The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 27, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 A TEXAS WONDER. Ilnira Cireat IHamvery. One email bottle of Hall * Oraat Dll fflvtry cure* all kldnty and bladder trou ble*, remove* gtavrl, cure* diabetes. * ,,i Inal weak and lame back*. tbeumanm and all irre*‘ilartlet of tha kl>)iu)K and bladder tn lo'h men and wo men. regulate* bialder trouble* In cbl! drfn If not aold b> >• 1 * r diugflat wul l*e aent by mail • n ir eip of $1 On* amab bottle la two month*' treatment, and wil eure any cat* atwuva mentioned. Dr. K W. Hail. fuir ni*i-ufa> turer. 1* O fk\ m j.oui* M * Send for testimonial* f*oid by ail druggiata and Solomon* Cos , Savannah. ta Head Tbla. Cuthb- rt. Om.. April 2. Thl* I* to certify that 1 wa* aft* ted with and that I tnok sixty drop* of Hair* cdreat Discovery and 1? com pletely cured me It 1* worth 11.000 P* bottle t* any or.t needing it J. T FTKVESS IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. KBWI A\r> VIKW A Of THE It V I' TWO M U'i'.l. rr V r llroHn Will Hr a I im.ll.late for OvTrrnnr—l’lrairr. tin) tot IMnnt I nflnn Hot• I> Flrrtlon of .ln*lrs .ml (Solicitors \fgro Inns lot Trlnl *ulrl4r Panther Klllr.l trw Orlando l’lnr||tlr (.rorr l Mrr I— tbonllng Nriir l.rilil RMr, Batnhrldpc Democrat Senator Out Ha r**i of <orf!B. I* flrlrn lyddite shells Into Ilia Itryubllcsn r.itikr. In !h>- Ml. Mir an.l Western states—helna one of the mo.t valiant a;. akrr In thr fl. . I *o-ds Onor iru has reason to l.r (ir u l c*f S> taror J;a con inyvtiw. aid every wher I'rraa. Art *mnll. Am.'lcus Herald Tha |* ■at • in South G<<>l*l > ar a I small-r than usual this year This l due entirely to thr extreme rtrv weather which prevailed for i rralilr ;r rtlon of thr summer Thr crot* cf pecans Is qulir larpe. thr drought n.. ha-, iim had any effect upm thr ylrld. ihouch tha six.- of thr nuts haa been tut down consul* roMv. klatr Fair Edition. The Valdosta Tltnrs has Just Issued a .pirndkl *atr fair edition of iw. niyal|til |>4r* aiviruc an Idra of all thr pool Ihlt.RS thr peep.* Ilia) . X|s- t when they Visit thr fair Thr paper Is wrll print-. 1 and lilustratr.l, and ..rt. tr* much mat* Isr of Interest to those who arr Interest. 1 In thr (Pate Fair That should Include ali Ueoi plana. ills Flrr si Or) Pn4. The Calloway houtw>, bam *n<l oul bull'llng* at Dry Fond Ua, near Har tnony Grove, were totally oanumel by lire Saturday night. Thl* houee was o*cu pleri by Mr C. T Drouk*. a |.ro*(riuii planter, who. In romiatiy with hi* fam ily, left home Haturdiy aln rrwmn to spend the High! with tn.- of hi* neighbor* Mi Itrook*’ house ho Id ant kitchen furnUUt • corn, fodder ami furag* at re totally con sumed. Util hot riant ilentlly. \V H Child*, of Forsyth, who ha* large planting Intercet* In Monroe county, *\* the farmer* have made money thl* year and expee**e* the opinion that the rot ton acreage would not he ln-rrawe-1 net 1 year The farmer* undoubtedly would lik to lnercae the 'acreage, but Mr Child* ear* that lab, r I* * arce ami a larg-- area In cotton could ted be cultivated The n-- groew have been leaving th* farm* for some ><*re because of the hard condition* lu to th* lew (>rlcc of cotton and there ore not enough left to * ultlvate such cot ton crop* a* the farmer* used to plant. (tiny Empty Modsea - I’urie. The point ha* Iwen raised In conneetlon with the effort of Solicitor General II dge* to show that in the City Court of Macon there llw* no right of appeal to the Su preme Court, that tf he *u -ce. I* In hi rotitentlon be will have to refund all the fee* that may have lieen paid him In carrying up *uch rare*. Thl*. It 1* *abl. would amount to a very pretty sum Bom<- lawyer* contend that If he win* on the point cf law he will be t>ound to suffer the personal loss The c ise continue* h> be the main topic of di*o<i*l-H among the member* of the Macon bar. Brown Util Ben Candidate. Macon New? Mr 1 Dope Drown I* a candidate for Governor This can be put down a* a fact Mr Drown wa* In Macon thla morning >n hl way to Valdosta where he goes to look after the Interest* of tits State fair which I* to be held there Mr. Drown t* not talking but If anybody believe* he Is not a cat did*te for the governorship they are mistaken Mr Jtrown will be the ttrst candidate that South Georgia has put up tn a number of year* He lie* a strong following and I* recognised as one of the best qualified, as well a* one of the most popular men In the state that ha* been stsiken of In conne. tlon with the governorship. A Sensitise Negro Cnuslet. Den Hill, colored, who wa* convicted In Jlall City Court at Oalneavllle a few dn>* ago of Stabbing, and sentenced to pay * Pne of test or serve twelve month* In the county chain itnng. < ut Id* throat In the county jail Wednesday morning nd the chances are that h< will die He had been aoM to Hon. Tom Hwlft, of Elberton. and ftp* clal Dalllff Bud * Bmlth was making arrangements to convey him 4,, Hlberton over the J. hf and Houth era Hallway on the morning train when h.- discovered that the negto had cut hi* throat with a rater It.- severed his wind pipe, but failed to tea h the jugulti velw. and whl’e he has a ehance to live, hi* Ilf liwiik- by a slender thread FLORIDA. Orlando Star: Mr James Dunn exhibit ed on the ntreet* Bad unlay the hide mid claw* of a panther measuring eeven feel ten Inrhe* tn length Few people know that ouch mon*ton inhabit our swamp*, but they do nnd the one waft *hoi b> Mr I>ann only twenty-two mite* south of the city In the Hredy Creek swamp. # Married la lied. Heywood 8 Wllllt nnd Ml** Carrie M Xlaker were married Wwlneeday afternoon m\ the Collin* house in Tampa. Hev. J It L#y officiated. Tne event had been post* Boned from a previous occasion by the health of the groom. nnd yesterday it w decided to delay no longer, and tit*' cere tnony wa* performed, although Mr. illi* aat not a bit to lewve hi* bed. |)nnnil for lottMfi. There I* a demand in Orlando for con #age* both mfurnished and furnished which I* far in excess of the supply, an i the winter visitor season i* yet two month* owu> Juat what people will do for pin ea in wnuh to live la a question No doubt Orlando will lo*e many winter resident* who mlgh* he secured were there desirable little cottage* which they could gt for the tea tor,. Minkk* Orsuigea. The orange crop at Mlakka I* begin nine to move from that section, but owing to tha great waste by splitting and dropping off, U will fall far below first estimates, though h* fruit further advanced than imiaiU ik t thin* awaioo, Th# rtf** orop •* f*.c*l!#n4, and from praant Indication* th** f.*rm*n* hrrnabouta will hvr plenty f both ric** and hy to tlnr thrm ov#r. Th*> h *rr crop m abundant. an 1 the rati#** hog* are getting very fat laDlfipavll |r 11-al i:*ar. GMMineffvllte Bun Tl*r* ara quite a numlwr of persona l<*k*r*c over rjatnea vtHe r**l eetate with a view to buying The prl e of pr*perty m the city limit* i* re.monaM* enough there to bi* no at i *irnt r oon why eme ex - chatg**>* In thla line will poor, take up their abode nd the vacant hooeee. If ther*. 1m any. will be or opted For aev rntl iitya 1 w,t a hard matter to refit a houae in thi* city liiaglira *!*• b j atonr. Henry Stone, a nr hit* farmer living near Grand liklffc -hot and mortally w.mnde 1 Bim Hughe* W#*tfiejdkiy Btone a having hie *1 *ught**r-in-iaw. wh<> m also Hugh*-* r when young Hughe* toll him if he fta*l anything to any to whire-* hta remark to him ami not to t)\m ate ter. whereupnn drew revolver anl - ■•*!. the (■iti penetrating Hugliee’ le'# *ide. J.;>t * io%v tne [ ■ art Stone left immediately and hue not been ic te.| ye* H ig.tea' death ;* etfe el momentarby l*fi iRf-iil a'• IfnrHnr. I'en- sro.s iTeaw The **am dredge a work widening the channel of Penaaooia bar from 150 yard* to " yard* i* mak Ing goml headway Crew* are being w ■ k*d r ight ni i d*v Several thou**ml var.l* of eotl |* removed we.-kly. carried out to e a nd dumped Although the tvork Ja progr* *ing a* fat •* |<wetMe it la not cxjx f'd that the .ucKrurt wiil *• mpieted before the rjoee of the year The dredge i* now getting foul and In need of repairs from it* constant work and It wiil be taken to Mobile in a week or two for a thorough (leaning and overhauling. l*lneN|pte <* row era. The asam'Ution of p4neappl# grower* rtvently formed at Bt. Petersburg wall *1 ;m important meeting At that ptac on Saturday. Nov. 3 It ia the purpose of *hr prom# r of the organisation to Include all the grower* of fancy p ne*— b> whw h Is meant the auperor varieiie* grown under Gied in lllil*through. Man atee Lee. Polk ind Orange counties. To ths* end a convention of thc*e growers will be soon called to m*'l In Tampa to effect an organisation to embrace oil grower. In South Florida except those on the East Coast. The movement I* in the right direction, and t* In the mtere*t sf the growers Th* rapid growth c*f thl* in duklry in the vicinity of Tampa i* a real phenomenon. Three year* g. Judge M C Hordrll began at Pori Tainj>a with l.OO) plant*. 4ind to-day there are more than SftO.QW. covering twenty Acres It Is safe to estimate the capital involved a* more than $50,000. MARINE; lATKLMOeXCB. Maltrn of Interrat to Alilpplna Men (•rnrrall >. The British steamship Miramar, which arrived Thursday with the loss of her propeller and shaft, will be repaired at one* John Bmirke & Sot - were given the *Vn:ra *?. and put a force of handa at work last nlg t Th‘ v*> d’w stem will l>e raised ly mean* of loading her In the bow. the a.ime a* w i* done In putting prapelirr on the American steamship Ponce some time ago Mr A R Merrill of the Merrtil-fitevrna Engineering Company of Jacksonville ar rived in S.ivannoh yesterday on busines* The steamship He. tor. from Boston for New|iort News, hu- returned t th*- former lort In distress, having been damaged In a collision which occurred off Cape Pogue, Nantucket sound, with the schooner J Hawthorn, bound from Brunswick for Newburyport. with a cargo of lumber The Hawthorn struck the steamer on the starboard quarter, staving i hole in her eld** twenty fe**t long oral leinllnn ami breaking plates and frame- The schooner lost her bowsprit and knlghtheads and bore away for Vln* >ard Haven after the accident. Cablegram* state thAt the British steamship Kttri kdale. from Savannah f*r Manv•heater, ran awhore In the Manchester canal, but afterward !!ot*d without .*- sis t a nee and that the British steamship I oilman. fr<jm Sovannah, arrived at Brem en. with her steering gear broken. The ship Hmry Vtllard, rapt. Quick, bouiel for H<#nolu!u with cargo ot yel low pin* lumber, is still In th** bight ow ing to a miehap there she ha* le*n delay ed. but she Is expected to prOv'eed to-day. Sn'inimnh %ln*nnae. Sun rbes at 6 15 a m and set* at 5:13 |> m Htghwater at Tybee to-day at 9:45 a m ami 10:02 j* m High water at Savan nah one hour later. Phases of the Moon far oetober. I>. 11. M First quarter 1 3 10 eve. Full moon *7 1$ morn Last quarter 15 3 51 morn New moon 23 7 27 morn. First quarter 31 2 17 morn AltHll Al.* AMI DEPART IRKS. Vessels Arrived Yesterday. Bark Conslgllw. Gal.itola. Ambrosana. Algiers Btract!an A Cos. Arrived st Quwrnntlne. Bark Gaselle (Hr), Green. Rio de Ja neiro For 20 Years - . .. t- : ".-I 1— L.L.J L ItVXN'JUUyk.' "'R'XiniXl—g—wcap—MS Dr. Italhnway has been known as Ike bulling specialist In the care nt cltrunlc diseases, ‘-Incurnblr rases,*’ isrr sent la him dally (rum nil J. NEW 10S HATHAWAY, M. D. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D., DR. HATHAWAY & CO., 25A Bryan Street, - Savannah, Ga. Ot!Ue Hour*— 9 lo 12 m., 2 to 5 and < to 9p. m Sunday 10 i. m. lo Ip. m. THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1900. I Fainting I Spells (JjX ■ - Wb#o 1u 1" f*wS ckl 1 was near!.* •!* b* \ \ ■ u \ \ Y bwki!. 1 te*f W> foil. UKi in Spite of the tea # \ VY ue<tlee! etten4*oee I (XfSttnumi to ff * OR f \ fine v I eo wens the* I ro!1 not f A y SUMi-i up oioM. Mr blooti mmm thin. 1 h*4 no f \ r*il it . eppetite It • tie**t v> feinting I \ S n|*eli Mtuch <*u. on nearly even *l*' **4 f \ Ntl •* tt ee nasalt*k to hs I \i! ||Ul Wlrii It ten thst the ph>Hten*s treet l Ip Client wu (ioiog me no g*x*t t**j perent* nought I I NS # ny fc!r4e of mwlMnes fur me. but 1 cu- E tmoed to fail. ••One day * gentleman told mr father of Dr. \\ tmaOK# Pink mis for Ka* and I con- x ■ eertr-l u.try them 1 wae curprlee-i and greatly * . * pieaeed u> Sn>l that good reeults followed tna UK*- of the fleet h*t and 1 rootiooed taking tha B bilui My imor#ved at #nee aud my H Strength returned f took gvs t*>es of the 3* pihs and they cured rue M, health la now #i ceilent, I have a good color, and fesi active and ■ atrong •• Both my mother and I have recommended y the pUla to *ahsrs. and *>rwe of my friend* have / •-A |Mait .-'*'w teen greeu vhe net) ted by them I would ree otnmend fr Wi>lui.ia link Pi:ls to ail whn A. snd In ree*i of a g**od n*eliclne " EC NICE BOOTH jwt ay uga Street feiwfc Dr .Williams’ j J&Jf/, Pink Pills Pale People 1 l mrlill'till dni*l*t* t m 111tM*rnt po*t 4% PS* Hid on orprlo*. M) cnu bos, or , ’WPpe !> torn*’ Ith*y . ...*? In 1 TWr t fra 1 bulk or tb. tuu. * fir Him, rrair B I .'TSI M*JlclD*Coup*oy,(kb*n*ct*Br. NV. A rasrls Wrnt to **a. Steamship Thornlev (liri. Major. Havre and Bremen .'?*msnip BMinefield (Br>. Curtl*. Brem en. Bark Pandur (Dan). Santos. Montevideo Freights and t barters. Woodward. Abrahams. fVivan nah to New York, lumber. $5 60. and ties. 17S cents H. ho #ner Aetna. New York to Savannah, ral e. $2*75. Shipping Memoranda. Newport News. Oct 3$ —Arrived, wtearn er Acme ißn. Darien, and soiled Aber deen. Baltimore. Oct Arrived, steamer D. H Mlher Savannah; schooners J S Hos kins Jacksonville. Millie R Bohannon. Savannah Sailed, tug William F McCauley. B*i vannnh Philadelphia. Oct 2s.—Arrived, steamer Alleghany. Savannah. Clear#<l, *• aooner F. C. Pendleton. Jack sonville. Hamburg. Oct. 24—Arrived. steamer Roxby, Savannah. Villa Real, Oct 2h —Sailed, steamer Homewood. Savannah Mem* I. Oct. 21 —Arrived, steamer Nord kap Port Tampa Fernandina. Fla . Oct 2s.—Cleared, steamer Nan moor tßr>. Jones. Rotter dam. via Norfolk. schooner Herald. Keys, port of Spain. Trinidad. Pensacola. Fla . Oct. JS.—Arrived. •tamship* Botitak S|*n). Zabola, Huelva. Jacob Bright (Hr* Anderson, Si va* nah Nordpol (Non. Stole*. New caw teon-Tyne. Lingfltld (Bn. Bartlett. N* wca*t|e-r n-Ty ne (Ihlhl. sl. imshlps Nith (Br). Steven son. Havre. I*ougis (Non. ttrlkson. Ha vana bark Spica (Nor). Son nelson. Buenos Ay res Chared, steamers Douglas (Nor). Erik fu)ti. Havana; Pensacola. Simmons. (*al ves*on Key West. Fia Oct. *— Arrived, steamer hi ascot te. White. Port TfttnpA, and sailetl for ! lav ami; tug Dauntless. Floyd, Havana, and sailed for Miami with schooner B. Frank Neally in tow Sailed. steamer Fanita. Thompson, Tampa. Charleston. On % Anchored off the iar. schooner Nettie Floyd. Nielsen, Charleston, bound Georgetown, head wind* Railed, steamer Comanche. Pennington, New York Notice lo Mariners. Pilot chart* and ail hydrographic infor mation will b*- furnished masters of ves sel* free of charge In Cnlted Rtates hy drographic office m Custom House. Cap tain* are requested to call nt the office Reports of wreck* and derelict* received for tranemieMon to the Navy Depart ment. YFAKEIJ l\ PORT. Men nililps. Mattln (Ital ). 1.829 tona. Carnello; Idg fi>r Trieste and Genoa. Barnard A Cos l*e.tlti (Br). 2.C7i tons, Noberasco; Mg for Barcelona and Genoa—J. F. Minis A *'o liighffeld (Br). 1 *42 tons. Richardson. Idg for Liverpool —Wilder A Cos. Ctty of Gloucester (Hr). 1.570 ton*. Mil burn. ckl fot Liveriool—J. F. Minis A Cos Yestor (Br). 1.60) tons. Kerr; Idg. for Manchester- Rtraohan A Cos Puritan (Br ). 2.62S tons; James; Idg for Bremen— Btrnchan A Cos. ! Aldersgate (Br ). 1.957 tons. Willis, Idg. for Bremen W. W Wilson. Isle of Kent (Hr). Lik'd ton*. Sutherland; Idg for Bremen and Antwerp—J. F. j Minis A Cos. part* of the country by phyßtctan* who have had demonstrated to them the In variability of hi* curei* To him no ca* * I ‘'lto|idc** •• 111* method of treatm*-n4 I* hi* owr. It I* n *y*tem which ha* been developed and p rf ct*d during hU long >iar* of active, constant p*actli *• lr lfathawa> ha* eonllned himelf to the treatment cf chronic dlaea***- tlioee of th** lkiu*l. the Nerve* and the Genital .ond I'rlnary organ* III* cure of \ artco- I ce|c and Stricture without o|*eration. by mrnni of a pamle** home tn ument. are tin- marv 1 of the medical jnofe*?don. Men who have ioM the vigor of nature or who** blood ha* been polluted by contagion are brought hick by him to a perfect state of heahh anti energy. lb* dnvttea all tho* who have any form ! of ehr nle dl* i*e *r wt**kne* to call at hi.-, nftb * . or w rite htm, for free con*ulta- Men ,nd examination and advice. He will a1 -• N*ntl free. In plain wrapi>*r hi* new • ! tom blank*, to anyone who write* to him i In confidence. ItiHkftmoor (Br>. 1,104 ton*, Whit*; eld. for l,tv*rtol Ktr*rht) * ('o. Anon (Hr l. 1 523 ion*. Dough. Mg for lluvr*—Htrarhan A Go. A mum (Hr i. 2,W1 ton*. Hornrnt, Mg for Bremen tleorgl* f)kte*rt and Import < omiwiny Tre*f,i (Hr). I.WI ton* Barber; !d*. for Manche*ter A F Churchill. I'ydra (Hr>, I.HS ton* Cro**ley; Ids for ManrheMOT.—A F Churchill. Sanrn (Non. 2.*(*< ton*. Wahlberg; dl*c. cargo —J. F, Mint* A Cos. Winifred (Hri, 1.1k.2 ion*. Clark; dl*c car go -J. F Mini* A Cos. Hurworth (Hr), 1.R2! ion*. Galbraith. Idg for Bremen.—W. W. Wt'.non Ha tho (Br), 2.747 ton*. Nlsbet: klg for IJvrrpool —Wilder A Cos. Ormerhv (Bn, I.*CS ton*. Rohin*on, Mg. fer Liverpool or Bremen.—W W. Wll aon Laura (Hr) 1.504 lon*. Yule; dl*<- cargo Strachan A Cos. W*twa4er (Hr). 1.545 ton*. Stephen; disc - A F. Churchill. Miramar (Hr). I.MI ton*. White; repairing. —Wilder 4k Cos. 4hlpt. Thor fNor.). l.hfilton*. Andersen; Mg. n. * -Henry Juchler Hark*. Maria Laura (Ital.), 643 ton*. Flenga; Idg lumber for Virgo, Spain—Strachan A Cos. Norrskenet (Sw<l), 1.16* tons, Nordquist, big n. *—H Juchter. Alert (Nor ), R9l ion*. Andersen. Idg. n. * —Fatemon-Downtng Cos. Atlantic (Ger ). 1.307 ton*. Doyen. Idg for Kotterdam—l*a(<>r*on-Downing Cos Llzxie Curry (Hr). 4k ton*. Landry; re turned for repair*—Master Sylvia (Nor ). 1.(03 ton*; Halvorsen; Idg. n * —Strachan * Cos. Julia 713 ton*. Sweeney; lo Id. lumber Mter Raegvlg (Nor), 513 ton*. Olsen; Mg n *. Moaier Record (Nor). SSrt ton*, John*on; Idg n. *.- Manter. James A Wright. 537 ton*. English. Idg. for I’hlludelphl* —Master. E S Powell. 55* lon*. Jones; Mg for New York —Master Essex. .777 ton*. Smith; Idg lumber Ma*er. Elsa (Gcr). I.l*o ton*. Springer; Idg n. * —Strachan A Cos. Bchwanden (Nor), *l7 ton*. Ertksen; Idg n * -l’ateron - Down Ing Cos G.ilaio.n (Hal). 551 tons. Ambro*. ana; to Id n s— Strachan A Cos. •Irltx*. Nlcolette (Ault), 223 ton*. Favlch; big n *.—Dahl 4> Cos. Proxteiore (Ital). 456 ton*, rarascnndalo; Idg n *.—Stta har. A Cos. * cti tinner*. H-nrv i'louen Jr. 476 ton*. M'Tvj*h l:n; Idg. lumber—Master. T A. Ward. 739 ton*; Coillns; Idg lum ber— Mmter. J W Itolano. 458 torn*. ber -Mo Nfer. Mu Lawrence, 459 ton*. Thorpe. Idg for Raltlmor** Mn^t*r.| C C, Wehrum. 376 tor**, Cavalier, eld. for New York —4* \V Howard & Cos Anno K Kranx. 57H ton*. NVwcomb; Mr lumber.—M*trr, Mary It Baird. Ml ton*. Cook; Idg. lum ber.— M.tsu r A ft Sherman. 510 tone, Johnson; kle lumber Maater. Cha* II Valentine, $36 ton*. Jayne; Idg lumber.—-Mauler. John <5 Schmidt. 4.V> tom*. Norbury; Id* lumber for Philadelphia.—C. \V. How ard A- Cos. Harriet C Keriin. 458 ton*. Steelman; idg lumber.— Ylaeter. o*ear C fVfcmhii. 4*7 tone, petemon; klg lumber —C W Howard A Cos. Margaret A. May, 458 ton*, Grace; Ilk lumber.—Master. Lon*fellow 27* tone. Hannah. Idg lum ber.—Mn^er it | unrnntlne. Ship Harvest Queen <Hr). Fomyth, to load lumber for Rio de Janeiro Hark Gaxeile (Itr). Green. fr**m Rio de J.inelro. RA\imH %#%!> % llrol!>n llnnllen| Winner of IM>* linen litmil W nrk. New York, Oct. 26 —Chief in<ere*t cen tered to-day in the flrt appearance of Ran.i*tar. winner of the Brooklyn ban ll cap of IKK* At the Hmplre City tra“k he ran in the flrwt race, for which he was a hot favorite, and came home under wrap* m fa*t time Summarle. Fir* Race About elx furlong* Banae tar 3 to won. with BaMile. 30 to 1 and to 1. iHCond and St. Finnan, 30 to 1. third Time 1 nsv Sr* ond R ice—On* mile and eventy yard*. eelling Armor, 9 to 2 won. with Fieuron, 5 to 2 and 4 to 5. tecond. and Tartar. GO lo 1. third Time 1.44\ Third Rac. Tuokahoe Make*. about etx furlong* Trumpet, u to 10. won, with The Pride. 4 to 1 and 4 to 5. second, nnd Trlilo, 12 to 1. ih.rd Time 10f^. Fourth Race—One mile and sixteenth Intrufive. 5 to 2, won, with Herbert. 8 *o 1 and 3 to 1. second and Humboldt, do 01. third Time 1 46V Fifth Rare—About alx Sweet Tooth 4 to 1. won with Lady of the Val ley. 5 to 2 and 7 to 10. second, nnd Rap penccker. 7 to $. tnind. Time 1:10 Sixth Race—Selling, one mile and a a*x tecuth. Gen. Mart Gary, 9 to 10, won, with Brt*k. 4 4o 1 and 4 to 5. second, and HreMldigitator 7 to 2. third. Time I.4*'a Hare Hraolta at \ewpwrt. Dncinnatl. Oct. >6 —Result* at New port : Kirn R*-e—One mle, selling Indian. 3 to 1, won with Suave, 4 to 1. second, and Hen Bottle, 5 to 1. third Time 1:41V Second Race—Six and a half furlong*. Blenheim 7 to 1. won. with Irl*. 5 to 1. see and. aril Spaldy. 1 . 4 to 1. third. Time I*. Third Race—One mile, heats. Panlland. 4 to 1 won with M-g (o 10. second, and Prince Zeno, 5 to 2. third. Time 1:414 and 1 42 \ Fourtn Race—One mile snd an eighth, Ettholln 7 to 5. second, and Colbert. 7 to 1.. third Time l rj Fifth Race- Six furionge. selling Miss Aubrey, 7 to 1. won. with Utile Tim. 4 to I. second and Senator Beveridge, 15 lo 1. third Time 1:15. Sixth Race—Blx and a half furlongs. Brulare. to 1, won. with Karl Fonao. 16 to 5. second, and Fairy Dell. 10 to 1. third. Time 1:204*. THE WEATHER." Forecast for Saturday snd Sunday! Georgia—Generally fair Saturday and Sunday, except rnin* a o g the coast; fresn northeasterly wind* Kestern Florida—Rain Saturday and probably Sunday; brisk northeosterly winds on the coast, possibly becoming high by Sunday. Western Florida—Fair Saturday and Sunday, frewh easterly w-lnde. South fTirollna—Fair In western, rain In *a*lern portion Satunlay Sunday, prob ably rain; fre*h to brisk northeisterly winds Yastsrdsy* Weather at Savannah- Maximum temperature 2pm *O-legrres Mtntmum temperature e a m 65 dg. e Mr an temperature 72 e Normal temperature 61 degrees Ex. . ** of temperature 8 d-grec* A: cumulated excess Since Oct 119 drgreei Accumulated excess since Jen. ' U3 degre s Rainfall ijp j nr h Normal i„ inch Excess oince Cict. 1 2.70 inches Deficiency since Jan. 1 507 | n he* River Re|>ort—The hlsht of th.- Savan ruih rtver at Augusta, at s a m (73th m rldian lime) yesterday, wee 13.3 test, a fall of 4.5 feel during the preceding twemy four hours. Cotton Region Bulletin. Savannah. 0.i.. for the twenty-four hour* ending a< t a. m.. 75th meridian Ilme, Oct. 26, IS*) giaitonr of |Msx Mm. tiny Savannah dtslrlcl. iTenviTem • fall Alapnha (la. cloudy .... 82 64 DO - Albany. Oa.. clear j 82 | 65 j .(k) Amerlcus. clear | 82 | 64 | ,ao R Inbrldge. cloudy j 80 I (& | | Kastman, clear j 83 | <2 | ,60 Fort Galn*. cltar | 8! 63 00 •Gainesville, Fla., cloudy ;82 12 jiq Mlllen. Ga . |>artly cldy 83 64 .00 Quitman, cloudy | m 64 ( Savannah, clear *1 j 65 | oo Thomasvllle, cloudy 82 j 66 | 0) Waycrose, cloudy | 81 j 67 | tfi •Received too lute for telegraphic aver ages. Sjwcial Tex:i* Rainfall Reports—Pales tine. trace; Galveston. I.3ft; Corpus Christ!, 76. Hfaumont, €<■, lie. vlll.. *. ilrenh-im. 78. Cuero, .24. Houston, .14; Kerrville, .06; Longview, .3#;. Luting. .06; San Marco*. .30. .Sherman, •* Heavy Rains—Warren. Ark . 2 2*. Mon roe. l*a , 1 0. Greenville, Mias.. 3 06. |No. | Bta- Max Min Rain Central Btation*. [lion?- Tern Tem fall Atlanta 12 74 62 .14 Augusta H J 78 4 .3ft Charleston 5 8m 64 ft| Galveston j 23 82 64 ,tl Little Rock ; 13 74 60 42 Memphis 15 j 74 j 58 j 24 Mobile 7 82 44 .22 M migomery 7 82 64 DC N* w Orleans 12 >*4 fid 28 Savannah 12 i 82 65 .ftl Vicksbura 10 82 64 8A Wilmington Ift j 74 j 62 | .04 Remark*—Showers have occurred In all districts—h*#vy at several point* in Arkansas, Louisiana and MNsDsintd Cooler dtirinir the day over the Wilming ton and Utile Rock district*; higher night iemi*erature* over the Vicksburg. New Orleans. Mobile. Galveston and Little Rock districts. Observations taken t the same moment of time at nil station*, oct. 26. 8 l* m 75th meridian time Name of Station. T V Rain Boston, cloudy 56 8 .u N*w York City, cloudy 62 ST Philadelphia, cloudy 62 J 6 j T Washington City, clear ..62 I* .6ft Norfolk, clear 64 L .oft Hatt*ras. clear 66 12 “ft Wilmington. clear * 66 L .ftft Charlotte, clear 62 L Oft Raleigh. clear 64 L, j .00 Charleston, clear ?* 12 j .00 Atlanta, pt. cloudy 66 s 01 Augusts clear 7ft L .00 Savannah, clear 7ft 6 .00 Jacksonville, pt. cloudy 74 8 .01 Jupiter, pt cloudy 78 24 T Key West, 'ear 78 ifi .00 T.imiwi, clear 72 L T Mobile., pt cloudy 76 L .00 Montgomery, clear 74 8 .00 Vicksburg, pt. cloudy ... 7ft L .Ift New Orleans, missing . | .. .on Galveston, pt. cloudy 76 8 .on Corpus Christl. missing . j .. ; .0* Palestine, cloudy 74 L u Memphis, pt. cJoudy fa 8 .3# Cincinnati, clear .j 74 j 8 ,ftu Pittwburg, clear 72 I, .00 RufT.tlo. mining 64 J 3ft j .38 Detroit, clear 62 Ift .Oft Chicago, clear 458 8 .00 Marquette, clear 48 j L ft) 8t Paul, clear 50 b no Davenport, clear 64 l, .00 St clear 70 L ftft Kane a* City, cloudy 72 1, ) Oklahoma, clear 70 I, oft Dodge City. pt. cloudy . 7* j 22 .00 North Platte, clear 68 L .00 11. FI. Boyer, Local Forecast Official HA3UKI) \T lUN(j|-:ilt H(i. X\ Ine (Exonerated <*reen Before <•- Ina to the (iNltima, Columbia, 8. C., Oct. 26 -Warby Wine, a negro, was hanged at Orangeburg to day for the murder of C. J. Paul ling, near Fort Motte Gov McSweeney commuted the **n *erce of Major Greene, also colored, who aas to have been hanged to-day for the same murder Wind confessed couple of days ago and exonerated Gr”v*n —One Added.—“l see thni you hove added to your collection of goif-sti'k*. Miss Frocks,** said young Mr thwaite. **l do not understand you, Mr. postlethwake.** rejoined Miss Frock*. "My collection of golf-atlcka has U*n ‘•omplete. so for a* I know "Perhaps, but 1 saw Cholly Goslin on the course with you this morning."—llarpe* s i*.*- iar. Horsfordt Acid Phosphate NERVOUS EXHAUSTION. A wholeagme tonic and nerve food, im parting rigor and strength to the entire system. Induces rehashing sleep. Gsnuisr be.n name HouroaD’s on wrapper. t Satisfaction I is unusual with ** Fivc-Ccnt cigar 1 smokers,” but it has been the cvcry > day experience of hundreds of thou- I sands of men who have smoked l Old Virginia Cheroots I during the last thirty years, because | they arc just as good now—in fact. $ better than when they were first made. Three hundred million Old Virginia Cheroots smoked this yer. Ask your own deiler. Price. 3 (or 5 cent*. * REVIEW OF THE MARKETS. CONDITION OF GENERAL TRADE 111 RING THE I*AST WEEK. The Drop In the Cation Future* Mar ket the Feature of the Week In ( oninierrlal Clrelee Splrlle Tur pentine nt the Advauee. With the Closing Firm nt 41 4 ants—ltoelna Firm unit In Demand Loral anil Telrgraphle Markets. The Morning News offlee. Friday. Oct. 26 This was one of the most eventful week* In years In the cotton market It ha* witnessed what* seems to be the culmina tion of a most remarkable drop In prices In the cotton futures market due to the combined Influences of heavy port re ceipts. gotd weather for gathering the top crop, delay of frost, exaggerated crop estimates, ar.d a general lack of support fr .m the consuming element To this de cline there was a partial response by the spot markets, though It was not as great as might have been expected For the past two days the future* mitt get ha* shown steadier ton*, and the Indications point to a check In the down ward turn. The fact that a fair demand has sprung up Indicated that any rallying tendency of the market w.ll be supported .n part by the buying of cotton. The con tinued downward movement of prices hss brought the Inevitable result of over-sell ing the market, which Is doing much in effecting a change. The spirits turpentine market advanced throughout the week, closing Arm to-day at 41 cent*, with a good demand prevail ing for supplies. Buyer* were In the mar ge! for >*' tes cn nearly every day of the w..k had the effect of keeping trading en an active scale. The rosin mar ket abo ruled firm, with a good demand from both foreign and domestic sources The following resume of the different mil gets will show the tone and Quotation* rt the closing to-day and their condition during the week. COTTON. The spot cotton market clove.) firm and unchanged 10-day There wa* a not ce able Improvement In the demand, and lh" Indications pointed to an early reetorat on of active trading In cotton. lYtce* langel downward throughout the week tn re sponse to the continued downward move ment of the cotton futures market, which made the phenomenal drop of It* history. Sales or. the spol to-day were 9 6 bal*. for ihe week 4.155 and 1,126 sea Is.snd, an I M far' this season 27.CC0 upland an.l 6,39. se>a Island The following were Ihe nflldnl spol quo ttllons at Ihe close of the market at Ihe Cotton Exchange to-day: | This I-aat | day. I year Good mkMltog ! .1'!! 1,1'!! Middling J '!•!* I 5 la.w middling . • 7 ~ 4 U Mat ket steady; 96. Receipts Past Week. I'l" St 1 Receipts of Cotton— ilan l. lel and l!)--.l|M* past week |41.584 3.287 game week lost year *•*> *>'* particulars of Receipts— Centra! Railroad 27.231 34 tt F * W I 7!> l.m Charleston A Savannah | 611 ... River steamer* I enrt* I ®9 Beaufort steamer* I TOl 3 Be 1 board otr Line | 6.567 1,485 Kxporis— Exports last week 48,451 1.29.) Same week Ifwt year 23,263 2.433 Jlovement— | | To Baltimore j 1.166 To New York j 5.850; 30ft Philadelphia j 75 Liverpool | 7.227 ?n Havre I 9.10 ft 770 Bremen |14.2W Hamburg | t.SSfti ... Rotterdam | 300- ... Genoa .. 1 2Vo ... Barcelona j 2.6 ft); Havre or Rotterdam j 225 Stock on hand and ships 91 092 6.J45 Same day last year 91.710 7,63'. Savannah Receipts, Export* and Stocks: Received thla day 5,315 Received asm-* day last year *.107 Same day year before last 9,9** Receipts pn! week 45.121 Same week last yenr 32.2*1 8 imo week year b< fore last 71.792 Received Since Sept i. 1*99 3** :7 Received seme time last year 309.709 Exports I*asi Week- Export* tbs day, coastwise j v,l Export* tills day, continent 15,5<1 Export* pasj week coastwise 7,Ml Exports past week cont nent JVS3 Exports past week. France 9.*70 Exports paai week, Great Britain .. 7.247 Total export* pact week 49.711 Extorts Since Sept. 1. 1900— To Great Britain . 5*.11* To France 15.<V0 To the continent 144.059 Total foreign 21* 797 Total eoastw'ee 9 W, Total exports 2*5,337 Export* dime Time Earn Year— To Great Britain 33.143 To France 17,9** To the continent ] 10.505 Total forelan ISl.ta* Total *3,777 Total export* 725.K9 Stock on hand tht* day 97,437 Slock on hand same day Inst year. 104.193 Receipts and Stocks at All Ports— Receipts this day 453x7 This day 1 ft year 35.1*41; Th * day year before last tSUBB Receipts past week 323.795 Sime days last year 341 3*l Year hefore last 407.203 Total receipt* tdnee Sept 1, 1399 .1.917.9* Same time lset yenr 1,7*1*27 Same time year before laet 3.341.9*4 Stock at all port* o-dsy *5*.172 Sicck *me day last year *ll.4'* Pally Movement* at Other Ports— Galveeton—Easy; mlddlln, * 13-1*; net re ceipts, 17.54*. arose. 17,54*. sales, s*o, stock, I*l. JM. New Orleanp-Quiet and firm; middling. * 15-16; net receipt*, 3.713, gross, I'd sales. 2.500; stock. 2390(4. Mobil*—(Steady; middling. **,. nst r celpts, 346; gross, 346. satne. 300. sta Charlsatott—Nominal: middling. *\ net receipts, 2.2*0; gross, 2,28"; wo g 2*.(167 Wilmington—Firm; middling. 3; n*t r ceipe* 1.102. gross. 1,102; stock. 31,15 Norfolk— Bteadv; middling. . net r. celpts. 2.077. gross. 2.077. sales. *76. s' k 28.712 Baltimore—Nominal; middling 38, *• receipts, 1.284; gross. 2.343; slock. 175). New York—Quiet. middling. 9 7-16. * .* 3.910; sale**. 50; stock. 35.2*6. Boston—Quiet, middling. 9 7-16; net r - celpts * 728; gross. 12.89 t Philadelphia Quiet; middling. 9 ~4 net receipts. 25. gross, 25, stork. 5.0* Nnwport News—Net receipt*. S.etl ..* 3.941. Dally Movements at Interior Towi Augusta—Quiet; middling 9 1-16; nn receipts, 1.602. gross. 1.*)2. sale* 2*6. . t 36,213 Memphis—Steady; middling. *3*; ne l r . eelpts, 3,525; gross. 6,677. sales, 2.103, u> k *3.650. Ht Ixmlo—Quiet; middling, 9. net re celpts. 3,613; gross. 7.8*3. sales. 283. f , 34.415. Cincinnati—Nominal and steady, c dling. 91*. net receipt*. 1.846. gross, 1H sales, 50: stock. *.066 Houston—Steady; middling. M,. ret re ceipts, 13,926. gross. 13.9C5. eaies, 566. • k 76.144 Louisville— Firm: middling. 98*; net re ceipts, 47. gross. 47. sale* 193; stock. ’3> Exi>orts of Cotton This Day. Oalveston—To Great Britain, 20J13, const wise. 3,124. New Orleans—Coastwise. s*. sMohllr—Coastwise. 210. Savannah-To Great Britain. 7.747; France. 3.730; continent, 5.584. coasuvls 3.561 Norfolk—Coastwise. 2.152 Il.tßlmore—To Great Britain. 4.53 t. New- York-continent. 1,206. Newport News-To Great Britan. 5 ; continent. 93*. coastwise. 33 Total foreign exports from all tor’s thus fir this d.iy—To Great Brlmtn 3. 416, to France. 3.730; to the continent. T TT! Total foreign exports from nil pot's thus far this week—To Grew: Britain lb 6ii. to Franc*. 41.587 ; 4o the atmmprt, > 929 Total foreign exports since Sept 1. uuv To Great Britain 676.665. to France. U 2.- 375. to the continent. 422.4 M. AEA INLAND COTTON. TTiere were no noteworthy feature* r. ported In the sea Island cotton mark t during the past week The daman i , moderate, ami business closed on • ~r-r°w r°w sra:e Waiting tactics have opi-cent. *>■ h *“ < ' n adopted by mill men an<) consum ers. who may be relying on the s:.-*di ! y Increasing stock to depress prices I{. celpts (he past week were 4,515 10. hgainst sales of 1.125 bags. ITlces about as follows: Extra choice East Florida* 23")2l Extra choice and fancy Florida* 23 : ~1j24 Extra ch)lce and fancy Georgias 23 ’ 2P t Choice Georgias 2JV<I23 Extra tine Georgias 22 Recelj t* and Stock'— Receipts past week |*~ 4.515 59' Expor.s |a st week ■ 1.296 2.421 Receipt* thl* season | 12,615 27.121 Sales past week 1.125 7.674 Stock on hand j 10.8 U 1,1.111 charleston, Oct 36—Sea Island copoe Uecelpt*. Off bags; ex [>>r<*. none salts. 610; stock. 1.876. Quotation* unchangol COTTON FI Ti ll 939. Tlie Market Closes Steady A* Oh • ■rices U I p to 4 oil. New York. Oct 26 —Aggressive mov ment* did not enter ln<o the tactic* of either bulla or bear* on the Cotton Ex changes to-day. After opening steilv with price* unchanged lo four points higher, there wa* a period of Irregularity and general hesitation, but Inter th> rosr ket displayed a fair degree of t r-t-V and worktsl steadily upwunl until ' Uury patched 9 rents. From that lev. I a break of 9 points occurred und-r pn * ' taking by mom operators and a lall ip supitort from the commission hous- ' • wire Imerents. lets In tho day I her- w* ntore or less uneasiness manifestel on Itoth sides with the result tlwt In a nar row range fluctuations were frequent w t-. the m.trktl nervous and erratic. Th" was steady with quotations net 2 j ! s higher to 4 points tower. Tho early > and * from Liverpool averaged up slightly be (er than expected. The final report* '•' Arm. showing a substantial net rls> an I wire accompanied with a wave of m>- crate sixod buyiiut order*. Foreign .* •> local short* were made uneasy by th" ■ mailer crtgi movement recorded. Fro Xit g weaiher in the northern part of the wheat belt gave me to new fears and die b l anything In the way of lnr spe. ulatl ni all day. The regulation week-end # itl" ties from Liverpool were hulllshly or strued. while those from the South w. betirlshly lnteri)reled The South wi< qtrite buyer of the winter months fr-n time to torn* during th** day and tli - t> gove rotor to the report* that plants were holding for higher price* ' , v few notices for November delivery were circulated to-day. FMtTTATIKVI l\ KltClira. Now York, Oct. ? -fottrn fut"** opened atnilv and do*ed quiet and eteii'- Prices aa follow*: | Open ; Hlkh | Low |Cke- January .777.1 Il | February .. .| * W 9 ml * 92 *- 9 ’ March | *92 * *>' I*• April I* M i *** •* * May |* 92 K9* * *9l June I k. 91 *9* | . J-J® July |K. *M *** *•* Auguat |*. * ® * SI *■* September ...j j !•" [ . „ October I *•" I ® * * ** November ... ®.b | * J • LIVERPOOL COTTOJI MARKET Liverpool. Oct. M. * p m -Spot, modcr ate*:'price* steady; American mlt dllr> S 7-124; the aalee of the dor * 000 bale., of which GOO wern for tlon and export and Included T,*' Atnari