The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 03, 1900, Image 1

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thf MORNING news I lfr - ■ ln. orport*(J 1W l H KSTII.L. I'rwldpnt QUESTIONED BRYAN i \ .9 \M.M TO HBETIftG OXLI I O IXTKKHI PT IT. VAS SILENCED BY POLICE. lit BUI AX. MOWEVKR. A.XXWERED 111 >1 C UI HTIXU SLY. I llte * romla ll#*irl flir Ufinnrrath* I . nlt-r In t !• i ##— No Xee| fur u I .!*•• Mnmllnj* Arm) K%rr|ii In it,, iiirp lh* Laboring Man—Hr |, .licani llar Aiiiend#*#! tli- Hit- I jll wit of I n#l ♦•#•*- Hpokr ~, . |\lnlr>* llr*k#*ii l*rml*#*. Nov. 2.—William J. Bryan's in- in T'hkafo to-day compre i :w*lvc The crowd* that ini were *fri i et“r than thosr at i ir;gs ymtrrdiiy anl last night. .ifdWiatc begun hi* Itinerary at ) llall. In the downtown business going from there to the public j; •i where lie rjHjke to an outdoor i * of w>rklngm*-n. After luncheon two addresses In “Old Vienna" ut Sixtieth street and Cottage . , \<nu*. on* to the crowd in the . nnd the othtr to the throng that . .• • to gain admittance. Here was t . , !:!> i • niblance of disturbance man!- . ring the da>. Two men in the . . sked almost simtihaneoUHly. ... , nil N *rth Carolina'’" and Mr. •: was replying, when one of th* , .-i r it l't*d on e-kiriK a question , .teeming trusts, whereupon the crowd . mar led that he lw* thrown out and I acted lo lynch him dr Bry in insisted upon nnwering. ,tv**v*-r but could not do so for some m* owing to the uproar made by the •wd in expressing its resentment to r i e inquisitor The latter was saved l orn vlolen e onU’ by police Interference. Mr Bryan’s night meetings were heid . n the north, west, southwest and south : f th** By, tlK* < Iroing spe#th being in ! midnight at Htate and Thtrty ! -1 strt ets. \ii I nfatr Division, speaking at llnndel Mall, under the , m of the Single Tax Society, Mr j .tn sold: ; omplaln that the producer of wealth . not enjoy a fair share of the wealth at i> produces while ihe man who does roduce wealth enjoys a larger part i t wvalth than he has produced, you seek to correct these condl- I believe we are seeking to show a • • r patriotism than those who are *.ug to m tint sin present conditions and -.1 that they must be maintained re tless of th** Injustice which they j :ion. !am conservative man. When rnplstin of injustice done I do not u*k .1 w-- shall go ba< k and undo what has i done. I simply ihk that those who -.i n* I shall e n no more and Itiose have stifferesl shnll suffer no longer, j t Is the conservative p an." \i the conclusion of his remirk* Mr , ~n was e“corted to Hie lake front, j i jr th* public library, a square from lundel Hail In the course of his speech Bryan said VV. have point* 1 #! out that the Republl party to-*li> stands for a larg* army ft* publi* an speaker has appeared on pi tform with authority lo withdraw ; i’r. M*nl - re •eenmendailon of an av • f 100,000. But. stranger still, no • a.* lean s|e*ker, so far as I have seen. tPIH-ared on any platform. read the • mmen#iati n of the President. declaim'd was the poll y of the par y and at • pt*>! to *h*fend the policy. Therefore, • P at. the .It publican party hns this question Into the ampalgn I t n has *1 rapped It like n foundling < n a doorstep The Republican party iod defer! th*- PreSldtnt’a i* om lathm. \\ imt I e for n l.srsr Army f Vi r* w*- going to do with the o .\tr soldiers demanded by the Re \ in party” Do we need them for * outside of ih* I’nited States? If i-k '>u whst you think of a policy mt you think of u colonial system require* three tlm*-s as many *>l t.. fr-•• U|*m*m) |*eople n gov i;* * * without their consent and t x -without represent it lon, is It •!*• ■ are of 75.oMM> |ieop|e In this who govern Ihemselve* and levy • a i tax*— If we do not want these lor service out-lde w*- must want •r servi e In the I’nited States • -4>idi- i- ore to stay h* i* wo must ket p them ki.- or k* ej them busy, •aly can defend an Idle army of n u country Ilk** tills Aral yet I Ia hundred ttin** rather that we o rnan iain an army of UK*.ono in idle* ‘ maintain an army of that si*e • *.: ry uini keep it hus> Why wnt an lucre as* in the army for •. pur|MNH>.' What has ha||iied c>untry to make an Increase in my ne.essary for b*m* pur- Nothlng lias ha|>p**ned here but a in <idmlmsratk>n. him! does a in a*lmlnlstr.itlon make so.itent try at home? If we have pro*ier <very l.srul *lo w* nessl a large ■ point out tiie prosperity to us yoru ts? Only One Hi pin nn t lon. • are people In this country who years wnnted a larger standing < th* I'nited State**. Those at the ju>at syndl ates have at times w* needed a stronger govern *) more s ddiers to support it only one egp’.anation for a large pt m this country an I kept busy. • t is to suppress by fore® the dls umortg the people that ought to 1 b> bglslation t i übllcan party docs not give the man the relief which he deserves i g rnsn w-nnts shorter hours, r** m the blacklist; relief from govern injunction. The Republican pat • him no such rellof r orht that the farmer should to* • I In the l'r%s| lent s cabinet also right that the wage-earner •• represented in the cabinet, and i# plank In our platform that - t > at’d f if-i' *•' ' man than that plank declaring rnl * r of the cabinet, chosen from ■I ■ wage earners, for that Will b* s by which the laboring man wil c her temedles for their grlev- Amended Declaration. * ‘'l Old Vienna. Sixtieth arrest ab'l *' Urove avenue. Mr. Bryan bega.i #r *ing round of speaking He sai l V Kant lo *‘ how you that the Repubb- Continued on Fifth Page. Satonnal) iflornino 4 * REPUBLICANS HAVE FAILED. Ilr>an Tells Why l.aborers. Farmers, '•••'•II llusincsM t|eit and %lan> 14l h %r* till IK'mm’rnts. Chk ign'. Nov 2 W J Bryan to-night gav* out the following siatennnt in the form of iin interview "The Republican .imisitgn h.*-* !•* n a failure The full dinner |mII argument has been repudiated by the workitijrmcn. and the Hcpuldi uns at* • m|M ii* *1 !• . >nt. that a large proi*>rtlon of the labor vote 10 cast for the Democratic ticket. Beside* tiellevlng With the Democrats in the gen eral doctrine of equal right* to all. and special privileges to none, the tailoring nt* n are against th- trusts, the large army and the colonial policy The laboring men are also drawn to the Democrat!, party by tho fact that our party i* opposed to government by injunction, to the blacklist at. i to Chinese Immigration and in favor of arbitration and of a cabinet oflU er e -lerted to repr*scnt the wag, earner* ' The Hepubllcans nr, now h; lng to hold their strength inaaig the farmers, but th-v have no policy whi* a wl.l bene fit the fatm* i Thf man who niak* * his ltvine on the farm i?* the victim of • I the vi :ou* b-gislallon for which the R*- puhUcan party Is and re* elves i,o* • of the t>en tits conferred by special legislation u|M.n corporations and syndl • at*-.- The f.irtn-r pays ns*r* than his -har o Ith*‘ tax**s .n*l re elves >* h.n hi' shaie of the con-idem Hon of govern ment Republican p*dlcl s have l--s*n*d th** value of farm lands, increased the proportion *f tenants an*l have driven the firmer*’ sons away from th* firm thus Intensifying th* struggle for existence in th** dies These farmer - ir> almost unanimously op|s>eed t> th** trust**, anl they ran have no sympathy with the Im perialistic policy of tie It* publb an partv. with Its attendant inennse in th* rnill t *r\ establishment. 1 belli vo that the election will show that w- have gainc*| among tlie farmers, as well as in the dries "The small bu.-lne-s men and the t*to fin* n are also f* Ing th* effe*-s of the industrial les*|*otlsn which has grown up with this admin Ist ml km "The poor at* jning to lh* Demo cratic party because they want i %iance In th* 1 race for life, and manv **f the well to-do nr*’ t'ornlng because they realise that th** Democratic (tarty nffoiMls better pro t* tlon to honest wealth than tb** It* 1 * publican party "Th* 1 Republican partv Is under Ihe con trol of th*****- who se* k i*lvantwge through g,vernmenta| favoritism an! g r r*iw rich by the exploit at i*m of citherns at h**tije i I subj*M-ts abroad !• Is a tight be tween lK*mocracy on th* on** sid* and plutocracy on th* other, and I>emo**racy appeals t*> the ju*lgm* n and to the con science of tlw*s* who are wilting to let live a* well as to live.*’ | ni'Aot \< i:i> vmniu, %rm\. Ilourke ( orkrnn Spoke t n l.arg** sooth llrnoklyn Crowd. New York. Nov. 2 A Democratic ral \ was held to night in Prospect Hall, fikmth Hro>k2yn. Bourke Cos kran being the prin cipal speaker. Mr. Oockran said that ih** pree-ent onditlon of affair* created ih** qurstion whether Americans were t de cide for love of profit or love of Justice Prosperity was Justice so long a the foui.’tin of Justice r* rniln* *l undeflhd ||e -ked: “What 1 proaimrlty?" and • *hiili iilng -aid: A H. pub l. an will tell you If Is som**- lug my terlous. H* will t* I you *bat it m.r.ns that th*- rltlxen can only rmi|n l*r >sp-r us wid eMt McKinley hold 1 * te r* ins o' government. I lo not accept as a sign ol prospeilfy • booming market I and • h •*■{** a Ivsimlng w late nnd tom foi f. tn* 1 laborer a- a >;sn of pros p*ri > Ali ** mm -11 •!• e being ahun iant. nui t r.< aril' be cheapen** 1. "The AOkller cannot pro-luce his own w.i • Kvitj dollar Rjient t* make Id u • ff< live ip n and inr withdrawn frcn tnt flr'ii ol production. The dollar in >• half of s Inlety can 1* .irawn out from the ns sour is >f Ihe labater "li 'an stands for peace, *tlsarmnent. the litiVrttloci of the soil :nl the employ ment * f every l*lhr that *Olll he apfdled towl *1 tb enefU of the workingman.” Mr ’o* kran ilenoun- *d a large stand ing ,1 v and on this p int, sail “Th aralldate who stands for th*> *ll -of our money for military pur suits ft. -• be th** <and!*lale who stands for o injury If not our ultimate nat ional ruin." of iruve Mr Cockrsn sAl*l In pirt: “Th* 01U men that kn*w anything shout mt-i of th* xistlr g corpn all ns are th*- and rect managers It Is not irate 11 ta gm *llng. yes gambling with * o 1- , N | di v . A cor|ortion manager g*>es ii it Wall street and with prior or private knowledge against that of his fellow spe ulat r. gamble- with loader Ui • Mr Bryan stun*!' f*r V* 'andar*! of Justice that la n.t litltudlt *1 or longitudinal It I- unl \*r*ol ni and h render Uni.*lb> the pres ent form and corjoiate and monoixillstic fraud ' rtilll furthA along he Ml*i • With Will im J Bryan ttiere will !*** publicity PI didty Is Just!, e. Bryan Is ,n hotvst 11,A and his e|*eti n will en f,,r • lo and of the *llshoi!*st methods of corporate si t.ry. <\ \Tiol FOR vrBVE*MI*. Msgnllrsiit isrrptlos tilvfS Him In FoA Woynr InH. Fort Wayne.find . Nov. 2. Adlal K. Stevenson re *i *l to-day the greatest ovation ever li n to any candhiate in Fort Wayn* eci\ -lng even th* Bryan re . option in 1W .Mr. Stevenson was hc companled bv Cingrcssmiin J W. Bolb y of Texii- nrd Jiflg** Weltv of Clinton. This afternoon was a |ssra*le of farmers with m* n In line, half of them mounted, "o-nlght the largest po etical parade ev non in the city took phice, DemocratM marching clubs, rail way and shop nw s aisl w* rkittgmcn gen , roily turning otl 13.600 strong. In the afternoc \Mr f*tevcnson sp*>k* briefly from the A Icony of the Wayne Hotel to J.OOO. n 10-night spoke to in tudlence of over ,\o at the Prince •* rink Perhaps tha\<many m*>r*- were un able <0 secure odm.A inr HTOU: W 11,1. l fPOHT IKHKIA. —l— 4 ~trhrl for Urn,- ocr.llr *uluntlo. UauUvtlt*. Nov 1,-At a Krpublico rncdlnc 1 *hr Audiio|um to-nlih,. J W Yrrkr*. can<Jld* lor fcov*rnor. bln* ,ht nrlr.clp*! p*ak*r. Carl W J. Bton* mad* a >patch In which hVnnounc*d that ha *ouWl fuppor; Yarkea Capt Btone and >. Watt Hard to war, dafrated for ina ivmu txi' norntnatlol for (Jovarnor of kaniuck) h> WllliamiOoabrl In th- fa- Muatc HaU oouvitlon In l^uWvUla. SAVANNAH, GA„ SATI’RDAY, NOVEMBER :i. HKTO. ROOSEVELT’S RECORD M’lJl'MlO % I .la r % Ml*\M.\Klt a l\ T%i*K AXU THAVKIf. HE HAS MADE 673 SPEECHES. Il\* THAVFIaED Mil 1.1 IA TWIATI-I Ol Ii STATE*. 111*1 Vtore Talkiua anil Traveling 'I tin 11 Did Mr. Ilr inn In iatl ■nnteil Thni He I|Nike In al,4Hn*.iMM ■•eople— %% onnd Ip With a Tw- Weeks Tmir of N**w lurk Mnte, mill *M!s lie Is Htntl) f r Two Weeks More. Oswego, N Y Nm 2 Theodore IlHse velt. Republican candidate for Vice Presi dent . completed to-night at this point one of the mast r*t irknM** campaigns •\r mai by a < undid it* of any party In th* I 'tilted Htates. In eight weeks he has \lsit*l twenty-four states of the Pnlon. mode 673 h(r*chfi*. ir,\ led 21,309 miles, vt.-luai towns ani cities and tlke*l to what la estimated to I * 3.OtXM*O p>ple. This record Includes mor*- h m • hes. more miles trav|**l and more t*rrltory coveretl tiian that >f all th* other anll*' for President or VI Pr* -il*ni of the I’nlte 1 S* lies, of all other parlies fo.- the last one hundred year*, with the x -tptlon of th* 1 record made by William J. Bryan In 1.v%. and It exceeds Mr Bry anV r‘cqrd. *vhlch was speeches made ind lfVttOn mli* I . l * ***ver*l This won*l rful • utni .iKn wan finish* and by . Iwo w*-**ks four f th** stnl** f New York, during which the • and tw*• thoueniad. iwo huudre I and tlf y thr*e miles through thlriy-seven emimlp* atvl made liF spe*>chef me majorll\ of them from the rear platform f ih- train. Mr Roosevelt finish* 1 ! this tour in excel lent health and goo*l spirits, and. as he said to-night: "With a wlichlly weakened voice, but obi** to go on with the campaign a couple of W’ceka more." Just is th* train was pulling out of Waverly occurred the only Incident of th • j da> A atone was fired, braking t glass in th*- oK-eivatlon window In th** Governor s car. im\t is v| 11.1, \llls|\F.. I’rNcllcN ll* His Owl v \ low er Is l 1 nil Mr. Itrysi* Nmut-s. Chicago Nov. * 2 8* rvator Hanna *d dres-.d thtee meetings to-idght. the larg est one being ut Western avenue and Bloomlngdale road wher* the big circus tent In which the meeting was held was packed. It was an orderly meeting .uwi in great contrast to the exciting reception ho had last night Fenafor Han na spok* practicolly without interruption Mr. Brvan gioks In this section of the northwest side last night, and Senator Hanna tb 1 voted tnv*i of his tim to 1 dis • ussion of Imp* ri tlixin nnd trusts, on which Mr Bryan *lwlt rhieffy. "Its amounts nlm**t to fanaticism nnd ♦•hi* mery,” said S* nator Hanna, "for 1 man who aspires to th* 1 high office of President to raise a quest ion so foreign to th** principles and future of our gov ernment, to talk ihout imperialism as ~ti issue It is but another bog* ) man to fright n th people A man who ascribe* the purposes t* our standing army that have b*‘* 11 ascribed in this campaign, knows that he lies when he fys It By til* not* nnd h,s word*. Mr Bryan Is liv ing the foundation In tbP country for so cialism nnd anarchy Me b offering In •lucement* to men to destroy property, offering Inducement* * destroy the very foundations i>f the republic.** Hanna A t . to tin to Milwaukee. I’hlcago Nov 2—The Republican Nn tlonal Kxe. utive rommlttee. composed of Senator Mark Ilanna. Hecretary Heath. Pommlttreman It C. Keren* of Missouri, Graeme Stewart of ll.loots and Assistant jTreasurr Volney W, Foster, will .nvom | pony VI e Ghsirman Henry C Payne to I ’Milwaukee to-morrow to view the Repub lican parade In that city on Saturday •debt There will be no speech-making. ■ I I Itt.K DISH* IB %%ITIIDH%U. IIU Friemls llt 1 11 U He khonld t ome llnsn In Favor of llrvnn. Boston. Nov. 2 —The Globe to-morrow iviil print an open letter to Kugene V Debt, urging bit withdrawal in fa Mr Bfyan the signer* being Prof Par dons. president of the National Public ownership I-eague; B o Flower, founder of ih** Arena; Kit wood Pomeroy, presi .lent of the National Direct legislation l,*-agoe. ami Dr. O W Galvin, all per sonal friends of Mr Debs. The signers are all l*ilever* In the co operative common wealth, but lire of the opinion that It* advent will be hasten**! by Bryan’s election The Mter is of i i on*lderaMe length and dlacusse*. n Its bearing as to the object desired th** socialistic side of th#* present economical and industrial conditions The signets <s lare that ilryan represent* the movement against monopoly. that It is better to take the first ttep towards Improved condition* than no atep *• all They *iv a vole f*- Bryan Is the first practicable step toward th# l co-operative commonwealth ih<>uh neither ilryan cor th* 1 Demo ratio party may rea’lxe that fact. Cl II pi C OMIM. I OUK2TIOK. • f otnmlsslnn %|i|Mlnied to Arraane Openlnn < rrsmnnf. Havana. Nov 2 —Gen. Donanl Wood, commander of the de(*artment of Cuba, who arrived here to-day on the steam ship Kanawha, has . appointed 8* nores Liorente. Castro. Ittvera ond as .1 commission to arrange the opening cer emony nt the constitutional convention next Monday. Th board of canvasser* has not yet re ported with reference to contested seats, nnd the qu’tioa will be dec!*!* •! by the <onvenl:on. Fit 111 1 lie In llnsslnn Districts. ! London. Nov. t.—"ln spite of official de ! r.ials." say* th* Hi Peter*burg corre spondent of the Daly Mall, “there is no doubt that the inadequate harvest will produce a famine in the governments of ICherscn and Bessarabia Golden Admitted to Bull. Frankfort. Ky.. Nov 2 -Oreen Golden, held as one of the Goebel assassination •u>p*rt*. was admitted to ball In the sum of to-day and was released. TO BRING ABOUT PEACE. Minuter* krr at Work In Pekin and home if 1 toe tlllra* Forres %rc l.kirrminnllns Homers. I*irl*t, Nov 2 A dispatch to the Havas agency from Pekin, dated • t 31, says. The f>r* Ign ministers * >*ntlnued to-day th** discussion *l the peace proimeitinna to’ I*** proientnl l* the Chine-r. Th* 1 Fr* 11. prt>(M>als were a* opted Addi tion u *(♦• ifl* at lons will ts discussed Monday On account of the Ytecewsliy for tltorttugto u >rd tietwren lh' llff*‘tent cabin* is the final note wl.l not be |*rc sented f*>r aeveral weeks “Gen Voyron 1 >nnmander-ln-chlef of the French triwq** In China, with the al ii* > urwWr hi- command. 1 |>urglng the villages around Xlen Tski ond I’ekln. Many village* Inf-sled with llox-'r.- have Ito-eu dtstroyai and their Inhabitants pun ished. A French column met r**lwtan, i e at* 81**1 Chung The enemy’* losses were consiilerable Th* 1 village was burned "News 1 ece|\ 1 from Pan ’ring Fu In dilate* a movement of French and Ger man troop* ui*on Hi Ling, where the Im penal tombs are otiuaiel It is runtoad that h army of Yang Yu Kante hu# re **l\id to defend the plu. • "A* the result of inquiri*. l ' made bv the Internationa) commlsalon under Gen Ball loud (serond in rommand of the Fr*n n troops in China) the allies ar*- convinced that the grand trea-urer and the govern ot of I’ao T*lng Fu and a t’hlr- *• * **|.u I were Instrumental In the murder of American and English mlsalonarlea an) they have been *n-iniii*l m* death rvl will be execute<l A llavas Ag* n y dispatch from Pekla * kit -il Non 1, says: "The French troopa arrlv*d %t HI l. n ; Orl 2* and occupied the long* i#f Ihe Kmpr-> - Th* Germans Illns nnd ITngllsh irrlv-l afierwirds o oupb-d th* 1 other im|M rial tomt*s "No lighting Is mentioned." t.KKMIN THOlilfl l> i HIM. All Have Heaetoeil There nnd Have ll* *■• Dlslrltouted. Berlin Nov 2 Official telegrams from Count von Waldersee show that ali the German troop* have arrived In China and leen distributed. The First and H*i’fll Marines, the First Infantry Brigade and a small force of cavalry and artillery are Motioned at Pekin The Second Infantr> lirlga-k-. with a < irt* i s|s>nllng fon*e of artillery, engineers and cavalry Is at I‘no Ting Fu. One t*attallon Is hi Bh.ui Hal Kwan The Third Infantry Itrlg *le, writ 1 a company of shanwhooters, two s*|imi*l -of e-tvolry and *#*veral batteries. I- at Tl**n Tstn. * >ne battery and several howltser- are at Taku and a force of ir<s>ps Is distribute.! along the rallw y from Pekin to Yang Tsun. superintending the work of const ruction. A spe Ml dispatch lo the Hambuig Cor respondent .-ay* "In a well situated In the Imperial pal ace precincts In Tekln was found the hotly if Fmjeror Kwang 811** favorite wife. Bhen Tl. whom the Empress I*>wa ger caused 10 be drowned before the flight of the court from the capital. The sec ond favorite. Bhln FI. and a hundred Ut iles lek,iMing to the harem are prisoners in the hnmi* of the allies " A *lls|rtf* h from Pao Ting Fu. dated ye§ier*l.y. say* "Telegraphic * ,*nnectinn has been • om plete<l with Pekin, entirely by the tier mans The railway from Pao Ting Fu to th' capital is nearly completed. French k ta. iiment* are guarding the lin* The health of the German trootia Is steadily 4 1 tiroirr %\t urwrrioxg. Three of Them to He Derided In t titnese hegntlatlons. Washington, Nov. 2 It was slated to *lay in quarters well versed In Chinese af fair* that outsid* the questions of In demnity. punishment, ere. now under n*- gnttarion at Pekin, there are three vital and far-re iilng questions to b* deter mined* vl*.: First, the removal of the Em press Dowager, personally and through the Influence of her advisers, from all partlcipatlou In the Chinese government; second, the creating of an Indemnity fund by the Increase of Chinese custom* reve nue. either by the payment of the duties In gold instead f depre, taled silver as at present, or else by doubling the present silver duties from 6 per cent to lo per cent. n*l valorem, and. third, the establish ment of a minister of foreign affairs in place of the old and cumbereomc system of the tsung-li-yamen. f HIXIAK Ol Flt'lAl.* TO DIE. Most \ enerale*l Temple In l*au Ting F li Mr Destroyed. Pao Ting Fu. Friday. Oct 26. —The com mission of Inquiry Into the outrage* on missionaries here has sentenced 10 detUi Tien Yang, the provincial Judg- . Warg Hilling On. the military commandant. Gen. Klu and two other officials. German and French troops will garrison 11 Pao Ttng Fu for the win• or. Th** prepa rat lons are complete for dls troying. Oct. 27. the moat vencrgt.d temple In the city. More I'mrr I nsimiMlssrrs. loindon, Nov. 3 The Shanghai corr# spondent of the T'.nus says that nn im perial edict appoints Ldu Kun Yl. viceroy of Nankin ami Chang Chi Tung, viceroy of Hankow, to b<* additional peace *om mls?loners on behalf of China. XEM tCI.KtT IOX HOOTM9. New lork City Kasnd It Xeresaary to Have a Lot Made. New Yrk. Nov 2. -Owing to the lack of voting facilities In many election dis tricts in Manhattan and the Bronx the police Board to-day let emergency con tracts for forty wooden voting booth*. Thl* w * necessary, because in three pre cincts *0 muny cltlxens had registered that ft would be Impossible for them to vote on election day within the prescrib ed hours at the regular booths. A of the city will take place after election POPE DO ISA XOT LIKE IT. Waldeek llonMcsii'a Itereat kpeeeto Did Xnl I’lrsar Him. Paris. Nov. 2.—The Courrler du Bolr. which is often Inspired, announces that M. Wu 1 Jock Rousseau's speech at Tou louse last Aundsy. in the course of which he alluded to measures contemplated by the government eg.vmet religious congre gations. has mode a bad Impression at the Vatican, and that the Pope has in structed the pspel nuncio tn Paris to mod ify his conciliatory attitude toward ths French government. • ACTIVITY OF BOERS lilt 111 Mt I.OMpH |\ *nt til \ Fit It % Altl. STILL ME HI. OCTOBER SAW 167 KILLED. IKT IT I* 1 I. AIMED THE HIT! ATIOX Ik IMl'lttlt IM, It Is ltr|Mirt**l Hobrrl* \% 111 An 14* turn Iu F.iialnu*l Willi V|**s| f Ills *lall % not Iht *1 airmen! Is That *!• Siluntleii Is *• ** i rl* ll*- Will Have to It email* 11 While I iniurr llMrs %re ktlll %% ••II Armed. I/Ofidon. Nov 3. Tb* 8 *uth Afil ait i*ii uation is-improving .*•! Holier tn will shortly return t* Luglart*! wit 11 a majority f hi* slaff Anang*mein♦ an* being made in ' p* Town to send th* 1 hr-1 batch of refugees ba* k t * Johann* -burg .iui tK Commod tl**i) I* b* Ma: pravi*!**! at Bloemfontein far *1 garrinon of T.m** N*verth* I*-f*H the i**tivll\ *>f the lloer* continue*, on Oct. 2* a ‘omiiiando of 3-*) .pturd a garrl**vn of thirty in* a *t Red dersburg. but afterward released them Train* from th- south t I'rvtotla r* at t.* k* and by th*- llori'j* aim** t lally fin Ort 21 the burghers o*cuplcl K*ffyf*n t*ln. On < v ' other h in*l G**n Knox hs in fllrlal 1 reven*# on G*-n DeW* 1 * .- f,*r, • rear I -if' . apturlni; t%v*i gun-. u * *f them a w* i apifi •*t by tb*- iin:l*it tn th** Sun 1 at-* Poi affair Til*- biily tale f British catisuaßb * I* heavy During flu* month f tvinlar She Brlislsh DM 17 kllle*l In • ti*a. *•- eluding |. . th* • e. 71 wii** *tl*‘*l f wuiinil >7 Wh* died Of *li“* *• 22 VN IO li* l *l *f a< tdents. r.*l U 7 captured nr ml**iii|. a total almost equal to th- monthly aver age for th# duration of the war. Horr Is a i rtus. The Dally Express publishes sensational statements tlmt the lt*er revival In more serious than t* hitherto been Mi* v*d and that In consequence ls>rd Rolwrts* r* turn Is lik*l> to la- still further |MK*t|iori ed. It says *!*. tout n* • i on*lderahle l*arty of the tr*o|*s wl.l r* turn l*ef*r* l Jan uar\ or February, while the regimental drafts from England will ronltnu* and that S.isti hor>* will le sent out The piper definitely de* lsre that the IVto’r* are well armed att*l abundantly supplied with ammunition and that the eampaign Is likely to last another six mom hfr. In the best .nf*rm#d quarters, however. It Is a*srt#sl that there Is no ground for ihe iiertHmiem of the Dally Express. m Kh'l'M. ATI At* EAI’MDGOX. Driirliir* Are Hrsrelilnu for One *l Tnrrsal’s < lerks. New Non 2 Th* • *bpat ■fH hi* -• • R 11. % > >ll -atll *• 1 h • f l*erM*ns report#*#! missing In * i onnci|. n wrlth Ihe Tarrant tire for the pufjio I '* of Kelilng at a orr* i 11 >t of ihtimni sap posed 10 have k>*t their ll\* In the fir* The |*ersons reported wi-r* l love tlr ti*<l through th*- station negresi the <l*lre.-a given for th*m. and In many case- they were rejorie*l safe. In H*#me <a'*s tlis fiolli’e could not find th* mh* sing person at lire adtir* *# given I tv* list as revised to-lay shows per sons report**l niM-ing an*l n*i i* * ,>i,t* 1 T*>r. Of these nt aie not known t ihe a*Vlress#“*# glv n bv Ihe |*#-i -uns who r* - |K>rted ih* m Aliasing. On the list 1 the nnifie f Benjamin M*iorehouse. a * lerk for Tarrant a <’* Tin authorities in and • kiting tiieir be lief that h** Is alive and |turpi *ly keep ing his whet* about* *■• r* f "We ha\* i*tetiv* - out after Moore house nnd expect to land him soon," said Assistant Dlstrßt Attorn* > Walsh, who Is assisting the hr* l maixhal* Inv* tlga t ion Moore house's family anti nelghitors or Mont>lair, N J . r **nvlnd that he perlsht*d in the The fire *b|>art ment's Invest Ig it ion of th** expulsion closed t*elaN after the testimony of luts Patterson and George <1 Thomieon ••in- Idoves of Tarrant A t* had been taken Dr. l/derli 1 , h*-.ith ilcpaitm* ni analyst, who examined the seven drum* found In the ruin*. sll to-day that they ha*l con talned analytic oil, which I* only a little lesa • xpi*<elve than kerosene. IM>Et XOT I UI.LOAA THE FLAG. • <mi a 111 ■n• n 111 i*lain *£ 1 state* .Indue In lla%all. (Corre]M>mkn*n of the Asex lu* 1 *! Press 1 Honolulu. Oct £>. via Hm Francis o. Nov. 2 I’nited Htaie District Jud/o Estee has rndere*l a *l* l-1./ti to the ef fect Ihe * onsdtutton does not follow the flag, in an Important libel csss that has b**cn tie for* the courts here for wm tlm6 William II Marshall wn* -ent#i .. | t> six month* Imiwisonment for criminal ll bel. on account of publics! on* h* n i*le stiout the late t’iilef Ju*tl>* Judd If*- made an ar*|H al to th* Huprema Court of Hawaii tsised ii|*oi technical groun*l*. al leging ttait Ibe pur>u*l ‘luring his trial wer** not in * ordan< e win American procedure Th* lower court was sustaine#! and Marshall r* iurr.*'l 10 Judge lx*,* with a writ of habeas corpus Judge Kates held that th* 1 law* of Ha waii, allowing conviction of defendan a upon a verdict by nine Juror*. w*re * hi in fores at the tim* of Marshalls trial, which was long ifier the |m.-nnr* of th* l resolution annexing Hawaii to the Fnton The Judg* ikald tKnt Hawaii, l*ef<>re being annexed, "was a fre*- and enlighten#*! ■late. poiM olnx all the attribute* of sov ereignty, and when th** Island* were an nexed by the L’nlted 8 it. It was not only the lands, but the people, with th*lr law* and customs, wer* *r ru xed. and by the weli-e*tabt!h*l :aw >f nations, these laws and customs remain lr fore* until new laws are enacted for the gONornmcnt of the territory Ell ORATOR AA OX. Result of the Colit*# Oratorical Contest tn Atlanta. Atlanta. Nov. 2 —Walter F Georgs of Mercer Unlvorsttf. won the Georgia Htste Oratorical coolest hers to-night. Four Georgia colleges were represented. INDICTED FOR MURDER. I rue Mi lin I iiiiiml Aunlnst ttoc Men It 'M|iiiltle fr Ihr Dentil *f Jennie MnsaeMeter. N# w Y>rk. Nov 2 The grniHl Jury tt I*. l . rr, \ .1 #-d n hiliuk'd Up ln*ll t nul l'* ug Walter C* M \Bslef. J Kerr \N tlliam 1 Death and \t lr* w < m|' eil who r* chirg**#! wd 1 • minder *•( J* 1 in, l It,.*■** hlet* 1. who w ih •iruggHl to ♦* tii on t )*'• Ik Thei* wr* two ipd > tnnnt* against * l of tlie NHjng nun. one for niuhl*r • lid th# 1 other for rape, the flrat It l Ail. ii*, the latiei. It is 1 that while the grand Juri w 4* i on<d*k i ring ill* 1 *a* s**ni- of th** member* w*r dl - p*H**l to hi*l .• Indictment tik.iin*! c* iltlioriK* u hi* own admit m •* 11 III) It ) t* til*' .1 ault. n I*’ ait. but (hex wer** pi th* mln*rliv. The In* k mm • l.iiin* l to kn*av nothing *ilh>ui th# • • ll i*n *-f th** girl w.i.'ii *%tu w n bun • ll*,| Into hi* rtg itnl wh**n b* .11 rived 11 |he rock r*.i*l iu- w t • ,**er, **l bv t nn ,1 >f th* 1 m* l ll into doing .* lie ua* t*!*l • * llh< ii*-l.iii f Ihe ra*e uniting e tieni- Int* f the ki.iihl Jury. It was *;*ld that J* tutl* * heart wot. 1 weak and Ii w . |m* slble that this may have Ih-cm the cause •if her d.irh There w.i- no *\id* n*’*- • hlotai w 1* lutmlnlsteie l and this (mint • an only Ih* det*i mined by ih* ami lysis of the toma< ti or )•> a cnf***xlon frau on** of t o ac, used men. The physl* lan* could run .n |u>slllvoln that death w.i* due (< .1 |wb**nnoii* drug. The n i* n U*- Indl* tmenl is *atl to luiNe b* • 11 unanimous The cft*ml,analysis of the d**il girl’s >rgan* ho • not been * mpiH*Hl and n* r**|on t a been mad* 1 to th* 1 county phy • • an Dvfti If ih* 1 analysis ikies not iMish t ie administration of th* irug it 1 ti*l t in* #i* tiaiy *lect to film. ii>< • fen#ur* >t tin- matter an*! pro •*d to trial ijurn Hu 1-sumption that II * vbfb n, *-f th* 1 iHSAUIt iu*e*l heart failur* 1 #fid *1 nth and Hint wotil.l entail the •butls penalty a** much s* th* iidiithi ; lsti.itloti of file drug TROOPS PROTECT FELLOWS. ri f onipa 11 les of atnte Militia tnif t* .1 • ITe ran t* Prevent Li licit- Ina #f llaplst. Atlanta. Non 2 AmMher company of the Georgia militia was ordered from here (o-nlgtit by Gov f'sndlsr under rnmnvmil •*f Maj Na-h of the Fifth Georgia Regi nn ni, with In-•t met lons t pro*-* e,| to Jef fsrwm. In J.i* ks**n county, this Mate, far tb** purpn-u* of protecting the life of tin* Fellows 11 n* gr** chatgc*l with nn u*ult **n Mies Dora Hood, a prominent young indy *f liarrnoiiv Grovs A moi* of 2*"> j* reported gat here, 9 there with the intention of lynching the negro. Fellows was taken from Atlanta #nls morning under military ea*vrt to Jefferson for trial It was #* per ted that one company of troop* would i>e sufficient to j rated him. and the call to-nlaht ti|on the Adju tant Gen. rnl and the Gfv rnor for more trump:' ha* earned considerable ap|rehen ► l*a. a* to th** situattat Details ar* 1 rail yet obtainable. <Jov * ’.miller was In Columbus, attend mg • fwn il.a* at which th* Governor of Alabiim i wi“ pre*-nt when the re|u st from tli*' sh riff of J* ki*on county f,r more troa>H tea* h* and him throu#h Aljt Gen Byrd He Immediately cam** to At lanta lo comply with th*- request. EX-MAI tilt 4THOXG P DEAD. t%eriirk fa used lllnes Which llr *•• 11c| Im Mlm Death. New York. Nov. 2 William L Hfrong th* l l**t Mayor of th** old city #f New l ork. db*f Mulder ly shortly aflsr midnight it M rcsldem-e in thl* city Mr .Strong to* k an active part In th* pr* I **. nt campaign, and It I* stated that his folltlral Imlnus *'ombln#l with hia at t* rnpts to retain supervision over his bs -lr- affairs, in the face of irnfMlred health, brought 'ilmut lit** Illness that re suited In III* death William L 8r rig was lw>rn In Ohio and came to New Y rk when n young rnsn lie found employment with different firm* until Jan I, 1670. when he organised th** firm of WMIIam L. Strong 4k Cos. The firm soon gr*-w to be rate tit the prominent bu* !ne*s houses In the city. Mr. Strong took an active Interest tn I ollth h ..f t was one of the leaders of the reform movement In this city, and w.s rlet ted Mayor on the Republlcan-Cltlsrn*’ Fnton ticket in 1*5)4. t LEA EL AND AV ILL At)T A OTVC. At I .east Xot If Me ti# Duck fMioot inx AAltto llenedlef. New York. Nov 2 Ex-President Cleve land came to town to-day from Princeton and ■ ul!*il on hia friend. E C. Benedict it the iotter’s ffi • Mr Clsveland. wto looked very well, denied himself to all Interviewers, sending out word that he had nothing to suy A representative of the firm of Benedict A Cos 4,i|,| that the -x-President and Mr |ten##lics were going out of town for a few* days ll* understood they were going on a duck shooting expedition down In Maryland, and that they would nit return before th*- latter part of next week. ALVONIP* HAIL tlftfMHlO. He AAas Arrested toy I nlted ftfatrs Authorities. New York. Nov 2 —CNy Magistrate Klammer dlsckoriced Cornelius L. Alvord. toe defaulting note teller of the First Na tional Bank from custody to day. The migkdrat* -aid he was satisfied that he had n# Jurisdiction In the rase. Alvord was allowed to leave the court room, but as soon as h** ra h#il the cor rldor he was rear reeled by a Enlted State* marshal and taken before Fn!t*d Htate* CommlsslofM*r Hhlelds. The < i ommlsslonr held Alvord In SUM),6O6 ball for examination on IVniiiMiliy next Hail w* not offere#l and Alvord was ink c*n to Jail t.ItEENE AND t. AY NOR HEARING. Expert Hlpley Still ituarrlng Teeli mloml Cluesflons. New York. Nov. 2.—The hearings before Fnlted Slates Commissioner Hhlelds in the proceedings to secure the removal to the L’nltrd States Courts In of Joint F.. W. T and E H Gay nor and Benja min D. Greene, accused of conspiracy with •x-Capt. O. 26. Carter to defraud the gov ernment in harbor Improvement v/ork. wit continued to-day with the cross-ex amination of H. C. Rip'oy. the expert en. gineer for the defen** l , sti'l In progress. All of the questions to tht* witness art extremely techoUal la cfcaracitr* DAILY A YEAR GEN m A COPY WEEK I V TIMES A WEEK II A TBAR SOUTH IN CONGRESS Xll 111 IM nox l\ MEPRE.ACNTA-* TIOX TO ME MADE. TALK OF IT IS ALL “ROT.- AGITATION Ol IHE MATTER 11 PIIETTI Alt t 11 %A | Nil. lit publlca us 'Tirrd tlf anil Diaustel With the O rmiKliiiK ud ( urrttpC IIIN •* k Put II l 111 M Uf lll** South. Hit no a AA 111 t.o Out AVltto McK Inter 1. nd lli* Alcttomla AV 111 <■• With Him— I to# 1 Hmhls f llepresen lullim lu tlie llue. N*\ 2 The publication of th- * * ti*u 1 figure* for the whole country ho 1 • vlv#*| th** agitation for the r**dw tb'ii uf the rNrtseu nt loft from the iAouth. *0(1 *tatc* In th’- Niiiii< ratio that those at* • .11 •• allc|i | to have suppressed the \oti* of the login A few !#*a*h r* f Republican party ate *-tigag**l In th - agitation, but tha more promifietn o**s at* not giving It niu'h • nconriigcnieni Th** agitators, bo ing b|*.- *'d with greater lung power than thou* who er** raying nothing, pretend to bell* \* tliat t j i |*i--1 .*# of apportionment wl.l I>* taken Up at *1 sett!* !at the utming slwrt M-sloti of t ongr*u -and that the pro|H>s#Hi rediirtiofi wi.l b*< made • that In th** Flft> -eighth *Hgr**.- the B**uth •rn* 1 will tut n#* eotnparatlvely few represent all vi “Rot ' l* the profier w*>f\| to lose r I to# 1 the quality of this talk The present administration, even If M r - Klnlev Is re-elect#*#l, will have little *w no Interest In polities hereafter, and will hav* neither anything to g itn nor to bvsa bv bui*vtng Itself ai the subject f repre sentation fr*>m any stw*e When M< Klnley retire- from th* l piesld* nev, Ilanna will also go out of public office. The sue, uHors of the present managers of Ihe Republican party have not yet ap | In the putdlc eye. although, tha viiung* r t, lik< l* try 8 Heath, Henry G i'eyn* of Wg* *nsln. t'harles <rant Daw*?* *f Illinois, and Omrle* iWck ot • *hlo, li* l * an 4*l* a that It will succeed to the noratml now exercised toy the Junior senator frm Ohio For tlmt reason thwro Ih no fori •• behind the agitation If there wen* anything to Ih> gained h> making an effort t< reduce the representation, the ef fort ti be made this winter might bn worth watching All llepuhlleaits Not Favorable. While it Is euppow* l that ail Refufbll* • ana are interested In cutting down the tmlitlca) power of the lam*v rstlc ffouth. su*h Is not the case If the repres#uita tlon were cut as mu* h a* such radicals •.ut Grumpacker ~f haltana piopoees. ttoa Refill hit* an majority In th*- Hmisc of |lq>- r*sentatlvew w**u;d !*• unwb Ully most of •he tlm* A larg* majority Is more of a thrn In th* dde f the jsirty !♦*••!■ 1 lhao on* luaislstlng of aliout a *l*en rn ember*. VVb*n the majority ts large the demand for honors at the hands of the leader ot the House Im much greater Itoan or dinarily The F allen# of Fongreae can nt comply with all the rc|tie<rt* for <halr m.iiehi|rM el *nl the roniH Is that an opposition wltbln th** ruling iwrtv he comes as fully rgantxe l as the opposl tWm rq*r# s#'nte*i hy the I emocrcy That w* th# 1 experience f the Republican leader* In the Fifty-fourth Googresa, elected In and also the one el***-ted two year* biter For their own selfish pur|*>-. they ji fer ;• pre|Mn*|eranra rqual t* the one in the Fifty-sixth Con gress For that reason It may h** s.l*l wßhn*i| fear of more than i*#m funcrorv contradic tion that the real leaders of Ih** Republi can 1 arty have no *viniathy for the howl that i ll raise#! in behalf of the Miterat* blacks of the B>uth. itid by reason of that Illiteracy and general unfitn#-** to twir th#- burden## >f cltlxenshlp are da barred from the exercise of a franchise. A Roarer #if Trouble. The Bouthern negroes mnk* mors trouble for the K#‘publt* an leaders thaq all th*- rest of th#* |uirty combined Ther* 1* never a national n>nvendor! hut wiat there is a horde of th#m clamoring ot tho dooth of the leader*’ room-# l*mn*llng pay for llieir vote- In addition to tha piymenr of their hotel bills. If this were all, there might be some eymtathy for the color#**! In ot her who Is howling mod hlkxii th# 1 of his poiitu-ai rights, twit 11 I* not. It I* notorfoua that mn#c of the Rout hero Republican* are unabla to agree u{K>n *l‘ ie 1 dons to the national convention* and for a w* ek before tha convention the national committee is com p#ilt t hold dally ►♦•Sion* from tvlv§ to flft*-en hourw long endeavoring in settla the *o-call*d disputes of the color ej brother whi# h dispute* r*> raised Lldf for the purpoaa of abstracting money from the pocket* of the various candi dates. There Is not a man woo has ever rervel on ih* National Committee who knows that the contest oonco* t#*-! by ih* Bouth ern negroes are tt farce and therefore aro all uiimix#d evil. Am t niulllaated Nulaanee. If the Republican leader* could get rid of th* whole crowd of loud-mouthed rap t* alllonn claiming to represent Republican senllm*nt In the ftouth, without offending th** Northern negro. It would l#** done In the twinkling of an eye. Nearly every leader of naii#>n;il experience. In private con versa lion, udmlta tha: the Southern n-gto p .lilt tan ts the wi>r*4 nuliance who has ever found hi* way Into public life and hi* dlaj*t* .1 ranee would ff<ird no re gret whatsoever, bui. on th** other ltand # only th* great ext raiief. Then* leaders for poll* > s sake are com pelled to mike Ih'l'v# Dial they sympa -1 hi*, with th# Houthcrn nuisance. an4th*t If they had the pow#- r. they would cut down th 1 reprefafllatftoti, but It Is only a very shallow pretense. Any Houthern white man who has ever been In Wash ington for six months at a time, and has had nny opportunity wluitosever of be • or iilng acquainted with Republican lead ers, know* tha* to 1# a fact. He also must tie aware of the more Important fact that th# 1 Nor:hern white man. when he <<meft to Waahington. discovers that whlia the #x*l#ir*<l brother In the abstract Is all right. In the concrete It were far better If notion* ##f political equadty had never bt'en put into his head Every Northern Republican who ever departs with the notion that the Southern while man does exactly right In his effort to correct tha greatest blun der ever made—that of conferring the right to vote upon the emancipated slaves. There are hundreds and thousands of men In the North who have served In Con gress. or In the executive departments at gton. who have had practical gs 4CunUnue>J fruetxl fcq