The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 31, 1900, Image 1

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the morning news r. 'had MW. •- * Incorporated 1* j H EBTILL. President BRYAN GOING WEST „l i:o< It tTir CHANCES IK JEW tUNK ARE BRIGHT. CONSIDERED MORE THAN EVEN 11-L. lIKJ AJ’I VIBW ON CONCLUSION OF HIS CAWPAIOJ, Called Oat Heforr lr by Enlhustns lie Pragle l Fort Janrli Way Ke puhllrnn* Harr Abaadoned Full Illuarr Fall Aral, meat—lntlmldn liun of tlie Labor Voir— Appral for Itpabliraa Votro— Hr M ill Regia a roar of Ohio at Toledo. I k, N. V.. Oct. (O.—W. J. Bryan , i eii'ii the dial day of hi* last cant fu , tour in ihla city tonlgr.t H( txgsn the day at Ihe town of Addi son. and spoke at a number of place*, all i.* which are In the aouthweitern iort of the Mile, and have been strongly Re , >n in politic*. The meeting* of the , . were generally well atri oded. and M>me of them quite enthusiastic. Mr. [iryan left late to-nigh, on the Lake j bhor, Kallraqd lor Ohio, exporting to be gin a one-day tour of that stale with a spe h at Toledo to-morrow morning nl 11 o'clock. All told he bad made about 110 speeches In thU atate. Before leaving here .o-night Mr. Bryan made a brief Mat moot, giving hi* HnpreaHon of the i. f out ton in New York. He aald' "If the reporta which come from the i irtoua counties where poll* have been made, can be taken as representing the .jcecal sentiment throughout the Mate. *e have more than an oven chance of car. r ing the atate.** While Mr. Bryan wu speaking at Wells v lie two boys, on* of tie m much V,Vcr than the olhere got Into a the l irge one struck (hg smaller c •With hi* nrat- When Mr. Bryan had stopped 'peaking and the usual rush to shake l and* had been begun Mr Bryan walked aero** the platform of the car and called for the boy who tout received the blow. lying that he wanted to shake hands with a youngster who had teconr the vic tim of the policy of force. The boy seem ed to forget his affliction In the handshak ing ami when Mr. Bryan handed him a rot* from a bunch held In Mr*. Bryan a hards his cup of Joy seem'd quits com plete. Mr. Bryan’s train did not reach Dun kirk until o’clock to-night, but alter Ins arrival he mad* three speeches, one in the open air and the other two In pub 1. Thare were large audiences at . hof thea# place*. The prtr.rlpa. one 1 _ St the Natron Opera H"r*e He ne , hi* speeches th> ri at 10 o'clock. be- Introduced as Mr. Bryan of New York." * polar Io H#pulll#n. Jamestown. N. Y.. Oct. SO- Mr Bry an r; . for about forty minute* at Sala mi a. Introducing hie speech. Mr. Bryan ii le an appeal for Republican vo.ea. He No one make* a greater ml*tnke than man who a**umcs that any large i inker of the people le*lre bad govern- j n. and no one make* a greater mistake in the man who as*umc* that II i mber of people lock pairtottem. You t member the campaign of ltd*, and you | t nember how deeply the people were ‘ rred. and you remember that those who re with me In the campaign were called i sorts of names, and I myself did not ' • ipo; and yet within two years after tt campaign u war broke ott . i ihe president called for vol i teer*. and the people re iid.d, and I think ll Is safe to say >i more men responded who voted for r than responded who voted for the I cident himself There you found p*>- la. difference* forgotten, and I think !i is safe to say that in every company i I inevery reglnieni we found men differ- In |k>lUlcs, bul loving their country, i 1 .now that in m> own regiment a ma '• rity of my offleet* were Republican* ur I u majority of Ih* privates were with t . and so It was with the various regl > ts, and when people found that the ■ whom the Repubkan* called nn- lists In 1*96 were the nation's P-c i ion In I*9*. I believe that U I were elected and a w r broke out and I rallei' for volun t rs, that Republicans would respond 1 like Democral*. Our people are pu and these d.fferencea fron time to on politteat questions oughi not to ii ■ 1 [d'* to the fiict that hack of all I 'id questions there Is the purp<se of ' . lUseti to do the best with the Mght • tie ha* for his country and for ia- IHd, h* refers, when I talk to >. i, : I talk to Republican*. I talk tv not as Republican*, but n* eltlsens, a- people who love a party, but as l :• who love the country better than n> party." licgnn the flay at Addison. I riicilsvillc. N. T.. Oct. (o.—Mr. Bryijn n hi* last day of the New York caw -a. :our at the town of Addison, a few r j • aat of this piece. He made a flve peech there from the rear plat ' • of the Rambler a few minutes before k nml notwithstanding a quite ' ran was falling at the time, there big crowd present to greet him and m godspeed os he left for the West. Bryan entered his coach at Jersey r 'l it about mb)night. Arduous as n his iluties yesler.lay, his rest e unbroken during the night. He I ■ ived a request before leaving New make a stop at Port Jarvis and ! *1 a t.inily consented to do so. When ti arrived the town in the vicinity railroad station secnusl ablase with andles, skyrocket* and Oreek I'.ople were yelling and hooting like .nd displaying banners an.l shout ■V# won't go home 1111 morning," 1 ', ’ll hold up the train till daylight.” ■ |r I '\.in dressed himself In a few mln ■l going to the rear platform, at ■i to make a speech. The people • .never, so full of enthusiasm that 1 difficult for him to And an opt*>r 'r ' 'o pro ved In the crowd were 1 rnwn and some of them held ba ln heir arms. Mr. Bryan's talk was by *o many cheers and so much • t he only attempted to say that I them so enthusiastic that he feel || mar necessary to make '* 'leech, even If he could do so un ■i* propitious surrounding* He -tn to stand by their convictions ' io s low themselves to ba swerved ’ ’- *r bribe or threat. after daylight Mr. Bryan's train • through Elmira, where Oov. Rooee :rin was lied up preparatory to ' in* hi* day's work. Mr. Bryan was - n-.eep at the time and there was Continued on Fifth Pago, Uafcjantt&|) ,|Uofnin® ROOSEVELT ON THE RIOT. Nld,Ro> Threw Vrgeltblea nml De r>rd f rail While Mrn Tried ( Nuh thr 4 urrluit*. | Elmlr.i. N. V.. Oct. 30-Th# Hoa*#v#tt I IHfljr m.* Jr 4n early • tart westward to j 4,a >'* Th® gciieral coavartmUon of the prir t>* of the ritxoui ttmr# of list night tiov. Rooji#v#|t #ant that the first Mt*al: on the carrlaa** in aMiich he and Senator I'uiAsett was riding came from small boy a. . *'l ntkw the tmya ‘Art*’ the vcxetablei and decayed fruit,” e.wl the 'and a few * ticks aio were thrown. It a Inxly of grown m**n. however, who f-uphed up uga.nst the carriage and thrust UlhA>gta|hH of H.anrhAeld In ny face. cral ttinea It looked aa if It wa* the In tention of the* crowd to ruh in* out of the carriage, but a mini ler of mrn on horachack gathered around and prevented tlwil. 1 dll not ee the fracas in which the mrn w*re injured.” The Corning dub. which got into n tight In attempting to defend Its banner fr>m attack, fuffered severely. 81* mrn were quite badly hurt with atones hihl atl-ka and blood flowed quite freely. They were finally escorted to the station by the police and put aboard Choir special train. M’OKK OF THE MOB Vlol.UXi E. Bea§rrrlt Tries t >lnk* l>enioeratle liortriar Hr|i(inllile. Bath. N. TANARUS., Ort 90—In hla speech al Oornlng Gov Hooaevelt adverted to the mob violence of the night befote. when n crowd broke up Senator Depew* meet ing at Cobleakill, and aid: “Now, fundamentally, thla contest la a contest ngnlnat that type of thing. It la absolutely tmpoaath e that the kind of can vaaa which our opponents have waged could be wave 1 without exciting Just the spirit (hat was uutnlfcKted last night. Whan Mr Bryan*a supporters hia chief KupfMirirre on the stump and In the press, appeal to the basest psaidon In mankiial and seek to persuade some our people that they are bring cruelly wronged by others and must avenge themselves, when that la done, they simply provoke violence. We can afford to differ on a question like the tariff, we ertnnot afford to d.ffer on the questions of law and order of the right of peaceable meeting, of pen<*cahle gathering, of non-interrupt ton of speech. Not only do our opfkonenta, when they act as they did. cast shame upon thenuMdves, but they cost shame upon the country. ”If la nn outrage." continued the Oov or nor. **thot my party should §o corwiuct . campaign a a to arouse and Inflame a spirt like that which was manifested last evening.” • ■■■ ■ Vf ROONDVELT l\ II4M HKNTEK. r*\ He Found Many Hr?an Men In ji Audience at (geneva. Rochester. N. Y.. Oct. 30—When *• Roosevelt train arrived here to>nlght f farty found great crowds both at the a*- pot and, 9 the two halls, and splendid greet ing was accorded the vice presidential cundldate There was nn Immense pa rade of clubs and business men's aasneta t!-*ns. and both where Oov. Roosevelt spoke were filled f*> overflowing. Oov. Roosevelt** meeting at Geneva was considerably' distort*-j by men and boys, \\h shouted for Krvan HE W 4M1.1t HE %\ K 4 KMOHY. Itooaevelt nn Crnkrr'a Alleged Ad \ kvr t Peninerab. Rochester, N. Y., Oct. Jh.—Gov. Roose velt was shown this afternoon Mr. t’rok er' statement, running a follows: My advice to Democratic voters the country over Is to congregate shout the I'Ollin? places on the evening of election day. fount fu**e* and then If the election returns for Bryan do not tally with their count, to go Into the polling pi ices and throw thOie fellows in charge of the re turns Into the street.’* Oov. Roosevelt said: • Mr. CToker seems not to understand that If this incitement to riot and mob violence at the |olls should bear frust he would be on accessory before the fact. The election laws, like all other laws. a|*- ply to Mr. Croker. end to every one else; nll* 1 Mr Croker and every one else must arl will obey them.** QUESTION OMIURISDICTION. Shall Ksihfitlrr Alvortl Hr Trlrd la ,hr Frdrral ar thr stair t'oartsf Hath Want Him. Nrw York. Oot. SO.—C’ortirllus I. Al vord. thr bank rml***ilr. ,wis*r<l a rrst ful night In a crll at poller h< adquartrrs. This morning hr v.s nllowrd the prtvt legr of thr corrllor. and *at out In hta shirt *lrrve* reading the morning paper* and smoking. Alvord vn* arraigned In poller eourt trnl remand'd to police headquarters sintll S o'clock this af'rrnoon In order to give th legal authorltlea time to decide whether he shad be tried before the T’nlled Stales or Mate courts. Alvord was accompanied by hi* counsel. A con'erenee had been arranged be tween Utlted State* District Attorney Burnett aid A*a Bird Gardiner, district attorney of New York county, to decide upon the disposition of Alvord’* case. When Alvord was re-arrnlgned In police court this efte-naon Fisher A. Baker, counsel for the K.rat National Hank, said tltat he had secured a warrant from the I’nlted State* Dlstr.vt Court for Alvord * arrest under the law* regulating ecnhe, Element and making fte entries. He *al.l he would much prefer that the prisoner go before the United Atate* courts for trial. This ww* opposed by DlMrlct A (oen,y Gardiner. Alvord* attorney ap parently took little Imere.t in thl* part of Ihe proceeding* After a-me dl*eu*lon the whole maMer went over 'irttll to-mor row Alovrd wa* committed li the Tomb* It appear* probable that there may he a long contest ,a* to Jurlsdlctloi. District Attorney Gardiner aprrently wing de. termlned that the prisoner shall be tried tn a atate court t.l AB UN A * AA A* lII'.ATHUJEX Alore Earthquake Alinek* AAere Tel# In Vrnnnrla. Caracas. Vaneiusla. Oct. *J.-Yes srdays earthquake destrojad the town of Ouar enas. resulting In the ieee of twer.ty-flv* I live*. „ _ Nearly the entire population of Carscae abased last night In the streets or aquare* JTth- city Slight tremors following the severe shocks have recurred at varying I intervals and UU continue SAVANNAH, GA„ WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER m. 11K)0. NEW YORK’S HORROR THE I.OOW OF 1.1 FE IMA JfOT YET BEEN UETEHAIIfAEO. THIRTY-TWO ARE MISSING. JI3VIIII Al. nigJgKMnKHED Holm:* UIU FROM THE HI IN*. Fire anti Heat f the llehrle Pre rrsteil the Workmen I'rom €Jet tlna at the Head—ttnly Use of the Nevrrnl Itttdtee Kound AAas Identi fied—All of Ihe Head Found h> Ihe henrehers AAere In the Tarrant Halldlng. New York. Ocl. All the efforts of the authorities are now directed to clean ing away llf ruin* of the Tarrant and other hiukltng* wrecked In Ihe great ex plosion of yesterday In the desire to And out how mapy Itodle* are buried In them ami to ascert4n what wus the cause of the explosion. The effort of the searcher* for the dead was rewarded thl* evening by finding the remain* of H. C. A. Bchmdtt of M 0 Clinton street, Brooklyn, and the dis covery of what looks to he the bodies of three other people ft hmldt wa* an en graver aiut had an office on the third floor of 101 Warren street. The body could lie seen pinned down under a mass of ( wasted iron, but could not be got at to-night. The indenttflcailon wa* made by a nephew of S< hinalt. At the northwest corner of the Tarrant building at Warren and Greenwich streets, a mass of clothing and Indiscriminate ar ticles was come across and the mans was said to be the bodies of thrre jeople. The firemen went to work with a will to dig out the mot and at 10 o'clock 10-night hrough! to light a portion of a worn in'* foot nml the lop of a cru*hed-|ti skull The skull had long brown hair attachod and ts suigmeedly that of a w.nnan. During to-day Huperlntenilent IJooner had a very large force of men working a* hart! as possible tearing down pile* of de brie anil removing It. The fire burned ah day and toward night was practically to the end of the maae of debris at Wa-hlng toti and Warren street*. The. lire runs back for some dlatance and t* burning fiercely. Work on the Holst la Miner. There were no new workmen at work to night. Huperlnlendent Doomr wa* using Ihe same force that he had had all day, but wld get a largely Increased force to morrow The reason assigned for having no new men U that the ruin* are to hot that few can get at them yet. and the men hava to work outside walls and debris In the street*. There hat teen found to lie much diffi culty lit getting lontrietor*’ carls In Warren and Greenwich street*. What space I* rot used by lire engines I* nearly all taken up with pile* of dehrt* and only one cart can back In at a lime, thus al lowing only one lotd to be- removed. At tfie Washington street end more cart* can be-ultd*d. and the work l* piogressing much more rapidly. Deputy l”.*mmlt*!onor of Bewer* Dono hue, with two Inspectors from hi* depart ment, was at the scene of the fire to night. It had been feared that the sewer* would become e ogyed dehrt* amt cause tie water to form stagnant pond* around the ruin*. The ln*|*-otor* nam in'*] the sewer* and said that they were remarkably clear from debris, and that with the exception of a few "clbowa" which were clogged, they were all right. One hundred and eighty patrolmen, un der Capr. Westervelt an I Inspector Brooks, were stationed at the ruins at 6 o’clock, relieving the day force, l.naa of l.lfc Mtlll tn Doubt. Both Inspector Brook* and Capt. W**- ervelt were skepticol over the re|orted targe loes of life. They both su'd they did not expect more than four or five bodies would he found In the ruin*. Playing on the still burning ruin* were four engines, end they kept thetr streams going continually. A revised list, made up at W o’clock to night. khow* thirty-two persona still mist ing. At 10:*> o'clock tonight a portion of a human trunk, probably the abdomen, was dug out. and a little later a brown ranvap There was nothing In the pockets but four quill toothpick*. Htlll wter the firemen found another portion of a skull and a portion of a human back. Dr. Comer, of the health department, who examined the remain*, said they were probably all from the same person, as were the foot and portion of a skull found earlier. The remain# were all found In the Tar rant building. I.x plosion Is n Mastery. President Thomo* F. Main of Tarrant A Cos., said to-day: "In our own stock we had no ether, or at most r.o more than a few pounds; • had no benxlne and no collodion. Wh n w< needed any of these article* to fill or ders we bought It from dealers. W# had very little alcohol In stock, notwithstand ing the fact that we use a eonsldetabs quantity of It In making our perfume*. We had absolutely no nltro-glycerine and no gunpowder. "All our employe* but two have been accounted for W’e etnsdoyed twenty m n and fifteen women. William Monrehouse. a Shlpidng clerk, and a boy. who were cm cloyed on an upper floor are missing Two of our men say they sow M. ore ho use in the street after the laat exptrsion. Bom -one said the hoy had h.fn to the cashier to get car fare to go on an errand a short time before the fir*-. His family, however, say* he did not go how last night. We fear he was lost tn the bul’d " Air Main said that Tarrant and Com pany woted on tho third and fourth doors large amounts of stuff for other drug concerns. "Among thft said Mr. Main, "was much chlorate of potash, and thl* tnay have caused the exploslcei. I'm inclined to think It did •While the chlorate of potash Is not ex plorin' Itself. It Is explosive when con noted by fire or other mean* with other drugs or sold# and tt t# on this very theory that the experts sre now working to deterine Just how the explosion might have been caused " Just before midnight a workman found a black cheviot coat tn the exact spot where the human remains had been found In the pockets were found four cent* and an application for member h p In the v . Bhortly afterward, In the earn* place, an entirely unrecognisable mast of humm flesh was found.' A half coat was also found at thl* time The laborers stopped work at midnight tnd anew gang was started. Elat of the Missing. Following Is the revised list of missing: on Seventh f’ago-J FALSE, SAYS CLEVELAND. %t*nlatrly no Foaaitlnllon for thr Ntr> Thnl Hr I’rralictral n l*nnlfttl<te for l!r win. Princeton. N J., l>ct. 10.—Ex Pro*kirnt rievrlan<l t in* ahonn iuMto*tioit in thr Phtla4rl|>htii Tlirw e ? to- hiy purport ing to t-# an Interview with him. Mid "Thr wholr thinq front (xnitmlng (o end li* an ahftolut* Mr; without thr lrnt foun •Utlvn or w ahndow of truth. 1 have never utienvl a word to any human brine that ftflorda the leant pretext for Much a men dacious etaiemeiit. 1 have already tele graphed the Philadelphia Times to thia effect." The utterance* aecrlbed to ex-President Cleveland in the publication referred to embodied .tn cxpreartlon th.ti them woubi l*e m * landelide for Mr Bryan the mom ivx after election.” Mr Cleveland wa* quoted an naming certain elements work ins in favor of the Democratic rarntldrite •nd d!*< tiMMlrg Mr Itryfcn a an orator and a* an efficient campaigner. (LEYBI.UD HTtMB P%T. I4*form (Tub Sprerh of April 4. INII7, Male* Ilia .%|(l(ule. Chicago Oct. —A Record •p**eial from Princeton. N. J.. says x-Pr*aldcnt Cleveland has sent the fallowing littir to HofT. I -on M. Dickinson, his former postmaster general. • ITlnceUm. CI 39 The lion Don M Dl. kleeon My dear Sir: The ajM-e.-h I innrie ni the Reform Club dinner In IKS7. I* a par, of my record In advocacy of true 1 temporary. I cannot eupprews It or abate from It an<t I would not if I could. I shall no, object to any use you see lit to make of It. Yours sincerely, "Grover idevelsn l ' In his speech at Jtir Refold, Club din ner on A|,rtl 21, I WI. Mr Cleveland con •lenuicri ,he courne of thoee who w*Te sowing the seeds of discontent aiwl cultl vall.lg . growth of sectional clase sus picion and dlstrurt. He also regret,.-.! Io e e the remedy for Ihe sup,vised final,■ I tl ill# proposed In the free coinage of silver wlih a depreciated currency and cheap money. AK CHINA TO FAY C4o,<MM>,tO(>. Ministers (all on That I'ssatrr for Heavy Indemnify. IcrvV.n, Ocl. JO- Tha Chinese plenipo tentiaries opened negotiations, says the Shanghai correspondent of the Dally Ex preae. by proposing that China should pay an Indemnity of tki.OOO.OIO In lxiy Install ment* agreeing that the Id Kin and the customs service rhoubl be under forrign control unt I the obligation should he dis charged. They alao agreed that Prtnc* Tuan should be imprisoned for life, that Tien Tetn should he treated as International and Other places should be opened to for eign trade.' China undertakes to abstain from pur chasing war material abroad. In order to raise the Indemnity she proposes to double the import duties. LOOTIJq OF FAO TING Ft'. Carried on Onlj t>> French, German* and Italians. Pao Ting Fu. Oct 31.—The city of Pao Ting Fu has been divided Into districts tinder the *t,|>rr!ntendenre of the various nationalities represented In thr orrunylng force. Booting la strictly fprbldden m the British quarter, hut Ihe Germans, French and Italians have sack,si their res,active district*. The Internal tonal commission which Is Inquiring Into the massacre of foreigners here, ha* ordered the arrest of three Chi nese official*. An Italian lieutenant, while reronnoltrr irg In the hlils with sixteen men. was surrountled by Boxer*. A rtactie force composed of 150 British and sixty ltal an cavalrymen will leave to-night to drive off the Chinese. EMPHENi IT YA'OltK AGAIN. Sri Id to Have Ordered Extermination off oncer,a. Ic.r>d >n Oct. 11.—"Most serious trouble," says the Shanghai correspondent of the Dally Express. "1* brewing tn the Yang tse r-gion. whither the Empress Iwwier has sent emissaries to raise powerful armed boiler to exterminate convert* and expel foreigner*. She has appointed Yu Chuan. a notoriously anil-foreign general, to be military governor of the Yang-lse district." In the province of Ktvang Tung, nc cortllng to the Hong Kong correspondent oi the Dally Mall, the rebellion la sub siding. owing to the scarcity or arms and ammunition. IMPERIAL THEAftIHKH HEAD. He Was One ol the Mont Derated Official* ol t kins’* Court. Washington, Oct. The Japanese I* gallon received a dispatch to-day giving news of the dhutti of Wang Wen Hheo. Im perial treasurer of China, In addition to those high officials whose death* already have been announced. Wang Wen She" v as one of thr most loyal adhe rents of the Imperial family, and when they took flight from Pekin he Insisted upon fol lowing. despite his advanced fige Ills <len,h came from natural cause*, probably from old age and the fatigue of the flight DIPLOMATS MEET IN PEKIN. Trying to Keep Their Del I hern Ilona from thr t hlnrse. Pekin. Dot. A meeting of the diplo matist* was held this morning to consider the form of the negotiations for a settle ment of the China difficulty. The de cision arrived at 1* kept secret tn order to prevent any Information reaching the Chi nese. No Americans at Chlag Ting Fa. Washington. Oct A dispatch receiv ed from Gen. Chaffee at tha War Depart ment to-day suys: "Later. Hutcheson, no Amerhwn* ai Chlng Ting Fu." This Is In reply fo an Inquiry sent by the War Department asking Information about Amerl.wn-s who were supposed to have been located at that place. < ssr Wants a Conference. London. Oct. JO—lt Is reported here, says >he Bt. Petersburg correspondent of the Dally Espresi. that Emperor Nicholas will propose another conference *Kh a view of settling the Ch.noM question." To Rtspsblf Me rtawang. Shanghai. Oct. JO.—lt ts reported here that the Russians will evacuate Ntu 4* next Thursday. ***** , AN ATTACK ON KELL mniv( Rr.FRRRHT.i n>> in i: \ rnfw :i.i.iv COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE. inm> i *ki> viOHiti HidiNu m:- (•ii i: t! of i.(io*fm:*h." ( omihlMfp U 111 l,ok ln(i>|fhr Maitlrr Mi Hr|r( Io (hr i.rnnul lh—4 l til i’lh In Think %IJU(MIIt 4* rile ml 94 lion lit .Itißfif? lllg< r It‘rlxl \<lJn(nnl i.rurral koltl ll* IHit \nt loitiiil to llrflrrl I pnn %n> one, Atlanta, Ort. Ro’lan.l Kill* of Bibb county crcatrl a pcii.h.iiton tn iV* this morning hen he inlrotlui'etl a r*m luiii*n to defend the* of the lair Adjt. Gen. J Mi lntoeh Kell. wh.m the people of Georgia held in such loving memory and rerpecl In hJ nnnual report recording Ihe building ami ground* of the State Capital. Phil O. Byrd, keeper of public building *\ and Iniely apiKdnted Adjutant General by the Governor, uaed language concerning the adimniPiniioln of (kn. IvII. which. In the rplnion of many, red* eta on the char aider of the late General Mr Byrd re ferred (o the Mipplb * lapued In th** 4\ipti4 lo Ihe portere of the varlouw departm ri n He cld? ineiancea of "(fl'irtng dlfferencea” In (he price of artlclee and In the number iiinl In the different d* partnudita. Tabu lated figures are given to ahow the dlfT. r enre In hi* ailmimetration amt In that of other*. But what brought on the r* •solu tion of Mr. Ell a and what oaumd the aen aation In the Senate war the fact that the word* "crlmlraai looernera wrr uaed. dr. Ill*- Kraolatlon. Adjutant General Byrd ref era to the ar ticle* uaed In ihe Treasury I> ; art me 1 In one rear ami give* xamt l a Mr Ellia took exception to the re|-rt and In trmlured Ihe following resolution “Whereaa (he rc|w>rt of the acting keep er of (Wibllc bulldlngi* and gnuiruD i|m< the following Imgiaige in r citing . er taln figure* ‘1 quoit' fhe at*ove tui'aupe ft ia alaiut the worm caee I fliwl and ahowa to what i degree of l> utmiai I hla branch of the d# par ment had arrived at when your devil* noy put me on duty with inetrunionw to atop every hak I couWI find out.* And. “Wherea* thla branch of the detriment referred 10 war at the lime indicated un der the aufcrvlalon of John Mein oeh Kell, and. “Wherea* the Mid John Mclntoad K•>'! waa paralysed at the time the *aid waa made and has alnce d|e<|, leaving to rht atnte hta name aa a prrclotw her it. e; “Ba It therefor# re#oiv-d hy the S* rvte ( the Meng* < occurring that a <ummite* of three .. ni the Senate and fmr fr>fn tha Houa# be appointed to trive*iftg*<e ihe Jualic# of thla charge and repo t to the General Aaeembly.” fpnn the adoption of the readitt on Senator* Herndon, t'pcborch ami Alexan der were appointed on ih* < - rnmhtec from the Senate, ami a* goon a* the •rnmi<te from the llouae |* api*>inted, the Invegtl qaiion will proceed. < Mil (Ini.. Were I ftd Ik •* tl I. Tfie rri*rt wa* only made (üb!lc to 'lay. but whi ('apitol nflYdale r•-*! It they were Indignant They tabd tha* a bile there rnay hnv* been j*me extrava gance In the admlnlatration of afr.itre. It wa* not criminal looaeneag. and tint th Adjutant General now ahould le made to Juatlfy the charge* or reMgn Dike Sen ator El’.i*. they consider It a reflection 041 Gen. Kell s 1 aim Gov. Candler, when a*ked about the r* |K>rt* aatd he had not read it and could express no oplnbm Adjt. Gen. Byrd, when seen by a Morn Ing New* reporter and Informed of th* resolution In the Senate, naid: ”1 did not Intend to reflect on Keif or anybody There were mydng kecjiern of \ übllc building* a* well a* myself, uni what I aatd in the re[jori wa* not mad** a* a reflection The figure**, however, wld •how for themaelvea ” Boland Kills, who Introduced the renolti. tlon In the Senate, wilt pruhubly a**li*i the committee In fhe InveMlgntlnn lie |* very much aroused over tin* charges made In the report When Informed that Mr Byrd had said he Intended 10 r fb* t on nol>.Mly In thr office. Mr Ellis said: "Well, why don't h** withdraw his re port. It Is a charge that should he Justi fied or withdrawn, am) I am going to help Ihe committee. I have fern told by peo ple around the Capitol here that Byrd. In order to make greater showing of econ omy, cut ofT th* nece*ftry supply of ev erything." HOWELL ISTOUND GUILTY. I, Wa* a (s*rn, Yrrillrt Irraritlns ,0 W Itlrh Hr W 111 Hr Aratrurrrf a* for a Ml*.lrmrn,or. Atlanta O ct. 30.—'Thr trial of Col Athrrt llowrli whtrh wa* hrgtin ytstrrday hr forr Jude John 8 Candlrr. rime lo an ahrupt end this mornlnq hy th finding of a ronsrnt vrrdlct of guilty with tho ut drrstandign that thr *<■ fitrv* should ,•* for a misdemeanor. Judge Candlrr announced that a*nten<- would be pronounerd a, 9:39 oclok next Monday morning and adjourned court to that hour. If Ih* sentence |* for a misdemeanor a* tha Jury recommends, Hie maximum pen alty Is six months In Jxll or twelve month* on Ihe public work*, or 11.00) fine. Any on* of these or fine and Imprisonment ran be given. One of Col. Ilowpll'a close friends said to-day President George C. Smith of the Atlanta and Wes, Point road would make a atatemrnt to the rourt asking leniency for Ihe defendant. In which he will say Ihe shortage has been periled by frlende of Col. Howell Ht Mil'S t’OTTttt , HOP. It Him* an Inrrraer Thla tear af .Cos Per fra,. Bt. Pefereburg. Oct. JO.—Official repora show that Ihe arm* under out,on cultiva tion In Russian Central Asia has Increised 99 per cent thl* ytar. The crop I, esti mated at 7.600.000 pood, or half th' Rus sian requirement, whereas previously enly 1000.000 pood had been procu ed from Russian possessions Thl* rssuit ts at tributed lo the Increased raw citton Im port duty Introduced laat winter The sit uation in tha cotton Industries Is Im proving. SAYS HE PERJURED HIMSELF. Finley tintreaus. on W* knee Teell ni,ny , nl*l Powers Wee t oa * toted, ttaye He Wo# Paid. l.oul*\il>, ,rt JO—The I’oe, ,o-der taints an affidavit of Finley 11. Ander i -.hi, a ~'legrn,'h oimvaior, win* testified i against t'aleb Powers, who wa# convldte*! •>f complicity In the murder of Gov. Ooe j !>el in which An'lere**,, ilrnlef certain Hn | itcrtaitt e,n,**me„t* that he made on the j wit no## ft mid tn the Powers trial An derson till* of meeting Attorney t*mi>- ! licit in Cincinnati ami continues hi* elfi davit: ■ col i 'i.imd'cli then told me tha, Joe ''•win* had told hlln that I said that fa i leb Powers, at Ihe hotel in ItarlwMirvlMle, i prior t*> Jan. 2i*- had used these word#. -I*.,kmg >f \Y 11 lint,, (iwliei: 'lf we cal - m.t g't him killed, and It 1* i"'#a.try. 1 will kill him myself.' I said to Mr. < umptiell 1 had never tol.l any one any so I, thing and that IVwrT* had not made such n statement to me, nor any statement resembling It in any wav ("am triad I ami Owens Insisted I had made ain't, a statement, and I afterword, ui-h, Campbells suggesttan, sal down and w rote nut a at:,(erne,it. In which I includ ed rile foregoing statement of Powers, which waa untrue It, every particular, nml t.pun the trial of ,'aiel. I swore to li .** a fact, when In truth It was not a fact "I rents mod tn t'lncinnatl after this I conver Utlon w-ttl, Campbell, and some , time after ihit Arthur Goebel. In hi* wtore on th. fourth floor, where I bad goo- n, hi* request. asked me If Power* had not. In my preseme at Harbour* li e In January said to me in out* stance those word* referring to William Goebel, 'they eay he weare a .at of hut ll wont <V* him any g.,1.' or something similar lo that. I told Goebel that Pqwrr* had never wall or* thing of that sort In my presence I . the Iwwt of my knnW ledge He told me lo mink .iiwl see if I could not rememltcr nml 1 knew that Powers never dl.l mak.' ind I know that Power* neve.l did make such a trroark, or anything reaembitng It, in my presence; hut being urged by Arthur (Whel, I finally concbsled t* elate that he did make *nrh a'lneiil ami so swore upon the trial, which lerilm-my wa* false. "Before making mv statement to Camp bell. Wharton Golden told me to make p t, #|rong a# |*'#wtble. a* they (referring lo Campbell and Goetwl) wonsl take rare of me nml protect me. "I have since, nuch convensatlon with Campbell and Arthur Goebel, received from Arthur Goelwl various sums aggre gatlog *tout . and utn one aoeeMoti Ito from Justlr, rioebet The last sum I received wa* on Tuesday, O t 2J. l*n, w tilch was IS given to me by Cat. Carap- Bt I : g#l ■ If , MtlMtl " • FATAL FiGHTwiTH THIEVES. (•# y ( Irrk llol#r anil lit# A*- • l#tMUt Homiilril-Tiirrr of the Itoblipri %r# Mount Fltatint. !*•-, Oct. |f -Fnr Dolin’, mr\*r* to rob r #rk wiiii m ffcsbr of *b# floatbw#*i roiinrllivillf C'okr Company, whila mak iiaK hin trip bf*iwr**n (hi city ami Alvrf f*ii with th# payroll of th# Aiv#rtovi ami Tnrr Work* it mount In* to fl.4W© Mr ll4Mi-r i* ib ni. hi* rompiitiion. Har ry Zmiri'.H*. m****#4iii*r of thr la # Minul. •!. iwo of tl* Italian* art l*a<l, a till nl f itwlly wouiob <1 an* I th# fourth In Jail. Ifoalrr n<l I*urir#M Irft thki city at 1 o'clock thla ifternoon with th# *f# *on taininK t to i*y off iiiff# m#n at tK* Alv#rt>r ai‘l T.irr work*. Aa th**y rttiflirff th# Mimmli of th# Unx hill tbovt >|o.r*wcMl. Jum In low which ll#a Alvrr ton. a .ark*‘ roki* town, without < wcoml'n awmliHC. th# four Italkin# flrrt! a voll#y from th#lr hMlnx plme#. Mini Hpranir forward, Urine a# th#y •vlVMiKfd. Mr. ffcol#r fail dead at ihr flrat volley. Young Bur*#**, thouxh wotitulr*l. waa nbl# to return th#lr fir# with #fr#ct, uiifl .n# of th# numbrr al th# Uorr#'a ii*4l f#l <l#*ml. A ari’Ond lat#r h# flri hi# revolver In th# vtry far# of an *fh#r. and aa h# f#II hi-* two r*niolnlti* '*fmiwniona baf’jifi*# i#rrtfl#d and l#4VtitK H,i' dead oi#. a#t out with th# wounif#l >n# over th# htil to th# aouth In th# *ll -of th# A lie# mines. Kiirp#* marag#il to drtv# on to Alv#r ton with th# body of Mr. Ho*!#r and th# mff, wh#r* h# ipnrt* Ih# aiirm Mount I'b'fiant nnd vicinity, with ih# cl#rlcal fore# of th# eerie# company. tutn#l out I**> ‘.tron*. hrxdod by U#ut. John O, Thomj aon. of Company E. and awn corralled th# two. who had <onc#al#d th<ma#lv#a In a field oil a firm a mil# or o from this town A summon* to atrr#nd#r waa answ#r#l by a volley. In which on# of th# |oaa# r###lv#l a slight wound on the cheat Th# oulaws. from their fortlfl#d position, mad# a fb*r# stand for a few mlnut#s, until one of th# po*s# succeeded In pet ting In ih- r#ar. ll# shot on# through th# hel. killing him Instantly. Th# </tirr surrendered snd was brought to th# nflb # of ftqutr# Rhodes and remanded lo Jail. In the meantime another division of the "> ovithauled fli ■ third would-be roli u#*r. who had rc # vad a ghastly wound. Th# ball, entering hit mouth and pene trating hla head. <um out at the hark of hla neck. Ils Is not exported to re cover. THICK NEB* OF MITTHF.SJHS. Ilueallna at Isaac Yesterday la l.rrrse and tlaynor Caae. New Y'ork, Oct J9—The hearing In th* procee llr)** to se.*ur* the removal of John F . W. T. and E. II Gaynor and Benja min D. Green* accused of conspiracy In connection with ex-Capt. O. M. Carter lo derraud the government tn Havannah har bor ami other Improvement*, to the jurla dl'llon of the Georgia courts, was con tinued before United Htari-* Commissioner ffhlelds 10-ly The fTos*-e*amlnatton of H C. Ripley, the engineering expert, wa* condnned by United Htari s District Attorney >:rwln The defense recently put In evidence a tnlde made from the annual reporta of tho chief engineer* of the army showing the cost of mattresses and Indicating that the mattresses, made under Carter cost less than other*. Mr. Erwin by hie cross* exnmmntlut, of Mr. Ripley attempted to ahow that the comparisons were unfair sa attempting to compare dissimilar thing* and Gist the flgurt* deduced from the engineer’s report* were Incorrect. The witness admitted that tn some castw Ihe compilation of the table showed only the surface measurement* of the mattresses and that thetr thickness wax not giver.. Lawyer Rose claimed that In eome of thaae cases he could prove that the mat i insv* were thicker than those called , for In th* specification* mad* under Car tar. _ Tolstoi's Drama Called "A Corpse." Bt. PeterMiurg. Ocl. JQ.-Count Tolalol. la an Joy Ing excellent health. He la *n-‘ gaged writing a drama, entitled, “A _ Corpse*," DAILY, D A YEAR. 6 CENTS A COPY WEEKLY 2-TIMKB-A-WKEK.iI A TEAR GAIN IN POPULATION I MTF.D ar (Tl* NOW ll AYR TAJKI,. 3i IMI.IIIITINTB. AN INCREASE OF 13.225464. GROWTH F,n HIIOI.iI t lit % TRY IN NEARLY 31 PHH I ENT. Popnlatfon of the Country (ilvrn hy state, and Trrrltarlea—Flarlda'a I'opulatlnn la M5,313-Snath ,’nrw- Itnn Has I..*Mo,ni3—l rial lor Ihe 6'orly-Bre Mote. I* T I.UXT.tMIT. ItVlahoina the l.urae.t Territory. Washington. Oct. 10.—The ..fflcial an nouncement of the total population of the United Htatea for li**i I* 7.39i.r , 0. of whtca 71.(137.107 are contatiuxl In the forty-fits states representing approximately the pop. ulatlon to be uaed for appor<lonmexit pur poses. Then, Is a total of 1II.1&J Indian, not laxed. Tile total population In 1690. with which the sarregale > ixrptdarion of the preaent census should be compared, nun 63,0(9.766 Taking the lstst population as a lusts, there ha* been a gain In population of 13.236 4,4. during the past ten years, repre. muting an Increase of nearly 31 per cent. Following ts the official annouikcenyent of the |Kipul*tl(g, of thr United Htates In I*. by states The ilguras In the Oral cohnnn represent the census for 19uo, the sr'cond for iswt and the third column tho number of Indians not taxed: 79“' I*9o I ndlasts Alabama 1.k2x.t2)7 1.&1J.017 Arkansas .1.111.664 1.13X.179 Callfurilta 1.4K.063 I.PM.IAt 1.M9 Colorado .V 70) (12.19 H 697 t'oilbeericut 9TX.366 746.356 Delaware 1M.7J6 169.4 M Florida &3K.M3 391 423 Georg • .1316.(39 1.617.(63 Idaho 151.771 X4.JXS 2197 Illinois (.*31.660 J.Wt.Ji! Indiana 2.616.163 3.192 nx luwa 3,261.639 I.RI.MK Kansas 1.469.496 1.(27 (B 6 K'-mucky (.147.174 I 66* 6(6 Lsnilsluna .....1.361.637 1.116.6(7 ...... Maine 694.366 661.0 H Maryland 1.1*9 940 .fix) Mi.sao. hu.ettx 2.H06.346 2.23X.943 Michigan 2.419.763 l.'M.X*9 Mtnnexrta 1.761,(96 IVI *36 1.766 Mississippi 1.6'1.372 1 2*9 do Missouri (.167 119 2.679 I*4 Montana 341.2*9 IJ3 159 10.746 Netwaska 1.066 U 1,06*919 Nevada 42*34 (6 761 1.4(6 New Hampshire .... 411.5*6 376.5)0 ...... New Jersey I 463 <k® 1 444 9SH New York 7.26*.( 6.M7.A53 4.711 North Carolina .... 1.(91.992 1.617.947 North Dakota .... Jtyto I*2 7t< tmt Ohio 4.737,645 J.gJ3.*l6 Oregon 412.632 213.767 lenneyteen** ...... 8AM.966 6.R8A14 Island 426.566 345.606 ftititt, Carrdlna .. I .44".412 1.1A1.H9 >u>h Dakota .... *u W .12* -a 10.UJ Tennessee 2 062 733 1.7*7.516 .* Tex* 3 04* 626 2.336.633 Utah 276.565 3117.9(6 1.472 Yerm>mt 367.641 332.123 VlrgUda I.MM. 1(1 1.615 960 Washington 617.672 349 299 2511 Meal Virginia .... NISO 763.794 U’lac'Wisln 2.066.961 1.696 6*l, 1.6',7 M’coming 93.531 60.7(6 Total 45 e1ate*—71627.907 63.116,611 44.617 Tcrrttorte*. Etc,— Alaska (rMlmated) ... 44 009 32.052 Arlaona 122.212 69.6 r 24.644 Dl*. of Cohimbia 276.D* 230 292 Hawaii 154.001 69.990 Indian Ter 391.K0u 190)163 MOW New Mexico 193.777 153 593 2,9*7 Oklahoma 296,345 61.114 6.927 Persona In the scr vl<e of the IT. 8 stationed throsil (estimated) 64.490 Indians, etc., on In dian reeervatlona. except Indian Ter 145.262 Total for seven ter ritories. etc 1.607.313 953.954 69.541 The Alaskan figures are derived from partial data only, and all return* fbr Alaska and for certain military organli altona stationed abroad, principally It, (he Philippines, have not yet been received llulletfits will be Issued for the various minor civil division- In Ihe different state* and territories as fast as possible. Tha entire number. M la expected, will be ready for the public uae before the first of January. TRAIN DEH 411.1.1 t HI HOHK4. Itr 111 st, Are Arresting 111 Hoera Oyer Fourteen Year*. Rloemfonteln, Friday. Oct. 2( —'Th* tele graph llnrs are at.ll Interrupted and mall* delayed, owing to the Hoera derailing a train ten miles south of Kder.burg. All Boers over 14 years of age living out side a radius of ten mile* from Mloem fonleln are being aurrounded by British troops and brought here to prevent thetr rejoining the comma tutors OCTRIRBT tF IIDEI4 ACTIVITY. Some Hrlleve the Harrs Hare Be enred Hrisfnrrrmrsls. lswidon, Oct. (I.— I The Cape Town corre spondent of the Dally Mad wmmsnlt up on the "astomahlng outburst of Boer ac tivity." and points to the possibility of the floerr having been considerably rein forced. Complaints are being heard In (tape Town, Ik- aasert*. regarding th* "premature disbonding nnd di*p< using the service* of the various volunteer force*." ONLY A CHI HI II AT HOTHAVILLE. More Hoer Women Are Itnprlsonrd at nioemfoatela. Cradoek, Cape Colony. Oct. .—The Dutch Church I* the only building left standing in liothaville.owlng. It la reported,' to the strong British measures. More Hoer women trove been deponed from Jagrrsfonlem. They were sent to Bloemfontein, where they are Imprisoned with others a few mile* outside of tha city. . (iermnsi Denies the Heport. Berlin. Oct. 20 —The report cabled to tha Unite*! Statew that Germany (s consider ing Ihe advtoablllty of leasing Marguerite Island from Venexuela for a coaling sta tion Is unqualifiedly denied at the German foreign office. McGovern to Meet Broad. Chicago. Oct. (o.—Tarry McGovern waa matched yesterday to meet Kid Broad of New York, at Tatteraall's Nov 13 tn a glx round contest at catch weights