The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 25, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 READY FOR THE DEDICATION. iM THK miIUHI\ANI ARRANGE MENT* NAVK RCKA 4 DMPI.ETED. Jlnitalgnor Martlnelll Will Arrive Him i Urdu * HurnlM rnil Will Hr the Cvwrnt of Hl*lio| Krlle y—- %•••*• tueut of Home* to % taittna •• Al*§•. A Dinner nt the !>•- **•> *ada> and nn liirtirtlun on th** lliter for the A tatting ( |rrgr-l>nllMillm 4t the Altar* to Tnk' Place In Prl tri* RRturtlM) Homing. ]Tactically l irrJiigetnent* have been completed for th* l• *lm or O r no* Ctthxir lof S Jo n • Hapt-wt whih will tMA* p.ace Hut !•>• M -* J int tr***t- A. g t*f |h* Kina tire *.d Build, rg Commit tees of th* *t . Ural i the B 1 of* r* lo<j • c last i*‘k : * ■ varal detail* wre dis cussed and finally d©. uled up-n. JUshop Kerry received a Mtsr yester day from Mar. MartfiH.ll. in watch the latter Mated hr would l©#v VV*>h- In*ton by the Bout hern Italiway FrHay snort, iny nrnvli a here Sat tnlay morn In a lie will he mat at the depot bv Bishop K* l ey. who will ort him to the* pi’ pal i -*denee. where he wi I b* a tu-M during hi* mj> In th# t v. The bishops and clergy who h ive signi fied their Intention of .Binding th* d*d- Ration will begin arriving Friday after* Doun. They will b*- met they arrive b>' Dirmhen of the f£n?attainment Commit tee and escorted to th* hoim* I sign* 1 them during thrlr wtay in the city. 2 tig hi Rev John Moor** 1* D . bi-h*p nt &t A nfUßtlne, Itight Hr \ A A (’arils of Baltimore, auxiliary hi mop to Cardinal Oltdms. air I Right Hrv Hnry Moeller, D. D . blrhop f Columbus, O . will hr th* gumts of 11 la hop Krlley at the rpi>. opal raafdeti* •* Right Rev Ktlwiml I*. All* n, J>. D , hiahop of Mold!**. will le the gu*-*t jf Capt Jotin It Dillon on DhtyMO street R* nt Rev H b.*tlan lt>rn*'. D I>. bishop of Naahvlile. will In* the gucat of Mr Anna M. O'Donoghue, No 1 Hull wtr**d. West. Right Rev A Van DeVyver. D I* , bishop of Richmond; Right Rev H P Northrop bishop of Charleaton. and Right Rev Theophil© Meer*cha*Tt, D IV. vt r apostolic of the Indian Territory, will l*e entertained l% Mr J J Donough an 1 Mr M A O'Byrne on Price street There are u number of other distil)- iu:4ih) prelates, armmg those * xpec-t* | wh< have not yet (ifi ©l* vtl (•* t♦ bishopric. These ami other cirri al guests j wIW !* entertained by hwllng member of the Cathedral punch After the *er- j vtcea at the Sunday Arch- I bishop MartlnelM and the den* al 'i*-m generally will be entertained at a dinner at the Pe Roto, which will he. serve*! in the breakfast room Monloy there will b* an egcurawm oti the river to give the visit trig clergy an Mi of Savanna he ad vantages as a commercial port The trip will probably Ik* extended to Tybe** Th** dedication *ervl<*© Mil igtn Sunday at 11 O'clock. The service is a lengthy , us well as a very beautiful and very Im pikiig ore ynd will orrupj something over two hour*, fltne dapending upon the length of the sermon which will le fe livered by Rev Pr Pardow H J . of New York At the v**s|M-rs service the sermuti will be by Illshop Hatd of North Caro lina. The of the attars of the Ca thedral Including the high aiar will take place SatunAuy morning ami will be con ducted by the Archbishop, asslstetl by auoh of the bf*hop* and olergx as have arrived at that time This ervb*e Is properly a part of the dedication service, but owring to its length and in order not to make the length of the dedication ser vlra otkprcswive. It will take pi t*# In pri vate K.tiurin\ morning Thi* service will be arlcUy prlvat* A number of out-of-towrn guests are ex pretest a< the dedication chiefly from At lanta. M a cun anl Augusta. Among iho-*- It*m\ Atlanta will l* Mr atii Mrs J Carrol I'ayne. !>r am! Mrs R. p Hpu and lug and Mr J J Spalding The sale of seats for th© dedication hss progress*-d very -attsfa* t >ril) about Cn reals having teen already awld out of the f*J2 allowed by the committee Ca’e hs* byen taken In arranging the seats to pro vent over-row ling If the dent *nl *x ceeds the number of seats In the pews chairs will t.e placed In the trail#* pi and In front of the altar. STILL AMR4I) ON MEAT. Orlobrr Kirreila the Nitrniiil In Temperature nul Rainfall. Savannah's of warm wither though li never would come to an ni Already mete l* un a cumulat'd excess tttnptrtturr of 96 Acgroc* for October. arxl no *lgn of <i let-up In sight. Yesterday the mean temperature, 75 d**gr.****. war 32 (iPKtfes above the* normal, the amount of ex.■•** for any one day, an.l a mark that was not reached it nil last October The highest potn reached by the ther mometer la M degree-*, which was rea tied j three times, the lowest of the maximum* , recorded is 65. whb h occurred on the 13th Of th* minltmim ie onl. 52 degrees, scored ©o the ISih. is the l*'we-t, white the huen t is 74. and occurred day before yes terday. The rainfall for the month shows nn exres* to date of 2*9 inches. and for the year a shortage of 7.ns inch* s. Compered with the Mm month last year October Is already 7a deg secs ahead on heat, aid 1.52 inches ahead on the rainfall The fa:e*'MM for to-day and to-morrow Is for fair weather, except occasional ruins on the *-*>*!. and for fresh north* oast winds to-morn*w DEATH Of MHI tl. t OLLIXS. flew Kunrrsl Will Take Place This Afternoon. Mrs. Marc a ret Collins died some time during Tucaday night t her home No. 4Ju Wilson street. Mrs, Collins had teen fueling 111 the day before, but her Illness was not thought to he serious When she did hot arise ut the usual hour yesterday morring some of the family went to her bedside and found her llfele*.* She had away quietly during the night Mrs Collins was a native of Savannah and whs 55 pears old. Her husband died two years ago She leaves two sons, Mr. John T Collins of Savannah and Mr. Jam** F. Collins of New York, and four daughters. all of whom reside In Savan nah. The funeral will take place from the residence at 4 o’clock this afternoon Services will afterward In- held at St Patrick * Church. The interment will be In the Cathedral Cemetery | THE ( ATM Klilt Al. PI.M A. Will He Disposed iif uf Auction Aun •lnt, how. 11. The nn site* Committee of the Cathe dral. at s n>e*nng held last night, ar ranged the detail* for renting the pews In th n*w cathedral This will take place Sunday. Nov 11. after the vestry service. Charts will be given out the previous Bundnv shewing ?ff* location of the pews and the rents: p.. ed upon them by Iha oomndttee The *a,e will be by auction. Talked tu the € amera Club. Mr. W. H. Webstar gave a lec<ure and dam on m -ation at the Camera Club laat Bight on Valov and oher papers. Tha olob rooms ware filial with members, and Mr. W’ebster a talk was listened to aid kUertsw DIKU %T PKTRMMII Mb. % %. sadden Death There nt Mr. < bsrlea D. Ilaldw la of Wasannah, Mr. c D. fbidsin, vice pres blent of the Southern N-val Sior**s Company and one of the h oling tniMliuss men of Savannah, •lied euKi* nly at A o'clock Isst night at ! th*- home of his daughler. Mi* Hatcher Reward. In Petersburg. V*. A telegram • -.*.veying the news was r* ei\*d by Mr. | W C Powell, one of Mr Baldwin's busi ! ness asso iat x Mr luhlwin had been 111 for sc\eral months, suffering from i complication *f * <!!•.•*** of the h* ort and liver. He stwrit some tim** durlf'g the -n mnvr at Bara toga and aUrtj? • month ago • ame t*oulh to I Petersburg, where he had since R**- * i t.y h.-* health bad seemed to improve ltd I wn> thought that hi <hm<e of : permanent r* uv* ry sntf excellent The i• m of his death ime as m shork Mr RtlJwm was originally from White, vide. N i tuning to Savannah atoui sixteen v*.tr- .IT'*. He was for a tim* .-. in* tt with t * firm f l'*a ok. Iluni \ naval <><**it - factors, aini nt the orw tnUati • of th- Houthern Naval Htore* - made its v e president He w.i- . Am* tor v.f tt.r Cltla*na Rank irvl ' vie. pr* l lent of it . tit Andrews * 'Y- Ml Ruklwli) w<u tvllh her husband ot I the tint*- of his l* th ll*- leaves, ba ► Ihh w l*w, two children. Mr W I I* of Savatinnh. aral Mrs Hatcti r Beward *f l*es*rburg. The funeral V i t k* pi t *■ In Petersburg, where Mr ftaldwih s death occurred, at 11 o’cio* k t morrow morning His son. Mr. vV I* Riildwtn, left wrly this morning to attend. Mr Iti.dwtn u an active and puhl. j t-plril.d -itlxen. anxiom* and willing al wav> t***te tt * Intereats arsl further ii.> nf inf;*’! He was an alder* ! man in th*- ** >n*l o*lministr.itinn of M.iy* |or M Ihnj <g:> ,ihl by h** faithful aval ous*-ientlous di** -nrge of duty, won the • at* • ni of hie a*'i*o* tales on the iioard and tie • onfldeiK * nl ret|*e*t of bis consflitu • ii!* lie win *• member of tlve First Baptist I’hurch and active In \arlon* u.rks of charity and benevolence. The ii*ws of hi* d*.th Will *wiii*e Ii ling grn f ii the large cir i* f hi* acquaintance m s.ivannah t* whom h.* lia*l endeared him -•If by u life rf proirity, uprlghineaa and ! worth. MERE MEIi AT K. OF I*. HALL. lin |t •> lii it Ornnon) t •lift'd Mr. Mt dr| and Mitt tlhrrherg, The Knights of Pythias Ilall was tha o ft# of a brilliant wedding Itat nicht when Mr Jotia. Mendel and Mio 111 le Hilverherg were united in marriage The ceremony was tm|>o*lng aim! the entertain mt-nt th<t followed *>n*‘ of the pleioanteat ♦*ver held In a ha l in Savannah Th** bridal iwirtyr entered the hall at 7:3t> oclotk. the way Uung led by !!*• master ..f •■• rerqonle# Mr Ah- M Brown, who wi* followed by Ihe ushers, M* *.<r* John Murphy. Jerome Kraus* Oevrge Rtown, Isadora Moot!. Alb*rt Men*lel ni El win M*nu<\. ail young frletwl* of h groom and employes of the men ntlle company with which he tw connected. The groo.n and hln bro her. Mr Al* x Mendel who was test man. precepted the bride, wr o walked with her brother. Mr Da<iore 81.- verberg. An aisle was formed by the ushers ant down this the bride went to the beautiful floral canopy, where she was met by .he groom mim! tinder which the ceremony of ihe 11. hr* w filth was impnsdvely i**r formed b> Rev Dr. I IV Mendes. mints; r in charge of the ctmgreganon Mlckva Israel. The oft strains of ’Tannhsuaar * t*> llosenti* Id's orchestra, gave way to Hearts and Flowers ' during th** cere mony. and following It. the grand music of Mendebsohn’s march was hwrd. The mar. h was to a beautiful bower of lot Ims beneath which the bridal ootipl j-f.Hwl and received th** congratulations that were showered upon them by the wcoding guests To the groom la st wishes W.T.- extended. an*l to the bride, looking very lovely in white liberty silk over white taffet i. with veil of tulle caught with orang** fastened with a dia mom I ornament, joy was wished From the hall, after congratulations had len re •!v*hl, the party repaired to the banquet hall, where u lon. both dainty ond bountiful, was enjoyed After indulgence in the g***! thing* that *rs< e| the tables, the many guests heard con-, grgtulatory spe**ohes, several of those prHsent being called upon by Mr Abe M Brown. toastmaster, for expressions on iehlf of the company of th* happi ness that ill join***l in wishing Mr and Mr- Mendel The speeches were follow ed ly Mr Itrown * muting many tele grams of sngrat uUu ton from ahaefllt friends, and relatives 4 the contrscllng parties. The romiMity then sough; the clan, o hall, where watts*-* anil two-step were enjoved until n late hour. The bride ami left on a midnight train for their bridal tour, which will In elude many of the large cities of the North and West They will return the bitter part of December and will make their homo at th*- new residence built by Mr Mendel ut Hull and Eleventh streets. The groom Is well known In Savannah, and has prominent bus toes* connections. He Is *• 'rotary and treasurer of the Sa vannah Grocery Company and is presi dent of the Savannah Hire Mill Company From p* r***nal friends and those with whom h> has Intimate husme-s relations. Mr Mendel received many wedding pres ents Th* bride Is an attractive young woman who has many friends. She is the daughter of the let* Soloman A Bilver berg % HCT It I'an A hl.tM) ItonilFß. / V\n %rr*-wte*l 1 rtlrrits) by Detec tives Mtirph) anl whra. Detective# Murphy and Bhea yesterd.iy afternoon arresml Robert White, colored, on the f having broken Into the office of \\ lllti k’s Marine Railway, on Hutchinson's Island, and stobn a lot of t*vl and ofh*-r go-M* White was • I n* ir the marke*. lie kv>ks as though b* had been In s*rLus *|lfll ultiea l*efore, as hi neck and head bear numerous soars. Aim her arret yesterday, made by l*n trolman Biaffo r l. was that of John Cuth l*ert a colore.l boy, who was endeavor ing to sell a numlter of buggy whips at a price fo much below their value that It ex< it* *1 the (toil, tnan's su piclcn . J* e Williams. rolrcd. was arrested by Patrolman t'hristiin. on the charge of stealing g hls from Mr Frank Dieter MKT AT IdgoH HALL. A Meetin at in the Interest nf Msgli trnte Iteynolds Held. The rrguiar m*- Ing of the Kevnold* Fourth District Club was held aet night at I-iiror Hall Plans for the rcfnlug cam. I>aign fr the magistracy of the district w*re discussed There Is sornt talk of m* rgli g this club that of the East SI le Conservative Club, but this step, even If It should eventually be t k*n. will not be dona until of er Ine else tlon f the magistrate. Saratoga Springs in tha canter of thla city At Dolomona' drug store. Bull and Charlton streets, the ceiebated Saratoga Arondack Water la sold on tha Saratoga plan of all you can dilnk for five cants sd THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1900. SUCCESSOR HARD TO FIND. i ■ 1... '— \> iIM: KIOM4 M 110 h KVB\ I.IKfC* l.\ TANARUS I'll I t.KI M IM* IHUIA. liinnasrrnirni That 4en. !.%*•• Mould Aol leeept !llrr Term nt Cswsissilrr *f <*rorgls Dl vision, I A , \.. t iinliurt to i wae Hegrel—l.eit. •*. MrUiithnw, M ho !• \ext In ItanL nod Mould \atnrall> Me ( hosen to *ucc*etl the Division 4 oniiumider. Has He 4 oulil Nof Accept fhe IHMee. If It AA ere Tend ered film—woiilh t•corn I** Man Huai lit In Hove the Place. A su ■ * >eor t <#ei. llvans. as com mander of the iieorgia Division of I'ni ted < ”onf* *l**r.te Veterans, seems to Ik* dlfllcuM to find ti* n. IN an* hi- twice reiterated his • i*r* *•*! det* rminotion not to accept the . fti* C for another term and the hop# ila* ahe veterans have enter taiml. of liidu :ng htm to reconsider this deternurmtlon. e**> nut <Ksan* *i to di*4{- IKuntnient. <en K\ar.s' natural successor Is the man to whom the eyes of many of the veteran* of the saate have liecn turned. Own. I*. M (JI iKhan of B.tvannah. Oeti Mctllasbaii is tli*- sanior briguii**r general of the division, next in < unmuiHl to (Jen. Kvatic so t. iit he in m dlre* t line for promotion i<* the higher office. Moreover •>e comtin. * the quailth*s generally d**n #*•l essential in the comman<lcr of tht divis ion, having Item general officer in th* ' *nfcderaAe ,rmi* . cherishing an unwav ering devotion to hit old • omrade* ami th pru. :p|e fo r which they fought, and * v.arm Interest in the success of prvwent day organization, and being oth erwise Weil fltt| to diwcharge the dutie** of fhe offle#* ‘•♦•n M (Rushan has sai l, however, that he could not consider the acceptance of tre nomination for di\lon commander *' * n ,f b "* rc tendered him. He ha* r**a s*.n*. which appeal to him us sufficient, that Impel him to take this step und abide this determination and there ap|a*ars to Ik. about a> 111 Ile hope of Inducing him to change his mind as there is in the . iin of ()n Kv;in K.nlly (hr of Auciixin n.>m !nld Maj Cummiruc for <om tnandor of Hi.- divl.lon, l*ui ihm Klinni<inn nml Koidlrr to p. rmo 1 h>* uof hH naroi. l.rfor. ih.- - v .-n- Hon Afirrw .r<lr th.- Auiu*M vruraiiK nominal.vl Capt. M.ii.- m lioun-her tl nrr mdruvorinK to Mvr lum coniwmt to nuk tfv* rare. In Ravannah there Is an <*ccsional ex pr*sslon of Ivxltvidual opinion, but th**r#‘ ha* been no concerted ad lon taken The general opinion seems t. be that every possible pressure should he brought to b*ar upon Hen Kvum to Induce him to reconsider his determination and consent to carry on th .ifTalrs of the division fot another term .it least. Despite *ver> un favorable Indication, the \eterans here have not lost hope that tfci* can be ,<*- (••-mfdlshe l, and It ia certain that they will bend every energy* to this end (Rai I'variK !mltiisiraflon of the urduou* • n.l sometimes very delira'e duties of the office ha* been eminently satisfactory In every wav and the Buvanrwifllurs want to keep him In harness While the field is thus o|>en to candi dates. there are certainly a number of rnen In the division who could and wou and fill more than acceptably the office . f commander They will he developed, doubtless at the reunion of the division at Augusta, on Nov. 14 15 and 1* when Gen Evans* successor. In the very prob able event that he cannot be Induce I t reconsider hl determination not to accept ; another term of office, will be chosen. It Is expected her* tht a Bou*h or Mld j die Georgia man will be elected. ;s It | ' twlleved ihat the office ought to come to a man from one of these sections of h* state. Gen. IS van* agrees ent rely with this (kositton and has so expressed him- If in letters to Havannah veterans North tjeorgia has not mly the commander if the dlvlsUai. in <Wn. Evans, but is like wise the rcshl* n-*** of the • omm.n ler-in • ’hlef of the entire con fed* ration. Gen John H Gordon, and It Is very cntnmx.h thcmghi and sal*l that It Is time for otli r parts of the state to lx* represented. FLOWERS t'OVKHIkI THE liHAYR. Funeral of Urs. Jamea K. I*. Carr From Wfilry Monumental ( hnrrli. The funeral of the late Mrs James K. P Carr took place from Wesley Monu mental Church at 4 o'clock yesterday af ternoon and was largely attend**! The service* were conducted by Rev Ed F. Ooofc, pastor of Wesley, assisted by Rev. osgmd F. Cook of Grace, and were more than ordinarily beautiful, solemn and lm prtsilvt. In addtt'on to the service of reading and prayer Itv use in th*' M*thndlt Church, Rev. Ed I* Orok delivered a brief aktress. 14** preluded his remarks bv sav ing that It was not ctis*nfn.ry In the Methodist Church to make funeral ora tlons. to pro ong thus the suff. ring and the anguish of those already bowed down by the weight of recent aflll* tlon. As he *|okc he he|| in hts hand a full blown ro*e and this, with touching sim plicity of langunge. he compared to the life of Mrs. Carr. Uk* her. it bad at tained Its full growth; like her. It had brought bcfiulv arid sweetness Into the world; like her. it had given Itself free y. and. a symbol of the life she hl led, he laid It upon the casket. Cn'tke her. Its life w.i* over, whi e her spirit had as cended to the heavenly home beyotd th*- sun. During the services, the choir of AVes ley sang the hymns. We ftnall Bleep, Hut Not Forever." “Abide With M*\" and "It Is Well.” Mrs Smith sang a soprano solo, “When. with great %veallh of tone and be.-iufy of expression At the grave in loiurei Grove. Rev EO F Cook concluded the funeral service-. There the choir sang “The Christian* Goodnight “ The flowers that were Iml 111*00 the grave covered it completely with their white beauty Mr- Carr, .is th** evidences of emotion In persons of every degree all over the church showed, had been very greatly beloved, and the of flowers were gifts from those who h.d been privileged to know the beauty of her character and h* r life I.tWHIXF. (INKKM3 DEAD. Passed %wm Viler m Brief Attack • at Ills Home In lossy. A. t . Mr Lawrence Greene. ag*d 19 veyr formerly a rtfkkti! of Savannah. dl-*l yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock, nt nls home in levy. 8 C. He was taken ill last Ftt*lav with a compll anon of ma laria anl stomach troubles, and grew worse until death c.ime Mr Greene was n aim of Mrs. C. It Greene At the tim** of his d*a*h he su* In charge of Heyward's rice p.antatlon known ae Plneiand Place His remain w.ll be brought through Savannah to-ii* on the way to Gifford. 8 O. where the interment will take place News of lh death i V4i telephoned to Mr 8 \\ Itir r.elle. a relative of this city, w no left for l>vy last night to mik* the funeral ar rangements Death of *tlss Margaret |,ow. Mlsa Margaret M la>w died sieklenlv during Tuesday night at her home. No SSI Barnard street She had been ill for some time, but har Illness did not indi cate that death was so near. She was dead when the family wens to arouse her Her funeral will take place at ll gN-iock thla morning from the rest*lncew a u *crmeni will be in Laurel Urov^ FIAR FROM EACH IMRTMirT. lion Houl lialdt* Ini proa ement < o tu rn 1 1 ter Mill Me 4 ovitttale|. Th*- the tpisdntment of which was auihor.**d at a meeting of the Routhsldo Aim nle (ration Club. Tuesday nigi.! will consist .f twenty members, five each from he first, p ond, third and forth d.Uriels I resident William T Hußsev. of the club. Is iu I** • hair man of the commltne. Mr llujssey Will be gild < receive sug gr si tons as to the me mr*e re ip of th* com mltte< a question which he ha* tak*n und* r prayerful consider# ion A nu ll fh.itlon t)f memb*rshlp Is * ! the - ommlitee shall Ik* In symi * h> with the lf. • *it city atmmistrath* by wh.rh limitaiton It is hoped to comUre unity of purfKje* and strength of Infl lence in carry ing to uc eesful coni imnsdiCMi the movement to secure Improvement# In the southern section The m*>vevnent." said 51 Hussey \es ter lay. • h* one with which \cr> property owner of the Routhside should I*© In hear ty sympathy Whether h*- align# -••If In matters political with on* local fa< tion or another, the Impr vement of i ii Um Ity la whidi M llftt i t I • and membership on the ron mitte* to sup porters of or eymputhlier;* with (h** pres ent city alminl*tration for the re • won tht we believe h commlttc*# o •■CMMtßuted tan do the most go^d. The pr* -ent admlnUtratlon." continued Mr Hussey, "has done moi- for us than imn any previous administration bt t there still inu'h to lx done *nd manv n* * !•**! limrovcnrents that ought to t*e mad* Alderman Dixon's ordinance to re name the -trect* Is a move in the right *lirection and meets with our approval. •Rut the thing of moM importance to u jusl now is the opening and paving of streets Real in the Roilthslde I* stc.ullly Increasing n \*alue and It Is to the intercyt of the city to buy (he land • . ••led to open streets now. while ft >un 1m bought for a roogonablc amount M hit • k*r street. letwe**n First and Second -tre#*t •houkri r*- opened nn i hm W *nd the work should be done at one© That block has l>* **n an eye-sore for years and It's time for a change •With a fire engine house in our sec t.on, there ought to le at least enough pave*! streets to permit the apparatus to >r. *to fir* - qui klv Drayton and Jeffer on sire*K should be*d south to Twelfth sree? and some on** of the cross street west to the Opechff r*>*l " As an Inst n *• of the mp*>*stbiHty of • • ompllshlng anything by an organlza tl** for Improvement nude up from mem u-rs of both i*olßtcal factions Mr Hus sey Instanced the fate of the Rout held** le sgue. It was composed, be wild, of property owners from both factions and .vi fj crowd tried to dominate and rortr*d the other Th* greater part of the time of the h*ati was devoted to quelling and id)us*trg fnc.tanal wrangllngs and as a ■on sequence it accomplished noth ng of value and died a perfectly natural death With a ommitte© made up of members front the ft* tion in power. Mr Hussey thinks It w 11 he possible to accomplish very much more. Mr Husw thinks, and the members of the club of which he Is president itxlorse nts vP ws. that (her** should be at least iwo aldermen from the Southslde It Is section and more in need of Im provement than any other, the others hav ing received benefits from the efty for many years It ought to have immediate representatives on the Hoard of Aldermen, the members of the riuh and other resi dents of the Routhside believe, and It Is not at all lmprotab!e that this will be made nn issue in the coming municipal campaign PARENT* MAKE. A PROTKHT. Oblect to the Afternoon Reboot* and \mU That tomr Remedy Be Foand. A confcri* e of parents whose children h id<i Chatham Academy previous to Its destruction by fire last December was hell last night. After considerable discussion of what they consider the un necessary delay In rebuilding the school, bv those In chars* Of the affair. It was unanimous y decided that another meeting of thn*<* Interested be called at an ear.y late to glv* this maltr careful considera tion. ami devise. If possible, some means by which the rebuilding of the school could Ik* hastened. The ronsemu* of opinion was that the present system of afternoon schools Is not so conducive to the intellectual devel opment of the children as Is that of the morning sessions, because In the early hours of the day the chill's brain Is ft#* h and in a more receptive condition than H Is later In the day, when It Is fatigued from the morning s play. It >% i* further stated that many of the children thus forced to go to the after noon schools suffer from headaches fe vers. and other complaints brought about from exercising in the mornings and be ing confined in the afternoons in rooms in which the atmosphere has hern vitiated and made unwholesome by the children of the morning sessions. The health of the children It was said Is Mill further Impaired by the irregular ity of th**ir .meal hours necessitated by this system of schools. The sense of the meeting was that whnt •v r dlff* rences exist among that are responsible for the fact thni the school Is still not rebuilt, they should adjust them and take promptly some step to rem edy the present state of affair* Another meeting will he called, proba w—k, **f whl It a Mile* will appear In Sunday's Morning News WON THE SECOND MONEY. Mr. f’. K. stnlta* Mare a Winner at the ttlantn Horae Show. Mr C K SiUlts’ mare. Minnie, wgn second money In the class for pacers at *he Atlanta horse show The beautiful mtm il woe driven by M But ner of Savannah who is In atten*Lnre upon th*- show for the purpose of partic ipating in the contest that la open to rider a from the First Cavalry. Georgia •4ta<e Troops Mr Itutner. who H quar termaster sergeant of th* Georgia Hu •airs. will represent that command In the trial for ( h*- handsome cup that will be * warded to t ie winner Mr Stults w at* advised by telegram yes terday of Mr Rutner'* success m the prize ring the handsome 8a van nan pio*-r and the r*d ribbon will he a trophy .hat Mr 8 ul- will prize highly as tnerc were imin> horses entered for the contest and second place was no small honor. A number of Bavannah horse** are en tered for the horse show In various class es Mr Arthur R M. Gibbet and Mr A P Doyle have strings there, and H * not improbable that others than Mr. .Attilta* mare will be heard from ae vic tors All Atlanta k* Interested in the show, vnd society has appeared in the evenings tn all the elegan* e and splendor of such tn evens in New York. Dealt* of Mr. Jin* N. McKeown. Mr John N M'Keown. the oides* mer * hnnt in Concord. Fla , died In Concord •ast Friday, after an Illness of seven veors slr McKeown was well known in Pavannah among the business men He ha*l been thirty years a subscriber to he Morning News He was highly e*. i*emed throughout tha section of Flor- Ida. where tu had reaided for many v ear# and in Savannah and alsewnere m Oeorgia a* a min of uprlghtnaa* and !n --•egrlty. Ha laavea a wife and two aona Tha unrivalled bouquet that Cook’s Tm t erlai trxue Awg has. haa made It a ravoma warn all good judges —ad. DOYLES REPUDIATE MEETING. DO NOT rorXTIA AM K AtTION TAK EN AT RIBTKRBP NAIA. t apt vf J. Doyle Derllaea to Accept the t hnlriumitht| of the Forty Or uanlmllon .Attempted to Ike Form ed Taesday Mglit—*m> He la In Blue llllli the Part y mid Mill Nap port I, ra keo—l**t master Doyle Nat a Boat office Employee Mere Oaks Rpeetafare—Mr. k.caLru tiat of the € Ity ! ralrrd>. The regular Re public ana of the county are considerably worked up over the at tempt of a few would-be leaders, as they claim, to make a split in the party ranks and revive old sores with the object, it is asserted, of Injuring the Republican nominee for Congrres. Most of the leaders were out of the city yesterday, several having gone to Rwalns noro. where Candidate W. R. Ucaken made n widresj*. Vice Chairman VV. D. Armstrong, however, aked ihe News to state that the at ton o the meeting at Rlsters* Hull. Tuesday night, was entirely iriegular and unauthorised i The County Committee wax reorganised | according to pre -denf Hist January, he said, arid the regularity of this commit tee and Its i dons had lw*en re**ognlx**d ! by both the Mate und nation il orgauisa i tion*. ll* nee lucre could lie no ground for the claim thit the parry was xvithout or | ganlzcition in the county. Capt M J Doyle repudiates the action j of the meeting Tuesday night, as doc also Postmaster J F. Doyle. Both disown the mov>m*nt and Kay that they are act ing in harmony with the recognised or | gamxutiun. t.otwithstanding they' do not j think they were given a fair deal In the I county primaries. Capt. Doyle declined yesterday To accept the chairmanship of th#* n# w organisation, which was tendered him by a committee lieudd by Rev. T N M Smith "I told th*m I would have nothing to do with It." sa.d ('apt. Doyle. "We have had enough friction In the party and. though I do not think Ihat I have be n treated with the conl leratlon to which I was entitled I nm acting In harmony with the party. I hull support Mr. W. R I weaken for <\>ngress and shall expect all other g*od R*qtihlicans to do so." l*oMmniq.T Imyle said that the partlcl patlon of |M>atoff)< c employes in Tuesday night's mrc|ng whs without his knowl edge or approval. He had made Inquiry (bout the matter. h. aid. and hv) !****n informed by th- employes in question that hey were present simply as spectators. "Of course I cannot regulate the con duct of employes outside of office hours." sasl Mr Doyle, "bur 1 think the r partic ipation has been somewhat exaggerated " Mr. l.eaken left the city early in the morning for Hwalnsboro and so did not see the committee which was appointed to cH upon and request an explanation of his use of the expres*ion "negro domlna ! tion" In a published interview. A! Mr | Ecaken's office it was stated yesterday I ihot no committee had called. The . om mitt**** has furnish* 1 its J. f•. r f.r ; ISbllCW | non. however It Is address*d To the ; Hon William R LeoJcen. Republican can- Ildate for Fongress, First Congressional District. Greeting." and recites the clr cum>lances and occasion of the commit tee's appointment, as well as its object Concerning the latter this statemevti is made "Being ns you were nominated by a meeting of more than three-fourths ne groes we. representing the recently as sembled ciilxens. ask you kindly to ex plain your reason of fear of 'negro domi nation' recently' spoken of in the Inter view in the lre*s of this city nf Oct. 9 Where doc* uch domination exist now. if it exlKts? As you are the candidate of our party we w*uld respectfully beg of you to set u•* right as this very embarrassing matter U a most important one to our people." The letter Is signed by the committee appointed for the purpose. John H. T<>omer. F. C. Johnson and Richard But b*r. ft possible that Mr lank>n will take no notice nf the communication. The regular Republicans are at work rallying their forces for the national elec tion. Nov. t. Clrcu'ars have been dis tributed recently urn un> Ir g meetings for ; this purpos* In the different mllit m dis tricts A meeting of the Fourth district was held at ihe Harris Rirect Ilall last night Ore for h© First distrl t Is to be held at the Duffy £tr*et Hall to-night. AFTER A Clll YTIIY FIRM. Creditors any It linn I'nnmltlpil In Arc of lUnkruplr). Certain of the creditor* of Ihe firm of K K. Anderson A Hro. of Glenvit e riled ■ n the I'nlied Ptnipi Court yesterday a pet 1 lit n to have the firm and lie member* declared Involuntary hanktup** The firm consists of Blllott Anderson of Muuo *<• and Eugene Andereott of GtenvlUe. The petlllonlnit creditor*. with the amount* of thetr rlilms against the de fendant*. are the Boykin A Carmer Com - pany of Baltimore, >59 tW; W. D. Slmkln* A Cos.. >15191. Ulppman Bros, >l5; le-o Frank. >l4* H. Traub A Bon. HS.S. a rat the Magic Fool Company, >!s i*9 The petltlonlna credbor* charge that on Oct 17 the defend*n'* enenmltted an act of bankruptcy. In that on that day they sold their pto. k of good* and other a*- eel* ami with the proceeds of the sale laild the e aim* of Home of the creditor*, who are not represented nor parti Ipat- Ing In the proiC'dlna to have Anderson A Bro. declared Involuntary bankrupt* It I* charged tlvvt the defendant* we e at that time Inaolvent; that they were known to he Inaolvent to the creditor* who ac cepted preference*, and that for thl* rea son the money so paid should be refund ed and administered by the trustee ap- Iminted by the bankruptcy court The pe. tlonera are represented by Mr. J. V Kelly. 1% lIOMIH F THK MARK. Many Hon-Moos Made Merry af the kninkrr at the lip koto. The banquet had at the De Soto ha* seldom cen so merry a crowd a* that which gathered last night for the smoker tendered by the local members of the Con catenated tlrder of Hoo-Hoos In honor of the newfy-ele. led si nr\ of the universe, Mr W. n Stlllwe I of Savannah. Mr Stillwell was Ihe tonal of the evening, and the Hoo-Hoos found great p raure In showing every possible token of their good will and satisfaction tu hi* elevation to the highest other In the organisation. Between thirty-five and forty Hoo-Hoo* participated In Ihe smoker, which I* io be followed during the E k*' carnival next month hy an even greater demonstration of delight In the gtand concatenation p choice of Ihe new anark of the universe. *ppip and lllitw. That la what you must do whn you have catarrh In the head. The way to cure thia disease la to purify the blood with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. This medicine soothes and heal* the Inflamed surface*, rebuild* the d.Ucate It* sue* and permanently cure* catarrh by ftxpell'ng fr. m the the srtofnlou* taints tiimn which It depehds. Be sure to get Hood * Tne r.on-lrrltatlt g cathartic—Hood * PUl* —ad. Budolr Clocks. A highly ornamental and uniquely de signed lltlle clock la not half a bad Idea for a wedding present. Notice Sternberg *• Co.'g window —ad. 19 !XOT A NBW MOVE. I.orgr Heal Estate Owaer Approves i hnnge la A|uares. Alderman James M Dixon received a letter yesterday from a well-known gen tleman. formerly a resident of Savannah, but now in the North. In reference to the movement to open certain of the north and south streets through the squares The gentleman Is interested in one of the largest estates here, which owns a con siderable amount of city real estate. The correspondent stated his full ap proval of Alderman Dixon's plan with re gard to the squares and surprised the al derman s.xn* w fan by informing him that he had proposed this Identical plan about eighteen years ago. lie had gone so fag at that time as to hive prepared an ordi nance looking to such a change In the streets and squares as that now suggest ed. This ordlnan* ©, he stated, was plac ed in th* hands of a members of the then Hoard of Aldermen, but was never In troduced. probably for the same reason threaten* the success of the present movement the fear of opposition from the large conservative element for which Sa vannah has always been notes). The writer stated that he had been keep ing up with the discussion of the quee tlon In the columns of the Morning New* and had seen the cut of the proto** I change ill Calhoun Square as published in the Morning News. The plan was prac ti illy the as that which he had ad vocated. he said He not only gave his hearty imlorsement of the move, hut ex ptes*l hi* surprise that any of the trust lot property owners should make any ob jection to the proposed change, as the re- Milt could only be to Increase th<> *ielr •ibility and value of the property fronting on the square*. Mr. Dixon did not feel authorised to give the name of the author of the letter for publication, but he was natorallv pleased to receive such encouragement from an unexpected source. f HA9 A LARGE FIELD LEFT. Salvation Army Only Ahat Oat of Riialiiess HpHloh. Capt. Koper of th** Salvation Army' call ed upon Mayor Myers yesterday and re quested his revocation of the order of the *lav lie fore, prohibiting the army from holding meetings in the buslnese section, mention of which was mad* in yester day's .Morning News. Mayor Myers informed Cap*. Roper that the onk*r had been grantl because of several <omplaints made to him of the noise made by the army with its ban*) .nl the crowd which it gathers on the streets. He also thought that the Salva tionists might devote their efforts mor*- advantageously to other quarters of the city. At present the army la only ahut out of thetbusiness section and has the entire residence section, including Ogle thorpe avenue. East Broad and West Broad streets an*l all territory south, cast und west of thos* streets. Capt. Roper urg**d that the Salvation Army meting* were b*ss likely to annoy the resident* of the city If held in the bu*4n**s* ration than if held in the resl denoo x- lion. He pointed out that the stores on Rroughbm street *r** generally loeml during the hour* in which the *er vlces are held hi *1 that consequently then** Is little reason for the business people or their customers to complain of annoy ance. Mayor Myers said that he would take the matter under advisement and will probably give his decision to-day. MADE A MELOMB VISIT. F.lka Called With a Gift on a Deal I- Hite Family. Jack Gay. an ex-flreman. who ha been practically a helpless invalid for several years with consumption, ami whose desti tute condition has only recently been mad. 1 known, though not a member of the Klks, wos visited lasi night by a com mitter from that organisation, and given a neat sum of money that had been raised for him at a meeting of the lodg.- the night before. ti.iv has a wife and two children Their Joy at last night's unlooked lor hut most welcome assistance cannot be described. While last night's gift will go a long ways toward the relief of some of the wants of the dlstrrswed household, there Is slid much that I* needs*! for the In valid and his family, and. In consequence, an ample Held for the exervtae of charity by other organisation*. study While lou Work. Through one of the ten free scholarship* In The International Correspondence School* of Scranton. Pa., which the Morn ing News will present to you If you secure one of the ten largest numbers of vote, by Nov. 2rt, 19b. you can keep earning a living at your present work, and at the same time hy at home In time usually devoted to recreation or real, lit yourself for a professional |u*l;lon at a good salary. You can easily become one of the win ner* of thl* contest, by devoting your at lentlon to collecting Voting Coupon* and keeping at It. No one has a better chan.' than you. Get every vote you can, and huve all your friends a.ive their* for you. School Vuppllea. Just receives! a large and assorted sup ply of school bags and school supplier all at cut rates; from 10 cents up; also, usual large stock of all the school book*, now used In Chatham county, at Kstlll* News I>epot, 45 Ball street. Savannah Oa.-ad. The Itelde’a Gunn I* always an object of Interest to the Indies bn* tve larceny the bride’s admi ration I* directed somewhat to the pre* ents. particularly, If Sternberg A Cos 's handsome cut glassware lines are wcl represented -ad. ••It fared Me.** “Orayheard brok# up rheumatism on me.” *ay* Mr Cha*. Thomas. *h Jew eler on Whitaker street. "And put me It. hewer health than I bav* enjoyed In a long time.” Take Orayheard Pill* for that dim feeling—l-oat appetite, and follow It up with a bottle of Orayheard. It la all yov need. Hespess Drug Cos., sole prop* SavannaJi. via.— ad. 4 Delirious Smoke. The Herbert Spencer I* an elegant dga and l* truly a delightful enjoyment i Innate the fumes of this fine tobacco; It la avbilaratlng and delicious. rtce that Ihe name of iiarbarl Bpcnc< r la on every wrapper of every cigar, with out which none are genuine. The Herbert Spencer ctgara are onl; •old by the box of 50 Concha* at S3 50. an Perfecto*. >4 50 at luppman Bros., whole •ale druggists. Barnard and Congre* •treats, of this city —ad. "Oravbrard I* a family mcdlrlna wltt tu.” sad a pr mtipnt buslnea* man ye* terday "My wife takes It, and I noth an< t* enjoying be*ter health than (or years The chlidreo keep well by takin. M.” Ornyb-ard miy be vbtatn'd at all and g s'orea or writ* 10 u for It. R.-apeaa J>ru Cos, sola preps.. Sivarnab. Ua.-ad Voor Own Opera Olaaa I* more satisfactory than a hired on- Tae theatrical season la now on. an. Sternberg A Co.’a elaborate lines of rich ly finished opera glaasaa, at moderac A>rice. are in line -*d. CoolWeitoeiSpeciiiiies LAP ROBES. Horse Blankets, Horse Hoods, Rain Covers. Storm Aprons. Congress and Wbiuker su LEO FRANK. Cat I'aujuctry Moors, have been laid in many of the comfortuhl- home* in New York. Boston and other cities. More cleanly and economical than car pets. Plain and fancy floors laid and polished complete over old fbor*. making a solid and beau tiful improvement. Cat alogue on request. Es timate* *err on receipt of measure* of moms. Having a number of floors to lay In Havannah this month we can quote close figures. J M ADAMS. •**>" \ Charles Htrect Baltimore, Md. iitpill i :4 S iw This is the Trade Mark of the Best Builders Hard ware : that made by the Yale&Towne Mfg. Cos. Those who contemplate building should send for our artistic brochure “Artist and Artisan:" free. H.H.PEEPLES & SONS, 125 CONGRESS ST., WEST. LOADED AND EMPTY SHELLS. AnnUNITION. CANVAS HUNTING GOODS. GUNS, RIFLES AND REVOLVERS. EDWARD LOVELL’S SONS. II J Broughton 54 reel. West. Seed Oats! Seed Rye! Texa* Rust l’roof Oats, Rye, Cow Feed. Hay. Crain, Bran and Freda of all kind* (or atock and poultry. T. J. DAVIS, T>*lr phone 223 1U Bay atrael, west. ORANGES. Headquarters for FINE FLORIDA ORANGES. FRUITS AND VEGETABLE* of alf kind*. SEED RYE. SEED OATS. HAY. GRAIN. FEED. FMIUR. •HEEBE, BEANS. Peal. Hire Straw, etc VV. 1). Sunkins & Cos W. ROSS ORAVENER, Manufacturer s Agent, RAILWAY AYD MII-L HIFFLIBI. rovident BulUllng. Savannoh. Oa. AMIaKHEYTS. gAVANNAH THBA fd R Two performance*— Saturday ilatlnee and Night. Oct. 27 The Greatest or all Great Roman **. Anthony Hope'a Masterpiece. "THE PRISONER OF ZENDA.” Th Daniel Frohman production. Com plete In It* magnificent eutlrey. seats on aale Wednesday. Price*—Night. Orcheatru. II.SO and IS. talcony. 75c and 60e; Gallery. JSc. Mail •ee. Orchestra, 75c; Balcony. Sec. Oallerjr. Jo*.