The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 31, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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INDEPENDENT TROOP WON IT. t HAlilV TII.T THE FKATIH*; AT THE tte faih. I ibrrO’ Gaurtls Took lMml Prise. , rrß i. lirmluit Won Ihv First Indl tldnnl PrUn—To-<tar Is Florida I><|> at <*•■ Fair— F.ihiblfa Arr ilir Intcrt-stlng; llvt-r Seen n< n Mair Fair—T uldosln Is Filled W 1 1 1> Visitor*- VaJdorta. Ga . Oct. .-Tha cavalry lilt batvv■ n picked teams from liie ~r i y County Guards and the l.ltx-rty it.drprudonl Ttoop was a leading feature, yht- Guards, under rapt. Gordon t'as t an d the Independent Troop, under t'jw j, W. Hughe*, gave a street pa r,.ue this morning before going to the fair j.rounds, where lit* till took place. The t;.r"*as full of exrlteniciu and was „ it. hed by a huge epowd. the Independ , . ■ Troop being the winner of the first ( tt , „i yim. rat a score of 271. The Guards (he seiond prise of Me. on a score of ■. m of > postlble 300. In the individual tilt, Sergt Fleming of ti.< liiil- won first prise, by a . ,„•* of 2*4 points. Scrgt. Chapman ot i , Guards won second money, on a * ore ,t S7 s *, and t'npt. Caaaele of the Inde . n t, iks won third money, on a score i f To-morrow Is Flotlda day at the fair, u Drg* crowd* .ire expected from every itln t .at slutv Tile lending feature a, Iw a foot bill 1 game between a team II *n the Florida Bight Infantry of Jack- | a nvtlle and the Btato Agtlculiural College j at hake City. 11 oiti teams will come with i i .rr.erous Iwckers. The races tiv-dny resulted as follows: Ftrrt race. 2:0) trot, pulse ♦<*>. mm by Nancy, with Fortunate, 1. ~r.. 1. and Karnes! third. Time 2:20. >-,ond race. 2 21 luce, seven entries, purse I*o. won hy Countess i -41. with Star Paclte second, and Ethel Keen, thtr.l, 2:21. Third race, half mile heats, five entries. n In ll.iyview, with At:lcoy second. time 0:51 Thursday will be Wiri-gross day and ti. - greatest of the week. gconnd Hay of the Fair. The second day of the State Fair was n: re Interesting that the first, The ex Mbit* are now at their best. Ksnc.-UHy are those of Low rdes anti It rooks counties. The counties In this psrt of the state are taking more Interest In the fair than ■ vrr before and rannV thousand poop •• are visltois to It who rarely ever attend It. YeMosta has expen-led somewhere about 130.(00 In pre|iarallon for It and the live country weeklies have looked upon the fair and have spoken and written about It as if It were an affair of their own ond as if It devolved upon tGem to land It successfully. Tin- ratlrnoJb hove -aken n lively Interest In It and have made splendid exhibit*. The manufac turer* of vehicles and machinery ar- dis playing th*|r beet thing*. Mr. James inu red of Augusta, gencrnl superintendent, says that he has not ssen a better -sgotrlt union* the people In making exhibits, ond he belli ve* that It will give the fair an Impetus that nothing else would have given. The Idea of holding the fair In Val dosta suggested Itself first to President l ope Brown Hy the rotation system It was Macon* time for the fair, but for *<>me reason that city was not ready and \ ahlosta was the next pluoe. President : Brown visited Valdosta arid spent several | days here looking around, and when he I returned he recommended this city as ‘ sultahla place, and It was accordingly agreed upon unanimously. state Fair lllllelnls. The following deportment superln dents were then chosen and the work , greased rapidly: 1 -eneral auperlntendent. James Barrett. Augusta. Department A.—Agriculture and hortl ■ u.ture, n F. Crittenden, Shellman. Department H.-U*u stock. C. M 1 s i tilers, Penfleid. Department O.—Manufacturers' and nierchants’ display, J. Clayton Clements, i Towns. Department D.—Machinery, Thomas J. i-yott. Cartersvllle. Department K —Bducstlcgi, W. B. ; Burroughs. Brunswick. Daporitnenl F- Forestry, mlnea and minerals. J. E. McElroy. Norcroas. Department G.-Klne srle, W. 8. Me- 1 Hce. Valdosta. Depart m nt II Woman's work, Mrs. J S'. Griffin. V.i dosta. Department I—Dairy amt apiary. M. R. Ilussell, Carrollton. Deportment J —Poultry and pet stock, B. 11. Biker. Wsrrcnton. When tm general arrangements were rfe. ted the fallowing gentlemen of Val •**a were ehcaeii * a citizens commit tee: C. H. Ashley. Mayor, chairman. C. B. Peebles, vice chairman: A T Wood ward, secretary ant treasurer; 8 B God win, Charles Clark. J. A Dasher. J. N. 1 irlffln. This committee then chose a ladles aux : Dry committee as follows: Mr*. J N. irtffln, chairman; Mr. W. 8 West, treasurer; Mrs. W H. Griffin, secretary; Mr* D. C. Ashley. Mrs T. M Talbot. Mrs. C. W. Bamar This work completed, the fair was an RUrCMR. In iho premium ll*t particular attention f been liven to the for owing depart nt: Agriculture. live- at xk. education, arts. dairy and apiary and poultry ,n d p*t stock There H a prli** *ffer f**r in** hc.wi • xhihit In ifiiriilturf. T w ll be lively competition for this The <tt*pljy of lor g ataplo cotton An*. richl for hnprrmney. The fishi for first prise by the counties ft‘-iking a dlepiay hr* Ilea I-“*ntla Hf?tt Brookrountim. They re* ••IjolninK rountiie. The conical la a harp H Y. Tlllm.'in haa chnrge of the ! lowndea county exhloU. nhll** Mr R. I. ntft-irk look* aftrr the Brooks county • Play Both nr* fine dlaplava Mem her a of the pocNy who hove nitend* ‘•‘•I all of the ralrs say that they never belli r exhibit* Lowndea I'ounty Is ♦hiiamg iea laiarxl corion svalke with more ? hn iMilia Heveral bales of the cot -1 is displayed. She oluim** that she is iaryeat aea Islahd cotton county In • ' e. itn| that Vakloaia is the larg ***l In,and seal Islam! cotton city In the t'hib J States. sndes county la shorn Imr white gcwla ' t r‘ cotton grown In the county r 4 r i ufacturrd in the county. She la al>o rhowlnic brooms made from corn grown In unty and manufactured In lha °^niy. In Id r exhibit nro canned goods -nd pre * 1 goods, the sugar (or which w.*a ’** •* In the county. She Is showing bot -1 syrup m.ide In the county which has ' “fl-i Me rah!** re pul l ion oil over the v ' She la showing canvas ham’* clalm ‘ 1 t‘> Im* the rju:il of any on earth made l* r farm r. She la ahowinu cjolton • i meal and cottonseed oil made In t Tear for a Pain Only exp-curt mother*, or thosa who h* borna T — v "v73) r-hKIr-n. know the fail mexnlnr of the wordi. Er-ry women should tell eeory other wom.n .bout / T i "Ho THEM'S FHtCttO," thxt wondarM I i ment thit dlapmlm mil pairs Incident to childbirth. p, i Thera Is nothing like it L I JaS.tOkTo?.<.fH..l<>—.K.C.MTS:'-T-ie , 'Mir I- ' Il ..... W'llMkrl r>—l M, wl-.r ■ M— ... g- ~ I “Udaa,^tadi<u,.lk..x.le'Mater s Ho—*. M4>t sn hr* IVvrruu, et will *♦*'*?' VT” . r ” ’ T s-rf 'nwMW''/s/i ’ V* 1 r—(X rr r>. g ■ on. W-s eeuriwi " M ■ • '.ssesg to. is to. 511.,-. of ->• r-eue-' s-s.—**•< 4 I KM I/ '/ , I 1 i wu.uiia. SeWI y.-.r fnml . sdSrra- V Km IT,! JI ' '- . t ; rilK BRlilHlßUggta i.GOX I 0.. a . county Sheila ahowlny f urnttjre in .via' In th* county out of the county's mood A!o au3, twr- of tha county * wood She show* pecans grown her* which tra hlm*<l from th* county all over tha country Her .it,play or hay i fine, a, well a, h,r exhibit of rice, whaat. corn, oats and potatoes Mh* allow, ftna rice. Flour is Jwplayad. made of wheat (frown here and ground by laowdne, county wheat mill, tftia exhibits butler made at her own < reamerle* ftrook, cyiunty make* 3,Son bole* Of Kmik loll* its pe cotton again,! S.oiO for toownde*. ttha make, upward of n.tdO hale, of short ,ta lk, cotton, howavar, while Low-tide, make* Inn than 3.000 " but Ilrnnka la Unlna. The contest lietween these counties la f lively. Mr It Denmark .aid that hi, dis play of corn comprised fw bushel, llrooks thyunty. he nays, produce* mors com to the plow than *ny county in the state. The best ..farms produce an aver erage c f thirty to forty bushel* per n re. The dtepaly of oat. Is large. He s ild lhat a f inner fathered I.SOP hush •ls on forty-flve acres without fertlleir hi*'- yaar Another, besides home supply, ha* .old about kf*> bushels every year f.e the last ten year* from a tive-borv farm. Another farmer has raised eighty bushel, of rye on five acre* The exhibit of meal raised In Urook, I* extensive. A farmer running .-even plows, after supplying his farm, sold 31.0 M pounds of bacon l ist season. Another sold IJ.OC pounds from a three-horse firm. Another sold tl.kk) worth from a six-horse farm und expects to double ll this year. One farmer of Hrooks, R Is said, has sold every year for ten years ISO) of bacon every year. Hrooks oounty hams are famous over Georgia. Of lord. .UO.uOO pounds arc shipped annually from the county. This year more than 40.000 barrels of turpentine and rosin will be shipped from Hrooks The display of suxar cane Is fine. About 6,001 barret, and 20.001) ballon cana of syrup nr# made In Hrooks every year. It a sold all over the United States From 60t> to I.UOO xallona per acre has been mail, by a farmer which sells for from 30 cents to 50 com* Good farmer* are making twelve luilna of cotton on ten acres In Hrooks. Last year there were mote than i.tUu.on pound* of cotton seed shipped from the county. Hay Is re garded as one of the best money crop* of llrooks f\>unty, Mr. Denmark says. He showed several bales which were considered the finest on the grounds, made on the farm owned by Hmself and his brother. 11 A Denmark, l.sq. of Savannah, He pilced this h.ty o a customer who wished to buy It after the fair at only 115 a ton, and he said that It was a big money crop. Two to alt tons per acre Is the average yield in llrooks. llrooks Is In the watermelon see.tlon. and this has grown to he autte an Industrv there. This county ha, alao a large cot ton factory In the dri>artment* man aged by the ladle, considerable Inrtereet Is manifested. They have striven to make It a success, and they have succeeded Dine Arts Department. Mrs. J. O. Vamedoe is chairman of the fine arts department. The collection of pictures Is large and there are many beautiful ones. Mrs. John Lane Is chairmen of the domestic department. Thi* department |s regarded as nhoo! Ihe best the society has had There are many exhihltors. and Juuging the work ail of th- contestants ahould bo swarded a first prixe. The fine sewing, machine and hand ex hibit Is line. Mrs. W. L. Thomas. Jr.. Is chairman of this department. The embroidery exhibit ha attracted a world of attention. It Is full and com plete Mrs. It. W. Bentley U chairman of this department. There are many exhibitors In the (see and tatting department, of which Mrs Aleph Rockwell la chairman, os well a, In the drawn work ami hand needle work 111 Mrs. J. M. Wilkinson's department The floral exhibit Is large, anti some rare plants are shown. Mies Bu*le Smith has charge of tho floral exhibit. Mrs. 11. A. Peeples has charge of the general fancy work display. There are a large number of conteetanis for di plomas In this departmem. The children department Is In the hands of Mrs. Dana Griffin. This 1* highly Interesting and Is a feature of ihe fair. It comprises pictures, iwlntlng fancy needle-work, simples of their fan ning and rooking anti a thousand and one little article* mode by children. Mrs. K F Wlllt* has charge of th<- relic th part ment. This department Is full of Interest ing old ktep*ake owned by military com panies and Individuals. A tattered and torn flug waa received yesterday f:ntn a Vlrglnlsn for thla department. The ladle, have manifested deep Interest In their department and the award of prize* will he Interesting. I.Mhor-Sna Ing Implements. Hen Mnriln Calvin, who Is one of the most enth'islaailo member* of the associa tion, I* sudeavorlng to oneourage the dl* play of labnr-suvtrig farm Implements He thinks that there has been too little of It at former fairs Hald he: • It I* Important that the farmers should he familiar with everything used by ag rlcultural people. In any part of the coun try " Year, ago. when there wero fewer Inventions of theae machine*, there were more exhibitions at the fait. As the ag ricultural people are the purchasers of these Implements, the display at the fairs should tie profitable to both themselves and the manufacturer. General Superintendent Jjmea Barrett sahl that the fa r here this year Is one of the best things that the society ha* tione in years to encourage and promote interest among agricultural people It is bringing people here who have not visited the fairs. The rivalry between counties which have never exhibited be fore Is getting recruits anil will bear goes! fruits. Mr. Barrett thinks that to hold the fair In any given place any number of time, consecutively militate* against ll Interest Is lost. Thousands of people In South Georgia will not visit the fair If It Is heltl In North Georgia. Not because It la North Georgia, but for the reason that they cannot get there and return without loss of much time and money The same Is true If the fair Is held In (A. Georgia. The attendance from Nor’h Georgia la not large To adopt the We*i>rn system Mr Hnrrett sahl the fn‘r would be held always In the Capital City of the slate. This he la opposed to. It Is Macon's lime for he fair next year, hut a question has been raised about tile Judgment for several thousand dollars hinging over the society, which the so ciety says Macon must pay. The Judg ment In tn tivor of exhibitors who were uwarded premiums hy Ihe Dixie fHali Fair held In -I a con few years ago These premium.- were in vet paid and while the society claims that It was 11* con's fair and that It is not liable, the Judgment I*, nevertheless, against It, ami It Is said that until Macon |>ay these ex hlbltors and satlsflet this Judgment, the Agricultural Society *lll not hold a fair there. t aressttinn I.etvl* There. Congressman I,jge Iwwis of Mon legume ** on onlooker at the tdr to-day. lit THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 31. 1000. PONT! ARGUE I I kidneV I LIVER I DISEASES Bust * . WAFER'S V SAFECIIK ha*l time to My Drat h<* thought tms fair *.i* h gram! thing. 90 far *<• th* xhlbita ml rn.-iug went, hu* that h** hadn't wjidH through th** mkfo.iy aiuf uould not luik for puhiFntion until h* hat explored it. which h promlacd to <1 im mndlatrly ufion getting up frAm dinner. Speaking of < Vngru Raman rc nit of u lift I** alory .1 relative fella on him before Mr. loewts mankMl The occaaion waa a bull. In which Mr. Ur'-* W 49 hiking u |urt. Mra. Lew 1 9. then n young lady. waa also in ut> tendunre. Th* , Con*: Nm hi bor<* a reputation for * and nt the *\itrsf rtlon of his n atlvm Mm. Lewis lck*<l her chancf and when he waa on the llo<jr whrro others might are, ah** pre sented him a beautiful row*. |{* r a h*‘d out after It mul clutching it firmly, aa If H w>r* a rut tip Ins breechea leg. he atralghway atuffeil It into hla breeches pooket. And up to this goo*l hour, the atory la Mrs. Lewt* haa received no thunk* for that roee. Ladies’ and Children’s Department. FALL OPENING Thursday and Friday, Nov. I and 2. Ladies are cordially in vited to cad and inspect some of the latest creations in Tailor-made Suits, Capes, Jackets, Silk and Flannel Shirt Waists, etc. Also a grand display of Children's Garments. B. H. Levy & Bro. Among the Ba v.mnnh'ans In attendance at the fair l Superintendent Kline of the Central llsllraai. Henwtor I'odsln of Amer.cus arrived to day. and i "apt. John Triplett of the Thom-tsvlllc Knhn'rtw I* here. IT WILL 111. • HAKUMTIM D\V. To-morrow ia Hr a tireat Orroalon ot south ( nrolinu'a lair Charleston. B C.. On 30 -Charleston la making groat prepn rat lons for lia day at th Slate Pair now being held at Colum bia Thursday liaa been art aalde aa an occasion for exploiting tho South Carolina Interatate and Weal Indian Kxitceltlon to las hold In 1901-H2, and the city has made up lie mind to conduct (he celebration on an extensive acalc. Sncctol Irolna will be run from here to Columbia to-morrow night and Thuraday morning. and the c mmlttees In charge of the parade which la to lie held the latter day. nope to have over a thouaand men in line. They will all wear exposition I adgea and aaaher. and the line of inarch win he from the Slate Cnnltol to the ex position's electrical booth ot the fair around* Addresses will lie made by Oov McHweeney and Mayor iitnyth and other prominent tpen Tho vanguard of the Charleston cnnllngent loft here for Co lumbia to-night. SO HI MO ttaiVfT "DOl*l\." Hut Wrnanrea Are Wauled to Mop ft In Knalaail. ' l,ondon. Oct. 31—The Sportsman, com menting upon I-eopold de Rothschilds’ letter to tho Tlma yesterday n the eub joct of "doping" horses, point* out that if 'Moping" had lieen prac Iced In Kng ; nd, no offense haa been commuted, be nuse there la no rule In exlalenee against 11. but aaya the aooner strong treasures .re laken to atop such practice* th< easier i will be to prevent the deterioration of 'horougbbred stock in England. I Urn. tinsler la Vtentl. New York. Oc. *0 —Ot n Benjamin Flag r die.] in the Fifth Avenue Hotel here ifdoy. OUR ARMY NUMBERS 98.790. OXIC-THIHD VOIA'inWHI AND THU Kt'.ftT HKUt'L Ult. Thrr* Are More Than To.lSkl 11 111 cr. and Item In Hie I'htllpplne Islands lime the linlanee of the Army Is Distributed Death- Hurl tin thr Year YY err tIT Offlrer, and 1,11*141 Men—There Were 3.P113 llfiertrr. From thr Army. Washington. Oc. 30—The annual report of Adji. Gen. H. C. Corbin, lo the Ueer* tary of War. fur tha year ending June 30, 1900, la a uomptete olatlatlcal record of the army of th* United Staler. It shows that the regular army consist, of 2A35 officers and 6S.6C'. enlletrd men. and lh* volnieer army of 1.543 officer* and SI,- ti 79 enitstrd men. a grand total of 96,730. not IncUMln* the hoepttal corjin which Is not counted a* a part of th* effective strength of tho army. The regular and volunteer army at present D distributed as follows: United Wiitet. *9* officers, of whom 76 are volunteer officer*, anti IS.S9S enlisted men. all regulars; Alaska. 41 officers, l.'M enlisted men; l’orto Rico, 9K otllcers. 2.406 enlisted men; Cub*. 360 offit ers, 5.46* en listed men; Philippine Island*, 3,367 offi cers, 69.181 enlisted men. Hawaiian Isl and*. 6 officers. 319 enlisted men; China, 50 officers and 3,01X1 men Service of the Y'olunteere. There arc STD volunteer enlisted men tn Porto Ktro and 3X301 In thn Philippines. The** are the only places where volun teer enlisted m.n are serving Some staff officers are serving In nearly all of th places named. Tho deaths reported In Ihe army, hoth regular and volunteer, by tho name divis ions. are: United States. II officers, 761 men. Alaska, 3 men; Cuba. 7 officers. 146 enlisted men; Porto Rico, *6 men. Hawaii. 1 officer and 4 men; Philippine Islands, 49 officer*. 1.390 men. at era. 3 officer*. M men. Total, 74 officer* and 1.9*1 tneu "In seven Instance*, owing to an error, officers dying have been counted twice, once us regular* and then again ns volun teers. the actual total being sixty-seven < ffiears dead. During the year there were discharged from service 72.5 M men. deserted. -“.*? The casualties in tho Chtnoae campaign heiwe*>n July 1 and Oct 1 were nlno ofll eera atvl 91) enlisted men. tlen. Corbin commends highly tha opera tion of |>oat exchanges and the canteen, saying ihat ihc reports from the Philip pines. Cuba and Porlo Rl-o "Indicate that the poet exchange haa become an abso lute necessity." He says that the total amount re-elved from the exchanges so far ns ropnr's show smouncefl to t1.315,K2. wuh the net profit of mi.MM In the statistic* given Is a table show ing the chronological list of actions In Ihe Philippine Islands from Keh 4. I9<>. In June 30. !9<n. together with the loeeew In killed and wounded The totals show 33 officers and 474 men killed and 147 ofllcer* and I.#?* men wounded. W A* >1,41* fit ill* W IPE. Unlive * la He to feel Ilia l.lfe Inssraare. | Oeneaeo. 111,, Oct. 30.-William Hllger, a | young carpenter of Hopple, near here, la j dead of wounds Inflicted uprn him with a pistol by hla wife. According to the story Hllger told before his death full con firmed by hla wife, she shot him flist In the temple ee he lay dosing on a sofa. He leaped for her and she shot h'm once In tho neck and twice In Ihe alsjomen be fore he wrested the weapon from her. The wounded man Imidored her to ob tain hMi The two were alone In the house. The wife refused and walled an hour for him to die He carried Kuril J|f* Insurance In the W oilmen. The desire for the money In th suppoeed motive. DHKASR 1,1 HII THE PI, 4GTK. Patient from Philippines at Hospital In l.nntlon, Ixmdon, Oct. SO—The In a! government board announce* the discovery of a sai lor who Is recovering from a ma'ady of I (he "nature of tbs plague" on hoard the British Steamer Lomond. which arrived at l.ondon fr. Philippic; lalands. Oct 35 The Vcumer and everything on board of her have been disinfected. The valiant la detained at a bosplial ThtCATnFRANCpTO brought to your i UEBiGiBjUj COMPANY'S riß extract £39pr p..;;? OP BEEF. W I Prepared from I , f.u the best parts /*7 L rw> LPl* •f the belt txef % fMfldr < ly the best pro-tm w* -si*. BRYAN GOING WEST. Conftnuvl from Flr*t Pag*. no <xehnng of courtesl9 brtwvtn tht rf* v.l rnntll.|trfa Thr Full (Uniirr I'nlt Irßtinifnl. At HoriifllKvlllr Mr Bryan rblKtiiiid lh ihrory d\ tin***l by hln yratnxluv to tl> “ftrel that tho Ht|Mihi|.9it!i hN<Ltltr(ly : undoiiiNl lbt*lt prir*t|ai tximivilKn aigu n4tn?. whl.'h wu tha full tflmtar |m>l. B*.*rtlnn with iha pnoptMl loti tlmt th# Rr publican |l*tfirrm w an lil'k- H to Ibe iubjcvt of |>ruHM*rUy. ha nll "Compurt |bo mm' u lvotrMl to ulatlon w'lh th** Irvolwl lo all other 'luraium* hi? 1 you will And tho K*- publi.ana cipertfil lo m<kr tha taaua on tho gratul pw>ap*rlty argumant Tha full 1 m**r 4all in full of holer*, tha full tllnnar p.ll Ip iha most *omfl> •♦•!)• liattara.l .?n1 baatan up avnbbm that any iarty avar ha<l Why Is It tht iha Ulnnar pall Is roferretl lo more by lanucr.*t sinaka’s than If is by Ibpiblb *im s|> Republican utt*mpiß to r*far (o the* *llnnar pall non they ask him 'flow about tha anthracite coal ragbusT* I k roi h! Uit* !atvr!uir nran to-day Is receiving his fair share of Iha wealth h* proiu>*a* or bis fatr aharo of tha prol*v tlon of gov •rn mrnt.* a lii 11 in I dri <I *• of I.Mltorars. Mr Bryan's apaech at Andover ea a>l - aim* ft <ntlaaly to ih* quwtloa of Intimidation of h* bo ring man. On thia sub jaut ha sntal in fcarl: "As *l*4'tlon Imv* wn liaar of efforts t4i intitnMnta man who w< rk fv others ll is then that Iha emptayar *f Uilhtr logins to i>aa languaea nhloh Is rah ulatod lo Inttmt'tate th? men who working for him Kvnfi!moi tmn nf Hiked bv tha am plover to go out mill march In i parade; arsl they know If thav refuse fo go thav aoftarata from (boa* who f- go. and run tb* risk of dlirhiirg* In rasa any ona Is discharg ed I put 1* <n this g..>un<l. that If an employer la entitled to ihe vo*e of his 4-mpioyss. then tha employer ought to b allowed to do the vo*lrg for the *m|lny** for If ha Is antltfod to tha votes of tha employes, certainly we ought to grr.tng* it ro that none of ihnm can get awny f~om him. nnd If you let the employe vote himvelf. ha mny not uiwnvi %*ofa as hi* employer wants. Therefore. I am In fivor of a law that wl I rlthar let th# employer vote the volua of tha amil -yrs or *lse rnsktr tha amplnyrr let the employe alom and let tho employ** vote his own vot#" FKU OPPOIF. AhNKXATfOR. Inhabltnnfe of Dnnlsli AVest I nil Its \\ill GlNtlly Join Pa. New York. tvn. ft) W A J Black wood. I’nlted K?ut*m consul at Bt. Oob, Plrrpont House, Br<>4)kiyr. this evening concerning the rcrenlly publUhad stat* ments that th# Inhabitants of tha l bnl.- wtr* oppoaed to annaiatlon to tha t nlted Btues, he said; "Thvr# are h few* po*pb in tha Islands anxious to gat ihe linpreuslon abroad thai annaxntton la not desired, the ma jority of thu Inhabitants, that Is. the vot urs entitled to franchise, art- strongly In favor of annexation fo th# United Btate* and the mith tin be sold of 8t Thomas." Mr Black woo*] *-id Dec in irk wanted to seli fhe Islands aa they wer a burden tp her and os s matter of feet the vole* 4f iht round) would have very lit tle effect. The lalande would lie 4 valu aid* acquisition to the United States as the Ebigltsh language I* universally spoken there. The |>eopla are as civilised and us different from the Inhabltama of Porto Rico aa day la fr.m ntgbt. bring largely nimpar*! of Am*rl*ane igt 1 Eu ropi uns 80 far ua Mr Black wo and knew there ware but two |l/narj who ware opposed to anncxwtton. KILLED WIFE AM> HI lift ELF. I'lndins of 14* ft* r*s ll>dy Iln Hulved the Mystery. Reading. Pa . Oct. ft)—The sequel to th*? finding of the body of Mrs. Charles A Keffer < n a public road, eight miles be low Heading. lasi night, shot to death, developed hare to-day. a hen the body of her husband wwa found In u coal chute In tne lower section of the city Ha Its*! eluded tha police during th# night und killed him*elf e?irly to-day He win ZH an*) hie wlf** 21 ye.*rs 4d In his pocket v as f*#und a farewell ietter to his mother In which h< bade her good-by Me says he was driven to commit the crime by his wife, and that their married life had been very unhappy Arrested for I os flfrslins, Waycrosa, Oh . Oct. Ja—Albert Rooln aon. colored, worn yesterday af ternoon hy Hheriff T. J Mcflellan. Ha Is charged with stealing and iMiichartfig n cow i>alonging to farmer B F Coding n**jr the , Hy. The ctw was bfltcbero*! saver;• I dtiys <tgo and tha hide and horns ware found in ihe wood* Suspicion p*lned to Robinson as the guilty party and he was arrested B>ibajuently his hour# was searched and a lot of fresh m*at found there, Indicu'lng that ha Is tha righi m in. It seems that he 1? unable to account aat- Irfftcfortly to the officers for the meat In his house. Defeated a French Tram. Annapolis, Md . Oct A naval gcad amy fencing team made an Amer|< an au dience heppv this evening In the gym nasium by defeating a French team from lh# French Atlantia squadron, seven bouts to two The Navnl Academy team was Naval Cadet Adolphus Andrews of Texa* Lewis Mcßride of Pennsylvania nnl 81*1 ray M Henry of New York Rny ho Into hbrel Urrl tln*lnr*. Pittsburg. Oct 30— A stcry le published bare to the effect that the Carnegie atari Com [winy intends •*> tnvad* the sha#*t tta#| business by manufacturing this product nt their Duqtu‘sn works If the Carnegie Company ohiMikl g* Into the eheat busi ness It will com* Into <ompetltlon with the combine. Ewpoltla Ealended to Her, 7. Paris. Oct. ft).—At a cabinet r*Hjnrll to day. M Millar and. th*- Minister of Com merce, obtained President Loubet’s slgnA tura to a deer*** prolonging the exposi tion until Novrmler, md fixing Nov. 7 us a free day for the poor Huelinnan Killed Flfer. Vincennes. ImJ . Oct. .H) Samuel Buch anan hit James Flfer with an Iron weight and killed him almost Instantly In a quar rel over politics at Bridgeport to-day SICK HEADACHE Xorsford s Acid Phosphate Soother, and strengthens tha norv*s; relieves pain In the temple*, depres sion and natitea. G-oaiot bsara men* llsaseoeo 1 , aa waappee. QUARANTINE IS EXTENDED. rLORIVYA' TO KICK# I P HHSTHIC nova rm thi pufabut. Ilie to the Fact That \el low Fever Atlll I'm ulls In Cubat unit Other Foreign Forts, and thr Tardiness of the Winter Sea•%— %•• official Order Issued Rttrsillng the HsgW latlons t ntll Farther %<itlee Is fllvrs Jacksonville, Fla., Ocl ft) Th# summ*r quarantine In Florida generally terminates at midnisht on t>d il. but nogorllng t> an order Issued t* lay by ths I lor:l,t .State Ikaird of Health. Iha quarantine ie strict lons will b cominued until further aiders. The official order In part is us follow "By reason of th< continued am* ielrd prevalence of yellow fever at Cuba. visß cis#a and sixty-thrra deulhs having been ffV tally retwirtetl fn*m Ha vana during the first twenty-three day* of this month, being gunerilly disseminated throughout the city and u!>urh) an! al*where tVcra Prut, Tamj.!<*•>, Santos, etc.) and the lardy approach of cold weather, the ‘summer niaitttme quaran tine season, ngaluN infw tw) |hMs or |*orts uus|u te) of infection and more particu larly 1 hose tnfecieni by ydow fever— which u ually (erminater at mblntght of Oi'i .11 will ho continued until further no •lea. "All vessels from known Infected ports (Culmiii, Maxh’an, (Vntrul American. |ir ziliun etc.) will be Inspected, disinfected und tetalnet as usual until further notice Provided that vtaseh* and baggage disin fected at Havana. Cuba, and having err tlflcataa lo that effect signed b) Ihe olli cer In < harg‘ 0/ the I'nlled 81 te Marine Hospital Rervlca thereat, will noi h* rc dlslnfected "Immune certificates of pa-‘enger" fr-m Huvaim and *>th*i fi'rts In i*ub<i will *vuv flntir to Im* riWjuirsd until further mai l "In all other cases the hmjhl winter iuarintinc ami practice will pt M'ihrriHi to liuiiKat! • ast wls** v*** •eh (unless from a foreign lnfeotc<l port, via a 4lom>Nlr |r t > will not hr subject to Inspection after Nov 1 " Tills or-ler Is signed hy Joseph Y Porter, state b*ulth officer, and aiiirovnl by W B Henderson, president Star# Hoard or Health. W U< HO*-' < (MIIX. FAIR. % t tractions Will He and In trrrsl lug. Waycross. (la . Oct ft) Workmen nr# now but y getting the Waycross Fatr c rounds and buildings In shape for the fourth annual exhibit, which opens up In this city next Tuesday, Nv. The Mwgte t'ity Is the pioneer fair town In RoutH tieorgia Bbe has always mad* a grand sue*ess of these events, hut the coming show will eclipxe anything ever b-*for* undertaken by the Waver* rs Fair Aaso elation More attractions have already lw*en booked than at till the *>ther fa!*** combined, the I st being unusually fin* There will he balloon ascension* a*’d parachute dio|M every day. free open sir concerts; the art glass palaeo; the oriental dancing girls, the M'dwnv Plalannee, irained animal ex |esltlon, and humlrr<ls of other attrne tlons The grounds will be brilliantly ll umlnate*) every rdght. while the numer ous shows will give continuous perform ances. on Tussdey and Thursday nights • here wdl be magnificent pyrot*>chnir dis play-, th* fireworks urianlnt( nnything of the kind every lie fore witnessed In Waycross. The railroads have given extrnord'nurlly cheap rotes from ail pdnts. They will run pe<*ntl trains every ilay, besides stoptdng through trains at all regular stations for psssengers On fhe l|g day special Inducements will be offered to em ployes of th*- ro<le. but every day will be a big day Aside from ihe racer, which will be close nnd exciting from start to finish, as many noted horses will be here, there will Is* scores of free open air attractions in cluding the lecture by Itev. Ham Hmall on Thursday, Nov. A gun club tourna ment will begin on Tuesday and .art three days Dun clubs from Georgia. Flor id 1 und Alabama will enter the eh*}t. .md sotno champion shots will be here the open air concert* by Waycross Con cert Band, will be an enjoyable part of the fair. On Thursday the Georgia Leg iF.ature will attend the fair In n body. Thla day has been a* **J J Mi lionuUffh Day." The Southern Fine Company's mill* at Omnvllle. NlcholN, Hsglnnw, and Offerman will all .close down on that day. *o*l the etn ptoyees. In company with those of the Offerman era) Western Railroad will be here |n n body to enjoy the show ft s also pro ha My that the Bailey mill at McDonald, will close down for the or ’aslon On Friday there will he a grand tilt and tournament participated In by eight teamo from the Georgia Cavalry trooi**. This contest will be worth travel ing hundreds of miles to see. If % % 4 GI K9T OF IIOftON. >.nternln>'d by the llrltlsh-Imrelrnn nepaldleMns, Washington, Ocl SO —Senator M A Ifanrua was the guest of honor to night at the firs: annual banquet of the BilUHt Anvrban RepuUtcan League g ven at the Victoria Hotel He received the plau dits of ].% Americans of British birth Tbe guests sang "He’s a Jolly Good Fellow," This was followed with thre*- cheers and a tiger for the senator, ftenator Hanna made a brief address. Fish i nlfare tn Peru. Lima. Peru. Od ft)—The Peruvian gov ernment he instructed the Peruvian mln ia*er to the ITnPed Htates, Dr Alvareg CaJd**rof, to forward to Lima publications and other data regarding pis leu Pure with the view of estohlDhing fish culture In •he lakes of Peru. Dr. Calderon was also Instructed to furnish the go vrnm#n< with lnformalon regarding i>er*on* competent *0 superintendent hatching und rearing of fish In this country Russia's Offtrlal Budget. Bt. Petersburg. (Nt. 30—The figures of the official budget for the iest year, after taking Into account extraordinary expen ditures. show a nee surplus of roubles, which Is regarded as large, cou riering the recent financial and commer cial dcpreeelon The Hancock at Manila. Washington. Ocf. ft)—.A dispatch at the War Department announce* the arrival at Manll.t of the transport Hancock with three companies of the Fourth and four of the Twenty-fifth Infantry and three officer* ml W men of the marine cor pa --Gen Sir Anthony BlaxLind Htsnoham who rerenily died in England, at the .ge of M, was one of the mod dlatlngu shed soldiers of the British empire. He gained his first experien* e In warfare seventy three years ago. having b*en 1 reent at the desinictlon of the Turko-Fvypt au fleets 1n Navarlno bay. In October. INJ7 He took sn active jairt In the Oitnese campaign of IMO-41. and In the Crimean War. He was made a K C, B In 1317, and retired tn I*7S. —President McKinley has Wlnt'#ly promised to attend the launching of the battleship Ohio In Ban Fronclaoo nxt April, the exact data to he determined at the Prealdeot'e convenience. t LIVER PILLS. Dr. Nttinay 6 Cos.. N. Tork D*r Sir*--1 havn b—o for ntariy two >wars, anti t.*v- brsn tkwtorln. with axnn of ths most *xirt tiortors of ths United iß.tr* I i>avi‘ t-an bothinc In antt .irtnklnff hot nrst-r st th- H<w Ark hut tl .Misnl wvarythln* 4*l >1 to <4o mo tool Afisr I saw your ■•ivornarmsnt I thought 1 would try your pills. *nd tuxva nrarly u6-d Two box**, b-wn taking two at taxiltm- nnd ona after hraakfas*. and : th-t havw don- im mow good than any* ' thing *is I havw usad My truubte baa I l*u with th- Itvw My skin and oy-a a,-r- all y-U<>w:.l had si—w. drowsy f—4- i.igi. hit like a drunk-n man; pain rig hr I .il*ov— lh- navsl. Ilk* a* If R was M|o on tt,. ..f th- stomach. My howls w-ro vwry I ■ !lv y\ mouth and tng4i*> aor* moat of th- I Im- App-tlt- fair but f,md would not dlgr-t. hut —tla heav) on my at—n a<-h. and Mm. f. w nwHithfuls of food ,'oni.. up again. 1 >uhl only -at light fuod lhai ttaily IV,tar aritd "Hook of Adyto*." It-sp-rtfuMy. RKN ZAI'GG. Hot Kiwlngs. Ark. QADWAY’S ’ * PILLS, Price. Mr A lox Bolil b>' druggist a or Hcni bv mall 8* ud f DR RADWAT A CO., k* Kim street. New York, for Book *f Advice THE WEATHER. Forecast for Wednesday and Thursday: Georgi.i Fair Wedneaday. Thursday, Increasing and rain on h <<hmh. fair In tho Interior; fresh northeasr i*rl> winds. Ear eru KlorMi (lenerallv fair We*l netteiay, except ruin on the #outbeast (Htsst Thursday Increasing * bttellneaa an*) rain on fh** east rasi; freah north c-i ait rly winds Western Florida Fair Wednesday unt prohaMy Thur-lay, light to freah east to hxiibeast wliwis 84.1 th iat of',ne Fair We-luesday. Thursday, irw reesing < lotnlluess and ptob rthly showers, fief'll to brisk noivhesaivr* ly winds Yesterday’s VlVuther si Hsvannah— Maximum temperature 2:30 p. in 70 derera Minimum tmt**raiur* #• in ft* dacres# Menu em,cr;urc <b dagrees Normal temiwratura tt <i#gresa Ki eat **f •• ini**M Utira • >t sreaa Accumulu***l excess sines Oct. 1 149 degroag Accumu)n<d txca.-a since Jan 1 .IBS degreoa Ha nfall <*> mch Normal 00 Inch KV'ffi sltv’e Oct 1 534 In chaff 1 >4 fl.qrncy since Jan. 1 ...........i.43 inch## River Report—Tha hight of the Bavan nah river at Augusta at N s m (71th ata rldlan lime) veatenhig waa 0 fast. <Ytton Beg ton Bulletin. Havannah. (Ja. # for twenty-four hours ending at • a. m., Tftth meridian nine. Oct. ft), )!*■* ft(S‘,on of Mat.i Mln.i km* ftsvannab district. lTeoiTam.f fait Alaimha. (la., c1ear....1.."j II } S Oi Albanv, claar I M j €1 M Amecicus, clear | 73 i 57 | (JO llAlnbtldge, ciesr jsoj 57 00 Hlasttnan. dear j ft fid |ft Fort Oalues. dear. fc> 37 €0 Gainesville, Fla., clear...) M 1 03 j .00 Milieu, Ga . clear j *2 j ft) j 00 juiimun clear ....j 32 , 6ft | 00 riavantiHl), clear ....| 73 • i -*ft ’.‘iiomasville. clear fiO ) .Oft Waycross, dear 73 ft# , .00 Btccial Txas Itnlrfail Reports -Pa lea • In**, 04 Inch; tlalveston, trace; Gerpua Fhrlatl, trace; Houston, 52; Karrvtlle. trace; Longview. <*( — -,No. |flta- Max Min.|Ratn r.nlral ■latlon*. |4iOM T-m.,Tsm fa l. Allsnta I II ! j' M \ .00~ Augusta H 76 1 63 i * fharl-oton | 5 ! W | M | . flalraston 3* 93 ! M | <B l.lttle Hark | IS I 63 | 04 M-mi*hi* | It I M j <3 | -fl® Mobil.. I | I I H | 4 HaW(4>mNy ..| 6 ffi 16 ■*6 N-w Orl-nfl* ........j 9 64 I<3 | .34 Havannah | 13 ] *1 ; fck i O Vlrkshurg Ii | | | T Wlltnlngl.m |IOI Tl M .90 n-marki T-mp-ralur-s awiinus PfSftl rally slallonary.wllh light rains ovsr lh* w..-4-rn illstrlrU. Name of fliallon. ......| T. J V. Halo Dowlon. cloudy | 4* I I T Nw York city, ratnln* I M 3* *4 I'hllail-lpliis. raining | 40 | * | T Waahlngion city. el*r....| 64 I L i .60 Norfolk, ci-ar j3 * l il.ill-ras rlor | 63 ; 13 .00 Wilmington.. rioar | 64 | L .00 Chariot!-, clear .....| 70 r*lm ! 00 rtiil-lgh i-l-ar |66 L !00 fharlaston. cl-gr j 66 g .09 Atlanta, clear [7O { g <A Auguala, clmir )70 L .00 flavanneh clear ....j 66 I, .00 Jacksonville. c-,*r j 66 <1 09 Jupiter, raining | 74 10 10 K-y Waal, rl-ar j 76 0 .00 Tampa, clcnr | 76 6 00 Ylohiir, clear | 74 > 00 Monigonii-ry, < 1-sr 74 ’ It 00 Vicksburg, clear I 74 6 00 Nw Orlon, cl-ar | 73 I * | .01 Galv-ston. tO-ar |66 j 0 00 Coriois Chrlsil. claar 7S : 10 T Pat— line. rlou4y 70 ! 0 .30 M'-mphl- rl-ar 70 a 0 13 I'ltu'lnnail, cl-ar 70 | L T t’lilsburg. rtoikly 74 ! L .00 tluffslix raining 64 | 14 To D-trot. cloioTy 00 i 10 j 14 Chicago, clsar 63 | t i .00 Mar-rju-tte, dourly 60 I 14 | T 3t Paul, cloudy | M ; L I T Dnv-nport. rioudy jat 6 no CM. Ixruls. G-ar | 74 j 10 ! 00 Kanan* City, raining ..j 04 1 0 ; ,34 Oklahoma. rlouOy |64 14 ilt DoOg- City. clou4y I 62 | 10 0# North Platts, cl-ar j 46 12 on H D. Boy-r. Igwal For -cast Offlr|*L Wrß 4TT4I KRII Y TOf’GMO. On- Mrnih-r of a Nonsth Hlilrr rink M 111 Dl. Ohm InJwrlM. Tol-00. O, Ocf *i -Jtev-ral of thr Mra-lova Hough Rider Club war- at. tarksd by a rrowd at toughs and rtoua ly Injur-d as h-y ware hoarding a train nt Grand Hapldr. 0., to-ntght afr-r a po littral d-mon-lratlon. John H-mp was struck with sn Iron mlsslir and will di*. Oscar Johnson was struck In tho hack of !n head br ■ |ww of Iron and lordly tn. jurrd. Thr ,>-tma*ter of fY—rtue Isl* was also Isidly hurt, and a doaan or mor* slightly Injurod. - t • ■ q I'urclias-d a Valuable Horse. lit Irouls. Oct. 30— Ralph H. Orth wain of ihls city tivday purrh**.nl of Cixl P, W. Ill— of Mexico Mo, thr -hamploite gal ted oaildle hors, of the world. H-x 3*<v Dor-lid It la aaid 16.V> was the prlog no Id. ifOSTETTtnv :: tullUin 'VI Conet I potion BiffßtSis 1 - 5