The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 02, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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FINANCIAL and commercial. |U cui ' %hki.t i i:\d% \t in: iov %m i., .j h . | rail** Mill llt'ftltun<*> ivlnn ***** '< rvuii***i lit** >li>n I'ntHri 1 * 'lnrU**! ftplrila lurprntliu- I Irm nv 40 Ur < <*(. litln* hi OttOiilr I'rlrr*. I oral niid T*leri|ihli' UnrkHi. The Morning New> om . , TtHr*luy, Nov. 1 - ... f. *t’irt • f th* local markets to-dav m. to* furt.her a Ivan©e of I*l6 cent on t on *t wh4< h th** tun of the mar* w .j .?ad) Till* demand l fairly im.ukii if.* r* is s+till a strong .lis|w. • i • ata< iHtMllnK more* l t , in I o;h in** !*>i and si * nil a t w market* The Situation luring : i t \ \n th* to!ton futures mark**! wis af f o it. front-. ii. i l*y pr. li non. of fur* f >, *. lurrtt the niiftil. The ©lortm? , - *,}>■ at •• not l‘*ss of anti 5 point- 4 ftr September contracts, whh h P V, iat * hid. attains! v'Jf> bl 1 the |>r* - ■v . >u-s and * \ *1 -l ints mriwmltie market rl • \ ni i> .<* . 1 4<ft etifs. with a f ilr *1 j - j . port**) for the offerings. Th* r -*!i n-ark**i • <•! tirtn it yeatc r lay’s oumtdo j, i. n ami was mini* .it. Tie v , , markets roll ! sra>)\ kiwi i i , >w York stock market was . J Tf-.tilat. hut with Ih* liattimr issu< . ~;,,j t'.irly the ii. tii.'tn lls. holding 111- full* *ir>* resume rt the , iiij'k-i will th** i n** an I 1,-e a ti il It* cloalfUT to-day t on*>\ j ml i. mark* l l* * i (.*!. ?n-lHy ,n v.k,* .< of t*l6 cent . a all grade* h r. a* i it* main), though , . , w . • * ncsHan* > is still shown. <*w i, * . tits(i.sttton **i both .hwU's to a .k t rn*re etti'-'l omit I ion The dny’ j, .ver*- 4.6..: attainsl 7.M3 last year. ,ir.: >*ar before l ist Sales on the *. * w* r Ikil* ! f ii.*All)tt w*i the official a put quo i*i. i- at th** u> •• of the mark* tat tho i . n I. v hang© to-day Tl.l Last lay y< r. Goi m<-*lllll/ ♦ : k* 7% '-•••■ '.ft mktiklng i 9*16 ■* j * Mark* I-a*!\ . *li* >*' Savant h lUx '*i|t.v 1 imports and Stock* \ .it t ■ r.*vHj! - this .lav ast •< ar 7>13 j 1 his l.iy yar b for* lust I<.; . Hecelp* sin Sept. 1. H*io. 11** 4-j Htrik- .lay lant year 31-167 \ < on tin* m . x;>or: !**.♦• * i oastwK* ••\,srf rilock *n h:n*i i his iky >3.37J j earn* 1. **si y. ar '.** r.r* I<* ;* • * ami St<* k- . ill** i‘or? - this .lay 42.574 j| ts thle day last y. ir . 2H.|oi* lb fti .lay year bett.r* lust. .Vi,4Ui j Total ’ 1 lu t- ■ t. 2,177.612 .< me tin; I s? y.-ar 1 ?Cj .o. : gain* tint s-ar I foie t J.61K.62 t~i.. i* 11 f*ii iih* i 642.4-*7 ft .rk arc tky las* year 833,130 : l*►.. 1 • \!..vt irvf -a Otlot I'orn— t . • .h\ Sto i*i> . tns;l.llln *. v ’ re- j |*:.M ~T' r.., :>* *. k -T.‘■- I \ a * N i-un- :i*t; mi*hl'!ru. 'J\. r* ] ’*-■ ij>t*• ** *>i. ttrr.*s>. 2.fc*o; j HH K. IV.MW I-f : St* ;h lit: .-hii - K ? h. ; re -601; cr**•- 6**l. s tie- ifuO; *<tock, *ai h'Ston -St* ;•’y . mhklhiitt. I*. net re* * **M. gross. 3.<44 l<xk, J7.* U mlnirton l**irm. m*UH:rg. * n-* re- | i- 392. prro- . 31*j; sales. *tvck. ' v %. folk - i-'irni r:..*l Ihott. 9, n- ' r-* * ip#s, sT, g|-,—s. :?.w7. - a.* . 22’-. slin k. 3>al. It.. tin. re— Nominal; mni.Uing. !* *. 1 no. k. MS. N. w Quiet: mi l.llir u. 1* .. net r**- ! i|o . _*sv , *.. 1 2; a., s. * ►; ato k. It**iv*n —Quiet. n. J liaig net r.- . * *pla*le:{>hla '* t. nil*Uiling 1> T ANARUS, n* i i ij ♦** .a .* it. *2.073 ItaMs .Movements tit Interior Towns*— Augusta—Quiet. mi'Miuitt. W+i n* t r*- •- l.i! : ,i. 1.H3. i 171. stock ' • inrihis Firm. inkMlii u# 0. n t re- | ptg. : * g•- r-.l* s.i 2.v0; Mock, i K '.’Ji' u i 1 ! i'll , niklolliitt. 1* 1-16; n* t • ; * ‘'Jilt Rfe* 9.712, s. l*s. 2 1 *'. * *4t I-. fa 7 ii,f ■ ..( gteady ; mUl.llliiß, 9’..: net re- 1 , "ross. !!. s.iU ito k. 7. Ho uiUar —Steady ■. u, ii*k:iu. b. n t r* - U>’- 13.792, jfro's. !3.792; eiilt *. stock. WO. i/OUlsvill*—St* a 1\ ; nikklltna. l*\. l7.\|M*rts of Cotton Tki- Im\. N**w Orleans T<* Ur* it Itru ■ n. 33,h* • aitinent, l -.l' I '. coastwls*. 6 **>7 Savannah To Ur. it Hrltnln. 7.517, con i eni. s.lvl: coa** 4 wife. 31. W timing ton—nv l-* ■. 4. Norfolk f’* vvl • 423. N-*v York f*ontli.* nt. 1.074. ’lostois To Clreat Britain, 2.58.3 r*)4al foreatn M*n! from nil |.ri this! y To *. .i • Hr * ; 4 - t*i - li : * Wit, 24,?d2. Total for* ,/n export/ from ill pi'r;*s thu* ! ! ■ t liU v. **. k- To Ur* at lintain. I*. 112. • France, lS.ifT: to the • •ntfn*n. ?*•:. '•<. To* a I xport -1 r * - Sept. i. I'.*“* Ur eat Brnaln. s • 7* to Fiance, 117,- k, to the comment, 52* t9!t. SK.% IM AM) t OTTOV *r w#i no noteworthy features re !“*rteU in the sea isUn-l cotton market iarln*f the past week Th** *lcmun<l was r iof.itc. ami business close-1 on a nar i • a.* Waiting tactics have apparent - - • ii udopted by mill nen and conmim who may In* relying on the steadily i iritiK stock to dpr |*rl * It* a the past w*ek wire 4.615 bags, tu os saU s of 1,125 hay I'rl* c* about as follows: r n hoi - Rost Ploridas 23'.'i2l 1 tia < holre ami fancy Florida j .23‘yb24 Fxtra - h *ice and fancy Georgias.23‘/4t2J44 • * Georgias 2250&22 fin* Georgias 23 h elptii and Stock.— jl9oo-01 d*kH)o. * Ipts |ast w* ck 4.515! 3.968 1 i<ortp past we* k ..j 1.29*' 2.4.13 pis this season .. ..,.1 13,61 V 22.123 past week j 1.125 2.67* k on hand ..... V' >F* 11.111 COTTON FI Tl HFA Th*- Market Clones Msnily rtf >Ublil It rrMtlllll*. N w York. Nov. 1 -The eotren market • r .1 wHh a steady tone nt unchanged n four iioints advance A n* i - ■ iimr -*oofi 4>ok por>cssloii of ! h* 1 trader* owing to prediction- of fro** f *h southwestern ?*•: ton of ih • >** K * I* Short* commenced to -*>v r *• frH> and the market beearae ex Ther*. was a little foreign buying • rly iNik-is from the South who f •*• ncrally to the lonrf sid* of tho u * 1 l’*ut tho market had Improved only • lint ovr th* opening ill i>u* * •* local sdlaig movement sot in by *ej peculation was very slack and hi bujrftn* f l 9ll 111l 1 1 * ■ and •hits from th*- best of the morning F.. rn-irk* t was finally quiet and t a net I©** of 2fts points x pt 'onti'in, whh h closed t hid. agalnat 5.25* bhl th* previous The movement was *m.illcr. but wesher In the Southw st perfectly : -dneti that feature. English advtces vlv howing a partial itneltne of l 1 .* 1 '*n future* were disappointing. PLI'FTI %Tl4\ IN Pt TINES. York, Nov. !.—Cotton futures open- MURPHY & CO., INC.. l-oard of Trad© Budding Savannah I'rlvuta i© 4 <d wires nr* -i to New Y'ork, Chicago a.uj N©w Orleans. i o 1 lON. SMH Us \M> t* It UN New York ofli . No. vl l.rv*a l\v > Offices In prln *i ul cities throughout the s- iitx Writ- for o ir A! irk**' Manual and b ->k c - iiiitlitij1 4 n* -1t i• t.■ n f r tr iI- rt *xl steady and c!o>-t.l quiet and steady. I*r4i> s as follow op* n llttth Unr •',.*•* ’ l win iry 9.14 \ 9.1* - - u- February .. 9.or* |9 15 9.g t* *s M r h . 9.14 . 9.17 ’• <’7 V k April 9.15 9 ! • :. M y 9.1a * In ’7 9.11 June * 9 16b, 9.10 9t7 9 H) July ...... ... 9.11 9.13 9* . 9 > August 9.03 9 *ih a. x* :♦ a* S- ptetnber ...j .... *. tohef Novftnlwr 9.11 9.11 9 3 9 *d I-*ndH*r 9.11 9 14 y.ul 9.u*l I IA 1111*001, tor KIN M Alt hi I \. r { m N**V 1 Si t. .11 Ten *1 *l - itu!. j Me*: firmer; Am* rfe m m d-hrag tali v* **d mitkllh *i: l. in I*l -5-l Cit; low middling ;:*•>■ I *>r dlti.u > l I orlu uy, lal 'l’t.i ii * <>f tfi day wn 12.••al lul*v*. of when >•*) n**r* fT n • l Xpert anl in 4it<ld 9,l*' a!- Xm- il- aii. r * Ipts 22 - h h-. ill .Amerit .n I'liiur* - o;h ia| quiet urd ciotk*l qub t . A inert an middling, hnv mekllin*: • \ t N*.\ nil r. * i**.l. • 1,. Novi'ti) •, -! n nr .. '*tV"* OVI i def- 1“ mer-.1.n -lutry. Vj2 F*add. Inr?. J inua *-F brn ir> . aM’ • old. b*>. | . F* hru *. v-Mar li. i <>a -.*i Mr-h- X !* ii. 4.61 in 4.01 • - Apid-M iN, 4 *rt*o4 61-1 seller*-. May-June I -at. havers. Join-July. |n '• Ibis. Juiy*AtmnM. 4 • and ’-7d. buyen . \nti-'.-Septembr r, 4 ,-*l t*i • :. * OTTON I t 111 ll*'. New Y- rk N v 2 11u!*,ki ■-1 I’r iV ■ > i> Tin- f*r *• ll* ..I iro ov r I * S*uth v\ -urn *n I’on hit d.d ;.o pi* .* ** I* * Mlllr y on*. and tn |h ping of tu* m.r k*i -how. I t * dl ;t p inim-m of t •* buy *rsnf y* -t*'i*l.y l*ri. s gradual.> *gi* and after t*n . h.l m ir* > f•Git t > when th* buying by l. ii ir iir lurned ih our f ih- in i'k* Unmorn I*-* mi* * irn nt fr> * tnigi.i Is tain pr*-*h t**l l**r to-ri ht. m*l Ih* mmk-i sowlv i* v*r**l It -d> lln* in lir tin*d *ii th* op* nt* g qu i.iffon*4 *mr market has i. en qub* with tin* it n-i* ii* y omong • l* •! Imd* r to -with, nt my Inin* > until f* h* ir. -t p* rb*l Is p i<s* l A warm wiv* i*d •>w th- |v* •el e*<ll *'f in.!:- a * ill.: * jkis * |** ia * rn* fit of killing fr**st ovt • the • t ton ts*li for several .lay It tiny weather Li, ii t**rf* r- I w tii ih* m*\* >.i ii t’- Southw* v !i • th* dl-p -i i-n •* hohl in f*’. Atlanlh* i- ir -r- -* and t-\ t - To t r *iort - Blv* rp- *l i- •xj * t*‘l to r* vt r tn-morrow th* d** lln*- f thl *n rning N* w Y**rk Nov 1 -Mur 'n \ >ay Liverpool n dvi * **'t*or t• • phi* * In that market practi•■ally m han**l i* 1-64*1 lower, wl'ii fi-oi -!*■■ i"**' ha * nc*l dllne uphii .F. f* ‘‘-I Tii* fro-i n*wn **vi l. nily w is* <lis* .*tine*l yesterday, is vvi- **!ar ej r w * r.- ifhr bullish this iH**idng with lib e i’o-t r>|s>rt*l ai J*ode Fit\. Kan ; beavv fr. tat Amaril- T* It: ! f ** I \ * . T. - 4 ! ■ ivy frost In Okl h**m T r-llory l*al iit. miM t • f P fa o ra 1 n <f ti * \• ar fell yesterday i.d *.* . Ii . * HOU ton also hiad h- vy tain las? i *>t *x t. n-li* over entlr* slate ar i f*art <-f fu •I! hi an*i 06 th n * T* rrh* rb r • ding > much dam- g* pl- kii \v I- al-o p*d 1 I t frost fo-t leht In Northeast Arkansas, \V* ? and Oniral Ter n*' e* and xir*fn* North Mi.slsalppl. Alabama ami Kansas. llow*v*t. In th* fac*- -t aH bullish new • th- market r*ilrri rather v.* ik. Jamtity • *i• tiii g i • 9F* ale? cradu ill'. *b - < inh.g thrcmglioi.i t-i*- - * s>n >• llln-t and .wn to 906- . closing '• i'ceh. The • hri interest cover** I f*** lv v* stenbiy aft* n*s-n. bill wer*- dlspov. I to - I again this morning the mark*! had 111?I* sup port outside of *• *1 and -rnand New Or - II I*|HM that i -n shlpn-eni; from that point y* st* da> tea h*-d HI i.alcs, br' iiklniT ill |r vl ar- r- rds Abo t!;* ex ports ther for Oclolht this year, show* tig an Increase >f 122 p* t cert uv* r last year. Pott r* * ipts to-day •suinated at 4'against 28.849 last year, N*w Or aans estimates for to-morrow 13.0f*) to 14 "•*. .|4inst s 107 last year, HoiHon, - *•*. agVf t 9.629 If*^C y* ar. lIMA N* vv York. Nov. 1, Little a pivlly has *,*n i,..'. I in the mark**, the g. n--ml it. •lieatbn b*-ifkg to held "ff until aft* r ♦ i- < iiom A. nts generally art* qul* t with no tendency toward weakness In any line M** k- iii second hands are light and there is ddll* ulty In -©curing deli\ ri - a* on* ing to .ntraci Jobbing condition- a*-*- ungatlafnetwy and will continue so until after civet Mi TIIF It It n AI Alt K KT, \dvii* from il * S<aith * lo the rb * mark- * noli* go*>*l Jobbing demand at ali point.® and considerable Inquiry, promis ing business during the coming wek Will!* iro change is to I*** noted In quota tions, lucre i a strong un*b*rtone. lot* h.ldowlftg a lllghf*r plane **f villties. Cleaned *lo not si md ii Us *lu* re a lion to ro'igh and mllbT- are ( ompbiining that thare p ar * met- than running ex pense- and not a shrd of profit. 14** *us *f this and of light rc< Mr* ail of *h' mills in New Oil*m av* one. have hut down, and il is -*i l will not r’- opeii until low*! prices prevail in rough, in an Improved condltbm in ih* matter of clean©*!. Reports from Inferior town In th** -H-uthw* ®t noie that r* . |pta f rough nr* light far behiisl th*i- of hint year Most >f the mills ire nt work but non* running umler full tun* Thus tor triost of the cbnne.l output ha- found r.*ly sab* and at full quotations En couraged *y the flattering outlook, and h* iu.c of being In a mor- | M > tin titl in' ii} >. It I- quit© .ik-ly thai planter* will market elovvlv A t* th** forward supply in Louisiana most of that grown in the iMi-sB-lppi) river (mrlshes ha- been m-irk* t*sJ; th* greater rop of he Southw* *!, which I now being **nter**d upon, give* promise of tdtth average quality. As to quantity, ns lest •stlmnte p u e It nt 1. **o o>h. ks m*l some oniinariiy classed a* oon**T\u tiv* figure on S.OOrt.'Xd na* k- Hiin*lt* *ls of rc- which ha I L**ti thrown out t** He f i low or to plant In oth r crop* by reason of riln* filling it th- plowing time got Mined with “volunteer* rJ©e md w* re so promising that owners con* I to take come I’sder favornbl* - ondltlon* this Froviden* •ct tiiiii out to Ik i v •tv * onsMcrable quantttv. Pablea rind con* i .nd.Ti- r from ibroid during t h week r of mm ii *n or Itn lry Interest. .M irk *1 activity now pre vail-, at unchumpd quol ti* *• f ipan had proml of *i . *> r • •>; ** *" kokt*. equal, c iv. to 2. '*46.000 budh l- ** an .v* rag** of 39 I *' | .' , 6 koku Hec lime nf Ih*- IncreA • iow prlc* * W* r* beli g made on forward d* Iven. -and ddrrnb’e buafr.ea* accomplished B•H< •! hange* have oectfrred h*w*w duting the we. k. market excited; tenders witii drawn; oablcn report nv * fvphoon serloualy damaging the * rop. l o*h in th* matter of quantity and quality ThF cur (ailment of supply l* mi the trior*- to !*• r- graded in vl* w of the st r t!|ng sh**rtagc ~ the I m.nfs fron: Burmah to i: rope which arc now 22’<v) f.n '• than it ©qual date las* year. Taking t * Hu lid) a an entirety, the outturn* would FINANCIAL. JOHN W. DICKEY. Block n*l H*nd llrokrr, At tit ST I, GA. Write fur List. THE MOKMNU NEWS: FBI DAY. NOYEMBEK 2, 1000. * m io :n*J it* fu’l pr**rnt, if not higher, ; |>' *4 ? o alt and 'table foreign etyb - N A A AI. U (t:i s ’I KITS TFKFENTINK Tie *• ir is ii iii. - * *o> o*d iiit’i *-ki • i I* w;- r> - t . * of 57:* a*d%a. and > ,o. c-1 firm ii 40 o i.d eA'j cefit with f urt her s lies o' i L T *.*m md w i- rejiorted m *d* rale liruagh**.,* the day. and bust* t *<r s oil I W *b I’l II tOy The do*'© i< pt- w * . >* I t. • . \p>r is 1.. BOSINS T * odn mark'd J* *■• l firm ! < i ■ th* |-ri" - *1 i>i , * r*'\; ‘tislv tpiot*-*! if an le- -I* md • ut l< url T r* w a fair .Minimi for th** * fiering- ml the day buui* s*> w • ■ -•j*r ■ * Ia -i*i*try. Suppii* . in n i-ra* raju- e for -hi;*n .ii f* r U.rh !• a Uti ii*.| i I'vihiw Th© day'* (*.. ip* %\- r 4 s-d. Hid th© c.\lK>M 2.75 v. IT ha .*> follow V ii. C $1 ~ 1 11 65 I* I K ! 70 K. 1 4** M 1 H; F I 4 N 2 U *1 ! AY *i .6* 11 J . \V \A It*a eipts Thursday— Sp'.rlta It os 11 •' I* It 111 31s S I' \V . 679 2>J - .4 \ I, :.i9 .* mi Slo>p A :*! rt 15 7! Fiat .33 65 Exp- : s Thursday- S.S. Auegh.iny. Fhiladelphl.t .132 230 Br .4 I‘vdr. . M.inch*- >r 1 *•* Ur S.S Furltan. Itretnen 1,0 Naval S *t St. mm* m S|ints. ltostn Stock April 1. L*n .. ...... ..5*7 14^,3"*; It* *i; t- to-day 1,359 4.K53 It* • ©l|>t - previously 259.333 617.461 Total ©me April 1 . 263.489 761 mo !7xpor. *-*! iv ... 132 2.75) Exisut.- pti vbm-ly 226. f.2!i.6!s Export- itnApril 1 226.311 632 Tb S k * n i and to-*lvy . .. ;7.1H 132,47.* Sr ** k lust v. ir 27.636 131,523 4'Tiurl*.- on, Nov. 1 Turpentin* mrk* firm. 4*f . a.ill's, non©. It*-in. t.idy; ci.'— none, unchanged ai. N*% 1 SHrltH turj* ntin*- llrm. 29L-t4*k . reedtHs. 61 Ib'.-ili, -te.aly, .1.25; r*<H|>!c. 240 (*ru*b- lir|H (itlm aticidv. 11 b* ami |2.4t. r.*ipts 6S. Tor, firm. S! 15; r*- * ipt 102- N* w Urb*aok. Nov. 1 11© * Ipt* Itosin. i IF* hair*!-. uii*utln* . 7* Exports notK*. I IN AN< I AI . MONEY Til* demand k • j**- fairly up with th* supply FOKFJGN EXFMANGE Market ♦ Fomnnr *l* ma and $4H3* 4 ; sixty | days. 14 ?>'* ninety day . $4.76. franc**. ! Funs .it i II ivrc. ttlx’y day -. Sw‘- hiXty day -. 5.26; Belgian, f* 21 q. mark’ sixty d®> *. 9’T. ninety days. 93 7-16 I MLSTI* EXUH ANGE Steady; hank ;*!*• baying at 1 10 disc >unt and seli icg afollow $25 and under, b*r pre mium. $25 t ) r-. 15 ' J mhim; $ to s!'■*, premium $H*O to s2d‘. 2f* • premium: 800 io $l,OOO. L pr©ml iro; $10*) and ov r. 7 per M pr* mium. Sla l'U ITI Ek Th* g* . era! market \> rather dull and lis'b -- Muck*. Bid. Ask. Augusta ard Savannah B U '.*** 110 Atlanta and Wist IV*l I 125 ! 4 1 6 per **nt. certlih a let* 16S A -r isia Factory *2 fitiz©ns Bark 133 Chatham Bank 11‘ HI Fhatl. im It E A 1 C os A 57 5s d*> do 15 a7 F. *tr'*- and I'ho* nix Mfg. Cos, ... I <l 1"7 Edls>n Elect rt© Ilium 1*77 1 •* Enterprise Mfg Cos Germania Bank IJO 131 Ooirulu A Alabama 23 2* Georgia Rullrcofed Common 214 216 Grae.ll* Vllh Cos 165 167 J. 1* King Mfg Cf, 100 Htt Langley Mfg Cos ... 117 120 M* r* h.ints‘ N ifjon il Bank • -lllVi B-’a National Bank of Savannh 15f) Ogbtlor|H Suvltig- .mil Trust U People’s Stvlrj - in I Loan. bt) Southwestern Hoi I road Cos ... .109 110 Savannah Qm Light Cos 24V 2&Vt Southern Bank 153 156 S iv.turuth Bunk ami Truat. 114 Sibley Mfg Cos.. AugUfta H 5 wi Savannah Brewing W 2 flnafli. Bid A*k. Char,, Col A- Aug lft Sf. 190 e i*C Atlantu city 4**. 1922 104 106 Augusta clt\ 4. 1927 I*6 107 do 4L. 1923 11l ... do 7ft, 19*3 *O7 . do 6f*. 1913 .... L*2 Ala. Mid 3. Ind'd. 192n M *v N '*9 lio Augujan Facor> . 6 per * **nt .191.112 *. .. i run*wick nd Western 4** 5938 . v -2 Hi C It It & Banking ollateral 5- 91', 9*l C of U Is' mortg 1945 F * A • 119 121 C. of O. ©on. 1945, M A- N 92 id F of <5 lat Irvonv *. 1945 t 'U, l 2nd Hie. an* - H 1$ da 3d incom* s. 1945 6ft 7ft C. Of G (\l G. A A. DIV) 6. 1947. J. Hi J 9* 95 C. of G (Baton Branch). 6s, 1929. J. A I * ‘*6 97 Fity tk Suburban It It. Ist 7a... !)9ft Columbus city ss, 1909 107 Charbaton city 4s. 1999 foi 102 Eagle A Phoenix Mdb* 6**.. 19J8....196 m K*ip©u El* ctri© 11! imlnating ♦*©. H 6 Lnterprir© Mfg oa. 1 !*•’ Georgia lll*Hr** id © 1910 114 115 ft j U S. iV F., ’I. iV J...... Hlft 112 j i Georgia 4k Alabama Ist 5c 1M& 14M 106 ieorgla statu 3fts, IUoU, J. 6c J,..109 . ~ *lo 1916, M A N 1(6 do 4>, 191 . 11S 119 Maeoti city l9lO, J. A J ...116 lIS do 4ft* 1926, Jan par . . s f *< Ocean S:enm hip se. 1926 104 .... Ha vain,ah city quar. January, 19:3 110 m d* r, quar. Nov* mb r, Fee* lb'*ft 110 ft South Carolina Huf* 4 5 V S. 1923 .116 111 Sibley Mfg Cos. 6*. 1993 ■*“*.*;•♦ B mr.d ss. 97 M • * do St John 1 MV. lt 4a 10.44 ?*4 96 New York. Nov 1 —Money on < ail firm 4 1 /3 per e©nt.; ia**t loan. 5 per cent.; | ptlm* m* r©;nlU© pnp*t S4f4 per c.-nt Sterling ©x* uinge ot*v. with actual hunl n<>vt In tunkern billf nt $4 *C*ft for de mand and s♦ *s, rt '4 >4>% for kixty *!'■•: |X>*t* , l rat* a. $l HFe4. fc !ft and $4 k 5 Horn men ial blltf $i 7‘.H4 w. Silver carttff nr- 64’/-♦;' , bar ellver, 644. Mexican >ll ii government 'rfm*!* *. mlv. * i* hondf Irregular, railroad liondi* rr* g* *1 •r. STUCK** \NI> BONDS. Trading mill < *nfined Within n Mlrrat*' Scope. Nr w s'ork, Nov. J—A utrlkjn avid* ru e of the constraint upon *p©©uhrtlon was given by the action of the market t*-dav . n th* announcement of the and * Juration of an extra dividend of 1 per cent on Pennsylvania r*4lroad *Uwk Previous to the unnoanccmr nt th* stocka had been lifted a point an*l then r*-acted When f he t.r w i, wa * bull* t n* and there was . pa4modio r.ue iti the tmk to IZ&k. but only on© al<- was ma Im ai that prlOe. fter which It fell back Burly In October B. nnsylvaniu old lielow IZS It has .1*; tlvUy trad'd In by energetic bull In- I ir ref* since that time, and a great va ra ty of ai©rf lon* have Ikscti made mn to j the forthcoming henoflUi to the stock It©- i * iew*nx th* e© past comlltlonx. it ia fair to a urn* *hat to-day’© action war a *llw lppolntment to om© of th© active bull- \ it. th* ©lock, whll*- it waa certainly an , agreeable surprß© to the conservative ©la ment in the street But when it b* cotv sidered that the net earning** of the Penn rytvan m railroad and of the lines dirwefly opuratxd by It have* IncreaMd dining nin© monihi* of tho veor more than oi.omoao vef the corrcepr.iebrig p'rlud of Ult ©Hir.’s r it© of distributfou ae©tn mod ate The -irtn Uvfd©nd wt Involve* th*: , *bbur©euivat of a little over $1,509,ttk/. The ] ■tuck's tet rilti m ft. and the tradlt*. *v . rvnairkabiy *n*t©4. Ther* wu> ,1 < omidcrilili* show *.: ’ r*rgth in Sugar The advance* w s it- t *led i* . rutiiou that . Ir* ak In tit** i'll ©s * f i*a. *l -ugrtrs' nt Bn ir s.-. 111 •h. market a’ !arg w is i*h small * hav anv Itnpnrlant * ff- t ai pri* ’bough th© tnara* 1 ultHd with the level j mi-'W ' (ball last 1 I C* * r liiviif I b*n a. •n* tme a -had* V\\ A ngb* i 1 of Bake Shore 1* and I Hi * I r r. th. bis*' at 25u. aft©! bavin : -Bt vesterdav ai , ."•* Th© * leotiiK bd wis *ju ■*l .1* 2h> J 4 Not it 1 tig . to'd It.* learned . a. *unl lor Ur- • mail tui urgent d* man I The n of prculutbai is till it • ir.l'ui l *t> ‘;e Intluen*'© .*f ar. call *d the controlling Interest* in tl* ma* | k* t The ris*- in the'call loan rat* t<*dn> **• '* |w*r cent may have s nt** t*. 1 tig on ilu- ©xtr m. l dul’ne< of ih<* , ul.ition St©* k m* k- t ibm.n.B u on ft** money nark*'i during tin* week hav* !* n *x- II cruely moderate.and further r* l| - 1 1 to mar s ©an tlhil a '*! t. Na lodar ) ; b* < n transferred i* th* Interior through h * * •-1 **• isurv in • |.-t Kn dny. That - ill lcviti should have stiffen*d to-day unil. r loon© c)r©utt!*tan* e .ngu* * ■ in*’ -j*. ill *l* tuan.l *n th* money mat - l.*t Th* demanii is prol.mbly *lit© to the tnakir ; of hi**,*tg*‘*u©t’ I** f©r Nov* nl©r dtvbleml *!i4luii>>*men:s and wt*| tlierefa,. ttmjHirarv ar.) follow* ! b> an alaifwl m nturn to th* maik. within few l* * V TI mark*-' v’ .irrvl in th* 1 I'ln. •> f tit* * k.- *nd pries m*V'd itr* f t I • I'* - • *.i 1 \ able $l ..l * * • 1 fdi*i Siait * bonds w<• fe um hanged on 1 i**i * and Tin* 1 id 1* ** ..f st<> k t.y-duv wa rt* 215.>** nlinres. imdndlntt it:* following Mihb'in, IH©. Atchison *rrt*l. I Mlsiartiri Ha**Un 14,12 m. N*ttb rn IT, th h • Southern 1 lhc. ll > n Friioti Fa v i ro. kl it li, 1*• •*. Su^ai. 17 70 New York Stock List Atchison •£ In. I'h . ri - de prj 74 du b |.; i 75’* B A o 75 Wat-a h ... . <sn |*a Ni lc pr f. ’> * 111 So W. A. L r f A o *,, do do 2nd *r ;t F G W jp, Wa r * 1 L’T F . B ,v (i. . Thlnl A\* n. I*© F . In Ia L. . jo Aiam* Ex l b *1“ *i' prf ;.j \n Ev IVi <*. ,V K HI ,1 S Ex 4x F ,v N w idol. Well -i a (go E\ .127 K. I iv i.oh. Am 1'"! on . r F. <* *v St L 62ft rt> ■ • prf. 91 F'>! S.. “ \ft M I •I lst I*rf s do t • I: f and" . 4 prf iv \m Sm*''r A It 4 , |1 Ar M *l3 do *l prf *.* k 1. L A W 175 Am. Spirits I l). *V It *;. ~ pr. do do |rf ...17 rb* de prf ,*. Arn >*i**‘! II Erl* ii-. ( do do f© f 74ft *t> I r prf ip. \m S \ \\ ;i G N |*rf. .b l l*i *k* prf 75 Hot k i'ail .. 15 Am T I'lidr* .:JT llo* k \ 1 Hoy and * t * prf Sift 111 (Yn . im Am T*b*-©o 9 low*.l Fen IV, J *k* da firf 1 do ilo prf 41 An. Min. fa 11 , L. E g W 34 B. 1( T do do |>rf .. 1(12 F. I**, a Iron >ft I ik* Shot* _*toft For* Tl*a 2*ift L A N .. . . 75 . Io do |rf *d Man L 96 led Si eel 37ft Met H\ H> 15s and d* prf 67ft Mfx r* n L vU. n Klooiri© .142 M AS( L . .3> jUIiK - ■ Sugar I do do prf . 97ft do *b* prf I©* Mo l*.i ,l n 4 Int ni I hiper M. 0 39 | lo do prf ... u. M. K A T . loft I*a ;* b 1 ia** . ..♦-** do do |-rf 31ft Nut Bin. .. :i3ft N J r 135 h* prf ... 'tuft N Y F 132’ Nrt I r.J 1 W N A W ift $* d.* prf 9" <k do prf . 7ft Nt v No la ... 37* and" do i/f ©7* d< *lo prf 72ft N. Y \ B 122 rift A W 21 No Am . 1 % Or* It A N 12 I‘a Co*** >. *U* rio prf 76 J do t* W prf M I***nnjylvanl.i -3-ft do *l 2nd prf rv. lt.adlng . . 17* I'a Mill . 4. ft d< Ist prf .. . 57’4 IVopb•’ <*l It. l 110 2nd prf 27 ' Fr* • 1 S Far Lift u C w .... 50 do do prf .. Sl-j do !* f.rf 9> Full Fal Fir tv S. L v S. F m S. 1 i*A T do do lit prf . 67ft Sugar 12.4*# do *1 • 2nd prf 7ft do prf li st L. Sw 14 T.. F. A Iron .. do *!o prf . ..32 ;r. H Leather lift St iTui 115 ft d*. il*> prf. .. 79ft do do prf . . 171 1 r S Rubber . Jlft St I* Om ..112 *i do prf 94. B*.. I* *7"k Wart T'tdon 90ft. i 13%i R.IAI .1. do prf .. •••- and" prf ... '* T A l’a 16ft F. F. C. & Bl L L. 1 ‘.otids I' f> 2' r. f r. |t UM , M K A T 3.1 fi ,1 . • ■ IMS do I* V S. Its, re* ...nm M * l *s . f. ki i■. .Pll|. el - N Y C lstu |tf.A, Int 10fi4 N. J r gen f 123 do new 4s rt IJI 1 ; N I’ 4s. i x-lnt. * v , dl ' o,g, 1344 * M ltS do old is. rw 11..', N Y. (' & Hi I. do (SHIP 113V4 ir 17 do r.-r ,112-v, N Hr W . on. 4* i'T’v do as rou ex- Ore Nav Ist- I*A Ilk .112*, h. 4 ItC l>. of C 36S 124', " B I. s .. • 127'A Ais-h. gen. 45.. I'fA, 'ki .sansol R* . 114 do iidj. 4s ex- 1 Itisid gen. 4s kT Int tiXM 11 f > W Isis 9s'i C. ,if O con fi* St I, A !e M ex-int 9V, . ot-so >• IW. Jo Ist |nc ... f. B* I. * Ban F do 2.1 In of.l 14 | general s 173 Cat S. 2nd. .H*.V *t •" cmtsiah* 171 c. K O IV.s Hi. P C A- P <h. :,e. ex-lot .11* I Is! ' ■ " R, i I*. A N ion ; do p .s 119 7-. 1 x - It,l 137 V 80. pan *•• C. A Nw H F (to Hy As deb :. . x-lnl.m'i S Itote a T ■ ■- , (’hi. Term 4s 92'.. T. x AP. I*s ll4\ Pol. So 4-s .M\ do 2,sT 'o I) AR. (7 tc .99 |l Pc ts |AAi l-21-Ji gen. 4s Tl'v Wulst. ti 1-1 Il3*s 1 \v a i> C do Md MR Ula 73VW,1 Htior. 4 lli'j thn. Elec. is. ..Its |WI P !•* lowa <’ Ist* I1"i 3’u Penturles ’ L A N. I’ 45.. 99 Nw York. Nov 1.-Standard Oil. MMt mi- ______ vtnriihy A (.'< stool. I.eller. New York. Nov. I.—Stock market open ed extremely quiet and with -moll and Irregular price changes from yesterday** filial level noted. l'*or the m**et port, howi v'r. •!- trading showed t llrm un i r lone find gains In prices were In eXC ( - of recession. Southern Pacific was parti-’, iilarly strong and active, ttnlon Pat Ifl al* Other active features w< re South ,.m Railway and Ilal'lmorc and Ohl->. 1.0- , .1 tract lons were not consp. u-nt In th early dealings Manhattan wi- l*i• ••• at the *.|H rung anti Hmoklvn ll.ipl'l Transit was dull and st- -tv Tie Indus trli’ quarter w.ts tlso rattier featureless, hut f>.r the ns- t i-ifl was -t-n lv Toe I sirup m tmitket was oltmtl on u' ouni of the hank holiday t’ 'ha' quarter, so no inrtu-nc ( - was . s- rtt 1 in the local dr t-llhgs hv operitk-rs for foreign account The local situation show--I nothing new or Important ov< r night with any I- irh..; upon the mark, t To It ale* to dov I. ta. MUCfa.l-ITF.OfV MAHKFTV. Not*.—Th<*<> quotation* are revised, and arc k pt a* tiaar a- posslbla tn accord wtlli ll* prevailing wholesale prl es OlTtclal quotation* ara not used when Hay di.agrac Ph the p-lcea whole -alers aak. Country sail Northern Produce. POtJI.TP.Y—Tho market Is ntea ly. Quo- j tat lons lirollers. ki'g.Vic. I> r pair; half gD’wn Fdf'O : thr-’c-four'hs grown. i>© Mu. h.n* ■yo‘ lc: rm icrs. ct& . duck*, j MC'-oC gars- TOcCfl 00 nnoq—gtendy st l*c. BfTTEP—The tin of th# marks! I* Arm Quotation* Western creamery. ltM ;pce New York wale dairy. l*"rftc; extra Klalns. A-ttc CHKKHO M-tk-t liitn. fancy full cream chs*e. llVc for ti to ki-poun-J average, ifeQ Ac pound arveisgc, lift Southern Railway. Tr im Arm© . J Lk part Hav usiiab or 90llt 31* ridian Tunc—im© Hour Blower 1 ban City Tuih ©..hcviulea in Eft> i Humlay, Jo4;© IU, UKAU IhUN To Till EAs 1 ; IU AIl’F. mi Nt .... Savannah Ar * l ■ UN# ilfti tern Timed It f 21prii ,iu \r . 11l 1 kvtlle . Lvj 3 <*km i tffpm 6 iVqari *> h*m \i .... f lumlda I*' I 25am, 11 2a n 9 loptii i Bum \r .. .. 1 tiarbai© Lv 9 66pm * h'*m Grew • .la •W| *■ * J' O ‘ At No; Pdk • Lv | H L ; pm Ar Ifti .xlli Lvj i 40pm 4 ©am 6 0 in r> ;in Ar li iiio**r .1 Lv 13 01pm 11 Wjm L> 1 If rr. ~Lv 3 fjpm| 2 • k in < bwirt \r . Chirlo’i Ull© l.v 2 (Wpm.l2 dpm 7 .wain n 4 \r Wa hlngioii Lvjjll *• 9 Mpu 11 Fjiii .1 \, .. Baltin*>r 1* Lv j h ikmi, x '27i*u 11 on .-huh Ar Fbtl r l phla Lv !.1 iDam| 6 ftii'in 1 Kkim * p * 1 jni \? Bo • 1 .... Lv|J 5 Utiptn lv loam N ‘ TO TIIF N< ‘lt Vll \N 1 VVUST. j ! (Centr and Tun* > II t > . ArJ| b Item (Eastern Tune.) '■ ’“•in. Lv Columbia B' 1 2 f ’ ,m * * • L\ Spirt tribune . l*v|j 6 16pm 1 , . I v Ah vllle • I' 3 '6|vm * * -ft*' \t Mot SpTh.M Lv 11 Elm •-ft' Ai Knoxville I*U "Mm *' 1" • V' . I© xUigton 10 \r Cm Innatl Lv!' * *pm * *• i*n* \r bi Loot* .. lai| Intern I, •!11 > ii,- l.' ‘ 6am All traiiM arrivo ar ft *b|urt from the Fbnu Hyttrm Station. TIiROFGII FAII HEUVB lv. ETC. TLALV ... AMI 54 I < All -V. NEW YOKE ANK FLolilLA BXFIU3BS Veall littn' l tialb!-. with Fullin-to I'iawlny Bootn Hl* oping tftim l*tw**n Savan * h . and N< w \ rk ('.mu, .it Wa dngton with C *loritul Exprva© < r B*M*tHi. Fuliin tft S4 .ping Fur* la-tween r'linrßtb and Kb hfiiuiHi atil Fharlotlo and Nor *°*k lp ou * 11 hun i* all tn<.! *ta tween Suvamiati and Washingtoti ILAIN.v . \\|l . 1 >AILV riiK FNITI'.B STATES FAST MAIL Veatlbule.l llnilrcd ti.t n- ,itil . Endttxiti 1> awing Il**an Sl** ping Crn b !©♦* 11 HiivsiMUlh .oil N w Y©ik !*n.n \i e* t * all non© iivi>ii Sivannaii anl Ab Ful. ii ii in awing liom S4 po i’ *• * b tw*e| SaV iiiiiaii and Fib* Ufla:i, hr©urn A v die <ll,ti ! ■ I*a.l of the Skv." F. >• r 111 t in *■ i, 11 ion * |o rate* *’h*<lub apply to u r.fiiH n'Uii. Ti* U* 1 A ©nt. Plant SyMeni Hisilim, J VMi S I LLEM\N. F Fur *1 T. A.. 141 B 1 *t.ct T* lrplionca-B* 11. K<o; G*i*orgi r, Ss© S II lIA!tI>WICK A I ant’al F ©nerr A©* nt. Atlant t. Ofl. Pnrh t rgetnlilra. IB IS II POTATOES Northern, $2 09 •a k CABBAGE STS© |a r herd. ONIONS— Y* low In barrel*. $2 00; ©rat* 4. 96c; r and ft Wf? no •Ireatlalnfla, ••**.* ad bratu. Fla M B Mnk* l :t* dy; patent, $4 30, ir.ugh! * * . fin v SJ7- f.*(fitly s*. '•! MEAL IN’.irl p* r l ari* I J 2 7. 1-r r.l k. 11,25, city iin .M |* r .• k sM.,vf Eli*., writer 1:r $1 s*. H> . rii mi k~ >1 2". 1►- * r I grit . t lulnntH. 1-r i*r tel. $2 75. per si.'k. 11.23; auridry tiratulc, sl.22ft<i I 23 '*.n k Fi KN Mark- r firm, whit©. Job lota, 63*-; ra: !•■(! lot*. 2’c; mixed corn. Job lut, 6 © irlnad lota. B*re HICK M.*rk*t .** i.kly. demand go<>*i, fancy h*ad. 6c: fan* v, 6ftc. Prime 6 <sood 4ViC4*4 Fair 4 tfift Common 3* OATH N 2 mixed, . tri ad. 33 ■; Job lot a. 5 . while *Epp*.j, rn**, s7c; J<b. 4“*' BBAN Job 1 tii, . arlo id lot *. 96© HAY -Market *t©olv. No t timothy, Job; S7ft car -; No 2. S3.- Job; cur.*# NUttar Hit ti * uAer. BUGAB Cut l* ;f .. 634 j Uiamond A Crush'd 6 34 ; * '• *1 f> • f t*>n rs‘ A 5 79 powii* r*tl 9.69 ; Whit* Extra F . XXX X. pw *i 6.14 |Kxt r. 1 F 543 Gninulated 599 p *• ! J-n F r* 14 < *tib* *. M 7 • How . i (|| Mould A .3> { COFFEE Vo h i | Prttn- No 31! JttV * j‘' * and No. 4 19ft© p. aberry 11 r, Fair. N' f* lOfto Fancy N I .12 cjOr.Wnarv. No 6.10 Ch* 1 •* No 2 lift umnon N 7 sft, llarOttnn ana tluiuiug Xu|>yit'* LIME, CALCIUM. PLASTEIi AND CE.MISNT Ala anm ar *3 Georgia linn, la fair drmuinr* and w*lr at 96 ixtiia rt imrrel. •p.-claJ oildnctl puater. $1 ( (*• liarrel. hair. 4r.'*c lb s*-la!* c* meat. $1 3*,U 36, carload lota, apc-Tal; Portmn*! ormcnl, rt 4all $22- tarluii'i iota t2UUu23O LEMBEH I- O. Ii VKSSKftH SAVAN NAH Minimum, yard hsc*. $lO Unf] l <r>; car ’-111 $l2 soii 13 u*. *llfN *|c mix* •< 914. m it 18 0* *hl|* stock, $l6 Gro 19.09. xawn (Im, $-'• ,B.’© hewn tlea. '.3.'t-*'• OIL Market Manly; uetnand fair; lg nnl. Weal Vixgb ui bla k 9 G2c; lard, b? noxlifiMt, (by7© itm -hinery, 19 . 11l !#-*■• * I oil, raw, 76ft'. boiled. Mrunafi**. 1 rline whltt* 11 . water whit©. 13 . I’ratl a antral. *4 deodorized atovw git oltn* flriunx lift©, empty oft lairruia, deliver©*!. SHOT Prop. $! 60. B. I*, and larg©, 91.79; chili©*!. $1 75 IKON Market very steadv; Swede, 3fte NAII.S -Cut. J? 00 bane; wire, $2 ** l*tuw. BAHHKI* Wllti : $3 50 per IDO r *onda • tralght good a. 23v3*At augar bouaa ma la©** *. 15*13- GUN POWBEH—Per keg. Anattn rrark •ht. $4 h 0; half k**K 12 25. qimrt*r k*ga. |1 ?5; champion and i ktng, quartar k*-#re. 92 16; Ihiponi and Hazard #moic<>le*n, halt kafl I aarlei 9 . po tad eanlatcrfi. $1 00. lex* 23 t>ar cant : Tnaadorf emokebaa powd©r, 1-pound can©. $1 00 10- povnd cane. 9r* pound. Salt, llltlen and \YI. HAI-T—lrmano is ralr and tho market steady . rurtontl lota. lOj-pound ouriao sa<'ks. 41 IW-pound cotton a k. 43c; UO-pound burlap -I' ks. P%e. 110-pound rott*Mi ao- k 49lsc; 223-p->*ind nurlap a.n ka, lAc; 125-|Hiuml cotton ; ack, 36 . 2JO pound burlap i< h * ►••■■. IIIDRh Market tirm; *lry flint, dry salt, 11*ac; ;rs-* salted. 6c. WOOLr—NocnlniM; prime Gr-firgta, free of sanl l-urrs and Ida- k wool, 18*;. black. 14c; burry, 10c. W .n, 23c, tallow, !V*\ Ih er skins. 30c. r rolls and Ants. AFPJ.EB- North*--rn vur .-ry, $2 25(23) PHUNEH- 10s to Uhi. J"* ; Jj* to (its*. Pe t* 7‘i.-, 7c, 70s to 8* ,6L. k ' to 9Mw, 8- , to H*>: 5L< BANANAS $1254/3.60 bunch. LEMONS Market M* ,dy al $2 7308 00 C< C( AN J TS s.l 754i t 0" |s r I Of) PE ANi 'TH- Ample stork, ffitr demand; market firm fancy h tiitt-ntcke*). Virginia, in r |Nun-l - ftm *|d d<-*l. Virginia, ex tr 4H- N F aeel peniiuts, P NFTF Almonds. Tarragona. lc* Trims, *• wa I Frencl mis, 12* . Brazil ', 13>-. filberts 12- ; ,**!- *i\ nut**. 6t*|jr>und and 25-pound Imvea, ijc. Cnfton liana fotf and Tlea. BAGGING—Market firm; juto. 214- pound sVic, I irgs iota, s‘v% small lot#, 8-poui-l. 1% le.und, ssa tciand * igglng. 12V TlEft—B*arviard, V. -pound, arrow, largs lota. $1.46; small lots. $1 au llacon. Ilatu* nnU Lard. IJAFON Mark*-! firm. l> s ( IL aides. 7V, U. A. bellies. 1% (Eastern), ac cording to uv* rag* sbt* , f 1 S b-/ll*M*, H'%r i\\> f-m); ‘•rooked C H *f<l - - orid. 129 EV I.Alils— Pure, in Ueica*. fc>*.cs it* -At- I*ours) tins and • >-p 'jnd tubs, B} # c. • uropoun*! In fierce* C*V , * , *-poui-l tin* nnd >• pound tub* 6%;-'. flrlrd and Kraporatvil Fruits. APPLES—Evaporated, 7ss7Vyc; sun-driod, U/oU A PRlOOTß—Evaporated, lu i*ound. nrctaGn# lor RAISINS L L.. $2 m. imp rial cabinets. 72 7f>: loos*- .Vvpotind boxes, pound PEAFHI3H Evdporatcd, pculed, 17Vfct% uny al- and. M 4 ;9 PEA Id*—Evl|*<ir#t*l Ml!" i:i.Ltli:6t 8. FlßH—M#okr#l. laxlf-barnas. No. 1, $5.1., No 2 17 No 4 $3.75 kPs. N 1. sl2" No i, R.lw, No . c-sltlsh l-pound UrUks. trVr • 3-po‘m*! bricks. Smokuti Urmgb, per box, 17h 18c Dutcn i * rrlt.H in kc#;. sl.lO, new tnu.c* haif bair- ls. $3.75. SYRUP Market quiet Georgia an.l Fl>rld" syrup, a- P-u■*•, selimg [ at it. a\jgdr CxaTso at 104$Uo. S, U I Of HOPf H’T m C X X R f at llbuttt. Kor I Hie of Hope, U <.(4ff omrrjr, Thund.r- U,ll. Cattle I'ark and Weal Cnd. Pul., < i r|,t Minoaya. tfubjrct to ilianae wutiout noll e. IS!.!: OK llol'l, 1 1 ' to* I J , l.v , t*. ~| |i. ~.. f im from i.iiii, | v,, .i„ |,, r poll on J*" n, from T. nil, | c ui, am for Trntli 1 m an, fnai 1. nth j tot TANARUS, nib li am from liollon j t nn mi for Tenth in *n .in, from T.-niti 110 , am for Tenin 20111 , Irom Tenth 111 0) nin for llolton I If. pm from Itahon jll m am for Tenth tSO ( m ft om T. nit, | 2a) ,'m foi Tenth I .10 pill from T. nth j to pm lor Ituilun **l pm from Teuth j * uu pm for Tenth *b> pm fiom T<nth it wpm t..r Tenth *l pm fr. IT, Tenth | < . f,, r Tenth 1M pm from T. nth j7OO pm f..r Tenth **, pm from Tenth hin pm for Tenth *u pm from Tenth #to pm for Te4h 10 1 pn, from Tenth 10 tt pm for Tenth jll 00 pm f..r Tenth MONTOOMKfir. • (* rAt i lv ~v Alotiteotn. .. n 90 am from Tenth | 7 IS am for Tenth : pm from Tenth I I If, p n , for Tenth I pm from Tenth I(00 pm for T nil, CATTI.K l-AftK ,i Cork i.v Cattle l urk W ,un (torn llolion | 7 ua am for Holton . -.0 nm from Helton | < a> am for Holloa 1 O', pm fiom Holi.m | I hi pm for Holton io p,n from Holton | I n> pm f..r Holton ' ® P'tt frion Holton | 7 SO | m for Holton * '<> pm fr..rn l!o|t, „ ■ i r, p,n f..r Holton ill, .V In.itl.Wi.l Tar leaves lloMon street Jiuictloo 6 M *. ni end every thirty tuinulm thereafter until ll kl p. tn. Pt I. 01st Thunderbolt at < m 1 m end every thirty minutes I hereafter until 12 Ob midnight, for Holton m reel Junc tion FKhUUIiT AND I'AItCKL PAH. This ,„r tarrl.-s trailer fur pn efigers on all trip* and leaves west ,|de of city market for Isle of Hope. Thunderbolt and all Intermediate points al 9 Ui a. rl. I<) p. m 600 p. m Leaves Isle of Hope for Thunderbolt, Pity M irk*, and all Intermediate points at 600 11 tn tl 00 a. m.. 240 p tr. WbbT L.NU CAR. Car leavrs wist *,Ue of city market for Weet End 6 00 a. m and every tn minutes thereafter during the day until 11 30 p. m. leaves West End at 1:30 a m and ev ery 40 minutes thereafter during the day until 17 00 o’eloek midnight If M I.OFTON Oen Msr • IIONKV- Pair .lemand, strained, In bur reds. r.’djO" gallon lllglt win. Is.-ls, J 127 IH 1.19 I HUUHTI. ! COTTON —Ha vnnimh t*# per j Mvt . n . to -N%v York 1* rg! . 20c; to ! I*ii Üb4phi 1 1* r bait sft Balftrnor©, $1 FOItEIGN I*l lisX*T—llr©mn 4*i©; Llv • rp*ji| 40c; Hatnimrjj, lac; Ganoii. brc. |tircit©ia. 6ur; M©rii'tuKOrr, . ILivi , 4.' . An* w* rp 45© FOHEKiN INI >IIIECT W* ak ©n*l j Iriiil Liverpool, 05 M*n b*'**icr, 65". Iftirnbiirtt 65', Havre. 72'-; 41©- ! iioa, w* lt©val arxl Ht iV!- rlurjf, 7'w; Anno r;< sv* LI'MEER By Pail - Freight# Anil; to J ti lifftM r.*l *i9iw:inl, |4.50 to |6 <JU |**r M in hKlliifc Portland. Lf’MBEB By HfMm Kuvnnnfih to Ba timore. $5 00. to F It It or It 9c n docks. $5 90; to Philacb l|*hiu, 1644 c. per wt . (I |M.ur il to fool) to N**w York. M.SCi j©r M. V 2f> to *b> k: littht*r©<] to Ibiaton to *!o* k fk fr> NAVAL 9TOHKB Th© mark©! la Arm. n* fitum ala© vwa©la Kowlii—Cork for ordara, 3* id p©r barrel of .'JIO |m>n•!- nn<l £. p* r cent, prim**;©- B|*rJ#. 4a kd per 4” ffallofia irroti, and 5 i* r * ©nt privn.iw© Ituriro vfh, riMiln. 9h; i>irifa 4a 3*l Ht Mam. 11 i©*r 100 poundx on roftn. 21Hc on rpirltf*, Havnnn.ih to Bouton, and t*((C ©f rou In and \*> on *t !rlr# to N**w York t.ltur *;tf. New York. Nov 1 Fl'ti* Mark* t w* l*f active bill well ri'iri nc I n y©wter tl.iy'i* b.rtin, no! vtiht<tn!|r>|r ih* dr on In wit* i Hy* flour. vl -w. f’orn rncal. •ready. Rv*> ©i*ier No 2 VVVjiferr*, r.5U©. Barley drill Bari* y malt, dud Wluaf *•*.!.]>; N* 2 rd. 7114©; opt lot were Irregular II day on orHla-i-lru: lru: Ari<ritin' new Hr© r©j>ortK w*r men* favorhl<- and w©ak©m‘*l>nr murk t Lharplt A leer r©*’OV©ry followed on rv- j i wr l bullish o*lvi*- fr*an tt.*r** # *f j which Io tlx* lab h <*lOf| u rt't’OfMi break j rnrr ♦*l u© Ur 11 *pj In If ri|< export trad© and ©mail < Fluk'd w©alc .it ft" ! ' <Kcfln March ;lc© and, KB-v; May <hi tl. HJI4©. November colled. 77%©; lie- ml>*?r * fo' and. 73' ,i'. I’vin Spot !*i 41* . option dull *?l •lay, but rather firth on h©av> txabnnr! Ir 4 f i export demand fRd ©. wtath*; W . Glo-*d atoady at a partial 1 . dvahv* May *lN*'r, ti .N v mixer lo?#fl. ilftr*;; l©:'©mi'©r clonal. Uftc. spot quiet; No. 2 T*’vC; opt ICO quk't, ink ataod) with © rn. B©f, Htem/ly. Cu m* rt . quirt; bird firm; Wrttern t- hup*! S7.UI; CV % tob' , r $7 jir. nominal; reffnod. Arm. 'r* tlnn $7 ♦>>. Sou in Amr|cjn, ss.2ft fomi©in i, Pirk., quin#, famv, $l9 cv l U*’V. • ort - r*h* . 9,r <Mid>; I itr- whir* l ; tmu!2 J while lie. Tallow, firmer, city, 4ft- , country, Ift t 4ft Petroleum, dull. Hoe in. quiet Turpanitnp* quirt. Rtc*- firm Molooiacs steady. Foffe* Spot |Uo. quiet; No. 7 ln\oi o a w t mild* quk i. Cord *\ • i JA4 Futul' * Opvnetl quiet at 54* 10 point* de- j cht.o and ruled upxcUvv wuii uti* | Plant System of Railways. Train- operated by 9f>th morbli in ‘ m© On© hour than city timw. In effect Oct. 1, 130. Alf traiiui ~ * Lv Sav-tnnith I>©4ly Ar Savannxlt Bet win - ’ ant| Savannah f luu nm 1 am j WnyctuM..., jlO 13 am ' b* am Jacksonville [l2 io n’n bin •• nd Florida , |7OO pm |if*tw *st 1 ’ n* Savannah p 45 am " charb atoo |7 U m L‘ ti n and Hast ..|6 10 pm F.intu tint) til Fori 1 .uupa with I'eiv ©1 ui) *> id*nta| teaiiicr* bsiviug ltr K* v W- s* an.l Hitv um Monday©, I’hur* ;iy and Tturd iyH, 11700 p. m. c.'ll ai Ti* k* t (Mflcvwt far further mfor mation J. H FOLIIEMFS. T 1* A . W ABI* CLAIIK. l v n k©t Agent, !* Sat.. Hotel. I'hOtin 73. B W WBENN, Fa.* , tiger Traffic Mm iffvr. Savannah. Om, ’ W GEORGIA % RYfOft' H< tolii:f. Kffeettve Rept. l. \v%. Train, arrive at aiud o. pert foen Central Htathm. Wnl liroad, f.t of>artv afreet *>lh Meri.ll tn Time- One hour Blower then eity t me 1 1 Arrive — Bavannah- tt.ivannah: l'*"an • > Macon. Atlanta,) t—ll,.' ovlnKtun, Mllle.laevUle|i; onpo, |an l nil Intermretlnle ixrlntej lAuan ta Mu, on, Atlantu.l * „ l'nena, Mutiif.mi.ry, Cos. M|>ni|lumbua, Hlrmitnrh ,m Am w Onaia Jorlcu., Kufaula etui Troy | "■ aipni| Dove, a. omnv ■d.iitot, w m2u7 ‘■ [•mi Otivion I'inner Trail ■ ,oj2n 'Hally. It’daoept Huikloy. " HKTVV I EN HAV WNAII ANT TYnEIB. .sth meridian or R iv innah . Ity ttme. UvAVI; HA V ANN A II MoiHlay only ( j, „ pjiiy .acept Uond„y ua, a m Taily JOO p at. leave: tvhke,y nil | y 7.14 , „i Tally except Mumlny io 2e, it rn. lai|> 3jo p. ni. t’uni.r. tioti* ti .ul - „i terminal polnta With nil trains Nxrthneet. Woat and Honthwral. , Hleepln. earn on nletit tnlna between Hdvannal, ml Auiruetu. Ni mi, Atlanta and Blrmlngharti I'arlor ear. <k, day train* between Be. * ''' " on.l Atbinla tor rom Plate tn format lon. evedul-e rate, an, .onneetlon* apply to W O lIIU VM IP .-My Yftet and Pam •m-. r Aant. |P7 Hull alr-.i P “ Vf" lUlftft!'’ Tll "'' A*n. KLINP!, o©n lend ©fit, Savannah g©. ! Z — 1 mm [IMITEO Trains Double Daily Service Th. abort line to Norfolk. Washington. the Eaai*' New York and 1 rts <ti No ti I I.V havann-h. ti A. t. H> 13 Kpm,!! W,m, Art olomUa m A 1,. It, **pm t Kam Ar Hal.dah, H A. I. Ity. II J7„m u Hum Ar l urlon,. H A K. Ity 7 9htm 4 , Spm I A. ' e ,K H A t-lty t 11am ttptn Ar HI. I' H. A. L Hy 5 l-m I *m Ar W.,hlr r ton. l ennu A 9 sn, )m Ar Haltlmor. l-ennn 10 atom 11 2So m Ar Philidelphlk. Iv-iiiia . IS ?7pm 2 Mem Ar New Vork Pennn J flapmj liana jNo U N'o 4t I. Savannah H A I. lty|U Kpm|ll Upm Ar Port H A I. I’. . ,60pm Hteamer* leave Norfolk dally, eacept Rtinday. for llaltlmore, Phllndilphla and N'-wr tor It. and dally for Washington. dn- abac 1 Urn 1 . Montgomery. Mobile and New Orleans, having Hav.nneh at 7r, a m . arriving al Montgomery 7*o I* f* . * Which point clom- connection la made with thn U * N It It., urrlvlng it Mobile im j. rn. and New Orleans 7 10 a tn Tho short line to Femnndlna. Jackson ville Intnpa arid other florid* polnta j N'o V No *r . ’.pm Ar Fi rnnmllnu, H A I. Ity 9 35ami 9 66pm Ar Ju kaoiivtliu, b A K.lty 9 loam; 7 tOpru Ar T impa, H A 1,. Hy.... & 30pm! S Suern MagnHlcun* Pullman bnlTal sleeping car Service to Washington. Halttmere, Phila delphia and New York; aiao to Jackson ville and Tamp*. Tlntnr rnrs from Bavannah to Hamlet, and Hlehmond to New York. Iloffet imrlor cars Bavannah to Mont gomery F.w uddttlonnl Information apply ra Ticket office. Bull and Hryan street*. Phene 3*. itertone linvri being rloserl. Hamburg lower and reivlpis at lilo an.t San"f Ip-ovy. Trading vv ,s entirely kxatl and -mail <'l"*d steady al 11 net unohmgwl ptl'to a d"'lln<’ nf f. flnta Totol ,l< were S .VS* U,g*. In lulling November. December i7 o Mm. n. nt6; -M.iy. |7SWf7 60 Bugfir. quiet; fair refining qu'et; c. ntrl fugul. 9 test, Pjc; tnolasae* sugar, lye: rrllniil. quiet. Hutt'-r. firm cri-omory. aute dairy. littSic. steady: state .and l , ennsylvanlo. WrsM. ro P gular pn king at murk, ntflirr. Potatoes quiet; tl.oOffl.MS; New York. 11.W|184. lakig 1.-iand snmt lersry sw inuMt tirm: hjn'ip, ktsj, fSttU:; other do inesilr. SSSl*v C.,:.b,g. qilet: I. mg Island, |r hun .l red 11 .70612.2.'* rottoi) by .-ham to Liverpool. So. toTTOb 9KKD OIL. New York. Nov. I.—Cotlonacid oil ares dull and w ok. r. s tilt November prime uninigr yilow red at MVic; prtnw ummer y. How. 33V*)3fc-’ prompt; off eum nier yellow. 33. . prtnto winter yollow. 3*o k- . prime while. 373,3*;; prime inual. CCOb CTIHMHO MVIt Iv TT*. <• ! aro. Nov. I.—Wheat wue erratic to dav it tlnaliy tunuid tteavy on weak al,!n. and liquidation as well as outside apathy. Dvr ember closing "e lowor. Coro likl closed lile bangial and bog prod 11. < higher. The loading future* ranged as fodows: Open. ItKbeel Lowest, l loslcg Wheat No. 3- Nnv 731* 72%, 7Ta Dec 7.i*,b7tW 743* 7M Lie*74 Jen. ... M pW 74*. 70007*0 (Continued on Sixth Paged 7