The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 29, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST. (Continued f'om Kighth rff > unchanged. Thi* t<- th<- infallibility of the l'upr It is not th* by h* own power, mho transmit* in* •* J* the power of God U*>k •• eleetrlr bulb* above \>ur h*d- ih*> will *•! bine out bn*n v to-nighi. th* do not shin© now Mom .an ehm- uni©** *>" fit ted milh the power bouse* How cen a men prea.’h the word of God ufilee# the power la given him' It doee, indeed, ►eem strange thei surh • hue end cry * hom'd have Ivni r*li***<S etiout thh* tofnllt b|||t> Jt 1- :a plain language, nothing but the *<*..• to convey * mesvag* ttreight If hrlft • ame on eerth to an 1 wl:.‘d h* teaching to reach u at tnr • • ot the nineteenth century. He muit |)v* nritibllthed mean* for that purpose Tu* hwrtet of th* church *m )>cwered I? to t*e h whet He taught, atel II wa* to t.e wltn th* .‘hurch. to keep >t ft*>m hit x *m>r If ! receive a cable gram from KnKland or France, 1 f‘*©i ■on vlntcd that the wire .in be trusted. It did not unco* ! h* mts*ag*. that w* 1 be lieve in* wire to 1m Infallible If nature ; er*k- m twjpper wire with infallibility to transmit a It* It Incredible tha* <;<*! oiid give power to men to transmit j thht message c’orre.'ily? He t(Hb Ilia, rvond coire< tJy through J 9*' mile* of time 1 a-* f end mine through i,UW) ruder j of *pe e ‘What wou.d follow from th s'* That | we would all believe the Mttv thing ad j th*re would rvu b- outhi le the < •ttols Church three hundr**d contradl* ioiy aeci *4 claiming t<> tei* h what Christ taught Infallibtlit i' t: only a*!utlon f the re ligKeie quest on ‘ And whan m lrn research pro llm that It wld . so religion t suit m*iern and mc-derr. needs. It forg-t* that !• nee. It has upset, bit no upset ac*tetice The prli iile* of astronomy r- n+ thev were * o \*.r* ago. Now the religion of Christ i no the©M . t u the truth of G<ki and the truth of Go*t is unchangeable and the truth will set you free "Bclenee *. .-ay opt usca the church. e called eclan. e It ark- the church to chance but it forgets t .at it l the Very uncbin*.. alder-• ( s-irttce that m tktts Jt us:u Th' .Mi onorrur predict Ii eclipse w i*h u‘‘ til!’ p • ertainty Why wl 1 no; ** i*r • . de to religion what It claim* for itself? \% ui*lied the Archbishop. After he **rm .n the celebration of th •olen.- j*ntirt ! lush m*e* irstimVd It eras her* that th* choir v heard to Its full rdvantag** Tl.o < * lebr .♦ Mi ©a somewbai | gih\ .nd It w .s no,iced th.if the Archbishop ©* *rned rather w arm un der bis accumulation of v>-!m n s. Du * log the . ermon\ the Archbl* **p occupied th*- Mshop'a throne on th- right of !h * ear. *tuary with h\* <teacone of honor on hi* right and lef Hi l*i Kei e> **cc ipi**d • temporary throne on the l*ft of the ran. iury Th* bishops with th*Mr cha:- I line occupied s**ara on the north ard south **Wlea of the sanctuary whl> the aurpliced clergy awt in chairs placed Jus inside the ati *r rallln Th 1 nlta’ boys and train le*rers **e*> In the aisle a* the foot i** the *;in*tuarv Naturally the papd delegate was th’ •übjece of • loe inspection uion the ja*t of ihe c*ongrogation, few c*f whom had ever pe. n so high an ofhclal of the Ro man church Kr owing that he wma n son of Italy h*’ beholders w* r not surpr ae 1 at finding him dark and swarthy and •mail in stature as compared with mod o f the officiating pr* ate Ills Grace i* rather a young Itx.k ng min to occupy a position of suoh Inv ortance. apparently being but Utile over fot> y*ars of age. though as a matter off ct he is i as* fifty. He has dark h*t r the fa 'e of an ascetic, and eyes* wh! h gleam from under heavy At ■- v nrs f sc he h g lined fnarkel distinction In the church and it current !k In W hit -n that he will he given the . ird nal’s hat whenever It p]eis< the* Top. to recali him tn Rome A’ the cot lualon f the mass the Arch bishop reno\e*l his pontifical vestment* and assumed ari h pe of fur known a the cappa mag i The sendees rmcludad with the pro csslon fr*m the t'nthdral In the sinn* or 1* r In "hi h I* entered to the music of th* rp. ealoti t! On reaching the * rlety the prelatrs end attending clergy r* rrs>ve*l their vest ment* and later proceeded to the I** Boto, a-her- o dinner wna iven In thir honor. THE Ml *lt' % HPBt'IAI. PMATI HF. \\o l nn l nniinttl Oreler of liii , i‘l- Imrr anti etplestdlelly **. One i.f Ihe mo l enjoyable port* of the Cathedral Jitll ation the mu *lc. which waa of on unusual ly rirtllntl character, am) aplen oldl y tuna the artistic work in the ensemble pari* brine most noticeable, or well an the- great beauty of the solo* The choir was comniwol of slxiy voices, under the direction of Mr. F. E Reharer. and ho HUpiilrarntfd by an orchestra of twelve* pit- es. beslde-s the gre-e organ. ll aelf replete with or' hesiral eflw is. The name* of the .-Intter* and mush Una tr published 111 yeeetrrdgy's Morning Ncwa f too nod >lr— Solennel * or "Maas to Hi IV. Ila which was the chief work of llio programme baa never Iwen taller run* In Savannah, anti certainly l a* neier met with mom approval man It <lkl yester day. If on* might Judg- from the- many congratulation* ttiai were showered upon Choir Master Hebarer. and. Indeed, upon everybody conne is.) with the progromme The> opening number of the ma*a, ihe "Kyrle." hue been described as "a per fect prayar in music," and ha rendition yesterday would Justify that description. The answering cff- t* of the different #O.O parts and their perl* t blending Into the swelling volume of the chorusca can he dee. rite*l by no olher word than beau tiful. The "Gloria too. was no lea* perfectly sung, and was In ecope and variety of effects even m.r beautiful. Opening with a *otn voice the "Gloria In Excelsls" with harp arpeggio accompaniment, and fh* auhdued hum of many voices, Ir hear* our rhe composer* tntentton of represent ing Ihe tuneful praise of an angel, and the voice# of the Heavenly Host This vrns merged Into the ' 1 lorn Ins lieu*," and followed by the "Qul Tollls.” and the "(Jut Pedes." the whole blending h irtaonloualy Into the “Miserere" and ending tn a tnag nincent burnt of harmony with th* tlnaJ Amen. Th# "Credo" waa filled with beautiful ehoral e-ffee-e*. the opening pari going hy a beautiful de crescendo into the "Incar nates" for aeeln voices with answering moral parts, and ending with the "Re. rurrexll" and finale. The ' Sar.ctus." probably the best known part of the entire maa waa also splen didly sung. Mr .1 .1 MeDotioigtt liking tha solo part* The Agnus Pei" t!k*wt* - wav an excellent effort introducing a par ticularly beautiful harp effect In the so prano aolo which waa sung hy Mr Wil son The offertory. “Ave Maria” Gounod, rung by Mrs. Gross, with vlnl.n o> by Air John Wlegand. was another cf tne newi delightful number*. Miss Ca|io and Mr George W Beckett weie th- soloists of the "To Ilium.' tha rloaliig numlier of the programme The work in this at In the earlier numbers w- unexcelled. FE.imil) VI'THH THE H IM. Clerical Guests Royally Entertained at Ihe lie Soto. Monsignor Marllnelli. the visiting After Dinner To assist dig#* lon. relieve distress after eating or drinking too heartily, to prevent constipation, take Hood’s Pills Sold everywhere. 29 cent* bish<ips and clergy, together with Hlshop Kelley und the lo* al clergy, were enter tained at ar. elaborate course dlnru r in • the breakfast room of the IV r*oto mi He of tba dMkstor) servi s** The members of the flnan* e and building com mittees of th* Cathedra, together with Ilia ushers were* also present. The party sat down at HO o'clock and I remained at the table until 4 4i o'clock The hoste of the Ie Hoto h*l spare.! no ' pains to prepare a dinner which would b*- p.- e-ir.g to the moet sis* tlni; I dates and alter th* i: iebors of the day the re ' ijast was as acceptable to the guest* as It was enjoys be The pre.ates clerk*! ; and laym* i. present were His Grace. Mott* dgnor Martlnelii. th** ietaf <lelegate. and j Rishope Moeller of Columbu*. O . Alien of Mobl.< Byrne of Nashville. Meere naert If Irwilsn Territory, Van leVyv*r of ! Richmond. Haid of North Carolina, Cur ' Me of Maltlmore. Northrop of Charleston | Moore of Bt Augustine n*l Kelley of | Ha;anr.ah The clergy from other dlo i r-cfirw w* re Rev K Z Booker. Washing ton f* C.; R* v Henry A lirann. New , York. Very Rev Mean Flynn. Morris town N J . lie\ A K Gwrynn, Oreen- I vine, s C Rev Iter nerd Haas. O P i Relmovit. N C Rev Father lllgu n*. A’liming ton. lei . Rev T C. Abbott, i Nashville. Tenn . Rev Father O’Brien , I'tdros, H J , New York. Rev Father I l> Beltra New Yotk. Rev. Father Kcti \ ney Jacksonville Those of the Bavannah diocese. Rev I. Matin vicar general. Ationia, Rev. Joaeph P Colbert. A'Utnt*. Rev. Henryk hlenke, Columbus, Rev I* J Lu< kle. t* M . Rrunewb k. R**v P If M-Mahon. Au gusta. Rev Kugene Fkyd. Augusta. Rev M J O Bfiannwhan Augusta; Rev losep.u Winkle R-ld. H J . M.con. Rev llohart 1' Kennedy. Rev. Joseph Hen neasev. Rev Ml haal Reilly Rev John ! Carey. Rev .fohn H McCarthy. Rev. William wulnlan. Rev William Mayer, liev Father Gregory, O. S. R . of A \ annoh The laymen present were Cap! John l innery c*ipi John R Dillon. Mr Kehcw*. Mr John I-von Mr I’anloi Ifogan. Mr J E. Grady. Capt 1' b' Glaaaon. Capt M A O’Byrne, Mr f Brennan, and Mr. John W Golden, •f the Ftnan-e anl Building Committees Mr Art lit ii J. O’Hara. P J O'Connor, ihi Mr J F. McCarthy. Mr W J Marty. Mr T. H. O'Donovan. Mr John Jr.. Mr J. J. Powers. Mr W J. Kehoe, Mr J W Heff**rnan n*l Mr J J Gleason, all of Hav.innah. Mi Patrick Farrell? of New York, and Mr I <*arroll Pavne of Atlanta There was only one speech, that by R Rev P, J Kelley of Bavannah. who in e.'wilf of ehe clergy and laity of the dto st rnurt- 1 an address of welcome to the delegate afostolh'. thanking him for hon oring the occasion with hla preaence Bishop Kelley also expre*.se<| his thunks •o th* \dslting prelate* and clergy for lomlng in the celebration H<* rongrati: fated the laky on the magnificent work done in rebuilding the Cathedral, em phaatstng partktilarly the fidelity of the Finance and HulMhig Committees, an I returne*l to God for so signal.v -rotvrlng the efforts of both clergy and !a!*v for rebuilding the <'an'drat The Vr. htdsnop resporwied briefly hut gra ■kHisly to this expression on the part of the host of the o'casion. HKdlTEff If l Nil Ill'll \T VESPKHt. the tervtee lleantlfal Thnagh Kat to Klabnrate a* at the lyedlcatlun. Pespite the fart thsl the dedication ser vice* .it site Cathedral were witnessed by more than a thousand people, the vs- P*r* service at night was attended by al moat twice as many. No admission foe was charged to this service, ami as a crowd was naturally exp. led everybody tried to avoid the rush by going early with She result that by o'clock half on hour before the servlet* began there waa not a vacant seal, and the pew* were madc to hold even more persons thnn were *e*ied tn litem at the morning service Although there were no aeata the people continued So crowd In. taking every avail able space mat was to he found, crowding np the side aisle* and even up the main alale #* far u* ihe pulpit It Is eatlmat • and that fully 1 snr. people managed to get In the church, besides numlier* who w re •>intent o siamt outskb or In theentran. • way. The services, though not so elalorate a • of the morning, the ptwip of the procession and tf the ptititlfleal mass he - imr h’s'i..:. were nevertheless beautiful, and Ino-. 'hat attend.-I were uinplv re paid bv the t.eantlful service and music for she discomfort of crowded seats and having to stand for the two hour* during which it tasted. The sermon, an unusually strong and eloqmni one w aw delivered hv Rt Rev. lao llahl. Bishop of Norih Carolina Th* music waa, as tn the morning ser vice. of an unusually elaborate charac ter. and also resembled that of the tn .rn- Ing tn t>' It was excellently render.*] The following Is the progtamme: liomtne ad sdjuvandum.” Cerruti "Dixit Domlnus." Cerrutt "l-audate Peurt." Cerruti Hull r.tna—Mtsa Kennev, Miss Allan. Mr McDonough and Mr Rlwck. Conlltebor Roman chant By tin children and choir, unttphonutly. Be*'us Vlr Wlegand Soli Parts—Mrs Alttch and Mr. Good man. Lauda's Domlnum Chant Choir and children. "Ave Marla." Bt. Clair Mrs. Gross, Magnificat In C Lambilotle Solo Part—Miss Stella Capo. "Halv Regina,” Basstnl Mrs M M O'Brien "O Salutarts,” .....Braga Miss Capo. Violin obligato. Mr Wlegand: accompan ist, Mr J. Welgnnd, Jr. Tantnm Ergo, grand rhorua. H.immerel Chojr A featuro of the service was the taking part hy a choir of sixty children of the Cathedral iwrlsh drilled hy Mr. Reharer The three solo numbers deserve eaperlal mention, that of Mrs Gross, "Ave Ma rla.” 8t Clair, being one of the most de lightful numbers of the entire day's ser vices Mrs. M M O'Brien, also, whose voice was heard with so much pleasure- at the recent opening of the organ, sang with hrr usual power end artistic ability, while Mtsa Capo m Ihe "O Salutarls. made a moat excellent Impression. onaERVANt Et FOR CATHOLICS. t’oatlHral High Mess nf Itrqnlem far lllshati Decker This Morning. At the Cathedral this morning a* * j o'clock, there will be a positlflral hlgb mate of requiem for the soul of she htre Bishop Be-.ker. Other announcement • made yesterday at the Ca:he>drel by th> pastor, Rev. R. P. Kennedy, ore a* fol ! lows: That the church throughout th* Catho lic world celebrated She day yesterday as | tha feast of Bt. Simon and 111 Jude, apos \ (lea. that next Thuraday la. In the Cat It- I o4c Church, the Keast of all Saints, or j the commemoration of ail thosa happily ! reigning In heaven, that It t* a holy day I of obligation, a day on which all Calho- I lies, without a valid reason to the con- I lrai*y, are bound to hear mass os tn Sunday, and that masses will be at ,’>:• o'clock for the working people, the other two at 7 a. m and 3 a. tn , that Wednes day. the day before, la a fast day and by oonaequence a day of abatlnenca from flesh meat, and that confessions will he heard from 4:30 till for all thoae who wish to approach holy communion on the Feast ol All Saints. Neext Friday, it was announced, ts th* commemoration of ail the faithful depart #d. There will be a solemn pontifical high mass of requiem on that day by Rt. Rev. THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY. OCTOBER 29. 1900. ! MlKhop K*ll#y. k.*k>t*<l bjf **v#rl of th* ! clsriry Th*ri will b* ano ma#* t u ro t thu moriuary ■ hi>*i to* lh <]• aii buH**l m th* rmholli Clrt. From until !.* firtiowina Frl duy. :h* hoi;. *ttlc of ih> ioj wII It nffnrod p t>y oil h* prl< t- of tho Calhnlral parish, for IP* i“*oU f *ll iliouc ilrprrtrd or * Iri !><)■* I•* af. th HHciclaiia powar of in* Holy -a IV* of lh* ma. * lia; boon tm. lor# I On nxt HJnday n<i until further n"li••. th* minro in the <-f •- lr .1 mill b# In th* following hour* Forty mar# at 7 o'clock ftn nnrl n*“ at '* r ■ lo< k and latr imci a hl#n maif, at II o rlo< k Th* *\*niO|f *rvk* of v*|-ra and benetlflon a a o'dork Son.lay acltou: m *a- lor 'l.a UilMr-n and the r ■ <•. her- only, i '• o'clock In the Im rntriit bund y tC ■ o or rath*. aclioal Uanuctlona at*! th. mat*. WILL I.IM H '• I lUMHIKHOI.I Clerical lioeata Will l*- F.ntrrtalncU „t air*. Ilaonoo'a Co-da>. Th* majority of th* clerical ru*t In the city, who participated in th#' bdb lion of he will remain over 4urtafc the diy li wan Imcwk4 y o givt the visitors a trip on the river to-day. both for th'lr entertainment and in order to them tho splendid port facilities which Bavannah enjoy*. This plan h.i'l to he (ivi n up. however. th* 1 boa? which ti wui> desired to obtain • ould not be had and all the tug* and y*te.m**ri?. suited ui*r. n an ex ur.-ion. are engaged upon cotn mercia) work. This net #-*itat-d a change In the plan* ot the Eneertntnment Ooromlttee. and it was announced t the dinner at the l>e Soto yesterday that a lunch had been ar ranged for at Mrs Hannon’s at Thunder bolt The party will leave the city a‘ '1 o'i lo* k. In a si*-. lal ear. and w ill sit down to lunch • I o'clock The majority of the clerical visitors will leave the city tonight for their homes though a few will remain over a day or two longer. I*ol9o*ol •> % I I.KT vrio*. Myth nl Fact About the Deadly I |iita Tree. From the New York Evening Tost In * shady nook of the hank on th road, idc is a sight wh.h is well wort.i more than a passing hurried glance. The sloping ground iind the pos t-and-rall fence a long the top ire a mass of the most delicate gTecn foliage, each spray consist tug of tnree large and glossy leaves. From the mass rise the Dowers of the honey suckle and the wild roae. but the leaves of these are tiwlden by the greater lux uriance of the.r companion. A dead tree surmounts the hank nd Hound ft luxuriant ivy has growrn, And wreathed it with verdure no longer Us own." But. hold' we may not gather a spray or a blossom, for the graceful and bril itant climber Is none other than that dangerous* plant, the poison Ivy. You tnjy not touch or carry with you a sin gle branch of (he plant, unless you are one of the fortunate ‘immunea." Dr. Faff of Harvard has Investigated the poison which fthus toxicodendron or ridican*. thus dispenses with a lavish fies* equal to that of the Italian witch Tofana H- finds It to be m non-volarll* oil. w’hich cannot be waxned off the skin with water alone. It |s true that o rem edy has baen discovered In the form of a •aturated solution of alcohol, of .V) to 7* per cent strength, and sugar of lead; and that Its efficacy has been tested by th*- Department of Agricult in . hut an ounce of prevention |s batter than a pound of cure.” and we had better leave the pole oner alone. If is strange that some persons should be Mi liable lo suffer from merely touch ing the plant and others should take n* hurt from handling, even roughly. th* wood and foliage Close by me lives a man who will undertake to root out pot "on Ivy from the fence* and orchards, and he makew a profit out of his immunity, for he tan earn double wages at u task which others do not care to undertake Stranger still, there la a cow near lier* which se**ms to have a positive liking for the young leaves. 1 got her owner t drive her to a fine group of the Ivy. and was astonished to IS* her quietly munch the tender spray* In evident preference to the luxuriant glass which surrounded it. From careful observation* of the way in which at.lriMtb push their wav through masses of the twining shrub. It is mam fest that it pernicious effeck l confined to the human race Why this is so Is question to which It la not easy even to iturml**' a solution. Readers of ihe poet* may refer us to the upas tree, which la a favorite emblem for all that has the most deadly Influ ence; hut such can scarcely know that the tales of that native of Java are a stand lug monument to the mendacity of trav eler* and the credulity of the unscientific mind The myths that have been circu lated about Antiarls tnnoxt.a. the up tree, must be lobl at the door of a Dutch surge-on n.lineal Foersch. He etc*. Tilted the tree as growing In a desert tract with no olher plant near It for the distance of ten or twelve miles Criminals condemne-d to die were offered the chance of life If they woukl go and collect some of the poisonous juice of the tree. Not more than two out of every twenty of those who un derteiok lh> task e>vcr returned. So cir cumstantial was the *tor. - |.r trial In stated that he had elertved his informa tion from some of these survivors, who said that the ground around the tree was strewed with the bones of their prede cessor* Nov' such was Ihe virulence of the poison that "there are no fluh In the water*, nor ha# any rat, mouse or any other vermin been seen there; an<l when any birds fly so near this tree that the effluvia reaches them they fall a sacrifice to the effc ts of the poison " But what are the real facts" The upas tree t* found growing In the midst of cof fee plantations in Java It la even culti vated In botanic gardens. Bird* and liz ards have been seen on Its tranche* It I* true that Its juice It a virulent poison, and that persons who have got this on their I iodise trom climbing the tree for branches and flower* have suffered In tensely It Is also i fact that thl* juice when mixed with other Ingredients fur nishes the natives with n poison for their arrows which la equal In It* effect# to the famous curar-i. or wotirall, poison of South America, or to the pelugo. both of which are the produce of specie* of stry.hnoa The inner hark of young upaa tree-e jur itlahes a fiber which can he utilised for the purpose- of making garment*. Vnless the fiber Is properly prepared. Ihe use of such garments It very dangerous, for as soon as they are wet they cling to the skin with such horrible Irritation that on. Is reminded of the* sacrificial garment sent ley jealous llelanlra to Hercules. j’robably someone will remind u* oj the manrhlne-el, or manxanlllo. trea of the West Indies. Venexue a and j'unsma W# may he tolel ilvat no grass ever grows un der that poisoner of the ol- that If you sleep under It you are a dead min: that If the rain shed from It* leaves fal.a on your skin It will raise a Mister and create a sore which It will be difficult to heal, unless you tuh he spot with the trumpet flower, which mercifully grows close at hand. Here agiln we are tn the region of trave ers' rnvth* It is true thai Ihe juice la acrid; that It affects some REFRESHING SLEEP. Honfordi Acid Phosphate Taken just before retiring quiets the nerve*, nourishes the tired snd con fused brain and induces refreshing sleep Gcmftftft bear* Bftine Koftorofto’s oa ft tapper. more than others, a* in the cate of the lKm>n Ivy of North America, but you have io crush the berry to ontaln th** Juks. and It it very volatile There l*. however, a danger of another sort in thl tropical plant The jufre. If applied to h*‘ **ve, causes T*tni*/’ary blindness Dr Hnmai ii, In hla narrative of the cxplora ivn* of II M fl Herald, tell* how the •Dtp a carpenters w ere blinded for several d>ya from getting th* Juice In their eyes while cutting down machineel trees. It Is all very wl a:* k>ng as we deal with the organolug) of ih* vegeighe kingdom. Cross fertllMist.on. wdnd feitd zatton ar.d Insect fertilisation can scar*e v puxsle us now The stings of the net tb. the Hpine of the cactus, tie prickle* ot the *hl t;* nwv wall supply th*- m***i - of drfei lo their The hor-k* ot th* .r*i I* end me buruock mu> fur nlsh admtrubb- means for convoying th** *a* to distant regions W** can uid.-r --'ai.d ire e r*-w propellers of the .*h and maple; we can **e the reaon why such rich store* <>f food *** grananed in nuts and bulb*, but wny do jui es oecome p*j!- ona? Why have w opium, mix votnFa. vourall and tieute** The question is a* ab trti*e n- that * t 'the genesis of evil A 1 ihat we can *a> is Itiai In the treasury f knowledge ruled o constitutionally l*y • olutlon there ar* • .-kets wh* h our pr*>**nt bunch of k- vs wilt not ojen. Who will suggest an ofen sesame?" t q i >lu u >ner Without Mcrr. From the Chi* ago Chronicle Whin tne Roman* flret invade*! Ger many they found that the beverage of the icop|e was a liquor produced from bariev But that was at a time omptr a lively modern From the earliest time* and In every clime man has had to resort to some stimulating ar.d exhilarating bever age* prepared bv fermenting fhe Juices or extracts from fruits, grain or plant* It . raid that Osins as early a* IMO B C-. laiiKiil the proix-s* of extrjcGng the Juice from barley ar.d fomenting it. while toe Greek* learned how to brew and ferment from the Egyptian*, who, ?,'*> B. C . had •**;abllshed number of manufactories at Peluwtum on the NH<* Xenophon. 400 B C . refer* to a fermented drink from oai ley. and It ;© alluded to by Aristotle. fltmUi onl osher* under the name of x.vthos I’linv mentions a kind of beer • ull*d "cerevisla, ami Bun* menee In A t>. *a>* that Ur.tain produced such an abundance of corn that It was euffl ent to eupply not only bread, but a liquid comparable with wine In the sev enth century beer hod become so gen rai a beverage u, England Ina King of Wassex. levied o tax to be paid In uie md early in the fifteenth century a brew -r e conqamy teas formed in I/vndon Fp to t;i Gxteenth century English beer wa* • ery poor, only flavored with broom. ba> berries or Ivy berries but in 1542 the * ul tivitlon of the hop plant w* begun In England, and from that time a gre range was made in the quality of the beer manufactured In Ikjn the first brew ery was established at Burton-on-Trent, md by the end of the seventeenth century beer had bconu- the national drink WO|‘t THE COUGH 111) WORKS OFF THE COLD. Fixative Brume. Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure, no pay. Prlca 2S cants —ad. UI HIM STBDLJEfI.—Died last night at ! o'clock at hi* late ressienee 308 Ogleshorpe ave nue. west. Henry Stelljes, funeral notice im^r. ■!■■ ■■■■■■■ „ I — ■■■ ! •T IFH.U. IM ITATIOIU. BROWN.—Tha relatives and friend* of Mr and Mrs W. B Brown, aro invited io attend the funeral of Mr Jonn C. Brown, this afternoon at 4 o'clock, from hks la:e residence. No. 238 Bryan street, west. flt. Augustine papers please copy TRKBSE-LT.-The relatives, friends and icqualntances of Mr. and Mr*. F. Tres tle. are respectfully invited to attend tha funeral of fhelr infant daughter. Dora lojuise, at 4 o'clock, this afternoon, from heir re*i*k*noa. No. 109 Rtady street. In torment at iaurel Grove Cemetery, ■PkcuL so i ictus. till HIT ANUTHEH—HE All Till*. Report of Dr. Cook. Belli vue Hospital. Fourth Btirgeoi. Divl tea—Patient, wm. ..* . > ‘ Patient came In hospital suffering from chronic nephritis (lltighi'a disease), tbs urine snowed granular and hyaline casts ind some pus and blood cells The usual remedies were used, but with little hene lll; he was placed oet Buwanee Springs water tn doses of M> ox per day. and at the end of two weeks an appreciable im provement was netted. This treatment was continued for eight weeks, at the end of which time no casts could be found un der mi*.'roscrop<c examination, and the pacific gravity had Increased eight points from lt*C. Patient was discharged at his own urgent request, apparently well. The water has been tried In several other cases •>f cystitis with uniform results • as • • Mr Packard, a guest of Buwanee when the aluve reports were received, volun tarily wrote the following to Dr. Cook (with whom he was acquainted) to satisfy a few of our guests who were rather skeptical Note Ihe reply: Bellevue Hospital. March 19. 1594. My Dear Mr Packard—l was somewhat surprised to find my cases reported so fsr away from home and 1 am happy to say that they are genuine .. I have used quite a quantity of tha water and found It beneficial tn a degree In ail cases. 1 think that It will finally be used almost entirely in just such cases as the one you sent me. Mrs Lewis had spoken to me about your case, and I shall lake great Interest tn the result. I certainly thing you can do no better thin lo stay at the springs, use plenty of Ihe water, and take plenty of exercise Hoping that our acquaintance will not be always confined to paper. I am. yours, sincerely. A H COOK, M D. THE PI. At E TO E AT. Where the food Is Ihe best money can buy. Where the cooks are the best to tie had Where the linen te like snow, and the china, cutlery and glass are Immaculate Where the furnishings are new and fresh, and cleanliness It ever present. Where every delicacy of the season ts on the card. Where every price Is right. Such a place ts SOIWARZ S CAFE. Corner Whitaker and Congress. SPECI AL kOTICE. JUST RKt EIA'ED On* carload of Moyars' fine work of Syracuse. N Y.. open and lop buggies, th,* most complete line ever brought to this city. We defy competition on this work I ask the public one and all who arc tn the markrl for end and aide-spring easy-rid ing vehicles, that (hay can be found at my repository. Also a full line of deliv ery witgons. open and top; milk an.l haker wagons You mike no mistake by calling at once and make your selection MARK APPLE'S REPOSITORY. MU Broughton street, west. Kelly's Rubber Tires, the only reliable tiro on the market. t titlin' 11 I'll)' OF AMERICA. Cot John L Handley, the Supreme Sec retary of the Fraternal Pnlon of America, w. h headquarters at Denver , i be In the city on Monday, and deliver an address In the Knight* of Pythias Hall Monday evening, beginning at X o'clock The public are cordially Invited lo at tend. H J STEWART. Secretary. •FECIAL VO I It EA. PHILADELI'HI % bt IL%PFLB, LJVE LOBSTERS. Broiled or Boiled SCALLOPS; Btewed or Fried. BLUE POINT and NATIVE OYSTERS Served all ftylea. GAME IN SEASON, BTKAK3. CHOPE. Everything first-class. Dining rooms upstairs. LHVAN’S CAFE. RESTAURANT AND OYSTER HOUSE. 111 Congress street, west. mVGEfI PIAKOf. Heat la To aa. Reef la Durability, fleat la Style aad Fialeh. CELEBRATED TUB WORLD OVER. >O> E BETTER. NOSE MO GtKID. rwo of These Magalfleeat Plano* to De sold at AUCTION MOVCNBBR 8, at C. l. DOHxfTTT’fl, 22 f oaareas street, west. TO BE MOLD TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER. PRUM MV i: \ Of It MIGHT By wearing glasses that not alone en able you to see. but correct every defect that may exist. There Is no guesswork in our method* We liave the latest and moat approved scientific apparatus for accurate eye test ing We make no charge for consulta tion or examination, and should you need the services of a physician we will frank ly tell you so. Our crystal |en*es are perfect In every respect, being ground under our own su pervision They rannot be romfir*d In value to the kind offered as cheap by th* so-called opticians or Jewelers who han dle Inferior glasses as a side line. DR M RCHWAB A RON. Exclusive Opticians, 47 Bull street. N. R —Oculist prescripthn* fl’led same day received. Repairing done at short not ice. ESTABLISHED IMS. SOLOMOffS COMPANY, Wholesale and Retail Druggists AVholesate Department. 127 Con gress street, west. Georgia Phone 1 14. Retail Stores. 13.1 fongrest street, west. Bell Phone 111. Ball and Charlton ftleeelft. tinder Gasrdt' Ar senal. Bell and Georgia Phones 03. Bt Y l>\l A THE BEST GINGER AML The best Is the Whseler Brand of Bel fast Ginger Ale, made by Wheeler A Cos., of Belfast. Ireland, from the celebrated Cronuc Spring* of that city Then* springs are the property of Wheeler & Cos. hence no other Ginger Ale manufacturer In Ireland ha* tho-e wafers but them selves The Wheeler Ginger Ale Is made front pure Jamaica Ginger Root and not from Red Pepper, as others are; one Is deleterious— the other I* a tonic. For Healthfulltes* and Purity Ihe crle. hrsted Wheeler brand of Belfast Ginger Ale ts Ihe best. LIPPMAN BROTHERS. Sole Southern Agents, Savannah. O*. MEMO AT I M.-MATTRESSES ME lit ATISG. Hair. moss, licking fiber, feathers. Our stock of new material ar.d manufac tured products ate up to date Our reno. yattng and remaking ha* delighted many prominent residents Ask your acquaint ances. Materials sent us ts picked, steam ed. cteanAl and medicated by modem ma chinery. Making dime by mechanic*. We confine our work to mattres.-ea and bed ding generally. We sell ticking of all kinds, moss, hair, cotton, fiber, feathers, or any article needed in mat tree* line NATIONAL MATTRESS q AND RENO VATING CO.. Bell Phone 119* Ml Drayton airvet. AMI AID CYPRESS LI FOR • ALE. 150.009 feet of aah. suitable for wheel wrights. carriage maker*, car works and interior house finish. Also cypreea lumber of all sixes. We havo resumed cutting our famous brand* of cypress shingles and will soon have a full line of them for ■ale. VALE ROYAL MPO CO. THE AA At TO I LEAN t AHPETS. The only way to get your carpet* prop erly tk*> up, cleaned and taken ear* of for the summer Is to turn the job over to the District Messenger and Delivery Cos., telephone 2. or call at 32 Montgomery street, and they will make you an esti mate on Ihe cost of the work Prices reasonable. They also pack, move and store furniture end pianos C H. MEDLOCK Hupt and Mgr MICE MILLING. BICE FLOCK, MICE CHAFF. We have anew mill with ail mortem processes, and machinery, and are now ready for business. W* solicit your pat ronage and Invite correspondence; no* chaff free to patrons THE SAA’ANNAH rr-b MILL CO., T M Cunningham. ITeelrtemt. John Rcravsn. Jr.. Manager. BECKMANVI CAFE. 1U and lit Whitaker street. W* are now prepared to aerv* the finest meat*, oyster* and gams. Caterers for wedding parties, germam, banquets and collations. Agents for Imported Wuersburgr* Hot Brau. Phone DO. Ot'K CLIENT* Loan money at alx per .-wnt. on real estate security. * BECKETT * BECKETT, Attorneys at Law and Coetreyaaeera. ■tSIXES* XOTiICI. For *ale Dnly by B. 11. LEV Y A KMO. Rare Wort On Dress Shirts Offlc, 307 Bull Street. Telephone 700 •rtuAi. .vrricKH. pTuTi-ViT; tiTuh luirniMrioST " City of Savannah. Office Clerk of Council Oot. 1. I*oo The following resolution adopted at a meeilnc of Council, held on the evening of tne 17th Ins! . Is herewith published for the information of all concerned By Aklertnun Dixon- Resolved by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of davannah In Council a. aembied. That the ordinance for the re. naming of streets south of Anderson street be published ft.r information and that Council Invite- an expression of the vlewe und wishes of the rplaens of fla* vannnh. and porticu.arly of those residing south of Anderson street, or owning properly In this sec tion. concerning the w.sdom and ex pediency of the ordinance, those vlewe to be expressed by petition or other written communication, or orally, ai the next meeting of Council at which time the ordinance will he read on Its passage. An ordinance to rceiame the streets in the city of Savannah south of Ander son street. Section 1. Be |t ordained by the Mayot and Aldermen of the city of Savannah In Council assembled, concerning the streets In the city of Savannah south ol Anderson street, that hereafter First and St James streets shall be known a, Thlrty-flrst slreet. Second. Glllott and St. Paul streets shall be hereafter known as Thirty* second street. Third. Grapevine, West Third and fit Nicholas streets shall be hereafter known as Thirty-third street Fourth. Blxmark West Fourth and St John streets shall be hereafter known as Thltry-fourth street. Fifth. Sarah. Wilder. West Fifth, St Michael and Brady streets shall be here after known as Thirty-fifth street Sixth. Willow. West Sixth and Thomas streets shah be hereafter known as Thirty-sixth street Seventh and East Seventh streeta shall be hereafter known as Thirty-seventh street Eighth. Center. James und Est Eighth streets shall be hereafter known n^ Thirty-eighth street Ninth and East Ninth streets shall be hereafter known as Thlrty-ntntn street Tenth Church and East Tenth streets shall be hereafter known as Fortieth street. Eleventh and I*,mnr streets (or avenue) shall be hereafter known as Forty-first street. Twelfth and South avenue streets shall hereafter known as Forty-second street Sec ; Be It further ordained, that all ordinances and parts of ordinances In conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed WM P BAtI.ET Clerk of Council City of Savannah. OflWu Clerk of Council. Oct. 19, 19.0. A vacancy ha. .eg occurred among the city physicians by reason of the resigna tion of Dr M H Levi of the Second-Dis trict. noti c is hereby given that an elec, tlon will be held at the next r> gulsr meeting of Council, to be held on Oct. 31. at 5 p. nt . to till the unoxptred term caused by the stkl resignation. All applications to be filed with the Clerk of Council at or before 12 m. of the 21st Inst. WM P BAILEY Clerk of Council. IIIIIS AA ANTED. City of Savannah, Office Director of Public Works. Savannah, Gw.. Oce 25. 1999 Bids will bo received at this office until Wednesday. Oet. 21. 19uo. at 12 o'clock noon, city time, for furnishing feed as follows: No 1 Timothy hoy. per 109 pounds; best quality feed bran, per 100 pounds; be*o quality corn, per bunhel. best qualitv mixes! oat*. To be weighed at the city lot. Envelopes to he marked “Bid* for Feed." The city reserve* the right lo re ject any or alt bids Bid* to be opened tn the presence of bidders GEO M GADSDEN, Director l*Horo!t AM AA ANTED. City of Savannah. Office Director of Public Works. Savannah. Ga., Oce *5, umn—Sealed proposals will he received at this office until Wednesday, Oof. 31. 191 a) 12 o’etaak noon, city time, to ftirnis.a the city of Savannah with supplies until Nov. 3tt. 1999 A.I proposals must be made on official forms, which can be secured at this office on and after this date. Envelope to be marked "Proposals for Supplies.” The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Bids to bo open ed In the presence of bidders GEO M GADSDEN, Director. NOTICE. - * City of Savannah, Office Clerk of Council. Savannah, (}• . Oet. is, iron Pr Osborne, acting city phyalclan for the Second District. I* located at No 395 Price afreet Office hour*. Xto 9 a m .and to 7 p m. W p. BAILEY, Clerk of Council PROPOSALS AA ANTED. “* City of Savannah, Office Director of Public Work. Savannah. Ga.. Oct. 22. 1999 —Scaled proposal* are wanted for fur nishing ihe city of Savannah with 12.000 square yards of granite block* Spectfi catlona furnished upon applications OEO M GADSDEN. Director WHY NOT ENE ORIGINAL ANNISTON I.IMF.f Highest lirsor. Each barrel contains sufficient quantity and quality to make It MONEY-SAVINO A. HANLEY COMPANY. Sole Agents. Phone 109. * WALL ftfl.H. rtl-l H HANGING. We carry complete assortment of lat.t atyl* fft'i-r*. and employ only best arttate Be* our goods and get our estimate be fore giving out your work. Our prices the very lowest SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO.. Comer Drayton and Cougteaa. Phone 419. BOND* EX ELATED. Bv the American Bonding and Trust company of Baltimore We are author in'! to execute locally (Immediately upon application), nil bonds In Judicial pro ceeding* In either (he state or Untied Stale* Court*, and of admintsiratons snd guardian* DBA RING * HULL, Agent*. Telephone 224. Provident Building 1-EOPOLD ADEEM. JNO R DILU V President Ca.hWr C. B. EL.I.IS, BARRON Caßtk, Vie. Presides! A ,„ cl?™*. The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH " Will be pleased to receive the acoou. of Merchants. Firm.. Individuals. Ba ak * And Corporations. ** Überal favors extended. .ngToT^.u^' 100 * SEPARATESAVIN6S OEPARTMEN T f.XTEMEAT COMffiOt'NOKD ""a*Tt K . I.T ON DEPOSIT,. f U Deposit Boxea and Vaulta tm ] Trnr Corresponden- solicited. The Citizenslai or AVA*VH. CAPITAL $500,000. Tr...,r„ , Uearr.l Ueag. Business. * kollrlta Account, of lodtld.,, Mprchmli, Bank, -od other ration*. Collection* bandied svltb *.# M . economy and dt-patrh. Intercut, compounded quart, r |, allowed on drposlta In our taetam DvpMr fnifii |. hufcl, Deposit Boxes and *orau. I'aulte. DU >TI.EV A, DENMARK. Reddest M11.1.S It. I..ATE, Alee President. GEORGE C. FKF.EAI AN. Cashier. GORDON L. GROOVER. Asst. Ca,h|„ SOUTHERN BANK of tha State of Georgia Capital lax*, and undivided profits ... Rc a, DEPObIIURY OF I lib STATE by GEORGIA. superior focUiUtte tot iranaacttng a ■eti-ra i.angiug MuMoaw Col Ice tlona n.ajit on an points ac,--SIDI. through hanks and banker, Account. o< Hank., Uauaara.'*elcl.nll and others sulicftod bale Deposit bciu for rent. Department of Savings, Interest paves,, quarterly Soils Sterling Bxchanga on Ixxidoe a and upwards. JOHN FIMNNERT. Pesstdenl. HORACE A crane. Vlee President. JAMES St'M.U’AN Cashier. DIRECTORS: JNO FLANNEKY. WM W GORDON W A. WEIL. W W GORDON Jr. H. A CRANE. JOHN M EGAN LEE ROV MA'ERS JOSEPH FEHBT H P SMART CHARLES EL ML EDWARD KELLY. JOHN J KIRBT SllllWM capital, gaao.ouo. Accounts of banka marchants. rarptrx. ona and Individuals aollclied. Savings Dopai latent. Interest p,,u quarterly. Safety Boxes snd Storage Vaults for rent. Collections mad# on on points at ra ,unable rates Drafts sold on all tha chief cities of th, •Aorld. Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH I- WEED I’reetJeni. JOHN C. ROWLAND, Vice President. W F. McCAULEY. Caehler. THE GERMANIA BANK savannah, ga. Cop.ial .52.0,9.9 Undivided profits iu.uw This bank offers Its services to c.tpor*- 4lons. merchants and individuals Ha* authority to act aa axcoutor. ad tr.lT.lgtrator, g inrdtan ate Issues drafts on the prin-lpa. cttlas In Great Britain and Ireland and on tha Ml Inter,-#; paid or compound-d quarterly n dep stta In the Savings Department. Safety Boxes for rent. HENRY BLUN. Pr.el 1-nt. OKh, W TTEDEMAN Vice President jriHN M HOGAN. Cashier WALTER F- HOGAN. A**’t Cashier. No. 1640, Chartered, 1494. THE Hill! Mill Ell Or SAVANNAH. CAPITAL eoOvO’. BLRPLUB. IHfc.OA UNITED STATES I)E1*08ITORY. J A. Q. CARBON. I re Id nt. HEIKNE GORDON. Vice President. W M DAVANT. Cashier. Accounts of l-anka and bankers, mer chant* and corporation# received upas the moat favorable term* consistent edlk safe and ronaervatlv* banking THE GEORGIA STATE BULDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 16 YORK BTREET. WEBT - PER CENT, per annum a Howe! oa u deposits, withdrawable on demand. Interest credited quarterly. 6 PER CENT, per annum allowed on deposit!, of even hundreds, withdraw able at annual period*. GEO W. TIED KM AN. President. B. H. LEVY. Vice President. E. W. BELL Secretary. C. G ANDERBON. JR.. Treasurer The Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Go. ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Term?. io mw Poiers. For salt, a Foraalth Newspaper raid*' will fold sheet £x4ft II Is In good erd*' Pries LOO II coat orlglnaJy SLUM. i have do ue* for R sod warn toe room t occupies, II will be an Invaluable adjuaat !• •* newspaper ofioe. Address MORNING NEWS, •avaaaab. Oa tr rov want good matri*l and work, order your lithographed ra printed stationery and blank basks fraa* Morning Newa, Bavannah. Oa