The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 27, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 BACK TO THE OLD METHOD. lUO Wil l * Mi l %Tl\l. TO *H IHbI * %\i> Mini Wiaskif Wants I lir Ol<l Hun Hrsl*red Mr it nn rl Ofrr i N'%% I'lin-Tnn ( til ll In I* or Bill* InirMilun •—Hill to >ln Lr *•• *l *hr \\ nt • of I'miUlilllK Hi|ir—Hill In Krqtilrr 1 n%% 1 rom I ol |rgn In ll* I tniiiintil Atlanta. < -T House ant Hen j sir |r*>t dot' ’ ’' • to-da> In th* II- Mr Wight of Doufhertjr. | Intr.-dt; .! :l irovt<!lnir for an amend- j mfnt • ui.nton. so ihal tn* *•* I plan , r , rt r < JuU;r iiWI nolle ttor* iif-nur, tii* Governor may .nln be thr ordt-r M ; f. j*-■on of Fulton ;nl Mr Wright of FTov bot i intrtvHirr-,1 rhlid labor l.r ti . Mr Harvard of Dooley, 4l! fM#kir.K •* jr v#*e t th* *f giving iway of clKarrtte* Other mem i.rr*A unreduced many bills of minor tm l*oriarv. e. In ♦;)*- H*i at. Mr TVru>at4 sprung I - con tern pUt trig u change In th*- |rej rnt manner of •* tar ting J“*lgt ***** ■®)* 1 Rom K'li'ril. irxl M Hardaway intro duced h Mil s.-eklng • amend the code so that mutilation m.i\ l** ddd to th present penalty fr mj The H. tv- iwgat s. rk promptly on time, and the i me* f the tounti were *ll*o : m Mile nn- in in h flood Of th***- th* n *m Impertir! of course. wer- the child Kihor Milt >f Mr Wright anti Mr H *i*oi nii-l th IIU by Mr Wight of Dougherty n carding the se ieMlon of Ju .*'• -and -Heitors general, and the bill by Mr Harvard, to suppress the cisaret*.' Mr !4oa*ton - Hill is -Ir.iwn with tha view f proven> ii. s' the working of h dren under twelve >•*# of g in any manufn tiiring Industry in the -tate. at. I the employment of rhtldreo between twelve and fmirtfan yeirs of ag** wh * can no i n.i<J n*l writ*- a qu-tsl-4 rntpul eory 1 j * features Mr Wright’s MU s directed nt h taitil* ln-luatnes and < or.template* ih prevention of ohii-iren under ten years of .g- from tHL-Ing employed In them, uncon ditionally and h- prevention of to y rm*nt of children between t*n and fur teen x ept under fi-rtain conditions This m*-a>ure contain* an unqualifled compul sory educational clam* By reason of resolution th* privileges of the floor were eglended to Mr J C limit hill edii- r of the Charleston Nvw and Courier, ami Mr F W Wag ner, Preaklent of the Interstate and We t in dlan eipoaition Th >- gentlemen desire l to Invite the na e to have a dapliy .it that fair The lm|Mrfut Hills. Home of th* hills introduce! In the House to-day art Hy Mr. Bla*on of Fulton—Resolution providing for the purchase of ml *x 1 *ll -of Oeorgla reports By Mr. Hutcheson of Haralson—An a t to amend an act approved iec 17. \SW. entitled an act to provide for the regis tration of voters In the state By Mr Park of Qrartw —A bill to be en titled an art to enlarge the dntl *j of the Commissioner of Agriculture so as to In clude the Inspection >f milk, butter, cheese and other similar product* ofier*-! for sale in the state, and for other v r -poses By Mr Wight • f Dougherty- A bill to hr entitled, an art to amend an art for the protection of game approved ier ~ UPSi by striking out the word fifteen* h. on seventh line of sectbsi i, and inserting Word first. In lieu th**rof By Mr Wight f Dougnerty - A hll to Ih- entitled an act to protect wild. Eng lish and Mongolian ind oth<*r pheasant? n.l u.r iur;> t,'.*. By Mr H. td <? t'amiitwll—An n.-l i<> ■ mi act "An arl (o provide for thr hobllnß of veral city <ourl of tht> r.ale by various vlty court jula. ' • hereof, and for othrr purpoae*." Af>- proved I Hr. 21 IM. by •trtkliiß thernfrom the laticr clauev of Ih.- Urn OTCIIan of aatd art. nl for other iniryKHica. Uy Mr McLannon of Telfair—A bill • b- entltlevl an a<* to amen.l aertion SI * of volume 3 ol the ('..1. of ijeorata of ltd*. ■hi aa to make Justice* of the ivea.'t* ami notaries public who are e*-f!i !o 111*1 he* of th*. iwuce. Incompetent to *erve on pram) Jurl***. -iihl for otn.-r purjMWrt. \rv I'uniibmoiH for Hafir. Th* feature of todxy'S •cMlon of the Stnml* a bill by mitor Hardaway prirt'KliiiK • punishment for rape. The bill 1 U ax follows: fik-t l, lie It *n.\rtcd by thr Qeueral As sembly. ar.d it Is hereby enact* and by au thorlt> f same, that motion >1 of voluro • ) S. of the OiMle. Which preacrlbot the |Ufi- | tshment for rmpe. bo ami the same Is hereby amended by addm# aft-r th words in the last lino thereof the follow!not words, to-wtt: Or, utib’Ss the Jury r* com men is that tin* defendant In punished with routttn on, bi which ev* nt mutlkitlon shali be flllctt*tl at such Urn* aid In such maim* ras may I- |>:ncr:bed by the court 80 that sak* section, when nmended. shall read as ollowfs crime of ru|s shall 1* |fjnls!itl with death, unless the defendant Is recon | mended to mercy ly the | try. In which case the punl*hm4)t shall lx* the s nu* us for an assault, with the Intent to com mit rape, or unless the Jury re omtn. nd that the defendant be puni*i *1 with mu tilation. In which event mutUatl n shall be Inflicted at such time in*l In such man ner as may Is* prescribe*! by the court.’ Hr. !>•*nnitrd’ Mill. The other 1411 sand resolutions were By Mi ftennard—A bill to amend the Constitution o s to provide for the iwiin Ination of Ju'lku* and solicitors Keneral of the Superior Courts by the Supreme Court, the appointments to he made by the Governor, subj* t to confirmation by the limit This b. i • vi l that th 6upr m- Court sfiall submit five iam •** to the Governor, jn.| that the chief ex ecutive shall nominate one of these for the offl • to be llllel. find th- slid nom ination shall b * onflrtned by * two-third.-* vote of the Senate By M-. Jernlsun—-A bill to provide for a text hook oromi union. to ee ur for th state * system of uniform ■** l*Hke By Mr Hoy n ion— A resolution provldlnit for th* holdiriv* of nrt i upon h- day of the nation i * • 'tinn -.* to allow the membem of th** Beni- to *t home and VOIe By Mr Bell— Itesolved that a staiullny commit! re,. to - dent of th'- SenaT- to consist *>f not b*s than live. rxr mor* than >*ven iwmb-r*. be and the sum*- is b* reby nomtiuitml to I* styled the or? Public Kx pndltures. hi< luty it shall b** to care* fully inquire into th* xp< nUUute* of the several department'- and report where ex penditures can be reduced without detri ment to th* public servl • tlf Inn ri-t In l.nnr nl. A bill which will be of Inic t ** to t~e law schools of the state will probihl\ i>e Introduced next wek In the House by Hepresenlathe Hardwick of Washington The bill will provide that graduates of law schools be compelled to stand an sali nation before the state cxamlrdt g boird lx for* they b* given a license to practice Th* question • u***d considersb edh us. slon ii th* mee ing rtf the Bar A e 'la tlot but no rrcommendation *> made by that body. There ate mmy asrvers however, who b*ilve the students In law schools shouM stand the examination, and an effort will lx* made to have the bill passed. There air* a number of friends of law sehnois in the time this year. an<l a fight may b* expected. Plica ured 11 11 It oat the Knife. Itching Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Filer Your druggist will refund your mono If Faso OUumuu fails lo cure you tO ceoifr.- ad. 14 Example is Better Than Precept It is not ivhat ive sjy, but *vhat Hood's SsrsapsrilU dors, that tells the story. Thousands of testimonials are examples of what Hood's has done for others, and what it will do for you. Scrofula - " Hrnrmie nrrofula anrt made me shunned by iielphhora Medical treatment failed A relative urped me to try flood's narsapartlln lild ao and In few mot;th* the sores complrtoty banled.” Mil J M lUtcm Etna. N. II Inflammatory Rheumatism ' Two •ItoikiM.f Uie grip left rue with inflamma. toey rheumatism Am K 9 years old. but H'svd’s Sarsaparilla cured roe and I can climb stairs and walk anywhere." J.Lovk la!i>, lid Kantu Ave.. Itulfalo. N Y. uapauffa Bafg'l Fills r'f a vet tat...*., •i.tjr*T- *n - **it* tin h| a >.*f a^riltx (Ol Ml COl NT % BOlalgllEJD. ton < mint) l‘onrt lll* ul *nprrmr I •>•. Atlanta. Oct The County Court of Washington abolished to-day by a de cision the Buprrtnc <’ourt ©f Otrgln in th* iffc of Murray vs th* stats. This can** wa argued iicfort* the Pu l-re me* Court several days ig< by T. W M.irdwi'k H rald the |mlnt that the court wgs un* (institutional, being f r** tr*i when there was no law for *j?h courts, and that fh** decisions which have h**n to fore been rendered in that court wre illegal and void It eem* that she court w?©* create l by the <;eneral A-*setnhi> In Igno.'.inre of a law which set out that no court ccbid | le cr*aiei in the county of Washington The Hunreme Court sustained the print mad* by Mr. Hardwick *t-d th** decision (rendered to-day abolishes the < ourt There have been numerous vtidlcta b\ Juries in that court and it tagy be that the litigants in the •:>• v hlch have Inter decided there, will .tgsln go to the courts. - - v f.OV. HOARD 111 1M OMIf. t nme Down to Attend Georgia Dairy men's Association. Atlanta. Oct. 3* -Ex-Gov Hoard of Wis consin called on Gov Candler thl* morn ing Gov Hoard came down lo attend the meeting of Ihe Oeorgki DaOymen's Ae soclatlon. which convenes at Griffin nexi Tuesday. He will address the convention on the subject of dairying He will make several other addresses In different ports of the stale. Gov. Hunr.l Is one of th< most popular men In Ihe state of Wisconsin and Is very much Interested in farming. To-day he has been the guest of the industrial de partment of the Southern Railway. The opportunities for dairying and farming generally in Georgia." he aaid “are unexcelled ” He Is Ihe editor of Hoard's Dairyman, u prominent dairy publication. Jockey lladlv Inlared. Atlanta f>< I 35—Jockey Chatmtn. on Tout Ilonig. in ihe hurdle race at the Fair was Iwlly Injured inter nally this afternoon The horse fell at the second hurdle and rolled over the boy. TO rtßl') A COLD I) ONE DAY. Take Laxative Rrnmo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund tin money If It fall* to cure. E W Grove's signature I* on each box 35c—ad. •mUL \OTICKk M*.\V 11 * TIOH ItOOSifl. %f our new quartera, 11l AAhltnker nirrrt. tin or aliont lor. 1 wt will hold nor opening anle, A% ileli pnpera for list of goods to he sold. Patronage solicited of large or email consignments, settlements tor which will be made dn> following sale. ••Prompt and careful service. ** ••Satisfaction guaranteed.” Special attention to outside sales, •ill ANN Alt At mO* %nii tmmissitiN co. A. U INKHHiItT. Mgr. >WA 1%l NOTKfV. Savannah, Oi., Oct. 25, 1900. I hive admitted Mr Emil Eckstein 4 partner in my burlness—fhe firm to be known as Foye Ac Eckstein from thl* date. r T rOTE A t Allt> TO HI rHIEXIBI %*l> THE PI III.IC. I take pleasure in Informing my frierd-* that I have formed a copartnership with Mr I* T Foye. and I sholi endeavor to M-rve them with the earn* fidelity nd at tention se in the past and cordially in vlte them to visit me at our new st ind 1 solicit their patronage for the new firm !of Foye A I! nnd i will he my aim to erv thm as wed In th* future t* In the |>M \N ith sincere Punk' for ;usr , i. , ,• • i.M.I. I iv SI KIN pm wai ro cuba* t itrai o The only way o get your carpet* prop- I rly taken up. cleaned und token care of for the summer Is to urr the Job over to th* District Mtwtefiger and Delivery Cos ' telephone 2. or call at 22 Montgomery ! street, nrul they will make you an esti mate on the cost of ihe work. Prices reasonable They also pack, move and i etore furniture ami pi*nos II MEDI/)’K. Supt and Mgr NOTICE. City of Savannah. Office Clerk of Council. Savannah. Ga . Oct ifc, i!oo Dr Osborn* acting cit> phys lan f r 1 the Hi-cotv! District, Is located at No .AV, Price street office hours. S t<> 9 * m. ind 6 to 7 p. tn W !*. BAILEY. Clerk of Council I'HOyOMIA 11 ANTE 19. City of Bvann.h. Office Director of Publb Work, rtevannah. Ga tet. ZA, ISo- prop*>sals sre wanted for fur nishing the city of S.iv.tnnah with 12.0 ft square yard* of granite blocks Spcdfl. cations furnishe*! u|*on applications GEO. M GADSDEN, Director IIONDft 1 11 ! I TED. By the American Bonding nnd Trust I Company of Baltimore We are author ise.! to execute locally (immediately upon 1 application), all bond?* In Judicial pro ceedings In either tho s*ate or Cured Utates r’ourts, and of administrators and guardians DEAHING & HI LL. A**nu, > T(lphon, 334. f rovKlem liuHdmt. THF. MORNING NEWS: SATT KDAY. OCTOBER 27. 1900. BODY :%TEY Ml XI l/Tt HKit luirrlrn* >rgro on I rial for Murder In Phllndrlphln. Americus •#.* . Oct— Whi.e walking in the w*w*i nar the city limit th:- morning children found the dscompoeel body of f.lisa Holdup sn aged negr*fs who had probably been and week an*i ha*i never been miss* ! Bustards bad at " kei the **>!• a*.*! the children w* r* it tracted to it by th** presence of vultures Th* i.i.l woman probably fell dead fi**m heart dls* a*-- or apoplexy. char lew Ferry. • former pr*>mlnenr and wealthy Arntfirus negro. Is now on trial at Philadelphia *T)an;*rt with complicity In th* murder of Prof. Hay Wilson, white In M*i> la-e and th*- - eivictk>n yesterd.iy of ore of Perrys cor fade rite a* Henry Ivory. cau-*-s his acquaintances here to fear for the safety of Perry s neck Pre vious t* tils hasty flight to Philadelphia , i r in* of •ns U>.Je , *t burglaries her*- ever attempt ed. and his exposure and disgrace caused hlrn to run .w;iy to Philadelphia, where he got Into worse trouble < IR< I CROWD IIIS4ITOITITD. Many (inthrrrtl list hr t Irens Failed to ftfcow I p. Tennille. t Oct Jb—Forepaugh s A Hills’ drui advertised to snow h*rc to lay. did not arrjve in tlm** for showing Fully S*WW> |H*o|le were her**. The show 1# ft Aug'ist i over the Southern Ilallwa*. it 12 o’clock last night Part of the di ru* ha*- not yet arrival being now on *he ra*l nearly twenty-four hours Th rowds w*re soreiy disappointed The clr os leave* here at 9 o’clock to-r.lght for Amrrtcus U rll-knimn lliislnrss Mnu Ib-sd. Athens. fK-t . Mr T A Plttner .-t)- of the Junior members of the firm of Webbs Ar Crawford, wholesale grocery, died here thl- m >rr.lng at 3 o’ci**. k I4<* was one of the most popular and well krxwr business men In Northeast Heorgia Prevention brtter than cure. Tutt’s Liver Pills will not only cure, but if taken in time will prevent Sick Headache, dyspepsia, biliousness, malaria, constipation, jaundice, torpid liver and kindred diseases. TUTT’S Liver PILLS ABSOLUTELY CURE. MAHHIAUGt. FROST—DRAYTON—Married, Oct 24 19m. by Rev J L Scully, at St Paul's Episcopal Churrih. Mr Bertram Blanch ard Frost, of Ocala Fla . to Ml** Lily Belle Drayton, of Savannah, Ga N<- , ards ('harleeton paper* please • ofiy tn.tiu, iurtica# |* Al LDIAti OF LOXG IHI.AAD CEIK IIH ATED VIPI’IY APPLE f IDEH. This pure cider is served on ai-simers on the American line, and at the Wuidorf- Aatorlu and leading family grocers In New York City. Paulding's Pippin ckler Is made from th** pore Juice of natal picked tppb-a from his own mill on the premises. It I* abao lately pure apple Juice, and all the effer* veacenco I* natural an-1 we guarantee It to be the bolcest elder In the world Leading physl lans ui New York an I Brooklyn recommend thl* elder to their pativnt*. |te perfect purity Is guarantee.! In Paulding'* IMpptn ckler, only Long Isl an,l Newton * lipphis are used. The ap ples arc left on the tree* until late in October when they are hand picked end placed tn u dry r->om to ripen Paulding says "the apples arc thorough ly crushed In hla own mill and the Juice pressed out nnd run Into sweet clean .uek." The difference between crush ing and grinding upples Is very great You will know the difference between crushed apples nnd ground ippltw If you take some stems and chew them, you will find that bitter tasle which Is not with Paulding* crushed apples. This elder has not the extreme sweetness of the Russet elder, ami everyone will And the Paulding's Pippin ckler Juv right to lake with dinner LIPPMAN RROS.. Bole Agents In Savannah. 40TKR. Krlihrr th* master, owner* nor con *!*nrr* o( th* Ilr!tUh .tonmehlp wi*r will im’ r.“i>>nslblr for any *l*l>t* ronirac tnl by th* cr*tv \VM ST!;i>ilKN MiWit rw I 41. 4(ITICI* Neither th* ma.l.r nor .'onslttr*** of th* Italian l>nrk fonslttlla O.ilatola will h* rrspon-lhl* for any <l*ht* contmrt*t by th> crew, fTTRACHAN A ('O.. Consign**.. Savannah. (3a . Ort. IT. 1911* M-t. ItL tOTIIL All hills ae.iln*t th* Itrltlsh .framer Y*lor must te pr< l at our offl** before 12 o'rhs-k m this day, or payment thereof will l>* <l. barred. STRACHAS A CO., Consl(jnre Savannah. Oa . Oct. 37. IMP 4T €. 4Himr.H-. If I am not your hulcher I ku*>* In your neighbor's If you do no> eat the good thins* that he die*. It's your fault. I have i upeclnl order of Western roa*t* aisl steaks plump fowls, bnrnyar.l duck*. M S C A lU'NEH Phones E7S. P 8 —Remember the d> l.clous Corned Reef mod* es|>e. tally for my trade (it STBIIS. Oysters In all styles to your order. Meals to order Mel tickets which rn ahle you to live with m* elteaper than at home JttK CHANG, I’rop., Francis o Res aurunt lit Drayton mreet I4IVKRRATI4IO ITt'.Ma. At stall* 7 and X market you will Aral everythlnir nlc. In steaks, roasts, poultry Nice Inmu. fresh pork If you can't tome phone us 1173. BCOTT * DAVIS IV B.—Remember we have brains, tripe, sweet hread. ri.AbTKHF.R*’ nil l tM)4f SIP- Pl.tK*. Cement. Lime. Plaster. Hair and River Sand. I’rompt delivery Reasonable price SAVANNAH BUILDING St'Prt.Y CO.. Corner Drayton and Congress. Rhone Id* Little. CfcMF.NT, I*I.ASTER. • - We have the lar.est slock of the t>e*t goods. Get our price* before you pay more to others. AN'DRKW HAN'I.I V ■ ••MI'ANV ot n < ui'ATs Loan money at six id cent, on real estate security. BECKETT A BECKETT, Attorneys at Law ansi Conveyancers. The Quakers Are Honest People. Th Quaker Marl Tonic la no only a blood purifier, but a Klood maker t os yt# .. v TSj. I’aia. w.ak and De tl ltalrd peopia who iJSrV bava not >irrn|t| - *Hj* > nor blocal II acta ** h tonic. It resutataa diaortlon. curaa dya- I’-i-ola and l*nd ** r -nh and tona to Maif r * th nrrvo’rt system It la a medicine for weak women It l* a purely vegetable medicine end can la. taken by tha moat delt nta. Kidney Die rases, Rhcumatlrm and all dlaaaaea of the blood. Buwnaeh and narvaa anon auecumb to Its wonderful effect# upon tha human ■> stem Thousands of people In Qaorgia ucommend 11. Price 110#. QUAKER PAIN BALJd la the tnedlelre that the Quaker Doctor made all of hl aonderful U 4. k curaa with. It a anew and wonderful medicine for Neuralfla Toothache. Backache. Rheumatlem spralr.a. Pain In Bowela. in fact, all pain can be relieved by It. Price Ibc and Me. WHITE WONDEB SOAP, a medicated aoap for tha akin, acaip and cooudaslon. Price 10c a cake. QUAKER HEADING HALVE, a ▼••- tab|.< ointment for the cure of tetter, re imi and erupt lona of tba akin Pitca Mr a box FOR *#!.* FT ALL DRTTOOIBTB. arkitai. .toTicu. MJ 1.00U3 JI*T IHRIVEB. New California Prune.-. Utry. . Jr lb. N.w Jordan Shtlled Almomle Hk lb. New Bvaporated Apn ote 14c lb. New Dried Peeled Pvachea li> lb. New Dried Klee only l&r Ih Nr* Pineapple Cheese 40e each New Early Jun. Pcus (extrast 10c. Our New Hohy (rn Iwof or 26r. We have a full supply of Columbia River Salmon—loc. 12V and lie i-r can. Sardines, *, lioxea. 1* fleh to box. 2Sc New CodAeh lftc prr p.ickogc. three pack ager for 26. 6 cakes Octagon S>vip .irul Bottle Blue for 2f> cent*. 7 fake- Cirrus Soap and Ito'tle Blue 2Sr. Nw Evaporated Apple* 10< iMcknge Gelatine 7.- package four package* for 2Sc Cox'a tlelatln* ISc packafe. Keystone Hl.ver Oelatlne lOr pa kage. FANCY FRESH FRUIT. Fine Navel Oranvej, nr*t Of season. Fine Florida Orange* < xtra sweet 360 doxen Fine. Sweet Orange* 20c dnxan. Fancy Apple* 5c quart Fine 5-lb. baskets Grape* Fine Malaga Grape*. Extra Fine Indian River Pineapples cheap. F'resh Kalamazoo Celery 5c stalk N'w Georgia Syrup extra quality. Just In Hclf-Hatstng Buckwheat sc. lftc. 30c. 25c. peck. C A. DRAYTON GROCERY COMPANY. G S. Van Horne. Manager. PHILADELPHIA SCRAPPLE, LIVE LOBSTERS. Itrolled or Boiled. SCALLOPS. ■ Stewed or Fried BLUB PO! NT and NATIVE OYSTERS Served all styles. GAME IN SEASON. STEAKS CHOPS. Everything flrtt-ciaaa Dining rooms upstairs. LEVAN S CAFE. RESTAURANT AND OYSTER HOUSE. 111 Congre*s street, wa-t. NEW l.tltll)* FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. New Prune* per poun*l 5c Evaporated Apples 3 pounds for 25c Evaporuted Aprl ots per pound 15c. Evaporated Peache* per pound 10c. \e*v F'lgs per pound 15e New Currants per |Mek ige 10c Sardines in lemon Juice (>er can 30c ',-lb cans Deviled Ham per can 10c. 3-lb cans Tripe per can 25c. F"u!ton Market Corned Beef, m extra fancy cut*. Just In 1- Jars Chip Beef Isc Mustard Dressing In bottle*. 26c. V*-lb. can* Mustard only 10c. ■l-lb. cans Peaches (Tablei 10c. Quart cans Svrup only lOe Wine Flavored Jellies package 10c. 7 pounds Oatmeal for 26c. 2- package t>a:mr.i| for lhc Cheese Crackers per package 15c. Saratoga Chips per pound IV. Maple Sugar per pound 15c F’iorlda oranges per doxen 25c Delaware Grape* per basket 20c. Nlasira Grape* per basket 9V. Fancy King Appln* Bananas, Limes and Lemons. JOHN T EVANS A CO . ronrn-i* and Barnard Phonm IIBP'IKT* FROM V% %\| ! XFRIXOX Th‘ Freabytrrlan. JO f>ter* St., Atlanta <. . Jn 24. js>94 Wo F-avr JUit -rrn one of our mo-i |>rnm- Ilnen! Atlanta c*it. who ho* been upend iqc ueveral weeku at Huuanee Springs He l - enraptuted with the water. lh<* air, the climate ami Ihe place H‘ telle me of n rh*iimatb uufferer carried to the ftprins on i Utter, after three huh- ItiK.a wax on cru*rhea. an I In a w e k walked without eupport. We have before given inxtancea of the great virtue of the water Thin aught to be. and will raptdtv he. ,me, u popular resort with ivople of Atlanta nnd No'th Grorgla. both for h, tilth and I loantirr Th* Ftiwnneo Springs Hotel and all th* rotlHU** ire dialog on excellent b’tslnes,. and th* number of guest* here Increase, with each day. Tfte management is ex - celient this season. KITH 4 FIM Mt-'.4T TO-DAY. Prim- Itcef. Million and Veal, toimh. Matchless Cornet! Reef and all the deli cacies. You con always gel the best meats at my sta Is In the City Market I hv* Increased my delivery wagon*, ami am better ptepored for prompt de liveries JOHN FUNK Both Phone# 557. DO VOt 44.4 YT Spin* ribs, liackhone. the old time sau s ige. Weetern rosats. steak*, young chick en*. turkey? I handle all of IbD In the best quality. Just tty everywhe e e;,e amt then com* lo Joyce. Thta Is all I ask My meat* have opened the eyes ol hun dred*. They will open youre. Phones 107. JAB. J. JOYCE. PALMER HARDWARE CO., SAVANNAH. GA. Railroad and Mill Supplies, Rubber Belting and Parking. Builders’ and General Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, Rifles, Pistols and Ammunition. Rope, Tinware, Stoves. —AGENTS FOR— Fairbanks’ Scales. Austin’s Crack Shot Powder. /Etna Dynamite, Fuse and Caps. KODAKS and PHOTO. SUPPLIES EYEGLASSES and SPECTACLES SI.OO, that others charge $2.50. Save your life, save a trip to Hot Springs, by taking FRANK’S REMEDY^ Cures when all remedies fail. LIVINGSTON’S PHARMACIES, Bull and Congress. Branch 309 Bull St. Phones 293. Phones 382. arguub *or ilk.a. PI 111.1 *II ill* I tIH IhFOIt MATIOh. City of Savannah. Office Clerk of Council. Oct. 19. 1900 The following resolution adopted at u meattng ol Council, held on the evening of tha 17th inet . la herewith published for tha Information of all concerned Ry Alderman Dixon- Resolved by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah in Council as sembled, That the ordinance for the re. naming of streets south of Anderson street lw published for information and :!mt Council Invite* an expression of the views and wlehe* of the cttlxens of Sa vannah. and particularly of thoee residing south of Anderson at reel, or owning property tn this sec tion. concerning the wisdom and ex* pediency of the ordinance, thoie view* to be expressed hy petition or other written communication, or orally, at the next meeting of Council, at which time the ordinance will be read on Ita passage. An ordinance to re-name the streets In the city of Savannah south of Ander son street Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of th* city of Savannah In Council assembled, concerning th streets In the city of Savannah south ol Anderson street, that hereafter First and St. James streets shall be known as Thirty-flret street. Second. GlHott and St Paul street* shall be hereafter known as Thirty, second street. Third. Grapevine. West Third and fit Nicholas streets shall be hereafter known a Thirty-third street Fourth. Bism.irk. West Fourth and 8t John streets shall be hereafter known us Thltry-fourth street Fifth. Buiah. Wilder. West Fifth, 8t Michael and Brady streets shall be here after known as Thlrty-llfth atreet Sixth. Willow, Weet Sixth and 3 Thomas streets shall be hereafter known a* Thtrty-alxth atreet. Seventh and East Seventh streets shall he hereafter known as Thirty-seventh street Eighth. Center. James and Etst Eighth Greets shall be hereafter known os Thirty-eighth atreet Ninth ’tewl East Ninth streets shall be hereafter known as Thirty-ninth str.-ea Tenth, Church and East Tenth streets shall be hereafter known as Fortieth street. Eleventh and 1-imar streets (or avenue) • hall ne hereafter known as Forty-first street. Twelfth and South avenue streets shall hereafter known as Forty-second atreet. Sec. 2 Re It further ordained, that all ordinances and parts of ordinances In conflict with thl* ordinance are hereby repealed. WM P BAILEY. Clerk of Council RENOVATING—MATTRESBEB REN. OV 4TING. Hair, moss, ticking. fiber, feathers. Our stock of new material and manufac tured products are up to date Our reno vattn. and remaking has delighted many prominent resldenta Ask your acquaint ances. Materials sent us Is picked, steam ed. cleaned and medtcaled by modern ma chinery. Making done by mechanics. We coniine our work to mattresses atul bed ding generally. We sell licking of all kinds mo*) hair, cotton, fiber, feathera. or any artk l* needed In maliresa line NATIONAL MATTHEBB AND RENO- V ATI NO CO.. Hell Thone 1136. 311 Dravton atreel. City of Savannah. Office Clerk of Council. Oct, 19. I*o. A vacancy having occurred among the city physicians by reason of the re-lgna tlon of Dr M. H. Levi of the Second Dis trict. nolle* Is hereby given lhat an elec tion will be held at the next regular meeting of Council, to be held on Oct. 31. at X p m to fill the unexptred term caused by the said resignation. All applications to be filed with the Clerk of Council af or before 12 m of the 31st Imt. WM. !\ RAILEY. Clerk of Council. SPENT AI, NOTICE. .11 AT RECEIVED One carload of Moyers' fine work of Syracuse. N. 3' . open and top buggies, the most complete line ever brought to this city. We defy competition on this work I n*k the public one and all who are In the market for end and side-spring esy*rtd tng vehicle*, that (hey can be found at my repoaitory. Also a full line of deliv ery wagons, open and top; milk and biker wagons You m ike no mistake by calling at onrv> nnd make your selection. MARK APPLE'S REPOSITORY. 320 Broughton street, west. Kelly's Rubber Tires, the only reliable tire on the market. BECKMANN’S CAPE, 113 and lit Whitaker street. Merchants' Lunch from 11:39 ro 2 p m Everything served In ihe l>**t style Dining rooms for private parlies or families arc strictly private, nnd the b*s oysteis, meat* and game are served and prepared by a most competent chef. Phone 719 lIICE MILLING, RICE KLOVH, RICE CHAFF. We have anew mill with all modern pro esse*, tied machinery, and are now iead> for business. We solicit your pat ronage and Invite corrvepondem*; lie chalT free to patrons THF. SAVANNAH men; MILL 00.. T M Cunningham. Rmntdent. John Screven. Jr . Manager. SPECIAL NOTICE. The former Plumbing Inspector. Cos grove, does nol claim ho knows it all. like *om* of the eo-cai ed master p'umb ers. but does claim n* aid do your work reasonable and satisfactory Give him a call. 123 Drayton afreet. Beil Phone 113*. ‘ * GRAPiIOPHONES and RECORDS aUgIKKSS KUTICKS. FRUITS FRESH TO-DAY. These ore choice article* An early or der will Insure besi reliction* EXTRA FANCY KING APPLES Peck 60c. SWEET. JUICY FLORIDA ORANGES. I*o*en 35c FANCY FLORIDA ORAIPE FRUIT. Each I.V FANCY LARGE "BELL” CRANBER RIEB. Quart 15c. Telephone orders (both phone* No. 76* given prompt attention. in! s. inn a. corner Broughton and Whitaker. Silver Services Single Pieces Spoons and Forks Pearls Diamonds Watches One of the largest and most com plete stocks in the country. Manu factured by Sam’! Kirk Sc Son Cos.. 106 Baltimore St., East. Md. Real Works of Art. We have on exhibition to day the most exquisite pieces of Jewelry ever seen —a triumph in the art of goldsmithing. Absolute per fection of design and work manship, with combination of color. THE US BROS. SI'KCIAL AOTICKS. ExftßMfilFirpdX ' lOLOMOH COMPANY, Wholesale and Retail Dragalata. 44'holrsntr Department. 127 Con gress street, west., Georgia Phone 144. Item II More*. 133 Consrss* atreet, oral. Hell I’honr 144. Hall and Charlton slreetx, under Lunrds' 4r ■ enal. Hell and Georgia Phones 03. RIDS 44 44Ti:i. City of Savantwih. Office Director of Public Work'. Savannah. Gu , 0.-#. u, 1309.—Bids will be received at this office until Wednesday, Oct. 31. 190). at 12 o'clock noon, city time, for furnishing Ned as follows No 1 Timothy hoy. per ldft pound*; best quality feed bran per lAt pounds; bee: quality corn, per bushel, best quality mixed oats To be weighed at the city lot Envelope* to be marked "RM for Feed '■ The city reserves the right lo re. Ject any or all bids Rids to be opened in the presence of bidders. OEO M OADBDEN. Director. I’HOI’IIM 41.S 44 44TED. City of Savannah. Office Director of fhihllc Work*. Savannah, Ga . Oct 24 —Healed proposal* will be receive,! at this office until Wednswlav. Oct. SI, 1900 at 12 o'clock noon, clly time, to furnish the etty of Savannah with euppliee until Nov. lo Ikn All proposal* mud he mad* on official forms, whl h can be secured at this office on and after this date. Envelope to he marked "Proposals for Supplies " The city reserves the right to reject any or nil nidi Hide lo be open ed In the presenr* of balder*. OEO. M GADSDEN. Director. (Ml IMi i 4 1-11K** LIMBER FOR SALK. ISO.Org) feet of ash. suitable for wheel, wtights, carriage makers, car works and Interior houte finish. Also cypres* lumber of all size*. V.'c have resumed cutting our famous brand# of rvpresa shingles and will soon have a full line of them for sale. VALE ROYAL uwi £Q. JNO R , - C. B ELLIS. BARRON r A Vtc. Preside.,. Aist The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH ’ and Corporation* *“**■ Libaral favor* extended tni n zT^,z , r ,oa SEP4RATESAVIHGS DEPARTMENT lATLHuar L 0 w,.0, ,nI 4) "t AHr K H LY 03 DEPO|tl. r^ f *Cne~!T'a ® OT ~ V uJU fo, rtnt Correspondence o!felted. The Citizens Bank F SAVAW%H. CAPITAL $500,000. n Solicit. Aeronat, of 1*41*1#..!. Merrliant,. |„ ok . olh „ r „ * ration*. t oilertlnna handled with economy and illapnteli. Interct. c0,p„„„.,, d nmmrirr . allowed nn In one kv| nK . Department. Snfet > Depo... Homes .and (N„ r . c - Vanlta. DRANTLBY A. DKYAIARK. Preside.,. MILLS 11. LAVE. Vlee Presides! CIEOHUE C. FREEMAN, t ashler. OQHIMtN L. liHOOVEH. Asst, f a.hie,. SOUTHERN BANK o t l no btote of Guurgki CP"*I Ikb.o* and undivided profits 3e . (ta DLCObIiOIIY OF i lib 4TATE Of GEORGIA. Superior facUiiin. tut transacting a <en rq. uai.Kiug rtuslosag Colkcilopi n.aue uo all points a. ■'seibii (hrougn banka and bankwx, Acvouiiu or iiq.,k7 tiaiikers. *7' and Olhert soliutad. Safe Deposit Boim for rent Dspartment of Savings, interest payable quarterly Sella sterling Bxchanga on London o and upward* JOHN FLAVNERT. President. HORACE A CRAVE. Vlee President JAMES SUT.T.TVAN Cashier ... DIRECTORS FLANNKRY. WM W. GORDON £ A . w w GORDON Jr. H A CRANE. JOHN M EGAN LEE ROY MYERS JOBEPH FERST i? t. CHARLEB ELLr# EDWARD KELLY. JOHN J KIRBY siiiMiin CAPITAL, 8300,000. Accounts of banka, merchants, corpora tions and ImUvtduala solicited. Saving# Department. Iniereat paiJ quarterly. Safely Hexes and Storage Vault, tor rent. Collection# mad* oo oil points at raw sonable rates. Drafts sold on all tbs chief cities of tbs world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D WEED President. JOHN C. ROWLAND. Vice President W. P. McCAL'LEY. Cashier. THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH. GA. Cap.tal Undivided profits This bank offers Ita services to corpora tions. merchants and Indlvlduaia. Hoe authority to act a a oxeoutor, ad ministrator, guardian oto I map drafts oo the principal cl lss In Great Britain sad Ireland and on the 0 t t tudl Inter a- redd or compounded quarterly on deposit* In the Savings Department, SaMy Hole* for rent. HENRY BLUN. President. o*o w TIEDEMAN Vlo* President JOHN M HOGAN. Cashier WALTER F HOGAN. Aa*- Cashier. No. IMO. Chartered. Wet. THE MAC ill M OP SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. MR, 8). SURPLUS. 1100.9A UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. J A O. CARSON. Rrarldmu BEIRNE GORDON. Vie* President. W M g> AVANT. i'ashler. Accounts of bonks and hankers, awr ebsD-s and ecrpora'lone received up a the moat favorable term, consistent with safe and conservative banking THE GEORGIA STATE B IILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION IS YORK STREET. WEST. r PER CENT, per annum allowed on o deposits, withdrawable on demand. Intereat credited quarterly 6PEH CENT, per annum allowed on deposits of even hundreds, withdraw able at annual periods. GEO. W. TIEDEMAN. President. B. H. LEVY. Vice President. R W BELL. Secretary. C. O ANDERSON. JR . Treasurer The Chatham Real Estate and improvement Cos, ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms. lo Newspaper MM. For sale, a Forsalth Newspaper Fdder will fold sheet Lit* It I# In good Price *IOB II oast originally 11.19*. 501 vr• have Bo un for II anil want tbt room II orcuptaa. It will bear invaluable adjunct say newspaper ufßea. Addraae MORNING NEWS, IsrtsssX Oa. IP YOU WANT OOOD MATBIUAt and arork, order your llthograsbed _•-* printed stationary and blank broks Ins* Morning News, Bsvannob. Oa,