The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 23, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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FINANCIAL and commercial. , „. B dhVBI.oI'KD to lirUMCB Tin: I OTTO* HAHKETS. M „„ Markets W>rr in the Main I'm. , While Dropped l>. Ktock* Arlhr *••! Idvmmrinrn - Turpentine M rm ■ 4®H rtwm >n ,l | iM-tiun••!—Loral and Trie. f ra|ikie Markets. The Morning Newt Offlce, Monday, Oct 22. t jM'cmrd to be tlir urJer of things . the #r>ot nnd npeculatlvo cotton , , i- .T, to-day. With but few exception* ;! mirkei* were unchanged Th m.irkii Kve further evidence* of l u. .kne by a decline of 16 to 2' |mints. v i■ the rising easy, and no prospects thi dveloptnent of tnllueucr ealrulatcd !j,u< any Immediate effect in checking i , .townwurd turn Then* l* * very r* awn for believing thnt t}, -wiiltlng attitude* - which the market d some time ago. Is to continue un i | or Komt equally Important fac tor in market conditions appears. With 1 . continuance of liberal receipts at the j on * a: ! favorable weather for gathering t*,. crot that ri-mulns in the holds. It *.m- that about ull the iH ire have to do 1. t> >. ll the market and court their cash. Still tht * la a great of fpeculu !lOP ~n . ither Hide at present, mh the sen ► . f. has progreased to a point where none l., u t !>;<■ venturesome care to tread. The p, urr .n if a heavy frost would doubt j, .x, rt telling effect on prices, which p ,i • n on the careful art- remaining ~u t , f th< market at present Tti. k market exhibited remarkable v*r • n !•' *' i with the day's transact lona the I ,r. t |nce tbs activity shown last spring Notwithstanding the advance In the rat* for call money to 4 per cent, at oik- time prices continued upward on all th*' I* • ling issues, and while there was a *ef|r<tt k. due to the advance In the m*c- v rates n<J consequent selling. alaut nil the let ting stocks closed at an advance bovo Saturday's pricer The closing was easy. The spirits turpentine market closed t rtn at 40*4 cents, with a good demand for the offerings Rosins closed firm and un* * hanged. The wholesale markets were *i.i*iv and moderately active The fol -1 wing resume of the market will .show the tone and quotations at the closing to day: COTTON. The cotton market closed easy and shady .nd unchanged to-day with sales on th* s>ot of 1.038 hales. The receipts wen 7.552. against 5.315 last year, and 10,- OO year lefore last. While there was aom Improvemcn 1 n the demand. It was noi ich as t.* Indlcat* that biiyer> are again In th* market for any *>n dderuble lots Until th*r. are more decMe.i .-vldences of tf;* ch c k In tl.** downward turn ot I rice* it Is not probable that any great quantities of cotton will be bought, ex empt giOH.-lbiy, to supply urgent needs. There was little doing In the fo.b. mar ket, with the quotation for good middling around ft%c. The following were the ottu ml spot quo* tatkms 111 the close of th** market at the Cotton Rxchange to-day: | ThlsTUit ' day J year GiW middling . . !ISS |7 1 -16 Middling ft% l€ 13-18 li<iw middling *% |6 5 16 Market quiet and steady; sales. 1.038. Savannah receipts, exports and stocks: Receipt - this day 7.5*2 Receipts this day l#*t year 5.J15 •This day year tfore last ......... 10.066 R* celpts since 8' pi 1, 1800 Same day last year 288.708 ( sistwise exporcs 2.1 W brock on hand this day llo.&£ H.ime day last year 107.49 J Receipts and stocks at the (torts — Receipts this day 88,962 Receipts thl“ day last year 51.474 Receipts this day year before l#*t. 69.H44 Total receipts since Sept. 1. 1900 ..1.165.241 Same time last year 1.611.981 Same time year before last .1.982.782 Stock at all (**rts to-day 627 *l3 Stock same day last year 817,736 I tally movements at other ports <Jalveston—Kasy; middling, ftl-16r; n>t receipts, 17.898; gross, 17.*9*. sales, 65; rtoek. 141.677 New Orleans—Quiet; middling. 9S-18r; n**t receipts. 30 12. gross. 21,002; sales, 2.- 950; stock. 212.36* Mobil*—Qui* t; middling 9c; net receipts. 722; grown. 3.732. sales 500; stock 19,212. t'hariestm—Steady; mluddng. 9 tat receipts, 2.316; gross. 2.316. stock. 28,514 Wilmington—Firm; mid tiling ft%c; net • • elpts, 1.687; groa, 1.687; stock, 33,233 Norfolk—Dull: mMdllng, 9\c; net re • ids. 2.342; gross. 2,342; sales, 56; #tock, L* 477 iialilmore—Nomfn 1!; middling. 9%c; * 1 s. 125; stock. 3,353 I ntfdd ing. 9 9-16*;; net eipts, 319; gr -.-s. 5,341; bales. 700; stock. ' T 64 Rostofi—Quiet and steady; middling. 2%c; <• t r• elpts, 924; gross. 1.821. Philadelphia—Quiet; middling, 913-16 c. H -ck. 4.551. 'tally movements at Interior towns— \ugusta--Quiet; middling. 9\r ; net re *Mpts, 1.410; gross, 1,410; sales, 183; stock. 37.391 Memphis—Bteady; middling. 9%r; net re ir*t“. 9.825; gross. 12.632; sales. 2.100; stock. 7 I**7. Louis—Quiet; middling. 9Qr; net re f ts. 2,904; gross, 7.729; stock. 27.974 Innatl—Kasler. n*>mlnl. middling. . net receipts, 1,088; gross. 1.088; stock. H .-ton—Steady; middling, 9<'; net re * ts. 18.449; gross. 18,419; sales. 950; stock. I/*ilsvllle—Firm; mldlllng. 9Vc. sports of Cotton This Day - dvewinci—'To Great Rrlteln, 7.212; 1 ' liter 19,310. \ .v Orkiins—T* Gr*t Britain, 21.167. M '•!!* To Great Britain. M9B; coast -1.385. ■•nnah—Coast wise. 2.396 ruing tort—Coast wise. 896. N f dk—Coastwise. 2,83. v w York—To Great Britain. 1.022. con t; n*-n? ZW. i ■■• m—To Great Britain. 8.919. • f rc|gn exports from ull this To Great Britain. 46.818: to France, the continent. Rlk' ’si foreign exjvirte from •II ports r 1 hi- wreck-To Ureal Britain. 69.- Frmu *. 25,450; to the continent, 1,- forelgn exports since Went. 1, !9*n— Britain. 597.254; to France. 116,- * the continent. 367.351. M'. % M.4M) COTTON. . ’ ' * In the sea island cotton mar , 1 t the week ending Friday was not * ' s B shown by the reported sales of ' * > nst receipts of 3.272 This Is due , * *0 an effort to hammer prices. reluctant to trade on the ’ I‘lers are asking , ’ about as follows; ( ’ >o. *• Kiel Floridas 23^4794 • ! ’ and fancy Floridas. SSHIf34 , 1 and fancy Georglas.2.llxtf33ts t •' °fglas 22vtf3 :n ' Ge 22 and tfto> ks— 11169-01.jIS99-00 1 a, ’ ; ***' waik cm 3>i R. . 9reek J 1.442 736 'his season j 9.100 lH.lC.’* ’ w*.r|c j uno hand j 7.818, 11.588 COTTON FtTt HE*. ' ,f * ' ,llr k*f Closed Coßsy \% 11l l*rlres 3401 SMI Polo fa Of. York * Oct. 22.—The cotton market MURPHY & CO.. INC.. Hoard of Trad# Tlulldlng. Savannah Private wins dir* cl lo Nrw York. Chicago and New Orleans. tOTTOS, STO( h> 4.\|> tiHAKN. New York ofllct. No. II Ilraadway. Office# In principal cltlrs throughout the South. WrHo for our Market Manual and book containing tnm ructions for traders. remains of tbe '‘waiting order • Fables this mormiTK were disappointing an I the local contingent sold, having an addi tional Incentive in continued large re ceipts. feeble Southern spot m.irlot# an) an unsatisfactory consumption, while there was an almost entire absence of public speculative support Following the opening call, which wa>* easy at a rtaclin* of points, there was a further loss of 9uK points. Helling wis arn sled by *<nie Indications planters in ihe At htntl* states wer* Inclined to hold their cotton The temptation to ship cotton from the Houthwest. however, remains In force, picking being still rapidly In pro gress under favorable w .ith*r on<lltion The fact that the weather map shows no change toward lower temperatures In the crop region brought considerable cot ion on the market, which had t*e*n accumu- Isted Haturdav on frost prognostications There was little investment tuning, how ever. In view of the fact that prices have MU*talnl already a serious decline. In the afternoon business was particularly dull. The market closed easy. 10030 points net decline. FUt TI ITIU>S 1% KI TI HU. New York. Od. 21—Oottou future* opt'iiwl steady and i lom**| easy. Trices us follows: npn High Iw r’lose. January V. 7. 9.23 ’ | it 2*J”• F* brirary ~..| 9.3>b , 9.13 | 9 12 | 908 March | 921 ’ 921 j 908 j 9on April |93> j 9.20 |9 It 9.07 May j 9 19 I 9 19 J 907 j 907 June j 911 i 017 j 90a | 905 July j9OB j |9 02 9.01 August | | 9.02 8.96 ' B.*) September ...| | j j October | 9 38b 9.3* i 9.23 J 923 November ...I 9 3>b | 9*l | 9.14 | 9.21 December ...| 923 | 9.24 j 909 | 910 LI VEH POM. t'OTTOIK MARK FT Liverpool. Oct. 22, 4 p m ■—Cotton. mvi erate business, prices easier. American middling fair. 51&-1&!; good inMdllng, 519-3*l; middling. 5 17-324. low middling. 5 11-3-d; good ordinary. 4 25-324. ordinary, 1 13-32<1 The sal* of the day were 7.4HA# bale*, of which 600 were for speculation and export and Included 0*390 American Receipts 23.000 bales. Including 19.:*i Amer ican Futures opened quiet and dosed barely steady. American middling, lo* middling clause. October. 5.224. buyers; October- Novcmber. 6.104. buyers; Novembcr-De rember. 5.51, tollers, December-January. u|. sellers; January-Febru ry. 5.1d sel lers; February-March. 4 83*1. sellers. March-April. 4 '*Vn\. Old. buyers. April May. 4.59tM90d. buyers. Mav-June. 4.580 |JM, sellers; Jtin.-Jul>. 4.574. itlltr*; July-August. 4.MM s*l. sellers; August- 4.50*1. sellers. \RW IUtI.F %A* I OTTO\ MUIKET. New Orleans. Oct, 22—Cotton futures quiet ami steady October 9.8308.871 larch 9.9909.11 November . .8**214 a.B2|W>rtl K.Mi> 83 December ..jjn k>.2| lay MWtiVM January ... .A SlnH *2J une .... ....A 87{j! Ml February ...kip*..*. I'OTfO* LHTTEH*. N'W York. Ore 22.—Murphy * f'o. ny: Advices from Liverpool reported that mirkn 2-4*4d to A-*4d tower on future*, with spot* 3-32*1 lower. mlddllnx uplands 17-33.1. Ml*. &.>. We opened on iwnge or ! to C point• un.ler Hulur.lay * dome. and rule*! very weak throuxhout the entire session. althoukb tru.lliiK wo* on n moderate* scale. ntid -onttne>l prin cipally to lonr* reolUtnir. beink .Iktcour ik*.l l.v apparent w.-.k*. •< the mat- Set Houston HI •! New Orleans receipt * were liberal, the former expecting .'*• to 32,000. OK* Inst 10.691 last year. New Or leans 20.000 to 22.000, attains! 15.223 last vear. hII port* estimated at SS.Ot, against ".1.174 Its! year. Rein ha occurred in all district* of the rotton belt, except In the Atikust.i ***ctlon. In the central and western portions the rulntifll was vei heavy, will) prospect* of unsettled weath er for the next thirty-six hours. Jan uary closed hi 9.00 c. It w is Kenernlly expected that the market would be tun- IKirte.l around 9 10c. but buying order* at thl* prior were very limit**!. At present it look* like the outside deinind his been very well saltsfl**l, and buylnK onl- r. on a .leeline are rather scarce. New York. Ort. 22.—Hubbard Hro*. A- To. eay: Liverpool did not show the strength expected. closing barely steady at two to three |iolnt* decline Th. weak r.-s* wi* m-st marked on th* 1 nearby .!**• liveries we lh< cotton ehfpt*cd on the t. e in . rettehes that market for e *l - >ur mirket opened steady and t-lowlv .1 - dined un*l* t ta. Influence of uffetins* from Texas. In th* Atlantic h< r. !- a disposition shown to Nil.l at (h. decline, hut In iho country u-osi of th* Mississippi planters seem wllllnx lo acrepi rultna prices The weather map show. no change to lower femperatures. and th. i-otton bought on Saturday on the fear of fros* vns Hold on the opening New buyers have not appeared except on a scale *lown (INI lilllllM. New York. Ort. 22.—The market haa not of* ned for the week very actively, the warm weather being a hindrance lo the enlargement of Jobbers trade Hto k* In first and second hands remoln In eondltlon, with agent* well sold ahead at current value* with some agents itirnini; down future business on a* count of the Inability of their mills to accept further orders except for delivery 4n the distant future. The cotton market has had little Influence upon tradlnx. as amnts declare that unless there I* n decided decline •here will be no possibility of a corn sisindlliK weakness In the price of piece poods Ax* Ms look for an Improvrmen. after the election, but whether thrre will l> u radical chunk*- ai that time Is a question which few ire wllllnk to answer <l* * Islvely In woolens and worsteds mar ket Is unchanged, with a quiet and sax plnx tendency, * specially for men’a wear naval xtoii:. M*m*tay. O-t. 22 ttHIHITK TI’RPBNTINK -The lurixn tln* market .qxne.l firm oi 40 e*nis to *bv. with sales of s*4 nicks md closed llrm at 4**H cents, with further sales of 7% casks at Ihl* prl*e. There was a fair demand throughout the *ky. and at the , loslnx It was rr|orle*l th* market ww linn at quotation- This Is xcnerally th*- season for a check In th*- m elius, iln*- lo the Windlnx up of the crop, and wlta the present fi*Ni*l demand for stuff. It would seem that prices arc to be fairly well nviint.lined The .lay’s receipts w* re 1.32!*. md the <xports 197. RufUNd -Tlm- rosin murk* t clowerl firm msl unchonke.l to-day. with sales of i.- 470 tiorrels. There was a xood iNmsnJ, ond It was not und*-rst.*od that any *-on slderable quontltlea were lefi on factors’ bands The day’s recruits wer.- 4 WI. and th- .xisjrls l.M* Prices a* follows* \ IJ C $11" 1 II n 1 eh K 1 7" p 1 IS M 1 *• FIS AXri AE. JOHN W. DICKEY, Stork and Hand Broker, ttoriT.t, OA. Write fe Met. THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1000. F 1 40 N 2 tl 1 45 W G 3 V. II 1 55 W W 285 Receipts Monday— Hpirltr Kotin C. It. R 79 862 H , Y A W .972 3.723 8 A L 278 1,686 Rxports Monday— H H Na< ooebet*. New York 197 496 8 B Texas, lialtunoic l.juo Naval Stores Statement— Spirits Rosin Stock April 1, 19U1 . 2 197 143,806 Receipt* to-day 1.329 4.5; Receipt# previously 2U.;*6t 5*6.919 Totul since April 1 ..552,089 728.1< Kxporta to-day 197 1.886 luxport* pravloualy 216.uu6 582.650 Kxports since April 1 218.8U3 884,346 Sto< k on hand to-day 35.6*6 133.762 k on hand same day last >'’ r 23.6*6 141.132 Charleston. P C. Oct 32—Turpentlna mark* firm at 39*'; sales none liowiu. Hirady, unchanged; sale-, none. Wllnungton, N t\, Oct 22 -Spirits tut pen tine firm. 39>t,fi4fic; receipts. t>. Rosin firm, f1.1./ff! 3t>. receipts, 52 Crude tur pentine, 11.404 U 40. receipts, TH Tor firm. II 45; rscelpte. 127. N*av oHcuiis. tKt 22. ReccipU*. rosin t* . lairrels; tur|**ntin* 79. Fxports to llu vanu 1< barrel* n*iln FINANCIAL. MONRY—The demand keeps fairly up with the supply. j FORKION KXCIIA NOR— Market vary |wak. Commercial demand. 84-82. sixty 1 days, 84.7s I *. mnoty days. $4-78%; francs. Paris and Havre, sixty days. 5.3JH; Hwlss. d*on. 5 26; Belgian. 5.255; marks, sixty days. JU9-16c. ninety day*. 93Q* IHrMKBTIC KXCHANOK - Steady; hanks arc buying at 1-16 disc aunt an*) sell ! Ing as follow* $25 and under, 10c pre mium ; 825 to |SO, i;*c premium; SSO to 81U, prstnium. 8100 to 8200, 2Tic premium; 126 to lI.U/u, par. II.Oil) and over. 1-16 dis count. HKOrR!TIES-The tone of the market firm, with lalvnnelng iwlce* The sup ply of Iboittiig securities Is limited. Cen tral Issues are active and strong. Stocks. Bid. Asa. Augusta and Savannah R. R ...UN 110 Atlanta and West Point 125 ... do 6 per cent certificate* 106 Augusta Factory 62 65 Citizens Bank 131 132 Chat 'am I lank IN 111 Chatham R E A I. Cos . A 57 5H !o do li 56 57 Eagle nnd Phoenix Mfg. Cos. —lift 107 Edison Electric- Ilium .100 10f. Enterprise Mfg. Cot 103 •Rrmaiihi Bank 130 131 Georgia & Alabama - 23 26 <)eorgl.i Rallr**l Common 214 216 OranfteviUe Mfg. Cos 165 167 J. P. King Mfg. Cos 100 103 Igingley Mfg. Cos 117 120 M* rchants* National Bunk 11l 112 National Bank of Suvannah .... .150 Oglethorpe' Savings and Trust ..188 . People's Having* and Loan 100 Southwestern Railroad Cos 109 110 Savannah Oa* Light Cos. 21 kb 25V* Southern Bank 152 Savannah Bank ur.d Trust 114 115 Sibley Mfg Cos., Augusta 65 M Savannah Brewing 98 lftO Honda. Bid. Axk. [Char. Col A Aup I*t 5. 1900 ,in Atlanta city 4*. 1922 101 106 Augusta city 4s. 1927 106 107 do 44*. 1925 111 do 7s. 19iO 107 do *, 1913 122 Ala Mid. 5. ind’d, 192*. M AN 9*4 1® Augusta Factory, 6 |*er cent .1915.112 Brunswick and Western 4s. 1938 S2 61 <• R R A Banking collateral 5s 94 9*' C. of O. Ist mortg. ss. 1946 V A A 118 13) C. of G con ss. 1945. M AN .. 944 C. of G. Ist Incomes, 1945 42 4‘l do 2nd In comes. 1945 124 I*4 do 8d Incomes. 1945 6 4 C. of O CM. O. A A Dlv) ss. 1947 J A J 93 91 C. of O. (Eaton Branch). ss, 1938. J A D 9T* 96 City A Suburban R R Ist 7*1094 Columbus city ss. 1909 \rq Charleston city 4s. 19w 101 188 Eigle A Phoenix Mille s. 1938 108 108 Edison Electric Illuminating 6s 104 108 Enterprise Mfg 6s. 1908 ini Georgia Railroad 6 1910 114 1154 O. S A F . 1945. J A J 112 1124 Georgia A Alabama Ist 6. 1945 104 108 Georgia state 34*. 1930, J A J I(8t do 345. 1915, M A N Id' do 44. I*ls UK 119 Macon city Bs. 1910, J A J ...116 Ilk do 44*, 1926. Jan. par 108 Ocean Steamship ss. 1988 104 .... Savannah city ss. quar. January. 1913 110 111 lo 6*. quar. November, I‘.*Bt . .1104 111 South Carolina state 44*> 1933 ..118 118 s.hluy Mfg ro 6s. 1903 in? South Hound 5* .* 96 97 S # F A\V gen mt .ge, 6s, 1934 124 126 •lo do Ist ,s. gold 1934 112 114 do St John Dlv. Ist 4*. Nt w York. Oct. 22 —Mon* y on call firm Mi s per cent., last train 6 p r rent Prime mercantile paper r At* per rent S*- r ling (-xehange • isy with actual business In hankers hills at $4 for demand, and at 81 804tJ4 for sixty days Posted rates ft 814614. and fl 85fi4 854 Com mercial bills. 81 804*84.80*4 Silver corttfl • ales. 44 Bar silver. 844 c. Mex ican dollars. 5084 c Government bonds firmer. State bond* strong Railroad bonds rtrong BTOCKB tBl IIOHIH. The < looiiiu l.n*% With the lllkk ‘*t ltutnea Mare •iprlns, New York o<-t 22.—'To-day’* furiously active and buoyant speculation was brought up with a sharp turn In tlf* Anal hour of the trading by a flurry In th# rate for call vnonry. which carried It up to 5 per cent This wis accepted as an .tdmonhion that the speculation was over running h newly acquired resource- of the money mirket. and yrry heavy sell ing to reallx** profit* Immediately set In In some of the atneke mo uffe- t# and by the late selling th* earlier gains were en tirely wiped mil and the average level was carried down considerably below the lie*- of the day The effort of the hulls to re trieve their ground caused a very unaot tied tone, but the closing was on the whole easy, with the buoyant snap ap parently taken out of the market Notwithstanding this late aetlMck there were some very etrlkina upward m<>ve m* nt* of prices, especially in the ate I group, and th* largest day a buslnea- In sto* jk 4 since the earlier part a*f th* vear was transacted at a level of price* w*-ll ji bove those of Saturday. Speculation revelled In the reviving streams of god which are pouring Into th** New York money mark* ! from many quarter* of the world Yesterday/ Incoming steamer# from Euro|*c brought up the tot il r* - celpts of the gold • nag*d ther* f r im port to over 83 01) and Baturda>'s re ceipt* of 64.1ttjn.009 at San Francisco will be made Immediately available to the New York market by telegraphic transfer. The balance of the total #figagcm* nts In Europe, which amount'd to u wards of 89/mima* Is fart following on the heel* cf tif shl|m*n'B already racelval. Neither on Saturday nor to-day was there a sUivic <k*!kir deposited t the sub-treasury for transfer to the South or West, whl h Is a conclusive ilemon-tration of the marked d** line of the lnterlfr ne*d f r cumn v Sterling exchange fell weakly Im k Ml mar the gokl lmt**Tt point and f he continued downward tender; y of tn ter*-st rates In and Berlin seemed to offer acquiescence In th** thr atn and further deni#i* for gold from New York It Is Important to not.* that he weak** news of sterling exchange 1* largety doe o the heavy baying of stocks for fymdati ! account, which amountod, aa.ordtog to Southern Railway. Train, Arriva ami Depart Suvunnah on 10th MrrulUu Time—Ona Hour blower Thau City Time Bcheduka In Kiwi Suml.iy. June 10, 1900. nowN TO~THK UA.S‘I SI •■■ IT No *4 NO K!| jjownral TIIIW 1 No No IS U soamllLv Bavai > >i> Ar | j ttaml I U>pui | (Ktt.tcrn Time.) 4 2l|ni, i Siam Ar lilt, kMile I.v; 1 ntam I "7pm 6 00pm] 6 l"ain Ar Columbia lv|! I 2uam|ll 2i-. fi IMpm * 2am Ar ChWMIa U IlitM • iJ*m 11 ♦.imi 12 29pm Ar (irenl>or,> . I < Wpm 48 m> T*m; !.Ar~ Norfolk .... L * *••• 1 tsin Ar Daiivilfe .... I.v (itim ' **am i> wm. •. A.|,ni Ai Jlichinarul '. I OJi-i • •• 5 *oam t 4pm Ar . I.yu. hl.nrK I ■ -> K|>m 4 4im 6 3&pni Ar Cha'lottaavllle I.v 2 o#i*m| 12 Ai'in " I'-im s nopm Ar A' >lilnKion l.vj|ll ISam * Wpm 8 Kamil 36pni Ar ii.ilttmore I.v ! 4 2Unt, 8 27 pm U iiaamj i.> mi Ar PhlU.lelplnu I.v | Mkim 6 #ipm 2 Oipm; 6 18.1 n, Ar New York I.vjllS 10am J SSpm • Spin M|im Ar . BMton I.v KUpm TtoJOTj TO Tin: NOIITII AND WHKT. I Nu!j || (Central Tim. ) II IS 30ain |Lv ...7........ . BaTaonab Aril t> Warn (£iult'rii H<nr ) 11 6 I.v Columbia l* v ll * 9 10am I.v Spailaiibura I.v|. * 14|>m IS 10pm I.v A villa l-v 8 '4>l*<n * <>Spm Ar Hot riprluga I ,v 11 * i * m 7 aipm Ar Knoxville hv ; 8 *am 8 !Oam Ar 1.. ilottlon I v !*® 7 4:am Ar Cinelnikitt I*' * oapm i* nopm ar He |Mfei *•' : * >aam 7 Uan.lAr *-“*-vlll> k v .. I 4w*m All iraum arrive aud depart Irom Ihe llani Hyalrm Aiallon. THHOI’OII ('All BKRVICN, ETC. TRAINS 3S AND J 4 DAII.Y, NKW YORK AND KIAIRIDA BXPR7S4B VcM b ii.d limited tr.laa, with Pullman Drawl— Ituom Hlaaplai Cai nab nnl New York Connect* il H with Colonla Kxpr.a. Im IkaO. Pullmun Sle. pink Ckira belareen Charlolle and lib hmond and i hurUMio and Nor folk Dltilrte Cora nerve nil mealn belween Rnvuonali and Wa-lilnalon TRAINS ST. ANl* * PAII.Y. THE HNITKD STATES EAST MAII. V.allbuled llmlleil train., rarrylna I’lillnam Drawlua Remo Sl*, pin,; lur b.*tit'ell H.nann.ih and New York lHnln* Car. nerve ull no ala l-iwee-n S.ivannab and W.r buiKton. AI.O Mullmun lirnwln* R..m Sleepln* Ci beiwteu Savuimnli aud Cincinnati, throuah A.hevllln .ml "The leind of the Hk\ For eempleie Informailon an o rl whmlulea, etc., apply lo O. OROOVKH. Tirkel Aeiu. Vlaiit Sy.iein Station JAMES FREEMAN, C. I‘. and T. A.. 11l Bull .(reel. Tolephouea—Bell. 820; Oeorgla. 880. 8 ||. HARMWK'K. Awil.lanl fV-noral I i.en*er Ae-rm Ail ml.i Oa. reliable -,ilma<ee. lo 46.(00 .bare, f.x rhaniii made from ihla aotiree. onllk** that due to the cotton movement, dee. not In volve u correapondln* .Iraw Trom New York .urb i. I. re.pilrrd lo mov. the col ton crop. London 1 . lui*e buyln* we* re - Itorled to Ih- due. In a dc*rM-. to npeculn tlve coverln* of call, for Atnerl .*n ntockn. which Max loti hi- .old uulle fr c ly for name time lat.t and whic h the cur rent rice In price, force, that m.irk-t lo provide It.elf with The nee of iheat* v.rb'U. favoring factor, wa. what the broker, railed the- Ih-m open mark-1 for clocks .luce laM .prln* ThH wan taken advantage of from the outdln to reollxo on a very large ncale. mwl the pro fe.alonal opeiatorw heeant* aomewhat on* ea.y a they detected evidence of lord: .elhng The .purt In the call money rat wua all that war needed to precipitate the general eellltfg movement. There w* greitly Inoreewad activity tn hand, a* well a. In .to. k.. and price, advanced very generally. High grade bond, were not conaplcuou. lu the deal ing, Total .ale. par valtl* tS 7<V. ( C P three. re*l.tered advanced '4 on the la.t call. The total tutlew of ittocke to-day were c#ri7"n .hare., Inelu.lln* Atchleon. 33.4w>, Ati-hlwHi preferred 41 7; Cheap ke and Ohio 7.300; Chicago. Burlington and (j'tlnry. I.V7K: Chi ago. Rfick lilaml and I’aelflc' 8787. iA.ul.vllle and Na.hvllle. 11.- .fjh; Manhattan. 94 7 Metropolitan S*reet Railway, l*eKM): Mlaaourl i*aelflc. 30.150; New York Central. *‘.W; Norfolk *n 1 Weatern, 4.188; Northern I’aclfle. SO ST. < tntatlu and Weelern. 8.8 M; Fennaylvanta. 18,675; Heeding Ural preferred. H*. Paul. 14. W; Southern Partite. 20.810. Southern Railway 8 400; SmHhern I**'"- wciv preferred k.twfc. Texa. P.e 111. . *' . t'nion Paelftc. 40,t?ir.: I'nlon Pacific Pre ferred. 5.21*0; American S*el Ho|>. MS tld; American Steel and Wire 42310; Am.-fl . an Steel and Wire preferre.l. 7.180. Amer ican Tin I’la'e. ti ts*. American Tot... o. 21 Dto Anaronila. .<*<>. Brooklyn llopld 41.670; Coni. Fuel ami Iron. ~.>a*. Continental Tobacco. 11075. Federal Steel. 23.7tk*; National Steel, 7.<(7b; l*welf'e ttall SI.410; People', fia*. ;f7.ltio. Pre.aed Steel Car. 4.TJO; Sugar. 48i. Tenww-ee Coal and Iron, IK.*CS. V. 8 leather. 17. C rt Rubber, li.l. Republic Irmi and steel. 17.650; Republic Iron end Steel, pre ferred, 7.(44) New York Stock Elt. Atrlilnoti I Ha) I'nlon *'**•' •••• sl, e! do pref 78,i 'lo |ref 765i 11. A 0 7M Wabneh eS Can. Pic. 1171a; *k> pref lSk Can. Hou 63 I Wheel, a E.. 9'. Che**. A Ohio .. JOlxl do 2nd pref. ... c, C. O. W .... ISVt.WIa. Central .. ISIi C. B. A Q. .. 128*4; Third Ave 11l C liwl A U-. Cl, Adam* Ex ..136 .1,, pref s*> j American hTx ..181 C. A E 111. ... O&H|U. 8 Ka 4* C. A Nw ...1U j Welle Fargo Ex 12.7 C li. I. A P...l"t*'., Am. Col. Oil .. M C. C A Si. 1. 63 I rtn pref SI t'ol Sou Mj. Am Malting ... 444 do ll pref. .. 33 I do pref 23 ik> Iml |fref. .. 16 ;Arn. H. A Ref .. 4154 I tel A II tide nn lISS| do pref F*4 Mel I. A W .17* i Am. Spirit* I D. A K a 3541 <V) |*f ef 17 do pref 7**4. Am. Steel Hoop . 24Vfc y;rh US% do pref 7Hi do tat pref. ... 354 Am. 8 A W. ... 3614 17rear Nor pref. 161 j do |>ref 76*4 Hoi king Coitl .. 16 ;Am. Tin Plate .. 324 Hoik. Vulley .. 374 do pref *24 111. Cent. 11041 Am. Tobacco ... 8* la Cent ID do pref 127 00 pref 41 |Ana. Mbi Cos. .. 46* E. E. A W 364 Brook R T 6*4 do pref It*! (Col F A 1 3 4 Dike Shore ....306 font Tub 304 Ixtul* A Naah. 764 do pref 624 Manhattan D. .. %*! Fed. Steel 80* Met. St Hy. 161 | do pref 684 Mt x. Cent .... 114'ien Electric ..143 Minn A St. E 60 |<Muooeo Sugar .. 86 do pref. 074 <*o pref 90 Mo Pur A44|ltdl Pa|*r .... 30 Mobile A Ohio . 411 | do pref 4 M . K A T ... 104 latrtede Uaa .... 694 do pref 3l4lNat Blwult 354 N J. Central .136 | k prel 814 N. Y. Central .1394 Nat. l-ead 4 Nor A Weal .. 374 do pref 07% do pref 764* Nat. Steel 30 Nor Pan 674! do pref Mi do pref 73VN Y. Air Brake 12F1, On! A West . 234 North Am 15* O R. A Nav .. 42 Par. Coaat .... 5* do pref. 76 j do let |ref .... 84 Penneylvanla 1334 do 3nd pref. .. 68 Reading I74:i'ar*flr Mall ... 4t>4 do Dt pref ... 584 People a tlaa 944 do 2nd pref. . 2*4 Preened H. Car 44 R fl. W 49 | do pref SO do pref So Pul Palace Car 190 St I. A San. F 114 8- H. A T 54 .lo let peer. ... 6S\ Hugar 123 do 2nd pref. 3tdk do pref 1164 81. L. 8w 13 Tenn. C. A I. .. 89% do pref 3(*4 7 8. laxil her 124 SI Paul 116 * do pref 714 <lo pref 171 |l’. 8. Rubber .. 334 81. PA Om 113 jdo prel 91 Hou Par. 354 Went. I’nlon ... 79% Boti Ry 13 IE I. A 8 144 do pref. 57 i do p-ef :<*, Tex. A Pac. .... 174 F. C. C. A St E. 564 Bond* t' 8 2i. ref reg.lo4 Texas 2nd* , (774 do 2. coo ...lot do do 4 Ft I!, rt 3. reg .109 tN. Y Cen I*l *lo*4 do 3*. (X>u 10*4 N J. C. gen 5.12.1*e fk> n w 4. reg IXIV% Nor B . Be. .. 66 o|o no w 4 cou IMVji <lo 4s. KL 1 * .lo old ♦*. reg .114% S. Y.. Chi A t ilo oM 4s. cou. 114% Ijoulr. if, t. .lW 'V> fcs. reg. .112 N. A W con. 4#, f7% 010 ss. cou .....112% Ore. N iv. lets . 165 D. of C. 3 65* 133% ok. lo 4*. ..!% Ate. gen. 4s. ..)% Ore. S L. §m...W Air. *ij. . 4s. .. ffi j do k *o. 55..11l C. of O. con. ss. 95 Read Gen 45.. *9 rk let lnr. . 42 Rk* G W lets 95% •lo 21mI Inc bk| llVigt L A Iron Mt Cna. t>ou. | cotuaul &u, ... UM4 G AO 4 1-2*. . 99% 8t L A Sn F •5* fcn. (foin m]| he. .136 G A Nw com 75139% H? I‘aul C4YO 170% G A Nw B F dt. Paul, Ghl A l*< b !m UU Pacific iaU . 115% Ghl Ter 4e. *2 ,Jo ikt s*. 119 CM. Sou. 4a. .. tB% Sou Pa-\ 4s, Jh-nvgi A Rio | Kv f>s. Granolc Ist* . UB ,|A R ami T 6*. 6H% *l 1* 4j\. 55%;Tex A P.o lei lit Erk* G*n 4s, .. 71% Ki do 2tols .... 70 F W. A I h -liver Gniot* Pa<* fa. ..106 Glty lets .... 73% 1 Wabash Isis \\H G 0 Elec. sm. .120 do M H low# Gen Ist*.. 114 |West rtlare 4*,..1U% LAN Fnl 4s. 9**% Wla. Con. Into .. X 7% M A O. 4*. .. 54% Vli it ik 91% Mis., Kan. A. | Nw York, Oct. 23—Standard Oil 57tK* 576. Mur|li> A Ca.'i Nim*li New York. Oct. 22.—Murphy A G< say Th# sto> k mork**t ofwn#*l with th* do*al- Ings in Immense volume and with materinl •dvanccs showing In every quarter of the market. The tendency of prices was nothing more than • continuation nf ttw rapid rhn* which whs tn progreaa at the clone of lam w***k Virtually nothing ad illtionHl tn the w.iy of new* transpired over Buixlay with any tn .irirur U|on the financial sttiuHon. and the strike f th* anthruclte coal mln rs apfawred to |e tnor*- remote from settlement than it scented to be if thi end *>f the week Th* tendency of the m irk> t was lo no little extent owing to th** material ad vance* shown in the market, and for* tgn houses tr;<dd very h ivlly at the o|enlng, although on l*olh a kies of the m count. It would seem hardly m*cesssry in jmr tlcularlxe In regard to the early change* In prices. The railway list was a**tlvely dealt In ami was strong, ami advances ex tending to several points were noted In th** U>■lustM.-il quarter. Gonsplruoti* fea ture's >f the latter wen Gontlnenial To- Iwicco. Notional Tills*, Bt*el lloop and Anu-rican B(s-| and Wire. Th#- local trac tion group participated to a comparatively sm ill extent In the general tendency of prices. Manhattan railway however, enn tlnued firm and active. Active features of the rutlw.iy Had were the Atchisons, Union and Northern Pacific. Missouri Pa clflc, Southerr. Pacific and the Grangers The :rly dealings were, as noted ex tremely animated and while profit realis ing Siiles were in tremendous voltirm they seemed to Is* readily absorbed by the Inrren*e4| outside demmd and hy renewe*! purchase* of stili*(:intial nature. The ad vance In money to 6 per rent was not nviintalneil It rnurd a reaction Ten deney to *• II off rails. Buying In Brook lyn Rapid Transit, considered very good Trade buying In Sugar ippar**ntly up to close Tot l sales of stocks to-day were M7,**7 kIUTJ J.AM'.oni %l AH K KT4 Noti.-Tliik' quotation# are revised da ly, and are k pt as ran a-< possible in accord with ti;C |r* valllrig wholesale prl es. Official quotmlnns are not used when thay dl*agr#e with the prlcea whoia salers aak ( ounlrr nnd Northern Prod tier POI T LTRY—The m.irket ia steady. Quo tations: Broilers. lo4f3Sc; per pair; half grown, 4. r 4i'A*; thre^-fourths grown. &5%| ffk: hen#. Csfi7sc; rooster*, 4. duck a 60075 c ge< se, 76cfl|l 00 EGGS-Htcidy at 17c. BUTTER— The tone of the market la firm QmUatlnns: Western * reamery, l'rtp 2645 c. New V*Bfk state dairy, 17%y22%c. extra Flrfns. 3t025c CHEESE—M. rk **t firm, fancy full ernnm hee*sr. 12%c for 9) to 22-pound averag*. ZsQao-pound average, lie. Early % relablra. IRISH POT ATOEl4—Northern, |2OO ##ck CABBAGE—6Q7o per head. ONIONR- Yellow. in barrels, 13 00, crates, 20c; red. liftoff? no llrrndsfufle, lln> nnd 4.min. FLOUR Market sternly, patent. 11.35; Straight, $.( 95. tuncy, 62 M>. f imtly. $3 55 MEA per barrel. $j 75. per sack, $i city m*al. fer sick, bolted. 6l l7%f# •1 Ar. water ground. 91 23%6fl 25; Hty grits, sack*. 41 12Wn 1 25; pearl grits, llud nuts', per barrel, fl 45; per sack. 91 30. sun dry brands. 91 25tffl gi sack. CORN Mark* * firm, white. Job lot#, 65c; rai l*>nd lot#, 63c, mixed corn. Job lota, 6:c. carload lota 59c HIGH Marius atendy, demand good, fancy head. 6c; fancy, 5%0. Prime 5 <MOd a. a • *H4* ! Fair 4 04^ Cummon m OATS N 2, carluu.l, J4y; job lot., 357)36 r, white illpptd, 4(8;; Job, 37 r. BRAN- Job lota, 9i-. rarloa'l lot*. 'Me HAY Market ateady; No. I timothy, 938,0 F'h. 87V8 rarx; No 2. *s< Job. Kt% car*. *X*r anil I oft. r. BI?aAR Cot loaf 6*4 ; Diumoirt A 6*t Cruah'd 6-31 i Conft*Uon,ra’ A 6.7 Powdered K | Whlto Extra C. .6 ID XXXX cow'd *l4 Extra C 5.4* Oranulaled .... 8.99 jOotdrn C 5,74 Cub.* 14 Ytllow, 6.01 Mould A *2O | COFFER— Morin 380 | Prim- No. 3 ...11 r Java 38c | (Jor>d No. 4 .. \o%e p.vih*rry 14 r, Fair, No. S .. !OHr Fancy No. 1 ..13 r) Ordinary, No. 6.10 c Choice No, 1 1 H4c| Common No 7 ilunm.t. .ail •tuiutna UME. CAECIU3I. P EASTER AND CEMENT—AIa-ama and timl llm, in fair demam* and tel. at 86 cents a barrel; apectal calcined ptaater. 31. CD p-.* barrel; hulr. 408 c Ro*e.lalo Cfintal. $; 3*u* 38; ! carload lots, apeclal. Portland remenl. re tail *2 25; carload lot, U (*r3 30 EI'MBER I- O. Il VIiMHEU* BAVAN NAU—MiuUoiud, yard aw>. Ro.jiuvil.22i Plant System of Railways. Trains Op* rated by ftuth Meridian Ylm*—one Hour Hlowsr Than Gtfy Tune. | |l3 | 6(75 { Nurth and tfouth. |f 23 |25 ) 5 | | ______ READ I * * i tit: AD IT H i I.v Sa * a nr.iii ... Ar| j -45. G 7 50a, 6 10f*j .. .f.*. j ■ I 4 12i>jl0 90• *i Ai Ar . Ghari. snn ... Lvjtll 15p| 5 Wki) 2 Mh*j— | j ... . 3 23*i .... j 7 35i’ Ar Rlchmon*! I.v 9 <*,a iPp ...j j —j 7 olii, ll Ar . Waahlngton... Lv, 4 j f g|l * **• h 20ai 1 t*3,i ,Ar . Biilflmor- L% 2 56a 1 66p{ | p t .. I ...j . I 15#*[ ... ; 7 At .. 'New York Lv f 25p IB# j j ) I li !3* iII' | M ,SI ; Smith 3B I jX! | l<~ 8 <*>!• 7 '."|> 8 10a 6 ,Btn 3 IE. I.v . Savanna \r I ■i IJ Ida ? (O). 12 l|> t 7ip 165 8 h>l> 5 40*. 10 ET.,., 7 i.. 6 3*>l Ar .. Wa>. r ,-. o •• t|, 4 Mo| B4-.| 7 (tia I abi 3Dp 3 IS|>l 3 p.| 2 !6|> Ar . Thom.tailll - I.v '. n*> t|p | 6 16i| 3 15a 1(1 Jo|ll 7 40|. 13 ME 9 ;,U * 3ua |Ar . .Jack mm 111. E\ 8 *vi 7 ti;. 1% 6 (Da| 5 l*a ••••'• i 3#n! I <■*,!* ta t >|tt p.|Ar ... I't*kti ka E> 4 foi , . 3 lit; 2 3b* |3 05.i,it"|. Ar .. .-Willard In 13 „,,* j 13 3ta 13 Ma I i 2 3ui> 2 3#i;|Ar ...Oalne 'lilt* L\ .j 2 40p| I 1....-,. I j I 3 lti* 3 Ih* jAr ■<*cu:.i E* i I 4<M,' .. I | j ~,| .. to 5* It) .< t* \r ,rtt Pet* * bury E* *, oi,, i | |7Am id Do|>*lo n*i|lO ti ,Ar TainiNi In 8 *), <•., j * ioj, s on,, | 3ua,lo .lt>i 10 ,6*|i 10 >i* Ar . Part I'impii In 7 .7, , 7i, | 7 7 3^, | I 1 10a I 'a., 1 t*n Ar . I'm I. * ;.n *1 , |*, jZI .... 1 |. ... It* 45a 10 4..! Ar .. St. Auu*iln* Ev 6 3H|, *, ai t , | ...i ... . 5 Ul* 3 I.V 1 3 2..|* '•Till I.v Savannah Ev ,11 i;„, 12 Ida .. 1.7777^ | 6 33|>{ 7 hwi 6 * Ar Brunswick Ev 6 40.1 '• ir.|*' 1 .. | NORTH WI ST ANI> SOPTIIWEST VI. J****M 16 98 I*' |35 Vln Mantffom<*ay 16 j t§~ & OOp 52a I.V H ivanliih Ar In l.i li 1011 S i*h> 8I On In kivannah At !•* t& M | 1 6 t:*i 6 4*Bl Ar J.X*|||* I.v 4 20*. K* txk* I lual 9 2t*>l Ar Mla airry In 11 7 48n|ll 3*. 3 no.* 1 IBt* Ar Muctm Ev I (*t ts* 7 I0|>: • Vk* Ar Nash Die In t*E, 2 21a 8 3XI 3 :*t|. Ar Atlanta l.v||lo 48|>!12 08p 2 3*,t 12 26,.|,Ar latuEvtlln In 2 .'oa| tUp 4sa *k> Ar Chi'ntHu lln *• o*i* 6 4'.* 70. 4 '(* Ar Cincinnati In ,11 (Op 5 >,„ 7 30|>| 7 Bftn Ar lAWllevllle In 7 V>t| 7 48l* 7 Ju.i 7 IW|. Ar Hi. I.v* ]U K 7 .'topj 74. t Ar i’lnrinnfltl Lv % 30.*! 7 •4>t | )| (LAN) l| 7 04#| 6>p (Ar Ht 1-.9UU Lv; 9 Mpt ft <*u 7 .U** tAr Ht i 4)Ui Lvl ft OOpj 7 1 !Wi‘ 5 10p Ar <*hlcag> Lv ft Jftpi ••%* j (\f AO) 5 kv*; 4 ifp I.v . Atlanta .a in .v.pil .to, 6 °9f •* 5%. Ar Uhl* ig. I*\ M 7 i H ftO p 7l.Vi \r M.mphi-4 Lv s .*o, 9 <h* 4Up 5 o*. .Ar Mobile Lv 12 \ftp 1J Jfft, '■ • K . Iyl, 6 :wpj 2 45 ( . - ... Ar N Orleans Li T 56a VBp . *Bt,i . , J.\ . , i it it. Ar 10 15a 13 10a Thrmigh Pullman Bleeping Car B**rvli*r 1 46m 12 &>|* Ar . .Tilton . Lv), i 15a (i.v 2 4'.., 2 lop At Alb mv Lvjjll 014 346 p tß> North. Fast /mil W* <t, nrul to Florida |' • Ar <'o!innb(ia Lvif !ft #•, mnlo at Port Tamp* wit It U H mull at im-hlp* of the IVnlnaular ond Occidental Hti uniKtiij, Line. ImvitiK port Tampa Monday*. Thunwlaya end Saturday!* at ll no p vn J. II f*4>lh<*mu * T P A Ward Clark, City Tkt Agt., l>* Btit'i lIHel. Phono 73 It W WRFNN. PnKM njp r Traffic Mnnuger. Aavannah. O# Iron Founders, Machinists, B7~^L - ■ ■ e*r mmd Nmkl. Xw.M. l.rUul euU Top Ituauln. Mr “ B*t)la, 1.,., amt ei.4 •■, .ha Hi... Pe11.,., vie. ' 'l'J&t TELEPHONE NO. 12X car .Ills, 112 507)13 06: dim. ull aloe 314(1) )1*... Bhlp etock, Bt6titß,ii*t)o. unn Ilea, 18‘•-bit t*i. hewn lleik 366134.-. t)IE Market atendy demand fair; il(. nal, 48x)M)c; We,t Vlralnu. hla. k Hfltc; lard, 89c. neatef.Mt. b*ai . machinery. i U2c, llnaeed ull. raw, wi , bulled. 99c; k. raaene. |.rltne white, 13- , water white. 13c; Pralf* antral >4 de.nlurixed eiove icaunllne, dnima. UV9c; empty uu uarreki, delivered. 86c SHOT- lrop, 81 80, II E. and large, |l.7t; chi bed 8178 IRON Market very *; Swede. 3tye. NAlEfl—Cut. 8360 bane; wire 82 96 Iwtee, BARBED WIRE 83 66 per lad pound* etmliiht (for.ln, 34)30. , auaer huune 154)*8- OUN POWDER—I*er ke*. Austin creek •hot. 84. M. half krfi. 83.33. quarter k> 81 >9; champion ttuckma. quarter kec*. 8288. Dupont end llezarn amokelna*. half ken, 9)1.36, quarter ke**. 83 78. I pound canlatera. 8100. leea 28 per cent . Tp.le.iorf amokelne* powder, t i>und cane, 8104, UF pouml can* 9t)e pound. ■ all. Hide* Mod Wool. BAt.T— Demanu is tnlr nnd the market alt-tidy; carload loin, lot) pound builau aack*. 44c, im pound cotton tauk, 48c: lid pound burlap aurk*. t*‘9<•; 110 pound cotton aack*. 41V; ZK-pu.ind l.urlap a... ka, 16c; 138 poun.l cotton aack. 89c; aju- pound burlap sacka. K6t-. IIIDKB Marke* turn; dry fllnE Wtc; dry aalt, IIV9* ; rraen salted, tc. WOOE-Nomlno.; prtma Oaorala. frea of sand burr* and black wool. IF-, block, lie; burry. 10c. Wax, 38c; tullow, IHe. Deer skins. 10c. •-rnlta anti Ants. APPEEH Northern variety, 82 23*13 50 PHI NEB 10a to 50- |o . ;*> )„ au. 60* to 70v, 7c; 70a to Hoe, 6VBc. Mm to WM, 9c. )> to 100*. s^yc. BANANAS -81 234)2 OH luwirti DEMONS Market ete.dy at 83 7341:100 rooiANIITH 83 7MHOO |h r l" PEANUTS- Ample stock, fnlr demand; market Arm, fancy hund-plck-d. Vlrwlnla. per pnund. tHc. hand pl.-k.-d, Vlrklnla, ex tras. 4c; N C seed peanut*. 4c NTTTB-Altnonda. Tarraona. 10c; Ivtcaa, |Bc, walnut*. French. 13c. Naple*. 11c; pa . an*, lie. Ilraxll*. IS.-, nihert*. 13r; assort ad nut*. 8i )*>ur.d and 36-i>oiind boxes, 13c. Coltou noau'na and Ties. R A 001 NO—Market firm; Jut*. Im pound *%c: lard* lota. 34 r.; email total, f-pound, MT*r; 186-pound, OtitlOW; —• Island bagging, 128*. TIER Hianuonl. tf.-po>ind. arrow, large lot*. 31 10; amali lot*. H.B Klaeoa. Ilnnte and f.artl. HAfON—Market firm; D. rt, C. 11. aid**, 886*'; D. 8. bellies. 9 ! ,c (Eaalernl, a. rordlttK to uverage elite, D rt helllc*, 888*' (VV. stern); nm iked (' It eld**, 9\,< IIA MB rtuxar cured, 17*f124<- l,Aßl>—Pure, In tlerca*. *V . In 60- |H>und tin* nn.l 9U-pound tub*. 886 c, compound In tierce*. 9Vxe. 30-pound tins, und nit [Huind tub*. 6'.. lined and Evaporated Frails. A.PPEEB—Evaporated. auti-drled. HWIk- APItIC'OTB--Eva|antttl. lc pound, nectarine’., 10c. RAIBINB E. U. *2.00; Imperial cvbtneta. 12. V; laoee, 60 pound boxe-a. 6V* l v puund PEACHES- Kvapor.iled. puslvd, IIV. unpeah and. XtWjOc PEAKS—Ev.|urmt<V. *Hc. MIMI 121.1. A YF-ol a. FlSH—Mmkeral, liulf-barrela. No. I, 8* tn; No 2, 87 00; No 1. 85 73. kits, N" l. 81.30; No. 2. 81.10; No. 3.98 c. Codnab, l-pounel brh ka. 96V; 3-|auid tirlcks, D Smoked herring*, per Imix. 177|19.-. Dotctt herrltikM. In keg*. SI 10; new mull.**, half- Iwrr. l*, 83 75 SYRUP—Market quiet: Oeorgla on.l Florida syrup. Inlying at 3H6i3Uc; aelliug at 3261.75 -, sugar boon., at lOflJc. HONEY—Fair demand, airalned. In bar rel* 66fi60< gallon. High wine basis, 81 98. OCEAN KUElOfira. COTTON.— Savannah to lt<*ton. p*r rwt 28c; lo Ntw York, per cwt., 30c-. to Philadelphia r~ r hah 31; Baltimore. 81. FOREION DlßßCT—Hretnen. tnc; erftool. a*-; Hatnlairg. ( ); Ocnoa. 9bc; Bxr.elen,. Ok . Mote .‘ic.dcr, 45c; Havre, 4Hc; Antwerp. ( ) FORKION INDIRECT—Weak and nom inal Elverpo.d. Btc; Man. he*ter, 93c. Hamburg. 83c; Havre, * 72c; {Je noa. •#>■; Reval and Bt. Petersburg. 70c; Antwerp, 55c. EI’MBER - By Ball Freights dull; to Baltimore ml eastward, 84 60 lo 86 00 per M Including Portland. EI’MBER—By Hteam— Ssvannnh to Bal timore. 85 00, to P M R or It & O. dock*. 83 80. lo Philadelphia. 1686 c, per cwt.. tt pound* to font); lo New York. 86 90 per M. 87 H to dock; lightered to Burton to dock. I* SO NAVAL STORES- The market |* firm urn site vessels Roam—Cork for order*. 8a 6d per barrel of 310 pounds, nnd 6 per cent, primage Spirits. 4* 9d per 40 gallone gross, snd 8 per cent prims*" Istrge vessel*, rosin, 3*. spirit* 4* Sd Htratn. 11c per 10(1 pound* on rosin; 21V nn spirits. Savannah to Boston, and 9'yc on rosin end 1c on spirits to New York QE 4 IN. Pit o V I I. New Y'ork, Oct. 33—Flour very wc.ik .md *tM lower to sell, following the d< pres eluti In wheal Rye flour steady Corn meal atendy; yellow western 88<\ Rye Mtrntly; No. 2 western, 5756 c. Bar ley dull. Ob Eighth Pag*. fg§£ Bchertulee Effective Bepf. 10, lfß*. Trains arrive git ariO iktaari fngn Centra! filiation. Waet 11 road, loot of I .dmrty atrMi *>Ui Meridian Time On. hour slower then I rltv time : ’ _ Arrive ” | Mivaiinsh: J Augusta, Macon, Atlanuu * t •am{C*ovtrcton. Mlllig*vllkj*t j H 1 ititermMiai,. puinia| JAugu t m M<ofi. Atl.nt.l ~ |Ath*na, Mtm it.mtrv, Co-1 OOimijlumbua, ltirm<n*h**m. An-|* tOua Kufuula aiu| Troy | !* ******** 1 l*ov*r A orikfiK>lMiin Iff 4tan> < tTftHpm •Dally i luafttyT * hbtr-kkn savannah and TYBKk Istn meridian nr H i Vtinnah r|ly lime. ... L * EAVB savannah. u'JZL?\ except Monday :J0 a. m. Dally JOO n or. LEAVR TYBKK r ,*T y 7,s ■ ra >•* •*• Monday 10 36 . m . imlly j*) p m " : * d ' •' 'ermlruil points with all I reins Northwest. West and Southwest ~ Bleeping rare or. nlffttt mine between ..nd ..111 . “e* Au,to " , ‘*- Ma w., Atlanta l J trinf^rhsm v.?.r!h r m ” 0,1 ,ra,n * he I ween Be vtinnah. Ma> nn end Atlanta. ',” r mtormwilen, ervhedulea. **"•* J! ni> ,onn e‘tlons. apply In W BREWER, CMy Ticket and Peee *nßer Agent. 107 Hull elreel " or j’r' , | .T.i N r T n K n '^ ( Ticket Agent Kl.rffE. Oen Superintends*^ Ssvnrnrth Oi. /^^^VESTIBUUt) lIMITEO Double Daily Service The ehort line to Norfolk, Washington. Um ISm* 4, New York and wl. I—. rwxl Wo. r Ar “ A L y *l II l-n. S 'rTj 'a “■ A - L ,ty 4 ft lm * hAra At J,* h ‘ oA- U My p™ U W„m Ar Durham. 8 A. URy 7 Aram 4 I4pm Ar •, , ' erhur *, 8. AL. Ry 4 lJam 4 tapm Ar Richmond, H. A. U Uy 6 Isam 6 upm Ar w shinirton, I'snna .. * i r ,.im • tOnm at ‘’T." 1 >° • li Ar ’Philadelphia. Penna 12 27pm 1 Mam Ar New York I’enna 3 OSpm ( i.tara I No 44 No s 1 i. r : ipm Ar Portsmouth, 8.A.1, Hy| 7 00am! 6 30pm Mteemrrs leuve Norfolk dally, except Sunday, feir lialtlmore. Philadelphia and Ni w York and dally fur Washington. Tho abort line to Montgomery. Mobile end New Orleans, leaving Savannah at 7:S a m , arriving at Montgomery 7:40 p. m.. al which point close connection la made with the L. A N. H. K. arriving al Mobile iO6 a. ra. and New Orleans 740 a m The short line to Fcrnandlna, Jackson ville. Tumps and other Florida points. " j No 17 f fftTir I,v Savannah. 8 A (7. Ttyj 5 teUm i 97pm Ar F H A l. lt y| v Siam I opm Ar Jacksonville, BAN.Hyj I I ham 7 40pm Ar Tampa. B A, L. Ity. ...| f. 30pm C Warn Magnlffc ns . Pullman buff, t sleeping oar service to Washington. Baltimore, Phila delphia and New York; also to Jackson ville and Tampa. Dining cars from Savannah to Haralat, and Richmond to New York. Buffet parlor cars Savannah to Mont gomery For uddlilonal Information apply to Ticket office, null and Bryan streals Phone B. CITY OF SAVANNAH POCKET MAP. SO CENTS EACH. PKINTKD IN TWO COLORS, Kit EI. Y SOUND IN 4 I.OTH AND STAMPED IN UOIoU ON SiUUk Far Sale Ity mu newt. 9