The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 20, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 A TEXAS WONDER. Hull , Great INiruvrrr. One email bottle of Halle Great Dl*- covery cure* nil kidney and bladder trou ble*. remove* (ravel, cure* dlabete*. rem ittal emissions. weak and lame back', rhetiroailem and all lrr<tilaritle# of the kidneys and bladder m In men and wo men. regulate* bladder trouble* In chil dren If not *idd b> >our linguist wi.l be rent by mall cn re- elpt of il One email bottle I* two month* treatment, and will cure any ca*e above mentioned. I)r K NV. Hall, aol* mat tifa-turer. I*. <> Rox , Hr l-oul*. M-> S-nd for testimonials bold by all druggists and Hoiotnon* Cos., kavannah, Ha. Head Tbt*. ruthbert. Ga . April I. I*iO This I* to certify that I was ff*. ted with gravel ami that I took t*tv drop* of Halls Great Discovery and It com pletely curiil me It I* worth 11.003 pat bottle to any on* needing It J. T STEVENS. MARINE im.1.l li.llM 11. Matters of Inlrreat to Khlpping Men The lighthouse tender Wistaria was re ported In at Tyhee yesterday. She Is on her regular trip Into the**- waters sin* plying the llghthoue* * with ol.s an-1 other things for th- maintenance of light, and with such general suppll- a the govern ment furnlslie-. Immense quantities of supplies are distributee! yearly by the llghlhouse tenders along tie coast The range light to be barked after In lie- city la the one on the tow.-r of the City Ex change, which give* the range from Fig I*,and to the city. The quart*rly statement of the Commi* •loner of Navigation shows that Sod eas ing vessel* of sx?!i gross tons were built In the t'nlt-d State* uml oflP tally num la-rtsl In the quarter ef*l I Be*pi. 30, I9u Of the vessels (tunslrui hsl of w-s*l. im< were sail anel If, strain Of the steel ve •els. 4 were sail and 17 steam. Of the whole numta-r I!*' were built on the At lantic and Gulf - oast*. on the Pacific, 32 on the Great Uakes and 5k on the W- st ern rivers The largest tonnage. 37,'-".7. was on the Great l<*ke*. and th- n- >t largest aas on the Atlantic and Gulf coast *. According to the IJvcrpool Underwilt er'a Assta latlon’s return* tli casualties to veaael* of SUU ton* anel upward r-i*>rte*| last month wen From w-uilier •Uuuis-. 43. founderings and alwruionme nta, 3, atrandtngs. Including 34 total losses. 101; collisions. Inc.uding 7 total bs* 113. fire* and explosion*. ItK-liallng 1 total lies, 14. other cavualtlea 71, making for the month 346 casualties, of which 35 were total loss es. against .179 In Beptemher last year. In cluding to total loss*-*. Passengers by hleaniahlps. Passengers on steamship Texas from llalflmore—A. H. Detnera. O. Htitxke. I*. Hunger, K 8. Elliott, M. Engler. K Coop er. D. Klnggokl. J. Andrew* and thirty one steerage. Psssenge ne per *tr*mshlp Herkshlre, for I'hilud-lphla yetnerday- N Williams, Jo seph Fox. Joseph Brown. Mrs. E. New man, Tracy Newman, Mrs. Kate M'oltvrs. Savannah llmnnar. Sun rise* at 6:00 m. and set* at &30 p. m High water t Tybe# to-day at 1:73 a m and 5:45 p m. High water at .Savan nah one hour later. Phases of tbe Moon for irrlotier. D. H. M First quarter 1 3 10 eve. Full moon 8 7 13 morn Dost quarter 15 3 51 morn New moon 23 7 27 morn. First quarter , 31 2 17 morn AMkIVAU AND DEI* AII Tt It EX. Vessel* Arrived Yesterday. Steamship llurworth (Br). Galbraith. Billed* —W. W. Wilson. Passed In nt Tyhee. IJgh I bouse- tender Wistaria. Y'essela bleared yesterday. Hark ('has. During, Hurt, New York.— Master. Vessel* Went to trs, Steamship Herkshlre. Ityan, Phllaelel gshla. 8- hooner Millie R Dohannan, Smith, Baltimore. Tug Wm. F. McCauley. Avery, towing gphooner The Josephine. Baltimore. Shipping Memoranda. Fernandlna. Fla.. Oct, 1 —Cleared, schooner 1-avlr.ti M. Snow, Norton. Hrldgeport. Conn- Balled, lairk Navuna. Jaslyn. New York, schooner Laura M Hunt. Cummings. Hus ton Baltimore, Oct. 13,—Arrived. aieamer Itasca. Savannah Philadelphia Oct. 19.—Cletirevl, steamer Alleghany, Savannah. Savona. Oct. It.—Arrived. steamer Alalaby. Pensacola. PhLadelphla. Oct. 13—Arrived, steamer Hoanoke. Jacksonville Pnllsilelphld. Oct. 19—Cleared, sieumer Emily 8 Non ham. Charleston. Granville. Oct. 13 Arrived, steamer Rosneath. Port Tampa. London. Oct. 13—Arrived..steamer I'sk, port Tampa, via St Michaels. lii men, Oct. 19 —Arrived, steamer Rox by. Savannah, via Norfolk. Manchester. Oct. 13—Sailed, steamer Cle run. a Savannah. Jacksonville. Fla.. Oct. 19.—Entered, achoone r Jessie l*ena. Deveraux. New York Cleared, steamer Robert A. Snyder. Guthrie. Providence. New York. Oct. 19—Sailed, steamer Lnura, Savannah. Key West. Oct 19—Arrived, *tearners Masootte. White. Port Tampa, and sall.vl for Havana: Fanlta. Thompson, Nuevitas, and sailed for Tampa. Charleston. 8 <*.. Oct. 19—Arrlve.1, ateamer Peareth (Hr). McKentle. Fer nandlna. s. tiooners Nelson K Newbury, King. New|vrt News; Fannie Reich, liuckaloo, l(9blmor*. Sailed, schooner* l*ns.idena, HlKbee, New York; Nellie Floyd. Nellwen, George town. tow tug Wahan. Spoken. Ciipt Samuel Galbraith of the Brltlah steamship llurworth. whlh arrived ye*, terday. ret>orts that on Oct. 6. lat. 54 N. long 27 W , taissed American hark steer ing north, with signal* K I). R P. On Oct 12. lal. 43 N long 31 W„ 2 p. m„ sighted a steamer with signals flying II V. D. (want assistance). She proved to be the steam*hlp Saint Regulus of Cardiff bound to New York. He boot- down close alongskb The csp'aln said that he had mr< with bad weather, his engine room was flooded and he could not work his en gines Had been In Unit atate for two days Capl. Galbraith arranged for the Hurworth fo low Saint Kegulua to Hali fax. At 6 p m the Regulus signalled F. O. T. W (do not wall). He passed at lushing di-'.i <i-l 1 1 ! would not require assistance as tbe ves aal was getting clear of water. Notice to Mariners. Pl ot eherie end ad hydrographic lnfor metlon will he furnished masters of ves sels free of charge In Unlteel B-ate* hy drographic office ir Custom House Cap tains ere requested to call at the office. Reports of wrecks end derelicts received for transmission to the Navy Depart ment. i nnalnlir Kiporla IVr Ptf>um.h4t> fkrki>hir*. fr lhi* -31 0 # bbin rtMdn. lRi hbli turnout in*. 13o.?tiS fwl turn er. Zi bbin rmin oil. '* 344 t*k MiN<K. £ti UIU hiind)M, Hit mdw. ISK i*kirM and yarni Pot btirk Ch*- UrtiiK- tor N* York f**t vilow in*- lumber.—Cargo by Cooiuy. L ki< in A. Cos \ l * i> ruMT. M n!n dial.). 1.K29 lona. Camilla; id| tor Trirat uni Genoa U.irmird a Cos. Lealta (Hr.). • <*7.( ton?* N*tw*ra**o; l<lg for lUrnkMiu and (hn oa-J F Mini* A Cos. Kmt'ri *.-a (Hr). 143; t > . I*n. 14* for Hott*rlain and Ifavrt* Barnard A Cos. Ifll dir) *- t3*n*. Hlcbirdtoti; 1 fir for Liverpool Wlldkr A Cos. Thorn!•■> < * : hit t. *• M.ijor. f9r lirrm* en and Havre Wlkter A Cos. C, tv of Olou <*>ier (Hr), l,*uo tona. Mil burn; Mir for Llv* ritool J F Minis A < *o. Fa In don lft 1 (Hr). 2 ."6 Ion?, Hostler; Mir f*r Hum bur it J F. Minin A Cos. Cyt Ir hr i.- l'<* ton*. Ung; M(f for 11 re men- B:rurhiii A <*o. Yeator (Hr). !•’* lone, K'-rr; Mr. for M mriifßtrr—B(rrhan A Cos l.r-Niri ißr). I .Uft tona. pefteraon; Mg for HarrMoha Barnard A <’o Puritan (Hr 'im* Mg for Bremen—Htrarhan A Cos. AMrrajrate (Hr . 1.W7 tona. Willie; Mg for Bremen—<VN . \V. Wllaon, hluiD tw lil (Hr . 7 I*! tona; big for Bre men A F (’burrhill lal* of Kei (ltr ton. Hutherlnn t. * big f*r Bremen and Antaeri>—J F. Mlnla A Cos. Blakemoor (Hr.). I.ICM tona. White; Mg for Liverpool Htraehan A Cos. An9fi (Br.). 1 *23 <on*. f’lough; Mg. for Havre Htrarhan A Cos. A*amo (Ilr). 2.Cl tia. Bernent; Mg for Bremen Georgia Kiport Import Pomnany Treti o dir), 1 (Utl tona, Barber; Mg. for M line heater A F Churchill. Pvtlra (Br). Brito tna. Proaaley; ldg for Mancha Hter. A F. Fhurchlll Banna (N>r). 2.3W> tor>a, Wahliarg; d)ar. * argo .1 F. Mini** A (’o Wlrrifrni (Hn. 1 vrj tona. ('lark, dlac eir (jo.-tl F Minis A Cos. Hurworth (Hr). 1.521 tons. Oulbralfh; ldg for Bremen. W. \V Wiieoci • Mltlpa. Thor (Ncr.), l.uCltona, Anderaen; Mg n s. Henry Juchfer l!fir> YUlard. !,U tins. Quick. Mg. for 1 lonoiUlu.- Master. Sarka. Marla Laura (I# il ). 643 tons Fienga; Mg lumber for Vltgo. Spain—Btrarhan A Cos. NorrAkenet (Bw<! ). 1 ( 1M tona, Nordqulat; Mg n. a—IP Ju*’hter Alert (Nor.). ten*. An<Wpeo; Mg. n. a. —f’ateraon-Downlng <’o. Atlantic (Ger 1.3)7 tonn. Doyen. Mg for Hotterdam—Pateraon-Downing Cos. Nordon (Nor ). (1 ton;*. Tergersen. ldg n. a.—Baferaon-lkiiwning Cos. Pa mi ti r (Dan), tona. Schmidt; ldg. n. a.—Maaler. Lizzie Curry (Hr.). 49k tona. Landry; re turned for repair*—Master. Sylvia (Nor >. l.flM tona; llalvoraen; ldg. n. a Strarhan A Cos. JulD 71k Ujcua Sweeney; to Id. lumber M water. Hii.-iig (Nor), 513 lona. Oleen; Mg n a Mnarar Kecord (Nor). tna. Johnaon; ldg n a.— Master. Jam*-* A Wright. JW7 tona. Kngliah. ldg. for Philadelphia.—Master. E. 8 Powell, fiTgff tona. Jonra. kig for New York - Master. Eases. 577 tona. Smith, to id lumber.— Maeter. nrlga. Maria Tereaa (Span.). 2M tona, Caainova*. ldg lumber for Montevideo—Eatev** A Cos. Nlcolette (Auati. 223 tona. Favlch; Mg n. a.—Matter. Deliooaera. il*nr' (Taiiwn. Jr. t 7 tons. McLaugh- In, Idir. lumber -Master. T A. Wirt, 739 tons; Cblllns; ldg. lum ber— Master. Oha. luirlmt. 525 tons. Rurt; idk. lumber for New York—Master. William K Downs. 539 ton*. Rlchartlson; l.liT lumber for New York Master. Ella I. Davenport. 470 ton*. Dunton; ldg. lumber Master J W Itolano. 45* ton*. Wilson, kig. lum ber.—Master Ida Lawrence. 459 ton*. Thorpe; ldg for HitUbnnrc Master, C <• Wehrum. 37* ton*. Cavalier; Mg. Itimb i C. H Howard A <'o. Anna E. Kranx. 573 ion*. Newcomb; ldg. lumber.- Master. Mary R ltnlrd. 311 ton*. Cook; ldg lum ber, Master. A It Bherman. 610 ton*. Johnson; Idk lumber —Muster. * Ch.i* H. Valentine. 53* ton*. Jayne; big lumber —Master John G. Schmidt, 4.V) ton*. Nor bury. disc coal; to Id. for Pill lade I pill*. —C, W. Howard A Cos. • Ileal a Free Mata. Columbia, 8 C . Oct. 19 —Wiley Mile* colored, convicted of larceny and sentenc ed to fifteen month* on the Edgefield r.iinty chatngnng. was pianloned by Gov. Mcßweeney. The man had been too 111 to work for sarnie time anal waa* sent hack to the county Jail where he could get some medical attention and care. White people, know jig of hi* condition, appealcat to the Governor for a pardon. The man died Ju*t as he gait hi* hand* on the precious docu ment that he haal beer* longang for. Frost In Kamila twraallna. Columbia. 8 C., Oel. 19.-Frost was quite general over this state la*t night nisi the night t-fore. but It was of the llghie*! kind. Jus! scorching the tetaier n-\ vegetation Cotton Is blooming all around Columbia. For 20 Years .... -I—.os-s's-MBerswm™™.—•liuaausaas——————— Dr. Hathaway has been known ns the lending spreinllst tn the rare nf chronic diseases, "Incurable cnaes." are sent to him daily from all J. XEffTON HATHAWAY, 11 D. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D., DR. HATHAWAY & CO., 25A Bryan Street, - Savannah, Ga. offlc* Ilcur#— o to um . "lot *ntl 7to r* m. SunJtr so * m to 1 p u THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. OCTOBER 20, 1000. If you will buy three Old Virginia Cheroots and smoke them to-day you will get the greatest amount of comfort and satisfaction that 5 cents will buy in a smoke, and get it three times over! You haven’t any idea how good they are and cannot have until you try them. Try three to-day instead of a sc. cigar. Three hundred million Old Virgtnti Cheroots smoked thu year. Ask your own deler. Price, 3 for 5 cents. t HIIMfKY l.tMlUt MEMORIAL. 1111 ■ t to ll* I Kmor) With %lproprlatr t rreMoalra. Emory Coilrg*. Oxford. Gw. Oct. 19 The bust of Sidney Earner which the sen ior class will present to Emory, and which : will be set up in the rotunda of Candler Hall. Is now In eour.ei of ereellon. It will arrive In Oxford some time In No vernier and will be unveiled a* soon tn re. afl.r as possible Al a meeting of the sen ior class It was unanimously decided to extend to l.ucler Knight of Atlants an Invitation to deliver an address on the occa-lon of the unveiling Mr Knight's well known ability. lM>th as a writer and as an orator, and the admiration for Southern men of letters, which he has so often expressed, m ike It peculiarly ftt ting that he should l>e the orator at the ! unveiling of the first bust of a Georgia poet ever set up at a Georgia college. A prlge for the lies. |>etn on lamler or his work* bos be. n offered to the college and the production that 1* succcsafill In winning the. prlxe will l>e read on the day <>f the unveiling. Invitation* to he present on thl* day will ! extended to prominent literary men of Georgia and the South. The setting up of ! thl* l>u*t will. It I* hoped, be hut the be ginning, of the payment of the debt of ' praise and gratitude that Georgia owe* to her author*, and no better tdace for the home of the but could he found than Emory'* mngnlttren: library building Since I-anlcr * own alma mater, the old I Oglethorpe Fnlverslty of Midway. Go , I* 1 no longer In existence. It Is highly appro priate that her sister college, Emory, should jay thl* ftibute to the memory of her men Illustrious son If Mr Knight accept* Eninr)'* invitation, the unveiling will occur on the day between Nov. 15 and Dec. 1. that Is most suitable to him. LEGAL Fit.ll l FOR A RANK. tn tlahnmn Flnun-lal Institution Figure* tn Court. Birmingham. Ala. Oct. 19 —A light for control of the Tredegar National Hank ha* been Instituted In the United Btates court* hy E. T Id* of Johnahtirg. VL, the defendant* being Fled Crosby oral 11. F. | Richardson, of Mn*sachu* Its. and Peyton Rowan J F. Rowan, \V H. Dean and Waller Dean, of Alabama. The hank I* at Jacksonville, Ala The plaintiff claims title to Ally shares of stock In the hank and alleges that these shares of stock became transferred fo other iwrtie' He seek* to prevent hav ing them voted at a forthc.aning meeting of the stockholders AEU KM.I.tM) MILL MEN. Manufacturer* Entertained In Knntli ern Town*. Charlotte. . N C , Oct. 19 -The members of the New England Cotton Manufactur er*' Association, now on a Southern trip, i leached Charlotte m 7:30 o'clock to-night and were entertained at the Southern Man ufacturer*' Club. En route from \Va*h lugton they stopped al Danville. Itelds vtlle and High Point. After a trolley ride here In the morning and an Inspection of Charlotte'* mill* they will resume the trip southward They expect to spend Sunday In Asheville and Monday In Columbiu, re turning to Washington next Tuesday. Hare Result* at Newport. Cincinnati. Oct 19- Results at Newport Flr*t Race— Btx furlong*, selling. Har hora M.. 3 to 5. won. with Juanet. 9 to I. second, and Ercma, 9 to 1, third. Time 1:15. Second Race—One mile and a quarter, selling Louisville Belle. 4 to I. won, with Gov. Boyd, t to I, second, and Defender | 11. 11 to 5. third Time 2 09'* Third Race—One mile and seventy yaid*. selling. Etta. 7 to 2. won. with Blenheim. 15 to i, second, and Colbert, 7 to 2. third. Tim* 1:41V Fourth Race -Six furlong*, selling Calo iocan, Ito 5 won, with Fairy Dell. to 1. second, and Hyaldy 11, 6 to 1, third. Time 1:15. Fifth Race—Six and a half furlongs, selling Donna 8- ay. even. won. with Hru lare. 5 to 1, second, and l-ake Fonso. 7 to 1. third. Time l:2o‘y Sixth Km* One mile and seventy yanls. selling Earl Fonso, to 1. won. witti Net tle Regent. 3 to 5. second, and The Slug gard. 4 to I. third. Time 1:45!*. parts of the country by physician* who have had dcmonstr tted to them the In variability of his cure* To him no caW !• ’'h**!* less " lll*' method of treatment Is his own. It Is a system which has heer. developed and perfected during his long years of active, constant practice. l)r. Hathaway ha confined himself to the treatment of chronic diseases—those of the Hlotxft. the Nerves and the Uenltal and Urinary organs Ills cure of Varico cele and Stricture without operation, by noons of a paln'eee home treatment. nr>* the marvel of the medical profession. Men who have lost the vigor of nature or whose blood has been polluted by contagion are brought luick by him to a perfect state >f health and energy. He invites all those who have any form of chronic disease or weakness to call at hfs office, or write him. for free consulta tion and examlt .it.on and advice He will also send free. In plain wrapper his new >4 iage book and se’f-examlnatkm symp tom blanks, to anyone who writes to him [ In REVIEW OF THE MARKETS. CONDITION OF GENERAL TRADE HI RING THE PA*T WEEK. While tbe fait** Market Had aw I nprrredriited Decline tbe 4;fleet of II Mil* Not Greatly Ihnna In w Decrease in llaslnre* Farmer* Holding Thrlr Cotton Through thr Decline—i urp.-iitliif- Firm nt HU 1 * Cents—Rosins Advanced During the M eel*—Local and Trlrgrnphlr Markets. The Morning New* Office. Friday, Oct. 13. The week closing to-day was an xe*|v ttonally good one In business circles con sidering the check in cotton trading caused by the declining tendency In both the spot and futures market*. This dis turbance serve! to put buyer* on their guard for u lower market, and pending development* they dll not care lo do bus iness on the boat* cotton w* being of fered at. The fact the market kept drib bling off did not help matters, but gavs buyers reason to expect even further de cline* tlmn those scored t"ha early days. While trading In the cotton market was greatly restricted for the reasons given business kept up fairly well In other branches, which makes the volume for the week show up well. The clsarlng house statement to-dny show* the clearing* to have Increased something like So per cent, above the same week last year. Other ronnilerallon* were prominent In holding up the general t'ohime of trade, so that after all the most unprecedented slump In tho recent history of the cotton market may not show' It* effect very much on local trade. One thing which the drop tn cotton teem* to have brought out prominently is live fact that farmers and other holders of cotton seem to be In position to hold tbetr product for the prices they believe It will bring if marketed in an Intelligent way. The declines did not bring a rush of sell ers. The fact Is that holdings are Indif ferent about selling, and certainly are not doing so at unreasonable concessions. Realising that a scare that would bring about the wholesale dumping of cotton upon the open market would result ds sstrously to price* holder* are offering It slowly, and wkh that precaution which Indicates that they know what they arc doing. As nn evidence that a mnjorlty of farmer# tn Georgia are In position to hold their rotten ,t may be noted*that the lo .it bank* are said to have funds for of* pur|*o*e of further accommodating coun try banks, but which have not lieen called for. Indicating that the country tanks are not being called upon for further funds by their customers. The siUrtts turpentine market ruled Arm throughout the week, with the de mand good a steadily advancing prices There was fslr kiqulry to-dny at I9L, cents. Rosins closed Arm and unchang ed. with th demand good There were material advances during the week The wholesale markets were steady and fairly active. The following resume of the dif ferent market* will show the tone and quotations al the close to-day and their condition during the week: COTTON. Th* spot cotton market closed quiet and unchanged to-day. with a slight improve ment In the demand noticeable. Sales on the spot for the day were !.18) bales, for the week ending to-dny. 3.371 upland* and Mg sea Islands, anti so far this season. 22.- 935 uplands and 5.270 sea Islands As has b.en mentioned from time to time the disturbance In the speculative markets ha* liad the effect of producing a decided check In the demon*! during the week, ind the evidence* of a recovery are yet to'hs seen The cotton futures market dropped steadily throughout the week, closing to-day with prices net unchanged to 2 points lower The situation Is still unsettled, with the trade hopeful for an ear.y resumption of business on a larger scale. The following were the official spot quo tations at the close of the market at the Cotton Exchange to-day: • | This | Last I day. | year. Good middling !*V i~ 1-1* Middling |9H , 13-13 le>w middling |s\ |g 613 Market quiet, sales 1.383. Receipt* Fast Week. | UpTf Re. Receipts of Colton— land Isl'd Receipts past week .! 57.543 3,193 Same Week .ost year 3|.3(>1 3.133 I'artltulars of Receipt*— Central Kallreud it 1.134 234 8., F A M' 3,535 1.741 Charbwton A Savannah 1.300, River steamers 333 Carts 273 Beaufort steamers 13 2 Seaboard Air Line 7.317 1.139 Exports— Bxporta last week 152.3 K 1,442 Bam-- week last year |90.273 733 Movement— To Baltimore j 93* To New York I 3.992 290 Philadelphia j 33' Inland j 11 1 Liverpool IAMBI Bremen 23.392 Trieste 300 Manchester I 9.439 1.151 Genoa 3.569 Barcelona I 7,925 Bn* k on hand nisi ship* 97 70* 4.343 Same day iaM year its 529 11.5*3 Savannah reee pts exports and a ode— Received thl* day * 344 Received same day last year* J.oOl Same day year before laat 7 Mi Receipts past week 3 .747 Seme week last year 37124 game week year before last 34.877 Received since Rept 1. 18 9 34' 3M Received him time last year 273 651 Export* Past Week- Exports thl* day, constwls# ;)g Exports this day. continent 92 Before Baying Yoar Fall Sait} look up STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES —the famous whole* sale tailored ready-to-wear garments that the best dressed men in every city of the United Slates are % wearing to-day in preference -to 1 made-to-measure clothes, because they make a saving of one half their tailor*s bills. without sacrificing one jot of style, fit or serviceability. Suits $15.00 to $30.00. For sale only at B. H. LEVY & BRO.’S. Export* past li. coastwise .... 8 25* Export* wk Inland 2 Export* pas, weak, continent .... S ITS Export* past weak, Franc* Nona Export* pant week Grant Krltaln .. 10.*3> Total export* part w, *k 54 Jit Export* tit nor Bept. 1. 1900— To Oreat Britain 60 .'.20 To France 1,181 To the continent 125.8* Total foreign 181 491 Total coastwlae 71 9 2 Total export* 257.431 Export* Same Time Lsast Year— To Great Britain 29 241 To France 17.988 To the continent t-2 S3r> Total foreign 12*78* Total roaatwlae '9 904 Total export* 195.8*: Stock on hand thl* day l'2.'k>7 Stock on hand eame day lt year M 114 ltecelp.s and Btock* at All Porta— Berelpta thl* day 13 7 Thla day la*t year 36.0:2 Thla day year before laat Kerelpt* past week Jl7 0 3 Same day* laat year 2 4.5 K Year before last 42 .'■7l lota I receipt* since Sept 1. 1899 .. .1 504 VS Same time la*t year 1.277 4*l Same time year before last 1,824.7*1 Slock at all porta to-day n*.IS7 Stock same day last your 50.*.'43 Dally Movement at Other Port*— Galevston—Quiet; middling. 94; net re ceipts. 13.308; gross. 13.208; sale*. 256. stork. 142.9)1. New Orleona—Steady; middling. 9 13-18; net receipts, 19.232; grows. 19.931; sales. 2.130; slock, 101.184. Mobile —Quiet; middling 9. net receipts, 1.322. gross. 1.322. sale*. l.<6)0; siock. 24.773. Charleston—Quiet; middling. 9',. net re ceipt*. 1.375; gross. 1.175; sales. Wk); stock. 25.367. Wilmington—Firm; middling, 9>,; net re ceipts. 1.150; gross, I.llft: stock. 29.31 Norfolk-Dull; middling. 94. net re ceipts, 2.47*. grow, 3.478; sole*. 199; stock. 27,393 italllmore—Nominal; middling. 9.; net receipt*. 7*9; gross. 4.975. stock. 3.2*8. New York—Quiet; middling, 9,; net re ceipts. 98; gross, 5,781; stock. 37.187 Boston—Quiet; middling. 8 15-1; ne re ceipts, 2*98; gross. 17.872 Phllad.lphla—Quiet; middling. 10; net re ceipts. St); gross. St); stock. 4.38* Newport N'ewa—Net receipts, 1.71*. gross, 1,71*; stork. 832. Dally Movement* at Interior Towns— Augusta—Quiet; middling. *4; net re ceipts. 1.892. gross, 1,701. sale*. 436. stock. 34.375. Memphis—Steady; middling. 94; net re ceipt*. 4.846; gtoas. (.013; sale*. 3.300, stock, 63.698 St Doul~Steady; middling. 9 5-18; net re.Tipis. 2.7*3. grow. 7.796; sales. 578. stock, 26.015. Cincinnati—Quiet and nominal; mid dling. 10; net receipt*. 339; gross. 139; stock. *679. Houston—Easy; middling. 9; net re ceipts, 18.048. gross. 18.048, sale*. 1.(00; stock. 55.153 Louisville—Firm; middling. 9%; net re ceipt*. 262; gross. 2*2; stork, 275. Export* of cotton this day— Galveston—To Qrsat Britain. (.248; to the continent. 1.1*2. Now Orleans—To the continent, 5.(50. coastwise. 5. Mobile—Coastwise, 702. Savannah—To the continent. 92; coast wise, 1.8(0 Charleston—Coastwise. S9> Norfolk—Coastwise. 2.4(7 Baltimore—To Gnat Britain. 2.0*2. to the conttnant. 1.0(2 New York—To the continent, 50. Boston—To Great Britain. *.ol Newport News—To Great Britain, 1,(14 Total foreign export* from nil port* thl* day; To Great Britain. 17.156; to the con tinent, 10,016, Total foreign exports from all ports thus for thl* week: To Great Britain. 121.237: lo France. 27.731; to the continent, 106,187 Total foreign export* since Sept 1, 1900 To Great Britain. 528.531; lo France. 90,- 788; to the continent. 3*5 515 Charleston. Oct. 19.-Colton, quiet; mid dling. 94e; sale*. 100. - IE4 I*I.AM) ('OTTOS. Business In the **n lslarvf cotton mar ket for the week ending Friday wa* not large, as Is shown by the repon-d sale* of 919 against receipts of 3.272 This Is due largely lo an effort to hammer nrlces Buyers are reluctant to trade on the prices holders srs asking Prices about as follows: Extra choice East Florida* 234024 Extra chotee and fancy F10rida*..234924 Extra choice and fancy Georgia* 23'vf1236> Choice Georgia* .^24023 Extra fin* Georgia* ~.22 Uacalpu eud Stock* - >I3OO-01. JM* Hi Receipts past | 3,772; 3,9*1 1 AT HOME, 1(2 Broughton Street, West. Some confusion in arranging stock, but well pre pared to take care of our customers. We don’t know all about the Furniture and Carpet business, but our thirty years' experience with the trade of Savannah is sufficient guarantee that we know SOME THINGS. Call and be convinced. LINDSAY & MORGAN The Old Reliable. Exports past week | 1,332. 733 Receipt* this season | 9.10 P 18,165 8 ties past week | *n* 3.102 Stock on hand | 7.818; 11.585 Charleston. Oct. 19—Sea Island nt on Receipts 337; exports. Havre via New York. 19; stock, 1.257; sales. 361. Fl m. fine. 24c; fully line. 35c COTTON FI TURKS. The Market Closes steady With Price* 3 Paints Lower, New York. Oel. 19 —Operation* In cot ton futures to-day fell considerably be low the recent average day - * transaction* and the variations, while of a IS points ranged, lacked significance. The opening was steady with August 4 points lower, and the other month* unchanged to 6 points higher, thl# being quite out of line with the marked strength, and the ac tivity In the Liverpool market. For a time price* followed a slgiag course with t he trade all at sea, as to Just which way to turn. Heartsh Ideas eventually pre vailed and prices slowly tapered off undcr selllng of ou:side long cotton and over sales hy the pit contingent Europe sold sparingly here on the decline, and the South offered small amounts of the Jan uary and March options. The extra gov ernment report bearing upon the Texas crop damage by the storm'of Rept 8. pro duced no special effect upon aentlment. the information having been pretty thor oughly discounted here. During the after noon the market was listless with a weak undertone; January fell slowly to 9 IS sub-equently rallying on light covering by short*. The week-end statistic* were ful.y ns formidable as anticipated, and helped to depress the market after the noon hour. AI the close thr market ruled steady with prices net. unchanged to ] point* lower. Sentiment at that time was not decided. FLI CTI ATIONR IN FUTURES. New York. Oct. 19,-rotton futures opened steady and closed steady. V’rl'-es ns follows: iOp*n i Hlghr fL*wT| Cloa*. January | 9 2S"| 929 | ' 9.21~ February 9 22b j 9.35 I 9.16 | 9.21 March | 13 | 9.28 | 3,12 | 9.n I MkV I9 22 927 | 9.14 9 Jun< ‘ I ®2 924 | 9 11 i 9 19 I • 919 ; 9.12 | 9.15 August I 901 | 907 i 901 | 9Og September ...) .... j .... i .... October | 9 30b 9.40 927 9*2 November ...| 9 23h 932 918, 9 24 December ...| 9R 910 | 9.15 j 9.21 —' LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. Liverpool. Oct. 19-Spot, moderate hue- Ines and price* steady. American middling fair. 3 l-32'1. good middling. 6 11-130: mid dling, 5Sd; low middling. 5 7-I*l good ordinary. 4’vd; ordinary. 4*4. The sales of the day were OOO hales, of which 500 wer* .for speculation and export and Included 5.300 American. Receipts, 8.000 bale* In cluding 7,300 American. Future* opened quiet and closed easy. American middling low middling claues. October. 5 24d value: October-November. SimiM buyers; Novsmber-December. S(7d buyers: December-January. (.0493.03d seller*: January-F'bruary, 5 0298 Old sell srs; February-March. 3.001 buyers; Mar.-h- Aprll, 4 32d buyers. Aprll-Mey. 3.(1d sall . May-June. 4 nd sellers; Jnne-Juty. 3.6 M sellers; July-Augut, L5794.3M sell era; August-September. 4.8104 52d buyers. New Orleans. Oct. 19—Cotton fu(ure> very steady. October .. ..*(( bd March 9<B)}|,( November ..9 01419 03! April 90 0'77 December .19419(01 May t.o>9 fl* January .. June 900909 February ...9.0109.03 COTTON l.m-TF.m. New York. Ocl. 19 -Murphy A Cos *ay: A* far as news was concerned (here wna nothing In the advices of the morning to account for the ateadtne** of the nttov market. The fear of the froet extend me over South Carolina and Georgia, prove I to be groumllese aa the morning weather may shows,] higher lemperalure* through out ihe entire cotton bolt. In addlth n to the better weather In Ihe south Liver pool future* declines after Ihe opening losing practically all Ihe early gain F r Ihe lira! lime ihl* week Ihe demand f r cotton In Ihe local pli was large enough lo cause an advance of a few po n • in Ihe (ace of a removal of Ihe a ImuUiln* factor of yesterday and an absence of for eign support. While a greater degree of weakne** might have been ep-cted t morning market waa Irregular and aft r Ihe rorly advance relumed to laM n ghi s prices. The comparative steadiness of 'h market wa* attributed to uncertaint> f ihe site of ihe crop and Ihe genera! dl c. cllnailon to follow the short aide 1* r about two hours very little cotton *,•;-• - ed for sale and what aelllng occurred wa for Southern account, rather than tor speculation. The volume of buatnese in Ihe locil <•- changea wa* about the smal-e* l week After opening foreign bou ** bough! modersiely while prof*-k*n operator* were more Inclined to bu> l an sell on Ihe fellure of prices t > <l* linn materially. The commission ho * h usl net* continued moderate, which I* exp* • ed to be ihe case until there Is sort* I dat lon for crop estimate*. New York. Ocl. 19 -Hubbard Bro A <’"• say: After the opening the market* wr quiet and ateady within a small rang" awaiting Ihe supplementary report of government regarding ihe Oelveeton t rm damage though II had been Inc u led " the bureau of Oct. 10 It gave 'he re - mated damage at 68'jOD bale-, much I than anticipated. Receipt* in the 8c ' west continue on a large scale while 1 decline ha* had Ihe effect of checkins t * movement In the Atlantic when plj* * era are di*(K>*ed to hold last season. * policy was auccesaful a* all the cot: ■>*' had ahon cropa. Now the Bouliwc staling freely. Liverpool cloard easy ahade lower than yesterday The I ‘ trad* have been Ihe long aide eipecttns a reaction over Sunday. WEEKLY COTTON KEPOHTt New York. Nov. 19—For the week *oJ ing 10-dny: Net receipt* at all U. 8. porta dur- ing week Net receipts at all U. 8 port* dur- Ing the same week last year J” Total receipt* to Ihl* date Total receipt* to aame date Exports for the week •*! .* Export* for same week last jr*ar.. l* Total exports to this daio ** ' Total exports to samt data la* yaar *5. r Block at all t 7. 8 porta ** Btock at all U. 8 port* aame time laat year *?'* Stock at all interior town* ** Block at aH Interior town* same tint last yaar