The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 26, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 THEY DON’T UKE CHANGE. comai**m*Rvt* hont \\ ant < - VICTI TAKEN FROM Till 'I ll)Nlrm■ n l>lr Too Wml !••'• **•- gimlon ul (iuvrrnor lo This Eller t Submit l* hn Inters let*—l wtfrr the < lianai*' Connty Might or Might Not Receive Rene fit 111 Coni lcl<t' SrnliM -Mhii I !•- lilu>ra ol t <uni> %Voultf He Throw* Oat f I nil> meat l '* huiiplli** l oot annuls— ottnt) Attorney *mis> Believe* There II Hr No linogr, Thr (OJhb nmmswlonfr* ri,i( pl- a Mil t:at port ion of 00% Can dp-r• itw‘Mifcf to th* General As-'m > which ha* r*fHn' lo th** control o' imsd* m-Miwr * nvh is by Ho* Stale l*ri *n Comm.‘*i‘ t T?i > < umot *• * *• lb* <lO rn>o h uggettcd r‘im g* ha* tn li tvt-o the p m t Ity of g***! A rrpri of the Morning News M w Chairman Pair yesterday morning, but the • hairmun wa* t*>o mad to talk aixl i*o expressed hinvM*lf "I don't want )uu lo say ary thin* for me tie ♦ i * 1 am preparing now a slatermot of th* harm thr suggested chang*. if carrud into effect, will do in this and of th* number of person* it w • ill throw out of employment I don’t w**n to *“*'* ** n > thing untM 1 I ivr I . 1 sufficient lint art ra m an I < It wo evident that ( , omml*iom*r Hal* frit deeply utMJt thr ma’tir nl that h* Bid pot iro|or €•• submit ciitnly t>> t • proposed i hiUiK* in thr law. \N hil*' under ni■ | | for th* advantage of the < aunty. it might !*• that umi* r th wuggeeied hifi|t th > proud be umd in *<mv rntlrrly different lor u lit y a rat upon work- In which ih* |ro pit* of this -ounty hv* n inter* ’ w. - rvrr, and ihi aftrr the |***^►*>!• of Chatham linvr borne th** entire expen*** of tls n tonv irtion. AIN- effect of thr law would prohau*> be,’' t*a:u onr w*d a -quaint*d w.ui tit eituoSion. that ad thr whir-bodied * 1 wou.d In removed to r• otaer held * ? U)-K-wu>r. while tn* nun*. thr hill and 1 thr blind w• utd In left lo thr county, to t- at akliti.u ii laird* li and fh thirty or forty clnan* of C Roam. wn<> an now rmpUiyrd In various ai-olti - In connection with t• county chaingung would 1" replaced by |p<*intrr?* of th* I*riM>n Conmiiwi*i Th • ***•• grartK inrdrad of brin* bouftht t nah. woul-i ! twught to Motnr **•' nof tba atatc favortKl by thr i 1 the utripod Atari* t rir convl *ta n* r now nade l*y thr |Kr wom.n of thr tty. timirr th* dr*rtHn of th* N*-dlr Work tvuikl. would conu- fr*im Atlantu Th < hangc* often* nothlhK to our olv imax** and aio*M rvcrythin* that wouid luri lit* " County Attorney J It Bau*sy iliPcuMHil the v. ommendation of the Governor on thin subject with a smll* "Tu< Is*w won t le panrd, h*- * old. "an I If it Ip. it will h? easy enough t * hv* Chatham county exempted from it* operation A* a mutter of fart th*r* have i**en very f**w, if any scandal*. conne • and wish th* government nnd control of ivmvlrt labor in this- coun ty. while the r or I ( f the state Ip noth lng llk* as good There is no reason In the world why the mlelerm an >r con* I t from Chatham should l*e i.iken from th* control cf the county authorities and every reapon why the* shout I remain a - are. 1 don't think we have mu h • wore for ftUrm Mr riau**y a* l h< rhought the sugge* tlon of the governor. that the legislature rhouM enact a law giving the judg* s th right to award a change of venue in crim inal case* whenever it apjs;ired t* b* dangerous for the defendant to he taken hack to the county in which the ertm* w.i-. committal an excellent one "If th-- *tt* run be saved ripin*e In this manner." paid he. *T *an see no reason why th* suggestion of the governor -h*uld not l*e adopted It will h*l** t ifford p* rs*n.- accused of crime a fair md Impartial trial and If other god ■ • n !*♦• *i*oOtnpllshed b* the same means, th* suggestion Is entitled to the legislature's favorable consider* tlon. "In hi* remarks on the suhje-t of tax reform the Governor f* on th* right line The question ha® been ** often discuss. | that there remain* nothing to say, but certainly It should nd be tliowed a coun- I than tt p.i* s in und to contribute nothing whatever to the support of the at i e •** emment To require the round* s t> tribute something to the support of their p hoolt and to tv a: a fair valuation * that the burd i of taxation mnv be * quail* and justly - tribute*!, ouubt to commend its* ;f t tie conscience of every right-thinking man However. I m extreme!) doubtful If tin reform I* possible of accomplishment," City Attorney tt.imuel It Adams act'* 4 *! wdth Mr Saussy is t * the wisdom *f the recommendation of the Governor a* 4 to changes of venu. in cases where It Is dangerous to carry the defendant ha< k to the county of the crime's commission fot trial. Indeed, thl* recommendation of the Governor seems to meet with a favorable reception among th members of th** bar, generally, none of whom was disposed to criticise or oppose It His rwomm'i 'lt tlons ns to tax reform have teen part Of the p'lltl il creed of Sav.UiiiHh far years, so that the* met with favor here wa nothing ?nor* nn should have been srel was expected. WOt Ml ÜBMUHK A ( IHttiß, I ftapt. talimnrr I* t> no Means \Vcdl eii to the tflrrnoon School*. The parents who protest against after noon school* find ready synijaith* from Superintendent Oils Aohnuxi. wno de plore* as greatly a* any of them the ne cessity for the conduct of Chatham BchooO Nop 1 and 2 In the afternoon In stead of in the mo*ning Mr. Ashmor* saw that a meeting of parents ha I !>ee#i held, and that their voc es had b* * n rais ed against the continuance of the ar rangement. When seen relative to th* matter, lie said that he great!* i*gie > that It Is necessary to have the schools meet In th afternoon lie would far prefer the morn lng system to extend to a 1 the th* echoes. and none wl'.l be more p.# a . I that* he when It finally kronn * i*- I from the children of the two t’hnthain schools to resume their morning m atom t>i:a 111 tp Him. j%. t. iiKtud. Her Funeral at at. Patrick's t (torch T'hts Afternoon. Mrs. James T Reilly •fled yesterday at noon, after an Illness of seven weks at her residence, No 907 Anderson street, west Bhe leav**-, Itesldes her ho'*nd two daughters. Misses Mamh and P > • Reilly, or.e soli Jos* ph. and many rela lives and friends to mourn her loss tihe was born in Meath county. Ire.and. l< IBM. and cam* to this ruuntrj In IMb where sne has resided ever * m e. Mrs. R* t lljr was ad* voted wiJe, mo'her ar.d f. *1 ii and .irn*si h. her reli -• ous con*|c'lons. The funeral wll take place from the reGden* at 990 o'clock thi af * rick s ( rturc Falbtr McCarthy of?!.dot ing at both churca and rimetgry. For K.dr.ey Diseases. Nervousness, Uric Acid or Rheumstlam try Saratoga Aron dark Water All you •an drink for five *fiu at Hokgnons 1 drug store, Hull and Charlton streets -ad. UIM. n.iNtItTTT \OV. U. llm-••><*• Mill V|rrl> I’rutu llsnqarl • •nil tu IClk*’ I srsival. Na *• is the date dec.ded upon by th* j Utah m* mln-r* of the Order of llou ' 110.. f r the banquei to he given In honor , if Mr WUHam H tAtlllweli, elected at th*- J tails* concatenation Hupreme hnars *f 11 * l nlverse of llou H*.*s Vht 1100 1100 * are determined do maka j the banquet at and the affair* that are l pi* **b* and follow ti memorable In th** .nna -of the order Htarting at o’clock |in th*- *-\ - tig there will I** •* ron atena • tl -n. nt whi h It is exp* ted at hast afty ir.*w,jiig kltt* •> wlil t*e ira ns formed into Thuttn t’a* *-f high *legree. to the ac i < uti)*aninvent of ah th** csremoniei an*l li- *mforts whu h * net rn *r|ly- attend the initiation f novlevs From the various umber region* • *n* tguou* nl irlhiitary I to Savant *u lug* consignments of kit ♦n* *i. -ome to ti*e city and they will a be pit through in time fr the ban quel. In the lainoutd they are expe tel 'O sak* f*srt mih! for their e-jecil omfort an*) * onv * i)i'h< • one *f the labb t* wll be Ta*-> Ii .i height f five fe* atiove the fl -r at -1 so arranged that iho* wno ue an •*i oinfort.hiy In a -lending |*o ulllon The nMer metnt*ers f the ord*-r i-. preparing i< gtiarante#* that -atiig !•) comfort In any other position will bt- a n * tier **f p-r?* t irrsye*e*ita; 1 1 y .i* i havt t en changed fr m kittens to cat*. After th* banqtief the mirrh to ih# rar . , muds m ill bt •-**• nup the Moo Horn*, m u t)mg will) bands and lights an I i.i . ,id in full r* win It l *xr*** - r**l !hnl Ih* re will h* at least two hun Jmd numb* "f the order it# attendance u|*on th* h.n*|ut :. ■'<mir.g from * I over in* • u qu feature of ih. programme of the Klkt Fair. A11.4M1 Ml> \\n*. Hergt. Ilntnrr of the t.riirul* tluaaar* M oft I >npliwentar t %llce. Quart-rmaster Frank M But i„ , ~f th* G*rgia Hu -ars did nit win th* cup * fT* m 1 at th# Atlanta Horse Hhow (<*r lit* la-st hr*e find rl-ler of the First Cavalry*, Georgia State Tr**cje The csva!- rym-n . a• t-I **l night la fore lai-t. ir.#l th# Atlanta Constltutht. ha*l the following notice of th* contesl. which was a |*art of th* prog mm m* f*r th- evening Ih referevs • of the opening sentence l* to the av air y .-ontsf. and It u.> *m* *e i) tbst *a, tgt Huinsr’a h rs* mansnlp regard , | highly hy the epeciator*. though. a that counts*) hut p r #-l)l . while the ht *• rounted ♦*•>. It may le that the inferior animal he rod# wrought against him Thl* bud seventeen entries. Sergt I ran I- Marb-n Itutn* r of Hovannah w.*^ \i ry (Mipu r wllh the spe*lators. hut his p, •... m i to** small, and failed to wi The class finally narrowed to Ja-k Rt* w art and Frank Stewart, the former getting Ihe first price. nd th*- latter ih.- second •phe Julgew were Messrs. llUSbee, Moor# an*l Iludsm "Summary Cavalry Horses Cbtas N* 2271. Cup v ili>* i at SIOO. saddle arsl bridle valued at Htallion. mare *r gekitng. suitable for us- In *avairy service To he re l*n by uniform#*) tr*i*er. memla-r of First Georgia Cavalry H r*# i. count •it p r cent api*>lntm#nts an*l horsernan ship 40 |H*r cent Pn* h‘n* ridden by John Stewart was first, that ridden by F M Stewart was s-cond. and the hors*-* of th*- following were ehown Puff lu-lsm. Joe Brown Conally I* M Yarborough. A F Duni) Francks Marion Itutner of Savannah. M N PhlUlmore. J D Rhrtdes. T W Wlb v,„ ; m H M P.r.ald. F R Jewett an.l ifiliam Morrow %\\ u Altai U. THE NORMAL. j Tfcr Irron.Kw— "# I it tonally ••real. S.iv.nnih - w.lhr m.*!- n*" rroro | yctertlMV in tt- .I‘p.riur- Imm th nor ! , nl | (or thr flay Tt)- ma.lmum w. *1 ,1. gr ,. rr , mxl ihx minimum 70. lvtn 11.. HU uf 7. which I. 13 .1.-rcc* above the , 111. Ercilcx* ••*-* I hat he. oc urr.-.l y-< Ihlx monih r I. |xm iillar alw* In the fai l Ihwt lir. Ihcr# H an i,Mmulll of heat <>f HI *. which by . the |.rcvl.m r.i'or.l for cxcrw.lvc heat ilurlnK he v.*r whhh a made in Aukuw: The accumul.iuxl exceaa for the year t I*S <V*ree, There wax no rain yealerday. tl>*-eh It t;a>l lxen prMllcl—l **> *he \V-i -aion I (~r. ,i of the nuttu tx-fore The r <in -I,| for the nionlh lx now In exeexx of Ihe normal. 179 ln h.- bM for iho year whom, a xhortae of 7 9x inche. The Waxhtnmon foreeaxt f" ‘ r lx (or orcnxlonal rain- To-morrow lx prom i.l io lx- fair, wllh frexh northeaal wind* l\ THE ITEHE!H OK .N ITH*. \ While I lah Orunnlxe.l U.t Main. nloretl C lub lo He Formed Soon. The Sxhoxl nixlrlcl Olub met al the of „ n f Maicixtrate Jxaac Nathanx for per manent oranlaallon The club ha an enrollr.l m.mherahtp of 1") member*, of ivhx'fl 100 were preeeni laxl nljhl. Ihe uftl* **rs vlec!#**! Presalent-4.*h.lH* IV Westcott. VI,-,. pr#*sldctit' U M Garmany. fl-.-retary Frank Molknuoit M*-ser- Frank I’ump'V M Ullenlhal. 1.. M tlarmany. wn*l West out t spoke or • h*' !n*u*-* of the |* rse )*•*lv* *.impilg*< i*r the tiuiglsiracy of the district, an*) iti th*- meeting wws adjourn#*! until Thurs*iay night, when the luh will hav# (##)>!her i** salon at At Andrew- * Hall. A club of colored vot'H will he organ Magistrate Hat bails sometime in the early part of next week, probably Tuw*ly n.ght. AIR*. \A IMIDHHIIM.K’t AV ILL. " Family Hrlrlsoais and Be#|arss Vrnmm ly Its I'ro* Islam. Th* will of th* In* Mrs Florence W Woodhridg# w;u Hied ami probated In • otiitmn form In th* Court of Ordinary j j>• t*>rt)ux. and l**tt-rs tesfamentatjr, were j | lud) Ml Mil v ilni erwham, the * xccutrix n.m#'d In th# The will disposes of the (>ro|>erty and j i -i.ik of the Lite Mr* Wsvlhr|dge to h*r family und * t.n#*ctlofis af various *l#- : ! gif *s A number of family heirloom* an i -mill l*qu*sts pas** hy it* |iruvl*loiii. The .—la ♦ is iM a Jnrg#- > n . ■ Jordan V Brook** administrator of th* I.— tate of Friday Mill* n, flic*! an applies i o f.o letters *1 *mlss**ry. wh • h will b- j ! considered hv Judge F* rrtii iuring th* ' I * rni. MH.DIKH* WITH A I*ll ISON Fit. - Fassetl Thr#iiul *n%nnitwh Yesterday I -li lloufr 111 TANARUS) lire. A tletuil of six < oldie rs of 111# United ' Htatcs Army, with i prisoner. Warren Pryor passed through the city yes-erdny ; from Bullivnn'S Island en route to Tylee | The men arrived it* Biva nah al 4 o’clock I and t#ok their pr.soncr to the i*nlic# bar * p > r is held # unkii- wii. >ui? ii tivough: ] that he is wan * and for desertioi Allies i*#l Drury ar.d o her heroes of th* Army ar.d Navy show t.iair faces on Anhtustr-B usen’s r.ew sens* of p.aytng cards. Just issued Bent prepaid for * snts in money cr • lamps to snv adres* in the Untied At a tee. Malt-Nutrlfie Dept., Anheuscr- Aiuacb Brewing Am u. Hi. Louir, M*k THE MOKNI.NG NEWS: FKIDVY, OCTOBER 26, 1900. NEED FOR DEEPER WATER. viol Ml Rtt*l l/r l> < lIKAPtH Mi- KIVK IMI RA\( K KtTRI. watannali Now Dlarrlmlnatrit Igaloal In of %rm Orirana. V r*rla t.n tint Frum thr laltrr •••art M Itli wulllrlrni t on I In Main thr Trip IrroM, Whllr V maria I'rfim Nmannali Atop nt Norfolk f**r t on I—t nrrlran Mna*tl|na *f * *•- ton Itrrr IllrgrU to Hr Hraponah hlr In rnri-Nmnnn ill Cirtn Lnwrr I rrlght It n Ira. Ilnnrvrr, nod I'aya lllglirr f*rlrra thnu >f*i Orlrnna. A wtrima nrxuinrnt in favor of drt>rr water and iHbr iiaruur fa- llltira for ha vannah. and one ahi h hn occurrr*! to hut few, la the matter of marine ineur am e rglf* While then- ha* rarely been any rttmplmni on the part of the eomrm*r dal aini ahli-pinjc Interest* on account of tfr marine li * irat. e trite* thr fact nev erthe.e** ex let* that there are other |*orts which rnjt>> bettr rat#** in thU reri**ct than loes Savannah The dl* rimtnati*>n i* particularly marked in tha of New Orirana. whlh has a marine in surance rt*t- uj*on cotton to the amimm of one-wixtcenth cent pr |*ound lr** than Bavannah. Tnit di*< riminatlon has exiatt-i for >rar* arwl is attribu*ti to various cause-, but chiefly to thr claim that New Orleans has the advantage of <K* i*er water and larK*T whiph •onir **f w hi* h •• t*rratri a* regular freight lin ers to Kurofo-an |M>rt*. Mr. W. I. Wiiaon. who 1 one of the fe*v marine insuian* ** urxierw rl era In Sa vannah when asked about the mitt r yesierday, said. "The diM.rmdnaion is nothing new It has exi-tr* I r yens ever sine 1 have teen In the business at any rate. There b no parbailiy to New Orleans in this matter on trie i*att of the insurance companies, but li is simply iu to the fact that Iwttrr risks are ofYrre 1. This advantage to New Orleans does no: hold gM*l on all lines In -om* Install **i Savannah has better rates New* with deep*-r water tia> the* advantag* -f b-ing ahk to u*e larger and t.# sM a operates regular liner* to Kuropan c -t ua ports. Theie Is always a h- limita tion tn Mi* In favor of the regular Hnvr* These itnerw and most of the o her shi| a leaving New r|ean>- with cotton ar*- able to take on the full amount of c**ul re quired to make the trip t the othe si-ie. while the majority of -otton v-aael leav ing thl* |<or t are comp* I**l t* put in it Norfolk, being unable to t k* on -nth l* t coal here t* make ih- trlj* aero**-. VN Ith more water in the river this additMial x penso and delay could b* >ave i ”Another jio.iit in favor of New Or leans." said Mr. Wilson. "Is that more car** I* exercised there *n the handling of cotton. There is not another Southern port, unlew* It In* Oalveaton, where cotton l* so carelessly handled, as it is In Savan nah. It 1* only within very recent years that the railroad* have provided shelter* for cotton, an*l a ■**! |rtli of It Is yet allowed to remain In the open, ex posed to the elements. l\tiun once thor oughly wet remains so for a long time, and a wet hale |Mck*l aboard ship not only deteriorate* greatly, but Injure* the neighboring bale* a* well. Marine in surance In most case# covers country damage" and country damage simply mean* lc#w and dam*** by exposure and in handling The claims f*r country dam age for Savannah *h pmena have been ex cessive. and some very serious complJinis have been made by the Insurance com panies In New Orleans all cotton is kept under cover and they seem to exercise greater care and better judgment in handling It." Mr. V\ ls*n remarked Incidentally that notwithstanding the discrimination in In suranee rates he observed that Savannah is |*aying an eighth to a quarter mot* per l*>und f*>r coiuNi than N*-w Orleans. •oi on the same grades, as the two |H.r’ grade differently, but on cottons w hi* h would cUm the same in tins p* r? Mr. E A Cult*, who *k* a a large br**k erage business. w.*s ask**l *i;**>ut this. an*l said that It is true As to the reason why Mr. GiMta said dimply Iwcause w .ire * much nearer th** other side. It takes a *ess*d flft*n day* longer to make the trip across from New Orleans than it Joe* from Ravannah. .nt th** time i.“ a matter of great Importance sp.ciall* in the market conditions which have ruled this season. H iving a shorter dlstai *’•• t* travel, our freight rates are al-o low*i Mr Cutts might have also r**mrked that Hovannah has a numl** r of energetic hus tlers who reaMi out and bring in tit*m frm a long distance and pa* the highest prices which the market warrant* In or der todoso Savannah is -** overstock 's at present with freight bottoms and the ship brokers are making ilmoM on* sort of rates In order to get bus In* *s This Is !** In favor of the shippers With all of Savannah's natural advan tages, her nearness to the great cotlnn produelng area *ast *f #h* Mississippi, the saving of over* mil** uf >•*. travel as against New Orleans and th*- absent* of the dangers *f navigation incident • <iuM ir >\ * I it *• NN -'' • 1 tt* It ' Mm** advantages whi.h exists in the mat ter of ocean freight r des should not also exist in the matter of marine Insurance If the inability of vesse - to t*k*‘ out sut rt lent coal t* make their voyage a r **s account for thi* dlscrlrnlnutlon it i> sim ply another argument why tin- movem* nt for deeper water should not t*o prosecuted more vigorously. HAt K h\ lllltll t.HTttN XTHKKT. animation Army Perm 1 1 tel t* llrttimr \A ork There. The Sul vat mu Army resumed it* meet ings on Rroughton street l ist nigh . Ma*or Mver* having revoked his order pr hibit lng the Army from using th* *tre-is la the business section of th** city Th Mayor a*ivlse*l the officers, : owever, to spread out more and not c ntin* the r work to the business se non. and a so • autione*! them ugalivt blocking the streets cresting undue i ole or o herwl*** tiMiklng themselves a nuisance to the ci I - t*apt. Roper stated list night that It l hi* intention o carry the work into other sections of th. rltv. but Rroughton Mice having proven to l- about th* lest sir'*** In the city on which to catch the pi— g throng and also being convenl*-n iv ii Army h.ll it h* Iwnt preferred f r th* ** reasons. At the meetings at the hall Hun day night rapt ltoper will speak uo*n the work and doctrines of the Salvation Army. _ HI4 V 4 LF 11IIKF N.AIIMED. \Ans t leserly l-ed to the Lock-up by n Rase of Detective Alsrk. johd Johnson. olored. w.• arrested i yrMerday by Detective Btark ns a sus | plcious # haracter. The officer Johnson on Dull atreet with u bicycle that j fir * a * unaole to r.d* n#l asked hjtn what he Intended to l*# with the wheel I The boy replied that h# wante*l to sei; it. The <h tecilve closed w hat to Johnson was . MStlefa tor) isftigam fot ta* machine, qd t told Johns u> to ■ ni* dot. nl ring the wheel home. Btatk men .•- #d for the >urrscL and th# negro. 41- er*> oblivious of his impending to * •rundied the wheel u y hu# sHc* Wner the barracas was reached Johnson m locked up loiter In the da' John ■ *on s brother called it the barrack* arul I identified th#* wheel as ot)*- that ha) been stolen from his snortly before Jouuaun was srreitai by Burk. I NIVKMSIT! Ml’. Hl-rr. Taper • \ nltalre toy lie i 01. John Urreven Uas Rend. Tne quarterly meailng oithc t’nlverslty f’luh was he.d last night ir tha law ofTia* j of l*ermark. Aiam* A- Freman. Col. P. ! VN presided. Tie *a* larger than unuai, tip .innounctmetu of the event of le evening. th* , r ollng >f a pa|er or: Volair*. tne great t ret h writer and drama!' l !, prepared by tne iatr t’ol John H. revn. having at- I tra.'trd the member' The >aper was lead b> Mr. Imvis Freem.<n art |:s treatment of toe subj’<t commaided. Bev#r*! matters were dHuaaed by the c.uo. tn“ of them was t.e approaching • er.t nn#d < lebratlon of he I’niveralty. The ina.itutlon was In legil existen* • ie for ih** <doee of tin* i** entury. grant* and come "don* having b***n maie h> the *a*e, hut It was not fornaily opened aral devoteal t# tne elucailot| of lfe young tu*n of rJeofiH.i until l%i It Is that g**ning it.a- the alumni de Ires to observe in fining i>le pi tne cent nmai anniver sary. Col. M Idrirri said that i meeting of a Join- commute* of the liotrd of Trustee** and the faculty of the T'nl eralty is to be held Nov. 7 in AHaiita t. devise ways and no an* for a proper cep brat ion of the centenhJal. This committee will report the following day to a meetli .s of the Board f Trustees. Col. Meldrin* did not know what decision would be reached by the < ommlttee. but sought aiy view* the memt>ers of the dub might have to pre ni is he desired to them to th* committee Tills elicited a discuss! r of the prob able attendance from Sa annah in th* ••vent a programme of si h attractions and promise is arrange*! as is usual with gr#wt li.stitutlon* ujsit* . entennlal o*-ca slons. Tfe members s*em*d confident that a representative lody of the University Club would take the trip to At hen# for ; the celebration, will* h wlh take pan e next 1 ■ ommenct ment. The question of an adll’lonal Kan to >!*♦• of the beneflciark'S o' the University Ciub now t tne iftstltt.ll<>n was lls < u9ssl. mid It was pract.cally wgreed to <lvance the young man 121- To one of those now attending ehrongh the g.sal of fices of the club $Jr for hi* years rx len*es was granted some time hk. Tt* University Club has don* .* non!* work In this respect, a number of young men. in the ten years of ire history, having he*-n educwte*l through Pa advance of funds to enable them to remain ut col lege HRH Oil. HKHNCIH TL A NT. I ofloii Oil t ompnny Aantn Nlnnnfnr luring Mellnetl Trodu*t*. The refinery plant of the Southern Col ton oil Company, which was destroyed by fire, several months ago. ha* been re built. nn*l is now practically complete While occupying about the same space as before, the plant I* equipped wMh more modern machinery, hen a larger ca- IHi city and new manufacturing depart m* n?s have teen adde*l. Manuf.n turlng operations have already *e*n begun at the new plant, and the goods are Uing place*! on the mnrk*t. The soap plant has it knger capacity than before. Th* Wtsaon oil Company has a larger capacity and I* turning out co*k ing and salad oils which are coming into general use f.r household purposes. Anew branch of the refinery I* the lard compound plant, which will begin opera tion* In a few days. This plant will turn out a product white m* the snow drifts and so resembling the genuine leaf lard thot even an expert will hardly be able to tell the difference. It Is claimed for this product that it is far superior to the hog lard prod uct* of the Western packing houses, both a* to quality and rnarnrter of ma terial used. <ne is made from a pure veg etable nil. the other from animal fat. which often reaches the factory in a con dltion the reverse of wholesome, and which 1* liable to convey to the consumer the <Hs* *>es of the animal from which It was taken. TIIILAPF.I.TIII % LINK A iO. Iterkahlre line To-ilm* With thr Lar g*#t i’lirgo No Far. The Berkshire of the Merchants' and Miners* Philadelphia line. 1* due to-day. and Is bringing the larg* *t cargo that h*a yet l*een brought South over the lint. Th- Record says: "Uarlaids of goods were on the track* in the vicinity of the pier awaiting the o|>- I*l rtunity of !*elng placed In tne ship . hold These came from Reading. Tren ton. Potts town. Wibiamsport, Wllkes harre. Scranton and otlier points in Penn sylvania and New Jersey. The consign ment* consisted largely of iron, hard war*. furniture and case goods and will g # to almost every city and town of the Southern Atlantic states. The Berkshire hroug it up with her i full cargo, made up largely of lumber unit cotton, and the bookings are such i* to Indicate * g<>*>d iMeirtff for both the Berkshire on ! the xib-rhan* for more than a month t* •*ome The Merchants' ami Miners' Transportation Company, operating the line, has |nform‘*l the Trales le ague and other business organisations that aided in establishing the line that It is more thin sat letted with results so far. ami prospect* as well The company const*!- j ers the line i permanent success." A iium:> muon m:\hi.i V llrl <l * nml (• room on the \\ ronu I rnlii llUrovrrcil .Vuf In Timr, A newly made benedict and hi* bride cairn* near haying h curious accident yes terday morning at th* Plant Bystem de lot They f*|ctc*l to take an early train for the N rth. but Arrived at the station inl> . short time before It left. Whether it won owiig to thin fart, or b ratise they desired to escape the show * r* of rice and okl shoes that they stip i j* >eed awaited them, or possibly because of the n wness of th* state matrimoniai which would naturally preclude the idea of much thought to things mundane— whether it was any ms of these thing* or .1 • ornblmitloti of them all that caused It Ip ’• t known anyu\, the happy couple hastened o ger on th first old train that ihr> stiu k. and did not discover their error until It was under way out of the depot Then a friend wigs opportunely hat* Item I along ’old them of their mistake at I hustled them off ; tc train and on to Hie right one. W II I, I*o4 Ki 11. To be fihrn \r%a Friday and Hat* nrila*. A beautiful w <!l pa ket consisting of a handsome painting o lor el y flowers ex quisitely mourn**! on trials, surrounded b> a brass chain and set in n highly polished white enameled franc lxl6 Inches, will •>e presented to a.I yirchasers of any of the following articles One pound Thea-Ne Mr Tea 3ho One pound Japo Tei 75e i On* pound A & I*, (taking Powder 4.V line |* uind best Pepf-er 90c < * . ;-.turvl b t Mu-uard 5h * Two * • Kxtrace* any kind Sue *-•• w•:rth o' Tea. any kind. 75*' worth of Tea ind Coffee $* worth of Coffee any kind. Three walj pocket- are Just the thing for holding papers and sn ornament to any room. The tirear AtlarwlGand Paclflc Tea Com* pany. ](s> Hroughtoi street, scat. Telc 4g|houe 616.—*4. WADE A GENERAL DENIAL NR. riIAMPIOfk *>11“ HIA MOTHER At TUI 1 NIIURNT ANIHNI.L* . Hearing *f Injactlnn and Receiver H U n Between Mother and *a Taki B I | Before Judge Falllgant In Superior t uuH-Mrm *f Kvl dt-nee, Including letter* and Af ttdavlt* f Parties at Intend. In trod need—That He *hnuld Have Sou tU%II le Property IVai Ills Fath rr'a Intentln. Naj* the llefrndaut. i Hl# Mather t untrolled by lII* sla ter#. In th- Superior Court yesterday the en i re da> was consume*! In the introduction of evidence, on behalf of the plaintiff and defendant in the caae of Anne JE. Cham pion. against Carlton C Champion The case, one in which a mother is bringing certou* charg**h aga-nel her aon, Is ex citing unusual Interest. The petition of the plaintiff, which was tile*! In court acme weeks ago, charg* - In effect that she was Induced by her wn, to make him a fee simple dee*! to certain property In Bouthvllle. valued at 525.000. which had come to her under the provisions of the will of her late husband. of which the son was the sole executor It was charge*! in th** petition that Mrs. Champion had made thi* d*-e| under a total misapprehension of its pur|ort, meaning and effect, and in the assurance, induced by the representa tions of the defendant, that h* r signature ro the pa|er which she signed was es sential to carry out some of the provisions of the will of her Ute husband, under which sh became the sole heir of the estate. Bhe charged, further, that her son had wasted certain of her Indi vidual property, whh h had i>een en trusted to him a* agent and of which he twid had entire charge, and on this Ac count asked for a Judgment against him approximating pi She further asked that the k-*-d to the property in Houth vllle, which she cfaimed to have executed under a mistake as to it* character, and effect, tie delivered up and cancelled, tin*! she be restored to her original ownership and possession of the tract of land. To ail of thf* charges the defendant. In his answer tiled In court, entered a jMeltive and unequivocal denial H* slot •*1 that not only ha*l h** not wast*s! the • •state of his mother, but that he had ac tually advanced her sums greatly ti ex s-s of those he hud - barged in his ac count, a* btcaus* 1 of the doss* and tenW'r relationship that ha*! always existed be tween them, he h.oi never kept any ac curate books showing their business deal ings. He had never anticipated, he said. In his petition. that an occasion ueh a* the present whill ever arise He believes now that his mother Is acting a* the passive tool of others, and that she • l*e# not understand the * barge* that have ban brought igiinM him The dtxf to* l tltkm ts that the defendant chatges his sisters, Mrs. Elllcott anl Mrs. Chase, with n spoMibilitj for ihe raft To support t m allege Ho* of th* an swer of the defctnlant great m v** *f tes timony was lntrodiFel ye*steriav morn ing It In ’.uled letters between the plain tiff and the defendant and between ihe defendant and his father, which went to show tha# It was the family understand ing. prior to the death of Mr b rancis J Champion, that the property in Bouthvllle should come to his son. Letters from the p.aintlff showed h.u she understood and acquiesced in this plan, thougn. perhaps, a little reluctantly The plaintiff had charged in her peti tion t.iat she w is induced to coin* to B.i vannah during the month of Novem *er 17 by the repented and urgent letters and telegram* of her son. and that it w** while she was shopping at his home that she executed the dee I to the property In South vtlie The effect of thl* allegation was fferlously impaired by the introduction in •-VI-1* nof a d*ed to Rhe same die I 'l. which had been executed by Mrs. Ch m | ikon in Philadelphia during the early l*rt of the same month The defendant ! explained that he hud hud his mother . dgn another deed only because the oom ! missloner of deeds, before whom eh** a*’knowledgf her signature in Phlludei phl.a, ahd slgnel himself simply a* "Uom i missloner for Oe*>rgl.i.” and he had been i advised by hi* counsel that this signmure ! w:e not legally suffl<den The validity of the Bnvannah deed and the fa t that Mrs. Uharlton thoroughly understood what she was doing were eh<-vn by the atiel.k vRs of a immiver of i* rsons expressing Perfect familiarity with tne . ir* um-:nn<**s under which It was signed The defendant himself was on the stand during the afternoon, and was examined by his counsel. Mr. Samuel li Adam*, lie was further thoroughly and rigid v cross examin'd by Mr T M. Uunnlngriam. Jr , jof counsel for the plaintiff Mr. Cham pion's evidence In chief was to the same effect a* the all* gallons of his answer, which have been outlined a -ov*. Mr. Cunningham. In 111* j tion, entered into an exhaustive disc'usslon with the witness of the various changer which the trust r* ate had under gone. to which questions the wlt j ner* returned read) answers. He re i iterated hi* belief that his i mother was In falling health, and that she could not anl did not un I* r-i ind what she was charging In (lie alb gallons made in the |M*tltW>n. In reply to this Mr Cunningham offered in evidence an offldavit of his own. in which It was recited that he had gone on to Philadelphia at the instance of the l lalntlff arid had there had it conversa tion of two hours with her lie had ex plained the i*eitt|.n to her at length uni iu detail and she had signed It In his presence. Prom the Impression gieanel hom this interview Mr Cunningham swore that Mrs Champion appeared to le In full imasesslon of her mental faculties and thoroughly understood what she was | doing Mr Adams Insisted upon the rending of i letter from Messrs A- Cunning ham to the pi tintiff. In answer to one from her In which she stated that she j was not In a position to pay a retaining I fee for their services. This letter of coun *el showed that their fee was contingent upon victory. j Judge Kailigant. at the conclusion of the evidence, mnounred that he would post pone the arguments until this morning, when they will be made Bo far as the main i*oint at Issue Is concerned Its de ‘ termination geems to Involve only the I question of veracity between Mr. Cham pion and his mother, or her present abll I Ity to understand what she |* doing Th. ! nppllcatlon at present ma le to the court |I- for a temporary Injunction restrain ing the alienation of the property In s. uthvHie. and for the appointment of a receiver The beet that mone\ can buy should be your aim in choosing a medicine, and this Is Hood s Sarsaparilla It cures when others fail —ad For Over Fifty Years. Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup la* been ued for children teething It soothes the ! child eofiens the gums, allays all tan cures wind colic, aid is the le-t rmely for Diarrhoaa Twenty-live cent* a bottle, —ad. Paulding's Pippin Cider. This celebrated pure, apple juice elder made in Long Island, can be had In pint or quart bottles, derect from the manufao* turera. with their own stamp, at lAppman Mrcm., Druggist*, Bavannah, Ga -a > |.*,thm> FOB DKLAAING FUNCHAL. Mrs. I,owe of 4 liarlealoa Rntng Htail wr f*r That Amount. The f’harlescon and Bavannah Railway has a rather unusual suit on lta hands Mrs Julia M Love wants $5,000 damages for delaying the funeral of her husband Mrs Love was the wife of Charles H. Love, who died In Charleston. July *2O. 1 SW. After the body had been prepared for burial It Is alleged tnat it was removed to tne Charleston an*) Savannah depot at *'harleaton. and that Mrs. Love purchased for tt a first-class ticket to Savannah, where the body was to be buried It is claimed that the casket was placed in the baggage car of the Charleston and Savan nah Railroad’s train for conveyance to Savannah, but was removed from the car i short time before the train was sched uled to d*|Hrt. Mrs. Love alleges that •his was don** by the railroad company - tirelessly, and that she was forced to remain with the body for another train The railroad alleges that the certificate . f death showed that the patient had died of typhoid fever. an#l that the body was held because there was no aecotnfwinytng |.. rmit to allow It to be taken into the * ity of Savannah, as required by law The railroad company wired to Hovannan for the peimit and the answer states that the body was moved as soon as this permit was grunted. First District Republicans. The Republican* of the Firat Militia District met nt the Duffy Street Hull last night and in*fursel McKinley and Roose velt. I,ak#*n on#l Blun. Speeches were made by W E Moore of Guyton. Col lector Deveatxx, L. M Pleasant*. Simmons and otners. W. D. Armstrong was chair man. Death f TlioniNß (>'( nnnrll. Thomas K. O’Connell, only son of Mr. und Mrs Thomas O'Connell, dlel at the family reaslence. No. 4**® Third street. at R o'clock yesterday morning The a! had ben ill with diphtheria for about a w#ek He wo* <> yearn old and a bright and promising boy. FO¥D A K 4 KATKIN. Ilolnr#iß Firm Announced to the nnnnnli Public. The new firm of Foye A Eckstein is an nounced this morning It Is compose 1 of Mr Peter T. Foye and Mr Kmi!e Ecks tein. two of the b***t known vnd most ag gresaive of the younger huslnes men of the city. Both have had l#*ng experience In th*iry good* business and are familiar with ils every detail. The new firm makes n strong c#*n#M\ a tlon. It will do business In the lar.e foiir-atory building at Broughton and Bar nard streets occupied nr Mr. Foye with in entirely now eto k of goods and huvt g every facility for god service aid every modern convenlen#'e. It Is hardly necessary for th* new firm to ask th#* patronage of he Savannah puhlb Their combined reputation as th# purveyors of everything desirable In th** lin#* of dress and the evident fact of u large stock of new gst*|* whi h they are determine#) tc dis|a>se of will he sure to make business lively in their vlcinty. The announcement of the firm will doubtless l*e a surprise to many reader* of the Morning News, but it will hardL be denied that the combination Is a strong one. Both gentlemen have miy friend* who wll take pleasure in wishing the new firm a most pros{#erous career. 4 n It fornin Halslns. Messrs M Fersts* Sons A Cos. announce the arrival of their first shipment of Fall fornix rat*in*—lfrn pack. The shlpmen* onslst* of 4 crown fancy clusters. 3 crown London layers In boxes, half boxes and quarters l#oxe*. Abo 1-pound cartoons fancy seeded and .1 crown loos* Musca tel*. Thousands or Itchy People Have been cured quickly by Tetter)ne If cures any form of skin disease Mrs. M. E. Latlnner, Biloxi. Miss . had an itchy bnxking out on her skin. She sands $. for two tons peqMld to tha manufac turer. J. T. flhuri trine. Savannah. Oa., and writes. "Tetterine Is the only thing that gtv*s me reli*f." Send fit! cents in stamp* for a box if your druggist doesn't keen tl.—ad. *ttu#l> While lon AA ork. Through one of the ten free scholarship* In The International Correspondence Schools of fleranton. Pa., which the Morn ing News will present to you If you secure one of the ten largest numbua of vote* hy Nov. 20. IW*). you can k*#*p on eirnlng a living at y#>ur present work, and at the snmt Umc. by study at home in time usuady devoted to recreation or r*et. fit yourself for a professional position at a g***#l salary*. A’ou can easily become one of the win ners of this contest, by devoting your at tention to collecting Voting Coupons and keeping at It No one has a belter chance than you. Get every vote you can. and have all your friends save th# irs for you. At L*flir*. 4R Bull Nl reel. "The M *stcr Christian," Correlb's latest. "A Furnace of Earth, by Miss Halite Ermlnle Rives. "The Cardinal's Snuff-box." "Unleavened Bread." "The Voice of the People." "Th#* Brass Bottle." "Richard Carvel." "To H vo and to Hold.’* "Red Pottage." "Across the Chasm " k "Found In the Philippine*," hy King Janice Meredith "When Knighthood was in Flower." ••The Gentleman from Indiana." "The Gadfly." "The Maroon"of the Lady Letty." "The J a seamy Bride.’*—-ad. -If Cured Me." broke up rheumatism on me." saya Mr Chas Thomas, tha Jew el# r on Whitaker at reel. "And put me In better neulth than I ha vs enjoyed lo a long time." Take Oraybeard PlUa for that dlssy feeling—lxat appetite, and follow ft up with a bottle of Greybeard. It la all you need. Rtapaaa Drug Cos., sole propa„ Bavannah. Go-—ad. A lleliciun# *4fni|r. The Herbert Bpencer la an elegant cigar ami is truly a delightful enjoyment to ! tnnale the fumes of this fine tobacco; It la evbilarallng and delicious. Bee that the name of Herbert Bpencer la on . very wrapper of every cigar, with- j out Which none are genuine The Herbert Bpencer cigars are only sold by the box of 50 Conchas at $3.50, and Perfect*?#. $4 SO at Uppman Bros., whole sale druggists Barnard and Congrats atresta. of this city -td. "Orwvhewrd Is a family medicine with ut." sad a prcmlnmt business man yes te;aav "My wife taxes it, and X nutlet atv enjoying betai h*aiih tiian for yeara The children keep wGI by taking !L ' Gra>b*ard rr§y be obtained at al dnia atcraa or writ# to us for It Respaaa Drug Cos. sole pr pa Sararnah. da. -ad. A High-Grade Institution for Ladles- Bhorter College. Rome, G*. Write for catalogue.—ad. Let us put your range in condi tion before cold weather sets in. Our men can do the work better when they have plenty of time, and cold weath er brings a rush. If you need a new range or a new stove you will find our dis play a very per sistent appel lant for your at tention. Come to see us to-day WM k It M I..ATTIM HE > WEST ’ CON*. K ' ru i V * CALIFORNIA RAISINS Carload California Rais ins, first shipment from California coast. 1900 PACK. Arrived and ready for de livery to-day. Consists 4-Crown Fancy Clusters. 3-Crown London Layers. Boxes, halt boxes and quarter boxes. I-lb. cartoons fancy Seeded. 3-Crow n Loose Muscatels. I M’S SB S (1 Hu y an#l A\hltiik*r Mre*ta. I {{'t rrfCTficXltC Cci Faii|ii*ir> lliMir*. , have he. n laid In many of | th# coinfortabl. home- In k j New York. Boston and thcr cities. More cleanly J j and economical than car i pets. Plain and fancy i floors laid and polished j I complete over >l*l ffoora. 1 making a solid and b#au | tlful Improvement. Cat alogue on request. Es- I timaies sent on receipt! jof measures of rooms. J Having ti numh**r #if floors l to lay in Bavannah this,’ I month we can quote doe# figures. J M APA MS. 1527 N. Cburlx* Street, R.iltlmort, Md. LOADFI) AND EMPTY SHELLS. AnnUNITION. CANVAS HUNTING GOODS. GUNS. RIFLES AND REVOLVERS. EDWARD LOVELL’S SONS. 113 Broughton strect. Weet. AMiiacmcm g/% V/r T ti R Two p*rformnc**— Bwturluy Mutir.t* and Sight. <* t. 27. Th* OrMtMM of a!l Oraat Romance, Anthony Hope'* MaiiM*plc©, “THE PRISONER OF ZENDA." The Daniel Frohman production. .Com plete in Iti m**nlftcnt enelrey. Scat* or. salt Wedneeday. Price* Nitht. Orcheatra. CIO and R'. Dalcony. TS- and toe: Gallery. Me. Mati nee. Orcheatra. 75e; Balcony, 50c; Gallery, *Sc. OLD NEWSPAPERS. 500 for 25 ceala, at ffiuslneaa Office Morutac New*,