The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 25, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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pinancial and commercial. , N riTINI'X MARKET UTIU. t 0 os dokik*M coihae. , losing •‘••■•dr • • nminr of 4 |.„lni— I ■• dpof Markrl ' „0.l KMX "• of % (rl „.Turpmllr rirn. at 41 <>■.. Firm of Advaar-e of A (>o> K nod Rrlow—l/OOO* od Trlo 'rsplole 4larkea. Tti Morning News Office. Wxlnoday. Oct. 24. T , was not an exception to previous ,n bringing the regular decline In ** ~ ihi futures markte The drop r>!U, tr in on • l ' h ed u,e time, the clos ls petody at lm# of U and 24 n , Til* greatest support the market sui the continued heavy port re .ip<. aid good wiseher throughout the ~, country, thereby promising the u , t —t possible yield. The long delay of ,i as started a stream of hip crop .Stimatea, and theee promulgated quite g.neraly, hove a telling etTecl cai semi meal Th , fl.r.ine hos reached the point th*t t , , t .,.ci!,,ic Ihe eye* of holder* of cotton per.’rally, and whether for the better or , h , wise. they are getting Mob born „itout turning )oo*. During the paat few v „ ,■ trade have heard enough from numerous holdera of ootton to Indicate that they propnae to hold on ro their ~.tton with bulldog tenacity, and mnke u tight which will go far In resisting present downward pluge. It I* elated ■bet teiiing on anyehlng like a liberal scai, l ie ceased In the Atlantic Slate#. Jt | r ,t the cotton held will not he of fered lor Ices thun a considerable sd vanet above present prices. Texas la responsible for the large port recelpla. th port of Galveston ahowlng reeelpte today equal to the other port* combined, while Houston 1 * receipts equaled those • t Interior town* combined The spirit* turpentine market cios.d hrm a, 41 cento, with a good demand pre vailing and transactions of a round lot reported for the day. Rosin* clotted firm a’ an advance of 5 cent* on K and below. The wholesale market* were Heady and a five The following resume of the dif ferent market* will *hnw the tone and quotations at the . losing to-day: COTTON. The cotton market closed quiet and catty today nt a decline of %c, with sales on the spot of 175 hale*. The receipts were 9,426. against 5.626 last year, and 12.744 y< ar b#for ist. There some Improve ment In the d-mand. though It ws- at liberal con es.-lot e Tt ere are evidence* of an Increasing demand. Cloo.l mld-ll ng. f. o b . rang, and from 9 i-lttc down to 84*0. The cm lnu"l downward leniency of 'he (Ulurr* market exerted a depressing effect on spots and caused hesitancy on the part of hovers which may be expected fo lontlnue until th* battnm of the present de< hie l- struck. In some quarters there It a dicidedly bearish sentiment. and not a! of this class are among those who "climb ot to the band wagon." They have ample reason for their convictions, based •*> th# favorable Indications for a good situ,l crop. The follow tog were the official spot quo 'ations at the close of the market at the Cotton Exchange to-day: | This j I t day. j year. •Joel middling '*% 7 1-1* Middling Id, | 13-16 Low mu lling si* 6 5-1* M .rket quiet and easy: sales, 175. sivannah Reretpfs. Exports ami Stoks- R.celpts this <lay 9.428 Rsc, Ipts this day last year 5,836 This day year before last. 12.746 Re. elpts since Sept 1, 1800 376.t7* Same day last year. 288,053 Oastwlre exports 1.834 Continent export* 14.074 Stock on hand this dey 166,820 Same day last year 101.731 1 Receipts and Stocks at the Port*— Receipts this day 55,*61 Receipts this day lost year 46.675 Receipt# this dov veer before las'. 69.212 Total receipts nine.. Bept J, 1800 .. 1.813.863 Ham-' time last year 1,702.366 Ha Ml lima \ before last Stock at all ports to-d,y 481.453 Stork same dnv last year 822.8i* Daily Movements at Other Ports— Grlveslnn—Eaey; middling. 8. net re celpts, 15.*07: gross. 15.807. sales, 156. stock, 182 852. New Orleans— Quiet; middling. S 13-16: nei receipt*. 23,093. grot*. 23.083; sale*. 2.8*1. stock. 219,019 Mobile- Easy; middling. *"i; net receipts, •34; gros*. 514: sale*. 800; slock. 20.23 ft, Charleston—Quiet; middling, 9: net ra •lpts, 1.1*6: gross. 1,056. stock, 31.740 IVt'mlngton—Firm; middling. 9%; net re i e.pts. 1.761; groan, 1,761; slock. 37.651 Norfolk—Quiet; middling. 9%: net re elpts, 2 (>29; gross 2.029; Bales. 462. sto k, -8 < . Haltimor*— Nominal: middling. 9 7-16; Stock. 3 *OB. N'* York—Quiet; middling, 8 7-16; ret re • dpt*. 443; gross. 443. sal**. *55; stock, 55,406 "■ -'on—Quiet; middling 9 7-16: rel r relpt. 1,563; gross 4.461 Philadelphia—Dull; middling. 9 11-16; net r< ![*-. So; gros*. 60: Mock. 4.857. Dally Mov*menl at Interior Towns— Augusta—Quiet; middling. 9; n*t r*- eelpts *B2; gross. *B2, saJea. 443; stock, * 158 Memphis—Steady; middling. 9: net re p's 4 5*9; gross 5.474; sales. 2,200. stock, *1 587 s ' Loul*—Quiet; middling. 9; net re p's 1.907. gross. 7.784, tale*. 300. stock, 23.68 inelntvtil—Quiet and nominal; middling, '*‘t ret receipts, 1,357; grot#. 1.357; stuck. 4 489, Houston—Easy; middling. 838; net re 'Hp*v 15 734; gros*. 15734; sale*. 764; stock. lavilsvlll*—Firm: middling. 9S biimrtf of Cotton Thl* Day. ’eilvtatop—Continent. 1.153 "r .wns—To Ores; Britain, 14.000, f 'XMwtss 3,75n. M *• !e_o, al itwl*e. 555. savannah—Continent. 14.074; coaatwlee. 1.414 Vurfolk— Poastwtse. 585 York-Continent. 91. >*"*. To Great Britain. 997 •*#l foreign exports from all port* * day—To Great Britain. 14.997; to the 2* ln 'ht. 18,324. |>'sl foreign exports from all port* ,4r 'hi* wtx'k-To Great Britain, (o France. 23.450, to the continent, ** Nt 1,1 foreign export* since Bept 1. 1900— ~r *■••' Brllaln. to France. 11A •o the continent. 403,839. H i ll.*Mi COTTON. j n the sea Island cotton mr -; r ,h * "•‘'l l ending Friday whs not , * *• *- shown by the reported aale* of Ur '‘ H R "< receipt* of 3.272 Thl* Is due |. _ y !o an effort to hammer price* ■ are reluctant to trade on the p s 1 elder* are asking 1 p abcut a* follows: ( h* choice E*t Florida* 1824 , " ho, ‘'" and fancy Florida- 238,024 4 r hofre and fancy Georgia* 23^736* . " ! i * or *la 2359823 r*' M "ne Oe rglaa 23 " -Ip's and Brock*— [fjOCMll 189-d) flxia'r. ww * I 3.272!3,981 £ '-dd* thU season s,m 18.165 k ao 3.132 *an hand j 7,|j li.Sßi MURPHY & CO., INC.. Board of Trad* Building. Bavannah. Private leased wir. s direct to New York. Chicago and New OHexne COTTON. 3Tot Kg AND GRAIN. New York office. No. 81 Broadway. Offices In principal cllle* throughout the South sVrw* for our Market Manual and book containing Instruction* for trader* COTTON FTTt'HRg. The Market r.oaed strati, at a Net Beeline of |4q2il Points. New 1 ork, Oct. 24.—There whs very ac tive liquidation In cotton to-day after the market had opened at an advance of 34i7 point* on early cable* from Liverpool, which were higher. Local sentiment w. bearish and as the Liverpool market not only failed to hold, bui dosed at =1 net ■•** ■ f 1 • ■ 6 point*. Hu local situation be cum<- very unsettled Price* broke 25039 ladrvts from the highest of the morning, extending the decline to over IS* cents since ihe maonon from the late bull move ment set In a few weeks ago. Thl* led te some buying for a reaction huf as a rule me only support the mirk'-f had was from shorts who were Indlned to t ike profit*. The basis for the selling was the geneially favorable weather, with no frost and no Indications of frost for Ihe near future; also the continue.! heavy re ceipt*. the absence of public support, th retreating relation of expnrt.-r* and spin ners In regard to spot centers It was rc porteel that Ihe South, particularly in the Atlantic states, would hold cotton hack, not being willing to sell after so marked a decline Rut the immediate stiovem* nl kept local eennm. nt pretty weak. The decline mu arrested toward* the dose by covering and a little buying for a rally. The market closed steady at a net decline of 1441A6 points KH CTI AT ION N IN FlTl'RKg. New York. Get. 24 —Go* ton futurca opened steady at the advance, and rlael steady at the decline. Prices ns follow - 4>pcr. High. Low. do*. January 9 04 9 04 8 77 8.82 February 9.0 U 886 879 8.81 March .. 899 909 175 BSi 1 April 8 97 8.87 8 78 8 8" M*v 8.98 8 99 8 73 8 79 Juno 8 96 8 96 8.75 8.77 July 892 8.43 877 870 August .. 890 8 911 869 867 September October 910 910 B*o 6.(3 November .. ... 904 907 8.79 B*6 December 902 $.04 8.78 BS3 I.IV FH POOI. COTT64 AIANKFT. Liverpool, Oct. 24—Spot, Increased de mtind und price# ea*t>r: American mid dling fair 5 25-32d: gisd middling. 6 7-1d; middling. 5 6-16d. low middling. 5%d; good ordinary 4 19-32.1; ordinary, 4 7-32d The aale* of the day were 9,006 lules, of which 500 were for speculation ami export ond Included 7.(00 American Receipts. 4.non bales. Including 2.060 American. Future* opened qutef and closed weak: American middling low middling clause October. 6old value; O'ti>ber-November, G2d buyer*; Nov ember-Decern her. 4 5817 4 69d seller*; Derenit* r-January. 81 ’fifri K7d buyer*; January-Febnmry 4 56d buyers; February-March. 4 63Q4.64d buyer*; March-Aprll. 4 52d buyers; Aprll-May. 4 51d sellers; Moy-June. 4 Sftd sellers; June-July, 4 491 sellers; July-August, 4 4*d buyers; August-8< pfember. 4 43d seller* \F.W OHI.F.AVS rOTTOA MIBKFT. New Orlcons. Oct. 21 —Cotton future* steady. Oct 8 9248 01' March .. ..8 *949.61 N..v 8.57 V 59 April 8 S6fiß 61 Dec 8 5766 58 May 8 Pcf(B 61 Jan. 8 5748 5S June 8.9048.*2 Feb 8.584)8 9" rOTRIA I.fTTTr.HI. New York. On. 24 —Murphy & Cos say Toilay's rrmrkrs has been more active than for the past week, hut at the ex pense of value* Liverpool wa* much better than expectwi on their opening, fu ture* being 2 S4d to 4-94d higher Ilian last night's rlosc. with sales of 8.606. spot* l-32d hvwer. middling uplands 5 5-lSd. the ad vance In Liverpool wa* rxported to he due to Ellison’s annual clrdular estimating last year's consumption of American dot ton a' 11.ftW.flrti bale*, against hi* previous estimate of 1u.5f10.666 He csthna*** 10.f1n0.- "06 hales needed for this season's require ment* We Opened 9 o 16 point* higher than last night on account of Improve ment In Liverpool, but the advance brought out heavy selling order*. also Liverpool declined sharply, losing the early Improvement and closing 2-9 RI to 3-4d umler last night January in our market oi*n**l at 904 c. then price* grad ually began to decline, uncovering lo# orders and the bear crowd son free ly. January declining lo 8.77 c. Conserva tive houses hough* rather freely towards the close, causing a reaction of 9 to 8 point* A* Is usually 4he case the low r prtre* go the more bearish sentiment I*. However, the market Is in a position where a sharp advance is likely to occur, as the long lnler<wt has been liquidated very freely ond short Interessl !ncrexe.| Estimated port receipt* 96 606, against 46 • 675 last year New Orleans ex|*ct to morrow 16,666 to 19,996. again** 4.321 !a*t vear Houston. 19,Wt lo 2n.w>, against 12 410 last year New York. Oct 24 —Hubbard Bros. * Cos. say The reart lon expected In IJver pool came this morning Increased bv Elli son's estimate that the consumption of American rollon this year would be 10,. 400.600. This Improvement In Liverpool was lost before the close which wa* weak and Irregular from the opening which wa* steady at an Improvement that led the trade to expect a further reaction Tha market rlowly declined on a contin ued stream of tailing orders for outside account The selling was based on the good weather throughout the South and the heavy receipt* In tha Southwest Southern market* also came easier and the only buying was for local account on the Idea of a reaction DRY GOODS. New York. Oct 21 —Market condition* show no cbqnge of moment for the day with price* nrmly held In all lines, but under very small trading. These condi tions are expected 4o obtain until after election, when an Improvement all along the line la looked for The decline In the raw materlsl market hsa had little effect as ye* upon the view* of the agents, who are determined to retain 01l quotation* KAVAI. RTOHK. Wednesday. Oct. *4 SPIRITS TURPENTINE—The 4urpen* tine market opened Arm to-day at 41 cents, with sales of 573 cask* and (load firm and unchanged, with further sale* of 45* cask* The demand waff good throughout the day, and f icx.vrs were dis posed to regard the firmness of the situa tion favorably. Supplies were In request for both foreign and domestic account The day * receipts were 833, and the ex ports 362 ROHINB—The rosin market closed firm at an advance of 5 eene* on K and l-elow At the advance there was a good demand for all grad**. It wn understood during Ihe late hour* that factor* were about relieved of their offerings. The day's re ceipts were 2.185. and the exports 3.417 Prices a* follows: A B. C 81 35 I 81 5 p' 1 35 K 1 75 E 1 40 M 1 T 1 N 9 FINANCIAL. JOHN W. DICKEY. Stork and llnnd Broker, maim, GA. Write for List. IHE MOKNING NEWS: THURSDAY. OCTOBER 2.5. 1900. G 1 59 W O 350 II I 69 W W 28i Rcelpls Wednewdny— -Bptr6x Rusilt. C. It R 62 UFA IV 542 1.5*7 B A L 174 618 Export* sVe,lne*d*>- 8 8 Alleghany. Phlla 158 SI H 8 D. II Miller. Baltimore.... 1.187 8 8 Kansas City. N Y 144 649 Hr 8 8 ll,.inch. Id, Bremen ... I.SPt Naval Storea Statement— Spirits Roe in Stork April 1. 1800 2.197 142.506 ltee.-i|Hs t-.-.luv 823 2,18?- Receipts previously .251,512 592.232 Total alncr April 1 254.542 736.913 Export* today 302 3 417 Exie-rt- prmlously 2W.3U0 594,346 Exports since April 1 316.665 597.163 Stock on hand today 38.087 139,150 Stock on lean*] same day last >ear 26 A3O 111.314 Charleston. (Vt 24 Spirits turpentine firm, at 40 cent*; sales none Rosin steu'ly: etle* 3a barrels; 11. C. D, 81.35; E. 81.10; E. $1.35; O. 81 40; H. 81.50. 1. 81 55. K. 8180. M 81 7"; N. 82 It); W. YV . 82 4'. IV W 82 75 Wilmington. N C.. Oct 21 -Bplrlls tur pentine. steady. 41&41lyr; receipts. 41 casks. Rosin. Ilrm, 81.15441.30, rtveipts 172. Crude turpentine, steady. 81 40ft 140; re ecipts. 79. New Orleans. Oct, 21—Reeelpi*. rosin 115 barrels. Export*, none 1,0( 41. hE:I HITIK9. PLANTERS' RICE MILL.-This stock ha* again returned to h dividend paying hiisi-. 6 per cen* being paid SEA BOARD AIR LINE-The** taeeurl tlcw do not yet command c-s-1 prices. Th# Itvan litigation deterring the investing puhll • fr->m taking hold The Terminal* acros* the river are v*ry valuable. nd the bright future lor the Rralaoard Sys tem promise* to make |ts Issues deslrald* Investments. FINANCIAL. MONETY—The demand keeps fairly up with the supply FOREIGN EXCHANGE Market weak Commercial demand. 84 All*; sixty day*. 64 79V ninety day* 14 7744. franc* F'arl* and Havre, sixty day*. 5 33%: Swiss, sixty days. 5 265. Belgian. 5 28. marks. ixty day*. 9f19. ninety days. 43 5-16 c DOMEdTIf EXCHANGE Hteady; hanks *re buying at 1-16 discount *nd sell ing as follow*: 825 and under. 10c pre mium. 135 to 150, 15c premium, 85" to 810’. W premium. 8100 to 120". 25<; premium; 82U) to 81,060. Mi premium. ll'6o and over. 75c per M premium. SECURITIES -The tone of the marke: Is firm, with advancing prl-'e* The sup ply of floating securities 1* limited. Cen tral Issues are active and strong. ■ locks. Bid. Ask. Augusta and Savannah R R—l 99 119 Atlanta ond West Poult 125 do 6 per rent, certlflcatea 106 Augusta Factory *2 * Uitixens Bank 131 133 Chatham Bank 110 111 Chatham R E &1. Cos.. A 57 58 k> do B 59 57 Eagle and Phoenix Mfg. Cos, .. .105 107 Edison Electric Ilium 100 106 Enterprise Mfg Cos. 193 Germania Bank 130 131 Georgia A Alabama 23 2 Georgia Railroad Common 214 219 Granltevlile Mfg. Cos 165 197 J. P. King Mfg. Cos 100 108 Langley Mfg Cos 1H 120 Merchants' National Bank 11l 118 National Bank of Savannah ..... .150 Oglethorpe Savings and Trust ..Ifff People's Havings and lean 160 Southwestern Railroad Cos 169 110 Havannah Gas Light Cos 24% 28% Southern Hank 152 Savannah Dank and Trust lit US Sibley Mfg Cos., Augurta 85 88 Savannah Brewing 101 103 Bonos. Bid Ask. Char . Col A Aug Ist ss. 1996 .169 Atlanta city 4s. 1922 104 106 Augusta clfv 4s. 1927 106 197 do 4%* 1915 11l do 7s. 1960 167 do 9- 1913 122 Ala Mid s*. Ind'd, 192*. MAN 99% 169 Augusta Fac'ory. 9 per cent .1915.112 Brunswick and Western 4s 1938 82 84 C R R A Banking collateral S* 94 99 C of O. Ist mor'g 6s. 1945 F A A 11 110 c of G con ss, 1945. M AN 94% 95% C. of G Ist income#. 1945 43 44 do 2nd income* 13 14 do 3d Income*. 1945 6 7 C of O (M O. A A Dir) 6*. 1947. J A J N 99 C. of O. (Eaton Branch). 6s. 1939. J A D 96 97 City A Suburban H R Ist 7s—l<% Columbus city 6s 1966 107 Charleston city 4s. 1909 101 102 Eagle A Phoenix Mill* 65.. 1938 ...109 ION FVilson Electric Illuminating 6a 104 106 Enterprl*e Mfg 1903 163 Georgia Railroad 6* 1910 lit 115% O. 8. AF . 1945. J. A J 112 112% Georgia A Alabama Ist 6*. 1945 .164 109 Georgia state 3%.. 1936, J A J .1)0 do ..%*. 1915. M A N 105 do 4%. 1915 li* U 9 Macon city 6s. 1910. J A J ....116 113 do 4%, 1926, Jan. par F* Ocean S'eamshlp s#. 1926 104 .... Havannah city 6s. quar. January. 1913 1 m do sa. quar. November. 1909 .110% 111 Bouth Carolina stale 4%5. 1933 ..116 116 Hibloy Mfg. Cos. 6s. 1903 ... 102 ..... Sou'h Bound 6* 96 97 8 F A W gen. ml F, 6* 1934. 121 126 .5. do Ist 6s. gold 1934 112 lit do Bt John Dir. Ist ts 1934 94 96 New York. Oct. 24—Money on call firm at 3815 per cent. The last loan 3 per cent. Pr'm mercantile paper. toi per cent Sterling exchange weak with actual busl "••*# In barker*' bill# at 84 83% for demand, and at 84.n)>% for sixty day*; posted rate*. Blßl%ftl>e and 84 81%t)4.85 Comm-rial hill*. 84 79%4 w>% silver certiffcale*. 64% 1566%c Bar ailver, 65c. Mexican dollar#. 51c Government bond* strong. Mate bonds steady, and railroad hond* Irregukir. (STOCKS 4411 BONDS. Tlic Vlnrket Cloned Irllre and Weak With Notoe I na*e "boon. New York. Oct. 24.-T-<lay s broad and active market and the wide fluctuitton* In price# offcr*l excellent opportunities for speculation, and all classes of pro fessional operator# were very busy all day. The broadly defined movemen's which dominated the action of the whole mar ket were themselves under control of pow erful speculative clique*, and there were lndlNHlons of cooperation be'ween the pool* which were manipulating different Itortlon# of the market Following IM* effective leadership and busily occupied In bringing forward the les* prominent ■locks tn the list lo conform In prices lo Ihe change# In Ihe leaders, was ■ host of small trader# ond boird room operator*, who were in and oul of the mark*! many time# during the doy When the very active buying demand had been pretty welt satisfied and many of th- profession al traders had sold one and taken their proflta they took adv intag-- of ihe *of condition of the market, due to large holdings of slock having pawed lo weak er hand* to put out short lines for ■ (urn The rrauMtng decline In |>rtces In creased tha pressure to realise, and the market clo*- 1 active and weak at a level ma'erlaily below the best, but with sort!') striking net galna nevertheless remain ing. The backbone of the day's market con sisted of he Strength of the trans-con tinental group of railroads lying )>eyond the Missouri rivar Northern Faclftc nod Ores'- Northern themselves were sold to realise on an enormous scale auJ the former *tock. with ttw 4 r*crptlofi of ! brW Interval, wis held hrk>w 4nt nl#M> j level alt day. but the ollut member* of | the irroup Mint FaoMlo Mall were very I buoynoi duviny the erlv |wirt of the dy. There w* very Inrgo eptH'ulation *ilo In K’enneylvama. n<l it wts Inti* 1 mtiiNi by the vtJfiferiMM* element .mntf the buyers fl** the dlvMend r.ite \n t te tnerenfMiKl next month The etrength from these stock* throush the Ken*rsl Hut with ftr4tr or It*** effect. A< ttve buvinK of Buffer he*tnl the rise In | the specialties offl>*lal ixwihrmsMoik forth.'omlnfr of any of th** biy*s rutnor* sod represents lives of the Hunt • neton eet.ite distinctly dierrnllted the •tllrftjtion* rnwtHte of control In Pacific Mail That stock after rlsim? ’*4. broke points, having no small ntluence tri the wesknrss of the whole list in the ist# trading other !■ il* rs tn the silvsncc suffered to the extent of 1 to Points Of mnn suhstsvillnl benefit w the news of th* eotftitfemt nt *' r in uldltlonal 8! 500.1X6 u f g.iM fur I rt. The wrraknws of foreign exchange with corn hills coming largely into the mar ket, and fh# further decline In tgyndon mor,. v rales. Justify the expectation .hat fiiriher gold Imp'rfs are Imminent The 81.fW6.rtio withdrawn fr.rni the llank of England to-day Is noi unlikely to find It* destination In New York There were weak spot- In Ihe hond nw k‘4 to-day. ami it did not share fully In the great sctlvlly of the stock market Total sales, par \aluc. 82.035."rti United Slate* g-'vernment bonds were all ndvwn< .-d I. p-r cent on the last call The total sales of stock- 40-day were 833,466 shares. Including Atchison. 46.151, do preferred. 85.870. Baltimore „nd Ohio 77.146. Cheasapeake ami Ohio, Horn; Is>tii- Vllle and Na-hvllle 7.3*u. Manhattan. 13.- |6); Metropolitan Street Ratlwav. 5381 Mexican Central, A43"; Missouri lx, in. H 256. Missouri Kansas ami T. xas iwe ferre.), A"42. New York Central. 9f- Norfolk Hrnl West.-rn, 8 666, Northern Hi clflc. 30.77 b. Pennsylvania. 38.890. Retidln; flrsf preferre,!. *2.13": Si lx,ul 97‘ Southern Puclrtc. 27 9rt,. Souehern Rail way. 5."66; do preferre,!, lour.; Union lhi 16.-. 4s 545. Wheeling end faakc Erie. 6.0-- Imerlcm Steel mi l Wire, 10.466; Ameri can ToWco. 36.1*0. Ilrmxklyn Rapid Transit. 46.492. Conlinental Tobacco. 7- Enteral Steel. 14.6*5. North American •.,94": Paelfle Mall 25 186. P.-o.|e's Gas 1",39"; Sugar 63.8*5: Tennessee Coni md-I Iron. 6.R7A. United Hrntes ‘J> New York St.rk Ust Atchison xj\ Union Pacific ... #?_ nr prof. .... .7, do prof 7^ •lio & Ohio.. Tr.\ \\ h t**i.*< h .... .... 7 uin l*ac|flc .. . dc> pref Bouthem .&3 \V. aL. E 10** A Ohio ... % do 2nd pref . r p w Central I3‘ a * I* A Q .la* 4 Third avenue ..110 .. . I A L 22 Adams Express..l36 tk) pref f>ll| American Ex . .lf4 r * E. 11l 45 U. s Expr.-S* . 49 ’hlc. A N't ..Mi Wells Fargo 125 r R I. A p*. W, Am Cotton OH.. .V>y. C C A St I do pref. 91 le ul * 64 American Malt 4% *VI S,xu4hern .. 6 | do pref *454 do Dt jwef .. 384* Am S A R .... 414. d*: 2nd prof. . I.'V do pref 8u Del a Hudson. 11*,, Am Spirits 1 D. L. A W ... 17a | do pref 17 D A ft O 20 An, h ... **x, do pref. .... .. 7644 do pref 731^ Erl * 12 Am S AW... *54 do Ist pref ... *s>* do pref 75% Great N. pref lICO-. A m Tin Piste .. .1449 Hoeklng Coal .17 | do pr-f K 2 Hooking Valley iM% American Tot, 9*, 111. C'fitral 119 do pref 127 lowa Cent 19', Anacorda M On 46‘; P Trt 4* IBrooklyn It T 59', L K A W .... 36%C01. Fuel A Iron .* do prof in? Con. Tobacco . 29’, Igxkc Shore 3 of do pref 83% te A N W*| "ederal Steel s*4 Manhattan L . do pref 6MA> Mot Street Hy l!%|*en Electric Mexican Cent. . UYGIUros., Sugar 55 M A St L <1 {do pref 98% do pref <* International P 19\, Mo Piclflc V 64 d< pref ilohile A Ohio 4644 ledc Gas .... TANARUS! M . K A T .. 16% Nat IHscgß .... *5% do pref S2’ do pref 91 N. J Central . I*s |Nat leal 19\ N. Y. Cent 1*3% do pref 97% Norfolk A W 37VNiit!orol Steel 294; do pref 7*14 do pref 97% Northern Par. . 57-. N Y Air Brake I*B do pref 73% N American .... 1514 O A Western .. 22% Pacific Coast ... 58 O Hy A Nav... 42 j do Ist pref ... 84 do pref 76 j do 2nd pref. ... 67 Pennsylvania .. 1*5% Parltle Mull .... 42 Reading 174* People's Gas ... 9*. *do Ist it•( - . !*ree S 'tar 8144 dO 2ml pref 28X, tlo pref 81 Rio G. Western 16 Pullman P. Car .I*9 do pref *> ft H A T fA. St. L. A H Fr... 1144 Sugar I*s do Ist pref ... *6% do pref. 116 do Jnd pref. ... 36% Tenu. Coal A 1... 5884 St U 8w 1344 V. H. I .sal her .. 12% do pref *034. do pref 7144 91. Paul 116 V. S Rubber .... 33V, do pref 17*% do pref 97 St Paul A O 116 Western Union.. 81 Sou Pacific .... 3544 R. | A L 14 8011 Ry 13 | do pref 57 do pref 57% p. C C. A Bt. L Srt Tex A Pacific.. 17% Bond* V. S 2*. ref rg 104% M.. K A T. 2ds T*i do rail lot% do 4s 92% do 3*. reg .... 109% N. Y C Ist* 168 | do S*. cou .... 116 |N, J C. gen 5* 124 do new 4s, reg 132% Northern P 8s . 66% do new 4*.cou 13444 do Is !6ttx, do old 4s. reg .11.4 |N. Y . C. A S' do old 4s. cou 115 L. 4s 16644 do ss. reg .... 113441N. A W. con. 4s 97% do ss, cou 11344'0re. Nav. Ist* .. Irt> D. of C. V 65s 123% do 4s 161% Atoh gen. 4s .. 160%!0re. 8 L 6* .... 127% lo adjl s 87% do consol 5* 114% C. of G. con. 5* 9f. Reading Gen. 4* 88% do Ist Inc ... 43\ R G W Ist* 98% do 2d Inc 13% St L. A Iran Can 800. 2ds .. 17 M con. 5a .... 116% C. A O 4%s ... 99% St. L. A San F do 5* 126*4 1 Oan 6* ....... 124 CAN W. con. |Bt. Paul nonsol* 17"% 7* 139% Hi. P.. C. A Par C. A N. W. S | Ist* 115% F Deb, Ss ... 126 j do 5* 119 Chi Term 4s 92 Southern Pur. Is 86% Col. Southern 4“ 82%'Soulhern Ry. 5s 116 I) A R G. lstg I'6 Stan R. A T 6s 69 do 4* 7. 99 T. A P. Ist* ... 114 Erlr Gen 4s .... 71%' do Ms 76 Ft. W A Den. {Union Pacific 4* 166% * City I*l 73 | Wabash Ist* .. 118 Gen. Electric 5s 13" <k> 2da 162% la. Cen. let* .. 115 |Wet Shore 4s ..11244 1,. A N. Uni. 4s 98VWi*. Can. I*l* .. *7 M A O. 4* (bid) 84%Va. Centuries 91 New York. Oct. 24 -Standard Oil, 5960 595. Murphy A Cn.’m Stack l etter. New York. Oct. 24 - Murphy A Cos sy: The Mock market opened #e||ve and for the most pa-l extr mely Mronr Pacific Mali was a conspicuous feature of fh# early dedlng* In a rapid advance, which was attended by reports that the control of the company had chang-d hands hy reason of the sale of fhe holding* of a deceased capital!*! larg- 'Y In'eretted in the properly- The dealing* In Northern Pae fic common were In exceedingly large volume and lit)) reflected heavy proflt resllxlng sales upon the opening of bu*l ne**. Other cor.#p|ruou movement* m—r In Amerlean Tobacco, which ro*e very sharply and In Hugar. where flueuuitlon* were wide and erratic. The railway Its! wa* In ihe main ver> *texd>. part! utirly for Granger-. Union Paelfle common nd the Alchlsor aha re#, the la'ler n tally The Industrial quarter wa* genera, ly • lead)’, with the trading rn“l a< Kve in Fed> ta) Steel. National Tub# and Ameri can Car Foundry The local traction share* were com paratively inactive, but sere steady The London mtrket for American stock* w shown at advance* In oimparlson with their local Anal figure* and upon the opening of burtne** here foreign hou*e bought vrv heavily In thl# mat *| The beginning of the settlement on V e ln -don Exehange diaclnaed the egefem * of or'<al'!Mble stvw* Utereet fn smirriexn •locks, wittle that was new beating on ttw financial situation or u{i parttcu- Southern Railway. Trains Arrivo and Impart Savannah on 9Ath Meridian Tima—One Hour Blower Than Oily Time. Schedules In Effect 8 unlay, June 10, 1900. R vi a N Tu~YTTe MAW. | 111 Al> it No 34 NO (Central Tints.) j No. 11* |N< > U U 30pm u .uam I.v Savannah Ar ( I ifßjmf¥liprn (Eastern Time.) || 4 Ilpnc 4 .-vam Ar Ula< Itvllle I.v 1 00am 1 1 "7pm i loan i Ar Columbia t,v|| 1 Slam'll !• 0 19pm 46am Ar ot ... i harlot la I.v|| S6pm| Siam a WpwyTJ 33pm Ar O reads boro lav I lOpaa i Bsm j ‘ ..|j Ar :...7. "WotfnliTTT i.v fi spm > > i Pan villa . Lv|j 6 40|xn i i m ,Ar RlcFmond I.v 13 Olpm.U OOpnii - 4"“in ( i'|.m \ r . I.yiu lilnirv I.v j" I ijpm iiOun 4 .Warm .V>|hii Ar Charlottesville I.vjj t <H|iH>!lJ 64pm 7 Siam s Sopnt Ar Washington I.v 11 ltatn 9 40pm learn n Ar Halllmore I.v | ■ Until s 7pm 11 Siam 2 iri.itn Ar I'tillo.lelphla ltv;| 3 Ukimj 0 OSpm * 03pm Sam Ar New York Hvlju luam| 1 36pm 9 *'lm 3 UOpm Ar Horton I.v | 6 OOprnlO 10am N " WfllK NoIITII AM' VVIiST. i!"N33 l]_ (Central Time.) || 12 aosnii (t,v ■avennah AimkliMß (Eastern Tinve I SOini I.v Columbia I.v|| 1 36am 9 SOani I.v Bp.ii lanhurK I*|| Mpm 12 10pm I.v A-h. vllle I.v ' 3 i6pm 4 OSpm Ar lint Sprint;" .. •. 1-vR •" J Arpni Ar Knoxville I.v|j lam 5 loam Ar Lexington I.v||lo A>m 7 16am Ar Cm-! l.v S mpm • \r .HI Louis I.v >*am [ Matn \i i,ails vine I.vjj 7 46am All Irutne arrive amt depart from the )*lanl System Hiatlnn. THKOI'OH ''ATI SERVICE, ETC. TRAINS S3 ANT> 34 DAILY. NEW YORK ANT* FLORIDA EXPRESS Vealt bule.l limit..l trains, with Pullman Drawing Room Bleeping Cars between Savan nah ami N.w York Connects at Washington with Colonial Expn lor lHa ton Pullman St. * pin*; Cara la tween Charlotte and Richmond aral Charlotte and Nor Iw- ■ . I'RAINH *.. AM- . I ’ V 11.3 111 I . I'N STATES CAST M Ml. \ - -H ole I llrntiisl (reins, cuirylng Pullman Drawing Rman Sl.eplttg Curs tadsveen Savannah and New York Dining Cars serve all meals let Ween Savannah ami \Vaabtn*ron. Alan Pullman Drawing R.sim Bleeping Cara between Savannah and Cincinnati, through Asheville anil "The Utml of the Skv " For complete Information us to rates, schedules, etc., epplv to tl OHiKIVEK. Ticket Atretil. Plant Sysiein Slaiton JAM MS FREEMAN, C. P. snd T. A., 141 Hull street Telephonea-Hell. MO; ejeol ala, IvVl, S H HARDWICK. Assistant general Passenger Agent Atlanta. Ha. lar sto- k* was comprised In this morn ing's new*. i MIBCKLLANBOI’a MAHKFTA. Note.-These quotalloeia ar# revised daily, and are k-|t us nasr as possible in accord with I tie prevailing whotesalo prl as Offirlal quotation* are not used when th*> disagree with the prices whoa -ah th ask t ouiifry and Knrthers I'rndsee. POULTRY - Th# market I* sleaily. Quo ta'lons Broilers. %|35,-. p. r pair: half grown t'dtiiOe; three.fourths grown, 554* 60c. h.ns, 654|76c; rnoeters. 4"i*so<:. duck# 504)75c; geese, 75cf48l 00 F.GGB- Stendy at l*c. BUTTER—The ton* of th# market Is firm Quotations: Western creamery. !94* 24%e New York state dairy. 17%U22%<-. extra Elgin* 24®25c CHEESE—Market flten; fancy full ■renm - heese. 13%e for 30 to 23-pound average, 28Q31>-pound average, lie. Early Vegetable*. IRISH POTATOES—Northern, 83 00 Bark CABBAGE—SfIr per hrtld. ONIONS-Yellow. In tiarrels, 82 00, crates. 96c; red. 81 90112 00 llr.-M.tst•• fie, lla> and Grata. FLOUR Market sternly, patent 81.35. straight. 8195. fancy. 83 80. family. 83 55 MEAL- Ptarl, per barrel, 82 75. per sack, 8! 25; city noal. per sack, bolted. 81 17%<* 81 20. water ground. 8! 23%(*1.21,, olty grits, sacka. 81 22%U1 25; in-arl grit*, limi nuts'. per barrel, 12 BJ, per sack, 81 30. sun >lry brand.-., 81 354)1.39 *.,ck COHN Market firm, white. Job lota. 65c; Carload lot*. 63c. mixed corn, Job lota 6.C < 4Hoad lota. 89c RICE Market steady. demand good, fancy head. c; fancy, b%c. Prime | 'food 4%fi4\ Fair 4 4)4% Common 3% OATS No. 2 mixed, carload. 33%.-; J,d lots, 354*36,-; while rllpited. ears. -T7c; Job, 40c. BRAN—Job lota. 96c; carload lota. 70-- HAY—Market steady; N'o l Umothy, 92%e Job: 87% cars; No X *se Job; 83% cars.' Sugar and ( offer. 8 IT. A Fi rm loaf 634 i Diamond A S ('runh. il 654 | Confectioners' A S 7f Powdered 6.(0 | Whit* Extra C. 54S XXXX. pow'd. 6.14 Extra C 6.43 Granulated .... 6.W ['JoM.n C 5,14 Cube* *l4 Yellow* ~.. 6.1 Mould A 6.36 | COFFEE— ha 2*o I Prime No 5 ...11 r Java 26c | Good N< > 4 ...lD%e Peaherry 14 e! Pair. No 5 .. tOVCc Fancv No. 1 ..12 ci Ordinary, No r. 10 e Choice No 2 ,1114 c! Common No 7, %c llorOHOrt *n.l Holeloi FuppllM 1J ME. CALCIUM. PI.ABTEH AND CEMENT—A la hem* and Georgia lime In fair (lemam* and kI. al to rend a barrel. a|Mclal calcined ptastar. $1 00 per barrel, hair. 406 c Rosedal* cement, f] *RI M; carload lota, special, Portamd cemanl, ra tal! 12 25: carload lota $2 UUO2 LI'UI'ER b- O. It VESSELS SAVAN NAH Minimum, yard etaee. |;o tout! *l. car allla. $12.50313 00. dlfth ult aliea. lit 00 tllSOn; ship atork. 116 no® 16 <. aawn tlaa, 5* tuft6.6o. hewn Ilea iSnttUc. OIL--Market steady; demand fair; slg nal. 4Miioc. West Virginia black. <il2o: lard. IK. neaiafoot. 6ltflW; machinery. 14 ®2sc; llnserd oil. raw. 44 . bulled, 66c; kcroaene, prime white, Ur; water whit#, 11 . Pratt # antral. 14: deodorised atova Caroline, droma UVlc; amply oil barrala. delivered, *6c. MIIOT Drop. 61 K : B. V and large, si.7|; chilled $1.76. IRON- Market very staadv: Bweda, 5440. N A 11*8—Cut. $2 60 haae; wire. |2 u, baaa. BAH.BRD WIRE sl*4l per 100 lounda. •tralchl good*. 22030 c; aucar houaa me -lease*. 154110.. OUN POWDER-Her kac. Auatln crack phot, 454 00; half kac*. 62 *. quarter k. c*. $1 25; champion du. ktnc, quarter ka, $2 25; Dupont and llacaru emokeleaa. halt kegs. 4*l Si; quarter kegs, |5 75; 1-po-md eanlatera. $100; leae 25 par cant : Troladorf emokeleaa powder, i-pound cana. $1 00. 10- pound cane. 60c pound salt, Hides eel Wool. BAT.T—Demand te rulr and tha market steady; canoed lota. 100-pound burlao aacka. 44c; 10 pound codon sack, 45c, UO-pound burlap an k, 46(40; 110-pound notion aacka. 4IH~c: 2K-pound burlap aacka. 46c. Ufr-puund cotton sack. Me; Iju pound burlap eacka. 65c. HIDES- -atarkeo Drat; dry dint, 12V*c; dry tdffl. H4*c; are-*, aalted, 6c. WOOD—Nominal! prime Georgia. free of aand burra and black wool. la . black. Uc; hurry. 10c. Wei, 25c; tallow, IV*e. Deer aklna. 60c rralls and Nine. APPLES— Northern varlely, $2.253350. PHt NKBt-10* *0 •#*. |Oc. 50e to MX. 6(40; 00a to 70k, 1c; Ton to 6>>e, 64*c. 60e to 00a. to. SM< to low 'Vy* HANANAB 41 25412.00 hunch I.EMONB Market steady at $2 7532 00 COCOA NUTS- $.l 7M4 00 per 100 PEANCTS—AmpIe atock, fair demand; murket firm; fancy hand-picked. Virginia, per pound. 44*c; hand picked. Virginia, #l - 4c. N C seed peanut, 4c Nt"n Almond#. Tarrngona. 14c: Jvleaa, 14c; walnut*. French. 12c, Naples. 12c; pa cane. 12c: Brastls, Uc; filbert#. 12c; assort ed nut* Go-pound and W-pound t,ox*a, He. Callau baillai and Tlaa. BAGGING—Market Arm. Juts. T%- pnond *4r lares lots. 6V*c; email totn, {-pound 6‘.B*e. lla-pound. IVtf(4*c; aaa bland t..Kglrr 12**c TlEB—B.anoard. 46-poond. arrow, larga lot* 51 40 amall tola. 115 c Hacon. Hama and laird. llACON—Market firm; D 8 C. R. aldea, IV D 8 bellies. '4c (Kaetern), ac cording to average else; D 8 tialllea. 4*e (Wretcm). smoked C. R. ald*'*. •(40. lIAMH-Sugar cured. 124)12V*c t-ARD—Pure. In (lereea. Vi *n 44- pound tins and **o-i>und tubs. *%e. compound In llercea. V*c. K>-|und tins, ami i-pound tuba. 6-c. Dried and Bvapnraled Frails. Al'PLEß—Lvaporalnd, 77%c. auii-dilod. 5%4)6c Al'RlUOTS—Evaporated. lo< pound. nectarines. 10c RAIHINH-L L. 82 00: Imperial eaMnMa. 82.kaise, s'-pound taixn*. ,’o,'y. |i.,utMl PEACHES- Evaporated, pi*ilt:i), li%c. uniaal- and. MytiF PEARS—Bvaporatsx! l%r. HPIKI.I.IMIIIf. Klrfll Mackerel, tinll-turret*. No. 1, BS.UO: No 2. 37 |. No 3. 85 73. kit*. No. 1. 31*1. No 2. 3110; No 3 86. Cadtlsh. 1 i>ut,.l brb kn, *%. - 2-pound bricks, ■> Hmohct herring*, per box, 174|19c Dtllitl herrings, in keg*. 81 10. new muliid* half turr-la. 83 75. HYRUP .Market quiet: Georgia nod Florida syrup buying at fva tor, selling at B*<l36c; sugar house at 89915 c. HONEY Fair demand, strained, tn bar rel* 554(6" gallon High wine hast*, 81 99 OCEAN FREIGHTS, COTTON Havannah to ItosHon. par rwt . *fic; to New York, per cwt , *on; to Philarlelphla. per bale 31; nalttmore, 81 FOREIGN DIRECT Bremer, the; Llv crpool, 40c; Hamtrurg. —; Genoa. Wc. Barcelotm Mam heeler. 59c; Havre. 60c, Antwerp, -. FOREIGN INDIRECT—Weak and nom inal Llvorimol. 65c, Marc heater. 5V Hamburg. 65c. Havre, 7*c. IR. noa. *■. R.'Val and Bt. Petersburg, 70c., 55< LUMBER - By BaM - Freights dull, to Baltimore and mslward. 34.59 to 36 00 per M . including Portland LUMBER -Hy Hteani Ssvwnnoh to B#'- tlmore. 6'. t, to P H R or B. At O dot k*. 35 60; to Philadelphia. 14%c, per cwt . ft pounds to foot!; to New York. 86 W per M. 17 36 to dock; lightered to Boston to dork I* 66 NAVAL HTtHtBH The market I* firm medium alxe vessels ltualn Cork for order* 1* i*l per barrel of 310 pounds, and 6 per cent primage Mptrtl* 4* 9d par 40 gsllona gros*. and 6 per cent prlmag lurg* vessels, rosin. 3s; spirits. 4a Id Strum 11c per 100 pounds on rosin. 21 %c on spirits, Havannah to Boston and 9%c .at rosin and 19c on spirits to New York. grain, I'Hoviaiowa. rrc. New York Oct. 24 —Flour weak and nominally lower In sympathy with the drop In wheat Rye flour quiet f’orn meal steady; yellow Western. Me. Rye may; No. 2 Western. 57c Harley dull Barley malt dull. Wheat—Spot weak: No 2 red. 77c Op tion* were Irregular, but gem-rally firm up to midday, Influenced by adverse Ar gentine crop non. *tady cubic* foreign buying and reports of fly In Kansas and Indiana In the afternoon, however, under a heavy preeeure of liquidation and short selling, the nmrket collapsed and closed weak at >4* net lower. March. MR*r; May, *M4c; f),.t n her, 7514 c. December. 77c. Corn—spot easy; No 2. kr- Options easier owing to Improved went her condi tion#. the drop In wheat and local unload ing. (due*si weak %n net decline May, HXfcc; Octola-r. 4544 c; Decemb* r. 4114 c. (tale—Bpnt quiet; No. 2. 2f*V*c. Options quiet and lower. Beef steady. Out meat* quiet laird weaker: Western steamed. $7 254) 7 *<; October closed $7lO nominal; retired weak, conttnerd, flto Pork wcoker; family. $1 foftlX to; abort clear. ifl'BQnm, meaa. $l2 50013 50. Tallow dull. Petroleum dull. Rosin Arm Turpentine firm. RFe firm c'nfTnt —Spot Rp> quiet; No 7 Invoice Kt) '4*c nominal; mild dull; Cordova, !*\<iM< Futures o t cried steady at unchanged prices and rule.) moderately active and featureless with a week undertone follow ing adverse European and Hrnxlltan ca ble*, Closed steady. unchanged to 5 points lower Total aal* s. 21. 000 hags, tn chidtng November. 8 60c, Deccmbar, .*[*• ■ March 7.10fW.15c. Hugar- Raw easy; fair refining, 4M,r; centrifugal. 8* test, 444 c; molasses sugar, ll4c; r*dined weak. Bu'ter setdy; creamery, 16f)22>*e. state dairy, 15321 c. Cheese steady; large white, 10%c; small lie. Elfir* steady; state and Pennsylvania. 20t121e; Western, regular. 16®16r. Potatoes (|iilet; Jersey's, II Wm 17V4; New York II 'AVI 624,. Long Island. $1 Ui 01 75; Jersey swcela, II 50412 m Peanuts quiet; fancy handpicked. 40414 c; other domestic. 2'4#*c. C-tbbage quiet, long Island, per 100. $1.50 02 25 Freight# to Liverpool dull; cotton by steam, 30c, COTTON 4KKII OIL. New York, Oct 24 t-CVutons. ed oil was steady and quiet on spot, but easier for future delivery, In sympathy with further ■(••-lines in lard products Prime summer yellow. 35c prompt; off summer yellow. 24 vrllty prim*- winter yellow. While. prime white. SktllNc; prime meal. $26 00f|2>; En CHICAGO M4MKICTS. Chicago. Oct 24 News affecting the wheat market was mostly bullish to-day, hut weakness In corn and sample wheat, together with lack of outside business caused a dedlne The close wa* steady; Ibcemlef l *r lower. Corn closed %r and oats (4c down Provision* at the close were 2H3IfW depressed The lending future# ranged as follow*: Opening Highest Lowest. Closing Wheat No. 2. Oct 7214 7144 7144 Nov 72'id214 72%4J<724* 71V, *•407144 Dec 7JV75V4 73V* U • , Jl2 -. Plant System of Railways. Train* ofw rutr j by m**ridt in Mro— Ono hwr *lorrr than <*ly tlm^. In (Vt 1, tSHm AIT irtin* I#v Bivunnh rnl!y Ar. Savannah ■■ $ lfl m| H &vnn.h f I.Ou am 5 mi .........WnycnNi* |b ]f> m 1 M am 1 Jacksonville jU lo n n 6 •• j*n> .and Florid.• j 7 <■ pm rfilwfffi 1 im| Savannah |3 4S am ■* < > on 1 rbarb-ton |7 .<* am U*>nn . .and ICawt 10 pm Cos nor it lon ui Port Tmjn wlih Pro. InMiUif id| mi% ub nt il itr invra tonvlng for K• y \V and llsrv inu Motidayig Thijrr ! iys and H.iturdiya 1! flop m. (\II ut Tirk* t Ofb'*.- fur furtlirr Infor mation. J. II POLHF.MI H. T V. A , WAHI * CLAUR. City Tic ket A*cr t, !>** S>t> Hotel I hotyi r 1? W WHKNN. !’(• -nr* r Trifflc Man iitrrr. Sivannuh, Go. IjHd EfY CO. J Bchartulee Effective F*gt. 14. 1969. Train* arrive at and depart frusn Central Htetlun. Wet Broad, foot of wi." .. IJlurty street. ■Rh Meridian Time One hour slower thaw _ etty tlmo. 'Leave Arriba Havannah hvsnnafe: ... iAuguata. MaconT”'Atlanta,l 9 45amjCuvlngton. Mllldgevllle|*.i top*, land all Inlsrsnvillata ;*ilnla{ {Augusts. Macon. Atlanta.| ” j Athena, Montgumary, Co-| ) oapni|lutnhiia, Birmingham. Am-|*t - jerlcua, Eufaula and Tray.| ‘*>pmj I (over a. ninmorte t ton rr'uam" on I 'inner Train tl Hpui •Dally tEieepi Hunday BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND TTBTOB. 78th merliMan or Havannah city time. REAVE HAVANNAH. ..klonday only IB , m Dally except Miaiday 930 a m Daily 3On p n, LEAVF. TYBKB. Monday only 716 a m Dally axnaut Monday 10 „ m )> a || y |g| p m Connection* made at terminal |UInU with all trains Northwaa’ West and Booth west. j fflaaptng car# on nlgtit trains bstwean Havannah end Augusta. Mstai, Atlanta and Birmingham • •arlor car* .> day trains between Ha vannah. Slacon and Atlunla Kor complet* m format lon. acvhadutea. rales and .onneciions apply t 0 ea'' ~,U WKM - 'H) Tick#! and Tew •niter Aifcnt, 107 Hull atrr^t. re”,-;,™ t'-P®* TlckH AflMft, UII ‘U r * 1 ~ w"gr Agent. J, " 'JNTON, Traffio Manager THEO D. KUNE. Gen HupeMnteadHrt. Krt VRPBHh Or. Double Daily Service Th* short tins to Norfolk. Washington. the Ifioae”’ N.w Yurk and T nßirrcy 1 A L Kv 12 sspmW~K|i Ar Columbia, B A. L. My 66pm! 4 Mam Ar Raleigh. 8 A. L. Uy 11 (Tpm II 66am Ar Durham B. A. UKy 7 atom 4 16pm Ar Petersburg, H A L.Ky 4 Ham 4 66pm Ar Rlchmnsid. B. A, U Hy I 15a. 6 65pm Ar 1A usalngton, Penna. .. 6 45am 6 66pm Ar Baltimore Rains 10 Warn 11 Mpm Ar Phltadetidds. Penna 12 I7pra 316 am Ar New York Penna 1 03pm; 6 '*-*n No 44 TJo IT Dv Auvsnnah ft A 1. Hv'l2 *spm irspm Ar Portsmouth. BAD Ryl 7 00*ml i 16pm Bteamcrs leave Norfolk dolly, escapl Sunday, for Ilaltlmora, Philadelphia end N. w York, and dully for Waahlngton. The short line to Montgomery, Mobile and New Orleine, leaving Savannah at 7:25 a m.. arriving u| Montgomery 7:46 ► m , at which point rloaa connection la made with the L. * N. R. H . arriving at Mobile 305 a. m. and New Orleans 7:40 a m. Tha short line to Femandlna, Jackson ville, Tampa and other Florida points. j No. n | No. $T CvUavannafiTT H X Ryl l Ar Femandlna. 8 A L Ryj I Mam! 6 Of,pin Ar Jacksonville. B A.L-Ryj 6 lOuni 7 40pm Ar Tampa. MAI. Ky (6 16pm | 6 16am Magnificent Pullman butfet sleeping ear service lo Washington, Baltimore. Phila delphia and New York; also lo Jackson ville and Tampa. Dining cars from Bavannah to Hamlat, and Richmond to New York. Ruffet parlor cars Bavannah to Mont gomery For additional Information apply w Ticket Office. Bull and Urynn stream. Phone 1$ Com No. 6-- Oct nu,V*i SM* Nov 37Vv0Y144 *7% 17 If Dec V 4 *44 15 M May MMJ36V4 *6*4 KV4Oti Oats No. !- Oct 21V4 EVA 71H ®4t Nov 2U32144 2144 21V* BV* Dec 21V4*22 211*322 21% B 44*91% Mrsa pork per Iwrral— Oct. .$ $..... • *H® Nov. . 10 Ut 10 60 10 M ss Jon .1100 1112V* 10*5 10 *T\* I-nrd. pT 100 pound*— Ocf . 6*2% . .. • * Nov. , I*l 6 IS 6 60 6 ssV* Jan . 6 524* 6&S 6 474* 650 Short libs, per MO pounds - Oct .6 50 650 6IS 645 Nov . * 12V* 6 '2V* 6 W 610 Jan . 5 524* 5 67V* o4* Cash quotations were as follows: Flour, dull and easv; No * spring wheal. 650 72 . No 2 red 730T*e: No 2 com. 3**4s :%e; No 2 yellow. I*V; No 2 white o.ita, 2.'.**t25 'yc: No, .1 while, 34025 c. No. 2 rye. 47(y fair to choice malting barley. 46# Rhc, No 1 flux seed. II 72V*. No. 1 North weatern. $1 73. prime timothy seed. $4.10; mess pork, per barrel. $11.264111.10; laid, per 106 pound*. 66 1'414 *24*: short riba •Id*-*, (tooae) M •**i6 M. dry salted shouki ers. dx*sli. short clear sides, (hoxeil). $6 *036 95; whisky, basis of high ariose. $1 27, jTd. weed CO lAVAU6B, BA. Uatbfr Beltiot Steam Packing 4 Bose. Agents for NEW YOKE RUBBER belting and packing company. OLD NEWSPAPERS. W 0 for ■ aaolA at Buamssa Office Morning Nows 9