The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 20, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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daughters soon convene. P„-. rNKI'AHIRU FOK WiTE , .iWKATIOR MIV. 0-10. k *"■ Arrannlnn )if i,, i.ntcrtatnuient of til# l>flf •_ThO 4 n 111 pin i•• of Inauftl- Interval In Ihr I’.vriH-Mr*. fX oi. Ilrtulwed In >rw % ork l> Jfc| nines* of Her Mother. Mr. |{ n_ro federate % eleraana* As „„ *ln TrnUrrrrt loUlnnif.. . , >|rrl >rt Tnridiy After . nvmtion of the Daughter* 'niiT ti y will he held In 8.1- Xov. 5 until Nov. 10. Inclu rhe m* mbsr* of th*> Bavan in dolnr nil In ilu-lr |m>w 1, euccr-e of the conv* nfloo otnpUin that there la conaUl hy apparent. . Krunch Sexton, the *n .* i t of the chapter, la In , k but It 1* hoped that she may in In order her ability for 1 of ouch affairs miy rt.ll. it* surest*. Mr* Sexton lx , i I j*i New York by fhe ncnoui Ill mother. Mrs. H. M Kfranco, i ner\>u* prostration. non. Mr. If. M. Rranch. nit a in* mother. A* MKn, Mrs. %vlll ■ ** she feela that she can I mother under the care of hep i i.l a trained nurse, she will •1 to Savannah. n,• ** ingh of committee# have to I. but the respons-s to the \ not such as to betray the In .. those looking most closely itfrtummitit and reception of • - to tne convention deir*d to C it 'he co-operation of all the ot the commit toe#, thor* who f-T m| to assume the lead feel iittl* Mi Im* accomplished. ■ i committee meeting has been m*xt Tuesday afternoon at the • rate Vilsrum' Hall. Thos*- who I to see to the entertainment • * it**** will then assemble. I* is i the meeting will be attended by all tr <n ihe committee. r %.-ir the convention was held In ns. iiul there were some sixty dele -V ur* at deal of lm|or(ant htisl * is transacted, and 8 is expected other mutters of importance will he ugh* 1m fore the delegates when they mbb in Savannah. \? 1 r * nt meeting of the Confederate V. ••rails' A'Ocliilon the matter of the • r.v ntlon of the Itaiighterx of the Con federacy u is brought up. and a resolution xt- n.| ih local chapter the a#*lMancc 1 ' th*- isosciatton was offered and adopt • I Th* vet* runs did not know the o < d' *in i them to do. hut they have r* |U-t*d that they he notified of what j-. t they <r.- expected to play, and they s ••* to respond to the best of their ability. - utv of the ladles are considering a se of teas as a means of raising funds for entertainment of the visitors. It Is probabU that private homes will be open • • ti- arly. If not quite, al! the delegates, t .r should there be pny who would need • > re elsewhere, the and hapter feels that 1t should provide ' • th- r *n*er ninmtnt Money will also n* ‘c| possibly. for th*- expense of a I 4ia may no- he aide. o ae •01 free of cost It Is not known yes •r. th* session of the convention will 1 held ♦ y of the military, especially <Vnfd rate. history that ftavannuh do iid not betray greater Interest i ming convention Is perplexing to t t<\ * With the fact generally under t ? that the convention Is soon to he ! hey trust that more enthusiasm r y bo aroused. i I r\ CO I NT till WO Jl RT. 1111 l to % bolls k It Will He Introduced In l.eolslafrare. VctH •• of Intention to Introduce at the ' ion of the I** a bill o’l-hlng the grand Jury of the City ?’ *. Savannah is printed in this Issue • the M-rnliig N art. h* City Court grand Jury was an issue 1 a o*horn-Hart ridge campaign for !*olic|tor g* uenilsblp. Mr. Hartrldge urn* rating unfavorably on the fact that id not recently been convened anl Mr. • •tm replying that It served no utw ful 1 i*> • ind that lie had n> intention of • ‘Hvetting ii. ir Osborne mid then thal the grand • of the City Court mas only a source oldltlorial expense to the laxpiyers of ounty. The mistkme.inor * rlmina.s • and. marnb and Indlctnw ni by a groml Jury >l.l tall)' t*** ln the Superior • and there was nothing else for a court grand Jury to do. >i*- it is not certain that the bill Is introduced at the Instigation of Mr 'ii* it is practically certain he it and that he will not opiKm* It. nchles exactly with the views he has ‘ "■ ♦<! on the subject. hV<M KBO DOUR A Ail HCA OVER. I‘"U Itnaraiinff Injared hy a Thle%- l*h Ae#ro llrlvrr. Koiienhofr. a trunk maker of No. '■•ughton 'trect. west, was run over • mfully Injure*! Thurs4lay 1 Uht by -'in driven by a negro. Kosenho.T 1 the negro do some hauling for • 1 efore the work bad been finish ' 1 >luit his driver had stolen from >ridle, lie waited until th- last 1 bean brought ami then cutchpig • • of the negro's horse demand* and ,r torn of the stolen property. The tvitiKMJt more a*lo whipp' and up his b’h knocked Hosonhoff down, the th*- wagon striking him on the h* fell and the wheel passing over • he lay on ,the jisvement Tho le his esiap and has not yet t rested. Saratoga I Arondack „ J h Water g Hr X Drink deep of the water of health —Saratoga Arondaek jRI | Water, the natural specific for disorder! of stomach, ~1 A, > -i and nerves. All the beneiita of the la-^^ / # V Saratoga Springs are now bottled > and brought to you. For taleArlrA jt, grocen and drug^^^^^ muitSß Taken J Taken *- Health 1 | Pleasure Ili'UU/iii Olres | I ° ,rcs PSrCV-|if feti.llj.iii Pleasure Health a &ture’s > ** ~ v v Es^f-9 ; JK Health Drink >g=3 tt .lAH. M DIXON * OP.. Whol*al^Aent^^M~~~2M Crippled with Rheumatism K *i vwr■ tMn tof M i a .nolit nun In mr IP iRf ikT" *“t“ •*><> *-r. od u th. poin *r. <nm It •. ’ _| W 1 “Tfc i-ttWHomr *t Th (. | /__-W S mi l th. p. 1.1 wudrMKirul. Ilnnllr my tow hwnti IMt 4 —^jllV lofTom uomti. and I coaid tr*t r iu>bbl. abu.ii. ” “|V 1 W\ : ?J8 OD.ter-b.ti Ihd cum,* do—d to tboator. I sol IMWI -*ff^ lo Ite .Mp. Mid could (o no Iwtbrr nultl V. Wi *J puma - tor lMlp*nl ax. Into th. .tor* nnd I m oni'C y* f\ pot im —trln a donor'. c*r* Kiwi run >— u V* trd but -lihoul relief. In fuel lb. feline in mr fcl -■ m> for oor that 1 mrcrly felt the full fore of the hotter.. "On<ly Mua KrrtuuM. ■ mcml. e of ihcfkmtlr of the Mt.Mra.tor Kem.n..or tbt. cite. Md m* aboai lif WiniMM Ptak MU. foe Hi. ... i mked at. to fry them I —U<ll .eold.nd I nuut. up nir mind I -oubl lee them . (mr trial, mi I \ bousnt ten tuiem In aiy opinloo ihe maiortty of p**>ti sm nt willing to gtv*s s ffr Inal. I knrw th*i two or ilirw tmim would not curs m Ua*l s ram* an tutor, but I louod that I bad Umqtu entire than -m receia.ry. I M.n u>nnd sreat relief try the tlm. I hml uMd Ae.boiee.iLnd by the time I bad tmMbed ttu* erven th bos I was KI bad no toore pain. •—ruins or numbnete I have t*da>. Mi l that -aa Iw > ear. aao. I hae. rcvimmended Dr WUllam. link Till, a treat many p-opfe. -nr t here M no doubt la ly mind Ihat anyone -ho I, milfertns —life rhau nmtlatii will to* core*l if tlio piu. arc stvra a fklr I rial." Htgoed H C lII'RNH. ft Brtnkrrboft At.. March , two. fuca. K.V. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills Pale People art Mild by all drucsteunr—mtiaffeit paab paid on receipt of price, to cent, a bos. or vis boiea for (Uie an* never aoM In bulk or Ibe IM). Addraaa Dr. wtuiani. Medicine Company. Hcbanewadv. N V. 111.1 UK llitlt WINM'.HK. ftoclnl lie llrnthcrliootl of M. tmlrree Noel f rltlae nl 1. M. C. 4. A lively li.imc of h.i*knl tll luiat ti Iho Whliov an.i th. nitio. al Iho Y M C. A Int nlsht ros'itlo.l In a vl -lory for the ttlucn by a score of 23 lo t>. They outplay ed their opiiorun's at every point and !h.> result of the name was never In doubt after the first five mlnuies of play. Hutu of the Hlii.s played exceptionally well and made ten of the lolnis scored hy hl side, t'ourvolsler of the san ride al* > played an unusually *iton name, and in fact so did all of Ihe men. their work showing a decided Improvement over that of the first frame play*.l two weeks aao. The men of the Whites, too. played a hard same hut their luck seemed to have fiirsak. n them for thmifth they made many good throws for goal, they scored only twire, the other two points of the score being mad. from foul*. The line-up of the teams as fol lows nines White* Klton. O Center !>oty lovell (iuard Harden Hunt (luard I*ur*.* ttw.-at Forward Carellaa t'ourvolsbT Forward Ualfour There will he no game at the Y M C A next Friday, as on that night will !>*■ given the rtrst of the season's sociable* to members of the a**socltlon Ttie enter tainment will be given by the chapter of Ihe Brotherhood of St. Andrew of Christ f hurt'll, who have prepared an entertain ir.g a raj what promises to be a mo*t en- Jcyable programme for Ihe occasion. KOM THE FlAllt U F4H 4DF-. Tlila ( urnl v it I t omnilttee Will Begin Art It— At ork at On—. The Elks' Carnival committees are busy preparing for the event Ihat Is lo begin on Nov. The fence Is being pushed to completion and already half-way sur rounds the grounds In the I’ark Exten sion. The Floral Committee, the chairman of which has been 111. will lake up at onee lhaS feature of Ihe Carnival attraction*, and arrangements for the floral parades, the coronation of the queen and other spectacular events of the weeks will be shortly made. The commuter ha* numer ous sample* of Ihe flowers Ihat ore io Is used tn Ihe decoration of she various equipage* that will lake part In Ihe pa rade and will he plea*ed lo assist with suggestions whoever wlslxs lo enter. It has not yet been determined, who the Queen shall he. nor hy what method she shall be eeleclesl This will l>e flxr.t by the committee within the next day or iwo. It- members **y there I* much curi osity already, ns lo who the fair wearer of’the crown nnd wlelder of the scepter will be The attractions for “Wonderland ore the lest o( Ihdlr kind In Ihe country, ami others are being engage.) rapidly They embrace all of the feature* that have proven drawing cards al recent street flrs. while other*, of less attractiveness, have been discarded The booth*, de signed for displays of merchants and manufacturers, are being rapidly sold. tt ai* a miALL mown. Few A'otrr* Heard Hr. I.eaken at Mln-avllle. Mr W. It. I-enken. the Republican can didate for Cotigre**, Wax to speak yester day at Darien. I’arttew coming Into the city yesterday from Hlnesvllle reported that the attendance upon Mr Bea ken's address at that place Thursday, was very small, there being about six white men and twenty-live negroes In attendance. This was not much of a showing for a Republican stronghold like Ulherty county. THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, OCTOBER2O. 1000. omt f AL. efry government! omruL PRuteainiGs of corn. hi.. Savannah, (la., Oct. 17. 1900—Tho regu lar me.-rlng of Council was held this even- Inga: H o'clock. Present the Hon Her man Myers. Mayor, presiding. Aldermen llorrlgan. Thomar, Bacon. Dixon, Baas, Doyle. Mills nnd Jarrell. Minutes bf meeting of Oct. 3. 1900. were, upon motion, confirmed ns published. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES City of Savannah. Oct. 17. 1900, The Committee report that they have examined and found correct hills against the city amounting to twen ty-seven thousand (our hundrtd and elgh ly-one dollars and twenty-four cents, as per accompanying schedule, nnd recom mend that the same I— passed for pay mem Isaac O Haas. Acting Chairman Committee on Ac counts. 127.fk1.21. Report received and accounts passed for payment. Berman Myers Mayor Board of Health— Officers and employes $1,247 42 W. N. Nichols 5 30 National Vaccine Est. ... 24 00 W T Dixon *OO Dr. \V. F. Brunner 2 W John Lyons fe Cos 31 2* Time of hands 2 is Harriet Adams ax> no : Time of hand* 3 90 Dr \V. F Brunner 10 Ofe-$!.*32 IS City Lamps— Edison Elec. 111. Cos. 32,034 00 Crematories— Jas M. Dixon A Cos f 47 39 I. tl Haas 73 no M S. A D. A. Byck 30 Time of hands 194 50— 313 09 DrV Culture— Leo Frank $ 17 00 Jas 3J. Dixon A Cos 31 14 Henry IS W. \V. Almar A Cos 59 40 K. L*>vell'- Sons ? 13 49 Time of bands 312 S3 Time of hands 117 33 333 72 Dispensary- Officers and employes ....$ 193 00 Llppman Bros 42 15 E. M Raker 100 Columbia Drug Cos lit 39 Thou. West A v-0 100 The (Jorrle Ice Cos 3 33 Adam Ktse| 40 00 Edison Elec. 111. Cos 300 The Mutual (las Lt. Cos. . 6 10—$ 39* 97 Fire Department— W. E. Ward $ fi no Pay roll, 8 D 1.940 91 Pay roll, N. D 3,193 63 J. E. Maguire 30 00 John N. McDonough ... * 50—$ 3,115 04 Fire Uniforms— Falk Clothing Cos. $ 1* 30 A. J. Lehwald A Cos 21 42 B. H Levy A Bro 30 M I-eopold Aoler 14 7.5 (Jarfinikel A Bon 17 15-g 91 *7 Hospitals— Savannah Hospital $ 300 00 Georgia Infirmary 300 00 St . Joseph's Infirmary .. 300 00-$ gno (. Harbor and Wharves— Board of I'orl Warden*..s 14 47 John Ilellly .... j 00-g 3447 House Drainage (City)— The Southern Asphalt Cos. 10 no Ocean Steamship Cos j; ~> Henry Juchler 70 Patrick Farrell I4 ft >_ „ J 0 Incidentals— Western IT. Tel. Cos $ lan Western IT. Tel. Cos 1 70 Edison Electric 1)1. C 0... 900 • Thomas Writ A Cos. 4 90 Hearing A Hull 1* Mi The (Jorrle Ic# Cos. ....... 9 06 Mr*. Annie McStay ' 13 m Th u* Bros 1 pi E. Ixjvell's Sons. 33 Andrew Hanley 20 W. P. Haiiey. C. 'C 90 65 Thomas Gamble. Jr. ~ .. U&.00 Mr*. Margaret Cosens .... 35 uo Young and • 42 95 337 41 Laurel Grove Cemetery— Time of hands 25 Market— 8. A Wilson $ 10(0 M J Dovle la IS P K Masters 15 06 Edison E 111. Cos 43 00 M 8 A D A. Byck 10 95 W C. McDonough 323 Officers and employes ... 393 10— 376 P) Opening Street*— Julia L. Bennett $75 Oj Paving Btreets— Dixon. Mitchell A Cos. ...$ 12 50 Smith A Kelly Cos 45 00 Time of hands 52 75 UO 35 Public Buildings— The Mutual Gas Lt. Cos ..$ 2 39 Electric Supply Cos 1 50 T. J. O'Brien 1 00 Edison Building Supply Cos 9 JO M< Kenn* A Welsh 9 00— 23 39 Police— • Cohen-Kulman Car. Cos .3 77 9* W K Ward 7 50 Jas. F Furlong * 25 T A Moore 750 Oeo. J Barthelmas 25 Collin*. Grayson A C 0..... 213 53 A Jasme 10 00 M 8 A D. A Byck 15 $5 Electric Supply Cos II 00 A. 1-efflcr Cos. $ 00 Knickerbocker Ice Cos 5 00 (Jorrle Ice Mfs. Cos $ 00 Southern Bell T A T Cos. 19 to Fred gchwars *0 *$ A. Ehrlich A Bro 10 00 The Mutual Oas L. Cos. .. 1* 40 Edison E. I. Ca * 09 UPTII44L T. A Ward. Up. 9On E. Lo volt's Sons 5 75 K 11 Clatnriita 6 35 Pay roll 6.464 62 8. M Davis 10 90 T J. Cameron 19 41 M J Marlin 19 44 8 P Uraxclle 19 44- 7 903 S Police Uniforms— B H Lev > A Bro. 350 Priming and Biaitoncry— C. N. Stern $ 39 00 M S AD A Bvck BS3 W. N. Nichols 45 J. W Feet well 3 15 Savannah t*rcss 3 00 M S A D A Byck 12 .91 John W. Frctwell 13 *5 Morning News 44 75 J W Fret well 4to Morning News 35 0> Morn'ng News 2 (W— 165 25 Parks and Squares— ' Time of bands $23.3 l>i Salaries— city officer* .md employes, $5.u29 9 Scavenger Department— T J Davis $ 3AI M A Morris 31 A) W. M A W. E. Coney 120 00 Cohen-Kulman Carriage and Wag, at Cos 195 Edison E. 11l Cos 9 90 D W Zlpperer 23 45 Edison E 111. Cos 3 6.3 E. lav veil’s Sons 62 81 Henry Juchler 3 IT. Jas. M Dixon A Cos 9* Al Time of hands 445 35 1.114 91 Sink Department. O, K. M Jn* 31 Dixon A Cos $ 790 O. A Pacettl 15 to Patrick But timer 49* to— 511 90 Street* and Lane*— John Rotirke A Sons $ 12 h> M A Morris 25 A> W H Ex ley 925 Leo Frank 75 T J Davis 3A) F H Opper. attorney for J Bradley 215 24 Jas M Dixon A Cos 2"0 J H Brail 925 M. 8 A D. A. Byck 2 10 Jas. 31 Dixon A Cos 194 41 Henry Juchter 9 55 J W Fretwell 35 W. W Almar A Cos. 31 30 Andrew Hanley 7 62 Daniel A Carswell 12 Oi Cohen-Kulman C. Cos 15 74 E Lovell's Sons 45 9* B ivannah Broom Factory 32 00 John G Butler 4 30 Albert C. Toomer 21 do of hands l.All 4! Sidewalks— Chattahoochee B, Cos. .... I*7 00 Geo Lehwald I 74 Sav. Building S. Cos 169 51 D T Elliott 24 19 W W Aimar A Cos. ...... 649 Time of hands 174 s7 2.926 94 Waterworks— l*o Frank 3 1 (O T A Wkrd 605 Standard Oil Cos 6 76 Jas F. Furlong 1 IS Southern P O. am} W P. Cos 1 65 Mingledorff A Cos. I 30 H D. Wood A Cos. 99 0> Merchants' and M T. Cos. 13 77 Palmer Hardware Cos 12 03 Edward Lovell's Sons 4 44 M SAD A Byck 25 Time of hands 160 00 Time of hands 33 to Time of hands 54 33 395 29 Tofal : $27 4*l 24 The Commit tee wa* referred the petition o' the Valley Liquor Company, by G. W Oe.singer asking permission to irarefer hi* whole sale liquor license at No. 139 Hrvan street, west, to the corner of Green street and White Bluff road, and to conduct a re tail liquor business at the same place, under Ihe said license, beg to teporl favorably to same, provided petitioner pays into the city treasury an additional sum of ten dollars. Herman Myers. Chairman Committee of the Whole. Adopted. The Committee of the Whole, to which was referred the petition of H. A. Foun tain. asking permtiwlon to transfer his green grocery license st No 1112 Welt Broad street, corner Duffy street lane, to \V. R. Fulton, at the same place of Uisinetex. beg to report favorably to same Herman 3lyere. Chairman Commltteq of. the Whole. Adopted. The Committee of the Whole, to which was referred the petition of J. E. Fulton A Ben. el al.. asking relief from piylng tax for the negotiating of loans, leg to report favorably thereto, provided the Icons negotiated are made only upon the sale* and purchases of property marl* hy the petitioners. Herman Myers. Chairman Committee of the Whole. Adopted. The Committee on Finance, to whirh wa* referred the petition of T. E. Rvan. asking to be relieved from double assess ment on household furniture, petitioner claiming he Is noi posse*-.,1 of any per sonal property, beg to report favorably thereto. Isaac O. Haas. Acting Chairman Committee on Finance. Adopted. The Committee on Finance, lo which wa* referred the petition of George W Oarena, attorney for Henry Taylor, ask ing the refunding of five dollars that amount being paid In exeeea for the sur vey of petitioner* lot. No 6 and the west one-half of lot No. 7 Derby ward, beg to report favorably thereto. Isaac O. Haas. Acting Chairman Committee on Finance Adopted The Joint Committee on Fire and Fi nance. to which was referred the petition of Mr# Annie Mcffeay. widow of Fireman McStay. lull*,) Sept *3. 1996. while in the discharge Of Ms duty, asking that *h be paid the sum of $333 $5, the same being the difference between the amount recom mended to he paid hy the Hoard of Fite Coen miss lon ere. and the amount pat.l by order of Council, heg lo rcommend „ donation of *IOO be made (o the petitioner Isaac O. Haas. Chairman Joint Committee. Adopted. The Committee on Fire, to which wa* referred the petition of Raul Con Ida for permission to enlarge work shop on lot No 1, IVrrlval Holland tythlng No 135 and IJ7 Bull street, btg to report by ordi nance. Isaac O. Haas Chairman.Committee on Fire. Received as Information. The Joint Committee on Public Health and Finance, to which was referred the petition* of Emily Crawford and Jo*. Roo*. asking that they be relieved from the payment of 16 each, for cleaning and filling privy vault*, beg lo report favora bly to same J a Jarrell. Chairman Joint Committee. Adopted. The Joint Committee on Public Health and Finance, to which wasx referred the petition of J W Nix of 6I Habersham street, atklng to be remunerated tn the amount of sl7 50 for at Deles destroyed by order of the health authorities on account of contagious disease, beg to rsport un favorably to same J. G. Jarrell. Chairman Joint Committee. Adopted. The Joint Committee an public Health nnd Finance, to which was referred th* petition of Ike Glmble. asking that he be remunerated in the amount of slls 65 for article* destroyed by order of the health authorltlea. b* to report that while they recognise no liability on the part of the city they would recommend a donation of $2 to the petitioner. J. G. Jarrell. Chairman Joint Committee. Adopted PETITIONS AND APPLICATIONS Petition* of sundry cltuens asking a fa vorable consideration of the petition filed by J B. Collins to use the streets askel for In hi* petition for streel railway pur pose* was read and referred lo Ihe Coin salt tee of (be Whole. OFFICIAL. Petition of W W Williamson et el. pro testing jgalnst the permission recen'iy granted bv ordinal! • to H H l.ttt tn r. allowing him to erect w,stden budding- on | lot 21. Forsyth ward, and asking tts reroo 1 sbleration and withdrawal, was read and i upon motion wa* received a* information. Petition of John C Cummins a-king hi* re-appointment to the police force io*e’h r with recommendations of sundry cltlsraa i joining in hi- i.tlilon for rr-tiisiatenp-at. j wa* read and rvferrid to the Polif. Com mittee together with hie Honor the 31 ivor. Petition front C C Hein** suhmtiltiig protuslt ton relative to rental of the old waterworks trad w ,* read and referred to the Commit Ira on Flnuice and City l-ot* Pi'Uion of the United Hydraulic c. 4- lon I’res* Company by Jsnt * M. Bar nard, president. asking permission 40 n tend the side itir, k , wto and and ,p,r'tsl try the H,i\.innah, Florida ami We ter.! Railway Company and located on |t, north side of 80 Julian street, tn the rtr of the Preas irroperty. westward!)' on Bt. Julian street and thence aero * R n tlulph street by a curve a e o' shout 250 feet so as to connect with the track* of the Central of Georgia Railway Company. I'etltloncr further asks fir a hearing before the committee to wh ch tho petition may he referred wa- read and referred to the Committee on Btr, el and latne*. Petition of D R I-ester, attorney Ver non Bhcll Road Company. <1 o change the right of way for -I.eet ratlw .y privileges a*k—l (or In a nrcvlou* petit ion and suggesting the following route In stead of that asked (or In rite said p e vlou* petition, vlt South on Pttr street to BSsttll avenue Wouth side of Es'lll (tve rue to (he While Bluff tool, north on the White Bluff road to Twelfth street anw west on Twelfth street to Montgomery street, was lead ant re ferred 10 the Committee on Stied* and Lanes I'iDtkm of George II Waring, asking permission to dig |>rlv> vaults on lots 31 to 33. Soulhvt'.'.a ward, was read and referred lo the Commttt—- on Public Health Petitions* of James Dexdin and W. H Coleman, asking to be relieved from the payment of bill* In the amount of 96 n> each for -'leaning and filling privy vauMe, petition, rn clalmli g that the colic.-tu nof the said amounts la contrary to the pro vision* of an ordinance adopted March 14. 94. wa* read aid referred to the Join- Committee on Puhlt.' Health and Finance Petition of Mary Driscoll, asking that she be refunded the sum of $5.4-’ puld city treasurer for e-eunlrg and titling up sink at No. 118 East Bryan street, wa* read and referred to the Joint Committee on Puhlte Health and Finance. Petition of Antonl.i Rohlnaon, aektng to he paid for articles destroyed hy order of health authorities. In the amount of SISMI. was read and referred lo th* Joint Com mittee on Public Health and Finance. ORDINANCES The following ordinance, read to Coun cil the first tlmo Oct. 3.19 m. read the a-—, ond time Oct 17. lSrm. pla-<rd upon It* paw sage en-l adopted All member* present voting In the nfhrnwitlve By Alderman Dixon— An ordinance for ttu- Improvement of a portion of Farm street, In the city of 8 ivannah. hcrefn mentioned, under the teim* and provision* of on act of ihe Leg Islalure of Georgia approved lief. 1. 1*97 Section 1. Be It ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah In Council a*#*mb|ed, under the term* and provisions of an act of the Legislature of Georg.a approv-d (Jot. 1. 1*97. that the Di rector of Public Works for the city of Savannah, and the Committee on Btreets and lames of the aaid city. be. and they ure hereby, authorised and directed to pave with granite block* Farm street. In th* city of Bavanrah. from the north side of Hay street to the south aide of Itlver street, betw-en the curbing already laid on said portion of Fatm street; th* eal-l pavement of granlta blocks shall be forty <4O) feet In width, and they are also authorised nnd directed lo do all the work In the way f grading. Ihe placing of ralt-h basins, drains, crossings and all other things Incident to the construction ami completion of the sag! roadway on the said portion of Farm at reel. Sec. 2 Ba It further ordained. That af ter the total cost of th- work shall hav* been a*'attained, orie-thpd of auch total < oat shall be paid cut of the dly treas ury anil the other two-third* from the p-rsnns owning at the date of th* adop tion of tht* ordinance the real palate abut ft g on said portion rt Fatm street to he Improved under this ordinance, according to frontage, and the pro rata amount of the coat of such work Is hereby aaarst-e-] ag dnat the said abutting real estate and Its owner*, a* aforeaaid, according to fron'age The frontage of Interaeeflng streets and lanes Is assessed a* real es tate abutting upon said portion of Farm ■tree! to tie Improved. and Ihe Mayor and Alderman nf Ihe city of Sa vannah shall be. for all (he Intent* and purpose* of this ordinance, the owner of the real estate so abutting, and aha!! pav from Ihe city treasury It* ju*t pro rata aa such owner of Ihe cost of sukl work, an "tiling to frontage. In addition to ll* one-third of Ihe entire coat as hereln l-efore provided. Bee. 3. He It further ordained. Ihat after the Improvement hereinbefore provldel for ha* been completed the Di rector of Public Work* for the rlty of Sa vannah and *ald Committee on Street* and Lane* shall prepare and anting! (o tha Council of the city of Savannah a state ment showing the rout of Ihe Improve ment herein provided for, ami also an a eesament roll showing as to two-third* of Ihr coat to be apportioned, how It Is ap portioned among Ihe several abutting par cel*. Including Ihe streel and lane Inter aectlone, and giving the sum chargeable to each parcel, with the name* of the owner Upon th* consideration and adoption of said statement and assessment roll hy the council of the city of Savannah, It *h.ill then become the duty of the City Tre.ta urer 10 aeml to the abutting properly own era their profter bill for the same a* It may be ascertained hy the city CouncP, and. If auch bill ao sent hr not paid with in thirty (30) day* after the presentation or sending of the same. It shall then be come the duty of the City Treasurer lo Issue an raecutlon (or the amount, to gather with coat*, against the person and property aforesaid, w hich execution 'shall tie made and levied out of the properly described therein as are execution* for city taxes Bee 4. Be It further ordained, that all ordinances and p-rts <el ordinance* In con flict with this ordinance are hereby re pealed. The following ordinance read In Council the first time Oct 8. 1900. read the sec ond lime Oct. 17, 19W, placed upon It* pas sage and adopted, all members present vMtng In the affirmative; My Alderman Dixon— An ordinance for the Improvement of Indian street, In the city of Savannah, from the w*t aide of Weal Broad atreel to th* weal side of Water *4r**i. under the terms and provisions at an act of the I/sgleKiture of Georgia, approved Oct. 1. l 7 Section 1. Bn It ordained by th* Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah, Ui Council assembled, under (he terms and provisions of an act of the Legisla ture of Georgia, approved Oct. 1. 1997. that the Director of Public Work* for the clly of Savannah, and the Commlt teo on B;reet* and Lane* of the aaid city. be. nnd 4hey ore hereby authorlaad ami directed to build and construct on Indian street. In the tlty nf Savannah, from th* wett side of West Broad street, to the vveat sale of Water atreel. a road way of granite block*, forty (49) feel In width, tret ween the curbing already laid or told Indian afreet, nnd they are au thorlged and directed to do all the work In the way of grading, eh* placing of catch baaing, drains, croeedngs and all other thing* Incident to th* construction and completion of the said roadway on th# aaid Indian street. Bee. 3. Be It further ordained, that a railroad company having track* running through the aaid Indian streel, to be tot- I OFFICIAL. provel rdin* h ere hy required to pave the width of It* tracks and two (3) feet on each able of every line of (racks of th* oatd rallrond com pany with granite him Its. a* the seal work progresaer aerd In the event tht# te not •lone by the sai l company, the said ptrec. ! tor of Public work* and the rai l eommJt | tee shall see to tto being done at the ex pense of eft* saltl railroad company. Bee 3. Be It further ordained. That after the total coat of the said work, es ! elusive of that done by, or far. a railroad •■umpany, shall have le-sn ascertain-d I one-thlnl uf such total cost shall t>e put I out of the city treasury and the other two third! from the persons owning at the -late of Ihe adoption of thla ordinance the 1 real estate abutting on said Indian street •o l>e Improved under this ordinance, ac orn ling to frontage, amt the pro rata amount of the cot* of such work rs here j by mussed against the said abutting real -wtate nnd It* owners, a* aforesaid, ac cording to the frontage The frontage of tntertectl.-g streets and lanes Is assessed j is real rstaae abutting upon wil l In-* .in ! stree;x tube Improved, and the Mayor and ! Al lermen of the rlty of Bavannah snail t>r, for all the Intents and purposes of th's or-’lnance. the owner of the real es tate so abutting, and shall pay from the ctey rreosury Its just pro rata u auch owner of the coat of said work, according tn frnrunge, In addition to Its one-lltt'd of the entire cost as herrtubefur* provld e t Bee. 4 Be te further ordained. That after the Improvement hereinbefore |-r *- v hied fig- has been complete.! the Director of Plipllc Works fisr the elty of Havannah -ml said Committee on Btreets an I*-s shall rrepar* and submit to the Council of the city of Savannah a statement 1 showing the cost of the Improvemene i herein provided for. and also att assec-- i ment roll showing aa to two-third* of the cost to be apportioned, how tt I# appor tioned among the several abutting par cels. including tha sareet ami lan* inter section*. and giving the sum chargenhle to each parcel, with the name of the own er. Upon the consideratton and adoption of said statement amt assi -ment roll bv the Council of the city of Havannah 14 shall then become the duty of the City Treasurer to send to (he abut ting properly owner* their proper bill for th* same aa lx may he ascertained hy the City Coun cil, and. If such bill so sent he not paid within thirty <9o days after the presen tation or sending of the same, It ahall then become the dniyof the City Treasurer <0 Issue an execution for the amount to gether with costs, against the |mtmsi and property aforesaid, whtch execution shall l*e made and levied out of the properly de e-'rlbed therein, a* are excutlone for city (axes. The said statement ami assoa* men# roll shall also show the amount pay able by a railroad rampany, ond should auch company fall nnd refuse to pay a bill for the same thirty (39) days nfier Ihe presentation or sending nf the same, tf shall be the duty of the City Treasurer lo issue execution again*# said compnny and tts property far said hill, together with costa, which shall be made and levied us are executions for city taxes. Her-. 5. -Be It further ordained, that all ordinances and parts nf ordinances tn conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed On Its First Reading. By Alderman Haas- An ordlnan-w to grant Ihe permit herein mentioned tor the Improvemene of fh* property herein mentioned Be- llon 1 Be It ordained by eh* Mayor and Aldermen or the city of Mavsnaah. In Council scrambled. That the petition of Paul Contda lo enlarge workshop bark ot store on la# No. 1, Perctval ward Hol land tythlng No. 135 and 137 Hull street. In tho clly of Havannah. presented to Council and referred by Council to the Committee on Fire, he and the same I* hereby granted. Bee 2. Tbiir all ordlnancea nnd parts of ordinances In conflict with till* ordlnanca are hereby rrpeeled On Its Flree Reading * • lly Alderman Haas— An ordinance amending an ordinance adopt'd Dec 13. 1*99, entitled "An ordl iteti-9 to provide for the pensioning of superannuated and dteahed firemen." Section 1 Be It ordained hy (hr Mayor amt Aldermen of the city of Havannab In Council assembled, that the above-men tioned ordinance be amended tn read as follows That any member of the fire cfepartment who has or shall have performral dufv therein for a period of ten year* and up wards ond les* than twenty rears, shall, upon a certificate from the health ofll>-< r of the city of Savannah, concurred In by Council, that such in- mbrr has become physically or mentally permanently dis abled so as to render necessary his retire ment from all oervlr* tn the eaid Are de imrtment, tie placed on the retired roll and shnil rnWvi. an annual pension during his lifetime of a sum equal to one-fourth of the full salary or romiioneallon of the member so rellred. He- 2, Be It further ordained. That .iny m--miter of the fire department who ha*, or shall have performed duly therein for •1 period of twenty year* or upwards and less than thirty years, shall, upon a cer tificate from the health officer of Ihe city of Havannah. concurred In by Council, that such member has become physically or mentally permanently disabled so as eo be until for duly, be placed on the retired roll and shall receive an annual pension during his lifetime of a sum equal to one third of the full salary or compensation of the member so retired. Her*. 8. Be M further ordained, That any member of the fire department who ha# or shall have performed duty therein for a period of thlrly years ur upwards, shall, upon a certin-bte from Ihe health officer of the rlty of Havannah. concurred In by Council, that such member ha* become physically or mentally permanently dis abled so as to be unfit for duey. be placed on the retired roil and shall receive an unnual pension during htr lifetime of a sum equal to one-half uf the full mlary or compensation of such member so re tire-) Bee 4 He It further ordained. That all ordinance* and pari* of ordinances In con flict with this ordlnaiKW are hereby re pealed On Its first reading. By Alderman Haas.— An ordinance 10 amend an ordinance en titled "An Ordinance to Regulate E.e - trto Hallways operating In the City of Havannah." adopted Oct. 11. 19K flection 1. He It ordalne-l by the Mayor and Alderman of the city of Buvgnnan In council assembled. That the aliv*->n lltled ordinance Is hereby amended ao that hereafter It shall not be Isw.'til for t-y electric railway company, op-rat-d In the rlty of Havannah. to run any of Its car* In the corporal* limits of the rlty of Sa vannah. south of Broughton street, be tween tha hour* of 11 p. m. and 6 30 a. m . city time, at a rata of speed exceeding six (6) mile* an hour or. durtna the -aid hour*, south of said Broughton atreel, to ring a bell or sound a gong save when it ran be shown by aaid company that this was necessary to avoid an impending cot llslon; the purpose of this amendment be ing to prevent, at far as possible any un necessary noise that may disturb the ra-t or quiet of th* cltixena of Savannah dur ing ihe hour* named In the event thla oectton, or* a ny part thereof, la violated, the employe of the railway company guilty of such vl>la tlon shall be subject, upon conviction be fore the Police Court of the city of Sa vannah. to a fine not to exceed on* hun dred 1 told dollar* and Imprisonment n t to exceed thirty (39: days, either or b-uh tn the discretion of the court, and, fur ther, the railway company Itself tha t be subject, upon conviction before fh* Police Court of fha city of Savannah, to a tine not to exceed on* hundred (109) do.lar* for each and every violation ot this section. Hec 2 Ha It further ordained. That til ordinances and par>a of ordtrance* In -onfll't with fhl* ordinance are hrraoy rep*a!*d. On Its first rending By Alderman Dixon— An ordinance to re-name th* etroalr *7 OFFICIAL. the city ot Havannah south of Anderson at reef. flection 1 Be II ordained hv th- Mayor and Aldermen of the rlty of Havannah In Council ast-ambled, ronrornlng the create tn ihe city of Havannah south of Ander son street, that hereufler Firm and Ht. James street* shall be known as Thirty first street He nnd, or, lot! .end Bt. Paul streets shall be hereafter known a* Thirty-second strest Third Grapevine. Weet Third and Bt. Nicholas street* shall be hereafter known us Thirty-third ntreet. Fourth Bismarck. West Fourth and Bt- John Street* shall Ire hereafter known as Thirty-fourth street Fifth. 8 mill. Wilder West Fifth. Ht. Michael and llrady streets ahull tie here after known a# Thirty-fifth street Sixth. Willow Weet Sixth und M. Thomas arre-t# hull t hereafter known I us Thirty-sixth street flow nth and lad fleventh atreeta shall he hereafter known a# Thtrty-aovenlb street. Eighth. Center. James un-l East Eighth ireet# shall he hereafter known ** Thlr -1 ty-elghth street. Ninth end Ea:-t Ninth street# shall b hereafter known as Tlitrty-ninth street. Tenth. Churctf and Fust Tenth street* ' shall Im- hereafter known 11* Fortieth street Eleventh and I.utnar tr--els (>r avenuai # K all Iw hereafter known a# Forty-first j street Twelfth and South Avenue street# ahall he hereafter known a# F>rty-eeond •treel. flee ’ Be tt further ordained that all ordinances and pari# of ordinance# in con flic* v Ith thla ordinance are hereby mwnkd. FSLICrTfON*. A vacancy htivinu occurrc*! i!h* t'Oinniliffon , ra f pili f age, by rffflOß of the death if th- ln* •otnmiffnloner. J J. Wilder, and In accordant# wttn • i|phcl nmlce. an elect lon wo* ha<l to fill the unex|treif term, there Iwlng only on** appltcaAi Mr Wllllum W. Williamson, upon morion, ahi h wan un.inlmnulv adopted th- rule* were ffuipcfxled fUI the Mayor Infftriielrd to cast the vote of 1 ( *©u ool l for Mr Wllllamion. Mr Wlil • ainffin vi therei|*on declared tu)y elect ed pilotage rointnluldnrr for the unea,- tdred term • REIVIUTTIONB. Hy AMcrmin l>l*on— R* dive I hv the Mayor nnd of th- city of Huvannuh. In Council •# ffcmhlad. the ordinance for the re naming of ntre*?fi ffntith of Andernon i-trec’t he published for information, and rhat Council invite* an exprreatofi of th* view* nnd wlahe* of Ihe cltlsen* of Sa vannah and particularly of thoee resid ing ffouth of Andcreon etreet. or owning property In thla ectlon. concerning the er 1 axiom and i xpedtfncy of the ordinance; fheffe vlewff to be expronted by petition, or other written cooimtifi tout lon, or oral ly at the next meeting of Council. *t which time the or<Mnance will he read on It* pogaage Ailopted lly Alderman f>lxon~- RofffHved, That the refsrr n tat tve* from Chatham county nnd the rxitor from th*> Klraf ftenatorlnl Mrtrlcf te and they orn hereby reriueated to Introluee and aeetjre the infouige, at the ap.troaohing #e>o’cft of the General AtMtiMy of Georgl* a Wl! to authorise the Mynr and Alerm*n of the clly of Hnvnneah to epen Aher corn and llarnard aireet* through tho aqua rev tn aaid afreet*, nnd elooe the croig ffireetn in aaid equaree nr ihe pro|eriy line* Renolvedv further. That the |*#r)c of Council furriiah eoch of th* rep*** enta ttfii m 4 tIM Bmolat with o >t \ of IftMMHk reoltit tone Adopted—Reconsidered, n and reftrM to the Committee < f n. Who e. I> Aklrr mnn I lan Heaolved. The rti Committee or Eire Ire nnd la hereby authorised to alter thg pinna of the new engine houar *o on to provide for a clock tower, at cunt not to exceed f|rt>. Adopted. Hy Alderman Dixon— Rmolvcml. That the Committee on Hitectn and Innr* in nnd nrn htftby nti thorlxel to purchase Ihr## (St ace m< and four mule#, to bv chntged to aaid depart ment Adopt* and My Aiderrnnn Jatrefl— Meaoivtoti Tnm the Director a* Public Works be authorite*! to pur* hone for th 1 * Scavenger l>efrtment three ffnnMary wngon- nf a com of I* ' -nd f-ur h* a<l of atock nt h ro*t f SfcJU. Ado#>tet. My Akb*rmnit Ifnae— Witert#*, hy renoiutlon of the City Ootm <il of Hnvnnnnh. pnannd on the Slith stny of May. IRjf*. nU>pting a re|*>rt of th# Committee of the Whole. ffohmlHlng the form of an agreement to be enter**! Into by the <hy of Havannah and Samuel flpenrer. H. Cl Erwin W. W Mackall and others, their #uecee*or* or ivHlgns, rela tive to the establishment of a Cnion pun aenger elation In Mki *Ry. Che Mayor m#a authorise! to enter Into, on behalf of tho city, a contract covering the agree meet reat h'*d by miM cvjmmlttee of lh* Whole; and Whereas, on the i7th day of K**ptember, A. D.. IWO. Ills Honor, the Mayor, ielnf absent from the city, a contract wh duly made, executed nnsl entered Into by Georg# W Tledemnn. Ksq . Acting Mayor. ie* tween the city of dnvannah ami the Ba vannah I’nlon Station Company, In pur suance of aaid r**ohniofi of f*minell of May 28. IWf. a ropy of which contract l hereto annexe*!; Therefore, b It resolved hy the Mayor am! Aldermen of the elty of .Havannah. tn Council assembled, that said contract be tween the city of Havannah oml the maid Havannah Cnlon Htntlon Company entered Into on behalf of tho city by George W. Ttodeman. A<*lng Mayor, be an I the aam# la hereby approved, ratified and confirmed. Re It further revolved. That a deed is hereby directed to he made and egecuted. without warranty, iOnveylng to th# *ald Kivannah Union Station OtMOpany. Ita aue ceasor* ami assign*, the several lots and parcels of land In said contract okl. de scribed and agreed to be conveyed hy *akl rlty to *ak! Havannah Union Htrftton Com pany. Adopted. MISCELLANEOUS- Resignation of Dr. M II Levi. M I), a* city physician of the Me*-ond District* was rtwl and accepted, and upon motion, which was adopted, the Clerk of I’outicU was directed to advert!**:* an election, to be held at the next regular meeting of Council. o fill the u nag pi red term. *. There being no further business. Coun cil took a r**cea# tuhject to the '*ll of the mayor \V>l r. BAILEY. Clerk .of Couftdi. BRHNNAN BROS. 9VHOLCSALB Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc. 333 BAY slflttT Waai. 1*4(9 tetetM. JOHN G. BUTLER. —DEALER IN palnta. Oil* and Glaas. Hash. Door*.Blind#, and Builder*' Supplies. Plain and Decora tive Wall P*|r. Foreign and Domestic Cement*. Lime. Plaxtar nnd Hair. Sol* Agent for Abeaitne Cold Water I'alih 3D Congress afreet. w**i, and 19 Bt. Julian street, weet. Empty Hoflsheads. Kaiplr Malaatw Uoatktaai tor Ml* by r **" C. M. GILBERT & CO. 7