The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 31, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 TOO EARLY YET TO TALK. Ihiiiii.non *aY .* hi ai tiioiii/j ii mi o hi* iui ntion. A Year or More Henee AAIM ll** l ull Time In I nntlilrr llr 4|ir*tloit of 111* (nnlt!ae> f*r 1.0% rrnur— Hit* ** *Ni to III* I rlcmln, VS li< II m r 4| urt lonnl Him mi lll** '•nil lrrl—l hr 4ifll•* nu Honor lo Ksrllr flir Ambition of Sin Mmii- At Inn In Anaimiirfmrut Brobablj Made to (nunlrrhalnnec 4||rmrili li> Frlenl of Attorney i.rnrrnl Tr rrll. Tin- Morn ♦ N Atlanta dispatches yesterday n *rn i g .mu>unc*d that tin statement "*> irr* nt n Atlanta t*• Hon. Flomli - *luHlKi<un would 1m- <i ,in lid at f< r Gavi'rnor two yearn henr • The AOiin'.i J' O! il # . f Monday printed * i*>- Hl\* announcement to this cff* ■ t A Morning New* reporter rail**! upon Mr duHlgtion in reference to the Mrrung Nrtvi dis|.Lh and the tlcl* which Hpprand in th* Jour mil, * rvl asked him If he had authoriz' and *uch an unnounrrmfni, Mr. dußlgnon raid that he wi* tint aware that any pc wsfsiper m*n had talked with him *n the eul jt-ct While In Atlanta f*r a f w hour* last w* k h* nn i ai*proarh i by n great many friend* ar.d • kcd If the intend*d to run for Governor At the •xp t lit ion of <ov Fandlcr *•t in To * .’h and All of the*** fra i*l h*- replied that It wm cvnttreU too early t inuk** on> announce m**nt on the übje •, and that I* would he lime enough to do so a >.r or more hence. "The office of Governor of Georgia," Mild Mr dull non "la one whh h might w* 11 exclt* th* ambition of any man, but whether I w 1 i* k it or not. will d* |** i t**n the corxlttloi *• wh h may ♦ xmi w hen th* pn*per tltn* ni* to took** an an nounrwn* nt on ih** subject If at such tlrn- the | ample of th* Mat* desire tny candidacy and Ihu*e In w hone Judgment J have confidence advise It. I will not likely rvfu-e th* nw* of tny • .rartic for the ©fflf c ’’ It w m h*i> dto get a positive onllrma lion or a t*o*dtlNe *letdal f the truth of the At hint • rutm*r. "Well. ' *aid Mr du Blgnon. after stat lug Id' |wsill**ti. do you think 1 am going to tie a candidate in 1 "Rurely." was the reply "I imagine." Mr dulUgnon said. "that the statement current In Atlan ta via- Inspired by e-mie of my friend. who are themscU I lnl enough to and *r* and urg mv cstldldaey. and wlv w lehed t* * counteract the * fleet of statements tin*! are being made by the friend* of Attorney ral Terrell He. I understand. I* an Avowed candidate for Governor and the firobabllltv 1* that hi* frietvk* were ask ing influence for him. ha *l u|Mn th* I*’ 1 *' Hive statement that 1 would not l in the n*< f.” I have not td whit I would do. ' said Mr du Blgnon "Th** - .it* ment I have made to you I* the first mat 1 b*' made at all to a newspaper man on this subject and it it* the only on* the publi cation of which I ha\" out uinied 1 r *’* peat now what 1 haw said to rn> frleivki 1n the recent past. t.wi a >***r or m*re hence will he full tlm* to question of my '**ndidae> f<*r goveroor Mr du Blgnon ha Just reiurned from a fh<>rt iHisines** rip t* New \**rk t .* liter*- h** witnessed th* demon**frith n on Frid'iy night to Otwern>r liooeevtHt m l on b.iturdsy right t*i Mr Hr van nnd e vi\> that the |lr\an demonstration far f xce*-*le*l, i*ith in i uni • t mJ •• f * s tn. shat giv*n to th* It* •uhlhwn indhiate ll* sakl Within the fen da\ there had been m*rk*l change in ii I s*ntimuit nnd that many who a w **k ago. though! that Mr Hr van ho 1 no chance of election. al changed then views on the subject Mr du Hignon (•■■ very much encouraged at the outlook, and say* that l*emocr \ has unque<t|oti;ihl\ made great golne all through m** I. •*' He heard while tn New York, some v.-ry encouraging t • ws from lllkioie and fe#l -1 tmt Mr Bryan > chances ate Improviny every day The M *rnlng News receive I from l‘s Atlmta *rres|rndenl last light n -tat* m* tit to the -ffect t it Mr dulttgnon h **i given the Atlanta Journal a uhority t * use his name as a can lltl.ite f• *r Governor. Mr du Blgnon wo al *>*l up l*> t *>pho: St his M rldehl * at. I th* \tl.uua lltf* patch was read to him •'ll Is not true,' he t- lil "In r I* n r to a telegram front ih* Journa 1 wired that paper In -u? • ju t w it 1 t**l the Mon . ervnee to my supt*.* *l • m liil.i y I have not au>horlz*d the u-* of my i am* by nny person or any pap*r is a candidal* for Oovem**r Any stanunent to any th*-r effect tlian that ma.l* • in* lo i .* M*> n lng New U n t authorlaeil " niilAT** Ul'.hT n.\I.IIT. Mill IHarnsa %ftcrnMMi s*hi| Se ■ ion* ill l.yni.'i* Hull Barents ai.*l dttaem* who desire to pro test against the afternoon -••kOfi odd two of the grummsr *.*iolk, \%..i me t to-niglit at kJ> o’clock in Lyon s Hall, tt limughton mimS Whitaker street*. J us - what a* mm w ill Ih* token is not known, hut it is presumed that It will Ih* made (tear that those who attend sr not it lifted with the present tn dlti*>. of affuirs A communkation from Auperlntemlent Otis Ashmore of th* pub,l *-hool* wili be read This deals with the *ltnation a* It now xtaiids and ahows the various etepo that led up t> It from iis destruetion of I' Aoslemv by fire 10 th** present. Mr Ashmore offer* this as information, believing that any in it t#rd*n<** up**- the rneeilng not fuHv i*l Vised of the f !e should tuive them be fore him before crlti ui c ? * >Mi* mint. • Heveral w*ell-knwn cltlsr have signed a eaJI for the me. ing Tludr pi.uis ir* not definitely map|*e*i p* but they pur pose seeing yf .i dls usston may not r**- eult In th** acromphshm* nt of some gx>*l ur>l the duieontinuan* e of uft* rn*sn *•— eiist* Some of them have H|H>k**n nl Imd published their reasons for obje'Uon to the afternoon srh*ole. arl they l>* lleve th**y are *u<*-h as to Impel those In authority to e mploy every effort to hav* the system revert to the normal plan of •nomirg eession* at\* of \ rt:k to tiiscrr. ltnrtn% lamp Will Talk Ihrr State It• atilin and other Matters. Francis h Bartow c*mp, I’nlt**! of Confr ran V*t<rans wll tn* t Ifi f'onf* <l*ai* Hai to-i.ight. The division reunion, at Augusta, wll be discusser and legates to the reunion appointed nn*l arrangements made for an entertainment to the Daughter*- *>f th* onf*-*leracy dur ing their convention in S;*\v,r.n.ih Ail of these mailers are o’ Import ir n to the members of the ramp and it l hoped, a* It Is expected, that the attendance w‘,l be more than usually large A Hlfh-Orado Institution for Ladles fthorier College. Home, Gs. Write fo catalogue.-- wd. IT RKST H IIOMVIATt HR. The I iinernl of Mr Henry Mellje* nu I tiuMinlly I tira** One. Tt funer il *f Mr ll* nry .•* Ilje*- whi* t tt**k place yesterday afternoon ai 4 *ch k t tite t’hur n *f the A i- ion, whs on* ,f th* lutg* t that hi- b*n sen in 8m van on r•*rt I > Hun dreds of the friend- of th** i* i 1 man i ith* i*-*l .it his lat- home l>efore tti* * or 1* we left for the . hur h. and Ml the • hA*h they w-ri joined ty *< may more that not a seat wa*> .i ff unAUed Tn** fr.m rna! tin 1 b* n* vol* nt orders to which Mr Si* Ij* - luid i* l-*ng* <1 w* r* h)*o p.end idly #e|a >'■*• nt***l They >•* Teu tonia h*k’< h night -of Bvt Ida Teu tot.ia < my, I itlform Knights <*t Bythiac. of which It* had r** n cap tain. tg* ther with <'*rnpaiiy an I Hnv.tntMi) 'otn|uii \ . Knight- of the Royal Aii . .hi l Wve Oak Ltkig* *f (kVI K* l bi a * of Mt t I,* ha*l b* n Noble (irin*l Tht • orgatilzalftoiiM marched fr*tn Mr Si* ij* horn* pr* l**l i*> .* lia- b.n*l •il dr* w up tn front *f tn** chun’h t await the remainder of the funeral pro • * -I*hi. S* imk* w.tN the attendant <• mat (ho i. !i they were ilrnsn up in tkoulde IlD* th* \ * vt* nl**! from Stnt* to York licet?* The Kulghtr .f Bythlse order an • *p*- l*i Iv weir repr* *H*nlri. both Gen ll irritori .ii and < *l lui lit* r mi>l their *n tir* -r iff - t* Ing prerft !(•■ * 1* \\ t*, S 'inc*ff.*r. who enfiduct • l tt,* rvl* • lelivfred an eulogy on ti • *l* i*l man. and a number of hymns w.*r’ .-.ung by lte r|mr n * hoir At tn* •u, I . tof* *<( tlie ■*• rvires th** pro* eswlon m m !i* 1 *l-wi Ir i> ton to ldb**rty street. th* t * !** ll.i h r** ' tin. nli'i*' the Knights i *l tit* oti * r >rganuntlom to**k cars for B**i ivinture. where th** Interim nt was made The .i five pad bearers wore colored m**i Th** h<m*rar\ pall liearers wer** M n Frank Kramer John I Flw* her. and Henry Si* ff* t>** *f Teut'iiia <*utii|*an>, and Gt-otK* Ia v hw*ll. William 'lYiylor, t’hari* Lu* -s ii, Fr**l Aserulorf uiid h i (ink Woidlett • • - Till. \ l ILHAV4 WILL IWIST. Will (*ii r Hit i*u I* t*‘r f I nnfnlrrsf y nit Httlrr ltn*t nt Tybee. | The Confederate Veterans* Association [ held . largely attende*! meeting at Con (*■*• rat- Hall last night. Th*- meeting hud Inert called, primarily, for the pur I*.,'.- of . *aidl* rthK what gwsrt shoukl ,*ir>i| by tn** veteran - in th** *ntrtain n* nt of Hi* *l*l* K it*- mxl other visitors to the .*(iventiofi of the •♦-.•rgia IHviaion *f Daughters of the ***if*<l* ra \ It wa - defermln*'■•! that th* veterans • • lotii*l give the !iim:hl*-r an oyster roast *t Tn * •,*, th* aft**rn**4i of Friday, N**-.. •* which i- th* concluding day of •i* *■.rivennon Th* i-onvention wall ißourn during th* morning urul the o>'ter r**.i-*t nt Tyhee will be the concluding feature .f the **in-* of that will Ih* tendered tho D.iught*rw In Mavannah The following committee won appoint ed r*. l*--k after thb feature **f Hie en trtalnimnt t'apt M I* I -inii, chair man. Vet*rati' T N. Theus. tj 11 H*ms hart. A K \Vtl?an. and James It Sn*-i --d**ti They wail arr tnge for Ih** train upon which th*- trip t*> Tn . * will le in **• and hN•• entir*- charge ,f th. excursion The veterans further determined to os *'!-? in r*-** ivirgr th** d*leg ii**w upon their arrival m th** city The committee named to : K*> charm* of this part of th** work consist• of r.ipt John It Dillon, chair man; Veterans (* Lul*-* n Jonee. pope Harrc*w. M J Holomaft*. L Gourd In Young J W M Intyr**. J F Kollo* k and Jumes Leonard The chair of this com mittee w.s Instructed to < ctnniunir.ii** N4th rajtt. I H McLaws. cornm ir,.| nf of Francis s Bartow r.imp. t\ S N' '• 1 lrivi*** Ih- • j-. r.ihi'ti >f the S*ns *4 Veterans #n the perfornuim* of this pleas •nt *hitv of receiving th*‘ city's gi**'ts Tiie S o** of Vetemns wall hoUl n m***l - t* night, when ‘his <|ii***t|on will le • on*>il* r*l *f coun*. the invltatloii to assist will la- gladly and h*artlly ac cepled. \S< tmil l) To SIHITIIIM* simp. Father Feels tHurhanl nt l.xplana- Goa if Hl** I llentli. J V Ib-tmett *f N. street called wt th*- Morning News office lan* night ll*- hast his infant child last Sun •i *\ and h* f.I aggrieved at the pub lished statement, which is In accord, how ever, with th phylsclan’s death certirt ■ ate, that Ins child tiled from ti* rfftcli | of opltun |>*d •*nlng. N1 r Bennett si> that the little one was tnk*n 111 SunduN morning ami that he and hid nn If* administer* >1 *hs*s of a certain • *<*fhlng >vrup. whi -h Is certainly Mifh • lently well known, nnd which was given in ircordan- ♦ with Jh* directicms. Later in th*- *I an 1r t'orbln wn* calle*| in and t II l.'.r th** child died. Dr. For bin said hit death was due to opium |Ml*xilng. r.-ult itu- from lit* do**-* of soothing *vrup given the infant. That h*- should thus he charged with ■ N.n partial responsibility for his child's d**a*? • of i-our***. a blow for Mr H*-nne*t t< 4-ndurv ll* says he doe**nT believe that tli soothlng syrup was rs|onsible, >• I h* h <b-termii*d to have all the m It-it th**-** given by Dr Corbin, ns w. Ii s th. yrup ariHlyz*sl by a comjw i* nt chemist 111 I 111. I t I'll ILi I I p.l K. \snhrrasn f the Reformatlna Will ll** t *lelira I***l I'o-nlaht. T* e three htn •■*! an l eighty-third an nlvcrsnry of th** lbs umatlon will l*e ob f-erve.l tonight at the Lilt li*-ran Fhurch |of th*- Asvt: .in The exercises will bc | gin at *.|s o' ak, at *1 will be conducted ’•n th** Lut.o-r L* itfue. which Is • ->imposed j **f •!** young |M*op|( of the **hur* h A feature of the meeting will lw* the at t twlaiv • of th* (i• -Mi in Voluniecrw. uni frm*-d an I In a body A programme of songs, i citations and addresses has been • rrungMl. *m*i th,**-*- who purpose atteti*)- , iUK the *'‘lehnatloii or* k* >k.i < for ward to in *v*ntng of enjoyment Sunday at th* i'hurch of the A* >ns!on. iervb , - in • 'immernoratlon of Martin Is • tier's Inauguration **f th* Reformation were h* I T'*duy. however. Is the an niversary of the da\ upon which the r* k form r nailed his thcaaa t.* the *l*Kr of the cathedral, ind the •■a-l>ration seems ih* more fitting because of this t I I! I oil l HIM, 1% J AIL. tlroagtit IlNcit From >rw Orlrnn* b) wlirrllf wxscenj Ia at Alght. (' CTifford llill, the d*'faulting keei>er •*f Isiurel Grove <>m*fery. was brought ack fr* m New Orleans, where he was trrrated last w-#**k. lasi night by StierifT Swe**n> and was > ked up In the county jail. Both th* sheriff and his prisoner wer- t; and out t*n the long trip from New •rc .♦ an*! bun retired as soon us the jut. had I** < f ♦♦■o h* and llill cam* ba k without making any • rouble, and wltli*>ut the formality of a r* dulsitlof. for hi** resurn to Georgia In • leed, h* * xpressed .i I*, rfeet w illingness to cCTt!* U* k ami I* is said he heltevr**! •hat la weald Is* atie to square his a* - • ounfa with th* < ity and make the mat ter a.I right Th* amount of his defalca tion. so far a the city is concerned. Ii •clicved to he sma:*. not exceeding 1700 Malt-Aatrtne Is prepared at our brewery ar.d le guar anteed unequaled in quality, purity and medicinal virtue. Anheuser-Busch Brewing Assn. *. ak*kl by all druggists.- ai THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31. 1000. AGAINST THE INCOME TAX., t ITIF.F TANARUS% \ 111 11111 A* TIKI 111 AU M\\ , HtJN NHYOH SI Y3H V \n Income Til Would wimply Mean an ln*renset Harden I pan flie Peo ple of lle t Dies n It Moal*l I all Very lit hilt I pan the I minirj 4 (MintlfM—the 4 Itlra \**w Farnlah •hr a‘hool I anil* and V*enlon far •he II *• a I of the (a le— 4io% er nor** Mroitgr ti'imresll) Advocates Rrnncm>. hat He lll*ws ll*th Hot iinl t olil. *n % a the Mayor, The sfat*m*:d fr*m AG. ia that an in com** tax law is likely to be one of th* gifts presented to the p-o|U- by the l*g telature which h Just me*, is f i r garded a* very pi* *ing inform itlnon here. The disjiati h was brief and did not outline *n> of f * f-ifur*- of th** llli, which It was stated would !*• Introlured 1 ly C 74 Kd Wight *f Albany Mayor Myers doubtlrwa voiced tre public *•* irinient l)*re upon the bill wh**n he y.iU The *fT*t of i*n ln*rome lax tl 11 would simply be ti in*r*-as' the already heavy ! lax burden of the cities of the state for the benefit **f the country As matters stand now the *-iti*-s hear the ! lion's share **f stale taxation n*l furnish • h** major p.r l'm *f the state's revenue The majority of the count!* * of *h* state now receive more from the .-tale in the way of |*ero4**ns. school finals and other j puidi charg* than they pn> into th* ' treasury That this is in t? Justb*- to the | * !•* Imi r dly needs to be argued Instead ' **f deer* aslng the injustice ? .• ems i w i that it is proposed lo Increase An tn | *s>me tax woubl of course be graded .< - cording to amount**, the h,Ki>e.-r rate: he ir.g f*id by th*#*** enjoying ih* largest in ■ -ones. Th*- fact that th** cost of living In the cities is two or thr* * times jih gr-.f •is In th* country would no* be taken into account A** the bailing Inis mess men. rnanufa* turlng and professional men are largely centerel In the cities. in*d as they are ih* one** upon whom th*- Income tax would chiefly fall, it ts evident that the burden and t e tax Will fall upon the t ill. " "The present division of the irhoil I fund is in Itself a great injustice t. die i cities." said th** Mayor "If nn* w*re l I lowed t> retain h**r the |*r<f>ortlon whi h I'halham county pays into th** sbt*e i-, h *1 fund. Instead of h* pit t am** which i- r* - turned to u k il)** state, we could sup j |H*rt mignlflc*ni ho.*!- n*l the .mnual i *on tent ion l**ween the Fount y t’ommls ; ciin*''- and th- Hoard of IMu i:**• n **•* to the amount of ihe e h* and spprop' i *ti -n | would be entirely uncalled for As II Is Hwv innah's taxes g* !** piy f**r the h>*d ng of children In counties which *ontri i tiute nothing t her support Gov. Hand lers r* "intn*-nd.itlon that no count> lw* illowed n r*ce|ve any portion of th ; -date's schoo4 fund until I has raised by 1 taxation *t I* • B *' 4** |*er cent "f the *ju m I allowed by the stale. I*> a g*<o*l on* N > oounty whi h *le"< not cotwribuie to th** M)|*f*orr *>f its ow n schools -1*• <ll k*h ,n i cent from the stale school funl " The trouble wnh the Governor." sall the Mayor. "Is that he tdow* Isith hot and cold lie recommend* r* form and econo nr* n In cxpndlture of th** tat*- : funds, and >■*• In half a d* sen places h* rrctommetids improvements n**w d* part i;r**s of various kinds, atl of which m*in Increased expenditure He >-**eTn to an ;n effect, "Get n dollar’s worth every time nou si*end a, but spend It Just th** same.** Mayor My era* protest against any In crease of the tax burden ui*on the cltle* w II te indorsed by . very property owner. ,s well as other* w ho WotJbl be affectf-d by vu* h a tax. The rural legislators up parently overlook the fact tHat the cities have heavy tax burdens of their own !*• In r. Th* combined state, <ountv and Ity tax amounts to u conflscailnu of m*'r* than half the in*'*rne of many pro.erty • •wnerfli and there are not * f*-w wh* ir* well satisfied if there be enough left after paving taxes to i*i> Insurance and y k** necessary repairs. I* Ing satisfied to t-im p*y hold their |*r**iKriy without Iw-ticfU t*> themselves Wll.l. FIGHT OS >o\. an. •diorlv Jfnklto Agreed I |on mm llef eree for Hanlon and I’oreornn. Tommy C’orcoran of Savannah and Jack Hanlon of Bh ladelphla will tight at the Theater pn Nov -*" They re.*hed this agreement ye**ler*lay t when It was 1# irn and shut the Austral Athletic Flub would have th* hu* on Nov. 14. the iher dan • onsider* I. f*r a Uut that Is now l*eng arranged. th<* principals In which will be imuniiu *il within th* i>* vt day or two Mysterious Billy Smith is n of tho.-e mentioned, ami Baddy \\*ilsh Is another When cracks of Smith's class get t com it.g to S tv.itiiiiiu there can be n* doubt about fighting le Inga g* and g**d thing 4’orcoran and Hanlon can show t** pret ty a flght us anyone would want to see. though. Mild believed th* 1 article they put up in that line when they met before in guaranty siiftl tent of what th- public may expect. The lov* ra of the s|ort wall probably Im* right there w hen •!*• le ys get together again Hanlon >l*-!d*l another point when the fighters were considering m liters It** wanted to go to extra expense and bring George Siler, the noted referee, to Savan nah. but the other *4*l** wouldn't hear to j and li'i>*t**d upon having Shorty J*-t)kins Hanlon began to think the thing looked Ilk** Jenkins or no light, so lie gave |n although It went against th* gialn. as lie thinks he got the worse end en Jenkins called his la*t b**ut with • ’orcoran a draw Sporting people in Savannah, though, do n*t agree with Hanlon in this, for they say Jmklns is ti|i right. Hanlon Is going to Thunderbolt this m*rnMig He will stofi at Mr* Hwnnon - oiul put In some har) days at training ; He aa>s h- Is after tho coll) and expects to pull It I*mn. UOODENOI Gil FIMiD FIFTY. Vie IMrsdnl (tullt) • m * lisrge of As i ■anil and llntlrr), \\ C Goolen*>ugh. formerly a member *f the Savannah Baseball Trim of the S**u* hern League and w* 11-know n in local athletic circles, pleaded guilty In the Ru charging assault nnd battery and was parlor t'oiirt yesterd iv to an Indictment sentenced to pay a fine of SSO and oust* or serve a term of six months In the coun ty Jail Goodervotigh pakl his tine and the coats of the prosecution. He was in'Me ted by the Grand Jury for beating nnd kicking a negro woman. Heti.i IlHinmo k to whom h- Is said lo have administered . very thorough trouncing He will b* lam severe, at any j rate. In the future. (M)KII A FALLING WASH. Little Slelln IflenilrlcLa Lost Two I'lnaere I nler a Window. Rteiis. the I.Vmonthe-old baby of Mrs M J lletvlrlcks. of No. 4GT> Berry at reel. w**t. was seriously Injured yesterday by a falling window sash The child was sLting on a table near j a window, of which the sash was raised being supported by an old-fashioned catch. In some unexplained way the sash • *o*ame unfaatenedand fell on the left hand of tho child, mashing It so badly that Dr G W. Herlot, who was sent for. found tt necessary to amputate the first u*4 second Outers. TO-NIGHT ALL II AI.I*OAA KKV % Season of f*l*a*avf t*amo. Mirth and • • iio*l • rlluatliip. TANARUS" r ight Is All Haliow-en. a term r*- •* with thought" >( merry game-. Jolly rtK ami sui*erstilous customs, the mor* fiterr.'Mng In that they hava t.K* fufliux i. * -of antiquity and the sanction i <>f the ages It Is a night when inerr> rprl • of n caprl*'Jou l but on the whole, piopltlous nature. .*r* supposed to be jii.out ■ t*> lend th*ir aid to loving sv.sin or maid tha* invokes it. Wl, c the h'dly 4*nd mistletoe sire t** < ?• ' . ami tt.* Hin t * Faster, is the an* cf All Hall v•• n. a N-mt**.l of th* -* . ui and the chief object of Interest In n,.t v **f the games that ar* p t-uliar to the night ii . ~f th*s* games, the most popular ,!t i fir th* be"* known. Is that of bobbing Br the app ** A lrge tub of wa ter l- ; a *-<1 In th* '‘enter f the room i*n*l nn nppl*- preferably th** larg*‘*t and rie,* v t that can be found L f t nfl*at vvn.le those who play each. In turn, at t ffipt to lift It from the water with the t * :i 'rh*- merriment C'm s In the ef fort . J **f the players t M*cure a hold on ti.. apple, and is often lightened by a hid nb-voiis on-|ook*T lU' king the face of t player by a quick push When boys .dot * are the players this gam** is some tan. varied by dimes in the * ih and giving them ns prises to those tun . m g*t them out without the aid of their hands. Another gam** with an apple, that 1 but litß. |* ss known than that f the 1 robbing j.|d*. i?* when the frud is tt* and about head Inch to th* gw > Jet wnd the players at tempt to Life it Still another *p(.k game |s that of par ir.g the ft ui* making long unbroken -•ring *f th*- **kin and then throwing the paring t*a kward ov**r th* hea*l. It is iir* t* aMS lime m sh}** in re or ipproa h- titat *f .m* letter, which 1.4 taken to *. tho initial of the player's own true love. Among the moat popular of these games I* tint of the lighted candle. A taper Is h* ♦ An floor and the guests in turn Jump over it To tho*-* that clear it is promt****! a future t. \emontha of happl r *-s-- and pro?j** rlty. but the re versa f t!,i■ vl i-ant f it** is that f those who kt * k it over and extinguish the light The test of the 1 -w 1m another of the pastime* of the evatiing Fhur Im*wl“ ar*- provided Oil* Hi led wth water, another wPh wins, th- third with vinegar and th remaining on* ft mpty Th* player Is bilnd!oidetl. tak* n away from the tahU* on w hich they st,anl. and after hf'iM? turned .I■■ u’ thrice, led l*aek to the tahb and to|d to sel* t a lowl Accor Mng to Ithe contents of the on** touched is a*i j Judged Ills future far* The water shot * * serene and plea-want life, the wine career r! h and fruitful, the vinegar. |ov erty and tmhappuiess, and las*, and worst fate f all, the empty ln>wl, denotes un bV? sel singleness. There ir- numerous ther came* such .as looking In a mlrr<W at ml night, or. at the same wit* hlng hour going ibn •kw n the cellar steps and with the i*l of ,i candle h* Id hack of the heal, lo k Ing into tub of water that has b en plat ■d at th* foot of the eps i r the purfsise when, so runs ti legend wi’l !.* '♦•* n the fac* of *n* s futur* rnit* . Ther. ir* also other *• t** In whi h th** magic rune play a prominent part, bu as it faks i m** t** prove whether tlose projh* Its Will be vcrlfl.d t *•?-*• are not so |Mipuiar Hie other gam*" in win with M>m r*lvill y.s mixed a wh**b'som* - nmotitu of fun. ( 411 TON INst M %N4 K 4sl FVriCML Nlarinc llnlo f mi>il Lew From \nna a I* Than From Nrw Orleans. Ii ip|>ears after a complete lnvestlgu*! n that there h' m en a mis:ken idea a* to a discrimination against 8* vmnah In favor of Near Orleans in ra*e f marine 11 -urine* It app- ir Hut? th rat*** ,n the ame lae • of 4: imp steam er* from N* w Urbans ar>- fr. r T> icif-Six teenth t* or* -eighth per cent higher than they are from Savannah. The sltua ion 1,.> be* n misunderstood by some of the cotton nun here. The •uttemetii that there is . dis.'rimln itton again -t Savannah In rr.‘ of marine In surance Is frequently head **n *h* Hay. Rome qualify thin statement by stying • hat the belter rates ir* due •* the *llr*c* lin. M p* tw*••!) New orl* an* ail Europe, while other* qualify It with the sis e ment that it)* advantage comes, not fr.'m the <li-crltn4naton * x r i*e*l by Insuran e cont|anles, bvit from the fac the wl h dee|*er wafer in th* hnrlsr of New Or bans. and |m r and latter shljw wl h a high* r average/ rating at Lloyd*, trade from that port However. thL may be th*- iiemcnt Is made * <*n-tantl>. Tiie question of discrimination is ef fectually disposed f by a statem* nt from Mr I! Ifl'eber. chairman of th • Tr in-u-ort*i in Fommltteo of the 8 ? vannah t'attm Ex. lutnge. "I beg to state." b* said, "that inquiry in the prot*er quart* r has e’ < **d rh* 1 f rmatl n cotton shipiM-d f• rm New Orleans by the same olar* of tramp steamer* ns trade from this !*uu hi- t* pay one sixteenth to on** eighth per cent, higher rat f v marine insurance than cotton shipped from Savannah" Mr \N ,-Im *•!.! that this difference which was due to the fact that the voya e from N**w Or‘eane was longer nml mor • hazardous than that from Sva rah. w constant, and that It applied *o every class of tramp steamer* Ha tee of marl.e insurance !• ;**nd upon the ships ra*l g r Llo\de and thl* riling ts what Is meant when the word "class" 1- used Mr Weber explained that if ship Um*lc*l on on. VON Ige .It New* Orlenn* an*! on th* next voyage at Savannah, the Insurance rate on the first voyage would be fr m one-s!xte**nlh to one-e|ghth p*r cent, higher than on the second. The e in favor *>f Savannah, wmpute.l In • ents instead of ier cen*s, is fron thr** t< fix * nl< a ba> T >l* -ast% n very different light en th.* t*ubje t than that w hich has b. en recently shed by deduction* from statements by the m- m bers of the Savannah Cotlon Exchange. FAY FOB THE OFFIITIHR. Members of thr I onrl-msrtlsl \% ere Wat Kepi AY ailing. The officers of the gen ral courl-mar tial that tried Corporal li. 8 Harris of the Republican Blues and two colored sol d*>rs In Savannah some weeks ago have received llndr pay from the state for :hnr services It 1“ a matter of surprise that the pay came so apeodlly. as it Is usually th** case that a certain amount of rod tape has to Is* run off. causing no lit tle delay. The Judge advocate. Mr David 0. Har row received full pay of $. for each ***** slonVf the court, but the other officers agreed to acc**pt one-half that sum In view of th** inquiry having required so much more tune than was expected Thr *si of the court was between s.*oo and LNO The findings of the court have not been made public <’orp! Harris has heard i*.thing ncr Ha** ** Her f the two c.Morei soldiers who were trb and Cnrpl IJarris \m expecting telegram from his counsel. Senator J Ferris rant), announcing the finding as soon ns t can be given out (’apt Gann cxi*c--'ed to be given l h*ar Ing bef re the Governor in the event of ♦he ourt having found unfavorably for hli client for Over Fifty Y>ara. Mr* Wlntlow’a Soothing Syrup he* been u*ed for children teething It soothe* the child, aoftens th** gums, allays all pa n cures wind colic, ad is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Tweniy-flvt cent* a bottle. CONFUSED OVER THE LEGACY. THAT *t.<NMi M B|M*Kl> TO HAVE BEEN LEFT THE GERYIAN*. Officers and Member* *f the ( omp**f Are Mill In (lie I)m r l*—The > IOK Id Lenrn l.lllle Ahnial (lie flutter. Horning News Gained the Mar* I hmii Heirs of Dominick Brawn. E. H, ( amn > ■ tl* tirrmnn* 1% 111 Get llie Money If It %% a \\lll*l Them ai*l Han Nut lleen Bald—llm Not 4 Inimed It AVua l'ail (apt. Ilenry koUlmrn. The quo-ilon of legacy *f sl'*o 1> still concerning the German Volunt* r wno are die* ussing the m.ittrr and in in : Ing in no little sjh , j.afw.n ov* r it Tao officers of the ("iDi'KiiN m*-ntoi*‘i tn* suppos* I leg a y yesterday. ) ; n-ither had rmv deflntt Informa in at i it a*.l loth were all at -* a when It • *me to glvimr information that w is in the l u t nut horltativc A queer and. ns matters develojve*! un*ler a que*! Instituted by a r* \ r. . nt.*tive *>f the Morning News, an ab> ird report rela tive to rapt. Henry K* !-!* rt has been In circulation. A- the u,ry rut.*, it get-ms that Capt. Kolshorn himself w.s concern ed over flu* report an*l wa busily engag ed In proving Its falsity Two officer* of the Germans spoke of th** matter, and. though neither kn w anyt.aing about ) they gave very assurin' * that they r* - p. sed th* utmost trust in Capt Kolsaem an*l that he was In no way* t*>r the failure of the *tip|Ked ha: i y 40 r*a h th*m This report wa- a c airn of t . heirs of the Dominick Brown estate that the had been paid over to r.ipt Kol ■horn .-*■ verul y-.irs ago. This 4*af.t K*i shorn indignantly denied, and dolled any n* to show his r- • pt for th* amount r prove in any ua\ that li* ti.*l r received it. He had ahsolutel;, no ltf.*w I • ik'** >f rnirh a l*erpiest tMiving **N**r i" • 1 made tho company, further titan he re .;>•. anl that, at first, had n *v* r conn** *-‘“*l Ills tianie in any way with th** mitt** A respresentailve of the N**w learned that tti* heirs *f the a* Ini a a tor of the e? ate of ih** late Domini* W Brown were to be f.*und at the rum r of J'ffers**n street and Hr atghton 1 r.* * lan* Mr K M n and his ste;**'i were found, and ih- Mary they told in to relieve * ’art Kolxliorn i>( tny ♦ < wily for %■ Indies ting hlrn'*'l?. far ahs'diit* In no charges him ar- m;**!**. Mr. r*s4n marria) widow, tr.*- niece of Iv>minlk Brown hi 1 *-( hi !*roth<-r. Fabian Brown. l**)th of whom nr. b*a*l. Mr Fabian Brown vs * admini.*tra**r of Ithe eatnre <>f Mr Dominick Brown * v* • • ran man *er of he German Vo,unt/**rs. who killed himself by whootlng him** If through the head several years ng. ID ws tnterr**<l with military honor?, the Germans turning out Pr the funeral. Mr ras.n -aid h*- kn**w of no su-h legacy to the Germans, though h? ha<l he ir l his Wife nod step- —>n S *y .ui**e *.r • wlea, casually, s!.<*•♦) ha*l lx en l-ft bn Ikxmini* 1 * Brown to th* tjerman Y.l -111.te* rw. This, though, he heliev-d. was through a confusion *>f ll*s> as $l.O - w.n l*ft t<* n * s uirgc)n of th- Germans, who had treat and Air. Hr*wut kl fully after h** had been wun led in |he *attl of Atlanta that he -ised Us 1* g from imputati on. That ll.Ort ha I been j*all by Fabian Brown. th* administrator, and Mr Cason !• . r*l that h- nn , r ?ily. sine** Fabian Br<wn di.l I*l h> . t . pay ov* r $1 .■>• to • e Orman \'. luneers if it run be shown that such w s the wish of Domlrdck Br*wn, who. wh n he died, was worth between s.**./o ar and s3*- **■. Mr Fnson ui>> how* v* r. that he is p.-itive th* re was no u h proi iGon in th** will lie has .1 ropy of the do irn* ♦>♦ that is in n s )f**ty vault in Atlanta. . ut his re'4)llection of it is of no such clans* He reiterated, though. 1 at h woul.l pa> a Just claim from the eatati* of th* td mlnUtrntor. nnd that his vxif* and her son had told bun that **U'-lt was th*ur de sire None of th**m has • ver |al>l th* m<*nev bn*l la-en paid rapt Kolshprn. The report that th**r w.l mi h a *-g ■ a* y gained currency from an Irresponsi ble sour.'.-, and it is b lkv***i it will imount to nothing. The will on III* In th*- ordinary's offl*e. however, will lx* h*ok-d up and will settle once and for n I the question of n |eg* \ If there nn • such a legacy ar.d it h*- not Nn paid, the Germans. Mr 1 a*on says, will g* 1 it. 4)lli:i 1.% UKimi.ll AT HOME. NlnrHag** of 'tr. t harlr* F. AA’lrhrs iiiml '•!■• Itialie XlmfTer. A pretty home welding ts*k place last nirht at the home of th bride’s parents. Dr. nnd Mrs O. T Shaffer, when Mr Charles F Wlchra and Mi:** Rosalie Shaf fer wer* quietly married The ceremony was performed in th** parlors of th* r*"-i --d*ncc by Rev. ♦ sgx*l F |nstor of Grace Methodist Church. Th** bride was daintily gowned in silk mode. trlmm*d with satin rll*D>n nd lace The parlors hii*l b**en pre:i y l* *- orated for th** occasion N\ith palms and trailing smllax. and amid these surround ings the young couple w*r* unlt'*l, There was no wedding Journey Mr and Mrs Wlehrs will r‘-i*le for th** present nt th.* r*si*lot) *e of Dr. Shaffer, kd Waldhurg street, west. Both bride nnd grix>m ore well known In Savannan. The bride |- the y*.ung**st •laughter of Dr and Mrs. Mr Wlehrs is .-onnected with the m**eh.mi< .i| department *f the Rea xxird Air Lit • Their popularity wa- In part artesied by the number of wedding |*res*-ut.s of will* 1 they were the rcclphnl-s. TO YAONK AMm Mi ITALIANS. Ilev. 11. f*. By er Ha* (■one to N**w York Front \• ll*(ii . Rev. and Mrs. II C. Dyer and family were atarird the st'umship Ncooch*e. which left last night for New York Mr Dyer has been In charge of the Episcopal ixirtsh at Valdosta for eighteen months. He relinquished the |x> t to return to New York where he will work under Bishop Bolter. His auccessor at Vahlosia has not been chosen. Mr Dyer came south from ’he Albany dioccae f*r the benefit *f Mrs. Ily* r's health, which was improved by th* 1 • ininge The bishop of his *llo *se had r* - quf-ded Bishop NDhi *0 find a chare* ! f*r him in Georgia. Mr. Dyer, on arriv ing in New York will w.xk among th* Itnllans. of whom th* re *r. 7'V.hS) |n the 1 Itv Bishop Potter desired him for this ♦*speoWl Held because of his having been ••duoated in Italy and his familiarity with the Italian language nnd several dialects. WERE HORN 111 T TO HIE. *!r. J.rhtfr'i Thrpp l.llltr "nn \im ■ In llmin <*nf nrn. ‘ Joy w.i. (urn*-.) to yo.l.'r.lny In Iho hontf of Mr ll.'nry J.i ht.r, \o. ’ ' Wnl.lburK *'r—t. wi-.-t. T'lf two Mill. Klrltt an.) Iho boy who wroro lorn :o Mr urn) Mr, Ju'ohlor ,nrvlvnl hut h f w hourw lt-r tlirir btr'h It w* at a late nour ruht hrtorr la wt ttuit t,tio of th**m .11..1 Two hu, l.t.r It war. follow, I by another hi* th* thlrO lana) away uftor but two hour, more. The three little ores wer, burled In one casket. Two were .nl.l at the head and :he third a: their feet Th* lmermer.: wa in Bonaverture cetntery. Mr*. Juchter la In no danger The lit lie one, were apparently healthful nnd tron* but not In reality, end they were born hut to die. Mr and Mr,. M. luer 1 ftave (lie •yuH.atby of many frktiua. MUN YON'S ti will (uarai-tea that tny Ktduey Cura will eure V 0 per een* of all forma of kidney euuipialtii and la many Inataaeea tba moat aeti .u forma of Brlglit'a disoaaa. If the dlaeaaa la eotn plica tad aeod a four c.’ince rial of urlna. We will nnalyat II nnd adrlae you free what to *4jjjjjjYox It a!! f-ar'j'a Z9e a elal O dd, to ll*al‘h tr. ' t,: C* ('■*> IVO Arrtr ! _Lj_*j_ KIDNEY CURE \\ D NOT I.LOY IPII %\ 11'B#. I ni**nt I'll***! •• Granf *f Y ear'* Xnp p*r( on This tirmiml. Abe LI n• I. John .n*l Jan** Gold wire. nn *r** ii ihc-y arc the ncph*w* of the late Bcnjimtn Llyd ffl*sl In the c iri of ordir.tiry y**st* rd-iy .1 to t grant of n widow s year s support to La * Lloyd, out of ihc estate of their uncles. T •• grounds of chc caveat arc that Rcn j imi'i LU>d nn •' an unmarried man and , ■ 1 iD-mun with wh**m ho lived nn.i r / .1 ttlf. It Is chargsal that Rosa I,I"N*J i- ih- nn if. of * '.i*ri* - \V.*lc who I*, -till living and that she was never . *1 \ ih< ;.:h sin* ma> hav*- l* *n for mal y, married t*. Benjamin Lloyd The 1* it* 11. ib* I*> the appli’ ut lon for ai year s support ur *1 th* • \* .)t thercao nni.l come up for detcrmtnrmon at th* next term .f tn* <\• irt of 4 >rdinar> Tle groun-ls ruimcl an- som* what unusual. I'KTIHKN OF THE II Ell 14 ATION. \rlillc I'liotnu rn pli **f the Cere monies In 'lr. M. I *l Wilson. Mr M E*l Wilson bos comph ted one of in*- tin* t series of phonographic views **f t .*;•* Cathedral l**li it lon ceremonies that has probably ever l*cen seen In the ivu!h of a similar ep**< facie. Two of the vi.*we shw the procession approaemng the 4‘athealral and th* ceremonies Is*fore th- main • iterance, and the others are of th*- Interior, one of (hem showing (he Ai hop is-fniN th** altar celebrating th* ixmiiti' I m.i<*. and the other a largo pi iur* . l-'xll it. lie-. * ken from the **r gin loft run] showing th* entire interior *f th. .tiiii 1 from th* nn.-si • lid. th** con gregation, the priests In the sanctuary nnd K \ Father 'Brl<n in the pulpit. Artlj*- li -nlly th* 1 bture Is one of unusual merit and is ore of the most Intereating eouv* nlrs <*f the dedicatory ceremoni*'a Mr \Vi -n bis the pictures displayed and jn sale af his studio on Bull street. First and Foremost In the field f medicine Is Hood s Rarsap nrilln. It possesses actual and unequalled m* It by which l! cures all dls*,is s caus 'd *r promoted by Impure or Imjsn* rlsh *d blood. If you have rheumatism, dys p p . - roful.i or c.uarrb you may t ike ID**l Sar-.iparllla and b* cure.l If you ir* run *U*wn and f-d w*ak and tired, you may b* ure 14 will do you good. The favorite family cathartic ia Hood's Bills.-ad. I 'lit* Iniisi Ideas. The successful bidder wins a bargain. Two beautiful new Ringer pianos, latest, styles, mahogany case*, upright, will !>e "id t Dorsel.' at 11 o'clock, Novem ber the Mil, to the highest bidder. These pianos ar sold regular in music stores at 135**/*). Ringer pianos are guaranteed by the rnanufa -'urers for the same length f tlm* that all first-class pianos ore. Fall and examine th* s* beautiful pianos nnd bring your expert jtilg- with you. and you will I*** delighted with their tone.guar *i ♦••* . and their style. Tin y wi’l b* w* *I • I it Dorset t**, Fongress ’-'tt* **t, near \Vh t ker, t* th* high* st bid der. at II o’ 'dock. November the gih. an*l you vn ill n. t have a chance in many a day to g'-' as good bargains as you will at that auction Th* lehr it* 1 K nil bo, makers of the fir-* grade of pianos extant, buy and sell the Ring* r pianos, ami so with the leading manufacturer' of the I'nito*! States.—ad. I)nI-YI II Hfsinnalratlsn. Tfo-re b : xhlbitloA In Jarkon. Aletx ger a Fo ' *f greit Interest to th* 1 ladies of Savannah. It is a demon strati.n of the famous "Eat Well" dell* ca* Jcj*. Inidudlng salad df* sing and Jelly. The En! - Well Load- are strictly pur end ar*- of gr*.4t ('onvenlcnce to every house k*‘* p* r. Th** demons?ran lon will le con tlrpjed *vcry day this week and the Irellss ir** eordlnllv Invited to come and pa take of be K i- Well prmluctione Ntudy While Yon Work. Through one *f the ten free scholarships In The In Forrespundence Schools of ramon. Ba.. which the Mo n ing N ws will pr.went to you If you secure one of the (en largesl number* ~f v. te* by Nov. you can keep on eirniug ra living at your present work and at the same time by study at home in tmi usually devoted to recreation or r*t. fit >out self lor a professional position at a good salary. \Oil can *a-ll\ become one of the win ners of thl- ontest. by devoting your at tendon to coll*** ting Voting Coup ns and keeping at L No one ha* a better han< than you. G*-t * wry vote nou cm. and ivt ... rou 1 1 I uvi theirs for) u Re. th** wii.d'.w display of text i.<oks and drawing **tfitw to >•• given away by the Morning N*-w* in its educational con test, *t Fha- Marks’ shoe storv, 17 1 Broughton street west "Ornvbard ! a family medicine wffb u " *1 and a Ir* min* nt basin* s man yes tf .oav "My wife lanes It. and In nice an*- is enjoying be'tei health than f r years. The children livip well by taklo# It. ’ Grayb'ard may he obtain and at all dr.i* st. res or write to us for It. Itispesi Drug Cos, tr ps nsh, Ga. ad. x’|iuil Jut received .1 I i.*ge and assorted sup ply of s*'hool bars nd school supplies. I all at cut rates; from 10 cents up; also, usual large am k of all the school books, now used in < hat hum county, st f£*tll! % News Depot, 45 Bull street. Rravannah. Ga.—ad. Thoiikaml* t Itrb) I'enple Have bean cured qub kl. by T* tter|rv* n *u:e any form of sk n dimase Mrs. M. K. iiiiokl. Miaa, hd an ucliy brainj out on liar ,kln. 8h ,en>), for too to\.a poa.pald to tha manulac ur*r. J T. Shun mn. Savannah. Oa., an. Wl a*. •Tatlarm, la in, „ n |y thT "'Ui* me relni Se lK i j,, ,* tianipa fur a tox U >uur uru, at ..oaan'l kveu it. —atl. -lloklnjr Bure-Elrit Laiiy (o(r for , Journay) I hop* wa ve got tha right train. Second Lady: I aeked eeventeen train men and nlnetv.three na-r. If thta train went to Mlankvllle and they nil aald iv*' 5° 1 BU< "* re 411 rlght.-.New York IV evilly, T j Footwear Fashion. Our effort to combine durability, comfort and elegance in our line of Shoes has met with great “success.” Tiiis season we break our record. ‘‘See them.” See our window display. 17 BWOUGHTOH ST..WEST, Burwell Bearings give it easy-running qualities. No wheel has greater durability; WM. & H. H. no wheel a prettier finish. LATTIMORE 7rif*?T7cxi/< Ca l*Ml|lrtr> lluur*. have bffn laid in many of j ihr romforiMhl** hon* in Ntw York, Koeton find | other cittea. More rhimty ! and economical than ir* | jK’t?* I’l.iin % and fin v j floor* laid and polish- I complete ov**r old floor*, making a polld and beau tlful improvement Cat* . nlogtie on request. Ka llmaiaa sent on receipt! of measure* of rooms* I Having h number of fl-or*< j to lay in Savannah this month wi ran quote cloee figures*. J M AH AMS. 227 N Charles* Street. ; lialtimorMd. ATTRACTIVE PRICES -AT- Headciuarlers THIS \vi:ek. A NEW OPEN STOCK ■ ii S'B worth 825; this sale $17. 85 Heavy Japanned Bread Boxes, worth 35c, this sal -190. Heavy Wire Potato Mash ers, worth 10c, while they j last 3c each. G. W. ALLEN & CO. Hlalr anil IlHrnurd tn*rla. Seed Oats! Seed Rvc! Texa* Run Proof Oata. Coaai-ral *> nr*. Cow r**<J. Har. Orln. Bran •"! Freda of a!i kind* for acock and poultry. T. J. DAVIS, [ ZlPon* SJt Ul Bar atroal, *S