easy to And out—try them A full packttge costs hut flfty cents at your druggist's They are worth that If they only help you a little hit. The chance I* worth taking at the price. We put It on that basis because you don't know about the tablets If you knew as much about them as we do you would ha' f e complete confidence; this advertising would he unnecessary We have seen them cure the worst case* of stomach trouble Cases of long rtandlng and obstinacy, ease* that other m*dlclne* and even high prired doctor* had failed to subdue. Here are some testimonials If you care tt. read them we have thousand* of them Rev J R Hoag, of Wymore. Neb., write* For six year* l have been troubled with dyspfpett I gist fall I became very much alarmed at some symptom# of heart trouble and came to helleve there was a sympathetic relation between the two dis eases, or rather, that the stomach trouble was the cause of the heart disturbance. I hit upon Stuart'e Dyspepsia Tablets for a remedy nnd Invested a dollar and a half for three boxes whtrh lasted me three months nnd 1 ran eat any kind of food I r ant and have a good vigorous appetite Although I am seventy-seven years old. I now feel perfectly well and without being requested by anyone I make this state ment as a compliment to Ihe virtues of Btuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Mrs. Lydia Bartram. of Assyria. Mich writes: I have suffered from stomach trouble* for ten year* and five different doctors gave me only temporary relief A Mr. E B Bags advised me to try Btuart * Dyspepsia Tablets nnd four boxes did m*- more permanent benefit than all the doc tors' medicines that I have ever taken We honestly believe that Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets are the best medicine ever made for the cure of stomach troubles Don't mistake our meaning We don't claim them to cure anything hut dyspepslt and stomachic disorder*. Just the one thing I* what they are ma le for. hut that onr thing t* the cause—the starting potn' of nearly all the sickness In the world t'se Btuart's Tablets regularly. Keep yetir stomach right, and you can never be sick. •FECIAL NOTICE*. htvtf. and cniATY taxe*. toot*. Office Collector State and County Taxes. Chatham County, Oa., Savannah, Oct 5. 1909 The digest la now open for the collec tion ol the above taxe* on all property real and personal. Ihe speclflc tax on pro fesslone; also the Poll Tax for Educations! Purposes on all Male Hesidenls of the city and county between the age* of 21 anl GO years. Office at the Court House Hours, 9 a. tn. to 2 p. tn JAB J McOOWAN. Tax Collector. C C. NOTICE I* hereby given of an Intention to apply at the next session of the Legislature for the passage of a local hill to be entitled, "An act to empower the treasurer of Chatham county 40 employ n clerk, to tlx the comp- n?ation of *ald clerk, and to authorise the Commissioner* of Chatham county to pay h'a #nlary out of the gen eral fund of the county, and for other purposes." NOTH r. OF 1)1**111.1 TION. The firm of Franklin A Foltx ha* th:* day been dissolved by mutual content. W B. Frankllr. retiring. G. R Folta an.! C. E Yonge continuing under thr Arm name and style of Foltx A Cos., who wit: assume all and collect account* of the old Arm. W. B. FRANKLIN O R FOLTZ C. E. YONGE. Oct. IS. 1999. Mimi . Neither the master nor conslgnettt of the British steamship Winifred, Thot Clark, muster, will be responsible for any debt* contracted by crew of eakl vessel .1 F MINIS A CO., Consignee* NEW CROP NEW ORI.EAN* STRIP. TIG* I* the most delightful table ssrup ever otlerril tn Savannah. I.lnht tn color, heavy tn hotly, clear anti clean, nntl no twnng In tnste. Mop In nnd try a sample. A. 11. A C. W . W ENT. HE Mil ATI XL—M.ITTHESSRS- HKNO- V ATING. Hair, moss, tickings, fiber, feathers Our stock of new m.tlVrial and manufac turing products are up to date uur reno vating and remaking has delighted many prominent resident*. Ak your acquaint ance*. Material *ent u* Is picked, steamed cleaned and madtc.vted by modem ma rl In ery Making done hy mechanic* \V> confine our work to mattresses anti bed dltlg generally. We sell ticking* of all kind*, moo hair, rotton. Alter, feather*, or any article needed tn mattre** line NATIONAL MATTHEBS AND RENO VATING CO. Bell Phone 1135 331 Drayton tret. A9H AND CVPIIKkk LI MUCH FOR RALE. 159.909 feel of ah. suitable for wheel wright*. carriage maker*, car work* and .tie i lor bout* tin lab. Abo eypr*** iumt et of all *lier We have resume 1 cutting our famous brands of cypres* shingles and will soon hav* a full line of them for sale. VALE ROYAL MFO. CO. Albemarle Madison Square. West, N. V.. 0. B. LIBBEY. Prop # A’fbr H gwe>rf }/*■*• Th# local'on of this house Is most de sirable, being central to all pla-es ol amusement, and to the shopping district. Hpeelal attertton paid to the cuisine. A number of very desirable suites to rent tor the winter. rtAERAL (KVITATtOAb. KENNEY The relative* ard frbT.ds of Mr*. Ann Kenney, of Mr. and Mrs. J A. Iv Hell and of Mr and Mrs C. Best. ar Invited to attend the funeral of the former from Habersham and Fifth streets, at 3 o'clock this afternoon. MILLER—The relatives and friends of Mr and Mrs H Miller and family are Invited to attend the funeral of the latter from Thunderbolt, at 4 30 o'clock 4hl* af ternoon. PARISH.—The friends and acquaint ances of Mr. George W. Parish and family ore respectuflly Invited to attend the funeral of Mr George W. Parish from St. Paul's Church, comer Barnard nnd Duffy streets, at 4:39 p. m. PETERSON.—The relative* snd friends ol Mr and Mrs. C A Peterson are Invited to attend the funeral of the former ftom hla late residence. No. 519 East Hunting don street, this afternoon at 3 o’clock. MKRTIBOa. iXdiHTkTiuiuirMriMr^ A regular communication of this Jk lodge Will he held this (Friday) ev enlng at Maaonlc Temple at S.JO o'clock Members of sister lodges and transient brothers cordially Invited to attend By order GEO T. CANN, W. M W. C. TRAVIS, Secretary.'m.TTt: Mi l. tu s ( \MP. .-.tut V. 4 . V. Veterans: You are requested to nttend the funeral of Veteran Georg>- W Parish from St. Paul's Church, comer Duffy and Barnard street*, at 4 30 p. m. The Confed erate Veterans Association are Invited to Join with u*. By order of the Commander. A K. WILSON. Adjutan* iIVIWtH BRAYCH SBKDI.E WttMK oiit.n. It Is earnestly requested that officers, members and all Interested In thta noble charity will meet at St John'a Parish Hall. Friday. Oct 19. at 4.39 p. m. Please be prompt JULIA MYDDLETON. Secretary pro tem SPECIAL .NOTICES. LKVAN'S C AFE. RESTAURANT AND OYSTER HOUSE. 11l Congress Street. W’e*4. Dine Point. Rnrltnvvay and Native Oysters la all styles. CROP STEAKS AND GAME OF ALL KINDS IN SEASON F.VERYTHINfi FIRST-CLASS. DINING ROOMS UPSTAIRS. PUHLIMIHD FOR INFORMATION. City of Savannah. Office Clerk of Council. Oct. 19. 19U0 The following resolution adopted at a meeting of Council, held on the evening of the 17th Inet,. Is herewith published for the Information of all concerned: By A Merman Dixon— Resolved by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Bavannah tn Council a* sembled. That the ordinance for the re. naming of streets south of Anderson street be published for information and that Council Invites an expression of the vlewa and wishes of the citizens of Sa vannah. and particularly of tho#. residing south of Anderson street, or owning property In thl* sec tion. concerning the wisdom and ex pediency of the ordinance, those vteww to be expressed by petition or other written . ommunlcatlon. or orally, at the next meeting of Council, at which time the ordinance will be read on It* passage. An ordinance to re-*iame the street* lrt the city of Savannah south of Ander son street Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mvyot and Aldermen of the city of Savannah in Council assembled, concerning the street* In the city o( Savannah south ol Anderson street, that hereafter First and St. James streets ghall be known as Thtrty-tlr*t street. Second. Ullloit and St. Paul streets shall be hereafter known a* Thirty second street. Third. Grapevine. West Third and St Nichole* street* shall be hereafter known a* Thlrcy.third street Fourth. Blsmurk. West Fourth and St John street* Khali he hereafter known a* Thltry-fourth street. Fifth. Sarah. Wilder. West Fifth. St Michael and Brady streets shall be here after known as Thlrty-flfth street. Sixth. Willow. Weet Sixth and 8- Tnomas streets snail be hereafter known as Thirty-sixth street. Seventh and East Seventh street* shall tie hereafter known aa Thirty-seventh etreet. Eighth, Center. James and East Eighth s< reels shall be hereafter known a* Thirty-eighth atreet. Ninth nod East Ninth streets shall be lie hereafter known aa Forty-second street. Tenth. Church and East Tenth street* shall be hereafter known as Fortieth street. Eleventh and Lamnr streets (or avenue) vhali be hereafter known a* Forty-tlrst street Twelfth and South avenue streets shall hereafter known as Forty-second street. Sec. 2. Be It further ordained, that all ordinance* and part* of ordinance* in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed WM P. BAILEY. Clerk of Council. Ot R (T.IF.NTS Loan money at six per vent, on real estate security. BECKETT A BECKETT. Attorneys at Law and Cooveyanctrg Superior to AIL SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. PHONE 383 SPECIAL VOTICKS. FRIDAY AYD SAT! R DAY. New Prunes per pound sc. Evaporated App># 3 pounds for Isc Evaporated Apricot* per pound 15c. Evaporated Peaches per pound loc. Netv Ftgs per pound 15c. New Currants per package 10c Sardines in lemon Juice per can 30c. tj-lb; cans Deviled H im per can 10c. 3-lb. cans Tripe per can 86c. Fulton Market Corned Beef. In extra fancy cuts. Just ut. 1-lb. Jsr* Chip Beef !6c Muatard Dressing in belt lest 25c. Vlb. cans Mustard only 10c. 1- can# Peaches (Tablet 10c. tjnart eans Syrup only luc Wire Flavored Jellies package 10c. 7 pounds Oatmeal for 25c. 2- package <knmea| for 10c. Cheese Cracker# per package 15c. Saratoga Chlpa per pound 2Se. Maple Sugar per pound 15c. Florida Oranges per doaen 25c. Delaware Grape* per basket 20c. Niagara Grape* per basket 20c. Fancy King Apples. Banana*. Limes and Lenvtn*. JOHN T EVANS A CO, Congress and Barnard streets. Phones 256 MARK APPLE. 320 West Broughton street, CARRIAGE REPOSITORY. Agent for following manufacturers, make your selection (rum (hem. Moyer. Columbus. Buckeya. Frailer. Cortland, Waterloo, Watertown. Weat eott. Rock Hill. Old Hickory. Mtlburn and Florence Farm Wagon* Full and somplete line of Harness. Sad dles. Lap Role s. etc. Kelley Springfield Rubber Tires pul on at abort notice. NOTICE. We are now moving our Wholesale De partment to the commodious quarters 127 Congress street (formerly occupied by M Dryfus, and will be in perfect shape in a few days, and be pleased to serve our friends. SOLOMONS COMPANY. City of Savannnh. Office Clerk of Council, Oct. 19. 19 O. A vacancy having occurred among the city physicians by reason of the resigna tion of I)r. M H. l/evt of the Second Dis trict. notice Is hereby given that an elec tion will be held at the next regular meeting of Council, to be held on Oct. 31. at g p m., to All the onexptred term caused by the raid resignation All application# to he died with the Clerk of Council at or before 12 m. of the 31st Inst. 'M P. BAILEY. Clerk of Council. tu t km vnn * t (i ; Chef Tresvnu commence* to-day to serve his well known Merchants' Lunch from 11:30 to 2p. tn. Old and new customer* are cordially in vited Also bill of fare ala carte. Respectfully. GEORGE BECKMANN. Importer W'uerzburger llof Bruu. THE HAA TO CLEAN lAltl'Ml. Tha only way to get your carpets prop erty taken Up, cleaned anti taken care of for the summer l to turn th* Job over to (he District M*aa"ng r and Delivery Cos., telephone 2, or call at 23 Montgomery etieet, aid they will make you an esti mate on th* cost of th* work Prloa* rangirsbl* They al*o puck, most and •tor* furniture and nlanoa C. H. MED LOCK. Supt and Mgr. DON OS KAKIITKi* By the Amctlcan Bood.r.g enJ Trust company of Baltimore. We are author ised to exocutr locally (burn dialely upoo application), a t bonds tn Judetal pro ceeding* In cither the state or Unltud S ate* courts, and of sdminlstrat r* and guardians DEARINO A HULL. Agect*. Telephone 3SI. . Provident Bulldog N\K BUY AND SELL REAL ESTATE, Negotiate loana on same at 5 per cent, and coiled rents Reprc-ont The Travel ers Inauranc* Cos., accident and liability de|artmenta. Represent the New York Underwriter* Firs In*, agency. Represent th# Greenwich Ftr# Ins Cos. Represent th* Phoenix Mutual Life Ins. Cos. All busi ness entrusted to us will be appreciated, and will receive prompt and careful at tention. No. 37 Bay atreet east. Tele phone 343. W. C. FRIPP * CO. NOTICE. on* In posses#to: t ex steamboat W. S. Cook, sunk In river. Is requested to report same to Gibson's wharf, and reasonable compensation will be given. NOTICE. Neither th“ mister nor consignee* of the Norwegian steamship Banna. Wahl berg. master, will be responsible for any debts contracted by crew of said vessel. J. F. MINIS A CO., Consignee a AMI SEME NTS. gnu annsh tHttn rtsw. Friday and Satur.lav night* and Satur- M .ulnee, Oct. 19 and 39. Engagement of MB. CHARLES B. HANFORD, Accompanied by MISS MARIE DROF NAH, and a splendid suptiortlng corn tony. presenting t. new romantic comedy druma by Lee Arthur, “PRIVATE JOHN ALLEN A story of ihe South. fa*elnattng hy intrrerting deep hearf Inter.-.*!, clever comedy, strong situations, thrilling cli maxes. Positively an elaborate scenic production, entirely new and appropriate to the atmosphere of the paly. Seats on sale, prlcee—3Sc. 50c. 75c, 31. Matinee, orchestra. TSc; balcony, 50c. ■III3EII MOTICILS. WEDDING GIFTS. Our stock is so full and va ried in style that the simplest as well as the most extrava gant taste can be suited. All the newest things in sil ver now being opened. THCUS BROS. Whenaver the Best is Wanted PHONE 700 Olflc* 307 Hull Street. Ths Ch3iham Real Estate and Improvement Go ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms. Ii Miner Pisto Ko awl*. * Forullh Newspaper Folder will fold sheet It 1* In good order I’rlce r-00 Si oo*! onglr.elly |l,:oO, bin we have n.j uee for II and van I th* room i occupies. II will bear Invaluable adjunct lo say newspaper jdßot Ad dree* MORNING NEWS, ■avawnah. tin. THE GEORGIA STATE B l ILDINd AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. IS YORK STREET. WEST. SI’ER CENT, per annum allowed on dc|>oa!t*. withdrawable on demand, lnterm credited quarterly. 6i’Eil CENT, per annum allowed on deposits of even hundred* withdraw able at annual periods. OKU W. TIEDKMAN. President. B. H LEVY, Vice 1 resident. E. W. HELL. Secretary. C. O ANDERSON. JR.. Treasurer. gpfcCIAL sumuk WALL PAPKK, rAI'CH HANGING. We carry complete a*soittn<nl of Islret style papers. and employ only lx et a< lists See our roods and set our esitmeis be fore yivlni- out your work. Our pries. the very lowest. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO., Corner Drayton and Congress, Phone 619. NOTICE, The schedule Is changed for Suwanee Springs You can leave Savannah, via Piani System, ai 9 am., arrive at the Springs et UJ p. m. This schedule Is good lor every day In the week. MICK HILLING, MICE I*l.ol 11, MICK CM APT*. We have anew mill with all modern processes, atxl machinery, and are now ready lor buetne-a. We solicit your pat ronage and Invite correspondence, rid# chad Iree to patrons. THE SAVANNAH RICE MILL CO., T. M Cunningham. President. John Screven. Jr., Manager. If you don’t care how long your shoes last as to style don't buy BYCK’S 3.50 boot keeping shape, fit, style and wear are their strong point. LEOPOLD ADDER. JNO. R DILI/)* President. Cashier c. 8. ELLIS, BARRON OARTEp Vice A?f The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH. Will be pleased to receive the gcoo-jau of Merchants. Firms, Individuals, btui and Corporations. Liberal favors extended Unsunue-wd collection facllittea uer tng prompt returns StPAHATE SAVINGS DEPARTMENT BTKWUT COMt'OI'NDEO Ctt UtTUk Id' OX DEPOSIT*. Safety Deposit Roxea snd Vaults lot rent Correspondence solicited. - The Citizens Bank OF SAVA.VV Ail. . CAPITAL. 5500.00 Q. 1 A U.,.„ . . _ * *® V* V 4MCA a* Roaiaesa. Sulioilo Acts.snie la gi,|geaK ■trekaata. Maaka a>4 aUaes Itqe tsUssa. Oallectloaa kaaUag wttk aatsty, "“•■J *nd dUpstrk. •■•ereat enartctly allewsg ■■ deposits la war Sevlagi Orsartawai. *a ,f, r s*o#welt Basra sat Staesgs Yaalta. RHAMTLKY A. DETMAHK Prestiss* Mil.l.* It. LATE, Tie# FreatdesL GEORGE r. FREFTMAT. Cashier. GORDO Y 3.. GROOVER. AasL ( ask HA SOUTHERN Tm of th* State of Georgia. Capital IsOi.tU Surplus and undivided profits ..MU.R DEPOSIiuRY Ol THE sii'ATE Of GEORGIA. Superior facilities lot transacting * ■ is. Manailn* t.aslotss ....... i. rs m£SS on all point* a. sbiblc through banks and bankui. A.toutilfc ~l iienke, Uatikvtt.. yiet.t-at l ** and others touotlad. Safe Lktposk bud tor rent. Department of Savings. Interest psyski# quarterly. Sella Sterling Exchange on Dondm 0 and upwards. JOHN FLANNKRY. Pmsldenl. HORACE A CRANK. Vice Prestdeet JAMES Sri.t.Tl’AN Cosbler DIRECTORS JNu. FLANNERY. W M W. GORDON E. A WEIL W. W GORI>ON. Jfc H A. CRANE. JOHN M EGAN. LEE ROY MYERS JOSEPH FI7R9T H P SMART. CHARLES f1.1.!i EDWARD KELLY. JOHN J FIRST Sill MI IIS CAPITAL, 9380,000. Accounts of banks, merchants, rcrpo* (ions and individuals solicited. Savings Department, Interest N* quarterly. Safety Hoses and Storage Vaults W rent. Collections mads on all points sl rw tunable rates. Drafts eold on all tbs chief cities of tM world. <'orrespondencs Invited. JOSEPH D WEED. President. JOHN C. ROWLAND, Vice i’rsaUsrt W. F. McCAULET. Cashier. THE GERMANIA BANK savannah, ua. j- Capital ' m Undivided profits rMl p, This bank offer* It* services to corps llotui. merchaot* *nd ladlvlduai* . lisa authority to act a* esscutor. mli.lgtriitor, guardian etc „ Issue* drafts on the prlnclp* Oreat Britain and Ireland and un Gmtlneat. . . ~ a reertT Inter at raid or rompound-d on dap-all# In the Bavings Safety Hokes for rent HENRY fll.lTN. President ,*** OEO. W TIE DEM AN Me Pr* JOHN M HOOAV. Cashier WAT.TETI F. HOOAN. Ast’t r *• M ** No. I*4o. Chartered, —the— WHS ill # OF SAVANNAH. CAPIIAU W>.o\ UNITED STATES DEPOS‘D* J A. o. carbon. BEIHNB OOHDON. Mce i W M DAVANT Csahter. Ae-o.nts of tanks and b*™ #(> * absn'S and enrpors'lons sit* tbe rro# favorable tn' * safe end conserva'tv* brk‘n* OLD NEWSPAPER* ■*•** Ruainin Offlcm MornW