The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 20, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 HOT CONTEST IN MTNTOSH. I 11. 1 l l o\ Kll I I.CHKHHIP r Till. mPKHUIR 1111 ItT. Judge . A. ttm Contesting the fldlpr Against A. 4". H ll>*The Former l*4 Mon. " ■ G. Charlton and the Latter lu Hon. I*. . Meldrlm Many Irreaulurl lira Charged—t|ue*tlon ol Free holder Involved. Darien, Ou . Oct I*-The taking of er- Idem • In Hi*- contest..l election rare of B. A. Way . A. C. Wytly for the om. of clerk of If Huperlor Court be gin this morning before Judge f. L. Liv ingston. Judge Livingston will hear the evidence and transmit It In writing to judge Stai r > k who will render a ver dict. Judge Way, the ronltUrnt. I* represent ed by Hon. W. G Charlton. and Capt Wylly. the ennteetee, is repreaented by Hon. P. W. M-.drim and Solicitor General Livingston Kenan. Every precinct In the county I* rordcste 1 upon ground* which. If attalalned. would threw the en tire election out. The mam fight l over the Darien precinct. Il I* charged hy Judge Way that Mr. J. G Ligarc, one of the oleotlon manager* here, wt* not a freeholder. Mr. la-gare was the first wlt lii it to-day and hl evidence dtscloerd the fact that he owned an iniere-t In several email piece* of land, having paid Ihe money before the elc ttdn, but hiving no deed for any of It The entlr*- ca**e d< - ~. 1,,|. ■ r . r . ■ which the term le need In the rleetion lawa. when he ha* purchased land, but ha* received no d* • and. EtTUHT TO ABHGIMI IT. Attack May lie Made oa the Geologi cal Department. Atlanta. Orl 19—It Is reported at the Capliol to-day that another effort will he made In the General Assembly at the < <mlng session lo abolish Ihe appropria tion for the geological department A similar effort was made last year, but after a hard fight before the House the bill was killed. It Is said now that another legislator from South Georgia will Introduce a Mil to at*>ll*h Ihe de|>arttneitt as u whole. Several of the Capitol offi cials were discussing the bill this morning ni*l some of them muted that Geologist Yates had been served with notice that a hill would lie Introduced. Mr Vales when seen said he had not been notified that another effort would be made to abolish the geological department this yeur lb- seemed surprised when told of the rumor. Mr. Yates *td the de pnr'ment wa- now In better condition than H had ever Men befori. and If the legislature wa* nol satisfied with It* workings, he would maki no fight to keep the bill from pursing Oov. Candle! said be had nol heard of the proposed hill, but said, however. In would not be Birpriaed al such a bill I A lII.OVA TO THE Ml GITA HY. Gov. Candler W ill Ant Rfrsmnirntl a l.arger Appropriation. Atlanta, Oct. 19,—1f Ihe Iseglslature follows Gov. Candler's recommendation toward Ihe slate troops. Ihe appropria tion of will not be Increased next year The Governor statist this morning that he thought 130.000 wus enough for the troop* and he would ask for no more. This will he n disappointment lo some of the military men In the stai". who were counting on the Governor* asking for u larger appropriation. The Governor also stated he wanted no more state encampments as they tended to demoralise thl militia, and that jher* Wa* always predju.ll e against the troops when there were encampments. Several officer:: of the state troop* have been making an effort to have the appropria tion Increased, but the Governor's recom mendation will prove a knockout blow If It followed. The Governor Is In favor of regimental encampment*. but at those encampments the members of the regiments have to bear the expense. W 11.1. HE t’OI HT-M VHTI AGUE Charges Against Watt and Huff to He Thoroughly •‘tried. Atlanta. Od. 19.—Lieut. Seney Watt and Bergl. P. H fluff of the Klfth Hegtmenl are under charges from Col. Woodward, and they will probably be court-martialed. Adjutant General Byrd has the charges ond h will confer with the Governor concerning them to-morrow. The charges against Lieut. Watt are falling to quell disorder, drinking, profan ity. ond conduct unbecoming un officer. The charges ugalnat Hergt. Huff are drunkenness, rioting, profanity, w* show ing propei n spsot for .1 ranking 1 • nnd conduct unbecoming a gentleman Military authorities say the charges will be sifted to the liotlom. os they are deter mined to put an end to .the breaches of discipline among the state troop*. AEW AAV A L TIHE* OOMIMAY. Savannah Interests In a Aew Con rrr nt IV u turn In. Pensacola. Fla , Od. 19 -Tbe oreantga 4ion of the I'nlon Naval Stores Company 1* announced here. It |* incorporate.) with a capital stock of poo.ono The stock holders are J. W. Wade and E C. Hughe* of Mobile. T A Jennings of Tampa. Carl ,\(oller of Pensacola, and J K. C Myers of.Mavannah. It Is reported that the new company will absorb A. M Moses A Cos., who own acre* of land In Florida and Alabama. 773 turpentine ■tills and other property contingent 1 here to. Collecting Hack Tasrs. Atlanta, Oct. 19—Controller General Wrlghl to-day made public the statement that the state ha* *0 far receive ! 131,19.! 57 In back taxes rollrcled fiom express, tele graph and telephone companies and build ing and loan associations under the decis ion rendered by the Supreme Court Iri February last. The Controller also *>■ as much more Is yet to be colleded. mak ing over m a ll that the state will receive from this source. Hobson to He Atlanta's Guest. Atlanta. Oct 19—Lieut Hobson will at tend the Interstate Fair on Monday in company with Geri Joe Wheeler. The dis tinguished naval officer will arrive Sun day from Montgomery. Ala., ond will be the guest of Atlanta and the managers of the fair during the exercises of the following day. Gov Candler last night oent a telegram to Lieut Hobson, asking him to be present. He replied to-day ac cepting (he Invitation Plan* for Matnnnuh'* Hrpnt. Atlanta. Oct. 19-Plans for the new depot In Savannah will be received to morrow by W W. Ma kati, president of the I'nton Depot Company. Engineer* from all parts of the country will submit plana. Pile* Cared Without the Knife. Itching. Blind Bleeding or Protiuding piles. Your druggist will refund your money If Paso Ointment falls to cure you k to cent*,—ad. "Strike tor Your Altars and Your Fires. ” Patriotism is always com mendable. but in every breast there should he not only the desire to he a good citizen, but to be strong* able bodied and well fitted for the battle of life. To do this. pure blood is absolutely neces sary, and Hood's Sarsapa rilla is the one specific which cleanses the blood thorough ly. It acts egually well for both sexes and all ages. Humor " When I netd J blood puri fier I take find"s, Ui. h cured my humor and is excellent as a nemtt tonic." /osif Eaton. Stafford Springs. Ct. a i}f a /^ ri 3 Ht. 0.1. Fils if *** ' !!• irrttaUag n4 only rtlirttc Uk- *th n*fip*riny f’AtCJHT fUIOIIT ON TOTTON. I>ulilln v |*-r if In for nn Ihr Wrong of Ihr MnrltH—llllirr Mnilrr*. Dublin. O i Oft 19 ral rul>ln • md i I * rot.*Merab i Mini of money In oiian future*. It I ‘ ihttt on* <lilam i*< out m ln*t *n olhrr fR.BRti, ;po!hv ll.Oflo, anti other- l anviutii* rtngl frSn $W to 13000 If the market dor# noi go tnir k to retrieve thrm they will lose a* 11 they hav# up, One f> t buyer ha* conalderghle cotton on ha <1 of which la a lo* to him of 17 pe. I*le. The two-year-old non of Sheriff K. K Hl* kh wan badly Injured yexteMay by being run over by a runaway i Mir ol horse*. The left |* g of ihe child wa* hol ly crushed. Hr*. It 11. St irky, t'hail a lli< k anl E. L. Kaker gave It Ml tent ion and took out M-veral bone* which were badly broken The hora e wer-* th*- carriage nam of Mr J. I) Smith Mu Smith had Just aligh<et fr>m the carrl ge when they da#hed a way. Mi#. Smith nar rowly eacapad Injury alao. The home had broken locmm’ from the carriage wiien the child waa struck. Mr T. 11. Overby ha# dl*|>o#ed of hi# Interest in the Afro-American Life Inaur anc** Society an 1 ri aigned a* manager. Mr E. E. Storm aucceel.> to the oftl* ♦ of manager, and will pu#h the comtMinv Mr Overbey will engag* In other line# of Insurance. The buslneta men of Duhltn desire tliat appioprlate for the Oco ne river, an Ia petition will lw #ent it* aaklng that am tint. Hon. ftufu# E !.• ter. congit-fin n from the First dlstrlcl. will be asked *o a*si#t Congressman Brantley In getting the nppropiiatl*/ti Col. Lester 1* recognlxe*! a* on*- of the able#* m*mber# of Congress, and his influence I# * specially desired Yesterday J. N Leonard, a white rmn who moved to Dublin *• year r two hk * from Mliledgevllie. was • onvlcted in the City Court of I*auren* county of the Illegal ule of tng liquors, and wa# flne*i by Judge John 9 Adams. SSOO nnd coat. Leonard plead ed not guilty to the charge. He admitted thnt he sold champagne cider hut con tended that It wa* not Intoxicating It wa# proved that the wtuff eold by Leonurd as cider, was nothing but lager beer. The Jury recommended that extreme tneroy Im* shown Leonard, hut Jixlge Adnm# dis regarded Ihe re<onmenda:lon. Ijeonard waa unable to pay the fine, and Is In Jail. A number of other blind tiger keef er? were to be tried ut this term of the court, hut the fate of fjeonard was too much for them, nnd they skipped. Their tmnde were forfeitev! It tiHtieena#*'< rtMincdthat Corporal Os car Crump, who was reported * having been captured by the Filipino*. I* alive and well with Company K. Twenty-ninth I’ 8. V 8.. ut Laguana Lamar. P I The Informntion wa# obtalneil by t*ongre#e man W. G Brantley nnd was a relief to Ills relative# and friend* here. A piece of steel was cut from the arm •if Mr M It Rachfl* a day or two since that ha# been Imbedded in the fle#h for fifteen year*. The fifteenth artesian well for Dublin will be bored on the public school lot In a few days , WANT?* PAY FOR lit #ll% NIL lie Was Taken Into the Wood* and L> netted by a Mob. Columbia. 8. C.. Oct. 19.—Two year* ago Luthi Hulllvan and Jim McKee, ne groes, assassinated it white man named Atkinson In Edgefield county. The ne groes were captured and “loaf in th woods.** Now ih** widow of McKee i preparing to bring suit ug.n*t the county for $2,000 which, under th* Cop#tituMon he l# allowed to* recover from the county -if a Jury will give It The i3*u'<#iitfitiiM for which thc.-e men ware lynched, wa# cold-blood* and and deliberate. TO Cl RH % GILD IN ONE p%Y. Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet*. All druggist# refund the money If It falls to cure. K W Grove's signature Is on each box 25c.—ad. SPECIAL. .NOTICES. W. %V. ON HON UK CM 11. At a meeting of the \V. \V. Osborne Adminlstrsl>n Club held at Duffy Street Hall l#t night the following ofllcer* were elected: F M Cornwell. President; L II Ki'nii, Vlce-PrerbWnt; I* J Winter#. Sec retary ; J. J. I’lim.m. Treasurer. Would m!>o state for the benefit of the in* rnb r> *>f the W. W. Osborne Administration Club that It haa never consolidated with any other club. F. M. CORNWELL. President I*. J. Winters, Hccretury. a hill fo be entitled an act to abolish the grand Jury in the City Court of Savannah, and for other purposes. IN T*K ItKATI At stall* 7 and % m*irk*t you will find everything nice in steak*, roasts, poultry. Nice lamb, freh pork. If you can’t come phone us 1173. BCOTT A DAVIS. f\ 8 —Remember we hav*- hralms tripe, sweet bread Haulages. 4 ••%* FINE MEATS MERE %* ANY* \% lir.Ri: ELSE IN THE COl NTM % .*• The above expression 1* often heard from visitors and others after seeing the meat* that I offer at my stall# In the City Market. To-day Prime lleef, Mut ton, Lamb and Veal. Pork. Matchless Corned Beef. etc. Both phone* L>7. JOHN FUNK. ASH AND CYPRESS LI NIIKK FOR SALE. UO.OOO feet of ash. suitable for wheel wrights. carriage makers, car works and interior houre ft*.tab. Also cypress lumber of all sixes We have resume 1 cutting our famous brands of cypres# shingles and will soon have a full line of them for sale. YALE ROYAL MFG. CO. THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. OCTOBER 20. 1900. H %VI %t % N Ol T ON ROND. He Hast Declared His Intention of RHlltttf Three Men. Columbia. 8 C . <>rt 19 —There Is sur prise and um.ißlm-* in some section# of Anderson county. b*-owuae Singleton Mo ll,toah. who kill'd George M- Kinney, ha* been liberated on $1.4)0 bond. Evidence given before th* coriser'# Jury wa# to the • ffe t that M Intosh bad made state, media before th* killing of McKinney that he projMiMd t kl.i thre. men Mc- Kinney wa# one of those h** n.imwl. an*i now the other two are feeling ura-omf >r t a ole. Several yeairs ago M lrito*t klliea) W. Newby, who w** hi# gue#t at the time He wa# pardoned after serving . abort time in the penitentiary Those who know him well #eem to think that In hi* prtwent frame of mind it would hav. been *af*r to have kepi Mclntosh In Jai! till his trial. TO COLLECT BUK T%XB9. < nliiniliin \\ 111 tet nit \dilltlon to Her Trrasary. Columbia. 8 C.. Oct. 19—There will I>e consternation In many to-morrow when T T Talley, cpy clerk, will place n the hands of Sheriff Coleman ex* u tlons for the roller Mon of delinquent city taxes These ex( utions will cover hark X'H from up to nnd Including 1989 iml ther eare about l,3o*Th to Hr nerved. Tlr total amount of takes not '•oiltctwl In • fiit HffM wili mitjili | "• I hi' a mount. Indeed, will be a welrom** addition t it the funds In fh- ly treasury, where 8 i* ne* and. These -x* -utions do not cover l#ack tax*# prior to IWM for th- reason that the illy had no lien prior to 'ha' tlm* and dellnquenre* up to !>!M • ould now Ij* • oil. ud only by taw*u< Bheriff Cob man hs Just taken charge of his offb'e M“ say# the duty I# unpbaaant, but he will collect the tax> or sell tne property. HOMICIHE IN L% I HEN #. "More Proprletor #ht and Killed n Nritro laborer. Columbia. 8 C. Oct 19—In lAurene to day while the court of session* was open a homicide was committed on the public square, which was full of people, and within a few feet of the court house at**p Wade II Goalfrcd, proprietor of the Ben Hive store bad a quarrel with a negro laborer They cam to blows, and Qodfred drew' a pistol and shot the negro The affair rsuiel considerable ex citement for a while. A Strong Fortification. Fortify the body against disease by Tutt’s Liver Pills, an abso lute cure for sftk headache, dys pepsia, sour stomach, malaria, constipation, jaundice, bilious ness and all kindred troubles. “The Fly-Wheel of Life” Dr.Tutt; Your Liver Pills are thr* fly-wheel of life. I shall ever be grateful for the accident that brought them to my notice. I feel as if I had anew lease of life. J. Fatrleigh, Platte Cannon, CoL Tutt’s Liver Pills DEATHS. CANON— Dlml. Oct. It. 730 a. m . ut Guyton. Gladys. . Most daughter of Jam.. 8 and Eva O. Canon, interment Guyton Cemetery. MKETl.tfi*. WAV A A A All Mini *TRIAL IMIM'IA TION. A meeting of the association will be hell it Mcnqiolltan Hall, northeosi corner oi tVhlisker and Presklent street*, on M'Ht -biy night. 22f| test., at 9:15 o'clock. It Is important lliat every m.mkr shou.d tie present. All cPtsenu Interested In 'h work of (he aeuo.-iatlon arc Invited to at tend. By order of J tl KSTILL, President G. .ARTHUR GORDON. Secretary M l t Itl lAOTICBg. MtVV HOODS JUT ARRIVED. New California Prune*, large. 5c lb. New Jordan Six lid Almond* fete lb. New Evaporated Apricots 13c lb. New Dried Peeled Peaches 15c lb. New Dried Figs only 15c lb. N. *• Pineapple Cheese 59c each New Early June P'-u* (extras) pie can New- Baby Corn two for 25c. • We have a full supply of Columbia River Salmon—loc. 12H>- nml 15c per can. S trtllnee. t, boxes. It fish to box. 25c New Mnpln Syrup, quart*. li.ilf gallon* un I gallon*. Try our Syrup In quart canj, to,- New* No. 1 Mackerel 15c, two for 25c. New Crdftsh 10- p< r package. thre pack age- for 25 9 cakes Octagon 8 ap and Bottle Blue to, 25 cent*. 7 coke* C lr, us Soap and Bottle Blue 25c. New Evaporated Apple* 10c package. Gelatine 7 <• package, four packages for 25c. Cox's Gelatine 15c package. Keystone Hl.ver Gelatine 10c pa kaoc. FANCY FRESH FRUIT. Extra fine Indian River Navel Orange*. first of the season (sweet). Fine Florida Oranges 3<v doxen. Fancy King Apples for table use. Our Apple*. 5e quart, are tine. Fancy Malaga Grapes and Bananas cheap. Exits fine Plnespph s Ise each. Fresh Celery and Tomatoes. Delaware, Niagara on 1 Concord Grapes, In small basket*. 15c. C. A. DRAYTON GROCERY COMPANY, G 8. Vjn Horne. Manager. TIIE HO Alt DEM a AT ( HAWOH. The boarder* a’ .Chang's San Franclaco Restaurant, 111 Drayton street, are get ting thicker They get a Jam up meat atxl when the) buy tickets they live cheaper than at home. Everything Is clean. Meals to order. CHANG 8 RESTAURANT. 114 Drayton street. AT U.ARDYBit'S. Rtcefleld Lamb, lutclou* steaks. Juicy roasts, tender rttickons. fat turkey*, freah vegetables, npc fruit. Al) ready to go at any moment. My wngen goes >our way M S GARDNER, Phone* 675. Wayne and Whitaker. JOYCE’S MAI S.AUE9. I am making try famous sausage* now The okl-ttme kind—made the old wav— grandma suusages You want them if vou want a good thing. Semi In order* for ail the best locals, fruit* and vegeta ble* Phone* l’tr. JAB J JOYCE. P. 8 Remember that famous Java Cof fee. Nobody handles It but Joyce. Fretfc grocetle*. Buckwheat and Maple Syrup NOTICE. Alt persona are hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting any of the rrew of the British ale unship Hurwurth, Gal braith. master, fr- m Newcartb-on-Tyna, as no debta of fhelr contracting will be pakl by master, owners or by W. W, wiLot-’N. Ajeot, coniijaec. STARTS WITH A COLD, alarrb la a l.lax-rlai C,M W hlrh Hrtaara lo 9 laid • (IrHlnnrr Trrat nirat, <’aarrh <ually atari* with a cold In th- !>• ut ail If left twcherked in this donate, rarely xeia well of tt-.lf. Aa freah rokl ia taken t,e dl-eaae ap'eada, k-ltlil* ileeper anil 1, |<er. tm aloni; th- miieou* m'mtiriuie* from noae to throat, from throw’ to windpipe from wimt|il|ia to hronchial lute, and from lit, n> hint lulie* to iunk cella The tnu-oua m- mbrane. all rontiwt on with another It-noa It ta < <y pre.,d from one pari to another ltn t wl’h till, m’-mhr.ine Tht* I- whv eatarrh tn ihe head <*>” a IT* it* the throul amt ttnal l) the MMM h Mm If, brliiKliHt on rhronti , aiairh . f atomach. which I, the mu,t obaflnate form of dyapepala. Everybody la now well arreed that ca tarrh la a blood dlaeaar and not a kx*al one. and th'- attempt to cure by .Oval ap p]!<u(ton aimply klve temporary relief from th- purely local aymptoma without the remote*! effects tn ataytnif the pro are** of the dlaeaae. There I* anew preparation recently of fered to the public that I* apparently destined to do away with every other form of eatarrh treatment. Tht* new remedy I* not it secret patent medicine, but la a larae, pbwaant tastin* ’ablet composed of SauKUlnarta. Eucalyp tol, Oualaeol. Hydrastln and other valua ble and harmless aia rlftc*. which art taken Internolly and reem to have a re markably bene (trial effect upon tho blood .irsl mucous membrane*. apparently • IlminatlnK the catarrhal poison from the whole system. These t ablet * while helna pleasant, con venient anti absolutely safe to use have m i lo • urea In lon* atantlln* case* of ea tarth that are little ahort of marvelotia. They ro sold by druggltls under name of Stuarl'a fatal rh Tabl'd*, sol any c.v tarrh atitr.Ter who ha. trlfd Inhaler*. !o ttona, otntmen’a. aalvea, tic. and realiie 1 their Inconvenience and ua'leaanesa, wtil fully appreciate the difference between x mere palliative and a permanent cure fter Rlvlnir Stuart’* Catarrh Tablets an Impartial trial All druggists soil thm at SO cent* for full ailed iMckagc and no matter where the catarrh t* located. In the h-ad. thrott. lung or stomach, Stuart's t’atarrh Tab let* will surprise you with the effective results of even a few days use. •FECIAL \UTREJt. LEVAN** CAFE, MKNTAUBAYT AND OYSTER IIOI'SE, 111 Canirrii Street. West. Illnr Folnt, Rorltsnsr nnd Native Oysters tn nil styles. CHOP STEAKS AND (I AME OF ALL KINDS IN SEASON EVERYTHING FTHST-CL.4SS. DINING BOOMS UPSTAIRS. Ft ULISHBD FOR INFORM ATION. City of Savannah. 1 Office Clerk of Council. Oct. 19, 1909. The following resolution adopted at a meeting of Council, held on th- evening of the 17th Inst , la herewith published for the Information of all concerned: By Alderman Dtxon— Resolved by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of onvunnah In Council as sembled. That the ordinance for the re naming of streets aoujh of Anderson street be published for information and that Council Invites an expression of the views und wishes of the rlttgena of Sa vannah, und particularly of those residing south of And*f*on street, or owning property In this sec tion. concerning the wisdom and ex pediency of the ordinance, those views to be expressed by petition or other written ommunlcHtlon. or orally, at the next meeting of Council, at which time the ordinance will be read on Its passage. An ordinance to re-name the streets tn the city of Savannah south of Ander son street Section 1. Be ft ordained by the Msivot and Aldermen of the city of Savannah In Council sssemhAed, concerning the streets in the city of Savannah south o, Anderson street that hereafter First and St. James street' shall be known as Thirty-Ami street. Second, (itltoti and flt Paul street* shall be hereafter known ns Thirty second street. Third. Grapevine, West Third and 8t Nicholas streets -lull be hereafter known a* Thirty-third street. Fourth, Blsmark, West Fourth and St John streets shall be hereafter known s* Thltry-fourth street. Fifth. Sarah. Wilder. West Fifth, St Michael und Brady streets shall be here after known as Thirty-fifth street Sixth, Willow, West Sixth and Sr. Thoma* streets shsll be hereafter known a* Thirty-sixth street. Seventh and East Seventh streets shall be hereafter known as Thirty-seventh street Eighth. Center. James nnd East Eighth streets shall be hereafter known a* Thirty-eighth street. Ninth and East Ninth streets shall be Ire hereafter known as Forty-second street. Tenth. Churrh and latet Tenth street* shall be hereafter known as Fortieth street. Eleventh and limr streets (or avenuet shall he hereafter known as Forty-first street. Twelfth nnd South avenue streets shall hereifter known as Forty-second atreet. Sec 2. Be It further ordained, that all ordinance* and parts of ordtnancea In conflict with thia ordinance are hereby repealed. WM P BAILEY, Clsrk of Council. NOTICE. The schedule Is changed for Buwanee Springs. You esn leave Savannah, via riant System, at 9 a. m . arrive at Ihe Springs at 12.30 p. m. This schedule ia good for every day In the week. RICE MILLING, RICE FLOUR, HIUE CHAFF. We have anew miil with all modern processes, and machinery, and are now ready for business. We solicit your pat ronage and Invits correspondence; Doe chaff free to patrons. THE SAVANNAH RICE MILL. 00.. T M Cunningham. President. John Screven. Jr.. Manager. NOTICE. Alt bills against the British steamship Empress must be presented at our oDlce before 12 o'clock noon this day. Oct. SO. 1900, or payment will be debarred. iIAKN.UO’ * CO., Agent*. PALMER HARDWARE CO., SAVANNAH. GA. Railroad and Mill Supplies, Rubber Belting and Parking. Builders’ and General Hardware, Cutlery* (*ii ns, Rifls, Pistols and Ammunition. Rope, Tinware, Stoves. —AGENTS foR— Fairbanks' Scales. Austin's Crack Shot Powder. ACtna Dynamite, Fuse and Caps. KODAIvS and PHOTO. SUPPLIES EYEGLASSES and SPECTACLES SLOO, that others charge $2.50. Save your life,’save a trip to Hot Springs, by taking FRANK’S REMEDY^-- Cures when all remedies fail. LIVINGSTON’S PHARMACIES, Hull and Congress. Branch .109 Bull St. Phones 29.1. Phones .182. SPECIAL NOTICES. UATbflOlirroH FRID AY AND SATURDAY. New Prune* per pound sc. Evaportted Apples 3 pounds for Sic. Evaporate! Apricots per pound 13c. Evaporated Peaches per pound 10c. New Figs per pound IS* . New Currant* per package 19c. ttardlnr* in lemon juice per tan 39c. < 1,.1b cans Deviled Ham per can 10c. 3-lb. can* Trip* per can lie. Fulton Market Corned alleef. In extra fancy cuts. Just Iti. 1- Jar* Chip Beef 25c. Mwtard Dressing In bottles 25c. i,-lb. cans Mustard only 10c. 3-lb. cans peaches (Tablet 10c. (juart earn Syrup only 10c. Wine Flnvored Jellies p irkage 10c. 7 pounds Oatmeal for 23c. 2- package Oatmeal for 10c Cheese Cracker* per package 15c. Saratoga Chip* per pouti.l 25c. Maple Sugar per pound 15c. Florida Oronge* per do*en Uo. Delaware Grape* per basket 20c. Niagara Grape* per basket 20c. Fancy King Apple* Banana* Lime* ar.d Lemons. JOHN T EVANS te CO.. Congress and Barnard street*. Phone* 2M. HHRI M ITIdl. Jar W Ja kton, f’avannah. Oa.. June . 1591. exy*: "From a personal xprtence I can say that your springs offtr a cure for rhep matl-m I arrived at Suwanee n-very alck man Ir.d* cd. tiarely being able to move or lift my arm To lift my hand* a* high as my shoukters w.if as absolute tmpos- Abtllty. After a stay of a few day* over one week, and. os usual, passing what you term the 'ert*!*,’ I returned to Savannah very much Improved In heilth. Every since my return home I have contlnusd to Improve, and am now entirely free from any sign* of rheumatism I consider that your water* were Instrumental tn effect ing my cure, and can cheerfully recom mend any one suffering from rheumattem to give Suwanee a thotough and complete trial." Camilla. Oa . Oct. 17. IW Mr. Andrew Hanley. Jr . Suwanee, Fla Deor Sir—l’lease send one of your little book* to Mr. Dink I’erry. Newton, Oa. The water has male some wonderful cure* here, Y'our friend, T. W Bit IM BKKIt Y. , NOTICE. We are now moving our Wholesale De partment to Ihe commodious quarters 127 C,ingress street (formerly occupied by M Dryfus. and will b in perfeot shape tn a few days, and be pleased to serve our friends. SOLOMONS COMPANY. City of Savannah. Office Clerk of Council, Oct. I*. ItkO A vacancy having oc. urred among the city phy*l<lan by reason of the resigna tion of Hr M H la-vl of the Second Dis trict. notice !* hereby given that an elec tion will be hekl at the next regular meeting of Council, to lot hekl on Oc’. 31. at 9 p m.. to fill the unexptred term caused by the eakl resignation All applications to be filed with the Clerk of Council ut or lie fore 12 m. or the 31st Inst. , WM r. BAILEY. Clerk of Council. HECK MANN'S CAFE, Chef Tresvau commence* to-day to serve his well known Merchants' Lunch from 11:30 to 2p. nt. Old and new customers are cordially in vited. Also bill of fare a U carte. Respectfully. GEORGE BECKMANN. Importer Wuerihiiiget llo< llrau. TUI. WAA TO CLEAN CAIU'LTS. Th* only way to get your carpets prop arly taken up, < loaned and taken cor* of f, r tha I* to turn th# Job ovtr lo the Dtatrlct M-oa-ng r and Delivery Cos., telephone 2. or call at 32 Montgomery street, and thay will make you an esti mate on th* cost of th* work. Prtoas rwisonable They also park, move and store furniture and pianos C. H. MEDLOCK. Supl. and Mgr. IIO.NDS EXECUTED By the American Bonding and Truat company of ltoltlmors. VV• ore author ised to execut- locally (ln:m. dtately upon application), ait ’bonds In pro ceedings In either Ihs state or United B ates court*, and of admlnlsiiatura and guard! > ns DFARINO A HULL Ag*r.ta Telaph' ns 91. Provident Building FAhl V AMI HR-PKE9IRII RHICK. We manufactur* and sell all kinds of fan, y and re-praeawl brick paving and building brick*. Our common brick are the ta*t for building puipoea*. being larger than other kiln* make, and cheap ,r. the samp a- and prices SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO.. Congress and Drayton *'r* ta ot n CLIENTS Loan money at six per cnt. on real estate security. BECKETT A BECKETT. Attorneys at Law and Cocvcyancera GRAPHOPIIOXES and RECORDS A Alt SEME NTS. gnvaninhh t Hua rgg. Friday and Batunlay night* amt Fitur- Mttlnee, Oct. 19 and 3>. Engagement of MK CHARLES B. HANFORD, Arrnmpnnbd by MlftS MARIK DROF NAH. and .1 ppienvlid #iipporting com pnny, pnfnting *: new romantic comedy dram;* by L* e Arthur. “PRIVATE JOHN ALLEN " A story ot th. South, faertnating by Interes ting de. p heart Interest, clever i-omely. strong situation*, thrilling eli , maxes, positively an . labor it,- scenic iwoducllon. entirely new an.l appropriate to the atmosphere of the p ay Heat* on salt. Prices—2sc. :<oc. 75c. It. Matinee, orchestra. 75c; balcony. 30c. in sines* noTicea. RICE We purchase rice from the pro ducer*. In very large quantllle*. No middlemen's ptoflis to be ud ie*L Our customer* get the benefit. We quoie: Head Rice. 4c lb., 60c peck. Choice Head, 5c lb.. 75c peck. Fancy Head-Head, 6c lb„ 90c peck. Compare this rice with that of fered elsewhere and you will np pre< late the. bargaiu we offer. Phones 76. K l 11. lin CD., Corner Broughton and Whitaker. SHOW CASES. We Carry a Full Line in Stock. HENRY SOLOMON & SON, Buy and JolTernon Stre- ts. SPECIAL VOTICHk n ONLY THE nr.AT GINGER ALE. Ths best ta th* Whaoler Brand of Bel fast Ginger .VJ . made by Wheeler A Cos., ol Belfast. Ireland. Horn the celebrate,) I rollon Springs of mat city. Tbas# spring* are the property ot Wheeler A Cos., bene# no other Ginger Ale manufac turer tn Ireland hue those water* but themselves. The Wheekr Olnger Ale Is nwd>- from pure Jamaica Ginger Root and not from Red Pepper, as others are; ona Is deleterious—the other I* a tonic. For .Tealthfulneaa and Purity the cele brated Wheeler brand of Belfast Ginger Ale D tbe best. LIPPMAN nnOTHERA ■ole Southern Agents. Savannah. Oa. - -■ ■ -■ - t- ~ SAVANNAH FOUNDRY AND M ACIHNE COMPANY, Builder* of Marine and Stationery Uolieri, will furnish eatlmataa on new work In competition with Northern aod Western manufacturwra Repair work on Engines and Bollora HE MIA ATING—MATTIIESSEB— HENO. YATING. llalr. moss, tickings, liber, feather* Our stock of new material and manufac turing products are up to dale. Our reno vating and remaking has delighted many prominent resident*. Ask your acquaint ance*. Material sent us I* picked, steamed, cleaned und medicated by modem ma chine! y. Making done by mechanic*. Wc confine our work to mattresses and bed ding generally. We sett tickings of all kinds, most. hair, cotton, fiber, feather*, or any article needed In mattress line. NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENO VATING 00., Hell Phone IIX. 35! Drayton atreet NOTICE. Neither Ihe master nor consignees! of the British steamship Winifred, Thos. (Tark. master, will be responsible for any debta contracted by rrew of sakl vernal. J- F MINIS A CO.. Consignee*. NOTICE. Neither 'he master nor consigns** of the Norwegian *tamshlp Sanaa. Wahl berg, maater, will be responsible for any debts contracted by crew of said vessel. and, t\ SIUUS A CO.. < 'cn*i|nr* . LEOPOLD ADLfch. jno R t , n . ~ President. , C. S ELLIS. BARRON c.iL- Vlee Prealdoat. Asst, c, . The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH 11 Will be pleased lo receive the a e of Merchant. Firms. ltultviduaU 1 and Corpora t lona •‘“*4 Liberal favor* extended Unsurpassed collection facllliim lr*,. tng prompt relume. SEPAHAIEiAVINGSOEPARTMtNT INTEHKhT (OMPOUNDED ."l AIUI, H . I.Y ON DEIDHT*. Pafety Deposit Boxes end Vaults rent Correspondence solicited Tiie Citizens Sk UF SAt ANN AM. MPITAL.SSOO'OOa ’ i kvsus, aaakiu. Uaaiucae. •allaila mt lagUMulg Kenfcsata, Hoaka sag *tk*r Largo, ntiesi. Collections lisa4l eg with safety "“•■I and dlopatah. latrreet Mospnaaded gaarterly allowed Ol depaslu la ,*, Savlan DepartOMiat. •alety | (( _ Tsalu. w BRANTLEY A DFx„ AHK. Fre.,d..h MiLLN B. LA NR. vie* Feo^., t 6RORGR C. FRF.RMAN. Caohler. GORDON L GROOVER, Aaat Cos oh 100, SOUTHERN BANK ot the buiu ot Gcsor^UA. C P“*l Surplus and undivided profits sto; Otc DEFOSITOUY OF IHE STATE sJV , GEORGIA. Superior facllutee lur uansacttng a General Ranging liustnes, CoUactions made un ail pulnta "• • ,i' tiin'ugh t*.i,k- and banker*. A* ' ul Eui.k*. b.1.k1,:. it. i t , und others aolkAtod. dafu Deposit Buses tor rent. Department of Bavtnga. Interest payable quarterly Bells Sterling Exchange on London a and upwards. JOHN FLANNERY. President HORACE A CItANE. Vice President JAMES SULLIVAN c*hie r . DIRECTORS: JNO. FLANNERY. WM W. GORDON E. A. WEIL W W. GORDON Jr. H. A CRANE. JOHN M EGAN LEE ROY MTER9. JOSEPH FERST H P SMART. CHARLES ET.l.ia EDWARD KELLT. JOHN J KIRBT siiihiwct CAPITAL, gd.VI.OMO. • —— 1 ■ ■ ■ Accounts of banka merchant*, corpora tions and Individuals aulicitadi Savings Depaiuntnt, interest paid quarterly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vaults foe I rent. Collections mala oo on points at rea sonable rales. Drafts sold on all the chief cities of tbe j world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D WEED. President. JOHN C. ROWLAND. Vice President. W. F. McCAULEY. Cashier THE GERMANIA BANK savannah, oa. Capital OlO.'Ht Undivided profits fcu.uuu This batik offers its services to corpora tions, merchants and Kkllvtdnala. 11a* authority to act ns executor, ad ministrator. guardian etc. Irau'O drafts on the principal cities tn Great Britain and It eland and on the Conti net- Inter at paid or compounded quarterly on dep sits In th* Savings Department. Paf, ty lioxe* for rent HENRY BLCN. President. GEO. W TIEDEMAN. Vice Pres deot JOHN M IK)GAN. Cashier WALTER r. HOGAN. As*’ Cashier. 1 - No imo. Chartered, iml —THE— MAC Nil lit OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. ICO ,eOA SURPLUS, 1100.0A UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. J A. G. ' ARSON. I'rs tdGL BEIRNE tiriRIXlN. Vi e I’rcaldenL W. M. DAVANT, Caohler. Accounts of t'Si'k* and backer*. mr ehams and eoriorstlona received up a the moat favorable b rm* conalstent with safe and eons-rvs'lve banking THE GEORGIA STATE B l ILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. 15 YORK STREET. WEST. 5 TER CENT, per annum nllowed on dc|g>slts. withdrawable on demand. Interest credited quarterly 6PE!t CENT, per annum allowed on deposits of even hundred*, withdraw able at annual periods. GEt>. W. TIEDEMAN. President. B. H. LEVY, vice I’resjdent. E. W. BELL Secretary. C. C. ANDERSON. JR . Treasurer The Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Cos. ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms. To teoif Pliste. For sale, a Forsallh Newspaper Folder, will fold Short 2. xL. It Is In good order Price 5100 It coat orlgmaßy fl.Wd. bul we have nu use for It and want ths room l occuptca It will bo an Inraluable adjunct a*f newspaper utSes | Addrooa MORNING NEWS, •anaask. Oa OLD NEWIPAPEMi 900 for S3 cent* * Buainaga Olfico Murtung Nrwa a