The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 24, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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pinancial and commercial. O .rHKH !• *•' ** TI|(J (OTTOS WTOIW MAHKKT. p a o( That Condition* rr 91411 „. rl ,|rd Hoe* Net Hold O.t iloeb „.,pe lor on Brl> Motorlol Re ,l „t lliielne*#— Many Holder* .Hacking Cotton Thoy -Sow (ior oo Hand*— 9plrll# Tarpeallnr , irm at 41 Ceat*-H*lne Ip ft (trr floor on K and Below, l ural and Telegraphic Market.. The Morning News Office. Tuesday, Oci 23. rollon future, market continued 10, , y whtl .eemed to b ll fathomless de ' The opening waa eesywit • decline ‘, ; a , J a point., and the cloolng .toady *, ", n et decline of 8 and 14 point. This v .. brought about directly by eel ing In diced by heavy port receipt, and th. con , nurd good weather throughout the co4- •, oountry. with no Indication, of froet A* prevtouely elated It e.m. that the • reeent dleturhunce I. not to be finally billed until iroel occur*. Judging from ,general .Ignlrtcancc attached to thle (~ i tnatkei factor. January ld a* low *S' at one tlm. , ti |* Jut 135 point* below the price p n day* go. or a decline .Inca that, lime •: $•;•'. per luile. To many It appear, that ~‘e di .inlng market I. fa.t io.tng friend*. p „ee it is not apparent how prb ee can ,lrop much lower wtlhout a reaction .Nothing h. devesnp.d .nice the dc line gc, i n io bring .bout any material re.c -ItMI and I' I* not now apparent wnat con .llil<in .* to effect a check That all roris ot tnay be looked, for In the epecul.ttv*' market ha* neater been more (hoiougnly demon.’rated than In the pf ,„! phecomcnal drop, which urpa**e* anyth t.g on record In point of it. scope a,.d .uuanon The irado are •till at sea. with nothing to Indicate when a trading baal* will be retabllihed. There l. mme business being .lone Ui the .pot markets, bat i..m;*t'*tive.y itiu.l lo what promises lo bed oe when conditions become more settled. The spirit* turpentine market cloned firm at 41 cent., with transaction, of a rapid lot reported The main market c ored firm, and after the closing advanced j, cent* * to Khades K and below. The following resume of the market, will show the tone and quotations at the closing to day: COTTON. The coteor. market cloeed quiet to-rtny . a decline of 4 cent on all grade*, rules on the spot were 49.1 bales, The de mand wa reported touch better than for th* past few d.y*. and now that the spec ulative market Is getting to wha* mtiny caiekler a tow point, the look, for ti revival of business on u b.*ti more 111 a cord with whal holdera expect to get for their cotton. Good mkkldng cotton, f o h . vra* Inquired for by exporter* on a bSFIe of 94 4o 8 5-16 cent., with some holders willing lo let go at thee prices Notwithstanding there I. om.- selling at y.resenl prices It I. true Mint many are holding out llrmly for better prices, and they believe thirt the prospective urg-nl foreign demand will aid tlwm in carrying their point. The following were lh official .pot quo tation. ai the close of the market at the Cotton Exchange to-day: ; Thts | I-BSt ! day. j year. ■ ;ood middling .. i* 1 )* |7 I*l6 Middling I* !*B*M l*w middling "S ’’ M 9 Market quiet. sales 493. ftavann.ih Receipt*. Bxports and Stocks Receipts this day 7.648 Receipts thta day laat year 6.<85 This day year before last 16 *<B Rerelpta alnce Bept. 1. I*o® 9*6.630 Same day kiti year 294.“1S oaatwls,- exports 4.9 M Slock on hand Ihla day 113.11 ft Same day last year 101.531 Receipt a amt Blocks at the Porta Receipts thin tlay 52.658 Uf-elpt# thla day laat year 43.71* Heeelpta I hi.- day year Irefore laat 70.85') Total receipta alnce Bept 1. 1900 .1,758.1199 Same time laat year 1.655,691 Same time year before laal 3.08*61.') Stock at all porta to-day 643.415 Block aame day laat year 819.858 Dally movementa at other ports— Galveatnn—Easy; middling. 9c, net re ceipta. 11682. gr >as. 13*63. slock. 149.304 New Orleans—Steady: middling. 9c. net rerelpta. *1.467. groaa, 30.487: aalea. 1 .BOO: rtock. 213.071. Mobile—Nomina'; middling, *c; net r eelpte. 939: groaa, 939; aalea, 300; atock, 9'.- 151. Charleston—Nominal; net receipta. 8.013, grots. S.OIS; atock. *O,"‘R Wilmington—Firm; middling. 9V; net eelpte, 2.610; groaa. 2.610; Stick. 36.843. Norfolk—Dull: ml Idling. S-ltlc; net re- Ipta. 3,375; groaa. 3 376; aalea. 4K. atock, 5..8U. til^* belt I more— Nominal; middling, fHc; rroaa. 415; atock. 3.808 New York—Qulei; middling. 9 7-16 c; net • relpta, 306. groaa, 4.600; aalea, 1,410; atock, 35064 Riston—Quiet and steady; mUdllng. 964 c; M rerelpta. 813. groaa. 763 Pl.lladeiphU—Dull; middling. *ll-16r; ret receipt*, 236: groaa, 226; stock. 4.807. Dally movements at Interior towns— Augusta—Quiet; mid lllng, 91-!6e; net re •ft a I ti 9. groaa. 1.419: aalea. 1.015. atock, 27,VT Memphis—Steady; mlddllrg. 9c; ret re ‘ Ipte 4,803; groaa. 7.906. aalea. 1.600; stork, 1 779 Si Louis—Quiet, ml liUlng, 91-16 c: net •dp's. i*. groaa. 10. BK; atock. 28.747 Inrinnatl—Btrndy; middling, 9H<". net r tpts. 2,966 groaa. 2 966; atook. 6 806. Houston— Flay; middling. 9c; net re ' '*a 31,966; gross. 21.965; sales, .103; slock. Louisville—Firm; moldllng, 9*4r **Bl "a of Cotton Thla Day— alverfotv—To the continent, 3 936; roat * ■#. 2.100 • Orletyts—To Rrltaln, 5397; ' < bent. 9.328; coastwise. 2.069. 'Vannah-Coaatwlse. 4AV). i- Mion- Coastwise. 1,163, 4 '•• k-Coastwise, 4.241. v York—7V> Oteit Btlialn, 940; con '*•l 2.051 'in—To Great Britain, 1.197 ’ '1 foreign exports ftom all porta thla To Great Britain. 10,534; to the con ,!l' nr 20,184 _ • ai foreign exports from all ports thus hn week TYi Great Britain. 79,737; 35.430. to tl.e. contlqent. 21.- **'! foredngn exports since Bcpt. 1. 1900: tea' Britain. tWf,7BS. to France. 116.- ■ ontfnenl. *87.616. '■ con. s C., Oct 23—Cotton mar middling, 9c; rales. 50 bales. >KA 151..43D 441TT4131. 1 Inca* in the sea Island cotton mar r ’in week ending Friday war not I* shown by the reported aalea of s *Bint receipts of 3.272 Thla la due j, ** ; '<> an effort to hammer prices art reluctant to trade on the *' ' holders are asking ' ‘ about as follows: J r holco Boat Florida* Bb!4 and fancy Florida*. 23',071 ' ; ""Ce and fancy Ocorglas.23Vf23* • Georgius 22V<f2:i * ®nc Georgias 22 ■ Pt* and Bto ks~T iMOGWIIJIB99-0" !'■’ :i, ' Pat weak | 1.772 1.981 . ‘I" •• past week | IM2 786 ' ' ii '* this season 9.10 ft 18.165 Jr ’ bast week | s<* 3,1<*2 ■> °n hand | 7,618' 11.586 COTTOI PITI BF.J. The Market ( loan Steady at a Met Decline of BCI4 Points. *'"' w Vork, Oct. 23.—The cotton market MURPHY & CO., INC., Board of Trad* Building. Savannah. Prlvata leased wire* direct lo New York. Chicago and New Orleune COTTON, STOCKS AND .H 4IN. New York office. No. (1 Broadway. Office# In principal culee throughout (he South. Wrwe for our Market Manual and book containing Instructions for traders opened eaay at a decline of £fi* points and furth.-r declined lu®l3 points under active eelllng. In good part by profeeatunal trad era. hut also largely in the way of liqui dating long accounts The principal In fluences agulnat the market were the heavy receipt* and Ihe almost perfect weather, with no tndloatlone of u froat In Iho South The eeml -weekly movement also exerted a bearish Influence. January sold down lo ( *ttr, against id the two w/ek* ago, with the real of the market off In proportion. Thla great decline t aturally caused hesitation In further s< lllng for short account* and Induced some buying for an upturn Some of the buying was on the strength of Inquiries for time money from the South, sai l lo be for the purpose of Antutcing cotton in the Atlan tic stales, where holders show a prefer ence to keep the rest of their crop for higher pruc*. In the Southeast, on the oiher hand, the movement continues to he free and without of subsiding In the near future. The markte here was Anally steady at n net decline of 84J1I points. FI.t'CTI ATION* IN Ft Tt Ill's. New York Ocl. 23.—Cotton futures opened easy and closed steady. Prices as follows iu n lllgti leva CM* January |9 02 9.02 j Sim |s 97 February ....j 898 j 9.n0 8.90 j 896 March I 902 ; 8.01 888 | 893 April | >l I 9no S fat 8 94 May j 9 00 9.09 8.88 j 8 93 Juno j 8 99 9.00 8.89 8 91 July | 897 8 97 887 | 890 August jBBsi 8 88 8.78 |8 82 September ...| | j j .... October | 9 18 916 , 906 909 November ... 9 01b 9On 994 j 9.01 December . ...| 9.02 | 903 j 892 | 69k LIVERPOOL roTTOt* M IHKI'.T. Liverpool. Ocl. 23, I p m —Cotton- Spot fair demand, prices easier: Amer ican mUMlifig fair. 3 13-16*1; good mi,ldling, i 15-32d; middling. 8 11-SM. low inl,|d!lnir. fc.ljd. good ordinary. 4 19-32d; ordinary. 4 7-32d. The sales of the lay were 7.00 U bales, of which SOU were for spe nialun and export, and Included 6.40} Amerewn; receipt* <7.000 hales, including 16.700 Amer ican. Future# opened easier and closed quiet; American middling low middling clause: October. 5 lOd. sellers; 5.01®* 02*9. sellers; NovemherADecemher, 4 61ty4.62d, buyers, Hecemher-January. 4 .’9Q4 knd. buyers; January-Fehruary. I RV4.IM. huvens; February-March, < .sod, sellers; March-Apr 11. < -*4d. sellers; Aprll- May, 4 53d. sellers; Muv-June. 4 52d. sell ers; June-July, 4.50114 81d, buyers; July- August. 4 4s'o*4 BOd. sellers. August-dep tember. 4 44d, seller** NEW ORLEANS C4BTTON MARKET. New Orleans, Ocl. 23—Collon futures steady October * 74 bid March 8 74f 8 75 November ..8 7208.74 April 6,74418.76 December 8.749ik.7J January ...871®8 72 Jure 8.756(8 76 February .. .8.75H8.75 rorriD i.icttem*. New York. Oct. 23 Murphy A Cos. say: Colton In Liverpool declined 3*16.1 on rpo'S and about 7-64d on future*, which was a very full response to ihe slump here ye*- terilny and caused a further drop here this morning of about fifteen prints on liquida tion sales. At the decline short* covered rather freely and there was also somo new buying The weather over roulhetn belt this month caused unexpectedly ia pld development ar.d new growth to th plant, .atielng many to beli.-ve In a or p of over ten one-half million If frost hold* off until the middle of November, as col ton Is still making In Texas and Arkan- 1 to an usual extent and conditions sail to be greatly Unproved elsewhere. Plant ers are not pressing pale*, but manufac turers are disposed 10 await developments ot crop before stocking up owing 10 tame condition of good* market. Market at thlx writing Is very weak New York Get. 23—Hubbard Bros & Cos. say: Liverpool was again weak #nd lower under the continued absence of frosl, and brought about a liquidation which car ried price* downward with but a slight reaction until Januaj-y void at 8.51. At this point buying orders on the expectation of a reqod n In Liverpool to-morrow upi*ar ed absorbing tha offering* and causing a *tea-ller undertone. In the movement the tendency to hold back In Ihe Atlantic states plainly show*, while we hear of Inquiries for time money hero lor Ihl* puri<ose. In the Botothwest Ihe cotton move* frtely to market. The recent rainy weather k expected to check the move ment during the Ulter part of the week. A reaction I* expected In Liverpool to morrow. DRY bOOIM. New York. Ocl 23 —The market for the day has been without change. Agent* are strong holders, with only a comparative ly small stock on hand ond buyers tak ing only what was needed for Immediate requirement*. In bleached and brown good* condltaxi* are quiet their regular ity in the cotton market having a slight Influence upon the lat’er qualities, but with no quotable change. Print* are in firm demand, but with no disposition to name new price*. NAVAL BTOIIF.S. Tuesday, Oct. 23. PPIRTTB TERPENTINE*—Th* market opened Arm at 4t>4 cents to-day. with sale? of 6M casks reported ai this price an 1 Closed Arm al (1 cents, with further sales of 600 cask* at this price. There was a brisk and mand reported throughout th* day. whleh factor* took as an encourag ing outlook for the market. Tho day's receipt* were 1 n, and the export* none nofl! NR—There was a go<l demand for roelns. which resulted In better prices be ing paid sfter ihe closing Grades K and below old at an advance of 5 cent* on quotations. The demand was for both for eign and domestic account, and was suffi ciently strong to keep trading going at a moderate rate all day. The day'* receipt* were 6.600. nnd Ihe export* none. !’rtc a* foltowv; A B. C II ' I II D 1 3ft K 1 70 R I 3a M I 8" p lift N 2 N' O 1 4 5 W G 250 || 1 65 W W 2 85 Receipts Tuesday— Spirit*. Rosin Central Railroad 239 1.021 ft., F A W Ml 2.471 Peabourd Air Line 629 2.4'ff BteamcT Day 1® Naval Stores Statement— Spirits Resin. Stock April 1. 1900 2.197 142 '<6i Receipts to-day !.*' M> Receipts previously 249.892 585.622 Total tines April 1 253.706 714.728 Exports to-day Exports previously 214.203 394.346 Export* fine# April 1 216.2(0 594.344 Stock on hand to-day 37,506 140.382 FINANCIAL. JOHN W. DICKEY, Mock and Road Broker. AtGCSTA, 04. Write lor l.lst. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24. 1900. Stock oo hand same day last year *4.770 U 9.147 Charleston, 8. C., Oot. 23.—Turpentine market Arm at 39%c. sale*. 39 casks Busin steady, unchanged; sales, none. Wilmington. N C.. Ocl. *3 —Spirit# lur isuitine Arm. * ; ,tnlc. receipts, 74 cask* Kosln flrnt 11.1501 20. receipts, 8 barrels Crude turpentine steady; *1 40 ami *2 40, receipts. 33 Iwrrels Tar firm. 1143. receipt*. 77 barrels Nw Orleans. Oct. 23-Receipts: Roajn. *BO barrels, turpentine, 115 casks. Exports, none. I.OPAI. BKCIHITIES. < LNTRAL'S IBBIES—The se,-unites of the Central system# are enhancing In value rapidly. This doubtless Is owing to the heavy Increase In freight and pas fergrr earnings. SAVANNAH BREWING - Savannah Brewing Company slock Is In active de mand. owing lo the probability of there being no chance of passing a hill antagon istic to its operations in the present leg islature BANK STOCKS—LocaI bank* are all , doing a splendid business this season. [ Their stock* are steadily taken a quota ' tlons. Money K In ample supply at 7 per rent, on call. There is a possibility of j another bank starting up early next year. FINANCIAL MONEY—The demand keeps fairly up with the supply. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Market very weak. Commercial demand 84 82. sixty days. 84 78*9. ninety days. 14 7k*. frame, l’arl* and Havre, sixty days. 8.2385. Bw-i*, sixty days. 5 38, Belgian. 5 25K. marks, sixty days. 93 9-I*. . ninety -lav*. 9-V,r DOMESTIf EXCHANGE - Bteady banks are huvtng At 1-16 discount and sell ' Ing as follow* 825 and under. 10c pre mium. $25 to |BO, lie premium; Bf*l to *IOO, 20'- premium. Iltd lo 1200. 3B>’ premium; 112-0 to 31.000. |ar; *l.oo' and over. 1-18 dls | count SECt’RITIBB—The tone of the market t firm, with advancing price# Tie sup ply of floating securities Is limited. Cen tral Issues are active and strong. ktocka. Bid. As*. Augusta and Savannah R R 10 110 Atlanta and West l*olnt 125 ... do 6 per cent, ceftlflcalesi 10* Augusta Factory 82 85* Bank 131 131 Chatham Bank 110 111 Chatham R E A I. Cos . A 67 68 do do B. 56 67 Eagle and Bhoenlx Mfg <\X .. H<> 107 Edison Electric Ilium 100 106 Enterprise Mfg Cos 101 Germania Bank 130 131 Georgia A Alabama 23 26 Georgia Railroad Common .... 214 216 Granltevlll* Mfg Cos 1® 187 J P. King Mfg Cos, lfsi ll iAtigley Mfg Cos 117 120 Merchants’ National Bank 11l 113 National Bank of Savannah lid Oglethorpe Savings and Trust ..l<W people'* Having* and Loan ... 100 Southwestern Railroad Cos 109 110 Savannah Gas Light Cos 24k 25i Southern Bank 162 Savannah Bank and Trust 114 116 Sibley Mfg Cos., Augutla 83 *8 Savannah Brewing 101 103 Bones. Bid. Ask. Char . Col, A Aug Ist 6s, 1900. , 108 Atlanta city 4*. 1922 104 108 Augusta cltv 4s. 1827 1® 107 do 4**. 1925 r, 11l do 7s, 1903 107 do 6s. 1913 122 Ala Mid ss. Ind'd, 1938. M A N. 984 1® Augusta Factory, 6 per cent.,1915.112 I Brunswick and Western 4s. IMS.. 82 84 I C. R. R A Banking collaieral 5* 94 96 j C. of O. Ist mortg 6s. 1945 F. A A 118 130 I r of G. con. s*. 1945. M AN SM4 9f>4 O. of G. Ist Incomes, 1945......... 42 43 , do 2nd Incomes. 1945 .. 124 I*4 do Jd Incomes. 1945 6 8 C of O <M. G. A A. Dtv* Sa. 1947. J A J 93 94 C of O (Eaton Branch). Bs, 1926. : J A D 95 96 I City A Suburban R. R. Ist 75—1094 Columbus city 8* l9t 107 I Charleston city 4s. 1919 mi 102 E-Igle A Phoenix Mill# 65.. 1928 ..10* 108 Edison Electric Illuminating 6a 104 106 ! Enterprise Mfg s 1903 103 Oeorgi.i Railroad 6s 1910 114 H',4 G S A F , 1946. J A J 112 1124 Georgia A Alabama Ist 6s. 1945 104 108 Georgia state 34*. 19-10. J. A J 109 do 34*. 1915, 61 AN .106 do 44*. I*ls 118 119 Macon clly 6*. 1910. J A J ....116 11* do 44*. 1926. Jan par 106 Ocean Steamship s*. 1926 104 .... Savannah city s*. quar. January. 191* !W 111 do S*. quar. November. 1909 . 1104 111 Booth Carolina stale 44*. 1933 ..116 111 Sibley Mfg Cos. 6*. 1900 102 South Round 5* *6 97 S . F AW. gen ml ge. 6* 1954 124 126 do do Ist ss. gold 1934 112 114 do Bt John Dlv. Ist *s 1934 .. 94 96 New York. Oct. 23 —Money on call Arm 34(86 per cent : Ins* loan. 34 P*r cent Prim** mercantile paper, Ml* per cent Sterling exchange cosy, with busi ness In hankers’ bill*, at 14 83*4, for de mand. and at 84 808, for sixty days. Post ed rales. *4.814414.8*. and 84 M|4.554. Comtnero4al bib*. 84 ST.iH WH4 Sliver certificates, Bar silver. It-. Mexican dollars. 81c. Government tnds steadv; state bonds weak, railroad bonds irregular. STOCKS ANI BONDS. The Market I lowed Irregular at it in oil Net Change*. New York. Oct. 22—The warning con tained In yesterday's flurry>4n th* call money rate to 6 per cent was taken to heart by the speculative element to-day. and the rather lntemi>erate buying which ha* flqoded the market since the latter part of last week was materially curtail ed There was a great deal of business done In the flrsl hour, but the selling m realize clearly outweighed the buying demand. In spite of some sharp manipula tive advances In a few *;*ecialties and the average level of prices went below last night. The selling was not at all precipitate and showed a tendency to decrease a* prtcra receded to the lower level, hut when ef forts wero made to hid up prices again It was found that the selling orders were watting at the higher level In anftlclent volume to force pi Ice* trk again Late In the day a much heralded up ward movement In Northern Pacific come Into notice. For seveial days past rum <ytf have been heard of a bull pool In thl* stock based on the large short Interest known to exist In It, and the reduced floating supply owing to the recent buy ing of a substantial character which p peered when th- huotatlon got below 36 The price was 6454 to-day when the ad vance began, and It carried the quotation up through some very heavy selling with out material setback to a shade over 8* making the net gain 2K Grea* Northern preferred was advanced 6 point* correl itlvely. It was alleged In behalf of th movement that the Impairment In the earning power of railroad* In th* North west by the shortage of the spring wheel crop had been greatly overstated The st.itcmenf of the Northern Perirtr for th* second week In October show* a decrease in gross earnings of *l7 193. notwithstand ing additional mileage compared with last year of nearly ♦*> miles There wa a no table disinclination In the rest of th* market to respond to thl* movement, and *be re- ovcrles were quite Insignificant. The fall In the call loan rate to 359 rent In 'he Inst half-hour was equally without effect In reawakening speculative H icrest, and the msrket closed Irregular at small net change* The earlier rate* for rail loan* ruled ftom I to 6 per cent and It t* r.oi un likely that the late reaction was due co the abstinence of speculators from D-rther enc roachßKM on money resource*. Bank* called loans to the extent of several mil lion dollar* this morning and the shift ing of loans which resulted caused quite an active bidding for motley. The events of the day had the effect of awakening some fresh uneasiness over the money market conditions and these were not al together allayed by the renewed weakness of as change, especially Paris cheques The iransfer of currency lo New Orleans through the sub-treasury was also renew el to-dav. There was a decided falling off In busi ness In bond* and prices reacted ai va rlous points Total sales par value. flttdO.. ’Xu*. Erslted Hlatss bonds were unchanged on last call. The total sale* of stock* to-day were 634.904 shares. Including Atchison. 22.65 b. Atchison prwfirre.l 19.875, Baltimore ano Ohio. 11,813; Manhattan L, 12.718', Ml stem rl Paclflc, *750. Northern Paclflc. 74 16* l cnnsvlvsma. *7u; 8t Paul. 6.175. Houlh ern Pacific, 11. Kn. Enlon Pacific. 7* i'il; American Btccl and Vnrs.II.9ID; Am in Tobacco, 18,875; Brooklyn Rapid Tran It. 15 410; (Morudo Fuel and Iron 6 9*’. Con tlnrnial Tobacco. 5.556. Federal rtleel 13.- 545; Pacific Mall *9.713; People'* Gas 11. 3*l. Bugar. 91 4S", Tent., -see Coal atal lion 8.8141. T'ntted {State* l<ealher. 9,590 New York List. Atchison .. ..314 t’nkm Pac BP, do pref 7*r. do pr. f T . Half. A Ohio .. 744 Wabash 7', lan I*o MH, .8. pref l;n, Can Sou 64 Wheel AL. E 9, Chea. A Ohio .. 304 do 2d pref .... 2*4 Chi. Ot. W .. 124 Wise Cen 124 Chi.. R. A Q ls, Third Avenue ..lif Chi.. 1 A L . 22 Adams Ex .. 12* do pref. 54 (American 153 Chi A E. I. .95 ( State* 4*4 C. A Nw . —148.4 Wells Fargo ...12S C„ R. I A P 109 Am Col Oil .. 36 C. C C. A Ht | .lo pref 91 Louis 634 Am Molting .. 44 Col Sou 6 do pref 23 do Ist pref .. 39 (Am S A R. ... 414 do 2d pref ..16 | do pref he, Del A Hud ..1134 Am Spirits I I ’ L AW. . 177 do pr. I 17 D. A R O. ... 94' Am Bteel Hoop 244 do pref 704 do pref T 24 Eric 124' Am SAW do Ist pref 35 do pref 754 Ot N pref ...168 iAm Tin Plate . 334 Hocking Coal ..16 ( <k> pref s; II.H-klng V. .. 364 Am Tohaoro ...9* Illinois Cen. ...1184 do pref 127 lowa Cesi .... 19', Ana Min Cos. . 4*4 do pref 42 Brook R T ..58 I. E A W. .. 37 Col F A I. ... 3*4 do pref >O7 (Coni. Tob. .... 294 Isike Shore ....3064 .lo pref ,11'. LAN ... TV' Federal S eel .. 39\ Manhattan L. . 98t, <lo pref 68 Mel HI Ry. ..159', Gen Elec ... 144 Me* Cen .... 12* 4 Glucose Sugir .55 M A SI L. ... 594. do pref 98 do pref 97', Intern Paper .. 19\ Missouri Pac 544 do pref 65 Mobile A Ohio . 40 (Laclede Gas .... 6*4 M . K AT ... Ift Natl. HlaruM ... 4 do (ref 31 >4 do pref 91 N J. C 136 Natl 1-ead A)>i N Y C 1334 do pref 97 Nor A W. ... 374'Naft. Steel . 24 d.' pref 76 jAi pref ... Ot North Pac. ...STVN. YAH do pref 734'North Am . 134 Ont A Weal .. tZ- 4 Paclflc Coast ... M'i Ore Ry AX. .42 | do Ist pref ... M do pref 76 I do SI pref .... 66 Pennsylvania . .133VPaclflc Mali Rending ]7'i’Pe.ipl> a Gar .. 94', do Ist pref .. 5*4, Preaaed Steel C to, do 2d pref 28' do pref 8) Rio O. W 49 IHfl Pal C 190 do pref 90 S R A T 5 Bt. LAB K. 114 Sugar 124 do Ist pref .. *8 do pref 115 do 2d prof .... 36 (Tenn C. A 1... 684 St. L., Sw 134|tf. S leather . IE, do pref *o*) do pref 714 Bt Paul 1!54(E. 8 Rubber .. 334 d<i pref 171 do pref *4 Bt. P A O. ...113 Western Enlon .A % Sou. Par 354 R I A B 144 Sou Rv 128* do pref Vi 4 do pref 66\p c C. A Bt. Tex A Pao. ... 17H Louts 8J Bands. E. S 2# ref reg 104 I do do 4* 92 do rou 101 M A O Is A5 do 3s, reg. ...109 fj Y C. Isle he , do 3*. cou . .109% JV. J C. gen i5.121 do new 4s, peg 1334 f*'o Pa 3* do new 4a.cou 134' do do 4* 103% do old 4s reg.U4% N Y , C A 8t I, do old 4*. cou 111% 4* 107 da 6s. reg 112 fM. A W con 4*. 974 do as, cou .. IIS', '>re Nav Ists . ltd D. of C 3* 173 Vdo .V, 4- ..IftE. Alcli gen 4s .100% Ore S Line 6s 127 do adjt. 4s . 87% do do con &s 111 Can Bo 2nd. ..163% Head Gen 4s .. **% C. A O 44s inn R- O. W Ist* , %*, do do 5s 12" 8' L A Ir. M. T ANw con.7* 139% con. 5s . M\ do do B F St. L A H F Deb 5s 13ft j ger 6s . ..124 CM. Term 4* .. 92'. St. P con- 1794 J’ol Bo 4s 834 SU P . C A P C. of G con 5* 95 Ist* !18'4 do Ist Inc .. . 43 ( do do 5s 119 do 2nd Inc IS Bo Pa 4 Wl4 PANG Ist*.l® -Ho Ry 5a 109% do do 4s 94 B Rope A T 6* 68% Erie Gen 4s .. 71% T A P Ist* ....113% f. \V A D. C do do 2nd* .... 72 Ist* 73 En. Pa 4s 106 |i,n. Elec 6s ..120 |Walmh Ist* ... 117% Jowa Cen. lata .115 do 2r.d* 103 j, A N Uni.4* 98% West Hhore 4* ..1134 Mo., K. A T. Wls Cen Ist* .. 87', ji,d* 7%A’*. Cenlurlea 91 New York, Ocl. 33 -Blaislard OH. 67*'u 581. Mnrphr A Eo.’s Slork Letter. New York, Oct. 23-Murphy A Go. say: The stock market opened active and ir regular. Chang"* resulted from the early transaction* The London market for Americans was materially depressed, anti with lltlle or nothing definite in ihe way of new* or goeslp whleh would account for the tendency In that quarter The de cline* reported from London, however, were not without effect as regarded local speculative sentiment, und In consequence of the railroad iwt and particularly those share* limed In Lond-m showed average losses In the early dealing* of about 4 point Foreign house* dealt heavily here aI the opening and on both sides of the account. There was a virtual absence 08 local news or gossip bearing upon the gen eral market or iwrllrulsr stock* Them were some conspicuous exceptions lo the terly tendency of the market. Bugar being strong, while tlx lolmcco storks advanced rapidly. Manhattan Rail road also showed support after a alight decline al the opening. Paclflc Mall waa a’ao well supported. In the railroad*. Northern Pdflc wa . steodv. and the Granger sto- ka recovered quk-kly from their early depreaalon. Among the lower-priced etorka Texa* Pa cific and the Wabaihes showed Mrcngth Goal ond Iron *ll low. r on publication of the September .tatement. which wa t. discouraging .bowing and Colorado Fuel and Iron waa also rather reactionary. ■ ■■ '■ " t MI9CKI.LANF.OIfI MARKET#. jq.vie.—These quotation# ar# revised daily, and ar# k pt aa near e* possible In accord with the prevailing wholesale prl e< Official quota-lone are nol used when they disagree *t’b the prices whole salert ask Conelrr aad Northern Prndaer. POULTKY-Th# market is steady. Quo ts'lon*: Rrotter*. IhfJSfo pr pair; half grown, 45*80- . three.fourths grown, 65* 66c; hens 65078 c: roosters, duck*. 567i75c. ge#e. 75cfi$!.00 EGOR- B'eidy at !7c BETTER—The tone of the market I* Arm Quotation* W#t*rn creamery. 19fr 244 c. New York slate dairy. 1748224 c: extra Elgin* 21026 c CHEESE-Market Aim fancy full cream cheese. 11%: for 10 to 23-pound nverage, 38030-oound average, lie. Early Vegetables. IRISH POTATOES— Northern, 32 sack CABBAGE—SO7c per head ONIONR—Y eilow. In barrels. 32®: crate*. 9ftc; red $1 99*72 OT Breadstuff*, Hay aad Grata. FLOUR— Market steady, patent, $4.35, Southern Railway. Tralna Arm# and Itettart Sa-annah on Mth Meridian Time-One Hour blower Than City Time. bchedulra in Eftrul Sunday. June 10. 1900. RTTaT> is 'U n t 6 IfhtTßAtt. niM'ii' No 34 NO 36 (Central Tint*- > SS jNo *S 12 *opn IS .<uam Lv~ Savannah Ar , l Ioem - I~l4pm | (Eastern Time.) 4 21pm 4 Jim Ar Ilia kvllle l*v| 360 am 1 tOptu 6 u >|un 6 loam Ar Columbia Lvj ! . I -ftun ll 23a n 9 lOptn 9 4 am Ar charlotte Lvjt 9 S&pm 8 loam li 44pm 12 apm \r Oral La 7 lOpmj 8 (Sam >'-• Ar ... Norfolk C* 9 •••)!>• U tlam Rpna It Dam ill.- L* 6 4upm t um f"n 6 i'.pm Ar . ...7 Richmond - " l.v 12 Eianjl 00pm 88l; * pn. Ar hburg “ L*vjj I apin' - 4 Aum 315 pm Ar Ch.trloilesv Ilia I.v I 00|>m|ll 90pm 7 35am 8 .opnl Ar Waehlnglou I.\ II 14am 9 60|m 9 15am II 3.5 pm Ar Baltimore l.v 4 * 27|*in 11 Jstui 2wm Ar i’blladelptua l.v t (slam! 6 03pm 2 . Jpin 6 3,n. Ar New York A.\ 12 Warn ISpn 8• pm 3 uopm a i Bpim I.i I OOpm iO 9—m N TO Tin; NuHTli ill 111 WHff." II (Central Ttrnr ) II UT Hivo ■ 'A> •••#• (Eastern Time ) 6 30nm l.v Columbia t-vjl i 20>m 9 Itlam l.v Sport inbtirg l.v 6 Ifcpn* 12 li)|*m l.v a h villa l.v 3 Han 4 02pm Vr ||oi Spnngw I.v |U *sam 7 3bpm Ar Knovvllle I.* 5 Mam Ar Lexington I*' >0 M"" 7 45am. Ar Cincinnati l*v 8 tOpm 6 00pm Ar Hi Louis Lv I • 'Warn 7 loam Ar LmßaviUa L i 7 **m All trains arrive and *b part from Ihe Plant Hyatem Miatlon. THROUGH CAB SERVICE. ETC. TRAINS M AND 14 DAILY. NEW YORK AND FLORIDA EXPRESS Veatl buled limit,.l trains, with Pullman Diawlng Sleeping tars leiw,,n Savin nah and New York Connects al Wasr,lnston with Colonial Kxpreaa fur Boatntl. Pullman Sleeping Cars leiwri'ii Charlotte and Richmond and Charlotte and Nor folk Dining Cars reave all meals between Savannah anil Washington TRAINS S', AND 36 DAILY. THE UNITED UTATKH B'AST MAIL Vestibule! limned trains, carrying Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Havwnnah and New York Dining Cars serve all meals between Havsnnab and Washington. Also Pullman Dra-vlng Room Weeping Cars between Savannah and Cincinnati, through Asheville and "The lein.l of Ihe Sky For complete Information as lo rales. schcduUa. etc., apply lo O GROOVER Ticket Agent. Plant System Station JAMES FREEMAN, C. P. and T. A.. 141 Bull street. Telephones—Bell, *5O. Georgia. 880. H 14 HARDWICK. Awlttant General Pt-senger Agenl. Atlanta. Oa. slratght. |3 95. fancy, 83 80. family, 83 56 Pearl, i-er barrel. 82 75. per sack, $1 25. clly meal, per sack, bolted, II 174 m II 3>. water ground. $1 UVu: 25. r-l.y grit*, sacks. 51 224 m 23: pearl grit*, nut*', per barrel, 12 33. per sack, 11 So, sun dry brand*. 81 2'41l -1> sick CORN—Market firm, white. Job lota, 65c; cat load tola, i-.v, mixed corn. Job lots, 6.V. carload lot* 69c HlCE—Market steady, demand good, fancy head. 6c. fancy. 54c Prim# ..5 Good 44(14% Fair 4 044 Common 84 OATS—No. 2 mixed, carlooil, 344 c; Job lot* 85'<t36c. while clipped. 40 job. S7c HHAN-Joh lota, 96--. carload lots, 'JO,? HAY—Market steady: No. I timothy, 924" Job; 874 cars; No 3.85 c Job. 824 cant, auaar t*S I oiler. SEOAR- Cu 4 loaf *34 1 Diamond A 6(4 Crushed 6 84 j Confectioners’ A 5 79 powdered 6.60 White Extra C.. 649 XXXX. paw'd. 6.14 (Extra E |g Granulated .... 899 'Golden C 5 11 Cube* 611 Yellows 601 Mould A 6.30 | COEFEB- Mni-ha 26c | Prime No 8 ...II c Java 26c | Good N. 4 ...10v 4 e Eealwrrv 14 c Fair. No 5 ...,104c Fancy No 1 .13 c( Orctlnarv, No. 6.16 o Choice No 2. 11% c Common No 7 4c llarOvvar* anu .iuiaiug Supplle* LIME. CALCIUM. PI.ABTKH AND CEMENT—Alaharna and Georgia IWna in fair demam* and **lt at 10/ cents a barrel; special calcined piaster. $1 00 per barrel; hair. 405 c. ib-sedale cem*ut. 81 30401 38; carload lota, special. Port raid cement, re tail. 8- 25 carload lots 82 rjj2 26. LI MBER HOB VBSBELB SAVAN NAH- Minimum ysrd sires, |!0 6oyitoo; ear rills. t1250913(r>, difficult alaea. 3)4 06 (118 00; ship stock. 116 00* !SOO. sawn tie*. | (ifjS 60. hewn ttew 356138 k-. OIL- Mark.t steady; demand fair; sig nal. 4t*utoe. West Virginia black 9ffl3c; lard, Ode: neaisfool. O*u7o . machinery it (iZT>c; linseed oil. raw, 66<-. hulled, tic; kerosene, pilsne whits. 11c; water white. 11c; I’rstl aalral, >8: deodorise,l alova gasoline, flrumai U4o. empty oil barrsla, delivered, kic. BIIOT Drop. 11 CO: B. B. and large. si.7§ ; chill*-! *1 75. IRON Market very steady; Hwede. 540 NAII-S —Cut. 82 HO base: wire. 32 88 baa* BARBED WIRE-18 60 per 100 pounds Straight goods. 23030 c; sugar houaa (no lasses lMiSio. GUN POWDER—Per keg. Austin crack shot. 14 01. had kegs. quarter kegs, $1 26: champion ducking, quarter kege. t. 26. Dupont and llasaru smukeleaa. hall keg*. F1.35. quarter kege, 35 75; l-pound canisters. 3100. lea* 25 oar cent.: Troladorf smoketee* powder, l-pound cana, 1100. 16- pourtd cane. 90c pounA salt, Hides s4 Wool. BAT.T—Demand is fair and the market steady; canoed tola, 100-pound burlau aacks. 4tc. lOA-puuad cotton sack. 65c; 110-pound burlap sacks. 484 c, 110-pound cotton aacks. 49b.c: fB-poum) r.urlsp aa. tut. 56c, 136-pound cotton sock, 56c; 200-pound burlap sack*. 86c. HIDED- Starke* Arm; dry flint. 134 c; try sail. 114 c; graeu sailed. 3c. WOOL-Nominal; prime Georgia, free of sand burr* and black wool. 19c. black. 16c; burry. 10c Wax. 35e; tallow. 34c. I>eer skins. 30c. rralte and hats. AHP LEK- Northern Variety, 12 2563 50. PHENES 10c to 50c. It*’. 50* to (*. 34c, Cue to 70.-, 7c. 70s to 60s. *4 . *ue to 3os. 6c. *> to 100*. 54c. BANAN AH—313503-66 bunch I.EMONB- kl irket str tdy at 32 7501.60. COCOA NETS- 33 750 4 00 ptr 100 PEANl'Tß—Ample etock. fair demand; market Arm. fttn<-y hand-picked. Virginia, per pound. 44c; hand-picked. Virginia, ex tras. 4c, N C seed peanuts. 4c NEW -Almond*. Tarragona, 18e; fwleaa, 16c, walnut*. French, 13c; Naples. 13c; pe cans, 13c; Brasil*, 13c; Alberts, tic, assort ed nut*. 6t-pound and 15-pound hoxas. He. Caftan Itagalag aad Tire. BAOOINO—Market Arm; Jute, Bi pound V large lot*. 64c; email toeg, 3-pound. 6%9c; 1% pound. I'ei4c; sea Island bagging. 114 c TlEß—B.anoard. 46-pound, arrow, large lots. 3140. small lots. 31.60. Bacon. I4nm* nnd l.ard. BACON-Market Arm: D B C R. aides. 3%c; D. S bellies. 9',c (Eastern), ac cording to average *lxe. D B helllee. 34c (Western); smoked C. H *lde. 3%e. HAMS— Bugar cured 12012 V I.AHD—Pure. In tierces. 848 c; In 56- pound tins and 80-pound tubs. B%c. compound In tierces, 64c; 30-pound tin*, and 80-pound tub*. <l%e Dried and Lvnpurated Frulta. Al'l’LEß—Evapoialsd. 7<g7V. suu-dxled, 540< APRICOTS— Evaporated, luc pound. neotarlne*. 16e. RAISINS-!.. L. $2.06. Imperial caMneta. $2 -J>. I<*< .Vepound boxes, 8(0*4. pound f’EACIIEB- Evaporated, praled. 174 c. ontieshd *442 6c. PKAMl—Evaporated. 84c• M BBC 131.1. .6 8f ROC'S. FISH —Mackerel, Itnll-bnrrel*, No. 1, 8* tl) No 2. I7 00. No I. 85 75. k4t*. No 1. 119>. No 2. $1.10; No. 3 *sc E3hah. l-pnun*l ttrb ke *4> , 2-pnund brick*. 6c Smoke.) herring*, per box. 17fe)9c Dulcn herrit:*#. in kegs, 11.16; new mullets, bail horrels. 83.75. BTREP—Mark#! quiet: Georgia and Florida syrup, buying at 2*11*6-; Selling at 128135. sugar house al WV 15c HONEY—Fair demand, strained. In bar rel* SSfltOc gallon. High wine basla, 81 B*. OCKA* FltF-IUIfTW. COTTON —Savannah to Bos* on. per rwt . 25c; to New York, per ret.. 39c; to Philadelphia, per hale, fl; Baltimore. II FOREION DIRECT- firemen. 46c; Liv erpool. 49c; Hamourg. —: Oeno# 60r; Barcelona the. Manchester, lUc, Havre. 50c, Antwerp. —. FOREIGN INDIRECT Weak and nom inal Llver|**>l. 67k' . Mainhetter, 6- llamhurg. 55.-; Havre, 72 . Ge'- noa. tc; Itevul end SI. Peter*bnrg, 70c. Antwerp, 65c. LI MIiEK - By Bell Flights dull; to lialitmore and nnuward. It 60 to $6 u per M In Indlng Eortlaml LEMIIKH By ttteem Bavanneh to Bal timore, $5 00; (o P It R or It £ O dock*. 85 6U; (.. Philadelphia. Iper cwt . t( pound* to fnnii. to New York. I8 60 per M. 87 25 to duck, lightered to IloMtnn to dock, $5 60 NAVAL BTOItES The market 1* Arm medium sls veserl*—Cork (or orilers. 3* ul per barrel of 310 pounds, end 6 |er cent primage BplrWe. 4* 61 per 4" gallons gross, and 8 per cent primage lairge vessel*, rosin, hi, spirit* 4* Sd fltrwm lie per 100 pound* on ro*ln: Il4e on *ptrlls. Bavsnnah to Hoaton. and 64c on roaln end lc on at lHie to New York (IR 115. PIIAVIMON*. ETC. New York. Gel 23 -Flour weak and quoted lower ret ome grades with bul ne* moderately active at the de.-lirie; winter straight* 33 45123 55. Minnesota patent*. 31 (tr 4 u. Rye flour quiet. Corn mnl dull Rve easier; No 3 Western, 57e. Barley weak, barley malt .hill Wheal -Spot No 2 red. 77i%c; op f|on* broke again tmluy under severe liquid it led promp'.tl hy heevlnee* ahroial . .tntlnued atiseiu • of otttalde stipporl hiirdenmtme domestic stock* and small clearance* An active ex'ertsltm of short accounts attended the decline, leaving the .-lose weak at 1%u1%e. net loss: March >%c: May. 30V; October. 75V. Decern Iwr. 774, Corn—Bjtot stead. ; No. 2,464 c options Aral showed *lca.lines* on wet weather n-we but on subsequent predictor* of clearing pr.*peet* an ,| tne break In wh"*' de. iin.Hl rather sharply, closing easy and iwrtlallv %c net lower; May dosed |%, . October, (6, . ftecemlter. 42%<- Gate ( steady; No 2 MV, option* m-glerted and weaker wl(h corn, lleef dull. Cut meat* mteady. laird weak. Western *4.- im-d. 37 174, Ortohcr 37 T 74. refined quiet P’Tk easy; family, 116 (qj|6 50; short clear. |U ra*Hjpl7 00. mesa, 313 iyJIH 25 Tallow easy. Petroleum dull. Rosin firm Turia-n liM Arm, 4l’Vff(6c. Hire firm Coffee spot Rio easy. No. 7, Invoice. 4V; mild quiet; Conlovn. 9%Ql4>'. Fu tures opened steady * 118(115 (ajlnts th cllne, and ruled active under a more gen eral liquidation, following lower i->tro|iean thle*. ami enormous receipts ai Rio and Ban to*. Weakness Increased by retreat ing a*tit tide of spot htiyen*, closed eteadi ai net loss of to point. Total sales. 31,- *' bags. tnCmllng October. B lttc. Novcm her. 6 tc; December, 6 S6r Hugar-ltaw weak, fslr reflning. 44.'; • cprlfugttl, 96 teel, 4%e; molasses# sugar. Slv. retlnod quiet. IliMtc firm; Western creamery. Ilf 22V: Stale dairy. 1631 c. Cheese> large white. MV: small lie. Egg- steady: a'alc and 260 21c; Western, 16(119r. IVttaloes quiet; Jersey#, $100*11374. New York II 36*11 6*4; I on* Island. $1 Bo*r I 76; Jersey sweete. 11.60(83 09. Peanuts steady, fancy hand-picked. 4(J 4%c: other domeetl- . 2494 c Cabbage quiet, long Island, per lflo SI t mtn 25. Freight* to I Aver pool quiet; cotton hy steam, 33c. COTTON NEED OIL. New York. Oct. 23-Got ion seed oil dull and easy Prim.- crude, barrel*, nominal, prime summer y. Ik.w tor prompt; off summer yellow. 4*l**4r; prime winter yellow. Ftfj tic, prims white. . prim* meal. 13600|X.50. CHICAGO MINK ET6. Chicago, Oct 23 --Weakness at Liverpool was th# main fa-tor In th slump In wheat her.- to-day. Iterem'-er closing 14c n ler yesterday. Corn cloned %c a ,„) tm *4. lower. Provlolon* at th* clone wire weak Pork 24c: lard. 134 c. and rib* 174t30c 1"-preed The lending future* ranged a* follows Opening Highest la>wel. Closing. Wheat No 2- Oct 724 73% 71% 71% Nov. ... 73%tJ73 73 714 ;j Dec “34(773% 73% 72% 72*073% Corn No 3 Oct 40%t6% 4! 39% 364 Nov. .. % 3% *740374 37% Dec .. 36% W%035% 35% 35% May ... J 6506% W% M *4% hit* No I Oct 214021% 2!%021% 214 114 Oor 2241*314 31% 21%r Me** Pork, per barrel— Oct $.... $.... $.... $119) Nov JO 80 . 10 flt 10 > ip 7j Jan 11 2ft 11 774 HO6 11 074 laird, per 100 pound*— Oct .... .... 6 87iy NbV * $6 696 685 6 Hi Jan 62% 162% 6 55 6 55 Short rib*, per 160 pound*— Oct 6 80 6 85 6 80 6 85 Nov 6 Rl 6 22% 6 2ft 6 JO Jan 6174 5W4 5 86 685 Caah quotations were us follows No. % eprlng wheat. 67074 c; No. 2 red, 73074 V: No. 2 corn. 4904C-Xl-. No 3 yell-'W. 4ft'.r., No 2 oeta. 22%r; No 3 white. 214024 V. No 2 rye. 49c; fair to choice milting lar ky. 47085 c; No. I flax seed. $174 No. 1 Northwestern 31.76%; prime timothy *#ed, 84U60416; mes* pork, per barrel. $1; 50; lard per MW pound* 6 9740706; short rttm ablet, llooset, |*W*i7)o; dry salted shod •rs, (boxed) , 36 00404-60%; short Ji*r Plant System of Railways. Train* op*mt*d by Sbth mrridlan tun#— On*- hour *low**r lh*n city time. In Htiet Oct. l, la*. All trataai tv Havnnnah Daily. Ar. Havsnnab Between S lf nm ItvaiuMh. f l 00 mm .3> <iin .. Wnycnm* Hu \z mm i l" fin . ... Jackonvlll** ...... li n’n • •* pm un i Florida | 7 go pm Btwrt I *1 nv Hvjiinh 2 *m • ii m ... < hiritsion 7SO am 12 30n‘n| . m l Kavt 6 10 ptn Cottitr !Ua> ai l*rt Tiicnp.i with I‘rn ln*ulr m l •I• ntal st<nimrm leaving for k*v \V. mV,! Mondays, in i H.iturdaya, 11 :(* p m. fall *t Tiikit fur further mfor rnat tun. J. II POIaIIKMT H T IV A . WARD (T.AItK t’lty Arar.t, D#* Hirto lintel Dhonr 73. II \V WHENN, I’u'b- riM*r Traffic Man* *rr, huvunnab. (ia. Vgcorgia \ia y Schedule* Effective Fepf. J*. (9W Train, arrive a' and depart from Central Station. Weet Broad, foot of Liberty atrset *>lh Meridian Tlme-Gne hour ■ lower than city time ' Arrive feta V M QUA tXi |Auru.t.i, Micon. Allan tad “ 8 45am t MllledgavlUe;*6 T-q (and ell miermedlale is>mts| lAugutda Macon. Allanla I - ~“ (Alhena. Montgomery, Co-| 1 Ogmi lunihuf. Birmingham Am omen (etlcus. Eufatila and Tray | Itover At .eiim.alatait. ~T7 *s~ •2 tX'iaiq Guyton liumar Trait t oipta 'Dally fExcept Sunday BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND TTSfcE. •dh meridian or Savannah city time. LEAVE SAVANNAH. Holiday only 62a a m D*i|y eleapt Mutiday 9JO a m Dally !Oi p LEAVE TYIIKE 7,S * m '*•'* iloctday 10 U u m. l*wi|v 6So p m. i oiii 'otitiii inad hi terminal point* • nil train* Northwest, V>*| and R*'ihwrft. I Bleeping car* on „|glit |M(wmo Bavannah ami Augusta. Macon, Atlanta •ihl nirminghatn, v '‘"!r l, ar " A * y between Sa vannah. Ma. .-n un i All.nla ror 'ftnjilffd Information, •rvhoduW. rt#a ami • ortn** tlort* artnly to w <Y HEWER. C|vTS: y ke,°.nd IW anger Agent, un Hull atreat. ?r R HT/, N F TT TMEb"D N iri!?wr^ “"S” Til . I) KLINE. Gen Sup. -rlnleodsnt, Ravsrnab G. Double Daily Service Th* hort Una lo Norfolk. Washington, the ' Eaat"' KhlladelpklA, New York and x — —— I 44 j Wo. I-* Hav.nnak i. A. U By U fc, - , ;; -*p m Ar Columbia. U A. L Ry 34|,rr. 4 Nam A? Du'V‘ h A L Rr 1,1 K*® Ar Durlwm. H A L „y 7 , INm> i. - > .*' gr * b l - r *- 1 A *■ Ky! t 13am | Mpm Ar Richmond. 1 A L K: I Uta I *>. Ar Wuahlngton Hanna . 6 4&am lUn Ar Baltimore Henna 10 06am 11 Km Ar Hhllndelphla. Henna 13 37pm 2 56am Ar N*w York Henna . .... 3 tuptn 4 g . t* Nb f I.v Bavannah. A. X. t. 7<v'l2 t(pti]fnKS Ar Portsmouth. 8 A I. Ity; 7 OOamj 4 Hpa Bteamera leave Norfolk dally, excwpt Sunday, for Baltimore. Hhlladelphla and " 5--k ... ! da * t . Waahlngtaa MB= ~ —T~,=- . . The abort line to Montgomery. Mobile and New Ortema, leaving Savannah at 7 26 a m.. arriving at Montgomery 7:49 p m , at which point cloae connection la mad* with the U & N. R R.. arriving at Mobile 1:09 a. m. and New Orleana 7:46 a m Th* ahort line to Errnandlna. Jackson ville. Tampa and other Florida points, I No 27 fHSTS* Lv BavgVinah. I A L.TIyTTHafiTTWiS Ar Fcrnundtna. SA L Ry ; i 33am t*ym Ar Jackaonvllle, B A Lily 9 loam 7 40[>m Ar Tampa. BA.L Ry | 6 Mpm| 4 10am Magnificent Hullman buffet sleeping car service to Washington. Baltimore, Phila delphia and New York; also to Jackson ville and Tampa. Dining cars from Bavannah to Hamlet, and Richmond to New York. Buff" parlor cars Bavannah to Mont gomery For additional Information apply <o Ticket ornce. Bull and Bryan street*. Phone 2*. 1111 ..i.i.i.i.— sides, (boxed). It *16)7 Ot); whisky, basis at high wines. >177; sugar*, rut. loaf MM. granulated. *5 96; confectioners’ “A." *676. off A. *5 55. IP B Nut, F-P Mii.i.xaa. PrealdeaA Vie* PreeldeaA 11KWBT Bl ow, Jr Bee'y aad Trees NEAL-MILLARD CO BQilders' Material, Sasb, Doors aad Blinds, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Class and Brashes, EUILOERS* HARDWARE. Limp, Cement and Plastu, •ay sa* Wkllakw fltreeta. RAY A H 88, 6A J. D. WEED ft CO ■A VAN A AM. OA. Leather Beilin*. Steam Packing & Hose. Agent* fr NEW YORK UVUHL.H belting and hacking company. OLD NEWSPAPERS. 300 for 25 eeol* a* Ouameee ottKv Morning N* 9