The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 31, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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FINANCIAL and commercial ro T COTTON M BHKB2T 481 IKT AND STKAin AT THE UEIIJISE. r *** <,f _.rtr u*rrlii*-*l>l'"* TrMtlir I, mi ■ AO 4/eute—Hoelne Klrm al y.ljaeted l*rlcce—Local and Telc ¥rapblc Market*. The Morning News Office, Tuesday, Oct. 30. - ... apot cotton market declined MS r • ti-jay. at which the tone was quiet „ 1 needy, and the demand moth rate • rfiant of prlcee at preaent tend to the offering*. The <He|>oelUon to !juy , , r has asserted Itself during the |sim I,k day.*, end with favorable condition* c > trade look for Improvement. The cot i r mire* market closed saeady at an ad , u i f 1 ami 7 point*. The eplrlt* lur- I line market cloeed Arm at 00 cents. v j (air demand for the offering* j . r< acre adjusted throughout the ‘lnn. I ie high grade* being marked up tome, * . me llum* were at the dec I In. at thf |i *t<t. prlre. Trading In local securillc* h j ( t preaent. though there has been t ,,c* ierable activity In some Issues and ir- I k . |h i*9l few days Tho wholesale p.irkeU were eteady and active The fol j„ , g te*ume of the different market* „ | , oW the tone and quotation* at the to-day: COTTON. The i >'ton market ctoaei qulel and at. i ly i'"day ot a decline of 1-16-cent on B r*ale of 3U bale* were rep.wt (.l on it. (pot A fair f o h huxlnes* repotted, thougii there nre rtill vB - hi oi ■ disposition to hold cotton, and , ,p. . : \ so on weak turn* In the mur kei. The day's receipt* were 9.10". agln*t * cj>7 last year and U.2l* year la fore last. Keertprs at the poTta were full. The rot tun futures market cloeed steady ut a net rise of 1 to 7 point*. The following were the official spot quo tation* at the close of the market at the Cotton exchange to-day: | This ] Last day. | year. Good middling 3 1-1* 7 l Mldlilng 8 13-16 64 Low middling * Ml 64 Market quiet and steady; sale* 345 BavatmaJi Rrcelpi* Exports and Stock*. lteeelpts this day 9.100 Itecelpts this day laat year * '->7 Tigs day year before la-t 15.11S Receipt# since Bcpt. I. 1960 4(6 441 bm> day last year 326*64 comment < xport* 4.314 stork oi band thta day 9\4M Same .lay laat year M 1,097 Re etpt* and Stock* at the Ports— Receipts this tiny 64.272 Receipt* ltd* dog last year 57 9c Kecelpta thla day b for* laat. 80.889 Total receipt* slnce*Bipt. 1, 1900.. .2.079,674 Same time laat year 1.907,404 Sam- time year before last 2.473.074 1 Stork at all part* to-day 701.534 Brock sttme day hist year 547.454 loally Movement* at Other Porta— Galveston—Bony; middling. 8 15-10; no 4 receipt* 15.505; gmrs. 18.505. sales. 900; Mock. 196,535. New Orleans—Steady; middling. 9; net reyelpi* 23.611; gross. 0.(11; sale*. 2,500. Stock. 250.456 Mobile-Q tlet. middling. 84. net re retftSs, 1.629. groea. 1.529. aula*. 700; stock. 17 651 Charleston—Quiet; middling. B’*: net re ceipt*. 2,t43; grna*. 2 143; stock. 21 541. Wilmington—Dull, middling. 9. net re ceipt*. 335; gross 05: stock. 19.450 Norfolk—Steady. middling. 9. nee re ceipts. 2.079. gross, 2.079. sale*. 441. stark. ITT 6*4 Baltimore—Nominal. mid-llmg, 9 3-16. groea receipt*. 1 6*o; stork. 4.626. New York—Quirt; middling. 94; net re ceipts. 779; gross. 779; sales. stock, 42.- 869. Ilnstorv Quiet; ml-Mling, 9 7-16. net re ceipts. 1.669. groas, 5.111. Philadelphia—Qeutl: middling. 94: net receipt*. 122; gToas. 122; atock. 5.284 Pensacola—Net Receipt*. 3.909; gross 9.- r*. Dally Movements at Interior Towns— Augusta—Quiet; middling ,9 1-16; net re cilpt#. 1.990. gross. 1.390. sales. 297; stock. 97.92*. Memphis—(Ready; middling 6 15-16; net receipt*. 2.569: grot*. 4.509. sales, 4.200; stock. *9.932 Sr. Louis—Quid: rnddllng 9; net re ceipts. 5.215. gross. 12.539: sale*, 65. afoek. 41.888. Cincinnati—Dull and nominal; middling 94; net receipt*, 1.459; gross. 1.459: aTnck. (TOg. Houston—Steady; middling, S\: nei re- C-Ipt*. 2*.219; groats. 25.219; sales. 136; slock. 06 119 IVRiisvllle—Firm; middling. 9 3-16. Export* of Cotton Thl* Day Galveston—To Ore it Britain 797 New Orlean To Ureal Britain, 13.100; r xstwlae 1.965. Mohtle—Continent, 5.124: coastwise. 200. Charleston—Coastwise. 9. Wilmington—To Great Hrltaln. 13 719. Norfolk—Coafwle 4.7# New York—To Oreat Hritaln. 1.5'.0, con tinent, 965 d'oston—To Great Rrltaln. 1.009. I'ensacola—Continent, 390 Total foreign export* fn<m all ports ih! day: To Great Britain. 41.749; to the con- I nent. 9 400 Total foreign exports from all porta thus fir this week: To Great Britain, 67.101; to Prance. 14.452; to the continent 38.759 Total foreign exports since fkpr. |. 1900: To Great Britain. 733.772; to Fran -a. 146.- 6-7, to the continent, 461.243 m; % iiumi imo\ There were no notewonhy feature* re '--lied in the Uiand cotton market during the pat week The demand wn moderate, and bualnena elo*ed on a nar tow t and t Watting tactic* have apparent- I .1 i.ern adopted toy mill men and roneum- j * who rnay be relying on the aieadl'v ] i ;ca*ing >iock to depreaa price* He- j * pt* the pa*t week were 4,&10 baa*, i iinst rale* of 1.135 hag*. I'rlce* about a* follow*: >'*<ra choice Baat Florida* SJ'Vtfft 1 rira choice and fancy Florida* 21‘jtl-M I vtra choice and fancy Georgia* holer- Georgia* ' i fire Georgia* 23 -l| t and Stock*- IllOb-Ol |H>-00 He -eipm r , aßt week ■ 4.515 J.36S Fl*jr' ; a*t week I 1-3*® -.41.1 i fhta *ea*on and IMI’ I 23.133 p ‘le* part week ••.....j 1.135 J.4T* * ii hand ' U.HI 4 lITTIII FI TIIIE*. The Market eteady at a 4*t Itlee of lU7 Point*, v w York, Oct. 30—Speculation in cot * ■" *a* ib .ut moderately acjlv* to-day 'ator* were inclined to heeltaf* In ** new venture*. Public cable* werl ■ -factory and with no froet In the ‘ m halt the local contingent old quite r.n th opening coll, rauatng a *!•* of SH* point* The *e|Mng woa al" •ti ed hy full receipt*, although later ' *<>aon renew eel talk of a *mal|er merit Irecame a factor In turning ' h.. ' 'k*t Indication* of cold weather In Northwest ulan eheckerl eel ling and f 'cd covering Price* up 13015 point* ' "n th* loweit figure*, but for the mot i m the local trade wa* light, while pun Isolation wa* at no time a feature. A ‘ r ’be opening decline there wa* for. ’■'-■in and Southern buying In addition to lot ul demand, moatly*l on coki * -**h*r f .re *t and rumor* that the ‘ '••-roooi curb wa* melted and higher '■ mated large receipt* for to-morrow * ,0 'heck the demand, whicll wa* “* *Uv u> the afternoon than earlier MURPHY & CO., INC.. Board of Trade Building. Savannah Ptlvat# leased wire* direct to Naw York. Chicago and New Orleans t OTTO.A. STOCKS A\D Lit At V New York office. No. 41 Broadway. Office* In iwlnclpal elite* throughout the 6oulh Wrk for our Alarket and hook containing instruction* for trader* In ih# day and from good parties Th. market was generally steady at a net rL of 187 points. FLITTt ATIOM 16 FI Tl RFlft. New York. Oct. 19.—Cotton future* open ed steady at the deckle and closed steady. Prices as follows. 1 Open High Low Close. January .... 828 9uO 685 897 February ..... 886 *96 vW 8 97 March 887 9.01 , 8.96 *97 April .... ....; 8.86 8.38 | 6.68 897 May 8 39 9.01 5 87 8 97 June 883 891 | 8.86 *!4 July j 8,81 897 1 85 tIS 91 August 3.79 8.27 | 8.76 868 Beplember ...! .... , .... .... . .... O tober 882 | 892 880 S.M November .. 864 8.96 I 8.82 8.93 Decemlter ...j 8.87 897 I 8.85 | B.Pi 1.1 VEH POOL llinirt MARKET. Liverpool. Oct. 39—Cotton. Spot, fair d-mand. prices rsster, Aniertcan middling, fair. 5 11-lid. good middling. .5 11-321. middling. 5Qd. low mldijllng 5 1-16-1. g‘>od ordinary, I 11-16.1, ordinary, t 3-321 The sales of the day were VoO> bales, of which >Xi were for speculation an.l export. nd included 7.4t> bale* American; .ecelpta. 46.000 bales. Including 40.790 American Futures opened quiet and closed tlrm, American middling, low middling clause. Ootcber, 5.996x5101 buyer*. October-No vember, 5 9361 ...04-1 buyers; November-De cemlter. 4 61t)t e-'d sellers; December- January. 4 59 a 4 60d sellers; January - F etru - ary. 4 3Sd sellers, Febiuary-Mareh. 4 66d buyers, March-April. 4 MM4 55<) buyers: Aprll-May. 1531)154 1 sellers; May-June. 4 v: 1)4 53d seller*. June-July, 4 sld buyer*. July-August. 4 SAI buyers; August-Septcm ber. 4 41-1 sellets. New Orleans. Oct Cotton futures steady. November ..8 77J5.79 March 8.80 December . 8 7.VUB 76 April 3'* '1 January 87-1)8 76 May 31 <i- -2 February . .8.70126 78 June 8 62118 63 rtITTIII L93TT96HI. NAv York. Oct. JO.—Mun-hy A r o say: Cotton declined In Liverpool 1-16-1. ml 1- elllng. 5 1-Sd. futures. 4S points lower but reacted 2-64d. and clotted at a n-1 decline of 2-64 to 3-04-1 The early advice* poorer than expectol coupled with con tinued good weolher over Ihe belt, cotis-tl ii decline here of 8 i-ointe. hut some of the recent seller* bought rather freely a' the decline and caused a reaction of 7 l-olnts. Cnl-ler weather We t an*t s-me falling off In the receipts al Atlantic ports (Onlf ports still free), caused *■ me cover ing of bear sales. New York. Oct SO—Hubbard Bros A Cos say: F. u rope an advicee were distinct ly weak thl* morning, causing nur market to often lower, but It soon developed that there was a disposition to contract ac count* pending the developments of the cold wave In I’tnh and Wyoming. Buying for thl* purpose advanced the market slowly above last evening, notwithstand ing the large movement in the South west. In the Atlantic state* the disposi tion to hold Is shown In the comparatively smaller receipts at the Interior towns. Ar bitrage broker* were quick to realtxe the tendency of the market and bought large ly In Liverpool at the close which was very steady at the best price* of the day Our local trade are buying on all decline* until Ihe frost question 1# out of the way. There appear* to be no pressure upon Ihe market from any point, though exponers report the Inquiry from Europe light. DRY GOOD*. New York, Oct 29—Market conditions In dry good* have continued unchanged, wtih only a restricted movement In prog ress and buyers determined to delay pur rhaalng until after election. In all quali ties of staple* seller* are very firm In their attitude, and as long a* stocks con tinue well sold ahead there I* little chata-e for weakness In any direction Advance business continue* In the better grades of printed specialties. Woolens und worst eds slow and weak NAVAL STORES. Tuesday. Oet. 30. SPIRITS TVRRENTIN'E—The turpen tine market opened firm to-day at to cents, with sale, of BKo casks reported at th Boar-1 of Trade, and closed tlrm and unch ng-d. with further sate* of 790 cask*. The demand was moterate. hut brisk enough to keep trading moving along The day's rece'pts were 1,758. and the export* 1.609. t RoßlNß—'There wws an adjustment of the price* of rosin* to-day. by which eome grades were marked up and o-h- rs down Window srl t-s wi nt up I ft N 5 M off 10 a* the inside price, and K, F, O. H. I off 6 cents us tht Inside price. The demand was reported to le fair. The day's re ceipt* were 4.976. and the exports 9,t*)B Prlec* as follows; V H C. . S 1.85 I sl.Bftl *V O' 135 K 1.65 K 1.35411.40 M 1.7001-** F 1.49411.48 N *■>* q 145 ft ;.50 W. O H 1 6501 m W W 2.85 Receipts. Oct. 30— Spirits. Rosin. r R R ® *** ft FA W. B s3 1 090 B A 1 1,0 , ' 7 *’ Exports, Oct. 30— Spirits Rosin Oer hark Atlantic. Rotter dam *" 5 948 Nor shtp Thor. Bristol 3.150 Naval Stores Statement— Bplrlts Rosin Stock April 1. 1990 2 W * S*; Receipts 10-dav 1 758 4.070 Receipt, previously 257.909 6t0.M7 Total line# April 1 269W1 757.4**9 Expor'* to-day I riW * 5 ft!> ® Bgjwrta previously 818,078 618.816 Experts *lnre April 1 219.57. 622.916 Stock ot hand to-day H 889 184.62 Stock last vear 26.940 145 844 fh irlest* n. 8 C . Oct 30 - Bplrlts tur t*cn*lne flm S9Hc; ssles 25 casks Uln oiradv. un hanged, sale*. n-m< Wilmington. N. C Oct. *>.-Bplrtts tur pentine Arm :.*’xo4c. receipts 22. Rosin steady *1 Jhfll.f receipts 38* Vrud- t>tr penllne steady. 1 *lO2 40; receipt* 44 Tar Arm. *1 45: receipt* 118 New orlean*. O-t. 59.-Rerelpt*. rosin, 356 barrels; turpent n. 220 barrels. Ex ports, to Dublin, 30t> barrels rosin FIN ARK I AL. MONEY—Th* demand keeps fairly up with the supply FOREIGN EXCHANGE Mark-t weak. Commercial demaid. Jt *3\: slxt. day*. II 79H. ninety -lays. 84.78; fran-s. Paris and Havre, sixty day* 5.23 *, Swias, sixty days. 6 26Q; 526; mirks, slstv days 9311-16; ninety day*. 93*. DOMKMTIC EXCHANGE Bt-a-ly. | hank are buying at 1-16 dlscaur.' and ml mg as follows- 825 and under. 10r pre mhim; 825 tn 159. 15c premium; 45 <o BbP. . premium: Ib-O lo 120', r>c n mlum: 5209 to $1,909. Q premium; SIOO an I over. 75c per M premium. liXtXtltL. JOHN W. DICKEY, Mock and Rond Broker, AIOISTA. OA. Write for List. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31. 1900. BEOURITIKB—CentraI wectirltle* con tinue Arm and close at rhe highest, other- j wise Ihe market Is dull Stocks. Bid. A*. Augusta and Savannah R 1t...109 110 j Atlanta and West Point 125V* do 6 per cant certlAcatm 10* ... Augusta Factory *1 H Citizens Bank 131 133 , i Chatham Bunk 110 111 Chatham It K AI. Cos., A.. 67 58 ! do do U 56 67 i Hug’* and Phoenix Mfg Cos. ..166 Wl Edison Klectrlc Ilium. id* W 6 ftnterprtss Mfg Cos '•*> Germania Bank U 0 131 i Georgia A Alabama 23 * Georgia Railroad Common 214 216 ! *ir viil. Mfg Cos 165 167 j J. I* King Mlg Cos. MO Langley Mfg Cos IT7 120 Mer 'hauls' National Hank 11l H* National Bank of Savannwh ISO I < iglnliorpe Savings n.l Trust ...11*1 ! People * Saving* and Loon Its* Southwestern Railroad Cos 169 116 Savannah On# Light Cos 21V* 264 Southern Bank 153 155 Savannah Hank and Trust 114 Sibley Mfg Cos., Augusta 85 88 Savannah Brewing 162 Ilonas. Bid. Ask. Char, Col A Aug Ist 6s. 1906 .166 Atlanta city 4s. 1923 104 106 Augusta city 4s. 1927 166 107 do 4*. 1925 11l do 7*. 19it3 107 do 6s. 1913 121 Ala Mid ss. Ind'd. 192*. M Sc N 99 100 Augusta Factory. 6 per cent ,1915.113 Brunswick ind Western 4s. 193S 92 84 C R H A Banking .ollaieral 5s *44 96 C of O. Ist nmrtg s*. 1945 F. & A 119 131 C. of G con s*. 1915. M AN 95 96 C. of O Ist Incomes. 1945 43V4 4l'i do 2nd Incomes , I*H 14Vi do Sd Incomes. 1945 6tj 74 C of G (M O. Sc A. Dlv) ss. 1917. J. A J 94 95 C. of G (Eaton Branch). 6*. 1939. J A U 96 97 City A Suburban K K. Ist 7s ...109 1 * Columbus city ss. I9< ti>7 Ciiarlesion city Is. 19U9 .101 ItK Eagle A Phoenix Mills 65,. 1929 .106 108 Hutson Electric Illuminating 6* 1(6 Enterprise Mfg 6s. 1903 103 Georgia Railroad 6s 1910 114 115V4 G. S. A F , 1945. J A J 112 113 Owrgla A Alabama Ist 6s. 1945 104 106 Georgia slate 3***, 19.10, J. A J .109 do 84s, 1915, M A N Ida do 44*. 1915 11* 119 Macon city 6s. 1910, J A J ....116 118 do 445. 1926. Jan par Mi ..... Ocean Hteamshlp ss. 1926 104 .... Savannah city ss. qu*r. January. 1913 HO 111 ilo i.s, quar November. 1909 ..1104 11114 ftouth Carolina elate 445. 1933 ..116 111 Sibley Mfg Cos. 6s. 1903 102 South Bound 5s 96 97 ft,, F AW gen ml go. 6s. 1934.134 126 do <k> Ist ss. gold 1914 .112 114 do B* John Dlv Ist *m *934 94 96 New York, ocr 20 —Money on call, Arm 3-144 per rent; last loan S 4 per cent. Prime mercantile r**per. sf|6 per cent Sterling exchange Arm. with actual bual ness In honkers bill* or J 4 817*7(4 84 for de mend and at SI so 4<a4.MB* for sixty davs rmste.l rates. Sl Sl dl Kl 4 and It M,Cit >f Commercial bills. (4 7*44)4A0 Silver eertifl cates. 644ff65i'; bar sliver. 64'. Mexican dollars, 50Vc. Government bonds, stew-lv; state bonds, inactive: railroad bonds, ir regular. STOCK* AMI BONDS. The Movement of Prlera Sluaatsb and Irregular. New York, Get. 30—There were only one er tw movements of any Internet or Im -1 portance on the Stock Exchange to-day. | The market fell Into a state of seml-stag , nation at times and moved sluggishly and Irregularly, with no other p wer than the operations of the profession*!#, who sought to make a day's trade There was a very marked lack of orders through commission houses, which were a feature last week. The- apathetic aspect of the market was not explained by any important new* of the day. hut was the outcome largely of the conservative spirit of caution, which Is not unusual in the cloalng days of a national campaign Them Is some un easlnass lest the speculation on the part of tho outside public ha* o\Tr dlscewmt i-l (he cemdltlons expected to develop after (he election I* out of Ihe way. It I* be ! Heved there were large speculative hold , Ings In the market, whlrh look to the demand for stocks expected to develop ! after the election to afford a medium for ] realising their profits. Substantial Inter ests In storks do not care 10 see the pressure of realising come too heavily upon the market at that time They arc disposed, therefore, to discourage further speculation at thl* lime There has been some dlsnositlon on tho part of the com mh - lon brokers to call for an extension of margin The risk Incident to the par ticular (wrlvl I* alleged as ihe ground, but It Is thought not improbalde that en for< anient of onervattve views on *p* - illation may be an ulterior motive of the commission houses. This morning's markets showed som*' remaining rffect from the rallying ten dency of yesterday. But the buying ex hausted Itself anon after the o|>etlng and price* drift'd to a lower level. The ptor ! showing of net eurnlngs for September by Northern FaclAc caused the reaction In i thal stock from yesterday’s strength on tho marketing of some very large blocks loite In the day Southern I'aclflc. after holding llrmly ail through the early deal ings shot up 24 on concentrated and heavy buying The stock was bough l early for London account, seemingly on -atifaction over ton choice for the is w ; executive Art almost endless stream of sto* ka was poured out when Ihe price , reachad 38. but all offerings were eontl { dentlklly absorbed altd the price Anallt ! rose to that llgurc, but buying woe then relaxed. This late movement had a sym pathetic effect on the whole market and pulled some of the railroad stock* above last night'* level There was sonic strength among the leading Industrials ' 11*1 #|e-cl*ltle. led by Sugar The Iron and Sieel stocks were Inclined to advwno, after some early heaviness. In sympathy ' with a loss of 14 in Tin Plate Tennes see foul was notably strong Pittsburg I C and St L fell nearly 8 point# on I light selling, and National Lead preferre I I lost J 4 The money market wae easier In a relaxation on the demand, rather ! than any additional supply The tendency of lnds waa rather I easier, but points of strength developed In tIC market aa the day progressed Total ! par value. lIAIO.MA United Blatss j bonds were unchanged on laat call. The total soles of stocks were 377.500 • shares. Including Atchison. x*s; Atchl -1 -on preferred. 9.(37. Baltimore ami Ohio 12.210. Missouri Pacific. 10 530; Northam t'licinc. 34.270; Pennsvlvacla 8.190; HI i i.nuls Southwestern. 6 230 Sotttliern Pa I rlrtc. 76.068; I'nlon Psclllc 14.31(1. Tobai - o 7ow. Brooklyn llap.d Transit. 17.795; Con tinental Tobacco. 5.400. Federal Bteei [ ,1.133. sugar. 37.980. Pnlted States Ix-w’her i 6.230 New 3’ork Stock List. Alchtson h;' 1 * Tex. A Pacific., 16V I do prf TV* I'nlon Pacific .. 614 (t AO 74'. do pref TSt. t’an I t * 4 Wabash 714 .•*P Sect 51 do t-p-f t*, I (• A <> 90, W. A I- E. '% If (j. W Ill* do 2nd prof,.,, 2.4 C. B A Q 1274 Wl*. Central .. 1941 C„ I rid Lous . 21 (Third Avenue ..110 do pref 54 Adams Expr-sw 1.194 ; C A E. 11l 93‘v American Ex 1574 i Chic A Nw 180 12. S Express. 49 c.. R l * F- .I*4 Wells Firgo Ex 127 P C. C A 81. L. di Am Colton Oil. 31 1 Gol. southern . 54 do pref 91 do Ist pref. . 04 Am Mating ... (4 to 9r.d pref. . • 15 do pref 04 D'l A.-%t! .1* n 1124 A. 8 A R .... 414 I DC. L. * W.... j do prf ...... U Denver A R. U.. 205,1 Am. Bplrlts I5 de pref 705, de pref .... 17 Erie Am. Btfet Hoop 23S do Ist pref .. tp, do pref 744 Ot North ppsf 1634 A M’fel A Wire 344 H---king t\a| ~ |6 do pref 75 il-K-kthg Valley SiQ Ani Tin Plate 3-4 111. Central ...ii*4 do pref ... 83H lowa Central .. 1* Am Toho-vo .. 9<s. do pref 41 j an- pref 130 Lake E. AW.. SSI* A. Mining C 0... 4-4 do pref 1014 Brooklyn R T.. 814 LaJt- Bhote t'ol Fuel A I **4 L. A N 75 Cent Tolu-va .. .4 Manhattan L .. 914' do pref B'4 Mel. Blreet Hy. if 94 Federal B-Sel >4 Mex Central . I’a, -lo l>ref . 68 Minn A Bt. L... 544dien Ele-trlo ..1424 do pref -4 aiucoee Bugar .. 55 a Mo I'actflo .... 55\ d-> pref 9 4 Mobil* a 0 39 Intern I Paper . 2t>4 M . K AT.... |u5Q do pref 6’\ a- pref. j; Laclede Go* ... 6f4 N J Central '.334 No- Blacttl ... T-S N. Y Central ,1 24 do pref. 9 Norfolk A W . 564 Nat 1 e-d 4 do pr*f. ..... Tti do pref 91 , N Pacific „7, National Steel 2C-* do pref 72, -lo pref 87 Ontario A \t . 3.4 N Y Air Hrak<- 12: Oregon Hy. ft |N. American .. !f4 Nav 42 Farm- Coaal . 56 do pref 76 do lei ptef .... 84 Pennsylvania .. 1141. do Ind pref. 66 Reading 11*, I’a Ifle Mall 124 do lat pref .. 5*4 People * ties 93’-, -lo 2nd pref .. 2k Press Bte-I Cat . I3\ Rio U W ...... jo do pre( 794 do pref 9t Pullman P Car 18*4 Bt L A Ban S It and T 4 Francisco —ll V 1221; do Ist pref... 9>4j do pref 116 do 2nd pref 3 •„ Tenn. Coal A 1.. 56 Bt Louts Sw... 144|E. 8. la-ather .. IIS do pref 3,4 .1., pref 7# Bt Paul 115*, I*. B Rubber ... $i do pref ;72 do pr. • 95 St Paul A O ..112 Western Union .8 4 Hou I’a Ihe .... 3X5 R. I A B 13<, Southern R)r... 12', do pr. f <lo pref 864 P C. C A Bt. L 52 Ik-n-ls. V. B. 2s ref 81. ft O. 4# .65 1 reg 104*4 M K. A Tex do coup. to,), 2nd* 66 do 3a. rrg do 4s . do 3s. coup ..1194 V Gem la.a hi*‘ 4 do new 4a. teg 13154 N J C gen. 63 1244 do new 4* N Pacific Ss . 66, coup 13 .4 -lo 4* 1031. do old 4s. reg 1154 V.. <\ aßt do old 4*. Util) 4* 1<64 coup .. ..'.,1154 N a 55’ *v>n 4a 9l\ do s*. rex. ...1124 Or cgoti Naxlg*. do ss. coup 114 i H-n Ist* .. lot* D of C. 3 655...; 244 do 4s 10S4 AtcbUnn. gen 8 - I* 6s. 13.4 4 . .K<r, do eon fa H 4 do adjt 4s .. 87V Heading Oen 4s sn C of Oa.. <OO I Rio O. W lat* . -4 5* go, Bt L A 1. M do Ist inc. .. 45 I conaoi 5* no -lo 2nd Ino .. U; Bt. L A Han F. Can Sou 2nd* 107 General 6s ... ;$3 C A O 45** 10) 10* Paul cone. ITI -lo ta 12m, B* P., C AP CAN ron. T 5.1294 >• 11*5; do S F D gg.lß* ! do 5* 11*64 Chi Term. 4s .91 Sou Pacific 4s *1 Col Sou 4* ... 82 (Bo't Rv 5s 110', D. A Rio O. B. R and T 6* Ist* ;i t*i a Par. I*l* no; do 4s 90 do 2nd* W Erie General 4* 714|l'n!o*i I*arlfl 4 in'.-, F W. A I> C j Wabash Ist* .. 11s Ist 73 | do 2nd* l<?-5 4 Oen Ele-trl 5s 118 West Shore 4s 113 lowa Cent Ist* 1144 W’ls. Cent I*l* 86 L. A N. uni 4* 9S')!V Centnrle* id New York. Oct. SD,-Btandarxl 011 7*52 599 ainrpby A Co.'* ktneh Letter. New York. Oct 30 - Murphy A Cos *ay The sto-k market opened only fairly active and with Irregular price -hang--* result ing from the dealing*. Bugar and Hroo lyn Rapid Transit were particularly un live In the early transaction* and both Stocks were decldedlv strong Nothing dattnlte In ihe way of new* or gossip at tended the movement. The Tnhnr,-> share* were also a -tlve and after openng lower advanced Other srlve feature* of the Industrial quarter were American Lin seed, the Leather share* and Federal Steel In the railway list the active i**ues Were Southern Pacific. Missouri Pacific Northern Pacific, Si Louis and South western and the Alton Issues Manhattan and Metropolitan ware both comparative ly neglerled. Irregular price changes shown In early quotations from l/nndon and cable advices report market unset tled. on rumor* that Queen Vletorla was seriously 111 Dealing here for foreign 11c. count were not a decisive factor tn the market Southern Paclfle feature at the - lose Ruylng waa lorge. uncertainty a* to source, said in a-m* quarters lo be for Inside and connected with recent buying I’aclflc Mali Market generally henettie.l American Tohn. cn strong on Inside buy ing and shorts It I* stated In American Steel and Wire circle* that John W Gate* will leave for Chicago to-day. Total a!e 382,702 shares Mitrrd.LANKor* markrt*. N)t*.—These quotations ate revised dally, and are It pi as near e possible tn urcord with Hie prevailing wholesale prl ee Official qunation* are not used when they dl*agree with the prices whole taler* ask. Country and karthern Produce POULTRY—Th* market te steady. Quo tations: Broilers. )tiY.r per pair; half grown. 45050 c; three-fourths grown, 550 Mo; hens. 65075 c; roosters, toflioc, duck*. 50075 c geese, 75cft8: 00 ECU Ht—Steady nt 16019 c. BETTEM-The tone of the market le firm Quotations: Western creamery. 190 245*c New York state dairy. 19023 c; extra Elslns, 85026 c CHEESF-Market firm: fancy full cream rh-ese. 185,r for 39 to 22-pound average, 88089-oound average. Uo. Early Vegetables. IRISH POTATOES-Northern. |2 uu sack. CABBAGE—SOBc per head. ONION*-Yellow. In barrels. 1900. crates. *oc: red. 11900200 llreadstufte. liar and Grain. risOl ■ Market steady; potent (4 - straight. |.l9u. fancy, 83 75. family. 83 60 MEAL—Pearl, per barrel. 12 70. per sack. 81.25. clt) meal, per sack bolt-d, (I 150 1.174; water ground. 81.80; city grits. *ackn. II 80; pearl grits, llu-lmits. per lr -t el. 82 75. per sack. 11.25; sundry brand*. 81.125501.85 sack CORN—Market firm, white. Job lots, 65c. carload lota. 62c; mixed corn, job lota. 6:c carload lots. 6*u RlCE—Market aieody, demand good; fancy head. 6c; fancy, Bic. Prim* I Good 4404\ Fair 4 044 Common 84 OATB— No. 2 mixed, carload. 83'v; Job lot*. 85030 c; while clipped, care, 17c; job. 40c. BRAN—Job lout, 86c; carload-lot*. 00c, HAY—Market steady; No. I timothy, 924 c job; 974 cere; No. 8,65 c Job; 824 care. Sugar aud I nßre. BEG A 14- Cut loaf 614 Diamond A tit crushed .3t I Confectioners' A 5 79 Powdered .... 6( Whit* Extra C 549 X a XX. pow'd 614 Extra C 543 Oranuloled .... 5*9 Golden C 5 14 Cube- 6.1* Yellow Mould A 6 39 | COFFEE- . Moefta Me 'Prime No. 3 ...11 e Juva IF | Good No 4 . ..194* Peabsrry,. —l4 e Fair, No 6.. ,b)Vv- Fancy No. 1 .13 e| Ordinary. No. .io Choice No 2 114c| Common No. 7 95*c llarewart and iluiglag eappttee UHL CALCIUM. PLASTER AND CEMENT—Alabama and Georgia lime In fair detnano and selt al 69 cents a barrel, specie- calcined ptnetei. 8190 pr- barrel: hair. 405 c Hoeedai- oemeut. 1138111; carload lots, special. Portland -argent, ra ted 82 25 carload lot* U —d2 LUMBER F O. B VBSBKLB SAVAN NAH—Minimum vara stses, 810 59011 69; car aUla. 812 50013 . difficult sites 14 rn 0i149: ship utock. 116000166*. sawn Has. 88 40694.10: hewn tie*. 1MJ94.: j OUe-Msiktt 4i4d/i duasatl fair, atf- Southern Railway. Train* Arrive and Depart Savannah on fntli Meridian Time-One Hour Blower Than City Time. Schedule* In Effect Sunday. Jun* 10, UNO. KBaT> down e> tiii 'V:asi i rkaXTup NoB4 No * !■ Btrai I’lmr.j | No. 35 i N-* 31 ii 3l|ibi ij .xuni Lx " Bavaimab _ if 1 i itkiin, 2 ikpm (Ea-tcrn Time,) || I 4 21pm 4 3am Ar Ul.n-kvlll# Lv 3 (Nani 1 i-Tpu* 4 U6(*n luain Ar E lumbta I.x, 1 25am 11 2o* 4 lupin 4..UIH Ar t bat i-tic Lv * sipm lOatu Mpi . 1 u .r• :i. . 1.. 3 :vt 111 .. it Ito ' • Vl No .Ik ....... ~7. tavjj.* thpm 6 lin v n , , 77.7. . . LV'lB tipm li ft*pm •mS vr ......77. . . In: SSuiri Ml ttpm 2 'Oum 4 Jfuni j 35pm Ar Clinton, svlll* i,v , 2 4ft>m;l3 54pm 7 85am s .a'pm Ar Lv; II lintii * *4pm 9 15-1 m l] .v.pni Ar Italtlhior*. Lv j 8 22am 8 27pm 11 i'a in . j.ain Ar Philadelphia i,v| 3 89* m| • 45pm 2 03pm 4 3.n> Ar New Yntk I.v 12 Warn 3 '2spm * )'pii m vr .. . Rnainti Lv|| 6 OOpm lO lm N ffl Tiff:' s'.Un ti and WWSf j n II (Central 'Dim ) ll m&t oavamia'hr Aril 5 loom (Baxter 11 Time.) 6 39am Lv Cotund-U Lv |! I 25am 4 50am l,v H|mi tantmrg Lvjl 4 !spm 12 10|im I.v A h villa Lv 3 'dgm 4 U2:>ni Ar Hot Springs Lv II 4iam 7 JUpnt Ar Knoxville Lv X twin 6 19am Ar j,, xlnglqii Lv 10 !M>n 7 45am Ar Cincinnati Lv * *opm oopm Ar HI Lout* l- v il * T Bit At ...... MuftfUia Lvi 7 45am All trains strive and depart from tt.e I‘ Hvrtern Htalton. TIIHUEC.II CAB BEHVICE. ETC TRAINS 33 AND 34 DAILY. NEW YORK AND FLORIDA SJXPREBH VeH bule.l |tmlt—l train*, wllli Pullman Diawtng Room Bl.eplng Cura letw..-n Bavin nah anil New York (’onixct* al Waatilngton with Colonial Express for baton. Pullman 81.-eplng Car* i*-lw.*-n Chari.>tt< and Kl.-hnmnd anl Chariott■ and Nor • . - ■ . in ■ •- 1 . - . .1 < i V- ■ TRAINS B AND 86 DAILY, THE UNITED states east mail Veatlbutod limit .-.I train*, carrying ptillniun Dtawtng Room H).eptng Car* IvetW'-en Ha niinah and N.-w York Dining Cat *<rv. all in.ala l-iw.en H.vannan an.l W'aahngton. Also Pullman Drawing R<*vm S4>. ping Car* between Savannah and Vtnc.nnail, 1 Axticvllle ni\A Tile Of the Hk. For coinplet Information as to rate* arhedulr*. etc . apply lo O. fiBOOVER Ticket Agent. Plant By-'eni Htatlon JAMES FREEMAN. C P. and T. A . 11l Bull atreat. T.-|ephotiaa-Brll. lU’d; Georgia 6M S II HARDWICK, Arelxtanl General rax-engfr Agent. Atlanta. Ga. nal. 454350 c. Weal Virginia black. 9ifl2c; lard. 58c. neaiwfool. ootifTts . ms pinery lg 025*'. Ilnaeed oil. raw, 6*o, Isaled. 66c; kerosene, prune while. 11. water wlitte. 13c; Pratt * antral 14: deodortxed atova gasoline. Arum* 114 c; amply oil barrel*, delivered. 85c BIIOT- Prop. *1 80; B. I*. and larga. 91.7*; chilled 81.75. IRON Market very etadr: Swede, 540. NAll-S-Cu:. 92 U base. wire. 82 16 twee. BARRED WIRE A3 50 per 130 pound* atretght good*. 29610 c; augar houaa me laaa> a. 15f)9V' OUN POWDER- Per fc#g Austin crack shot. 84.00. half kegs. 82 25. quarter kegs. |1 25: champion do king, quartar kegs. (2 28; Dupont and Ifaxaru smokrlesa. half keg* 8*135. quarter kegs. 85 75. 1-pound canister*. 81 00. leas 25 Mr cant : Tmladorf smnkaleaa (siwder. 1-pound can*. |1 00. io pound cans. 90a pound. Balt, Hides wad Wool. BALT— Demand 1* talr and lit* market steady, canoad tola. Mu-pound butlau Backs. 44c, l IX' - pour at cotton sack. 45c. 110-pound burlap s u ka. 484 c; lib-pound notion sack*. 4*Uc. 2k> pound run lap m- k>. itc. 125 pound cotton sack, 56c, 2JU pound burlap sacks. 86c. HIDE Market firm; dry flint. 114 c; dry Bail, 114 c: greeri salted. 6c. WOOL—Nominal; prime Georgia, free of sand burrs and black wool. I9r black. 16c; burry. 10c. Wax, 25c; tallow. 84c. Deer akin*. 10c. APPLE*—Northern variety, 82 2549 50 1-941 NKB-Io* to io*. 10c. sox lo sue. 84c. 00s to 70s, 7c. 70s to Bha. 64''. 80s lo !XM. 6c. Sc. n> lobs. 54c BANANAS 91 r 42.00 bunch I.E.MONH—Market steady at 82 75Q1.00 COCO A NET* 83 756(1(10 per 100 PEANPTB—AmpIe slock, fair demand; market Arm, fancy hnnd-picked. Virginia, per |s>und. sc: hand-plckntl. Virginia, ex tras 4*V; N. C. need peanut* A*. NtTTS Almonds. Tarragon*. 18c: Tvtcaa, 18c; walntil# French 12c; Naples. 12e; pa rses. 12c; Hraitla, 19c; fllberls, 13c; assort ad nuts. 6t-pound and 95-pound ttnxes, lie. 4 niton liagatuk and Tie*. BAd'ilNG—Market Arm; lute. 14- pound. 94c; large lota, 94c; small lota, 8-pound. S5Q9c; !\ pound. 14884 c; saa Island bagging. 124 c TlES—B.annard. 46-pnund. arrow, larga lots. 81 40. small lots, 81.80 llm un. llama aud l ard. BACON—Market firm. D. H C. R sides, 74< . D 8 belltea. *4c (Easternt. *c rardlng to average size, D H hr'illea. K\ (Western!; emoktxl C. fl sides, 84tc. lIAMS Mu gut cured. 12tf124c LARD—Pure. In tierce*. 84c; In 50- pound tins untl 80-pound tuba, B*v. comp*iund In fiercer. 64c. s(t-pouml tins, and 80-tnund tubs. 6%c. Dried and Esaporaied Fruits. APPLEB— Evaporated, 7d<4c, aun-drtud, A PR ICOTB—Evaporated. llc pound, hectarlnax. 10c HAIHINH L. L. 0.10; Imperial cabinets. <2 75. IOOM-. ■' pound boxes, i%c pound. PEACH Eft—Evaporated. peal-J. 174 c. unpeuied. *4xloc. PEAHSB—Evaporated. 4c. MIILCbLAIgOt'I. FlSH—Mackerel Imll-burrel*. No. 1. let*'. No 2. 87.00. No 9. 86 75. kits. No I. 819). No 2. 81 10. No. 8. 86c Ctatflsh. l-pound brlckn. *4> . 2-p>un<l bricks, A .lnvoked herring*, per box, I7(|!ltc. Dutcn herrings In kegs, 81 10; new mullets, hail Isrrrels. 19.75. SYRT'P— Market quls*: Georgl* ami Florida syrup, buying si ixffjbr, selling at 324)25 sugar house at 10ff15c. HONEY Fair demand; airalned. In bar rel*. 554f40c gallon. High wine Imsls. 9127 OCEAN FREIGHTS, COTTON —Savannah 10 Boston, per rrrt., 25c; to New York, pea CWt., 20c; to Philadelphia p>r bale. 11. lialilmore, {I. FOREIGN DlRECT—Bremen. 40c. Liv erpool. 40c, Hamburg. 18c; Genoa. SOc; Barcelona. •; Manchester, 45c. Havre, 42*'; Antwerp. 45c FOREIGN INDIRECT-Weak and notn Inal. LlveriHxd. 95>-; Manchester. 61-. Hamburg. 55c; Havre, 72c; Oe ■ma. 60 . ami 81. Petersburg. 70c; Antwerp. 54c LI MBER - By BaU - Freight# dull; lo lialilmore and eaMw ird. M.tO lo 96 (JO per M lo ludlng Portland. LUMBER—By Bteani-Savannah lo Ba - tlmore. I'. 6); to P R R or R. A O docks. 85 50; to Philadelphia 164 c. (Ar cwt . (4 pounds to fool); to New York, PI 50 per M. 27 25 10 dock, lighterad to Boston to dock B*l 50 NAVAL STORE*—Tbs market |a Arm; medium alie vessels Houlo—Cork for order*. Is <d per barrel of 310 pounds, and 8 pee cent, primage BplrMs, 4s Id per 40 gallons gross, and 6 per cent primage. Inrga vestal*, rosin, A; spirit*. 4a 3d Stesini lie per 100 pound* on roeln; 214 c on sptrtrs. Savannah to Boston, and >4c on roaln and lie on sr lrlt* to New York GRAIN. PROVISIONS. ETC. New York. Oct Jo Flour market was slow again, but steadily held al former pre es Rye fhxwer dull and easy; fair to good 1.1 iy-5/3 >1 Corn meul quiet. I<> e dull. Barley steady; barley mail dull Wheat—Spot Arm. No. 2 red. 78S<\ Op tion* opened easier through and: appointing ■ able* and after a sharp rally on local covering orders, were weakened again by Argentine cables admitting that frost* had not Injured wheat, a* reiwrted yes tersny. selling for hoth accounts • otillnued throughous the afternoon until near the close when short* became alarmed and caused a decided upturn in prices Closed Arm. at 484 r net advance March closed *o4c Mv *2-'i October 774 c; De cember 784 c com -Spot e*#y; No 2, 444 - rtpllons opened steady And later advanced a little •tu wt vsaUtcr 4 sal. prospscuve : cow It- Uil Of HOPf RT UNO G. ff X RT *v HLm >.*. For Isle of Hope, Montgomery. Thttnder boll, Caul* Park and West kind Dally except Bunds) s. Subject u change without nolle*. IHt.K OF Ht)PK. 1 v * of ll l#v lull* of Mm** CA) Hin from trttiit uuv mi for lloltoo 7SO am from Tenth 600 -in for Tenth •99 un from Tenth | 7U) am for Tenth 915 am from Bolton *O4 am for Tenth itolo am from Tenth 10 10 am for Tenth jl3®> n n from Tenth II ll) am for Bolton 1 15 pm from HOMOII 11 SO am for Tend) f99 pm from Trnth 100 pm for Tenth 499 pm from Tenth 240 pm tor Holloa 4B pm from Tenia 4uo pm for Tenth 169 pm from T- nth 449 pen for Tenth 490 pm from Tenth *,O f„ r Tenth T9O pm from Tenth 700 pm for Tenth 490 pm from Tenth 100 pm for Tenth 984 pm from Tenth uo pm for Teidh 10 84 pm from Tenth 10 on pm for Tenth U 00 pm for Tenth MONTGOMERY Ex 11 v for Mn. rv 7TT 'vto-ilaome.r 4 10 am from Tenth I 7 16 am for Tenth ! ® P m ,rom Tenth 116 run for Tenth pn> from Tenth | 400 pm for Tenth CATTI.E PARK. ' • Park i.v - Sam* j- 4t g 490 am from Bolton 700 am for Bolton Jm am from Bolton lon am for Holloa 100 pm from Bolton 110 pm for Bolton in pm from Bolton 140 pm for Hntton 700 pm from Bolton 780 pm for Holton * 00 pm from Bolton ! 8 89 pm for Holloa i ll t M/i.llllUiel Car leave* Holton street junrttea 494 a. m and ovary thirty minute* thereafter until 11 m p. m Car leave* Thunderbolt at 449 a. m. and •vary thirty minute* thereafter until I 12-49 midnight for Bolton mreat Jtuio j linn tkc.iuu'l AMD FAKCKi, CAK * Thl* car carriaa trailer far paseengere on all trip* and leaves weal side nt city masket for Isle of Hope. Thunderbolt and all Intermedia!* point# al 9 04 w m . 1 <n p m., 500 p. m l.eaves Isl* of Hop* for Thunderbolt j City Mnrkr* and- all Intermedia!* point* ■I 400 a. m 11 00 a m.. 2:49 p. it WKBT END CAR. Oar leaves weal aide of city market for Waal End 4.46 A m and every 4U minute* thereafter during tb* day until 11:19 p m. Leaves West End at 4:80 a m and ar my 48 mtnute* thereafter during th* day an til 12 00 o'clock midnight H M IAY ETON Gen Mgr or receipt*, if- a I covering and the rise tli wiie.-e t’lco-xl steady —tel unchanged May --lo*tl 4159 c, October 4)5,c. Denm lier 41%c. fkita—Biol -pilet and steady; No. 2. 25)V Option* steady with <-om. tail -lull. Beef steady tbit meat# steady. Laid steady; Western mnam-el 17 50; October clore,| |7 m numlnal. Bullin-xl •teady l'rk tlrm. mess (12 SuUU 75. Butter steo-ly. Cheeae eteady. 4 j Tallow quiet Ferroi- tim dull. Ho*tn quiet Turpentine quiet, 4404459 c; rice firm Coffee Hp-a Hlo *t--*-iv. No. 7. Invoice AS' . m 1 l-l qu!*i; Cordova 95*010'. Future* opened eteady at 10 point* advance, ehl-dv •at nlgher European and Hrsstllan oabt** and large warehouse deliveries Ruled quiet with firmer undertone drepit* heavier receipt* at Hto and Buiito* and in difference of spot buyer* to hlghsr prira* deinandeil by hokler*, best advance 15 point*. Closed et-a-ly* 10015 poliita net titgher Total sale*, n.ri) t-ag. Inrlud 1 tut December 17 25ft7 ). March (7t£, May 7.50. July 7 66. Bugar. raw cosy, fair refining 4c; cen trifugal 96 test 4'jo. Molasses sugar 3\c Reflne-I quiet. Butter steady, creamery 16022 c. factory 1(016. . state dairy 15021 c. rihe-ee ateady. (urge white 19 T a0llc; emali white He. Egg* steady, state and Bennsytvsntx 2tf22< Western regular pa. king at mark 17019-- Foiatoa* quiet; Jersey-* 119901 8T59; New York (1 250142'a. Ltg lalan-J (15001 71; Jersey sweet* (1 5V020" Peanuts quiet, fancy handpicked 4‘,05--. other domretlc 35*04--. Cabbage quiet; lomg Island per hundred 11.(008.36. Cotton by steam to IJverpool 25--. COTTON NEED OIL. New York. Oct. 39.—Cottonseed oil easier and neglected, with off-ring* at lower price*. Prime summer yellow. 3tc prompt; off Bummer yellow. 33c; prim winter yellow. 390t0--; prime wtilte. ntt Sic, prim- ne-al (K.tskiSS 69. I IIICAUO MARKET*. Chicago. Oct. 2#. Wheat held firm to -lay, helped mainly by a reduction In the Russian - rop -stlmsle. December closed 1,1)5, c over yeeterdsv Corn cl.wr-l un chatlged and oat* a shade down. Pro vision* at the close were 35%01f1( higher. The leading futurea ranged a* follow*: opening Highest. Larwsst Closing Wheat No 2 Oct 7259 725* 7259 72, Nov 715*0725* 725. 72 0725 X 724. Dec ...73 0725* 72% 72%0T3 72% Corn No 8— Oct. .. 36% *7% 36% 375, Nov . . J4%36 365. 35% 36% Dec ... 14%7)34% 34% .14% 14% May 35%0 86*, 38% 36 Owt> No 2 - 1 >c* 21% 21% 215,021% 21% Nov 2159 21% 21% r 21% Dec >l% 21% 3)59021% 21% ttsy. 33%f1:t MS 034, Plant System of Railways. Trains oprr*t l by mrrtdUn (in- On# hour alow?r Ihan city timat. In effect Oct 1. iSM. All (r.iin^ I#\ Suvitnnnh Unity. Ar. Seva nn All ! p* ni Savannah f 100 cm - ant Uycrt ax 10 15 im * W -nt JocktonvlUf* 1J lt> n n i w* pm -orul Fiordi .. | 7 tjo pm lietwren lam ... suv mn.ih IS 45 am 4- in " fliirl' ion ,7 50 am 12 30 n n nnd Kt i 10 i-m Conni v il.Wiit 0i I'uii Tampa with Pen* ipMUSar ai i •*! nt-• l ten men Iravtng for l\ y \N • an>l I lav na * .Vlondoyo, Thure-liy uml B.ittirrf iy* 1144 p m f'.ill -it Tltkf Ofllrra for further Infor mation. , J. II 1*01.111:Ml*H T r A . W.\lt I T„,\ i: iv, <Tv Ticket Affcnl, IV Hotel Phone* 72 H W \VHI:NN, I'a mis r Tr,fßr Man* S.*\ur.nah t; %CEORGIA ftchedute* Effective Fept. 10. 1406. Train* arrive at and depart from Central Hiatt,.n Wnt Broad, foot of IJbarty atraer •Hh Meridian Time One hour slower thin ctlv time i-**v* Arrive 8s tan nah: Bavannsh; i Au * u * , a. Macon. Atlanta.! * 4iam’Covington, Millexig.viii#|a oopm |*ml all Intemrellale pitn4a| lAuguxta Macon Atlanta I " „ „ I Athena. M-mtgnmsry. Co-| •8 (%m[lumbua, liirmingham. Am-l* mam |*ricua. Eufaula and Troy | H —pm | I-over Ac- i-mnet-la t -on iri *.ui <s'pm< Guv ion Dkmar Train. Jfa mpim •Dally. tExrepr Sunday. ' BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND TYBER 75th ni ri }|.n or dly time. leave bavannah. Xl-ndsy a S . m Daily except Monday 9Jo a m Dally 890 p m. LEAVE TYBEK At‘nlC) ,Ml * , : ' ,y 714 * >*ally except Monday to 36 a m. Dally 5:3u p m Connection, tnsd- al terminal prints wait all iralnn Northwest Weal and Htnhw*si. , Rlaapliig car* on night trains between H i cane.-h and Augusta, Maoon. Atlanta *'! lilrnilnKham r." r " °*' d " y using between IM vanttfth. Miron an ! A(|.in(a I-or complete Information, scvhsdulaa. r s** an-l connectlona. at-ply to ' w O BREWER- Cltv -n/kri sad Fsas •nger Ageni, 107 Bull strest or 7c R „ M AnV T G r rv r Atant. Traffic**"* THEO D. KLINE. Oen Hn r . r tntaadsa% Bavnrnab Ga. (imiteo Double Daily Service The short line to Norfolk. Washington, ttie ltim* I ‘ hu “ 4 * l ( , hls, New York sad ~~~ i *945. a. A. L RyliTKp.n 1154 pm A L ,ly 4 "‘ ,m •**- lr nt •o A UHr " "P™ 11 ,0M “ Ar Durham, H a L By.. I 3-ain 4 14pm * B A.L Ry 4 13am 4 84pm Ar RJchmon.l ft. A. L Hy 4 15am 4 oujan Ar Washington. Psntta. 4 Kant 4 19pm Ar Baltimore Penns 14 04am 11 25pm Ar Philadelphia. Penns. 12 27pm 356 am Ar New York Penns 8 ill pm 4 iuq no orrwoiS 1 Lv Bavannsh. B A I, Bv l 2 Ispmiif (in Ar Portsmouth, B.A LMrl 7 49am| 5 Mpra Htcamcr* leave Norfolk dally, exc*ft( Sunday, for Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, and dally for Washington. * ' ——- - 1 i-masmt The short line to Montgomery. Mobile and New Orlem*, leaving Savannah at 726 a m . arriving at Montgomery 7:40 p m , at which point clc-ae connection Is mad* with the L. ft N R R. arriving at Mobil* 146 a. m and New Orleans 744 a m Tha short line to Femendlna, Jackson ville. Tamps and other Florida points No 71 No. sr (Lv Bavannah. B. A. L. Ryl t Kam) J Mpm Ar Fernandlna. HAL Hy 8 36am ; i (6pm Ar Jacksonville, 8 A LRy 8 10am) 7 40pm Ar Tampa. B. A. L. Ry... ; 5 30pm| 4 30am Magnin-ens Pullman buffet al-eplng car ssrvlcs to 5V*-btnglun, Baltimore, Phila delphia and New York; also to Jackson ville and Tampa. Dining car* from Bavannsh to llamlat, and Richmond to New York, Buffet parlor cars Bavannah to Mont gomery For additional Infdrmstlnn apply *e Ticket Office. Eull and Bryan et reels Fbcne 29 1 Ji Mena pork per harral— Oct sl7 <*) sl7 CO 817 90 817 09 Nov 10 90 10 90 10 75 10 75 Jan H 16 11 ll 16 11 86 lard, per 100 pounds Oct 710 710 7 0759 T 07% Nov 7 06 7 10 7 06 7 06 Dec 685 6 8759 485 446 Jan 6 6759 <72% 665 6TO Short ribs, per 190 pounds.— Oct 7 Nor 6 1759 <17% 416 6IS Jan 5 9259 <4O 6 4259 & *259 Cash quotation* w-r* a* follows: Flour, quiet, unchange.l; Bprlng wh-wt. No. 8. -4073 c; No. 2 rod. 75%c, No. 2 corn, 3T%9 Tf'xc: No. 2 yelk-w *759", No. 3 oats. 22c; No. 2 white. 2&%026<-; No 3 write. 23599 265x<• Good feeding t-srley. 37c; fslr to choice malting. 17066--; No. 1 flax seed. |E7T%01.73%; No 1 Northwestern. 81 140 I 74%. prime tlm-aby —-d.s4 1184 34; me** pork, per barrel, f1! SO; lard, per 100 pounds 17 ioftrT 11%: *hort ribs eldeui. riooe--). F. 7904 9" dry *alte-i ahouldsrs, (box-el) 606%c; short clear etdes. (boxed), M.760M8. -It Cared Me." "Greybeard broke up rheumatism an me." asy* Mr Chos Thomas, tha Jew eler on sVhliaker street. "And put ma tn better Health than I have enjoyed In a ■ong Matt.” Taka Or*ybeard PUD for that dlaay feating—Lott appetite, and follow It up with a bottle of Greybeard. It la all you need. Respess Drug Cos., sola props. Bavannah. Un.—id. Pauldlaa'a Pippin Elder. This celebrated pure, apple Juice cider, made In lx>ng Island, can be had In pint or quart bottles, derect from the manufac turers. with their own stamp, at Llppmaa Ur 94.. Df w(ftLU, &k- a-uuAh, Ga.—o-1 9