The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 31, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 EDUCATION OF THE NEGROES. A 1111.1 TO W%K: THEM MV t'OH U II vr TMl.t litT. grantor Bril VVanii Ike ‘'•lr trl- Iration l.nxv llr|*ealed~Har*ard of Until) Urn lirrat Need lor IVnalon Hrlora- Leglalatnr* 100 !>•“■• Iral to Repair the < splint Bolltl ln—l>u>t I'mtn till- t npllol I arprta Made the tirait Gran t.ri-ro. Atlanta. Oct 30 The H-nator from thr T|j:rtv-nlnth lnirt ■ Mr Bell, li thr fathar of a profattdikxn I® ntkr thr ntßm pay for th edu <!• -n hr ni He rent In a bill IM- rooming forbidding the ap propriation of any taxer to the education of thr re*m except thr>a paid by person* Cf hta oat <i. t Mr litll l* of thr oplnon, h suys. that (hr a bite man’* burden" has been borne long enough A bill baa been Introducrd looking !o tht repeal of the registration la* Senator Hell B* author declares thr la* to be opr of the moat outrageous In < xlstenre lie doetn t wont It amended. he aavs. but done away with entirely. Thr Senator went *o far a* to hirarterixe It a* the moat infernal outrage ever perpetrated upon a people. Fein too llrform Needed. Mr Harvard of Dooly alii inlrodtirr a bill in thr Moure neat week to revtar thr I preeort pension laws so as to have thr j grand Juries of (bunt let p.i* on applies tlons for pensions before (hey are ernt (o the pension ommlasloner for approval Mr Harvard believe* lhal too many pen sion* are being paid to those not entitled j in them. and h- cays lie want* no man j or woman to draw a pension who l able ) to ll' M H-ii ■ " Include in his bill a provision to have the grand Juri. a revise all penalon* now being . paid and to strike ofT the names of those j who are aide lo live without them. Mr Harvard nays that he knows of several dlsttngulshid Georgians who are not In peed ol pension money, hut who from year so year draw money from the state mill ol Hoof beaks. The rapltoi roof leaks and has been In that eon-in Inn since the last leglslatur was in session during the fall of 1W But the legislature coukl not he Induced to appropriate money for repairs Even last session the ttn'became loosened and one afternoon during violent windetornt •he roof rattled so that the members wer • startled In their seats Not a dollar has been appropriated by the legislature to keep the enpttol In repair since It was accepted by the state some twelve years ago The carpets are worp and ruety and were an ' reeking with dual, dirt and flnh" when they were token tip In lb turnin' r of IKO that the beating out pro cess tUV took place vat the copltol lawn, a- cording to Adjutant General Byrd, so enriched the glass lhal where 117 loads of manure were used for top dressing in 189*>. not a shovelful was used in 1*99. and •till there was a beautiful and luxuriant carpet of grass nil summer • TOPS THE I Ol'tiH VMI WIIHI 3 OFP THE ( OI.D. Laxative Prnmo Quinine Tablets cura a cold tn one day No cure, no pay. Erica IS cents—ad ABOLISH VeiiHO TROOPS. Byrd's Rernminendatlan unite nit ferent From That of Ohear. Atlanta. Oct. 30—In his annual report to the Governor. Adjt Gen. Phil G. Byrd gays the negro troops are of no use. and recommends that they he mustered out Inspector General William G. Obear, in Ms annual report, ears the acven com panies of negroes are In a splendid onndl tlon. and states that on his last Inspec tion tour the negroes made a very credit able showing There is a decided difference In Ihe two reports, and they come from the hea-tr of the military departments In Georgia Byrd as Adjutant General recommends the abo lition of the negro battalion, and Obear as Inspector general states they are tn good condition, and falls to recommend that they be mustered out. Inspector General Oliear's report deals with the military as a whole, and give* all the com mends a go-sl name The wide d tscreiain -y is causing talk among mili tary meK Inspector General Obear re fused to discus# the situation this morn ing further than to ) that his report had been tiled wish the Adjutant OenerV The legislature last year. In the hill reorganising the state militia, provided that there be seven companies of colored troops and under that law seven com panies were organised Whether the leg islature will adopt the suggestion <f the Adjutant General remains to lie ren I: la not likely, however, that any change will be made for the neat two years The talk Is of Ihe difference In the reports of the two officer*, and the que*tlm asked Is. "Why such a difference?" jinor r*LLiu.i\T for oovfrsoh. Ill* >am<- Meet* \VIh Mnrh Favor In laorrNH (annl>, Dublin. Oa . Oct. JO—The talk of put ting Judge Robert I'oJiiiont forward ao a aurce*or of Gen Rvan* a> commander of the Confederate veteran* of Georgia ha* brought forward the thought, why not Induce thl* diattngulohed ex-Confederale. Jurist lawyer and elegant gentleman to lead flouth Georgia * tight for the trover rtorwhop In li*s fin Saturday o well knowt. Dublin |Hilktlclan mentioned hi* name to n crowd anti nil aareed that a Itetier man a* Gov. Candler's successor couldn t be selected One old soldier re marked that If he ai an orator he would ptumi> the Hate for the Judge If he de cided to offer for the office, it* a braver ■oldler never fought for the Ixt Cause Huron I* f mm nu llttme. Atlanta. Oct art —A telegram re-elvef from Senator A U Ha -on thla morning announces that he will be In Atlanta Fri day He la now taking an active | art In the Illinois campaign hut will flniah hi* work In that *tate to-morrow. Tonight Just before retiring. If your llTer H •lusclah, out of tune and you feel dull, billoui. constipated, take a dose of Hood's Pills And you II be all right In lb# morning. spgM i ii some ml Ti^rrrrrToTicßr^" Furnil -re u,. ,u!;-< re-i and made good a* new. Muttre-ree made of the b--a< moss and hair DAVID CLARK * iti Jefferaon ,treet P t.-l have re elved the fine,l line of curtain wood- and upbolstery material brought to tni* city. LOOK! The finest line of Mantels. Tiling and Grate, in '.i rlty Price* rock tmtiom gave money hy ae-ing out goala btlor-- piirchastng e!-ewher*. •AVANSAH r.riLDING SUPPLY CO., Corner Cotigrtu and Dray too. ’Phcrt 513. “THE POPULARITY OF Apollinaris JL 7 ("THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS") is chiefly due to its irreproachable character.” The Times. "DRINK NOTHING but Natural Mineral Water, such as Apollinaris, free from all vegetable poisons." Boston Journal. UEATHI. DIED—On Thursday. Oct 23. In New York rlty. Trank Junius Abbott Inter ment at Syracuse, N Y. rtSkaiL isrntTiulu HAILEY—The relatlvts and friends of Mr and Mrs W. F Hall y and family are Invited to attend the funeral of their -laughter Marie T . at th- Laurel Orov - emetery at 11 30 o'clock Ihlr morning ■urrivbt. (TATRA I. nr GEORGIA RAILWAY mHPtVY, Annual Meeting of Stork holders. Bavnnnnh. Ga . Sept 25. 19m The annual meeting of the sio kholders of this company will be held at the office of the company. 13 Hay street, cast. In the city of Bavannab. Ga-. on Tuesday, me 9th day of October neat, at 11 fl m city lime, for the cle tlon of dlr.clors and Ihe transaction of such other hurl ness as may com'- before the meeting T. F SMITH. Asst Secretary TO THE VOTER* Of fOl RTH G. M. DISTRICT. A meeting of the Fourth Dlatrlct Reyn nolds nub will be held corner Aherrorn and Brywn atreets Wednesday. 31*1. at a p m Please attend Business of Importance Uve Issues for discussion. Tllof! I* HILL. Chairman • rgCUL NOTICE#. in the m vd hi h. In the mad rush for our ices and soda water (the prescrtptlonlsis ail being busy an dutiable to direct the crowds to she doors) the large plate glasa tn the west window was walked Into hy the onlhiisk alle crowd and smashed Call in and seo nil that Is left of It. Iking and beautiful prism- forfed by (he crash are Mill lo be seen sparkling In the sunshine or moonlight, and In looking through makes rt alm-i*t Impossible to distinguish the dif ference between Ihe ire creams and sher bet* Bend your Sunday orders early lo Insure prompt delivery MASONIC TEMPLE PHARMACY. Georgia Phone 682 STATE AMD COI ATT TAMES. IK. Office Collector Btate and County Taxes. Chatham County. Ga.. Savannah. Oct I. 1900 The digest la now open for th collec tion of the al-ove taxes on all property real and personal, the specific t ig on pro fessions; also the Poll Tax for Educational Purposes on all Male ttealdenla of the city and county between the ages or 21 ini > years. Office at the Court House Hours, 9 a m to 3 p. m JAB J MoGOWAN. Tax Collector. C. C. ROYAL Vlt'Olf HALL. 314-319 Broagnton Street. West. WEEK OMMENCING MONDAY. Ol 29 K,r,t Apt* aranre of BlLLY—Nayamlth end R-wt—ZETTA. Comedy Sketch Artlat*. Reapr-earanee of MISS HAZEL HOWARD. A Charming Entertainer. Reappearance of OEORGE—W*M and FowIer—JENNIE The Two Eocenlrte* And a brand new aerie* of MOVING PICTUKKS BEST SHOW OF THE SEASON MB. JOIIX n. PARKS. 11l AIXF.AX MA3I AGBtt OF THR ATLANTA Itit.) JOIHVAL. WHITE A OF* St WAT BE IPKISUI WATER. * • The bathing tn and drtn'ilng o( the water from thb spring will cure the mot ob etmatr caeea of libaunialism Dva|p,la Liver. Kidney. Bladder Skin and Blood DU ,4m I have personally seen an,l experienced *1 mot uiarvlou* cure* by uii,g tht* water I went lo Ihe j,rlnr *lm.>*l a herplea* Invalid from rbeumalUm and. alter remaining there fortourweok, returne<l bom,-entirely cured, never having felt a touch ol rhe imatirm *inc, my return io Atlanta JOHNS PAItKS All you can drink for & cent* al Llvlng ,ton's Pharmacy. L ATHE FOR a ALE. A compound seared lathe (made by 11. L. Sheppard A Cos., Cincinnati). Will >wlD, 11 Incite*. (I feet brlvveru crnlera. Will be anld cheap, aa wr have no u*e for It. Apply to or ad - drra, it e THE MOHhIAG TEWS, savannah, (la. BECK MAY V# CAFE, 113 and 111 Whlt.iker street. We are now prepared to nerve Ihe flr.e*l mrata, oy*l< r, and game Caterers for wetldlng panic*, gcmiati,. banquet* and coital ions. Agent* for Imported Wuerxburgre llof tlrau. Phone 710. WHY OF Ol HE IT* *ll. Fv-rryhody nay* the brat meat* In thr city are to lee bad at my *tnll* In thr rtty market. What everybody • aya moat be no. To-day Prime Beet, Vlntton ond Veal, Lamb. Pork, Match lea* Corned Beef, etc. Both phone* AAT. JOHY El YK. i hi. RvTO< LB vv vti lii * The only way to get your carpet* prop erly tnk, up. cleaned and taken care of for the rummer t, lo turn the Job over to the Dlatrlct Meoaenger and Delivery Cos., j telephone 2. or call nt 32 Montgomery I tr*et. and they will make you an e,tl mate on th# coat of the work. Price* reatonable They alao pock, move arid More furniture and punoa. C II MEDLOCK. Hupt and Mgr PHOPONVL* H AY TED. City of Savannah, Offiee Dirac tor of Public Work,. Savannah. Go , Oca. 25. 19fo —Sealed proposal* will be received al i thin office until Wednmdnv. Oct. 31. ]9>> at U o'clock noon, city lime, to rural** 1 the cMy ol Savannah with uppll** until I Nov sn. 190, Ail proposal* mail be m,idi ot, official form* which ran he secured at thin office on ami after this -la'e Envelope lo be marked "Proposal* for Supplies-" The city reaerve, ihe right to reject any or all bid* Bidp to bo open ed In the pr**enre of bidder* GEO. M GADSDEN, Director, THEMOKNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1900. gPKCTAI. .NOTICE#. PHILADELPHIA St R APPLE, LIVE LOBSTERS, Broiled or Boiled SCALLOPS. Stewed or Fried. BLCE POINT and NATIVE OYSTERS Berved all styles. GAME IN SEASON. STEAKS. CHOPS. Everything flrst-cUta. Dining rooms j upatakrs. LEVAN'S CAFE. RESTAURANT AND OYSTER HOUSE. 11l Congress street, west. MIMGEH PIANOS. neat In Tone, !!et in Our*l>lllly. Brit An Ptyk and Finish. (KI.KBHATKI) THR WOULD OVER. XO*E BETTER. MINK AM) GOOO. Two of These iilflcrnf I'lanos to Re sold nt AtCTION NOVEMBER , at C. If. DOR MOTTO# 22 Converts street, west. TO BE NOLI) TO THE MHillEftT II11) DEH SPECIAL YOTKX. Jt ST RECEIVED One carload of Moyer,' Rne work of Syracuse N. Y , open and top buggies, the most complete lino ever brought to this city. We defy competition on this work 1 ask the public one ,nd all who are In the market for end and ,lde-pring easy-rid ing vehicles, that they ran be found at my repository. A!o a full line of deliv ery wagon*, open and top, milk and baker wagon* You muke no mistake by calling at once and make your selection. MARK APPLE'S REPOSITORY, 32*> Broughton street, west. Kelly's Rubber Tire*, the only reliable tire on th* market DVI EHIIHATEY. For thle delicacy, and other aea annable dishes that are not served elsewhere, come here. OYSTER*, from Golf and Northern waters, t.(R*TF.H* and G A VIE a apr. elalty. Prepared by the heat eooka In the *onth. Faaltle**ly aerved. THE GEM CAFE, GEO. C. tM HVV AH/.. Proprietor. KMGHT'S PHARMACY, OPEN ALL NIGHT. Beef. Wine und Iron 7&c Roach Salt tguarameed) 10c K R C HOD 1 Talcum Powder, berated 5c I Palmer'a Tollot Water* 50c I Empty Capsule#. Id) for 5' ' T. P. Dyspepsia Tablet, Free Imported CaMlle Soap 60c Insect Powder, P. D. A C 0... toe True,** ' IP to 13.00 Syringe*. Fountain .* 75c ti 13 no Thermometer (Fever) 6l)c to 32 00 We lead tn everything In our lln*. KNIGHT 8 PHARMACY. On Phone 539. Ball Phone 519 VIVBK VI'I'I 1 sat) West Brounbton street, CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, Agent for following manufacturer*, make your selection from them: Mayer. Columbua, Buckeye. Frailer. Cortland. Waterloo. Waiartown. Weat cott. Rock Hill. Old Hickory. Mllburn and Florence Farm Wagon*. Full and templet# line of Marne*,, Sad dle,. Lap Robes, etc. Kelley Springfield Rubber Tire, put on at short notice PROPOSAL* \V ANTED. City of Savannah. Office Director of Public Work. Savannah. Oa.. Oct 23. 1900 —Sealed proposal* are wanted for fur nishing Ihe city of Savannah with 12.000 square yard* of granite tyloeks. Specifi cations furnished upon ipplicailon, OEo M OADBDSN. Director SEAtOY FOB WHISKY. Bend your order lo Robert Rentier, cor ner of Liberty and Drayton. Savannah. Ga., for the heat Whisky In the market. You will be served right. Only Ihe bed brand, handled. No cha,*- lor Jug* ROBERT REM Lint Phone M3. ROTH . All person, are hereby warned not to ! harbor or trust any of the crew of the j Norwegian bark ''Prime George.” a* j neither the master nor .onslgnee* will Ir responsible for any debt* contracted by sold crew Patereon-Downlng Cos. Consignee*. met l NOT II ? Neither the master not cor*lgn*e* of the Rrltleh etenmahlp "Elton" will he re sponsible for any dr bis contracted by the crew. BTRACHAN A CO Consignee*. Savannah, Ga., Oct. 31. 19(91, We never tire telling you that Humboldt Cr gars are “as good as currency.” Old smok ers knowthis; newones should learn it. Superior to All. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. PHONE 383 THE ONLY Exclusive Family Liquor Store IN THE CITY. TRY OUR FAMOUS Bell’s Pure Rye Whiskey. Full Quarts 75c; four bottles, containing full Gallon,s3.oo. RFKINRFR & P.n 84kI,reprl '-0 8 A 1 .‘ , - K ‘ k " 9lml ULLOIiIULII CU UUl| FULL LINE OF CLARET WINES. SPtoLIAL VOTIGta, 'mevuthis. Messrs. Sloal Bros. Cos., kavannah, Ga. Gentlemen—l have been a great sufferer from Indignation and *nffer a great deal. Heard of yonr Vege table Batter* through a traveling salesman In Baltimore. I proeored a battle and ffnd It give, nt* great j relief. I certainly recommend It to any one Buffering from Indlgeallon. V oar* respectfully. (HAS. A. CRANDALL, Annapolis. Md. ESTABLISHED IH4.V SOLOMONS COfIPAYY, Wholesale and Retail Druggist*. Wholesale Department. HIT ( on gresa street, weat. Georgia Phone 144. Hr toll Store*. I.'W C ongre** alreet. west. Bell I'toone 144. Bull aud rkaryan street*, under Ar aennl. Bell and Georgia Phonea 03. BIDS W ANTED. City of Savannah, office Director or Public Works Savannah. <3u , IX4 25. 1900 —BUIs will be received at this office until Wednesday. Oct. 31. 1900. it 12 o'clock noon city time, for furnishing feed a, follow* No 1 Timothy hoy. per W 0 pound*; best quality feed bran per 100 pounds, bee: quality corn, per buahel; best quality rnix.-l oats. To l>e weighed at the city lot Envelopes to Is- mjrked "lti.l* for F. *d " The city re serve* the right to re ject anv or all bkl* to be opene-l in the presence of bidder* GEO M GADSDEN. Director BUI mLHBi Bit E Fl.Ot B, HUE CHAFF. We have anew mill with all modem proeeese, ond machinery, and are now readv for business We solicit your pat ronage and Invite correspondence; Go# chaff free io patrons THE SAVANNAH RICE MILL CO.. T M Cunningham President. John Screven. Jr.. Manager TIIF HI D IIEVIIT. Cincinnati Beer Is Ihe popular beer now It seems to he mad* Just right Ask for It wherever you go JUNG BREWING COMPANY. WM RRICKEN. Manager Phone 985. IF IT'* Nit E. WE HAV E IT. Large assortment Whitman'* Candle* Just reee.ved. Mavonnalse Dressing. Chll* Sauce. To mato Chutney, Anchovy I’aate. New Georgia Syrup ami new Mackerel rhone 9.Y. HARDEE & MARSHALL. any time of night. You can gel your prescription, tilled any time of .lay or nlghl at Park Avenue Pharmacy Phone 114A PARK AVENUE PHARMACY. J L BRANAN. Proprietor. Corn, r iu .ve. and Barnard at. ME Ml V AYD SELL HEAL ESTATE, Negotiate loan* on same at 6 per cent, and collect rent a Represent The TraveL era' Insurance Cos., Occident and liability departments. Represent Ihe New York Underwriter, Fire In*, agrney. Reprogrnt th* Greenwich l-'lre In*. Cos. Reprcopt the Phoenix Mutual Life In*. Cos. All busl ness entrusted t>> us will be appre ated. and will receive prompt and careful at tention No 2/ Bv alreet. east. Tele phone 34* W. C. FRIPP A CO.^ NOTICE. City of S.vanngh, Offi.-e Clerk o' Council. Savannah. Oa.. Oct 19. '.ftP Dr. Osborne nctlne city p-.yalclan f r the Second District I* locate ! ot No ,T)5 price street Offi e hour*. 8t- 9 n m and to 7 p. m 3V P BAILEY. Clerk of t.Ysunrll BOYDS EXECI TED. By the American Bonding and Tru*t Company of Baltimore We are autho-- unt I# execute locally (Immediately UI:I appllcatlonl. nil hood. In Judlrlal pr-- ■ .ilnas In either the state or liu:ed State* Court,, and of admimstraiot* and guardian, HEARING A HULL Agent,. I Telephone 324. Provider.t Building. arbviiL vurioA ’TTmiidlijriuuriu^^ City of Savannah. Offlcu Clerk of Council. Oct. 19. 1900 The following resolution adopted at a meeting of Council, held on the evening of the Uih Inst, la herewith published for 'he Information of all concerned: By Alderman Dixon— Resolved by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah In Council a ■embled. That the ordinance for the re naming of atreets south of Anderson street he published for information and that Council Invite* an expression of the view* nnd wishes of the clttxen, of Sa vannah. and particularly of thoae residing south of Anderson street, or owning properly In this eec tlon. concerning the wisdom and ex pediency of the ordinance, those Views to be expressed by petlilon or other written communication, or orally, at the next meeting of Council, at which time th# ordinance will be read on Its passage An ordinance to re-name the streets tn the city of Savannah south of Ander son street Section 1. Be It ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah In Council assembled, concerning the street, |n the city of Savannah south ol Anderson street, that hereafter First and St. Janus atreets shall be known as Thlrty-flrxit street. Second. Glllott and St. Paul street, shall be hereafter known s. Thirty second street. Third. Grapevine. West Third and Hr Nicholas street, shall be hereafter known ' ae Thirty-third street Fourth. Ulsmurk. West Fourth and St John street, shall be hereafter known as Thltry-fourth street. Fifth. Sarah, Wilder. West Fifth. St Michael and Brady streets shall be here after known a* Thirty-fifth street. Sixth. .Willow. West sixth and Si. Thomas streets shall be hereafter known as Thirly-elxth street. Seventh and East Seventh street, shell be hereafter known as Thirty-seventh street. Eighth. Center, James and Erst Eighth street, shall be hereafter known os Thirty-eighth street Ninth and East Ninth street, shall be hereafter known as Thirty-ninth street Tenth. Church and East Tenth streeD shall be hereafter known as Fortieth street. Eleventh and I-mvir streets (or avenue) shall la- hereafter known aa Forty-flret ,t reel. Twelfth and South avenue streets shall hereafter known as Forty-se.-ond afreet .-be. ; Be |t further ordained, thal all i ordinance, and parts of ordinance. In I conflict with this ordinance ar* hereby | rriiesled WM P. I)AILEY Clerk of Council HIV OYI.Y THE BUST t-IYI-ilit VII. The last I* the Wheeler Brand of Bel fast Ginger Ale. made by Wheeler A Cos., of Belfast. Ireland, from Ihe ee.cbrated Cromac Springs of that city. These spring, are the property of Wheeler A Cos. heme no other Ginger Ale manufacturer In Ireland ha, those water:, hut them selves The Wheeler Ginger Al# I* made from pure Jamilca Ginger Root and not from Red Pepper, as other* are; on* ts deleterious—the other I* a tonic. For Healthfuines, and Puilty the cel*. I,rated Wheeler brand of Belfast Ginger Ale I* the best. LI PPM AN BROTHERS. Sole Southern Agents. Savannah,o3*. City of Savannah. Office Clerk of Council. Oct. 19. 19. A vacancy having occurred among (he city physician, by reaaon of Ihe resigna tion of Dr. M H L*vl of the Second Dla trlct, notice l* hereby given that an elec tion will be held at the next regular meeting of Council, to be held on Oct. 31. at s p m.. to Ml th# unexptrad term caused by the eald resignation. All application, lo be filed with the Clerk of Council at or before 12 m. of the 31*t inxi. WM. P BAILEY Clerk of Council. REYOY VTIYG—MYTTRESSEA REN. OV VTIYG. Hair. mow. licking. fiber, feather,, Our stock of new material and manufac tured product* ore up to date. Our reno vating and delighted many prominent xylJent* Ak your acquaint ance- Materials sent u. Is picked, steam ed. denned and m dl-ated by modern iri. 1 chlnery. Making done bv mechanics. We -online our work to mattresses and beti ding generally. We sell ticking of a I ' kinds. mo*. hair, cotton fiber, fcithera. or any article nee-l.d In mattress line. NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENO VATING CO. Bell Phone 113* *3l Drayton alreet. fcM IH gW ■ LIMBED FOR SALE. 193.000 feet of aah. suitable for wheel wrtkhi* carriage maker*, work, and intetlor hour* finish. Also cyptea* lumber of all sixer We have returned rutting our famous brand* of cvpres* shingles and will soon have a full line of them fog sal*. VALE ROYAL MFO. CO. Ol R CLIENT# Loan money at six per cent, on real estate security. BECKETT A BECKETT. '/ ' Attorney* at Law aud CgpveyansQO- j) . Perfect feetl No corns! No \ | \ I bunions! No blemish! The \ l \ I scarcest thing in town. If i [ l you want your children to \ / \ have faultless feet Start / 'V >k Now! and have us lit them / f \ with “Nature'* shape welt It. \ \ shoes. Send your children here. We undertake to guarantee fit and quality. Shoes. SjlOjS. rooreoviPEßs *>* Man/t/nd. HlSlftL** NOTICES. NMECVAL NOTKT. Having voluntarily gives up the •urnry for *bne*. v*f drslrr farther to lessen the loss and obviate the Itlamr whirl* would Mtlnrh tn yon In |iur rliSHing them hy offertii* our re main ISg stork nt. Roofs Rtf. Osfords Jftl.lVO. Will >on shnre the hlnmr with usf ttBIL A 4*l IST, •05 liriiugiou street, went. j For 5,1 r Only by B. 11. LBVV A BRO. WEDDING GIFTS. f ir stock is so full and va rl 'a In style that the simplest as well as the mostextrava g it taste can be suited. ill the newest things in sil ver now being opened. THEUS BROS. Rare Work On Dress Shirts • HR-. *r .411 T-l i H. MR The Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Cos, ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms. lo Nofipcf PiiDlisliers. For Ml,. • Foraaltb N,w.nap.r Koidr will fold ti*t f-ik It to tn good order Prtc, POO It coat originally 11.100. but *■ hav, ou u*a for It and want th, room t occupies. It will ba ,r lnvwluabl, adjunct bo any n*wpapar jfflor Addraaa MORNING NEWS, ißvaaaah. Ga. New Pictures. Plclur* Frxm*. W*ll P.vprr. Water Color,. Bruahe*. Otb,on', Celcndar,. GREEJfE * CO.. II* Whitaker. truly woioenrix. RiTTiSRii water col’ll' hater PAINT A (übltltu.p for oil. paint and whltr wa,h Firr-prrwf and wrather-proof. An excllrnt dUlnfcr'artx r an be applied by any on* to ;,n>- kind of .urface with any kind of bnioti ANDREW HANLEY CO. Boh* Agent* (yil'ixi. XUHCkk "lIHLVIKEV, f APB, Liberty and tVhltakpr. Tft.hlonabl* caf* of Bavannah. Wit hit, t block of Ih* Dr Svlo Evrry. thing in uton. Fat gam*. Frrah oy t*t. Private partlea—d.nnera. Ponr (M. NT t. x. If 1 am not your butcher I gne.a I'm , your neighbor . If you do not rat th* I good thing* that hr do*,. If, your fault. 1 hav. t ,|,*‘ la! or-l*r o! Wratrrn r-ta.ta an.l neak#. p ump fowl,, barnyard duekr, g**r M 8 GARDNER. Phone, S7S. P. B—Remember th* d*lietou. Corned Beef mad* vpeclaliy for my trad* LEOPOLD ADLER. JNO. R DILLON President. Cashier C- 8. ELLIS. BARRON CARTER. Vie, Prestdaal. A„t. Cashier The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH. Will ba pleased to receive (ha aoooun, of Merchant,. Firm*. Individuals, Bar.** and Corporation* Libera! favors extended Unaurpeesed collection facilities, tnau* tng prompt reluma SEPAKAIESAVINSS DEPARTMENT I>TLIIIiST lOXI'OIXDBO RIARTLH. If Oh DEPOSITS. Safely Deposit Boxes and Vault, f v rent Correvpondence solicited. The Citizens Bank OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL $500,000. Traaaarta a General Banking Business. Solicits Accounts of IndlvldaaH, Merchant.. Uauk, and other Corpo. ration*. fT tecllona handled with safety, econo and dlapnlch. * Inter. ,|. conipaandrd nnartrrly. allowed on depoaits In onr Bavinga Department. kafely llcpoall Boxen and Biorag. Vaults. BHANTMCr A. DENMARK. President. VIILLN B. LA\E. Alee Prraldenl C.KORGB C. FREEMAN. Cashier. GORDON L. GROOVER. Aral. Cashier. SOUTHERN DINK of tn, dint, of Georgia. Capital Uui.ow Burplun and undivided proOis ttol.Dui LLlUtiliuUY Ul liilil tfTATki OF GEORGIA. Superior fscltiiliM- lor tranucting a uanalug Bualnm, Col In: (lona, on all points _ac‘ eaalble through tanks and bankar,. Account, ul Banker,. il,-.b*, i* and ol her, nilictind. o*l DvpoaU Buses for rent. Department of Savings, Intersat paysbl, quarterly Soils Sterling Exchange on Londoo a and upward*. JOHN FLANNERY. Prwaldent. HORACE A CRANE. Vic, Preildeot JAMES BfLMVAN. Cn*hler. DIRECTORS: JNO. FLANNERY. WM W. GORDON E A. WEIL W W GORDON Jr. H A CRANE. JOHN M EGAN LEE ROY MYERS JOSEPH FERST H P SMART. CHARLES ELLIS EDWARD KKLLT. JOHN J KIRBY SIUMMC! capital, gaao.uoo. AccxMtnl, of banka, merchant,, mrpora non, and Individual, aulicltati Bavlng, Depai tmeni, n,tret p*:d quarterly. Safely Boxes and 9!orag* Vault, lot rent. Collections mad# on an point, at tea •onabls ratao. Draft, sold on all tb, chief cltlaa of th, world Correspondeoc, Invltad. JOSEPH L WEED. PrmldenL JOHN C ROWLAND. Vic, Prmktont W. r. McCALLEY. Cashier. THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH. UA. Cnp-ial WWB Undivided proflu E. Tht, bank udtrs 1U service to corpora lio,A merchant# and individuals. lias authority to act as axaoutor. d -mlnlotrntor, guardian, etc la,u,n drafts on tb, principal cities la Great Britain and Ireland and an th, Cor.tlneMt Inter.#, paid or compounded quarterly on dap edta tn th# Saving* Departm-nt. Safety lioxs* for renL HICNRY ftLUN. President OEO W TTEDEMAN Vine Proaldart JOHN M HOOAN. Cashier WAT TER E HOGAN. Aa*t Cshlr. No. 1640. Chortarod, • the inis lliirl II Of SAVANNAH. CAPITAL M>vO). SURPLUS. lIM.H UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. J A. U. CARBON. Prmld*t. BEIRNE GORDON. Vice President. W. M DAVANT. Cashier. Accounts of lank, and barker*, n't eban'a and ccrporatloo# received nt> ® the rraot favorable term* eorolt*nt will safe and conserve,tv, banking THE GEORGIA STATE BIILDINQ AND LOAN ASSOCIATION IS YORK STHirKT, WEST. m PER CENT. p*r annum allowed ou x) deposit,, wllhdrawabl, on demand- Inlet- s' cmllted quarterly 6 I'EH CENT. p*r annum allowed 0,- deposits of even hundred*, milhdraw able al annual period*. GEO. W. TIEDEMAN. Prealdant. B H. LEVY. Vic* Prel<lnt. B. W. BELL Becr,tory C. O ANDERSON JR . Treasurer IK TOU WANT OOOD MATERIA!- and work. ora#r your lithographed printed ,tattooary and blank book, R- ..■ Morning Nawa, Savannab. On