The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 26, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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D 0 not AGREE WITH CANDLER. MILITARY MR* ARK *OT PLEASED M ITII UUVOMMT IUMUUB. Gmrrnor'i 4 ompllmentnry Hf. marks Lbitil Ihr Military >ot Knl. lowed I |> by o lirraloamrudnllnn lur a snhsianilnl Appropriation. T |r saving That Mas Horn Going. „„ oat ol thr Military Approprla- Not Pleasing to the Troops. ( ritlr Isaia Ip on tho Policy—home uDrrrs lo *< Agree With thr t.orrraor as to Rnrajupmrata—A sop mr Cal. Obrar. *n.r portion of Oov. Allrn D. Candler's m ( r+*i:c relating to thr Georgia State Trei<; - flllrd fra of thr Savannah ofncrri pj.d man with unqualified delight. Some officers with whom thr matter i and mussed said they did not car to bo plare-1 in the position of criticising their mpertor officer, thr commander-ln-chlef a mr state forces, and they would not. therefore. enter as deeply e* they othcr m,,„ might. into thr exposition of thom features of the message that they did not And altogether pleasing. Or.e officer made no such reservation, jle said he though! the Governor's rec etr.tnrndatlons to the Legmiaturo were such as to remove the incentive for hard and conscientious labor for Iho upbuild ing and perfection of the Georgia State Truope Greater generosity should, he lays, h displayed, and the unwise and un , eas.iry hoarding of appropriations that # nouiuna'' ueen expended during the years for which they Were made was roundly condemned. 1 see there was a balance of 112.0011 from 118* and one of *7.00n from the a|>- prufe iitton for the present year. Now that means $19,000 has been saved up from the oprpoprlatlor, made Vy the Leg islature for uxpendlture upon the ante fotMA and suroly there were ways enough In which the money might have been spent and the service greatly im proved. But, no. that could no* be done. Instead, the troops must be denied uiose things that were necessary for their piafsr equipment and their elevation to a high plane of efficiency 1n order this the motley might lie saved and tne Gov. ernor . cabled to ,how that he has $19.- MO on hand and Ihot, therfore. he would reroenmersl thot rhe Legislature make no appopeiHtlon for the troop- sen yea r Now Isn't that a nice evidence of rhe ap preciation of the powers of the service* of the military? "The Governor began his references to the military with the rubbing on of a <er> . heap article of soft soap, following the application with the nullifying In fluence of that recommends'lon Ihut there he no appropriation made. If the troops are and have been all he Indicates in his eery complimentary remarks, why did n. tsot try to have an appropriation made that, coupled with the money that should nave been . xpended In their maintenance during the last two years, would give a working fund which would confer great benefit upon the forces?" The Goveronr. said another officer and e not believe In encampment*. Without an - th* *tt* force* roqulrc for a year** . a provlrkl ~j* Hp * m an<l nol Fa | t< , j rtogn The oftl'-or di*njnv*s with tit* Governor r**ar*itnK th* benefit* fo he dartvel from encampment*, n* he think* there 1* noth* ln * po productive of dtactplfn* imonx tho iroop* nf* camp life. In*trtict!<4) In AN l movement* ami dutlep can be recur* <t th * r *\ n*J nowhere el*e. be said. m<t knowledge and practical training in Kuard duty n*i many other phu*e* of a soldier’* Itf* can be had in camp. The officer would like to pee an appropriation lor un i* impment made, hut he- does not think them Ip any chance for that, with th Governor opporing It. The paragraph of the mc*page relating •o 001. W. K Obear. Inspector general •rd recommending that the Left ta lure authorise the Governor to appoint him tfiraUer In recognition of his great pervtre* to the Ptate. was variously viewed. Rome do not believe that 00.. Obear Ip entitled to such promotion. The general opinion amoiut Ravannah offloTn Is that the tiovrrnor'n request to be al lowed to appoint him a brigadier ireneral prov* concluatvely that Col. Obear Is out of the running for the adjutancy general. The htigradiershlp 1* believed to be a *ort of onvntatlon prise rhe Governor wants to flvt the Inspector ireneral to make up for hi* appointment of a rival claimant. <*apt J. W. Robertson, to be adjutant ireneral It Is generally conceded that Robertson will be the man. OPENED AFT Fit TK> YEARS. Ir. E. H. Nlrhula Found n Collection of Valuable t arloeltle*. Dr. E. H. Nli-hflls had opened a day or two ago an old safe upon which the dual of more than a denude had collected. 1* wae the safe In which Dr. Nichole had kept the products of hie seal ns a coile'. tor. during the time in which he was afflicted In that way. ard when It was opened there was a nni'ey. though valu able array of articles - -entel (or Ills Inspection. a Ten years ago Dr. ols distributed Ms belonging* In three i, all of which worked with combined . and took a trip throuah the North He mole an effort to keep all of the combinations In his hesd nd spent a few minutes each day trying to *et them straight. He thought he had b-en euecessful until he came hack to So vinnah and tried 10 get to his valuables, when he found thut he had so confused ’•“>e three combinations that he could not nmember any one of them In Its entirely. The safes remained cloned, the doctor transfering his affections anil whatever he wished 10 preserve against the thieves •hat ■ onto in Ihe night to another strong U>* A week ago there same to the city two s fe experts and these I)r. Nichols Invited have a try ist the safes he had not been himself able to open. They attacked ' e rates in the middle of a hot morning at I • merged, two hours after, hoi. tired, fe king with perspiration, but altogether hiumphant. They heal opened them all. In one of the safes Dr. Nichols found • < ollectlon of old Jewelry, the possession 81 which he had forgotten. There were many pieces of rare currency. In c'sling a gold flfty-cent piece Issued by •be stale of California A box of stamps. • mtlquc uge and very rare, was also *ev ng the treasures disclosed by the Ok i ing of the safe. The owner of the safe bin -elf „* surprised to learn how much ’• “t-taltied. the ownership of which he l-ad forgotten. Ml MO AT THE TO MO CHICHI. flrM Cntertalnment of the Winter Sen stilt at the dull House. Th first of the Tomoehiehl Cluh'a series e! winter gatherings for Its members, •'■’k place at the club house last nlghl. ' was a musical evening, the muslr for occasion being furnished by Rosen •' ■ 1 • orchestra. } rr,m *•:*> to It o'clock, the club rooms ' r - ’hronged by members, who. In ron *7-atton and In listening to the very ex ," M iwcgramme. furnished by the or ' "•’fa. passed a very enjoyable evening, •■'numbers rendered were greeted with I'Watls* and Ih* orchestra was compelletl . '’'"bond to a number of encores, thus “'Rising the length of the programme r ' materially and adding to Us enjuy “*nt very perceptibly. fair \tteftthcr:^gg| 1 j ' products of the best bakers are so* '*iy j j Soda Biscuit, Milk Biscuit, Butte jl IV I I Crackers, Saltines, Banquet Wufera fi |\ 1 Sultana Fruit, Graham Biscuit, HI 1 A Sea Foam, Oatmeal Biscuit, JJ J J HOW RAHHKH* Tit MEET. Will Take M-p to Pnt n Mop tn *nnlay tharln*. The boas barbers who have been ©bey- In* the law requiiini; them to keep thlr places closed on Sunday, will hod a meet ing to-night for the purpose of liking In to consideration the violation of the law by some of the l>urber*hopt* of the city. It Ip proposed to take steps to put a *t p to the violation as the barbem generally, both bosses and Journeymen, favor the en forcement of the law A leading barber, in spiking of thn matter yesterday, s tld that he and nthr* had been observing th* taw and pre ferred to continue doinc so. It gives th*- bur her. both boon and Journeyman, a full Runday off Unless the law Is enforced, he said, all the shops will be forced to and business on Sunday a> many customer* will naturally neglect shaving on Bitur d.y night if they know the h >ps will be open Rtindsv morning. t’p to the time of the McDonough ad ministration there was a Hty ordinance P*r mining th- barber t*h'rw to remain open until 11 o'clock. The ordinance w;i* repealed under Mayor Mol>onotitrh. how ever. There some kicking it flrrt. but the masculine public soon fell Into the custom of patronising the barbershops on Saturday night. It is a noteworthy fact that thA saloons, against which the Sun day crusade was chiefly directed* have been <iong business on Runday steidlly for the last several years while the com paratively inoffensive barbershop# have remained closed. The barber who was the Morning Nears Informant, however, was under the Im pression that the cloning of the shopa Is rctila*ed by state law and not city ordi nance. Borne of the barber* who resist ed the order to cloee during the McDon ough administration, he aald. were place-1 upon the docket and then turned over to the City Court where the matter w.a Anally dropped on their agreeing to keep closed on Buoday*. The barbel* who arc Interested In th* meeting to t* held to night. do not desire to keep their pla vm open on Sunday and propose to tk** mea sures to see that other shops keep cloaoi also. It tl.l. nv LIVE OAK. W ill Ite (liven W ednesday Might and In an Assured Hurceaa. Preparations for the ball to be given by Live Oak Lodge of Ouw Fellows Wednes day night ot the Knights of Pylhias Hall, have been going forward rapidly and smoothly. The tickets, which will admit a gentleman and ladies to the hall room, bear the privileges of refreshments also. They were got out only a day or two ago. but have already been sold In suffi cient numbers to assure tbe members of the lodge a goal attendance. Rosenfebt'a Orchestra has been engaged and will fur nish the music for the occasion. The object of Ihe bill Is to secure funds with which to buy paraphernalia for the work of the lodge. CITY IIHF.VITIES. At Isle of Hope Wednesday night. Mr. George Belde. while handling a pistol, re ceived a wound In his hand from the bul let The wound was not of a serious na ture. The Chatham Artillery gave the first dsnee of a series that will be given monthly to the members of the company and their lady friends, at Armory Hall Ins! nlghl There will be a meeting of Ihe King's Daughters' I'nlon this afternoon at 4 o'clock. In the Sunday School mom of the Independent Preibv terlan Church. Mai lers In relation to Ihe Elks' Carnival are lo be dlecussed. The first social of the eeason at the Young Men's Christian Association will tie given at Ihe association hall to-night by the Chtlst Church Chapter of the Brotherhood of St Andrew. An entertain ing programme of music and recitations has been arranged for the occasion, and ■rill be followed by rrfreshmr nls. A bicycle accident that resulted In the wreck of one wheel and gave both riders a tumble occurred at Bull street and Oglethorpe avenue yesterday morning. The two wheeis were close together side by side, when one of the riders, looking to the rear to call out to someone. Inadvertent ly ran his pedal Into the front wheel of ihe other machine, ripping a number of the spoke* out and tumbling wli-el* and rulers In a heap Only the whelt were damaged. Dancing Class open. The class of Ihe Savannah Dancing Academy will open to-night at Masonic Hall Mr. Jack Black will be In charge, and throughout Ihe season will Instruct the academy pupils. One hour, that from 9 to lo o'clock, will be devoted to his pupils by Mr Black on Tuesday and Friday night* The music will h* fur nished by Rosenfe'd's Orchestra Masonic Hall ha* always been popular with detu-er*. and tt la expected that the acuA emy will have s very successful career. Death of tiles Eddie Williams. Miss Eddie C. William* of Savannah died night before last In Morlln. Tex., af ttr an Illness of four weeks from typhoid fever. The funeral and Interment took place In Marlin yesterday. The remain* will be brought to Savannah later for per msnrnt burial. Miss Williams went to Texas about a year ago to visit relatives. She was about years old. and was o daughter of the late E. T. Williams, and a niece of Judge W. U. Fleming of this city. At Charles Murks' See the window display of text books and drawing outfits to be given away by tbe Morning News in Its educational con test. at Chaa. Mirks' shoe store, 17 ■Broughton street, west. r J HE MORNING NEWS: Ml DAY, OCTOBER 2d, 1900. SPAC E MKAHIaY %l.l* TAKER. People Him Hold Prtvllegea at the Flltn Carnival. The privilege Committee of the Elks’ Carnival have almost completed Its sale I of space* for display to merchants who I will have exhibits prepared for the cdl fication and entertainment of the Cut ni val vlartor* Among those who have se cured space* are the following: Messrs. Sam'Roeis. C. E. G. Fell. Churl** la. Moggioni. William Taylor. l\ T. Foye, Lf*<* Hoy Myers A 00.. Green A Cos., G. Eckstein A Cos.. M. Dreyfus. Hugh Logan. L. Adler, FkHschmun A Cos.. H H Levy, Ac Bro. t Neal. Millard Ar Cos.. Ifastam At Cos.. Cohen. Kulman At Cos.. A. Leffler. O. IMrUcussohn At Cos.. N. Bchuts**. A C. Oekchlg. Rift Gardner, Mark Appel. N Frierson. J. W. Teepl*-. Llppmun Brothers, J D. Weed At R. A. Ilemer. J M. Dixon At Cos , George Myers. Joseph McGovern, G. Fan tint, Geil A Quint. Byck Brother:' I-Tank 11. A Peeples At c*o.. Moise A Cos., and Sloate's Bitters. Wesson Process Co.,Geor gia Brewery. Plant System. Pixie OU Cos.. New' Home Hewing Machine Cos.. Savannah Building and Supply Cos.. Krouskoff Millinery' Cos.. Suwanee Springs i Cos.. Globe Shoe Cos.. Sulphur J tfprtngrs Cos., Savannah Brewing Cos., Met i ropolltan Clothing Cos.. Folk Clothing Cos.. Anheusser Busch Brewing Association, Dr. J. I>. Prosser, Miss JoUu* E White. A DAY AT THE IIAHRACKI. I'rlsoners Sent In on Varlnti Charge*. James Thomas and Charles Willlums, I two young white boys, were sent to the barracks yesterday charged by Capt. F iG. Htrachan with stealing a boat. Frank Houston, colored, charged by Bippho Mongin, colored, with the theft of some of her goods was also sent In. 'The arrest wax made by Patrolman Broom. I Late last night John Carr, was taken In by l*atrolman Lange. The officer had | been summoned to Liberty and Kos* Boundary streets by a telephone call stat [ i:g that a disturbance was gotng on in I that neighborhood. When he reached th* scene, he found that Carr was responsible for the rumpus and arrested him and started to walk him to the barracks. Carr wen? quietly for a part of the way. but at the foot of Oglethorpe avenue resisted the officer and also assaulted him. The liatrol wagon was sent for before the man could be got In. Epworth League The Epworth league of Seventh fit reel Methodist Church will give a most unique and varied entertainment, under the au spices of the Literary and B<* lal depart ment of the league to-nlghi at the < hurch The third vice president has prepared a programme for the occasion which will afford much pleasure and profit to the young people. Dryfus* New ttorr, M. Dryfus has put the finishing louche* on hi* new store on Broughton street and his doors are thrown open for his pit runs Mr. Dryfus did a thriving business on Congress street, but found thit he need ed larger quarters and us soon as o;Hor tuntty presented got on Broughton street. Before leaving Congress Mr. Dryfus ran his stork down In order that when he re moved to hts new place he would have an out-and-out new line all uround And so he has Hl* line of clothing Is largely Increased and customer* find lhal every garment h up-to-date, well made and of the most stylish patterns. Vlrunas ore running heavy In both suitings anti over coating*. The stylish short coal* prevail, and they are shown 111 every pattern ot Dryfus. Also the new and nobby Banian* The tirsl floor Is devoted to suits and over coats. both youths and men's. It I* doubt ful If a more uniformly sell made and at tractive line of clothing ha* been shown In Savannah. The clothe* were made by expert makers, for Mr Dryfu*' trad. Inspections of Ihe handsome line will prove this lo customers. On the first floor Is also shown the nobbiest line of neck wear this house has ever carried. A special effort haw been made to gather the hest patterns, and the most generally worn goods. The extreme style* are car ried. of course. But they embrace the choicest thing*. A special line of fall and winter underwear hie Just been onene.l up Stiff front shirt* are shown In almost endless variety. All the prevailing colors and patterns are carried, and In both pop ular and fancy price* In hats, the popular Nasrlmento hat. handled exclusively by Mr. Drylus. Is shown In lh fall styles. In both black and brown An elegant line of shoe* Is shown. The Banister being a popular first-’lass line and handles! only by Mr Dryfu*. In collar* and cuff* the K A W. Is car ried. In all the newest and latest styles. The Triangle and Twentieth Century brand I* a popular brand, and all the late styles are handled. The two first floors are devoted exclus ively lo clothing, men's furnishing*, shoe* and Hal*. An Immense reserve atock la carried on Ihe lasi floor The store has every modern appoint ment of a ftrst-class ewablndimcnt Three large plate glass display cases, with hand some copper frame*, arc displaying ware* on the sidewalk, while the windows have been enlarged, lowered and modernised The Inside fixtures are all new and hand some and give the Impression of progress and prosperity. School Supplies. Jus! received a liege and assorted sup ply of school bag* and school supplies; all at cut rates; from 10 cents up; also, usual large stock of all the school books, non used In Chatham county, at Estlll a News Depot, it Hull strset, fJsvannob, <ja.—ad. AT TUI THEATER* sale of *eat fc "Thr Christian" Opts* To-day. The rale of seats for The Christian" to be at the theafif next Monday and Tues day nights and it u Tuesday matin*** will i*gin this morrlng. "The Christian" has the merit, not ctmmon of late In plays. *>f leaving the characters strongly impr**ed on the mind. Tl* company presenting it embrace* fifty y**c'|e and two car loads of speclul scenery are carried for the pro duction. “The Prisoner of Zsnda" will l>c seen n two performant fs to-morrow matinee and night The play l* too well known here to need any description or comment The company this season Is said i> be the e<inal cf that for any former presentation, and the eenrr;. r*d costumes even more attractive than before. Th* following w*)l known plarers are prominent In the cast Vaughan Gl ier, Charlotte 1 ittell. Bjl>ert Contuse Helen Strickland. W L Buchanan. MoHon Daniels. Ocll < won, Willis Page. Lukf Conne*e. etc. Few (•>' for Hreorder. There were only a few cases board In the Recorder's Coart yerteeday and none of a serious natune. Robert White, coi ored, arrested th day before by X*teo- Hves Murphy find She** on the ctiarge of breaking Into un*. robbing th*- offi •• of the WllUnk Marin? Hallway fn Hutoh'n son’s Island, had hi* cam c*mtimed lAm -of the stolen article*, which had l>een t.ik* n t> tb<* bfrra:ks. were got yestentay by Mr. Wlllirk. lcual none lea. IN the Dlatrlci Oourt of ih- I'nlteJ Blau* for ih.' Rwtmi Dlvlitoo "f the Southrrn of <teor:l Notme cf Applliutton for L*—'hargr In *hr intMtM of John D County of '"hathant. 'n H mkruptcy To th" ' “rv.ll tors of the Abovf-iiimwl Bankrupt: You are hereby notltlr.l that the ahov-- nnroed banknipt hae flt- hi* apf>lt M.wi for „ fflwharK" from ml the debt* prov able tn bankruptcy nlnet *al.t John P. fßeild The Miid t.|rtt.-a*ln wttl tie bear.! by the Hon Khnory H|"r, pidae of tne I'nltinJ State* IMMrtot t'oiirt. for **!.! dle trlcf ami ffivtelon. at the I'ntled Stale* Court Hou*e. In llnree. Ga on the 6th .lay of November, taoo. a* 10 o'otock, . tn Alt credttore of eald liankrupt are noti fied to tipioar at the time amt place Muted, and ehow cau*e. If any they '-an. why the prayer container! In the eakl pe tition xhoud no* be granted. Tkite.! tn Suvaimeh. Ga.. this 26th clay of October. 1900 H H KING. Clerk. NOTICE of the Flret Meotln* of Cred itor*. In the District Court of the United Slate*, for the Eastern Division of the Southern Ditrtct of Georgia, in Itank rt|lcy. In Ih" matter of W B. Fenton, bankrupt. In bankruptcy. To the credit or* of W. 11. Fenton, of Wayeros*. In the county of Ware, un.l illatrlrt iiforenald, a bankrupt Notice |* hereby xlven that on the ad day of October A, D. I*oo. ,h" sad W. B. Fenton eru* duly adjudicated binkrupt, and that the first meeting of hi* creditor* will be held at Brunswick, in Glynn county, on the 3d day of Novem ber. A. D. I*oo. at JO o'clock In the fore noon. a* which time the wild creditors may attend, prove their elalms. appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and trans act such other business na may properly come before said meetlnir A J CROVATT. Beferee In Bankruptcy. Dat'd at Brunswick. Ga . this the 23d day of October. 1900 NOTICE TO DERTORS AND CRED ITORS GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY— Notice I* hereby given In all person* hiv ing demand* against Florence Vernon Woodbrtdgc. lute of sold county, deceased, to present them to ue. properly made out. within the time prescribed by law so os to ehow their character and amount: an I all person* IndeHed to said deceased ore required to make Immediate |>ivmrnl to u*. MARY ANNA HABERSHAM Executrix. CLIFFORD A HTILKH. Executor. Savannah. Ob, Orl St, MM STATE OF GEOROLL CHATHAM county —Notice Is hereby given that I will apply to the* Honorable Robert Fal llgtinl Judge of the Superior Court of the Eastern Judicial Circuit, at Chambers nt Savannah, Ga.. on Saturday. Nov 10, 1900. at In o'clock a m lor an order to tell at private sale ihe three-fifths (3-5) un divided Interest of J II W Henkn, An nie Henken anil Gertrud* H"nken In that certain lot of land at Thunderbolt, or War saw. Georgia, bounded on the north by Warsaw river, on the south by a street, on the east by lo< belonging to M J Des verger* and on the west by a lot of land belonging to Heiry Ambos, the erne be ing rectangular In width, having a front age on the river of 60 feel ami a rectan gular depth of 30) feet. It being a portion of the Tobla* Turner tract of lard I de sire to sell this ami because the kind Is unproductive and the Income therefrom uncertain and It will be sold for the pur pose of reinvesting the proceed* of tho OEHCHE HENKEN. Guardian of J. li. W Henken, Annie C. Henken and Getrude Henken. Oct 11. 10 GEORGIA. h IATHAM COUNTY Rosa Lloyd ha* Ipplled to the Court of Ordinary for a twelve month*' support for herself out of the estate of Ibnjamln I ,Appral*er I return* allowing irh These are. therilore, to cite all whom It may concern to before said court to make objection on or ladore the first Monday In Novdnher, next, otherwise same will be grarled. Witness, the Hsnorable Hampton L Ferrlll. Ordinary for Chatham county. tMx Uo Uth day M October. I*o miAf* E KEILBACH. *;*rk Cl. 0., C. G. Ga. CLASSIFIED AUVEKHSEMENTS. PKHSOSLk. *'"To"T'7r'vot to c." is THE yt'KS tlou by these durk l*n evenlnss wbeth cr HcKlnky or will g t in—can Im better seen, with a g*l pair of aimc ta le that will ' ear the vlaloti urxl make print plain anil Sl*tln*t, an*l thus take away ihenti olri i-auiavl by iiratn- Ing tho y Vloton Imfinivni 01 ihjl i cant chargeti for m\ yotbful-look-giving eyKgla**-.'9 and xpertacl** Feg*-, 21 Ka>t BrtHjghton, Hair. Jewelry aiul Bhav- Uig Supply House. Cash given for uIU aiui tlv | CKMFNT BIDFWALKB. ARTIFIPIAL pur*- cement co|atig for fencing, fuar f**e? long. 14 lnrltea high niul uln* In* he* tbh'k; sidewalk ctm-iit, bio* Km. \.tru*\i color*, i>< ragon and hexagonal; good work and reinotiahle prlct*. *fen to Mct**>r. J I! Kollll, M. J. Bolomonx. Wil liam Keho** and othtrv. Rhop. AVhltaker and li*t Ntrcet*. Charles llohb*. Wt Roberta etrect. MOBFIUNi:. OPIfM. LAI* DAN l*M Cixulnc habit, myself iure*l; w.U Inform you of h irmlera, permanent home cur*.. Mary B. Baldwin, Box 1212. Chicago “"OIL HEATERS. WOOD HEATER, cool h**at r. tank stove* and range*. Re liable giou C. IV Miller, agent HOW A BO ITT YOUR WINTER clothing'’ let u* put It 111 etutp' . $. pel month. Bterllng Pressing Olub, 19 York, w ADVERTIHEAIENTB SET IN CAP ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN FLAB sil lED ADVERTISEMENT COM MN FOR TWO CKNTB A WORD No AD VBWTTSKMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 90C. IS YOl'K IRON SAKE FIRK PROOF? RdfTal A Freeman have a tadding offer of $1.(00 for every eafe of their make that do** not praeerv* it* c>ntente (*ne <f* wik In burning dehrli IIS hour* When taken out the ho**< had to he turned on It When oi-enad. not a page wa* dl*eol ored. not u record not a dollar de troved If yeu want * • uitiy. buy a HtifTe) A Freeman *af* C. P. Miller, agent. YOF WILL LIKE THE MILK FROM Springfield Dairy. It’s rich ami pure; try It. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. MAT tre**e* renovated. Antique furniture re pnltfthcd. furniture packed and whipped In t e*t manner Rend me your order*. C P. Miller, agent OAMELIA JAPONTCAS AND AZALIAS price, $1 no ami upward, direct Import*- flow through Savannah Custom House, hy A C Oelschlg. nureiiry. opposite (jolf Link* Phone. 49t'. il*o Hymdnths. Nar r4ae*t, Fresla* and Idlle*. Plant now J. Gardner, agent, caro E. Moyle, 10 Brough ton street, east. IF ITB IUTG9 TOU WANT. TOU CAN •eel them cheaper from McGlllts. HOW ABGt’T Torn WfNTmi clothlnit? lot us put It in rhnp-: 11 per month, hicrling l*r*'**ln* Club. 19 York, w. "SPECIAL. AN UNUMITBD 81TPPLT of ntca willow rockers; ladies’ atse, at $2. J. W. Traple. I AM NOW LOCATED AT 414 WEST Br-'iiKhton; rln* up 11*6 tf you warn to have your fumttura m.V"d or packed for vhlpmeni or storige. 1 gnarantr.. prne* the same a* I do the work that'* given to me. A S. Urtfftn. 414 IlrniHthton street, west; mattresses made to order MILLER'S STOVES AND KANOF.B ytva eatlsfactlon The Magnetic. Eoono rilst. U'aldorf, King, and other good makes at reasonable prices. Ml Brough ton. west. K KNBINOTON FA RM MILK iA'tTN surpusaed for richness; delivery la per fect; phone. 2346. Sse MILLER FOR OFFICE DI SKS office tables, off! * matting, office shade*. 207 Broughton, west WHEN YOIT HBF, M'OtLLIB' StXTT inch 99-cent rugs, you will buy (Item. Just can't help It; will sell tn any quan tity. "FT'RNITCUK MltVEI' WITH CARE." is a specialty with McGIHIs. “how aBO FT YOI'R W7STKR clothing? lei tie put It In shape; || p.. r month Sterling Dressing Club. 19 York, tv MILLERS NEW STYLES IN CAR pets, mattings, llnaleums, window shades, etc All work done in flret-clasa style. 307 Broughton, west. *M<ill.UF LACE Ct'RTATNS WILL beautify your imrlor. 1 WOT'LHN'T TAKE m.nm FOR THE BENEFIT DERIVED FROM GRAY HEARD. Ml.-dt NANNIE JONES, Ale LISON. N C" MADE ONLY nY HKS PBM DRUG OO . PROM M GILLIB IB CHEAP ON RT'as7NET9. late curtairw. lumitsrkv. water cooler*, pillow*, pictures, stoves, ledruom suits, and furniture of every drcrtpllon. “hEK THE JEWEL STOVES AND range* for sale hy J. W. Teepie; also agent for Insurance gasoline stove. |! 4H BUYS NICE RAFrAN ROCKERS while they last. Large assortment of rockers, dlvnna and easy chairs, C. P. Miller, agent 'KENSINGTON FARM IS ON AN elevation In the country, free from city drainage. Impossible for milk to become contaminated, by Impure odors; tf you want pure Jersey milk, phone 2345. De livery prompt: satisfaction guaranteed. M'OILLIS MOVES, PACKS. SHIPS and store* plant— and furniture; beet work only; no "Cheap-John" prices—no ''('heap. John" Jobe. 'GOLD FISH 1*26 tO ; CANARY BIRDS. 22 TO; ffsh food and grass; J. Gardner, agent. 114 Park avenue, east. |l.oo' FOR WOVEN WIRE COTS while they last. C. P. Miller, agent. "*2 50 FOR ART SQI'AltEd WHILE they last. Big assortment, all grades of art squares, ruga, mats, portieres. C. P. Miller, agent "m-gillis HELLS SIXTY-INCH RT’OS —Smyrna patterns—tor 90 cent*. ■advertisements set'in cap ITALS WILL HE PRINTED TN CI.AS KIFIEI* ADVERTISEMENT COLT’MN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN SBC. H6iBH.IL "cTilumTua^^^iT^T^ex'^^^Tgu W Randolph of Ht lula, is now at the Albemarle Hotal, curing the must In veterate stutterers In three days. Col. Wllle Junaa and many other* had hi* son* and nephew "ured Many arc com ing hundred* of mil**. He leave* Colum bia Nov t for Hovat.nah. Oa Write him wMh stamp He beat* the world. No bet ter HOW ARE YOUR FEET’ IF YOUR feet are troubling you. call on me and I will give you relkf; I cure Ingrowing nell*. com* and all dlear*s of Ihe feet without |*iln; charge* r< .vnaMt; can give the best reference* k> Ihe city; |- tlcnt* treated at residence*. orders run be left at Livingston's drug siore. Bull and Congress streets; telephone 298. Lem Davie, surgeon chlrnpotlst. IIKLP M A9THO-MAIA, WANTED. LICENSED PRUUGIHT TO take .barge business In good locality. M. L. 0.. care New* "BRICKLAYERS WANTED AT GAS tenia. N. C. Flynt Bulkltng and Construe lion Company. palebman wanted FOR Finn' Ida. Apply by letter to us with refer ence; good salary pud to the right man. Lippman Mroa . wholcmle drugglsia, Llpp. mm block. Hnvanrwih, Ga. WANTED ULUMIIERB. 11 80. BRICK layers, 13 mill machinist, flier, ha in merer, laundry machinist, washer. 135. board; baker*, tie Inspector, bookkeeper, commissary clerk. Huber. 317 West Day. Jacksonville. iiei.i* tv 11 ncn-uAi-K. WANTED A COMPETENT CARPET layer, for season, apply by letter Kohn, Furchgott A Oo , Ju. ksonvtlle, Kla, ' \\ ANTED AT GKt litu'ETtiWN I fe at once, tlrst-clasc wbtte brick layers, wage*. $t T*i |N-r day A'klrese. U. L. B. C. of A • li. Cos, Georgetown S C. "WANTED. A SALI 4MAN To" TAKE the sale of building, rooting and wrap ping papers, etc . as a side line, on com iiUssUm. for Saratmah and vicinity. Ad - drere C. H, Garrett A Son , No 3) South \l irshall sir. el, Plillad. Iphl.t MEN DR WOMEN ARE YOF OPT OK work, nr .to wish 4o beter your |Ti*. ent position? Investigate our plan: l- ily employment P to l< a Arid re se, Box 2t:a, Atlanta, Ga. ill. LP MlVltb-P'KMALK. HOTEL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 317 West Buy. Jacksonville, want.* help, all kinds, for Florida, Georgia, No> salt and Cuba, season I9rt-1901. Hen Huber for fur Iher Inf at mat ion wanted, an experienced oov atm -■ ratmble of la", htng the elementary branches and music, none Ciiln r ap ply Call .113 Og thor|*- avenue, east, be- Iwcen t and 3 o'cltsk p m iXHsOKKIt GIKI. WANTED AT AW Rolton. east WANTED. WOMAN To COOK AND tta.dt aiel Iron, at the Isle of Hope. Ad dle: - Thompson, title otll wanted capable girl for generai housework. k)3 Broughton atreei, • a I WANTED A WOMAN AS CHAM h- - mai<l and house servant. Apply at 121 Sixth struct, weal ADVERTISEMENTS SKT~ IN '"CAP ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN CL Vt 4 HI FI ED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FDR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VKHTJBEMKNT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN IOC AUt.VO WASTED. stoi'k at 22 1(1 per month; itatltesi batik references given; agents wanted tn Sa vannah Address. Ilex 256, Cripple Creek. Cut KHVIjOtUEtT WASTED. 'TDc^rr^TA?rTHctGTrrdr7u*STTioN > As stenographer, own.- machine Salary no object, W It H . this office “WANTED. POSITION AH LFMHER Inspector; can come well recommended. Address C. C. Harper. Peacock. Fla WANTED— mPAEnL-AABOgg. Tf IKlftt' Mtl-K. GET IT from Springfield Dairy, ll'a rich, purs and wholesome. “CASH PAID FOR GOOD second' hand oal racks 212 Wc-t Bay .street IF YOF WANT A PLACE TO DFMP earth, dirt, rand, manure, etc., free of charge. Just at e|cy limit*, hauling over hard road, write or telephone iltown Bros., corner Anderson anti Hart Broad streets. " advertisements" set IN CAP ITAI-S WILL HE PRINTED IN CIrAH SfFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LEWS THAN *OC Ft>n SKINT—HtHIMI. FOR RENT. ROOMS. FFIINIBHKD OR unfurnlshel. 106 IVrry stre-t. west "BRIGHT, PLEASANT lit KIM WITH or without board at 307 Charlton street. ridATH row MSHT. HAHKMKNT FIeAT OF THBEB room*. In *or*l with private fam ily, ail runvtnlw. to ikrir aM imani. Aiklremi Uicmrnl, New* of fkoo. FI>ATB. I’AllbOß AND ONE ABOVE unfunii*hf*l. thr**- room* #*cb. b Oorrtoti ouri. roit HElkY—HOl’kKkt FOB RENT, COMFORTABLE HOUSE, No 217 Wal<iburfc *trel, eaat. Ah*roorn and lincoln, Amt rtaim order and rondltlon; *vi*ry Kljrtit roil to rlffht tenant. E*(al Salomon Cohen, West Broad and liroughton *tre*t*. FOR RENT. DESIRABLE DWELLING with all modern lmprovem*n(; tn cood repair. 308 Jones, #a*t. Koll<x h A Hcrav en. RENT, 17 PUFFYBTREET. *a*t. po*fM*i*ion at onrr Apply Oeorge Id. Gnmianv. npnt. 16 lirynn street, east. TO” RENT. 221 AND 223 BOLTON strrrt, e*t; the* nm *o*l h4>u*e* and location nxcelk-nt Apply to C. A. Mr In ti r\ 4’f* Board of Tni lf iHiilding. run HKXT-STUItKS. KOn southwest corner Whitaker and Liberty streets. Ap ply 11 Liberty streat, west. •COM HE.H-MIHkUAItCUfI. for rent, corner Broughton and West Broad street*; formerly occupied by Iho Huvannah Carriage and Wagoti Cos. 11. F, Smart. AI)V ERtTHEM r. NTS SET IN CAP ITA I.H WILL ME PRINTED IN CLAA HIFIEI* APVKIITIHEMENT COLUMN FUR TWO TENTH A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN MC. FOR MALE—REAL F.VTATK. IN CaT ITAI.H WILL HE PRINTED IN CLAH ftIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO f'KNTB A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LE4W THAN JM' “two rroßf iooui in good coil dlllon. and under good rental Only tl.ntxi If onkl this weak. You man* A Demmond. ' FOR HALE, THOSE LOTH ON NINTH street, near East Broad, hare only beea sold to flrst-clasa parties. v*>o will mike good neighbors; and non* other can buy. The term* are very easy, and they are cheaper than any other tn the vicinity. C. H Dorset!. "FOR BALE. A LOT FOR TWO HUNL dred dollars; easy terms, on Ninth slmeg, near East Brand; no city taxation. C. It Dorsett. FOR BALETIoTB ON NINTH, NEAR East Broad, at KM each; will soon be advanced to 1296; when a lot has been paid for I can arrange to get a home bulß. C. H. Domett. rOR BALE. LOTH - ON NI NTH ITR EFT near East Brood; no city taxes, at 13* each; twenty-five dollars cash, and easy monthly poymanH. C. H. Dorsett. ' RF.BIDENCES AND BUILDINO !X>TS for tale all over the city. Robert H. Totem, real aetata dealer. No. 7 York street, west. FOR HALE OR RENT, (V.Ai-)tK farm with house and out buildings; in good condition. A|>piy 67* Htewarr street. ADVERTISEMENT*. HET IN' CAP ITALH WILL HE PRINTED IN CUAH HIFIED ADVERTIHEMKNT COLUMN FOR TWO r TINTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR I.BBH THAN C It when your favorite remedy falls, at 2Sc bottle added to a gill of honey makes a splendid mixture for Infants and children BENZOIN HALM. MAKES THE SKIN like velvet, for sale by druggist or at Hen ry and Abe ream. Parses Drug Stores, Whitaker and Taylor streets. VUH lAIA-aikiKLUJIKOUA FOR HALF. ABOUT ( acre* of icrowlng hay on Poplar Oraft plit4ifatk>n. Mhoiit on- ml.** from < tty iimllH on th* White Bluff taul, Afiply to I*awrtoti A (’unnlonhjm, FOR RALE. HALF INTEREST IN A N*r(h Carolina summer r*ori. 8., car* bavaniMih Nrw*. FOR BALE. NIUE BENCHES FOR *ho* store*; al*o two largo ld*walk dis play ca*et* M Dryfu*. 111 Br.Mj|(htoi street, west. TURPENTINE LOCATION FOB Mk, 18 cropN rtrt year Imxes; 12.0d> t % ro* round tlmtwr. at $1 fid per acre, % per thoiir.ind lxxe* fur loased timber; pi* tty of timber to I* l Kot; in five mil** of rail* road, will fflvt* po**ea*k>n now' ur at end of >*'d -on Addraa Round Timber, a*a Moridns New*. FIRE PROOF HAUER WE CARRY A Ann line *>f fire proof *nf< * in ate* k *• ill tim 1 Th*' i*r(iM ■ n *e** exactly arha’ they ar* Our prior© are a* low a* nMMiufarturer* *• H it with freight ad<l - I*urile* Intel* ♦ who wish a goo| Art* proof **•• wMI d.t well to inspect our *to* k Lippfnnn Bros., Lippman block, agent*i f*r ni inufa turer*. BURINGFIELD DAIRY !8 NOTED f>r liavlni; rich, pure milk; try It; you will 1h t Ip*2*d A1 >VHRTI HE M K NTH BET IN CAP ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN ULArf HI FI El A IV! KTIBI :MFN’T UOLUMN r "B WO C ENTS A WORD N< AD veut!Bi:mwnt taken for t.ih THAN JOC. LOST A3TV4 rOCYD. FOUND BROWN IIORHE. LEFT Im>4l foot wlilttv Own* i can have same l*\ |>aytng 6Jtptn*ei>. Apply to J. T. Mon ahan, 315 J*ffer?*on street PIUKWD UP THUS MORNING ON Dak* avenue, child'* red reefer or pack. Call, pay for thl*. M. J lioyle 111 CHA3KTB9. Tn iIkIT ITALH WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAJt- HIPIED At>VBRTIBKMKNT COLUMN KOK TWO CENTH \ WORD NO AD VKRTIHKYfENT TAKEN FOR LS2OB THAN 30C. pi.t’imißOa MODERN PLUMBING IT WILL BE to your interest to let me give you an as timata on your plumbing, new or old work; repair work a specialty, aa I am a practical plumber. No *ue* work to endanger your life. Wlggln*. plum* W. Georgia ar H**H NIHLLUNRRVI. ADV IMtTIHEM KNTB RET IN CAP -ITALO W ILL HE PRINTED IN ClOJh HIPPED ADVEKTIREMENT COLUMN UOR TWO CENTH A WORD NO AD VERTLSEMENT TAKEN FOR LEAS THAN 30C WK GIVE YOU EITHER DOMERTIC or aloe* flnixh. pe>rfe<‘t work. For eat • a y laiiaelry, Park avmue. WATCH AND JEW ELRY REPAIRING given personal attemton, at Koch A Byl van'a, 46 W'hstakr. "“AVOID THE RUSH LET ME HAVE your rigm work for Klka’ fair at oner Wm. Taylor. 140 Itamard 'WE CLEAN (’LOTHEH BY THE' HE so* rtne ant leapt Ic process Try u*. New Y-ik Hteam Dye Work*. Whitaker ami Flat* “THBIIfAH Til AT TJCADS THBII all; New 1 Kmiiwtu Maahtns, with b.iN UariSRS. I'Mlon * Hon. “ FOR FIHIfING TACKLE. NETS. ETC" go to Cornwell A Chtpmiui CALIT* I'P t’KRRY A RF.NTOn7~IF you arc going lo (nova, shift or store fur. nflur.; Bell 'plgs e 1134. WELLS BACH GAS LAMFB. COM plrlo, put ur. only 75 rente, and guaran l.i.l <> sew you money ral y<Mir gas bill; you ran uiwuys find an assortment o." mantels here, from 10, 15, IS to 15 rents; don't forget the plaoe. A. C. Price A Cos.. Slat" and Jefferson sire, tr; 'phones CM. HAVE YCR II". HE PAINTED with German ready-mixed pain*, entire satlsfertlon guaranteed. Adams PiUut Company. WANn;i)7 ONB - THOUSAND gry p>oi>le at th* 2 .2lf.irr. JJrscsry Cars peny. 114 Bernard street. •PIIONB 1275 FOR FOREST CTPT They will cell for your llnea Immediately GET YGITR WEDDING PRESENTS at Kuril A Sytven's. 4 WhMaker, They are beautiful end cheap. MERCHANTS ATTENTION! AIrVER.' Using and signs of all dearrlptlon, clasal ral work at modern prices. Sen Taylor, 140 Barnard street. ATT A(T IM ENTS'a NDMACHTNBi~RE while you wait, ell work guaran teed. For imor people free. Penion A Mon ‘I.AMEH. HAVE VOl'lt PINE CRE |.n and tailor made dresses dyed by new oxedye process, guantnteed not to shrink or get out of shape New Yo*t Iyo Works, Whtlaker and State. ’Phono Ml. rOR HARDWARE AND TOOUt. GO to Oornwell A Chlpman’a. “PERRY A BENTON WILL RENO vate your old maltreaces and furniture, make guild as new. at very little .-ost. WE SELL SEWER PIPE, FLUB pipe, fire clay, lire brick el lowml price*. Adams Paint Company, IM Cungraea, west. MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED CEN*jfll in every dollar of your hard-earned herd cash at the Soul hem Grocery Company, 111 Barnard alreet. "SANITARY PLUMBING, QAE j3H> Hum tilling; when we give you our esti mate* we ge| your work, brrsuse we rjn ploy only experlrnred pi umber,, and guar antee satisfaction. A. C. Fries A Cos.. State and Ji ff. raen streets; 'phoode U “THE MOST liP TO-DATK WORK IH b. log turned out by Forest City Laundry. 'Phone 1575. “ELECTRIC NIGHT CLOCKS. THR thing for bedroom, et Koch A Sylvan's, 46 Whitaker. PICTORIAL BIONO. ADVERTISING slim*. rtgna of every description. Spc-tal decorations fur Elks' Carnival. Wm. Tay lor. "SINGER NEttDLBR. TURBB FOR five canto; ortll otl with deaeri ftv. reoion A Ron. for"hanobb aSp fi#Brol6 TO Cornwell A Chipmon. “PERRY a I MINTON USE - KPECT#i rare In moving. shipping and aorlny furniture; 'phono 11M. "oTPHINE IB THE BEST WALtTrTN lah made Adams Point Cos., Savannah Iftnli. 1M Congraas, weflt. YOUR HANOE MAY NI&ED TO~BB connected or dlwonnertod; If you want M done a little cheaper than somebody elao will <b> It. or If you want ptumMng work of any kind dune, call on A. C, Price A Cos.. State and Jefferson streets; ‘phonon U. " REDUCE TOUR LIVING EXPENSES by Inventing vnur hard-earned hard cash with the Boutharn Grocery Company, lit Barnard street Norwood's “Satire” For sale at all News Stands to Savannah IF TOU WANT GOOD UATEJUAL and work, order your lithographed and printed stationery and blank hooka frees aiorulng News, Savannah, Go. 3