The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 31, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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MISDEMEANOR LABOR BILL 4 01VHIW WOt LD WAIT TO HIRE THHItt o\\> COSTVICTI. J nflrr C ontrol of inoonor Con v|rl. Flared Under the Prison C om (1|l„|on, hot and C ountie* ( - (vrn the Option of Employln* mm Mituy uMvlcti n Desired t oiler ,| VU ye* r' Contract With the (iniuil*l , n- a The Bill May Hull the Country Counties. hut Would Serf* oaol* Interfere With the I'ruitmi uf 4 liHthna*. A copy ot th© bill Introduced In the Is rifthiture by Representative Toomer of if itmnty, pltcins the control of all .. . . nesnor convict* of the state In the l®r J' of the rrhoa Commission ha* been ifs'■ ived in Savannah. The bill la appnr #ntj„ In pursuance of tho recommendation nwJe by 4#ov. Candler In hla age to Ut legislature and In accordance with Mi id a of putting an etui to the many a: . . * which have been complained of In county and private convict camp* throughout the state by placing all con without regard to the grade of etime. under the control of Ihe commit* •km. \j>p ranlly the bill, from th* provisions a, i lying to cities and counties employing t*n>!r own convict*, will not work such a g ,ji hardship upon such cities and coun ts but It Is evident from a closer ln i w of the bill that li would depend ;s :*i' upon th manner in which these y ~ soould lie curried out by the p r rommlsslon find the additional rule H nd regulations which they might enact In pursuance of the authority already en jo and by them which might so hamper <h. ountles using their convicts as to mak< the services of the Latter utmost worthies \ t r Interpretation and appll atlon of the provisions of the bill provides that •in i,.i.t jr or municipality employing Its rTii.'4t in* nor convicts on publn- works may file with the prison commission a writ ten tkiuaiKl for such number as they may u* r* t<> rnploy. and Hint it shall te ihe and .t\ of the commission to furnish to sold city or county authorities th number so demanded; the number to b fuppn- l first from th convicts of the particular coun ty and from such other convicts else uhcae as nuy Ik- require ! to keep up the nuiniM-r lit-matuUml. Tnts enable a county to work more convits than those suppli* and by ls own courts. If to Its in tr st to do so. and on the contrary it could turn over is *urpluA to the state and have no futtner responsibility for their tare or keep. Th- convict list in Chatham ho* been ft* adl.y growing for the last aeve*ai wars, and the probability Is that the scuier could very easily get a#fl| Ki with less than the average number they have been working. The trouble is that in ev*ry larg*- county like Chatham there Is a weak, vicious and degraded class, chief ly utiumg i Ik* negroes, whose members *ln<l a large j>ortion of their llvon tlx* chalngang*. The labor or this class is of comparatively little value. If th* Prison Cuinniissioii stiouid so ex* rolse It authority * to force the county 10 k *'p these undesirable convicts on its hand: . ap|>io| rioting to the state thu Scrvh cs of t .t able-bodied convicts, the result would Im to place the county at a great t'isad vantage. It Is the long-term mis ie mu* nor convict*, those whose aentenecs run from six to twelve month*, provided they are able-bodied, who the valuable abor h> The women and children, the Infirm and cripple*, who make up . • *.>!• ruble pro|>ortion of the chain gang forces, are of twit little value The first section of the hill referred to i tikes out from section 1.4X0 of the code •4' 16iK. providing for the punishment of m -l nn anor convict*, the words, "As in*- county authorities may employ the rhulngang," and substitutes the words. a the Prison Commission may employ rofivict* sentenced under this section.*’ otnerwlse the ect'tion remains the same • xrept that the words "county uuihort ts s" are strut k out wherever they oc* • ur. The second section gives the commis . on complete control nod management of misdemeanor convict "as It now* hu by the law over the felon convicts, In regulating the hours of labor, th** man ner and extant of their punishment, the variety, quality and quantity of the foot), uie kiiul and character of their clothing, end in making such rules and raguia i.ons a* will insure their safe keeping and : roper < are. and In appointing m.d re moving such ofllcers. guards and physl* as may in* nee eatery." Tho tidrd section nuikcs It the duty of the * Icrks of th- several courts of the “tate to notify the Prison Commission of .!! misdemeanor convictions to terms of hard labor under Section 1033 of the Code. t;d to send a copy of the sentence of the oiirt with full Information and descrip tion. It is mode tho duty of sheriffs and . tiler* to turn over such convicts to the • (ir.nnM* on or its agents. Section 5 mk< • count** * and cities em ploying dlsdemeanor convicts liable for ost*> of such tonvi from ttwir respec tvo r ouiitie**, except In those counti**e where other legal provision has been made f>r tho payment of *u h oowts. This *ec -1 Jn also H*y*, * and -ilvill pay to the rom na dun hire for such convict* hs may he greed upon." If this in* ans that th nuntiws must pay hire the use of t; 'lr own convicts th* hardship uj>on u • inty like Chatham would be extreme. \ the county Is at heavy ex|>en** in n • ntaining th# court it w'ould certainly •m to Ik* enMtbd to the use of the la l • of the convl ts from these courts In r: king public improvements. c' Mon 4 provides that r.o count" de r,' ling and employing convicts thal! *’ ontmuc the use of the same wit dn two v*wra from the beginning of mi h em r*l vment and that dlscontlnuanco evo * n shall be onlv after ninety days' wrlt t‘o notice to the . ommi -slon ~e twm 7 provide* for the sale of the ■ or of all other mlMiemoanor convict*, •bin thn* employed by o|t|w* .nd coun ’ to the highest bidders, with the con ' * **n that their control shall not be given ■ • private person* and that they shall n<* rntdoyeil In uny banl- al pursuits {| would bring the ptoduns of their laixji ompetition with the products of free No contract for such labor shull *r less than twunty-five convicts or * • * less time than two years. r Mrs grc* ! with Chairman 1 • - that the oi** ratb*n* of this bill would v *ry unjust so far *s <*ountlvs like 1 ’! im are conccrntM). which ore at 1 expense in maintaining courts, to I nothing of the expense to which the * ; Hit lit maintaining its police an*l II tlv* dopirtment. for these counties to I'rtvrd of tho rtht to use tholr own * ' t laltor. representatives of Chatham will ' de*js v**ry urgently txillr<l upon to • It that, should tle bill meet with : such amendments b*> added to It a * ' vent Its provls.ons operating ln- upon counties like Chatham Helen Keller, the deaf and dumb and 1 girl, who has Just entered Had- College at Cambridge. Mass.. Is a • dint of John Adams and a on -1 ' ‘>n of some of the best New Knc ‘ '* families. Her latest a room pieh • 'he*s, at which she plays a .p--' -' e me. U> A . A ft L'DELICACIES SERVED HUE ! \AI JACKSON,METZOKH AO rtf H h j * T llaita>3!. r tOuviat# TJ l*#tfV-*ll t'.t!*l Ever) Dm y Tills >'tk. It Keeps Growing There’s no uncertainty about the popular opinion of the “In-er-scal Patent Package.” Its instantaneous success proved its popularity. Biscuit bakers have been for years looking for something to pre serve the crispness of their products. The Demand for Biscuit Packed in the “In-er-seal Patent Package” shows by its glowing greatness that the way has been found. The “ In-er-seal Patent Package” is absolutely proof against dust, damp and odor. Insist on Soda Biscuit, Milk Biscuit, Bntter Crackers. Saltines. Banquet Wafers, Sultana Kruit, Graham Biscuit, Sea Foam, Oatmeal Pretzelettet, Vanilla Wafers iu this package. Look for on the NATIONAL BISCUIT HHHfflB -MAD MIT WITH A\ AXIDITT.** In W bat I nfnrtnnstr Wlir a Differ ence of Opinion r.ndrd. An indlvklual of very evident Hibernian extraction, whose smile of gentle amia bility was occasionally disturbed by a grimace of pain and whose personal pul chritude wait somewhat marred by a oloodfttalned rag that was wound about his head and met under his chin, wander id Into the city rooms of the Morning News a couple of night* ago. He was referred to a member of the lo* > *1 staff, who turned an interrogative eye upon hint. •*Oi want ye to say." *ald the stranger, with a brogue broad enough to fill the room, "that Mr Murphy, an lmplo\ay of Misaer* A Cos., ha* met with an axl dlnt." "You. I presume." said the reporter, with a glance at the r*g that wi wrap ped around the speaker’* head, are Mr. Murphy?" Thot is me," said Mr. Murphy, with a gentle sin lie • Well, go ahead; tell about It." "Alout what?" "The accident, of course." "Aw, you ask m too many qulstlons. 1 don't want to give anny of the particu lars. I Jkt want to say that Mr. Mur phy, an Implay.iy of * Cos.. mil wl!h an axldlnt. and that It nwy K ipi- him In bod for day or two." "I ui sorry. Mr. Murphy." *atd !*•• ro [airt-r. "but uiUrM you an- wIIIInK •i eomMhtnK about th. manner of tb af .-Ident'a occurrence, we .hall b- comp |,ed. rain, rantly, to decline to print the \V,.'ve trot a table rule lo that effect ij ne added. In an effort to make hlm.eMj - -ir ileod. Mr. Murphy'* face darkened. Evidently It lent eclat lo hi* poallton to have been Ihe oubjeci of an accident of the kind throutth which he had passed and he had no desire to have Ihe rwectneaa of the hap|>enlnK wasted on the desert air. •"Will, ye see. I! wasn't an axldent. quite. 1> wa* more like a— a " "A difference of opinion’" ••Htfxackly." "aid Mr. Murphy, with re newed yood humor. "As to which of two was the better man’" iiskad the, reporter. "Kifxackly," with ureal emphasis* and a smlie of appreciation of Ihe reporter'* ex treme pe- net ration—Mr. Murphy had evl dentiy foriollen ilu- ra* -""and the eln of ut" Is that the worst moil (tot Ihe best of ut.” "Well. KO ahead now and tell on all utiont It." Mr Murphy was besought. "ft was this way. do ya see. He kem up lo m and he says to me. 'Jim.' he sjys. 'did ye tell our shtppln' clerk that Ol put bungs In your paint tub*?' 'Ol ■lid.' Ot say*, 'and.' Ol says, ‘ya did.' Ol says.' " 'Yer a domned liar." he says. " Mnr-tion, Ol says, 'Ol m no liar.' Ol says. 'Ol've never matte no practice of bein' n liar.' Ol says. 'Don't call me a liar,' Ol says. " 'Ye are.' he nays. " 'Ol m not.' Ol say*, 'an' tf ve say Ol am. ye're a domned sight worse.' Ol says. • IV.d that he trows the two-hundr—l pound weight at me. him stnndin' on Ihe scale* an' hit me a clip In the side of Ihe head. Then he trows the five hundred j sound weight at me. but.' said Mr. Mur phy. triumphantly, "ho didn't hit me. "Now." said Mr Murphy, ns he roe, to depart, "ye fix up a nice little piece, saytn' that Mr Murphy, an Imployay of Mlssrs * Cos., has mil with an axtdlnl Ol don't wont to tell ye anny of the partic ulars." he added In sublime unconscious ness that he had done so. ON THt; REf UHnCH'I IMtt'KRT. p'lfteen Prisoner* Trlrd In the f’oliee fovrl. Though thrr# were ouly a fow arreela night before last, police business became quite brisk in the early hours of yester day morning, and when the Recorder . pened court there were fifteen cases on hb docket. None of the charge* ugulnnt the prisoner* was of a serious nature, and the docket wa* quickly disposed of Joe rf.vagc. colored, for Itelng drunk and disorderly, cursing A 8 Ooklstein, was sent to the gang for thirty days, without eelng allowed to pay a line as an alternative Melinda Maxwell, colored, who had been held at the carracks to serve out another Htilence anti who left the premises with out permission to do so, was given an ad ditional ten days. TIIK HKVIt tUI AT WHSLF.Y. Hr. Pla.M'l kerwton* Attracting si tit*lt laterest. The ncrvleea of revival meeting* at Wesley Monumental Church continue lo attract large rongregaions ond the In terest grows steadily, "he service* re cently have been especially well attended and fruitful of encouraging results Tn singing I* inspiring. A *pecl.l nervlce lor young people ond children vlll be held this afternoon alto clock. Jr, Pinson will preach again to-night In these evening discourses Dr Pinson ha- presented the terms of the gospel In i strong a tut convincing mannet Th r(W p|. hear him gladly and carry nrv.y the Imprint of the truth Savannah Is fortunate m the vlelt ol this dlstingunhed preacher. _ Not a I.abortng-t ia*s Expert -Judg You're a professional burglar, aren't you' Prtfonrr-at-the-Uar: Yer Honor; I an t makln' no business o' slealln'. Yei II .nor' I'm a decayed gin'lemun. Ye. Itooot, an' I Jes' took It uo as a fad - puck. * , ** THE MOKNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31,1900. THE KtHkT MONTHLY COYCEHT. Given al thr* Hnftannnli of Mtilr laiiftf MuM. Thft fir*t ot monthly concert* of iho Savannah ConMrvftiory of Muaic look place !.im nlaht at Conaervatary Hall, and proved a mo*! enjoyable onv Ttvo*e who •or.*k part In the pniframme were ihe pu pil* and iwmU*r of the faculty of ih Ooneervalory. The following 1* the pro flrrafnme: Plano Solo Inlermezxo Ml** Gertrude llonkn. Violin Solo Annie I-aurle Mastir Avery. Plano Duet Mmurka Miss Hattie Roestgnol and ITof. Mohrtett*. Violin Hr*k> Selection ftxKn Twnnhntisrr fW.igner.) Master Henry Bullnrd. lieno Solo Martha, Flotow Mis* Annie Dlerka. Duet, Plano ami Violin. .Se renade. (Schubert > Ml** Florence Steven* and Ml** Winter. Recitation Drifted Out to Sea Xllaa Hattie Roesigno! Plano Bofc>. .Sotig* Without Word*. CMendel*aohn.) Mr*. A. Berpren. Piano Solo ..... Melody In F, Rubinstein Ml** Aimu Llwlsay. Trio, Violin, Plano and Organ Traenmerefl, Schumann Miss, Mine Winter and Prof. M •dirten*. Piano Solo Ixhcngrin. Warner Mis* Freeman, Organ Solo Overture Prof. Mehrt* n*. Among ihe moct enjoyable of the-e se lection* were the violin solo. * Tannfvau *er." pi.iyed by Master Builarfl. Mils Lln*l *nv* srul Mis- Freemiwk’i* folo#. and the violin and piano duet. * by Mine Winter end Miss Florence Stev en-. The other numbers mere also gor>l, especially Miss Ro*slgnoi's recitation. AI'CTIOt SALItn PTTCTII DATS. aTauction THR OLD G4ID\KHV4 It A AR, 111 J. NeLAtGItUI A HOH, On Thursday. Nov J, IWJO, at It o'clock, ami also at K o'clock evening, on the premisea 11 Broughton. • aat. The entire property to wind up estate mmsitalng of Iron and Wooden Toys, loiD. etc., *uttam for ('tiristmos. Picture Frame*. Spoons. Forks. Novelties, JafKintse cSrockery. Bronx- and La quered Ware. I-godie*’ Comb*. Bdt*. Ilnkhs. Siver Novelties, Tropical Novel tie* and Shells. Palmetto, Orange and fancy canes; Razors, Scissors. Pocket Knives. Strop*, Brushes, Houf*. Hard ware. Fish Globe#, all sisae; F’l*h F\xkl, Bird Seed. Mocking Bird Food, Assorted Jewelry. Stationery of all ktml*, Note, Letter, Bnvelope*. etc., St hool ami othe r Bonk*. Garden Trellis, Flower Stands, Jardinieres, etc. Six or eight Show Cases. Counter*. Book Stands. Shelving, a large Awning, etc., etc. Sole to be continued morning and even ing until stock I* disposed of; private sale during Intervals. 1 1 - 1 1 - LEGAL !iOTICKS. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COCNTY- Notl- e l* hereby given to all person* hav ing demand* :igatm*t Mr*. Kilx.i C. Chis holm. late of said county, deceased, lo pre sent them to m*\ oroperly made out. with in the time prescribed by lw. so a* to show their character and amount; and all person* Indebted to said deceased ar* required to n.k#* immeallate payment to me WALTER H. CHISHOLM. Executor. Savannah Ga., Ort. f>. Hkd. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COTNTY- Whereas, William J. Qunntock ha* applA I to Court of Ordinary for letter* of admin istration on the estate of Mary L. tock. dcceoaerl are. therefore. to rite and ad monish SI whom it may concern to )>e and appear l*eforr aid court to make ob jection (if any they have) on or before the first Mondnv In November next, oth erwise *ald letter* will b*> granted. Witness the lion Hamilton L I'errlll. ordinary for Chatham county, this the ninth day of October. 1900. FRANK K KEILBACH. (’lerk ct. Ordinary C. Cos. FHOrOftALS W A \ I t:.I). F S ENGINEER OFFICE. ST. Af gustine. Fla.. Oct. '-*3 I*3o H"al*d pro imeals for completing gun ami n rtar lat tcries and bunding concrete .t<re-hoi* a at Fort Taylor. Key Weat. Ila. will b received here until 12. noon. Nov *, l*o, riml th**n puhilcly opened Inf >rrn*<ion furnished on application. C II Mt Kins try. Capt Egra. Empty Hogsheads. Euililr UnluM. (•* **** 7 C. M. GILBERT & CO. NIttEI.LA.MCOt t. k lh mud* Adam! faint Cos., iiuviuinati a,pnta. 1M ConffTMN. wnt. FOB fIANITARY CMMUINO AND ...a M ini: rlt.K u of. It-ll 'i' "is .1 Wtj mak- your bill* rmaln'r and lOiir w.’rk of hr tt. A. C. frlc. Sc Cos.. Stair aiwl Jrffrraon airrpla. j It EDI.'OK YOUR I.t VINO EXPENSES I>y tnv-*llnn your hartl-rarii’d hard caah j Alth th# S'Mithvn Urocary Company, 114 Atarnar l air rat. CLASSIFIED ADVtRriSEMENTS. PRHSOItAL. START NOW?" ttC NH’urr n nk<- boy? watoh; 29* 1 aecurr a r* ImWr railroad n atuh. .w rrrurc a tiand romr Imty'a roUI watch; A'.’ aerura a nu*t- Tillt'i'M Kold-flllrd watch. AriHrU-au mot ment, taUnrr un raay Inatullnirtita and no— paddlara callwun !• w. riy U; . onto aid havo tho ayaten axptatunl. hV- K*o.*4. East iirviiKhion. llatr. J.'wctry amt b!..v lUK R,ipf>;y llouao; okt Kohl or ailvar takrh act pay in. m. or l aili given for nanir. OIL - 'll EATERS, WOOD HEATBR. coal hrial.-rr, cook atnvr and rang.-a, Rr llutilo goodr C. I*. Miller, agent. MORI'HINE. OI’Tl'M, LAt'DANfM coxatno hut'it. myarlf curad. win inform you of harmJrar, prmannt home euro. Mary 8. ilaldwln. Itox UI2, Chicago ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITALS WILL PE PRINTED IN CIaAM SI FIL'D ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD V E HTIS EM ENT TAKEN FOR LEM THAN 30C HOW ABOUT YOUR winter clolhtng' let ua put tt in nhap-; II prr month. Slrrling Prraeing Club, 1 York. ar. ‘THE FURNITURE EXCHANOE. IU Rarnurd atreet, huya and aella all kkvla of aecoud haml furmturo for raah. IS YOUR IRON SAFE FIRE PROOF ’ Hi Iff el A Freeman have a alandlng offer of |;.ODO for every aafn of their make thet dnea not ire,*rve tta C'jnianta. One aufe war In burning debrt* lit hour# When taken out, the hoar had to lie turned on It Whin opened, not a page wa* dlacol ore'l, not a record o**t, not a dollar de atroved. If you want aeourlfy. buy a Stiffel A Freeman aafa. C. P. Miller, agent. YOU WILL LIKE THE MILK FROM Springfield Dairy; It'a rich and pure; try It FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED MAT- Irerse* Antique furniture re potlahfd, furniture packed and shipped tn teat manner. Send me your orders. C r Hitter, agent. CAM ELIA J A PONIC AS Aft n~A ZA L IAS price, St on an.l upward; illrect Importa tion through Savannah Curtom House by A C Oelachtg. nureury. opposite Golf Links. Phone, itai; iilhi Hynctntha. Nar* otarst, Freniaa and Lilies Plant now J. Gardner, agent, care E. Moyle, 10 Brough ton sir. et, east. IF ITS RUGS YOU WANT. YOU CAN get them cheaper from McGtllle. "SPECIAL. AN UNLIMITED SUPPLY of nice wlthvw rockera; ladle#’ etae. at *2. J. W Teeple. Tam How located at ih west Broughton; ring up 11S If you want to have your furniture moved or twrked for shipment or storage; I guarantee prices the same 11s I do the work that's given to me A. S. Griffin. 4M Broughton atreet, west; mattreseea made to MILLER'S STOVES AND RANGES give satisfaction The Magnetic. Econo mist, Waldorf. King, and other good makes at reasonable prices. SQ7 Brough ton, west KENSINGTON - FAP.M~MILK IS'UN isurpasaed for richness; delivery Is per fect; phone. IMS. HOW ABOUT YOUR WINTER clothing? let us put It tn shape; ti p-r month. Sterling Pressing Club, 1 York w SEE MILLER FOR OFFICE DESKS, office tables, < ffl e m ining, office shades SHU Broughton, west. WHEN YOU SEE M'GTLLIS' SIXTY- Inch Retnl rugs, you will buy them. Just can't help It. will sell In any quan llty. "FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARE," la a specialty with McGIMa. “MILLER S NEW STYLES IN CAR" peta. mailing., linoleums, window shades, etc. All work 'tone In Itrst-cfesa style. 207 Rioughtoei, west. *M GII.LIS' LACE - CURTAINS - WILL beautify your parlor. “M'OILLIS IS CHEAP ON RUGS. NETS lace curtain*, hammocks, water coolers, pillows, pictures, stoves, bedroom suits, and furniture of every description. SEE THE JEWEL STOVES AND ranges for sally J. W Teep.'e; also agent for Insurance gasoline stove. 11 W BUYS NICE RATTAN ROCKERS while they last. Large a-aortment of tochers, dlv.ina and easy chairs. C. P Miller, agent. HOW ABOUT YOUR WINTER clothing? let us put 11 In shape; $1 p-r month. Sterling Prtsslng Club. 19 York w KENSINGTON FARM IH ON AN elevation tn the country, free from city drainage Imposalble for mlik to become contaminated, by Impure odors; If you want pure Jersey milk, phone 2341 De livery prompt; satisfaction guaranteed. M’OILLIS MOVIS PACKS SHIPS and stores planoe -itd furniture; beet work only: no "Cheap-John" prices—no "Cheop- John" jnhe. GOLD FISH. ML 10);“CANARY BIRDS, 12.50; fish food and graaa: J. Gardner, agent. 111 Park avenue, east. Jl W FOR WOVEN WIRE COTS while they lasi. C P. Miller, agent ■*! 50 FOR ART SQUARES WHILE they last. Rig assortment, all gra<les of art rqtiare". rugs, mala, portieres. C. V. Miller, atpnt “M'OILLIS BELIJI SIXTY INCH RUGS —Smyrna patterns—for *9 cents. "ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITALS WILL HE PRINTED IN f|,A SIFIErt ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO Alt VKRTISEMBNT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 30C. “IF TOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed and printed stationery and blank books fcoaa Homing News. Savannah Go. Statuary. An animi .)i*piiy of fttatuary will h** found in our nhoDTOom*. \N #• exhibit Statuary in Bronze. M*rb> and \l<r. All *!*•:■t aoujeht-fnr plurra ar* roaentad. utU tha prUaa ar* axv t^iKionally low. FOR Wedding Gifts . . . On* hardly think of any i>!.xc* rxcryt Weal 11. I*’* hftri* th* tnatt* and pt>> kftl hork ran h‘ ao M?ll)' aultrd. and on* ran b*- aura of iNsnillniK Juai thr t>rt*lc a ant a. We have Solid Silver and other Novel tie# In a rlrher and greeter abundan'r than any hou** South. THOS. WEST & CO., II BROUGHTON STREET. W. ■SURAL. ISAVANKAH NIvXT HTI’TTKH in# peopl. are nm' flt>. klnr l* Dr G W |{.int)olp!i, Allemirl* Hold. Ctriumhia. 8 C , ami we learn from IrmHug |ui|" r trait ho M nr -Imt many He im-* ung iK'*i i * i> S vannnh Ga the fth of Nov . iiral *t tv ten dnye H* will then o to Dalian. Tex Atutterer. fDie nfint 4n be your ia*t opi*>r t unit > . < *oi Willie Joiien of Columbia, and man\ ot!>4-rft ar' lotni In hta fuai*** PhrlztlM) Index “'HOW Aiu: YOt'H FF.KT- IF YOFU fret are troubling vou. roll on me ami 1 will give vou roller. I rure Ingr>twlng nail*, com* and *ll dl** tee* of Ih** f***! without pain, c hergei reaaotiahle. ran give the Iwftf refrreiH-f* In the rlty; to (lent# treated at realdence#; onlem i -tci Ik* left at Livingston'* drug more, Bull and GongretU' *tre. t*. i4*ieih<Hi 2ML laeni r>HVi*. *urgeon rhiren^hlNt. 11l l l' WAITBO~IMI,K. *TTvL|55maN WANTioMFoH TUOIT Ida. Apply by letter to u* ultb refer en u. gitoil alary |Mld to the rigia man Idlpptnun Hna* wholeioile drugglata, Upp man block Huvnmixl), Ga. * WANTED. YOT’NG MAN WITH A thorough knowledge 4>f bookkK-piug far two month*, give referetire and Miati* *al ry ex|e< t4'4L A. B. C., care of New* (Mflw. “ftAr.nA.MKN WANTED Ti> BELL OHK gnml* by snmi'l” to wholesale and retail, we are the iurgent iiml ai|y man ufacturer* In our line In the world, lib eral eolary |**l <*ai-Dcx Man- Ufa luring Company, Hayann h. G.i “WAN TCI * AT ONfT, TWO (2) FI BBT flftM mill tn ik re on tine w.rk G- iimn or lrl*h preferred. McKay, Tailor, Ma ta>n. Ga. WANTKI>. FIBST-f’LAftH MAN OtOK, non*- but tha* with g.M*! rt fwnus ne*<| apply. Harbor* & Bandy, Id* 1 of Hope. WANTED* A GO<D CANVABBKR; iw’rrnunecit pMltiur) and go<<d ealary fr tho right tnari. Addi *• I*. O. Box, No 42t>. BOTTURI > S *.:: BAKEiC TOGO FktrkJii. g<Kil DTHgeii to right party. Be rn an, Bull anrl lu*Mt atreet*. WANTED )’L‘ iIBI Rft $3 to, BRlCK layer*, s.l f4), mill rnachinlftt, filer, baiu m< rer, laundry ma< hinl*t, wanher, SU l*oard; tiak. rs. tie ln*|e<*tor, bookkeeper, comm|**ary clerk. Ilulier, 317 Went Bay, Jai'kftOltvllle WANTEI>7~AT GEORGETOWN, ft C . al once. rlr*<-cla*ft white brick layer*, wiigeg. 33'*' |M>r day Aiblre*a. G. L B. C. of A. C. L. Cos., G*<rgetowM. H C’. “SALESMAN WANTED BY OLDEST firm in the trade to *ej| to phv*lelann; permanent po*!tion; state ex|**rlenc* fully. P O. Box S3B. Philadelphia. WANTED. IN A UW OFFICE A thoroughly -<imp*lt'tit, txieri male sten ographer. Apply by letter. ntAting quall fl at|fii*k an.l experience lit a tun A Cunningham. P. O. Box .Yd WANTED, TWO ACTIVE. EDI T C A TED nun; weekly * alary or guarantee; only applicant* giving age. references and pre vious employment considered. Dodd. Mead A Cos., New York city. MEL.f* V* AJf'l Cl>-rifiMAJLm. W A NTBI K A BENI' ECTAB or*d girl, about seventeen, for general house work. Vfl Br.Mightcai. tu*t. wanted, capable gTrl for general housework. Utt Br>ughton street, ni*t. f WANTED” FOR a FEW DAYS, A live, white w aimn, at No. 418 East IfM ftrty; vjne e.irly. WANTED, A BRIGHT ACTIVE young lady * bo>kk*eper In grocery wtor4* anl f<ir any other office work ne •ary; muat b** accurate in figures and write a fair hand Ad*lrm Complex# tire New* office. HOTEL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY7Tr7 West Bay, Jacksonville, want* help, all kinds, for Florida. Georgia. No- an and Cuba, season 11MM301. Her llute r for fur ther Informal lon. “ADVERTISEMENTS HKT IN CAP ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAft HI FI ED ADVEKTIBKMF.NT COLCMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VKRTIftKMKNT TAKEN FOR LEM Til AN 30C M11M.411 MEAT tl AITKD. WANTED. POSITION IN DRY GOODS •tore, have had experience and can refer to my former employer; ready lo com mence now. moderate salary. O. II Al . care Morning News. POSITION WANTED. To TRAVEL for wholesale house; r*-*H|e4’tab|4', r*-ef>on slide young; som< experience; hus tler. and sober, any terms lo start. Busi ness. care News. WANTED. A POSITION. BY A At AN wlih twelve years experience In pine lum lcr business; gout] manager of laixsr and office man Address L 98. New*. HOI BBS Will EU. REftPONHIRLE PARTY DKHIRIOft TO r**n: nice house# in dedrahh part of city. Addrces At.# care Do Hio Hotel. UIATEP-MIM ELLA ft KOOK WILL JOIN REHPONftIHLE PARTY in planting fifty acres eugat cane near city I). It la**ter. IF YOU WANT A PLACE TO DI BP earth, dirt, earxl. manure, eb fr©*- of charge. Just at city limit-, hauling over hard road, write or telephone Brown Bros., corner Anderson and East Broad street*. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAft SI FI El> ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWo CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS TUAN JOC. , Shoes for Correct Dressers. People who count proper shoes necessary to correct dress will le delighted with our new fall stock of Fine Dress Shoes. The snappiest, the most pleasing, tlie very swellest shoes for ladies and gentlemen ever shown in Savannah. We Fit You IM Where Others Fail (iskl j. a. varnldoiz- enrifiTT honcri.ii fh. a. l. a m;t*-tiin'r*i.i.Aßr.ovi. frosn ft|* ingflrki Dairy , It s rich, pur# and K .'"U .'"111" “cash I'.vii* for noon hkuovu" I.biil oat #aok> *1? West llay atrvrt. POH H r.N'l -tlllDgl. ON K LARGK Ft'ION 1811 BO BOOM for font, prtvllrgo of batti. 213 Kual Honry tt.<a NR'KI.Y FUUNIBHKI* SOUTH KOOMB alt oonvantfiurii, 30X tt.un,i;<t ttrct, n.-ar Llbrrty. ni'chly" furnish ft> (tor tll front Kami for grill Morn; r\ cry ron vonlrnro; 22fi Ltlmriy otrori, ami. FI.A I H t oil Itl'.k'r. t I.AIS t ARI.t.R ANJ > ONK AltovK, onrurnlfliiHl. ihr.-v rooms 1,1. n. r, Initl''Ti atrvrt. I*.! FoH RBNT n.AT lA*. WEtfl lima I , foot rooms mid Iwi'h, $3 p—r month C. Mnalrl, **o t:id l,tb'-rtv. roN HfM-iim iM FOB HKNT. COMKOBTAKLR HO!THE. No 217 Wulilburg atrvrt. w.*t. bvlwcrn Atvravn an.l latncotb, ffr.t 'd i*v ont-r and COBdttton; vvvry ronvrnlvnrv Htgbl rent lo right trnanl K-tair Halomon Cohrn. IV rat 111 "nil amt Mroogtilon atrvois. FOR RBNT, THAT RISHIPFNi R. 133 Offlrthon- #v*tma. wot. A*,fly U. 8 Davtarl), 3 Hull, wraf ron BUNT. nnsiHAlll.K UWELLING with all morlvrn Impinvrmrrita, tn good rrpatr. 3U3 Jonas, mat. Kollorh A Hcrrv■ an. FOB "RKNT. 17~ HUFFY STRKBT, aar. po-- ,-rp 4>n ut on ra. A I'i'l v Gaorga L U;rminy, ng*-nt 16 Itrvan atrart. mat. To RENT. 221 ANI* 223 IIOI.ToR atrrri, mat; thaao nrr good hoqara and loratlon rx'allm* Aiqd\ lo r ’ A Mr In lira 41# Hoard of Triad** tbilidlng ron HK3T->Tona;t. FOB RKNT, HIOIUS SOUTHWEST rornrr WhMskar and I-ibrriy atraata. Al*. fly 13 l.ibvray atraot, wrat. ron m.M—MiaoKia.AXßoia. LARGE WAREHOUSE ANI> OFFICE FOR RENT UORNEIt II HOUGHTON ANI WEST BROAD BTRKETB; FOR MERLY OUUUI'IKD RY THE HAVAN NAII CARRIAGE AND WAGON UO. JJ. * SMART. ADVERTISEMENT)* BBT IN I'AU ITALS WILL BE URINTKD IN I'I.AA 81 I tEI > ADVEUTIBEMF.NT (TOLUMX FOR TWO CENTS A WORD No Al> VKRTIBEM ENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 3DC. foh MLr—neai. rmtatk. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAR ITALS WILL BE I'HINTKD IN CI.AB SIFII.D ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO a'ENTH A WORD No All. VKBTIBEMBNT TAKEN FOR UTSS THAN MC. “FOR HALE, THOSE LOTH ON NINTH afraal. naar East Broad, haava only liarn aold *> flrat-elaaa p.artlaa, Cho will mak* good natghbora; and non* othrr ran buy Th* rrm ar# very aiaay. and thay an rhaaper than any olhar tn <ha vicinity. C. H Dora*tt FOR BALE. A LOT FOR TWO HTJN draad dollars; ra ay (arms, on Ninth atraa*. naar Kaat Broad, no city taxation. C. H. Doraolt. FOB BALK. IAITH ON NINTH ATREET near Kaat Broad; no city taxaa, at 1263 aach; Iwantv ftve dollars raah. and rosy monthly paymrnla C. H lainalt. RESIDENCES AND IH'ILDINO IX>TS for aoai* all ovar the city. 1 lobar i 11. Tainn real aatate dr alar. No. 7 York gtraat. went FOR BALE OR RKNT. 30-AUItE farm with hone* and out t'Ulkilugn; 'n gorl mndttDn Apply 57* Btrwart street. ADVERTIBKM BNTf* HKT IN I'At' IT A 1.8 Wit,l BE I'RINTED IN CLA BIKIEI* ADVERTISEMENT COLD MOT FOR TWO UENTB A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LBM THAN MG FOR HALE. I.O'tß ON NINTH NEAR East Broad, n |2U aarh; will aoon be advanr**! to 3225; when a lot hog bean paid for I ran a. ranga to gat a boms bulM. C. 11 Doroatt. FOH 4ALk-ai>U,U.A.MCOI J. eTnuPtry tt whrn your favorltr r* m**ly fatle. at 25c botllr added to a gill of honry makes a aplrndtd mixiur* for Infant* and children. BENZOIN BALM. MAK EH THE HKIN like velvet, for sale by druggist or at Hen ry and Abermm i’eraae Drug Btorea, Whltuk* r and Taylor street# “lathe for hale, a compound geared lathe (made hy 11. L. Sheppard a, Uo, Cincinnati). Will swing 14 tnrnrs, 6 feet hetw- -n renlres; will Ik* gold cheap, as **■ tvr no usn for It. Apply to, or isllrrati, Ihe Morning News, Hi vannah. Ga. FOR SAI.E. CANE PATCH GOOD, white i an*' Apply lo John F Tletjen. cor ner West Brood on*l New alrrrts. “FOR HALE ONE GOOD MI!/Ml COW Apf)y F H. Quante, Montgomery ami Bef*t streets. NEWSPAPER FOR SALE; WEEKLY in the !>e#t county tail town In Florida; progressive propl* .thriving country,collage town; Job and cylinder presses; g'xal ad vertising patronage; gub.-ertptton 11-f and job hir*tnc*. paying I1W) per nviiuh net. -plendkl op,oitunity for un Intellectual, edu *! * I man of bus tore- ability; $5(3) rash: tiulunce of ii on ~n time, or dl ouni for all cash. Address The News, I)el-and, Fla ~FOR~BALE. ABOUT ONE HUNDRED arras of growing hay on Poplar Grove plantation. ahr*ut one ml.e from the city tttnl*- on the White Bluff root. Apply to Lawton A Cunningham. LATHE FOR SALE. A COMPOUND geared lathe tmade hy H L. Sheppard Sc Cos., Ctnrtnnutl). Will swing It tnche-, 6 feet between centres; will I* sold cheap, m we lutve no u-*■ for It. Aig*ly to. or address, the Morning News, Sa vannah. Ga. FIRE PROOF 8A FES -WE CARRY A fine line of Are proof safes In (dock at all time* The parties can are exactly what they are getting Our prlrrs nre as low as mwnufa-turera aril it, wtfh freight add ed. thirties Interested, who wish a good fire proof sate, will do well to inspect our etork. Llppmsn Bros, Lippauo .block, agents lor manufacturer* iu* tau—aiiiKLLt3M)SE TURPENTINE LOCATION FOR Sul**. 13 crops ort year noxea; 12.000 a eras n3li timber, at S, u per sere F per Diousan.t t**xr** for le.ised timber; p|e ,ty of timber lo hi got, In live mil * of rail road. will give pc. 4*f*l,rfi now or al nd of sru.-on Addriws Itoui.J Timber, • arp Morning News. LATHE FOR HALE. A CGMI'Of'ND *•'!*• <1 tilths iniftfl* bv H I*. fth*j pdtrxft ft 4*o , (*lrtr|nnnti) Will wlnr D tin iuv ** f*<*t bftftppii csfilrM. wiU bn snki ** ** lv* no w* t<M it V to or tbs MunUtM .Vsra, H vunnah. Ja. HPRtNGPIELfi "BaTRT ti Sot£d for hftvlnz rWh. pure milk, iry it. rnj will be il* ii ia! aDVKRTiftKbntObtTS cXF ITAIoft WILL ?K I*HTNTI9D IN f'D Il;D ADVKIiTIRKMKNT COLUMN •’ nvil t 'KNTft A WORD NO an VKRTIft F M HNT TAKEN FOR IoTfW no Minna. "lakTTe KDEGANtLy "^FTRNIBKKD room*, Willi l* nl 23 West IJberty. 'FRONT ROOM ft, GOOD TARLF, Ixtenl; hom‘lik^. *snuit)K Tu*(lnftll. third from lAb**rly. 11l IIBKM i MftftCft. WANTED I4PYH*ONHIBIaE FIRM wants uWi p meiiAx* i et .*4*i venr.nh . sal - sr\ f 1 ,g*o mim! 1700 cash #o*l n 1 nt\ prnnxiMHit Aiklrrs* Msimlsii lurers. 139S Cherry. f*bll s<k*lpf>ls. Fs. ADVERTIHFMKNTft ftCT TN CAP JTAI.H WILL HE PRINTED IN r'l*Art BIKIED AD V KRTIBFMENT COUMN • oft TWO CENT® A WORD NO AD V K HTIHfCM ENT TAKEN FOR LBM THAN HOC. PI.DIBIRA. IT WILL MM lo your tiHsrest e Ist me fttve you en es tlriMte on your pluntblns, newer old work; r|>ntr work e *i*Uliy m I mm s prwrtlrsl plumber. No gor*n work to evvdunser your life. WU'*?lns. phone fflt. Georgia or I4**|| MIM El.if i v IdOl *. ADVKRTIHEMKN'rH BET IN CAP ITALS WILL IIF PRINTED IN (*ljAz4- HIFIED ADVKHTIBEMCNT (X)U?ftM FOR TWO 4’KNTH A WORD NO AD- V KRTIfIEM E.NT TAKEN FOR LLtfc* THAN 30CV WE GIVE YOP ‘EITHER DOMESTIC or glo*s ftrii'h. per fort wtirk. Forest (‘sy 1/tuislf), Pnrk ftVHtus. GET YOITR WEDDING PRRBENTR at K<rh ft Byivsn'e. 44 Whlcsker. ar*> Im .nitlfni anl rheep. (VOID THE RUSH id. ME HAVE your Hlftit work for Elks' fslr at onre Wm. Taylor, HO H.irmird. *WB CLEAN CLOTHE* BY THE HR ori|n* itli?t’pilc process. Try us. New York Hiesm Dye Work*# Whitaker an<J “new Ift >M EHTIC, WITH BALL iK'iirliijf*. (Ni easy Ihuiui; try oiip; buy one; Ril with your inupl*. FOR FISHING TACKLE, NETS, ETC."! go to Cornwell ft Chlpman. DON'T TROUBLE YOUBBELF ABOtTT movlnif your furniture, rekiyltiy your car pets or nnitttfii? Perry ft Ibmton will re lieve you of ili that trouble. YOUR RILL WON'T LOOK HALF Aft !*♦• If w <k your i'p.tirlnif oti stoves. rifiK-*, etc.; w employ fxpertftu'Mi workmen wbieh <k b***t work in half tho 4lne A. C. Prk-e ft Cos., ’plKMies 358, corner Histe ami Jefferauti. “HAVE TOUR HOUSE PAINTED with German ready-mixed paint; entire sstlsfsfftion grusrantei'd. Adumi Paint Company. “W A NTKD.“ ON R TFfOTIBA ND HUN IT ry (M-oplu at the Houthem Grocery Com pany# 114 Bernard street. “•PHONE 1575 FOR FOR BBT CITY Isi u miry They will call for your tinea hnrricti lately WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIR ime stven parMMisl sttentlun, at Koch ft Hylvan's, 44* Whitaker. MERCHANTS ATTENTIONf ADVRR tl*lnjc and slsn* of all desrrlptlon. rla*sl cal w*rk at modern prices. Bee Taylor, 14*i fiornard street. 'NEW DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE wttli >n!l U srinx*. lock and chain stlteh; two machine* In one. I.AD! EH. HAVE YOUR KINE CRE ftnf) and tailor rnjile dr a* see dyed by i'W oxsiye prort-ee not to shrink or yet out of shape New Y Aft Dye Works, Whitaker and State. ‘Phofto #43. FOR HARDWARE AND TOOLS. OO to Cornwell ft Chlpman’* RRY ft !) HTATE fttrwt. west, will move, pack, ship or atom your furniture at short notice; also ren ovate ytnr old mAitresscw st iMtie cost. Hell 'phone 1124. WE BELL BEWER PIPE. FLUB pipe, fire clay, Are brick at lowest prices. Adams Paint Company, 104 Congrssa, west. “HAVE YOUR ICE BOXER RELINED an<l beer coll* overhauled; beer pump* re- Imi I rod find put in best condition; all work guaranteed; be*t of e.itinfection; our telephone*. G#orKlu or Bell STA. A. C. Price ft Cos,. State and J*fT'*rson. "lIOP.K THAN ONE HUNDRED CBfffll tn every dollar of your hanl-esmed hard cash at the ftouthern Grocery Company, 114 Barnard street THB MOBT Ir P TO-DATE WO RK~TB b ltr turned out by Forest City Laundry, 'Phone 1575. “gold watcher and diamondb ot all prices. Koch ft Sylvan. 46 Whitaker at reel. PICTORIAL SIONiT ADVERTISING sign*, siipi* of every ilescrtptlon Sparial decorations for Elks' Carnival. Wm. Tay lor, 'PKNTGN ft SON, WILL RENOVATE your mu< hire and guarantee it Sell new r old machines. FOR RANGES AND STOVES, GO TO Cornwell A Chlpman. Norwood's "Satire" For sale at all News Stands is SavaaoalL 3