The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 29, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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NOW WITH THE PRESBYTERY. rillST PKRinVTinMXI ArCEPTED ,|H. SMITH'S IIEUQJIATMIR. I nanlmoualy In Favor of tbr |.lor' llrquttl That hr Faatoral II rial I ana of Hlrairll and tbr harrb Hr r rrrd—Hraolntlon* I ,|irraalng br Hr*rr of Hir Con fc„Mulon !"• IP. •“* Will Hr i rr< nlrd • Mr- Smith, and Alan i„ ihr Prrabytrry Whlrb Will Mrri probably UHhln tbr *at Two II rrka. • t * preirslion of the Flrtt Prrtbytr r, march haul a titrating aftrr tha k •rrvlra yracrrday for the pur u; voting on the requrat of Hev. t ,r J Smith that It concur with him in _ 10 the presbytery for a eever , . f the lOrtoral relation. H ,, ii r . j. t. Fair, who preached the m•< • Mqinon, aleo acted at- moderator t , , meatlnc- He told the member* of in , , ~urch that Mr. Smith, through him. ..*ed that the congrotratlon nuke the vote linaairaoiia Thl* wa* done and the re- of the pastor was carried out. lir. C. 3. Wood offered the fo.low'.ng r ,, uloii*. which were u nanlmoualy H.rreas. Our bepiyed pastor, Hev. Aru r J. Smith, has formally notified tnls co- j-rtgatton of hks Intention to request :r vhytery to dissolve tlie pastoral rr.stl s now existing, and desires us to m said request, giving satlafar ,. r- aeons therefor, which have been , -.1 after prayerful consideration. and. u .-reas. as pastor of this church, his nn str>. through the power of God, hae i... marked by many evidences of spirit growth among the members and by u progreas In the material interests r>- . .lurch; his course of work ss an I I t-rwhepherd has baan of s manner con •ut iMinmiiJiing and patient, tharahy ,ncr - ne our Christian love and contl ut-i. <*, thon'fore lit-.>lv,i.First,That in deference to the eir 'St wish of our pastor. Hev. Arthur I smith, we. the congregation of ih> p -i i restiytertan Church, duly asaemiued f.,r Hie purpose of taking actloei on this I nil rsqucsi for the dissolution of the J , 1 r.i! ralat one. hereby -on> ur. and be lieving * tint it Is the will of the tlreat H. ! Ilf our church, we unite In request ing 'h.- Savannah Presbytery to dissolve t!.< relation as proyetl for. In -.liver, B end. That In the severance of shew tender ties between pastor and pe. 1 i. . i- desire to record In grateful si krwjwlcdgmcnt our eppreclatlon of hs earnest and faithful work as our pastor. and this our !tat th** Kra<'‘ of the Almighty Oc 1 may strengthen him in what ever field of usefulness he may hereafter lai -r and that the divine blessing may •itf-nd his family. 11. -lived, third. That this action he re- I in tlie minutes of Aids congrsga tl. i that a copy tie delivered to the ses ,trn (if this chutvh for rei-onl In Its min iin (ha .i copy he furnished our oom- II *!. to the presbytery on Ihle be tiiit and that a copy In- preseiacd to nev Arthur J Hmlth. i Sigr.*-i I • jamM Y Fair. Monitor. •\V K Coney. Clerk. Savannah. G.. Oct. 2S. 19ft k " Ihe presbytery will meet In Savannah I .ihi> within the next ten days or two u spcdal mceMng for the purpose onatdtrfta# Mi •mUh‘ r—Upwitkwi t . ini,' cen !i*vl At that Mr H r Train. the onmrmwlonfT from the .grog a twin of the First Prt*byterlxn irc'.i. Wi.l present on behalf of the coe rcion. n set of these rceolulions, and they concur in the wishes of Mr itn. there i* no doubt hal thp sevor • p of the pastoral rotation* wkM for \% . a be granted. Mr. Smith is it present In Atlanta. \* ere he Ip conducting a series of re ...ii p* rv-‘* ■* n tne Fourth Presbyterian ! H will ;:Ob I *lv i- nut .f #h<- tv until after th* preahytery has actc*<l. 111 i.i.oi a m:ri in.ii >•* ••ni sTED.” Thr G. O. |V Not n I nit In the t on- KrrMMiotml rnnv* Candidate !Eileen will not have a very J?irjre vole in Bulloch county. If the re port# fr in fltateeboro nr> any evkle-nce. The Bulloch Herald eaye: Republicanism in Bulloch is lally rup t ir*l in f.ici. It It* wh it you might call I t total y busted.* And unless Mr or .‘omt* other toothing power om* to i r> u. Bulloch ounty will go I>em *iKi.n mxt month by the tame oi l majority. Ur I.* ikon will probably find hlm*elf k* <1 when he leirn* that hi# frlenda j iw.\. ruhhe.l Bulloch# Republican fur the, 'Mg way. and he wll probably put on ■ - thinking cap nod do a little studytiu; a plan i< mend matter*. How he will b.ut It ('unnot be conjectured. but t • foot tbit the d'.MOtlefled wing out number* the other by two to one will h.w Its weight in culling for an adjust ment. Meanwhile, It la underlined that many r and men who have been counted on •o ipport Leak* n have announced their t m i Hon to vote for Col. Lester, as In the i*i; therefore, the wlseacr*a who have • . . that Rtp ibllaaa fWi wt • Hi will !' i surprlee. will ho aur- I I themselves." i Rap .b i• in ni.etlr.g rrccr.'lv NM .Statesboro the following, among other r o.uilone, was adopted: W. further resolve. That, whereas the - publican orgunltMtlon in Bulloch coun being divested of the power to help n miiiate a candidate for t’ongress by the • iti n of that power through chban ♦ry of a few political snollygosteia. there- | b> w. do not feci bound to support Mr u I. L<uk*u for Congress, and declare j • w will serwt h Ids name wherever! •* lon our national ticket order of th Republican purty of 1 ix h county, en mtsse.” %T THK TlllltTEßi “Thr Christian** To-night and To iiuirrow Mntinsr nnd Muhi. ight and nt to-morrow s matinee and • niorrow night ‘ The Christian" will be n Huvannah for tlws second time. The l ' t cot In an ordinary sense a dra r** v* r ion of ‘ The Chflitian." ‘ The r has taken the two principal char- i • r of the novel, as well as the mo of their relations to each other, and r • in Independent dramu of new Incl •nd fresh surroundings—Just as he have taken two characters from ' and constructed thereon a play w Mil | otherwise have no rlalm* o 1 1 truths. The two principal char * of ths dr.ima represent. th* author tyjw*s wnh h have been biought •xlstence iy the latter half of the •With century—the educated girl who 1 •' ' nh tlfc hauls of life In proles * which are usually controlled by men *• ung clergyman who make, an effort CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. Nib Kind You Hate Always Bought t^LaUu e of ■5 beats all. I’ve seen many -- - siness, but nothing that conies ■=== ito the “In-er-seaf Patent Pack ness a cracker has when it comes j to r>nllso In a llboral pon*e lha precepts of the Sermon on the Mount. Hut th** PO*'lal hn*t r* i)kW , |ubl*mM which put* round the pi*p of the* clianctcrp In he nov*! ore iiot dwelt uion in the i4av, whlrh Ip Pimply a Ptorv of love.” Th*-n* oje the wort)* by which II ill Caine introduced his play to the public in N*w York, where a continuous run of ITS ni|ht* wop rot hUfTlelent to>- late the crow ! who thn>nKd to e*-e It It la unqueetlonnbly one of the ureatcPt piayp of the diy. It from it** flrpt t- rfotniun ** arnl *v n out side of thr circle of regular theatergoer* It wp telk*l of. pernanp were prea'he-l upon It in i clerKVmcn wrotr- to tne pa ' tiers ai>tit It, m<t by all clasaea It hua been comment!***l CHAM.Ctt U> TMK Wt THKII\. kpeacer laa*a an Important Orilrr to flit* OpcrNlinK llepnrtment. Prephlent Samuel Spent er. of tho South ern Railway, hn* Issued an order mak ing lmi>ortnnt chanee* in the operating department. Mr. Frank H (i.innon, thir<| vice prenMent ond Keneral munaaer. will have five chief ai-Mpauntw. op follow*: VYiiilam II I’ctMir, o.<*-iHtunt Keneral nvm ier, W.ißhinßton. D. (V. Jttmep 11. Bar rett, general eu(erintendeflt of franpior tation, Waphlnifton. I. C.; Joe'ph II San)p. Keneral pu|erinten*l*nt. htaptem district. Salipuirv. N. ; John A. I>od p>n. (fen* ral PU|>erinten*lefit. \V**P4en dlp trlct, <'ha:titiKx ko. Tenn.; Davie) W. Lum. enairieer of brllKep and InjlhiinKP. WashlnKton. I>. C. The of gen eral wuj>erlnteilent of inaintenonce. aa alvtant Keneral puperlntendent of matn tenan* *\ awalatant Keneral PuperintenlerM anti puperintendent of bridKea nn) buildlnKw are nhollph**) William II <Jreen h.ia been apfiolntprl an lPPietant to the general to t ike •djarae of the l nite<| Htatev* mall service and oher departmentp. The oiHTatinK dlvleiona will he a* fol lowp \Vnhlrigion Dlvlplon - liealquarterp, • 'harlotte.pviHo, \; WiiphlnKton. D. <*.. to Monroe. Va . niftmont, Warrmton an i IlarriponhurK branches, and Monroe yard Danville Division—Headquarter a, Oreene boro. X. <*.. Monro**. Va , to Spencer. N. t*.; (Ireenphoro to Goldsboro; Mount Airy to Sanfonl, Rocky Mount. Chapel Hill. Wllkptor >. \u* imro. Ilamaeur and Madi son branches and Danville yard. Chari-tt** D!vi-.,n lie idquarters, Char- Ictie. N. C . Sp ncer, N. C , to Atlanta. Oa.; Klberton Athens and Itoswell branches anl S|encer yard. Richmond Division—lleadquarters. Rich mond. Va. Xea|>U* to West Toini. Va.; Keypville and llenleraon branches. Norfolk Division—Headquarters. Nor folk. Va Went Norfolk to Danville, Vo ; Pinner’s I'oint to Selma. N. <*lare m nt, Hitchcock. Buffalo, Portsmouth and Co|per Min* ' branches. Asheville Dlvlsvm— Headquarters, Ashe ville, N C* Sulphury to Asheville. N. (' , Bihmore to S(srtani>urK Junction, Moores vllle to Wlnston-Walem; Norwood. T.iy lorsvllle and Murphy branches and Ashe ville yard Savannah Division—Headquarters. Co lumbia H. C. Charlotte, N. C.. to S.ivnn tah. (la.: (Columbia to SpartanhurK. Als ton to Greenville, ('aye** to AuffU.du; Batesburv to Perry; Ablevllle. Aiken and Igockhart hranchep and Columbia :*nd au- KUsla yards. Charleston Division Heidqunrters. Charleston. S. C. Cnarlest>n to (’olumbla. S. C.; Branchvllle to Auausta; Auxusta to rrnnir.o. ('.umlen and Sumter branches. Knoxville Division- Headquarters.. ville. Trim. Asheville. N C. to M>rrls lowr. Tenn.; BrUtol to Chattanooga. Knoxville t.* Jelllco. Embreevlllc. Bo*ers vllle. MhMlesboroUifh and llurilman branches. Memphk Dlvlflon— Heudquarters. Mem phis, Tenn. Ch.ittinooxa to Memphis, Tenn.; Florence an*l Somerville branches. Atlanta Division—Headquarters. Atlan ta. Ga. Brunawlck, Oa.. to Ooltewah Junction. Tenn.. Atlanta to Fort Valley; McDonough to Columbus. Attalhi. Cleve land and !iawkin*vllle branches, Atlanta belt and Atlanta yards. Illrtplngh.itn Division Headquarters. Birmingham. Ala. Aust* 11. On., to Cire**n vllle. Miss . Besaetner, Webb ami Percy branches. anl Coalhurg loop. Mobile Division— Headquarters. S**ma. Ala. Atlanta Junction (Rome, Oa.). to M<v bile. Al.i . Merlon Jun tton tr Meridian; Wilton to BlrmlnKham; Akron and Bloc totj bronche IkOuDvllle !|\ Ilon—Headquarters. Louis vllie Ky. Louisville to xb rton. Ky.; Burgln and Oe* rgetown branches. The earnlnßs of the Central of Oeorgin Hnllro.itl for the week erdlnv the third week of October were UaX.32O. against $144!. W0 for the corresponding we*k last >**ar, and F hTO.IW frotn Jan. 1 to the end of the second week, .igainst IMH.L-’i for the corresponding p. riotl In ISM. The In crease for the second wek Is 111. Mu. local PKH*OV%L. Mr. W. J Stevens of Augusts, is a guest of the Pulaski. Mr. D. B of Mcßae Is s guest of the Pulaski Mr. M C Martin of Atlanta Is a guest of the Pulaski Mr. L. Tobin of Allendale is regis tered at the putaskl Mr. R O. Jone of Columbia la tered at th*t Screven. Mr. Ootge D Warthen of SandersvlU Is a guest of the Screven Mr J L Miller of Statesboro registered at the Pulaski yesterday Mr J M Deaton of Hershman regis tered at the Pulaski yesterday. Mr. M Pa** of Bluff: on was among the guests of the Pulaski yesterday Miss Lydia Furrrr Is very 111 with fever at her home, No. *77 HuiUiogdon street, THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY. OCTOBER 29,19(H). eusi. She returi ed some weeks ago from Baltimore, where she had been studying as a trained nurse Mr \V. T. Williams has been 111 and conllned to his room for the im two days. Mr. John R Rurke of Augusta was among the arrivals yesterday at tha Pu laski Mr Frank; Iswette of Allans* was among the arrivals at the Ihjlaskl yes terday. Mrs. C. T. Cox n*l her daughter. Miss Kulalin Cox. l*\e returned from a visit to New York Among she out-oMown visitor* In at tendance uiNin the (*athlral de*li* niton yesterday were Mr anl Mre J. Carroll Payne and Mr John Morris of Atlanta, and Mr. P 11. Rice of Augusta. Mr Patrick Farrelly of New York, pres ident of the American Railroad News < omjwiny. la the giiest of Bishop KGley. Mr. Farrelly Is an old friend of the Htah op and cum*- to Savannah especially so at tend the dedication of the Cathedral. The friend* in Savannah and all over the state of Rev. Dr. and Mrs. J. O. Branch will regret to learn of the seri ous nines** of the latter si their country horn*-, at Dixie. In Houth Georgia Mrs. Branch has suffered a severe hemorrhage of the itings. Il**r Immediate relatives have been summoned to l*er l*ed*lde Dr Brant'h was twice pastor of Wesley Mon umental Church In Savnnnah. - 9 m ■—a • THE WEATHER. Forecast for Monday and Tuesday: For Georgia and South Carolinn: Gener ally fair Monday u and Tuesday, except rain along the coast, fresh northeasterly winds. Hastem F.orkls Rain Monday and rrob ably Tu*sday; fresh to brisk northeaster ly winds. Western Florida: Fair Monday. Tuesday l robably rain; light northeasterly winds, shifting to southeasterly. Yesterday's Weather at ft.iv.inrvah— Maximum t* tnj.erature. 2..*50 p.m 7* degrees Minimum temperature. 7 a m *d d* gree>* Mean tomr*erature 70 degrees Normal temperature .. 63 degree** Kxcess of temperature 7 degrees Accumulate*! excess since Oct. 1 132 degrees Accumulated excess since Jan. 1 .I*6 degree* Rainfall 00 inch Normal 0# Inch F.x* * ss Hnce Oct 1 2.53 Inches Deficiency since Jan. 1 8.25 Inche*. River Report—The bight of the Savan nah river at Augusta, at Ha. m . 75th me ridian time, yesterday, was 9 6 feet, a fall of 1.4 feet during the preceding twenty four hours. Observations tsken at the same moment of tint** at all stations, Oct. 28. I!<JU. 8 p. m., 75th meridian time: Name of Station J T. V. Rain Boston, cloudy J 52 | 10 { ,3* New York city, cloudy .W 12 T Philadelphia, cloudy j 58 8 ’ .4*o Washington city, clear .. Si J L j .00 Norfolk, clear 82 6j 0 Hntteras. clear | ; Ift | ft* Wilmington, clear j Oft ] ft .0*) Charlotte, clear ; 6ft ft j .ft> Raleigh, clear [64 6 ,<0 Charleston, clear j 72 \ 12 .0) Atlanta, clear j 72 ft .ft) Augusta, clear 7ft L .ft> Savannah, clear 7> j L j .(4) Jacksonville, pt. cloudy ..j 72 | ft ' .ft) Jupltor. rain 71 ! Ift .52 Key West, clear 7ft 6 j .00 Tampa, clear | 70 \ L j .00 Mobile, pt. cloudy j 76 L j .ft) Montgomery, clear j 70 J L j .ft) Vicksburg, clear 74 L 0) New Orleans, cloudy 74 6 j .00 Galveston, clear 76 J 6 i .oft Corpus Chrlstl. cloudy .. 78 6 j ft 4 Palestine, cloudy 74 L 0* Memphis, pt. c!oudy j 74 | ft .0) Cincinnati, clear 72 L .ft) Pittsburg, cloudy | 6ft L j ft) BufTslo, clear j ft) , 10 ft) Detroit, clear j M ft .oft Chicago, cloudy 6ft 14 | .oft Marquette, cloudy | 56 ft <* rtt Paul, cloudy |52 Lj T Davenport, cloudy ♦* L .8) Bt. |guls. rain |72 j 6 T Kansas City, rain 61 J L *1 .SS Oklahoma, cloudy *6 !0 it Dodge City, cloudy | 52 ft .21 North Pkitte. clear 52 L | .ft) H. B. Boyer. Ixv'al Forecast Offl lai iq ii Wnntrd lor lllsbsn) Robbery. Patrolmen Farrell and Murphy captured a n**gro. Tom Ponder, who Is said to be wanted In Tattnall county for several highway robberies The county authori ties have twen notifies! and will doubtless take steps to have him token to Ihe scene of his crimes. Study While lon Work. Through one of the ten free scholarships In The International Correspondence Schools of H* ranton. Pa., which the Mo n* lng News will present to you If you aecure one of the ten largest numbers of votei by. Nov. 30. 1900. you can keep on earning n living at your present work, and at the *am time, by atudy at home In time uua*iy devoted to recreation or r*at. fit yourself for a position at a gu.)d salary. You can easily become one of the win ners of this contest, by devoting your at tendon to collecting Vo* lng Coupe no ar.d I keeping at It No one has abe ter chanc* than you. Get every vote you can. and have all your friends aave theirs for you. Re** the window display of text books and drawing outfit* to be given away by •he Morning News in Its educational con tFst, at Cha*. Marks' shoe store. 17 Dr- ughtun street, west. Outrn|(**d lluabnnd I'ses t.nn. Columbia. S C.. Oct 2* It is reported from Allendale, Barnwell county, that Richard Handers ravished the wife of Mottes Cohen, or forced her to yield to his wishes. Cohen, on lielng Informed of the out rage. got a double-barreled gun and went In search of Handers. He fired two shots, one |o.i) inking effect In Handers' left side, the other In Ids right eye. Hanlers was not dead at l.*d report, but R was said he couUI not live. Death of William 11. Hall. Wad ley, (Jji., Oct. 2* William B. Hall. Supervisor of the Central of Georgia Rail road. died of pneumonia at h> o'clock to day. at his horn** Mr Hall was a faith ful employee, having been connected with the road for twenty yenrv At one time was road master of the \V f* A P. Rail road He leaves a wife and four small children. The funeral will occur from his home at 3 o'clock p. m Monday. CITY GOVERNMENT. OFFICIAL PRIM CKDING* OF COt'fV CIL. Savannah, Oa.. Oct 26. 1900—Council met this afternoon at 4 3o o'clock pursuant to the 4tll of the Mayor present the Hon Merman Myers. Mayor presiding, Aider men Thomas. Bacon, Dixon, Doyle, Haas, Mills and llorrlgan. PETITIONS AND APPLICATION** Petition of Cecil Gabbrtt. su|*erlntenlent Sea I sat rd Air Line Rallwav. asking assis tance from the city In the wav of furnish ing t**n or fifteen men from the fire de partment In case of fire at their termi nals. to assist In the handling of h*oe. etc . was read and referred to the Com mittee on Fire with power to act. rbsolftionh Ry the Committee of the Whole- Resolved. That the repro^entat!vep of Chatham county and the senator of the First District are hereby requested to sup port m*l secure the passage of a hill to he entitled "An act to authorise lh** Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah to acquire, by purchase or otherwise, lands In Chatham county outside of the corpo rate limits of the dty of Savannah for • •♦•metery. pest house, hospital, puhll atreeta or other public uses and for other purposes." That the clerk of the Council send s copy of this resolution to each of tip three representatives and the senator of this district. Adopted By Alderman Haas— Resolved, by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah. In Council as sembled. That the indorsement by the Honorable Herman Myers. Mayor of the city of Savannah, of I'nlted States treas ury warrant No. 157*) In favor of the city of Savannah for b* and the earn** Is hereby approved and confirmed and the right of the said Mayor to Indorse th* sold treasury warrant and to collect the same is fully recognised. That the clerk of Council send to the treasurer of the Culled Rtat* an ofTMal copy of this resolution. Adopted There being no further business Coun cil took a recess subject to th call of the Mayor. WM P BAILEY. Clerk of Council. LEGAL 80TK 84. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORS GEORGIA. CHATHAM COCNTY Notice is hereby given to nil pnraorm having demand* against Elijah Crawford, late of eciid county, dere.ised, to |rf*e|)t them to me. projterly made out. within the time prescribe*! by law. so as to show their character nnd amount; and all per sons indebted to said deceased are re quired to make immediate payment to me. NANCY C CRAWFORD, Executrix. Savannah, Ga.. Oct. 2. 19ft) GEORGIA, CHATHAM COCNTY Whereas. Emma Roberts Walthour has applied to Court of Ordinary for letters of administration, on the estate of Josiah Law Walthour, deceased. These are. therefor**, to !te and admonish all whom It may concern to be and appear before sold court to make objection (if any they have) on or before fhe first Monday In November, next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness, the Hon. Hamp ton L. Ferrtll. ordinary for Chatham c ounty, ftlil the sixth day of October. 1900 FRANK E KEIi,BACH. Clerk <*• Ord'y.M* Cos. I*l4Ol’OftALi ANTED. C 8 ENGINEER OFFICE. BT. Ar gust Ine. Fla.. Oct. 29. 11*0 Rt-died pro posals for completing gun and mortar bat teries and building concrete tore-houaa st Fort Taylor. Key West. Fla. will b received here until 12. n**n. Nov. 30. 19 0. ami then publicly opened Informa*lo*> furnished on application. 11. M Kins try. Capt. Egrs. DONNELLY DRUG CO., savannah, ua. DRUGS. SEEDS. ETC. Mall order* aoilcllail. ball priony C!% P. B. Sand tor troa aaxut>la D. * I' Dyapepxla Cura. Norwood's "Satire" For sale at all News Stands in Savannah. CLASSIFIES AUVtfUISEMENrS. rKJIIOftAL XM AH \ NPITS raRT NOW?" 15C se. ure m nice boy s watch. A' aecure a reliable rsllroA.t watch. 35*' se urea hand some tally's irald watch, 65c aecure a nld ant gold-tilled watch. Amerloan move, mrnt. balance on ess> Installments and no peddlers or oollectors ti worry I*. come aid have the system explained Fc geos 2s F!ast Broughior. Half. Jewelry and Striving Hupp.y lltvee. old grkd or Ailver taken a* payment, or cash given (or same THE r liNUTHr. exchange” us Bornanl street, buys and sells all kmds of second-hand furniture for cash OIL II EATERS. WOOD HEATER cool heaters, cook stoves and ranges Re liable goods C. P. Miller, agent MORPHINE. CPU M. I*AI'DANt M cocoaine habit, myself ruret. vvt.i inform you of harmietss. i*ertnanent home cure Mary S Baldwin. Rox 1212. Chicago advektihementh Hhrr in cap itals WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAB Slel El> ADYKRTIHEMKKT COLI’MN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTIBEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 3UC ROHES- MBS COLE FROM NEW York; latest styles 216 Liberty, west DBF* JELLYCO COAL; NONE BET ter. prer*are for ool*l weatler A. H Co hen. telephone 6K 18 YOt’R IRON SAFE FIRE-PROOF Htiffe! * Freiman have a standing offer of $: (100 (or every safe of their make that does not prose*ve its content* one safe was In burning debris 113 hours W hen taken out the hos** had to I e turned on it When n|ensd. not a page was dlscol ored. not m rec.ud io*t. no? a dollar de stroyed If you want security, buy a StifTel A Freeman af* C. P. Miller, agent. YOI WILL LIKE THE MILK FROM Springfield Dairy, It's rich and pure; try 1* *x FCRNITTRE rPHOLBTERED. MAT tresses renovate*!, Antique furniture re imllshed. furniture packed and shipper) In l*st manner Rend me your orders C I* Miller, agent CAMEL!A JAPONTCAR AND AEALIAB price, lift) ntvl upward direct Imports Mon through Havnnnah Custom House by A C Oelschlg. nuraury. opi**sHe Golf Link* Phone. 4ft*>: also llys- laths. Nar dassl. Freslas and Lillee Plant now J Gardner agent, care E Moyle, lo Brough ton street, east IF ITB RUGS YOU WANT. YOU CAN get them • ieej*er from MoGIIMe SPECIAL. AN UNLIMITED BUPPLY of nice willow rocker*, ladies' aflse. at S2. j w Tiipli. I AM v< rw ! ate! at 414 9 Broughton; ring up 1186 If you want to have y*>ur furniture moved or parked for shipment or storage. I guarantee price* the same ns 1 do the wrork that’s given to me A H. Griffin. 414 Brnuchton street, west, mattreeees made to order PREPARE FOR DEBT GRATE FIRE; get Jelllco coal from A 8 Cohen, tele phone 6ft MILLERS BTOVEB AND RANGES gl\e satisfaction The Magnetic, Econo mist. Waldorf. King, and other good makes at reasonable prices. *77 Brough ton. west KENSINGTON FARM MILK IB UN eutpassed for richness, delivery Is per fect, phone. 2345 SEE MILLER FoR OFFICE DESKS office tables, * ffi< e matting, office shade* 307 Brought -n. wcat WHEN TOP SEE M GILLIB SIXTY ln>'h 99-cent rugs, yo i will buy them. Just can't he p It. will sell In any qunn •Ry. "FURNITURE MOVET WITH CARE." Is a specialty with MrGIHI*. “MILLER S NEW STYLES IN CAR' pets, mattings, linoleums, window shades etc. All work done In first-class style. 397 Broughton, west M GILIJS LACE ”CURTAIN~"'WILL beautify your joirlor M'GILLIB IS CHEAP ON RUGS. NETS, lace curtains, hammocks, wrater rodors. pillows, pictures, moves. bM-.-.m suits, iind furniture of every deacrljHion. SEE THE JEWEL BT6VRB AND ring** for sale by J. W Teepe. alro agent for Insurance gas*dine stove. • 1 4k BUYS NICE RATTAN ROCKERS w hbe thry last Lrg* assortment of r**ckers, divine and easy chairs. C. P Miller, agent KENSINGTON FARM IS ON AN elevation In the country free from city drainage Impossible for milk to become contaminated, by impure odors; If you want pur* Jer-ey milk, phone 214*5 !>•- livery prompt; satlifactl ,n guaranteed. M'GILLIB MOVRB. PACKS SHIPS and stores ptanoa and furniture, heat w*rk only, no "Cheap-John" prl -es— no "Chaap- John" Jobs. GOLD FISH F*r> !O)fV'ANARY BIRDS 12 5)); fish food and grass; J. Gardner! agent, 114 Park avenue, east. $!/ FOR WOVEN WIRE’ COTS w-hlh* they last. C P. Miller, ngent. L'so FOR ART SQUARES WHILE they last. Big assortment, all grades of art squares, rugs, mats, portieres. C. P. Miller, agnt. M'GILLIB SELLS SIXTY-INCH HUGH Smyrna patterns—for 99 rents. "advertisements set IN CAP ITALB WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS HI FI ED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD V RETIREMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN tOC. •UCOItAL SAVANNAH NEXT STUTTEII- Ing people are now Rocking to Dr G. W. Randolph, Albemarle Hotel. Columbia. 8 C., and we learn from leading papers that he Is Tur ing many, lie tars engaged to go to Sa x'innah. Oa.. the Mb of Nov., nnd at.iv ten day*. He will then go to Dallas. I Tex. Stutterer, this seems o b* your last opportunity. Col. Willie Jonm of Columbia and many others are loud In his inalse —Christian Index. I HOW AUK YOUR FEET? IF YOUR feet are troubling you. tall on me arid I [ will give you relief; I cure Ingrowing : nails, corns and all diseases of the feet without pain; charge* reasonable, tan rive the beat reference* In the city; pa th nts treated at residence*, orders can be left at Livingston * drug store, Hull nnd Congress streets; telephone 2#X Lem Davis, surgeon chiropodist. IICLP W AATLO—MALE. ikh ano bill clerk, one that hoa some knowietlge of lookkeeping preferred; hard workers only need apply; state age. reference and salary expected. A'Vlrte* X. Y, ‘ WANTED, CASH ROYS. APPLY RK fore 11 a m. :o-day. Foye A Eckstein. SALESMAN WANTED FOR FLOR Ida Apply by letter to us with refer ence; g.axl saiary paid to the rlglw man Llppmun line., wholesale druggist*. Llpp. tn,m block. Savannah. Oa WANTED PLUMBERS. 13 RIUCK layers, 43 '<>. mill machinist, filer, ham merer, laundry machinist, washer. 133. board; hakera. lie Inspe.t'.r. bookkeeper, commissary clerk. Huber, Jl7 West Ray. Jackaonvlile WANTED. AT GEORGETOWN. S C., at Rrst-clais white brick layers; wage*. 43 50 per day. Address. G L. B. C. of A. C. L. Cos., Georgetown. 8 C. HELP VYAATLU-.FICMALB. West Hay. Jacksonville, wants help, all kinds, for Florida. Georgia Nassau and Cuba, season lttO-UMI. bts liuber lot fur ther information. t UkU' \X Aft I kI)—KkMALk. WANTKI' vTN, K j ixtuk Apply at 307 Charlton street, west WANTED. A COOK APPLY NO 417 ’ Oglethrope \nue. east WOI’I.D I.IKK TO INTBRKBT rVl.Tl rated lady In highly higiorahle buslnese, out of which she can make from tlftMKi to Slfdft) per month, must he g-l talker. The Anvil. Savannah. Ga WANTED. AN EXPERIENCED OOV erness ca|aide of ? •Niching the elementary hroui'liea and music, n*4ie Other neeil p ply 'sali 312 t*glethorpe nvsnut. east. In tween 2 and 3 o'clock p m CO! Aft RED LADY TO PREPARE FOR ! traveling, salary and expennes to begin, refer* nt*s. • ent salf-sd*iress*Nl envel*>pe for tepuy Prasbient Madlrody. 3e6 Dear born, Chicago ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN ~ CAP I rAl*B WILL HE PRINTED IN CIaAB sIEIHD ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VBRTIBKMKNT TAKEN FOII I.KBK THAN 3HM' UPLOmIMT WAATKD. ~A Wirx >\V. WITH ONE <'HI!P. . 4*ll rite n place ae housekeeper, ohi give ; g> *1 references, lias no objection to leav ing Savannah Afcdres* Mrs. S. L., care .*f Morning News office V ANTED Tftft ASSIST AS CLERK ON - S.YYTTTTTav nights. In any business, by in telligent man who is well known in city. Hustler News office. MEAT AND PASTRY COOK i Charles Wilson, No. 104 A street. It runs -1 wick. Ga It UO If * W 43TKI). %v>tby a gentleman, answer quickly and stat** price |wr month, references given. Al • Iress "8 It " care Morning News. WANTED. FOUR OR FIVE ROOMS unfurnished or small house; state price and location. D, J.. News office U 4MI: I*— lIJM KLL43KOCB. WANTED. TOWAGE TO NEARBY 1 pfrts in Georgia nnd S*uth Carolinn, 1 lighter furnished. r In rafta Apply to f*at *>f Whitaker street. Capt. 11 A Srrohhnr, Agent IE YOU WANT GOOD MILK, GET IT from S|tngfleUl Dairy. It's rich, pure and wholesome ’CASH PAID FOR GOOD RE coniT hand ost sacks 212 Wast Bay street IF YOU WANT A PLACE TO DUMP earth, dirt, sand, manure, etc . free of charge, Jus at city limits, hauling over hard ros*l. write *w te|ep!*me Brown Bros. crnor Anderson and East Boaid street)*. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP rTALS WILL HE PRINTED IN CLAH SI FI ED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWo CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTISKMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN *>c VOR iiK.M-ni)ni. ONE LARGE FURNISHED ROOM for rent; privilege of l*sth 31ft East Henry street NICELY FURNISHED SOUTH FRONT mom. tint and cold water. 3*B Barnard, tiear IJbertv. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM” IN private famtlv to one or two gentlemen with or without hoard. Address Y., News office. Ft'KNIHHKP PfM'TII FOR one or two gentleman; private family, (•nth with hot water. *6 Jones street, j *et. near Barnard ROOMS TO RENT FURNISHED OR unfurnished Apply to 16ft Parry atreet. e*t. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR without L>ard 216 Überty. west FI.ATI row RIT. unfurnished, three r>wwns each. & Gordon street, east. To RENT. FLAT THREE ROOMS down stairs, use of gas stove 3!b Liberty, west. 9*014 HKHT— 1101 DIOS FOR RENT. COUFORTAHI.B HOirSE. ! No 217 Wai.lbur* Ureal, ml. liplwaen Al'-mirn mid Uncoln, firm rim order and condition: every convenlenre Right i rant to rlgt'l tenant. Estate Halomon Colien. M eat Itroad and Hroushlon atreMa. F< tit RENT. 17 DKFFY HTREET, eaat. i*>.*<-.t,>n at once. Apply Utorgr I, (Sarmany. *nt 1 Itryan eireet, eaat. TO RENT. RKBII>(SMf*B I HAM. eaat; rlfllt rootna; hot and cold water. Immediate |ae*alon. Apply W. VV Hwtn ton. Kiahth, 'oat FOR RENT DBS! RA BI4C HOUSE; Koo-I nelahlx>rhnel. Apply 117 Areleraon llrrd, eaal. TO RENT SI AND SS Ho I.TUN afreet, real; theae are goal houaea and location excellent. Apply to C. A. M*-|n tire. A<y Hoard of Trade HulMlrn.- rUH HKAT—STORK*. FOR RI:NT, HI ORE ftoUTII WEST corner Whitaker and I. bcrty atreala. Ap ply 18'-rty atreat, wcat. FOR HKA'I-aiK'UAAIBOUI. LARGE W'AHKHOKBE AND OFFICE Ft tit RENT. CORNER IIROHGIITON AND WERT ItROAD HTItEETS; FOR. MERI.V OCTFIMED ItY THE SAVAN NAH CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO. H I*. KMART. ~ADVKRTIHEMKNTH MET IN CAP ITALS WILL HE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLI'MN FOR TWft CENTS A WORD. NO All VERTISKMENT TAKEN FOR I .ESS THAN 30C. ' ” —■■!■■■■ a ■ FOR SALK—KRAI, ESTATE. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITA 14 WILE HE PRINTED IN CIaAK SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN JuC. FOR SALE.' A ROOMY RESIDENCE with full lot and aouthern front, on Wald hur*. near liarnard C II Doraett. A SPLENDID CORNER LOT. THIR. ty-flye feet front by 122 feet deep. C. 11. Itorixftt. FOR KALE. THOSE WtTS ON NINTH alreel. near Eaat broad. liava only been aold to nrat-claae partlea. '.-ho will maka ood nelchboiW; and nona other ran buy Tha terma ara very eaay. and they are rheaper than any other In Ihe vicinity C. H. Doraett. FOR HALE, A I.OT FOR TWO HUN.' dred dollar. eaay tirmi. on Ninth atreet. near Kaat Hruad, no city taxation. C. H. Doraett. FOR KAI.E, IAJTS ON NINTH, NEAR Eaat ilmad. at la* each; will aooti be advanced to when a lot haa been paid for I can arranga to get a borne built C 11 D reett FOR SALE LOTS~ON'NINTH STREET near Kaat Rroad; no city taxea. at 1200 each; twenty-Sve dollars caah. and eaay monthly payments C. H Doraatt. RESIDENCES AND biTLDINO IX2T9 for aalo all over the city. Robort H Tatera. real eatate dealar. No. 7 Torb atreet. west. FOR SALE. Safer SPLENDID NEW alx room hotiae. vas. bath. etc., finished first January; southern section near Bar nard P . UK Barnard. ‘TWO-STORY HOIfSE. IN GOOD CON dtilon. and itmler roi rental Only t 1.400 M avid this week. Yvuuana A Dttnmood. *rmnH natjc* Tgti bat. HANDSOME DINING ROOM FUlt KITI me. €%H I'KTft, mm lobf.t. KTT., AT At tTIOft. I C. 11. DORAKTT, Agftlosasr, W;i soli Mt*Uy. ®th, 11 a m. Folding fi***l. mirr*r fmri, fak Uhlna ’li**'t. InMififfr, Oak Dining UhAlra. sfests. Fin** oak DBung Tabla, Ban al** an t Ikmbla l***l** anl ftidiut*. Walnut ' ‘'ril and Muir**). Hat Kwk. Wlra <'oU, War*lr)ba, It<nds*ni** 'harry Gill Hall UhAlr. Parlor rt#*t. W.itaui R*- )*>ng Sashas, axtra tong Bt**p l*i I<l re ('ixikiiiK Bt<*vrs. Hoflor Organ, Pictures, Bix rrpMk Matches, ' if** wtlH. etc FOII ft4I.R-KKAIt KAT AT IC. )TT KRNT. SvAURR farm with house iM out huikllngw. !n g*M| rendition Apply S7ft Htawsrt strast. AtftVRRTIHKMVTNTS SKT IN CAP ! ITAI.H WILL HU UItINTRn IN CIjAB BIFIFD Aim fITIFI MUNT UOLUMH FOB TWO (WW v WORD NO ID V URTIBK MKNT TAKKN FOR LLSS THAN 30C ■ ' * ' 1 ' 1 '"5 SOI4 IAIA-4UHALUJIKOMi SOV Bi:M. THK UOt (HI KING! THY It when your favorite remedy fails, at • lottl- addetl tt* a gill of boney nukfx a Mpleiuliii mixture for Infants and chiUirsa. HKNZOIN HALM. MAKI'-H TUB HKIM 1 llk velvet, for nals by Inggl*t ot at Hen ry and Abcrconi IVrssa Drug Stores, Whitaker ami Taylor streets Foil BALK. UIIUAI*. A FINK YOUNG mule Apply Thomas Nugent, No. SIO Bryant streat, west. NFWBIWUKK FOR HALF. WkF.KTTY jln the lipt countv seif town In Florida; j progressiva jisople.ibfivlng country,rollegw ; town; Job and cyllmler press*— go*>*l a*l v**rt|pfng patrm-ig* *ubr* rtption list and i*b buslnces paying lino i**i rteiißh nst; s|denlWl opportunity f*w an Intellectual, educated man of htisln* s- ability; VA) **ash. tialance of il.ift) on time, or dlsrotmt for uII cash. Address Tho News, Defgind, Fla iM ' n a j \ * Fa rlsh 'frar *l. first-da make, slightly used, as •?* now. alt. eeveril uprights, tn g>*a| rnrxlltlon at * tairv ln, John Wia gnn*l. 24 W*>i*i llama street. FOR ftAIaU. TYPKWRITKRB AND aU|>plbs. rib lions 4k* up, t vp*-writers I2H t K Terry a Itrin*M*n, Augusts. Gs. FOR HAI.K ABOUT ONK HUNDRED screw of growing ba\ on I’opiar Grovs plantation. nU*ut one mbs from th dty ilvnlts on the White Bluff rtkid A|ply to lgiwton A ft'urmlngham TURUBNTINK LOCATION FOR sale, lft crop* flrat year looses; 12.')0 nerss rxxind llmt>er. at $1 ft) |*r .tore, k* per thousand loxes for leased ttmin-r, plenty of timber t* !• got. in five mil* a of rail* road, will give poa*e*k>n now or at **nd of season Ablrsa Hound Timber, <ara M<*rning News FIRE PROOF BAFKB WE CARRY A fine line of Hr** proof safes In ahtek at %Jl times The parties can see exactly what they are getting Our prices sre ss h>w as mnnufa.'Hirers sell (f. mth frelgtn ak •*d Ihirties Interested, who wish a g<*o! fire |r*Nf safe, will <|< well to tns|>ect our sb>rk Llpprnan Bros . Uppmaa bk-k nrcntn for manufacturers. FOR BALE BUGGY ANT) lIARNI.BB. cheap 3io Bryart. east. BPRINGFIRLD DAfRY 18 NOTED for having rich, purs mUk; try it; you will be plmiml. A DVKRTIHEMFNTR SET IN CAP ITAUt WILL BE PRINTED IN M FIEP ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN ' ■ ' ENTS A WORD NO All. VERTISKMENT TAKEN KOH I.INIS THAN *K\ lost *sd found. m/Din'" \nTTjkfC Drs.iii streets. u pu dog iinower* to tba name of I'rl.e Reward If rHtinied * No -IS Jefferson Mrert. rmtieu. NOTK'K KTRAYKD ON MY URIaH *>ea, n whit* mule wllh hwlt*r nnd chain attached, owner ran have .ante by paving expense* B. If Uuoney, Thunderbolt roa.l BOARUinb. NICE ROOMS. iKKtli BOARD, BPLEN *IM location. reasonable rates at 122 Har ris street, enet. MRR riliron.KT MAR REOPENED her hrni.e anil le reaily to arrnminwlnle pi-rmanent or transient bourdera. Con* grea* anil Drayton aireeda. 11l IIKBSS CHANCES. APVEHTIHKMENTR HITT IN r*AP ITAI.M Wll.l. HE PRINTED IN r’LAB RIPIED ADVERTISEMENT I'OU'MN <>R TWO C'ENTR A WORD NO AD VERTIHEM ENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN C. PI.I'MBIAO. MODERN PLUMBING. IT WILL 1113 to your Interest to let me give you an es timate on your plumblns. new or old work; repair work a specially, aa 1 am a prartkal plumber. No gueaa work to endanger your Ilf*. Wlggln*. phone IST. Georgia or Red Nil AC ELI. A A lalte. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITALS WILL HE PRINTED IN ULAA HIEIKD ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN C. DON'T TROUBLE YOURSELF ABOUT moving your furniture, relaying your car pet. or mat tins Perry A Renton will re lieve you of all that trouble. YOUR RILL WON'T !/*>K HALF AS large If we do your repairing on stoves, ranges, etc.; we employ experienced workmen which do beet work In half the time. A. C. Price A Cos., 'phones lit, corner Slate ami Jeffereon. Have tour house painted with German ready-mixed paint, entire satisfaction guaranteed. Adams Paint Company. ‘Wanted, one thousand hcn gry propie at the Southern Grocery Com pany, 114 Bernard street. 'PERRY a RENTON. 1 STATE street, west, wtll move, pack, ship or store your furniture at short notice; also ren ovate your old mattresses at IMtle oust. Hell phone 1124. WE SELL HEWER PIPE. FLUR pipe, lire clay. Ore brick at loweet prices. Adame Paint Company, 104 ' 'ongreea. west. HAVE TOI'H ICE BOXES RELIVED and beer colls overhauled; beer pumps re pair'd and put In best condition; all work guaranteed; beat of enttefactlon; our telephones, Georgia or Bell M. A. C. Price & Cos Stale and Jefferson. MORE THAN - f)NF. HUNDRED CENTS in every dollar of your hard-earned hard cash al the Southern Grocery Company, 111 Barnard street IIYPSINE IS THE~REBT WALL FIN- Ish made Adntna Paint Cos., Savannah agents. 204 Congress, west FOR SANITARY PLUMBING” AND res fitting, ring us up. Bell or Oeorgla 454 We make your bills smaller ind your work of the beet. A. C. Price A Cos., State and Jefferson street*. REDUCE TOUR 1.1 VINO EXPENSED by Investing your hard-earned hard cash with the Southern Orocery Company, 114 Barnard street OLD NEWSPAPERS. 300 for 11 cent* a business Office Morning Ntxg 3