The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 23, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 STILL A GOING INSTITUTION. nDI'ITHIAI. Milt To NK Mi min niu ho to i • • k*. Two lni|rtul Mr| Tnkcn (Ilkt-rmwal f HBbocrllwro • lIP nrrurnl lor H.-atnli.K ojirro- CioiiM With o * wilt Ml.( otid ■ t ........IMP. ol l-'l.r to Hr %n|.oiol rd to Iwirr % .1.11 M.. 1... I *..1.rr1|.- Iluua >r. dr.l to llol.r Total to tMHt— 4 11..1d..t lotrrr.t xhown and Drl.rml.Ml..n Wnllrlrd to t nrr) thr t • Trrailuatl'.u. Afl.-r r.maJtdiMl In a .-ti. rtatr Clurk'-K ttv ruritnrt. thr Suvkltnah Ind.i'- Uial luovrnixii “ niuirml ui ihr Mn rop.dMn HuSi lari nitfhl TJwrr w.i* jii,! . .rr of t.itrli.m* m. n ir. .. hi but tin- wnrd Inlt-rrat with vhl i ih. aut.j.r t wj ■ ail ihr .kt. rmlii. k>n mar ifrair.l to carry thr movotnant tu a ku. tmful ow.iui.l. 1 . . .■ t*t> hof.a* (ui tiff lucor. r.—Ui! Thorr 1.r.-rnl wrr. Col. J. II KMIII.; rapt Waller t. Toney, artlnic o r.i.*r>. <*aj.t. 11. nrv Mu,,. Mr B II Ir*v> Mi Niholwa lAtilt Mr. 8 Krm.h..rr Mr. I). I! Ir ter. ('apt John It Dillon Mr William Kehoe. Itev. John l> Jor.l.n, Mr laador. Collat. Mr < Kolniaii. Mr. M H., Mr W K Wimpy. Mr K M Oliver. Mr W .4. h. Mr M Drryfua. Mr I>. J Morrla.)ii. un.l Mr A W. Morr. houee The ehalrmau opene.l the ni.rtlntr with u brief review of the previous work of the, a *|,.ui.nt>ry of the preiaa.i -.1.1us of the oncanlaatlon. an.t Ittr Hat of thr totu! iuta. rlptlnn. r. i.orfr.l by thr ebolrniaft of the canvaeelntt rommltle.-. K n. likkklwortb .* *l5 <• W Kehoe - <*> Churl.. Mark* *.<*• 00 W. K Wimpy *' J C. F Fulton I.IS •> I Hrrmai. Myers ''•*> N Iktmt - 4.™.. i" I> 11. lr-:er -•'•"•"j A. 8. Nlehola s*loo 8. Kroti-k.rtf S.*T’. 1,1 j It. H. la . i I SflW < Idler a. tiubM ri>llon I.let i.C. ftl . Total ISO.GO Wl j \V ii 111 h on tlr Flection. The committees I .ujt -| !•> r. II Doricu and I*. A Stovall s* -aired no stab*, riptionn .tI that headed by Mr T H M Milan made no report Th- chairman stated that th#* ra*.v*w In* comniltt*-#* had not t-curl frs<*. th antonnt ?*(*♦• rifled in th* * onstltufl n and by-law* ul-pt.-d at on** of tin* early m**-t in*** as requlrut before any assessment* ahotild col I**’ted. A* there seemed to b * norpe doubt * to whether this amount could t*e hi urctl, the only feasible plan, he thought, was to return the list# to the chairmen of the canvassing commit te with Inst ruction* to see the subscriber*, and g' their consent t* a change m th* constitution l-> whl h SJ&.twu should •am* <1 ns th* minim im amount to Ih h* cure*! t>eforv c Meeting .iv“iomnt* ghoul I th*- subscriber* c n-• nt to thl** the a* social ion could be put on a working b.oln a* once This suggestion w* s discussed at *'m length, and with much earnestness l\ If* *r* B II Is* vy, \\ K Wimpy. I H l,ster, H Krou*k<ff F M Oliver. Capi llt-nry (Uun. Oacar Kulman. Isadorc <*ol- Jat and others Home of the speaker* favored the *ug> gcsilon f the * hairm m. other* urge*! that It would Ih* much better in .-very way t** jr'H * *<d to rah*' th** $24.0n0 •*> dltlonal n***'hi| to complete th** It was brought out **n ihe dlwusskn that only a rmtill iwrt of the city had b*en properly eanvsu*d. n*l that some of the | ii i *•-n '-anva ad. Mr Nicholas Uiik. with a t*rril*ry west of itariiard “*tr*-t-. o* upled almo** ( entirely by mtuill retailer* had *cure*l }4 JUU Mr Krouek*>ff had aaaired nearly $3,OtM) In a | nor territory, practically un uWled Mr 1* I> fleeter h.l obtain* 1 *! s. , .f*Jl* •outh f Anditwin **r**t. and Mr Wm. Kehoe. had oiitaii *■ In an eastern district The burin* ae districts had tieen only partially titvl one-tiair of Hay atxeel had not been toochoil at all Thl* brought on a dlacuiudon i*h to th* IsHt means of getting additional mib acriptlons Mr W K Wimpy moved shut the existing committee* Ih* discharg'd with thank?- and that five g*<d m**n who could reach th*- moneyed and !uafn*es i**o pu- and trlng the atibja*t h>n>- to thorn appolrn* I to raise the additional amount ncvled. Mr hvy ni\el to amend this by making th** c*xnmltt*e tw*nty-tlve. the chairman to <ll vM* the •umber Into aub-commit tee*. Mr Idea whs that in ewpeeial effort s ouUI be mad* to interest the real **siut and other larg* property *>wners by -howing tlwm that it was very much to th* r 1 i tcreet that additional tndustrlee should !e eetahltshe*! to furnish teiutnta for their houses and to occupy th** vacant on Bay afreet. After considersbi* the motion t appoint a ommltiee of flv* to rul un additional um of not lew thin t24.<>* wa* adopted The rh ilrmnii annouiwwl that h* would make the leltction after due consideration. A resolution by Mr Kidman uac de frtttd. owing to t misunderstanding tin It woukt ennui the effect of the previous notion. This misunderstanding w;i< cleared my. and th* vote reconsidered uhl th** resolution adopted ns follow* Heenlved. That the chairman return to the t'am andng Committee their respeellvt subscription 4|at with the request that they cell on the *tifTerent *ul*ecriher* and get their oociNcnt to agree that their aub •criptlona Ik* Mudinf. on a bualf of s2u.uu>. inetead of $60,000 After It wax explained that u failure by tlw committee to secure the *osent of ell tha lubMTihtit to the change to a reduced caidtal tuiulil not reh.iee these aubacriber* from their M itigation* In ease tlie association *hti.l g< ahead to secure out lea* than s.'■* 00<i of subscrip tion*. the v**o#utlnfi by Mr Kulnuir wu# unanimously adopted. The chairman stat ed hie Intention of cubing th** he.ids of the ronunittee* together, going over th* matter carefully with them, explaining the Importance of the desired change, and el wo urging u|hhi thtm the desirability of securing aldltbsvul *ul**orlptlon*. Tlkmk chairmen who had secured the largest subscription* expressed th* Ir rwi fldence that they would have no difficulty In securtfiK the consent of th* ir sub #< rib-r* to ths proposed chung*. There wan some further general die cusslon. led by Messrs. Oliver and Kuh m**n. showing the t*-nflth which might have accrued to ti>e city In th* way of siding men in diet reus had the ussolation been placed In |M**ltk>n to b* gin Its work last spring tnat*n! of woltlng until this fall, ft aa shown that even with a small capital much good might have been gcromf*lih**d. At Jo .ir* o'clock the meeting ajournel with a renewed confidence on the part of those present in the Indust rid movement, and a fuller determination to tarry It to •ucci-s*. A Utile Life traded. Emile Rihal. Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Janie* M. Conelly, died yesterday. The funeral will take place at lo go o'clock this mornltg from the family residence at Ninth snd Purroughs streets The Inter ment will be In lain re I Grove Cemetery. Itailroad Men Whose record depends on a good watch should Inspect Sternberg St Co.'s fine lines i of reliable gold aoJ silver time pieces.— I %■.>■:it h\\ nixtit itKPidiSflf. LlLea to lle fllaeuvalon. bat It I* the ••Uwi* tild 4 ry.” Abb rman Jam*-* M Ihxon wa* a-en yeaterday in rpf* rcu*ce to the Inters iw in y**ieriiy’i Morning New* with a web known attorney in which the latter strong ly oppus-J Mr. ldxon** plan for oien nf Harnard and Abercorn street* through th * • s<jjr*s “The hadimr of the article, *A frying Shame.’ struck tne at <>n* e,“ tepli* i the .ilderman 'll Is a lino t the m< l lan guag* u‘* I by a wll known cltlxen In an Interview I*uldished in the Morning News In ot*|Hji ti.iri to the Intention of Council to transfer tt control of ih- city |u trantiJ • ssati. ii *o the Marine llowp tai Service 11 wa not only de lared 'hal ; tie- pro|s*e*d mov Wd.- a trying shame, inn we w**r* - a rrendering out rights and privileges anl < x(lowing L* thtnger the I itv * - of our wive* and chldre.i. Never* theie- the t inefet was mud* and l-s I proven to i- •*! of th** l>< it ateps •vr i ' tak'-n h> th* Ity as well a* a saving <f . <>iH*iderabie expense to the city govern ment Tls earn** cry ls been raised In ** I of every Improvem* nt proposed In Savan nah in th* last twenty years It was , iaied when the city lagan (wiving th* i trc*-ts. arid raised again when tile rall- Img a remo\e*l from artMjnd Forsyth | l ark. It will always 1* raised wrhen- I• vt uny lmirovrns nt necessitating a * hang** n existing c*odltionw lw pro;o*ed i -i, • r\ jtidn is inherent lt th* natur* of tii- jH-j(di* of Havannah.*’ M*w* v*r. A.derman Dixon. "I am glil that tin Interview was printed, only I think the name of the gentleman * houtd hav H***n us* and. I atn glad to have I .*• movement <H u*fted. I ‘lo lt>t desire t iini**.-* on the (•**(i *f Savannah any thing •* which a majority of th#>*e aff*** t .and are *p|H*-**l If it *b*velofs that a mijorlty of th* Intelligent and thinking ItiKi.H of til* city ar<- o|>puaeJ to the change. then I will how gm •fully and withdraw my resolution 1 wj-ji it unch*rst*jod. h<w*ver. that I was *in uurK**l to Introiluce the resolution at th*- >nst *c •* *f ** numtwr of (*romlnent idxetis who regarded th* pro(w>***d -,.ifig- i . *l—.mtH** *Mi*- It n“t with mv i;Foval as It did with theirs, arid hen* - ** tio pro|owttlon to mak< the change" It is not altogether improbable th; t < hang* may tn- made in the pun prop*sei| i.) A!>i i man Dixon. Some of those, wno ivur opining tin* street* through the 'Hu they say. would not only Is ohjec ionabi* to the abutting i*ro(erty otvnerw, tart iiiconvtaiient to the general publi as well. M lltMil. t int Warrant *Utl**rM **f the I lr*t lint fallon W ill Wert. Orders were read at the meetings Ins; lught of the companies comprising th* First Itattaiion *f th*- First Infantry for a meeting of th** school of instruction for the non-commission**l olflcer* at ih<* H*g imental Armory to-morrow night. MaJ \V. Is. Grays*n requests that the line of fl era of the battalion, a* well as the cor jsirals und s*rg<*ants. attend the meet l bg I,lent Col J<*rdon F Hrooks, retire*!, has consented to take charge of the meet ing. and his instruction will le valuable Foth commlsslore*! and n n-< ommlsstoned < tflcer* were ?!**.>*#*d by MaJ Gravson's announcetnent that 00l lro**ks would at ir nd The school for Instruction for the non corns wli’ doubtless result In advantage tr the battalion Well eqtil((*ed sergeants and corporal* mak* a well equipped com maiHl When non-commlsslone<l oftP nr* re all that they should be. It may be taken for granted that their company wrl I le a* near perfection a* It can well at tain. is % |>A\<*KH4t * l*H %I‘TICE. % liter man llnn Will Investigate sorling *f %\ Hate Material. A Merman Haas proposes to Investlg li the use of the *4*l w arehouse nt th*- f< <* j of Whitaker street, where a fire occurred j Monday night, as a eoning place f r wash material. As chairman of the Fir* Committee of <Yitncli he regardw the prao itce as a dangerous one. lUrertor Galaden said yesterday that the place wti.H not used as a dumpn<i ground for g irtge. but that the w •si culleeted by the city's imp* r wagon from the business section was deliver***! there t the contractor, who sorts and dispose* of the entire amount, even the old (*ap**r at <1 straw Ih tug Ktled up and ahlp|ed i North. A u:t* % % OF fljoo. German \ *lwnteer I nderatami Money tin* Uses I .eft Them. The German Volunteers tire busy with a rumor that they have fallen heir to 11.000. Th* story goes that the Irgn. y his just com* to light. The lute Dominick ltrown. a SttVannahlsn who was a war veteran of the ***rmans. Is nald t* have left hla o'*l comiMny the money. The (iermoais were the nillltiiry escort when Mr Mrown was burled tn Duurei Grove ****metery. and some of the present mem ber* attended The report of the legacy •fT; srtll bt i.\• ig t. If true, th* romtany will find a use for It. mii i. rali.v ran Untilhsldc I lull In llntr n ItousluM llrrllDH 'l'll- It lltll t . The Routhskt. Admlnlstration Club will hold u meeting at tin- Armory Hall at Siooml and Whitaker streets Hon Kufux K. licstcr has Iwm Invited to be present, and In exprolwl to aiHrvn the mrvtliia Several oilier speaker* will le on hand The club will give Col. 1-estcr It* hearty Indorsements. a tel committee* will be t> |ilntid In nee that the full vote la cart at the national election, Nov 6 It I* also ut.dwrstood that resolutions of Interest to the taxpayer* of the Bouthslde Will be introduced A M W rOLITICU tu n. North Knd of First District Organ ised l.nal Maht. The North find Political Club of thr first district was organised last night at ihe oflli" of Jiiatlee Hlchard Wickham The following Officer* were elected: June* Mrtiulre. pre*ldent; Jacob Welser. vice president; Palmer Kirkland, secretary. Justice Wickham was indorsed for re-elec. Uon. The club decided to meet at th< I same place at 8 o'clock every Monday ' night. Illeyele muished and Itlder llrnlaed. I>. W. Mouldon. a colored messenger of the Western I'nlon, while riding a bicycle south on Hull street yesterday afternoon, about : S> o'clock. was run into near the post other by a buggy driven by Mr L. Oarmany. The bicycle was badly smash ed and the rider considerably brulaed. The horseman nut not arrested nt the j time of the a'• l.ter.t but Mouldon will to -1 .lay prefer charges against him at the ' City Exchange for recklee* driving ■ i Saratoga come* to town at Solomon* Drug Store, Bull and Charlton streM*. You will now Snd the reiebral and Sara- I toga Water* Araniack nd Catharta on . draught In their natural Hat*. Ail you l pan drink tor 4 cent*.—ad THE MORNING NEWS; TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1900. GUESTS OF THE SEABOARD. I'ROXHRKT II %NK Fit ** OF THE NORTH IN THE 4 IT% TfbOAV. Preside tit Joint Skelton William** 4 ompllaaient* ll*#ller*i *f fierarltlea of the Seaboard With p Trip by Special Tralu Oxer the System. I*nrly Arrlxrd l.aal Mgbi From Montgomery—Will Hate n Trip on the It i% er ThU Morning and In. ■ le*t ihe Seaboard Terminal*— % hrlre to H**na*rnturr and thr % ncht Club, mill l.uni-lirun at the Or Nota on the I'rograwMe-OI This Afternoon for JorWmini llle. Many millions of * apital ar* represented in the aggrwate by a iarty of bankers from th** Northern *r**l Middle Atlantic Htates who will spend to-day in lnp*- t- Ing the H. aboard Air line property it Ha istinah The gentleman arrive*! la.*t nigh: l*y special train over the K a4x>ard from Montgomery and were driven t > th- D- Koto. Follow ing are the members of the party and the banking firms they repr#*. sent; John Hcott, Etdenburg. Thalmanr. A Cos.; Ilarry Fahnestock. D FahH**to*’k A Cos . C B Iloblitz**!. Cahn. lfol;itaei A t'o . A II H Pu.-t. Mercantile Trust Cos ; W It It. Taylor. Robert Taylor A- Cos James K. Farrell. Frank lion* uhurg A Cos.. Talbot D rtmlth. Clinton I* Paine A Cos Frank T Redwood. Ij*>wnl*> A Red wood, John ft**lWootl, John Redwood A Bon; William He*iw *od. Jam* s M Thomp- A Cos . Tos*i<l Bcott, T Hcott A H*nv E V. Austin. E V Austin A Cos.. K II Thompson. K 11. Thm-on A Cos. James I Fisher. It D Fisher A Hon. C I. Dunn. C. I. Dunn A c* . Wilson t'la baugh, A T Clabaugh. H ti Armstead. H ti Armstead A Son. W H Bak r. Jr . Bik**r. Walls A Cos ; William B Oliver. Mlddendorf. Oliver A Cos. aqd ll A. Or r. k. II A t >rri* k A Cos Mr H* *>tt Is in charge *>f the party 11 was formerly president of th** Cincinnati Southern, now a portion of the Southern Railway, and is connected with M* s Dxbnburg Thalmann and Cos., of New York as expert upon se< uritb ■- The fl in. of all the gentlem**n are Interested In B*a inMrd Air Une securities. .r l the (rip over the system Is a compliment to them from President John Skelton William.* 1 , who desired that they might see f*n th*m selves the excellent prop* rt) This mori lng at 9 o’clock th* nt>in*n will take a lug that hu* t*een secured tor m trip on the river for a vb-w **f the .<hlj- j ping A stop will be m.ub- at th He boarl Air Bin* iermiiuls *n Hutchinson’s Island, and the gentlemen will be given an opportunity to s**# with w i th comi>.iny has wrug it In it effort to handle a iar' of Savannah** exiwi un J lm|*ort trad*- After the inspection of the terminals the party will In* driven to Bonaventure nut tne -Savannah Yacht Clu • After a brief ‘•top they will return to the !• Soto, where luncheon will be served. It Is expected that they Will leave t 2 o'clock city time, by special train over the Seaboard for Jacksonville The party may g* a** far south .*e Tampa Bupt. Cecil GabbeSt me? the Incoming special last night lie will act as host while the hanker* are in the city. in*l will accompany them to Jacksonville. X lilt XII \ M *IIEFTXI.Is DEAD. \\ t n VVrll-hniinn *iia nniinliiiiii ni tl IdTiaxea Minn HelMtlxeN. Mr Abraham fiheftall #it#*d y#**t#*rlHN mornina *f conxefitltm of the llv#t. at hiff realden.e. N 121* (*or#lon street, went Hli* death va unexpected and. ther#‘fore. a greater shock lo relatives and fri#*n#ls The funeral will b#- he!#l this afternoon at the hit#* reabtence. Rev. John D. Jor dan. jHtor of th* FI rat I i.i | t lf*t Church. offliatmg The Interment will Ik In Daurel Grove cemetery. Mr. Shcftwll was a well-known Kavon nahUn. and Ihe nam# has been lorne by prominent dtlxens sin**- th* early days of th#* colony, Dr doiomon Bheftali. tti#- *r*#' grandfather of th* <le# eaaerl, hav ing le#*n among thoae who l#in<io>i with b*n. Jam*** Oglethorpe The de# rased was i**rn in 1K32. U*lng €7 years and ten ntoiilhs old. For many years Mr Sheftail was in businew in Bavwnnah. lie was also well known formerly as a truck grower, and for n time was In * barge of th** Ogeechee canal. Ten children remain, eight son-# anl two daugbtern. They ar#* M -airs Abra ham Hheftrtll r II Hbrrtall D F Shef tall. ft#.lomn Hhaftall. Samuel Bheftall. ll Hhcftall. U F Sheftall and E T dheftall and Mix* Virginia Ilowene und Mrs. Dr. Elia Shef tall nmriM h mi ixu t . c. iiii.l People'* Mn % Ingii and I.n> t ompnnx A Imhi t t# Korerlme >lriu##ue. In the Bu|**nor Court y#wtnlay auit was filed by the People’s Savings and Ijoan Co*njany to foreclose a ntoitgag** against C Clifford llill. Intlftvldually and as Ihe vuitunit guardian of his three minor children. The company alleges In its petition ihit the defsndunts are intlrbfed lo it In the sum of |3.OlfcDS® The tnd#*bte in*ss aroe through advancements mad# by the plain tiff for the Improvement of certain prop erty. iM-lotunng originally to Mrs 11 111, which by her will was given to her hus band for the term of hts natural life and to their three children In remainder. The property was unproilii-tiv#* and an oixi**c of court was obtained authonxing Hill to borrow money fr th#- purpNH' of adding improvementa. This course w.* followed und the improvements w< r* made Home part of the several advances rrnide by the plaintiff tn the landing suit have teen re|#aUl. but there imtlns ac cording to Its contention, n UiUncc f For this amount suit Is now hrougnt and the court asged to dliect that the verdict rendered lie made a apec :l lien against the pro|a rty by which the loan Is secured Hill, It will be remembered. Is the ex keeper of !*aurel Grove Ometary. who re cently left Savannah for i*arta unknown It is exceedingly unfortunate that ihe lit tle property of his children should be lost through his Indb*-rations POLICE IIALL TICKET* READY. A Gold Medal lo He Glxen to the IVr •on Selling the Grentrat Nnmbcr. Tickets for the tall of the Foltce Be nevolent Association, which will take place at Ihe Guards’ Hall Thank-gtvlng Eve. were received and distributed yesl*r day. The committee of arrangements has decided to offer o gold io the per son who well* the greatest number of tickets. The contest for this prise Is likely to be quite clos** and exciting The committee baa been en.arged. and I- now as follows: Detective Julius Hrk. chair, man. Detective J J Murphy, Bergta. Rowell and Mutt, and Patrolmen CYotby. Donohue. Cm bach. Lange. Wall Farrell. Harper. Rauxir., Broom. Fender and Har per Cook e Imperial Extra Dry Champagne ia the wine for Americana. Its purity and bouquet commend it to idem —ad. fix ARK IKIIIIIA TO-Mt.IT. •lon Loral 1100-110 XX 111 Reaelxe the i kief of fits Order. Mr William B Stillwell, the Concate nated order of Hoo-Hoo’s snark of the umvers* will arrive in Savannah to-night over the Georgia and Ala*srna.’ He Is returning from the grand concatenation of the organisation at Daila where he wm el* ted to the high- *t office in Its gift Arrangements have been begun for the entertainment ol Mr HtlUw .1. his broth er members in Hoo-Hoo In Havfiftnah be ing detiirous of snowing their Joy and satisfa Ron In hie elevation to the high honor of suark of the universe. It Is with no lit lie jrUJ* that they consld-T trial on*- *f th4r own number, a Ha van i.uhlan, well known among them for h!* loyalty to Hoo-H*k>. wms chosen to till • lofty find re-ponsible m plac*-. <tnl a*l will unite in th* determination to lo hon or to him wrho has <kne honir to them by having o<M*-mbled 1100-llooe from ail over the country agree upon him tie the man rivnit eminently fitted for th*- snarkshlp. Mr. H. W I'altner Is chairman of a committee of tiosen or e> prominent Ha \annah Ho*-||oo.* that will receive Mr. Sthiwell, iroing ?o the <|e(ot for that pur •“• *• Tti* returning -nark will l- given • |***rfer| ovnßon. and It will be male I* ar to h!n that his brother** rejoice in • Savanntthian being at th** Lead of the order. It was thought possible that the enter tainment committee, of which Mr. Jarne** M Dixon Im chairman, might take Mr Htlllwed In han) to-night for the smok* r Dial has been arranged to lake pla* e in th*- Utnquet hali of the De Soto, but this wus regaided as In* x|N-.]|eht as the trav eler *j;| i*. tliei aid worn after his jour ne>. and th* JwHir of his arrival, too. wl.l rather late It was agreed. Instead, to ha\ rh- smoker to-morrow nigh', begin ning t 8 oclo*k. Th.* Hoo-Hoo* xylll then make merry, and the new -nark of ihe universe- will be the toist of the even- i ing The entertainment In honor of Mr Stillwell w i | rv/i -tf> with th** smoker. s Savannah 11 o-Hoos are determined that h* -hall be honored even more Arrange- Hunts ar*- b* ,ng made for banquet at , the I>* H<#tv *lurlng the Elks* t’urnlval. when it js •xp -< ted there will be many v Ist Ing Ifoo-Hotw in th* city Mr Htlll well is known by all th#- m mliers In • •orgtu, and It will b- a plea-ure to tho • who iiMiy attend the carnival to join with the local Ho-||ooe In the banquet. 1 FOR PARK %%ORK. M*re Honey Xeeded by Park mul Tre* t'oinmlssion. Commissioner C. S Kills of tha Park and Tro- fXjmmlsslon. with special charge of Forsyth Park and the aqua res In Uul street, is just now n-aflxlng the need for additional funds with which to maintain the beauty of the#* grounds. Wht e the need of funds is fGi. it Is nevertheless true that t’apt Bills has aornplDhcl mu. h In maintaining the park and thnt squares by the Judicious expenditure of the fund appointed to him The car* which has been given Forsyth Park hue attracted attention, and Its g-n appearance has been favorably com mented upon by visitors. The fo re al lowed to k*-x, up the park Is linut-d to thr*. or four men. bureiy sufficient *n vl**w of th* large urr*Hint of work to be g th* sin roundings In proper condition. This is the season when it is particularly desired io have the pirk at its l*est for the reason it is about ihe first place sought by vlsl.ors and If a desirable impression ts to be made upon them the park must Is* In perfect dres*. ‘This Is the time when bulbs shouui be -ei out for fall effect." raid Commission er Ellis, "but 1 fear this cannot be done for the reason the funds are not available. With the necessary appropriation the pleasure grounds around Savannah could lw* made equal to any in the country, •** we posse** the natural advantages to b*gln with. For ii city the size of Sa vannah I consider the sum needed for present use in the park and the Bull street squares nominal " During the ysist few years Capt Ellis has traveled extensively in the North and has naturally taken accurate note of the progress b*dng made there in th** cul -11 vat ion un*l m*intenun> e of publi’ pleas ure grounds. In this way he has acquired liras of gr.-at value, ami which could be carried out easily at n cost within the limit won! I be appropriated bis de partment were the city to appropriate to the commission ihe amount it akcd wh<n the present bmlg- 1 was arrange 1. HE I* PBRKKtTL! fiOLVEXT. XII Xlr. XX lanpy Xka of Ilia t mlltnri la m u Extenln *f Time. Fifteen suits on notes and open ac ' aunt**, aggregating übout SB,OBO, were f‘.lel in the City Court yesterrkiy. against Mr. W K Wimpy by that number of Northern creditors. It is stated that Mr Wimpy is perfectly solvent and confident ly predb ted that an agreement, looking to an extension of time, will le reached between hi creditors and himself. The Milts vary In amount from 1125 to Si •■*. and were filed by Messrs. O’Connor, o* Byrne A Hart ridge, G. W owena an*! Osborne A 1-awrence, representing the rwlitors. Th* notes an*l often n*-.*ounts ! ’‘tie*! on are not oid, all of tb*m bearing •Hite after April 1. *\ meeting of Mr. Wlmpy'a creditors has s*ei call***! for next Morality afternoon. •nd a circular letter has been out, apprising them of the stile of his affairs, and asking an extension of time The meeting Will be held m the offices of Mr Emil** N* wman. who is Mr. Wimpy’s legal adviser. Mr Newman sab! last night that he had no doubt whatever that hlw client would be able to reach n satisfactory *igret-m**nt wrlth his creditors, and that the extension of time he asked would In* readily granted Mr Wimpy’s books show, miM Mr Newman, that hts **we:s. in dock and |erfectly good accounts, amount to more than 142.000. while ull that he **ws for a stj* k and to the banks will not greatly exceed> Thee* facts can - aslly Is* tmi*b- apparent to the enditors >n*i Mr Newman Is assured that they will tlo what Is reasonable and proper. The letter stattw that the dull season has compelled Mr Wimpy to ask of hts • red Hors un extension of tlm**, as he Is not In a position to meet bis maturing ob ligations at present. He feels, however, that, with an extension, payment lri full | is certain. rnoDiTTi ok Tim I'linr.. Karniiron < n|illlli. Anialrlns Dnln (or n (•rlory. Kiir.>i>in mpHaliMii wont to rdabll.h a Krrai lani for thr manufacture of pro iluot* of main and turpentine at B.ivan rah They have a local reprearntatlve In the field aeeurlnß data for them, and It I. raid Ihe indication* are that thr olant tv.ll br eatabllhrd. Detallr of tho project could not be re cured The Informwllon could not be dm Cedited, however. becau*e of Its beinir Indefinite. the V'ntleman who men tioned the matler aald he had not h4rd further parttculara and had promised not b. reveal the name of the capualUta' rep. re.entatlve, who had approached him with a view of learning wmt of the data of which ha waa In aearch. Enough waa aacertalned in the conver l aailon. though, to prove that the enter i prlae 1* to br one of great ecop* It la raid ■ that more labor will ba required than la l employed now by any On. manufacturing tenant la the city. THE ARMY REGIME A FAILURE. IIU ItVt t heMTAHV OOtIDITIOh DIE TU IIUI tIttAUKtIDM. Ii nnieer llrunuer C rltlrlaea the ( on duet of Maultarr tUttlri t lln , ann l thr Arm.—irmy itltlcer. t’leerd 111 C'hnrne of the Worle lariperlearrtl mo#l Inenmpetent, ttllh l.eaa tlllterlal to l eed I poll Tlmn In l-’ormrr Iran There l( Mure 1 ellot. I'—-ome of **nr geon Major Dn.ia’ Vn*nrlea—The blrrlriouar llaprrlnient n (’allure. The military raperta of 8-ivaniaih re gard Ihe prea.'tit una.illafactory ranltary condition of Havana, with tta prevailing epidemic of yellow aa due entirely (o the mlamanagement of the arm>. w-hlch ha, undertaken to dlrtct everything in that city, n* well aa elaew here In Cuba. Including aanliary mattera Tho mortuary record for September shown il9 death* In Havana, of Which 42 are aßcnbed to yellow fever, and a total of 3 to fevera of all forma Thla makes a very bad record, eapecially after the amount of money i*nt In aanliary Im provement* la considered The high death rate la alo remarkable In view of the f.t that there 1* leaa material there now for yellow fever to work upon than In former year*. Dr. Wm F. ltrunner. Savannah’* health officer and formerly quarantine officer of Havana, expreaetd hi* view* very plainly when ,eet. by a Morning News reporter yesterday. “The condition of affair* l due to the lack of knowledge on the part of th- I’nited State* army officer* to handle uny MTioua sanitary problem." aald Itr. Brun ner The ainiple truth la thal the peotile in charge do not understand their bual neaa. They have not had the practical ex l—rlence to lit Ihemselvea for *uch work Ttt,- management ol the aanltary di-ptrt ment under Ocn. I.udlow waa ha>l enough, and It has evidently not Improved any un der <Jen Wood. The latter aeein- to be (tKleavoting to put In practice the ann measure* with whlrh tn succeeded in put ting an end to Ihe fever in Santiago, that I*, by simply elearlng the city of Its non Immune population Thla will hardly prov. successful in a large commercial city Ilk,- Havana. The amount of fever prevailing at thla time la .111 the more remarkable." sai l Dr. Brunner, "beewuae of the fact that the amount of non-immune material for It to work upon la much baa than In former years The I’nlled St-itt, trtstpa are quartered outside of the city to les sen the risk from fever Dialer th- Spanish regime there waa .1 constant shifting hack and forth from the home (-ountry of troop* which were chaugta! every four year*, many of which wen quartered In tlve oily, thus affording fresh supplies of material for the fever to work upon Thousands of Spanish merchants, traders, clerks and lalarrera were constantly coming out from Spain Very little of the real work of the city was done by the Outoins. the stevedore* anil dock laliorers coming from SiM’.n This steady How of Immigration afforded constant fresh supplee of material for the yellow scourge to prey upon an.l in the naturally un sanitary condition of the cliy the fever flourished .1* a matter of course. "It was to be cxpecied." Dr. Brunner said, "with Ik hualneaalike and intelligent administration of affura by American*, and the application of the most approved sanitary and scientific methods, that thr ravages of ihe fever would have been greatly reduced parllcularly In view of the fact that Ihe supply of victims, ow ing to changed conditions, has been great ly reduced Such results have not been readied. After two years of American i-ontrol the condition* tip|>ear to be as bad as ever, and the sway of the yellow ycourge continues "The trouble with the government of fi.’lals In charge." sal.l Dr Brunner, "Is that they undertook to conduct th** sani tary affairs of Havana us If (hey were ilealing with Boston or some other North ern cl*les Th men In charge, were without knowledge of local or climatic condition and the proper methods of deal ing with these rondlttons, ami they have seemed little disposed to learn. Tne |K>or resuks are not surprising." The chief sanitary officer under Hen. I.udlow. was a Major Davis, a railroad doctor, from Chicago, and aimolnb-d at the Instance of Senator Cu.kun of I tti - not*. Hr. Brunn.r was thin quarantine Inspector of the port, and he was sur prised to find that the new sanitary chief seemed devoid of even the most element ary know.eilge of waultary methods. His ffme<( for the poxliton was iiased upon the fail thal he had once live,! In Tennes see at the time of the yellow fever epl ib-mlc, at Memphis, in IS7K. an.l the knowledge thua gained w.i> su|.|’.s3,l 10 qualify him for the position of- hlaf san itary officer of a tropical city. One of the tlrst moves of the new san itarian was to order all the cows removed without the city limits. As the Cubans re gard the cow with almost as much favor as do Ihe Irish the order raised n gnat howl. It was never enforced anil It was c'harged thal the dairymen hod raised a gratuity and put It where B would do the most good. The matter create,! quite a sensation. It was never shown, however, that any of the money reached Major Du vis and as General I.udlow stood by him In the matter nothing came of the charge*. One of Maj Davis' favorite schemes was I an electroione plant by which sea water iwas to lie treated with electricity and j through the sltcorlysls thus Induced was I to In- converted Into electroione. which was to be used In washing down the walls jof house* and Infected places generally. ! Electroione was to be the great agent by which yellow fever was to be driven from ' It* lair. Th- plant was completed at a i cost of ISO.OfiC to the government, ami the manufacture of electroione begun There was also a royalty of *0 much per gallon to the patentee .# the electroione system It U evident that electroione has failed to accomplish Ihe groat things expected of It A private letter received by Dr. Brunner from a friend In Havana says that they are having a lively time with yellow fever, and that the "electroione did not quite do the business " The Marine Hospital Service ha* a rep resentative al Havana, but he seems lo • lie without the authority to exercise an ' intelligent supervision of the city's sani tary arrangement* or to take effective measures against the disease. Al any rate the army regime has proved a failure from a sanitary standpoint, ami H.uma Is as much a danger spjt to the Soutn. in ports as It ever was. The epidemic at Havana does not threat en Savannah, particularly at thla season. Very few vessels reach this tjrt hy way of Havana, and In all such cases a thor ough quarantine Is enforced Bvrry Movement Hurts When you have rheumatism. Muscles feel stiff and sore ami Joints are painful ! does not |My to suffer long from this dis ease when It may be cure,! ,0 promptly and perfectly by Hood's 8 irsaparhla This medicine goes right to the a.mi neutraltxes the acidity of the blool. which •auses rheum*l lorn and puts an end to the pain and stiffne** Biliousness ts cured by Hood's P|||*. a. -ad. Handsomest Eire* of An* cut (iaasware In Savannah at Btsrnber* A Co.'a —*d A Hlgh-Orade Institution for Ladles Shorter College, Rome, Us. Write for catalogue.—ad. MV nis Ah EM'dl'lKl COTVirT. Man Arrested A rslerdai llenrs Mm k* of Usnsrlss and AVouud*. A man of many aliases, who, according to his report, also halls from sundry ports, was run In early yesterday morning by Patrolman T. C. Murphy. The man Is ginger colored negro, 6 feet I Inch high, in and In addition <0 manacle marks on his limbs, hear*, also, the scar* of numerous wounds He has been hanging around ihe southern part of the city for sever ii nights. Officer Murphy has questioned him more than once us to hM name und business, and each tlm" was told a differ ent story At times Ihe man sukl that hi* ihuts' was Bill Smith. BUI Mure, and Bill Black, und that he came from Char lotte t'olumhtu and New York Early yesterday morning the man of the many aliases was fohnd asleep In a iar of the Buvannah, Florida and West ern yard, and wus sent to the iwrruck* Then the marks of the manacles and wound* were discovered. The mnn aitmlt tej (hat he had been on the chain-gang in Charlotte, and said that the scar* on hln (silly laid been made by a brother, with wnom he had noil a difficulty. The l<ohce uuthortste* are of the opinion that In- belongs to some gang nearer this city, and that he was wounded when he mad* his At present the only charge against him is vagrancy. C’*lT. ( IB THE OM.V UAE. >0 Other Legislator From savannah Bus Bone to Atlanta let. Senatar-elect J Ferris f'unn waa the only member of the Chatham county legis lative delegation who left for Atlanta laat night. Represent allves-elet Harden, Wells and Hitch will leave to-night. Capt. Cann was accompanied on the irlp to Atlanta by Hon F G. dußlgnon. Solictor General W. IV. Osborne. Sheriff Thomas J. Sweeny ami Mr Samuel Rey nold*. all lights of greater or less magni tude In the local political flrmam nt. With one accord, however, they all dls d uined political Intention* aid oeit and thal their trip to the Cuidtil CBy was without [ulltlcal etgnficance. (’apt. Cann said lha< h- had not tieen asked 10 introduce a single local bill hnd not seen one In Its completed form c ul I not say exactly w hat any one of them was Intended to accomplish and was not In a position to tell what h<- would do He was waiting for further light before he made up hts mind other membet* of the dele gation seem to be of the same way of thinking; certainly they are of the .“am* way of talking. Itev. Utt*i*|*j(i Anthony Off to Atlanta. Rev Bascom 'Anthony, pa*tor of Trin ity Church, will leave for Atlanta to night He will go to attend .1 meeting of the Niard of directors of the Wesleyan Advoi ate the state organ of Methmlhun. which will elect editor* nt\ l decide on the policy of the piper for the next yer. The Missing gIU.(MH). The New- York Sunday Journal of Oct 21. contains a complete novel from the pen of u Havannah lady, entitled "The Mystery Of a Ten Thousand Dollar Pack age of Money." Mailed to any address for ten cent* l-'or “tie at Katlll's News De pot. No. 15 Bui! street. Savannah. Ga —ad. stud. While Inu Work. Through one of the ten free scholarship* In The International Correspondence Schools of Bcr*nton. |\.. which the Mo n- Ing News will present to you If you secure one of the ten largest numbeia of vo|* hy Nov. 2*l. IPV>. you can keep on aiming a living at your present work and at the somn time by study at home In time usually devoted to recreation or real, fit yourself for a professional position at a good salary. Y’cu can easily become one of the win ners of this conleat. by devoting your at tention lo collecting Voting Coup ns and keeping at It No one has a better chance than you. Get every vole you can. and have all your friends s ive theirs for you. (PV.H7 Round trip to Atlanfn via < entrul of Georgia Hallway, Ar. count of the Southern Interofate Fair. Tickets on *ale Oct. S to 27. Inclusive; final return limit Oct. 30. 19no. Double dally through train*, sl-eplng cars by night, parlor cars by day. Ticket Office 107 Bull street und Central Passenger Station —ud. 11l Per. Cent Dlaeonnt. Sternberg A Cos. will at any time re deem diamond? sold hy them at ten per cent, discount on purchase price —ad. School Supplies. Just received a large and assorted sup ply of school bar* and school supplies; all al cut rate*; from 10 cents up; also, usual large stock of all th*‘ school book-, now used in ('halhutn county, at Esillls News Depot, (5 Bull street. Buvannuh. Us —ad. ••It Cored Me.” "Oraybeard broke up rheumatism on me." say* Mr Cha* Thomas, the Jew eler on Whitaker afreet. "And put me In betsrr health than 1 have enjoyed In e long time." Take Greybeard Pills for that dlxxy feeling—Lost appetite, and follow It up with a bottle of Greybeard. It Is all you need. Respeas Drug Cos., sole props., Savannah. Ga.—ad. Sell Year Old Gold. Ornament* to Sternberg A Cos. for cash, or In exchange for new goods —ad. A Bcltemns Smoke. Th* Herbert Bpenrer Is an elegant cigar and is truly e delightful enjoyment to Innate the fume* of thla fine tobacco; II ts evhilarallng and delicious. He* that tho name of Herbert Spencer la on every wrapper of every cigar, with out which none are genuine. The Herbert Spencer cigars are only sold by the box of CO Conchas at (340, and Perfei (os. tl SO at IJppman Bros., whole sale druggists. Barnard and Casagresa streets, of this city —ad. ■'Grgvbegrd I* g family medicine with as,” sgtd a prominent bualnes, man yes terday "My wile takes B, and I notlcs #n. la enjoying be>ter health than (or year* Tha children keep well by laklag tt." Oraytxard may be obtained at all drug store# or writ# to us for It. Hespeaa Drug CO. sole props., nah, Ga. -ad. The llrlde We* IMenard AVhen she saw so many pieces of Stern berg A Cos * fine cut glassware among Ihe wedding present*.—*.l Wonder* W ill Aever Cease. 1-lppman Brothers, wholesale druggist*. I.lpi mun bltck of this city, are giving away free, a splendid regulator clock nearly 3 feet high, with calendar attach ment. “Io three doten kompie bot tles of Ltppmar.'s liver pm,, f r „ to the purchaser of three d o *: o Lip; man • chl.i and fever tenc. This c -It brated and renowned chill tonic i* •old with a positive guarantee. "No cure, no pay." end th# price and site Is the same as other standard chill tonics This great eapenw Is undergone simply to Introduce Llpi man's chill and fevsr tosilc the beat In th* world -ad. cool weither Specioiiies LAP ROBES, Horse Blankets, Horse Hoods, Rain Covers, Storm Aprons. Congress and Whitaker Sts. LEO FRANK. Hogan’s The crowning Dry Goods Event of the Season. For IhlM xx rrl* wi* nrc I of I'rlrr* In t*x**r> department. I >r •he xxnnt nf #*|in‘- xxe xxlll quote n. I> a fr xx, xx taloh xx 11l he A FEAST FOR THE SHOPPER. lIsKS. ni< k Taffpli. a beaut, for It* Ffcncy Hilkff for waixu. •omeihlnx * 39r yard. I)HKM GOOD*. All Wool Henri* tta*. new shfide.* 25 29#\ 25c. *r. New line of Novelty Bulling In n.i i effects. Sc. 40v\ .MV. (•It XXITE *1 ITlXt.xi. Eight new nhaden a# 25c. Hlack Cheviot ibTKe, a;>onxed m | shrunk, ut ttk\ A vialt lo our Cloak an-l IDadv n.) Departm# nt will satisfy the nio ( #.j louff fllk Walfft paiferns for 12.75: worth *■ ■ All colon* In Tuffet.i 75a’ and s*' . Homeapun Suiting, all wool. 54 i, T4>a*. worth K*\ Grey Flannel, ull wo.|. 25e; do. width, worth .l&i Enxllffh Htorm K**rxc. F lnch. sv. IjaJicff* Cloth, *xtru wide. S. Our <’tri>#'iff and Mattlngff have e n electe<l with the xre.itefft of ar- v h l>rt*eff to mu It th* tlme.- Noveltlea in Tapestry Table Cover- ! Portlerea at popular prlct - Qrent t*arK>iin in Iguce Curtain*. Daniel Hogan, The corner Rrmjjrhton and Barnard •. Ca runpirlr) Floors. have lH**n laid In many of j the comfortable home# in New' York. lloHjon and other ltifH More clwanly ; and economical than car-1 l*eta. Plain an*l fancy | floor* laid and pollshs-li complete over o!l floor*, ■miking .) solid and beau tiful improvement. Cat-j ulogue on request. Es-i # of measures of rKni!* Having a number of floors | to lay In Savannah this* j month we can quote close figures. J Mi ADAMS. 227 N (fborles Street. Baltimore. Ml. tea VS r) This is the Trade Mark of the Best Builders Hard ware : that made by the Yale&Towne Mfg. Cos. Those who contemplate building should send for our artistic brochure "Artist and Artnan:" free. H.H. PEEPLES & SONS, 125 CONGRESS ST.. WEST. ORANGES. Headquarters for FINE FLORIDA ORANGE* FRL'ITS AND VEGETABLES of •-* kind,. SEED RTE. SEED OATW hat. grain, feed. rL ° l CHEESE. BEANB. Pea*. R*e s,rJ * ' w. D. Sim kins &