The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 23, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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The Quakers Are Honest People. Til* Quakei Herl t Tofik la not only a Motel purltler, but a blood malar for Pal*. W.ak and D bllltat*d (Mopia who hov* not elrength nor blood It arta aa a tonic. *t rrgulataa dlcrMlon. cure* dve pepela and lend* ttrrnrth and too* to the ncrvoita *vtem . TowJl In# for weak women. It I* a vegetable medlctn* and can be by the ro#t delicate Kidney Die . RhrumatWß and all dleeaaee of >h. .. 1. Siomach and nerve. a.->n auccunr 11, wonderful effect* upon the human tern Thou'and* of people In CJor*l* umntnd It. Price $l.OO. V ,a:n PAIN BALM l* the m-dlctr# , „i the Quaker Doctor made all of nle , rful a dek cure* with. It'* a ic e , i wonderful medlctna for Neuralgia . , he. Backacha. Rheumailtnc b „ir* Pain In Bowel*, tn fact, all twin n k trod by It. TW* 26c and soc wl u WHITE WONDER SOAP, a BicUl a r u eoap for the uiu. acalp and com, rllf Price 100 a cake QI'AKER HEALING HALVE. a vo*- tal l. ntmr-nt for tba cura of tetter, re aema and t ruptloao of the akin. Plica 10k m bo*. _ POP PAI.E BT ALL DRUCKIIBTS. GREETED BY CROWDS. ( ..nttmicd from First Page) Mi i:r> n then quoted Gov.- Rooievelt as writing*. ■ Ti • men who object to what they ty ]** by Injunction' nt> JH the osswnttal prtvkfplar In haarty wnpaiby with thair remote skhi’lad un* .. plvth * iio lived In oavta. fought one trw>‘her *uh stone axe*. and tc the mam* jtKth and woolly rhlnucrrw " iVmmixfcig on ttiU Mr Bryan said f %% int u> ask you whether you expect any relief from government by Injunction fr.em people, who nay that any man wh.> ..|.oueo- irnvrrninHit by Injunction ought it f.-*i with !.• woolly rhli Tit* Democratic party In opposed to gov -r •uncut by Injunction. Th*- Dfmor.Hi. hell rt that tbt right of n fury a sacred thing, and that if you in give It to the meanest thief anil slackest murderer, you ought to give M • • it lettering nien u* well.” Question* Well liiMfrrril. Mr Bryan spoke )<>q congregation com largely of coal miner* at the lltt’e mountain town of Sewell. Me told the Ht>|le th*r* thnt the Dimocratfc i>.r• \ >-tood for th* arbitration of labor illuptitrn • r| for n represent** flv*- of the lat*r*r In t-r* st* in the cabinet of th** When pome ude In the crow*l a*k*d him what h would cU> for th* old soldier* If lgcted. lu replied hi would appoint •mini -doner of pension* who would l* inqri- satisfactory to the soldiers than ih* i*r* Kent one. After th** train started t* move In leav ing Howell. man In the outskirts of the • rowd. apparently very much In eameat. i* mantled *o know about Mr Urynn' at* \it tale toward the ratification of th* l*arls j < tee treaty. Mr. Bryan had the train topp'd and made u full explanation of hi* action und |oaltlon In thnt matter. \v tier this explanation hail boon conclud * the ? m man asked *l>out the expen . i-are of m< In procuring those tsl . i Is T.. this Inquiry Mr Bryan replied If you hul read an article that 1 wrote * it month before the treaty was | i-ij, ynu iyih!l< 1 have wk*h that we * 11 have got It back from the Filipino* 1 return for Independence, but if you did . | would rather consider It n contri- I .lion to llbrety than as part payment . men and their lands.” When Mr. Bryun concluded hi* reply bia interrogator pushed hh* way through the rowd. and coming up to the car I .Itform, offered his hand to the preslden ,il . jndid.itw saving T thought I had a right a* an Amcr -1 n citlxen to ask that question.” Mr Bryan *akl In rfsponw You certainly did have, and I um glad you asked It." The que*tion4-r Joluhl in the cheer* iv.uch rent Mr Bryan ot hi* way. 4;otng to MnrdNiul. The mating at Hinton war the last • the day. and when It ronclu*lt*d. Mr l "van left for Washington, en route for Maryland, to which state he will devote k morrow Minton l* the h<>m* of State Chairman Miller, and the meeting here wan in all r< '.er-t* on* of the lent of the (bay. Mr l'rvan made n general ipwrh at thl* Kiint. A h-n scmifonc Hiked him about th* f • K*lty for a l.irg* army in thl** conn • he sal*l that if the Democratic plans ’ th* settlmnent of dlstmt*-** by arbltr.i -’ f*ir doing away with th** bla kllst f*t.- abolishment of government by In ■ t ’ion c*uld Is* ;>ut Into execution, there • ■id t no neceaalty for a large army. • •* * row*l H Hinton w is not large, but notally l**m**nstntlvc. There wen ' umlior **f shouts for M< Kinley at th* i*vdmdng of tho meeting. Itr*nn to apeak In Chicago. • • jiao. Oct. Ti —lt m announced at • rule county headquarter* to-day ‘ • Thursday. Frblay an*l |>osi*lbly Alt ''o of rn-xt week will be spent by Wll- I Hsm 1 Bryan In Chicago, and It Ik ex ‘ • that Mr Bryan will make several hes each day He will sneak at 1 • ingtofi und Jacksonville 4n his way M ro to home In h win close his national eaw Align. lIIt(>KK BTt> COl HT MOt ? 9B. 1 n*Tt to tie! at Coffee l onnty's Her nrd Failed. ’-•. i la.. Oct. 22.-This morning v ’- i'*i*uty Clerk of C’offee Huperlor 1 -a l. Brack, went to open up ' - a’ office, hi foursl that since ckw • someone ha*l forced " •■•tarot to ih front of the vault ' *t if had b**i*n tried, but here they i* ! and failed to make an en \s nil iiooks. papers, etc., are ■ f the vault each night, no < ige ‘ u years ago, some of Coffee coun rd- invite riotit*ly dlsap|sre*l. an*l roe months, as mysteriously re *nd niusisl n lot of litigation Bur k* (irofowionMl exia-rts to get *.tults of Coffees new Court* Gillespie, of Stockton Go.. •IM to the pastoral charge of • * Baptist Church. v na Baptist Association con* if Nl ho)a, Oa.. on the 25th, Inst. • will atllfei Mr W W nin*nt young countryman, has \ live resident lots In Douglas. cproving them, building com* ■ "it < ottag* k. 1 Mrs. J. H. qulim. are vlslllng '••a*. tioss to tlir L and , ‘ G ’l. 22.—The appointment of , ff of the Chicago and Ffcist , ' •* general pacsenger agent vllb- iini Nm*hvl||e. has b**en nnouneed Nov. 1. Mr fltoov „, . t ,* ' ' PfcKstit office for ten years, arm J Kmn a conserv.islve officer ‘ siicc* i'ded on the Chicago and Iv by W. If. Rlchanlson twu*^ 1 >LV n oQW * C *** fwd tor Oft'ftMlXO O.iV AT YOM&GRSm Track U u Fast and < liarenln* Mad* a hew Henird. N* w York. Oct. 22.—A Mg crowd turned out for tht opening day's racing of the inaugural meoflnjLof th** Empire City Jockey Club at ToektP to-day Th* truck wu lightning f.t.-i u tu w work) - rot or*! for u mile at'. Ia qu irt* r over* a circular track, of 2<H being hung up by Charentus in th** Emplrt t'it> hadlcap This race was the featur* of the day. Charentu* winning by a short h**al First mile and seventy yards Kamara. 7 to 2. won. with li. au OrmotMle, IP to 1 and 10 to I. nex.n*l and Gan. Mart Gray. 4to 1. third Time l:4&\ lU'**- A Uni! six furlongs, sell ing The Pride. fto 3. won, with Feder alist. 2" t* 1 and $ to 1. iu*cond. and F.* uron. 2o to 1. third Tim* 1 U!*^ Third Race—Woodlnwn handicap. a’.**>ut furlong- Chuctanula. to 1, won, with Gold Heals. 4to 1 uih! to i. second, in.l King Lbf, ft to 1. third Time 1 *#* s Fourth Hare—Lmlpn City handicap, on** mil** and a quart* r. i'harentus. 7 t* 1. Won .with Imp K to 5 and % t* Y second, and Pink Coat, lo to 1. third Tlm- 2 Fifth Hace—One mile and u sixteenth, selling. Instructive, fc to 5. won. with Al slke, lil to 1 afitl ft to l. seeon-l, utvl IHs lurdo. 4 to |. third. Tlm* 1 4V 4 Btxth Race- Five and a half furlongs, selling. Sn.irk. H to 1. won. with Kap* pane< k*T. 4 to 1 aiui 8 to 5. second. ar.d Biillonalrt. 4to 1. third Tim* 1:0ft. tint *- Wesiili* nt loitonia. * inclnnu*!. Oct. 22 Hieults at I.*ttonia First Hues-Six furlongs. Judge ReV wip*. k to 1, won. with \b x Pearson. 4 to 5. second, and McManus, 12 to 1, third Time 1:15. S* <of and H ce Six furl *ng Flop, mto 1. w.-fi, with Eleanor Holmes. 12 to l, a** ond and J*>da. 7to 2. thir 1 Tim* I 14*4 Tlhrd Race—One mils nnd in lghth, celling. S.trillii. lo 1, won. with In dian. 5 to 1, second, and Dr. Blnck. ’ to 2. thirl Time I.V. Fourth Race—One mile and sevent> yards, selling Woodtlice. 7 to 1, won with Statiru. l’> to 1. second, .nl Etta. 12 to 1. third. Time 1 Fifth liai'e—Bx and a half furlongs selling Kefiova. 7 to f. won. with Hus stun. 7 to 5. second, and Glenw 01. 15 to I third Time 1 21V*. Sixth Hace—On#- am! nn eighth milts veiling Defend* r 11. ft to 1. won. with Gov. Boyd. 3 to 1. second, and 3 to I, third. Time 1 sft. n ill KFt O |\ hAATIAGO. \rro !*•! ff 1 1* lu ti fame Hot of 11l MiiiinlMtn wt ronu l*l*l. Ram lago. Oct 22.—Gen. Celiereoo. a porv ular negro politician, who wjs recentty elected .n alternate to the forth coming constitutional convention, came to Santiago yesterday for th* first time since the Rpntdfh evacuation He had it pc*utedly guild flu*! he would never lavo rtw rural sirongholde until the Am* rl ai s deported, unless In command of a Cuban army for the purpose ot expelling the In truders. HM following In the black party \s ■ onsMerable. laist evening 3.000 of his admirers gave ,i d* moniMruti*4i in his honor, ami ;ara*l • the streets with u band, in spite of it* heavy rain There has Iwen a renewal of the quar rel between the <Tihono Übre and Mayor Grlnan over the publlcwsion of charges of official corruption, the Cubano Übre call ing the Mayor ii "thief” un*i traitor II ordered th*- njpprnhon of the i*ai>er, but the courts i>ermitt*d the continued Issue. KII.MVi HI T THE nilM>M. IliiMiHua Wegiu llenf on I'ttermlna lion In ifanrhnrla. Taondon. Oct 23 —Th* Times publish#*-* the fol'owlng from Its St Petersburg cor r. f pnndent It is safe to say that tn* visit of the Chinese minister to Lelvtadiu. wrher* the Russian I'ourt and the principal ministers it- now staying. Is connected with an *-n --deavor U make u separate arrangement conct-rnlng Manchuria The Russians will continue to exterm inate the Chinese In th* m*st ruthless manner In order to protect the futur** of the railway A critical study of th#* of ficial reports show that Chinese n*slst hiic** has been a mere farce The Rus sians have been onlv too glad of the op portunity to kill every Chinese soldier and destroy every vestige of Chinese authority In Manchuria an*) they hv#- talon ad vantage of the farcical resistance with a vengeance ” MIITIh WERE HAD MRU. Two Homicide** Arc < Itarifed to Tw of Them. Birmingham, Ala. Oct. 22—Guy Smith, a negro. w**nt to Oaktnan. a mining camp to-day ami bogan abusing white pcopl# When Henry Barren tine, a white carpen ter. replied. Smith shot him. cans ng I*l - death Smith’s wife entered the sa loon am! entreated him to leave, when he turns) and shot her. Inflicting u pr >t>ably fatul wound A p<>s* is pursuing Smith latter Jumes Smith and John ll* ndrlx. color***! rnnirn, I#**. .me Involved In a quarrel rnd Hendrix was shot to death. Hmith escaped. To-day was pay day at Oakman Mlimio IRON TO CMftLIID. tiloss-Mhertleld (O. I Ending %*i otker Ton*. Florence. Ala.,* Oet. 22.—The Bloss- Bhefheld Iron an*l Bte*l Company Is mak ing a shipment of 1.000 ouh of pig iron from this city to Manchester. Eng., hy the way of Pensacola. The shipment will ttike sixty cars. It is understood that the price paid was in the neighborhood of 112 a ton This Is the second sht|menl of export iron, th*- furnace hiving shlp |h<| 1,000 tons to Glasgow. Scotland, som weeks ago 4 onclii*le*l a l usg Time A*o. I/in.W) Oct 23 —"I learn." savs the Berlin corresion*leni of the Standarl. thut the Anglo-German agreement concluded n long tlm* ago. end is pule llsh*#l now to accelerate u peaceful se*- t lament in China It will t># followed *r. | by similar agreements concerning other t**rtH of the world To Change French Cnorts-mnrtlal. Paris. Oct 22.—Oen. Andre. French mln i*>**r of wnr. almc#*t conr|i]#|*tl i - ling to Lea France Militatrc et Rell gleuM*. the drafting of a bill to reform c#>urts-mar!lal by the substitution at Inst, in time of peace, of civil nviglstraes for military Jislges DR. STEDMAN S Teething Powders The Famous Aid to Hafe and FainleuM Teething. tVrf 6 "• CVTI C/I* ti*M tmr fnr MWtt VI iMri lIH WTKDMAN op*t.l ■> lDch offlo* In Am*rt<.oon.M.rAj imuct* tMrouiof iww juuJr p* >wdrr*i h*y r put up ID follow wrp ptt. Tbo trwl* uukrk, uui Uncut, TRADE MARK X'XSZXzSii&S *r u on rroty PcO<l n<l on *r.rr powdor, wltboot wliWli 002 bgamtoo A poc* contaißlb* DIM " V, rnt. At rout driiMtot, or talW on SSTpt Of t. HODd for booW -tpr .yfudraan I JVurwrp Jjoetor. Addro*. f. 0. sK urri Wm< m- u.mumwwp. fo- So’d by J.IPWCAN ITKOS., fiAVofinub, Sj. THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2H. 1000. gDtlflTS mjSt)l 7 JSL WHISKEY 1 I k’k’SI'ALTTY AND STWiNOTh rf two quaMlw dnetrad be r> rn VJ omir>, old or young They xre itlrlbutM a i succms m l rmrfl H* 1 life, both tn ha burnt at a wtfr and mother and In society Health i, the tounUtaheaJ c# each. Without hestt* beaty tajea, , ■ 1 vintshe To preserve health and prevent dltcaae ImJrr’r P*n I Matt Whiskey tns stood pre-cmineni (or almott half a ceotnrv. it wfleiine ■ Wl , iraui on*-hH the meritJ o( flib *ret Inikinal Whtake? her lib ■ y Ctr> i*ure Malt Whrk-v lias h.-en the standard ot poritr and coojuimptb>n, ocrvoeasacss imi i*dQfClkMi. jives power to | the brain. str*n*tt> andebstfctfy to tire musefe* and riebaess tt> the Mood tt Na I promoter ot food health and taofevttv. It Is a boon to woman at her time nt fitness. It makes the old youn*, kotps the yoon* stionf twify’s tMre .Malt Whiskey is pre**ted by over aoweo thousand phjrat- I clans ind u used (b over two (hooaand promtnmt bnspttaK The tea tog ! chemists of twc. continents haveinalvxcd tt many times Witt) the sune remit— I ‘ Absolutely pure.' It Is the only pure mail whiskey made to the | world. No home should be without it. It is the only whiskey rrc sfnired by | the government as a medicine, he sure you gel the genuine, beware o< tm I tations li-d cheap substitutes. All deugrbts and grocers, or dtaect, express ■ I p rt paid. $tAkJ a bottle. Medical bookie sent free DUFFY MALT WHISKY 00., Rochester. N. Y. w \vr I*ol.l r. %vi % <tmi*i*r.i>. ittllrt-r. ol Himumii'v ll, mii.‘ Ml.ali.u nrj Vnetrly. Chlrago, Oci. J2.-The W.anan'a ll.ait.- Mls!*lon.iry Society, in eoaalon lirrp to day. adopted rca.dntiona uekint; fuUKrtas to Miibndt to atatea ('onatlrutkynai amandmonla promtiltini: polyiomy Th- < ofltoera were elected for the enauimr year, I’rcalilent. Mrt Clinton It Klskc of New York; vice preeklenta. Mr- Jan. it Uob- Iraaon of Detroit' Mra. II C MeCato- of DelawartA O.; Mrs Wliliain Herron of Cin. lnnall, Sir, Joint SI WaUkti of t*ln clmriti. Mrr. C. II Fowler of lluff.ilo. Mrs. Delta Lathrop of IsUwnre aus elected correapontllvtx secretary Mr,. Ucurtp 11. Tliompaon ttf Cincin nati, treasurer A.nin.l \\ IllltinCa l**lley. lierlin, Oct CH —The FrelalnalKO Volks I’artel,whose Itader Is llerr ISuarene ltlch ler. In convention ai Gorilla to-'lay adopt* e.l a resolution -iK tinst Knlperor William's ('nines- policy, particularly condemning the undue prnmitieni'e assume.l by Orr* many, which the resolution declare# lo l‘* lu no way Justlllcd by Germany's actual Interest#. Illah I’rlces for tattle. Kansas Cily. Ocl. if- Forty-elahl head of Hereford cattle were sold to-day for >10,400. or an average ■( kll*- Matnme’tf'. a 2-year-oid heifer, was v“.d to William Fowell of Channlng. Tex . for **oo Football in *Mtb t arollna. Columbia. S. c., Oct. 21—C lent son, 31; \V“ft. r.l. 0. Salurtliiy Clemsun le-at D.ivWson l o 0. the Idygerl r *ore ever made In the Poutli. They Hill 1 ell Id Ilona titan*. lierlin. Oct. 23.—The. aeml-otllclal Her lltver Post -ays tliut ih‘ l’owr tiav. agreed to acquaint M Hun* Chng with th- demands to lJ made upon Cnlr.a Rnglanri’a Caonlll- to Strlen. From the latodon Chronicle A different complexion Is put on the cas ualtlaa from ■outh Aim I hv the return Which is Issued Ibis wok from He War Office. The country I thoroughly aware that over *o,mn of Its brave soldiers have teen killed or wounded during the course of the war, but what has not lawn so completely re.;i-d U that .<* on of that total tiave since resumed to duty. This only leaves 11.TT7 who have been permanently Inc iparltated by Ihclr wounds. We may lake It that -ven Softo ol that number will recover and return to d'Ky in course of time, so that a low of Fi.<x*> lives In round numliers Is th prtce Hits country h i* lo pay for the sub jugation of the two Boer republics Even that la a heavy toll, but II can hardly be regarded aa exceseive for i war that has lasted a year, and has added deadly disease to the perils of the battlefield Out of the army of 200,000 men who left our shores, only one In twenty will fall to re turn In his full health and strength. Many a battle has caused the death of more than that percentage of the ‘)p(->*lng for. es, o. UO the whole, the lesson of the war apiM irs to tie Ihj*. contrary lo M Bloch's anticipations, modem arms of precision have not made warfare any more d* adly. Now that the war Is drawing lo a close* we can reckon up its cost In blood Ten thousand iron have purchased the Boer republics for Britain with their lives, not to speak of four Itmea that number who have been wounded, inony of t a-tn crippled for life. It Is a terrible record, but tt Is consoling—lf i hero can l- consolation tn such a deplorable event—lo know that the mortality has lean leas than was ex|iecled when the full strength of th- army In Booth Afrk-i was known The chances of w ir arc that live men In a hundred ai l t*‘ killed In buttle or die of disease, but the deaths In South Afrtra have been only four per hundred This Is nearly 2 per cent lower than the mortality In our Nipoleonlc wars, and It compares favor ably with the death rate In some of the principal wars of th— century. France, In th- Crimea, lost over lh per cent of Its forces by death, and Just over K per cent In the campiiun of IVSB In that campaign Italy lost 58 p-r rent and Austria 4 7 per cent. while In Bavaria and Austria both Inal over 5 |~r cent Prussia has been fortunate In her wars; In and W> her lo*< * were only slightly over 3 p-r e-rt. In IV7O. how**v-r. the army lost s.fw per cent, of Ns Officers and 4.5 ft per cent of Its men. #■ ( The Mnlnallon of Ireland. From th- Lorilon Telegraph Irish phlHk* tire besoming interesting after an unusual |i— rtod of dullness Messrs H-aly. O’Brien, and other cham pions of the Irish cause of whatever ramp may remember on- of Charles I-ever'e lab apropos of the hading characteris tic of Irian member* In the early v<sir* of the rentury Highly y-(rs ago IrOand tsaist-d of a politician whoso **al was onb equaled hy th- dutlnea* of hH wit Cpon on- rn nslon this gentlemen was cam assist to give his vote for Henry Grattan, and h- replbd hy asking In.ltg rvantb what Henry Grattan had done for hint "For your country.'* waa the ro sisanse. "he he# done miK-h. and If no mot-, he has at least mad* It llkistrlous by bin oratory ” "Orathary. urathery," said the aollcltad one to himself, and then aloud. 'lxvak here. sir. If there's anything In this world I detest II Is that same If the King up on the throne or the Judge upon hts bench was to say to me. 'Tlm. wha s the ruin ot Ireland’’ by the virtue of my oath I'd soy. 'it's orxlher), devil a thing else hut oratbery.’ H HER QUEER PHILANTHROPY. Mtu midi: ih:m iiivmib % imm: FOR Tiu: DYING. Tter < Ify of l.lniou#*** ll *• %rm Ovrr tli** 4 iiiirxi of ii ) *ii ii m Wommi '*ll - A Hhlrr m*> %N •11 mm n l*hl Inntti ro|lat. From th#* Clnrlnnati Enquirer. Fran****.—This pr<(!fu! town hah b<***n lately th** of v ry i--rullar h i|)|Mninfii. A fair Inhabitant of th** mu nMpaJlty has been prlmlpal anrrss In the *'xrltlnx #vent* of the paht f w and h*r stubborn p*r*veranr* up on th** |*.*h which hh* oonaldm* our roc t h.P iilrM.iy r**fliiltt*d In rioting, violrncr an*l som#* HssUh) di b ilsH in Fr* noh I'nr liament. UmofFi r**okons among It* Inhabitants n bouuitful youiiK miiilona)r*.H!#. Mil**. Nouallher Thl*i wealthy and arlstorr ifl** maUh-n owns .1 %’****! stat#* in th** nrlgh horhfw) of Laltnoirrs. as w* II in a pal.itwii villa In th#* very hrart of th** rlty. Sf**n#* years u|o nh** ikridvd tliat h r misskm In Ilf** was to m.ik* mh* r pooph happy. But hsr b* nsvolmt munla found rxpr**sson In 11 very prrulliir w iy Only the unhappy victim* of the dr*iiJ (übrrculoslH attrnrf hr pity, and amona th*se nont hut th Are In th* very last stages of < on#*umptlon uw**t with Ih* least sympathy an 1 con sideration from Mile. Nouatlhcr. Bh* con verted her pu<'kills mansion in Elm*ic*•** into u hiMpital where sh* harbors tiioso •Ivlnit of consumption. Rather, sh*- miufs *f her residence t vast death chamber Foi 'he h#.** not th** least ldu of either irlr.K the I il *ilsnc* #*r stopping rav hk< even for u time. All she considers herself com mi cloned to and Is lo smooth th* brow of the dylny. to whisper words of consolation into (he ears of those on death’s brink, to surround their lx ds with flowers and things of lx*.uty. She Kilns ac< ess into the hospitals of Baris, where hun*lr#xJs of consumptives are tr*at*l yearly, and approaching (ho###* who to her experienced eyes seetn to h* neareel to death, she pictures to them in Klowing colors the delights of her coun try home, the pros pee ts of |HSNible re* ov ery under the benign sun of Umoges. th* wealth of flowers and plants that exhale their fragrance for the benefit of her friends. Tin* poor, wan fare lights up with enthusiasm as picture after picture puss the patient’s longing mind; th chance #>f recovery buoys up the foolish heart, and the Invalid clamors to lx* dis charged The hosnltal authorities are not loath to get rid of a hopeless cas*. and Mile. Nnusftlihcr obtains another object for her charity. Thus two years ago the pretty little Central De|*ot of Ltmogoe* begun to wit ness the arrival of numerous jM-rsons In th Inst stages of cotummptlon They gen erally arrived In batches of six or eight. Bum** of tli**m suffered evident agonies; •#ll were In isiln At first the rlttsens star ed. shrugged th#*lr shoulder* and i*asse>) on. commenting on feminine folly. But soon they became alarm* and Day after day hears#* healing the txwlles of Mil* Nou allher'* patients could be seen wending their way from her villa to the church yard This began to be filled at un alarm ing rule, 2,000 new graves having been added by her endeavors tn four years. Af ter six months of her practice Mile Nou allher was Invited to a|*p*ur Ix*fore the City Council of Limoges and she was told by the sanitary Inspector that the death rate of tuberculosis bud Increased SO i**r <*nt among th* Inhabitants of th#* city, not counting the inmates of the horn* Bh'* was asked to consider th* advisabil ity of converting un otherwise healthy city Into a pesthole and respectfully b*g g*i t remove the Institution. The i#ollte tone of the City Council's remonstrances is explained by th* fs.-t tht Milt*. Nouall her owns half the t#wn The eccentric millionaires-, however, was deaf to ull entreaties, flhe r*-prov#d the City Council for being ;i lot of heart less. selfish brutes, and finally declared thut as the lawful own* r of h* r villa she could extend her hospitality to whomso ever she pleased Baffled In their efforts lo secure relief by peaceful means, tlx* Mayor #f Limoges thereuion assumed the aggr* salve. ll** sent to her vlUa s number of policemen with h resolution of th** City Council, which they were to deliver Into h#*r own hands, branding her Institution as * nuD finc\ Th** young Amu son, however, f fr ly frightened the guardlun* of th* law Into fit# She met them with a revolver In sac h ham), threatcnind to shoot any person found on her porch within five xecond - . There was a hurried exit While thdlscomllt4*lmlntonswere r*i>ort Ing to their chief and a hurried consulta tion was lx*ing held in the City Hall, the resolute friends of the consumptives tel egraphed her agent In Burls, and th** next train brought twenty-flve armed men. ready to dl fighting In her service The next step on the part of the city authori ties was to force the undertaker** of Lim oges, under pain of revoking their license* to refuse to bury the inmate* of the ‘House of Retreat ’* This proved Ineffec tive. Mm*- Nouallher ordered an under taker and a hearse from Burls After this a general ery of Indignation arose among the Inhabitants of Limoges. The immber of Parliament for the city received p#tlllon* sign* <1 by 10.000 in habit ants praying him to use hls influence to abolish the nuisance The city was slow ly being Infected with tuburculosls. Tour ists, once m> frequent In the town, avoid ed It. Limoges was falling into disrepute. Photographs were presented In Parlia ment showing the dying victims of benev olent foliy writhing In agony at the Lim *gv* depot. Affidavit* wore read testify- ing to '.he f* t that In most Wndance* the patients wer% unfit to be tm>v*l A heated discussion arose, and It soon be* mi* ev ident that there was not a law In Ih* ctxle which could l*e u**d to prevent the practice** of Mil** Nouallher. Th* |mitents w re all willing, nay, **g* r to so Mile. Nixmllher w*re that .#ll pr* .mtl*>ns against lnf#*oU*n hid b* eti tiscsl Bhe also pnived that lx r motives w:r* purely benevolent At last tb Chamlwr I*l *-cd the nw 1,. \ Nouallher a* < rding to whUdi th** government hospitals were net (• r< Imm their tiaimtes if their condlikm would not jermlt of their being moved The minister of the Interior rtl*e Issued un order to ref us* Mile Nou ullher ulmts>ton t any ot the publt hos pltals in the #Hntntr\’ Limoges w.ih over)ovs*l In hon>.r >f the occasion ver> home In the city was g.iyU *le***ri*le.| But the* *unt*| wfth*>M Ml e Nouallher Hh** Ntmpß turned her atten tion to private h*>sj Hal** mi h**f Hafur do\ she br ought wltti her twent> men an*) wtnen. ill In th* hone>ss stages of tuber ulaels. No l.iw oull forbid 1 private txispluil t* #Hseharge 11 (wfl'ni*. Th* ttmipenttur*- w- ibont IW In th*- iib.i*l* The |mt!• nl • wre suffering terri bly from h*ni exb iust|m and f.itigio !l w is evident thn no utiHUint of phll anthropb lnt niior- could Justify subject Ing the |H*>r |M*q>l< in the torture of .1 rullws> ktumov of tiwany houre On t way to th* villi one tf the wt>mt*n rtbd In *h ~tr*s*t A cumber of th* pmr folks won* unable • wa k and th* v were . ,rrie*l n lilt* re Tile -Igtit of a death In the street InfuiUt***l the rpixens of Limo ges As only . few - pinsera by t.a*l wtt u**sed the OtCUrrMi e the urm*sl ku.iM tf Mll Nmniilh* r easily ovrr.*wed them A tew hour* later, however extra sli tions of the Li in os tn (taper were In the h #nl* *f the InhabltantN. They cum# to- K*th#r In the cofos aixl d*s id* l uputi ac tion. Soon u • rowd of ft ■> citizen* at- Ferr led before the vdla A number ot Hkejeton* Itorrowcd from a metlira) o- Jegt*. were oarried. tkd to long |sb** !al -• kr- w. re pr*- urel *nd an tnunarse skull I tainted on the facade of ihe mansion. X'orn** hre and died cheerfully, why live md in Win* the |ne* n;*ttm beneath the skull The *)ei*nders of ih* noldc ntorgu*' keep* r evkk-ntly were uixler ol der-* not to shoot, i *ff)ne w* r carried in triumph and fumrsl dirge*, sung by the partlciiaint* of th* demonstration. Af ter this the effigy of Mile Nouallher was imbllely hurtled. fiiton tlie dKtr of the rxsblenv# teat. n In. giving way under a few well directed blows with 11 h*ch#t. arxl lh* t*-rrili*-*l owner of the prtrnlM* Informed thut If she would not ’eave town in five days she would lx* lynched In the ap proved American fashion. In the mean while th*- Mayor and the Prefect, t>ih fearing that the vx>ncc of the mob might carry It 100 far. appeared on the #*cene wtth a sqiuxl of regulur troop* and dis persed th*- rkter^ For k**v mi months previous to this red the d*i**u at lunxig*** rouM be mistaken for Lourdes, with th#* one ex‘#ption that the (*op#e nsm#’ b**re to *Ue. nardlv b#\ ing any hop<*s of a run . while they flo* k •*l t*> ljntinkffi boplng to be healed fr-xn their dt>**aeev A f*W il.iye after the rkx no tnvalkb* arrived Pruuifllt lac# to f*x ** with |ioMslbie ivnehing Mile Nouallher h<#lrated Finally sh** telegraphed to the Minister of th** Interior. • i*t referring t th* furxlxnx-ntai issn of ih* state. b -maolel proceOtlon The minister prom !*•**) to i*c>4ect h*r fnxn bo#fi|y t.arn* J4t.*#'ments ther*-ifion uppe.irxl |n the Papers of Fra nos. sign*d by Mile Nona li ber. in which #h- defended her a'tl*r)s. Hh** iMiitsl thut her only desire was to innk* <t*xath lea#* terrllde t#> those who must necessarily **xierlence It in one of Its moat cruel form*. Sh bel no de sire to proselyte Although * devout Cath olic. or rather lei uux* of It. sti*- believed that a forced corf*e*#i*>n of faith was a moohsry. dhe. therefor#, surrounded her isitlents with clergymen of th*ir own r')igionH Rhe count**d among them He brews nnd Bro(*<wtatits e w* II us free ’hlnkers Rach tvax buried Mc*v>r*llng to the riles of their Individual belief. A ITo*ee*anr minister. #* Hebrew r#oli md theisth- lecturer wr* cxllml by her. us Hm 4'Oee dt-mandtsl. to < ondu< t the #*■#* qiliee Dm has now rurrl* and tier * a*# to th*- Htate (oimcii. th* Htiprem** t’ourt of France, and the *W lelon *f that Muguwt Issß' Ir anxiously awaited 4me result of the riot, however, was to compel the inmates t< soak a safer retreat than that afforded them In the Villa Nouallher. Klkffi AM I'NINBI.LA fill'lF f 4eorae of (veseev tin** %n Adventure tn I'ltrlu. From the New York WorM Baris. Oct 3f>—King Georg#* of Greece, who Is visiting Burls !ml-Incognito, came nrpr Ixdng arrested on the street a* a common thief lie had dinnl alone at M good unpretentious r#taumnt. After King Georg* had settled his bill the waiter him on with his over coat.handing him a tightly-folded umbrella which lh*- King ah**n mlndelly placed under tiliaarm. not r**memtx*ring that he no umbrella when h* *ntrel the place. The owner of the umbreiii only discov er**! hi* loss when he himself was leav ing a half hour later. The proprietor of the restaurant paid for th* lost nrlMe. Nevethelee* two hour-* sfterw*ard. wh*n the roan, walking the tsMilevarils. chanced 1 ilia King with tin amhirt II * under him irm he a*a*au|te dhlm with giro! fury. A gr* it gathering imrn**il<itely forme*! The King, confused, looked r ally guilty, despite hi* apologies an I cmb.irraM*l pro tests. A policeman lnv|ie*| both conierwiers to come to the station, when two rmn dash • I through the crowd and whispered tnug. Ically quieting words to th* officer and th** owner of th> umbnUi. and then mad* a passage for th** King, who got aw ty i-- | fore an>ixsly slee oould learn hi- Identity, I When King George's ussnllunt I* #rne| i of hie mlsiak* he imm**llateiy sat shout *0 motion "a silver-handled timbre ! which ; Kliig George of Greece #nc- stole from a private citizen, who by pluck and chance j succeeded In recapturing it the same 1 day." Bids had already rche*l |SO when the 1 mile#* ordered the crowd to disperse. Mnslc fo llrlMH Lout 4'hlld. From the Bhilad* Iphfa I#e*lger Pittsburg. Oct 17 --Mrs Pembler Dovle, f McKee’s Rex ks. an haigiish woman, | t*g>k h**r two children to th- expos!lion 1 yesterday, and, during the day. one was lost Mr* Iroyle hit ti|*on an easy way to f* tch th- wanderer John Philip Rou**a. the bandmaster, was on his pedestal. "HI. mlstar!" she (valle*! up to him. "one of m* b*oMs ’as stray#**) Blay hup ’Rule, Bri tannia.' will you* She's u Briton to the core of >r ’art. nnd she'll come running when she 'ears that!" Housa Ignored her, but she continued to Insist on her right ns a fre** born Lngl.Mh woman to #l< mand "Rule. Brlt.innla." and gn arrested and fin* and 13 and costs. - Mamma—"Oh. FMiel. you never *aw m- liehava like ihnt." Fthsl ( ge*J f jur) —"Well. I haven't knowed you *0 very long "-TU-Hits. Perfect Health. Keep the system in jjorfect or der by the occasional use of Tutt’s Liver Fills. They reg ulate the bowels arid produce A Vigorous Body. For dck headache, malaria, bil iousness, constipation and kin dred diseases, an absolute cure TIJTT’S Liver PILLS CASTORIA for Infants and Children. CuMtorlu I ii barmlemi siibs|> Tor ('nator Oil, Paro jl.trl.', l>r.|N unit N.iolhinjj SyrupH. It Ik l'l*u>uiit. It iiMitniiiM lu'illii'r Opium, nturpliino nor oilier Nureolie MilMtaui'c. It 4l>Ntro>K \VorniH ami ulluya IVvrrl.’thni'sM. Il cures lH.irrli.i'ii iiu.l Win** Colic. It relieves Tooth ing Troubles ami cures <'oustipation. it regulates tlm Slomael. ami Itovvels, uiviui: lieallli.v amt naturul sleep. The t's P.niai eu The Mother’s I'rieml. The Kind You Have Always Bought yy Bears the Signature ol In Use For Over 30 Years. -T01M..-"- £CKSTEIN’S DISSOLUTION SALE Continues and ffivater bargains than ever can l>e lound here in all departments. We Offer Special for This Week: 52 inch Ladies’ Cloth, all colors, worth $1.50 at.. .SI.OO 44 inch All Wool Poplin, all colors, worth SM ( I at .. ‘bSc 54 inch All Wool Series, all colors, worth $1.0(1 at.. .50c See fhe special prices we offer in Silks. 11-4 All Wool Blankets, value $7.00 at $4.89 11-4 (.ood Wool Rl.tnkets. value $3.50 it 2.49 Latfc Size Red (omlortabks, value $1 50 at 1.00 Very Hue Quality lomiortablfs, value $3.00 at 1.9S Special Inducements on Rugs and Art Squares. Heavy Cotton Hinnel. worth 10c at 7c (.ood Cotton Flannel, worth He at 5c (iood Qulily yard wide Bleaching 5c (.ood Ooaliiy yard wide Sea Island 5c Special Inducements in Ladies’ and Children’s Jackets. Ladies’ Combination Snits, Special at 49c Child’s Combination Suits. Special a! 25c Ladles’ Kih Vests, lleece lined. Special at 49c Ladles' Rib Vests; lleece lined. Special at 25c New French Flannels, Plain and Em broidered. Best 36-Inch Dark Percales 12 t-2c Good Qullty, Dark Percales 10c New OutinK, Latest Colorings 12 l-2c New Plaid Dress Goods 10c, 12 l-2c, 15c We are now showing choice styles in New I)re3s Skirts, New Golf Skirts. New Golf Capes, New French Flannel Waists, New Cloth Capes, New Trimming Braids, New Laces, New Hosiery, New Handkerchiefs, etc., etc. GUSTAVE ECKSTEIN & CO. Some Things New THAT WE HAVE Just Opened Up, And the Assortment is Complete. VESTIBULE LACES. H#*verl quatttle* In 12. U. 24. 3-' an*! VI tnrheiw wide. an*i all to maleh W** have panel# atao In IrUh P<nn\ ami Arabian. MANTEL SCARFS In Japan*#* Bilk,. Imjav.ari rro toniifa. * r,| l '•averal chtapt-r (ju .Utica LACE CURTAINS. ThU iio<*k usual It th#* only full ami tjcnplet*' one In th# *'By. FOLDING DOOR PORTIERES arc hard to find, but afnr hard ,'>rk <■ *o. a Mu. twenty different patterns Thc* oI arc Hill wide Of course we have the .ar row one* from .*■ clWapcM up to a pair. WILTON AND SMYRNA RUGS In ciirjxf alxca. from *xi up to larxcat The Wilton and Axmlnatar r capaclally line UPHOLSTERING GOODS Oulmi-v Cordr. etc.. In .ill grades. COME AND SEE US. LINDSAY & MORGAN ORDER BLANK BOOKS FROM THE MORNING NEWS. SAVANNAH. OUR CARPET STOCK >omprla the Mlowlnx: PnRNCH AXMI.VHTKItS. WILTOXI, BODY HRUMKU. WILTON VELVETS, TAFKdTHY BRUME LB and JR. Q RAINS. OUR PRICES ARE LOWER • Ran any on> ela.- for flrm-ciart k'l We do no. buy JOHB jr.4 palm them off aa FIRST-r'UASd atock. When you buy „ carper from ua. you won't aver be aorry. ba cauat we k.iow I. la all right DON’T BE CAUGHT by a great big advertl-emant which ta no. all truih We never give bii.a and make I. uj> on other guoiki. We want living prod! on everything— can't live without It. FURNITURE STOCK la gelling In -hape. and we are Mowing full line of Iledr.iom and Parlor Kulta, Hldahoarda. China Ciooeta, I.eulher Couetwa. Iron lied-. M.illr.aaea. Faney Roeker- Table#, etc . ai prkea aatlafactory. 7