The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 25, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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industrial agents meet. IXPORTAJIT WORK BITOHE SE A RUAKD'S CORVKXTIOR. .pl.ndlil Mlr of Cwp iial Brought Into the Mouth— Mol trr of llniillfilaa hc School, the sr<tf will Be Takfn I P To-do y—There Will Bo *) flos Rolalnga “ JolT 4—Meu board's t.rral Work. JA.kaonvtlle. Fla.. Oct. M—lndustrial i* of ,h ‘ - *>< aboard Air Unr Hallway, to thr numlior of 4ft> and rrprraenttng 107 wnr In Virgin*. North Carolina, itoufh ,-arollna and Georgia along the line or i:,e eyotein. assembled here In convention to-day. under the call of John T. Patrick, chief industrial agent of the newly con sol - elated liner- The delegate* were wel coatatl by Mayor Bowden and President of the Iloarcf of Trade Garner, after which addresses were made by Mr. J. II l'p nam. editor of the Youth's Companion, ltoeton. Mr. John T. Patrick. Hon. George C. Grogan of Elbertoti, Oa.. and other*, and reports were heard from ‘.ho agent*. The Florida superintendent of public instruction. W. N. Bheats, rpoke twenty minute* on industrial education. He s.tiu. In port: The South need* Industrial school* a* iniich s educational school* and 1 hope to see s hoots established that shall teach boys how to run machinery and girt* how to add to the family purse." He was followed by a. number of county sui'crlnu tidents who spoke along the same |.ne. Patrick Makes Gaud Showing. In hi* report for the yetar 1900, Mr. Patrick m Je a shewing of $10,404,000 of new aiplt <1 brought from the North and East In tiler*, home* and manufactur ing plant*, n* against 9a.000.<5)0 for the year IM. H.SoO.OOl) for ISSS. ami MSO.WO for 2#i7 This report covered operatton* of the tnJur’iial deportment over tho tsn mile* of the old Seolwnrd Air Line, and one of the object* of the convention now lit session I* to Inaugural* on the newly aoqtllred line*, the Georgia nisi Alah mu and the Florida Central and Peninsular, the policy which had been so successfully ret to motion on the parent system by ito vice president and general munager. Mr. E Bt. John. White many more fea tures are Introduced In this unusual de parture for u railroad corporation, yet the methods In (he main are similar to those brought from the Ho k Island by Mr. St John, who was its general man ager also. Mr. Putrirk stated that since Jan. I. 1940. a total of (Srt manufacturing enterprises had been shorted. In these are Included sixteen cotton mills ami enlargements to thirty cotton mill* air ady started Among other man ufacturing plant* were two knitting mills, t went v-r tne buggy and wagon faetorttw. six sash and blind factories. ldu corn mill*, flftv-flve flour mills, sixteen oil mills. It# factorle* for canning fruit and vegetables, two keg factories, elx furniture factories, three ilgar factories, sixteen tanneries, un* crt* factory, two barrel factories, three bottling work*. one baking powder factory. sixteen fruit evaporating plants, one shuttle Mock fac tory, three shingle mills, three spoke and handle factories, two clothing factories, three dyeing work*, two broom faetorlw. ten pottery work*, three pekllng plants, one veneering facsory, forty-two brick factorle*. 1201 ginneries, two shirt facto ries ami HU sawmills. The Increase for the yrxir 1099 was eighteen, und for 19fkt, 141 He said further: “In that time. 1,123 famine* settled along •he lines, bringing with them in cash Be 798.715 Estimating live to the family, gives K.t>2s perrons." To It en li 11 f y the School*. The other feature of the convention to be considered 10-morrew Is that of the beautifying of th.- pubUr schools ulong the line, which will !*• n sp s-ial work for the ensuing year. Mr. I’pham of the Youth's Companion his offered 2bt flags at a ops* of 15 each to ts distributed as premiums to those sehoo's which make the best showing in rendering more pic turesque the I.M.dtng* and grounds, the work to be dettr by the children. The contest will close March 71, end July 4 will be ftag-rulslng day In these schools thnt have won the premiums. There aie present nearly ltd public school teachers, ln< tiding <oitnly s h.oi super intendents nn>l sutler m'en.lents of pitbllr instrm tlon ftom six states In charge of the school work under Mr. Patrick Is Mrs K. G. McCabe of Atlanta, president of tie Woman’s Club of that city, and Airs B. H. Heard of Middletown, (la., I In (hinge of the circulating llbraites of the system. There are about twenty-live libraries of about forty books each, which ure earned from point to point for the benefit of poor boys and girls who have t-o other access to book*. C arnegie C ontrihated. Mr. Andrew Carnegie has contributed to the fund under Mrs. Heard |UW nnd re ■ ntly wrote to her to draw on him for 11.440 more when needed. Mr Carnegie became Interested in the work through the representnt'ons of Vice President and General Manager Bt. John, nnd to-day Mis. Heard received a telegram of good beer and congratulations from Mrs. E. St. John. Addresses will be mule to-morrow by Mrs McCabe nnd Mrs. Heard and object lessons will In* given with model* Itoth In the laeatitlfylng of school* and grounds and In the manner of circulating the H brerles. one of which will lie on hand for inspection of she delegate*. The effort* of this railroad corporation toward build ing up the country have been received with enthusiasm here, and much Is cx i ted under this policy for the upbuild ing of Florida nnd Alabama. To-morrow w II be the < 10-lng day of the convention, h mte if whoae delegate* Is carrying f ward th e work without compensation of anv kind. before adjournment to-day photograph* *< re made of the delegate*. This evening *t 7 94 "'clock Mr. John T. Patrick callel the various committees* together at the t*trior* of the Windsor Hotel and made a 'irt talk In regard to departmental du lk of the committee*. WORK OK COER T9-MARTIAL. Out of ti.nso Trio Is 11.0411 Defendants Were Convicted. Washington. Oct. 24.—Gen I.leher. Judge Mvocate general of the army. In hi* an nual report to the Secretary of War. aays lh<to were *.BW trials by general courte natttal the past fiscal year, of **>k h .1", were commissioned officers, 4 ca l'' Ml* enlisted men and 23 civilians •'rving with th* urmy. Of the commts > ted .flictr* 24 amt of the enlisted m-n f *were convicted. A total of 2.Ska men - r n'cored to dishonorable discharge, nt whom 2.270 were In the regular army • n.l tli in the velunlecrs. Wx death #n '* were imposed, all of which were commuted by the president. TO PHULOMi EXPOSITION. •■"'ls Kate Will Continue a Week Longer Thun Expected. ~|rl s. Oct. 21.—The government ha* de- J t<> prolong tho eiposltlon for an ad- week. It will close Sunday. Nov f "te day will be divoted to the poor, ''h free admission. That nighj the #x "*4ta*a will be lllutnlnated ns on spe ni*hte. It |e expected ttmt a million tk r * wl " •** present that day. 7 American exhlußom generally, are ' la. i to the prolong!tltv*. as they have ‘ ontractg and every other 111 range, com 0 remove th-lr exhlNt* on the .ley _ 7i vally mi for closing, and many of Wstti have booked their passages homo. FUNERAL OF JOHN SHERMAN. Mtaiple Services Held In Washlsiiss Alter NA hlrh the Body Tak en tn Mnnsllelil. O. Washington. Oct. 34 -In the capital of the nation, where his life work has be -n accomplished, there gathered to-day re presentatives ol every government de partment and the repre.en ta: Ives of many foreign Poorer* to pay homage to the memory of John Sherman The funeral service* held hero were at the Sherman home. A notable gathering of statesman, diplomats ond official, filled the hallway* and parlors of the residence. The services were simple. They began at 1 o'clock p. m. and were conducted by Rev. Alexander Ma.kay Smith, ractor of St. John’s Episcopal rtiureh, assisted by Rev. B. M. Paddock, assist int rector. Concealed In tho rear of the hallway a quartet of St. John's choir, accompanied by the organist, sang in the Interval* of the service. After the hymn "Rock of Agee." I>r. Smi'h read the simple but Impressive funeral service of the Episco pal Church. When the reading of <he service was finished the choir softly sang the hymn "Peace. Perfect Peace." There wa* no fun-ral address end after a brief prayer the choir chanted the an them. "t*>rd. Let Me Know My End and the Number of My Days." The casket was then lifted by the hear er*. with the monorary pallbearers follow ing and carried from the house, where a detachment of the Fifth Cavalry under Cel. Rafferty watted to escort It to the de pot. Tho honorary pallbearers, who were grouped about the coffin during tho cere mony, .were Secretary Hay, Beeretary 'lire. Justice Hsrltut of the Supreme Court, Admiral Dewey, (Jen Nelson A. Mile*. ex-Senator Cameron of Pennsylva nia. Senator Hawley of Connecticut. Judge Bancroft Davis. Hon. J. A. Kasson of the State Deportment, and Col M M Parker. The funeral party left for Mansfield. O . on a special train over the Pennsylvania Railroad at 3:30 o'clock There the Inter ment will take place on Thursday, when President McKinley will attend. TO REMOVE MtltiE'S WRECK. Work Will Re Regan on Gen. Wood's Return lo Havana. Washington. Oca. 24 —The battleship Maine la to be removed from Havana har bor. as It la considered an obstruction to navigation. Several tlmse since the close of the Spanish war. there boa been talk of rais ing the wreck, but It has been postponed from time to tint* for various reasons. Now Gen Wood, upon the recommenda tion of the harbor authorities of Havana. .onMdrra that the removal of this ob struction to navigation has become im perative. It lx sinking deeper and deep er Into the mud of thr harbor, and he longer the work Is delayed, the more difficult It will lw of accomplishment. To-day Gen. Wood saw the Secretary of the Navy, and after laying the matter before him In detail, secured the Se-ret •- ry'e consent for the removal of ne wreck Tho work will he undertaken Immediately, upon Gen. Wood’* return to Havana, which will be within the next week. POHUOWIKT IN TROt'HLF. Well-Known German Count Charged With Bribe Taking. Berlin. Got. 24 —A great sensation has been caused by the allegation that Count von Posodowsky-Wehner. the secretary of Mate for the interior, ha* been "bribed with 12,400 mark* for hi* work In connec tion with the penal servitude bill of 1*94." The allegation t* contained in a letter which I* going the round* of the Ormsut 1 res*. The writer nsaert, that Ilerr Krupp subscribed 3.444 mark* to the fund consti tuting the alleged bribe. The pill was defeated In 1*99. It ap pears from the letter that H was not a question of bribing the minister of the in terior. bur of placing m hi* hand* the sum of 12.444 mark* to be used for "the purpose of agitating for the passage of the bill referred to." The National Zeitung say* It I* expect ed that Count von pnandowsky-Wehner will resign: and nearly all the papers con demn him severely. WILL Ml’Y tint LfV<4 YACHT. Colombian Government to fee Her In Suppressing Rebellion. New York. Oct 23-Gen. Charles M Serrle of the Colombia republic’* army arrived here to-day on the steamship Ad vance from Panama, and announced that his government had purchased Georg* Gould's yacht .the Aatlanta, and would use her in suppressing the rebellion. "While the rebellion ha* tn a measure been quelled." eeld the General, "th* trouble I* by no mean* at an end along the Pacific const There are uprisings there often ond there Is where the Atal-in ta will he sent. Ido not know exactly when she will leave here. I will probably sail on her.” MANY C Hll.nilEN IN HCHOOL9. More Than 20 I’er Cent, of the Popu lation Attending Them. Washington. Get. 24 —The annual report of the t'nltcd State* Commlseloner of Ed ucation for the fiscal year ended June 34 last gives the figures for the fiscal year 1395-90 as the latest statistic* obtainable. It shows that lhe grand total of pupil* In a'.l achools. elementary, secondary and higher, public and private, for the year ended July 1. 1X99. was 14.7J5.3R2. of which the numl>er enrolled In the initimit s-hools. e'ementary and secondary, was 13.13,713 Twenty and one-half per rent of the entire population was enrol'e I In the public rtefnm'ary sclh-o'a and high sehoo's (HF.nimti u foi no nn\n. Wm Hitting >rr ■ Depot In Faria F.xpnalrtnn ftreunds. Tarla. Oct. it Mr*. Margaret Fonlka. an American lady, wa* found dead at tfa Champ and Mara Railway alatlon at (he exposition grounds yesterday. Bho an seated on a bench and at flrat wax thought to bo asleep. Beyond hrr mma noth rg la known regarding her Shi' was afoul c,i yrara of ago. wall dressed and wall *ur>- pllrd wllh mimi*y. Jewelry of great value wie found upon her. The body waa taken to the morgue. CAMKOHNIA'S POPI'hATIOB. Slate line 1,4HA,tM13 People. Which la 21.1 t Per Cent laereaar, Washington Oct. ft -The Population of the atate of California aa officially an nounced to-day la ogalnat I M*.ISo In into Thl la on Increase of 2TS.K3. or at per cent. Three Drowned In French Brood. Aaheville. N. C., Oct. it —O. O. Graham, Robert Earwood. Richard Ruaaell, em ployee on Oeorge W. Vanderbilt'* Blll mora estate. were drowned In Fren'-h Broad river to-day, nine milea routh of Asheville They were gong to their work, picking pine conea. and attempt'd to ero* the river, which waa much awol len from recent rains, but their boat WAS ovarturned. I THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY. OCTOBER 27\ 1900. WHAT IS OVARITIS? A dull, throbbing pain, accompanied by a sense of tenderness xml heat low down in the aide, with an occasional shooting pain, indicates inflammation. On examination it will be found that the region <.f pain shows *w swell ing. This is the first stage of ovaritis, lndammation of the ovary. If the roof of your house leaks, ray sister, you have it fixed at one*; why not pay the same reepect to your own body ? Vou need not. yon ought not to let rouraelf go. when one of your own aex holds ont the helping hand to you. and will advise you without money, and without price. Write to Mr*. Pinkhatn, Lynu, Maas., and tell her all your xymp- Mas. Aaxia Arrow. tom*. Tier experience In treating fa. male Ills is greater than any other living person Following Is a letter from a woman who ia thankful for avoiding a terrible operation. " I was suffering to Mich an extent from ovarian trouble that my physi cian thought an operation would be necessary. "Lydia E. l’inkham's Vegetable Com pound having been recommended to me, 1 decided to try it. After using several bottle* I found that I was cured. Mv entire system was toned up. and I suffered no more with my ovaries."—Mtta Anna Arrow. Troy, Mo. BRITISH COLONIAL POLICY. ENGLAND DESIRES FRIENDSHIP OF OTHER NATIONS. Buf I hanilirrlain "tan She Oan Get Alona Without It, If The* Dssllns to Glvr ll—l'rdmllout of (suda and Australia Nhnulil He on Ex ample to Xouth Africa—He Deole* That Knslaud lias Shewn Man* ol llfcsdsars. London. Ont. 23—Joseph Chamberlain, secretary of state for the colonise, speak in* at the banquet of th* flshmonxer* company In London thl* evening, dwelt at length upon the Imperial aspirations of the Itrltlah nation. "t'nlon with Ih* colonies," he *al<l. "doe* not etxnify hostility to other nations. On the contrary we desire their friendship. If It Is not purchased at the cost of object, more essential. We hope they will recip rocate the friendly sentlmrnia we express and feel for them. If they decline our friendship, we shall do without It. If we cannot persuade them, then we must be Isolated. "But. surrounded and strengthened •>' our colonies, our Isolation wtll be such a splendid leolatk*n that, even If Enxland fall*, her oversea colonies will carry on the English tradition*. "The new Imperialism main the recog nition of the fa 3 that all British colo nies are entitled to the same rlxht* e* Enxland herself I hope that the federa tion of (Vinnda and Australia will he an example to South Africa. Imperial fed eration wtll enable the empire to con tinue It* mission of Justice and civilisa tion. It* mission of pence." Mr f'hotnberlaln denied that anywhere exhibited stxns of decadence nnd referred lo the splendid army dt*- pqlched to ftouth Africa, dwellinx eepe *|- ally upon the assistance rendered by the colonies. MADE A MOTION TO DI*MI*9. Effort lo flemre the Release ot l*al rlek ontl Jones. New York. Oct. 24 —The examlna'lon of Albert T. Patrick and Charles F. Jones, attorney and secretary and v.!-!. respec tively, of the lata millionaire, William Marsh Rice. Mho are accused of forxlnx a 123.400 check which they tried to cash at Swenson Sc Sons' office, was resume! to-day, Mr House, for ths defense, mate a forma! mot Pm to dismiss. Hs contended that there had been no evidence Introduced to show thst the slcnaiure of the 423.444 check had been forged; that there wa* no competent evidence that tt w* not the flanature of Mr Rice; that assuming It to b* n forgery, ihere wa, no evidence that either Patrick or Jones (< rged It. and that the presentation of the check certlflrat lon at the honk of Swenson A Sons did not constitute an attempt tn ut ter the cheek within the meaning of the law. and thnt there was no evidence of an Intent to deftaud. Inasmuch aa noth ing had hern proven that the state had attempted lo prove, he made separate mo tions of dismissal of the rompinlnts ngatost both defendant* n-king for their discharge from custody. Maglsiiats Brann rrserved decision un til to-morrow. MOTHER KILLED CHILDREN. Negro Hnman Murdered Her Babes and Committed Suicide. Charlotte. N. C.. Oct. 24.—A negro wo man turned Carrie Caldwell, who lived In the northern part of Mecklenburg county, •hi* state, this morning kll’ed her three children and committed suicide. The woman cut each of th* children’s throat with a raxor, and then drew th* same Instrument across her own throat, from the effect* of which she died some hours taler. At the time of the crime her hushind was away from home. The w mans brother wa* at the hous- and she aent him on an errand to the barn and when he returned he found the three children dead and the woman gasping from * gash which she had Inflated In her own throat A physician wa, summoned at one*, bui too late to save her life. Th# children were aged elx. two end four years and thetr mother nhout thirty five The cause of the woman's act t* sup posed to have been Insanity. Tne coroner held an Inquest over the four bodl • this afternoon. AN 111 Not Have tn Pay (he Tax. Washington. Ort. 14.—Commissioner Wil son. of the Internal bureau ha* derided tnat pr.qsrlctor* of tv-era ho ts a In cities having a population, hy the cen sus of I*9o. of 23.(04 or lea*, shall roi b called on to pay special tax for tho cur rent year because of newspaper announce mcnt* that the recent ceneu* shows a pop- Klatto of more than 32,W0. BRYAN AT OTHER POINTS. (Continued from First I’age.l ket and plunder praple to pay dividend* on money never invested In the corpora tion " Discussing the Philippine question. Mr. Bryan said: "The Republican party came !n>o exist ence la an attempt to apply the Declara tion of Independence a black man. It will go out of existence because It refuses to apply that asm. declaration to a brown man who is olt > half black." In the same connection Mr. Bryan re ferred to tho flag of the fraud States, saying: "You Republl an* wont people to bow before thr flag, I want people to turn their faces towtfrd U and thank God that there is one flag on whl t there Is t.^blood." W4I LD ANSWER )t EWTIUNft Rat Bryan Preferred Not tn Have a Joint Debate. Georgetown, Del., Oct. 2t —ln r. *p n-c to Inquiry from Wilmington concerning a Joint debate with Mr. Itiyan at that pi* e to-night, the following reply wa* ant from hi* train to-day, and It t.< under stood to have been Inspired by him “Patrick N'eary, Democratic Commit! e, Wilmington. Del Mr. Ilryan dee* not de sire that the tm* ting to-ntght rhall be given the appearance In any degr. e of a joint debate, and he th>refore ,K>e.< not desire that any Kcpubil on shall ttppeir upon the platform for the purpose of ek ing him question* Pletee r. mtttunl am this at once to Mr J P Nb-lda. If. h- w ever. the Republican Stite C mmlttee of Delaware will certify In writing that they desire Mr. Bryan to answer the five qu*>* tlon* suggested by Mr. Nleld*. Mr. ltria'i will take these questions up In hi* addrv a to-nlghl ond answer them. He will sati mtt five questions for the Repub ’lean Btula Committee to answer ' BRY AN TO GO TO NEW YORK. I'lana for Ills Iteeeptltsn—Aeliley Could Not Attend. New York. Oct. M —The programme for the visit of NV. J. Bryan to this elty this week was announced to-night by the Com mittee of Arrangements of tha national association of Democrat's dubs. On his arrival here a committee will es cort him to his hotel, where a dinner will he given at which Mrs. Bryan Is to t*> prevent. Mr. Bryan will he t (ken to the Broadway Athletic Club, where he m tk-s the ttrst speech of the evening, ami on hi* trip from the hotel to the club l- will paa* through the phalanxes ot Denwe cratlc clubs which will line the enilre dis tance. Band*, banner*, torches ami hr— works wtll add lo the display. After thla meeting Mr llrtaii will tv driven to Cooper I'nlotj, w.-.ere two ad dressee will Ire made, one lnlde and eM to an overflow meeting Tho last addrtw* of the evening will be delivered at Madison Square Garden, To an Invitation to be present at this demon stration. Admiral Schley ha* cabled from Rio "W. R. H'orat, New York. I appreci ate and gratefully Ihnk the National As sociation of Democratic Club* for the great hon-r and confidence, bus I must adhere steadfastly to my fixed rewolv* to permit no use of my name politically. Th* sense of duty well dono for my coun try fill* the measure of my ambition. "W. 8 Schley." TEXTILE OPERATIN'E9. Effort Will Re Made to Orgaolse Them In the Nonth. Fall River, Mas*. Ocl. 24—The na tional aecretory of the American Federa tlost of Textile Operatives, Albert Htb bert, to-day issued the call for the na tional convention of that body, to be hell In Washtnffton, D. C., Dec. 17. next. Bc rctary Hlbtxrt, after urging all union-: In the federation to #end strong delegi tlone, raid: "The chief reason why this convention wn* taken so far south ia for the purpose of giving the textile worker, of the South ern states a chance to he repr*-*enicd. and at the same time to help the ran-* of organisation In that part of the coun try. It la the atm of this proposed fed eration to effect n complete organlx.itlnn of the South, end through organisation, to bring up th* poorly paid Southern op eratives to the high.-st standard of the North." JENNIE 11034 U IIIKTEH'K DEATH. Hark Driver la Held t'ndrr o g.VKI Bond aa (1 Witness. New York. Oct 24 —Soulthrop, the driver of the carriage In which J nole I!oa -chletcr. th* Pateroai mill girl, who wa* carried about the streets of Pateta-m af ter she had been drugged n t a*-iult#l. a* alleged, by four men, was released to day under L'A) hall to appear a a a witness against Waller McAlister. George C. Kerr. William A. Dtath and Alaxand r Campbell, who are accused of caudng thi girl's death. The coroner of Passaic county said to. day that the Inquest Into tho death of Miss Boeschleirr cannot t-e held until a report I, received from the rhemi't* who are making an analyst* of the contents of the girl's utomach, nnd It may Ik- two weeks before Iho chemists' work L com pleted. . DR. t'H VICB SI DfIKN DE ATH. Well-Known Atlanta Divine Expired tn Newport New*. Newport News. Va., Oct. 21 —While ad dressing the Virginia Presbyterian svnod at to-doy' seselon. Rev. Dr. J N C'rtig of Atlanta. Oa.. suddenly fell to the fl or and In a few Ttv-mer.l* expired. Heart dla ease was the cause of death Dr. e'rtlg was well known In the Presbyter! m Church throughout the 8. u-h and hell 1 • t home missions of the Southern general a*- semtdy. Hl* wife and daughter were at tending the synod wlih him. TO ATTEND hit EH MAN Ft NKR AL. Senator llannn Will Then tan fee With thr President. Chicago. Oct. 21.—Senator Hanna wtll depart for Mansfield. 0.. ai midnight to attend the Sherman funeral to-morrow, returning lo Chicago to-morrow night aft er a conference with President McKinley. In regard to Senator Jones' statement of hi# demand on (he President for the se cret instruction, to the Pari* Peace Com mission. Senator Hanna said that It ts a matter within the Jurisdiction e>f the war office and with which the President will not Interfere. j Doctors and Midwives Recommend “Mother’s Friend” * ’kt"L . because It ia a*#d externally In e*e# of thsdetleats I N o' *tt**tmn e-f exta-entnt mothara. It Uaceastaot re * ft It list, robbing childbirth of it* terrors. Internal rama -1 WriiMWlTi Tr \ (lie* are dangerous. •• Mother'* FrUod "1* a tdoiiing 1 3. -, Inabottl*. There it muhinc Ilk* It. - rw nets* ot thrss rWM*. shs gxwtlf Is <*• 4*o, -t , . ' jr-s Coo mo jut, xvti tetfa * t Mix <4 ‘ M'-C.OI yoxi-t’( *./If* *t-w (etoxs ! k earth. cn*osoMt, itvj A n'isve-l uU(. AH ssaons she hevse—t a *t~ '?*" ”*' ““•* * i- * JoliJt C. ruLMtbL. Cos. | feet hy riytrt* ysM ee f~tq* r( eVr.ff I per hotlte^EdbJ^Mai*****''" ■*>* hts to lohew I *otb sv AU. D*uooi*rv ‘ TUL UtuiilKlfXß IIWtUTW t 0.. Allaata. Go. FLORIDA’S COMING PRIMARY. (ONRTITITHMAIt AONVIHmO* MAI hi: voted immas. "111. lnl. to Tie %||tolntr<l liy the Cinv erur W 111 Al*n Ik Voted |>on at the I’rlmnry-I.ii r*e AHriamrnti Here l.evled I |mm < andtdatea lor Tlieae l*Milttutt and Tker* %re I’ew In the Mare—Oal> Ton lm lrfaitf < untrßta. Ta'.lahaiweo. Kla.. CVt. S4. —‘Th# white iJcmcn rata of Flortela aro lo determine. a primary rkv tkm to be held on Nov. ft. whether the noil ljriiliilature which will proho: l> br comiwwd entirely of white I *riihk rain. Nhall | n\ Üb* for the holding of 4 coni! nut tonal convention. I tull a Mona aro that the tmvcntlun idea will lo roll'd down overwhelmingly, for few i*. o|le mem to wait anew ooiuil tution. aiul tli. mHNi are opp*e| to In urting tho rx|wiM a c%m vent ion wnwld | entail. The conatltuiftHi under which Florida ' U now governed wan framed by a abn | vent Kin which rat In Tall.ihuoM e during l •• “omtmr i*f \ss >. It warn adopted by Iht | ieo(tk at t Ih* g nwral election In Novem , her, 1 '• .:iml went Into efTet't Jan I. I**T A convention would coat the Nf.ite nt K'ot |7.*i.UK. and perhapa much more. The l>ni* <ra:lc ataio platform provUka further that at the primary election of ! Nov. ft next the wh’ta Do moc ratio alec for a 1 nha'l re e ♦ app Intlve n'ae nd COUH iy ofllcerp n It m y npi** ar will be necaa • ary to l*e npp<>lnt*d l> the Oovrrncr dur ing the next two years, and conttnuo*. tllllrerN tn He t bnara. Accordingly fhe white TVmocmttr lOf era wil at the primary tnalte the party a 4 holcv tor a state hcmlet and an adlu tiint general In the h roml, Third. Fourth and Revrfith Judl l and o r ulfn state attorn ya will be **|*ctod fn Imval, Ka ■ mnM.i. IliUaboro. Orange and Voluala mini la jiulara of the crmlnal courts of record >f thoM* respective counties will le chosen, m and In each of the counties named, save Duval, solicitor* for th* c rim Hull courts of record are also to In* eo.ected. In inch county In tha state five bounty Coinmlfttinera a supervisor of r* wlki rut ion wll In like manner l>e OhO • Dill Will m.ike the primus gtliia ns coinp’ti atnl and almost as imp jrt.ant <n ufTalr as th*' general le* tlon. For the more Impvirrant office* thue to b? filled at ihe November primary fhtre In a scarcity of candidates, due doubtlca* to the fact that early In September Chairman Frank Clark of the Btate Exec utive ('- mmiMeo announced tha aMe*e menta which randldataa for wrch office wou and have lo pay. etatlng that rn y those who poll the arrounta arseesad by hotel of Kepi. 1? would lw a l*wd to enter the prlm.*ry. Tiee ament* wei* regard ♦ Ia quite ht f :h. l<*lrvf fJOO for **••** chemist. KV for adjutant gem rl arid llh> for Mute attorn* y Tr b un >rrtx>l tnat th*e uftM'aenunta deterred aevvral asplr anta for offb-t * from ent rlng tte o fHeat < antlldntew to Hr Voted on. Under the ruling, the only name to be vote.l on for state chemist, la that of fapt. R K. Rose of Kissimmee. The only entry for adjutant general la the prevens Incumlwnt. GeVi. Patrick Houa lotlti of Tallahassee For tUk nttomeya In th flwcond and Third circuits. Meter#. George W. Walker of Tallahasaec. am) Ij. K Roberson of Jasper. reapM tlvely, the pr'sopt tncumknti, hive no oppust tlon In the Fourth circuit. Messrs A. O. Hartrlilttf nnd A. Jl. King, both of .1 o 4 konvtll*. are making the race for state attorney, while In the Seventh cir cuit. Ktute Attorney Jam** D. Degga has aa <m opponent Mr. John C. Jones of Thus, fhe only contests of any Importance for offices will be over fhe state af!omeysh!|e In the Fourth and Seventh circuit*. It Is thought that Judge Ikgga will win In the gevenfh. without much trouble, but In fhe Fourth or Jack sonville circuit, Messrs Ilartrldge a*.! King nre nmklng a hord. close ffght, irvl the result Is greatly In doubt. This Is the fleet year Judicial officers—or any other stale officers-luive ever been se lected by the primary system In Florida, and the experiment la being watched with gnwt interest. The method has worm ad vocates, and equally worm opj*onents. CONTEST FOR Ol PONT Cl'P. Three Men Tied W'lfttnixf a Hiss and Welch Win In ghn4 Off. Baltlmoie, Oct. 24—Tna contest for the Dupont cup. which waa shot off at Ihe ground, of the Baltimore Shooting A*#o clal3>n to-dny, came very near taking on lniernallcnid proi-otllon* When the scores were mmpsrot nt th# end of Ihe match It was found that thr*** men had sen' nil their bird* to grass They were lucr a of Ihe Baltimore Association. Jtob. ert A. Wi ch of New York ant J W Boston* of Hod’ey, England. The *hoot off for the prtxe began Immed'ately. the condition* being series of five bird* each I lercr missed his fourth shot and was •Mil of It. hut the other two killed, and iinothcr eerie* of live wa* begun by each. Welch killed all of hla. but the Er.gllsh m.a fell down on his thirty-fifth hol. AMERICAN It A44 K TO MAIL. Relieved Mhe tins Kroger's Gold Co der Her Ballast. Ixondon. Get. 2*.-The Dolly Mall ha* the fcllowlng from Lorenio Marque*: "The Amerlcnn bark Fred B IJtehfleM. which went ashore here from her moor ings during the g.ile on the night of Oct. 14, und wa* searched the next day for gold In consequence of a suspicion tha' she was carrying. Mr Kruger'* treasure, to the amount of 11.908.4(0. will attempt tn anil to-day. (Wednesday). “There la little doubt that she carries a large quantity of gold hidden under he* ballast." THREW A CLOG AT EMPI4EM. Jnpan'a Leading Lady Mod Mnlle a Narrow F.aoape. Ixtndon. Oct. 2.3. -The Toklo correspond ent of the Dally Kxpreor, report* nn out rage upon the Emprea* of Japan. He •ays that whll* Her MoJety wa* driving In the Royal Park, a lunatic threw h wooden Clog at the Imperial carriage Em press Haruko. however, wa* not Injured. Great Damage From Rains. Richmond, Va., Oct. 14—At Radford. Tuesday night, a* Ihe rrsuil of the recent rain , N* w river roee twenty-lhrea feet m right hours. Caftl*. Itimler and ethwr properly were swept down tho elream The damage Is great, The fteahal waa the worst In twenty-five yrar*. Cause of Business Failures. Life’s path La beset with terrors. The nerves must be like iron to resist its many shocks. % , An eminent physician estimates that many of the failures of business men nre directly traceable to a debilitated physique. They overwork brain and Ixxly nnd when danger comes—meeting no firm opponent —it hurls them into the deep abyss of utter failure. This is a scientific fact. Don’t blame yonr luck or fate or fortune. Rcali/.c that the fault lies within yourself, and then BRACE UP and think the matter out Weak nerves spring from impure blood. Impure blood comes from a weak stomach. Weak ness in the stomach means catarrh of the lining of the stomach, just os weakness in the kidneys or liver or lungs means catarrh of the lining of these organs. Cure the catarrh, and health comes back. The medicine to do this Ls Pc-ru-na. Your brain will brighten, your weakness will disappear —the horizon of life will appear brilliantly hopeful —you'll find yourself made of the stuff which produces successful men. It is strictly a food for the entire body. It makes manly men and beautiful women. It builds up the weak places and fortifies the system against disease. SECRETARY ROOT AT CANTON. (Continued from First Page ) pine Archipelago *re Incapable ot eelf governmenf. Moet of them have noi th ftre conception of whai self-government mean*, or the Amt quatlflcolloo for Its exercise Many of them have the cep ictfy to learn, tail Ihev have never learned " The lacretary declared that the govern ment of the Pht If.phte Island, wood not affect th* character ot our inetltutlon*. but fhe rhara ter of our Institutions would determine anl me.u!d the govern ment of the Philippine Island*. "I will not *av that the men who are encouraging the Ftltptno eol'Mcr# here are traitor* to ihrtr country Ido n I think they know what It Is they do But I wtll soy. and I think with Justice, that the men who are reviling and beltllllng Anw*r- Fa here, and the men who nre ehootlng from ambush there, are allies In Ihe same cause, sod both are enemies to tha Inter est* and credit of our country " Questions Hr inn's Sincerity. The secretary declared that Sir. Bryan'# two prtqssud remedies for trusts ei eMnrted "ImperlailMD" Indeed, and would concentrate In Ihe government at W'a*h lngon entire and absolute control over every business interest In the country He aaM: "Ar# our opponent# sincere? Is th" liarty which is governing ond avows tt* intention to ellll govern 10.044,000 of black rlttggn* In th# Routh. without their con een*. whether by law or fraud or force, really disturbed about Imperytltam and th# Declaration of Indep(*n*tai<a? Wa* Iht* distinguished company, which gal hared In the Ixuia XIV room of fhe Hoffman House and ate their 912 dinner, with May or VanWyck of the Ice Trust, as pr# siding offl< er, and Richard Broker, of th- Ice Trust, ns presiding genital, and chair man of the Demo-raric National Bommlt tee Jones of the Cotton Hale Truat, a, Ihe director of the campaign—were they real ly solicitous ahout the evil, of trusts and agnntilng for th* delivery of their coun trymen from (heir effects?" B'cretttry Root renew'd the charge that hope of and a desire to aid In Mr. Bryan's election Inspired a rnrrtlpuanre of the fighting In the Philippines, saying "You have been told that the present srltvttv of guerilla, In Ih* Philippine I*l - who, from Ibelr hiding place* In the mountains, ambush and murder our troops and the friendly native,, I* the result, un der expree and explicit order, from Agutnaldo. of * desire tn maintain a show of restatame. tn the hope of Mr, Bryan'* election, and for the purpoae of producing an effect upon h* people of fhe t’nlted State, which will promote that election. Gen. McArthur ha* reported this Judge T,ft h, reported It. Gen. Wright, a atlirdy Democrat of Tenncee, ha, re prnfed 8 Rut. of course, the opposition will not believe them. They are Ameri can,." as tnt)i rri TR * MB'* disirh. senator Ifaana Indnlgea In Wore Ahwae nf Bryan. Chicago. Oct. II —The Marqueete Club hrl>l a proaperlty harveat home featival at the Coliseum to-night. Two ihnueand live hundred eat at the banquet table* on the main floor, bealdea n number of specie torn In the gallrrlea The hall waa deco rated with grain, frulta. pumpklna and other pmdtirta of the farm giving the ap pearance of the floral buikllng of an old faahloned county fair. The aupper constated of turkey, pork and bean*, doughnut*, rider and other rural vtanda. When Senator Minna made hla appear anen the entire aaaemhlage aroae and cheered him. He said: "Prorperlly In Ihla country la a nor mal condition.” ond continued: 'Mr. Bryan haa descend'd to the loweat plane of demagoguery when he attempt* to array employer agalnai employe, labor again*! capital ft la a algnlflcant fact to me; It meana aure detent, because noth ing but th* desperation of demagoguery would drive a man wan aaplrea to tee htgbe*t office In thta country, to auch r -gumenta. Me l* aowlng the re-d ol an archlvm and aoclaltstn He |* driving apart theae great force# of capital and la bor which, united, are productive of cur development. Preaklent M Klc.ley'a whole public life haa been In the direction of building up our great Industrie*, protect ing American workingmen, saving them from the low wage* of our competitor* In Europe, and yet this More* of Mryunl*m propose# m offer them promlrea bnal upon theory." A Lumberman Aaaaaelnated. Norton. Va.. Oct. St —Joseph Chcaa-r. a lumberman wa assassinated a* he w is leaving a hotel here latt Bight. Thv a* eaaala escaped. —, atf mm.lll.n i;m i-ATio* or KMno. %fldress b> a liranM Kilnmlor at Missionary Oaaaall. Hprlngfleld, Mass , Oct. >4 —The arcnn.l •lay’s session of ths American Mission - nrv Association's fifty-fourth annual mrrllni opened In Ihr Court Hquirs •lir with a devotional meet In*. Rev. A. C. Oirtirr. of the District of Colum bia, presented "A Nsiro i Plea For tha Negro ” "The Practical Valua of tha Higher Kilui silon of the Negro,” was tha (heron considered hy Hay. Horace (instead. D. It . president of Altanta Vrtlvaratty, Oeorgla. 11c sal.l in part: "In the education of the American tie gro, there arc certain ends which all good ••conic agree In <teslrtng. The appalling Illiteracy of the masses must be reduced. The criminal lentlenclrs of the lower classes must he checked The product Iva capacity of the Wage-camera must ns Increased, The domestic life of the raca must l>s Improved Their cltlasnshlp must he afr-gunr<led and ennoMed. The development of personal character must ha stimulate.)—this last, the most Important of a'l The pmh.em la too manifold; too complex, too intricate to admit of so lution by a single panacea. • • • "There are numerous opportunities open to many a negro which he falls to util ise. elmplv from lack of Incentive He le too easily content with his loss estate, and has 100 little amhltlon n Improve It. There Is probably not a negro In the Houth who does not have the means, the skill snd the time which constitute op portunity. for making his condition ices wretched than It Is. If he aranted to. Hut the trouble le he does no! want to, and never will want to until sufltrlent In centives are set before him The plain living and high thinking of our homespun ancestors in New England and Virginia Is n worthy ohjert of aspiration to s4 before the American negro of to-day. • • • "The .<!< negro puhlle s hoots on which the Southern states are spending M.ino.fkn annually, and have spent over m>.ono,(Wn since I*7o, are greatly weakened, and the vaal sum of money spent on them Large ly wasted, because of the Inefficiency of the negro teachers One graduate of At lanta University has trains*) Jin tmetiers, who In turn are Instructing lO.ano chil dren. • • • “The religious work of the race pre sents another moat Important held of ac tivity for the college-bred negro While the chareder of the negro ministry I# gradually Improving through the acquisi tion of hettrr educated men lo Ihelr ranks, the supply of such men la far Inadequate to the need * * • ■'Bln p Ids, >ll4 negroes have been grad iiatnd from college, most of them at new I*7o. and for the last six years to an av erage number of shout 110 a year. Re turns received from some mo show an In dividual holdtrg of real estate of an av erage assessed value of nearly 13.M0” AN ItIPtIMTAST MOVRMRAT. Wayrrnaa In F.acnarage Farming la That Meet ton. Way no*#, fret U—A movement waa started this afternoon, which. If the plane mature, will make Wayrross one of Ihe most important commercial centers of Georgia A meeting of nearly alt our prominent huatneaa men waa held in the parlor of tha new Southern Hotel, the object being to devtae ways and meana for developing the farming Interest of thbi sec*lon. It was decided to organtso a Block company with a capital of from MfIO.OOO to SJOn.OOO. and eatabllah a general grocery buslneeg to encourage the farmer# to cultivate their lands more egtenslvely. This will be dono hy selling them tnetr supplies on rrodlt. It la furthsr proposed to erect cotton gin neries, cotton eeed oil mill*, a guano fac tory, and make Wayrroaa a big marker for the purchase and aale of cotton. Mr. J S. Bailey waa appointed chairman of the meeting He wae In*trip ted to ap point a commute* of six to formulgtn plana, eollclt subscription* far stock and do the work necesaary to perfect an or ganisation Another meeting will bo call ed In * few day#. Ike rope land, colored, was arrested thta morning by Offloar Nswt McClellan, white working In a box car In the Plant System yard* Copeland la charged with crimi nally assaulting on g-year-okt colored girl it Old Nine about a year ago. I-iwyer J. B. K. Smith of thla city baa withdrawn from the Methodist Church and input with the Baptist Church. Mr. Smith will be baptised next Sunday night. The pastor. Rev VV H Scruggs, will bo t ssiated hi thla tervlea by llev K C Cbc oh a < *- -a ■ 5