The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 19, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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STATE WILL PAY IN FULL. n OI M l 1.1. HKI liIVE ‘"ill,, ro ASPPBH UIKM. „ lu ,ol *ppwrltl Would ■. ... rmr oulir ... vutr Hr.l.l.l*n ~,r Thl. rlr -‘■“'"••r •--- ‘O' „„ to *|.|*rvo In _ I nr*|.rrlrd Inlrrr.t nn.l . ttirudan.'r I nune Thl. I'er- Mule of AOn I ri—'•lllinry ivuplr Cir nr rally Oralldrd m Uo.rrnor'a I our.r. l . >ori! ,. t Cann. state Inrpfclor (tm , . nracllce. r,clved from Qov. aMj Ot • 11 * ~ y.urrday morning official nu '(l) tu uppiove lh requisition, of ** j y .immondera for tho full amount . lt „- 1t..'1 !>' ,and *** dlrn > for ,‘r, i lt> thi* la.’ carbine and rllle oon , tor , am troops. lth the authority thu. " n , , , communication irom the Oov . , . ' iinn will approve at once the ,e ,ei nr. rropcrly mado out by com Ihnt have been ml nill be wrlcoma new. to those h*o* ***** wtd pin ipated in the state shoot. while t£# jcn . n of the Governor wIU be approv al :o *r. > by military men. but by the yigplt oi the state generally, 3 t me ago Col. Cann di*co\rred x ji th** amount originally appropriated t%: th* payment of travel pay and per a,<ni f participants in the rifle contest* i.* • suffice to |ay mor> Hum 60 per f<r o:t * e requisitions. It was not an ti 1,4 *l. when the movement to hold the cur.t<+i was inaugurated, that there v>-!i “ such general response from the i..-T. and the number of learns actu . t ir:i' ipa ting in the contests prove*.! 4 *.,:<■ of mingled gratification and per \ t Col. Cann. He was gratified i . should iome and take part in t et vM*e:s. but nt the Mine time he was l>rjl \*d to know Just In what manner t > r travel pay and per diem would be P** 1 iietsuse he was not able to approve the requisitions made on him for the full amount, col. Catin has refuse*! to approve iii*m ’ ail. liiiHesd he made a trip to Adant* to see the Governor and subse l> made a formal application for the i of the appropriation through reg .r n iitaty channels. The personal so li • us of the inspector general of rifle j.r t have had their effect, as is evl j*t i i.y die authority to approve In full j. • v* l from the Governor. 7 iction of Gov. Candler will be the of general milkary congratula i• i Th* r* is no form of military exercise i *t is at once so practical and beneficial •nd so inexpensive. The advantages that i from state rifle practices are not : ? • 1 to the actual participants. Those ! .rn by practice on the ranges car ry this information luck to the other iremUrs of their commands and in turn imj art it to the latter. Thus the princl- I • of rill** practice become diffused c.r *ighout the entire body of the stale troop* would have been exceedingly unfortu nt for k* movement to hold yearly ore- -is nt Avondale, the success of which ! ’ n thought to bo assured, had the •' • rnr.r refused to Increase the appro fr nnd thus limit the payments of I' :nf. ro about half of the actual and f *vo ! <ble expense* Incurred by those who ; rticlpaled In the contests of last That, on the contrary', the ■iw r his seen fir to direct the ap : r.v, a! of the requisitions In full Is a t irre of corresponding gratification. T • H.ivannsh mllitnry are not inter at all in the Governor’s order. The I m • to N* made by ibe state are only ft th- ’tual traveling expenses of the men •• r of tenths from n distance and •u;tl cost of their meals while they w* ) the city. ? iv.inn.ih teams w-ere not. in ry event, to have any share In tic 'appropriation. % VIM %CiK OK BIKF.S. Two >allor Who Kiirilhel Inn for n 4 rontl on It is 11 airerf. Two young Knglishmen furnished con i h rabie merriment for a crowd at I r tughton and Hull streets the other r. l it They nt>peare<l to be Junior offl ■ from aboard one of the Hritish trampt in port- and had evidently come ► r- for a good time. Having Imbided they had secured a bicycle each •f. i prepared to tike In the town. A *4:l r al*o.ird a bicycle is always a novel but when he attempts to carry a f*rc■* of hurr‘om goods along with him. |- tnaihie In store for somebody '!m* it proved to l>e for the mariners themselves Tb< mariners hove In sight from around Congress street and canw* down Hull un far full sail, though In a rather ehoppy hr* , i- and attemplei! to cross each other’s rvirs* nnd at Hrotighlon street the re * * was a collision. The steering g*ar of on** machine was knocked crosswse. ’i this ap|eared to be the only damage v got up. nothing dismayed at the|r tni*hnp and proceed*d to get under wav or t least endeavored to do so. H* proved to be a matter of some diffi culty was a big stout fellow and the ” a “ftviller man. The large man’s bl >• • rned to be all right and he made * flforts to remount, but with por*r foul’s Anyone who has seen an Intoxl r c#.j indivklual trying to g*t a latch key wry small k* \ .* •• in th** •>r Dm moraine may bon H funny, but It Isn't a clrcum i • to seeing a drunken man trying • fii.d tii. s-t.-p of a bicycle with his foot. r s* versl fall, however, the big man 1 in getting aboard nnd sailed ”°* n Hull street. At State street he made ** , ‘ , lh ‘ tack and shot through the * Urtr ' f du *he sUlewnlk. He n* -omp!|sh v v.ig* siiccesafally am! gave n .,s he hit the asphalt on the other *ut the whoop came too roon. There r kcr ahead. In Ihe shai>e of the ' !l v and here he came to grief again, hurt" m ® n i * Hick was tin- dler man was unable to get his •r straight. ’’Now look at the handle." he would exclaim, but It 4b<* ■ " finally paxiceeded down ' ftcr his ft bnd on foot, towing J U W, -Tcle behind him. Henih Of Mr*. C atherine Miller. % * T9 '‘“Marine Miller died last night nt lr Hospital, where she had gone 'k l*efor to have an operation il. . r . m ' *’ Th, ‘ deceased was the wife of •♦•v/J Ml,, * r of ***Hundorbolt nnd , 1, ll l ler Husband, three sons. Wx *h, ;* wni Thunder n.rernoon. the Interment being r J> ; .Th, rwtmony will Z K,,!lng of HOSTETTtiiv m ' n^ m 1* Constipation Krrtou. rtaulu. Thl* n<l not b ‘ lf you try |. th, Btttcr*. It P|C°MCH gfi cur,* th, above cll*or . I 1 |r. *” qnlolcly and * * permanently. I can’t get wet in J the “In -er - seal Patent ' even if deliv- J ered in a rain Qj The " In-er-*eal Patent Package ” B J yty' /, defies damp, dirt and odor. Keep* H ' in the natural erispnesa nt cracker, Pr (Cv I f biacuit or wafer. Soda Biscuit, Milk Biscuit, Butter Crackers, Saltines, x\ Banquet Wafers, Sultana Fruit, Ora- B j ham Biscuit, Sea Foam, Oatmeal Bi- B/ ' ' cuit. Ginger Snaps, Handmade Pret- B / zelettes. Vanilla Wafers, can now ■/ 1* bought in tlie “In-cr-seal Patent jy - ■ - Mt*lC CU B’S I I IIS T MKETI.MJ. ll<*llshtfQl I'rogrNiiinir Hrmlrr*4l In ll* Soi* Drimitix Boom. The flrsrt meeting of the Savannah Muffle Club for thin a .-on wan held In the draw ing room of the I>e Soto i*4 night. There win a large attendance of the member* of the club ami nn ex ellent programme of muxlr ww* very delightfully rendered. The club received an InvitatkMi to une the Liwlon Memorial for it* meeiing*. the invifntit.n being extended through Col. A. U. Igawton. The invltalfton was accepted, and the next and vutacquenl meeiing* will be held there. U 1* anti Stated that (he une of the organ In 4 h* memorial hall, which is* thu.N ina<4 |*>jjdbie. will be of material a*ftistance and give zutetantiwl pleasure to the club members A number of new members were eJec?*d at last night’s meeting At ihe meeting next month the club will elect officers to serve during fho coming year. The fol lowing in the programme rendered last night: 1. "Queen of the Earth’’ rinsutl Mr Gorman. 2. "Hong of a Heart" *1 unison Mrs Silva- Ten Male. 3. Adagio from Sonatti in C. 4>p. 24 ... Webor Mr Williams 4. Cavatina fr<n "Serr.iramide’’.. Roasinl Mia Dickinson. 5. "! Would That My Dve". Medelssohn Miss linker r.d Miss Morgan. KICKED AT lilt II Vi (j IS CASAU 9 —— Clisalirth M avliinicton Didn’t Want tt on Her Property. Elizabeth Washington tiled suit for 3300 damages against the county of Chatham tn the City Court yesterday. The plaintiff sues not only as an Individual, but ae inivv.- for some half .toxin others. The plaintiff claims that the couny has trespassed upon her property, located tn one of Ihe country districts, and ha* con structed a drainage canal through It. Whenever thr ngen of the county' found It necessary they cut down Ihe timber on the land, and they have succeeded. It Is asserted, tn considerably Impairing the value of the properly. Beside* the Inconvenience that the con struction of Ihe canal ha* occasioned the plaintiff, she declare* thot It ha* destroy ed the value- of her property for Ihe pur pose to which she originally put tt. She had used It for raising rice, but the canal drained th*- land so thoroughly that since Its completion Ihe crop tlould not be grown. The plaintiff wants damages for the loss of her crop for two years. All of Ihe varloua acts of trespass which are complained of In the plaintiff* petition are said to have been commit ted without her convent oral against her wish es She think*, for this renson. that she Is entitled lo have Judgment not only for the nctunl damage she ls suffered, but for punitive damage*, based upon the wrong* she claim* to have suffered at the hand* of the agents and employe* of the county. W ASTED A DEMOCRAT. I uriune llsthlnslnn Think* Hcpab 11,1*11. Vlmuld Accept Col. Lester. Rev. Fortune Washington write* the Morning News, reiterating hi* assertion that Bryan. Liberty and Mclntosh coun ties will cast their voles for Lester. He la pastor, he states, of the larg est colored church In Bryan coun ty nnd is also pastor of the Haconton Baptist Church In Liberty coun ty Hl* people know him and will do what he tell* them, he says, and he pro poses lo tell them to vote for Col lister. Washington charge* that the Republicans did their best to get a Democrat to run for Congress and when they failed in thla the)’ put up Mr. Leaken. He thinks tha# ns they wanted a Democrat first they might a* well nccepi Col. Lester now. HELD rOR FURTHER EVIDENCE. Supposed Murderer of Conductor l.nlllntorc Mill In the Barracks. Henry Howard, colored, who was ar rented day before yesterday. because tnought to be the man that murdered Conductor Lattlmore of the Southern Hallway, near Brunswick. Is still In th barracks, where he I* held pending In fotmailoti that will enable the arreatln officer* to determine whether he Is th man wanted or not. Tld* Informal!©* will come from Macon, ard Is aspect*! within the next day or two. Death of a Little One. The frlenJ* of Mr end Mr*. Jame* S Canon sympathise with them In the death of their child which occurred at Guyton yesterday. THE MOKMNG NEWS: FHIDAY, OCTOBEK 19. 19(K). Dot IIT'S ITS PRACTICABILITY. Mr. Morrell*! Opinion of 4le Hire ntllrnfr Whro th*' promoter* of the consolidation of the rice planter* come tnto thl* unction of the rice producing country It In likely they will have o produce home tangible evidence of their ability to carry out their *cheme before they will be able to Intercut many planter*. The lyiullcato'p rexpori*tbt)i!y I* not doubt* and. hut the planter* will want to proceed In a fftrlctly husdnex* way in a matter of nuch inqiort ance to them Mention of the syndicate* ha* ben made previously in the Morning New*. Ii claim* a capitalization of over I7.CXO.QQO. nnd pro pose* to take the entire r*ee outpu at a specified price for four y4r*. Among the large rice dealer* in Savannah who have considered the proportion of the syndicate Is Mr. \v. G Morrell* Spook ing of the scheme yesterday. Mr. Morrell said: ‘T believe the plan a g<v“d one if I* could be carried out a* It* promoter* *eem to delre. Still. I do not believe ihe r! e planters of thla jtn'flon would c*re to sell them*elve* nnd their crop* for four years, and especially without positive usmirance that th*- syndicate will live up to It* con tract. Ae It I*. I k> not understand tha' the planter* are protected at all. The syndicate require* the planter l " to exe cute a bond binding them to furnish It their crop, but It dm* not give any se curity for the |M*rformunce of It* part of the contract If the promoter* * ow that they are backed up by the fund* they claim to have, nnd nre willing to secure planters against nny refusal to tak< th - crop, the matter would Ik* regatdel In a better light. "Under the plan a* proposed it look* like the planter* would he the gliners, nt least for the lirst year. After that th syndicate would run up prices, and would tiegtr* to reap the profits It expects from :t t'ornerlng of the rice crop. Objectioni arise to entering into the plan widt h call for close investigation on (he part of planters.’’ CLEAHHG 4IP DaMKIA. Director* of Cotton I'.iehniigr Itec nin mend n New Hule for Adoption. At the October meeting of Ihe director< of the Cotton Kzchange yesterday U wuff decided to recommend .1 rule heirlng on the clearance of vessels to the next meet ing of the Kzchange. The director* recom mend the adoption of the rule, which I* a* follows: 1 "When a contract is entered Into speci fying a certain date of clear.ince ft shall be understood that the word 'clearance* means final clearance of vessel end cargo at Custom House, and when such clier ance 1* effected, the name of the \en>el shall be removed from the freight black board of the Exchange." To become effet live Nov. 1. It hns been customary of late to clear vessels at the Custom House on what Is known as the ’•preliminary" cargo, the balance to lie entered on the manifest h It Is load*d aboard ship. The date of i c fir* : .1 r w - u • h* g\ i the time the vessel cleared Under the terms of the new rule p will be seen that the object Is that vessel* shall no: i*- re garded nn dented until they are ready for sea. A clearance will mean under the rule a clearance of the ve.-sel and cargo. The directors also fixed th date of the annual meetings at 430 o'clock on the afternoon of Nov. R yearly. AMUI/rCI) AT M!(%V OROI'Xn*. White Hoy Connected With tlie Gen try 4 wmblaatinn 4 ut n Ncj&ro. Clyde Chandler, a white boy 11 years old. was arrested yesterday morning charged with aa-*awiring and cutting Hen Smith, a colored boy of about the same age. Tho affair occurred at the show grounds of the Gentry Dog and Pony Show, with which Chandler ls said to be connected. It was brought about, ac cording to a spectator, by Chandler order ing SmMh off the tongue of one of the wagons on which he was Th** colored boy moved, but with 111 disguised bad feeling, muttering as he went This seemed to anger Chandler, who, follow ing him. accuse*l him of cur* ng. and cut him sXh a small knife Hmtth was taken home and hi* arrested and sent to the Barracks by Patrolman Evers. First nid Foremost 'n the field ot medicine I* Hood's Rarsap irilla. It possesses actual and unequalled nerlt by which It cures all and seases c tus d or promoted by Impure or impovi-rish ,l blood. If you have rheumatism, dye ;>eps a. scrofula or catarrh you may take Hood's BarsaparllU and be cured. If you >re run down and feel weak and tired, you may be sure k will do you ood. , The favorite family cathartic M Hood's ad. FOR HOMES AND HOSPITALS. WllltK or Tills .%% ATM AH BH ANCH or* tiii: ki:kdlc hoiik <ii iu>. A kfrtlsx of thr 4* aI Id Will He llrld This Aftrriioon I> W hlrlt Kvrry body Interested In 4 hnrltnhle IVurk Is Invited—lt Is Moped to OrgMnlir fteetlons In lisrh 4 hureh of the 4 11 > nnd the Menus of IHtlng *t w 111 He Discussed—The Meeting to He Meld at Hi. John’s |*arlsl Mall. The Savannah Jlmnch Nwdl* Work Guild wUI meet this afternoon at l o'clock at St. John’s I'artsh llall. It Is the desire of hc officers and members of tlhs organisation to have present at this meeting all ludies ihat are Interested in charity work, irrespective of denomina tional differences. The object of the Guild Is to furnish new, plain, suitable garments, to meet !he needs of hospitals, homes, and other charities. The guild was organised In Philadelphia. Apr.l. IS&. and Is modelled after a Society In England, founded by Lady Wolverton. It is non-sectarUn. The Needlework Guild of America Is onmpOMHi of many organisations called branches, ilrunche* may be formed any where, and control the distribution of their own garments. 4'ltle* having a pop ulation of 25.0ft* and over are organised In sections Any one can organise a section. A section consists of proM lent, sec re. tary. al bast three directors, and their nvmbers. ai.d must return annually not less than 110 garments. When ten sec tions are formed, they sbal. be organized Into a city branch by the election of an honorary president, president, is ret.try, and treasurer, for the entire branch. Thre shall be i4> vice presidents, as the section presidents stand In that relation The president of the branch is a member of the central bureau. The Savannah branch was organized in ISO Its officer* are: Honorary 1 resident- Mr* I. I* Men lea. President—Mrs lavid Wells Vice President—Mrs. Max Wolff. Secretary— Miss Jennie Wlllink. Treasurer—Mrs. Fannie Prendergast. The ladles who are Intereste I lit It de sire io organize a section in each of the churches in the city and will discuss means to this end at to-day’s meeting. The work is non-sectarian nnd non-d* noninat lona I and It is quite likely that the matter will !*e brought l**forc each of the tulidsiers of the city and they in* askc 1 to further Its interests in their 4te e love hurrhes- Steps toward this end will be begun immediately as It t the hop- < the Guild to Im- at' ♦ to distribute the gif H of clothing, to those in need of It. bef r • Thanksgiving. For this purpose only new garments will be received. PROF. UlAHtrn IHOW. The Dog*. Pon le* nnd Other %nlnil Are Jurl s Good * Wftr, Prof. Gentry’** Ug ami pony show Is l*ack In BavwniMih iirvl the chlklren are happy. Every vhdt of Prof. Gentry only adds to his fame .is the grentewt enter tainer In the train***! animal line that ever undertook to make the young fieople !ia|*- py. Many of the okler ones*, too. go ami enjoy these performance*. Prof. Gentry ho* most of bl* old favor ite* and a number of new at tract ion* The dogs, ponle*. monkey*, elephant* and other animal |erformers are all trained to a remarkable degree and display Intel ligence In the performance of their iHirta that see me almost human. The eniertaintmeits yesterday afternoon and last night were largely attended an l It Is needless to sny that everybody was pleased. There will be two performance* at the baseball park to-day. one at 230 and the other at S .I*> p m.. both of whic.i will doubtless be largely attended. Prof. Gentry will remain In Savannah to day ami to-morrow. Mr, Hugh F HfTmiMi 1* the courteous press representative of Prof Gentry’s show this season and Is one of the best In the business. TRIED THE 1.61 DATI M HOI TE. Hut 6Vas llroiiKlil Hock tn Life and Sense lo n Doctor. Quite a romantic story which also has a traftlc side came to light yesterday. A young woman who lives In Ihe southern part of Ihe cliy. on account of a true love affair, which a* usual, did not run sm- oth. became disgusted with life anil attempt ed 10 put an end to herself Tuesday nig it by swallowing two ounces of laudanum. Fortunately for herself. a even she now thinks, the trouble was discover'd b f ire It had taken a fa la I turn, and a donor with a stomach pump, aid other un o mantle accessorke managed to rid her of Ihe drug and seeure for her a longer time on tht* plane of existence. It til IHK TOIIKII MIS BADGE. Heckman Fixed I p nn IRlMter but 66 ns rsuxltt Finally. Charles Berrien, a colored hackmnn. was arrested at the Central depot last night by Patrolman Connally on the charge of disorderly conduct. When taken to the Barrack* It was discovered that Berrien was wearing a hackman’s hadg. thnt had been Issued In 1599. but on which the date had been changed, very clumsily, to 19dt H* will he called on to answer a charge for this offense as well a* the one on whleh he was arrested. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought dgn&turu of legal HOTICK9. “st\\TE OK GEoTigTa!’ CHATHAM county.—Notice Is hereby given that I will apply to the Honorable Robert Kal iignnt Judge of the Huperlor Court of Ihe Eastern Judicial Circuit at Chambers ' Savannah. Oa.. on Saturday. Nov. 10. las', ot 10 o'clock a m for an order to sell at iwlvate sole Ihe three-ilfih* (3-3) un divided Interest of J H W Henken. An nie Menken amt Gertrude Henken In the! , ertain lot of land at Thumk?rboit, or War sow. Georgia, bounded on Ihe north by Warsaw river, on th< south by a street, on the eaat by lot belonging lo M J Des vergers and on the weat by a lot of kind belonging to Henry A mhos, the same be ing reetangular In width, having a front age on the river of 99 feel and a rectan gular depth of 309 feel, tt being n (lOrtlon of the Tobias Turner tract of land f de sire to sell this land because Ihe kind 1* unproductive and the Income therefrom uncertain ami It will be soid for the pur poae of reinvesting the proceeds of th* sale. OBSCHE HENKEN. Guardian of J H. W Henken, Annie C. Henken and Gertrude Henken. Oct. 11. 1909. I'HUl'iotLS WANTED. 8 Cmee!^?s?!^AUt|uitlna! F.e., Sept I*. 1900. Sealed prop)*,a. in duplicate, for supplying material for. ami bu. Fling steel framed tower, with shelter fot Range ami l’osklon F'inder. at Key- West, Kla . will be received here until Oct. 22. I*oo. and then publicly opened. Information furnished on application. Thoa. H. Rees, CapL, Enfre. CLASSIFIED AUVEKfISEMcNfS. I'I.HAUAtL. •nri.l. KA/.Oltß'’ CM SI. HllAKr talk, avoid both by havlntt your rasor crounct. hom'd, sot .ml mutle to like ill's, by th- okl ox|iort<'ii''sl harbor, SR Krouxhion. Hair, J.wrlry and Shavliik Subtly Houso. thr plam (or flnr razors, slro|m and shavtnK oulflt., harbor chair* (or salo or rent; baroor shop* bought and void. MORPHINE. Oril’M HAITDANUM, coi'oalno habit mysoK curod. atil inform you o( harmlosa, bormanotit homo euro. Mary S llaidwln. Ho* 1212. Chicago NOTIC*-|IH 1. A. SMITH IIAB (lE movod hta itrntal ofTlco (torn T.i llu.l ,t to ItH OKb-thor|ic avcv oaat, over KniKht a drug store. IH VOI'R IRON HAKE EIRE-PROOF - ' Hutto! A F'rvrmati have a standing offer of ti.timi (or ovrry sa(o of tholr make that dooa not iHoitorve tta contents One safe was In burning debris !U hours When taken out. the hose had to bo turned on It When opened, not a page was discol ored. not a record tost, not a dollar de stroyed. If you want security, buy a Ktlffei A Krecmun safe. C. P. Miller, agent. HOW ADOPT Torn WINTER clothing' let us put It tn shape. I: per month Sterling Pressing Club. IS York w YOI WIU. 1,1 KF. THE MILK FROM Sprtugfleld Dairy; It’s rich and purs, try it. KI HNITPRE t PIIoUHTKRKD. MAT treset** renovated. Antique furniture re fMtllshcv). furniture packed and shttrirod In test manner Send me your orders. C. P Miller, agent. HONE FTsOPR. -POI ND lIAfl/Wr; lewv orilor with E Moyle. 10 Uroughton street, eawt. or 114 Park avenue, vast. J. Oardner, agent IF ITS RUUS TOU WANT. YOU CAN get them cheaper from McOtlila. BPECIAI,. AN UNLIMITED SITPI.T of nice willow rookera, ladles’ aise. at C J. W. Teaple. I All NOW Lfh-ATED AT tit WEST Broughton: ring up HW If you wain to have your furniture moved or packed for shipment or storage. I guarantee pruca the same ns 1 do the work that’s given to me. A. H, tlrtfftn. tit llrouglnon street, west: mattresses made to order MILLKHS BTOVEB AND RANGES (the satisfaction The Magnetic, Econo nisi. Waldorf, King, and other good makes at reasonable prices. 307 Brough ton. west. KENSINGTON FARM MILK IS UN surpassed (or rtchmas, d* livery Is per fect, phone, 2.146 HOW ABOUT YOU It WINTER clothing' lei us put It in shape; It pr month. Sterling Pressing Club, la York, w. SEE MILLER KOR OFFICE DESKS, office tables, office matting, office shades Ltd Broughton, sveat. WHEN YOU BEE M (ULUS’ BIXTY- Incb cents rugs, you will buy them. Just can't help It; will tell In any quen cMy. F'oit I-l>>rtAl7 DESIGNS. CUT FlaOW ers. plants nnd bulbs, from Oelfa-hlg'a nursery; leave orders with E. Moyle. 10 Hroughion street, east. J. Gardner, • "FURNITURE MOVED WITH CAKE, la a specialty with MrOlllla. “MILI.EK’H NEW STYLES IN CAR pets, mattings, linoleums, window shades etc. All work done In flrsl-c a style. 207 Broughtiet, west. SEE THE JEWEL STOVES AND ranges (or sale by J. W. Teeple; also agent for Insurance gasoline stove kPOILLIS IS CHEAP ON RUGS. NETS, lacs curtalne. hammocks, water coolers, pillows, pictures, stoves, bedroom suits*, snd furniture of every daacritMlon II t* BUYS NICE RATTAN ROCKERS while they taat Large assortment of rockers, divans and easy chalra. C. P. Miller, agent IIOW ABOUT TOUR ‘ WTNTKR clothing’ Ist us put It in sh*p~: I' p*r month. Sterling Pressing Club, 1 York w KENSINGTON FARM IS ON AN elevation In the roumry. free from city drainage Impossible for milk lo heroine eontamlnated. by Itnpurn odors: If you want pure Jersey mdk. phone 2J De livery prompt; satisfaction guaranteed. M OrLLIS MOVES PACKS SHIPS and stores pianos and furniture, best work only; no “Cheap-John" prices—no ’’Cheap John" Jobe 31.00 FOR WOVEN WIRE COTS, while they last. C. P Miller, agent. MOILLIB LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor. 52.&0 FOR AltT SQUARES WHILE they last. Rig assortment, all grades of art squares, rugs, mats, portieres. C. P. Miller, .tent M GII.LIS SELLS SIXTT-INCH RUOS —Ptnyrna pstterns—for M cents. HOW AP.F: YOUIt FEET? IF YOUR feet are troubling you, call on me and I will give you relief; I curs Ingrowing nails, corns and all diseases of ths (set without pain; charges reasonable; ran give ths best references In Ihs city; pa tients treated at residences; orders can ba left at Livingston’* drug eloee. Ruff end Congress streets; telephone 293 Lem Dsvt* •"frees ehlronodtet HELP WAATHD-MALB. j TTRTr r tonta. N C. F’lynt Hultdlng and Construc lion Company. WE WISH TO ENGAGE A FINE. RA pld penman for special work, to oth-ra nml apply; call al one*. Also ia;d nperalur on tyi>ewrller. Isdy or, Can-IMx Manufacturing Company, 2* Jioird of Trade building. WANTED, A BRIGHT ROY TO lcrn the wholesale notion huslneaa. Ap ply 2!> Congreaa streel, wist WANTED, TAILORS TO HELP ON coat*. Apply at 1M Hull street. WANTED. STENOGRAPHER FAMIL- Ir with claim work; salary PL., etate ex perience. Wallace, News offi'-e. WANTED. GOOD STENOGRAPHER and penman; experience In railroad work. A'klres* P. O. Ilox No. 297 GOOD PRESSED WANTED ONE who has hail experience; ref rcu e. Royal Pressing (Tub, Whitaker and Hull atreet. WANTED. A YOUNG MAN WITH Ex perience In crockery and glassware, and a knowledge of picture framing, stale ex perience and salary. Box IM, Wnycros*. (In “wantbdTan kneroetic maN TO manage office In Savannah, good pay to the right man. must give aur- ty bond, and huve MOO In cash. Address National, care New*. WANTED. A THOROUGHLY COMl’E tent planing mill man. one who un ier stands setting up and running planing ma chinery; no other neel apply. Hep, ard. Snedeker * Cos., lumber y.rd. Henry street and 8.. F". * W. Ry. crossing. WANTED, BOOKKEEPER. STENOG rapher, druggist, laundry machinist, bak or*, bricklayers, mill man. He < hooters, cypress and pine log choppers, sawyers, orange packers. Iluber. 317 West Hay Jacksonville. m.t.f tiu.n-M.utLi-'. wanted! TO DO cooking and general housework. German preferred. App.y 2101 Bull alreei, near Seventh etreet WANTED. HOCtEK E E P E H S clerke, etenograp lers. companions ladle* maids, nurses, cook*, laundresses, wal* trsescs. chambermaids; al, part* of F'lor- Ida and S*>uth Georgia. Huber, 317 West Bay street, Jacksonville. HELP WSirTKia-KKMAI.B. WANTED, CAPABLE GIRL FOR general house work. Ltd Broughton *1 eaiff. Huittit waimu. WANTED, FTIt.MHHED HOUSE BY couple tdoet* In. let (*!>c, ,lon to boarding family. Strangers, News. W A IT ED— MUM KLLIHKIII'I. '\VANTK and! LUMBER? ' ' FRA MI Nt J stuff, ffootlng ami weaihcr-boardlng to exchange lots (or same. C. H. Dotsctt. W ANTED. To HIRE A HOUSE FOB I month, for collecting purpose*, will fe*d and care, stale prhe Dan. care New*. IK YOU WANT GOOD MILK. GET IT from !*pttngfleld Dairy; It’s rich, pure and whole come. IK YOU W ANT A PLACM TO DUMP earth, dirt. aand. manure. ec., tree of charge. Just al city limit*, hauling over herd road, writ* or telephone Brown tiro*., come. Anderson and Kasl Broad attest*. rtm HKXT-NOUHI. FOR RENT. 3 UNFURNISHED rooms, to paritss without children, $15(1 p r month. 2*2 East Houmlwry street, near Plant Sjstcm de|ot. "“NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, southern ex|i*ure, modern convenience*. 310 Jottes, east, (PLATS l "It HUM. ““polt BiTnT KLAT/r?nr^TAS!KMENT to small family. No. 12 Jons* street, cast •■’(ill HUNT—HOt SKA "Tuir7TE?H?~?VYrrTdtTXi7LE^KH^SE! No 317 \\ attlburg stteel, east, between Alwrcorn and Uncoln. first-idasa order and condition; every convenience Hlghl rent to right tenant Estate Salomon Cohen, W est Broad and Broughton streets. for ih:nt. DESIRABLE DWELLING with all modern Improvement*; In good repair. SOS Jones, east. Kollo, h A Screv en. FOlt BENT. 17 DUFFY BTBKF7T. east, povfeeston al once. Apply George L Germany, agent. 16 Bryan street, east. rOit HEAT—STOKES “Tor hunt! sToiie sToitlTwest lorn-r Whitaker and Lberty streets. Ap pl> 18 l.lh-rty street, west. FUR HI NT, STORE, lli BROUGH. tim street, east; pease salon Immediately also seve’al I-al, able re-,dances and flat*. Apply A. Wylly. 12 Bryan streat. *<st Foil It HAT—MI At EI.I.AMCItt 9. Ft nt bent! two near Maiket; rent very cheap, M J. Doyle. Market square. LARGE WAREHOUSE AND OFF'ICB for rent, corner Broughton and West Broad streets, formerly occupied by the Savannah Carriage ami Wagon Cos. H. P. Smart. Foil IALK-KBAL lATtI’E. ACRES vTbgTn plus land -altertvttc sections, will cut U> Im>xss to tin- acre; 3>j mile* from g<ssl river triinsiKirlalion; duly slsamlsMl; terms cah. Albert W. Gilchrist, Punta Gorda, Fla. fob kale, a lot fob two hun dred dollars; easy terms, on Ninth street, near East Broad, no city taxation. C. 1L Dorset!. FOB BAI.E/LOTiR UN NINTH. NEAR East Broad, st I3uj each: will toon be advanced to 3223; when a lot has been paid for 1 can arrange to get a home built C H Doreett. FOR SALE LOTS ON NINTH STREET near East ltroad; no city taxes, at OU> each; twenty-live dollars cash, ami *a*y monthly payments C. If I>ors*tt. "“ft ESI I FENCES AND UCILDINO IX>TS for salo all over the city. Hobart 11 Talem. real estate dealer. No. I York atreet. west. FOR SALK OR RENT. 69-ACRE farm with house and out building*. ;n great condition Apply 67* Stewart street roll SALE. THOSE IP rTH ON NINTH street, near F7aat Broad, have only been sold to ftrst-clasa parties. bo will make good neighbors, and none other can buy The terms are very easy, and they arc cheaper than any other In th# vicinity. C. H Dorset!. FUR ItUe-aiSIkUASKUt'L 8(V HEM. TIIK COUGH KING? TRY It when your favorite remedy fulls, at 21c bottle added lo a gib of honey makes a splendid mixture for Infants and children “benzoin balm makes the skin like velvet, for sale by druggist or at Hen ry and Abereorti Bersse Drug Stores, Whitaker ami Taylor streets 1 on POUNDS SMOKED PEEK AT Be per pound; very nice beef. M. J. Doyle. FOR SALE. ONE LADY 8 BICYCLE, and aim little girl's. 108 Brady street, west. TUGBOAT FOR SALE OR CHARTER; tug In good order, ready for work, else 39x22. surface condensing engine Apply Reeve* A McTureou*. Charleston, B. C. FOR SALE TWO VERY FINE COWS, must be sold at once. M. J. Doyle, Mar ket square. FOR SALE miles! large, smooth mo lew and some "heap mule* and horses. Savannah Halo ami Boarding Stable*. buggy ROA DC ART and iiahnksh cheat! Savannah Sain end Boarding Stables. TURPENTINE LOCATION FOR sale. 18 crops first year boxes; !> *rre* round timber, at 11 50 per acre. 3'* per thousand boxes for leased timber; plenty of tlmlwr lo lie got; In live mile* of ral road; will give possession m*w or at end of season Addr.os Hound Timber, ca * Morning News. KiltE PROOF SAFES—WB CARRY A fine line of fire proof safe* In Block al all ilfiie- The parties ran see exactly what they are getting Our prlcsw are a* low as manufacturer* sell |l. with freight add ed. Pnrtle* Interested, who wish a good Are proof safe, will do well to Inspect our stock Llpptnan Bros., Llppman Idock. agents for manufacturers. SPRINGFIELD DAIRY IS NOTED for having rich, pure milk; try It; you will he pleased Mill AMD Ftrt \li LOST TIIIH AFTERNOON. ONE gold ring, with teller "M" on the bark, and from "8, S. ro It C.“ Inside, and If found, return to No. 3 Gordon, west. Re. word will be paid lo right parties. auAMUIIh. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH BOARD; also table boarder*. U 9 Liberty street, east. I'I.I’MHIMG. MODERN PLUMBING. IT WILL BE to your interest to let me give you an es tlmate on your plumbing, new or old work; rupalr work a specialty, oa I am a practical plumber No guess work to endanger your life Wiggins, phone Wf. Georgia or Bell MIatKLLAABUL’k. J TlT7rivE''lTn EnTIERnOMESTIC or gloss finish, perfect work. Forest City Leiundry, Park avenue. KOCH & SYLVAN, 46 WHITAKER have Just receiv'd a large assortment of small fancy elle clocks. NO BOTCH, NO HI MBPO! BUT A thorough painter, taper bang r and dec orator. Taylor, K. of P. Halt. MIACKI.I,A IIJH I. WE CLEAN CLOTHES BY THE RE eorclns antiseptic prooaaa. Try us. New York Steam Dye Wotke. Whitaker and State. nil: ,-TAIt THAT I.EAlfft THEM all; New IbrimeMp Machine, with ball Lettrlngw I'enlon A Son. FOR FISHING TACKLE. NETS, ETC? go to Cornwell A Chipman. CAIfL UP PERRY A BENTON! - IF you are going to move shift or store fur niture. Bell plume U-t HAVE YOCK HOUSE PAINTED with German ready-mixed paint; entlra sa l-fa lion guaranteed Adams Paiat Company. “SANITARY PLUMBING, GAS AND s'earn fitting, only experienced men em ployed allow tie to give you a tlgisre on your work. A. C. Price A Cos., State ah*l Jefferson streets, phones, 958. “WANTED, ONE THOUSAND llCN gry p-opli at the Southern Grocery Com pany, lit Barnard street. •PHONE 1677. Fon FOREST CITY laiundry They will call (or your Brian Immediately. GF7T YOCK WEDDING PRESENTS at Koch A Sylvan’s, K Whitaker. They are beautiful and cheap. FOR PAPER HANGER AND I'AINT #r get Taylor’s e ttmate- You won t rn gret 11. Painters' auimlles. ATTACHMENTS AND MACHINE RB palr.d while you wait, all w< rk guaran t-ed. I'or i*oor people free. Penton A Son. “la DIES. HAVE YOUR FINK Cltß pon and tailor made drewsee d(*—l by new oxadye prorese. guaranlee-l mst to shrink or get out of shape New York Dye Works, Whitaker and tttate. ‘Phan* 943. FOR HARDWARE AND TOOLS. OO to Cornwell * Chtpman’*. “ PEBItY A BENTON WILL RENO v,itc your old mallresses and furniture, make aoo*l as new al very little cost. WE SELL HEWER PIPE. FLUB pipe, nre thy, fire brick al lowest prlcaa. Adams Paint Company, lot Congreaa, west. MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED CENTS tn every *l*>li#r of your hard-earn(d hard rash at the Southern Grocery Company, lit llarnanl atreet. PHONE 958 BELL OH GEORGIA; AND let ue disconnect amt runnert your range, repairs of any make furnished for your stove or range; expert workmen only em ployes!; can figure very rloss; A. Cl. Price tv Cos.. State and Jefferson atreet*. THE MOST UP-TO-DATE WORK IS being turned out by Forast City Igiundry ’Phone 1575. WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING given |**rsnnal attention, al Koch A Syl van’s, 46 Whitaker. WALL PAPERS, PAINTS. VAlt j .!■*' as kal'on In end g’.* and god mrchnnlce. B*# Taylor. K of P. llall SINGER NEEDLIS. THREE FOR five rents, gill oil will) dogen free Pen ton A Son FOB RANGES AND HToVLN. Go TO Cornwell A fnlpmnn “PERRY A BENTON USE SPECIAL rare In moving, shipping and storing furniture; ‘phone 1124. “OYPSINE 18 THE RF2ST WALL FIN -1 i*h made Adams Paint Cos., Savannah agents. lt Congrea*. west. PF7KFKCT GAS MANTLES 19c Ho 35c ami 3&r each; all guaranleml gaa lumps the very latest makes, put up In your office, store or residence, only 75 resits; If your old gas burner* n*e<l re pairing and overhauling telephone, C 4 Georgia or Hell, ami w* will do Ih* rest A. C. Price A Cos., State ami Joffereon street*. REDUCE YOUR LIVINO EXTENSBB by Investing your hard-earned hanl cash with th# Southern Grocery Company, 119 Barnard street Norwood's "Satire" For sale at all News Stands io Savaooab. legal balks. sTfERICK'S SALK (F PERSONAL PROPERTY. STATE OF GEORGIA. CITY OF A vannah-Cnder and by virtue of a dis iress warrant Issued from the City Court of Savannah In favor of J Randolph An derson, ,aetd of estate of E **‘. Anderson, Jr., acslnst Mr*, lb rtl a Smith, and by virtue of an order of sole grunted by tho Honorable Thomas M Norwool Ju-lae of th# City Court of Savannah, on the I7'h day of October, A I>. IFA). 1 U put up and el pose for sale at public outcry on the 2*tn day of Ortotier, A D. !>. within the legal hour* of •* e. to the h u i*-st bid der for cash, the personal ptop eriy. to-wlt; Ail that certain stork of gmal*. wares an I merchandise contained in the store num bered (121 Br.'Ugh" n street, east. In the city of Savannah. Georgia known ns •'Gardiner'* Bnsanr,” consisting of toy*, fancy goods, notions, Jewelry, florists' sup plies. seeds, books, stationery rut ery. cu riosities. birds, cages, hardware, goods, photographs, canes, and all oth*w articles of whatsoever character or kind contained In said stock of goods; nn! also flslure*. counter*, show case*, rav <’> Iron safe, rleek. chair*, awning, electric light and gas fixtures In ami about said at ore. Sold property Is levied on as th* pio.- erty of Mrs. Berth i Smith, and will be sold on the premise* at No. 12 Broughton aired, east, ns a whole or In paresis or iota as may be most advantageous. K J WHELAN. Sheriff City Court of Havanoeh. LEGAL I6OTICK9. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY Notice I* hereby gtvn to all person* hav ing demand* again*! John Green late of raid county, deceased, to preeent mem t,> me. properly made out, within th* time preecrtbed by lew, so a* to show their chamder and amount; and all per son* Indebted to aatd dccea#d are tre qulnd lo make Imme Bale payment to nn PATRICK O’CONNOR, Administrator. Cara O'Connor. O'Byrne A Hartrl-lge, Attorneys at Law. Savannah. On., Sept. 4, 1900. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY Notice I* hereby given to all p>rs,lw hav. tng ib mauds agalnat Kllxa Barrett, late of sold county, deceased, to present them o me piotxrly mode out. within ths tlm* prescribed by law, an as to show their 'haree'er and amount; and all per sons Indebted to said deceased are re qutred to make Immediate payment to me. M A. O' BYRNE. Executor. Savannah. Oa . R*pl. 4. 1900. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.— H"*a Lloyd hit applied to the Court of Ordinary for a twelve months' *u;-port for herself out of the edata of B njamln IJoyd, deceased. Appraiser, have main returns allowing same These are. therefore, to rR all whom It may concern lo appear be for tta and court to make objection on or before the lirst Monday In Noyemt er. next, otherwise tame will be granted. IVBncss. the Hororah’e Hampton L Ferrlll. Ordinary for Clathim county, this the 11th day of October. 19,0 FRANK E KEILBACH. Clerk CL 0.. C. C„ tie. OLD NEWS PAPERS, IM for * o*o ta, at Dusinwe Offio* Morn leg News, 3