The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 29, 1900, Image 1

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MORN’INO NEWS . ,>. Incorporated IS** ! * j H KRTILL. Prextdant WATCHED FOR BRYAN (I , H.H\ l V %ITKO EVBRYW HKRR [ 111 >i:i: AMI C'IIRKH HIM. CHURCH WITH HIS WIFE. THERK n\ PF.OPLE A\l II U K TO Hl?* HOTEL. , Jh ,. n ilc PlitPrlßV Popnlarp Fol !••< <1 Him %ll fhr U> t the l)r. |f| here llr TW tle 'I ruin for Will apeak There. l fM n llrtam In York and \|kr *e % •*rnl "prrrhpt In llrook fH’t. -Mr. nr.d Mr*. Pi yin j r , |it 10 o’clock in their hnel . William J. Stone and ae\- After breakfast the pirty > .Mr Bryan’w ro m. where the received ConureiisDnn It:chard . vcral local politicians. • 1 M>. Bryaii then left th* hotel ked through Madiion tkpiaro to • ■ Ma ?i>on avenue I'reebyterl m Church. r 1 try an first ipprered on the i- I* were very few p*>plc abou', i who were there. Instantly re d him and with many a shout fol- I ,w*d him to the door of the church. Vale -i -I Harvard hoys who came to \o.k with Hr. Bryan on Baturday ,r, , at c hurch and occupied eut a ,f.rt dataller in from of Mr. Bryan. 1 rkhurst, the pastor, wus not in ' *, t , .n *d of Mr. Hryan’ii presence ami his f ::n was an exposition of a portion of i S nptures. Word w . evidently pn***c<l through the* gallon during the servlce that Mr hr an w j* in the church, for when the t„ . cih non was pronounced almost the t tire <ngi ‘gation made a dash for the r- and filled the sidewalk and street front of the building. The crowd was , > 1 lamented by those who were an s r*et and in the square, and by the r:i• - ih** party reahd the hotel two * .n \ people were crowded al>out ’ m S<* dense was the crowd In fact, it 1m im- necessary for several park p . , tian to go in advance of Mr. Bryan i I bar a w. y for him through the > \ disappeared In the entranct •. h" 1 1 the crowd cheered. Mr. Hr? Nil's Visitors. Mr Bryan slept in his room from 1 ~ k until o'clock, when he d.ned in the time he finished dinner until k to-night, when he lef: the Hoff- I i H> use. there was a steady stream of Mr ad Mrs Bryan were both busy shaking hands. Among tin ! were Congressman William M Frank Campbell. James K M* - John A. Mason. ex-Oov. William : i nnd Congressman James D I irdson. rnptly at 9 o'clock Mr Bryan nnl . ft tin hotel f r the <2rand Central wh->f the. took ihe train for Al \ M|iiad . f tw* nt v-iwo |oll< emeu. t ; ~ t kept tho 1 ba. k and a platoon of twenty ( •• •I p<iii< . in* n escorted Mr. Bryan •> : i ,b poi. Ni.iwHhst 'Hiding the fact that | departure wa not utm timo l in any morning pii>er**. the |eople appear. •. find it ouf In some way. nnd fully i . 1 • '' • ' waiting hi- appeiranee. As noon as emerged with Mrs. Bryan n great I W it up. People lined tlr Streets. •i the way up Broadway to the depict w -of |eople linel the streets on r side and shout after shout rent the At the Grand Central station Mr. art was at once recognised by the , t f person* aw tiling their trains ii was with great difficulty that the held the people ba< k and kept a igaway for the party. m- Bryan’s private car. the "Rambler.’* ..i to Dm Non York Ctatrid whi<h was scheduled to leav* at • lock and had on tsaird. besides Mr. t Mrs. Bryan. l**n 11. Wager, sergeant ms of the Democratic Htnte Commit who whs In charg* of the train. As tt.i n pulled out with Mr and Mrs. on the rear platform there were I cheers. Bryan stops first at Alhtny and r ri< Im k to-morrow arrving nt Wee . i |IK p m wbari In will ha Congressman Fuller and driven to on Kish | ark for a ton minutes "<h and thence to the Academy of In Brooklyn arriving there it 7. 0 where he Is to address a meeting. 1 -peak also at seven other places 1 -ooklyn during the evening \lM>*|OS OF ICBTVLBXE. " rn knl n fit tiro It find Injnrfd ?Mrr poptlron Operator. Oct. 2V—An explosion of arety • .1-'rt.iinm* nt. wrecked the in entertainment, wr# K-.l Bhe In* f the Firm Presbyterian Church • . suburb of thin city to-night r itor, recently returned from mle ’k m India, lout hla rlgh hand • line*! other injuries. One of the rung: n leak and the escaping 1 v • exploded by the light of tne kn ’* ra. FltOM TUB KLONDIKE. ***S*trr llnlpliln RrnOKht 180 •• narrii From Nknarway. Wash.. On. 28 —The steamer irrtved from Skagway to-day v pi““engerf and f2ft>.ono in gold r ’ Klondike. The Klondlkers came ivtr on thi Zealand!*. invlTif ’> t H. The rlccr was th*n fu.l 1 lee fr 100 miles and th* weath* Niter cold. Two small steamers • !a*. h later and are now wind I-ake l.iharg Hlver navigation for the season. * IRI.I) TIIK FIRST *IOT. " * r “i <• an boat *sh%llle Sent to t Ity of \th% illr. 1 T<*nn.. Oct. 28 —The gun from ?h *' flr.d shot in the Spanish-Amer **r fired. has reached Nashville. H u * *° b# it* permanent home It Is fipd tire one pounder and m th* gunboat Nashville, which r 4 over the bow of tbt Spanish ,r - ! v *e! Buena Ventura. Rons*vlt* Quiet Day. N, T.. Oe. Sl—Oov XrH. .. i *P-nt the 4y very quietly her*. and . 4 ' * 1>r > drive with Mr*. Rooeevelt K ih* .Say en.i going to the EpUco •**- '-ouroh to tue eveiUng. §atiannul) iUorniinj ffetepL CHURCHILL STICKS TO IT. K!ntl<i llffu... to (|m.liial,. for 111. Nlnlrnirnf That lloa.l.ii U hrllrd Ollirrra. Oct 2*._T • k> irlior of Mr Wln*ton HpiDo.r Churchill have wriMen io tlii i- in* t Earl of J Ko.rlyn drclmlriK In the natno of M r’hurral’l. to withdraw ,>r ipoloftn fo- j Mr Otiurchiil, •latrm.nt >1 ;h*- rec i t , | lunifu. iof thr Tali Mali Club, r i It.—,:>n in Sotith Afri< .1 to Kns.lPh n. vt 11 . r. lad Itiadled llrlii.-h olh. and made a.-*>r- [ tlnn, that vti re ttothirttc ahon of tal,-- hood*. T. niornins Mr Churchill writ.— to the 1 tally Mail r.'i>udloting the r i-R-'ilito that he i* nviv.'.l by |> r f.-rlli c attain*' Ixvrd Hofslyn. it at i• In 1 1 1 r out that the K iri I* rt *l>o|f-lble for a 1 !>el loti* ■taicmcnt coricarnliut four fun ri* . avail v r.-Kltn. nta." Aflrr v.ivliiK hat If Ixvd it w-lyn will frankly withdraw th,. ailevot ilhel.. u* tat.rn>'ii:. it.- *Mt wilt I*.- the first to rear>■( that hard word- hive tv.n , hv refer* to Ids n tlon ngaidlnt latrd It 'siyi. nilsloadina o' tttint oi M' Churchiir* c-.-ai-t- in Sout.t Airt t, ,ttnt li.jc out iha till* reaultisl In th** |u Ush ■ is. w Ihdr.iwtiiK H..- lyn s book from t lri ui.ttion ai .l In lxir 1 It- s yji writing to Mr. Chur■•Mil that the i>t war. not Intend, and In a off- in-lv*- eiiH.- and lihould be • xpullg. I 111 fut tre •• tlilall*. JI (Tit 1C MIT TUT UIAIBII. I.notni* Talks of tlrlnnrn Com|. a>’ Trouble In I enemelu. HprlnKfleltl, 0.. Oct. Sk Hon. Krank R laarmts. minister to Venezuela, to-nlghi referring to a d-.sitch from Mlnnea|w>ll*. In which 11 was stated by an emidoye of the Orinoco romnanv that a conce*lon conveying the right of that ror|*.ntton to exploit ten million acre* of land In Verw znclo had beet! annulled tho ugh the fail ure of ihe It gallon to protest against hostih action on tlu- i*art of the Venezuelan government, raid: "Aii official of the ttrmo.-o Company win has the American legation at t’araen*. is ur. I. r a misapprehension as to the usag* a sanctioned by Internationa, law an 1 th* function* f diplomatic of ihor*. The trouble between the Orinoco company and th.* government arise- from dispute* as to Ihe eonstru tlon of u c*>n tr.e l. There ■ an be no ociU-n *>n th*' t*irt of the f’ Star.* bgatlon In contract ual claims until a dental <-f Jusllco In Ihe , otirts of t hat country las 1n..,i This afTilr *.f th*- Orinoco com|ny has never In nnv mv been brought to the I.tenllon of ihe legation and when It .hall be pr*|erlv presented no proper ef fort will he spare*! to secure every- Just and legal advantage for the company " i'<ii n t ini.nitifh imowsun. Ilont Waa Cupatse.l nn.l They I.nat Their live.. Port Cllnlon. 0.. O t J*. —A quadruple j drowning occurred near Plaaterbed. on Hinduskv bsv, eight mi e* east of here, this afternoon. Ti e drowned are Ikiuk liss Stark, n** and .1 year*: Oeorge Smrk. 5 yenr*; Alfred Stark, k years; ll* nry Stark. IS years. They wa r. the children of William fttark Mr Stark and the children went for a boll rile this aft erne, n On r turning to Ihe shore the boat beeime foil*.l In n n*h ret and ih " oarsman *u'<l neither forge the boat ah* ad or go to-k Th*' . alldren he.- ime frlghtenral. and 1.-onlng o *r the side of the small craft, canslzwl ; t r*suiting In th* fair leatha by diown- Ing. Mr Stark came h* re from To'e !o three weeks ICO. He then hod a family of a wife and ten children. Utat w**k Horror, ag-il I. died and the we k before another child, aged 3 mouth iso died. JlrKlM.r.l WIAT TO t 111 lit It. Had t'nllera During Ihe Dny From Klcvcn Dllferent atntea. font on. 0,, Oct. President M* Kin ley went to church ihb morning Cap*. McWilliams aerotnf*anlef him. l.ater the I’resldent ond Mrs McKinley and Capt. an*l Mrs M Wllli.imr wen! to the country home of Mrs Mane S Razloti. west of the elty, for lunch. A few- social callers were received dur ing the day nisi evening, nnd an Im promptu ilelegatlon ralle*l composed of ilhiiU a sure of eomnicrelol traveler*, who chanced to meet it a hotel, nn.l de c'ded to call on Ihe I'reailent to assure him that lh*i' ar.- In *vmitthy with him atwl want lie repres. nl- They %ver*; I received and a few pleasant worth* were e**'h.iiiK*sl Eleven different states were represented In the jiarty. OF ID* nil llFtltl* IV BODTOT. He Oppose. Private Ownership ot Tool Pr.Mln<*tton. Boston. Oct S*.—The Social Demo,Vats of I'.oslon ami vicinity gave an enthusias tic greeting to Eugene V. Deb*, the presi dential candidate of th** party. In Paine Memorial building to-night and listened to two *pe* eh**!- from him Th** keynote of Mr. Dehe' speech was the necessity ot the working class hav ing possession of “the tool of production." by wnleh he meant the paraphernalia of construetlon as It ezlsts tssilay, nil.l*, ma chinery. tr. lie said so long as these are owned by private capital, so long will (he working mao he oppressed. Ills r* m edy is public ownership and management of "the tool of prodo tlon." Will THEY KI KH STIIIKBI f hlengo Poatoltlee * |erl* Form l.nbor I iilon. Chicago. Oct. I* Poslufll e clerks of Chicago to-dav eniere*! the ranks of the trade* unionist* The clerks have amilnlel themselves with the American Federation of I-abor ami the new organise :kw. will Is known as "Toe Chicago Poatofllce ( lerk t'nlon." ll will h*' “ labor union pure an*l simple. Well-Known Editor Dead. Knoxville. Tern Oct. 3 -Col John M Fleming. aK“<l AS years, and for many edit r of the rid Knoxville Tribune ar.l Inter of the 8< ntlnel. Ibd to-night at the Kas' Tennessee Il' Spital for the In lan* where he ho been for the |s.*' *. irn year*. He was a not* I Confederate j .oldler ar.d a promlrent politician Difficulty Will He trilled. So*. Oct 3-At the opening of the Sobrnx Pr |n< * Ferdinand pre iTcVcd thot the difficulty between Bu.garia ar.d Roumanla. growing out of the lat ,,.*. demand* for the .oppression of the Macedonian Revolutionary Committee, would soon be seMled. SAVANNAH, GA., MONDAY. OCTOBER 29, 11MM). FIGHT NEAR MANILA TWO tMFHIt IS* K11.1.F.D l\ IT TACK a* FII.II’IMI*. ENEMY HAD 400 ENTRENCHED. THE FK.IIT IN \\ Him MEET. FEIII- IaEH LOUT Ilia LIFE. I'lli|ilna ('om mandril hj Hat Id Fn - utii, a Hrarrtrr From thr Tnrnt)- (oiartlt Infantry, Trird to l.t an imrrlran llnrur. hnt rrr llrhni OR—>Trn4ior l-'nicin TLrmtrna Ter rible riiiilkliiiipiii I |on >li'iiibrr of lli Kiirmrr t ompany. Manila. Oil. 28 -While* uroulingr near I>*< . it drtarhnv nt of th*' Tienlleth an*i Ti%**nt> -eiKhth ItrximrntP, under Capt. B'Ul* r. were attack***! by Inaurarnift armed with riflejt, under the command f a white man. whoso* natu>nn*lty J n*t known to the American*. The Insurgent* 's>r the mort |art wer* Intreni'h***! After : h*rolt* fljht Capt. Beiglrr drove off th** enemy, killing more than neveniy five The fight la ft ted for two hourw. C|< IW*igior and thro.- private* wer* ftlightly wounded arxl two of th* Amttioant ver killed. An engagemert took place fV*t. 24 be*- tween detachmentft of the Third Cavalry anti th** Thirty-third Volunteer Infantry, numbering aixty and a force of inxurg *ntft, including gn riflemen and l.ou* 1010 men. The hgliting waa dc-perte Fin ally, under pr*-**ure of over whelming numIHTM, the Americana were comi*eiled to retire on Narvlcau. Ei* ut <Hr*t** I*. IVMger an*l fmr pri vates were killed, nine were wounds) an*l four are mlftslng Twenty-nine horses are miaalng. A number of teamter were captured by the insurgent*, biif were nubaequentiy released The enemy a loss la estimated at 160. Work of a Traitor. A civilian launch, towing a l arge loade \ with merchandise n*tir A ray at was at tack'd by a force of 16U lneurgvnts under David Faff in. a deserter from the Twen ty-fourth Infantry. The American troops on l* arii.g the firing, turned out in for*e liefore the l>oaL could l* iooteil and re • aptured It. Fagin, who holds the rank of general among the Insurgents, has sworn special enmity toward his former company. Of the twenty men he captured a month ago seven have returned. One was killed In a fight, his body being horribly mutilated Kagln messages to his former com r les threatening them with violence If they become his x*rlsoners. It was Fa gin’s men who captured Lieut. Alstaetter. who is still a i*ciKOiier. Reports from Gen. Young's district snow a dally inorea**- of Insurgents there, owing to the fact that recruits re going i lilt her from the towns. | IOM I’HIX i IN Itß E <V%MHL Nett Ntep to lie Taken Will Frolintily He l>eclile| To-day. Near York. Oct. 28— Following the an nouniemnt of Prof. WTtthaus' *llacovery of enough mercury in the kidneys and Intestines of William Marsh Rice to cause the death of tre old millionaire, whose sudden demise, more than a mi>4h ago. ( *d t* so many sensational development#, and the chemist’s further statement that mercury formed no part of the fluid us#d In embalming the body, a consultation of the outhoritbti will Ik* held to-morrow whi h may deckle the next atep in un ravelling the mystery. District Attorney Gardner. Coroner Hart, Prof. Wltthaus and perhafv Dr. Walker Curry, who was Mr. Rice's phy sician, Will meet |ii the district attorney's office, and it is probable the chemist will nave a supplementary reprt to make. Although the amount of mercury nc found in the body was sufficient to kill a man if administered in a soluble form. Prof. WMthau* did not say wo in ins first report. He was then asked to make this plain In an Hlditloitfil statement, and to t*:i if he could form any idea whether this poison might have been a principal IngredW nt of any medicine the old man was using or If it must have been administer**! with some ulterior motive. That the old man had h penchant for patent medic n**s and that he frequently took them is admitted by his physician and others who knew him. Dr. Curry raye that in nnc of the m* Heines prescribed for the millionaire by him ws there any mercury, but be saya that he found Mr. Rico was inking a medicine that was given to him by h friend and that it was not without argument that he Induced his patient to stop taking It. PROF. F. MAX Ml LLBE IN DEAD. He Waa % hie to Continue Writing I ntll Ten lla>a %o. London, Oct. E.-The Rt. Hon Frled j rich Max Muller, corpus professor of com ! para five philology a; Oxford University, is dead. He died to-day at UrX'i p m. Ill* din case wa. an affection of the liver. Until ien days ago he wa able to contin* • writing his autobiography, dictating to hi* son. He was perfectly conscious until thl* morning. Frequently during his nine- dl patchea of Inquiry were received from Kmp* ror William WILL ACCEPT AGREEMENT. llr|Mirtrd That I'ritnrr and Itnuln Will A..rti* If. It. Vlsnn*. Or*. 3 —Th* samt-.ftlrlal P. ll tlsrhs rorr**pon<l*n **f*rt that Fran an*l Rusal*, after dlsrusrkm. hava flarldarl t 0 accept Ihe Anglo-Ocrman a*r*enxrnt iu an Will He Promoted. Montreal Oel. 3—lt Is *t.ile-l on high authority to-ntght that F H McOul-an. j B ,neral uperlnt*ndent of the Grand Trunk will he promoted to the *> n r*l management of that *yt*m in *ucee**lon l 0 Charles H H*ys. reslttt and to ae *p: th* piesiJsncy of Ih* Southern Faeiflo. Oldest Minister I* Dead. lndl*n*polt*. Oct. .-The R*v. Henry Russell Pritchard, the oldest Christian minister In th* Pnlted State*, died ud d.nly at ctht*r&*ld, lnd., *-d HARD FIGHT WITH BOERS. The, 111 l Have 1.%.*> Men l *he Field u.1n.l Ihr Hrllleh nnd Are t.lvina Trouble. IxMldon. 0.-l. 3 —Actir.llng to a die patch from Cape Town to Ihe lwtly Mull, a fori', of liver, attacked and surrounded a patrol of Cat"* p*dlce, ntth a o.'hvoy. llixipa'aid, orange River Colony, last Wednesday, and a eh.irv light en sued "The poller." nays the rorrespondenl. "were compelled to ahtuvihut two Mvvtni- FltlriMtr y reinforced hv the Yeomanry, ttic> succeeded tn g.dttt'g aw ty wt'h the cavvov. but they lost seven ki l-*l. eleven wound'd and tlfteen capture 1 The ixvkin* were outnumb* r* I ten to on**, and thr engagement las ml for two hours ' The Rorr* h ive IB.MM men In the he’d, nearly half of whom are In Orange River tVlony. These are dlvldr.l Into ccenman doeg of e*mie 3rd each, but are capable of combination for Itrgc o|eratlotis" Wild, TO POWER*. Kruger's I'rugTstnlur t'pnn Arrl.taa at thr HsKOr. Rrueetl*. Ort 3.— The Trnnavaal agency announoee that Mr. Kruger will arrive at Marseille* on the Dtit -h cruiser Oel derland Nov 11 or Nov 12 He will pro ceed to the Hague without stopping at Part*, nn.l after egpreoalng hi* thank* to Queen Wllhelmlna for Irntch hoeptlallty on board the cruiser, he will appeal to the Power* to Intervene In the South Af rican settlement on the hnsU of Article 3 of Thr Hague convention, MDittlOY tHIF.a tl PFHMBD. Ilotert Ordered Ity tuthorttl r* to Kill tit Foreigner*. !andon. fk-t The rhlnme Imbroglio is In n elate of stagnation. Shanghai sends renewed rumor* that the court, from Rt Nan Fu. I* sending agrnt* to coi ls.* funds tn the southern and central province*. Advl es from Po Ting Fu give harrow ing accounts of the sufferings of mission aries st the hands of the Boxer*, and t la reported that t*tv mteslonarlea are still at Cheng Ting Fu The correoimndent of the Morning Post at Poo Ting Fu wiring "ct 9'. says: "The Boxer* declare that the provincial treasurer hne orderml them to kill all f -r --elgner* He allowed eleven American and four British to he nine sac red" W UIT HEAD* OF TWO MORE. Chinese "llletnli* W hn.e Kx.riallon le Demanded. London. Oet. 3 —Dr Morr.aon, w ring to the Times from Pekin to-day, under dal- of Oct. 3. saya: "The foreign lutuletera tn conference to day decided to add the name* of Prince Yl and 3"lng Nlcu to thv*o of the seven officials who**' execution France has de mo tilled. "It a. al*l Ihe commander of tho allle.l troops at Pao Ting Fu ha- at net e.l the provincial tr-antrer, who sti chiefly r**a|m*lblo for the til treatment of the rescued missionaries." WAX NOT % I MFD AT 111 Shi A. Anglo-Oe rnian Aa reenient Will Hot Affeet tlNnehurl*. Berlin, Oct. 3—The Berliner Poet p.,t llsncs to-day an ms|*tr**l article devoted tr. showing that the Angto-Oerman agree ment will tn no way Interfere with Ku -le's Interests In Manchurta "If England had not arrived at an agree ment with Germany," says the Post, "she would have l*een compelled to do so with Itussta. Thl* would liav* I*een a serkwis blow to German trade Germany In her calamity of an inneet hroker. has aerv.-l Russian Interests JAPAN NKKIt* A ATHONO MAN. She May Try to IH.mli.ale Affulra la Ihe Far Faal. Corresttondence of the Associated Press. Yokohama. Oct. -The ascension of Marquis Ho to power has been received by the native pres* generally In a spirit of eongrutulutlon, especially In view of Ihe rising feeling that Japan Just now needs her strongest man at llie helm In order to enable her to assert hsr rights. The Influential iwi—r* are iam vrlng for a strong foreign policy. They favor mak ing Ih*- mo<-l of Japan's expanded arma ment In hulling the balance of power In the Orient. It Is felt that the Chinese difficulty has demonstrated that Ihe West ern Power# are essentially weak lie. suse they ore not here, ami cannot get here In anything like powerful force, Japan being or the *|Ot with her army of half a mil lion and her powerful navy, can easily nominate the situation, especially If any one of the stiong Western Powwrs wll. Join hand* with her AFFIX THIN Phil ENGLAND. Australia's Tie* o Mother Foaulry Made I'loaer by War. Sydney. N. 8. W , Oel. 3.-Mr. William John Lyn*. premier and treasurer of New Soulh Wales, during a speech st the open ing of a German fete here to-day, said: "Th* temper of th* Australian people waa never so affectionate toward the mother country as It Is now. Th* war In South Africa has produced a pitrlotlc bond which should last etsrnslly. "It has be-n suggested locally that Her Majesty should assume Ihe litis of Queen of Australia To me It seem* a good pro tvosal Indeed I think Her Majesty might w* II be approached with a view of her a snmptlon of the tills of Fmpresa nf the British F.mplr*. thus embracing all th# colonies and dcpend-ncie#." RRCIITH ATION IN IIAWtAII. Total for All Islands la II.StDI or It.omt I,<•** Than Lnai Near. Honolulu, Oel 30 —The offl rial returns of Iha registration In all the Islands of th territory have been received. Only 11.IH persons registered In the group for the coming election. This Is 3.1/1 less than the registration during Ihe last year under the mo arotiy. By island* th# regttr*t:on I* follows: Hawaii, 3.717, Maul 2.0 M. Oahua, includ ing Honolulu. 3.704. Kaulal. 71 a ■ Killed by an Aatomoblle. Parts. Oct. —Contis Cshen d'Anvers. a well-known figure In Parisian society, was killed to-day in an autoaUu.s ascl dem osar Manures. HE IS OPTIMISTIC \LU.Di:< K-lim MIR ON Fit IMF*** 4.110%% IN4* ILOII%. WANTS FRENCH ARMY TO LEAD. 4 '4>%i i*i.i mi inti and mm'iiliat* on THE 111 XTTITI OK. 4glomv *lltiMllu i’lmf 4'nfrnlnl 4hr 4 llm*l lln* llr* lilpi ll*l. Drrtfns %ITnir l'r|M*rl) •rlllni. Fniiirul l#l*n % i,’ 11 nf I %|*- •If lon 4 onw rrp—l'ruurnm m* #*l liiivrrNini'Rt —l.h % I ii of ll<irrit-L C'nrnmlonr nf I*nlnMM*. Park.-. Ort. M \\ il iuift lrlivrr#<l nt Toulmiff t!' j*>vll/ I ft|r h, tn. jk i. > .n*l profframmr of th# f iv< mim nt In unlicl palim of l ' rr * ••miilinw •*{ 1 n.t*m i>t Thr tK'O.iskHi i 1 1:• l.i vlt.*c of th# orn#r iCon#* vf Ihr nr** bair.u k Ihrrs. Th#* Prrmlrr l**ft i'*u % Ku .rl.iy an*l rri\F*l at Ton \* fl.i\ 411 1 .m- Hr wan r* *lu* I by I •■ Mayor, usiloi' and (Srputlrs of if • *b iwirtm#‘iit anl wli r offlrialh. Thr *l y \s k iiy *l* i rjil*'*l. and ihr poptilut p rh fl M U il l* k Ko4iim;iU. a I U ih alu \ mi \ t* w#'r# Itrard. Th Archbishop of Tou!tu.*r in I k n rralr of Ihr urmy <‘irpr |rltvrrr*l *1 diirMFM JMMHirtnjf Ihr |rrlt#rr (11 brhalf of th- c'lrmy .1 liei ihr army, * f for him #ui I ailn hini nt in i t i'pulll R*>liytnic to th* a* uram'rs **f th- • n ♦-rab. M U .M.t k-Ibni' dii. '.ti'l "Th* army as ik ni* C.• many lop not 10 ivt ihrrl.#in'l by th*' •*•! try \N .ir*' t jrulous f ih* fin u*t of th*- army net 10 stnvr tt have Fiaurr ** im-irh foil<w ihr profit ,-e of other nations. bu to outstrip ih-m NN* r*- rur- th** army will respond to efforts by dev ii % llsrlf riitlrrly t it- nuh.c l * k and will leave no place in its ranks division a. which only wrk#n ii.’* Th** InyiiiK of the cornrrsione t*k place n thr afternoon. M. \V;il*leelf*R©u>s , .u reserved hie |*rlnolp.l ‘ff*rt for thr ban quet which follow#*v| ihe cewmony. This was Kivrn by Hi* inuiu- ipil.ty in mi an clrnt JtU'otiMi 4‘onvrnt, won#* tin- dinltM; hall was rlabonitHy *l*-*r:4te<t with the trl-color Devoting the prin* ipal part f his i*rr h lo answering* h* sal*l lie had not rejilltsi u for*- is .<*•#* th** cabinet r* th#' wi. l*l*l •nel clearevl mn*iat* h* *ui*' It wis tune to act and not to talk, and ber iua#* hr and hi# colb*Kur* iook* l to the chamber of deputies alone for approbation or censure of their #indu't. llrniDiidralltm **f Mm om. Aliudlnji to the drmomitrafion of ffay#tr in Farin, which hr di-errlb#*#l • thr most striking ciNirecratloii any r. it'inr haft ever received," h#* eald tfvt France had In tills way shown how llttl. • h#' weft mo veil by bis-*. | . 1-t i-i, •- ;ntiins tthr ministry. ltef‘rriiiK t* thr pupiort which the Hoclallsts had ffivrn thr ffovommerit, hr remarked that ih*- gov#'rnmrnt desired tli# support of "thou* who. having always H*rv. *1 th*- repuhll*. are better entitled to il*f*rnl her tiuin timftr who have o|>p***• and ftrr " uation that existed when thr cabinet t*rk office- "with n*rlnu.i. inerrasing and no tk'tialism engaging In dally battl#** with the poll*-*- " "It Is said/' he cofitinurd, *‘thnt we are I*. ling the counfry to ruin, when really it would be onlv an exaggeration to say we have saved her from ruin " <olng tsi to #1 Ik* Otis Ihe government pr##gTumme. heeiitl |t #li*l rioi include col* leetlvlsm. Nit t wit ttits did not aiffnlfy that th** policy f Republican union I** quired sn#lai reforms ll* spoke *f th* success of be government In suppressing systemstir AKitMtion aixl street d* nv>nrtr. tlonn, adding that the country might hold dear the prerrnf calm t are th#* mark-* of sin-• rc re|entcni. #*fi Ah* part of the anti* Republicans. Alluding t what h** dracrlbr*! nn the "last act of the |Hiigiia)t Dtryfus <lr into ’* he sold that the Judgment tvas given in complete Indepcndeni#*. nd that th* *b #-.sion remained resp#ctl, huA that, at the same tlm**. humonlty had foil ml sol - |sfatlon In a mea urr of clemency that has hern ratlflrd by the generous heart of our great country which iw.ikens at last He innoim* *il fait he would ask the Chamber of Deputies, n- h- had already asked the Senate, to pi-*s a hill of eff* mem. "a measure to aesure deflnitivo ap peaaement.'* France farowlnu *trong*r. "While ihee Internal * vent** tut being accepted," #*• the Premier, "our position Is N l ng *rengthen* and abroad, where we are supfv rted. when ns* essary. by the valor of our army. Our |#**lley hus regsine*! for us our form* r authority iind success. We hive shown ourselves de termined to abdicate nothing of our rights and w# ar* convinced thst aggressive blustering has rvd ling In common with true patriotism. "When th*- exposition opened the gov ernment deem##! that, after urMb-rgolng such violent shocks, the country would best be left to *a-*!e th* benefits of s needful truce. This period of pe -e has been filled with glorious work No more fruitful Ideas wer# ever igliicd than cam** 10 the front In the exposition c-on gresces '* M. W’aldeck*Rouspe,*u dwelt n|*on th necessity of enforcing and nc'pline stTfO’ g Slate offl* la Is lie expre se*| fb hoe the budget would N* vot*.l and e ferre-1 10 Ihe proJ*ct#-d ltmlnutbu of fh** excise duty on alcohol which is *-ne of the lending Ititernal quest in*. After this he :fttlarge#l ui##m tiie n-c#-salty that lh chamber should |*s* a law regul ttlng ►•- aoctatlons a measure directed against re ligious ctingregatiofN*. ll#* dilte*l u on the #lang< rw attending the cc ;mu n on by such parties of immense prop#-rtjcs and the evil of tej**hlngs (rejudl tal to the republic. He also announced that the uovernm<*nt would present a oil I providing for okl age pensions. "The crisis through which w* have just passes)." he said In conclusion, has he**n one of growth. We have triumphed over death germs Wa ap|*eared 10 be prostrat ed. but we find ourselves stronger than ever If we seemed beyond recovery, if was only to r*galn ih* ard u and union that made us so confident an I full of high hopes We have r* -tor#*l our shattered unity. A treat Demo**rai|c pirty may b formed, with Increased a tlvly on ih# part of th# government and increased se curity for our Institution*, as well aa more liberty, more fraternity and more Jus tlca.” The wa* followed with cheering that lasted aeveral minutes, the bly giving -lies of "Vive Waldeck-Jtoua igeau: ‘ and "Vive J* Hepubliuue!’*- OM niI.UEIH IttlLUIMt Ot T. rircnirn anil llrakfMsn \w |leman<l an Increase In Wages. I Insist cn. !* . Oct. The lehlgh and \Vllk* f barr. (V.l Company operating cOl lleri. in lids district has not yet com* plied with the demand* of the Anthracite nnu*-i- It Is said that the unpany will rrant the r.*nc • slona by Nov. 1, when w*rk will h. reenmed. There wi I U‘ no resumption of work at the Milne vllle dllerv. which Is operated l*> the a S VanW yvkle estate. twring to • i a.reemrnt with the I'ennsy i\an In Hall r*> ei lh< ofh'Mals s\ they annot fr-*fAl t giant an increase of 10 p r cent., and if th* men return to work they will have to Im- •intent***l with the old rate of wngts The VanWyekie Kompany has k - rati ted the ln .*. • t Its other o. Merles at Culrruita* and lieaver Meadow It i aid that 'al\ln I’ard*-*-, owner *f ih* Uiltimer mines, will not take bn*k those men who struck before the mine* wore closed down by NJO mar Iters, wane weeks ago. The firemen and hrikemen on the l*e|- w im. Fu**|iiehi na and Hehuylklll Rail toil have 'uhntltte i ti numlier <>f *| man Is • I • r*lei llfl ■ I ntaiul that thirty hours c nslliute three -hill' atwl that they lie |aid IT for the '.ittn. of Ik lt, wrhleh they re<*elve at pr**sem Th hr.tkcmeti demand an ln tia-e of h per cent. In their Wages Th. engineers have i grievances Ttls rail tool Is owned .V <*..*• Bios A V. which • ompany *perate- sit ln this re ! vlon. nnd was built for the purpos* rtf ! hauling f onl from Its mines to tho tracks of the l.ehlgh V.i!'ey K.illroad u it.i. •% y Tim im nmnß. s iii ii 11 Operators U 111 Mo Notify Their Mlnrr*. VVl'ke Un rr*. Ihi . (let. 2tt All the cool < ornpaides In tli* Wyoming valley, with a lew eacrptton*. have im*s palnl iwv Hces granting their employes the lo per • cnl Inerai-s naked for l>y the 8 canton on vent lon. The exceptions ate a few' in dividual operator*, who do not employ many hand*. Hut It I* raid that when the men employed nt these oolllerle* re|srt for work io-morrow they will b* told that they Will li<elve the rattle Wage* paid by th*- old companies The Kingston Goal Company had notice* |m>si <'d oil iy g tHtit Itig the Increase. Tills • omp.tny entpl**ys 2.1910 m* n. and wits the I i*| of th* Mg individual • i ti* i rim In the valley to gram the lie inn< Tho offblal* of the Htnspiehanmi com pany lad a onference with their **m p.>\* Saturday flight and agrenl to pi> tlm lu the advan <. tiOLI) lIYIM.i: FOR MITTIIELL. Presented •> the llrenker ll*%s of f out lllstrlrt No. 1. Scranton. Ha., Oct 2S —<ine of the most retnarkahle and pr<4>aMy tho last of th mtiulrvga In connection with the great coal strike occurred st night In Music Tfnil when President John Mitchell of the I'nlted Mine Workers was presantfri by the little breaker b*'<ys of IMstrlct No I with n gold badge. There was a wildly heertng crowd of over 2.HOD of the lltll* fellow* gathered In the hall when J*r**l • f*nt Mitchell ar>se to recalve the badg*t which wa |lc**| .at him by Vlnnl Pblllpa, a 10-viar-obl lad who made u clever Hpe**< h. I IIOIIBNMllli:’* Itl SH.N ITIOX. line to a VN-slre to lunnrr Him on I 111 I*or fII o t Occasions. Berlin. Oct. 2*. Prince llohenlohe, In conversation with a representative of th** AoroM itcd Press, made some ini* reefing tatement* rgar*ilng hi* re*.tgritjon *f the chancellorship Althmigh egpressing him elf with great caution he cited aa the principal teas* n for resigning the fad that he had noil ed for some time u growing desire to Ignore him on Important o*** el*n* ll#* a*lmltti l that hi- Increasing deafness, tally In the left ear. had made it annoying f*r Kmiwror William to conv*?r*e with him White Prin* llohenlohe would not way precisely what very recent occasion had particularly emphasised this Inclination to Ignore him. h- a*e**rte<l that this was the immediate cause of his going to Ifomiairg with written requi-d to be permitte*ft to relinquish his vflidni burlens. Tills, he sold, h* pri’wentwJ In person to Kmperor Wiliiam. who s* mi 1 M'toni**h*d. but re plied that In view of the advanced age •*f the prince he would not urge him to re<ormkl r the resignation It also ap |M-uts that Ids twirling with the Kali • r was .*lunate and thot both remain on gissl terms. When Prince llohenlohe returns to Ber lin for the winter lie Intends to frequent Hie court and its festivities, his phyal <lrm having urged him to this course, as they bn*ider that the total absence of excitement would endanger hi* Ufa. MAN 1101(111111.Y HA I HMD. Ilollnskl Arrested for the Murder of Anton l.lal. Chicago, Oct. 2* -With a bullet in his bra.n. his throat cut from ear to ear, his face bucked almont beyond recogni tion. and one eye gouged out. Ant*>n Lbll. ;* Bohemian florist, brother to the burg>- master of Prague. Bohemia, wa* found b ad today In a dkch near Forty-thlid <*ourt. sn*l tfe north branch of the Chi cago river. Twelve hours later Joaopb Dotiiifki. a I'obeli florlgt. was arrested for the crime When arrested Pollnskl’a clothes were with blood. Mary Ldsl. widow of the murdered man. in also detained by the police. IJxl fuel been marrle*! but a few week* f*>lln*kl ha*l formerly been n suitor for tier hand. CITY MARSHAL KILLED. Effort Hade to Form a YVoh to l.yaeh •Its Slayer. Kali* Clly. N J . Oct. .~Clty Marshal Wa he of th* town of Itulo. sm who: and kiibd by "BUl*’ Hunt laat night. Hunt was dlsturtdiig speakers at a political meeting nnd the city marshal attempted to arrest him. when Hunt ahot him twice, killing him Instantly. An effort was made to form a mob to lynch Hunt, but be was hurried to the county Jail ai this piaca. —. Halt at Un for Fir. Cents. Columbia, 8 C.. Oct. M —To tat tho r Cht of tho Conoollda'od R!,wy of Charlroton, to iloubla lt faro In suburban aflor obtaining ail franehtsoa ilealrod W T. Bo'tordon ha onteml aull for S eonts. rlaimlna It wn ox<-aa far* colleot t from him botweoo and Mount i’lcaaani daily • a tear. 5 t-KNTB A FORT WJ FKI.Y . TtMI.S A WHIJK 11 A YT.AR TOWNSEND’S STORY it %n iu:r*\ i %ri.i ii to utead JI NNII Hoasi 1111.T1.1t. HE SOON SAW SHE WAS DEAD. lIE lOKNTIFIF.!I Me ll.l.BTrit, l\ Hit It ANI) P YMPIII BU Hi* NN 111 t|%e Ills Testimony at the lnivtesl n Tnrid*) Mglil—. |>r# TiMimmil n f First Hsfnanl to Trs tlfy— I **oog Ik hr Yffylee of I'nt. f* aalonnl f’rlrod—Tle < liars*' of Harder lu*lnt tin* >l*o Will Ho I'osltr-d \igorool>. N**w York. Oct. > If la sail in P.trerxon. N J . that the pr* •* t t grand Jurv will*' up tli Inquiry Into tha *l*Hth of Jelliib- |t* ilrtrr Whereas st.i:-merit* have a|tpeared t*>n*Bng t. sfiow that there w.*ul*l llkel>- In- delay by tha nuthorltit < i Ii, • • .■ iv*-t . * t t*t r'c Investigation in to Im* pushnl vlg**r<Mls|y. Dr Ton ns* >*l who refused t apiear m the win.-, m,ll■ • ft >* **ieriay. will appear at the inqu t-t next Tu* -dv night Hla reason f<r n*t answering the *ub(Hena was hi* InubllMy to t**-ilf> us t tie visit tf the prisoners on th** tugli: of tha mur der li Town •'•■rid now makes the fol lowing statement of the midnight call and hi* connectlnn with th* case ‘ It ban be. i .| that Ihe four men made t\. calls hi my off!*. ."d i ,i tha girl was alive when the carriage first ar rived. They c am* but * n * . arid it wia then too late to r* twler old t the un fortunate. 1 mi |Ht I ll*' of t)i* ex.i t rtma of then arrival, Is* mi wnen the I* il rang at the head of th* be-1 I looked at the* clock on Hie mantel and -tw It w ts 3 o'clock. Through the speaking tube 1 in qulied the cause **f Die Mimmons. and w.ui told that there had berti in aced nt and wa* asked to come at once. Through the tube I asked particulars and wan met with the word tint the pat ent was In a carriage nt the iLsir It was cold, but I waited only to don a bath r da* and wilt •town stairs. I’ouiml the I!<m|> l.lfeless. "When th** door wa opened two men whom I knr-w as George Kerr and Walter M Alllster. •hoved in **!•!*' and quft. kly st**p|ed Inside. Then I was toe I that t% young woman had been hurt and both men dc* laie*| that they would csrry Iwr in But without further parley 1 brushed past them and went out to the carriage. If was a two-.-eoled rig that 1 had often seen at the i.rie d|M*t. 1 did not see tha ha* kman Thera were tw man sf.*nllng it the curb near the floor of th* arrlage. 1 knew <’aniptM*|| by sight. Inside tha carriage on m rear seat •• young woman was half seated, half lying across Iha back of the seat. Il r head lay sideways across heir breaar. I llftd her hend and lill It back gently. h w .i- litfip and llftdesa Th*- cbdhlng w. li,. lrraiu;. l. tho hair lam Ming abeut her ne k ami shout dem. Her waist had been loosened and only the t*|t buttons *( the waist wro bottoind. Ttieff was no |*uls<r. The heart had been stilled "When I climtoHl into the rig to mako a closer examination four men gat he red ut th** side of the rarriigt Their face! were white ami they looked a question. The body was cold " ’Boys.’ I said to them. 'I can do noth ing. she D *lead ' They seemed to draw t*rk ami were all together when I a*ej pe l within the door and left them In confer ence at the curb It wax five nVnntee after 2 o*i lack when 1 returned up stairs." Men Were Persistent. Dr. Townsend said the men had Insisted • bat the girl should l* taken into hi* of fice, even after she waa pronounced dead. Karly the next day he saw tlie nr. count of the finding *f the body of Jen nie Howschteter near Wetgsraw bridge During his examination of the young woman In the carriage It hod lo*en too dark to distinguish the features and tha circumstance* of the posit ion of th* body with a gaMi In the ta< k <*f the head, and the fractured skull reported in the au topsy o*fd**d t< the myet*ry On Friday afternoon he decided to s*ak the s*lvk'e of professional friends who were a*'qualntel with the full details. When It ;|>fearcl that tlie casea wera Idcntb'al the authorities were notified. Dr Townsend vlslti-d the chief of pollca and gave the Information In hi* i*oeee 9ion and the arrest of H* ulthorp** .md Kerr. M Alllster, Death and Campbell fol lowed II YD UTOHM IN tIIYYEAOTA. All ItnllrBd* l’ttrrh* \\ luon* fere| Ylim'li l.oss. W’lnona, Mkn.. Oct. 2ff —This city and vicinity were visited hi t night and this morning by th* worst storm In many years occurring at this time of year. I.lghtrdng did consider able damage in tho city, striking in n numter of place*. All the railroad* entering the city auf conslderatile h*s by washoaits n*l high water. The Chicago and Northwest ern had 1.000 fee! of Im k washed out near ito. kland Wl . and l.onn feel near Htilem. Wls. The Chi*ago, Milwaukee oiul Ft. Paul ha* two washouts near fp-r- AU isissenger tram* on the river division of the HI. Haul road have be* n abandoned 4 X Atm ARH HIM K KI'IMTIOY. tiny College ftlrl* Personate Yntlonnl C ltnrn*lers. Poughkeepsie. N. Y . tct. 2 —The usual mock firesidentlol election at Vaasar will take place some night this week. last night the Ref>uhii tin rally won held. There waa great enthusiasm. Stukatl made up to represent Mark Harms. Roose velt and Depew m-l** stirring speeches. Music w.i* furnished by a band of twen ty girl* In full continental costumes, whom instruments were combs, cyvnhiia and lrum*. while other Mtalents fr*es**d as policemen, kept the byrsaixters in or der Admiral and Mrs. Dewey wen* hon ored guest* * i - *til|w reeked Crew Nwvecl. Indon. Oct. 28.—'The British ship Max well. Copt. Davies, from Iqulque, lin led at Dover to-day. tha cr*-w of the French hark Bretagne. Capt. Olllon, which sailed from Antwerp. Apr*! S. for Ban Francisco. The mtn were picked up after they had abandoned their veaaai off Cape Horn on Aug. 16 with lost of rudder and all aoila. ■ ♦ ■ Beattie's Do Id Receipt*. Bmrtls. Wash., Oct. 31 —A total of 134.6*7 worth of gold dust and bullion has be*n recalved at tha Beattls assay offloa dlurln* tha present year.