The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 02, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 Oifjr I'Nofnino •X'ctps. Nm Huilttlm: s* %. nn.ili (• w FRIDVV. VH . Mill’ll 11* •*- Registered ai ihe 1* V'!. * in tf.*v#n:.h Tbe MORN INC* NLW }* ji i t>il •>< I t\*r> d#y in tho >v< and ,rVM * futM>crtbct it* tin * v if *m by njii, ut 70e a root ath, V• *• < *x **ui U. . •-d I* A/ lor o • *ai Tbe ViOHNINO NEW'S, by mall, *lx < lui< .1 (> W- *. (W;U. mom is. i- #•* Ldju, *• j eur K • Vbe V* J V NUWd. : Iwuci A u *K, m’mJ i Uur=U*). L> ms.i. oi l- > it. | 41.0 Subscript>ri’ f ivAble In advsn e. I** tali l pom* l or dvr. urn, i 't i , Utter Currenty er.t bv mail at r;ik oi j • rid* rt. Tran! lent •dvcrUfenenf, other th i ipe. .a! column, local or r< i'ltrg rot. •autvmtQla ar.d cheap or w.i.' ' ia cents u lli.e Founcen Uf>** ol l,# “ lyyi equal fo one Inch iq‘* tn 'D ” U the i,lamia rd of nv ■ •u* * ;.t* iauu at>d diK*>unt tnu J< krtn on *i •* cut ion al buafc.t*** offtu *• Ordra fur delivery of tha MOR !N* Nii to either r> i-V r or Ihi tualnoss may D- mode l ■ i'’al •fd or thr<U£h ftt l* ;4h>i •• N An jrregu i ity In a. purled lu the alike of publl LoftUrs iil tchtgrun- should be *i diibKtd -MORMNd NEWS" Havanuali. Oa EASTERN OFFICE X lark Row. N* w York city. II (' Faulkner, U.iii*K<r. bDLX lU MW ADVLKIISEMSTi M.- *Ui Landrum la- j* No. 4s l\ ami A M Sjxn U N*l < + (pinion of Dr .! 7- rrav'*y <>f !*• i . I * . ’• * * •* •' River W itw . H)\vm* Si ring Haiti, Su wan . FU. . Ia t an l Hoi*.- F.iln' Svui;UAi* liutMln;: \ Bii;jl • 4 ••!* iiy; Hhtp Noti *.*. J. I Mini & < •. ‘.a h||ih- x . shi|* Nolle* , Wilder (Vr *’o . Cou hiuhi- ; N"li to \V : I ok* ' K*du tlun in i *•' I hu ! ' I- . It V. ' ■ itarol. Kl* .ii Not* f**r K* ?* I. hi* •* <’ = -in* t> ry , C! lb* N• *i’ f ' Chifiutey 4' :nra<nhl|* No*! Furdy. lU'<r linttf * Bt***mM I*l * t . Shlj* Motk’*. 8i ni * ' A <** . 4 ’•> .•: ► B'. if - iud County Th***!<, n> Noodb In Hniali 1 '.i t - • ‘ M*a * W. W* -V iimpis, **ti John T Hvai!!* A; 4 o Not A \N l. inndry. Am ].-***m**ii Frauntt: I>ram> i * ’>m* paiky for Fiv** N'i ' i!.-. (Vmini- mt-' Nov. & Court Cardr .Malt-Nutrln* Im ;uirtmiet Afih*uu!-IFa *• ti A. - allot N* t * • (’ll*!, n From t Cl* rk Of *.h C*ut of Or, .a > of ( County. CtesvokAi and He >l< Head Win. A II H Laillmorc lUaoudi—Nation*d Hi** uit Cam;* *n> W . Pay 1 F ill Kitm—Hy*k Hr* A c'oixltnl It.vatihlion—H. H. 1.- vv A Hi Amato*? Sal* -To-. 1j- uni? S ■ of t SiVAiiiitii \tr '4oi *1 4* *:n -•! t' un- Slohtmahip Bh* >lul*—M* rolmrii * ood Aim*-! Tr.< rtuift ifi Con .. •\. M***Uo-U \l jthw l**ri••’>!, I*lll - Fill** Hie! a- j'k Htons h Hutef.-; Dr. H.dhav 4 Vu-i* . * >•; i- v< iV I*v - Cur-, ftniltli’.- ChUl * l !’• v. r fuel Cbup Cos umn A Ivorti m< n<s —Help Warned I> - m**'• \V nt. l. ! <>r Until; . For Hl* . !- * f. F r—:** ul; Mi - - lluruaMis. Tlo* \V *••• her. Th* lodtcotlon* for <eorKii to-day o* for fair ivtiltiff u h vurl •'*!. u ml--; j ond lor Ha-U rn HkrUl., ,-> n rii: fair WHiitn *. eaceipt efuover* ofi tin • .!; llytH r.ortii * * .ut wihH>. Next Tl* -day vHll k - l ' Hot* liy N<\i \v.*d!> dov will b • Vf!ar . n i\. In the liOrn* tr* ti*h, ttie- Iu I : ar s*f ' Barker and Woolby or*- cml 1 dtfhl. If It l- trut th;t it - .‘•'hud*-- of th** F peftisl or** ixKjnlaent o’ th !hlnj? of *trih. th* Fh.*l* <>f th* lat* Jay Oould must h\i 1 li* every tlm* it * n*i*< I’h uyut towards Furln, Mi.lity Hu * 1 a Ia 1 th* a day; *f tdn **lecilon 1- v, n kmj? •-•Kl)* *ai M Klnley, biinyr mu<l* In N* v*. York. *>r i* - vcher* Th* I; put*; mi am *in !*■ i'. (V*ni>'ll.ll timid. 8 m* iK-dv ought to mJ la th ti .rvri i Lrgtfliituri- tt- l>llH of t •\i ri vv 1 testified In (h M<du w\ • In N- w A'ork On* of tlutn demand l ts*4* ,I*l Mvornl *’l f w att'd thou an i **f *1 Jar- each. _ ___ , , * Mr. Bryan mu.a h;v* f- and imtm iui i Vly relieved arul r* *• ui l with 1 i* t to Of’urßl i wh* 1 i>* 1 tv* • I t k • th** Daflsiature wunid a*lj*)urr until Tu** lay evening -o u to 4uva th m tnh* r; tliru to \oW for l. tn. The* crlm* <*f Alvord, It 1 - I. I- !*•* t ir+ upon awry t at k * i* rk In N-w Yorh. 110 matter Ihj* ’*r .. Ui.* I *ll . iiiHk*r survoilianc*. *t-I mat I* rk hv. been ille uargiKl, i i\lt ,; ' * •> •*> fw of convivial l-übF .-. A I* vv *i?u three* *l< rk of u *l. an wn link la I kiiMtll bote *e a lior. i.i. AKt slv** In ilt* ompl*y of UlO bunk taw tlu tn da it, anal mxnwdcd th* maitcr. Whu t* clorke returned lo v. rk th* . w*r< ill?-* 11.4 ft r 4;* and. In New York the pru* * rton of v. t* 1* t * population Is 100 voters to *v* r> .:•* t hovus. i m Jh'j ton the projiorilon 1- ICO to r*. In it 100 to 420, Hi Buffalo It 4 )U to 4>* mid lu Fhiknklphin it Is I<> t* jsiu. This hardly means that in Fhila delphla th malt* iiopuluUon H mor* t tervtlve to jeditkal tluikw, but probably t’mi In th- Quaker City, wild, they vot* dead men. *l*W' nl yrav pra* !i *1 politic* ha** b • n redutnd to a nicer Alt ncc <*han In th* oihor cllk*. The r>Uca- • t*/il operators ur* flinl- F . and s< * tirinr: full • • - I m*ii* of m-i i •heir mm* . .^a-n after ih itrikt 1 number of miners i. It the r< cion, am ulrc? to the Fa* Ift * .oast 1 * work It rnln* there in*l ot h*rs r. t irnlna to th# i- l *<!:' • n Rtiropc* until fimtirr* *•-,• :.1 luvr • n itl* I in !’■ in* avlvuma. At certain of the mliun the ruUinu of tn* ’nk* found only half* for* , es to r luru 1. v. St. j* will h taken to nt’irn cl tbg ib KOtw* or eo lift (bed placet. IHNM S \ |ti.| HUM . The arcutncm t a.d H* nator 11 irvna <i l *4h< * li**tu iUwn praker ire m it t * 1 • of the * imrtitfn 1 w* and * non • nioti ** Itl** n matter of 1 * r <*iu* to th* m ** 1* i.c • v <4in kf*p t..>r party m ; *vv* r tt ! :t r' I;'* < on* • -i;ft rut Inc th*- wealth *•! tl • • otintry it* a t- tv hand und trial tl • 11* jut ; 5 n. vim: rapid.', dir 1 ion of imp* riatkm. Ta t w-II •nouuh tl in w.x. and .-* . and ar. in* nt it 1? • jlur of tt* * "unity i ■ I lr:,:h*. 4ji 11 Arm 11* t n A in* ■ ’ n< ws* lv** *’■ rr • t.iinln , - * . ( illr *• and * * Mjoy *? <ll |>r*> i-r! w tt- • untry Is *ti I! liny t* ran. Tii It* or >/( < tn k llcht • r tt*' * r. . tf * th- tn; ur • it *n rnflni' nil th vv* i.ftti Into it f* vv f t. I * at ! 1 it tli ait '' 1 in dal r fi • m in,- rial ni atal njlJltar;. m. but th* i vt •* t, t *iut ft* 'Tare* In ’ tl* I- 4 roll* h . t m* t. p tli* IF - M run | irtv tiro ronvin *d ty It. Ia ivi i* aji v**t* in t t air j *r? b- iii*- •■f th* *ht •* r with which t >*■ Republic ;;r• ’*4 and by lb j*'ab l*m f-*i h-, Hhl if p w* r not for IF* ppr f* ndoe of kin- ■ *rfr m th* fr* * llv- ** *K< tru * t*-n> <*f ! > m o( f -at . uUJ for Vlr. , • t It f i.• t mm * f tltcm vv ml I > M< . iti and h* w * a I w.. ahir*l **r nior C th* lo t* ml vote* I t vv. 1 ii u. “ 11 r im* ri* itl f> iti only • who t*r- • t|>r*-tn* . il li who <)<mi t • r* what *n an* ’ • and th* country, provided th* y .* *• •h irj v i> * *r to ! ik* * .ir- id th .r own p * n r iflt*Mu- Tt - r* n majority c.f • \m rh an |>* *• how*-v* r, feel l<- ** f”OUv Ttii >iv* 1 pride In tl If oral fa vv .mt >' ■ r >v r ntn 1 4 10 iv- in ur*l< r lhai omiiivr pencraikrn * ! in; enjoy th* I*!* i'lmj-* of fr** luditu- j It > ?t.i* ■ in. •m* **f at tm-ft rimri! i'- * * • ■ t year. ThCf* ' | .1 . J ni< f> w■ <• b> in. iir of i !i r * :t' • rlnif tol i| forturw \t 1:1 m ivhi ‘1 t • min a** mum? | money it wall n* but a vary few year? !>*•- •a* a *oiiif* ir;*.vi I• ? mail mini * r of •ti vv . own i> ..* t • i* vvifilth of •h* . •mi ry nn<| v 0 • *;* ti l*vt l itl**r i th* v wi’ T■* \ v\ 1.1 u thf lr power ft- ■ t ••'•!) If . ■ 'a; ■' ■ rtl *ll • i*-l' I’iiit th* v 1 vi. 1 \ rnd-- nr- it* r •’ 1 • - uy \ lln a vv - att 1 l - t vvvll * no .ch alor.o’* H nil argument licit vitistbi* th* mtllioii lr j Im* it f no* on* tnaft pf* 1.-* h •rt 10, !nc \ • . p. r.I. who want ’ 1 a in 1 1 sttil pr• < rv*l. IX 111 Ul, |\ Io i ION lllol* INTI >I m>. otvliic <* i b*tt.-r rTop in TfXH!* than u.i , \j * M* I otton crofi experts ir*‘ ?ic urine nut a little I ire* t <toj now titan •a* > *k l it th** !• alnnlny of th* -on Th* -1 h nu-'nit of New 4 >r|o u.a ha n • lo mi Mmol*, ba **l upon late re|K>r from 11 part **f tn- cotton 1- it, that )m tdb - th*- *>ru hi-h.i that the crop m• y Ia mill'll a Jo *\ pro'v Hi* iStl tm4,‘ i- * '. *• *f* U*li , It h i* not. howvcr. taken int i ac< nint H - |>!< lat ilitv that th* pr< • m favora -I*l * • vv. ft r will .onft 1 flu * l a * • notisrh ♦•> pormvr of th* rna'urln and 1 r u*l >1 of ot ton that n‘*vv in an oiivum *>l stag*. Ther*i !■* *lan> r, of cour.*\ thin thl> cot ton will 1h iutighl by fro a und destroy 'd. I: how. v r, it hould r* o h matur ity it 1- pretty certain that th* season'a < rap would r* a h luOoi>,* bubs. Hut a t* n-rndiion-Uil< crop is not mor* 'ia*i th* w.-rld wilt tk* * pool price. In fact. 1 crop of th, t siz nuht not to -.11 at !*• * than 1H c*nt- pound. The cot ion mark* t w alm*v*t Far* *f cotton it • 1 o|* nlnf; of the e* is<m. It c trtt*- the otto mllF In this oimtry and Kum; .r not * rovvd*d with orders a* present, hut th* !•*• vr* reasons for living that the .Frrvind f r cotton yocwls will !**• om*- *c ti\* in fth* v. rv near futu* and with nn in. r- ,!•••* I l riuind will * om* an lncr<a-e in th* prF < ■ of cotton fabrics. T? prv'sp* I H that it will not Fo lons’ F- for* t-• trouFl. In 4’h‘nn will !*• .t -tl and. With it - ttb-ment will *’omc .1 blc d* mat l tor *ot?on fabric* fr m that country li I prolmbl -. to* , that tin- !*■- mand f*r < otfton rimvls will I*.* much morr Mlve In this country as .-o*in as the clec- Uon l out of the vv iy. A!1 things con sider* and it >* ms reu.smable that cotton will s-o * ten •* nts ; 1 ;un, Th* r. nr. -o many thitir, however, which influ t * ih* price of ott*w>. that thos** who have *ttnn ’*> 11 should rely upon their *wfi )*>*l 'm nt’- as to wh* ther th* y ought to 1 * n . of t’.vir hotdlrgs now or wait 1* r 1 licit r price. >m. 4 it. \ ti % a if* IMII:\<I;. The • (Tor Itv thut have Im* n mad*- to get Mr <T*-v. lot Ito mmlt him *lf to 4lh* * to Mr, Mv Kinky **r -• Mr. Hi van !ir* Ivolh muilnc und interesting It l Well tin d 1 stood that if lu -h* übl . xpn s *i pr* f , >i . f..* on* **t i‘> other *f them the nn. fn voted vv.nild in i*n*fttl very r* atly. Mr t : v! * I ha v great *1 and of In* !' a1 1 vv i; li a I ir. . rutnlur *f votern in * v* ry on* *f tin* ‘ ‘at* Tin vot**ra 1 . willin' to 1 gull* *1 by Ids Judgment. % u f voters who would b* glal If somebody in witom rayhav* Implicit eon fide nee ehoubl * h** *l tb k t for them to vote, 4’hh.*u ii m m let taixl thl and, hen . the ftT‘i t of the Ivmocratt* t* •.1 Mr **l* \ 1 and •> ay t >at h* Intondn to vote f**r Mr. IF van, and of the Re publican to get him to vnuk* !!• lara tl*n in fav *r <f Mr. M Kitde>. .\ 4Jov. Si. vf M* ourl, who F < n . tin in in*., 1 iti* managers in the Hast. vy that h* thinks the Jlrpubllcann had 11,. f.ik* d!pateh, announcing that Mr. (Tcvtlai I had *b*e!ated that there would , lx* n lui and ll' for Mi ltryan, published iti order that they might get the benefit of ' th* tb fsld. wh * h ih v f* 1 1 run would 1 follow. T lit may U the explanation *f I the mattct. bui whelhcr it Is <*r n t, it 1 . t ain Fiat i * h partlcH are anxiou; .. tl> F* 1 HIM* would lik particularly to have his In iFicne* in N* w York rtat* The election Is going tv l>* wry do; tlu r*. Th* 4 ilckee that eurrlct* It may not have u majority ot 1 m*r* than .1 f-w thoucai 1 Indeed, th** state may be at *lvx *- it was in the 4 Tevdiind lilaiti* * iinpaign. lduch party I- Fghtiu,: lor vot * A declaration from Mr 4TrvTnn<J might irlv. th* 4 ftut* to th* k- 1 be fuvot • I Th* li to I*, v '*#oun4l money’* Repub lican f arad* in New York t.-morrow A good many >l th young m* n In th* rank will I* I>emocr;4ts, who will parade t iv*- their bread and butter. i*ui Huy will vote l or Vry m. THE MOItMNG NEWS: El! I DAY, NOVEMBER 2. mon. Til 10 4 IIIM>i: TH4II lII.H Fro-gr* - is being m * ie in the *Jli ~f . til* m* ? a .( F * ft ■*!. b wif ;* * in f*l ;1, { hi pan 1 r*l 1■ .* iv acre* and to two of th** three pro < *, * int ir. i • t • agreement *n w* . <3 f , Britain nnd t*. rtnaiiy. n*l if Is prvUibb* that tie A tier I*w*r will *1 ** . *r> - t*. .* m Or is hm tta ■* *m j*,4; . di I * n linuim lln '' - a*% tin*l h o * r • th Ini -frßy <>( Chine-* t* *af I** inalrKath* J T • ti ; i pr* ; * *’ ‘ha* •* ter 11 I- <piir* * - j • t of U .. Cove r* it *. i to r* h *tt•m* 1 ’ ** the troubF Chil 1 I mxioU r I elttom* v t aial for ft* 1. .• r t 4* -if ■ll •), fli >•' of . r 1 0 i ■ in vt o ud* r 1 n*t t‘. u 11; , n * Of 11* i. l • ,i 1 wbi I . I|. *•-,.t I 1 PITS' VV Ii t .*.•♦: l’t<W*r. .*gr c ■ know di* b*dj>- ie • It 1 m ’ aif Ft • If • * v will I* in .r. t •■! i* rn* a \ i ■ “ • . *-• It vv ! i U I * gO*> 1 1• *• ' ’ ’ !. . |*a • if f)j - if:!, Uld* jug tt.ijt umu . mon n*f .1 * * • *- m dof <r •* r • Tl * pr*i . n. r 1 1* Is t the 1 .vv* r> Mall * oil* 1 her reveiHP • in * i V t i**lt i paid. lu th t * ' * the ; **hh will hav to bear heat v , tax for y ara a a pen ! y for f .tly .if (,m*si lk*x* r fti alb 'l it* t x bur<F ti, however, wbl 1* ,-vi h 11 so iiii r tu t l* t * limm *f tl • u * • n* ••I it {losing i !• ‘Tor* ; * d* vll ti* thtv | i- light !•* call till Aroerh o ml Kur* ; \-< 1 f that I* will no* l*. mii* yiat be- I W. I.UTII i-1 I Wlli I I;*..tight! it iti mp.r- . ai *1 ft’ailia wd. i ,• , . t> Ia vv id* al'u-r a i *>' ft* | t uri* ; *at Ci.v* rntti* 1.1 h.ol no t Jtatloo iu j pi th* agi* * in* tit i ni- • 1 t. •w* ri dr*.*t Britain ail tF rinao .. be* 1 .I , II |,v |,l. li (. 1 ill II .!• .-Ir- . Iy. : .. 1 1 . . i11, .11 t,f I . .11 • "tly "! 1 li. .in|ili Hi*l lln **ol-11 * ' ln-li >■ It implv wants th* w:i * * >•* * : ' vim zi an id apiv t* ■ * mpcli. h r 1 t • - i t . vv iob 4>f 4 'hina. Now that th* Fow* r are prue ti’alh ,igr* 1 a to what their pati-* ■ a* , in r. j t to China, negotlatioi s for 1 h* !- il. in-rit of th* am* urn of l ie iiwb timlty Iml I pi in the empire >u. 1 i pro. ). - lapsdiv li i, pioUild* t at T * i. will lx r< min* mii laftf* 11 - tn fur { 1 • p* lat ions ate (!)!< jutl-*l, Th* re r< no good r* • l>h why h ltd vv . ’ • fmi i-. iv 111 I IMHXI. I 111. Till "* I** Mr. Bryan 1 i* i < laakli <1 mi: *ik in a . rung that the It* j*u I . in part;, is fh* fnni of trusts. In th begnttum; .if th- (-timttaign *h* It* jvuFd.-on o*at.rf and tump -p* ak* ) mtab a weak effort * iin.y ft.iat licit party fiv**rd ft 1 * ! It wi *-e* wo-ak t‘ui* it *r*at*sl tl • 1n j - ii on that tli* IF putl ai p i> i: inter*. Now th . ii.ive f>r.a tWally thrown *ff • • 111,1 -k Th* v • ' m<*t • in *l. • tv of irua tt.iiii iigaitt: * th-m. Not* ago Mr. Hunna *id that th* r w i*o such thu g a 0 trust In tb* * * ut.t ? • At tt; Ro*sevcU iHum-r ut tl Fifth \vcruio Hot h Na York, vv*k. S a tor S * :t. th* Ha. 1 *n mun.i/cr of th* McKinb y *utniigt\ that in ils *#*pin ► *i> trusts ware K*d thine-. trov U -*m v. 1 t d*‘f* ruling trust, in * very way he dm wittioul coming out -.piar* lv r In favor f th* m. Th* H pu di an po;-r .ir* ptsall hu c id* 1 vi* w li. f vu of trust.- with every iab-.r F-*i.r fthey * an t to utv th a ’ In Ib* \ r opim * b*i a wag*a- ir* t h* had with trust- than wifi ut t ' in. arid th* y lav mi •-1 111 finding quit*! u numkr. It vv.u.d U inter* sting to know whether U - bib*"r |. atlern are n , f>romln 4 nt an*i ln!lu-mi..F i.- th* pafnr puhlbhtt.g Heir Interview nwik* them out to is*. \ lew ftla> ut** 8* na’or Frv H*slre 1 n open letter to Mr Bryan In which 1 ha.l a great *!•(! to favorahb to ''■a t: - If- wanted Mr Bryan ** *xp I*v why it wi that tf trust'-' ewifr 4b I prh th* r* hail been ad *lln*’ >f in t 15 t* r ■ *nt In thv pi!**'* of th* iTiniti l- of ar ftaln trust-' which i> nam'd. It- as-ertisl that truM j>ii* hat I fallen wldU th* pri-* s of the pro*P. < ' of 1 irmt rs li 1- * rl#n. The for, going ‘datement * m* suffl •i* nt to show beyond shadow of a doubt that t’ • Rvpubil m* tire tan I tn giov* with trust-. U w uf.l not 1m 4 mrprFlng if th*- trusts wer* pulling up nine-tenths of the vast e.impaarn fund lb* It* iMii lk an - have It < | , t it sklcrifttion from the party they wupport If Ihe IF t*atlt ir win t - tried- vv !1 *1 irsiinl t* be ,*i uion* 4 , .uul wid insist upon F gl'MllvMi that w t a hic tlu m to put their Im 1 ■>!.-, till F * < r Into th. jm k f **f Ila peftipb Should th* buds of repre-entit In under the next mipportlonment bill le to 20 ,!ftX*, the lluum of IkpriHi n nth* vv.'.iFl i* * nltirg* *1 by . ght * t in. mb* 1 Kan. . Nebraska. Mad* fl Virgllni vrniild i-ach 10-* i-n*' eonr* -sni in. Th' gain?- mill!*! I* by Ark m- *;. CoFvrad Conn*•- th-ut. Florida, HouHl in 1, Mis a rhu.c b Mis aMu i. N w J.-r -cy. N*>rtli Dakotn. \\ nbl' ./nn and \V< Yiriflnhi, one member • ach, ;*mj lltlnoia. Mmr. ot.i. N*w York. iTtinnylva’ i 1 and Tex a.. two m mb* r.s cavil. Th* veittin !y Democrutl** stat would gain p-v*n vain* in Ms electoral *oll* *, the IF-pub lic.m Cates would i *n *'i-ht vot* with the remainder of the inertat* 4 in -tat* that ar- n*w vailed *F*ubtful. In the mat ter of l Wee# of ebvtor I vot***, It lllicht l o calb.l ;; stand •off, fr eonvcnU'iuu, be iw * n th* part* Kan#a ■ at 1 M In. to the Ikjnihh* *n aid N< hr uku uud Vi glnlw to *h I>. mocr it . Ti)*’ j>* Filiation of iwdncHml <’oun:ries of the w**ril • ‘Sifdlng to th* Itst<*♦*t 11 ifth 11- ti. kiformation in each li stance . . * ! follmvt*: 1 Tilted Slate# 7*1.21*5,2^* Auitria-liungury 11.2J1.R2 Franc* | f 'Jcrnuny 52 279,901 • lent Britain und Ire lan* I v.lht.iffA fr.Ho (llfitiyld 221.172.1*52 i Italy 'Jvp *n v*.i.T. t*'i i ...... ...... n- --u • Spain 17.8R5.Ci2 Turkry 27.f. ‘4a*> > Th* Fill propeeU't ta*r only ho*. tax 1 a©!;. y ilerived from * oiored p*c*pl# rha and i iumxl t.r the * vluc itUm * i • okire*l chil dren. now pcndinc tn th** I. ..s!ntur*, *!• not *m t* m*—g wi*) ne h fnvor Tho Aufru? * IF. dd tmuk the |rofn*> ter# of the tmawurc ar** "on daiig/rout* ground.” and datr i'.vori 1 4*o, era have exprtrftcd UiuDiivlHft Jq a .-.wiiiar tKßftin. N ■ 1 !• dJ .M 'eh *1 f* w *la> ago repoid **t ’ uif litinkuvg ia . arg* iy viti th* *i -.'*- *moie: th** w.-i 1 .< .n, t 1 l -4 •* .ty j Weil US others. A. . > ii- w {#( * •’ reporter.** to * 1 * pa . of did • ■ T 1l a . . 1* p v F v . ' • *)• * 1 : . t to v. "fn • n 1 in tr**{ dni „ Dr. NT ol i- S. r a *!•' . Tj 'i j> much mor* mnJ niM amor w.a: . n than Ft dream* • 4 * moat CP* lu Sorati I lock ■ • St ■ *.- 1 .11 •j. * 1 f tut .1 . ftt• ~ i' ll a a dniikin u > AtieTM an wo rn* n 1 s’* lily 1 Tr. incr* * ' f . .rd ft 4u u< ;1) m 1 tti.i I t I*W>r s' t . . f i. ! y .*• j-i *wh have 1 t prcniivti ; a con i' : 1 rop f • ar n ar* ak iy 10 ** t i, if - urioiti.** whet* ar* bk •' ti* ir in * U- Ml a plant' r < t M i:, n th* otht r day Id tb- lap •’ • '• •' lhr* *-tm. . t 1 rn I 1 ’5 eerr ' *h- 4.* dpi . and that his • * r*p Ih ii*<*ut .-d h Ihi fiver**, rt Ft • f S Th *ll a Lip?on > ta l- hung in He * hicneo Fr.>ur.- ' * • eu; * A )H Ilia tor w '* d* line# to uu* • x th* #hor‘ M *• ha got 1 . ‘-rti. 1* too rare t n in 4'. , r *n. 1 Fi;*t#4)\ \i„ ’■ VV 1. j J . 11l ♦• t Tl i F. lover of Md* f . UO.) ii im. •If u vine g*.,w r. leniu I Fofrovhh V• Ok Off. one <f the ; t j'N*ni -)t ’ • f the I*.get •• nt - ; m • ! Uu-Man writei- 1 ).i*rt.| to hav. -H* i *t tb st. rtnif g . Aigun. in Mnn *llJ ; ■ 4>fl Aug j Tie young |.ct who w. . In hi tidrtu f t v. ar. wa# intimately plaint* and wh/) Siberia, which form# the abj. • * if many of •i- im a .dFa'timi i-"*' 1 work w*i puhli i. ,| liixt • .r uni.; th. tit!*- *Tn th. Far K;, t " °* *h'? ■ * •* >r the death *f tin* I' ll *‘ * ‘d 5 ll* i 1 Man-uil th* |ubl • ' •’ He. 1 th. r. . k . -,| v; a a . b*’ r i tn ! , The birth;*: . of . . * 1 ft "* •* l> * ttia act town • tr Cognac, a'l. 1 Mar* nil Su IF IF \ I, iron ilugti . Mor* Ui:. : an*. !*r of the eoloti* !. fought with bis* tra.ii* and i ands under King • htllp Aukuvtii# ut isiuvlm-', 1 hub* \||- k*k Iti b.r -. where t n<- King of iTai*. defeat* *1 tii* Hin|w 4 ror 4 Mho in I-d. Hll# fcet ha* Ik** ii ,inin-in.'rat* I <n * tttarbl* |*la;. wh t ha. Ih * n ;*l;o and i papular #ule*et-)ptioi. on the. Town Hail •t Mareuil. with tti* i . * )lption, ‘ To Col • VTIh-i'ois Mareuil, the inhabitants of M ir< nil 1 mviiM Tran vaal.” laf*l K: hmr i i;ot. fi >u**|\ un|N.*3>u ’if w ill he nlfii. r -i- * hi#*- h* chow urn liti <• rwlderuti 11 and truik< Hu m \< *k. t*!i? h. 1 popular with tin- rank 1 t .*.! on*- of fh- r* !'- ns •- in F • n in .1 litth Mory told ly IF-nnet Ilur • < '4*-t mi* in S-.iith Afri-a I | i.umrv rnmnnbr wbll *n |iir.i !• rat* I fa men in mini* * ur i *• rrn Norh’nq: v,. r ht tiii* the tr op* r *|ii! Tlu y* .*at their hor-e# wrotvg, tb*y movd iiithk*- rna< liiii* rv . t r.*l wa r* “no F, ft* r than • *1 tabid* a Fit of gutter snipe#,’* 1 “TIHP.’ ad Hard Kite ri* r. who • mo up, “U iit th* way a dir. ** men Th. y ar* 4 1 t a <l— 1 but *}d!*-r* and ar** to . j, .*ok* i’ t*> ■ mu h \ t*wf.s .-Jin be trained in that fa hi*>t u*l th ■ -ofnman*)- who (U>on n 1 r* -*••' ct Ids m*n 1# unhid ! I tb. m “ Tier ". i ■r* Calien •• r and .* v- ry . la*. 1 lot *>f men when Kitchen, r had niPo and 4 1 iti rs. "H -t' ie? “ r* murk I th* pr trF terof p" r taurant. “..r** ami hlgh ,.ri id thi • yvtti “They may be high-prl* * *!.' sughcal th. t r pT * .i• i 11r*. “but lb* y’r* n.* Mv d* , .run* t. ' ! fuM ft ' th* a.' S'hli ago Tribun* Suit Her Just as W. il■“l>on’t you think 1 m.m * r l man—ontrl ft t* k( *)*.vi • w’ . a a- lie wr- tig in nn trguimnt v. h h in- vvlf* 1 * Oh, f don’t kn*w 4Forge never * vvna ip, blit lu aUvay o*> and buy m* cm* thing i< 1! idee and expensive.”—De troit Fr* * Fr* fs - \ Ml 1 Fn* ur up m< nt “!n 01 ihl* 4 k that ther* is 1: ; t *han * now fo make a ttiVKl living out of literature? ‘ dc *i th* youth. .Mor* **hai * v than b-fore.” an. vv. r* and 1 n.u with ~1 - . • p* -i1 Iv f you know w in -*t tv {*• utul c* rrect proof;.” S ar. ITai! youny. H.lcrg who nil* 1 *-n von li t Amelia, .appear# to <.• admir ably ound in Uuh wind and limb.” J il.i •he young woman* papa at the break ’ laid. Tl* **rtiilnl> ha# r mirkilde staying pi 1 Ilia ’ . nt* i th*- fait t: rl And then nt ho ti y in and t > hi*b- n ai kUH yawn.—Clevelaml F lln Dealer. —Rush f r Safety.—*T appreclat*- high \ tin offer >*ui at making rn- Mr. i I iggin.-id* ,“ th* young woman clasp :• h’r ii tn ! tog* ;‘ * r ami if 1 1 k for .1 r* w tn*>mend# in wblcVt to i r It m '■*.. i 11t •ft I muv know my * vvu heart, ledleVe ttlO ** You nn aulor-I.h**t in* . Mb • Fk-n -liln-'” t;a t**d the abet T only .want*'l !•* kn*w \*H.r p. it,, a I pr* fr*l * . - I irn i;k:n, a -traw v*te of the Hal.”—Chi . . Tribune 4 t mu \ r 4 (upiia r. WT.d* v* r.” . 1*• Statin ton (YT.) NT vy • i !**ni “may ft*, th*- ft* of tfti* p* d* cJsat i k< 1 , it doc* *rn to us l *■*• **i .! int'rcu tv the country that Demo* ratio Hou rhouul be returned, in rd. r that t-om* *h < k ni.iy F* tI • •*1 *m ! -tpnndirg f tnouey by th*- Kepuhli 'tii udmlni; ation. A* v* ryUxi> know-, he low* 1 hour e of * Cong re *.* hollt. the m" ■ drtng#.” 4 >mtiaa.tii r on this, th* RkTimon.l Di - , ; ! tn 1 A irm •ft r • t vltii! '• 1• 1 * t hi ir 'is, Jf both Mr M *Kin!y .11 *i a If pub-bean House t< el* ■t*-*!. Mtde fn>m th*’ drain for carrying on the admln - ’.it nT* vvoi i*Fpow*r pill v. what with tlii ph thori, condition >f the tr* aaury, ihir* wid I- -u ) a atuinidfi of extravii gum* ini Jobbery as the count ty ha. n* v r known before." T <’!ii t<o 4 rontek (Oftn.) rav '(Hi* of the ,-ur* -1 inilcations that th* itcp4iblh'4!u hhv* nv hope what v*r of . arrying Kentucky 1 to Ik* foiin*) In in* f. i that they or- already talk r of ir i the * a r. 11 authority ”u iv- ' ti r* | v air. - I*l IV? and a fair count “ When •a* IF pub!) n brother begins t* squeal n this fa dilon 1 we k In advatK* ul the : •’■ * H*n l admit defeat. Hi’s id* u i to et himself dan vasily when tb*- blow full- ” The cTnhtmbia t-J 4*. State (D* m ) says: ”A<- orvlirt: to C* 1 Itooscvelt s c indard, 1 big buck r* 10 iw ii good rttlscn by ti )!*•■•• i *f M'.nuo.Tly , f* vv -{u. i rn* 1 ' *.f Id.* k manhood who ran rxliihit much 1 of* mu * k# than tit# own and are Ihurt. r* from hi* • tamlpolnt. Fet ter qualified than he Is for Vi c dent.” The Ma or? T*. I graph (Pcm ) ty* “Tlv' • developing South has ID eye rot only on 1 lull dinner pan. .tut *mi a full barn nnd ’ 1 I , t* 1* * k bokonn. .And what 1 4 nivro. it j wwu, W UttV ttui il wudU, ' *** iiMt*ir 4 hntMlter’n l.ftftftl** 'tl**ftak*. S* 1 i ha 1 Her of N* w Kami hire is know?, a?* on* *d th* fia-st *xa *ui l pain-- tnklt'K ” * Si*t • li* * -r. Iy ft>--■ • - * • to -par*' for Ut> * of other- Bui in* wily and * 1 *id J ainiyr wa re* * fitly guilty .-t hlu !••( which tx. him rnu i tr*ube to r •f\ It w noin.; n* r* t.-r F >4 than x Tanging envelopes Upon two F' ‘ 1 w rititu *lm*u' th* fame mat ter. Trv -eorv if lat* i ivy in.* n• ry *i ur Iran#' . raiiip h thus. tin * . x tme, 4’hatHlF r n* lv Inn InvtiaM fro? S**i >t* r Fry*- •> p * up • ■ on ul t Main** lak* * olid njoy Il eft hUtltll- > lid Tull >, I’•,* i - !, of court- * otne up during th* quiet v*niti - H*’U • ) *hamii* i ha<| Oil Jim , i b* r* .{N.n he allied (w-‘ F tl r , jo- to la wii*. wh** h ran to th s .-IT' el “My D* ur Lit v I l av* r *av J in in* vi* itloii from Kt> to go up with jilHi Into Mu ;*• I 1 * ii a.t n- *1 Hi ))* 2 rip. ln,i I ..ill J * * ,• 'T •’ i • a <* m p* ?an <). k an*i iw v* r Im ny thing f**r him; If or ir •nd ’o . ink. n*i. 'l - 1 h.*ve got uul of die He. ga- diplo mat) a! > I can Th*a* !• not much efljayil !;? ia Ur the ib utn- ire * s." Tie letter th* n t m on tu detail utlut doim U• c onfidem-t Tb- 1. *).r r* * i\. .1 by Mrs Chandler run rt. rrily along th* lln* My 1 • r Fry** J • • v l your invi tation a; . am very Horr> that I iann**t • pt, 1 alt• w Mi Chuinlb ris v• 1 y lj gr* * Fl* alsiu* such thing" und #< I ii ••! ,a. • 1 iiae W n I •un K t up 0 good torv io Justify Hi*- fun Th- fust * amadou which Senator • h i 1... ■ ..f I . rr. a an iftel nmi ms iv* from th* vvsf* •; his U on), bora tin a .rn f..r his ung liars’. •*>' .a* t in h-T-lii'.' her up to hi trail . ift a di#.g<"’.hb woman. S 1 !’< 1 Fry*, fortunately for Chand ler. h i hi p .•* . .** b* *ll*l not know wi * th* r ur not tin * pr-ul* was load* *l. unl fan* ) that H *>>ntr* t mj*# might u us. rl> n* *f <Tn db ) lilt!* Jo*v which would hav. un ending dt#a.*or*u to inlei tn* *i.l * rs. "ITv*- inMii f 111 <* ma’ -t that S> n.aur 4 Tii nd I* r Fs ja t *.•■* much it t • ftoab*r . hi * ainfrert fr. m Mb*, but th. other n:f,.r who hav* he irl * t tn* aft i.r u* chatting him unni* )■ ifuily. 1 |> \i;ttl*iHi I niigiii'iii FroltleiitK. “< ; • \f the fulll.i* t Ihit . '. V happened t<* me.' ;.t <1 th* • and mi* aho w m a r*-m • 1. ?: *r.i lug t* th* Detroit Fr* * Fr* s. *mrr* I a numler of y* ar# ag* wTill* 1 vva rt ak i-.g a four of tbe .mtrv \f tha* tine my f,vorlte card wa* tb. i **x tr k. v.tur. I allowed myjwdf t' 1 pur lit • n-k. aft* r wid-’h I wa- 1 . k* I In a !*■ x vvhi! was ii. I up and put in th* ■ Fl net, fr*ni which I • rung and a m**neap lat er, bowinr, and smiling It always leough* d.-wn the hou.s* and was subject for di i i. - ! t) long aft. r I hud l**ft “\V.*?). I gave my jh ffontn 1 . * o?!*- night a) 11 Mitall town, atnl after tftv show wa over 1 want to th* little hotel and • l’* 4 *! f r th* night, ta. I man who k< **t tb*- hotel "howit g nr* t* my r**>m with 11! the tlvferefice that h- woubl give- t * * king Th* 4 t I!n th* ro* nw 1 i f*l lit! on*-, ,ii Ino tfooio vva lin tl >n it et ■ ■ I a Jackk • I r aliz. il what w happ. nine in ftitn** to roll to ora side. . that when the bed .load it left my head ••*!* I Tit olberwi -1 was imw rl* h. and ther* vv.l nothing to b but yell far help, wh) h 1 did to th*’ b-st of mv ihlfitv ITnally l 1 c. .1. din m iking t iat and! ’d ' ar n* and he* * am. to the door m * want 1 to know- what tb. matter was This cussed Inal Fa- hUt Up ” aught fn* i. H “ I lumt'd Wui.wii' .loot > git* ft “he drawrkd 1 can ; ! I paw l* I “‘Humph a felK r what kin git out of a a k art. r he ha h* -ri put In a t■ ' and 1 k* *l up ought t* r b* able 10 ou? of ohi ’ he nsw. re*l It :.,* k fifteen mlnat* T s‘. *‘ ar,; merit <v> m\ pirt to eonvtne* the • ft I man my ks l *.l r tting out f *’ “i* alt p!.n i # and! t not In it'd' t ddi .. 1* *1 . aid .;••! (h* n)- >* cm* and t ink I Fad 1 . 1 him a i t of unneve -ar\ trouble. All b* 1 when at lust h* rcFa- .l m* w-* * “ Tlutnph, vc ain't z l>lg man *z I thought y wtizr '* I!iirl Id (•nd 4.* 11. ft-rsni. Li * • • h." - 'ill ;** • I** -P- ak *>: (Fu . * mt 1 * l e S.ilai ■ r. i!v< n:n p t 11. wus 11 friend t-* t.Tti * • i l t • *. be; > I wis 1 t vv .* t I (•ti\ * T • g* ut Chinaman kv* * I** r m* ml • ■ aDo that hi and Ur a* t weie uf th* nm age. And he w* li II # firsi mj. .•*-■ Iti a hi* at vv a that ended in April of 1‘ WMI • 1 vv of If* IP g* • .14 sue. • T 1 obi in mi imy ii irinv •> 11 wii .1 ine*. if not quit* stuped*>utf - ihe Tiiping r- b**ihof>—wlil 1> And my own nun Li. i pr noun* • and Hi* • an. . thu ot Ue?n (Ir * 1 s * p f ai\ * 1 ar y. I idftulr • and ' F dr i’ • 0 1* ad lb* C .in. s- Mat*- rv n ” i Ii tn• tu r t. ** clos* ly 1 bx'k.’.i ai his i t ■ wh. n w nr>t met. I hoi uiti* iputtd that tu - m •tin 4 with great Intel* . ut *1 w 1 *0 vio *d. in mlvan* * . that CF n. tlartit ad I vv.r to Ik tho lo- fratii that vv- r* 1 l * <ll me." Hurl r.l rent* mb* r with • r* ini; i • enl grin that ilran *ll 1 >• >i!\* - b. r • Hie-* Ivv * Chb.* * d< in * ie t Ir'd-T n* t soup or hark ' tin* 4 . “When 1 |r* M.d him to • . m** frankly jnsi ! * thou 11 t • li* uish* F said that th* soup didn't #em to hove any lusfu at all. and that the pr*patd litis now* how uu m* and to m*e Tv *a (Jen. Ornnt urged Li It ing Chang t* vis it thi Fldo-d Stiiu ii* iu.*J no- h.v 111 mil l;e WM>U.i I*. ;* igit* l to tnak n . visit to hi# ountry plea.-m:. but 1 *lid not sc*m Hon that I c.-tid *-v r so and when I lil go toy fn* ml w 1- i a*l. I?, i I iw ilia? all Atiicrl* a 1.0 * . and li! no in a>. I w .is taken to hi# tom ~ lo *UF that no ble rlvr. anil I f* l( so gri- ve i and ad. as I was there, to tint k that he vv . re ally dead.” Li Hung (‘hang ilk- to t* 1 F*..v Hi ant Imrt7ad a maii .arin vv. o , ... .1 pn tftlon alter question about t! IT.Fi I Ht 11* #. And )kw hull *! I travel to g t tL* th* mandarin tlral’y u k* and “Dig ad **p enough hoi* 4 rivht tinder v*ar fe t,” ff-tf pondf-d Ihe Amellean * . 1 - era l. \n*l tin* Years l*o ll.v. From the New York OF . rv* r. Lightly sip youth at the vv 1 *•>* of t-? j Laugh# at the charm* *f \ -teniay's toy#. Lift vs so long, nml 1 itiiing all>> And the \ * ir go by Little by little th- world #hows it# dro#. Deepen# the xrrw of enjoym* (it un.l lo#s, Fb a aire i# wnirfog </ff par? of its gloas.— And the y ai# go by Now ther* iv gu. .-t on i 1 *iouftu an ! di may! Well Urn*- will .Tier, .nd truth will out stay: NT gin 1 i-. neulf’il, perhaps. . ih *la>. A’ul the year go I Work multlplic# anil pi* •,-ur. bate, So tnu* h to do. und vv. ar* #0 lat- Duties sull iltx-klng now knock ut the gate.— Anl the year g I Once—ah. we sigh! but w n* ver can slop; What Is Ilf. f.>r but to work till w* drop Only on* thought—to rl: ■ ?< the top— And the year# go by. Age l on*, ming. an*! what hav w* done* Oh, we had dfwamed of #u* h vk-.ori* • w*)n* Whot*t 1- the fault Jtnd what l# undone'’ And the v< *r e i | What do w* hold but dful f Ju**r * \V w rc #0 w In our first orient tr ? t i Scmeht w we inls.'Wl the real metnl for ru#t A*ll* ycar r > ’>■ k —uiia fj Cv^acn, Tiie QiidKers kw Hcnest People. The Quake 1 Her! ir Tonic 1# tiot only a 1 ha*. *1 purifier, but a p - r !*• i rmker fo* Vv VET ~" A I'll*. Weak Mid D/* blillated p'Oplc who / have not strength Cuf* nor bawl It set# a# a tonl* it I'guiiPee ~ / T ?£ dig* st lon. cure# dv#- sC” ~ t * pepHa and b nd* - r J tOM (O *•, i nrrvmK* *- t#m It ia U CM-aidne for weak women. B ‘ purely vex -tablo m**licin ut*l ** n law* 11 b. last ot deli 01 e Ki ivy Di# e re.**, Rh* iiißfiUam at‘d ul! *ll ea#e#t of t > li, . *•*. htonutcb at-d r-vfveo #ion #av- .fti* to p w< n trfii! effe t# upon the human -jitem Thou.and# f p*op** * n u commend It. Frtce fI.CO. \? ! r. pain tv LM i# ft no n *ll that the Quake? Toei*.r mud* 4 all of h "on.u rl!.; *4 < k cure*? with. It * a 1 .'.*i womlerf):' mgd -Ine for * J•►. ,-che. Baekactt.. Rheumatiar rati I*. lain in Rowel#. *rt fart, oil pan* uu LfV reoevtd by It. Frice .. . an I uv tgl viv 1; WHITE WONDER bOAP. o.nil a <t #oap for the sktu. scalp and cnin.'lealOM. Fr ee 0c a rake QlAkiT. UK A LINO 8 A LVR. a tabl ntment for :he cut* of tetter. *c t*ma nd eruptloua of tho #ktn. Frl • 10c h box FOR IMI.B BY ALL DTirnOISTS. Ocean SieainsDii) G). —ton faew irork s Bostan -AND THE EAST. t ft); urpuss* and Ciltrtn uceomii'u.lali *n. AL tht* c.auiurlti of a modern fuHtd. Electno light#. I Ova. el lc#l table. Ticketa inciuds ttvol and bcrtiia aboard aulp. rassenser laas lam Savaaaal IO .N.‘ VV YOKK MKoT CAIUN, J-U. CAUIN Uul NU ritU’, U.. IN l'l.l::.!t::>IATi: CAI iN, INTKKME DIATE CAiIJN HOUND THXP, *4*. btkkuaci:. ii j. To bi'KT, >N - rrilST CABIN. ck. FIUHT CAiilN llul'Nli TKII*. K 6. IN TKItMIII.IATU CABIN. |l7. INTEllUK biati; < kjlnu run*. *.*■ BTEKHAGi:, 111 TS Th# r-.i>n-n. >i.,m hlr* of .hi# lln# npi olnl>-,l to - ill from Hu. unnah. Cen.rol ... h) meridian tin. us o,Uw: *.U.t.V\AU TO ni&W VUUK. TAI.I..VIIAHS!:! .' iul \ak.iM, SATTK -I>X Y, Nov .. 1 .Jo |i m CITY OF BIHMINiiH A.M. i aj.. B'-fK. SI'NUAY. N**v I. <i m CITY OK AC If.ST A. .i|t, I .i#s- Ht. T'' i :si V \... ii rn. N'ACd, „ IIUF. < .fl Sin.' h, TIH ISS -I*V V , Nov <■... j, m KANSAS CITY. Fisher, SATT’U- I*A V. N.u *' 7 0 t rr TAI.I.AMA.'.c i; ,',.i A-kin#. Tl’l'S -1 \' Nov l.i. ■ •. ni. UITV op \p, II’STA, I'.cc* .., Tlil'lisuav N.n ir, f s, . n CITY up (tIItMINUHAW. C#M. Brrir. FBI 1• V V N. v !" 1 : • i> m NA' ' >o< HKF Sinj’h, SATI'KI'AY. Nnv 17. ’ M 111. Kansas city. c.,p>. f, h. r. tff.s. PAY. Nov o j* m. T.M.I.AH \SSK! tpi. A kil". TIII'ItB- I> \ V N„v. 1. < I in CFIA I,K .CC.rSTA, Capl. P.nt.rK. SATFIiPAY N.v Jl. |, m NA ■ti H'llKi: • ,|i. Smith. TI7KSDAY. N . 77, :•) i> n. CITY of 111UMINOIIAM. c„,,(. TIMT-I'IV N-. t’ ' <> 1" KANSAS .*rrv Cop' Kh#r. Tlll’ns ' , Id) 't" cty of nirr'n •- Inm will i ‘’ ■ rr. * i r.rp-T-. M.H lllkh TO lIOUTUA. CITY OF M.V ON. .•'I-', -a MON PYY. Nov. 12:00 noon. CITY OF M-'.'ON, C.ipt 5,.V,.K.-, Kill- P\Y*. N'ov I7:<0 r-, CITY" OK M YCo.N. C..1-I. Siva;-, WK.D -NCSI'YY. Nnv 11, '2 n i CITY OF M\ N < >' -, MON- T> \ Y'. Nn. 12 fn f|. •*. CITY OK MACON. Cun'. Siva#.\ Kill I > v Y\ Nnv i! 12 lujon ; Y ' Yl V• • c ' pi fin;" WF.P- Ni'ST.AY' V s '2' noun. Thi# company reserve# ih# rmoi *o rt ,1 I ,n ■ •*. n,'7 rntl'S' n. ,1 nhnut liability nr acc*un:.iblilty th, ro f.w New Y<>i!< for Savannah Tum d.ivs, Ii • (* 1 Sat ir.l ivs & •#> p m YV. O t I’EWF.R City Tl-ket m 4 r>, # cn 7. r Agent. Bull alre.l, Ka u rmh. On K. YV. SMITH, Comractlnt HWh Ar, ni. Savannah. C i B O. THF./.KVANT, Arm Sovunnah, O.a YVAI.TFr. HAWKINS O'r’ral A sent Tri.Tlr tvp't. 221 YV U#y rrwl, Jack sonville, Fin T 7 II HINTON. Tr.fflc MalUfT, f*- vnnnTth, C.. P r li-PVTU*. MnnakPr, Nn# t'l.-r North Tllvrr N. w V nk. N Y', Merctanis S Mlnsrs TransnsriM eo Stkamshii* Links To BaltiiiUß & Philadslp!)id Ti i. t • on Sale io All 1 oluo Nor n .m l VV, -t I.r I- I li k tu I. • I i.l. me I, nn 1 I<rt - ,-iiv.i: I> F CII o-c ar.J Phil t \, mnuKlaUon. ar. 1 rutsin* un> (junteft. T'ie 1 1 an thl" >m any arc ni l>n|i t.> ii fn.m Savannah - foilin'# (C. rlrol S ".I ",1 Tim. 1- TO U Vl.TlYiOill:. ITASCA. C ipi F ,p. SYTCBPAY. Nov 7 p ni rsmCIIBSTKIt. c,i|t Jim. . TI7I*PAY, N*v . •' > p nt TKNAS Cupi Khlri is;. THURSDAY, Not A, ti p tr* |. II MIU.F.R. < Ivin . HATH lI IA Y. Nov. I" 7 r- m TO Civil. VOFI.I’IIIA. ItKUNSHIKF.. c.,pi Ryan, MONIICIY. N..', p rn A1.1,1 ,IM\ C. .1 I'.. I.r, l-'RI DAT, Nov IF 7 i* in. IF-.IIKHIIH Capi. ID in. TFESDAT. Nn 13. '■> l>. **>. n ■ ■ ■ V V. Bull atria (. J. J. CAU tUAN. \.reri. MAY ■ IMF . HII N. TrV. AM S ivnnnnn. < YV P TFRNI It. C I' A A P. STGBMINS. A. T M. J < WIIITM :y T-a" Manacrr. fieri, ral . li. Fall mor, Ml. XOUaSELF! .'> tllß J Pr ,n e,'.ra! and., l,.itotia,tiona. irrltati.D, or ulwrati. Ba vj H, Vcaa m, inkr,m. I %!!.)•-*. •Dll D- t utrio* 0. g' nt nr pntM>lMM J by grerviatb r *nt in plain *mhu, f* ' *f * * fti.*-, $ rv *- ,r ' * l ' un r* p rf* OLD NEWftp A ri.’Ra, for Z* cgut# mt Bumtumv Clil* Murntoig , [earn a profession W)!M Leaving Your Present Position, Work lor One of tbe Ten Free StboLr stiips In Tho Interntßunnl t’.-.rrtrK>nflen<, S'hols of Scranton. Pa., to b. kh>o n> <h, morning niavs to the „ loTroi. r., civlt.js the tiKwt von , Nov. 2u, lbjO. Ten Free Scholarships. I. MK HANTCAL KNGINKKUIN'n i.r.l.i TKI.’AI. K.V!lM.i;|;imi ' (li., aji. k C l'|.-tn Kit. m, at outfit i ■ AU< THTKCTI UK. I. Civil. KNOINKKUINO SANITARY I'U'.MBINii, linATINC "i.l Y 1 NI'II.ATION f. CIIKMISTHY. 7 . a *M MKli* TAI, BRANCHF.S •a MK< 'll ANB.'AI. I >l( A W INC. (In. In,lm Compl :• Prafline Outfit i ARt 'H ITKCTFU AI, I.BAYS INC (1: c tiij, .t, Praftitu- outfit.) t". oI.NAMKVTAI. PF.SBiN. C unplel, P . -nit..' Auifiti If you rec> .v„ the meat vnt<, .„i hav, th> lir.i . h,.i, <• ~f th, S< h<Siirvhi(. If the n, XI larg' VH th, s. ,ml , in.i . If the ihlnl b,rKi#t. th, 'h'rl choir, ; mt #•> on n"til ten (K-raonk have choeen t Hi'holar t: K.i h Scholar-hip will iiuallty you f, - t pro* Hi# | an if you w. nt away to CoH>*. Ov- r 2 o.'*u men n.l tv,,mo. hav* •#. rollcal tn th#-, S In. find laeui b,: ■ . filed i>y their Codracw of >tuiy llow to \ *>t<‘. (’ut mi! '!••• ■tft 4* ; • 1 Voting Coupon ri mail or Fr'i ,t fo • . F ,**-.i; stf offle* of •h- M ! Nf\v, Sovwtifsih, J:. i. ‘ u • i. , t ! . *r to* norm of tv j- i f*r wh. ni >'-u wi.-h io vote*. VOTING COUPON. Name St. iu..l No Town Florida Reports. , v^nis X 1 f ü bi|l 1 l**t \ : :A iMt] K I J '<k —i i-w, •' <r- -* w ■ ~r; '‘‘int -U •< - •jr'. ! z ■ •'- !i - *■• "* Offlt •• H. A.! w iv, r*n‘| Muitlrtit'i. Fla . O!. It*.. 1-‘* To Wlwim It M iv <\m-.rn I 1 iv. b* n ?llln-r Sm:‘th‘ Chill *’il T.j.m ' ■ i ■ u I h.ivf i! t>* !ii Ii my own f trn ! arid !. ue l *;ji • ; . o *!• all th • •? • i7‘• ! fur it. V*ur truly. I’. A. GALLOWAY Ii R. Nrr. I P Mtt.t.Ant>. praaidonk Vice Pr#at*taal lii mi r ULtm. Jr Sec y n*J Tr*sa NEAL-liILLARD CO. Builders' Material, Sasb, Doors and Bilals, Paints, Oils, Varnisiies, Class and Brushes, EUILOEfIS* KARDWAOc, LiEf, Cement and Plaster, a-tr <m s-kitakn aurMta. U.iMAfi, LA. BUCK’S D[yspepsia NhiO Cufe Tablets *| jjHwjffyffik [ J M r'-tf *i*i*ck?y |p*i tf*-*’ t- i* Bi * •*••<( •**) Kill •••)•*• ' t>itkfti'*c '■* • ll*rl>*ii i ftiiv*)r—l *)••* f Tfifa ftltftrl a arkimol eiara. jW Promote the Appetite 1/ and Put Flesh on Thin ] 7 Pcnnll* '' • ■ / rcupiv. K>w*J Ut rttfe) by ** I WJ ue *!•* r..i V* r%u erf.e*l in Ih* >■*• I V ti Fnrr Wfi ir*- • *. • I traMMiS I I LOU UW® q CO . q:aam>nif. tn. BRENNAN BROS, WttOLCSALB f-ruit, Produce, Grain, Etc. ti* Bay STRLBT. Waau IiIcHmIU. Seed Outs! Seed Rye! Tc*nt> Hast Proof OM*. Coast-ral.el Bye. Cow Fee-1. Hay. Grain, Bran and Freda of nli klnda for dock and pou.tO'. T. J. DAVIS, Telephone . US Bay rtreel. *• IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL •n.l work, ordei your lithographed printed etalionery and blank book* ‘O' 1 ® Mousing News, Savannah. Oa.