The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 30, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 A TEXAS WONDER. Hull*, (irml On# .mall UotUr ol liaM . tirrat I'i rovtry rurrr all kidney ar.,l I ’■ l " r ' rou ~ bloat, remove* (ravel curve .I.l' • ■ Inal emtaelon*. '.k and lam* b... k., rhrumailam and all irrra ■ • artlli* of l!i kl.ln. J* and bladder in l o ll mm and wo men. regulate* bladd* r ' '•' *° • h, -‘ dro< If H"t a-ld i> >•'*' 1 ••k-'*’ l *" hr mn! hi ...ail .n•• • u-t ' • m | l bottle la two moi.ih. m iim.nt and wil cure any . a >• at " • mentioned. Pr. K \\ Kail mat > . I. j., tit bouia. Mo H. net for ti - lmoniala hold by all and mri: . and Solomon* Cos. bavannah, Ga Ili-nil Tbta. Cut rt. Ga.. April I I**" TMla l to .-rilfi that I l< affrrlrd with rr.i* uml tnat I look *l*ty el II ill a limit IM- ovrry and H < ini filrlrly riirr.l me It I- worth 11 (*>' |n't bottle to in. one n*-dln* It J T BTEVKNB IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. NBU‘I %M> AIFM* OF TIIB BAA I' TWO VI ITE9. §ii|irrlnr fuurl In Wurth * ©?•>. lluildlnu l Macon for \ •• M**n AdaniMin *|** I* 1 iik In IlfliiHiirr. \!uins mi I n ll*law arr. Minim* r ( nurii* al t altrraMy. Flimlliiv of •* !•■* Ballot H*%. Florida's Nplcudlil Frail < r|*. I'nssn %u. T.m*- Ei '* rprl®#* Then It- u iirnu !i , • i -fir nl i Thorna- vlllc If favor of an an*. wtlng IW. w * doubt not if oil' wen |*.i -'#4 !t would fw.tafi t mu* very popular Many ->wn- In Gcoigin bttvi nk>i 'o tew prohibit In* *li 11 lrir on® ml *\‘*rywh**n i • ■ i . ii A gr>til tb-ai ran in . ail in favor of iu< i H l*W \ilnninn (•<*■ In lli’lnniirr. Congressman W. <*. Atoni!*oii of (h Fourth ha.® gone to Delaw ire mh* he Will 4 j speaking every night He ami II hi Jn. ItalJt-y of T-x.> i\ ill *k t*g*‘tn*i C* i prtfi'iiun Adamsin ih confident of Hr> an * election an ! n ? if** In*mo r*u< major tty in th Fifty-e*v*-nth CongoOol I* r Livingston maintain- tluii .NVw J* n***y 1? Mifc in the D-mt*crai • oiuinn l it <mi *n ml • ol I lull Klll*l. Hum** Tribune: Something i** killing tin fish In Silver creek I*v the th>uai t \ vi-11 to (he large dam near Ramey - mi.l reveal® a gru* khik- sight Floating: on •in * dge of the darn ar. hundred- upon hundred* of huh. varying in Mz< frm a tiny minnow to on* and tw* j uni trout Man> have pnkei| over • *lam and lie or. the rock* fully •*|*os* and to ti- h*a Min The huh are nutrifying nnd th* stincti la Biekn*-® la Uk* ly to r* tiM from it IlnlldlnK for A nnnt Men. A joint committee of the an-1 llaptitft Cnurehrt of Kait Ma< on k* nr rmicinr to ere*-: a !-.*• bu* k huibllnv. Whirl) i* to b#* devote*! to the Iw*n'tlt nd entertainment of th* young m* n of ha r f ihurt) It will Inelod. . ii i.Mitiot) to an ju-htoriiirn a gymr.iulum. rendin* room** bathroom* an.| other provlPiunfi for th- lonilort of th mem *-r Tit* h not yet been ••cured, but tho*e irwer ertctl in tne movement nr** *l*-termin* I that the buiMinv hall be ere ted within u fhort time %%<rfh Superior f'onrt. A *(>eriai to the Morning Near* frorr. Sylvraer, G •*•.•>> In the Worth coun t> Superior Court at h.ihrila I*t week a* vcral land i?*e* *.f old ainiuhng w**re dif>ed of The gran 1 Jury found bill*- fb:dinat Mill Ron*** for murler ||e w ij* airt-frte*! unl pteo*! In j.ill without ball Th Kratxl Jury al* • font'.*! i i*i|| agmn**t (*arloa <lauibn for at* aitng cattl* tlaul rten in the young man who wo*, with La •|er, an<| st|e colt I* drov* th'm Into Doagherty iNujntN m 1 nold them. Gaul d*Ai won tri** l in liougherty eounrv an i got out under light fin**, hut Worth county authorities arr*t*d him a* *Kn a* he (mid hin fine In Ikmgherty county. *lnie* for Summer f nnrar. A Wil will be Introrluo-d at I hin erMion of the I*gliafure npf>ro|M iatlng s4.s** for a summer course at the State Cnivertlty for the * omm**n wchoid leaehern of tb rtate who may with to avail themwelvM* of the 9 opportunity The trut in of th* university were ixMiatrnlned to Inaugural* this summit *x>iirs* at the urgent >liij totion of the tea* here themselves lh** re quest having first eons** from the **om ■mite*- of the Georgia Teachers' As'o- ia tlon. The siwnmer .%>urs* was authorised by an art prt#*-d ni th- session of the General Assembly, but no funds w re piss ed up for that purpose binf Hu 11 ot-(!• Found. Ldumpkln Independent That mysterl ©usl\ disapiu nrtng ballot box at Florence on last election dav lias been recovered It wa* found last Tuesday >r W*dnesday in W J Carter's sior** behind big pile of sacks of salt The box and th** con tents wm s* ni by exprea- to J T. H* der on W**dnesdy. There wen* 31 t*allots in the t>ox. 10 for W K Johnson and 21 for J T Holder Th* vote had been well |r*- •srved under the * arload Of nail Thai was a sham* b-ss and nefarious act of some unknown p* rson. an*l if the guilty per pons can t*e four*l and Identiflrd he shmibl h punished. FLORIDA. The people around Montclair are going o branch out 1n anew line They are beginning to find out that it does not do to put ail their eggs in one bask**, and go strawberry planting will ink' Its place Alongside of tabbag*- nnd lettuce. The IVrnu i Top. Monticell© Constitution The pe an crop In Monllcello and other parts of the coun ty Is a splendid one ind* *d, and consider ing the number of trees. Is very valuable It isn easily be ••) that much monev couki vatliy be made on this taaily grown But t% 111 l.rstr Tampa. Tampa Herald It 1* a matter of regret to say that T. A Jennings, id the Tampa Naval Stores Company. ArtU soon cease to be a citizen of Tampa He goes to Mobil**. Ala., to take the presidency of the I'nlon Naval Htorea Company, n con cern whl will oprrw!e in nnd from that point l upon tn immense acale. Bince hie residence here Mr Jennings has gained a high phi * m public esteem and It la with much regret that he will be hidden good-by** *ii** Tampa Naval Stores C*>tn pany wid continue to do business a- here tofore. at l*wst for th® present. M. Frnnrls Vtnrraeka. It la learned through correspondence With the War Department that tit. Fran* iim Barracks, In 3t Augustine. Is only temporarily abandoned When the troops were sent away several months ago the Bt Au* jetine Board of Trade, through Its presiden*. wrote to Florida's senators and congressmen asking them to do what they COU& to have the post re*establ|ah> ed They answered that they would do what they could. A letter was also sent to the Hecretary of War. and D. E. prtsident ot Uk Board of Tra*l**, hue received an answer from Gr i Georg** Andrew® •••••dsfant gen* . fal. saving that the garrison had m vvi f ii n -‘n m* 'unt off i • f **ril of a: tllirrv cl>* where, but that the p‘***t would I pr* utic Ih* r* •**• tabii*h**l whn Cute ! •n'arg* the irmy. t iiikiii n (irourra nt urslit. Secretary I> F William® h.* t*cen busy during the i i-a month p*rf*'ting plan* io bu!d an meeting at O •** N*iv. 2* to further the inter* -of cassi -1 \t% in Marios* count) and t* es* | ttthit h ii factory at abt 1 1bw- -**•• ! u**l tht following gentlemen t* make ad* • it*— • > Oil i t * IV * ilt \ It! in *• -I t #* i factory I*l* * l*rof II K Sio kbrlg- *>f th** State Agrb uttural Htation Fr ink G I I'lrkiia* pr*')'b*ut f Ik• Mary Manu facturing Company, h.** i itant. Mr l • i • • * * plant .id it* tie* * n Jamal u wish M !*atri'k in*l \|r H* nr> <'itrtl .f the ; .■*' i! .id \— Lit. nnd Mi Ft* v*i m l T T. Wright of the riant Hystcm iitu-ttriai *l* p irtment. It a- ant. ipat**l i* wld ‘ • i not • •.* goshcrlng - th* rat. J r 'l b.i* mad* on* fur*- for the naitn*l trip at i n.i, people out aide the county are exp* *.*l to b* present. Inilt ( rop la ®|il*tt*l I*l. j Tampa Tnbtin* A party of railroad I met . .or f i- ting of J I* Sin lair. <mmer ! ■ bd agent f Ha* V'lant System; Samuel i I’ Collier, soliciting frelgnl and pass*n- I .**r igent *-f th-- Atlantic <'*••*’ Une and , I' \l • .ro.ii <immr ii agent of t•< ; S**uth*rn. returned to Tnniiai yestirday. ! after a visit to Fort My r- They found 'h orang*- ct*3| flourishing, and ar* of th** that th* yield *n that section I ivill go fully 2b icr rent, above th** estl ,* I h* • tirnat*d >l-.*l fr*an l>r* count* bus t* * n from Fv'sn t* fs*.uc> tivxe It i- now * *iim.itd trait thi*- number will * if! i* a *l to *'-*•■ r kMe*** Im*x* - Th* pre*p‘ * |Mnnt t i )*r of urtpr* • edrnt**d industry Several new nt* rprls* ** are starting m line® r* leglnnlng to en irro*' min r.tlon, and thir cultivation lui •i-etj att* nl*l with hU <** A*> an *-vi d*t . of the n**w business activity pre aiin.* it I lib' section it Is **d Fiat in inventor from Montana hi* pur.based • re- of fin* oiatig* growing land tn ' that vMnfty. all f which will to s**t out t* orange-- and other titru- fralts. l.tNHi % ere* of l naaava \V noted. Volusia County Record: The cassava I fa tory has recently !***cn tete|. and the i* -ults are tn**®t gratifying to the osn* • r- and w arc on .iiitaorlty that th** S mlnole Manufacturing Com iny ar** • ady to mak* contra ts to t k* ?h** rc**! that rtwi' Ik <irr**wi< tr the year ;!*! up to I,ntfi an* - This I'tihTiirls* 1 was -toured for Delairtd by th** earn*t work f th* R*ar*l of Trail- Th** owners have a i in hi) dll!: will. to overcome, us is isU4l in al n w undertakings. No*, nf !,,r a larg* expenditure *>f money. *inl ifter io* . iiti*l li!*> ourag' ments the >* mli ole Manufacturing Company have reared a fa tor\ s* ond to none In ttils nintry. *u.d are ready to tak*- the prod duct from 1 o-n acres of land. It was promise I when they located here that our (xopb woukl plant all the .i*--avu that v\.i- desired an ! n**w that the factory is I t* ady it 1- the* duty of our farm* r to do 'hat wh:.*h they promts*-*! to do There Is • btindant pr*s*f that there is a living profit In raising < a- -ava an*l w lag** that ihe rM|iiirN| at reag* will Is* pul In wh* n • he time cm s. There is an abundance ■ f se-*l w hb h m\ Ik tael on very easy terms an*l < ondltionr. so there may t* no • x* u-* in lids direction. The conutany have ion* part well, and ar** here t stay They will put out thousands of dollars among our people if they will plant the cassava THE %%IHLD v B TOSUt Kl. i tinll*lt Is the .lonnli'* Gourd Among the l.niaai**a. From The I>n*|on Express During th* next debating society season one question I** bound to In- popular What is the most remarkable feature < f the closing century?*' And the best an swer to th** inquiry will be this “The vie tory of th* English language over its Con tinental rivals ’* A hundred \enrs ago French was the most widely *|k n of European tongue* Hut its lead waa .* precarious one. for Rus sia ran It hard with her difficult speech, md German had but s<>m* .nuuhu less users than Russian. More than 30,(M),0(l) *vn ployed th** tongue of the Teuton, the pa tron* of Russian fell Just short of 3!.<*<>.- •V- ana th*- sup|*orters of French only l*asseil that number by a Imre 3hn.iio Spanish, at the beginning of th** ninc t**!h century, was In M.OUO.OOu mouths, of which more than half were outside Hiwin Its* If. Spanish w as then. Indeed, the para mount colonial language Sixt*ti millions of io n-Kuro|t ans s|oke It; only a l>eggar ly 1,250(A) made use of French. English—our crisp. .luqo*-nt. familiar mother tongue' was the dark horse of the philological stable Fourteen million* -poke It In Europe. &,ono.(W ami odd in the States, and 75*mSW> elsewhere Amazing :act!- a hundred years dnc* hut 2t>.oof.*©ii *-mplove*l the tongue of Shakesp-ar*! Of those who *l*kc seven important Kuro |M*an lsnguag*> 1 G 0,000,000 in all-one-six Uenth atone usetl English. Anl t©-la> ? English has i**ap*-d from twenty to six times twenty, from the fifth place among European tongues to the flist How ha* thi* extraordinary advance com*- about ? To bigin with. Cousin Jonathan has giv en us a very considerable lift In 1800 wi reckoned to his credit S.tbO ui of Eng lDh-speaking folk In Item we count more than ♦'*>, Ol.floO Then our h*>n (K>tul at lon has praciirally trebled. Thus. In Rrttaln ;m*l she States, we have 100.000.0f10 account • <1 for *>ut of th® total of 1)0.000.000 Eng lish-s|a-aklng folk The balance—and a very BOd 1r .*• nl i whi* h from 730.0D0 Engllsh-s>iN*aklnc souls in the y-ar have increase*! to sotm _v.( In this year of grace 1900 Th* single Kuroi**.n speech that can chailcng us In thi® la:ter respec; I* Spanish, which j * io its firm hold on the southern part | of he American Poni'iivid, claims to day i more than 20.000.M10 jatr ns outside Spita I Itself Rut Spanish on the whole, has I fallen from th** fourth place among Euro P* an tongues to the fifth German, of course, has advanced—to the BLOOD DISEASES can I®* cure*! only by a complete syrlem of treatment which neutralize® and drives out all tf tin* pS*on on*! at the s inn lime builds up the general health of the pa % K ||ent. Dr. Hathaway's method of tr*aung Y-Wky Sr the different stage*, of this disease stops i*f) the outward sign® t once an.l quickly ' \ r%'/ brings about a thorough and permanent * A \ J 9 ' cury of every portion ot the body affected and all this 1* done In such a gay that J[Jk* J/ the iHitlent *loes not need to Isolate hlni self or give up his business, nor does he N .~*suffer for the balance of bis Ilf** from x t salivation or any other red* x action of tV J alm.i.l®tere*l drug®. Jtwfe'J PRh’nt I® simply made again a per uju i ’>* S ;■ \ fectly well, sound man. with all danger of W' ‘ % '. '*£* transmitting .liw-asc removed .'■'/.> \ Dr Hathaway also treats with the same iT ’ 1/ guarantee of success, of Manly Vlg >* I or. and other chronb dlsaws of men. in ** eluding nil kidney an*l urinary and sex- J NEWTON HATHAWAY M IJ. ual disorder®. varicoceU stricture. t> Dr Hath >wiy's n* w ®lxty-four page bock treadng fully of ail the diseases which he treats and telling of his method, together with n great deal of valuable Informoaon which w.ll help anyone to exomint hit own condition, will be sent FREE on sppllcat'on. as will also carefully prepared self-examination banks. Consultation and advice free at office or by mall. J. NEWTON HATHAW AY, M. D. 25 * BRYAN STREET. DR. NATHAWAV A CO. SAVANNAH. CA. OFFICE HOUIUJ. >iUm,l to i p. m. and Tlo( p. m. Sunday, 10 u. m to 1 p. m. THE MOKNING NEWS: TT'ESDAY, OCTOBER 30, lOOTi. ’ An Expensive “Tip” l is the one which you cut off and l throw away every time that you " smoke a Five Cent cigar. There is B nearly as much labor in making this I end as all the rest of the cigar, and I yet every man who buys a cigar cuts Jit off and throws it away. You get 9 all you pay for when you smoke l Old V lrginia Cheroots Three hundred million Old Virginu Cheroots smoked this yer. Ask your own desler. Price. 3 for 5 cents. t second pia*-*• Rut only a fractior eparatc It from Russian. However next to Eng b*h, German Is th*- chief linguag* of tin State*, al*-ve 7.0 MII) of l'n**le Samuel - mixed family employing it Rut * Iswln-r -out of Germany, It only loasti* a >• nty I.of Fren* n has frl Imdly-lt-* adherer? ■* have rot even douh * I themselves, add -h* ha- dro|ie<l from her premier i*o.*l tlon to a fourth pia< It will he s*s*n tint the®*- enormous In rr*s*e® In the numi*ers of ir-oii- using the leading European languag* - are not i?ue to th- cru thing out of alien tongue®, but to the ‘tr king mul'lpli aiHn of the human r<-** Itself. In the iast -Ixty-Hv*- years over .’i® os.iurt hav* b**-n a*id* I to the Inhabitant’* of the globe It l- Iwcaus* -*i many of the®*- have l>** n t*orn in lish-sp* akit g quarters of fh* world that the cuinfairatlve popularity of the Eng lish tongue has reached such hlght. The widespread use of Anglo-Saxon Is the bst proof f th*- Rritlsher s supremacy a.- a colonizing element A century ago lands where row the hum of English speech mlxe* with the sound **f a hundred prosperous |n*iustrles w*r* splen*ll*l solitudes If li t® our tongue that is s|oken th* r*-, it is t a use our ances tors w• re more *hrcw*l more I* a*‘-fill, and i little more laborious than Spanlar*! Frenchman. r G muni Th** r*-si*lt may ] give th*- stattMftC an ground fOf tltOtl ishment Fr -m*sju to 130,te)0.flut> —and in a single century' ALL THF F % VOftiTlßS U 08. First IHi t of Hares In Atlanta \\n* • (•■lie Aaeeeaafwl. Atlanta. Oct. 29 -vFavorbes won In every race in the first day ® eventa of the At lanta Jockey Flubs autumn inert at I’i and mont park to-day. The atiendance xa* fair in*l the Indications point t h s c cessful tn*-* I of flft* • n days. S* v* ral w 1 known horsem* n are here Track faa . weather s|iendll. Humovirl**s: First Raca Flva at)*i a half fu: longs Zanone. 112 Flynn. 2 to 5 won. with Nan nie J. la to 1. second, aid Dut h Come dian, . third Time 1124. Hecond Race—BiX fuilngs. Quaver. 3 to ; won with Clair® ♦ to 1. second, and Anne Daurelia. 3 to 1. third. Time 1 I*4 Third Race—Five furlongs. Toad Ha - ney. even, won with SC'Tpulette. k t* 1 secorui. ai®l hja.**ter, 2 to 1, third. I im* 1:05. Fourth Race—One mile. Orb* lito k-. 3 to f>, won, with Lillian R*-d. 2 t<* 1, ®' ond and At** Furst. 110. Stock well. 10 to 1. ibird Tim* 1 I**4 Fifth Race—B* v n furlongs. Je si* Jar Ikm*. 3to 10, won. with Chub, to 1. ►c ,h.J and Ignis. 5 to 1. third Time 1 3J i * Was a < i*ilh t low t ard. New York. Oct. 29 A card <f th*- con- S4>litu*n older was run off at the Empir* City race tra k to-day and there wh** lit tle to recommend ttie s(Krt First Race Five and a half furlongs Mistress, ft to 1. won. with Helen O'C., 13 •o and even, second, and Automaton, to I. third. Time 1074 Second Race—One mile an*l seventy ynrls. selling Gen. Mart Gary. 2to 1. won. with Bettie Gray. 6 to 1 and 2 i* 1. second, and Brisk. 4 to 1. third. Tune 1 .44 - Third Race—About six furlongs. Me Addle. 7 to 5. won. with The Rhymer. 11 to 5 an*l 7 to 10. second, and B**rvilla. 7 to 1. third Time 1:104. Fourth Race MorlssUina stake® on* mile and a sixteenth. 11-?*|s*r. 7to 2. won. with Carbuncle. K to 1 ami 5 to 2 h** vnd. and First Whip, 11 to 5. third Time I:4* Fifth Race—Alwut six furlongs Ral ston. 8 to l. won. with HuUsttotochtle, 30 to 1 and ft to 1. second, and Trllio, ft to 1 third Tim** 1:10. Sixth Rac—One mile and seventy \ard®. Lanc-wo*®! 20 to 1. won. with Angle. 7 to 2 and even, second, and 1-eon Ferguson, ato 1. third Time 1 4ft4 ■luce Results nt laitonin. Cincinnati. O . Oct. 29.-Results at lai tonla: Firs'! Rare—BiX furlong® Mr Brown. : 12 to 5. won. with Princess Thyru, even. , second, Olcott. 10 to 1. third. Time 1:144 Second Kac* Five furlong-. Fort Wine, o to 2. won, with Ethel Wheat, ft to 1. second, 8 hool for Scandal. 2t* to 1. third i Time 1.-014 ! Thinl Race —One mile Ollle J. 4 to 1. won, with Chant on. 7 to 2. second, and ■ Louisville Belle. 4to 1. third. T in* 1.414. Fourth Race—One mile, handicap. Chap jpa qua. 3 to 1. won with Branch. 3 to 1. | second, and Lla Ledford, 15 to 1, third : Tim* 1:41. Fifth Race—Five furlong® Tuscarosa. , ft to 1. won. with Albule. 11 to ... ®e**oi<t. and Kmgr*4%H*. 7 to 5. third. Tim** 1 o*. Hixfii Race—One mile, selling. Hauls r. 3u tu 1, won. with E tholln. 3 to 1. se**ond, nnd the Sluggard, 2 to 1, third. Tim** 1:414. MAIIIHR ISTCI.LIOESCB. Matters of Interest l Shipping Men Generally* G*p?. Quick of tnc American ship Hen ry Ylllord. appeared before Mayor Myers yesterday to prosecute charge* against Foil* eman Wiliaim liarrleon. who was barged with entiling Mate Estar from th* *hip w tich is now In the bight bound out for Honolulu After hearing th* wltne**- • introduced, tne Mayor dlsmlaaed liar riJM/n, on the ground that lie did not have •gnu.iiic* of the case. The *torv tokl ny (’apt. Quick wa* to ah* • ff* t that Folk **man Harrison went • town to tbe ship lum Fri-ley, and remain ed th*)** for some time, returning later with the mate and his wlf It seems that Haina n i> in old no|uaintancf> of Es tar >• and was anxious to have him re main here Out of what appear o have be# n fnetwlly motives. h- w*n down anl In formed Estar that there was. or soon would he. a vat'ancy on the police fore*, win- h h* might get by returning E*mr a* a heavyweight, and p aid to have h.el :.u mind set 10 get on u police force the fli't chain• * that off* r-.| He realized th* r k 4f b-tting an opportunity to pass, •md a< ordingly, returned t the city. The Mayor did lot consider It #liscrea for Harrison to take the mate ashor* whi • •none In charge of property, but at th* aame tlm*. did not see ha* way clear to tak* action in the matter Harrison ex plained 4h.t he was doing a friendly ac*. without any mtention of disorganizing the cr*w J AV Roy. the now mate of th* Vlllard. arrived on the Kansas City from New York nt night. Capt. Quick and th* n* w officer will go down on i tug this morning, when the vessel will proceed out. initial' Almnnsr. f<un M i lf .1 m. an<l set at 5;10 p. m. High water at Tybee to-dny at 12:3b a m int 12 p m High water at Sa vannah one hour later. I'tiaaes of the Muoi for October. D. H. M First quarter 1 3 10 eve. Full moon 8 7 18 morn Last quarter 15 3 51 morn New m*>ti 23 7 27 morn. First quarter 31 2 17 morn \lltl\ %1.4 A\l> HBO. YrmrU %rrtved Yfatrrday. Steamship KHiwao City. Fisher. York Ocean Steamship Coen tinny. Steamship Tnlrlby (Hr). MhM >** boro ugh.—Wilder & Cos. Steamship Elton (Hr). Itdimny, Table Hay (at anchor iH-kiwi Buohtin A Cos Hark Colin Archer (Nori, Mari Insen 'ork Chr G. Dahl Sc Cos. Hark I’rlire George (Nor). Hans-n. Foikcjf —Chr Ci Dahl A Cos. Schooner Rebecca M. Walla, Uhle, Phil adelphia —Master. 8 'hooner Thos. L. James. Pierce. Del—Master Vessels Cleared Yesterday. Steamship Isle of Kent (Hr). Sutherland Primtii to Antwerp. -J K Minis A Cos Hhlpplna McmiirNniln. K.v West. Fla.. Oct. 29. —Arrival learner Aram* s. Hopner. New Orleans, anl sailed for Havana: Olivette. Hmitn. Havana, and -ailed for Port Tamp i h(Mmr NdJle W Hamlett, Munford New York. Sa Gull Monaco©. lVav Punta Basso. and sailed for Cardenas. Uharlwdon. Oct. 29 Arrive*!, steamers Nava hoe. Johnson. New York proceed***! to Jacksonville; Insjuols. Kemble. Jack sonville proceeded to New York. achoon**r Nellie Floyd Nellsen. Charleston. bounl for Georgetown, put hack on account of head winds. United States revenue cu - ter No 10. Newcomb. Norfolk, bound for Cuba. Arrived for the )r. British steamship Cisoa t'uilln. Dundee, and ordered to Nee, Y**rk Sailed, steamer George W. Clyde. Cht cheeter. Brunswick. Halt Inw re. O* 29 -Sailed, steamer Don n Cnriatma. Pensacola. Bremen. Oct. 2* —Arrived. steamer Homslalen. New York (• noa. <>ct 27 Arrived, steamer Car lisle Pensacola. Ferntindlnn. Fla Oct. 29.—Arrive l "hooner Helena, Hodgkin. Hath Mo., Gardiner B. Reynold. M.irr. Bath. Me Railed steamer Haumoor (Br). Taylor St*!tln. via Norfolk. Pensacola. Fla . Oct. 29 —Cleared steamship Apex (Hr). Popham. Genoa Niillrr t> Mariner*. Pilot charts and all hydrographic Infor mation will be furnished master* of v**s se!s free of charge in United States hy drographic office in Custom House Cap tain* are requested to call nt the office. Reports of wrecks and derelict* received (or transmission to the Navy Depart ment . Foreign Kionrli. Per British steamship Isle of Kent for Bremen and Antw* rp—For Bremen, 6or> (round) ha.s* cotton, $14,170.03; 6.56(1 hales cotton, 1324.729; 1.637 sacks cotton seed II VO ( I?!* sacks cotton S**ed meal, 1T,.300 for Antwerp. 1.000 hales cotton, 15050! 1.801 tons pig iron, 525.X1& —Cargo various —“You may think.*' said -an e’ectr lan to a New York Sun reporter, “that burg Inr alarms are made only for houses and stores and hanks and that sort o r thing hut they have nowadays electr c huralir alarms made for chicken coops to circum vent the chicken thief. The chicken house Is so wired with the help of simple con trivances designed for that purpose that the opening of any loor or window In It •eis ringing a gong In the owner s house whl h Is connected with Ihe chicken coop by wire and the thief can't stop the gong s ringing by shutting the door or wtndo.v again; it can lx* shut off In the house only. *'\Vha * to hinder the thle # 's suiting th wire? Why. r.oihHiir I suppes If he isrk. bu* wh I th- • alarms are act up with overhead wire* from the coop to the house, they may br connected'by w ires underground, autt.ib y Insulated wire being provided fo- th! purpose. For that muter there Is one system In which the ataim la started ly the breaking of a wire. READ THIS. Here is a statement from a man who has sold thousands of dollars worth of Graybeard Compound: LOGAN, 0., SEPT. 2f>, 1900. RES I* ESS DRIOrO.: DEAR SI RS—SEND ME V HALF GROSS ORAY BEARI) COMPOUND QUICK. PEOPLE ARE CRY IV. FOR IT. ONE CUSTOMER. A LADY. WHO \\ \SSENT HOME FROM THE REST lIo>IMTAL IN THE STATE, TO DIE OF CANCER, 11 As TAKEN A FEW ROTTLESOF THE COMPOUND, AND IS IM PROVING RAPIDLY. A. NIXON. What a medicine actually does toward curing the sicK is what entitles it to public favor. Get Graybeard at drug stores, $1 a bottle. Respess Drug Cos., Props., Savannah, Ga. THE WEATHER. Forecast for Tuesday and Wednesday— Georgia anl South Carolina Fair Tues day and Wednesday; light to fresh north easterly winds. Eastern Florida: Bain In eastern, fair In western portion Tuesday nnl probably Wednesday; fresh northeasterly winds. Western Florida: Fair Tuesday and Wedmsday; fresh souther.y winds Yesterday's Weather at Savannah— Maximum t* mi>eratire L |> m 78 degrees Maximum temperature 2.3*1 a. m 85 *legrees Mean temperature 72 degrees Normal temperature 63 degrees Excess of temperature 9 degrees A- umulated excess since Oct. 1 143 degrees Accumulate*! excess since Jan. 1 177 degrees Rnlnfaii 00 inch Normal Huh Excess wince Oct 1 2 43 Inches Deficiency since Jan. 1 8.34 Inches Hiver H* |iort—No river report. No river report. Cotton Region Bulletin—Savannah Ga. for the twenty-four hour- ending it k a. m . 7T*th meridian time, Oct. 29. 1900: IIItMMM Of 34 ux Miff. lUll Savannah district. ITem.jTem.• fall Alapaha. Oa . clear 82 J 36 On Allan)', clear JB3j 34 *o A mericua. clear j 8n 55 0> Balnhridge. clear 8o 57 00 Eastman. clear .... ! . HI f7 o Fort Gaines, clear hi 37 00 •Gainesville, Fla., d’dy 82 67 *0 Millen. Ga.. clear 82 3$ .■ Qulinian. clear S2 j 33 '> Savannah, pt. clou*ly .... 79 63 .0) Thomasvtlle. dear 86 57 .► Way cross, clear 80 62 j .1)0 •Received too late for telegraphic aver ages. Special Texas Rainfall Reports—Abilene. 01, Corpus Cbrtwtl. us. Hr riham. 41; Cuito, do. Coni- ana, T. Henrietta 2.3’; Kerrvllle. 24. Luilng. .70. Heavy Koine— Henrietta. Tex., 2.30. ;.\u. i ZZ |Sta- Max Mm Ram Central Stations. |t!ons Tern. Tern.; fall. i.. i. is li Augusta ....| 10 | 78 58 } .un Charleston J 5 *•) j 38 | .00 Galveston j 23 8n j 64 .14 Utile Rock 11 82 ! 62 | .12 Memphis j 13 ; V 58 .00 Moblc 9 82 jsBj 00 Montgomery 8 82 38 | .00 N**w Orleans 13 | 84 62 T Savannah j 12 82 W j .00 VI ksburg ] 9 , 82 60 *0 j Wilmington 10 76 j 34 .00 I Remark*—Showers over the Little Rock i ind Galveston districts; n* tain elsewhere over the belt. Temperature un hanged Observations taken at the same moment of time nt ail stations, Oct. 29. 1900, S p. j m . 75th merbllan time. Name of Station ] T V Rain loud} B 4 L T New* York city, clear 60 | 8 j T Philadelphia, clear 62 6 j .00 i Washington city, clear... 54 L j .00 Norfolk, clear 62 L .‘<o I latter a*, partly c4oudy . 62 | 14 j .00 Wl.mlngton. clear { 64 L .00 Charlotte, clear [ 62 L .00 Haletgh, clear 62 L *> Charleston, clear \6B L j *>o Atlanta, clear ! 68 8 | .00 Augusta, clear 7© | L .00 Savannah, clear 6h L .<*) lack tivlllc. clear 72 , 8 T Jupiter, raining | 7o < 18 f 68 Key West, clear ! 76 8 on Tampa, iwtrtly cloudy 74 j L j oo Mobile, clear 74 j L | .00 Montgomery, chair 74 L .no Vicksburg, clear | 76 j j t 0 New Orleans, dear | 72 6 .00 Galvewton. clear | 76 j 6 | T Corpus Chrlstl. dear 78 j 8 j T Palestine, cloudy ! 72 10 02 Memphis, clear j 74 8' 00 Cincinnati, clear | 74 j L | •*) Pitishurg. clear ; 70 j L .00 Ruftnlo, cloudy 6* I 8 j T \ ELEOThiC PASTE [| I kills RATS. MICE. COCKROACHES p! / and all other VLRMIN, Uaving H ( no odor. At fp* |i pugs | ftja f-ea# Ofc. Ul# uH Scotch and Irish Whiskies, We are agents for the most celebrated Scotch and Irish whiskies, imported direct from the distilleries of Scotland and Ireland. These Scotch whiskies are the blend of the finest Highland whiskey matured many years in wood before bottled. The expert Analyist describes this Scotch whis key as the perfection of Highland whiskey, and is special O. V. H„ selected Old Yatted Highland whiskey from Glasgow, Scotland. The latest novelty in Scotch whiskey is distilled by Rutherford of Leith, Scotland, and is called Scotch Cherry Whiskey, and very palatable indeed. We are also agets for the famous old Irish whiskey, imported bv us from Wheeler, Belfast. Ireland. LIPPMAN BROS., i Agents for Scotch and Irish Distilleries McDONOUGH & BALLANTYNE, Iron Founders, Machinists, a B MluMktn, >**■(• mrtM „r luiiuo. • r> kruh!• %rClcuU i4 1p Musl* l * r MHla, Mill ... rmmm, *a III.*, Pallaia, eta. TELEPHONE NO. 723. D.irolt. r.iliiir.K j *2 I 12 | .!* Chii.iKo. ralumu j j 10 , .S3 MarnuetU. ralnlnß , M , 10 j .0* St Paul, cloudy j M | 1. | T Duwnport. raininit ! ** j L | 08 Si. I.ouli>. partly cloudy 72 L. | Katina* t Ity. Pluar 62 L. jl6 Okl.ibuma. partly rldy 66 t. T l'oditc <'lty. cloudy | SS | 12 | ,<w North t’laitr, cloudy ] M 14 00 II B. Boyer, Laval Forecast Offloi*:. FOB THKLVMK.T (OTTOK. ' Countlns Frnllt. Front teed, thr Slaplr t. Worth That how. From the Baltimore Sun A (llei-au-h from New Orleans say: "In tne excitement throuiihout the South ttronliiK out of the extraordinary ri m the price of cotton to 10 cents a Found the still Ktcafer rise In value of another of the Southern farmer's products, cotton reed lios been overlooked If cottonseed he considered. It will be found that Ihe cotioti grower l not aettlnK 1 cents a found for his product, as Is fiopularly su|- posetl but 12 cents. Cottonseed la now clllnit for JI7 a ton In New Orleans, | agalenat 16 .'si a ton at this time last >ear. ■nd the price Is aoltig up It Is very dlf j hcult to get It at 117 a ion und the com petition between the cottonseed oil mills has hern so great that In places It has h.-en forced up to J 2 a ton The mills have found It necessary to form a com bine. or nt Iceist to reach an agreement iot to pay over a certain price for the seed, arid that price has been rlxed at 117 a ton. An agreement to that effect has been rea heel In Alabama. Mississippi and South Carolina on the ground that It Is lmi>ossohlr to pay more without an ao tun! loss of money. ' The' advanee In the value of extttonseee! cII 'el either fen duets his not heen In pro portion with the Increase' in Ihe cost of eottonsee-d, and the mill men say that oil is se lling for lerss a gallon In New York than It can be manufactured for In the South with sceed costing 117 a ton The fact that the manufeecturers of cottonseed pioducts have had numerous conferences lately anel that they are uniformly offer ing 117 a ton has naturally led to the con elusion that semi- agreement has been teached. although this Is kept a secret for fear that the agreement may be In viola tion of th. anti-trust and antl-comhlne laws of the Houthern States In Missis slfgrl. howe'er, the press only declares that th. nulls have eomhtned to regulate and depractate the price of cottonseed and a demand has been made upon the At tornev-ficnoral to bring suit against thos. who have organized this trust to force down prices. Vt 120 a ton the farmer Is getting II cents a pound for the cotton The ylel ■ of need Is half a ton to the hale of cotton IT* great In the value of th a* and has had the additional effect cf de tnoraliatr.g the cotton-ginning business -'•ually the farmer has hla cotton gtnne. or separated from the seed at a publb am. the terms being that the farmer gets the cotton and the gin the seed for gin ning It, the latter being sold to th cotton nulls. This la equivalent to paying the ORANGES. Headquarter* for FINE FLORIDA ORANGES. FRI ITB AND VEGETABLES of :l kind*. HEED RYE. HEED OATS MAY. GRAIN. FEED. FLOOR. CHEESE. BEANS. P,as. Rice Htr., .'(• W. I). Simkins &Cos J. D. WEED * CO AAVAMAM, CIA. Leather Beltios. Steam Packing A llos* Afifin for NEW YOKE BUBBLH BELTING AND PACKING COMP AN I. DONNELLY DHUG CO., SAVANNAH. OA. DREGS. HEEDS. ETC. Mall order* solicited. Ball phon* C* P. 8 Sand lor Ira. saiopli, Jr". A P. Dyspepsia Cura. ifw-mm ypJßr INJECTION. A PERMANENT CURE of the mo*t niwtlntTc ra*r of Gonorrhoea m l Gtot, euarfntcr<l in from .T U> 6 daj* ; no ftohi hjr all drujrsrliH* W. ROSS GRAVENER, Manufacturer’s Agent, RAILWAY HII MILL hi PI'LIP, Provident Building. Savannah. Us. Empty Hogsheads. Empty MulasSn Hogsheads fa* sale by C. M. GILBERT & CO. gins, at the price the seed has former./ cmmandcl. three-fourths to a cent > hound of cotton ginned At the preset.t alue of the seed the farmer is nearly two cents a pound, which Is u ' " csslve rate. He la demanding a dra* ■a eh. ''ln order to facilitate the mov. ment :iie seed and btlng out more of It 1 Mississippi Railroad Commission ha made a big cut In the maximum rai r >' it* for handling seed against whir i r llroads are protesting bitterly and '’ hey will fight on the ground that It I* ' protltahle to carry cottonseed at the rate allowed them for Its transportation.