The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 31, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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The Quakers fire Honest People. Th* Quaker Herl f. Tonic to not only a , , blood purifier, but • ■TW:~ It looJ maker (or ' •VV. \ Kale, Week in I De *■*3 fjSg have not alrength t. nor blood It acta aa c? , Wto a tonic, It regutotoa Sk dtoeFtloo. curaa dva - pepela and lenda r ' j&r airength and ton* to the nervon* ayatem. 'rneJloln# for wank women. It U a table medicine awl con be ,re mod delicate Kidney Dla , j f,. umatlaiß nd all dlseaaea of the Stomach and nerve. won auccumb u. effects upon the human en , Thousand* of people in Georgia , r:J It. Price II P®. , 1 R KAIN BALM la Iha medlclra , ,i .(■ Quaker Doctor mode all of n! hi >i tick cure* wllh. It's anew derful midlctne for Neuralgia, , Backache. Rheumatlam. l ain In Bowel*, .n fact, all pain lutsved by 11. Price tSc and H WHITE WO.NDKK SOAP, a „ , i.i oap for the kia. acaip and , lion, Prtoa 10c a cake. 1! HEALING SALVB. a•- nmient for tha cure of tetter, eo . tJ . rup'.i na of the akin Price iu- a ?'■-'* S AL* BT A 1.1. DRUGGISTS. \EW YORK’S HORROR. ,'lnuej from Flr>t Page ) Amend, lgar maker; J.imoi* M.irv Bradle). emp.oyed In print* ■ ce, Ira C. Barne*. egg il-aler, Hiirnfw. <gg lamller. James , , Nx.kket'per; John Crug r employed l, k.r. Koto Gallaghnn, employed l>y * a. io„ Isaac t'ohen, truck driver, i 11.. 1!. Gable. Molllo Golden, *m* , i,v Tarrant re Cos; Thotna-* Hur . mployed by Tarrant & Cos., Willi im ■ inptoyed In egg *mre; l’a nck ork.d for Upper*. Smith A , , Joseph Multier. Benjamin lark for Tman* £ Cos.. Ju- Mir.hj, worked In Warren rireei; Matthew*, truck driver; Harry r , i-, ph Natal a. kept a restaurant en. T.irran’'*; Julc* Oppanheim. rm ,.t by Handheld line A Cos.; b'rcder -1 t. r*. plumber. Mar, h lius h. •m --. 1 hy Tararrtt & Cos.: Max Schwarts, r for Tarrant A Cos.. H. Smith work ..i in confectionery aioro; George W. r. ckk dealer; Abraham Stein; ... s buck, employed In Tarrant'* lab •rv, Mary employed by Uar a Cos.. Iric Sml'h. employed'by mil & Cos ; Jennie Smith, employed Ai Cos.; Jam## Wtlklnaon, i, t l f..r the department of afreet dean nay Be Man % More Dead. litel Croker of the fire department *ay* lh. work of disTtilr* out the dead * h.irdly Iregim He believer. that the tier number of dead will be found ,h, Mrectß where tha fulling wall* •i in m 1 Hu Ufa ■ burred their -I lie believe*, too. that the hutld ontom more bodies than moat per wlil admit. no those in Warren and Green*l 11 • who Wart * Ilk I by the falling . -cording to Chief Croker'* theory, the crash came arid the wall* fell ap they had no time to get to , nwe get to that point In digging i Croket point ;N a making mins under the ’ot wniu of the At antic cafe, we will t my an unknown crushed and ! 1.1.. .to iteath." t to thl- point to-day wi* tmi-o*- got otilv were the ruin* smoking f!f*utton an <1 hot. but iht towering . | n Bmitl ao4 W< main -It ti*: tiigll. ?hf l iflN *<l tO Ctl.UiS' j : i . h breath of wind. irt am llr 9 Ut th© rulu* • i . t**l rh.i' Ui* h r.incif* Buckley. Ino r ropu-tor. tobl a stnry t *-! y , omlnc' s th© ioiico that th- wail.* n ni<<r than on© victim. When th '‘ion Ok*currd twelve ni©n ami wo i known ns the "night shift," were \ pon the top fl©or c t the hotel. There \ ais.l ru iv.y and wom- n who ItV tho city who were reßiKtered t N> 0M m Non Tor* taw - ? ner these patron* erape<l or not. Im*- pk W it any ot them, have relatives lends here. the employe** who were t*leep, the * • *-n were mostly IrUb un*l Germ in I who have re<*ently cotne to thlti jfc *ry, Tney have no friends*. home Id of the hotel. n1 there la no lnquire for them it they are mlaa* ? nleas* they earape*! from the hotel the a<H'ond exjdoslort o<'. urr*l they i id” Mk) Poil.'e Cap* Hoaii theory le f.ilninnr erouiul that the * i ion wa cuife*x! hy th* action of -s and other chemical* in a irreot ',ki ity of chlorate of stored In i \< IDIM <ai Hi:!) *ieh death. kriilt* nf n Kimt Mon !!■ litnl loon After n Revere Full .1 .. Oct. 3>V—As a result of ..n accl hUh occurred two weeks ug< Mrs. • Thompson Hanlon, wife of Dr Hanlon. died at her home, 253 • street, to-day. She was a .>i:'hter th* late Senator HeflJ.i r,l of (Seorida anti one of the |ronni• 1 1 l ad* rp of the state. H.r*ton has been 111 with fever for • *!x weeks. Thursday two week* -*he was convalescent, she fell r m near her bedroom, striking igalnet the ornamental comer • htub. The accident occurred at it night Mrs. Hardon lay In in the bathroom until she was .1 number of the household. Augusta Thompson. Mrs Har ris, of the popular belles of She was married on June 6 last 1 rdin at H rook wood, the subur of her uncle, Mr Joseph The wedding was the social reason. IT!AI'P U % ATR NoniC TIME. *l l fo *a r There Was Merc ary • ixiiiah fo Kill Brice. rk. Oct. 30—There was a brief this morning In the district • •??ee between DlatrlCt Attor* *• *r. Capt. McClurky, Coroner Prof. Win nous, over ihe lat 't ■ in Ills analysis of the con stomach of the late Mlllton ! m M. Rice. , * ittb.ius asked for more tlm* y consult with Dr. c*urry. 1 Mt Rice in .lie inst Illness vt uld not nuke tne positive * 1 u the quantity of mercury j • *1 discovered was sufficient to it r he hod n talk with Dr. '* the ulaience of such a declurj li.inliner said noth lug can be '""••I., n.llrnnd Kn.rblir. 1,1 ••orto Rico, Oct. rail • ,ilrh thi px< -ullvi conn 1 >■ -t"rrly to th North Amrl , *"1. I- very valuable It will v ' t ‘>iiirurtioo of a veritable net ' Hues In the I.UmL h hhki.l rot m> ut ilti'. He Murdered Ilia Krim.l. Ba press Measonirr V.ntfe. Marysville. O . Oct 3f>—The iury has re turned a verdict of murder in the first and *- *ree. without rs'omnn n latum against llooalyn Ki rrell. the train robb* r charifr | with the murder of Kxpreas Mcfy.ncT Lane. Th* verdirt carries with It the death sentence. The murder was committed for the pur pose of robbery. Ferrell secured sl.o*. m mony from the way safe of the Adams Kxprcs-* Company The crime was not denhd. Imt the pl*?a wus mde that h was mentally irresponsible and an at tempt was made to show that insanity wrs hereditary in the Ferrell family. The delther itiom* of the Jurv occupied six hours an| thirty minutes an I the ver dl t was reached at 11 40 o'clock uvnlßht, Wh#n th- verrllct wu.s r**ad Ferrell *p peared to be taken by surprise and hi f.ioo flti'hed This was the first visible sum of thut has been shown by l)M I*r sonar during th' (rill, tat he n k 1y r kraim**! his romimeure .fh 1 w.*a led lark to his cell without having uttered u word. TOOK Till; Pitl*>>Kit \\V%Y. Two Officers %Inioat Killed In Trying to trrrkt it Murderer. f'olumhla. 8 C . fk't. .V Hufue Xeal. a negrro was arrested tl Shady Grove. Ikorcehster county camp-meetinjr, by Mr K. W. Mims. Jr. deputy sheriff, and H. B. Mims, special deputy. IL had bru tally murdered hla wife. Neal ran, and was captured after a doxen shots were fired As soon ns the officers took him he called for help and the worsnippir* of the meeting flocked to his assistance, using clubs, revolvers and rasors. The deputies emptied their revolver* Into the crowd but were overcome, and Neal was res cu* and and ret ut liberty. The two r.ftb err were dangerously wounded, and Mars Wayee, a neftno. Who assisted them, ticirly he.icn to il* ith. LION TtMKK iTTAt KLb. He Kept Vila Presence of Mind nnd Fouaht the Iteaat Off. Paris, Oct Jb A lion-tamer, who dailv enters a cage containing three Ikrns. n the Paris Hippodrome, was terribly mail ed last evening His foot slipped. n 1 the largest animal sprang upon him. tf-arlna his arms and face with Its teeth and claws Without losing his presence of mind, he kept the animal at bay by the aid of his whip until he was rescued. In the excitement the cage door was left or*** for fully a minute, hut the savage occupants did not take advantage of the opportunity to escape among the fright ened spectators. THHKL NT! DKNTN *tl SPKNI>BI>. They Pat the President's Cow In the Ladles' Ikirmitor) . Alliance, 0.. Oct. 30—Three students of Mount I’nlon College were suspended to day for participating in a midnight dem onstraiion when a crowd of students clad in night robes entered the ladles’ dormi tory ar.d pushed Ihe president's cow Into n upper hall where'they tethered It. To day nhout 17S students met on the college campus and lec!ded to go on a strike pending the reinstatement of the suspend ed men Th- faculty, however, remain Arm in the*r decision. t III!OK K Ot T I'HKMATI HKV.V. < itrl Ist Movement Marled a Fort night % liend of Time. Madrid. Oct —Several hinds of Car lists have appeared in the neighborhood of 1 arcelona Three priet have arrested in Barcelona In connection with the ('artist activity. Their quarters were searched and important documents were found. The Carllst movement was timed to commence a fortnight hence, but It broke out prematurely. Gendarmes searched the country house of a brother-in-law of the Duke of Bol ferlno and seixed several rifles RtMl A IN NOT UKFINITF. Criticism of Her llepl> to the %ngln (irrmnn Note. In**or, Oct. JO—Huosla s reply to the Anglo-German agreement was recelvd at the foreign office this evening. Th*' officials of th© British foreign office do not regard the Itusslan note adequate treatment of th© points mt**d in the* derman sgresm*nt note. They say the Itusslan reply Jn ks the deflnitlve ness so desired by land Salisbury * ENTHUSIASTIC CON VERTS, Th*r* Arp Ttinu.anil* of Th** Who Mpllpvp n* Thl* Woman llor*. Mr.. Ira Knowlton of Bultp. Montiinu. 1,, a most rnthualastlc convert to (he vir tue* of Stuart'* I>y|>*pM Tablet* as a cure for ob*tlnat* stomach trotihlc She rays: 'T had poor dle,|on nearty all my life. It now seem* to me that for year* 1 never knew what It wa* to he htmicry, to have a good natural appetite. I was troubled with * in etomacn eau inir pra*ute on the heart with palpitation and short breath. Nearly everything I at. soured on my omach. sometime* l had t ramp* In the stomach which almost re i.M'.l f. i.-m r Lectors tokl me I had catarrh of the stomach, hut their medicine# would not read, Il and I would still he a saff- rcr had 1 sot, lb ehcer desperation docidetl to try Sluin'* Dypao*la Tablets. I knew they w*rc sn advertised remedy and i didn't believe any think I read about them m* 1 ad no confidence in adveriie.j remedies, but my sister living In Plttbur* wrote me last sprlne telling me how Stuart's Tablets had cured her and her little diuklitrr of Indigestion and loss of flesh and appetite and I heltated no kind er. I bought a fifty cent box ot my drug store and took tw<> of the large tnbltls after each meal and 'ourd them delightful to take being a* Idea-ant to the taste , caramel candy. Whenever rioting the div or night I fait any paly or uneasiness In the stomach or about the heart I took one of th* small laldet* ano In three week* it seemed to me a* If I had never known what stomach trouble wa* I keep Ptuarf* Dyspepsia Tablets In the house and every member of our family uses them orcaalcnal.y after a hearty meal or when any one of u# have u pain or ache In the dlgeative organs." Mi E. H Itovl* of Hampton, Va„ say-: •I doctored five year* for dyspepsia, hut In two month* I got more benefit from Stuart's Dyepepela Tablet* than .n five years of th# doctors trestment." Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet* I* the safest well a* the simplest and most conven ient remedv for any form of indlgestun, catarrh of stomach, biliousness, sotr stomach bloating after meals, sympathetic heart trouble Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet* Isnota cheap .sithartlc but an active digestive remedy containing the pepsin and diastase which every weak stomach larks ami they cure stomach trouble* because they digest the fo-d ealen *r;d give the w eek, ibused over i worked stomach i chance to *est and re u : rut* 1 rtiuart's Dyspepsia T*h|e>* are sold In I every drug store in the United Stale*, ifc'a,.adtt alld Great UriHa* THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31. 1900. H)R SALt AT AU lIAOING RtTAU-ERS *S>'" g \f l l —Os—' in—^———■———l——id———■ ■ ■ " ■—■a——r— Till. NA MIV) OF GFOHGI4. Nanual Mrrilnu to (nßirvf at Mll l©tla©%ill© •> Ort# *ll. Mllledgrvtlle. Go . on. 30.— Th © r**irilr annual n)©cting of th© Georgia Synod will convene at th Presbyieriaii Church In this etty Wednesday, Oot. 31. *it 73) o'clock 1* m Every preparation haa been mnl© by peopl© of th© city t> giv© this Uedv of di vines 11 cordial reception and make their vtay on© of th© moot pleanant th© Synod ha© known. Mor* than n hundred nn-1 fifty horn©* have b i en aecured tir th© via ltorn, tHoao offering to eiterLiin being in asceaa of (he number of delegate© tha? have gwen not lea of their coming. Th© opening nddr© wmII b in .W> In for© th#. body \Vvdn'*>Uy ©venma nt 7:3T o’clod k by retiring moleraKr. H©v. J \V Walden, I* l) Athens, tia. Th© pro gramme for th© we* k will l© aa follow a. Thuradny. 9 h. m . meeting; 11 a m.. rmon, 2 p m meating. 7 3> p m , popular meeting In beholf of for eign mifudon-s (returned mi#> otwry from China wIII apeaki. Friday. 9 a m . bum nefj* meeting; 11 a. m . ©ermon. 2 p m.. bu>4n©se meelinK; 3 p m drive to the State Sanitarium; 7 p. m popular meeting for Twentieth Century Fund; 9 P m.. recaption at Atk'non Hall by th© Freabytarhtn Churv'h Th© pulpits of all th© churches will be Ailed by ©om** of the moat eloquent minutter-; of ihe Synod on Sunday To all th'ie meet In a • th© public ar© Invited Hi: AA 11.1. Til AA Klf INI IM.NITO. Hat Kruaer Will Kirkangr N l*i With Frearh (llH*inl. rart.R. Oct 3A—Th© foreign cfflcliU be lieve that # x-l*r©>ld* nt Kruger will travel Incognito during hia vlrit to European capitals, relinquishing H In each l‘y only long enough to |*ermit an exdonge of visit* between Mr. Kruger and the he id of th© nation. 111 m tay in Faria will not ♦x*e©d forty eight hours and poeftbly on y twenty four. The French government *IH r.ot offer Mr Kruger any formal function, though It i* expected the dty will lender him a demonstration which a 111 b a ecene of enthusiasm. Th© gvfnm©nt will not take |w*ri in th© recaption but will not. however, put any obMaciei* in tha wny of private plan* of w*icom* In short th© government wilt not 1 k© any gtep likely to h© constrtia las an off* ra© •o Great Britain thought !c D cert .in President Louhet and Mr. Kruger will ©x . hang vl*lta. Th** same pr seeding, it Is believed will I*** followed at each Euro pean capital vlllltd- f (iROROK r. M ITH I‘HOMOTF.D. , To lie rreldett of Ut. l.oitU-Loula > 111*- I.inea of Nouthern. Atlanta. Oct. —A pnvat© telegram re*©lve| In th!* city to-night from Wash ington pay*: G#org*> C. Bmlth, pre*Ulent and general manager of the Atlanta find Weit Point Railroad, ha* been decided upon a* gen eral manager of the St. Ix>ul*-Ixhilpvll3© line* of th© Southern Railway, wllh head quarters In St. Louie. M- Smith I* expected to take charge a* foon a* th© LoulkvMc, Kvanavllla lixl St. roiul, which ! now aa • to he In the hand© of a receiver. pat©H un der th© control of the Southern Railway. Mr. Smith will aim have Jurisdiction over the Southern's line* running from Lqu!*- vllle 10 Lexington. Ky. Th© official announcement I* expected In a day or two A HANGKItOt N COMPETITOR. I filled Mll t©a Threaten Germany Commercially. Washington, Oct. —The German cen tral bureau for the pr©iaratlifi of com mercial treaties ha* pub|l*h©d a look written by it* pree.dent. Dr. Voaherg Re kow, who hap *pent month* Investigating the Industrial condition* of the l'nit©J States. He declare* the Failed States to be the moet dangerous opponent to Ger many'* Induetrial power and commercial advance. * Again he Plat©*: "Europe, with her old established In du*fr|ep. Ip o har l puehed by the vounu American competitor tnat the neeesalty of uniting In a common cuetom* league against this bold intrud©r haa hcom a matter of serious consideration.** ('OLt'MBt N* %RNIVAL t|t I7KN. Many Prominent (•©< Will Hr Kn fertntneri There. Columbus, Oa.. Ocr, NT—Mis* Selltn Fm tnett was crowned Queen of the* Carnival 10-night whh much pomp and ceremony. Twenty thousand people Witnessed the .on rnilon. which was brilliant vocial ©veni. Th© floral hall take* p\u© to morrow r.ight. Fifteen military companies from Georgia and Alabama, the Gover nors and their staffs, will be here Friday, and the legislature will onus Balurdiy, the last day of the fair • ClflAN CENTRAL IMVIIIKNO. 1 |*reldent TmII *rttltlcl W Ith Amrr tean Alniinufinmi. London, Oct. ll.—'Th© first annual m©et- Irg of th© stockholders of the Cuban Cen tial Railroad was held her* to-day and n 4 ler cent, dividend was rleclared on preferred stock President Tcdd express© I complete eotisfaetlon with th© American management of Cuba, anil said he wa convinced the commercial outlook for the island Is hopeful \ \\ nnt to lleeonie a llnakrupt. Baltimore. Oct. 30—Winfleid Peters, a commission merchant and fertiliser deal er applied to-do> for the benefit of (he Foiled lit a tea bankrupt' y law HR lia bilities ar*- placed *f L# M *l2. and hi* *- failur* of larg*- manufacturing ilant* which were Indebted to him and the Im poflfiniltty of making collections in the South were responsible for hK failure. Filed with the paHtlon la a list of un lOllectlble clalme amounting to 92M19. 4.N H fr I nlaiitsfa. L ndon. o< t. ’M Kl© tl* n returns front and dftslrk * ah owe a LTntoi Ist gair. J. C. Wae©u. th© arvli date of that party, defeating Sir Leonard L>eli* Ms Liberal opponenu v KXPLOSION IN A t'O AI. MINK. t**lr Men Were Killed and Nix Other* M*dl> Injured. Wllkesbarre. Pa.. Oct. 30.—A heav>' ex* pirc.on of gas occurred In No 3 slop* of No l ahaft of the Kingston r#>al Company <it Ed wards villa at 3 o'clock this after uocn. In w*hlch five men l*>*t their Uvea and rlx other* were badly burned. Five* of the six Injured are In n pre carious condition ami It Is doubtful If they 1 an survive. The fore© of th© explosion wa* so great that It blew d*wn a great Sort lon ot th© roof. It was thought nl first that there were a number of men back of th© 'ad. but to-night the mine officials were of tha opinion that all th© m*'n had been taken oig Th© relatives of two men re ion, however, that they are at 111 inis*-* mg. The accident was due to an employe, who diverted the air course unwittingly ind aliowa-d th© gas to accumulate in the place where the men were at work The lutter hid ben warned in time to vacate the place, but they did not think they : were in danger and went on with their j work I The explosion soon followed The d!*- astor has cast a gloom over the little j town, as the miners hod Just ©riebraicd ! th© ending of ih© long sink©. Two more dead bodies were tuken out of th© 111-fated min© at 11 o'clock to-night Their names are Mldhael Oulawehous and Adam Way naira. Both wen* married aid leave famlli©* All the minners missing have been accounted for. A MI lin\ ORDERLY L%Vf HING. Near** Committed Criminal %anlt and Went I ial Rant©, Birmingham. Ala.. Oct. 39. At Duka, -milt nation on th© boukvllh and Noeh villft and E>i*t and Weal Railroad* sia •ern miles north of Anniston. Inst night un alghtern-yoarotd negro youth named Abernathy attempted a criminal assault on the 14-year-old adopted daughter of W. N Thompson, set tion foreman on the and Naehvlll©. The negro wmk> captured three houra after the attempt and waa identified and l\n*hed TTios© who i'omposrd th© lynch ing party are said to have been among ih© beat clttaens of the community and >hev wren * about the work yuleily and orderly. The negro was found at th© home of another negro In the neighborhood. THEY HHOIT.n hi; HINMINNKD. official* laiestiisted for ( orrriuu (.% eminent Employe*. W.ishlngion, Oct. —The Civil Service rommlssk-n Itas JuM eompletivl Invasliga tion- of chargee of violations of civil ***rv tr© law. manly of political a-seesments and coercion, against federal officials, whose name© are now withheld. In Phil adelphia. Pa.; la>ulvil|e. Ky.; r'lcicinnvatl. O.; Topeka. Kan.; Rlrm,ngh:im. Ala.. Jer sey City, N J . and In lowa. In some of th#w© cases th© commission has recommended to the various executive department* to wh!©h the accused official* l©lorg the prosecution arnl dtsmlsacd of the latter. TKKKR TO NIT %N PHKNIDKNT. AAafehluslnn anil Tre*tre Will Nut Fleet Otir Now. lexlngton, Va . Oct. 30 —Th© Executive Commit tee of the board of trustees of Washington and L©© ITrUveralty have ap point©d Prof. Harry Hi. Georg© Tucker, dean of th© law school to be chairman of the faculty, and a<*t!ng president of the university 10 fill rh© place mad© vacant by th© death of Hon William L. Wilson, unlll th© next meeting of th© trustees, which protiahly will not take place unlll late In (he spring. PAMKNGKH TRAIN WRICKRD. Engineer and Neaeral Others AA ©rr Hndly Injured. Indianapolis. Oct. 30.—The l#oulsvlll© Evansville and Bt. Lougi passenger train west iiound was wrecked one mile tail of Princeton this afternoon. The engine ind baggage car were rraled Into th© dUoh Bogin4gr CtarltM Fort *© f 1 ton was badly, but not fatally burned, and fireman H D Rising was slightly injured. Th© other injured were Juius llamm, Imggugeman. Albany, and Mail Ab ri ■ i || K• Hy < f laoign leg hurl. The breaking of a llutige on a wheel caused the accident. GEN. AA If.NON TO CONK IIUAIII lie Will Nl He a Member of the t ill (ummliilnD. Washington, Ucf. 30.—Ordara have been sent to Pekin detaching Gen. James K Wilson from duty as chief of staff under (Jen Chaffee, and directing him to re turn to ih Foiled Htates. It had been h© purpose of ih© government to make Get* Wilson a member of th© projected American lonftoiission to treat w*ith the (•hmese government for a settlement, hu? the abandonment of that plan In favor of direct negotiations through Minister (?on nrr mad© It unnecessary to retain Gen Wilson in China. Beaufort Noldlera tin to f olnmlila. Beaufort. 8. C . Oct 39 -The Third Di vision of th© Booth (•arollna Naval Bat talion left her*- th s morning for Columbia, where they will participa e In th© military feature 1n the Ba'e Fair. Paymaster Beb©l of the Port Royal No val Wat ion accompanied the division. Will lleeonie ©laves to Trusts, Ithaca. N Y., Oct 9) —ln a si*©©ch last night at the meeting of the Teacher*' Federation Prof rip* Ming fhs Roman Catholic diocefan of Peoria, predicted 1 bat the time would come when ad fracbcrn American cttlsans would la-come serf# to tho trust© unless a halt Is called. Flag Pole at Lnnd'a Kad. Beaufort, B. C., Oct. 39 A contract for th© construction of a steel flag pole to be erected on th© government reservation at Land's End bs be©n swarded to a Charles ton 11 rm frr 11.9C0. - - Horse Shots tn Nt. Uu'i, Bt. Louis. Oct. 39. —Th© fli. Louis Horae Bbow opened auspiciously last night. LORD SALISBURY TO RESIGN. j The Foreign Secretaryship Will He Transferred in the Marquis of I ammlhw or, London. Oct V The fnlMwtng import in' announcement appears Ibis morning m the Dally Telegraph. "Wa uitderst,4l 1 that after mature co> flikrition l/r l Bali*bury ha* decided to resign the foreign secretaryship, which j will be tranfifemd 10 the Marquis of ! Lanedowne. Although the health of the 1 Prim© Minister g!v no csu*a for anxiety, * believe Fiat ht is largely influenced ; by the counsels of his nicdhal adviser*.‘ Referring editorially to the a|plntmnt of the Murquls *f la>ndown© lo th© f r -j % utn Office, th© Dally Telegtaph approve© ; it. * especially in view of the fort that Lord Salisbury's influence will still pin | “Id© over the foreign policy of Great Britain Lrl H.iluliuiy com© to London ye*ter <loy aid paid . long visit to the firetgn office, where he rggaived !**n*ilowrm and after him. the Duke of l>evonshlre. In Gk* a/teraooti he held th© customarx recepiioh of members of th© diplomatic eorj*. among th**©© pressnt ivelng M d© Braai the Russian MmN^Mder. M Paul ! I'nmhorj. U* French amtui*ador; Count von liaitfeldt-WildeulHifg. th© German amh*j© | Hdor a nnd Mr. Choate, th© I'ntted j Ktate© ainba ©sailor He r'tnalnod until n late hour at the foreign office and then went direct to th© Ha(/Aekl House. There is lltt’e gnubt that th© Dally Tel- Mgruph * InformatkHi Is correct The ap pointment of la>rd Lansdowne. whose *on trel of th© w%r *fTV list been m> severely •'ondemned. will pmbubly cause some dls stisf action Th© Time© confirm© the statement of toe Daily Telegraph that Lord Baltsbury I will give up the foreign offloa pstfolio, but It docs not name hi* successor. • PHILADELPHIA KKPt HLH'ANN. Nerrefary tiagr Told Them llryan Wa* a Novrer of Doubt. | Ow 3i) —A mass meeting in the interest of Mt Kinley* and Moos* 1 j velt was held In the Academv of Music ! eo-nlght tinder the auspices of the Young l Beptihhcan Club of Philadelphia, at which Secretary of th© Treasury Gage was the principal ©i*©ak©r. The large auditorium was crowded, many ladles bring in the audience 8e rotary Gag© said of Mr, Bry .n "la It unfair to say of him h© Is a stir rer up of strife, a sower of doubt, mis ptcion and social distrust? As the leader of his party ho Is self-sufficient, self vilicd. Indifferent to counsel an.l ind* pendent of any control Is It wise to In '•©st him wdth the power to which he as pires? I believe your answer and th© an swer of th© American people will be em phatically no " Among the oher speakers was Hugh Miller of Virginia Gl F.NNING ON N7W YOHK. Chairman Mrtinlr© Ssy Bryan Mill (irt A4.(MN Majority. New York. Oct NY—Executive Chairman James K McGuire of the Democratic Bt*te Committee gave out to-night the first estimate from the Democratic But© Committee on how the state would go He ©aid "Our canvass of the state gives Bryan TAW* majority, and It akm shows that th© Republicans will not come to the Kronx with more than 70.‘W majority. I have refrained from miking any statement* heretofore until our canvass la completed This estimate on our canvasn Is a very conservative one." PNFNIII TFRI %Nb IN ITU. some Fesv Disaldent© Mill (ontinn© tl© Free ( Imrrh. Edinburg. Oct. 39.—The Free Church Assembly and the Ended Presbyterian Bynod held their concluding meetings her© to-day. The resolution for union was idojvted In two votings by Immense ma jorities, th© mlnoiiUes taring respectively 13 and 27. Bubaequently the dissidents m©t and re solved to continue th© free church on the old principles The Presbyterian Bynod unanimously approved the union. Hanna at t hirnao’* florae tho*. Chicago. Oct. 39.—The first ammal horse show of the Chicago !ior*< Bhow Ass© la 1 loti opened at the Coliseum yesterday A steady, driving rain conspired to keep the balcony ©cats half unoccuplod. bit th© boxes were well filled Senator llama was a exmspicuous spectator The gor geousness of the ocoaaloci was noticeably larking The hors© show Itself Is on© of tha most complete and satisfactory ever given In th** West. Yrrkes Hit* Iteafaned. Washington. <39 —John W Yerkes, col lector of Internal revenue for the Eighth District of Kentucky, has resign ed. to take effect Nov 1. Mr Yerkes is the Republican car.dldato for Governor of Kentucky. Nortallsta Let One Newt. Coburg. Oct. 39.—Tho have •von © s©at In the IMet. This Is the first tim© they have been represented In that 1 *i —M Moisaan, the celebrated French rhwnlst. whose researches with the elec trie furnace have made hi© name so well known In the s lentlflc world, believes that before long he will b© able to produce pura iron, which ** yet only exists in the brain* o' th© electro-** hem tots Thl* suh- Ktan©. when obtained by M Molssan, will l© found to h© ss whit© as silver flex ible, and strong, and wilt be a magnificent material for bridge ami other '•onatruc tlon CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of BRHNNAN BROS., WHOLESALB Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc. OJBAV STRUTT. Wto TtofiMMltV JOHN G. BUTLER. —DLALLK IS r.lnln, on. end (Jtoa. Mab. Door. Hllnd,, end Uuildr-r.' Huppllra. Plain am I>.cor.- tlv* Wall Paper. Kor#in an.l Dom-.tlo Cvmant*. Um#. PI.-ter and Hair Hoto AR#nt for Abaatinc Cold Water I'.lnr % Cor. ftM. .tr#t, writ, and U B. Julian rt, *ML Ask for THOMSON S P!n* “Glove-Fitting” MILITANT Jff Strals:ht-Fr*nt Cornet. Th# " fila*r Fitting ' Cut.rt. h.v# in *l# r#.r ftf v#** nr.rl, a rrntury Uthrr mak.a hav# Ag’f ;UB .**l, .SB kifi’i infi. pr nitnc(i<r .iiui diaapprarril likr \ Whf .1 ! (Mir i*#rmj\rnfv i. 5B V {J , / due - It t that our " fit lifcr a V kluvr," kmp thrlr ahape and give atyle, * Tarn them o and ter ho tkry'r# m*Z. jjtix' li it */ All .ram. run •.•Mind tkr tmdv All IF** fleo. C. Batchdlcr & Cos., 345 B'way, N. Y. For sale bv all leading Drv Goods Stores. Some Things New THAT WE HAVE Just Opened Up, And the Assortment is Complete. VESTIBULE LACES. Several qualities hi 12. 13 24 V and 36 inches wide, and all to mat- h. AA’v have panels also in Iri h F *G. and Arabian MANTEL SCARFS In Japanese Bilks. Im;orted Cra tonnes, and ©#\er.l cheaper qu iiltM*. LACE CURTAINS. This slock as usual Is the only full and complete on© In the city. FOLDING DOOR PORTIERES are hard to And. but aft* r hatd work w© got about twenty different patterns. The*© g ods aie extra wide. Of course w* huv th© rr row onea from the cheapest up to $1(109 a pair. WILTON AND SMYRNA RUGS In rarvt !•. from Bx 9 up l.rx#.t .Or Thr Wilton arid Axiniiot.r ar r*prrllly fine. UPHOLSTERING GOODS Oulnn—. Bilk Cnrita. etc., In atl grad**. . COME AND SEE US. LINDSAY & MORGAN Learn a Profession Without Going Away lo Collep or Leaving Home or Quitting Work. WHAT YOU NEED for complete success In life t* on* of Iho Ten Free Bcholnrshlps In Tha International Correspondence Schools of Scranton, I*a . which th# MORN ING NEWB will present to fhs ten persons having the most vote* by Nov. 30. 1100. ... L .——~x-==j-_ xs :—caCTaaß==J=u= „ Oathr-r all the Volin* Coupon# you ran, and win on# of th# T#n Fr## (kholaf ahlp* named b|ow Throu*h on# of th#m you ran qualify for a OOOD aal •rl#d po.ltlon, and not lo*# a day from work or leave your hom# while atudy- In*. L MKrHANICAI. UNO INKER I NO. J. ELECTRICAL. ENOINEEKINO (tnrludln* Complete Electrical Outfit.) *. ARCHITECT I'RE. 4 CIVIL ENOINEERINO. I BAMTART PLt’MHINO. HEAT INO AND VENTILATION- HOW TO VOTE. Cut out Ih# attach Ad Votln* Cou pon. and mall or brln* It lo Iho hualnea* offl## of Ih# Momln* New*. Savannah, Oa. Each Coupon mull bear Ih* nam* of th# peraon for whom you wtoh to vole. KNOWN BY ALL NATIONS. Twice the price could buv no better. LIPPMAN lIROS., Savannah Agents. McDonough & ballantyne, W - Iron Founders, Machinists, Malta, inu(lmrrr. •rr Uii r. rUl |,l. iu,law. Varilaal t. l.|. •*•■•!• e.ra Kill, va*r Mill .a. I'aaa. (ha Dias. > **• v. TELEPHONE NO. 323. OUR CARPET STOCK oomi>rtf>©fl the following; FRENCH AXMINBTERB WILTONS. BODY Bill 'SBEUR. WILTON VELVETS, lAPEBTRV BUUBBELB aa.l IN. GRAINS OUR PRICES ARE LOWER than any one els© for flra**t good* W© do not buy JOBS aid palm them off a* FIKBT-CLAM •lock Whan you buy a (yirpet froai u you won't v r be sorry. la -• HUM- wr know 11 Is ail right. DON’T BE CAUGHT by a great big adv# rti-©in< n* which la not nil truih. We never give balls land make t( up on other W want a living profit ori evarything— can't live without It. FURNITURE STOCK I. RctllnK In rlupr. and Wr #r > ah'twlnK full lln# f IlMlrnom and I'arkir Hull., Bldnluaid.. Chin. Doaeta. t'ourh#*. Iron Itodr. MHitMr.l, Kwiry Rrvknra, Tabl.a, etc.. l prim* •■llifkctory. 6. CHEMISTRY. 7. COMMERCIAL BRANCH**. h MECHANICAL DRAWING. II a* Comptota Draftin* Outfit.) 9 AIMTUTECTCRAI. drawino (Includln* Complel# Drafiln* Outfit.) Id ORNAMENTAL DEMON, j <lni ludln* Complete D**l*nln* Outfit.) VOTING COUPON. Nam* St. and No Town 7