The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 19, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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I F!NAN cial and commercial I H TIRE" IMHKET ■ n * 1 4tiAIN , MUGIII AT DECUXK. K In ■*•• of Imimrlaao ■ ** | , #4>k , 1 i fur l I hrrk Ihe Dtellan ■ | li.ll Itrpurlrd Wa \al ■ .' urrull* ' oneldrred llamaalaa B “.orb- Irregular. hot Wtroaa-*ptr- B |i> Tnniroilne Tlrai al :i‘, (Van B a* ' ' r '" •' ,h ** A.l % NHrr*l,ora I B Telegraphic Alarkrta. ■ The Morning New* Office, ■ Thursday, Oct. 18. Hj 4 ... i prevalence of froat In rcgard ■ |iruiprtlv Influence upon the ■ * nt . n*-irk■ ami until l! 'leM* a knock H . , inn rapidly maturing lop crop 9 a' there may not be uny strong H ( ..i, ■ the present downward len ■ f pn,-•* Kroat wu* *h<- topic loi H .rating traders to-day. and tin- H • o vary grant damage was done ■ i.y what did fall was a source I m the bear*. The market H v "rty ut a net loan of 3 and 11 I ~,, tn- latter on October only. ■I ... (>i, decline hae had ample time to II p ungth buyer* may be expected to H , 0..1 of ttie market. ao that trading ■ ... sprit market will probably remain ■ Bull pull ling the eftnlillahment ■I , , Pail* The day’e weather ■ ~. v favorable to the growing crop. Hj . ere other considers t lone wrlueh H --e bears along with their crusade B Til.- liars were not disposed B , . h mu h Importance to the frost 9 ' and in 'he Carolina* during the H , rj hulls were not auffleiently eon- B . i . ns effect to take declalve steps. B ik market wuit Irregular, though , .r well ma.ntalnad In the face of ■ Puis realising for profits Willi B rial of the past week B 'i ied profits would be (on tempi ■ )!• ulators to let pas*. The fact ■ Silling movement was strongly H i.y he bulls in a fair maintenance ■ - Indicates to many lba the mar. B -.1 only yield moderately to the B sTwcest aggressions. ■ T- • t rlts turpentine market closed ■ r-rn a 1 -K’j rents, an advance of u cent ■ „ ..... \ ■ -trrday's price. The demand was ■ ■ igh the offerings were not all tak ■,i T rosin mjrket advanced, this b- B ' ature of the local markets. At B . n ee price* promised (o he m.lln- B The wholesale markets were B with no important change* fur- B u drop of four point* on all B ' sugars. The following re*um* ■ .rk'ts will show the tone and ■ ni the closing to-day: I rorrog. B 1 so, t cotton market closed B . .c lr. h inged, with the situation in B i. ii on hanged, both as to the df- B ■ in exporter* and the olTerinas ■ . niritry. Buyers dl.l not seem B nil ike any r..nsideratile lota tai B ti of a further drop in prices. B .!.-r tvere equally Influenced by B vs that prices were going the B . Ilsnre. tttls difference of opln B "I'led business. One considers- B • u.ih buyer* was that the cotton B market opened up. but sagged B • hum the opening, thereby .-howing a I y which did not make tt Inviting I . ni to enter the market. The ilay s I were 11 145 sgatnst 3.6X3 last B . unit -a.- before last. I v .i, r*g>oi led in f o t> bus I : I. and mptiflltia w* Offered through it' at tent*. ■ U.wtng were ihe official spot quo- I • ..f me market al Ihe I Exchange to-daf: I This I-ae. day year . :l • g~ 7 Id* a, i3-m t69 !>-M . . "Vary; Slle*. 65). . Receipt*. Exports ini Stork* • • ‘p' this day lu*t year .. SS'.' Tt day year before last *.o* pm since Sep' 1. 1500 33.101* a I year 2ft it*. • export* .'9o • • i ex port a 1 •i. C.n bond this day 9 hist yejr l'*,i*l -and Stocks at the Ports— t • hir day 50.231 • s this day last year 3>.’. 6 . ,hls day year last.. *Vi.s4!l . "I 1. 19UU....1 :.-l 3i' J ■ lime Inst year 1 459.4-A ywsr l>'i>r<* last I,T'3TJ h'.. *lt i torts to-day 54- <t 2 -.ime day las: year 7K1.819 > Movements at Other Port*— . . s on--Easy. mbklMcg. net re. " is;*, gross. 15.319: stock 135M.1 i- r S :■ ns—Steady. mUklllttg. 93-16; • Hits. 15.012. gross, 18.012; s.ih. <t ek. I'lol. yiie'; middling. 9; n*t receipt*. ,ib‘.v. h". #to k. 24 153. o quiet, inhtding. ' 4 bid. nei : - 1.716: g-on•. I.TW: sto-'k. 15.398 gton—Firm; middling. '*; n9l ra '•. gross. 319; slock. 28.4*1 l dteady; m!, net re .‘ll7. gross. 2.117; sal**, 316; slock ie—Nominal: middling 9V gros* 7V>; stock. 4.433 loik—quiet; middling 9 15-16: r.el ' i ■'. .ik). gross, 2.473: sales. 20u. stock, ■ on Quit*' middling. 10 1-16; net re * PM 836; gross. 4.HT-3. ■‘"lt hi i-Quiet, middling. 10 3-16. •lock 4.336. Movements at Interior Town*— A 1 gusts—Steady; middling. 9'*; net re -1.611: grots. 1,611; sole*! 843; stock. 34.4-3 51 mphM—Steady: middling. 9*. net re -527. gross. 4.001; sale*. 3.54)0; slock. C.3HI Louis—null; middling,' 9H; net re ' '■' -'.588; grosr, 6,172; sales, 550, stock, 3 ti. l n Innati—Pisler and nominal; mid 1 I". receipts. 759; gross, 759; tmlss. . k | M ‘ton—Ussy; middling, 9V; net re. > 17 123. gnnos, 17.123; sales, 425; stock. -MsviHe— Finn: rnkMllng. M*. ‘■‘ports <f Cotton This I>sy— on-Pontlnsni. 448. Orleans—To (Srest Britain, 10.300, '. 1.187. coastwise. 1.652 * JV 11 an—To Greet Britain, 9.i0; coast '■ ‘'"n—Continent. 7.048. 8-1 Catmtwlse, 1.579 5 ek—Tn Great Britain. 300: contl- W | ’ JT* . tor.-igrt exports from all port- this Ileat Britain. 2i).040; to the o n ■r.l jufM “••Itn "xparis from all port* thus w...g To Great Britain 114 182. T3l; tn the ccmlt.eni. 94.171. . , J| foreign export* since Bet>4. 1. 19.0: T-fe-*' lUltaln. 510.876, to Fiance. 90.71*. "*■ '•ontlnem. 3062J3. *Et ISLAND COTTON. Stout a* follows •hole* Bast Florida* 23H021 and fancy Florida* H 24 . ' h “tce and fancy G*org!Hs23‘vQ23<i it *hc* , '’i jiietwn 1899-00 thus. Pl *' *'**■ I 'J.2o>r S ,IJ 9- I, P?" ’ r ** k I 6*l 9.566 !i,. 1 * h tk seasett 8.835 M.i4 * , w '*h j.usi *.. °n hand j 5.788 8.341 COTTON rtTl HIS*. M " r, ‘ei tiod Very Steady al K ' **• ** Points ior li. Oct 18—The cotton market MURPHY & CO., INC., Board of Trad* Building. Savannah Private leased wires direct to New York, Chicago and New Orleans 'OTTO*, 9TOCK9 AMD UR AIM. New York office. No. 81 Broadway. Offices In principal cities throughout the Potith. WrMe for our Market Manual and book containing Inal ructions for trader* opened steady with prices t to s poi:t* higher. Ikverpojl's strength at the time of our opening was In excess of Idea* based on yesterday's rise here.and became the motive for hasty Covering on lh< part of local shorte. Foreign buying ordeis and Investment support nlo were promi nent The buying dkl not esas* wlih the adjournment of the call, and the ion. of Ihe> I Improved accordingly. Ihe bulls bought the winter month* with great confidence. Before the eloee of the llrst hour, however, there was a market) change for the wor-e. and In m i h Ms* lime than they had advanced, prices de clined 13 points under a rush n> mil by nearly every branch of the Hade Th. decline wa* due to a sndden reaction In I.|y*erpool. due to contradt.- lon from this aide of frest rrfioits. Th* government chart and and not show froei In Ihe bell. R. - celpts are alout up lo expc'tatlon*. ihe crop r< iKirt- wer nernlly favorable, and , tlnued io broaden. I!ut ueforo midday the market once m->re be. came him. and advanced quite raptdli on a renewal of early <overinß amt fresh buying for outside e'count. Sjß’eial tele gram* fiom Washlrgton staled that heavy frost had made Its appearance hot night In several partsof the r'arolliuas arsl li was this news that gave the market strengih which held sway pretty much during the real of the session. Just before the close a spurt of local selling carried prices down several polnto. The market cloaed barely steady nt n net loss of 3 to 11 point*, lat ter ot* Octota r oniy. FI.t'CTIATIOM 1% ITTIHI9 New York, Oct. 18.—Colton futures p n ••d steady at the advance and closed a.e ly steady. Prloea os follows; 1 Open High. lw | Cloth January February ~..| 9 30b; 9.30 , 9.21 ] 9.21 March , 9.32 9.34 | 9.19 j 9.71 April J 9 Sib 921 921 921 •May ; 931 |9 34 91* 9.21 June | 9 28b 935 i 9.JU 1 930 July | 9,23 928 9.11 | 9.11 August 9.12 b 9.01 9,01 9.05 Feptember ...| | | .... | .... October .. ... 9 19 9.58 931 I 934 Novemlier ...] 937 937 9731 925 December ...j 931 9.36 , 9.30 19 1? Ll\LHl’lMlt. I OTTU> ITTIIIKS. Liverpool. Oct. IS. 4 p m—Colton. mod erate business. and price* easier, Ameri can middling fair, Gd; gouo middling. 21-82d. middling. 5 13-82*1; low middling, r. 13-3 M. good ordinary. 4 27-321, ordinary. 4 l.'cSJd. The wiles of the day were SHOO hale*. of which KW were for speculation ind export and included 5.3i American; recdp**, S.onq bales all American. Futures opened quiet and rinsed easy, American middling, low middling clause, October. 6.25d buyer*; Octobet-November. 13d sellers; Novembei-December. 101(1 •.ttd buyer*; December-January, u... I ellera, Junuary-F* btuury, SQCOSh3d value; Ft-brua ry-M* rch. S.uuViS'dd seller*; March-Aprd. 4.62(1 buyersy Aprll-My, 4.61d seller*; May-June. 4.59d4 *)d buyers; June- Jnly. 4 560(.59d buyer-. July August, 4.670 i aM buyers; August-September. 4.62*1 sell ers. S’ \v Orleans. Oct. Id.—Cotton futures doted quiet and steads. October *9639 01 | March 99009.01 November 8.954)8 97 April (OrtiKll December. 4.9406 96 May 9.ultt#fC January... 69109.95, June 9.023903 February.. Sxua 98 i cottom i.Brntm. New York. Oct. !*.—Murphy St Cos ssy; (Boston In Mverpevol closed 1-84*1 alsive yes terday on October delivery; later positions 2-GI to 3-64d down. The early advices from Mvrrpool were better than expected, whl. .i with buying order* from that quar ter. caused prices here to Imitrove 10 to 15 points before Ift:3o n m . after which the market quickly declined about 16 points on rather general selling at noon; .ad steadier at about 3 point* below yes terday's closing quotation* Whit* frost was reported this morning In some sec tions of llie Carolina*. New York. Oct. 18 —Hubbard Bros. St Cos. ay; A light frost was reported In North and South Carolina along the line of the Const Line Railroad and stimulated Ltver l*ool after the opening, while she no.irhy IKMtitions In Liverpool were advanced on the monthly manipulation Our market opened steady at 6 to 7 points advance, and then hroke slowly to 7 points helow l ist evening on Southern selling from a'l oiher sections of the cotton belt. October was especially weak on Liverpool selling nut their holdings of this position, which (hey were expected to receive. Heavy re ceipts nnd this Southern selling were more than the local trade could digest, though they bought on the frost dls jatche*. With the exception of these frost reports crop accounts from other sections show an Improvement. i>it%- noons. , New York Oct is—No change In gen eral market conditions In cotton goods. The current demand Is quiet throuahoot. hot In no direction arc sellers less dlfll cull lo deal with than before. Stocks con tinue small In all staple llhrs Print cloths arc Inactive, but prices firmly h-ld. No change In prints, n quiet demand coming forward at full price* Thin wish fabrics are good seller*. Gingham* firm. Cotton linings In somewhat improted de mand and Arm. NAVAL •TORUS. Thur*dy, Oct. JB. SPIRITS TfRPENTINi:.—The mrpen tine market opened firm t-.-dny at 39 ccnta with sales of 60 cask* at this price, and closed lirm. a( 39‘; cents, with further sales of 170 casks While the demand was noi of u rushing nature. It was sufficient to maintain thr price thrcughoul the day There was enough Inquiry to con vince factor* that It would probably lo* well enough to hold on without making any ccnceeeione. As It was few factors were relieved of their entire offer tugs . The Jump of a cent above yesterday seem* to have been little more than buyer* care lo pay, an I the chances .are they will hesitate about taking anything as long ns there Is nnv probability of getting In on n lower bn‘* I'nless there 1* a considerable demon ' for prompt shipment, the chances are i'i* price m*v be forced down befor* n ani great amount of business I done Th day's receipts were 1.070, 19.1 the exports non*. ROSINS.—The advance In rosin*, a* shown by the subjoin* and prices, was the feature of yestetday's in*rklU. It la* |teen known for the past .ktv or so that rosins were let rirongcr position, and the demand for them explain* ih* advanced price* The day In this market was char actcrtxcd by activity, and close.! with good tr*n*act|ona reported At ing call window glaas and II I. K. M and N. went up l cents, and D K. F and O flve cents, with sale* of 2.892 at these prices, and at the rloslrg call H. I. and K Jumped five cents with further sal* of M 6 barrels. The day's re-elpt were 5.388, and the export* J.7M. Prices as fol lowa: A. B. C $135 I s>* n1 K ' M JOHN W. DICKEY. (lock and Hand llrokcr. 4101 ST A, GA. Write for List. THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10. 1900. F 1 41 N J3) O 1 It) W O 35) 11 1 71 W W 2 70 Receipts Thursday.— Bpirlts. Rorln Central Railroad 11 609 8.. F. A V 738 2.941 8 A U sm 1.816 Bgpow— i a | I’er Hieatnshlp Ardova (Br.). Manchester 2.730 Naval Stores Statement Spirits. Ro.tln SlOi’k April 1, 1900 2.197 143 306 Receipts to-day .... I.OTu 13'o> Receipts previously ..241,883 170 523 Total since April 1... 349.1A* 719 I*l Exports to-day 3.75> Exports previously 214.18) 550.4 H Exports since April 1 214.489 553.213 Stock on heihl to-.lay 34 STI 111.183 Stock on hand son uay last year 27 614 14 111 Wilmington. N. C , Oct. 19 -Spirits lur pentlne Arm at tS'iVß9c; rr'ceipts. 43. Roain quiet a; SI Util.3o; receipts. 8A Crude *ur pentlne shady at 31.30Q2 30. receipts. 81.19. Tar steady nt D.40; rer. Ipts. 76 Charleston. Oct, lA—Turpentine firm at 77’..c * tbs pi r isks llosln steady; H. t\ D, 81.20 K. SI 38; sales, 300 barrels. Till; Hit K MAHKKT. Advice* from she South note seasonable activity In th> rice market, with demand frac'.lonally ahead of the previous wok Carolina, which has been out of line and sons *ha! neglected, bos rased off and with price* on a parity with loiulslona. Is rommomllng Its due share of p-tiron uge The depression of price*, however. Is likely so lx- of short duration, as with the completion of the marketing of finer sorts In Louisiana (principally Mississippi river crop) Carolina will shortly hole! van tage In high grade*. The .top of the Southwest (Calcasieu, etc.) I* commencing to move freely and the range of prices, therefor*, materially widened on the low er side The extension of prices down ward, ikies not by any means Indicate nnv falling away In thai ihe cheapened values a is- made on styles nol hercolore present, good grades are limited and show no recession from former range. Taken as a whole, th# marks* Is firm, the respective grades standing fairly rela tive to each other; eonlhlenc* among holders manifest and the situation mos promising for the continuance of current rates. Never before In Ihe recent history of Ihe culture, he* there perhaps been such a happy conjunction of encouraging circumstance*, llnanclal and commercial Planters generally are well heeled as re gards cash or credit, and. therefore, ran. If they will, market with deliberation Stocks throughout the country are abnor mally light ond operations onlv deferred or Indulged In sparingly until the mind of the planter *hall be ascertained "Con fidence Isegets custom;" once assured that declines will be rrslsled and full fair prices exacted, "a land-office business" will promptly follow. Collateral condi tions are also favoring. Impetus ansi en largement of demand assured because of the high price* prevailing In imtMae*. bean* and other competitive articles Cables and correspondence from abroad note an enlarged movement and a brisker tone, with an occasional slight advance iqion prices previously |*ld The volume of business, however I* still limited for this lime of year and dealer* are anxious ly awaiting the customary (all trade with Its Improved demand The stock of rice In Europe Is nowhere excewdve and In bet ter styles abnormally small, hence con stant trend toward a higher plane of values. FINANCIAL. MONEY—Tha demand keeps fairly up with tha supply. FOREIGN EXCHANGE-Market Arm. Commercial demand. 14 US 1 *; alxty days. Mi*i‘. ninety days. 54 79‘j; franc*. Purls nnd Havre, sixty days. 5.23 V Swiss, alxty day*. 5 25V Belgian. 5.151*. marks, sixty day. 93 V ninety day*. 93 7-18. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE Bt.ady; bank* are buying at 1-16 diacount and sell ing follow- 825 and under, 10c pre mium. 825 to Blei. 15c premium. 850 lo BU. 20 premium. 8100 to s!>. lie premium. 8200 to 81 000. par; $1.t.0 and over. 1-16 dla count. SECCRITIES—The market appears ' h- hardening with light offering* South western Railroad and Augusta and Savan nah Railroad stocks In demand. Mock*. Bid. Aax. Augusta and Savennah R R .. lUIV* RffH Atlanta amt West Point 126 128 do 6 per cent. certlAratsa 106 lt£ Augusta Factory $0 86 Citizens Bank 11l 133 Chatham Bank 110 111 Chatham R. E. St I. Cos , A 884* 674* do do B 6644 F*H Eagle uhd Phoenix Mfg. Cos 107 Edison Electric Ilium 100 105 Enterprise Mfg. Cos. 101 Germania Bank 130 111 Georgia St Alabama 23 38 Georgia Railroad, common ....112 Grunltevllle Mfg. Cos 165 1*37 J. P. King Mfg Cos 101 108 Langley Mfg Cos 117 130 Merchant!* National Bank 1101x111 National Bank of Ravar.ruh 150 Oglethorpe Raving- and Trust ..!• People's Ravings and Loan 100 Southwestern Railroad Cos 100'i I'd 1 * Savannah Ua* Light Cos 2l!a Southern Hank 153 154 Savannah II ink and Trus 114 115 Sibley Mfg Cos.. Augusta 85 ** Savannah 98 IHO ftourla. Bid Ask. Char.. Col St Aug Ist 6s. 1909 I*6. Atlanta city 4*. 1922 104 108 Augusta city 4*. 1927 l 6 107 do 4'x*. 1922* 11l do 7*. I9T ".07 do 8-. 1913 122 . Ala Mid. 5. Ind and. 1928. M A N 98', HO Align- a Factory. 8 per cent . 101 >.113 Brunswick and W estern Is. '9lB . 32 64 C it it St Banking uoUeteral I*, tt C. of O. ltt mertg. ns. 11*45 F. St A 118 I*> C. of G. con s*. 1945 M. & N 94 95 C. of O. I*l Income* 1946 4u4* tu* do 2nd Income*. 1945 12 11 do Id Incomes. 1915 6 8 C of O. (M. G. St A I)lv) s*. 1947. J. St J 92 C. of (• (Ea'on Branch). ss, 1938, J. Sk D 94 City 49 Suburban it K. Ist It I*ol9 Columbus city 5s I!W> 107 Charleston city 4s. 190 101 102 F iglc A Phoenix Mil e Bs.. 1921 bit 106 Edison Electric Illuminating * .104 104 nt.uprise Mfg 1903 193 Georgia Railroad 8" 1919 114 1P,14 G SAP 1945. J A J 112 112 H Georgia A Alabama Ist ss. 1945 I'M ICC G***tKl.< state ll,s. 1630, J A J I*o .. .. do 3',s. 1915, M A N PH do 41 -* 1915 118 119 Macon" city •>. 1910. J A J ...,1!8 118 do 4G*. 192*. Jan par MW Ore 1 n Steamship 5, 192*’ 10l Savannah city s*. quar. January. 19- > 119 111 do s*. quar. November, 139) ...1091*11914 South Carolina siatc t',-. 1933 .118 111 Sibley Mfg Cos 8. 1903 ... 10! South Round Sa 98 98', 8 . F AW. gn mf'ge. Bs. 1314 111 123 do do Ist ss. gold 1931 119 117 do H* John Dtv Ist 4s 1934 94 98 New York. Oct 18 —Money on c *l| firm. S9r4, lasi loan. 1 per cent. Prim* m*rc,n • lie. 500 per cent Sterling exchange strong, with actual huslnea* In banker* hills et f4 M',04.844, for demind. md at II •1148)4.91 for sixty day* P ettsl rat*-*. •liJhllCH and It BTA,. cotnurr li bill*, *1 **>14424.(1 Stiver cerlflrates, 82‘i<J84 Mexican dollar*. rt'V Government bond*, rg State bonds. w*ak Hal o* I •ids Irregular. STOCK* AM) 1103409. Market Hollis 4 p I oder Heavy Real* tstOK setc". New York. Oct. 15.—The movemem of Southern Railway. Trains Arrive and Depart ttavannah on 90th Meridian Time—Ore Hour Slower Than City Time. Schedules In Effect Sunday. June 10, 1300. ftttAfc powTi; to TRE bast }~ bead it No fi NO ft I! (Ceh'rul time I ; No. 55 No 13 12 20pm 12 JOeni tv Savunimh Ar 5 10vm 316 pm I | (Ewitern Timed || | 4 21pm 4 28am Ar Ul.nkvllle Bv 3 OVim 1 i/7pm 6 05pm 6 leant Ar Columbia lsV|j 1 35m II 25a n 310 pm 9 15am Ar Charlotte l.v 9 55pm a 10am :: ttpni spin ,tr . Greensboro Li 7 10pm 49am loftsa;.... j[dr 1...... Norfolk Li iNpm 12 siam ] g|itn Ar Dsuv.ii" Li k 60po> 4 lia 6 dvsm i~fc|>n> Ar Hlchmord Lv 12 01pm :I Uk>n> 'Tt‘ein .4 4JpiiT Ar _ TT7. Lynchburg l.v 3'2pm 2 <Vin 4 33am 5 26|>m 'Ar ... Charlo'.iesillle l.v J o*pm >3 3pnt 7 V.iin > 50pm Ar V nington l.v ,i 1 16am 9 50pm 313 am II 30pm Ar Ittntore l.v 22un * 27pm 11 36am 2 56ant Ar I’m l.v .'stain 6 06pm 2 03pm 6 Bum Ar New York l.v 13 hum * 25pm 6 t'pm 8 onpm Ar . lo ton l.v ..Pintle mam Sod 6 TO~Tlli: SOUTH AND WEST. ! Noli Timed 'I 12 :i*<m Lv divuunilt Ar 5 Phtm tl’aisiern T.m'd l)*m l.v Co'untbla L'i l 25*m 3 jitm Lv Spartanburg LV|| 6 Isut> 12 I ipm l.v A h vltlo . Lv 8 kpoi 4 02;.ni |Ar 110 l Springs Lv 11 45am 7 jopm Ar Knoxville .. L' 8 3*m 5 !iani Ar Lexington I.' 10 NJpm 7 45am At Cincinnati Lv 8 lOpm * laipm Ar HI Louis Lv | 8 ‘Siam 7 i*ili Ar ixtul.vllle LTi. * 46sm All trains arrive and depart from Ihn I’lant System B‘ailon. THRO roil CAR BKRVICB. 67TC TRAINS 81 AND 34 DAILY. NEW YORK AND KlalltlDA BXPRBM Vesll buld limited trains, with Ibiliman Drawing K..m Sleeping Cats letw-eii Hsvait nah and New York connects at Washington with Colonial Express loi Boston. !’ubn,.n. Sbeplng r'er* belween Cliarlalt’ ami Rb'hmoiid ami Charlotte an.l Nor folk Im mg Cars serve all meals belween Savannah and Washington TRAINS 35 AND 36 DAILY. THE UNITED STATES EAST MAIL Vestlbuled limbed train*, carrying l'ullman Diawlng Hoorn Sleeping Car* between Savannah and N. w York Dining Cars serve all nt. nls belween Savannah and With nil . Also Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Savannah and Cincinnati, through Asheville and The Land of Ihe Sky." For complete Information a* |o rales schedules, etc., apply In O GROOVER Ticket Agent. Plant System Siailon JAMES FREEMAN. C P. and T. A., 11l Hull street. Telephones—Bell. Hd; Georgia. 850. B H HARDWICK, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Atlanta. Oa. prices of stock became exceedingly varied and Irregular 10-day under the operations of conflicting speculative forces Those feeces were largely professional traders in stocks, and ihey conducted their op erations with a free hand and chi a large scale. So far as the surface of events showed, a large and Inlluentlal bear party Inau gurated a campaign for a decline to-day. There wa* open selling by an Interest which was long persist'd on the long aid* or the market and for whoa* account there wws large to-day. nit only stocks in which (here na* been o|>#n buy ing lor some past, but tn other stocks all around Ihe room. On th# other hand, there was resistance offered to the de cline by the manipulation <of various special stocks with resulting sharp ad v ancea. In Union Pailflc Hie selling to reallae was on an enormous seal", blocks of a thousand (hares and upward coming out frequently. Considering th volume of dealings the narrow movement of the price Is a pretty good Indication of a continued heavy buying demand The stocks extreme range was V which measured the full decline, and tn the late dealings there wa* full recovery. The heaviest selling pressure for the day was In stocks which have been recently the center of bull operation. Pennsylvania, Baltimore and Ohio. Southern Paelhe. Atchison preferred and lasulavllle end Nashville were conspicuous In this cata gory. The hrat notable rally waa In the Iron and steel stock* which were suddenly all advanced around by rapid sieps from 1 to 2i,. JTloee of the group then fell back, but points of strength developed else where. The movement In New York C'en tial and stocks of allied companies, which are eotpected to com* In close relation, was a notable one. There were sub stantial gain* In all of New York. Chicago and 81. I/OUia slock*, the llrst preferred, selling up 6 points on a single sale, and dosing 8 points higher bid l-ak* Erie anil Western and Canada Southern ros* from I to 3 points. Chicago and North western the Denver and Hlo Grand" stocks and few I"** conspicuous rail road aiocks also dime In to the lat" move ment. which spread throughout the itt Sugar rallied aharply 21* point* and the closing was firm and al recoveries In ternational Power wa* conaplcuou* for a slump of 914 points on the execution of a small selling order. The market was strictly profeaelonal throughout, and th* news of the day had little Influence on prices. The course of sterling exchange continues upward, ow Ing to the falling off In the supply of cot ton bills, and It Is not expected that uny further gold will be drawn to New York urdei present conditions The bond market continued Irregular on a fair volume of buslnea*. Total sales par value. t United State* new 4'if advanced 14 per irtit on the last call The total -ale* of aiocks 10-day wer.- I.M.ltm shares. Including Atchison. 5.980; A'"bison preferred. 16.1*3. It dllmore and Ohio, 9.710, Chicago, Burlington aril Quincy. 8 446, loWllstrlll* and Nashville *.- 71"; Manhattan. 9705. Ml*our! Pa .li .' 720. Nt w York Central. 11 7SO Norfolk A YV.atern, 8,6". Pennsylvania 23.890, Read Ing, first piefened 14.7tm. St. Paul. 6,. a. Southern 1 eclh . 11.(85; Southern Hallway. G7iO; Southern Hallway preferred. 5.335. l idcn p.ielnc. 46.125' American Smelting and Helloing S.iTn. American Bieel and Wire. 12.59' American Toba-co. Brooklyn Rapid Transit 10.8*0; Federal St. el ti. 055; People's Gas. 21.665. Sugar 41. W); Tern- eC al and Iron 5.340, United Stales Leather, 17.455 New York Stock List. Atchison 9 I’nion Pactflc .... 6 ' do pref 72% pref UK Halt. A Ohio ... TO. Wsbaeh V. Can. Pac hHk *k pref 16' Can. Ro 53% Wheel. 4 U E.. k. Che*. A Ohio .. 23% do 2nd |>ref ... 24\ ChL a. W i! Wi* Central is Chi n. & Q I3C. Third Avenue ...111% Chi. Ind. A L %* KxpreM.U* do pref 43 [Am Expreiw ...152 chi a K. 11l *2% V. 8 Exptneee. 46 Chi * Nw 18J Welle Fargo Ex. 125 C Ml* P....W7U Am Cos; Oh .... *>'■' C. C. C & Sit. L S do pref . Col, 8o ?.% Am 51.iiting ' do li pref 38% do pref Z. : - do Jnd pref,.. 15 Am 8 A Rcfmr Del. a Hud*oti.U2% do pref. >l** Del. L. A W .17* .Am. Spirit* I Dei. A K. O 20 | do pref ~ 17 do pref *% Am 8. Hoop.. I*4 Erl* 11%: do pref 67 do let pref. 3*'. Am S A '.V‘r< 5i fit. Nor pref..lßs do pref 75 Hoeklne Coal .. 14% Am Tin Pale . 12’ Hock Valley — 35% do (ref II ll.tool* Central.lls Am. Tohocco ...l'. lowa Centra! .. IS\ do pref 127 do pref .... 41 An* Min Cos *!'■ 1.. Erie A W 16% Brook R T. ... V do pref 101 Col E A Iron.. Lakr Shore I K iCont Tobacco 27. DAN 73% do pref 7 Man. L *5% Federal Steel .. 334 Met, Bt. Ry 151% do pref A tier Central 11% General Klee. ...11, Minn A St b.. id lOlucoao Sugar . 52' do pref W ) do pref IT Mo pa rifle ... 53% Inti. Paper 15% Mobile A Ohio.. 38 j do pref 6V Mo K A T *% baclade tlaa cm do pref I*% Blectilt 7'A N. J. Central ..135 do pref <5 N. T. Central ..132% Valinoal Lead I! Nor. A Wrn .. 37 do pref . do pref 76% National Bier., f. No Paelflc UK do pref. 47 do pref 71% N V Air Brake ID Ont AW 31% North Am li Ore. K. A Nav.. (2 ,PaclA a Coait ... ha do perf 7.5 | do I*l pref .... 85 Pennsylvania .. 132 V do 2nd pref. ... 64 Reading lip. Pacific Mall ... 5444 1> lwt pref ... 571* People’s Gss ... 94 do 2nd pref. ... 274* pressed S Car 3*44 Klo G W | do pref 775, pref *9 Pull Pal. Car ...186 Bt Is. A B F... Hl’, A Roped T 544 do Ist pref. .. gg {Sugar 1206, do 2nd pref ... 36 | do pref 116 D Bw 12; Tenn. C & Iron. fdV, do pref :mv, p. 8 Lealhar ... m, 84. Paul 11964 do twef 70*4 do pref 17,i ,11. s Rubber ...31 Bl P. and 0ra....110 do pref 93 So Pacific Sic, West Union .... 7i* So Railway .... 124 R- Id 8 13 do pref 554 do pref 53 Tex A Pacific .. 164! P. c. C. A St. L 65 Bonds. V. 8 ref. 2s reg 104 |M A O. 4* 84'i do cou 104 N Y. C. Ist* . 108 Y, do Ss, reg .... 1064, N. J C. Gen He 13 rfc> 3s. cou .... K*4 Northern Par. 3* 66‘4 do new, 4,reg 133 Q do 4* HB'4 do new 4*. cou 183i„ N Y., C. A Bt. do old 4s, reg 1144 le. 4s 1M do coup 114\ N- * W. con 4* 74g do s*. reg ... 113 {Ore. Nav. Ist*.. 108 do s*. cou .... 1134 do 4s 1(13 D. of C. 8 '(* 13 (Ore. 8 L * .. 127 Atrh. Gen. 4s .. 994 do consol Ha.. 118 do ad)4. Is ... 87 'Reading Gn 4s. KSv, Can Bou. 2d* ..10*4 !L O W. Ist*.. C. A O. 44* .... 934 84 D. * Ir. M do 5* ISO ! con. 6s l<4 C. A N. W. con Bt. L. A 8. F. 7s I>4> Gen 6s 1224 C. A N W. 8. F. J96*. P. consols.. 170 Deb 5* 1) iflt. P., C. A P. Chi. Term. 4* .. 92 | Ist* 1184 Col Sou 4* gl% H 4. P,, C. A P. D A R. G. Isis lrg 6* 114 do 4s 96*. Southern I'ac. 4s 794 Erie Gen. 4* 63’, Southern tty 6n 1094 Ft. W A Den. Stan. It A T. 6s 664 City Ist* 724 T. A P Ist*.... 1114 Gen Electric 5s 130 I do 2d* 65 la. Ccninil Ist* 1134 Union Pa. 4s .. 1054 k * N Uni. 4s 99 Wabash Ist* ... 1174 M . K A T. 2d* 66 j do 2d* 1024 do 4s 92 'West Bhore 45.. 1124 C. of a con. 5s 944 wts Central Isis k'u, do Ist Inc .... 41 |Va. Centuries... 9A, do 2d Inc (bldl 12'. New York. Oct. 18.— Standard Oil. 674b' S7B Murphy A 4*e.'a kfoek l.etter. New York. Ocl. 16.—Murphy A Cos soy: The slock market opened active and wllh dec I Ini s extending from 4 lo *4 point ap pearing throughout ihe general list The Industrial ouarter furnished a few excep tion* 10 the general tendency of the nt ir ket. American Smelting und Nation it Tube being particularly strong. Huy . 1 re fining on Ihe other hand declined rather rapidly and for Ihe most furl the Indus trial quarter moved with the rem.iln.ler of the market In the railway list. Ihe active features were Union Partite, Missouri Pa cific, Southern Railway, preferred, Penn sylvanta and 81 Paul. Of Utggg slock* Southern Railway preferred, wa the llrmesi and elsewhere tn th>- railway list laike Erie and Western and At h son. ptcferr*l. w-r fairly well supimrtetl. The local irarilon group wa* only moler de!y active and was firmer fhan the raflwav |l*f, particularly for Mnuhntian Railway, lain. lon furnl*he<l a mu'erlslly lower range of prleea for Atnerban sucks and foreign hoties -old qutl* actively here upon the opening of business. Th** cir cumstance*. rontrlbutlng to the market's early leniency, there was very I ti e In either directin' aid the trading te li*t understood along the te< hiikwl lines thw have prevail'd ihrouxhout th# week New York Central strong buying itr.der toorl to In for V.indeibllt Interest. Eff'Ct rest of iatge Interest* In result shown. Federal Hoe! strong on reports forth* r .rder* for rail* Over twenty ita.ler* ,11 up Itrnoklvn Rapid Tranrlt. ’io al sales to-day. 451447 share* Mlit 1'.1.1. VMlttl <1 MARKET*. N is.—Thes quotations are revlred da iy, and a:e k pt as t.*<r *< possible In accord with It A prevailing wholesale prl e* Official uuu'*t4>n* aro not used when they dl agree 'Pb the juices wh-re ■ I- r ask Country and Sorfhcrn Proiluee. POULTRY—The m irket * steady. Quo tatlons: Broiler*. Ahb3sc. p r pair; imlf grown, 4*Bt:o ; lhre< four h tiuiwn. '-.l* 'oc:Jnn* ttQtSc: m-sler*. * ! >Ui . ducks ■o-u-fc y.-cs* 75ed|: (in. FGO#—B'eady at 17". BUTTER—The tone of th* market I* urm Quotations: Western creamery. 19flr ■ttjc N*w York state dairy, 174ff22i-;C; extra Kiel'* 2lff2Sc CHEEBR—Market ft:m. fancy full rnm > h' e-c, 134 c for 97 t 1 22-pound veragr, 2 3h-P und average, 13c 6arly V •■gctalitcs. IRISH POTATOES-Northern. $2 00 • i-k ('A BBAGK -54>7c per head, ONIONS—YeIIow. In barrels. I2 00: •rale*. 90c; red ItSOfflN) •Irca'lslufla, May and Grain. FLOUR- Market steady; patent. 84.85. Haight, 81 95. fancy. 18TO; family, 93 56. MEAI/ Pearl, par barrel. H 75 per sack, . 25. city meal, per sack, trotted. 91.1746/ 11.39; wate ground, 412248/125, city rite. sack*. |1 2246*1 25. ftear! grit*. Hurl nuts'. per barrel, 82 45; per sack. II Jo, sun dry brand*. 81 95*11 tf> sack t'OßN—Marker Brm. white. Job lots, 65c; cir load lot*. 620; mixed corn. Job lots. 6 c. carload lots 53c RICE- Marker steady, demand good, unry head. 6c; fancy. 619 c. 'rime 5 I >d 44044 *atr 6 044 '.>mmon 14 OATS-No. 3 mixed, carload. 944 c; Job oie. 45<JS8e; white clipped. Vk-. Job. J7c |J It AN—Job lots, 95c; csrlosd lots, 90c. Plant System of Railways. Trains Operated by 90th Meridian Tlmw-One Hour Slower Than City T*me.^ 82 ’ 6 7v North and Mouth 3 35 '. bead down *.rf•. 11 x. . • 1 t i.s.r" Bead up !-■ us- 4 45a 1 a Lv rev riiirah . ' Aril 3 6ta| 7 99s ■■ • | ... , t 19|',10 3UU 6 28.. Ar . Charleston ... Lv! tl Up tM>i;3!Vp | 1 3 23a, I 7 25p Ar ... Richmond... Lv ut* * **p. I I .' 7*; II 20p Ar . . Washington... Lv j 4 30U| 3 tp, .1...... | 8 :'x. : 1 rOa 'Ar Baltimore ... Lv ! 2 55a 1 46p j j - ) ) ill) 9&e| | Ssoo| Ar ...Philadelphia . Lvj'l2 20p 11 3lp|. I j * ( j lUp j 7 tdvi Ar ... N'W York ... Lv 9 26p 55v| j I ..| I 4 Sop q> \I Boston Lv , 1 OOp 1200 t | >■'• ' .'3 X J 23 KSStf 7x S ;ii U . U ' 5 r|. 1 JSP X too 5 axt 2 ika Lv Bivanhn \t I iVm 12 lu.t 7 op 12 I'h- 10 19a' X H>p 5 40p ID 65u] 7 25 t> .lo| Ar Wavu roe* ... Lv !0 lip 9 4,p 4 tOpI 9 sS.t| 7 09a I Usi 9>p 2 Isp 2 15p 2 19p Ar .. Thomusvlll.' ... l.v 6 top 6 |op* I 6 lta| 9 19a 10 9t't* 7 40p 12 50,i 9 26a 8 Sila Ar ... J.n ksouvllle . Lv x uop 7 45p 2 imp X 00a| 4 00a lojrp J ik’ 13 fp 12 28p Ar Palatka ... Lv 2 lip 4 50p j 2 35a, 2 Bta j 205.1 6 40p ,Ar ... Hanford Lv 13 2Sp | lU 39a;U 29u | | 2 3*p 3 Jdp {Ar ...Oulaasvllle.... Lv , .1 2 40pl I | | | 2 !6p 8 I6|. Ar tki a ... Lv j ... .1 I 4|>| I j.. ...j .. 10 s>ip 10 ‘l> Ar .84 Pst-rsburg Lv '■ 00p| | I 7 Yki 10 DOpllO 4>|' , lo 0P Ar . ... T impa ... Lv x 00.1 ,x util 6 '<s> OO,l ... B.:ti 10 JOp 10 .b‘p So sop Ar .. Putt T impa.. Lv 7 < 7 3Ui 7 26p| 7 2t# 1 ltx. 1 tOu 1 hki Ar ..I'unla Uorda . l.v I .... | 4 BSp| 10 45 10 45a' Ar • St. Aug i-tln, Lv 6p 6 3)p J,. <Ha ••p . ..iv Havannah t.v 1■ | , 9u 7.” - 6 4Sp 5 15r 4 Out 1! 6 4*tl! Ar ... J* *P Lv * Jtti.lO 6<q>| | ...,|B* ' ■<>! Ar Brunswl k L\ t, at, 9 Sip NORTH WEST AND Sof'f j'IWKST 15 53 Via j t 1 Montgomery 19 |ft . OOp 5 20.i l.v Havaimah Ar U 15a.13 a 5u p y io* |, v Havannah Ar 10 liaj~OK 1; 45|> 64U Ar Jenup . Lv 8 80*10 60p 8 Itki 934. Ar M tg'mcry Lv | 7 45p|U 39a I (0.1 1 tnp Ar Macon.. Lv lie* 2 90|> 7 lop 6 50n Ar Nashville I,v'| S 00a| 3 SU6 6 3*a 3 OOp Ar Atlanta. Lv{ 10 45|>{I3 09p 29i 12 Jsp Ar lorutsvltle LV2fAa 9 12p 45.i k *s• Ar 4'tia'nooga Lv •; oi|>| 6 45a 7 K,. 4 u'u■ Ar I'laclnnall Lv tll Oup 6 4Sp 7 yn|. 7 50ii Ar .loutsvlUa Lv 7 46aj 7 46t> 7 20u 7 hip Ar Ht. Igwils Lv; 3 95p| 8 Xta 7 aop: 7 45a Ar Cincinnati l,v| * 30s| 7 00p (L. * N ) 7 Ola f*t> Ar Bt lomls Lv| 9 if.p! 8 (*u 7 32a| At Hi. Isritis l.v 1 00p|...—^ 115a \i i'ld‘‘aa.i l.v 1 top! 9 6V|t (M. * 0.l || j 5 44k* 4 I*4l Lv Atlanta Ar: in J.,, tl 'Or 9 OO.T 9 15p Ar Chicago. Lv | 7 flQpj 1 59p 8O p 7 15a \r Mr mphl-. Lv BMi s ofk> 4 1!p 3 ('*. t Ar M -hlle Lv 12 58pdl'29a ■■ ■ 1 ■ Ar I n*a t . 9 U ■n. • . .... . 1... vt rx ....... l- ; ..• 7 i&p 5 00p 5 3Ba Lv SuvalMtah Ar lia Through Pullm rn Hleeplng Car Service 1 45a 12 Sop Ar . Tlfton . Lvji 3 15a 5 t 3 45a 2 Iop Ar Albany.. 1.v|112 Ota! 1 49p to North. Eset and West, and lo Florida. ,| 5 3ff> Ar Columbus Lv jio 6ba Connections math at Port Tampa wit h V H mall atevmhl|>* of the P.nlntuler and Occidental Htcamshl|> Line leaving Port Tnmira Monday*. Thursdays and Saturday* at 11 10 p in J. II Polhemu* T P A . Ward Clark. l"tty Tkt Agt . I>e Buto Hotel. Phon* 71 B W WRENS. Patufenger Traffic Manager, Havsnnah. Ga McDOi\OUGH & BALLANTYNE, W Iron Founders, Machinists, “‘••■‘•Ullk., Ssllsreukers. auulr utirrr- l J •'' ** * I'sslakl* Sesien, Verllwol t yp - /"V w*.' 4*r* "lIU, Segar Mill -* Paas. >ka fttaa. •**Hea, els 7:; ''V'.J?. 1 TELEPHONE NO. 123. HAY—Market steady. No I timothy, 921*c Job; 8714 car*; No 1. 15c Job; 821, cars. Ila cun. limns and l.nrd, BACON-Market firm. t H C R aldea. 68c; D 8. b**llles. 94,0 (Kaslrrn), ac cording to avurage six*-; I) H he,lire, tlye (Weateml; stn>ked C. It side*. I>V HAMS Sugar cured, 12012 V LARD-Pure. In tlei cew. 6*>.c: In MT pouml tin* anil no-|'in*l tub*, s',*-. compound In tierces. 61ic; su-|>ound tin*, and (o-'iMJutid tub*. 81 c. sugar sud Coffee. SPOAR- Cu loaf 834 Diamond A 584 Crushed 811 ; Confectioner# - A 579 Powdered 6.0!) j White Extra C.. 6 49 XXXX. pow'd. 6.14 | Extra C 5 Granulated .... 599 {Golden C 5.14 Cubes 614 Yellow* 6 ill Mould A ( 30 | COFFEE- Mocha 2*c | Prime No 3 ...|| Java 36c J Gou*l No. 4 ..,109 4 r> peat>erry 14 o ( Fair. No 6 ...,lOSc Fancy No 1 ..12 CJ Ordinary, No, 8 10 .- Cholc* No 1 i Itljcl Common No 7 Hy- IlsrSnsri ssd lluloiug Wupptfea LIME, CALCIUM. PLASTER AND CEMENT—Alabama and Georgia lima in fair dMnan.• and el> at 16 cents a barrel; special calcined ptaaiet. II UU per barrel, hair, 405*' Rosedale cement. II *flU; carload lota, special. Portmnd cement, re tall. $3 25. carload lots. U 0003 30 LUMBER F O. B VESSEIeS SAVAN NAH Minimum yard ei** *.. |iolojfn or); car *lll*. |*sill > difficult sixes 114 on 018 00, aht|> stock, 116 0001100. aawn tlas. (60134880. hewn Ilea. 354)36*’ OIL- Market steady; demand fair; sig nal. 464)50* . Weal Vualula black. 9019 c; lard. t*.-. nealsfuot. Oo*o7w . machinery. | UIV. Ilnseeil oil. raw. 86c. IsKlerJ. (go; kerosene, ptlfn* whfta, IS* ; watar while. He; Pratt * a*trah *4: deodorixsd atov* gasoline, nruma, UV*c; empty on uarrsle. dellvere.l 5c SHOT—Drop. Ii So. B. B. and large, (1 71* rhllksl I! 76. IRON -Market very steady; Swede. Site. NAILS—CIII, 42 60 base; wire. 12 V, base. BARBED WIRE—MOO per 100 pounds straight goods. 33090 c; sugar house m> lasses. 15030*'. GUN POWDER—Per keg Austin crack Shot. 5100. iiaif kegs. 11.25. qtmrter krgs, $1 25; champion ducking, quartar ks*. S2S; Dupont and Maseru smokrlrsa. half kegs, 9* 1 S'* quarter kegs, f:, 75; l-|.o jnd canistcri. $109; leas 25 nar cent ; Tntiadorf smokeless powder. 1-pound cans. $1.00; JO - ran*. 30c potind. Salt, Hides sad Wool. ■ALT— Deniaou is tatr and the inarkal steady. ranoaC loin, lot* pound burlao Backs. 44c; Uh-pound cot ion sack. 45c. 110-poun<l burlap sicks, 46Vac; 110-pound cotton sick*. 49V : 215-pound burlap an* kg. Mr. 125-pound cotton sack, 56c; 3>)-pound burlap aack*. Me. HIDER— Mark** brm; dry fltnt. 1334 c; 6r>- aalt. IHic; groew salted. 6c. WOOle—Nominal} prim# Georgia, free of sand burr* and black wool. 19c; black. 18c; burry. 10c. Wag. 26c; tallow, IVke. Deer skins. 99c. Kritlla and Kuta. APPLE*-Northern variety. 12 2503 50 PRI’NER 10** to 516. loc. B*o to MM. *vc; GO* to JO*. 7c. 70s to ■**. Siyc; 60s to DUa. (c. et* to I MM. -,'v . BANANAR-II 2502 90 hunch I.FMONB Market steady at Li. 7501.00 COCOANUTR (3 7504 00 per lon PEANUTT4—AmpIe stock, fair demand; market firm, faery hand-picked Virginia, per pound tV6c; hand-picked. Virginia, ea tra*. 4c. N C seed i*aanuts. 4c N'UTR -Almonda. Tarragona. l*c; Ivtcaa, I8c; walnut*. Fiench. 11c, Naple*. lie; pa ean*. 12c. Brazils. 13*-; filbert*. He; assort ad nuts, B*.-|s>und and 26-pound boxes, 19c. Cation liamituff and Ties. BAGGING—Market Arm. Juts. 214- pour*l. 9'ic. large lota. 9Hc; small tots. I-pound. M.V9c; 11,-pound. saa Island bagging. lI’4C TlEß—4tnnani. 45-|>o*ind, arrow, larga iota. 11.49; small lot*. M.tO. lifted ssd Evaporated Fruits. APPLEB Evaporated. 70*y,c. sun-dried. s’xoc. AJ'KlCOTK—Evaporatid. loc pound. Deciatln* , 10c RAISINS- L 1... $2 06; Imperial raMnets. 42 > . bo** I.** pound twzes. sb",*' |>umi PEACH Eo—Evapori*lad. 4**nalcd. 17lkc. uniwal* and. 64909 c PEARB- Evaporglrd. I'ic. 3114 K KLLABIRUII. FlSH—Mackerel, hulf-harrels. No. L Is 69; No. i. 17 W), No. 1. $5 75 kit a, N 1. $1.10; No 2. $1.10; No. 1. lie < Vtdtlah. 1-pound lirt'ke. 6'v. 2-f*u>.l luicka. n* Rmoked h< rrlrgs. l*rr bo*. IMltc Dutch herring* In kegs, $1 19; new muilMs. balf teirrel*. 43 75 BYRUP Market quiet: Georgia and Flortdo syrup buying at StGiJOc; aalllng at 324>35r sugar house at IKflJc. HONEY—Fair 'demand; strained. In bar rel*. 55040' gallon. High win* basis. It 28. OCEAN FREIGHTS. COTTON —Savannah lo Heaton. per ewt„ !*c; lo Nrtw York, per cwt.. 90c; to Phllsdr-lphla ter bale. $1; Baltimore. 31. FOREION DlßECT—Bremen. 10c: Liv erpool. 59e; Hamburg. 50c; Genoa. 0c: Barcelona. 70c; Manchaa'or. 57c. Havre. Hr; Antwerp. 60c. FOREIGN INDIRECT—Weak and nom ;CotHinusd on Sixth Page.) l|fP£ f, GEORGIA BfYCO. / EfTpcflv# Ppt. 10. I**. Train* arriv* at and depart fruen Cent raj Station, West Broad, foot of laherty atreet 9>th Meridian Time—One hour slower then _ city time. lamv# Arrive ■PveBBAh: Savannah: JAuguata, Maci. AllanU.l 8 foamjCovlngton, Milleslgevlllejsg OPpm jand all Internwellale p-dnlsj I Augusta Mneon. Atlanta.l ‘ I Athene, Montgomeiqr, Co-| •9 00pm lumbi.#, Birmingham Am-|*B eoatn (erlcue, Kufaula and Troy j •1 vopni Dover lat lon .i *Tltm "'l Guyton Dlnnai Train ,14 sepot 'Dally. tExrept iuaily, BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND TTBEE. 75th meridian or Savannah city lime. LEAVE SAVANNAH Monday only 635 a m Dally except Monday 9.90 a m Dally 3X9) p m. LEAVE TYHEE km.l n only 7.15 n m Dally nxeepf 3104*1 ay 10 28 .m. Dally 8;9o p. m Connection* mad.' al t.-rmlnal potnla wlih nil trains Kortbweot. West end Southwest. y Sleeping ear# on night trnlne between Savannah ami Augusta, Ma.on. AtlanU and Rtrml^vham. „' * r, ° r ‘ “ r " or day tralna between Sa vannah. Ma.on and Atfcinta. For , oenpleta information, e-vhedul** r- ”* ‘"d eonneeflona. apply lo V). O BREWER, city tp k. t and •wr Agent, 107 Bull afreet. j r 'c t 'HAnV T *i tK ' n ' p °' Agent. 5 % A ** nt THRO. D. KLINE. Gen NuperlntendaWt, Savarnah Ga. Ooubie Daily Service Th# shorl line lo Norfolk. Washtngloa, lialitmore, Phlladelphl*. New York *d T . ~~~~ ~~' fW* HgW l.v Mavs 11 nab, aA. L Ity U 86pm n 54pm Ar Columbia, 8 A. L. Ry 4 81pm 4 Mem Ar Raleigh. B A. L. Ry.. U 87pm U 60am Ar Durham B. A. L. Hy.. 7 3-era 4 16pa ?LJ"L' HALlty 4Uta4lbn ’>; ' * A. LBy I6an 4 40pm Ar v\ rstrlngton. Psnna... 8 45am 9 90pm Ar Baltimore penna (Sam U *pro Ar Philadelphia. Penna .. 12 27pm 9 66am Ar New 'York I’etnta 8 03; rn 4 Ham ' 1 No urtisfw I. Hiv.4i.nah. H. A LHr 12 lipm 11 P Ar Port*mouth. B.A.L.Ry| 7 Ouam| 9 10pm Bteamers leave Norfolk dally, except Monday, for Baltimore. Philadelphia and New York, uni drily for Washington. The short tine to Montgomery. Mobile and New Orleans, leaving Havannah st 7:25 a. m . arriving al Montgomery 7:40 p m , at which point close connection Is made with the L. A N. R. R., arriving et Mobile 2.9S a. m. and New Orleans 7:40 s. in. Th* short line to Femandma, Jackson ville. Tampa and other Florida points. ) No 27 |“No. C Lv Havannah. 8. A.X Ityj f. 08am 307 pen Ar Frrnanrtlns. B A.I, Ry 385 am 9 05pm Ar Jacksonville, B. A I-1(>; 9 loam 7 40pm Ar Tam|.a. HA I. By ; 5 30pm 6 30am Magnifier* Pullman buffet sleeping car service to Wevhlngion. Baltimore, Phila delphia and New Yerk: also to Jackson ville and Tamp*. Dining cars from Havannah tir Hamlet, and Richmond to New York. Buffei porior cart Bavsnnah to Mont gomery For additional Information apply to Ticket Office. Bull and Bryan straata. Phone 2* J. D. WEED * CO SAY AM MAM. OA. Leather Belting. Steam Packing & Host Agent, far NEW XOJUt BUBMEH jklting and packing companl. 7