The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 27, 1900, Page 17, Image 17

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the OREGON IN THE ORIENT. MArKBTHA* WRITFJI OV scetk* FIBOPUB. .•• Friend* of *•••■• h „ Wan In Change of he Hydrss r.,,hlc oce Hrrf, nd Others tv ill Hr laierealed In HU I.etter. nntl •'■ i omnirnlrU , „ n _Thrlr Monthlr Par •• *• , ami lllßcrr# and Men Find It. '"**rr Double That of kr vie xlcaa Dollar# I *ed a. a • A A MacKethan, U. 8 A.. made n r friend* while he M atatlonad In Vitmah In charge of the hydrographic 1 .till .11 of them will be Iniarested vat lona in the Orient and hU ui , n the question* that confront * M tion* In that quarter of the globe I, Mu -K- '-han la one of the Oregon a ,r an.l a letter received by one of [ , ,- innah ft lends waa written on t, T at Wooaung. which la altuatitd . pjy lrt Shanghai much a Tybee la 1.1 awing 37 feet of water i 're;on waa unable to enter the port Lf shanghai. Mr M* Kethan'a letter wa never de , ned for publicatlon. or It* tone might I " v , l een of a weightier character, but It I none the le** Interesting because tt la Uahirr vein. He Is mcllned 10 believe i , t e is in for a long term of foreign _ jei hut the prospect dor* not *cean i.ry appalling, as he finds much In the f.ranir. couirtrlea ho vlalia to Interest and IfJtllff* Th.- mall steamer on which the officer ride the trip IO Manila stopped a v -. ,i pi. - on the way. end at each port , all ; • leaned he would tlnd the ad r IS' Of th station or some ship In need 'fn ... i.ut his desire to Join the Ore ' as granted, goad fortune seeming ,o m irk>.l him for her own. His first <.,v was upon the monitor Motindnock at Krtl. but five day# after Joining that , h* was omb red to H*a.g Kong to Join the Oregon, instruction* that caused him • pet himslf on the back. In mark'd contrast to some of the ships •h ne ha* #erve<l Is ’he alia of the Oregon. :nd Mr MacKethan find* salis •srU-n In Ns duties aboard the mooater hitfeshlp. Apart from hla work, there many things on the ship Itself to Inter end among them, he mentions the ex- P'iotial qunlltlee of the Chlnewe ssrr- IR u. Who work as automalona and attain jedecOon In their service. omrrra ond men get paid ofT In gM at IV end of ihe month A gold dollar I* *■ >th two of ihe current Mexican dollar* i t seem lo be the universal medium of ~ n.mge in thot qnarier. eo that th* rol iirs and sailors who receive iheir |.ay l„ ihe Orient are lucky They can buy as much with their go| as they were they paid off In the tame hum t <4 Mexican dollar*. There l the al diisaial advantage of the extramMirarv cheapness of wearing apparel ami other ,rti. lea White duck suits, for Instance. IMI cost' the onicer* sl* at home. lielr.g obtainable there for 44. These while suits *. worn by Ihe effl ers .luring the day. gfd at dlnnim In Ihe evening they put oa iMr regulation biue. Imrlng the slay of the Oregon In the vi-ei* of the Orient Mr. Ma Kethan has netted many of the |*>rls of fhlna anl Jump. At hrrt. he wriie*. every tiling was c? ihe keenest Interrst lo him. b.t fa rillarity soon began to have 11* Inevitable effect and the atnangeness seemed to dis appear. Interest ha* given way to mouot or- and li 1* for things and iteople Anier y-ir. that Mr. MacKethan now cear. he*, u ihev ar. more blxatre than the native Polfctcal v. China Impresses the officer >*( now as a amou derlng volcano. All rr *n are sending their liest s!ill*s there. .| el v are watching one another with taxi.nt- eye. each anxious to prevent the „..,r .lining some undue advantage. lei. J- . the ofll. ers, entertainment, are fre „,,r - those of ei U nationality taking turn* as hoets. Mr. MacKethan comment- M particularly upon a function At which n- ameriean nfft. ers were guesi* of the Japaneae Thl* was at Kure, Japan. The arrival of Fie ri Marshal count won tu .lersec was a grout event, end a sort cl fourth of July time waa Indulge*! j f. rv ship In the harbor firing Its salilte of nineteen guns and the magnUl.'‘*nt Ger cu:. cruiser, on which Ihe Held marshal •mved, returning It. At Shanghai he *o'**eed Ihe troop* and had great re t>ir irefore departing for Taku. Whh the hotel feature of the imrt* he i* visited, Mr. MacKethan was not par ti. . nrly impieased, us they are not ton i. .1 In the best style, lie thought one In of siifllel.i t singularity to mer.t ■ or. ment Th. waiters, o* a rule, know .t-p or no English. so the menu cards lv~ the dishes that appear upon them surohered. Th* waiters hrve been taught t s ilngilsh numerals, and a guest order* 1 S T. , 13 anything else he aces. 01 INDIAN MI ST MAKE HKTHUM. Hales to ft It orv Cause firanfed Aualnst l*hlllp M. Itussell, Jr. Two rules to show cause, addressed to Philip M. Itussell. Jr., were granted by J. Ferrill In the Court of Ordinary y-tierdsy. The rules were not granted it t understood, at the Instance of any of th jorties immediately at li.tercet, but by t k court of Its own volition. Th- first order requires Mr. Ruasell. as • in of Philip Wayne Ilitsaell. lo t .* j u-e why lip should not m.ijte re turns • r the current year and give new 1 I The second order, directed to Ihe defer.! inf ns guardian of Nellie 8. Ilar 1* formerly a minor, requires him to -n ri M why he should not settle hlr "i„ . with hi* ward. It I* understood thv ,c of me bondsmen. In the first case. dead and that th* other la Insolvent. letter* qismissory were granted to bt. li l.altoche, formerly administrator of the estatn of Jefferson Roberta. ‘KTTI.WI 111 T til-' CtH NT. •■lt ul Henry Jnehter %Blnt . . linker AVtt* IHsmlssvd- The application for temporary and b'rmei i. t injunction, egainat Marcua 8 Psher made to the Bu|.rlor Court by •bury Ju hter. was dlsmlwed In open ,>,rl > -*erdy morning. The parties I, 1 th- ■ ontrgverey rcachtsl an amicable •ii’.'trtent Of their difference*, and the bj-i r-• suit wa dlsmlasrs! t T ‘- l untlfr claimed In hi# pellllor. to :hat the defendant was Infring* crtalii property of hi* by the ' '.n at a ptaxza. It w** thl* ln ' that he sought to prevent by " to the court for a writ of In- J. r tin* llnnclna Acailraiy. 1 1 attnah Dancing Academy will k * * ■ lancea a week during the season " Mu i Temple, on Tuesday and Fri gs The Instruction of puplH nder the charge of Mr. Jack ' will h* conducted In an epaM .' ite from the dance hall On ' g. when ehe next dam * given. Kosenfeld's Orchestra * furnish the must.' for th r ’ mv during the season, will piny a 1 Programme of dance music. hint 1 rt Decided. "t'h.* o the oyster question, re -1 In recent communications by c W ffe-yct K , q nm , W aor . 1 1 Ml lle.-kett teq. e- : the , ' N ‘ew to state that tn* question lof . rs .* i rscMiljr In the iviurt* will ' Wed tmtl! th* merit* of tile case at th, Decent** term. THU WOVUI'S EiriUMlE. An •• Afternoon Teat” to He Given nu Nos enttier I*. At the latrt meeting of the botrd of managers of the Woman's Exchange sev eral mailer* of Importance were dis cussed and acted upon. It was decided to give an "aft rncon tea" at the Exchange moms on Kov. li Dainty refreshments will be served, anl aa the city will at that lime bo gay with lie carnival attire and many guests. It •* hoped to make the affair a brilliant suc cess both socially and financially. A > .Humunion!ion from the Kik* asking the assistance of Ihe ladles In miking the floral parade a ,inuur of ihe carnival was re elved and the promise of the mem bers of the board to call Ihe atb ntlon of their friends to the master Insures f. r ■he parade a wile-spread favor than It already had The resignation of Mrs. H. D Stev-n* at chairman of ihe Hoime rommlnee was accepted with much regret. Mr. Georg* J Mills was unanimously tbc el to All the office. It was decided that those consignors who wish to ally ihcmsetve* with th* Ex change at present may do so at once bv paying the yearly fee of 11. this ro hold good until Jan. 1, '.*.3, thus giving tro benefit of two months privilege* extra charge. The recent warm epeii ha* kept the work of the Exchange Iron being as brisk as the manaanra would like to see It. But the prospect* are goo 1 for an even more eucoeesful season than lasi, and If consignor* will send in iheir work at once an that It oan be display'd It* advantage during the next few w-eka when so many stranger* are Ihe ciiy. much benefit will doubdesa 1# gained by their promptness PROun iHHK OF liAItMfvAI.. Attvaetlve Special Feature* foe Dif ferent Day* of the Fair. The programme foe the Elk* Carnival has been compleliW and published, show ing that for each day of the two week* the fair will lest there wit be new and special feature*. It la an attractive pro gramme and guarantee* to every visitor to Savannah a thoroughly enjoyable time, no matter what day he aelecia for hla visit. The carnival will be formally opened at I o'clock on the afternoon o: Honda' Nov. 5. when a llltl# girl will touch tne eiw trlc button that doses the circuit and sian the wheels of the fair aul all It" mysteries In motion. In the evening of the same dav the queen, little Chlquitl. The Diving Ddl." will be crowned queer.. The uaual cere mo nI o# attendant upon function* of this character will not be omitted, but rather will bu amplified and increase.!. tmi Wednesday there will he e night pageant. In which the queen end her court will participate Th# b*nde will . com pxnv this parade through the streets of the city ond beck to the carnival grounds In th Dark Extension, where a apc. nl night programme will be carrt.-d out. On Friday th* Concatenated Order of llo.> I 100 will be In evidence, end at night, will take possession of the carnival grounds and all they contain. For other day# theve are other special features, which will be Increased as tinnl urraugementa are made. The railroad repors that there will be large attendance, and the Indications are of the best for success In every department. Concerts day and night by th# two hands Hive wi.l play In the carnival grounds will assist In making visit attractive ami pleasant. WITKBM BEFORE SHIEI.D9. Deputy Clerk Gllleepte Will Testify for the Itefendanta. Mr. 8. F. B. Gillespie, deputy clerk of the United State# Court# at Savannah "ailed on the City of Augusta I set n gh for New York He goes to testify bef-r- Commissioner Shields In the heating upon the application for Ihe removal of Oree,-# and Ihe Gaynor- from New York to Sa vannah. having been summoned n# a wit ness In liehalf of the defemlints Mr. Gillespie will carry with him carll fled copies of the Jury list, of th* record* concerning t|je drawing of ihe grand jur. bj whi h th* defendants w ere In lined and of the resignation of Mr Kdwaid S. Elliott, one of the Jury commlsslune-- It will ho seen from thl* that counsel (f the d'-fcnilants Intei.d to go very tror- uglily Into ihe oxamlnatlon of this feature of the case. MBS. F3I.IZABETH gHEFTALL HEAD. Her Hemnlns Will Be Bronght to Aavannati To-day. Mr# EUxabeth Sheftall died at Colum bu. Ga., yaaterday. Sbe was the widow of the late Mordc*! Shefiall. Her re mains will arrive by the Central Railroad this morning at 7 o'clock. The funeral will take place upon arrival of the train Mrs Sheffull leaves one daughter. Mrs Mira roe of Columbus The Interment will be In laiurel Grove Cemetery. FOR THE CHILDREN. To Keep Tkelr Digestion Perfeel lolklng le So Safe and Pleasant as tfluart'e Dyspepsia Tablet*. Thousand* of men and women have found Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet* the -•test and most reliable preparatio for any form of Indlgeetk'ii or atomach trouble Thousand, of ivole who are not *Fk. but are well and with to keep well lake Stuart's Tablets aftsr every meal to In mre |rfect digestion and avoid trouble But It I* hot generally known that the Tablets are Just as good and wholesome for little folks for their elder*. Little children wlio are pale, thin end have no appetite, or do not grow or thrive ihould us# the tablets aftsr rating and will derive great benefit from them Mrs O H Crost.ey, 534 Washington Klr-et. Hoboken. N J . writes: Stuart's Dyspepal® Tablet# Just fill fhe Mil for colklren as wsll as for older folks. I've had th# beat of luck with them My three year-old girl lakes them as readily a* candy. I have only to soy "ta*iet" ami she drop* everything rise and run* for them. A Buffalo mother a short lime ago who derjatind of the life of her babe waa w> and. lighted with the result* from giving the child theae tablet* lhal she went be fore the notary public of Erie county. *,'ew York, and made Hie following affi davit: Gentlemen—Stuart - * Dyspepsia Tablet, w< r -ommended 4n me for my two month* old baby, which wa* alck amt puny ami the doctor* said was suffering from Indigestion. I took th, child to Ihe hortl'fll. hut there found no relief. A friend mentioned the Kluart Tablet, ami I procur'd a box from my druggl-t and us.-d only the large sweet log. I.g'-a in the box wa* delighted to tlnd they were Jttai th* thing for my baby. I feel Jusllfled In saying that Stuart # Dy*pepla Tablet* ,ived my child a Ilf# Mr* W. T DKTHLDFE Subscribed and sworn to before me thl# Fth day °f April. 1497. HENRY KARIS Sotarr Public In and for Erie io. N Y Kor bable*. no mailer how young or del- Icat. the tablet* will accomplish womiera in ln< reaslng fleeh. aptwtlte and growth fee only the large aweet lablet* lo every l)OX Full slxed boxes are sold by all druggist* for 5 cent,, and no parent ,h okl r..-Slcct the *# of this safe remedy Mr all siomsch ami bowel throubles If the child l* ailing In any way regarding li, food or aaalmllatlon. Stuart', D%*r , ei*!a Tablet* 'have been known tor years a. the beat preparation for all sromvab Uoubla* wbeihar In adult* i or in fact*. THE MOKNING NEWS: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1900. THE GENERALS OF THE ARMY. THKftB %HE OXIaY RIGHT OK THEM 1% Alai.. I)r. llft|tfe*B Aasipiflnn In He* • I* rot fn thr National Hymn. •• interim**—< ul. \\. A. Hrmphlll Mmtlnnril a* a t ßfrrior lo lira. Kait—Thr Trlltunr'a I ommrnt on thr Nnmra ftrlrrteil for thr Hall ot lamr—% tarn About ,lrflrn l>a%lß at Furtrr Monroe—Other Matters of Interest. Kin© Croat Villa. Mall land. Fla.. Oct. 27 —lt i> a mistaken Idea that th© r©*ular army u overloaded with *©n©rlr. Th©re ar© only ©lithi, at prrs©nf. not Including heads of d< p.irtm'nt*. Thry ar© Lieut (Jen NrUon A Miles, Hi). Gena. John It fliooko ond ElwcH 8. Otis, and Hrlf Gena. Jan. F. Wade. Henry C. Merrlam. S. R M Yoong. Arthur McArthur and William FiUdlow Th© vacancy caused by th© retirement of Brig Gen. Joseph A'heeler haa not yet been filled Quite a number of regular army officers are and ir.g a© generals in th© volunteer forces. unl It 1* a common practice for volunteer officer* of all grades to h© referred to as tn the “rolled Btateo army," which they are not, but are In the volunteer forces. latent. Hohscn says he has coma home to have some defect In hi* ©ye-*ight rem ©died It seems to me that hla mental vU ton Is also defective and that he ha* a sort of “breaking out around th© mouth that the navy department ought to have attended to at once. His plea for Admi ral Sampson will not benefit v that officer, but prove Injurious to Hobson, however kind and generous hla motives may ap •■ear. Rev. Hr. Peyton H Hoge. of Louisville. Ky., la very anxious that the National hymn. “America." shall he In the propos ed new hymn hook Of the Houthern Pres byterian Church, while Prof Addison Hogue, of Lexington, Va.. Is Just a* anx ious to havw It k* pt out He *■•>* It Is a hymn to praise “My Country, tls of thee." rather than Gad, the creator and ruler of the universe. Brig Gen Fred C. Ainsworth. V 8 A . chief of record and pension office, was formerly a surgeon in the arniv talk© Mj Gen. 9 W. Crawford and MaJ Gen. I jeon ard Wood, he threw up" "piljs and purgatives," for pistols nn'l powder Assistant Btirgeon Luctui* O’Brien, author of th*- famous army eong of Benny Havana O." became a lieuten ant of Infantry before hi* untimely death on “Tampa’s deadly shore.“ I notice in th* papers of that city that Inspector General Joseph C. Breckinridge, r. 8 A . during hi* recent visit to h© Atlanta Fair. ’ Military ly." k* reported to hive to.d some thrilling tales of the cavalry operation* In that vicinity during ihe Civil War. by Gen. Garrett. V. 8 A He evidently meant Gen. Kenner Gar rard. a West Pointer and o daahlng caval rv commander. I*elng Kentuckian by birth. He resigned from the army In The “first" and "last" man buln©*s like the poor. Is always with us. A* toon a* Gen John M. Kell died It i\a** stated that he wan “Inst" of the gallant officers of the fmi us C nfederate steam. • r Ain Mima: t* fhe 1 tn ©as not three day* 0.l before c .federate Wtonn put In another * lalm for a surviving offi ©ef of toe *team©r. who 1* supposed to he living in Nova Bc-otia. If the Knifed Confederate Veterans want ; sue ty <©n. Evans, who persists in retiring they cannot find a better one than Col. W. A. Hemphfil of Atlanta, who. with hi* lately de osjuhl W’ife, has never Killed in Ijls dury to the okl Con iwkratH *oldi©r* or their cause. Ample •luatlfied |n every rea|*rs, nisi with means it hi* command to gratify every nrlsli. h< woukl give new 4lfe ami Inter***: to th© division 1 shall nevws forget the liberal and gracious manner in winch <V>I Hemi - hill and his noble wife en.ertaln.-l the veterans In t'harleston and other cltl#* where they met Col Hemphill would make a model commander tn every te epee*. If h,. would nr -epf. II looks lo me like "a temp.,t In a tea fot"—this outcry against Ihe N*. w Ycrk Sun's attack on the m* tnory of Gen. Itotiert K., The great ni ta* of [> o l< know the true character of that and thot many of Its most bttfer attacks are the outcome of persen .1 non Ivse I.e; the Sun alone ami It would soon lie come more decent In It* traatment of m*n and measures, as It* main object t* to at tract attention and advertise ihe pap r So fur #* Gen. I,ee and the so- aI -d "Temple of Fame" la concerned, the venerable Republican Tribune of New very wisely says: "There Is net a name there that I* not a household word amoag all Intelligent Americans, and that Is not known and honored throughout the c vl - !xed world. \Ye should sorry to lb nk there was a school Iwy above th* primary grade In all the land who eould not eff hand Identify each slid tell I t Ible tv fatm'” The letter court# Is to tr. at the Sun'* Infamous attack with silent ocn tempt The Morning News' high commrnda lon of Col. C. W. Anderson for Adjutant O n ernl of Georgia waa most giatlfvlm t me. for I have many very plea-ar.t aid cherished neunories of the gfl'latH Colo, net's military care.r some tlfteen year, or more ago. especially at the splendid en rampim-nt held si Home. Ga . which w-a graced by companies ftom S.ulh Car dlt a and Alabama, and at which Stvaniixh made a magnificent display of her flue military organisations. In those days Cel. Anderson n "every Inch a aoldler" apt Ilk# hi, gallant brother. Gen. R. H. An derson. was a conspicuous, and welcome figure on all military occasions. Hla ser vices a- PresMent of the ?t#te M.lltary Convention I remember well, and In him th-- soldier# of Georgia had n firm ad sealou* friend. If col Anderaon l n goo*l health, a* In H.-e .lay*, the at >te could not have a mote efficient adjutant general. Vmnah has dlstlngulshe I graduates of the "Southern West Tolnt Military Academy." as lh- Virginia Mili tary Institute wn* very properly call-d. besides Col. Anderson, lion Fleming H. dllP.lgnon Is ,t- mid General Supetlntend ent W I! Denham of th# Plant Syelem is another Afti r graduating with honor to himself this latter gcnil-man wa* made one of the asslet.ant profeasor* of the In stiliillon. If Gov. Candler propo-e. to recogntae the South Georgia military, so seldom hoioretl up lh# country, he ahould not ignore the claims, qualification* Or tndor*. ment* of Col Anlereon for ad jutant gemral On Inni and on sea. Ihe no me of Anderaon ha* ehrd luster upon Georgia's military xnd naval history And now comes a story of the shackling of Jefferson luivls nt Fortress Monro* that proves that "wor.d. ra never cea e " one Joseph W. Grant of 11 ingor Me who siya he was a se oi and 11. iiieii .nt In com mand of Company A of Ihe Fourteenth Maine Regiment at Savanrah. Ha.. In the spring of 1965. tell# his story of th# "cap ture and captivity of the arch-traitor." and how h ”*■• In char*.- of the rebel an l put him In Irons “ It s# in* that it, Hrar.l and his i-oinfiany went to Angus'* on the river sieimer Clyde, and wh.n he *ot there he waa oisbiel lo take charge of PrealdMit Davi* and hi* patty, then fr-mly captured, and con duct them to Sovamiah. The parly, he sa>*. waa com posed of Mr Ilavls. wlf* and three, children and Mrs. Davi#' sla ter: vice President A. H. B'ephen*. Post m ister Hentral Reagan. Fsnstor C. C. Clay. Hen J*e -h Wheeler an*l Col*. llarr!oo. Johnston and l.otb'ack, the prckletil'a private #wretarle 'ten ~rover. a( Havai.nah. ordered the steam er to pro er.l lo Hilton Head and report io Hen Gilmore. At that point tha party guard* were transferred to an wttn steamer and sent on to Fortress Monroe. What occurred there 1 will let Lieut. Grant tell In his own words “I landed with Dav la and guarded him with detail* from my coropan> ahotit two weeks, using the steamboat as barracks for ray men Davis wa* placed In a cell and given bread and water a* food, this he refused, and tarew It In the fa.e of one of my men. who at once Informed me of the fact. 1 felt Indignant at the act. and went to the commander of tne fort and staled the fact with some warmth Th© commander, upon hearing my atOfy. authorised me u> p'aoe hint In Irons until he promised obedience f** order* l wiii at onto to Davi* and told him of in> to st rut tons H© ot one# flew into a tower ing rage and told in© that he knew hie rights and would demand them at all hazards. He furthermore told m© he was a soldi* r before 1 wa* born, and thot l was Ignorant of military law 1 replied that 1 had been long enough In military service to know how to obe\ orders from my superior* and that I was gotng to carry them out • • • • Pnvl* still re fusing to submit and threatening me. 1 seized him and threw him heavi;> to the floor and placed the Iron* upon him al most before he was aware of It. After he was Ironed he became etl**nt find surly, but caused us no more trouble Ac larding to m\ memory of the etreumstanc© Davis. In a few hour*, promised obedience to or *l*l*. and the Iron* were then removed I remain* and with my men at Hampton Hoads for about two or three weeks, keep lng guard with details from my com pany." The rarra'S e of Lieut Grant la very long ami highly embellished, urvl only give the main facts necessary to show his connection with tha transact .on He not onl> admits that ha threw Mr Davi* ’ heavily" to the floor of his cell, but also tell* how he seised him by the cidiar on the steamer and forced him “rapidly and rather roughly" to hla stateroom. Thl** cl* ally shows the vindictive an I hitter feeling that controlled this second lieuten ant while armed with a little “brief au thority*' over an old and fnoble distin guished prloater of war. The strangest port of the story, however. Is Its close, where he tells how Mrs Davts and family went back to Bt\onnah on the santa steamer and was “alwaya very lady-llka and polite to him at all limes." and when they parted at Havsnnah. ahe gave him gifts to remember her and hr children And this, be It re mem be rad. was to th© man who had “roughly" collared her de frnselasa husband and shoved hlrrv luU> hU stateroom on the steamer, ami later, at Fortress Monroe, had thrown him “heavily” to the floor of his cell, and put him In iron* Perhaps Mrs. Iravls was m un atigellc nwod and full of a forgiving spirit at that time, and mad a thee© gift* in a polite manner, but I very mu *h dowbt It M> opinion of Lieut. Grant ts that ne wa* puffed up with his little “brief au tWlty." and ha* written a narradve that la full of “padded" details If Mr Davis \teldcd obedlenctj In A few hours, tt!* Lieut Grant ray*, why the telegram* from th© war department at Washington .irking if Mr. Davis had been shackled The narrative Is weak and Inconsistent in many other respect* Sidney Herbert. ntttSXEH killin' A POINT. Chinese Aallora Will bleep Ashore Hereafter. Health Dfflcer Brunner haa won out In hla coot, ntlon that the Chinese exclusion ai f ahould not Interfere wiih the rnffffve inrnt of Havannah's sanitary regulation, requiting Ihe crew# of all vessel* to sleep ashore during Hie months of August, Kep tember and t* lolwr. Dr. Brunner re ceived yesterday from Sdflgeon General Wyman of tbe Marine Hospltnt (ervlrt a copy of an otanlon r* niere.l to lh.- Secre tary of lh* Treasury by the soli -itor of lb.- treasury department, on opinion hav ing been requested by the surgeon gen eral. The l**ue of whether or not Chinese sailors on ships in port should le- permit t .1 to land for 111. purpose of sleeping wa# robed it-oul a moaih ago. Dr. Brun ner holding that the Chinese aal4ir* could be brought ashore for the purpose of com plying wl(h fhe ordinance without vio lating 111# exclusion act The treasury agents at th. |sut. however, would not consent that the Chine-e should land un- der any condition, and the matter wa* referred to Washington. Mayor Myera also look an Imereti In the matter ond wiot.- officially lo Surg.-on Heneial Wyman, up hnkiing the health <■!?!' era position. The following I* a copy of tha opinion of Solicitor Reeve of the Treasury De partment. *4 furnished by Burgeon Gen eral Wyman to Dr. Brunner: Deportment of Juallce. Office of the So licitor of Hie Treasury. Washington, D. C,, Get. JO, Hast. —The Secretary of the Treasury—Sir: Acting Commissioner (lat eral of Immigration Larned. by reference of Ihe 19th Inst . Indore.d a communica tion from Supervising Surgeon General Wyman. de*tr.w to ba Infotmed whether Chinese crews of veaeei* arrning at the pr* of Savantiuh, may be permiti.d tn sleep ashSre nt night, fn compliance with a local sanitary regulation of that city, which requlr.-# the crews of vessels to s.eep ashore during lit# months of Au gust. September ami October. It appears that a Inter from the Mayor of the city of Savannah, transmitted with a letter of the supervising surgeon gen eral. Ihat craw# of vesaela who sleep on board at that port, during the months mentioned, fr.qttenlly develop after their departure, a severe type of malarial fever, sometime* reported aa yellow fever, fheta >y Imiwlrlng the commerce of the city. The Mayor asks fhe aid of the supervising surgeon general in infotclng Ihe raguht tkm in question In the case ol :he Chl neaa crew-, and the latter officer recom mend* a favorable consideration of the Mayor'* reqtieat. 1 have to advise you that, in my opinion the,* people may lawfully be permitted lo sleep ash ire at the times mentioned, pro vided they are kept under the surveillance of an officer, and due precaution taken to prevent their escape Such coming ashore would not. In my opinion, be a "larding" within the mean ing of the Chinese exclushn laws. I will add. howsver, that the I'nlled States should not be Involved In any ad ditional expense by reason of this concea slon. The papers submilled are respectfully r,- CURES BLOOD AND SKIN TROUBLES, TRIAL TREATMENT FREE. la your blqcsl poof Is it thin? Noes bleeding and headache? Prtck'ng pain* In the *kln~ Bkln pale? Skin feel hot and awoilsn? All run down ' Is your blood bad? Have you ilmider' Eruptions? Rcrofula? R.rc? Itching, burning Ecgema? Holla? I'lcera? ( oncer - B.aly Eruption*? .skirt or B>'*lp Itch? Blood. Hall, or flkln humors? Tired out with aches and pains tn bones and Joints? Have you hereditary or coniraeted Blood Poison? I'lcers In throt or mouth? Swollen glands’ Rheu matism? A* tired in morning as when you went to bedS Have they restated med-oal treatment If you tun. arty of the abovo (rouble*' B B. B. (B< tanlc Blood Balmy ahould be taken at ot < e B. II H. haa a peculiar effect—lt drain# fhe Impurities, poisons and humor* tht cause all above troubles out of lh# II Kl, bone* and en tire ayatem, henllng . very tore, restoring to the Skin the Bloom of perfect health, and making n*w. rich Blood. Trial treatment of R B II free by ad dressing BMXJD HALM COMPANY. Atlanta. Ga I>e*cr'h y-tir trouble, and e-e will Include free medical advice. R B H. never fall# to cure quickly and fwrmrt nenlly. after all fall# Thoroughly lasted for thirty years Over .VOW voluntary teaG montaia of eurea by 11. B- B. . MORRISON’S. PRICE LIST THIS WEEK Will Bea Money-Saver for You. FOSTER PH Kid Gloves 75c, SI, 51.50 Friendship is a pood thing to have, but money is the ruling power after all. Save money for your friend and you matce him a better friend. Save money for a stranger and you make him your friend. That is what we are doing for you. Every dollar you spend with us we save you from 10 to 20 cents. Many of our customers ask us this question: Why is it that you sell the same material as others, but at so much lower prices? That question is easily answered. N\e are strictly a dry goods and notion house, and do not exhaust our energies in trying to run a dozen or more lines of goods. All of our time is used exclusively in finding out where we can buy the new est, the most serviceable, and the most up to date Dreis (tOimls, Silks, etc., at the low est purchasable price. That we have succeeded in doing this is attested to by the crowds of intelligent buyers that throng our store from day to day. at 49c 10-lnrh Sattn-flnlih Venetian* Tlwa# g.vvla com# In brown, blu#. raaior, brown, light gr#y, nvoifum gr#y, ox ford. .-gator and Mack, and ar# wll worth *&-. our prtca tfc at 49c W-loch Chavlot. Thca# good# com# In black, brawn, navy, light and m#!nm grey and oxford; our price <*-• at 49c ♦O-tnch fklk-flnlah Henrietta# The goods com* In black, brown, grey, navy, rose, garnet, green, caator. lanvender. pink, blue and cream; our pile* 4#c at 49c M-ln<h Cfltevlot. The*# goods com# In light grey and oxford, and ar# cheap at (ic; price t at 59c M-inch I/iidlr, Cloth. Th*c good* com# In black, brown, caator. grey, garnrt. green and navy 50c at 69c 54-lnrh extra heaw Lniliea* Cloth in black, brown, *r©en, navy, coxlor blue, castor-brown, cardinal, rarnet and grey. at 69c M-Inrh Cheviot, extra heavy, the *%• grade. Theae good* are In brown, navy, light grey, medium grey, oxford and black o at 79c 4*-ln<*h Pllk-finl*h Henrtotra*. in blnrk. bnrarn. navy, g rev*, ©a*tor. new blue, cardinal, garnet, light blue and • *ream * ..7f© at 98c W-Inch extro heavy Pebble Cheviot These goods nr# In black, navy, and ar* worth SI.X; our price Me at 98c 44-inrh Poplin*. Thee© good* come In black, navy. grey. saga. lav©n4er. brown, •lark gre**n. castor, real value 11.25. oar price * ..Mk' at 98c 16-lrch Taffata. U-tnch Armure. 34-Inch Oros Oraln, S-Inch I.uxor, FMnch l'oplln. Ma Remember that we carry a full line Satin and Taffeta Ribbons, in all shades and at all prices. Applique Velvet, Aoplique Lace, Applique Silk, Silk Braids, Velvet Rib bon, Laces, Veiling's, etc. J. L. MORRISON, 23 BROUGHTON, WEST. turned herewttn Very respectfully, F. A. Reeve. Acting Bollcltor Treasury Department, Bureau of Immi gration, Ort 22. i:>~official copy reapert fudy furnlahetl to lh* supervising surgeon general, marine hospital service, this be ing In response to hla letter of Ihe lilt! Instant (C. H. W ) F H tdirned. Acting Commissioner General Dr. Brunner said that the opinion of the solicitor of the treasury would h;.ve but llltle bearing upon the situation as regard* th# sleeping of sailors ashore at the port this season, the season having hut four days to run and there being hut one ship In port with Chinese asllora aboard. It will be taken advantage of neat season, howevsr. As to how the ordnance* eould he enforc ed without danger of the exclusion act be ing violated. Dr. Brunner replied that It I* a very simple matter. Th* ship bring ing aueh sailors Into port will be requir ed to furnish watchmen to as# that lh# sailors do not escape when brought ashore ALLEGED Ml ItIIEH Ell AHMDftTED. Depallra raptor# a Fagltlve From .1 oat lee From ftnath Carolina. Georg* Johnson, a negro wanted for the murder of Jasper Moore, on* of h|. own race, which ss< commutes! In ffalula. 8. C., In 1899. wa* arrested In Yamacraw last night by Deputy Sheriff* O'Connor and Hanigan. Johnson ha* hern living In Hivannah for some tiro# and had established a home here. He waa arrested by lh# daptlllbt upon hla return from work and submit ted quietly enough, refusing to mak- any statement, however. ** to th# manner of the crime', comm la* ion The avldenr., again*' him I* eald lo be clear and explicit He killed Mw- at a church festival, which wa* held In the lltlle Houlh Carolina town In wheh they !>o:h lived He **cped and has been ai large ever since A reward of 4-V> ha> beet, offered for hi* arreat. which * II te (Slid to Deputise O'Conner and H ilt tan Johnson wn* committed to Chatham county Jail to await the arrival of on officer frrsm South Carolina wfh a requi sltlon lie will be carried back to ff iluda to at*ml trial for Ihe crime with whl' It he I# charged. rAITtNF.iI BY THE POLICE. Prisoners on Mnn> Chnraca Went to the flnrrnrls* lealerdn*. Frank Jar k son eo'ored, was arrested yesterday by Patrolman M'lcn mi the charge of the theft of 19 from T B Gray son. Arthur T,notion*, colored, was sent In by Patrolman Christie, on the . barge of hccins hi# wif* ami also naaxultlltg anl •trlklnx 8. Anrruro of No 439 Lumber street, who Imerftr.d In the family row. Louts Robert*, colored. wa i-aiMtirsd by pairolman M Davi* He I* charaeal with stealing • lot he# frem loots Lawiance and A lotn-.c Path*. at 98c M-inch BrvMiilclnth. These goefis are ex tra heavy, satin-finish, told everywhere at $1 25 They com© In black, green, navy, royal blue, new blue. Iglit and d*rk grey, caator. castor-brown, brown and garnet. Re at $1.69 M-Inch Venetian,. Thee are extra heavy, aalln-tlntah. retail# everywhere at Don They com# In bia- k. brown, green, navy, pearl. gr#y and caator II *9 at 25c 40-tnch Oranlta Cloth. In black, green, navy, grey, red, brown and new blue *>• at 25c MUnch Henrietta*. In hla.-k. navy. grey, brown, garnet, cardinal, purple and great! Fe at 35c **-lnoh Henriettas. In black brown, gar net. cardinal, navy, green, purple, pink, blue and cream at 49c St-Inch nitlnnett frioth. In black, grt and brown These goods are worth tfc . our price **# at 49c SMn©h All wool French Flannel*, in all ths new shad©* 4c at 69c 2X-Inch Dott©d Fr©mr>li Flannel*. In all the n©w ©hud** Rt' B! ACK AND COLORED SILKS. at 49c 31-Inch Tnffiria. In black, navy, light blue, garnet, purple, pink, grey, cream, while end lavender 13 at 69c ISI-Inch Taffetta*. Theae goods are extra heavy, tavsiullful luster, all tha new aluides; well worth *ir. our price *9- $1.98, $2.98, $3.98 H-nuttful 811 k Waist lengths, no two alike. HU the new shades Ask to see theta st'ks |I Ft. $1 . .1 PM v IdIC AI. PKHW9AI,. Mr TV D Rlehay ot Auguata la a guest of th" Hcreven. Mr Georg* Gor# of Collloa la reglstereal at the Puhtskl. Mr 8. J Hermann of Banderrvllle Is a guest of th* Bcrrven. MaJ. XV A Wi.kii.- ~f Wi.neaUiro la a guest of the lie Solo. Mr D. R. Grower of Bta'erboro la reg iatered at the Pulaski, Mr J. L Wyche of Rockwe'.l, Fla., Is registered at the B- rsfven. Mr J M Ryan left vl# ,h* Plant Byi tem yesterday for New York. 61 r. V. I. Moore wa* a of the Central yesterday for Atlanta. Mr. L. H. Wlllcog of Wodley wn* among th* arrival* nt the Pulnakl yesterday. Miss Mabel Kldge'y Wat# ha* been suf fering from fever, but fs now Improving Mrs N. 8. Neely and Mis# Neely of Waynesboro are tha gueala of tbe De Soto. Mis* Belle Wilkin* of August* was among yesterday's arrivals at lh* De Soto Mr J B Pldcock was a passenger of Ihe Seaboard Air Line yaaterday for New York. Mr J, • L Crawley of Waycroa* wa* amraig tha arrival* al the Pulaski yes terday. Mr Chnrlss B Frlpp of Grnhamvlll* wns among ihe arrival! at Ihe Screven yesterday. Miss Kemper Pea'O. k of Cochran la vleltlng her slater. Mr*. John E. Harris, on Owlnneli alreet. Hitter M. Gertrude Is vla’tlng her broth er trad slater. Mr, and Mrs. J B. Collins, No. 2107 Bull street Mr. J, W. B#ay leave* fo-mormw night on a visit of several day* to Columbia and Leatngtnn. 8 c,. hla format home Mia* Annie L, ha* relumed home after an extended visit to relative* In New York. Boston. Washington. D. C., Proarl dance, K I. Messrs. Georg# D. Marmelateln anl Rum T Smith left last night by Seaboard Air Lin# for Columbia. 8 C. They will fake In the fair for week The friends of Mr. W. 11. Ware will he pleiaed to are him out again, after a lUrse-weeks’ Illness. While convalescent h" met with a very painful n cident from which he h s’.owfy recovering. The many frlenla of Mrr. Timothy Sheehan Will be plcied to learn that *n* has returned home graally Improved In heatlh. after a stay of two month* In ihe mountain* of North Carolina dh was accompanied by her children. Master Tom and Master Dan She.-ban, and her nlaee, Mis* Hannah McCarthy. Mr. and Mr*. George H Richter enter tilntd very charm ugly Thursday evening with a fish *tip -of Hannon l.odge Among those p-cserd were Mr and Mr*. Frank Htory of New York >fr and Mrs. George Richter. Mlae M rante Lou Pritch arJ, Miss Ophelia D. Pritchard, Miss An- If*'? OM U 6 Straight Front COKSETS LINENS AND DOMESTICS. M-tnch Bleach Damask 31* M-lnoh Herman Damask 26c and U, M-tnrh Herman Damask 4So 73-Inch Bleach Damask 5S# and 7V> R-* All I.lnen Napkin* Wo I- All Idnen Napkins Mu liar** else All Idnen Tow*!*, Ito. 1114# and ISo Extra l#rg# Huck and Damask Towala. 19c and 260 40-lnrh Turkey Rd Damask. 19c. Kc. c. and 490 Full six# White Spread 490 BLANKETS AND COMFORTS. 10- Silver Drey Blanket* 49n KM Silver Orey Blanket* 9*o KM White Blanket* 9feo l(b White Blankets |! 4* II- White Wool Blankets |1 9M 11- White Wool Blanket* CM II 4 Whit# Extra Fine Blanket* DM KM White Soft Wool Blanket* 44 va 11-4 White Extra H*avy Blankets 14 4* Full six# f’omforta, worth 41 M. TN, l ull six# Comfort#, worth 11.46 M-i Kxtrn sis# Comfort*, worth DM 41 49 UNDERWEAR. Men'# extra h#a\-y Fteoce-Uned Nhtrta and Drawers 480 latdl#*' Ft##r*-!tn*d Nlbhed Veata.... Um l.ndt#*' Heavy Fleeca-llned Bibbed Vest'* and Pant* 260 I.adle- Extra Heavy Fleece-llnad Vtata and Pant* *o Bov*' Extra Heavy Flaece-llned Vest* and Drawer* Mo Miss#*' Fleeca-llned Btbbr.l Veata and Pant* .14* Misses' Heavy Fleece-lined Ribbed £ Veata and Panta 36a Children'# Heavy F'eace-llned Ribbed Veata and Drawers. 7c. 10c. tSHe. lie, lte and 10* HOSIERY. ETC. I C Children'#*R!hbed Hooe. worth 10.. 6o I C Children's Kihhed Hose 100 1 C Children's Ribbed Hua* ISV^o I.adle*' l>otted Hoax U%> I,*dies' Dotted lluoe Mo Man's Hemstitched Handkerchiefs to I.adle*' llemslltchrd Handkerchief, ... to I.adle*' Dare-edge Handkerchief*, 100, 134 c. 10c and 380 All shapes In Ladles* and Men's Collar*, 10c na Hay Pritchard. Mr William II Web ster of Norfolk. Va.. Mr Thomas Brand* of Richmond, Va.. and Mr. Charles Sttmrt Park. The October hualnes# meeting and ao rtal at Grace Epworth League was held Friday night. M the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Duffy alreet. weal. Report* were received from th# various depart ment* of the league work, after which tha Leaguer* were entertained with a pro gramme arranged fed the occasion. Th* recitation by Mias Rlckault waa especially enjoyed. A number of games furnished amusemen* for th* large number of Leaguara preaent —r * CITY HHEVITIIC*. Mrs Ruby Nlcoll will open her dancing cln *.-* al Armory Hall Tuesday, Nov. 4, with a soiree. J C. Williams who was arrested day before yesterday on the charge of tha theft of meat from Mr Frank Dieter, wa* discharged by the Recorder aa not guilty of the offense. The City Court adjourned for lh* Oc tober term yesterday afternoon and will C"#ven# again on the flret Monday In No vember. The Jury for Ihe next term waa drawn by Judge Norwood before th# ed it urnment. Meetings of the Winnie Davis Chaptar of Children of the Confederacy will be held on Tuesday and Saturday afternoon* of this week, the former at 4 o'clock and the latter at 4:g>. They are called for the purpose of arranging the chanter's share In the entertainment Of the delegate* lo th# convention of the Georgia Division of Daughter* of the Confederacy, that m,et* here on Nov. 7, 8 and 9 . ♦. | Heard Boarke Isrkrss apeak. Messrs. H. K Dreeaon and If A Smith r< turned yesterday from Cincinnati, where they attended a meeting of th# ad visory Imayd of ihe Knight* of ihe Royal Arch. Tueaday night Mesara. Dreeaon and Smith had alage seat* at the bluele Hall, where they, with lo.uOD other*, list ened lo the m'ltnlflrent addree# of Hon. Rottrke Cockmn In behalf of Hon. W. J. Bryan They alro *iop|*d over In At lanta, where they look In tha fair and lh* horsa races Mi. rmleaa l.sastle at l^irg*. Robert Oil#*, colored, waa recently dis covered by th# guards of the convict gangs roaming at large through Ihe coun try. In e perfectly nlmleea fashion and evincing every outward *tlon of a very much doorderel mind. H* was cared for for a lime at ihe cam,) and on yesterday waa com ml 11 ad lo Jail by Julge Ferrill on a warrant charging him with lunacy. Eleven Before (he Itecorder. K even prisoners appeared before the ,recorder yeg'er.lay. but none on a very < hatgr. and ,trey were quickly dis posed <>f with the usual cptldoa of Qua ar Unprlsonmcnt. 17