The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 19, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 A TEXAS WONDER. Hull** l*real IMaeavery. Or# •mall bottle of Hall a Oreat re covery cures all kidney and bladder trou ble#. remove# (travel, cure# dlsbet* . sem inal emission*. Weak and lame b k rheumatism ami ail irrtiu.'arHlM <*t *•“ kUn ) and bladder tn both men at-1 w men. regulate b.adder \r • .M* • dtet* If not sold i*> your IruggP* w*.l be tent by mail nr# • pt >f l n * Mni4, bottle ,a two mouth 1 ratmen? .*> *ll cure any caae above r.* wed Hr 1. W. Hail. Hole mat ufa r v ° ,v >* Cl* M Louie. Mo tbnd * *r '•*# imonlal* Bold by all druggie -and Holomons Cos.. Bavannah, Ga Mrml 1 hi*. Cut to rt Ga . April 2, l>'d Thm l to rrt)fy tht 1 war* ‘■lwti‘l wilt, jrav.l rt that I took *l*tv of Half* Orr.t l- ••'Tory n<! tt ■ m rurr-t mo It I- worth lI.M li bottlo to ai.y on. hooding It. J. T STEVENS THE WEATHER. For* for Fr • n I Saiurdax Geurgia ami Bouih Carolina Fair Fri day and Saturday; fresh a ter ' ain't'- Eastern Florida and Western Florida Fair Friday uni Saturday .ig:.t to fresh northeasterly winds Yesterday** Weather at Savannah— Maximum temperatur*\ 4 p.m 74 degree# Minimum temperature, 7 a.m. .u degre*# .Mean temp#*atute 63 - •* Normal tempera tur. Jie.n #ncy of temperature .. I deg AcrutmiUt**! ex .-> •!** Oct l . 60 degree Accumulat'd excea* #1 nee Jan. I ........ *4 degree* Half, fa 1. CO inch Normal . 11 l° rn Kice<s# since Oct. 1 3 ’,l Inch## JLeflcienc> since Jan. 1. 7.46 in :.c River Keport -The hist hi of the Savan nah river at Augusta, at 8 . m (Tiih me ridian llm I yesterday, wa #3 fa* t. a f l of I.S foot during ih< jre e-ling t*e V four hours. Cotton Ration Bulletin. Savannah. Ga h the twenty'-four mre • nditig a‘ 8 •* m. 75th meridian t ine. <* i. 18. IPuo. St* | Mw*. Mu,. Half Savannah iltret. IT**m Tern.* fall #a i v - '*4 r "' Albany clear 82 57 <> Amerteus, clear k* 63 Matnbrldg*-. clear *> £d .Oh Eastman, clear j S' 50 u* Fort Oanes. clear ! #*• 65 Oh ■ ■• l’ii Millet, da., clear ! 77 44 j .00 Quitman. cl*nr | K 2 64 no Savannah, clear 74 52 .<*> Thomasvtl)#, clear V> 6t .00 Wajrcro**. clear . . * ■ >*• Cl> Special Tex 4# Rainfall trace. Henrietta#. .12. K* rrviil -. .04. Lam* pns*t, .12. Luting. trace; Sherman, true. Weatherford. .14; Abilene, .OK. Corpus Christ!. 02 Light Front—Charlotte. N. c ; Cheraw. ft C; Weldon. N. C. Columbia. S C ; Retesburg. S. C. Heavy Fro#i Raleigh. N C.. 3 degree# St i- Mag Min Rain Central Station*. ;tton Tem. Tem fall Atlanta ...... ...... 13 71 SO Au mi"ti |ll 172 44 01 Charleston 5 j 70 j 44 j .<0 ■ Utile Rock i 31 74 4* .0> Memphis 14 |62j 46 0* Mobile j 8 76 | 54 .'0 Montgomery j g | 80 5R .01 New Orleans 11 78 7d > Savannah 12 * M j ,and Vicksburg jlO 72 fr> .d> Vilmlnfton 10 64 SI i .CO SOItRIX, FOR V IC'TO lIV. Fmsry lt>* Will Try to Take %t- In nln ly Blornt. Emory College. Oxford. Qa.. Oct. IS —As the time for th* oratorical conbiH ap proach*# the Emery boy a are comjdetlnx their plan# for taking A l.inta by * or n on the night of Nov 2 M* ilng# *r h I*l each day at which the y.-tl- and tmg **r practiced and the college bcd> I# ieinx thoroughly organised for the purpose of giving Basnet t ih* most rou#in *uppo t that a rspressntative of Emory ha eve receive*!. The Emory flag# which played auch a prominent part in the ilcmont*r.*- iton* of the conte#t lsst year will be on hand In great lumbers and ‘the flrg* •>( blue with the orange E" will !*e even more conspicuous than bsf re. At the meeting to-'isy a great amoti t at er.tb uaiaurn was aroueed by t e read tag of letters from the young lades of Agre* Scott Institute .nd the Wa hi cton Seminary in whl- h they acespted Km ry # Invitation to wear the orsng* aid blu oa the evening of the contest. With imeh a bevy of fair sponsor* the enthu-ia-m o' the Elmary lioy# wll know no bounds Mr Sasnett will certainly have no lack of inspiration The contest Is now scarcely more than two week# off and each day the inter*# felt In it I# Increadnkv Having * repre sentative whom they know to I#* the equal of any student of a <Jo;gii toleg. bo. n a# writer and speaker and whom they firmly believe to lw the superior of al other# who will enter the contest, the Emory hoy# are lrnpailent!y awaiting in flate of th contest an 1 arc * onfldentli expecting victory. ( TOPICS AT TIIIMI i^VILLB. Civil Rerxlce F.tnnilit’ifton Superior l nurt A4Jonrs*-d. Thomas villa. Ga., Oct. 18.—A civil service examination ha# be*-n ordered to tie held In this city, on Nov. 17 next, to All posi tions of letter carriers and fr* mall de livery in Thomasvllle. which ta*gins on Jan 1 next Thoma* County Superior Court ad journed yesterday, to nv et again on th* sscorxt klovvkty in December, when Judge Candler will bold court f r Judge Han sell The Cracker Gun Club of this city has a large membership They have semi weekly shooting <ontst at day pigeon Capt W. R. Ward, well known In rail road cirri**#, had an ait.u k of something like apoplexy. In thi* c.ty last evening ai*d continue* quite Hi. People are beginning to store cotton In the warehouse In this <1 > t*p to a few dnys ago very little wa-* *tor**l Eugene H. Smith ha* received hi# eom tnlMlon as First Lieutenant and Adjutant of the Becond H.ittallon, Fourth U*-orgt.i Regiment To Iseressr Tbelr I*•-#f. Columbia. 8. C.. Oct. 18. Charleston. Columbia. Greenville and Florence ore in stituting a campaign In behalf of the eonatltutfonnl amendment t be voted f<r In the general election, allowing them to Increase their debt f*r tx rmanent im provement The exi*eeted opposition eom*-* from the New* and Courier of Charleston, but Charleston's Council unanimously lines up for the amendment, but her mayor is working with those of the other town*. If the ormndment I# carried, the municipalities will control their nubll • work*, otherwise, rich corporation* will get the contract. Tlllls Was Acquit fed. Orlando. Fla . tkl 18 -The Tlllls trial terminated at 1©;$) oVk> k last night, when the Jury, after being out a little more than on hour, brought In a verdict of acquittal Oinnlin'a Healsiratlon. Omaha. Neb.. Ocl 1 —The flrst day** registration in .Omaha wna very light, though up to p r * v km* year# Both sides claim gains. Figures cannot be given to flight. ITHi: IT HOItiUR. Hraldrarr ( onigh'lrlr Destroyed and Olhrra linnmsn|. IF uflai, Oa . Oct. lA—Yesterday at the residence on Ethel street. by Mr. K. 1. Davis and family, wa* a ready consumed by fire. Through heroic effrt* < the clila* r * in the a * need my ft'** apparatue, ihe entire content* *•*•* **ve<l. The dwelling and barn* of J It. J*avi and the dtollinr if Mr V V. Coma* ■aught never a time*, but by prompt >*c i!,.n rf it* bu ket br.icade put out The tire originated from a defective imv* flue The Let tMiildlng belonged t Buck At I*onmir mid w.- in.njr and tn the Aetna (fempany for 84 ,# Every *erlou* even? he* tt* >tt* M< While th** hr* a* racing it t* •ur *• a HHiiryman • am* rdu. to , foe* by. Hi? aaddle blank*! u k >i*n t* him. be*.trr* ignited Hr diamountoJ, hitched hie mu.e and Joined the tnrong *f .%■ workers Ir .i few mm* i *• n • bank** on the mul* levimc to** warm for comfort to b - mule*hip. and for a while nothing could be wen but *iut and a -htmmcr of mul* h*r!- m the air. M. *rr It 1 ver - • 131 u Utt .nd John M !/jn three of Coff*e’a wealthy cap!- tall**** br*k dlrr thin m rnlng for th* erection of a mammoth livery >nd sale stable. lte\ J c GUlc'ple of Stockton *;• preached hla first eerroon to • I>ougla- au •ii* t * I set m* it H* created „ tnoi f v.*.i b* lm preset on u|#**n *!•* hearere aid will qui’e Ilk* iy l*e ralletl to the pa*torate of Ihr I*oll gin* flap-let C hurch Mr# Euoia Freeman J**t.n- n of Colum bs., S c* arrlV('*l ye:*rday ad will upcrai a f* w week* with her i*arenm. E ll tor and Mr* James M Freeman. TWO I*ol >!IM t WKHMT. Hum* Wa* l.lght cud llsrd Bcherk Wnm IH*|unllftel. New Y rk Oct. 18 —Alard Hcheek won ♦ e Kor*S.arn high weight handicap at Morri* Park t- -day. a neck *efore Belle cf Troy, and was then disqualified, as his Jockey, Burns, was two pound* under weight. First Itace —One mile, selling Amaion. evn. won. with Aliike, 12 to 1 and 6 to 1. *#. .>nd. and Armor, a) to 1. third Time, I-IIS Bc.nd Kao -Six nnd a half furlong* Id*tie ! •!?*>. H to 1. won. with Fleet Wing. * to 5 and 3 to 5. second, and Alcyone. 11. 7to 2. third Tim** 1 23. Third Race Th** Kamapo handicap, one ard one-eighth miles KJUasliandra. Ito 6 wrr*n. with Gonfalon. 5 to 1 and even. *. ,n l. nnd First Whip, 6 to I. third Time l:ss*i Fourth Race Fordham. high weight handb up, seven furlong* . Alard Scbeck. ♦i to 1. won. with Halle of Tr y. 4 to 1 and 8 to 5. second, and Char* ntus, > to 1. third Tune 1 2Si. Alard Bcheck dis qualified Fifth Race —One mile Asquith. 3to 1, w n. with the Chamberlain. R to 10. and out. second, and Harry MoCoun, 7 to 1, third. Time 1 43 Sixth Race -one and one-quarter mile*. Banger, ft to 5. won with intrusive. 11 to 2. and out, second. Time 2:o6*a- Otly two starter*. Hneea wl ftrw|orl. ClndnfMti. 0., Oct. 18.—Results at New* Prt: First Rac* Cine mile and fifty vards. lulling. Iteono. 8 to 5. won. with luls vllle Belle. 8 to 1. secoivl. and l>r. lila R. 4 to I, third Time 1:454. gerund Itace—Five and u half furlong* port Wine. 7 to 6. won. with Olorita. 6 to :* ond. and Mis* Aubrey, 26 to 1. third. Time 1 DIV Thlr*l Itace—Blx furlongs, selling Pan - ,an*. 6 to 1, won. with Llizt* Jacks4in. - • • l. wcuiul. nnd Jena, 6 to 1, third. Time 1:154 Fourth Rac*— Hand! wp. one mile John Ycrkes, even. won. with Clay Poynter. 7 to ]. second, and Miss Boak. 1 to 2, third Time 1:144 Fifth Itacw—Ona mile, wiling Our I*ady. 3 to 1. won. with link Tim. 4 to second, and Paoqueiin. 12 to 1. thin!. Time 1:43. bixth Itace—Six furlongs, selling Prin c* v Thyr.i. 3 to 1. won. with Jake Weber. 7 to 5. second, and L>eist. 2i to 1, third Time 1 114 nmw* fhoii %\ tunopi. Mr. Wwtlley*■ •'tmurallon for n Joint fttiifk I ompsn). Way cross. Oa.. Oot. 18.-The whltw man. Fulfcnl. who was caught peddling blind tiger whisky *fi th** M e t* Baturday, th# detal.s of the case having been given at the lime In the* dispatch##, has been re leased from custody. Ilia brother .-ent Ho .icltor t‘rowley u ches k for the amount n eea.iry to jay his fine, aiul he was re eased. Rev P. P Mkldlcton of Mbcrty county Is ii slating R*v C F. B livls In n pco ir*ct 1 m*. lng at We*l#van Church, Mr. J. E. Wadley, caahler of the First National Bank ami president of the Hu ll : Manufacturing Company, suggests that a Joint -•lock nufvant.le ompiny l* formal U r the |urpose of buying cotton, establishing gume bs. etc., and that the ompany muke u specialty of tusllng sup plies to the farmers on lime In order to Induce them to come here to do their trad ing. He thinks the company should have it capital of at least 860.000 to Is- i-ot l In a* I-* fv-un l necessary In the conduct of the business. I.lMt;i l> Olli AT TO < KNTB. Product at the Highest Price In Its History. Chicago, Oct. 18 —The American Idn seeTH * 1 Company to-day market! the price of line* ed oil up to 70 cents, or the highest figure known since the infancy of the In dus ry. lie for# noon the price was 60 cents. This advance of 10 cents per gallon is th*- largest Singh- price fluctuation ever known in llti*e-*i oil and Is about th** equivalent of a 40 or So cents per bushel advance In the price of wheat. Coming at th** season **f th** year when the move ment of the new crop of flaxseed from the farmers of the Northwest has Just b* gun. it luis caught every manufacturer in the country by surprise. Practically all of them had been expecting 35-cent oil. Th* result has been that they had reduc ed their stocks to the lowest possible point* All Interests concede that the control of the situation 1# centered In the American L.lns*d Oil ('ompany. Flaxseed l now selling at 1.83. or an ad vance during the last ten days of 35 cents per gushel. Chrome Diseases in as well. AH aorts of drugs and patent medicines and "family reme eflwXli dies" are tried, medical "Instllutef" and "Companies" are resorted to but the rondttlou becomes worse rather than better. ‘ It If the nature of the disease Itself, together with all Its com (esedUk jrtt- P plications, which must be studied lafore any system of treatment 8r *' can be prewrlbed It Is an Individual personal treatment which Is < / needed In every chronic case, w hether It be Loss of Manly Vigor, ” -..y-'-s- * Varicocele. Htrlrture, Blood Poisoning, or any form of GenlWlor V ip I'rmsry Com plaint It Is such treatment that Dr. Hathaway gives his patient*, and such treatment only. ft . I7mt his method Is right has been proved by the uniformity and .e-v'' flL Invariability of his cure* for tha paaf 21 yaars, a record which has placed him far In advance of all other specialists In tlie treo(- • ‘yi" .c 1 went of Chronic Diseases. Call at his office or write him for free consultation and adi'co, I. HE WTO It HATHAWAY HD. for , ropy of Ills new Ob page book. "Manliness, Vigor, Health,” and self-examination tymptotn blank. office hours—* to 12 m . 3 to $ and 7 to i. mWT°*l MATBAWAV. 1 8. O. 9pm flunday 10 a m. to Ip. m Dr. Hathaway A C . fcA Uryan Bavanuah, Oa THE MOKMKG -NEWS: FRIDAY. OCTOBER HI. WOO. FOCAL FEltAOffAl* Mr J Young of Miami is a gM**st of the Screven. Mr J T. Flatter of Atlanta is a guest j of the I'! Mr T N ReddFtc of Pwvo Is a guent ; of the Pulaski. Mr M L. Herts of rbarleston is a guest : of the [k Soto I Mr J J Frasier of Hazlehurst Is regis tered at the Pulaski. Mr J. K Mclver of Jacksonvlll# It s mjest of t.‘*e I*e Hnto Mr F H PooUdge ot Atlanta I# regis tered a*, the I>e Bjt<* Mr W H A ikins of Atlanta i# regls j t*red at th# Pulaski Mr and Mrs K H Brnall of Mi on are guests of the P H*>to Mr and Mr *! Asamore of Jesup ar guests of th- Screven Mr I> B Fr**lert k of MarahaUviU# Is a guest of the I># Hoto. Air E E Wilkes *f M* Igs was a guest of the Hcreven yesterday. Mr and 3lr# H W (h>*gs of Allendale are guests cf the Screven Mr S W Bkinrier of Ml Airy, N. C. Is registered at th# Pulaski Mr nnd Mrs C H Lloyd of At.anta are registered at the L>e Hoto. (‘apt J M Roger* returned from New York iaet night mi th** Nt oorhet. Mr 11. T. Powell of Macon was among yesterday’s arrivals at the Screven Mr W J Rogers of H|*arks was among the arrivals at the Screven yesterday. Mr James A Walker of Darien was among th* arrivals at the Pulaski yester day. Mr C A Williams of Ilardeevllle was In the city yesterday a guest of the D# goto. Mr Jam** L. Wilcox of Mcßae was In the city yesterday a guest of the Pu laski Mr. and Mr* Davidson have returned to •h# city after spending some tlnv* In Ala bama. Mr and Mr* 8 E Thru* and Master (‘hariton Theus will return from th# North o-da>\ Mr. J D. McGregor of Mt. Vernon wa* among the guests of th# Screven yes terday. Mr. James T Prior# of Atlanta was among the arrivals at the Pulaski yew terday. Mrs W. O Morrell and Master Morrell were pa**'ug*m >n th# Nocoorhee from New York Inst night. Mr. Charles V. Hohonsteln, who has be**n In th** office of Messrs fl-iussy \ Haurw> for th-* last year, has moved his office to President and Drayton streets. Judg- Robert Falhgaru of th* Superior Court Is expected back In H.ivamiah ear ly next week He has un Important hear ing. that In the champion tnjuctlon suit, assigned for Wednesday. t*nd Is not likely to mbts It. (ITI BREVITIES. Rev. Arthur J. .Smith had the misfor tune to lose hU bicycle last night. He left It on a stoop In the southern part of th** city and it was taken by some passing thief Savannah veterans are as much at n los* its ever a* to their choice of a successor to Gan. C. A Evans, as command* r of the Georgia Division. Gen. P. McGlashan has been mentioned, but has announced most positively that he will not accept the nomination if It be tendered him. Only three case* were heard In the Re corder’s Court yesterday, ns only that number of prisoner# h.d been arrested th**se, two of the cases were dismissed, while the third prisoner. Rosa Singleton, colored, arrested by Detective Htark as h suspicious character, was continued. Two young women on wheel*, with up to-datn cycling cotnumc*. on which in gorgeous red letters was an advertise ment of a Northern sho*- firm, attracted considerable attention on the streets yes terday. They rode through th* prim'lptl streets, particularly Broughton and Bull streets, when they were most crowded with promenader*. There was ; lively fight yesterday morning at the Rail Telephone Exchstig** between two white men One of the txdligerent* Is employed at the exchange nnd according to the story of one of the voting women employed there, had In sulted her She told a friend and he called at the exchange to have a discussion of th*- matter, and the set-to was the result. Both of the men were considerably bat tered. Mr. Henry Solomon received yesterday from his brother. Mr Not E. Solomon, who will be well remembered here, and who Is now In Spokane. Wash., a box of fruit every plec# of which was remarka ble for Its Immense sixe There were apples and quince* of enormous propor tions and all varieties One of the appl* * weighed a pound and a half even, nnd ther- was not one of them that weighed under pound Mr. Solomon did not go Into the history of the fruit, but said merely that he sent It as a sample of the scale on which everything grows out In that country. Mr. Solomon sent the Morn ing N*w# a sample of the fruit. LEAKE* W % MIRTAKIIH. Presidential Elections Are Governed I*> Btntc lans. Mr. In believing that Illegal voting Is an of fense cognisable in Federal courts. Pres idential elections ur** governed by >tte laws ard managed hv state ofTF l.tls, and to vote Illegally at <me of them 1 n stale otT* ns*\ In this, according to Savnnnth lawyers. Mr. I weaken ha cherished an In correct opinion. Of course, he never m*ant to #ny. nor has he said, (hat Federal official* or deputy marshals would have anything to do with the con duct of the election, IIROOKLYN t* (HAMPIOW. Defeated Pittsburg tn the ( loslnu Series of Game*. Pittsburg. Oct. IS.—Brooklyn is cham pton o* the baseball world, the ow*ner of the beautiful ss**) Chronicle-Telegraph trophy cup. and carries aw.iy one-half the i;<ue receipts of the four games necessary lo deckle supremacy over Pittsburg. The champions demonstrated throughout the • erles that they were deserving of the league pennant by playing better ball In . very way then th* ir opponents, who fln i nd In th# re Boon i: ii 1 5 Pittsburg 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0~~1 9 3 Brooklyn 1 003 1 1 000-0 8 0 Batteries—Waddell, Leever. Zimmer and O’Connor; McGinnity and Farrell. AW4 p’.-iV Look at yourself! I, your f*ce covered with pimple*? Your skin rough and blotchy? It’s your liver! Aver’* Pill* are liver pill,. They cure constipation, biliousness, and dyspepsia. 25c. All druggists. Wut your mout*rhs or t*r*i a Usautlfttl brown >r rich blaeft 4 * Then u# BUCKINGHAM'S DYE Sr. /n arg7jtt,v.jßki. c f r M \lt I MU HTeUIGERCE. Mailers of Inleresl to Ihlpplng Men Generally. The tug William F McCauley will lr#v# to-day for Raltum>re. towing the *<'ho?n#r The Jorefthlne. which sprung a Irak sfler leaving Port Royal with a cargo of phos phate rock and later put Into Savannah, tkaom pump# have be* n put aboaM the vessel, and th# chances ar# she will be taken to her des'ina'lon without further mishap She is not making water very fa*t, and can f-ajUly be kept fre# wl h tha pumps which can be brought into service, The Josephine ha* been in th** coastwise trade for many years though this is her first trip to Savannah for some firm- She is roromirvlr Iby Capt. Town sends Th# vessel 4- tainted white, and It is a hobby with h*r commander to keep her attraotive. Th# sch*>on#r Vanlear Black. Capt. Iju cey. arrlvad yesterlav from Promised Lind with a carg >of fish er ip n-lgned to the \1: gt. ls-C**rili u (hvrrrf al Com pany. The schootirr Prrcy and LIRk arrived yesterday from New York with a cargo of cs-mcnt <N>nHtgned to the Ctr.tral Rail road. The rule recommended for ak?pti e at th# monthly meeting of the directors of the Cotton Exchange yewterdaj h* of par ticular Interest to s k 4|ting mn. It pro vide-* ugainst the cSeantnce of \res*l- t*e fore they are ready for sea and lnterp#rts the word "clearance** as moaning th# clearing of the vessel anl cargo. In cases in which It was ds-dred to clrar vessel* by a certain time the preliminary cargo. coi.aMlng in ainv> instances of a small part of the cargo to be taken, wan cleared at the Custom Howe, while the remalnkig jort.on wav added to the mani fest later It was not Infrequent for ves sels to clear at the Custom House sev eral days brfo;# they were r-sdv fer sen It Is r#*-onwnendad (hat the rule b** adopt ed and go Into effect Nov 1. |*narngern In Stcamshlpa. Passengers per s’eimsMp Dorrheter for Baltlmor*- y eater day: J O. Holarn. H A Ruiherfonl. George W. JohnauD. A. L. Chow B J Bond. L P. Baker. Passengers bv steamship City of Au gusta for New York yesterday: Mis* 61. K Beaumont. Mrs Charles F. Dement. Miss 8 W Anderson. E. H Steinberg. Ralph Small and wife. B. B Frelertck, • harles Davies D. t*Tow. B. F. Mead, Mrs. J. W Blyte. Georg# Walter. Ham Wright, S H Com- hrnan. Groover Coe W P. Coe. P. Townsend. M J Mulrenan W. El Frcher and wife. Carrie Riley, Willi# Ann Williams Passengers bv • f**mahlp Nscooch** for Sttvannnh yesterday: J F Twtnall. Mr*. McCann J M Hogerp. J. A Bishop. Mr* G. (. Hogerp, Mrs. W. <• Morrell. Master Morrell, Mrs. M H Hevens. Bruce Tur ton, 11. Lb LvUbuck. B. J. Putxel, B. N. Hancock. Arc hi- Garrett. T. C. Cliff om imd wife. X liundbuken. C. Davis and wtfa, R h StjraouT w Dudley, Mi I Clifford, T. IT. Halbert. Copt. Baunder*. Miss E. Downing. Mrs 8. Firth. Miss A. Harris. Mrs M C Williams. Mrs. Sey mour. Miss Seymour, Master Seymour. 1 A Hlrchfleld, M Beixer. J W. Pettyjohn and wlf.- Miss Pettyjohn. Mis* V. Moore, Miss C. M*ore. T. C. Wi liams. W. Samp son. ML* J Wornar. N. II D*Lane and wife. H. J. W# 1 h and wife, M Rquler. 11. Ste-de, Mrs A Cole. Mist B. Mack, Fanny J.i kson. J WlKemby, A. Kerb. T ItatimlMu k M. Ja-ter. P, TompsMl. J J. Swetile. T. H. Carjienter, A. S Thornton, Mrs Fillnks. It. Mra. Lee. Francis J. Schulman, J. M K**nxie. Savannah Almnnar. Sun rl.-es at 6.06 a. m aiul seta at 7:22 P m. High water at Tybee to-day at 4:45 a. m and f 05 p. cn High water at Havnn nth one hour later. Plutsea of the Moon for octnher. n h. m First quarter 1 3 10 eve. Full mnon 8 7 18 morn. Last quarter 15 3 51 morn. New* moon 23 7 27 morn First quarter 31 2 17 morn. Altltl % AL* AMD DKI'ARTI'RES. A'eaaels Arrived Yeatrrdny. Steamship Nncoochee. Smith. New York —Ocean Bream ship Company. Steamship Winifred (Hr.). Rltch. Port Spain—J F Minis A Cos. Schooner Vnnlear, Black. Lacey, Prom ised lai ml—Master. Schooner Percy and IJllte, Anderson, New York—Master. Vfßirla l\rn to Sea. Steamhlp Cltj of Augusta, Dagget. Ne w Yor k. Ft- am*hip Dorch<ater. James, Ila 1 ti mer*. Si* unship Ardova (Hr), Smith. Man chester. Bark Zeflno (Hal ), Pellerano, Trleate. Shipping Mcmorxndi. Baltimore Oct 18 —Balled, stamer D. II Mil.or. Savannah. Betty. Fernand in*. Manchester. Oci. ML—Arrived, ateamer Val. Savannah. Phl’a'lelphl i. Oct. IR.—Arrived, steamer Alleghany. Savannah. Key West, Oct. 18 Arrived, steamer Miami, Delano. Havana and sailed for Mliml | Charleston. Oct 18.—Arrived, sienmer Iroquois, Kemble. Jacksonville, and pro reel* and to New York; wh<**ncr John C. Oregoey, Hutchinson. New York Sailed, steamer Daventry (Ur.), Wilson, Bremen Jacksonville, Fla., Oct. 18— Entered, schooner Horace G. Morse, lllgbe, Phila delphia. Entered and rieare 1. Me.imshlp Cirlb, Ingram. Boston. Fernandlan. Fla., Oct 18—Arrived schooner Evte B. Hall, Leighton, New York. Bulled, steamer Herman M- ndal. Jar|- herg (Nor.), Kjarland. Philadelphia; Pear e’h (Hr ). Mackcnsie. Hamburg. via Charleston. Jacksonville. Fa. Oct. 17—Entered, schoortr Colllna W. Wal'on Wclfe, Phil adelphia. achoonar Wi.liun C. Wickham. Ewan. Philadelphia. Cleared, achoorcr Isaac U. Kerlin. Steel man. Baltimore. Pensicola. Fla.. Oct. ll.—Arrived, steam ship Nt h (Br.). Stevenson. La* Palmas, bark Mtchalea (Ital., Calfero, Genoa; schooner Mabel Darling (Ur.), Roberta. Dunmooretown; Echo. Rowe, fin bine Pass Cleared, steamer Hjslrnur, Axt**n, Be lls# ftntlrr to Mariners. Pi ot charts and all hydrographic Infor mation will be furnished tr. *t-r- of ves sel* free of choree In I’nltol H'aies hy d ogra;t.l office ir Custom House Cap tains are requested fo *l t the offl *• Reports of wrecks and dered t# r- etved for tran*mlflc*n to tha Navy Depart ment. roMtn lp F.ipnrt! I*er steamship City o' \ itrusts for New York Ocf. 18 1.786 bale • jpa :i tfoi. 132 bals *ea .■ .md , 4 * t oil V* pcsckag*> i*ox 477 bale* and nv sties, IT3 nrrcl* rosin. 230 tar reis turpentine. 23* feet |umb*r, 42 bales hide*, 5- CJ**-* cUsr# 16ft pa kF# fruit. 5 Orrat#** vege:ab>-. s. tons pg Iron 15 bale** tobacco. 100 barrels syrup, 7 word 518 i* kug* s merfand*e. Per *4 earns hip lx*rchester for Dal 1 more —326 bales up and cottvifk 3vF burr* 18 roarchandire. is* N N N N N.. r s:n. 1V..97f f e - merchandise r? pickag#-a denes tic# a€*j yarns, bo case# can goals. AT THE THEATER- Hohprt Downing In th* **Glndlafor" and ••Rlrhnrl th** Mn llrnrlrd.** Mr Robert Downing was **en tn two ierform.m e* yesterday, af arnooci and night "The Gladiator"—Mr. Downing a pi#r piece—was the matinee# bill that a - brought th# oral plaudits from the Indies, who a wavs make up matinee audience*. "Richard, tha I don Hearted.’ another play that Mr Downing Is unmistakably a** o late! wr:t In Its **age presents Go: w*.s given at night. Mr. lK>wr;it.g has been seen h-’r* in both of t.nese plays before It cannot In*, de eded that he apptarrd to better advantage than be did on his Inst visit, when h| voice wa not nt It* best nnl he was *to?iier than he now Is. though It m gnt b* sold In all kindness a further *o9** In av*4rdup*i wou and not b“ harmful. In both the **Gladi4tor’* nnd is HI ard. the oi;arc e-s call for sple - did physique and Immensity and power of voice, both of which qualities Mr. Down ing amply supplies H wa* at his l**-st In Ihe lat act of Richard.’’ perhaps wh n rescueal from his prison he fells Mowbray an*l corner to ’;ie own again. Mr Downing has in his support an ac tor who has supported many iliuatrious stars of tragedy Mr Charles D Herman Mr Hernkan is an excellent actor a fin# r**fii*r and. though he W*l not have w **>pe enough In "Richard" to diffduy his tal ents. he was admirabk. Miss Alberta Converse. Mr, Downing's knd.r.g lady. Is only in h# r third ?-en*©n on the stage but If her progress contlnu* - l>rofiortJonatelv as It has alrcdy she has a career before her Miss Converse was oxeelient as th# Princess Berengirla— sweet. reflnel and vigorous aw Ihe role ; sometimee called for. Probably very few* perwons In the audi ence knew that the young woman who played th** roles of Hermiu at the mati nee and Rosa- at night and whom the pro gramme announced as m*- Minnie idnd j ley. Is Mr. Downing's daughter, but such Is the case. This la her first season on | the stage and whiie sb* has not n*l*jte,l lit as a profession a** yet and Is only fo|- ' lowing It to 1* with her father It Is like • y that she will le unable to gc# uway from Its fasKinatkHi- after awhile. The appearance of Charles B. If inford is always an event of Interest. His pro duction of • new play is an occasion of especial note, affording as It do*** the fim opportunity of seeing him in a modern drama. His tm|ersonations of the great characters in th* classics have been mark ed by so much intellectuality, as well as personal ru e. that anything he does kt awaited with confidence, and the fact that he stands sponsor for "Private John Al len" Is In Itself a very high and convinc ing indorsement of it* m rlts The pi®' present* picture of life in th* South, with *rharacter* drawn from real People, and with romp 11 rat lons and r||- ntax* s w hich give the plot absorbing in terest. The* author. Lee Arthur. H him self a Southern man. who, before writing "Private John Allen" for Mr Hanford i won a distinguished reputation an ft ilrn matlst through his "\\ * Tnn of Tenn. s see Private J*4in Allt-n" is a man of i mouM—one of the natures whi* h oromaul admiration whether they Ik* por , (ra> in a toga or in <• frock coat. His i * a, rlfloes for the sak of country, and for the woman he loves, form the loifF ( of th* story, which combines humor wi h pat hoi*, and force with tenderness. Mr Jianford has *l* voted gr*vit care to the selection of a cast for his new play The lending lady. Marie Drofnah hns been associate.! with Mr. Hanford In many )mi>orrant production* |f, r nu - Cfm hax t*-n pronounot-d anil ihe rharao •*r xhe now iiisumm la peculiarly auMed lo her lalenta. RealU n* that a rrovlcrn play muat have a m.xlern production, and accuatomeii aa he haa been to the elabor ate xtnpre e<|ulptn> nt au.-h a inanda, Mr. Hanford haa felt that he could not do otherwt-e thill give "prl v***“ John Allen" a more liberal moun. ling The 1-auttful picture- of home-life In the South, which the uuthor haa aug. (eatd in hla manuacrlpt. have been real l*cd with all the art that the c. n- painter con Wind, every scene used In (he play being carried by the company, so that all Mr Hanford's manager asks of the theater la a stage cleared of it- local scenery. The company hns been n matter of particular solicitude the virioua char acters being such as to require more than mediocrity for their proper imperson.-. tlon. Mr Hanford's reception in "Pri vate John Allen" haa been moat flatter ing. and hla portrayal of the title role • tamps him nn actor of wide versatility as well as extraordinary power. The play Will he seen here at three performances, to-night and to-anorrow matinee and night. TUB Ill.t BS AMI THE WHITE*. Will Ploy Itoakrt llnll To-night nt the V. M. C. A. The third game of the scries of basket ball games between teams of the Y. M. C. A. will be played lb-night between the llluea and the Whites. The game will commence at S o'clock. A- Friday night Is ladles night at the association and ns there Is a number of the fair sex who are interested In the game It H expected that a large number of spectators will |,t present. The line up of the teams will lie ns follows: Illues—Elton. 0., Elton, W., Courvolsler. Lovell. Hunt. Whites— Harden, Carellas, Poty, Ilal four. Purse. The players have been practicing a good deal since cool weather began and nr.* In excellent shape. Mr. Blake will be the umpire. A RCW POLITICAL CLI B. Wan Organised l.gat Mglit nod En dorsed Magistrate Wickham. The Workingmen's West Ride Inde pendent Club was organised last night with 150 members. The following officers were elected: President It. A. Clements. Vice Preeldent T. A Fogarty. Secretary O. P. Ragen. The club upon motion endorsed Magi strate Richard Wickham to succeed him self as magistrate of the First Militia District. An Old Resident Head. Mrs. Ann Kenney died yesterday morn ing at the home of her daughter. Mrs. J A P. Bell, at Fifth and Habersham streets. The deceased was 76 years old and had been a resident of Rnvannah for many years The funeral will lake place from the house ala o'clock this afternoon. FOYE’S FirstßemnantCtearin? —IN THE- NEW STORE You will find the most desirable goods at this season of the year among the remnants, and if you can find the desired length you save at least one-third. Every length from 1 to 8 yards. Remnants of Dress Goods, Silks. French Flannels, Outings, Linens and Domestics. P. T. FOYE Corner Broughton and Barnard. AT HOME, 112 Broughton Street, JVest. Some confusion in arranging stock, but well pre pared to take care of our customers. We don’t know* all about the Furniture and Carpet business, but our thirty years' experience with the trade of Savannah is sufficient guarantee that we know SOME THINGS. Call and be convinced. LINDSAY & MORGAN The Old Reliable. TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS. Continued from Seventh Pace.) !nl: Liverpool. 55c; Manchester. c. Ilomhurtr. 55c; Havre, 72c: Ge noa. *><■; Beval and St. Petersburg, 70c; Antwerp. 55c. Lt'MU&R By Sail Freight* dull; to Baltimore nrul eoseward. It SO to 16.00 per M tnrludtng Portland. LfMBEIt— By Steam—Snvannah to Ba:- tlmore, 15 00; to P K R or B * O. (tick*, ** 8: to Philadelphia IHc. per owt . (4 pound)* to foot): to New Tork. per M. 77 25 to dock; lightered to Bouton to dock PV> S AVAL STORES —The market I* Arm; medium size vesaele. Roein—Cork for order,. 2, ••) per barrel of 210 pound,, and 5 per cent, primage Spirit,, t* *d per to ttallone gro. and 5 per cent, primage L**rge vaaael*. ro,ln. A*, spirit,. t 31 Steam. 11c per 10u pounds on roeln; 2Uc on ,ptrlt. Snvannah to Bton and 9He on rosin and 19r on apltlta to New York. Ol 111. PROVIOS|. BTC. New York. Oct. IS—Flour weak and R to 15 c* tits lower without attracting buy ers. who h. Id off expecting further de clines In wheat: winter stralshts. 13.1 MP 3.60: Minnesota patents, Si COftl.lh Rye flour steady. Corn m-al weak; yellow Western. S7c. Rye dull; No. 2 Western. 58ly r - Barley steady. Barley molt dull Wheat, spot, weak: No. 2 red. 78-'iic; op tions experienced day of heaviness tin |or renewed liquidation, disappointing ta bles, fine weather, twarlsh Argentine crop news again, small export demand and lack of outside -.upiort. The only demand came from scattered shorts: closed w<k at ',ff V* net decline; March. MV: May. S2‘ic; October, 77c; Pei-ember. 79c. Corn, spot, weak; No. 2. t.*A*c; options weak nnd lower, especially the nearby op tions. which reflected heaviness In spots and active liquidation, notwithstanding another big export demand. Weather was tine and cobles lower; dostd weak. A*tllc net decline: May. 41 Sc; Oe’tober, 45’,c; De cember. 41 T *e. Oats. (|>ol. quiet; No. 2,26 c; options dull and weak. Beef quid. Cut meats steady. laird steady; Western steamed, 17 30; Oc tober, f7.30; refined steady. Pork easier; family, 616 n>h 16 50; short clear. 11l tfil4.oo; mess, in.OtXa 14 00, Tallow easy. Petroleum dull. Rosin quiet Turpentine tlrm. 42',5J43c. R 1 *e quiet. Coffee, spot. Rio dull; No 7 Invoice. Rt.c: mild quid; Cordova. 9VUI4c Futures opened steady at a decline of R points and ruled easy much of the session In the absence of e|*evulattve support and follow ing weakness In foreign markets. Igirge Hraxlllan receipts anil apathy In spot de partment ndtkd to reluctance of buyers to take hold, were fa fora I-ate In the day light covering caused reaction, but the market In general tt< narrow and uneventful. Closed steady, with prices un changed to 5 (Mints lower Sale* 22,00 b bags. Including October. (7 00; November. (7 OR; Decern tier. (7.15; January. (7 30 Hugsr. raw steady: fair refining. 4A,c; centrifugal. 96-test, 44,c; molasses sugar. 4c; rellred quiet. lluttcr strong, creamery. 1 At/22c. state dairy, lit 21c Cheese firm; large while, small 11c>. Kggs tlrm; state and Pennsylvania. 2tf 21c. Western. in®ri*c. Potatoes quiet; Jerseys. (1 0001,(TV,; New York. 11.2"i1.25; iMttg Island, (1.5031.75; Jersey sweets. (1 50**2 00. Peanuts steady; fancy handpicked. 4Q 4tc; other domestic, !<vß4e. Cabbage quiet; Imp* Is,and. (i 5082.2 R. Freights to IJverpool weady; cotton by steam. 3>. COTTO A SI'.EII OIL. New York. Oct 1-coltoneee l oil ne glected and Ist rely steady. Prime .-rule barrels, nominal. Prime summer yellow, STr'yc prompt; off summer yelb-n. S|t,c' prime winter yellow 12,-; prime while 39® 40c; prime meal. (26ff :,o. CHK AGO M4I4KFTS. Chicago Oct. ll Wheat declined hetvlly early to-day on weak cable#, but Headi-d on the receipts and some expor hu In - December closing HfJS t:nd<r yesterday! Corn closed 'c sr.d r, • n shad* down Provisions dosed a shade to 6- lower. The leading futur e ranged as f.dlow*; Opening Highest. Lowest. Closing, i Wheat No. 1— Oct 73 73 37314 72<H 73 C7IH Nov 757,374 74 735* 7334 1 FOYE’S [earn a profession Without Leaving Your Present Posltlsn. Work lor One of the Ten Free Sckolu skips In The International Correspon lencs Schools of Scranton. Pa., to be gnen by the MORNING NEWS to the Pit persons receiving the most votes by Nov. 20. I*oo. Ten Free Scholarships. 1. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. 2. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (Including Complete Elcctrt al OutflU 3 ARCHITECT!'RE. 4 CIVIL ENGINEERING. 5 SANITARY PI.CM RING, HEATING and VENTILATION. 6 CHEMISTRY. 7 COMMERCIAL BRANCHES L MECHANICAL DRAWING (Including Complete Drafting Out(l) ARCHITECTCHAL DRAWING (Including Complete Drafting OutSt) 10 ORNAMENTAL DESIGN. (Including Complete Designing OulflO If you receive the most votes, you have the first choice of the Sdiobtrehlr If the next largest) the second , noire If the third largest, the third choice, anl so on until ten person* have chosen lea Scholarships. Each Scholarship will quality you fnr actual work In a profession, the m as if you went away to College Over 3W.0n0 men and women have en rolled In these Schools and been bene fited by their Courses of study. How to Vote*. Cut out th* *ttach*<l Voting Coupon xrl mall or bring It to th* buxln*** th* Morning Ntwi, Savannah. Oa Earh Coupon must b*ar th* nam* of tD* p*rson for whom you wish to vot* VOTING COUPON. Nam* * Bt. an.l No Town I Dec 7t%74% 7t% 7ir, 71 Com No l Oct 40?, 40% 39% _ ?* <Nov 37%f137% 37% ’•** Dec 31% 3*%©% * *£ May 30 f|3*% K% WW* MU 3 "’ Oala No. 1— ... Oct 21% 21% 31% f'u Nov 21% 21% *l*4 I*7 Dec 21% 21%22 il'* * Meae pork per barrel— Nov ||o 73 *lO *lo 73 • Jan 11 17% 11 22% >° 11 I.r <l per ioi pound*.— . j* Oct 77% *2% Nov 72% #< Jan (1 32', 37% Short riba per 1(0 pound* . , Oct 0 5O * S . , Nov O5 l*> ” Jan 5*7% 5*2% F ;,,’ r Caah quotanona were a* follow* .. f dull, eaajr; No. 3 aprln* wheat No. 2 red. 7t%c; No. 2 corn. ♦><“(' . 2 yellow. 40%54>%c; No. 2 ottf. ■* • No 3 whit*. 23%?iN%c: S***' ley. 45c; fair to choice maltwa ; V * ed.ll*'. No !•' / " ii *1.51*71.11%; prime timothy ae and "♦a- pork per .arrei. nomnai. . '..pi 100 pound#. **77%C**%. bo ' - ~ (loose). 75; dry • '***?? ,'dea (boxed). * ('o%® oo%: , I | lor, K 5- r.i* (boxed). $0 57%07.00. whlaky. be*" 01 wine*. 11.27. —Sir Andrew Duak the aide*' y, Mayor of Ixxidon, baa Juat ce 90th birthday.