The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 27, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 gflje Murvini Mflltdlac aataanih Ua • ATI Hit IV OtTURKH SIT, IIMMi, Registered at im Poetolgoe in Savannah The MURNINO NEWS published •very day In Ida >cai. and ia tvl u> subscriber. in the cut. or ni t>y ruatl, at 70c a month, U WS for **x months, and H Uv for on* >•> Tlia MORNING ND'VS, by mall, ala iiino a i*k (without Sunday imue), •brea month,. si.4t, ala rrnaitOa *3OO, ons ytar 3- *i 'th* R’EEKLT NEWS, 2 laaura a week, Monday and Thursday. by mail, one year. M.<*. gubrcriptlbne payable tn advance. Re mit by poaial order check or r.'tterl letter Currency aen'. by mall at rlak oi ae rater* Transient advertisement*. other than •penal column, local or reading notices, amusement* and cheap or want column. 10 cents a line. Fourieen llnea of •*< type-equal (o one Inch aquare tn depth la the atendard of meaaurernent. Contract trues and dievount made known on appli cation at buMneea otltce Orders tor delivery of the MORNING News to elthet residence or place of business may be made by poelal card or through telephone No 2!0 Any irregular tty in delivery should bo immediately re ported to me office of publication. Letter* and telegrams should be ad dressed kuHNl.Nil NEWS." Savannah. Lie EASTERN OFFICE 23 Tark Row. New York city, U C. Faulkner, Manager. INDLI 10 BEW iDVEBTISEXESTi Special Notices—Pla#terrr*f and Masons' Supt>li< a Savannah Hull ling Huigily Cos.; Brick. Andrew Hal ly Cos ; I’rom Suwancr Spring*; Wholesale and Retail Druggist*. Solomon* Company; Real Work* of Art. Theu* Ilroa, Levan's Cafe. New Goods Just Arrived, C. A. Drayton Company; Ship Notices. Btrarhan A Cos., Consignee*; Bun Francisco Restaurant; Al Gardner *. Jas J Joyce. John Funk. Business Notices—Fruits Fresh To-day, the H W Branch Cos. Ea;-Well tjelatlne—Beat. Purest, Qulrk est Mad- Our Fall and Winter Stock of Clothing Is Complete—The Metropolitan Clothing Company Amuscmente-"The Christian," at Thea ter. Oct-. Legal Notices—in the Matl-r of James R. Sm th of Chatham. Bankrupt. New Auction Room*—Savannah Auction Commission Cos. Printing— Morning Nrws Joo Depart ment. Cheroots—Old Virginia Cheroot*. ___, Porter Anheuser-Rj*ch Brewing Aesoclatlon. Mineral Water—Arorwlack Baratrju Wa ter. Orap* Nuts—Postum Cereal Cos. Whisky—Duffy’* Pure Malt Whiskey; Tallow lelel Whisky. Medical—MeKlraa’s Wine of Cardul; Dr. Williams' Pink PHI*: Mother * Friend; ltuod's Sarsaparilla: Warner # Safe Cure. Lydia Ptnkham* Vegetable Fills: B- 8. H , TutC* Pills, Horsford’e Acll Phos phate. Ayera - Hair Vigor. Cheap Column Advert l*e memo—H*l|> Wanted; Employment Wanted For Rent; For Bale. Boat; Personal; Miscellaneous. Tlie Weather. The indication* for Georgia to-day are for generally fair weather except rnlna along the coast; fresh northeasterly winds; and for Eastern Florida rain, with brisk porlhnaaterly wind* on th© coast. Some ahrewd rogue* in New York, have •urcee<le-l in obtaining probably *IOO.OOO of the Republican National Campaign Committee's money through a system >1 forg-sl checks. Thrsie rogues probably tliought they were os much entitled io a part of the ewag as any of the others. Americana recalved those order* for trucks for South Africa for the same rea son that they were given the contract for the Atbara bridge gome lime ago. and have Juet secured contract* for the re building of the Han Ku bridges in Chine —they can do the work quicker nnd at lower prices than their European com petitors. The deposits in the sixty-three bankj of lb*- New York Clearing House for flu wrrk which end-d Imi Halurday wore (Mt.43S.WO. ond me loan* $797 S49.JP> The clearings for the week were f1.03.jR.101. In comparison with these nnuiunt* of money, representing a week's business, A.vords stealing*. exlendlng over sev ers! years, amount to less than the pro verbial drop In the bucket. Str Robert Orllten the I-on ion stalls* ticlan. wys the “Yellow Peril" Is much overtoil me ted and will entirely disappear In a hundred years, owing to the taplJ In crease of the white population o' the world. Sir Rolen Hart see* a very real “Yellow Peril" ahead and no hop-' of a permanent solution of It. These eminent Sirs Robert ought to pet together and de bate tha matter, and then In us know pre cisely what we arc to expert. Is It beyond human Ingenuity to Invent a perfect system of bank checks and coun ter-check* upon employes so a- to keep them from stealing’ Thu* far, at all events, no such system appears to have been found The affairs of Alvord. an l Sehrelber, and tbeley, aiyl dozens of others, are evidence to that effect It would be nonsense to say the hank* fall to adopt such a system because they do not want to. The fact ! they ore din tinis-ly searching for a system of ih kind, are! would willingly make rich be yond the dreams of avarice any man who would supply ih' in with one. Alvord, by the wuy. hi* a joke on the First National of New York In this very connection, wince be was him - If several months ago select ed by the bank a* one of three eip rtl to <J<vl*c a thief-proof syst-m for the In- Mliuti.n Alvor-I's *i-rvlcea uikm this board of expert* are said to have extend ed up to th' moment of hie dlsappearan alter having stolen ssoo,'Xs) of Ihe bank's I -ids At the time of Ihe Hho uni l.eather Hank robbery, some few years <*, the president of another bank boast ed lhai such a thins would have been im possible In his Institution, so perfect wss Its system Three weeks Inter It wan dis covered that one of ihe clerks had stolen (W.Ow of the c outer Da money. It (Ml I !*:% K (111 M K IM.KV. It mo#t he 4niMfti iiiat Mr. th# rrlr> of War. tn til* ipw h at c*%n --• ton, the bom© of Mr. McKinley, on Wed ! i * 4 *tlny night, mad* a bolder. tnough n*>t I .i mo-r# ffffe'Mvr, defrnee of th* flepubli t an j*dley of trnpcrlalicm than hai by any wi* of the other rirnjMlgt ©l‘©akti*. H© math* a dire* f f*nu Mr. lit >an on xeverai point? the mo? I < ©n*i*u uou* fcf in< tn ref*r©ir*e to ifct* doctrine. frequintly referred to by Mr liryan, namely, that government derive* H# Jtijir f*ow©r* from th#-forwent of t!© governed. ’ Ooverunv n Mr Hoot *•ld. don not dtp© rat u|*jo th< nient of the govern'd, The immutable l.iwa of Jutdl©* and bummity rnplln i >( ©hall have government, that the w<-k *hil t*s Itote red erur-lty and luat ehnl! r# #/4n*l, whether there? Ik* rone ecu or not.** He ld that wa©n J*fff reon gave utter i • to the •!. rtr* In queetlon. 1© h.*J rfirn tail to n fi.ople ihar w*r limrndutd rom rfol. nl that h© lid not apply It to tlu- Ijoubltna purchase. Mr. Itrot f**ln?©l rail th •§ Jeffrr#on h#i*l thf the inhabit • .f territory wre ln i|>ul>lo of aclf-government, and lit- gov rn< I th* m without their consent He <le<'lard that there w r* oilier prirtrlpUe of law and liberty limit the d<x trln** of conaent. There |# no doubt, however, that this niu *li w is* found* ! on th doetrlu**, und it I* Hu* aim oi Mr liryan to k# ep It on thut louiahmon lie le not m> much ton • rn*d for the FiUpinof a he l for the American people. He feela lhit If the reputoll* jp cut loose from lt rnLK.rlng H will drift Into imperiall-m Th< r publl w 4 |n no danger from J* f ferftofT* action In gov<rmng the peop • ne.Uti gon the IsOiihimi i purchase wl'h out thc-ir e*#fM*efit. lecaune It wae ahe * lulely 4 ertJill ttint thop* pjpie wou*d be Heeimiiate I and the# land they |>< ufded would l>e< om* 1 part of the republic, but lher 1 no intention tf making Araerl • in rlttX4 (im of the Filipinos or of carv ing states out of the Philippine*. It I* th© pur|K>e of th# Republican part* ii* hoki th* Fiiipimw ae policy in to mike colonies of the 11-and*. -and*. Therefore that party’s policy in respect to the HhiUnpin* cannot be Jus tified by th# policy of Jefferson In re •pert to the IsTuilrlafut purchase. Mr. Root i*o tmb ri<M.k to defend the Republican party * Fhlllppine policy *y ct ittng that Mr. Uncoln *lsl not reco*r nla* the dis'irtne of the consent of the governed In with the Southern state* Hut he filled to state that ‘A was well unierstoo<) that if secession wer* not a so. * e# the North nnd Houth would * reunited, ami that th?* country wouM l* harmonious In Its utms nnd purpoaen. It I* not supposed thiit there will he harmony in any direction between the. t nlted Iftates nnd the Philippines, if the is.ands shoutd he retained by the former T:im Fiil|ilnon will remain the brown peo pb- that they are and not for gert4*rat!on wiil they and appreciate th 4 genius and .spirit of our Institutions. No. the Louisiana purchase did not mean lin perialiem. but the Philippine pur has© truant It. THE NISIIEHI. IMIlt l OW II Th. We can very well Understand the Governor'* recommendation .filled Mr Hale. Chairman of the County Comm *- sloners. too full of Indignation for utl r ance. If that recommendation ehould m.-et the approial of the legislature tia chances are that public Improvements In this county would In- greatly In erfer and with. If not practically checked The Prison Commission ha* about as much as It esn attend to properly now. It wou:i not have time to visit each one of the counties and set which were treating the misdemeanor ronvlt is properly. There would be a general law. and all of the counties would have to comply with it The same rule* and regulations would le> enforced In each county. Doubtless the Prison Commissioners would want to hire out the able-bodied convicts In order to Increase ihe slate's revenue. The county would be left with the liieanahlc* who would be worthless for any sort of work on public Improvements. The sounty would have to Incur an extra expense for labor to do drainage work while the ex pense* of enforcing the criminal laws would not he reduced In the least. It Is not Improbable that grea-er re sult* could lx- obtained from the county convicts at lea* expense, hut It I* a safe statement that the present system Is far and away better for the county th in the plan recommended by ihe Governor. We do see some results of the money spent on convict* now. but under the Oovern-u's plan the chances are that about us much money would be s|ent without any re sult* No doubt the Governor * recommenda tion Is fust tiled by Ihe condition of affair* which exist In some of the counties—many of them In fact—but lhat faci due* not Justify Interference with counties which deal Jnstly and humanely wl-h their con vict* and get fair results In the way of tabor for Ihe money spent upon them. It Is clear, from what Chairman l>a e ays, that this county will not willingly consent to the Governor's recommenda tion An appeal will lx made to the legis lature l-y this county, and doubtbe* by som other < ountlc*. for exemption from i the new legislation, If that body shows a dlsiiosttlon to legislate In accordance with Ihe Governor. * It" > mm-il lation i Then must be a larg* n intlier of other counties which are complying airier | |y with the luw In the treatment of their convicts and finding plenty for them to I do on the public works. A rich man of Rochester. N. Y.. Is ml*#- ■ mg. At Ihe time of hi* disappearance he wore several diamond* valu'd at thou | sands of dollar* and had several thou sands of dollars in rush in his pocket. His bank account I* said to lx- quite a good ] one. There is, of course, nothing out !of Ihe ordinary In the foregoing. Rich 1 men disappear almost every day. Rut u ! Is Ihe manner In which this man got I rich that ts interesting. Il< Invented | n mechanics! (op—a spinning top for < till j -Iren—which retail* for .■ few pennies Itelng thrifty, he became hi* own nun- I user nnd manufacturer, and from the sale* of Ihe Insignificant toy amassed u ■■nail fortune. The Emperor William refer* to Great lirttoth n- “the most powerful Teutonic state outside of our own nation " When one considers the omount of German Mood lit Itrltlsh royal veins, and In tlrlllsh veins that are not royal. It seems that William Is not so far out of the way, after all. THE MOItMNG NEWS: SATURDAY,’ OCTOBER 27. 1000. % STtTt IIIULTH omC KH, Just what service- a state health officer would be aide to rmder that would Justify P)ing him a fair salary is not apparent It la true that *©m* months ago there .*** need of a ?tat# health officer. There was smallpox in many of the counties, •nd no one swoiel a'-Hhoriged to taka the i • essary tneasur*** to prevent It from | spreading Hut It Is only occasionally (hat the state Is visited by an infectious or contagious disease. It *loes not m to bo n* te*F,iry th r* fore to have a • luwltli officer cm duty all the time What the lsegii*<attire ought to do In 1 hit*. It ought to put a -rtaln amount of money at h* ill?! of the Governor to be used for such health purposes as ihe think* advtsahW und It ought to giv him power to appoint a health officer vrh?*n the services of -*uch an officer are i needed. In thsi uv me Governor could | keep pr< tty thorough control of the halth situation. Moat of th* cities have heaNh officer* of hdr own. mml the©? officers know the lo.'al situation nun h U tter than a slat© health offi er would, and are be?l**r qual ified in ( very ixirth uiar to deal with ills -4 .im s ihretten their resj>*ctiv© com* munltles. They would not object to she tiv iMm: of n state officer, but ther? Is nu n*~* essity to upfioirit such nn officer on their amount. Aw a matter of fact, a Mat* health officer would be of real Mrviie only to lountie* not well supplied with physician*. It 1* hardly probable that It Is the ln tention of the Governor iht th - proposed h 4 i|th officer ehail hav control of Inland qimrantinc' mitters. Inland (luarantlrie thouN! be in th© hands of very com|wtent |e*rsons anil - houid not depend upon the Judgment of one man. In fa< i. both in la mi aml fustMTsrd quarantine should la under thi' control of the national govern ment. because only by being under one authority *an It be made eff Tivt*. The Governor's re*-ommcndatlon re*t>e< tlng <• Fiat* health officer ought not to Is- acted upon hastily. d;> mm n%<o> uktn %mirr,. geftfHor IllfOn S* •- t* have l*een un able to (in ide whether he ought to com ply with rh* reqii* • of the n*nv> rati National Committee to mak** campaign speeches for Mr Bryan—something he wanteij to k>-or return to Atlanta ami pay his respects to th© General Assem bly. In accordance with a very great de ikr© which he felt In that direction, and therefore he applied to friends for ad vie© and thi-se frleml* brought th- motter h**- fire the General Assembly. That body was very k nd to help the Ben.itor out of a dilemma, bu* It Is probable that 1 would not have felt that he had slighted It if he had compiled with the request of the Democratic Nation j! Committee with out consulting his friends in Georgia, and r©turne4l to pay his respects to l after the nation 1 campaign was over. However, ww may be wrong about th * Th*r may tw a custom In this state which rtnuire? a United States M-n.tor to pty his ri -p*cts <o the General at the I# ginning of the session of that body. If there is no such rujt4m then it ran only Ik* said that Seniflor Bacon has shown very great respect for the General As j sembly. It Is true that this assembly will elect I his successor. btt Senator Haron has al ready Isen chosen by the people at a pri mary, and there Is no probability that the people’s choice will he disregarded. If there had not been m choice by a primary I it might Ik* supposed that the* Senator'* consideration for th© Generul Assembly was due largely to the fact that It would ohooae his successor, but under the clr j cumstances that view la hardly permle i slble. Clearly It must be aerrpted that tho Senator’s sole purpose was to show hi* respect for the General Assembly. Hut h4w about the Junior senator, Mr. Clay? Will ho not also take similar steps to "how his regard for the law makers* It may be that he Intend* to w*alt until the n ttlobal . ampaign la over In fer*- taking any formal action in regard to th 4 mat ‘ ter. . * MITE t I.KHK tkVoKI). It Is no wonder that the announcement lhat note clerk Alvord of the First Na tlonal Rank of New York had robbed that institution of nearly ITW.MO start!, and the bankers and financier* of tha? city. Two thing* made It startling One was that the stealing had been carried on through a half dozen years or more without ex citing suspicion of anything wrong, and the other was the amount that was taken The thought lhat presented Itself was this: If a note clerk .couid steal from a bank hundred* of thousands of dollars und could carry on hi* peculations for a sules of year*, what assurance was there lhat many of the other linancUtl Institu tions of the city were not being robbed by employes or officers? And It seem* strange that the chief of ficera of the bank did not know that the note clerk was what Is called a “high roller." One New York paper contains th i-sertlon that there are a doacn or mor. nank cashier* In that city who are h- avy bettors on the race*. Iroubtles# they ar< straight with their respective banks, but, j judging from the First National Rank revelations. If some of them were getting money tn Illegitimate way* the bank of | t'rera would not know it R ink examiner* never seem to discover anything wrong, I and the checks on stealing do not appear I to lie effective. A bonk president and directors ought to have u record of every employe of their bunk holding a responsible position It should *how the employe's every day life If there were evidence that uti em ploye was living lieyond hi* means an vs | planatton would be In order, which. If rot satisfactory, should be followed hy dismissal Now-.4-day* Investigation and dismissal follow a defalcation or a short age The Alvord Incident will doubtless make bank president* more careful for a little while, but It will not be long before they will become negligent Secretary Gage's little !!• ar-old grand daughter, who so cleverly solved the six. toen-to-one problem, after It hml pnxxled no end of deep thinker* mnny ttm- s her age. Is both nn Infant prodigy and an honor to her grandslre Financial erudi tion must tie transmitted In the (luge Mood. The little lady may yet be the ■ ery next thing to a President. Here at the tail-end of the campaign. When everybody else Is thinking and talk ing about Imperialism and trust*. Secre tory Gage attempts to revive the qtjlea <c- nt slxteen-to-one issue and pretends to be terribly frightened by tu Mrs. Watferberg of BroflMfß thought th© other day that h© had solved th# ser vant problem After having tried §ll man ner of servants, of every nationality and tongue, hearing ©II manner of retom mendstions, and being liaapp inted In • very . . bright id. etrucg htr All of her former servanth hel shown some degre*- of Intelligence; sh# wault g?t one Without intelligence. . rvar.t w.thout tap-city for thinking w all assure ily cmrry out Instructions Ilf* ally and with out bother. Thu* r©a?onej Mia. Watfer berg, anil straightway w • t to the Laaig Irlarul Insane a*ylum and hired a git I that the superintendent gu.irantsed to tn- a P* rfec*t imbecile. With her ‘treasure” tne solver of the servant probl- m wendd h r happy way homeward Hit the solution wouldn't work, literally -peaking Th© imbecile smashed crockery upset lab! a and filially pounded her im-tre#* am) pull ed her hair to such an extent that the 4 xfK riment ha<l to he given up Thu* It rx urs that the servant p: ohlem is pre ilß-ly where It was be for Mis Wutfer btog umKrtook the so. at lon of it. And still there an people who think that Mr. Cleveland is u man without influ ence or following' * **o\4L. Helen Keller, the d#af, dumb and bilnl young W4*mun who ha# just entered Rad- !lffe College, finds geometry a:td algebra <>t the lan guagt ii she takes to easily. On- member of the British Parliament, r• • **tl> di*>oftved. Cos; t Seeley, Allvi and W 4 . never took hla eat, H<- wo- eircled to • v< ancy while hi- wa.-s m service In South Africa and was un able to leave the fl* -I to take up his peaceful duties. He it* still In South Af r'c.i. , On o- the suitors for the hand of (jU4 n Wllhelmtna of Ifo land, and one wh. war ronsiderd two ytar* ago to have a very good chance of success, ha" Ju*t die ' II- was I*rtnc<- Bernard Hein rtch of fluxe-Weimar He w*h only 22 >'< ara nld. Ilia death wa# the result of u cod caught whlfe hunting. —Canon Christopher, th- veteran Eng lish evangelical I©ider. P.i- recently com pßt©*l his eightieth birthday, and It U propoat*! to romm-mont© the event by (hi establishment of scholarship* at Wye llff. Hal! <nr ford, and Ridley Hall. Cm bridgi The s heme Is receiving warm support from Lord Kinralrd. Btr John K tmss.iy and the Hi*hop of Liverpool. —George Franc I- Triln lives in a very small room at one of the Mills Hotel* In N w York and ha- noI left the building for month?* lit- gets out of bed every morning between 4 and ! and spends near ly all hi* waking hour* in reading news papers. A bout k in the evening he is r<ady to retire for the nlgnt. The former mii.lonalrt says 4hat when tfc • Tran>*- SilK-rlan Railroad H >mpl#ted he will ' I>elt tae world In thirty clays.’* - Among the *t4>rlc> being told of Joseph Chamberlain is one to th© ©fHct that while in Part* some time ago he saw an ex - ectdlr.giy rar orcnld Mr Chamberlain, who 1* in rtilhusHd in the rnat’er of orrhid*. ask and It* price. ' Twenty pounds tlKdi,” u‘d the florbt. "and it is th© only specimen In Franc*-." Chambtrlaln pail over tn* money nd tore up the b* auttfu’ flower, saying ”| have a du ; 1 ate in my own coilecrion. tnd I ob- J-' t to a Frenciiman owning this." tilt lIiHT HITS. —Gettlnf Him** If Disliked.-"!* young Mr Dlbhlna a man of any social discern m*m?" "No. every time he call* an n> he tikes my |-ood.c* chair "—Chi-ago Record. ell. Daisy, shall we pay the house rent or give- u dinner?" “Why. give the dinner, of course! What gcod wll p,td up house rent do us If w. lose our social position?' —Rife. -A Red. Defer Day-The Stranger —“How long have you been civilised?" The Native—“ Ever since my home was burned to ih< ground, and my wile an I children *hot.“—Rife —"Does this climate agree with you?” said Ihe solicitous person. Very seldom." nsw< red the man of serious mien. “I’m u professional weather prophet.”—Washington Star. *1 ho - ’twere hojadt** to rehearse All thy praises In n Vcgae. t.ei (hi* ts- a verse to thee Something I coul-i never be -Life. —Came by It Naturally.—Visitor _ "What a haughty, overbearing child that little freckle-face Is’" Teacher—"lt pn't his fault: his mother Is u cook and hi* father the Janitor of un upatmen; house.' Brooklyn Rife. —Worse Than the Fire.—Teacher—"Ye*, children. . Chicago ts one of the gr. a' cities of the world, tiui It once suffered a terrible calamity Can any one ta-ll What ll was” Pupil-' Why. it was th!-* here last census."—puck. I t 11111 -XT' ( tIHMRVr. The Ralllmmc Sun (Dcm.) says: “An ob server who has returned Horn Ohio, where his huslnt ss took him into contact with runny Republican*, with whom he inc|- dentally talk'd politics, say* they arc fearful of losing the state to Bryan. He say* the explanation given by ihe Repub licans ts that thousands of their putty ar, after office, tml set lug no hope for up polntment hy (he re-election of McKinley, they will vote far Hrvtn. trusting to a return to power of the Republican* In four years, when tmy would have as much chance a unyls-dy to secure the spoils." The Philadelphia Record (Dem.) say* "The trouble with the long campaign speeches of this year is that the audiences are apt to f.rg-t the beginning before they hear th* end When the tiamlan exiles went to hi art a and mad- a long supptl- Mtlon for assistance they were told that the first cart of their address had been forgot ten and the latter purl not under stood. When rhey went next day and said lhat iheii wallets ware empty, that wa* enough." The Philadelphia Re Iger (Ind.) says ' Reglslutors make laws, but public senti ment dictates tl.elr execution or the re erse In Frame, despite the laws againsi duelling, a man who kllcd'hla antagonist In an encounter has Just la-en acquitted by the Jury which tiled him. and in many American communities It Is found Impos sible to convict men known to be guilty of complicity in murder by lynching." The Macon Telegraph (Dem.) say* "Hanna ami the Republican national com mlttee seem to be almost as far apart as llryufi and Tillman, for although Hanna says there are no trust# the Republican national committee |- distributing broad casi a book entlllnd 'The Other Side," In tended to show how he trusts benefit the Investor and the workingman " The Florida Timcs-I’nlon and Citizen (Dem ) soys: "I.a*t week a platform col lapsed under Senator Hanna and Mr Bryan missed connection with his car— we hope these omen* do not foreshadow Ihe election of Mr. Debs.” . Name* on Hefei HrgUlrr. “Funny 4>ew f<- men take the trouble j to write tbrlr names leclbly cn a rente- I ter." remarked the man behind the coun ter at one of the bite hotel. In New Or leinii, aay* the Tlme.-Demoorat. "Look at this page, ant thl*. and tnlal flow ! many signature* do >ou sea that you ran \ reel nfrnan-t anl be ' -rt itn you’re rlylilT Not one tn four. 11l bet: Now look attain I and note the number of mere .crawls that nobody could |>o..lbty decipher. "A great many guest, make that kind i of chicken track, on a page merely to be imjetra in - They have an abeurd j clew that a at 4 signature Indicate, a per ! non of consequence " "Rut ho about fellow* who can't write*" aeke.t a guest, who had listened to the clerk* Utile homily, "don'; tiny som-times tnuk" a scrawl for a bluff** "Yes. I've Jcnown that to be done ' re plied i#ie clerk, smilingly, "but not often A nvtn who can't write finds it very difficult to make even a scrawl, and he generally gets out of registering by throw- I Ing the blame- on the pen. 't can't u a thing like thl*.' he will *ny; haven't you got a broad stub?' Nothing In the rack will answer and. knowing by that time how the land lav*. I volunteer to register for him MO'cln entertain a good many (.rople who can't write, and the bad pen comedy Is enacted quite frequently. Of course, the clerk ha. to be very careful no. to let the guest suspect that he Is on to the .Irelge. for such folks are very sensitive about their educational Infirmi ties. "I on--e knew n man who paid a year solely to keep hotel clerks from knowing that he couldn’t write his own name He began life as a day laborer, drifted out West, and made n fortune through leasing a supposed worthies- mine In M.aitana When he accumulated almut IliS'.W he sold oul nnd started to travel end have a good llnv He was naturally rhr.-wd but he had never had particle of v-hoollng. and .lodging registers at n.-w hole s became the ehlef worry of ht* life. At IIrM he used te He up his hand In a handkerchief and pretend It sat hurt, but he realised that the trick was pretty transparent, and at last he cm ployed n young man ut SIOO a month o travel with him as his Wecr*. 'ary The ex -mine r never sent or re reived any letters, he didn't rare for reading, and the secretary's one and only duty was to sign hotel registers. They would w.i.k together, and the young rhsp would soy. deferentially: 'Bhntl 1 do the registering for us both, colonel?' 'lf you |.|e ... rie- laws would reidy. and he would there write: 't'olone] ——and secre tary. Montano Then he could go off nnd plav until they g.u rcadv to leave town It wis the softest Job in the universe He held It for several years; In fset. un'l! his pi.ron succeeded In drinking hlms'lf to death.” A Story of Fish. The biggest fish I ever caught," began the story teller, a scholarly looking party, who evidently knew more about school hooks than ffv hooks— Get away," Interrupted a thln-fseed little man with a nose like a shingle, say* lhe Washington Star. “I'm no bar." the story tela r flared lip This Is * true siory, and I'm pret>arcd to swear to It. It was In the year 's9, when we had the hottest summer " "I didn't krs-w the summer of '*9 wis so very- hot.” said a man In a weather-beat en straw hat. "If all you didn't know." said the store teller, “was piled on top of you you'd be flatter than a flounder and deader than a mackerel. A* I way saying. In the sum m. r of '( a party of us went to I'ppcr Panada on a fishing expedition. It wasn't hot U|> there a little btt On the con trary. It was so roid that the Ice froze the first night we got there," “Gosh"' exrlalrmd the little man with a shingle nose. A I was saying." said the story teller, showing genuine gameness. "It froze (he tlrst night wo got to our Ashing ground btit we went out th* next morning Just the some, and I hadn't leen fishing more than fifteen mlnuttw when I had a Mie that I thought wa- going to pull the bout under. I let go of my rod and It went s outing through the water, but I soon got It again and the fight over the water and tinder It began In earnest. I hadn't been fishing for a long time and was nerv vous as the dickens, hut 1 had some sense left and I didn't Intend to let that (Rh gel away- if 1 could help It I wa excites) that I never did know how long I tussled with it. but In time J landed him In th- bott. and he wits the biggest ore I ever caught In my life. I w.ts so ex " "How much did he weigh?" eagerly In quired the man In a straw hat as he drew Up c|. so to the Story teller "Exactly half a pound." so 1.1 the story teller as serious os sermon. loti think you are dem smart, don't you - " sniffed the little man with hc shln g- nose, u, he got up and walked nut- Side where he could get more breathing room. 1 ustomnry Nlgnatnrr. "Rank clerks are so of en called uron for directions that they sometimes fill Into the habit of giving them In a hur ried-and mechanical manner, eonsequent ly they ire frequently misunderstood." re. marked the clerk of an Institution In Ne v York c ording to Ih. Washington Star. I-or liter in--. the usual tom/la when a stranger Is railed u|*on to sign his nans- Is. 'Hlgn here— |en and Ink at your left hand tine morning last wreck .t stranger entered our bank and asked tn- for n cer tlfii ite of deposit for a eonslderab e sum of money which he handed over. I count ed the money and found the amount to be as slated and hurriedly sal-1: 'Sign there sit - -pen and Ink at your left hand • "Well, It took the string-r a long tlm to sign hit* na.'.if. but 1 thought nothing more of It and Issued the certificate of ib-poell. About a week later the same man. whose face I ha-1 forgotten, r up 1“ a red an.l j-res. nl-d the e< rtlll. ate. || daslx-l off an ornate signature, which I proceeded to compare with the first slgna turt The two were vu Hy different, ns the tlrsl one was apparently the labored e ffort of an obi man, " I can't pay you this money, sir,* I said. ■"Why not?” ask-d the astonl-hel stranger. " 'Because ll l not the signature of Hu man to whom I Issued the certill ate of deposit.' 1 replied. " 'Well, said the stianger. 'when I w here a week ago you told me to write my name with my left hand, an-l I did *j. bul I istn'l write very well that way.' " " 'Then will you obllgt me by writing your name with your left har-d again?' I asked, as a light dawned ui*m me. " Certainly.’ said the man, and alter much labor he produced a facsimile of hi* first signature, and I apologized and paid hi* money." —ln the Aegean sea a vpmpl may Ml! into the top of a crater, unj though It I* hard to ttml nn anchorage there, yet a mere rail through I* appreciated greatly hy captains, bet a use It cleanses the hoj toms of the snipe from marine growth, says the Minneapolis Journal. More than toon years ugo the Isle of Suntorln wan split In half hy an earthquake, with the result that what wan onee the erater of a voleano Is now a crescent shafted harbor ’ • St Nicholas are perched on the summit of the steep rltlle, whose dark and dis mal hue In similar to that of the ton of Vesuvius. Between the main Island on tha east and the smaller, Theresia, on the •vest, are the three small Kattmene Isl ands, ull of tkhleh have come Into exist ence since the original • arthquak--. The water In the harbor Into which the aul phutous streams from these volcanic Is lands drain has’a peculiar property which completely cleans oft growths of every kind from the bottom of any ship. “The American Porter” is choicest of brews, mellow and pleasing, xx as met * nstant approval by a dis criminating public. It is superior to the best imported pro ducts. Its high quality is assured by the fact that it is the product of the Anheuser. Busch BrewingAss r n St. Louis, U. S. A., Brewers of the Original Budweiser, Faust. Michelob, Anheuser- Standard. Pate-Luiger. Export Pale, Exquisite and Malt-Nutrine. fTEMS OF INTEREST. —A new *y#trm of ©lctrlc ht-ai la upon th© market. It ron*l*t> of an ©l©( , trl* heater and a blower. The motor la of th© *§.in)ard fan type and 1# aerursd to a conl <*al metal ea© There Is an Intake for air at the back. The heater conlst* of clay tube© wound with fin© German sliver wire and covered with an tabulating c at of enamel Th© tube* are arramr©*! tnd islly and the fan and the hraier ae both dosed In by a metallc CMinf. Th© h#a ©- can drew air from wrlthout th© room or car, or tn cold weather can operate. u*ln|f the air In the room or car. Two of th©*© heater* will. It i* said, a forty-foo* car io the propsr temperature. In the or dinary #y*tt in some of the |>eron* In th© car* are uncomfortably warm, whl© other© are cold, bur with the fan distri buting the heal Is positively distributed. —Th© idea of domblntng an ordinary home exercl*© with on electric machine, no that th© MimulattaK effect of ©Uc trlrlsy I* obtained In combination with the muscular ©x©r *sc. ha# recently lx*©n con ceived by a company In Wisconsin In ippearaac© the machine resemble* the or *ltnary exerclw r with elastic cord* pia©- Ing over pulleys But th© c<ird* serve a conductor*, and the handies a* electrode* lomtthat balow th*- middle of th© board •in which th© pulleys are fastered. u cell Is p!a ‘“d. and wired to an Induction coll, *4 Hired *o th© upper part of the hoard The induced current 1* conducted through (he elastic cords, to the handle and hack attain. A motnltc foot plate, furnished with th© apparatus, can be p'aced in she circuit, so that the current mu> be passed ♦ omplctely through th© body. If desired. -At a plac© called Kotom. on the French l\*ory coast, th© native* hellev# that to (at or destroy a turtle would moan death to the guilty rn* or slckne* among ♦he family, says the New York Journal Th© fetish men of which there are plenty, declare that year.? ago a man went to *©a flhing In th** night hi* canoe was thrown up n the b©ach empty. Three day# afterward a turtle mm© a*hor© af th© same place, wbh the man on it# ba k alive and well Blnc© that time they hove never ©iten or destroyed one of that spe cies, although they enjoy other specie*. If one happen* to b** wa#h©d ahore th*(e I* a great commotion In the town. First. ♦ h*- women ©it down and start singing and bearing slicks; next, a small piece of whit© cloth I* placed on the turtl*-'© back; fool l* then prepared and placed on (he cloth, generally plantains, rice nnd imlm oil. then, amid a lot more singing, dancing ©nd antic* of the fetish |KOjle. It Is car ried back Into the ©3. and goe* on Its way rejoicing. —The Berliner TagebJatt. in a recent la sue. referring to th© approaching corona tion of Emperor Wllltiim If cf flerminy os King of Prussia. *#©* that th© royal castle at Kocnlgsberg. the second capital of the king*) m and the radlrional crown ing place of th© Hohensolkrn sovereign*, ha# Just been tnspectsd by Count Eulen burg of the Kls*r’a court, nnd B.iron von L*ynker. marshal of th© Impe rial housMsneld The Immense Moskowlt* r Saal. the largest hall In Germany, where ♦he coronation takes place, was examln©<l with particular attention The solemn cer ©mony. for which ♦ great concourse of diplomat!** representatives and visitors I* exf*et©d from til parts of the world, wl 1 b- perfoim-d with great p mp on Jan. IK. 19b!. the Kaiser's birthday. This d#tf© la als* **ota id©nt with the tw'<>-hundredth anniversary of th© founding of the king dom of Prussia by Frederick l. who as Elector Frederick 111 of Brandenburg, pine and the mval crown upon hi* own hood at Kocnlgsberg. —The Oher.tmmergau season closed on Ihe second day of thl* month. Tha last three “Passion" play* were still visited by tbout 11.000 persons, most of whom were natives from the adjacent towns and villages, while among the foreign element Americans nnd English pr lom-nsted. The forty-eight representations, which took place from May S3 to Oct. 2. were attended by round avi.ono visitors The receipts are estimated at 1,200.0)0 mark*, or $3*0.000. and Ihe totnl taken by the vil lagers at bid ween S.oon.oon nnd 4/00 ton marks. A *tl!l greater profit was made by the city of Munich, which, owing to the affluence of visitors to the "passion" plays, was crowded by tourists from ev ery part of the world The receipts of the Bavarian state railway* were enor mously Increased: the augmentation Is es timate-1 at round S,PM>.ooi> marks The r -muner idem of the actors Is compara tively small Rang who acted the part of Christ, will receive about 1.000 marks, the other doo or 700 actor* and co-worker* will he paid In proportion. Rate- sums nr.- set ns'.de for the cancellation of dcht*. waterworks, the theater donations to the carving school, etc. Many of the actors had to work hard during the summer, for they eoutd nor take rest like nrner actors, either before or after the play, having to rare for the comfort of thetr visitors, at tend to their busmen* and put the sing* and belonging* in order after every per formance. —William 21 does no! really read news papers nor reviews, says the London Dally Mall, except on very rare and Important ©occasions. when hla Interest Is especially excited He has not time. Yet he has a broad and In some rcsi>ects minute- knowl edge of the more Interesting ond Imj-ort• ant articles appearing In the German and foreign papers. The explanation Is simple. There Is In Berlin a so-called "Literary Office." attached ip the Prussian ministry for the Interior which for the last two years has been under the management of n former editor of the Slbdan Gaxette. nt Breslau. His chief occupation Is to read the newspapers and make extracts and cuttings from the whole of the home and foreign pres*, which are pasted Into n hook, the more Important or Interesting articles lielng nmjerl'ned with red or blue pencil to catch the monarch's attention This I took Is placed on the Emperor's desk. The Kmperor watches the foregn press tn Bans. Lm lon end New York more <-los>lv than he does the German press. Every one acquainted with the German court hear* witness thn> he has n perfect know-ledge of the standing and general al tPude of foreign newspapers, particularly of those countries that Interest him spe cially. for politick! or other reasons. They are certainly more familiar to him than are the gre it majority of the German pa per*. In this a* In many other respects. William H resembles Frederick the Great, who thoroughly mastered the Interna tional literature Of fit# time to the neglect of Prussian publication*. Ocean SiedinstiiD Ca -FOR- New York,Boston -AND— THE EAST. Unsurpxeeed cabin nccommodaltona Ail tbe coin forts of a inodarn hotel Klactru Hkhta. L'ntxcellad labia. Tukaia looiud, meal* and bertha aboard ablp l-'djsenter Fares irora SavanoatL TO NEW YORK-FIRST CABIN. tZO. FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIE. li2; IN TERMEDIATE CABIN. tU. INTERME DIATE cabin round trie. p*. STEERAGE. *lO. TO BOSTON - FIRST CABIN. IS; FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIP. SM. IN TERMEDIATE CABIN. *l7; INTERME DIATE CARIN' ROUND TRIP. M .0a BTEERAOE. 111,T5. Tha expreee eieamrhtpa of thU tins are • Protnted to eall from Savannah. Central (BMh) meridian ttm*. a* # ollowa: SAVANAAK TO XKW YORK. CITY OF AUGUSTA. Capt. Daccett. SATURDAY. Oct. 27. 7:00 p. m NACOOCH EE, Capt. Smith, TUESDAY, Oct. SO, 10:00 p. in. KANSAS CITY Capt. Ftehar, THURS DAY. Nov E lE.IO a. m TAI.EAHASSEE t'ap* Anktna, SATUR DAY. Nov S. 1:30 p. m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Capt. B-r, SUNDAY. Nov 4. TOO a m CITY OF AUGUSTA. Capt. Dans Mt. TUESDAY'. Nov . 4.00 p m. NACOOCHEE, Capt. Smith. THURS DAY. Nov X. 6:00 p m KANSAS CITY. Capt. Flthcr, SATUR DAY. Nov 10. 7:*9 p n TALEAHASSEE. Cap Afktna. TUES. DAY. Nov. 13. 9:tl a. m. CUTY OF AUGUSTA, Capt. Dawt-U. THURSDAY. Nm 16. 11:30 . m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, Capt. Bcr*. FRIDAY. Nov I*. 12:30 p m NACOOCHEE, Capt. Smith. SATURDAY, Nov 17. 1:30 p. m KANSAS CITY'. Capt. Ftthcr, TUES DAY. Nov 20 .1:30 p. tn. TAI.EAH ASSEE. Capt. A-kina. THtTRB. DAY. Nov. 22. 4:30 p. tn CITY OF AUGUSTA. Capt Da**tt. SATURDAY'. Nov 24. oo p. m NACOOCHEE. Cnpl. Smith. TUESDAY, Nov. 27, X. 30 p tn. CITY OF HIRMINGHAM. Capt. Bcr*. THT'HSDAY'. Nov. 79. 10:00 a. m KANSAS CITY'. Capt. Flaher, THURR DAY Nov. . 10:00 a m. NOTICE— Rt*m*hp City of Blrran bam will not carry pa*eMi*Hi. SEW YORK TO BOSTON. CITY' OF MACON. Copt. Savage, WED NESDAY’. Oct. 31. noon. CITY' OF MACON. Capt. Bava**, MON DAY'. Nov. 3. 12 00 noon. CITY' OK MACON. Capt. Savage, FRI DAY'. Nov. 9. 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON, Capt. Savage, YVED NKBDAY'. Nov. 14. 1S:00 r<*in. CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage, MON DAY'. Nov. I 12:00 noon. CITY' OF MACON. Capt. Savage. FRI DAY". Nov. 23. a* 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON, Capt Savage, WED NESDAY. Nov. 24. 12 00 noon. Thia company nwrwt the right t change Hi rtlllnr* without notloe end without liability or accountability there for Salllnir* New York for Savannah Tu"#- dnvs Thunvlave and Saturdays 3:00 p m w. O ItREYVER. City Ticket and IVi-a enxer Agent. IJ7 Hull street. Bavanaah. Oa E. W SMITH. Contracting Freight Acitit, Savannah. G R G. TYtEZEY'ANT. Agent, Savannah. Oa WALTER HAWKINS. General Agent Tragic Dep't, 234 W. Bay etraat. Jack sonville, Fla E H. HINTON. Tragic Manager, Sa vannah. Oa p. E IT, FEVRE. Manager. New Pier *5. North River. New York, N. Y. Mercftonis S Miners ifonsßortmion Cos Steamship Lines To Baltimore & Philadelphia Ticket* on Sale to All Points North and West. Flrst-rlas* tickets Ireltnl* meals and berths Savannah to Baltimore and Phila delphia Accommodation* and culsinO unequaled. The slamshlps of this company ar* ap pointed to sail from Savaorah ax follow* (Central Standard Time): TO BALTIMORE. DOnCHI'STER. Capt. James, SATUR DAY. Oct. 27. 7 P. m. TEXAS, rapt Eldredge. TUESDAY. Oct. SO, 11 a rn D II MILLER, rapt. Peters, THURS DAY. Nov 1. 1 P m ITASCA. Capt. Billups. SATt RDAY, Nov. 3.3 P rn - TO I'HILiIOILPHIA. BERKSHIRE. Capt. Hyn. SATURDAY 1 , Oct. 27. 7 p. m. ALLEGHANY, Capt. Foater, WEDNES DAY. Oct. SI. 12 noon BERKSHIRE. Cap*. Ryan. MONDAY, Nov. 5. 5 p. m. Ticket om<# No. 112 Bull ftreek J. J. CARO LAN. Agent. NEWCOMB COHEN. Tr*V. A*k Savannah, Ga. W. P TURNER. G. P A A. D. STEBBINS, A. T M J. C. W’HtTNEY. Traffic Manager. General Offieea, Baltimore. Md. ORANGES. Headquarters for FINE FLORIDA OBANOEB. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES of *ll kinds. SEED RYE. SEED OATS. HAY. GRAIN. FEED. FLOUR. CHEESE. BEANS. Pcaa. Rice Straw. * \V. D. Himkins &Cos