The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 24, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 §?()* f&rrninfl *1 nralt >**• Huiidia* tni tKOnnh Ufv i:uu>im, oiTomat m, ikw. K'(i>irtnl al the Poriofflee in Bavatumii. The UuHNlNtl NEWS la pubtMrad tvary day In lb* year, and la served to subscribers In tba city, or eent by man. at 700 a month. M Ov lor M months, at.*J bit lor 01. t year Tba MOMMIKG NEWS, by mall, at* tltnaa a wok (witnout Sunday him), tbraa aniiiiu. |I.M, at* numtba bits. on year la.ou Tba WEEKLY NEWS. 2 laauta a watk. Monday and Thursday, by ma.l, ooa year. (LOO. Bub*' ript ion* par a bit In advance K mil by portal wd*r, check or regUtered teller Currency aent by mall at riak al tenders. Tran, lent advertisements. other than special autumn. (oral or reading notice*, amuremtnta and cheap or want column, i tv rente a line Fourteen tinea ol ageie type—equal to one Inch square tn depth— ta the riandard of meaaureinent. Contract tatea and dtaiount made known on apple cation at buamnai office. Ordara for delivery of tba MORNING Nrm to either mSwict or place of buatnera may be made by portal card or l.lrough telephone No 110 Any irregular ity In delivery ahould be Immediately re ported to lb* office of pubii.eium. Letters and telegrams ahould be al dreared MORNING NEWS," Savannab. Ga EASTERN OFFICE B Park Row. Near York city. H C. Faulkner. Manager. L\DU 10 MW Ali\LiilhLHLMi Mifllnfs-ClltHon Mn, No. M. K. ml A M., Fourth Ulstrlct Krynokls Club, Stockholders Uroruht anJ AUbrtmj luil- Special KotlrM-SpHlal Notice. Murk Appk ; Wall I*aper, Paper Hanging. Sa vannah Building Supply Company; Paint*. Oil*, Vantlh, Elc., Andrew Hanky Company; lead This, Ecxntu Cured by Bunw* Spring* Water; Palace Cafe, Keslaurant und Oyetrr House; Ship No tke. W. W. WH?on, Ayrnt, Consigner; Tribune Blcyrkt, H. V. Connerat; City Hand* Wanted; John Funk, City Market. Business Nmlces—E. A W. Laundry. AimiwmiHU-"Tlie Prisoner of Xcnda.** at Theater. Saturday Matinee and Night. Steamship Schedule— Merehanta and Miners' Transportation Company's Balti more and Philadelphia lathes. Legal Not leer—Notices of Application for Discharge in liankruptcy of Jarm-a Tlson, James R. Smith, Albert M. ItavU, la. A. Nelson, John A. Sullivan, Judson latither latahtsey, Wtlltnm F. fiugel. L C. Co*. William E. Woods, Valery Neff Camden. 8. F. Butler, Mas Wllensky, U. F. Ulmer. Boyd llurdarare i'omiMiny, *1 T. Boyd A Hro , A. C. McLeod. A. Buck halter. Klah K. Water A Hro . W illiam K. Botierts, Benjamin W’. Boyd, Thotnaa H. Weathers. Abe A. Morris, Walter C. Farris John Hulcken, Stephen V. Jrf ords, Haywood E. Lester, Jesse Newman, A E Scott, Samuel Kneel and I). K.ihr.- wrilrr. The Wise In Clear Weather Prepare for Rain- la-yard Adler. Malt -Nutrlne- Anheuser-Busch Brewing Asnrlalkn. Mineral Water*—Apollinaris; Arondack Saratoga Water. Biscuit— National Biscuit Company. Pasture Food Coffee—Poet urn Cereal Company lad fs Put Tour Range In Condition— Wm A H. H Baltimore. Careets Tlksusjiii "Glove-Fitting' 1 Corsets. c. A B. Corset a Beef—Liebig's Extract of Barf The Bert on Earth is a Hanan Shoe— Byck Bros. Rat In Hid Schedule—Plant System, Sauce—Lea * Perrin*' Worcestershire Sauce. Medical—Munyon's Liver Cure; Cirtl enra; Hostetler s Stomach Ritters; Hr. Kilmer's Swamp Hoot; R, K. R.; Ayer's Pllia. Warner's Safe Cure; Hood's Pills; Ir Hathaway Company; Castorta; Stu art's I'yapeptua Cure. Cheap Column Advert Isrmcnts—Help Wanted; Employment Wanted; For Kent, For Sale; Lost; Personal; Miscellaneous. The Hralkrr. The Indication* for Georgia and Eastern Florida to-day arc for fair weather, with light to fresh aouthweatgrljr wind*. a t Schretber. the New Jeraey hank robher. eeem* to he doing anm< pretty aueceaaful running, m Uieoa cloning day* of the campaign. ''CIIHW The Go-tirl elerilan law la a* mighty poor port of a weapon to go Into an active fight with, hut the Kentucky L>emorrata have got to u*e it thts time After many hltrhra oral disappoint menta. It really begin* to look aa tf the anthracite coal mlnera’ atrlke would not Uet beyond #he present week. When IJlckena wrote of the rip of va. Jarndycc. he had never, of course, heard of the cate of (Ir ene and the Gaynors hefore Commissioner Shield* In New York Aenottflng to the New York Journal, the Statue of Liberty Is In m b deplorable oadlilM. from lark of attention uisl proper repair, fhat the arm of the god dcaa which hold* the torch la In danger of falling. The war expense* of the British govern ment Since the beginning of the South African trouble have been csttmah-d at or a sum equal to the output of the South African gold mine* for near ly five years. Senator It inna's tribute to the laic John Sherman rather gnifea upon the senslbiii tto*. There are many fierMnis. In Ohio, In Congress .ami elsewhere, wtio have an Idea I bat llanna and the administration pushed the aged Hie man out f his seat In the Senate In order that Hanna might rltmh into It. ~a | The t'nlted States. It rooms, will not sa lient to the agreement respecting Chime affairs that has been amend Milo by Great Britain and Germany until they are satisfied that the third article of the agreement dues not contain a threat ngaktst a friendly power. And they are right tn taking that poeltton. There la no reason why they should become In volved in tb querrila of tbu European uUou, HOOAKVKI.T t% 111** HOHi; HT4TK. I Kv. RoOMitralt t>©jrn a rtmpiKn tour 'of \>w York on M tv-hi. nd h Is mak ing pre tty vnuch th© **m© sort of .#**n©i .ts hr made* In th© Wcni. The character of tht’W 4h clearly Mtown by iM • xt ract wfl h w pubtlshci y©*t©nJ y from hi* sp*MN h*s on Monday. ll© k#v the character of the rough rld*r nt the front ami talk** of vuir a * If It atr© much trurrp to t*e •If.ittni ti ;i |h 4> • Ifo hplln to those who n*k qu©*tlon" of him In a blunt nr. I rui mur.rur, and ha’* no hesitation In mnklng nil sorts of chargtts gainst his iß oppoit©ntx. During his #p©#* h at Wm! Nyac k someone pnkl ‘Hurrah for Bryan “ tJor Hooecvclt cried out to him. “Why rinti’t you hurrah for AJtgehl and Aguinaido**" At N*-whurg someone In the audience “What I* th matter with lir>an? lon with the trusts.“ Gov Rooserelt j at one© replied, ‘That man ha* all the I symptom* of a Jlryantte." and then, turn ing towards the n.<m who had interrupted him. enid, “You look like one of thoe© men who work ricltnilvcly with their mouilm You Interrupt this meeting lw * SB . | ■<>d urn and nothing more ’* Whit a marked difference between the manner In which Mr. Jtryan nw4i in- T. rufition* <?unn#r hi* has and In who h Gov RoamtrU meats them Mr. Ilryan Is nlwayi courteous, even to thoac he knows are hostile to him lie answers the questions ask* and him a* if h© belle*. 1 •<i lie questioner to be a sincere *.* k r for Information. Those try lo dis turb hh ore eure of kind treat ment. He U the prirn-f n( campalgiscrs and m ake* voters far the Democratic ti k et wb river be goes. Gov Kooeevelt hn ms to think that every <*n who asks him a quoslkn while h© Is e|*t aking is a political ©noiy and h** gives him a taste of his rough rider manner Ho meins to resent the fact that there or© th . e who lo not throw up their hiits and afipiaud hln whenever he ap> i P* *r> In public. Jutlging from some things which hav© | a r>)>tart*l in Indt pend nt n©w.s|>*|>©rf< of 1 New York it is a quentlon In th© mtrals i of h numlwr of Hie Hepublb-aft b adors i whether Gov 1100-evlt has done Mr * M Klnloy any good by his cimfwigning : Ii is true he has is'iri greeted by crowd* ] about as large a* those which h iv© greet ed Mr. Ilryan, but he hasn't th© faculty the latter has of a*J<Jrc.*Miug such argu ment* to crowd* a* make converts. He I* a ranifnilgfi spectacle rather than a cam paign orator. The t*‘Oj*l© flock to his meeting* out of curiosity. They do not ex |m < t to hear anything from him that will change their political belief. If the !{*►• publicans should t>© victorious, and events should occur opening th© way for fk>v. ICoosevelt to the presidency, th© Itepohli • an |>rty would no doubt hav© cause to regret the day when ftenator Platt forced It- national I'onvwitiovi to n>miiuftto Gov. Itooe* \ elt for Vice ITvaldecit. Win MU IINIIH.K TUB HIVBRf The m<nlty for a bridge from the city to Hutchinson’s Inland h* becoming more apparent every day. Anyone who lakes no<e of the boat traffic IxXweert the city and the Inland will see f Morntny. noon and rdicht. and far Info the night, email boafv are r man log at*l the river, carrying people to the I# land to work or to attend to tiiialm as ami bruit ing them back again. Jt would probably be safe to euimat** that at the prreent lime 4.0W1 peraona rrom the river dally, making the round trip. That would mean MM etmrle trip** ach twenty-four hour*. And it b certain that this travel will con tinually Increase. The Island la |ef.i!n*tl b** a great hive of luduatry and com merce In view of the for* going. does tt not seem to hr about time to k*k lo the cab rylng out of the project of thr.wfc>g c bridge across tho river from the city, lllftcMcd when the great terminal* on the Island were hfuso* The bluff on which th* city stands lexeJe lt#4f admirably to the bridge ce-hrmr It would In- eaeler. and cheaper, to construct a bridge hare than In aiexit any other city, hir> the term ini wou!d Is* UpOO the same level With a lift, not it draw. In the center of the brtbre fr the o< rommodallon of veseeJa iwtesing up awl riown the river, there would tw fHi obstruction to commerce. The building of *u< h n bridge as Is sun goat I'd would not only be a powerful factor In the full development of Hutrhln. eat’s 1-land the |d.inline there of mill* and factorl<—but It would eventually lead to the building of a bridge across Hack river, by means of which th.- people 11 v- Ing In Beaufort county. South t’arollna. wouH have easy access to Savannah. It is hardly necessary to remark upon the additional trade that would be brought to thia city ns a eon#* if nonce. The Idea of bridging the rtver at th city may startle # ine persons. bhmiUl It lo so. the Mai tied ones need only to • asuolly Irmpect the lmpmvemeHs across th river opposite five city to become cor vlnr<-d that this Is the age of bug enter prises. and that constructing th* bridge would be n nothing when compared with •he reclamation and Improvement of Hutchinson*# Island. If those who have so energetically pros nculent the building of the great terminal of the Fleubuard on the ld.n*l will take hold of the bridge project. It Is not un reasonable to bs>k forward to the bridge bring built ond r• udy for traffic within tht next year or two. do, to Onme to the defense of hi# old com ma tide r. Admiral Sampson. It is not re call'd. by the way. that Pimpeon ever defended Hobson when he was so sorely beset by unkind critics. The subortlinate, therefore. ap|M-ars more considerate thin his superior What the young Inutt *i.t saya aliout the “nnMiched*" (otnmaiubr buffering tn sib net* because of the lack f a|>prei*Ution on the part of his coun trymen may la* In a measure true; still those countrymen recall that, in his official report of the buttle of frintlago. Admiral c'ainiaon fell far short of doing full jus tice to Admiral Hchley. and apparently wanted to take all of the credit to him self. notwithstanding he was miles away while the- fighting was going on. Ad miral Sampson la largely responsible for the opinion the people have formed of him. Had he been more just and Uiteral. they would hove regarded him as • hero A “quarterly return” just Issued by lAoyls. tn London, shows that at the mi of the* last quorter the United At a tea had. next to Great Britain, the larged ton nage in shipping undet construction. That being true, when in u the oceans!;y for g whip tubaiJ/ hill M THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY,’ OCTOBER 24. 1000. IfHoniA lit n BA. Wood. Go\f rmr Gemral of Cuba, says that during th*- present year over j three thousand public school* have been ! established in that Island, in which more ■ than one hundred *-nci fifty thousand chil dren are taught by thirty-six hundred tp-ueber* Tle br**st number of children In the public schools *t any one tirm un der Spanish rub wras he*ween twenty-six thou Mind nn*l thirty thousand. It I* evi dent from this statement that something h;* hem done for th© Cuban* sine#* Am©r hsn o*cup©tlofi of the island began, and j yet. according to the reports from H*• j vans. It 1* probable thit the \*ry ltr.*t thing the *xin*t|tuts>n*l >orv *nt!r> will do will be lo adopt n resolution n-questing i the t'nbrd s %*• to withdraw their I troop* from th* Island at och© and. In | fact, to c* a sc* rxer-ifdng any further au thority In Cuban wff.ur*. i The element that the majorfiy of the | constitutional convention represents Is bit* ' terly hostile to the Cnlted F’afe*. and If !it could hav. it- wy fl would htd the Am* n* an to ib|art from the bland with *oani thank * for w hat they h ive done for Cuba and the Cubans In cn Interview n few day* airo G**n I*'c paid that he an tb'lfKited some rather troublous limes be fore th** constitutional convention t>m pleti and It* work. Th** disposition of a rnn jorlty of the delegates l* for Cuba to have only *u h relations with the Cnlted State* a* .-he has with other foreign govern ments. Tn view of the fact that the Cnlted Slate* *fv pledged to see that n liberal and stable government is ©.dablished tn the Inland u clash between th© conven tion and th* Cnlted Htate* I* not im probable. It Is certain that American troops will not leave Cubs untN the Unit ed States government is satisfied that th© work It phdg.*d Itself to do baa Imcn snt fsfac torify a*compli*hed. What the dele gate* to the convention who nr© hostile to the Catted States are nfrasi of. pnb shly, I* that th*y will not l>e prmltl*d to load the Ouban potple with and N for the pitr|*rme of paying th© immenae claims of those who t>k part In the war against Spain There is pra tlrvilly no limit to the amount of them While there I* much talk of poirimism and love of country th© aim doubtless nf most of those who are talking against th© Cnlted States is to live nt the expense of the property own ers and the thrifty daps of the people. Whether or not they will b© successful In thetr efforts to carry out their programme Is s question that cannot be answered nt this time, but they will not carry it out without a great deal of opposition. HtMTimiMltH \SM tHIKNifKiRk Prof. Oaoar L Triage, of the I'nlveralty of Chit ago. startled his class and the country some days ago by declaring that the genius of Rockefeller was equal •© that of Hhak* pev. and defending that belief In a lecture. As might have been e xpected. ITof. Trlgga ha- teen stwwr I uivW by u storm of protests from eeholurs and other* who object fo having the mere money-making facul y th- o glorified and set upon a pedestal les d th* transend*nc genius of Kngllsh liter ature. But l*rof. Trig** tlodini to r<- • ant. lie hold* that It Is easy for ;y col lege*' professor to believe the genius o amuse wealth as great as the geulua lo create literature “To the ordinary com mercial mini.’* be save, “the mystery of play-making Is as great as is the worvb-r of money making to the ordinary acade mic mind i know how to construct a play, but I could never underetan! how to mike tl.OUO.onp • • To me the city of f’hlcag** 1# roon marvelous than ’Mtnibt.* The age I*. one primarily bdustrid Th** new. |cofound ond far-reaching questUma nre Industrial. !l Is doulsful If art. tn the old eeihetk‘ forms, will ever become Im portant in America.** Art certainly will never become imior tan? h> this country If the instructors In the higher educational institutions. Ilk * tle I’nlveralty of Chicago, follow the kMUI of Prof Triggs and teach that the bc u mulation of millions of dollars through the Instrumentality of a ttust or a mo nopoly In an article of human n**res-ity marks a genius so giMt and *o honorable that it ought to be set up as equal to that which created an epnrh In Vkigllsh I* tters arvl hvs over been regarded ns a pa'aron of perfection. The comparixon of Ilovke feller with would be a comparison of the pnw rs of gold with thowr of music, posy, paint ing, or any of the fine arts, li is putting the flesh © a por with the soul. The University of Chicago derives n large part of Its Inrom*- from donations received from Mr. Rockefeller It may tm* that that fact had nothing whatevr to ilo with the formation of Prof. Trigg*’ opinion with respect to the relative mi ll's of money-making and writing Immortal plays and poem*; nevertheless tt would probably prove n very hard tusk to Induce the public to believe that Mr lbs kefeller s tiouniy to the college played no part in tlie reatbxynf the Professors exalted opin ion of his genius. It will be an evil day for this country when It* professors shill hecum* the panegyrists of millionaire*, bc ause they give money lo certain col leg* s. and dc/tfdfr* of truats beca'iae they help the mbit >mtires to jcrumult vast hoards of {old. It Is stated In Brussels on what I* claimed to be good authority that Fresl dent Kruger of the Transvaal will under take a circular tour through the European capitals tn order to endeavor to obtain tho Intervention of tho Towers, not In favor of the tn.lependonce of the Boer re publics. but of their autonomy under Great Britain. Mr. Kruger's former rx pertencea with the Power* of Europe ought to be sufficient to convince him that the Routh African Boer* have noth ing lo expect nt their hands. The Power, ute *.dtbdi. and Mr, Kruger I* not In a position lo give them valuable considera ttons in return for their braving Eng land's displeasure. Mr. Kruger would probably do better to go directly to Great Britain with hi* apis-al In behalf of the Boers, and let the other Powers alone. He would stand a much better chance of sneers*. ■ % A lending New Jersey lawyer is quoin) u* saying that the crime of young ftrhrel ber. who stole more than llOfmrt) from the Elizabeth port Bank. I* only embezzlement, and that he could not legally he sen tenced to a longer term than five years tn the penitentiary. That being the ease. It would sem that a premium had bn n put upon bank robt-ery tn New Jeraey. If Sehrrlber had bud sense enough to keep hls money, he might have been pleased to serve five years to pay for hi* stealing*. He could not have got slw,o,v botitaUy in .-many times five ytuu* The Dhlkvlelphta Pres# (Rep.) says: “Tr*© announcement that th© next quar terly dividend of th*' fltarvtard Oil Com pany will probab y be at the rate of 12 per cent., making ou per cent, for th© year, again rail* atietirion to the enor mous *me which John D 110 kefeller r© . ves from hi* Interest In the great trust “ It then RiNr on to *y ih©t his share of th** dlvtd* rd declared this year by “th** parent trust I* sll T'***/►<,“ while h** ha* r* ©#ved this ymr from other oil trust Interests various sum* aggreg.ttlrg This, however, does not etn br.n•© all of his Hd nroe. Th* Press cal <"daf©* that from ail sour • h* has an in ome rf lOO.hQO.tKD a your, or $104,30 for tu b of th© 365 days In th© year. And y* t Mark Hanna says there are no trust* In th© Cnilori States! .© . \ According to what Gen. T/e© says In re spect to yellow fever in Havana this ta© •n y* How fever experts hnv© mu yet ©•it'* ©edexi In solving the y llow f*var problem "Thf* experts *.v# the Gen eral ' know practically nothing about ih yellow fever germ nor where it comes from, whether from tb© *©a. ar or ground." It is safe to say lhat they do f*i know much If more tdiout the disease than was known a qtvirt f of a century ago It *©* m* to l*e ©rtaln that sanitation has not r> ©n pr *du* tlv© of the results that were expected. In Italy there is a law which prohibits the sal© of valuable work© of art to for eigiMga for shipment out of th© country. Prince <*hig* p- rm trial a: Rom© upon the charge of having sold a pointing by liol t: *lll I the Virgin And Chi and to P A 11. VI kk'Uer of Philad*dphi i The price |Mt.i i* nil©**d to have l**-©n )lUD n sum well calcufated to tempt an impecunious Itahwn prince. Chtgl may have to serve year in prison, fait then that will make hi* hundred thousand I-im the longer, and h© wd have twelve months of the Joys of anticipation. Th© N©w Y*rk par;der* who are to ttirn oirt for M. i\in‘e> and Hoo-eveli on Nov. 3 are to march with carnations In ther button|>de*. A marufa turer of paper flower# lri*l to get a contract for ftimwh- Ing imitstlnn ©arnatlons for the panders, but the wouldn't hear t> it They |>ropo.e to latve th* “really-truly’ M>rt. notwitheianding flowers enough to supply the marchers will cost $75.f1&). Many hungry Unle chiki and many a man out of work and starving will watch that r’.'d worth of pinks paiad© up 1 (roadway. If Georgia legislator* sr* tinxroux to re duce th* co-t of government, there |* oe way they can .wily do something In that direction, wi'h-.ut causing any public In i' rest to suffer In the least. Ld them provide for bit nnbtl Instead of annual ses slotui of the legislature, and a saving of many thousands of dollar* will result. So far as th© gret public knows. Presi dent McKinley may have lost his voice, or his health, or both, and thus l© Inca l itatfd for another t* rm. ll© ought to ri>ak- at len t on© efe*e* h. Just to prove to the people that he is still robust. That Hanna and th© campaign funds should talk for him I* not sufli lent. mtlt.MT HITS. —lTiggleson-“Th* y tell me Jordan la a somnambulist.” In skip— I “The deuce he Is! And h* w;# only yesterday booming | that h had alw iya voted the struignt ticket’ ’—Boston Transcript. —No Pleasures In (Tty I.lfe.—"Pa, !•<’■ move In the rootry; I d.m’t wont to llv** in town.” Why not. BobbyT“ “Well. i?n, ma says IS w* llv** her** till 1 m grown up an* gray-headed she wm' b rum* keep pig-**—lndianapaila Journal. —ln Brooklyn.-~*T>o you want a trans fer?’’ asked the conductor. "What for?” .u*ked the man with the alligator (Mg Ho that you can tak** another oar.” “No. Mr. I have uud twenty minutes for this one. and 1 propose lo itung on (o It." —Washington Star. —Haste a Iwld* rat urn— "How d’y do.” raid the busy man. “Will you marry me?” "O—er.“ she gasped. This la a<* Mtdden; I mu>t hav* 1 time to think. I—’* "Hay. don t ketp m* waiting long, or I won’t have enough money left to l*uy the ring I . nine in nn nuto-eab. and they charge by tho minute, you know.’*— Philadelphia Press. —Clara—Papa, the minister is down stairs. He said he dropped in |o play whist. Wittierby How tmforitnate* We or* 1 playing |>ker He’ll tvresk up the game Clara- Shall 1 t* U him- Witherby—lltfiavena, no! The lad tme he cleaned us out.—Delrolt Free Pre*# —Suburbanite*—^Why. sir; we have ev erything right here in IxMiesomohurst that heart could desire or fancy dictate New York* r—And still you ootne to N-w York twice a week! Suburbanite—Well, yes; hut only to buy luxuries and necessities. —Judge. CiNHKNT iOllllßiT. _____________ 1 ' Thp rhil<l*'!|*hla Rorord <Dem.) *r* Hryon-I qurslion Iho with n-fo!<-iv-' to Chin, si ,i |ltltrnl msst< r-*iro|i. Hussl, stwl 1 France hove *lelwrr*-l ihrmselves from I optioeltiK the txillry outlined tn the mem orandum of o-t. 1. by tholr prsvlous d -1 i-htrations of dlstnte*rcri**dnos, nl of their ' [<arptae to (orrpo ,1! territorial, or olher 1 . xri ptlonwl ad\ anlaKor. which might have li.-.n drrlverl out of the prooent rnmlltlon of clUna Tl*e Russian dcclaratt.Mui hare always had a string to them; the Amrlo- Gcrman entente will present Russia from i pulltrK the slriny and compel her to prove her sincerity by rvaroatlnfr Mam huria and dedioatln* tne new [ort of Dalny, on Tallenwan Ray, to free trade. The SprlnKfleld (Mass ) Republican (Ind t says: "The North Carolina cotton mills are havlnic a hard time of It trying i to wipe otit the buddlnß labor unionism of the state. Many of the employes who were, recently itiven the choke of leavltijf 1 their unions or qulttltu; work have e -1 looted the latter alternative, and some ills machinery apt-ears In the state as a ornseijuencr Northern experience would seem lo show the South-rn manufacture rs that in such n contest they can obtain at hen: only '.emi-orary victories." Tl*e Galveston New* <l>etn ) says: "Sen ator Tillman thinks that the country, to protect Itself, would noi (ro astray If It look about half the eonffreaanieti out In the woods and ban cod them until they were very dead. Of course, the distin guished touch man from the smaller Car- | ollna does not Include himself union, those who one 111 lo be so heroically treat ed. though there are people who always | Insist tn punlshlnjf those who turn stale's evidence " The Memphis Commercial-Appeal fDrm i says: ' 'ft me .if the mws ate-s have strain- and a print In order to create the Impresafon that Croker's han-|uet was another llelshaxxar's feast; but It Is Me. Ktnley who aeva thy l-aodwHUns o.t tbi I **!*•.""' 4 Ivlllty mm < wpltal. “Black necktie*. If you pkia©.“ Drummond, the salesman, started across th© counter at the rfwaker as If hi* thoughts wete in Kg>pt. says the Voull.l Companion. • Is IC*** he paid, at last. “Black necktlos. 8I!k.“ brumnuN <1 threw a box down Th© customer opened it- “Theae are red—and not silk. he Vagi, quietly. “Nobody wear* black hlik now." Drum trend said, yawning, and looking indiffer ently at the plain old man 1* foie him Then h* took up th© box a;;d threw it back into it* place. “Hav© you notip of the kind 1 wnt!“ asked the old rt*an. “No; that kind of good* went out years ago. W© don’t keep cm." the sjlus man. insolently 'Thi n are plenty of bit it ties,** *ald Banders, the man at the next counter* in an undertone. “I know, hut what's the g.-od of bother ing with an old back number like th**? Methodist preacher. I’ll b©t five io on* Hut 1 w*© telling you Mbout my cousins, the Hart*. The three brothers all !©<i •he village and earn© up to town. Ode la now a railway bo*>. not a banker ana the third I* a sugar man. All of them ml llon.vire*." A lucky family! How was ltT“ “They all had capital to start with. The man with capital wins out every tlin- * “perhaps you hav© neckties—black silkth© old man *aid to S©nlers. He h and been lingering near the counter. “I think there are some, sir," ©aid Bin der*. taking down soms boxes. Ho open id one after another, hut tliere were no Ilea ol the kind th© old man wanted. Drummond, wlih .* b.ilf*rauM l stare at th# |m r-i-tent customer, turi©*d away io gne.-ip and giggb* with a salesgirl. Han ders anxiously took down lox after box “I am afrabl I’m giving you a gr#wt deal of troub:©.'' said th© old man. kindly 'That’s what I m here for.’ Mid ho sabsanan. pb-asantly. "1 am *ur© 1 shall !ii i them Th** box w* found i: la t and a necktie of the right wslth • hosen. wrapptd aim) handed to th© troublesome cu>toraT with a smile. Th next morning Handers received a printed slip, notifying him of hi* pro motion in the store. Drummond also r#*- cetved a slip, hut It Infcatiw*! Mm that after the end #>f the next week hi* *er vi. e* would no longer I>© required by Col ton tw Cos. I’nderneath the jwlnted firm w* re written th© words. “Civility nod efficiency are capital a* well as money. You will foil ijecaus© you have neither.’’ “Who was the old bore?" demanded Iwucnmon t. In a fury. “1 was John Colton, the silent partnsr of the Urra." said on© of th# men. win He Won Id hot 80. The carefully rested young man hnd b ft hi* native village and gon© to the city to And a situation and a career, says the New York Hun His aoqualmanca was small, and because of that he simply went alout from place to place seeking what ever fate might throw In his way. He wanted to get into a wholesale grocery house, and of course he only visited hous ©.- in that line H© was almost rudely turn. 1 away from the itrst three or four places, but fine lb he found one where th© proprietor himself received him with cour tesy. fie stated his caw* briefly and dear ly. a* h© had read in a guide bode to ycung men starting out 1n life, and the merchant looked him over. I’m." h© said thoughtfully, “you have had no experience In this business?" •*No, sir," resiKmded the applicant, “bu: 1 v-nt to learn It." “Y*. 1 see. Do you chew tobacco?" ’ No. sir." “Do you smokeT* “No. sir " “Do you play poker?" “No. sir.*' “Do you bet on the racea?" “No, #dr.“ “l>n you drink?" "No, sir “ “Do you run around at night?" “No. sir." ’ I’m -er." hesitated the merchant, “and you Ituvv had no ex|>ertence In this hual n# #?" "No, sir. hut. ns I said, I want very murh to l©am it." "I'm sorry.” said the merchant, shaking hi* head, “but I'm afraid you won’t do You **•©. your early education has been ngloried, nnd you are handh*ataod now with so much to learn that the laird only knows when tb© iu*in©F would have n * hanee. Htay in town m year, und then < ome and see me. ijood morning." (overs All Three. When Herr Hopf and hls Httls blue pitcher appeared In the <tamer rxchamre there was qulle a crowd, says the Chl caso N- ws Aimes th-m was a man with three walnut ahelts and a pea "l'v been lostnsr at all the fairs." said the shell man, "but Just to show my *n emslty I am wllltni; to lose acatn. I bet any man a dollar that he can't pick out the shell that the pea Is under " Herr Hopf tlsh- and u bright silver dollar from hie p-s ket. "I bet vnnre. too." The shell man arranged the shells and the Teuton lift-d one. Of course It was empty. "You lose'" "Vonce nc iln. yah!" Th-r-- was a quick movement and Herr Hopf saw the pea slide under the- shell. He llft-d that one, but It was empty. “Is der a limit?" "No. sir " "Veil. I bee on each shell " H<> placed a dollar on each of the three shell*. "Now. I can't tore " •'You are ritctvt'" and the dealer oreir> arranged the ah-Ik The Teuton picked up two emr-ty shells and found the pe, under the third. "I vln"' "You win!" and the shell man took 1n the three dollars and handed the winner two. "1 hlay vonce asatn " There was n movement of sheila and acaln the dealer took In three dollar* and cave Herr Hopf two. Then someone whistled and the shell man vanished through the door. "1 vln steady; he vas hlay no more." and even mtwOnc the dollars could not -tonvlnee Herr Kopf that he had not been wlnnlnit. After the Honeymoon. "I am wtlllnK to ndmlt," she bitterly cried out. accordlhk to the Chlcaxo Times- Herald, "that I was only a poor actress when I married you. bul " "You were not only a poor actress." the heartless old plutocrat Interrupt-. 1. “but you were practically prnnileae as well." Tho full slanlflcance of her misuse of words ItuvlnK < upon her. she was about to sink down humiliated amonx the cushions, but, say lute to herself, “I must not—l must not be weak and wo manish now,” threw hack her head defi antly. and. with a maenlflrcnt burst of her oid-tlme traitic t-ow-T, hurled a bot tle at him. retiring with a loud, mocklnit "Ha! ha! ha!" - , All Kinds of lluk*. "Papa.” sal-1 Benny Rloobumper. with a rising Inflection In hls voice, according lo Harper 1 * llasar. "1 am 1-usy now. Benny." replied Mr. Blnobumper. "1 can’t answer questions to day." "Bnt.'pnps.” -Who* t* nr* "The people that favor sound money are ! called gold bugs, aren't they?" "Yes." "An-1 are silver people silver bugs?" * "1 suppose so.” "And are ProhlhtHontsts water butts?" t "Benny, go right In and tell your met ti er Ural tils you.” „ , l ITRNi> OF INTMtHIT. —Patents have been taken out for n rice hulling machine. Invented by a rltlxen of Cincinnati. The working part of th© ma chine la u carliorundum wheel, or cylin der. There are corrugations on the sur face und these are deop and sharp to cut the hull without injuring tne kernel. Th rice will be f*d upon the roil from the hopper above and a stiff brush will hold the grain to the wheel suite the hull is being taken off A fan will then separate the husks from the grain. —lncessant vibration of ke ahutter in the btogruph. neceasiry to impart the et sentlal lifelike veracity to the roovementr on th© film, haa beeti entirety obvlatol by o clever Invention of an Englishman. Walter Glbljofi*. und hi* da vice 1* bring employed tn onrect|ori wkh the blograpli ai th© liMlon hlp|HM>rom©. By this new mechani m there will he no further Irr t itHWi to th© eyes of the iiudience. a draw back which is very pilnfui after staring for some time at nn abnormally long film —Electric typewriters are expected to mak© their appear ip< e on the market thla autumn A number of them have been twtented atvi there will he some rivalry. They will oost about S‘JOO. Tn© electrl* t>|©writer is a pi*wer machine, .#ll th© work of •he moving parts being don© by an electric motor, while th© op erator simply indicates the character*. If look* iik© an ordinary typewriter and the keylmord Is the sume. Tli© printing Is accomplish'd by mere contact of the finger \ Ith l no fatigu©. Another advam ge l* that ei©ed is pm th.illy unlimited The work Is don© as fust .s the key* can be touch* I —ln describing the notable student* • OxfoT'l, a correspond ©nt of th© Chicago Po*t says: “One, a young Prince, was a fascinating little creature who*© strong English accent seemed strangely out of place with hi* alm©nd-shM|*-d eye* and stiff black hair. He is the n*ph©w* of th© King of Siam, and is to be nn am t*.*fs*.|or. though b© irg#nuots>ly admits ♦ hat h© would pr fer to I© a ixdlcemavt. 11a was an Interesting study, with hi- Im penetrable, Oriental feature* and his con tradictory ©sprit and animation. Dressed In the high* of English fashion, playing ©Ticket and riding a wheel, it *#m©l Wwrrr and Ilk© a comic opera to know that he Would eventually go b*©k to hla native land to wear the plctursqii© togs of his native country, and presumably marry *om#| dainty Siamese Prinor*a." —Bay* the Kennebec Journal: “Few not residing in th© ©lurch districts of Aroos took probably have any Id* of the ex tent of the star, h matmfa turv All know that It I* on© of big Industrie* and thn* th© smaller potato s. not useful for marker purposes, and the rolled on©*, nr© ground up at th** facto ries for making starch, and beyond tht;< th© puhlit knowi©dg© extends hut a short diManfc It 1* no new Industry, but a very useful on© for the potato© grower-*, m iking ad main!. *. It does, for th© un marketable portk->n of the crop. Ther© are about fifty starch factories In th© county. East ymmr th© total output was a lout seven thousand tons, while the average yearly demand in th© United Bin tea Is but from eleven thousand to twelve thousand tons." —A flnslc pound of coal la eapahle o' producing two hundred end thtrty-elx hore-|>wer. ami could do thrawork of un expree> locomotive for on. -fifth of a min ute. e.iya the American Bov. In oth. r ivorda. It Is enouah to haul a train of elaht care, including me Puilmiu Ing care and dining rare, at the* rate of flflv mlhe an hour one-etxih of a mile In rowing wood, a man may work at to*- rate of about etxly etrokea a minute*, and hie raw-blade rn.iy hive progreiMt Hvo fed a minute, tiut a clrculir raw, ditven by machinery, will cut seventy timer ua much wood In the rame time. And yet thla little pound of coal contain* lower enough for one hundred and eighty euch rowr Hr can • irlly compare the jower Faked up In thle back diamond Kith the work of * rtrong man. The strength of h man may he reckoned at one-tenth of a horre-power. A.'kiw him eight working hour*, equal to four hun drtyl nn.l eighty minuter. During thl time he occar:onally rtotrr for rhort re.-tr, to charrge hla prrilkit;, lo pick up an .ther ball, to Judge of the result of hla w>rk. ntid plan for further pro edure. Thlr will take one-tenth of the time*, having four hundred and thlru-iwo minuter, wht. h. nt one-ten’h of u horre-power. glvea him a total . nr. ■ t of forty-three and two-ientha horse-power a* the result of hir day'* |>. hla pound of coal contain* more than Milhrlent pow. r to <!o In one minute work of five rtich men Or It wmild take about nine thousand al* hun dred rtrong men. working steadily aide hj* side, to do Jointly nr mum work In • ate mintMe ar nature ha* lO' ked up f. r ur. ready at our call. In a ring e pound ol oul ' Wonder what h-v-ome* Of certain coin* that are now very rare," said a N w Orleans Jeweler the other .lay, aprop s of a three-do liar goldplrce upm which hr was engraving u nionoßrum for a pen dant. according to the. Tlme*.l*e m . Kr ,, 'lt Is Very mysterious," he enunued. and the more one looks Into the uiatti r the harder It Is to understand. Take Ihl three-dollar piece, for eveu>i-l. They at,, so hard to get hold of nowalays that tl,. dealers refuse to quote any premium on them In other words, they ar worth whatever one cares to give. „nd they ar. In lonstant demand for d-■ oratlve isir tioses of all ktn-ls This trinket | atn working now Is the outcome of an order for a pair of ruff links that I to-k last summer; hut 1 was unable to secure tno-, than one .-oln. so we hod to eomt-roml on a bangle Meanwhile I w. nt to the i 'rouble of examining the records, and I find that ovrr half a million r-lee. . have he-n issued and r-ut into rlreulatlon The exa. t figure is They wen r .oslly mlnie-l hack In the flfiies, although (he act authorizing them wan repealed only ten j.ars ago. and. of eottr-c. they have hod plenty of time to get widely scat ten-d Yet that doesn't nr count for -heir almost total dlsaptvearan-e. If they v, r , reasonably common as ornament- It would t* different, hut they are no-. Now end then, nt rare Interval*. I a.-os* one on a watch chain or n hrall, hut I haven't encounter-d a do*, n In a- in.toy yrars The question Is. What has be come of Ihem" It Is certainly strange It-al over a million and a half dollars In gold —for that was the total value of th-- Issue—should vanish i-vd|| y c( f fnr , of tho earth No doubt, a good mnv of the ritent have hen hoard- -I aw.y, hut It Is pretty generally understand that they ( Cmmatwl a larg.- premium, an 1 that fart cught lo lure tb- rn from their hi itng place* Tb history of the Columbian sil ver Piece*, coined In '9? and '9S. |„ very similar They appeared and disappeared, ard at present they arc hardly ever s.-eti ex< rpt In the cabinet of some coll.-, tor The Columbian coins were half nnd -mar ter dollars. The Issue of halves, which come out flrst, mtml-ered exactly aftj.-l- ;, and all the colic-tor* in th.- world w'ou'.i not have absorbed more than a tenth of that quantity. Of th* balance * great many used 'or Jewelry, but millions remain to la- account.d for East spring I captured a stray pleee In our eaah draw er. and It was as big a curlostly ; , a wlilte blackbird The quarters tie much rarer, for the reason that only gt.oa were struck off Ttie -l)sat-peaanee at .uch a t limited Issue I* easily explained, but. go ing still further down the scale, vou will t ump Into another mystery In th# shape of the old-fashlon-d copper half-penny Altogether the government ground out more than .W.fW> of the*, coin*, and suh. sequenllv gath.-rrd In and destroyed h-ss than ./t-nm. That leaves nhout .t.*ssi not t 0 I- heard Th.- o,ld half million are rrohal ly reposing p, esbine-s. ornament.- 1 %"s h m-k” "; k^'hut - h -*‘ -"c ".h! era What has heenme of l.iwtqi ha’- ?‘“ h ' r n**e oX yyt*r yew." MUNYoifsl t ’* ,w poo. THOijr cure* ML jotMUra*. ) br*H? f rlcjioti. frt'i. crooT mT lf ..tuipur.. t4,^y *• \ — vlJ in xtoiuxcS ? 1 naturU a-iricq I f f 4H** 1 ,io# Auk I LIVER CURE Ocean sieamsniD Ga. -FOR- Wew York, Boston —AND the east. t n?urp:i,scd cabin accommodaitonx. xtl ■ h comfurts ol a raodarn hotot. E.octn, llrht*. Unexcelled law*. Ttckota meals and berth, aboard ahljx hres ironi Savaanaii lo N>:w YORK—FIRST CABIN. JJ; firkt cabin round trip. sb. I TFHMEDIATK cabin. sl. interme diate cabin round trip, bl BTKEiIAGE. Ha. To BOSTON _ FIRST CABIN. 13; FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIP. 136 IN TKHMEDIATK CABIN. *l7; INTEP.ME diati: cabin hound trip, lja STEERAGE. *ll 76 Th .tearnrhlpa of tht* Una in appointed to .all from Savannah, Central (**h) meridian time. a. -ollowa; SIVA.WAU TU SEW YOUR. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Capt. Ber*, WEDNF.BDAY. Oct *4. aOu |> m. TALLAHAWKE. Cp Aakiaa, THUUS. DAY. Ocl. Z>, 5:3.) p. m CITY OF AUGUSTA, Capt. Daggert, SATURDAY. Ocl. 27. 7.<■* ptn N'ACfMM HUK. Capt. Smith, TUESDAY, Oct. 30 10 < p. tr\ KANSAS CITY. Capt. Flahar. THCRE DAY. Nov 1. 11:30 a. m TAU.AHABSKK. Capt. Aakln*. BATUR. DAY. Nov S. I SO p. m. CITY OF RIB MING HAM. Capt. Hera SUNDAY. Nov. 4. lin a tn CITY OF AUatSTA. Capt. Dixeett, TUESDAY. Nov 6. 4’on p. m. N Afoot" H EE. Capt. Smith. THURS. DAS*. Nov. X. 6:00 p. m. KANSAS CITY. Capt. FMmt, BATUR. day. Nov to, 7:SO p m. TALLAHASSEE. Capt Aaktna, TIES. DAY. Nov. 13. 9:SO a. m. CYITY OF AUGUSTA. Capt Dawett, THURSDAY. Nov 16. 11*0 a. m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Capt. Rer FRIDAY, Nov. 16. 12 SO p m NAOKX'HEK. Capt. Smith, SATURDAY, Nov 17. 1:* p. m KANSAS CITY. Capt. Fir her. TIES. DAY. Nov za. 3:30 p. in. TALLAHASSEE. Cepi. Axlttna. THURS. DAY. Nov. 22. 4:30 p. m CITY OF AUGUSTA. Capt. PamM, SATURDAY. Nov 21. 6AO p. tn NACOoCHKE. Copt. Smith. TUESDAY, Nor. 27. M:!*> p tn. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Cpt- Berf. THURSDAY*. Nov. 29. 10 <ao a m KANSAS CITY. Capt Fiaher. THUS* DAY*. Nov. 29, loon . m. NOTICE- Steamahlp City of BlrnSna* ham a 111 not carry pri.rengcrr. NEW YORK TU BOSTON. CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage. FRI DAY Oct. 26. noon. CITY OF MACON. Copt. Savage. WED NESDAY*. Oct. *l. noon. CITY* OP MACON. Capt. Savage. MON* DAY’. Nov. S. 1! Ou noon. CITY* OF MACON. Capt Savage, FRI DAY*. Nov. !• 12:it0 noon CITV OF MACON. Capt. Savage, YVEI>* NEBDAY. Nov. 14. li on noon. CITY* OF MACON. Capt. Savage. MONW DAY. Nov, 1. 12:00 nun. CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage. FRI DAY*. Nov. 25. 12:00 noon. CITY* OF MACON. Capt. Savage. WF.D* NF.SDAY. Nov 2*. !*:"0 noon. Thla cotnpuny Ire-rvo the right 4a change It.* eoUlng. nlihout notice and without liability or accountability for Salllnr* New Tork for Savannah Tu* day*. Thurarlaya atnl Saturdaya •**> p itv W. G. BREWER. City Ticket and P*e enaer Agent, 1W Bull etret, Savanaah. Oi. E. W. SMITH. Contracting Pralgnl A lent. Savannah. Oa R G. TRE/.EY’ANT. Agent. Savannah, Oa WALTER HAWKINS. General Ant Traffic lep't, ZU W Bay etraat. Jaffi eonvtlle. Fli E H HINTON, Traffic Manager, 9a* vnnnah, Gn T E LE FEY*RE. Manager. NF Tier SS. North River. New York. N T. Mils l Mlnrs TnKiMii to Steamship Lines To Baltimore &. Philadelphia Tickets on Sale to AH roiola North ai>4 Wet Fir*t-cla*a HdMa It elude* •*' berth* Savannah t.> Maltlmot* and I’ l delphta Ai'coimnodaliotia and cuUina uneijualed. , The V. amthlp* of ihl* companv at* pointed re Mil from Savannah a follow* tremral Stamford Timer; Til BALTIMORE. ITASCA. Capt. Billups. THURSDAY. Oct. 2T>. it p m. . DORCHESTER. Capt. James, SATi rv DAY. (Vt. 27. 7 p m. TKXAS. Capt. Eldredge. TOKHPAL <"•* . 11 a. m. r>. H MILLER. Copt Peter*. THIW DAY. Nov. 1, 1 p. m ■ro PHILADELPHIA. BERKSHIRE. Capt. Ryan. SATCRPAT, Oct. 27. 7 p. m ALLKUH ANY. Capt Koter. W KDNEB - Oct. SI. 12 noon. BERKSHIRE. Cap*. Ryan. MONDAi. Nov. 5, R |>. m. Ticket iittlce No-Jl2 Cull * ,reet J. J. CAROLAN. Agent. ... NEWCOMB COHEN. Trav. Savannah. On. W. P. TURNER. O P A A. D. STfTRP.tNB. A. T >1 J C. WHITNEY. Tram- ManaJJ. General Office*. Baltimore. M... JOHN G. BUTLER. —DEALER IN- Palnte, Otla and lilaaa. Bath. tk>or.Blln. and Builder*' Hupplleg. Plain and Decor - tlve Wall Paper. Eormgn ami Dome*! Ccmenla. LA me. Pln-ter and Hair. • 1 Agent for Abe, line Cold Water alffi JO Conirreae atre<-. we*t. and 19 St. street. weat. DONNELLY DRUG CO., SAVANNAH. OA. nßi;as. seeds, etc. Mall order* solicited. Bell phoo* . P. 8 sand tot uaa eaoJple Y. * PyrpcpeU Cyra,