The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 02, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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lost a large investment. * %\n % II \M' WKNT TO \oIITil %HOI.IN %. v , „. %l IttHt MfIVP '<•• ml If If . i • llml Been l l iirnUlt •%* rortuatioii < tll***l fur-l*allur<> (•• *o ll* Fuel Thill (xorulu Han , ~ Hnonl f Hurler**—lmpiirtan t ■ *nweiid*f •*! •% the Nrpp*Mr li | 'full ■ , V lAccording t * r Mrv v . MO Vn i I *:ro;tr. when It should have been i, , in t in elute. unl hi iittrU>ut<i , i i* ii that lii.’orgl i tm: , , . • hari*n of cotton mill.'* r i ,ii tun.-i.: mi *r prises by w i , , ?> in < ui* information, j,, a!*i *>*<ln> that in iht* *urly pu** , | i ■* ir man iuioihl Woodw r I i . m i Hu interest? of th • n * oth* r prominent parti*-s :n . k, aim Into his offl* • and vriu • i tuir -'ii ol> *ut th*- nGm. r of c*? r , ,n Georgia. t‘i unman! of < i .. k ol the mill*. -ttiil th* location _ t of t-i* diff* rent mills If* f ik>i furnish the d*‘.*lre*l Information, i m \Yo<*dwirl was tok) that tint* .. <•' i In th • *• whir* he • 111 ,,f!: ~i figure*. t * : i • \V**‘ iwni I went ?. North • , it ■ 1 iut what li wanted , . i . <>. . ‘ that i n<- and invi *t*d t .* 4. a'frlh it* thi* to th* m*< i *1 • ->;[£ ••hfiritT'* In th** Htaf*. and in • n t. kI t * fM>rt. h* eugi.* -Ms u rem*dv • vli In rakln of th*- matin irters ar- now grunt*-*!. Mi • uni tiMi tliitii 'oiirm of < li:iriM*n*rh. • n m* now cr;in*.*i by ?hr * .1 !- • r o .oihod* in Georgia. the Superior t\wrt* th - I.*t si iturv arid he Sectvtarv • S' t- I tv this , vs; m then* is no way .* v ' ftl record of the anH’rit> '•.i-’ it- in the Ntai*- Th* r* u !;:7 < ‘ ’• -urt* in Genri: * tin*! charter* *r* * • o • t' irly every so h*m t . t< l and out a limit thorn i t. ip piy !*'•• r '* th*‘ clerk* #f all th court *1 to ik tbr*- sh old l. only • m * th i• **h*>u!d tw* * 11li* r through the S*'-< ’ ' H’ it or th* * A' in bfy Th* n some hi* i is to th* v ilu of i i r . * • urii c in rpr • n iU*or ; * Id ho kept, wlur ,i now w* km>w* : h r *f t r* n If th* !y frislattire will • • i • th*. ! think * we iM }.. *-r it hoin tit t< th* >r Whm i man • o t * 1 ;* *t hi* n\*m>‘\. h* w nts offl t: f • l tr i 'fit*' r* sour*** * and . i *■ - iy n,f.*rrr -*l>n *T Wiotwur! who . am* Into • *twar-1 fold m* hat North * i r • j > h *1 i com phi r ar*l of \rv Iran if.-.riuri: oorv' i’i. t' atneimt of • | till k oti*. (!h !, a U*uf the ' ' !v *i * n the f 'non thtf I. t no; ,-uch . r *’•),“ < <>\ t \I\W Ml f <l\t .SS|O\S. Nr .1 i nrl. ti rrlitniPi \**t Pl**n'**l i t h I’l’lulo **l •■! ti I•. v . • ' ?k N*v I Spr ikii t: of *ti to w * h< *-*ification i * uol by the i < * . ii. ,* in i *.*i n :• t -o. J M . ! * of th* N. v V.o f. M* r- h.i .t \ * . i n* mill* a < * fu! *-\ minaikn • r< w :*• .ul * i .n ti *t ; rid iti.i* • it. - any ni t*n *1 * n • • iotis t* , r- l t* . th* ni- mo r" of . • non. , a r * m mi* t ** ti * \ • . tl.o i • - aio* 1 by th** j*hlp|*er r tin', i , making up thin i w *h***ljjk* whi**h t i. a , * * • t imiw r to * *ad , i: h-i*' alter* I to the 1-1 t ill : .***•* Isl wii.tcr. wit i the • *- . ? IV n * . a lit* • i f ■ 1 !i tin-. :-!eto)\ * ondlti.ti ft ■ w s •*!*■ matter in th South w ha l o. .:.i.* .<*o t* tak* Un* * nfir* • if j. i * In * • .xtate < >mriM i* un: . : n n *; i> ’im t*. l* hfioi/ht j Iri ? r .* on * f ’ i read In th* 1 i;* ‘fj. i 1 . *. aft i th of* ■ nn *l. -i ir.>!* *t\* hc4 i V - t? vh i’f* r h* ■.,:'** our conns* l. , iid* . . * - w* i I U! ictun. V. -• l* ’a\ I *..'• -ti s*n4kif tho - .i i -i n t to : • ■ • irti • i i w. w 11 . r * * l r.ti ihe I H.o'olh .11 *l* m:\ rii oi %.i s M f.ito. • . roll. Once Hf**!ltHCton% slave. Hr pitted f lllive llrofi ri.'l, V, tv Nov. t <Uorg* Wa-ihlngton ennui II rn**r <dr *n a f rtn.r m-.-ro av, *H*si in tin aim * house at ltefm id, ), f . t > day at tin* reputed Iffe of v t? S. ,r** ii |i* *.'*l to have been ln>m on . ?t i,* Kli&il>*th|irt. N J on Jan. 1. He* u in- s- I I to a Virginia planter i moil Horner, by whim, t I.' > §•!. Ili ad i.* Gen. Wa-nington. In 1,5!2 l< mad* a free in o anil then came > th. n l was omployisl ly Georjfe • i, la’tik Imam! farmer, with whom • mu tried for forty years. 1 ' * i'll s ihcuitlee rmiiai **<l unlmixiiro-i • -a tif*en yearn ago when his and oil,*: to fail and he enter* th* • ?. UHI*. udie * he 0 ill lived ever aince h u,. I I Kith whi-ky uul tolwicoo, hm ii-\ t * i. a ii afiv i**l iff' is from i. r II- w i nmrra -I * veral itin* an I ~i t i tin fatm r of ihtf tn**st of w com are dead Me KIN 1.11 l TO >1 \ \ IT t \%TO\. u 111 lirroUe Itolnrw Hoth b% Tele . ri* ph *i **’• * o I • pit •• o 4 > on. 0.. Nov 1 ITc hit M Ktnh y • iecldeel to r- mam In <*ai ion to n*- tti* nows of th*- election next Tu* 4hl In prevlou ele**iloa it h * hi pkin to leavn for Washington ln • lv after votlnc or ids** during I ■4 of elm ion day Ths- year h* will on in Canton until W*lr kiy ikmhi. • iiMinui me being made to furnish 1 l‘r* sident ami his frlomls pn*ni t an l • refiorl.**. laaUie. f b-itreph an.l wirii* a Id- phone • \ • will l*u ■ I furnishing tlria * u muid--ition th. Proffldent’s hum H* hntn . - | * • nuiutiuu -v \V a.din. ;t- ti -and I o .> a in headuuurlei if Chi a o au-l York. lundoti >t ii ii n't p ii i il**ei io*. -I*-*.. Nov I.—lib- lions for momi" r f- w borough council . which rut* r • *... >1 I %* -trice, w • re h* Id Ihromt <? i lan to-day Thf in* in**-*! '* r < oti-ist of t wouty-4 ighi tnunu i * n having u mayor. The - uri and up to midnight, although in*o*ii •*w a fair ini*>rity thus far f i hflU . r< pre-.-nting the * ’> v ** Ititi ron. •he I'rima) hmiin'M l>l%l<leul. o-k iphto. Nov. I.—The board of dt of th- Pennsylvania 'O • la red the usual aami-annuai *i ‘ ' * - 1 -? per rent. :uv an * alt * -l* I I 1 Ia r • n i. upon Hi* rnpda •*f tho company, fiwyahlg on and if in. IMK>, to the iti> ktioUicr* e ' f* tl on thw- ami(Mny> book - at h*i '* of buflneMi yeaterdav* Hilled by a I hllliik Wall hfnonsl Vi N.v. 1 —C M Uak of cam: of laborer* engaa**d *n # *’ th* eii Kxchange Hotel, wrp- in* J ,v hilltii this moitdng bs faldrui H- w m about forty ycum of 1 k|Vv a widow ami ui) adoptvd child., BRYAN IN CHICAGO. (fonllmiftl hi '.n ! r.t Van' > a.rman- . ni iw,v. : ih,n th.*y h.ivp com. .i, k ~i; th . i, .vc brouKbi mant with h.m ~ ll: , io ar.. jit ih.- li.-, la: mi >n „f I. i .. i,i ~ in.l ih, of c !-< >. riim i \oi lrra>iua ih.- i Ai S. ail Tiiit- i || til Mr I . Vo <l flic- urif. r ~.r. of hi.H .j , , , 1 •' I 1-1 .11 . iiifh; ol every rltlaen i,> hav. . ihrouah |*ir r,'in,.., i:, hi, • rumen Huiliik In. u htr. ho ,1 1 lic .li > IfuK tthl l: tl iui -1. -t. for, Ih- o. Ml > .lie UtKl.-l : O-.l .11 v. - nbal fsi -1 it* ov.-rwht lull , ruajoril) |n '.lvor ol i r Jriit OI.UA*. ..A* ~ ...Mill-. '. • ' '* 1 ' of J*; -mi th s .- .1-. and hits, *>f - ■ I-* \ *d ..* pr* i. !: 1 th gospel of 'ov. je . a lu-m.. ’ t ><> -*• pr. a. dm. ti , . ~f k’*' w. ,| . Iff an ay2l ■■ tn. ■i j ■< • .li.rt limit ll* r il,' m-publUans would i the owner* of *' and t. n * •liipl.ih b-1 ,ium‘ ,il t.t people k’* i .ei th. t*:hir - id- If 1 k as tny own - r i It i.-* not to divide p* pi- . but to •'ing •n t.Arethef W. bud . ,>ur faith Of th* tad y | t ail men , r * rrthr* n. 1 •* m n n : i t imag. . f tie Ciea las h'ii *n. Kti aid i tl Kin • : **l \\ . l.i ov* no kr .; on • r•. W• k IC'hf . nln rilb , l-Oi *• blj io In mud. ll**- (■ r **M l ipiriion \t oln Tun * r Hail Mr Hr' ?i a. in •H.k up tin uu* lot. of tmjM riu.i-m H '.iltl in pari i oil a? i it,* in t> *b *m> b. s our !• • svo* sou vs t. a, l iol. and Bt*i. . . rnnont be This i~ toe llrs-t tim it th. ht-;**r' of . ir t ition when ttn* t* pb* h v* teen t'omjK'llcd to H kit upon P* . ' ii ■ ’ * t tt,. reeuita fa itepiib'o .iii polli v; but, Hd id <s. n ih* rri>*t im.minaitv* m *uld i.u Im.Akii w .a ha •* n *!*>:.. ' ’ b\ tin* Ut(rti: .I'lin party It hi* f vs - it n . i. t... m ,t nml ' - '*s. pi our party * . ild pr. li t I ”* hi-i pott *d \ll lit s an or 1 * *rfb and Turn, r Had vv. 4? * a dood at. c>f ai md*. u Un .In and urn* r Had. t .a iif.u.m.' h* -aid rh Hep* ! un iy ti a* th* Filipino h. 1 iri I, • be; t* It I Wii: )• •' *'d Mi fiend/, if you wan to find Hie * an- . f their !. dr- I *f f r* yn *l*m ir i thin, v* u 1..1V- ..a , . 'ur m . , r Hiit our fo-. fatfo rfought the *ine 1..-hi *(*♦• huridr**l \> l. fore I vva wn. Tho (*u tat ns fought the >m. tip: ’ for thirty v* i- b. for. th**\ heur*l m\ name, and tn* Filljur. e l ,b!ira ■ 'Mi of in.l* p<nd' ••• a \**ar b I vva* b**rol at*J If you want tn k i*vv who p'ar I in their in a ■’ ** the hatred ->f f**r * *gn dtifnlnation r. ad laie n j**hm <-li Lineotii said it win* <.xl w ho pia* *• I in t . liman in ert tr * | >v. of llb. rpv "J will give you th*' subst mee of every v p*e*h you have heard In favor of imp* * rltlpm Her* it H We r. worry w- has* the PhllifU'ln* I'land V\ ■ 'Jo not w t!if •hem. Tbes w >-re <u-t thrown itn* ur ami we inn-' • t rwl **f ♦hetn W ar th* r. bv diViie mtnattd. and lx sal* -, it will p t ” At Kuhn's o.*,rk Mr ftryan vrt*d hi *-. ' * am* vh it by ' ninu r.i in- w bat h* •*rm**l ebat.g. • in t . prit < iples *f tn It* publb an part?, Miyltu.- that its udh* r >it ar* n w ,*h uilmt again: t what tiny u and to shout for I onng his ddr* . (••turbitu * o . urr. and in th*- nidb-n wMidi .\|r I try or* n tl *l by saying l *a. i Inther th- ltepublk li e Th* y ... I to I**. n* r- w.-r than thi I'-nio • a •' n and 1 want to . . nv* rt th* m. for ! assuin* that If a Iti-publimn **>nc-s her* h* r>m s to h* ar. and if * imvineed. b*- vs a' po wav fo vot* with *!• Tn* r*- f ■>’. lam i io *as He|sib!b m her* Mi Hryan i **k a *> it (** n*ra Turn*a Hall it ♦ it S nndai Mall At Huh plae. - t" v i !■ 1 bv amii*m f*. t I x* and th*- < ap.ieity of • aril p n•- IlKHOnt \l> II \\ K l\l>l\N%. ( *t. Ilrvnai'n Oliverv Htion* in Thai ••tIMe M*in| llraswurl ia. f*hh*agc. N*v I "Fr. ir rr-i>orrs w bl. h has* * me I*, in* , und from my *>wn **fo mt\ ti. I am sat Is fie-*! that Indian.i If a> - if* Iv rb nHK-r.jtb* is Missouri Thu s|x>k Hon Wi Ham J Hrya Me !** tti* ut. t.resbb’iitial candid le. as h* tlivr i:♦:.**! rom the ttain at i ie Denrbat si.itlon thi- 1 cl* rn .ii at 3 iVi l*> a lb had jUM orrlvisi from u tur * He -ant. of Indiana ami ft -n a prolonged trip through varl-*r -*ai'.- Mirth'r to th* • i-iward. lb- a Nbd that th*- cere nil outlook wa * ncouraging, but *lld not go Into details Mr Hr yan's It in •rn ry t<xlny svi r*s| a number of *olr biw n Indianiifwli and ilik* ity ul! of tie ni being In th* state **f Irxliatni. lbs *ar was run out of Oln* early thi m>rnlng and h ur rlv*xl it Indian r t**l.i at 7 o’clock lie •reel*' r* sfx.-ch al th* tat*- capital an*l was j *ii * i th*!* lv National Comnillt* roan Taggart and other prominent lndl ana r**m* rat-, who i*omics > and his * for <he iay Mr Hryan hit the private < r Uambler, for g*xs| upon hln u; rival her** lb* ha*l oc*-upb l It for ju>’ fiv* we Its. nn*l h:il traveled T •■♦* ot S *>> mile In It Mr Bryan *in in... • H*‘,*ublb .in rn*** t* Irk* a* It* n '.*"', VN'iirn h<- arr!v**l at the m* etlng p'a *' ther, was i tarv m>vs*l i: .■ * t. gr.-< . Mm, ural n the out skirt- of ta* ir.svd w* r a nuni -Y >! ni.n *ai hur * i k iimi Pi Hough lii*i r tu.:lour. • li vs a < v Id* i;f tit. r wa - h g*Hxl *b*.il >f MeKlnlcv there (ir.ixpifiit the situation. Mr. H van sakl; “I am sorr v i.ut It h*> .* ha|*fs*-ne*l that my me* tn #; • aim* **n ih* - un* day a th Hepuidb hi i■ ■. •*! Iti .t I am • or* that h**r- vs*-c..n n*'t tgetu* ras tnomb* rs of hflcreiit iurti* * ai *1 tfoit tie r** ne***l b< . m frlclbit iatw *-i thus* who ihink ! do und the-' vs o at* opposed t tie opinions w nl* h i aJ*>v* at*-. I un sur*. t ' 11 utt and will i. >1 do lb .it any h irin • i listen to a l>eni<> r ifle sj** • <•■ •. and I hop* t at the iJero**'rut will retoru the v>ur(*sy .-iiown f*> lb*.- Ibieibii aii- by listen ru . th* H* üblif in -p • *!n which ,r > fo *b 1 1 v * i.-d " Mi llryun wa U-t-n*d to by a I irg* and attend * row and In the a y of H *n. *•'ii'l. whl- h was tli*' last topikfi/ pla in the State lndlan:i. In hi- s*ee.*h i that point In? gave eamdd* r.ihh< attentkifl :<* tho *iu* i • #i f governm* nt by Injun tl a* avtng. <m<*tiK *>th r things ■ Sin-• th • last b Hon m* n tviv** b> .*n diot d**wn **ti th litgbw.i.v fv r**\rn m nt bv injunetion ifid # tfo* lii*oriug man r.Mid/.' 'hat Kavernm* rn by ;njti?. ti*>n t mer* !y a |.ro**es> by which ;i lafiorin.- rn n 1 |epriv***| of ttiil b; . ity \von h<* •*** - int** eontlif f w ith -i gr il <or |m’ ai ion \V* win* to aboil*h covernm nt by Injun* tior Th- Iti puhlliwr : l iv* n- * trie*! ? and > i i l not one ai Them tn t Mmpman h and a worl "ii tha: - ihj*. , but b*- li publl* an -a . and ial. f r \' l'r*“ d* t wrot* on*lhfng about It four y*ar au** Muring the * inr tign h** had ** - .u-lon o A I>V*lli*l. 4# Hilkjum . • •NfIMJ On l.lver ami "a. Trouble,, you rhot.M i rr StJdßfy r, Jtf I I Inly fry flu /X-rjflppfc-S' I'-mers. I. in S* the only diir. . b'' __. rur- ib. - - J i. r-'.j, U ill*. THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2. 1900. * \pr. s* himself on this subject un i ho * ! that th* i.tboliiiu men whv were op- P and to governmviit by Injunct on were I k their renu.t** nklnci. <1 am • stors who * th mammoth ind Un woolly rldnoc -1(1 (ill It (Mi \\ (HI lvl\(Hlt> h Imt V'-mUitr llnvvlc) vinlil of (In* Ne**l lorn I urge %rm>. New* Y* Th. N*v. ! -Gov. Ht ru of Mi sOurl. vv o l in eh ary of th* New York briii h of tb. Nation il lim .erat: b'-.nb .u.if t rc s out ih** follow i g . atemeni tfodnv b>v It* i **..\* It *nd other Hepubllcan b and r- and It. ; abltcan fi w*apnj4-rN are Mtnis’fm Mr His in for duouuciaic tin* rienie ! h’ Minth • rattan to fasten bh * . ni array t tin unir ..d ■ *ad f> r saving >1 a vv . intend -1 t* quarter ♦•>* army mar large e.tleH *i‘ l to u-• *i to ox ti %\ work * gnu ti. Nnvei ; * - Mi Ur> -n is -gl ** i .or Hml v -f (Mtinn 1! Ia H- tat!'!, all 1‘ I'd St *1 m 11*1(01 *• til rahn . . :-t and ‘tan Is high sn th** oun ib of hia par \ li* Of t‘n- Senate (Vnunlbo 'ii Mllitars Af f *.ir- aral In tfo* Senate fo* hud hare** of '■'■.** Mil *li * t .* -d; vT Yh* urnn .n*l 111**1* a stroi ar e|** *•, h in fav r of It (in M *rvh IS 1 * S. t. , I.*** Haw * y i!> * m* ' - • h • •: ■"'**••■' ut Ie g| l it ur* *. I in h p . miong oilier things he au Id: Anri then among other (hiiig* that great <oui tni-* nut think of are th#* wild, tier- .a.- e. - p nrj. . and Utah il w.i -i w, t :>.i (.r 1 li.- r iailM *f ('*• . t e..- a ' **. lard I** the natl -n il ;.v • • iiiuf i : vs •> f*i Pi• II . an*l It l * n*w ii,:.- i Fm i Sheridan. NV. hav** ar 1 *d *b tu* u ill i’ll, age W•- !i.X howoV itun vv • rhvill n* s **r h.iv*- an> in t• :t w* '.( .* th- b*-a vsa > rot to hav* th* ui l *u be* *1 for th* ill. S* 1 • ,is v. strail r;**t-J a lar; it nv I*- :. i.l lu: k *• inur.l'dpal authva • l(> In (I. la * t am. and report. II a . ing!** anpany f th* b!in .’,*• mar, - roai.*l i . with t.* ( als n,i .b ran - i'll tu* * diip I- hioiue th*y know . ir*- iiii'ii aho , o.a vs; i th* \ at ordi*vl (• I( i imp’s * liulhit#s with He m %'• gov* inmrnt I- fr * fr**m ; i. poast nits of r *rtlh to i jom.s t h*.i %i.i. i *> %on;. \pp<-tv I*> ( )'l Ul* I*a vr It ‘|iii I*l • Hint O||**o t' spire. r* .. N'*v 1 -Chairman J *ihm K A cordial invitation is extended to the Ladies of Savannah to visit our Second Day Winter Opening TO-DAY, Nov. 2# Respectfully, B. H. Levy & Bro. Joms of thi* Democrate National < om mitti-e to-4Uiy Iffu4hl the following. *d dr* .<* *1 and Oppoa* th- Kmplr* ’ • Th. *;• - 'ion Is ,lr*Mly v n. \V* ow hav* only ** n dr.tuii our |# ! * unl podtion. I urg* that ewry man im*rea*ol In | e s.*rvtng th** prim iple * of >veinm> nt whi ii hav< e>me down • u fr m tho father-- shall <-* -•* ?ai.- th** entire day o.i Tu*>duV, next, in th* grea: *u-*- Get , hgo to the pod irly. * it;ier olngly or S , member of a duh v* t* pr tntdlv. and then give the rtHfialraler of the day t * whatever may ?*♦• n*' r y ••* h* don*- I, ♦ th*- who in do so p * t-im in*l vehb-bn Ut Ih - llfpu * I Of the <-om m iitees t** bring the obi and lnfl'tn to b t**i l1 s f?c* hat evi-ry one i;i reminded of th* day arwl urged to vote. • Ijt th.* * whot* duty It Is to w itch * 1, iviUlng n*l **unilng do S* for every lnHtl)n . „ f i,m< f..m <n. <-* *>- . n.l from 11 • o|>. v,nw of ,!•• Ii tllotw’* •' nminliK uo'll m. r.-'i n.••• ,t ni-hl ai-.l i*l "< I* • "Jim* . K Jon***. r,v.:rmsii inn.. ,*s Nat!., I CommU i.,'." |..M....rnt1. lUrhri-u.. *„ In.llnn*. tVt „ i...i , Nov I.—Tho Democratic ~ I r Now.-- Ml in.lwnu In tlii . it> i wa ,| {*)) *- - m far as i ntmudasm -.■ii • ■ ! 1 , ,„t,. .. f. mui. off .rm. r iH.rIH.- w , , . i. K,. . . TANARUS!: .I -m-ru-lr.,<'..*, ,h,. , V i nltiK vvn th- f.mir. of tho Av Hon .'.Mill St**vni on. vi.. l>r. , .uklMm-o. ■„ lh WlnUjMl , ‘“- ur. ir,k' f“<- r ‘ ‘ l ' jrtnK hl * t>: ay. ~M.t |7\, (.II I*:!, Thru Ih*' l*n,l.or follßHf* *-•*• ~" , * look. I 11,0 lllmoclf o ttlf.-. Tono iJ- . • Nv. 1 Nit II \V ilkr, of friiwfor.lvlll... .onn up l to' m,l li <m Mon.lay H- f*urn..l horn. Ti • -I. yvtnlna l.-.irn with .jvonhih „ , . that hlu only <l.niKhtrr, Mi-.- MattU- W ilkrr, ha,l marrit l .JurShv hl ul>-< nc>-. \,i WiiU.r Smith *!’ foniinulr , i,! uml lh hoppy con pi.- . im up .n ih. Carntu-ll*. Tailahaw.- ,u.l <!>r- Kt.i Kmllrmhl, amt ,>ok ih. I *. S. Mi Uni- liatn for J.,. kmnvtll. vv'n.-ri- . v wlil ln ,h. tutor* . Cos \v*lk.-r. f.. 11, l<>, oly In thr 0..r1.| ■ iii hlv or I rh‘ *1 irom, dotr*rmtor.l ,o : ni. - .-v.impl- mwl It i* . 1 Ilia' at an ..iriv h,rr,r to. W—lnra-Jay r mini, ii.- naa ,n*,rr, I ~ Mir All.-.* Tolly un.l mrlvnl the .on*ratuta,lcm of hlr* rmmrroir* frlrn,!. col Walker n> wtlll In till* city wh. n ,ha> nrwly marrlwl <-oupk<- mad. th. ,rana f.r at tho dopot hrr,-. a - Coon, Tnllvlo]'. Injury. H: I’rti rnhurg. Nov. I.—Count ‘l’.*lrrtoi ~t( Cwt 36 and >- varrly lojur. l .nc of hut it.- raunqurntiy. hi* Intend, t ra in vj! from hl raia,.lo Must-.* lor fbe wlntel baa been civet, uts DAIRYMEN HAVE ADJOURNED. w \m ruin iitv hviiti n: %mi (•Hot I 1111. l t. Think (•renter H *•*•( rit (I on* *timalb He t'la*•**(! on (lleomn ran rlix—ltox Lu (• rm•* 44 e Won the Prise at (he Carlo I! v pool f lon—H edl lit a %ualn ( Imo'm Cr*olil**( Crlte %\ timers in Ih** Under ( onfeot—l. Ilonrd'a inrrvvrll tililr*-*, (Jtlfhfs <; Nov ITh* tleorvfa *1 itry in. n i tjourn*o| hre to-*las ufirr b. In • in u.n two day*. 1' u actr.*d hy all * . h vs a- **r* of tie in ■ t tn.-trmtlis s well i (fo m*' , t pl* .i-ani n■t e, the i atlon hi ever be *1 Ties 1 v* mud a <ti‘-ni; Oght ba i firmie - Mint. . aixl th-' Ivswl.ii'"' vs i b ik -• I f*i isi-'*'- ti eld nuthortsin. tie- <■ i T*ii h * .•-#•* ..! ,t• , >1 *• * h cociftr* wniftti ii > i w ill he ii-k.oi to oipport the 'lron: bill, whl h pisovlder. Kirotig anti- Te.niaiartiai. restriction;-. I lwnii H* iiman .l.' insi. >t * *'m- eti (**d '!< South </*itrollti4i r* a*i a *rom* p iper rt*lvo aiffnc *(*ai ••*.l ih t fertUt r and j'.ut.t *♦*•! m* ai hk a * * w f kh| : J )' ifltlinlcUfl on fod.M'f .f tie- man ag* mchf IflVi'r ! the *oari;;thn to alt*ml j• m- tat** fair it Vail* ft in a bodv an I | th, matter w. left i* thi m u' tndlvi I ! II- A | I* H Clark of th* l a Gr-irue ■ *--am rv told how* the creamery mad. tb. butte. Slot **'* tb. ne dal at tb** l*ar I'x;‘- fla. Tb. o Iv ■ rtuliiet s *1) • rv. 1 w. re ib*. in-., of U r.c fourth of an .un of xalt to a pound f butter. ' ♦ the . r.-um r;' t\ fr, m nx.rnin . milk, twants an* h air** un* i’<l work it. bt it **taru! -lx h-iur- and vsark it m;a!n, u>itif? no colot a.;, matter Y ■ **rntni*t'*• w~* iprdn!<l to r*n Id c matter f u.ah’ng an xhi 'it at th* Far. America? .\t itlon at Hu ft u la. and report at • future *'av W liiiirrs *>f Crises. The anti our. •tiimT of th. p'lre wdm er In (he butter *-ont*-.-u. de* t*y the * ar tru* oft v lio nd wNi made in f l|.w I rat Frit* IHxT* Crenm ry. Griffin. r'(W*l. Marmot(rov*- ('ram rv thirl v • • ..mrr i th i Spies Crciim* ry • ■ *i *• v *1 a a ii*. f,| ~s\ • s’, if tie iwanf* Flfid |H"/ Crystal I, k f’ruim* ry; m*ron<l. Mm. O .1 then, third. Be blind Stuck Firm; fourth. L-t Ic Br Th( wlnnrc* of if*- pri/* -n .. 1 irul Hui they wou and txk*- blue rib b. *.*• with It wa honor *"•!>;• , 'm l <l* tiai*ril tha cash to (h*' good nf the aai bi llon. Tb- Southern Cultivator wn md* (h* oflhiul organ of h* a>.wocl ill* r. S* r*- t;ir> Duggan offered a g* u* r * rc and (In of thank?* to the ditson* *f Origin n*l .ill who had <*nlrihuled I** th* u* ;** r 1 me* ring of the arso*d*tkHi, which hu udoi'ti-d. (n motion aalary of |ibO i* ordered p.ii*! S.**rr'a- fur r vicnx. Fieri ion f Oltlri r*. The annual elecr|<;n of office then * urrexf, ilid ,*fter President Redding had a oiflttlj .•)•’ ll waa found 'i * to HgHln •' eel him in th*- ini*fo a l of harmony, which they did The entire old board was r* ♦de*(*l unanimously. .. fo! ■ *vv t Pr* sklent, ft J Rodllng; vice president. S T. M-K.roy, *(-iry, M L. Dugvun; tr*.i ur*r II J VNlng The miller of -*iec||ng n place for fodolfig h* next m.-etlng I fr with tb* .{fl i of Ih* tjutlon nd will fo mri.iun* .-*1 ater. Th* me* ♦ log then ndjourn* *! af**r a farewell .ePfro; by Gov Heard who wa |irofour.l in hiß expr*- **l**na a * (o the b* n* ti( • tnd plev ur* he h.t*l .foriv* *1 from his tour of t•* ifgla end info meeting. .ii lion aa it ii v MtmiO A erdlel aiia > I It** l(*n<lerrl In t • lorlde Al artier ( mmr. (Vila. Fla., N*v 1 —Juror The*- AV liani' Jn ll i o-.d Sam J i * murder euae. Has mysteriously (llsorrprired. and (To* verdltl * annul lx r*n)er* i. The te.- Ilmony wi ill in. * • ittorneyv bol mad* thilr picas, the July* delivered hls .barge (o ih* Jury. th. jury retlr**l u.d formu la lt*l H eir v*-;diet and r fired b their boarding houm, but thi* morning t wa . lourwl ir at Juryman Wl.dlom w mfos mg Search wa m i*le, but Mr William • ouid noi b*- found Th* cx;y * xpfonation mad* vfn by rh room m it* *f jhe rnfo Pig man. who said Wtlltamn go I k la-t r l:;bt iid foi l (*> g.# *4 Ii vomit. Iu( he Hiougbt l ot.iPig of P. vet h n*-v* r came l. k Th* ufflrer nfe row tniklrig a search for (he mfosiog man. Hurl lu a Miinaway. Augusta. Nov 1-T L Marby. a wall Known livery man of AuguMa. while dri\ log u horiM* this m*>rn!ng wa?* run iwm with and serliusiy I urr. Ttie hois*- l i*h*- 1 the wheels of th buyg> agdinet the stone eiirhjng (i front cf '*xr:ton llillyers hou-. *.n Green street ur. 1 Harley a:is thrown hudlong on the side walk and sturvrxd H wa*( carried to hls hom* 1 . an*i phyi -< *ans wer* summoned, but hv oontlnu.d unconscious for several hour*. AA e Afa> Send AA a rllp. Ixvndon. Nov. 2.—The (7td*d #r *te gov ernment. according io n dfouxtcb form S VV., t<4 the IHviiy Kxpreis, has intlm.-ited Thai It would 1+ pfo-axod (o e* ii*l w.trshifs to attend the Inaugutadoo td Ito cummen wealth of Australia. JONES' CONFESSION'. (Cemdiuivd from First I age.) Mid that Hi . (kiv.ihc lirrh. . i h. vs a! .puli through Y ■ i,ibu"fs w.*r, iikn *v.iv right untit hr day befer* Mr Ki * •It* and lb mas bas. akeu men* if l * *1 ( * Ift id xit kr.oss *f ,t !i i( ' Ini.- l - *vv 11111 l take ♦hem wo \\\ due !a\ or ‘t it lav befor* i!• iih I* . Uiv Il gTl' E • flatted, worried aid ,i v*d about I t bu dims in geri' ? *l, speaking of the (la V* .-(*'11 ll*avi ad either thing - lll*'*' %(n!d ol I’ntrlck. “ll* W.i i; in i ar I t’ ’* ‘ ul pt him into iu at Ii Iv v e*. * .v • <1 U f r p rt v 14. v" rt \ mil etbai Ilk i worn ill 111 bv* Uild ■ . k ti it m* ti'lm and b.n t. i in • 4 • - . .1 t.t ; il* jt v v •t ♦ b4s g!i?, and * -■(Hit in* to ivirtvUV 1.0 o. Hem l*v mortong, .ir .i to! (tie i* l lUI evd ion W i . *s Hll ii , • o' author i'H Catch k act at 1 n 1 id I vvuo( i.* k w Ifl. * . oudtl.ot a l w I.?, i v ill ink* ,'i.*l I "*i \. l > t p oiii ii a 11* I It Ilia >aki I , r t | * . , y t)i* ill' I \van (ok I w!l I :•. tnd * 1 j, . *m and 1 'V all'll Wa. a 1 a Cl • W!l , p4n VV ben I Iff I k ll l W*u ftr tli* la to ad w‘ .1 I .aiiMo.i Its * vv i a • . p, a*l mi ihi I the impel uidd ‘bn i. ma' i.u Mis mind w• waii ifitr.K !ml*v in • : uyj af *i 1 < w*k. a . ' -*4,1 |h- |i |H Klll VS n t *li 1 oi *• i '*■ ai l i**lT> nr Thai l’at <* # .1 pi.M l . t* *i i. I d tld * ■ H> t • I 1 • Ti ll ‘ in i i* b i nv ib ’ • bad v.n tarn ta* hot w.iitdm; 11* (<• me n> fell >f o him in h • * n- • o • *m i r.n • | 4* o ...... Cati i k a*'. I *kl Ihc p• i | %\ . I* * die old t' i ho w M O Hu m an i bring them t.* nv T ; .so *. ii .ir *'* •< k He Id n**( la •. a i.l w at t“ hk- laai -■ (*U*ut •’ i.m % ! . id te w *(ihi bnnK i |*- p. r f t*d*l Idirt t* hr Inr everything he bid dial h vv i* l to k -*vv wav K Wirt* I th. . 11* dk) k- • ' I* '..,*' ■ .ild V- V 1 V net V .a ntal #"l I him to ph a • * awn C.itrlt t. wild, T his enm I*l in -iit* t,, pijei \ ar i* io I'utri k ask* i f**r I txv. ta b -i* (Ifrtl l tl ( 111 lot ♦■it*' II 1 ! ?i ! it 1 till 1.-d ’ •' • * t f if and ), ~rd Cat 11 k a* \a „ I . vva.l* I r* tnaiti witn ti i * I henrxl 111 a* laugh ir a few nlt ate< liter and IV\ HI * Is il on * b i k is ith •I- ' -vs. b**id In a a bap* aid Catrbk inl.| ItiK it in Id.- tl bt I and Patrick did not - . me, and Hie del rot . tn* A ►.!* a.- I mw tin condition *f dim. 4 I Iftkl down ami w* nt t* (Bleep xn|i|ii>ial (* 110 Ci*n. "Whin Cairl k . lit* ted th*' r.xm I * :i.\s.| Hi*-* a pa.kaK* K- <-*vs. i *dm • linn hinr in a InMl* whb*h bo * I Id** sail, whieh bt .PlUted ill vsata ar and is to Hl*-, telling llim It weed ,!*i, * him v*r> much, | NN Cl i .*i tak* It uni* you >*k* • an* fit -*id I: • • Ii asi * and and ' n 1' t*-t.! a .1 *t lie t.tlit hk* I vs uhl *P (k* It nni* I kii* w what P vs and I put it on th* mi* it i |**'Oi I a *il •’ ao in a xl-ta- from whb li h aa I taken one Thii* vs - alKXit !•/ 10. k He w . Io ki k ,U; *f tie- \vlro‘w ui*l I |rt ivuad*d him (* K*t 1.. fod ll< -tld li* w..u and i •' rbd him tnl put him l* ho*l Who I bdt I told Ith what Citrkk h*l i*i about th*' pajH-i an I **( l (*)•( •’ be would . om** to Ihe h** ; u • Haiti, k did hoi ,vll tin ni’xi iiiornlng Hit Hl,* udd trn to Hi*,.ho:., him *tal l,il him that tn. "I- bit* lrt-T vsama r r, i. | . o. 1 trb k ai* I V. ■ ~ , !*>< k ll* am*- rtfortii 7 o’i los kanl la 1 pa. ka • p%i| r With him H* " • a Into th* I**•(! with U gat 't> ‘ tl I illki ••**ntmoCa*d to Villi Wi b Hie. Mr Osfoiriie "*ise.k*i ! * and rlfotj ith* ■ ie.ltll UK ftflllo W .S Mr Hh •• wa \* ry ii:k Catrfek ril l to no Go get a do. tor ’ I w - tit f*r one m l tie * am. I n*k vsih m* nrid pronoun* • I Hlce *i ad CMtnek •-k* and li w b*ng ha.- li* Im-cii bead ' The l*etor 'Twenty m.nut*. Thi wa* “bout '• .) h.k Catrbk a •k*-.! tb* and• t r whi* was ihe nxt tiling to do. Tin* do. tor :a ‘ to pc? an n* l.’rtak. r The doebr r <m in* ml* (I on tin*l fl• k* i named r-** i§l♦ **. 1 Mid "ti *n• ti * old Fif> - nib a 'die* t went tie r hut *-oul*l •dt ni ? . and Catrbk Mid N* ♦ mil and. HI r* I •' oilier ’ .lone** I I lied ('nl ( h< * U*. •’When I got h.k I found an un i* rtak* rtaiiiixl Cl'*w ritfhf th< r Tie n Catrb k t" k n.* a i l* .in.l rvald. ’Now. Jon# s. we’v*- Kt !. gel all *>f th* oi l man papers In b t fond we mu**t get nil of ’li*m V\ *■ t"'.U all th*- |Mf#-rs w ouhl find .rid Catrlek bundh and ' 11* tn all lit* Jixl f** k tl * 111 • W with him Monday morning Cairv-k am tt, Mr IH *•> h u-* ll* had a check *• *'•*< In hl> hand U -od Thi 1 Mr H check book. Then h* nhowd tin . hacks sigiKHl \V M Hb* ’Now. h* aid I w int you Io h i out the amount' *.f thr**e cheeks.’ olid *’ hi 4 r*‘|Ut*t 1 Idled •II one for and another f-r p * As to he • tub *lmf K of M i Ul • foxly. the b iter n *d wi; db fated bv 'lr Itle* *dfh r in •! dv #r A a: hui '• wiih not N(gn*d hy him. I hiw d -1 b n r • m*na III*-* ’ - pap r •* • *’ 1 o < •a* n I I a**much >. I w* id Up town *o * • Senior. * irrarif* merits for the und*a tak* r. I did not r*e h* |.t**r thi' C.drbU cave t* th. Ul l rtaker I hav* s, n it ;* s*-r i times sine-, b-.wev.r. and can ii* P 4> ‘- livets* t? at It w.i- th* I* ft i. on-fori* *l. am* tig Mr lii * t • ‘ r • Tb* most of Mr o b.r* • / litfott;• Hton from J- r.***, wax In th* f< rm o v.'t'(*n .ti*i on pr I-- it paler -? -wi* **l which w ,. r , e ** * *' .1 a i* r ‘ ,,! * ’’ Ufl || |t. i l Of leb t? U * :P' *• I TO i~, contained ii • hut *■• ■ llv • i , h*d to the *slsttlet attorn.y' *fh> v ye*-- I. VII 1., II ' "' ' I,|,H III,.! i* !►,* 1, Tli*‘y ,11 ~k. n in Ui ■HI' <•* I'" 1 '" i.r. A wm ,nt l,i I'.iir, k Hi th T.mili ,inllyl.,f <h< mil.-i hll >i ' t (iMDuln.Hl In Ji' t Ml,ni’ I'ul'i.k „i k I tIMM hi Ml i , -.1 I, II ■ • J, lll*tl., I M1.:,1, liny MM-h ,ljl*Ml’, I .till Hull If 11,- h„il In' II I' l -Inipl, i" I , ii,** ‘ of ll,': I’illli' k 1 ),* ** Ik, ,n a ,i Hut l„ I, ~„l i i*‘J ;.r,n, ntn Ih. , ourw ,•* dm, i,tit *l,M'h lnriirmi,lluii. In t.l,ll'l'm Hi Hv ,onf*,*l 'n o' i.itm-,1 ft, ni J,,i"" n, ,i’h lr,f,,rmnn n *, ' ~l from ini' v!*i In r> f,ii )io in ih, 01,l null.,in.iii,- imt l " vaHou. il*,, ultiknlk h* i„i),r urr* "* - tuny I,*' ni;*,l in ikMili of Jon* -' < <ml, ,on. 1,111 m .'i l 1 In Hl rtir, H,in will 1" mila until th, nl if no nt* of h- valM hv. l n v.-rill, .I Tin- Hpofl from ll:> * ■ ,i .1 i ml.lnirhi , ihn Jon> - un (mii of "lafißkr Mr Owhortii- • iki-,l if in th ~ n| of Jonew* tU ltd. hIH eon fee* ion cog Id b uted ngiilri-'t Cut rick <if *aiurs*' not." h r* pix and 24'>m‘ * fie M4gg- de*| it .1 41C ' ailt* - mortem statement could * ur*d and u-*-*l An m* mortem statement." said >lr. rafornt?, ma t* hy m third pirty. Is of no ut*#*. It must fo* m i*V by fxirty about to die. No iH*rmii know- *t:*r thria Catrbk that In th* * v**nf *f J*'rr*-s' death the ronfeiMleti *-.inTd rua t.. use*! He a lawyer H* know- that dtid tn#*n ted no taiea ” Curl* MuUes a Ikrnlnl. Cincinnati. Nov I.—ft was npnowvnd In dispatches toslJiy that Mlltnn Carle of Imllii-. tr*p*urer of th* C*pudwt National CotnmHite*, had rrx' out for Ifrvwn. Jo A. fforkwr. hairtrxin of the National Committee of the Mbl*lU*-of*the- Koad f*opiiH**ts, to-night r< ivcl th** fo'- iowiiiK ii*ptch reKardi*v (*( *rdwwm* * - rn.-nt: “Daikis, Tea,. Nov. 1 It it an unauolH P.d fie out oi whole cldtb - _ *AI b tori Hark," (di \tmi tx p qi, xi'uxntbuiNl Murder trial mi o*llta. Ilal IS * vii I lit .1 ill o. . la. ti • . S. v vr : .* s aloft (f nin* d*v frvsin Sent*., Court etdjoornid at 1J . ! . *liv lw tri'.i d* r . s s w.-re tried. Cat*. M irk *.b*r! and John !• Grah mi, b c *>f w lenn w. ; ( -•julttcd Thi* ** •an il **-urt wall •%* - I• ss i coimi v a*' m ■*• 'l 11< * , itj a* .if h* "ct vs ’ ••i ,j f .1 hn li ()rafom wh* ut I til* v I. . • • *1 nh at th* Eiv ii. *' hu a vs . c,ir. •! • nitHtiHfo c.ll Mr t. .'mmi w * nn i*i' nt at fo- . I ? prUotti ' iu (*. 1 .i4 l tin- I*l h m Ul t tfo . . made .Mb ! ut th* cv and 1 It I ' : • | i • 1 Wild W he*. . v. tl tu • jtrj 'll- l T T , * 111 and el i t 'Ut ! and • .art rihuti if iivs liitmiu with . V h t of n*lt g.dlrs Ir cl-ary* i that ther** wa-* perjury * the mi un i Jury h> hocu* wl ill Ito) a! wdia kiibl lut f-uk at : v t".r la t • b lc-i i xn*l who ha o it ir; . ' urr. nT' *1 1 rihcrl .!! 1 V lliSl'b I >, llld 1 tuw in Jill 'i and j • ♦• > "iittti. i dsl rinii ih • Jaw l>- li • i .! (V til** C Mltltv <j * commi n : t; t . t ( : one M tv.," • ' i ■ •. ■ v* i. p. in m i ;*a in min r, t a< a**. up fo tak. n • t"> and \. r I It I K. r W' x .i. 1 uxi Io lilt In * 111 < sj'ti. .1 p 'll 1 * b tb !KV - >•* i. sal.s'a- t toil W Ui Itoss Hitt** i H IC. •later Horses \rriv lum f*r Hi** I •* . IH lire N u * %*•••*• \\ ay*atr. . (ia . N*v l T • W qvru Hill. anout blrt.v .*iuhk hf ** : * Coiarii- e t** (ak* pit! i ! * • in Id i P.a *• Thu fo.v h ive b* li bokmk an* > idy fnrw ml to tM;< vlssi I IT wdl ••a i.; iin tn i* .•-*•• irjuu) old fibn’.' *i die Ifo. . hoixc at it * aly fo. nrdu • * ai live fo; Ih* fait i. x w* ck. • ♦i* * l ' Pb itj-* ,a>x b* hii ka*r b t of u i.l* in< veal if. in *v* i fo **r I • wall h. tl • (in* 4br tls* (eat . of % fat* fait • mail v, although • very depirimcnt will i < tilled wliti frat-*la ii(i• tmu N**> • vd ' thing now 0(1 . x titbit ion ui Y aide aa will N* her* th* I*lll. ill, -*d M 1. c . w 1 i ffel on in law "f It< v M (* \u in w ii* •• I ought . \V*vii.M- fr. n Atlanta, and buried In Loll i emeici y thi- oi'ei •* *t Mr Sc'H.m i i r had 1• • n -oil* mi* 'mu “ii ,• ■ ' log i r tim*. ,i ( w.i - lak* u t* At i l i t *r m**li il tr* dm ni Kid Carver, *t < incinnati. who kno k u ii Cat Hva*n *<: N vx \**(k. in Ini *‘H> .ihmit *iie monbi u . annou?" * fba> < hn* retired |a*rfiaici tly fr *n l<** ring Mr J 1 Hranlbv and th* Way* !*• l.v un A-sixTlation. r * lvl a •* b ram fr,OH Itev Him Jnm - to dav aniamt na? *h llnitcly that he wl'l fill hi eiigogciiM hi h* r** i,. x Thur lav M* s|x ak - during tbe dav i( th" fair grounds and at night it th* *i| ii lloos* urxiri Hie nu-*a. f th* l.voiim \ “'Xlallen %(. IISM I 111 CM HI un Ipirrr I’ollllrat ( Ireular I**m I In % uk udu. Augusta Nov ? Th* foUnwlm •! u b*r lia- fo . a pul In circulation !**-*! iv H.gfoor, Kegulei. L* v*ry w i. and t olorid *dtix* n of Augusta r* l and i at It . *• v*a nolh.n. lo <> *1 • lie w r*l In which \mi bv* Cay i* - •* f*lion to primary. huf regi cer and I*• l(.tiiy (o vole for (’"* i.iti'ldal *? you eboi * a( Hie |• •• inta i d* * tpai \Vba Tai.l (he ir* 'ifcars pHnid Mil pit in 'licuidtlon • oul*l IWH le bant >l toil it wo ,*c *rt aim'd lh**y w*vr* prtiilol a; lln* office of me (♦*/!Mia Ho|*n t, a lirg.o p;i|X r I( I' -upfo* •! to be ft* w rv *• • an* of \ **i4a4 l of lb* waive prirnory s ■ i. rn hut both candidate fa mayor * • runiting ip*j.. t i > ih*- prirmry ad i**- I imiif l of ( egio* i rUt. Cd *CI \> ty xmil! The i rlMraMo*! hits *ed, two ni*>r* (lays t run. *• ; ba- P i lm ia>sitbl** lor *ny • ad* • l* .am. a f ut gr*x io r* gi* r fo-foie tin l* *• .•■ii |f ||,< y fa, 1 att idiofi lit es u la r. KJId T i II (H l l( I .MV they lie ma ml an \|i<ilob) •*r*n Ih* America •*. Tkn Tain. Nov I. via Blianglul Nov y. t. r*bv Y*iig Tsun • irty < f Ir* - h oflh * f x eupl*‘ I U *- *o h of Ih** hlm -fatl fmin a *u id (* * iri" Ttu- I* ar t• •-• if. railed Hr lies lo fouig Ku and le . lined to I* ,ise w hen re*|ii* -fe*l lo do k . c.l. 1 Kir.cei * of lln C*iiri**enth • tl and the MneflcaH gual and f.u Iv c> (* I rb. ofTb'crs Tl • French are greatly In a over Ihn Incl'lriP and .baixin i an Wild- \OT riHIKH • %MMkT*. spniii fo |•rxe*•lllK llm Moirnirnl % lic<roul > . Madrid. Nov. 1 —The Imc-t n*-tars of the T'utlfof ino\em nt Is more favorabh t* tfo gov.-rnm* Id It b- ,1 aII ** l rhat the chief of IH* |(* r 4 a'l hga offer el t* surren der it he fo f,irdon**d. nit. It fo a*l*l* *l. lh> gov* rum* r i bn * *l* l*h and * a t vigor..u Iv and prd' (• in* e remain *iubi I'la* IIK (he M(U*i lailllt. New Y*rk. Nov. I.—The Evening I'toi so VS to-day Negotiations ar* under wav fo** placing a| or tion of Ih* Hwi. r i;w . v ban at thi . uutry On** oi w . firms have th** mil ter tifoler ( a**-blr.ibn, hut until m igr* #*ftiefi( '.as fo *ri t* a-h* *l New Vok u*T)T- for g"iirlng Chit* *1 Ml Hies Mil* sTlrtkn*‘ w ill not b< anreiiin**l Th*- fo mis nr* f the Chemln *b r (Vntral gunfle*d hy th* cn err ne nf, anl will ogrregbfo an h.TPfoW Is* ue IfcKfli f II W M r.I. Jacksonvld*-, Fa Nov 1. N* w wi m- tdved her* to-rdght of the :-u bh n death In Mexico of 11, ft* • Ia xin of -x- GOV. Heed *if Florbl.i lie Wa -n *X >. iai\i xuVI miner and w * * on hb wav from hfo inln* to the city of Mexico Hh*n !• dh >1 *f heart <ic* i*a lii tain i y is visiting in (#e jigia. Will Me*** ll li. Fslnli*. fiuhlln. Nov l Mr B vlmd who pur i ' • ■C ll ' I r* • • f Hi* 111. Churl* H* war t Cum* II when P wax old it u rlon vcsierday hy lh land Ju 'g* '- (jerlineg t# r Kervc th* Carneli r*ad den • iiko . to the trust.* a **f the Am ri an fund. ll** will, however, r sell the * n lire estate for ! Rons Gonfinsment of its Pain^Sfe ' More rhlltlrrn would be (-me ll" be Mire tb* palu, worriee en-1 IrlboUtlooe of - gotetion could be avoided, V' x “MOTHER'S FRIEND” *thodi*tendedi,rßane Thero It nothing like It. I vr;”;: rrrr: . •> htm k~n. •M-W.y.„ ~l'oj..* I o u t<* Ct* J|**% ■•••fo e* '**•*• * " • ’ *(|M ”.ai *n per betlk'i Bonk. S*.4J t*y tu i*-* t - T '** ~ , - ■. ( i >• •*.. nci ftU tvx, 9s*m*l (♦ T „|. mi.ipnri.l* kb.m.ittui .. aiusiw u. STkANDED SPELLBINDERS. lilt, i U'fTll.rm I** WKI4 t 11.1.1dl WITH TlUttt. I lie* Il> ini. I lie* I* mil* It % 11, linf Have !’tilled In < un* lure the < n**i- I *il IM II I lllulllittec It* llt M t I.ffc4*f, I l*lr *'l NNUNweriihh- imumvnia" n lirnu on the tinrUrt—<.n*i-riiin-Bt I*• *I, i.oluk Home t \ ole for tle Part* >umliii***R, N-*v 1 W.i Kldrtalon Is I v h Mi * .ol dlt a wI service** have baert th - mifMlgn ommltfcAit. i * . • s ally u t**n ti * ** I p- i mal grinv iii . * ni n iinc i*ir • ■nsiuuiml - f n t*.n il right - • • gni v ,if in i own ln -I**l I li> Wuu 1i.1.* Ii I- tllikc U HUC* - - \\ lii'fi . 51 -it <>t i* and. II v vi-i i.i. i t i , , ,i ~np (or e i ti • i il Kin v - 1 - , or-I ' u f)* h -*- ailed i . t, ( tml ifier i ttiil ti,- . w* r- bu | l n i; ,|| | turtle-', down l>y the * *anPtee in ehnrge* *i tin * • I* • thill *if • impataii -jw ikers. I ' i•’ r unfortnmit- w * . e f that they had d> *-ov reel the an w 'o H in* -it* i pCid !• in u v and l < l” * l ' • ' lU|* ,1, i till v * ei. -I ti* r vt'-w n to w rltliu mu th* > hov -* r a** if I I t.* . <ttl* • wit:., flie r t it tng whli vv iI W-un iii-m i I" !i 1 • i*' e* k •* ♦lisp • i a • > 1 r .*• , and if I heir *o• trf •*•* >• Hi - |> uiojr.i -■ I ;rl -1* I v • l lie th il fe *if i'*.i fli|M*4 l K 1 1 1* ai, •** * and i r Ih* f the •an • If th< V* ‘ I *t. *h W*- 4 to *re • *i\. a< -i Ml. ins; I * home tl! e UJIU * • t i • in ; I‘mtii art!* * i*-n<l ,and by th*** p*dttlftl (lump., i a torreMiManlentti wouki pr>iMt*ty .* im** **| n> return w i *. tailing Home to \ ntr. \ ! li- iil an lie. i t- iii lu a-kfua! - a- I that let* . ~v, .1 .*v i ■ "• ertipl t \ *'.l will go • * > to V i r*j -k, The 4 < I -i- iu.m!* *on ! ■ nutiiLer of g*v w ii ,!>, ni to < * t-kp. i<f • i * u* •* k* *ii ant i- of t a r* l* *ed r i eof t an-j •ti| n f iif tiitthe*) by th- vai ioi.i) t oi ' iiiipii<(> Ther* ha lii .* grt-iioo effort it; * I it th** •*•** ?../ to g*-*t th* l- >itm-ot \*te home •bn k.i Ii? i. dlJito th* pa t tw. i.ty y* if *. A. tio-igh l hr*‘ tvi ** t-n no !i r♦- • t <%t • • tup* t . -t i . v- i no, lit * mployes to wo dome, at thi v *•)? ( hi, word ha been i^>‘Hv |*.i -*’•! otiMitd t* th* ■ ffecl tha • t ery ti in emit.- and io Vot* n liouid (| • m ft h ; duty ' * * hi iNilktt, h-It hrmo rntl **r Itcpuhd* an, t the •tiiitig eb '-tlou. Ih*n* ha** loi *op ict ahle grundding aimxig t i* govei tirvi* nt • rnp!oy-s at !hs* pel *t m adinoftitUwns they have mTlvel on t hi Ptlhj>ct. fur to late v * ,f <h* \ f * V-* iw* .m MXll whti in-iMT n, t nhotit tmiiituht r hflit to roti In their rp n*. Ntaf • x. Toy , ant lain tnai |r r them >f bom five fu lei i dav of their inri'l. I ■ * aw. t> ign h n- and register and vot • 't*l fr u*i th# * ii| 4 in • ir#*l nurtfiii ih* li p It is nr* let t<**| timt Milt* a numixi of th- ♦ ’’foxy’* • Jerks have gone through th' form of up- I*l4 ifiy t< i I* . *.f l* •n* • ia* go horn** t * ' but . matter of fa* ? th* v or-* P • i* go Into hiding i iri> * h< r hh- Ing htin?lrK, **f In at -dc?- * s*ld dun t< • -ate th** tmpr* that flay have |*er form* I tli* 5 r duty t* 11 | art\ In iiia r ii *\< t o hinii* yt prlvfb-K* of I Tranship TANARUS; th* poll* The rutn)e*r of laggards howey. ■ , i- riot i:r<* it, ft , there . in Uuihiia l dl ila f eik in* ft on the i-;t *'f huh I >• rim rut and It*puhM< an nf ?• hold* i t*> part,- Ijctte < ?lv ly In tha *•*-rating of* t NH lnlt\ ItfK) PATTI I* V l’u*i taoiid llemm-rn!*• He-irtl by |V ple of fin I•I ni ore. Ha It (more, Nov ? VV H-Mirk* Cock - ran of N* w V k o i . xdbrv H F Hat* 11 * -ti of \ ’ v.nla, M-rf the tr nt - t of t f t T railv ' T* l> rti* p whi-h took j.,in ,4 Mush Hal h* f•- to>mf in Oov I* , v 4> w. fhi* flrvt s*p ik to and ih* •-I i l it th i * nt ad • mlnl UoT' u in it#* foreign |ali# y h.ol vio la** I ti- preambh t- Hi* const It ul ion, in I thnf ly f* i*nm; met proiiK dfmg ttii-T* it bus hi’lintl tr crush individual enterprise Mr r*. krun *n i*l the Philippine pill y of the odmln trU<H ’* • It' I dl* an ’ h- sal*l w i?h winirtf w would <Jli a.*- th*- P?dd|H*ii<4 i|Uis(lan. i* pu-’Ui •- (he word Itrijs ri l-rn rihil yet If w* i; k Him l*u *r rlbe hi pj dley ho w'!l an h> t*l u , u w* must n*t Willi im MKlnley Mr McKinley virb;* this it lltlle l*y (elling u w*- mu i tru t th* %m**rtrnn tmople I? Is f an * w*- trust th* American !*•*;.l* that w< la- Iw v. this udmud*?ration with It * Irtii• i*l .uiiflt, fi*m M lvln y to Mi II *nrt wTU h*- i • -‘d from lh<* high pboc In which they hav* la* tray* and !*• truri <f the American |* *plc, M< Kill* si rn h*l (”umb rlilntsm r. tl f win • *|* n*-nt -of Ifn f*#? ui Urn cm hot u -Id* nf th* \tlintl The Ho*r war would i * *i fmv* rommrncrd had not the Kl'lpba war ••t lr n-tlve opera?|on. TTi f?*>* r war * *:*l rover have N- n begun w i**fit li.*- n< i or ■ti -nt of this coun try. aral w ar i i♦sponsible for It ha If w* ?m*l IP • i o * our r glvnenta nd r** u.f..r •*1 i irpih of Krvt .ml which tmd mu h' l to fheb overthrow ' 'Toll % lIP t (HI, VTHIKR. Mtlelirfl **p*k* to Wwr (•nfliered In Ile4*|, I >m. N* w York. Nov 1 \ls>ut |w oplo gather*‘l In the rink It* Bi ■oklyn t*enlgh( In resfiofi • f*w a <* ill mtu tiiig under the nttsp < * ‘ of llrooklyn (Vnfrnl L-af*r t n- I*,:i and Knights of I*.ilor to lUti*ri to John Mitchell,- pr* blent of thi* mine work* I union, telling the story Of the • oal *trite* Henry Georg*. Jr., prwldel Mr Mitchell briefly told the history of tin siik-- m the anthracite coal ?-gono. • bvltm wage* ever known in the world, end ialtor hail won. ItaeeUer %Vu* %pplMfel. rhlragci. Nov. 1 Pol. Thomas W Scott w • to-ilny appolnte*! receiver of the Home Forum Hem lit *r*l* r *su*t Super- Intefflcnt of Ineumn- • Jam It Van <T.-nv iT- tho flrcult t’ourt to make th*- apiwdniment The Mat* iMtlcial In hl rompi tint ile* l*r-*• thy liabilities of the r ditadoeed in lt annmtl atat**mem r '-< iv*ti by him J t month, aggregate u |n *’*r* .h of n*- aagida The Ac* ur. giv* n lit t'u annual •tatemen: place ff} „ ,V, t • ivt :7. a H7.o<H and the Ua* i.,Utus at J3I7.M* Then; arc 10.000 mem ber* 4*f the order. 5