The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 25, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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PEASANTS TO BE THE MAN. |IB , t official AMoramxßfr maim: ok him APPOIITHIIST. Kreolfiriit W * the Oee a team .l,l,, imipau !*"*d **r. Plraaanta Had Accepted the Apindatmrat I. Frrltcht nud I'niirngrr >lr. I'lraanata' IMllce Will |„ \rw Vnrk—Will Hr Bo ta l -11. About lr-. I—Mr. Pleasant* %v 111 Hr llrrr About >tv. 15 In Ilia. , „.. ||ta Ira Work With Mr. i:*nn. Prrddmt John M Egan gave Iho Morn ing New* yesterday the ft rat official an nounrement of Ihr appointment of AeaPt gnt general Freight Agent W. H. Pleat o( the Ko.-tho.ird Air Line, with offt * ,t Jjok*onvlMe, lo be amoral freUht jr ,| larr-nfcr agent of the Ocean St oa mail Ip Company. The announce mf ni was anticipated hy rall t ad men. as It had boon rumored for nome day* The Morning New* wi- the tirrt to print the rumor, and It.- Indication of the pr< t ailing opinion among ral road men. relative to the lining of the puaitlon cr tied by the prospective rogregatioo of the traffic of Hie Ocesn Steamship Company and the Central Kotloud. proved correct. Mr. Pleasanta ha* accepted the ai>po!nt nient He will be In Savannah on Nov. 15 to talk over matters with Mr. Kgan and familiarise hlmeelf with the duties of the position h- will assume. A "out lice. 1 he W iH .-> ihlish his oltlce In N. w York cl y. When- e ho will direct the freight and pas aenger business of the company. Mr Kgan *ay there will be a force of cb rk- maintained at Savannah 10 perform the dui* - that will remain at this end of die line. Mr Pleasant* will have an of tlce fore* In New York, but It cannot now be sal-1 how thn adjustment of clerks wjll be made. It I* not known who will go to New York, or who will remain In Sa vannah. That I* n matter that will follow Upon Mr. Pleasants' visit to Savannah The president said them will be no reduc tion in the force of employ**, the only question being that of all remaining In Savannah or being transferred. Instead of a reduction. It I* possible that the se gregation may call for an Increase In the force. Mr. Pleasant*, the new ofllrlal of the steamship company. Is well known In Sa vannah He has friends all over the country among railroad people. For sev eral pars he wua general freight *■ nl for Ihe Florida Central and peninsular, but upon the consolidation of that with the fle.ibo.ird Air l.ine. he was mile assistant general freight agent. Mr Pleasant* has a faculty for making frlende. and there I* a suavity about his manner and an attraction In hi* a.hires* ihai. supplemented by the compliment of being the handsomest Iriftlc official in Florida, make It an easy matter for him to enter the good graces of all. PLAN 9 AMD 4IX IIBADY. But Work on (hr CrMral'i Depot Will >ot llfuln fop *tonir Tlmr. Th© plan# for irto alteration and Im provement of the Central Railroad's |>a*- aenger ikpot nrc ready, but th'* work will not be undertaken for some time. The project for the addition of a atory to the old office building on West Hroad street, he* rot been abandoned, but |t Is lm* probate that th© addition will be mad** soon. The appointment of C. I*. Atone to suc ceed the bite C. I*. At more ns general paasenger agent of the Lamtavtlle and Nashville, with head'junrterp i loouts ville. has been officially announced. Mr Stone la regarded aa ono of the brightest young men In railway service. He goea to the lonulsvill© an<l Nashville from the portion of general passenger ngetit of the Chicago and Bjstern Illinois. It Is aul that Mrs C. P. Atmore has continued to receive the salary of th- general iiassenger agent from the Ixmisvllle and Nashville since the death of her husband. A meeting of the American Railway As sociation will le held to-morrow In Bos ton for the consideration of time card#, the railroads throughout the country hav- Ing uniformity In roles of operation* Traf fic ar.d operating officials wdl ottend the metering. Col U. W. Wrenn, iassenger traffi* manager, will represent the Plant Hvstem. Winter •chodutc# for the through trains between the North and Florida will be con* sldered at a meeting that Is to be held on Nov. 9at Washington. The Southern Railway, the Plant fly stem, the Atlantic Coast Line and the Pennslyvanki will be represented Mr W. B. Denham. general up**tnt©ml©n4; Col. B. W. Wrenn, ihn tenger traffic manuger, and Mr. W. J. Harlow. superintendent of transportation, will look out for the Intend* of the | Fyslenv Kvtry year the meetings for the arrangement of the schedult-e are held. Representatives of the passenger de pariments of the lines Interested In busl is north and south of the Ohio river will m**t Nov. 9 U) Cincinnati to deter mine divisions upon Florida business dur ing the coming winter. Chief Clerk W. H. will represent the Plant flyatem. President John M. F.gan of the Central Railr<*d has returned to Savannah after J f r!p to He made an Inspec tl n of the Chattahoochee and Gulf R;ill r“i l. which has ieen almost completed T* • road extends from Columbia to flell e■4vlilr, and freight traffic has already I* min. The road Is leased In perpetuity io the Central. t vis tr siGtR-rm: t>o wagoh. Rather Than Pag for a City License. A number of police were detailed yra * r lay to look out for street wagons with -0,1 f budges Quire a number were found *nd th. owners compelled to get the nec licenses. This waa not always **e with a good grace, however, as an *M*rlenc of Patrolman iKmahue’s rl.ow Donahue stopped a wagon driven while man. nnd asked for the badge T fi# rm.n did not have one, but explained *'•' he had had*lt. but that It had been * u and he didn’t think he ought to be to g, t another. He went to the *•* t ang*. Hi and there tried to convince the authorities that he once had a badge, but ,r ">. too. wanted proof, nivl the books c lh * bear out the man's story. 'Piinwhile the wagon, loaded with sugar c ? n ' was strxllng In front of the E ‘ ,rj K* When the min found that his I* * * 'voul in'i go with the Exchange peo nmo back at the policeman, hut K'hlrg no more satisfaction from that l,iln ‘. declined to have anything further '' 1,1 *'lth the wagon or load, turned wh.j* outfit over to the officer, ml * -Ire threats * to how warm he'd M * It for all pcrtonH concerned, took off. "**l To-Mormit Afternoon. ■ ** **eet> deckled to have the me©t 1' nf fhe Committee of the Whole of n U to-morrow afternoon a* 4 o,, ‘' r * Instead of this afternoon ** ('"evlously annotiMerl There are ? r n **r of matters whkt) have “ ,r i odlng for rometlme. but on which ‘ ’ton has been taken because of the ' • of several o? the aldermen from ‘ <l, y *nd Mayor Myers desires to get of the accumulation of business. Catch nsn Go fishing where fish haw been caught bv others If you want to be cure*! take the medicine which Imm cured others. I)r. Pierre's Golden Medical Discovery cures diacaata, of the stomach anil organs of digestion anil nutrition. It cures tminy n.- eases which seem remote from the stomach because it cures the stomach in which such discuses lutw their origitj. -Words fail to espress what I suffered (or tbr.- years with cold chill* pnlpiUKon of heart, shurtntM of breath. tnq Uw iptriti • write* Mr A C Jooe* of Wsltrrboro, Otf leton Cos. 8. C. "I could nt* sleep m 4 resllv thought I would soon tile find peculiar rooting through mj heud oil the time. Wtu so emaciated and weok 1 could not feed myarlf My aunt imhit r 1 mr to tn Dr Ptcrce a GoMeo Medics! Iteown which I did onlv to plooae bet. surd *0 Nw- Uft tmred m< Today am auurul and writ Lmnog the three year* I was a*ck I had tore uiuerent physician* • Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cleats* the system and regulate the live. OrPIER^mIDKai OOLOf^pisCOVfRYr MAS CURED R96PER CENT OF THOSE3 WMO HAVE USED IT.wjj BRITKSI, STIRRED .Uni Jackson lVa* the Victim of Two t nknorm ltegroe*. J!m Jackson. a negro employe of Smith Ar Kelly, wan pet upon by two unknown negroes opposite the ropin shed of tht* Central Kailway terminal© laft night, beaten an*l ©tabbed into Insensibility, rob bed of ull the money he hud on hi* per aon. and left for dead on th© ground. J.i keon 1.-* employed in unloading a coal birg© at Smith dr Kelly'a wliorvep, wept of the city, and wap returning from hip work, when he became the victim of the a*fault. He wan coming through the terminal property of the Central toward* the city, on.l bud arrived at a point Of>- l<Mto the rosin yard*, when h* wap ac costed by two negroes; neither of whom h* knew. In ,i threatening manner they asked him If he had any money, and before he could answer, he had been ©truck in the head with a club or billy, ami ©tabbed twice . : n the left fthoulder with knife. He fnlnt ed from the poln, eho k am! lotp of Mood, and woke to And himpetf larking 12.10. which he had had in hla pocket* it the time he was accosted. It wap utxiut 7:3ft o'clock when Jackaotft was aopatilicfl and It Ip protiahle that h-- Iy Insensible upon the ground for half an hour or more. The knife wound© in his shoulder were deep ami pitnful and when he finally regained consciousness ha found himself m weak from loan of hlco! that h*‘ wap barely able to ptruggle to hi* feet With much effort he drugged hln>- pc!f to the office of Puder'p wood yard, near the terminals. where an effort was made to ©top the flow of blood. H* wp carried afterword* to the office of Dr. ffertot. at Liberty and Tattnall ©treet©. where hi© wounds received atte.i tion. It wa© none too early that thin course wa© taken, for the prior effort© made to ©top the flow of blood had Te. n entirely without sucres* and the negro bade fair to bleed to death To th* physician he ©tated that It was Impossible for him to Identify either of hi© as-allants, a* their forma and faces were totally unfamiliar to him and be sides were turely outlined In the darkness of the night. No report of the matter was made at the police barrack©, though Jackpon left Dr. Heriot'a office with that expressed Intention. BARKBSTME PABLO LIBELLED. Boatswain and F.lghf Ahl. Demand Their Wun. Th. burkentine Pablo, a Cuban vessel, flying th* American flag and now lying at anchor In the harbor of Brunswick. *w libelled for seamt n' wanes In the Unit—l Stale* Court yesterday. The libellant* are Boatewuln Miguel Felipe and eight able teamen of the crew. Miguel. the boatswain, ha* not been paid for even month* and claim* the Pablo'* master and owner* are Indebted to him In the eum of SIOO. The other li bellant*. able seamen, are due their wages for four month* ami twenty day*, .imountlnir to SOO each. The whole amount alaimed I* SOO3 According to the allegation* of the libel the Pablo haa hud a hard time of It. She started from Brunswick with a cargo some ttme since, hut hud scarcely crossed the bar when ehe w* found to he In a leaky condition nnd had to put back to port. A second time ehe secured a cargo and started on the outward voyage, and again *he developed a leak nnd put hark It It recited Hun *he I* now again ready to put to sea and will. If the claim of the •cameo for their wage* I* settled Deputy Marshal Charles J White will leave for Brunswick thtt morning to serve the libel upon the matter of the Pablo It l probable that the seamen's claim. If I* Is a Just and proper one. will be nettled at once, wither than have the vessel de tained to awolt a judicial adjustment of the difference. The libellant* ure repre sented hy Crovatt A Whitfield of Bruns wick. and Charlton A Charlton. NmMfMWR LEFT FATATB. Lute John Harrison's Property Val ued nl More Than W.IMIO, An appraisement of the eslnte of the late John Harrison, metsenger of Coun cll, was filed yesterday In the Court of Ordinary. It showed that Mr. Harrison was possessed at the time of ht* death of realty and personalty, amounting in value to more than $3,500. i-.urele Cooper, os nest friend of Gor don Elmore, and others, minors, filed nn application for * year's support for them out of the o*l te of Jsnle Elmore. let ters of guardianship on the estate of Clinton Dingle, amt others, minors, were granted to Lurlle Dingle by Judge Fer rOl. _ f otnpllnicnr* to Major Wylly. The Thomaevtlle Times-Enterprise says: "Maj. K L. Wylly of the Fourth Regi ment has been appointed Judge Advocate General of the Army Of Termes-ee, United Hons of Confederate Veterans. This la a high compliment to this deservedly popu lar young officer. He will nil the position well tad creditably.” y.j. Wylly'* Savannah friend* congest ulale him on the high eompltmem paid him In his appointment to this high posi tion and feel. With the Tunet-Enterprlsc, that ho will HU It most creditably. THE MOKNING NEWS: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25,1900. AT TIIF THKATKR. "Prlnirr of Ernfs" at Two Ptr loraanrr. Tkl. IVffk. Th* ssl* of scats for "The TTlxoner of Zenda" to ho seen at a Saturday matinee and night performance begun yreterday The story of the play I* on* of th**** that Indue** the reader to keep alive the midnight lamp. I.title wonder, therefore, that the play has been one of the biggret of recent years, for In the dramatisation all the Important -pisodee have been retalneii and vitality at action Infused that Rives It an absorbing Inter eat from the beginning lo the final cur tain. Not every one I* probably aware that the name of the eulhor of ' The Prisoner of Zendn ' Is Hawkins and that Anthony Hope l only a nem de plume His selection of this appellation 1. related In Ihe following little anecdote, Hawkins wa* a fairly prosperous barrister In Don don and when, after two or three frail attempts at story writing, he mentioned to one of hi* confidential friends that he was to forsak* the bar to embark upon the sea of literature. 111* friend quisxingly re marked “Hawkins, old chap, what are you going to live on." to which Huwkln* re plied with a significant gleam In his l*ig soft eye. “Hot*-, my hoy I shall live hy. work with, and labor In. hops- Hope shall he my guidon and I will follow It." hence th* nom do plum*. Hall Caine* play "The Christian." th* reigning success of the r*M two seasons, will la* presented at the The iter next Monday and Tuesday night* and at a Tuesday mattnee under the management of Lt.Wer A Cos. There are few who hive not read and admired Ihe author’s novel; who have not wept at John Storm's trials and Glory Quayle'a sacrifices, nnd apptnteled their trlumps In the dramatisation the #u>ry ha* lost none of It* power; rather I* the plav an improvement especially In Ita final act. It Is In th* third act that the author ha drawn his strongest climax Overtom*' hy his love, maddened with the thought that the woman he loves Is In danger of coft tamlnatlon with the world Imtuied with the revelation that he must kill her Indy to save her soul. John fttorm bids her t*re pare for the end. With the fervor of the Glory he hod known In youth. *he brings hack to him the love of their young days their parting when the world cam*- t>e tween them. aptai!> to his love, and con quers and save* himself There is an added Interest In the play here through the appearance of ills* Lamia Porter Ougel In the cast. Creston Clarke has cancelled his South ern engagement* and will continue hi* sea son In the North tn Henry Miller’s n- w play. Mr Clarke was to have played In Huvannuh 10-morrow night. local n;Hw\Ai- Mr D. McKinnon of Jerome In a guest of the Pulaski. Mr. W. J Wallooa of Ariryle la register ed at the Pulaski. Mr. J K Yountt of Valdosta la render ed at the Pulnskl. Mr. A. 8 M' MUlan of Jacksonville la a guest of the Pulaski. Mr. Charles K. Jordan of Dalton la a guest of the Screven. Mr. T. 11. Montfort of Amerlcus la reg latered at the Pulaski Mr W. 8 Etwiti of Clarksville la ren dered at the Screven. Mrs L. Kaytoo will leave via the South ern to-day for New York. Mr. George P. Burdick of Macon, la registered at the Screven Mr. J. F. Robinson of Tallulah Falla la a (neat of the Screven. Mr C. <1 Battle lefi by the Plant Sys tem yesterday for Wilmington. Mrs. George Colton left via the Plant System yesterday for New York. Mr. J. C. Howard left over the Seaboard Atr Line yesterday for Charlotte. Mr. Walter Kilpatrick of New York la In the city a nueat of the Pulaski. Mr. M. Islnsteln was u passenger of the Southern yesterday for New York Mr B B. Frost and wife will leave to day for Ocala, via the Beabord Air Line Mr. T. A. Jennings of Tampa w* among tho arrivals at the De Soto yester day. Mr. F. L Norman of West Point, wis among the arrivals at the Screven yes terday. , Messrs I. Cohen and L. Heller left via the Plant System yesterday for Mont gomery. Mr. August Schmidt of Darien was In the city yesterday and registered at the Pulaski. Master John Kehoe. son of Mrs. J. D Kehoe. has recovered from an attack of scarlet fever. Among the passengers of the plant Sys tem yeeterday for New York was Mr. J J McDonough. Mr. J. C. Turner was among the pas sengers of the Seaboard Air Line yester day for Tampa. Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Bennett were among the passengers of the Plant System yes terday for New York Mr and Mrs. Joe Wolf returned from their wedding trip yesterday and are reg. Istered at the Screven, where they will make thetr home, Mr Wolf has many friends In Savannah, who welcomed him and his bride. Mr. Bert B. Frost and Miss Lillie Dray ton were married yesterday afternoon at J o’clock Mr Frost Is the well-known snd popular clerk at Levan's The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Bald win Drayton. Mr and Mrs. Frost left yesterday afternoon for Ocala, Fla., and will be gone about two weeks. CITY IIHHVITIKA. The quarterly meeting of the Fnlversttv Club will he held to-night at the offices of Denmark. Adams A Freeman The article on "Voltaire.” prepared by the late Col. Screven, will be read. The wntrr supply will be shut off and remain off this morning for several hours, on Whitaker street from Seventh to Twelfth streets, and on Lamar avenue from IJncoln to WhPaker street. A meeting of the Second District Club, organised Monday In the Interest of Mag istrate Nath tne to succeed himself as magistrate of the Second Militia District, will be held to-night t his office. Patrolman Broom yesterday morning discovered on Bull street a youngster who was amusing himself Mowing a police man's whistle. The officer confiscated the property and turned It In to the Bar racks. The Chris' Church Chapter of St. An drew's Brotherhood will entertain the Young Men's Christian Association to morrow night a the association rooms A programme of music will he followed by refreshments. The regular quarterly meeting of the University Club will he bald to-night at g:10 o'clock In the law offices of Messrs. Denmark. A.lame and Freeman The ar ticle on Voltaire, prepared hy the late Col. John Screven, will be read. The advertising car of Cooper's show reached Savannah ytwterday. and to-day the city will be gorgeous with show Mils setting forth the wonder* to be seen at the clrctM. The show will give three perforroancea here. Oct. *1 and Nov. 1 and J. —The wallers and waitresses employed In I-ondon are demanding straight wages at V‘ cents an hour, with 10 rents extra per hour for sll time over eight hours a day. and 10 cents an hour for work done between midnight and t> i/'Uo\.k hi the morning. Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey Am#rtc*' UrraUist Bwilrlu*. Absolutely pen ; contains no Fosel 0(1 ; CURES CONSUMPTION. Umtlpnen -I h*i * * ofti for thrr* ymr. ©ffret© of ©id uot loin aw v*n>par care* of Id I irmn • waik Iww uuabb l** v*rk I wa© ©lammed bv lojbyucUii, vbo tokl and f I bad bnm< HJUa, vary bad Tbey adviant mr u> off Ovt> * Pwo Matt Whuk9* but I wa* ao butav agaiuM whia- MFy lUa* 1 weFld ix>t vonarnL B? Augvpl la©i I rad gone mi far ©• t*> hr unable to tTt Buy btra'li. cT •pi with dlttcukv wa© vrrjr low. 1 ihouabt I mqkl n<it Hve mu it lonfrf tHir old ph©#c*a, !>r T W C aaiidiwi of Wk*rry. S. V, xa ©d iny ,ont, toM me lb© rtjrht aar u very bad ami lb# left uae but a trifle -eOrr. bat that I had rMmfh lun*a left U> live a pood while yet If 1 would lake {featy of Otffh'a Ptwa Matt Hfb*bm. aid Uke it r*Vatarijr. Hr thla Uae 1 wa• wtlbof to do B©y tbiog fr relief Ho tbr dear old man, Omaf* h ta not a whiakey d.*rter, mdeml e*e to begin at oner with two table*ioonfui* a© a dear mn rwo bowra, dav and atgbt I did •*', aad mniwdlately began to lui{*rmw, ami row. alt week* from tbai tin, I can bewatbe almoai a© w*il a© I ewrr maid, and I>r (’. aaya my Umga an bealeit, asc*t*t ooa dnll {.la. e in tbe nfbt lung, aod that the ravitwa ar oootracUag Ido not know whether <iod 1* lng tn let m cet well or not, bit ! haaiWy traet lie wIU, and I be*lev© that, onder 4And, year U bikry ha© ravad mr Ufa thn© far. ami if I had begun a year a*;o 1 would have brew mired by thl© time Nrvparlfnttf, lira. 11. K. KIBBLE, Xano. fl G. An Abaahfttb Bum Stimulant and Tank. Only whiskey t*sel by tbe Uorrmitem ae • mM. irta# All drturgleui and ffw-r, or dlrert in plain px> kofnt |! A a bnuie. Medical Honk mowil f rea. Multi Hull Whiakey < •.. KarkeMrr. N. V* KOI MTKEN EU K TUB KK4 (Htnr.H. Of These the Tlirer Moat latere all nit f'naew Are I'osMlnel. Though the Recorder had f<*urteen prl©- ot:a*m before him ycnterdity. only thre*‘ of the cane© were of nny interent, and they were each continued until to-day. They are that of Ctiarlea Brown, charg ed with the larceny of u boot from Frank I my©. Jt*me© Brown, fharKtil with ob taining money under false pretenac©; nn*l Jh> <k>l|>hin. 4'dored, charged with ©trlk ing Robert Vincent with a rock. The total of the flfio* imto©ed amounteil to of which SIS wh pkl. A Hlgh-Orade ln©tltutlon for Ladle©.— Bhorter t\>llege, Rome, Ua. Writ* for catakAgtie.—ad. PKTITIOW rt)H nnumillAllOA. riTATTLrNi cornty To the Bii|>-rk>r Court of Said County: The |>etltion of Gordon l*re©. u cor poration, ami of J. F Hitnsovi of the County of Ilthb, John M Kgan. Alexander R. Lawton, T M Cunningham and llenn' Hlun of the County of Chatham, and of the Ocean Bfeam©hlf Company of Savan nah respectfully ©how© First. On February 17th. 1*72. the Gor don !Te©© wa©. on proceeding© duly hml In accordance with the ©taute© of the ©tale of Georgia, duly charter* l and made a corporation by the order of thl© hon orable court, a© will appear by reference to th** record© thereof. Second. The other petitioner© herein nnml are the ©ole ©tockhotder© of Ihe Gordon Brea©, and own the entire capital ©lock thereof. Third The petitioner© herein deelre that the charter of the Gordon Fre*©. which, under the limitation© prescribed by law. ha© expired, may he revived, continued and renewed, and ihwt the Gordon Br**©© may be declared to be a i on*oratkm un der the law© of the ©fate of Georgia for twenty year© from and after the 17th day of February. IMM. with the privilege of re newal at th** end of that time. Fourth. The object of the corporation, ami the particular t>ulne©© which they propoee to carry on. the capital ©tock. the location of the bu©tne©, and the other nec eaaary particular© are ©hown In the orig inal application for charter tiled In thl© court. Dec. 7th. 1*72. to which reference I© hereby made, on.l the ©lafement© am! prayer© of the ©old original petition are hereby renewed; but petitioner© de©ir© that the charter may be amended In the foflow'lng particular©: fa) That the object of the corporation, am! the particular buxine©* which peti tioner© propose to carry on I© the erec tion. operation, owning, leasing, renting, and being otherwise Interested in a prc© or pre©©ea for the rompreoalng of cotton for shipment from the port of Havannah. Georgia, or from any other port©, clii**©. towns, or place* In this or other state© fb) That the restriction In the original chnrter to the effect that th*- constitution and hy-law* should be modified only by a vote of two-third© of the atockholdcr© should be removed. Wherefore, petitioner© pray that the •aid chnrter may be revived, continued and rflowed, and the charter gran©**! with all the right©, power© and privilege© hereinbefore ©et out. and with ©uch other right© and privilege© oh appertain to cor porations. And petitioner© will ever pray. LAWTON A rtTKNINGHAIf. Attorney* for I’** It loners. Original petition AIM In the office of the clerk of the Superior Court of Chatham county, Georgia, thl© 3d day of October. Itno JAMES K r CARR, Cb-rk S C.. C C , Oa. LEOAIs NOTH K. CHATHAM Alice K Barbour ha© applied to the Court of Ordinary for a twelve month© ©upi*rt for herself, out of ihe estate of Robert T Harbour, deceased. Appraiser© have mad** return© allowing same. The©e are. there fore. to cite all whom It may concern to appear before ©aid court to make objec tion on or before the flrat Monday In NovemtxT. next, otherwiee same will he granted Witnesses, the Hon Hampton L Ferrill. Ordinary for Chatham county, thla th lbth day of October. 1900. FRANK E KEILBAC H. Clerk C. 0., C. C. MlkllCLleAWßOL'a. HAVE YOUR ROUSE PAINTED with German ready-mixed paint; entire satisfaction guaranteed. Adams Paint Company. “WA NTEI >, ONE THOIJBAND 111 tN gry people at the ftouihsrn Grocery Com pany. 114 Barnard street “PERRY A BENTON WILL RENff vate your old mattresses and furniture, make good as new. nt very Utile coat. WE BELL SEWER PIPE. FLUB pipe, fire clay, fire brick at lowest price*. Adams Paint Company. 104 Congraaa. west. “MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED t'ENTH tn every dollar of your hard-earned hard cash at tha Houlham Qrocery Company. 114 Barnard street ‘HAN IT ARY PLUMBING, GAB AND steam-flttlng. when we give you our e-tl mates we get your work, because we em ploy only experienced piumliers, and guar antee satisfaction. A C. Price A Cos., Htate and Jefferson streets; ’phono* K*. PERRY A RENTON USE SPECIAL cor* In moving, shipping and storing furniture; 'phone 1724. “GYPBINE IB THE BEST WALL FIN- Ish mu 1* Adams Paint Cos.. Savannah agents. 104 f'ongreoa. writ “YOUR RANGE MAY NEED TO HE connected or disconnected; If you want It done a little cheaper than somebody else will do It. or If you want plumbing work of any kind done, call on A. C. Price A Cos., Btnte and Jefferaon street*, 'phone* at. "REDUCE YOUR LIVING EXPENSES by Investing your herd-earned hard cash with th* Hraithorn Qrocery Company, 114 Bernard street Norwood’s "Satire" For sale at ail News Stands to SavdDDdb. CLASSIFIED AUVtRfISEMENTS. rr.NioNAu "nnTcTdPnot rTTTv^iT-rmT'^FKB tkm by thtw tkitk. long evenings wheth er MoKlnky or Bryan will get In can be better Men. with a g**d pair of ©|* • • taclra that will clear tie vliat sinl make print plain and dlstln* t. and thus take away ths old wrlirkb ? atnad by •train ing Ihu *>■. V|iln improved ot n*t a cent charge*! for m> youthful-biok-glvlng eye***.**’*?-**© aid |f>*M taclcx F • Ham Broughton. Hair. Jewelry and Bhav* Ing Bufvpl> House. Cash g!vu for idd gn.d and ©llvtr MORPHINI Orfu£ : c DANITM c-it'silue habit; mywtlf cukhl. will Inform you of harmless, permanent bom** cure. Mary t>. Baldwin, Box ?-L. Ciit ago till* I HATE KB. WOOD lIKA TOR*. rd heater©, cook stoves and range© Re liable goods C. 1 kllil* r. agent. A FAR ROT AND CANARY BIRD will U* *lih|w> v| *i at I'uatom Houxc Shades, at © 30 thla evening. ADVERTISEMENTS BET IN CAI'- ITALB WILL BE BIUNTED IN CIfAH SI FI ED ADVERTISEMENT COLI MN FOR TWO CENTS \ WORD No AD VERTIBEMENT TAKEN FOR LIBS THAN JUC IB YOUR IRON SAFE FIRE-PROOF* B'lffel a Freeman hav** a standing offer of SI,OOO for ev ry ©afe f their make that doc© not preserve Its content© < Hie ©af* l wa-* In burning debris 113 hour* When taken out. th*- ho©** had t l e turned on It When o|ene*i. not a page wa© dlscol on-l. not a record lost, *ot a dollar de stroyed If you waut ©*cur!ty, buy a Btiffel A Freeman ©afe C. I*. Miller, agent. YOU WILL LIKE THE MILK FROM Springfield Dairy; It’s rich ami pure; try It FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED MAT • res©**© renovated. Antique furniture re polo had. furniture packed and ©hipped In lest manner Beml me your orders. C I* Miller, agent. RONE FLOUR; BOUND~;iACL ST; leave order with F. Movie. 1a Broughftei ©tr t, * axt. or 114 Birk avenue, east. J Gardner, agefit. ~IF ITS BUGS YOU WANT. YOU CAN gei them cheaper from MeGillts. 'special, an UNLIMITED SUPPLY of nice willow rockers, ladles' aise, at $2 J W T* e, I. ! \M N< m \ men AT 414 V* I Broughton; ring up liw If you went lo have your furniture moved >r pm k* i for hhl|iinnt or st>rage. I guarantee price© the same as I do the work that's given to me. A. S. Griffin, 414 Broughton street, west; mat I res©* a made to order. MILLER'S STOVES AND RANGES give ©atl©factlon The Magnetic, Econo riixt. Waldorf. King, and other good makes at reasonable prices. 2/7 Brough ton. west KKNBINOTON' fTrM~MILie"IS*UN surpass* and for rlchn ss, d* livery Is |*er f ct; photie. 2345. BEE MILLER FOR fiFFICB DEBKH. office table-*, off!i © matting, office shelui 2 (fl Broughton, w^st "WHEN YOU” BEE M OILLIH HIXTY- Inch m- , * , nt rugs, you will buy them. Just can't help It. will sell In eny quan tity. FOR FIjORAL DESIGNS. CUT Fl.OW er©. plant© nnd hull*©, from o<>l©chlg's nui©ery; leave order© with K. Moyle. 10 Broughno street. ea©t J Gardner, agent. "“"FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARE," 1© a ©pe laity with stcGW!©. “MILLER B NEW STYLES IN CAlf pets, matting©, linoleums, window ©hade©, etc. All work done In ffrst-cia©© ©tyle. 307 Broughton, west. “M'GILLfB* LAC I (t ? RTAI NS W ILL beautify your parlor. ““"I WOULDN'T TAKE $!• nrn FOR THE BENEFIT DERIVED FROM GRAY BEARD MISS NANNIE JON KB. AL LISON. N C." MADE ONLY BY RES BESS DRUG CO . DROPS M OILLIB IB CHEAP ON RI’GS. NETB. lace curtains, hsmnvx-ks. water osili-rs, pillow©. iHcturea, atov©. besfrwmi ©ull*. and furniture of every description. “SEE TIIB JEWEL BToVEH AND ringea for ©ale by J. W Tapir; also agent for f n©urnn gaaolli e ©tow. 11 41 IJUYB NICE RATTAN ROCKERS while they last. Large a©ortment of rocker©, divans and easy chairs. C. B Miller, agent “KENSINGTON FARM IS ON AN elevation In the country, fre, from city drainage. Impossible for milk to hecoie contaminated, by Impure odors; If you want pure Jersey milk, phon* 2345 I>a llvery prompt; satisfaction guaranteed. M'GILLIS MOVES BACKS HHIPB and ©toree {danoa ind furniture; beet work only; no *‘Chai>-Jobn'' prl<*e*—no "Chtsp- John" job*. “GOLD FISH 10c EACH. $1 00 DOZEN Fish grass for ©ale by J. Gardner, agent, 114 Bark avenue, east. $1 to FOB WOVEN WIRE COTS while they last. (' P. Miller, agrnt. ~tt.i o FOB ART SQUARES WHILE they last Big asenrtni. nt. all grade* of art square*, rugs, mats, portieres. C. P. Miller, agent ITOILUi WELOr Si XT Y - INCH MIHW —Smyrna pattern#—for yt cents. “ADVERTT REM ENTS SET IJ? CA P ITALB WILL BE PRINTED IN CT.AS HIFIICD ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD VKHTIHEMBNT TAKEN FOR LBBK THAN *OC. ■>ss i a i„ a! iT EIUMTED W Randolph of St. Louts, I* now at the Albemarle Hotel, curing the most In veterate stutterer* In three day*. Col Wide Jonce and many other* had hit non* and nephew cured Many are com ing hundreds of miles He leave* Colum Ida Nov 4 for Savannah. Ga. Write him with stamp He beats tho world No bet ter LADIES’ CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH Pennyroyal Pills sfe the test. Safe, re liable Take no other. Send 4r st imtis for iiartlrular*. ''Relief for Ignites.” In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chlrhester Chemical Cos.. Phlla'hi . pa. 'HOW ARE YOUR FEET? IF YOUR feet are troubling you, call on me and I will give you relief; I cure Ingrowing nails, corns and all diseases of th< feet without pain, charges reasonable; <an give the beat reference* |n the city; pa tient* treated *t residence*, orders ran be left at Livingston * drug atore. Bull and Congress streets: telephone 353. Lem Dsvls. surgeon chiropodist. HELP W ANTKO-MAI.R. BRICK LAYERS WANTED AT GAH tonla. N. C. Flynl Building and Construc tion Company. \V AN T ED. A CO MI * KTE NT B< >Y. about eighteen to do general house-tlean ing. Apply at 14 Wial Harris street dur ing morning. “WANTED. RELIABLE WHITE BOY to drive milk wagon, at Sprlngheld Dairy, 471 Weal Boundary. “YOUNG MAN. LEARN II.Lt STRAT- Ing hy correspondence ;free;fulilon payable (i day* after posit In Is • urerl prying sl3 a week. Corretpfind*n e Institute of America. Scranton, P. "Salesman wanted fob fisdr- Ida. Apply by letter to u* with refer ence: good salary paid to the righa man lAppman Bros., wholesale druggists, Upp tthii block. Savannah, Us. WANTED. PLt niIERS V. 7~Bl4lCK layers. S3.UI. mill machinist, tiler, ham merer. laundry machinist, washer, sls. tejard; bakers, tie Inspector, bookkeeper, commissary clerk. Huber, 317 West Bay, Jackson villa. HELP 2% %AIID-KMHALK. lITrTEL^EM I'LoYMKNT^Ad ’SficfTfo West Bay. Jacksonville, want© help, all kind*, for Florid*. Georgia, Nassau and Cuba, season Ipn-lhil. B * Mutter for fur ther Itifurmatiuti. WANTED, CAPABLE GIRL FOR general housework. UXi sired, east. WA NT ED A W< MAN AS C|| AM iMuruaid and tou*e serv *nt. Apply at ll Sixth strwtt, wed. “ ADVERTISEMENTS” SET IN CAP- I r \l*B WILL BE BiIINTKD IN HIFIKD ADVKRTWEMBNT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO Al VKHTISFMKNT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN W SUKirr* WAATBIA ' > XTuntb * v mrc > s The Horrors of a Stricken Cttjr," by Murat I(a Ist* nl. fully Ifluatratsal fittest ©* lib g U*k ever ptibllsht'd. oidy sl6**. ••! term© gii.imnte**!, outfit Irt*** la qul k J. H. /* taler a Cos , Chicago I/I. iuNrudNi;> r va V\ ANTED. ItBITI<N AS LUMBER inspector• cn * >*ni*‘ well re ornui* nd*©l. A i ll- © C. C II irjN r '• * •*■ k FI “I M l*l.(>Y Mi:NT W ANTED BY EX (H tlep. •<! doubl* entry Uiokkecpcr; can ;iv* best of reference**. AKlr - 4 A. A. *., Bul.i-kl I Km.****. AN EX Pl* RIENCKD HOUBEKF.EBER wl>h - IMMttkMl. Will 4-©i©t With sewing House, care N*w©. "WANTED, BOBITION AS MANA4IEH of lively or ©(tie ©table ly young married man. who h. had 1 • >* *r© practical •x- Ih ri* 11* , can give beat n-f* nee* * try no object until aft*r thorough trial. .1 T. F cr New Southern Hotel. Way i rH*s, Ga. It Cl 41 U © W MTKII. WANTFD FFRNIHH El BmMM FOR houH'b'tpinx. no Addren© Dr. B. E William©, yri Lllnutv street, weal. nil AllII W A vricii. W ANTED. BOARD IN PRIVATE family by gentleman, wife and tw* dill dreti Addtir* RHlxie*), *ar Morning News. H 4NTKII-NIM KLLAJHCUV4. WaTntkD BUY MKiuMI OLD I'IO.\TH *r l#sl©; b-uve orders or ©*nd apodal card to 53*; West Bryan street L v.n ui ”lF TOIT WANT 4i4?or MILK. Girr IT from Sprlngflehl Dairy, It's rich, pure and wholesome. “CASH PAID FOR C,i Hi|> Sl*>*4lNT" liand oat sack© 212 Wv©t Bay street. IF Y4IU WANT A BLA4’E T4I DUMB earth, dirt, ©and, manure, etc., fret of charge. Just at city limit hauling over hard road, write or telephone Brown Bros , cornr Anderson an*l East Broad ! street©. AI > V ERTISEM KNTB si:r IN CAB ITA LB WILL BE PRINTED IN CIMB HI FI ED ADVERTISEMENT 4MLUMN FOR TWO CICNTB A WORD. No Al* VERTIBEMENT TAKEN FOR LBN THAN *k\ KOR NRirr-ROOMI. east, fwirlor floor of two or thre unfur nished room©. T<. RENT THRBE CONNEtT!N(; room© with all convenient* ©; b-• nwnt lloor; reasonable to balr.Me tenant, llaeement. New* office. FOR RENT ROOMS FOR GWNTt-B --m n. furnl©h*©l. onvenlent to Imalnes©. 115 Oglrthunae avenue, wed ' 'IR If HIT, PLEASANT ROOM WITH *r without board at 317 Charlton aired, west. FI.ATS FH RESIT. BASEMENT FLAT OF THREE rooms. In good order, with private fta lly; all eonvenlenee, reasoriiih’e tit .10-lr nble reliant. Addraag News f -tlee PYIR ItKNT Ft.AT 1204 WICBT BROAD; $s i*r month. C. Mcndol, fox Ease Iso eror. FUATS. PARLOR AND ONE ABOVE, unfurnished, three rooms each, U Gordon street, east FOR HEAT— HOI AM FOR RENT. COMFORTABLE HOUSE, No sl7 Weidburg street, east, between Abercnrn ami Unwin, nrst-riasa order and condition; every convenience Riant rent to right tenant Estate Halomon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton streets. FOR RENT, 17 DUFFY STREET. smi ; possession at once. Apply Georga 1,. Harmony, agent, I* llryan street, rust. TO RENT Ml AND 223 HOLTON street, east, these are good houses and location sscellent Apitly to C A. Mt'ln ttre, 4Hoanl of Trsde hull.ling. POM RKXT-aTOHKI. Ft lit RENT. STORE AND DWELLING, nortto oit corner East llroud arc! Taylor streets; will also se.l stork of goods; this ts an * slablltlteil htislnees, aral a fine op fiori unity the right tarrty. J. E. Ful ton A Hon. KOIt RENT. STORE BollTH WEST corner Whitaker and I.thirty streets. Ap ply 1M l.ihrty street, wist. iron revs—ui.ecfc.nt.AVßovs. LARGE WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE for rent, corner Broughton amt Weet Broad turret*, formerly or. upled by the Savannah Carriage and Wagon Cos. It. P. Smart. "ADV EKTIBE M ENTS Hlifl N CAP ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN IOC. FOR ■ ALE—REAL ESTATE. SET IN ITAlgt WILL BE PRINTED IN HtFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN JuC FOR SAEF.. THOSE LfyTß ON NINTH street, near East It road, have only been sold 4o first-class parties. r**o will make good neighbors, and none other can buy. The term* are very easy, and they are cheaper than any other to the vicinity. C. H. Doreett. (OX FOR DS $2.00 A HALF DOLLAR SAVED ALL 'ROUND. GEIL & QUINT, 205 Broughton Street, West, roM lALtr-gr.H. MTsm Dorsal two^huiC drad dollars. ury terma. on Ninth strsWK near East llnaul. no city taxation. C. H. Dora# It. roit halmTEotb os* jifthl illil K.t It mud. l tMO net; will •<mx> M ■dvancsd to W; whan lot baa bM pstd lor I run rnn* to cot m homo butH. Doroott. fok~baj7jc. uiiru'd© niwth rrißWt near Host Itroad; no city ■•*. ot J 1 r., h; iwontv-fivo dollar* cash, and ,uy monthly paymanls. C. H Itoraott. nraiOFNCBS AND BTHLOINfi I.OTS for Hals all over th* city. Hobart H. TaXem real aotat* dealer. No. I Tor* •treat, west. FOR KAL.H Olt HRNT farm with house ©nd owl building*; in . otNlltlon Apply Stewart street. M ' SET IN ''AP ITA I S WILI ME PRINTED IN CLAS BIFTED AD V E UTIB E WENT (XALUMN F H TWO CKNTP A WORD NO AD vkrtihi:ment taken for lom than mr SOU SALX.-XIUkUoA.I|UU/t. r\ rrmr • ?\T kTnTTTTky It when V‘*ur favorite remedy fails, at 250 bottl- u Ided to a gilt of honey makes a splendid ntiKum fur Infants art*! hl.dr. ri BENZOIN BALM M \ K B THU BKI>L ftke velvet, fnr ©ale hy dm ,l t or a* ll* n ry snd Abeh’orti Per©** Drug Stores, Whitaker >! T>lor streets F*R SALK AftOfTT ONF. HUNDRED at r* of gitivving hai ot Bo(lftr GriA* plMiitalhui. gKnit on** mi e from th** city I>tt)l* • no the White Bluff r*.id. Apply to Liwiott A Cunningham. FOR SALK ELEGANT WARDROBE’ .t -1 $1 lad f ill will ** II ch* ap AfffJly u., Alteri'orn ©treet, over grocery ©tore. F4R SALE HALF INTKRBBT’ IN“a North Carolina summer reM*rt. IJ.. * are Bivar nai) New©. FOR HALF. "NICE BENCHES FOR ©h** ©for* -. als* two large ©ld* walk dls l*la> ranee. M. Dryfus, 111 Broughton street, w**st. TURPENTINE I©OCATION FOR ©nb*. It •crop* first year box**©; li.OflS re * round iln*tHr. at $l5O {er aero per thuu©:ind box* for le •**•! timber; plenty of timber t !** gel. in live mtl © of rail n*al; will glv* |s>©©easkm now or at *“ivd of on Addre© Bouinl Ttmlsr, tar# M*rfilng N**w© FIRE PROOF SAFES -WE CARRY A iln* Hit** f fir* proof oaf**© In ©lock • til dm • Th** i*artl*H can *w* exactly what they ©r* get ting f >ur prices are as low a© manufacturer© a ll it. with fr*ight fold ed Part • lnt f '**l wh* wlrh a g**©l tii** proof af*. will *!• w**ll t* tn.©i*ecf our ©to**k Uprermfi Urn*., block, agenta fig manufacturer© ' SPRINGFIELD DAfRY IS NOTED for having rich, pure milk, try It; you will In* p!cu *l AD V BRTTHK M KNTB SET” 1N CA P ITALH WILI • PRINTED IN CUAM HI FI ED ADVERTISEMENT COlB f MN * • R TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD V ERTISEM ENT TAKEN FOR IdEflfl than me. BUT AftD rot All. I/IHT. Hill.l. UK MONBT AMOUNT -1K to trlxiy itolliirx. r-wanl if returned to H i.mdrtim ftavxttv tvvth Krewlnx fompany. 'i/xrr. a mrmorandt’h itooic with two |wna hook*: protiertj of the CIX The flnd.r will Iw row 10hat hy rcturnlntr It tn Wllitam It. I’udar, Ireaottror. ttot’Nii pin, i’B*nu nu® m ewriter, lieturn tn 20 Tuylor. mil. "■!< -HI :i IT Til Irt MORNING, ~OM I title avenue, eh I id', red r<—rfer or Buck, rail, |y for (tilt. M J. ltnyie. ■uuionk. VKHY I, A 808 NICK ROOM WITH Inble hoard; alen winvl'' room; every eonvenionc*. lilt WVet Orrtot) ,treet. KDU A I lUt U. TIIB IIIII.HRII'K KIN HERO ARTBN, uruler the tre.n ittrnient of the Kate l(*l*A wln Ere., K mth raarten, will open on Nov. I, at 302 lloil ,treet, rrrt. in aiAnMa auxem HET TnT ITAI.H WII.I. UK PRINTED IN CUAE HIKIEII ADVKRTIHEMBNT (Will* Milt TWO t’ENTf* A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN BOH DEM THAN ItC. FI.IWIIIMt. to your Intereat to lot me glvo you an e*. tlmete on your ptumhinc now or old work; repair work a xpeelally, aa I >tn a prartleel plurnlior. No truer- work to ervlonger your Uf*. Wlggtmt. phono fW. O-orgia or ReM. MtatKI.I.AV toot'*. ADVERTIHENENTH HET IN CAP ITAMt WII.I. MB PRINTED IN CDA BIBIED ADVK KTIHKMKNT COLUMN FOR TWO CKNTH A WORD NO AD VEHTIHEMENT TAKEN FOR 1.K3 THAN 30C ’ CALL UP PERRY A IIENTON, IP you are gotng to move, rhlft or otoro tur nltun ; Roll '(thotio 1121. WBLMHIACH t) Ail LAMIH. Cf)M plete. put up. only 75 r, rtt*. and gueiatv t,l lo wvo you money on y<wr go. bill; you ran alway, find an areortni.-nt of manieir here, from 10, 15, II la E cents; don't f.irg) t the place, A. V. Drier, A Cos.. Stale mid Jeffernon rtreeta; 'phono* Gk, fiooD Positions {Secured; t*/ act! *'e £de NW- Young Men : 'iSfr-^rf'VfOiyiEN our poetical j i V . "business { COLLED ES 1 r /A*i/^vr<S*pi .ImitorC.+ityar' UtV.M/uA 1 3