The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 03, 1900, Image 13

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rycct2Ly> />v^ 4&, Southern Naval STORE vox . r J&cto** —/ o.<Ztfu.olooo*o v “*? V '• t 7^^^, (,Av "~ s^~yr~yg;y-~ OtOmiKOWffIOBASTSmCE '*■' . *d^r~- V A—^ UtT ~^z£^*y Ifc^r-^*rsSgvr^^3fcass_ *jn*&yzL..a * dL/Uu*.Yri^ & PSHOTTER COMPANY, _ -r- Proclamation of the Business Men of s?7<rrv<^ c/ZL-/- Savannah - Qa - v^J Thr 1 • Ild In *ha affair* of a rr#>t city when taken at thn flood Iraria on lo FWtun* Savannah 1c nhrraat of thia |/ A' ' rfrona tide of pro*(wrlty Herein It pro Uilm* Ita advanlaaea. It ! not a proppery of commercial anl Induetrlal proe- p )/ < r*\ <i 'v~s/S/f _, _. pertly to come, hut a pinnacle of wraith and peerleaa prominence already reached, and the unerring flnfter of the (loldeaa CO of Progress still points to higher and bioidsr attainments In the varied channel# in which are coursing the strong cur /y rents of steady advancement. y * X/a -- /y /J y * y* fy>" t t Savannah has chosen to wnft until in the ripening fruition of h*r destiny she can point with unchallenged faith to her i//G r *&AA-Usvt / tXec UX 5W tjy Cc 7rC&S. unrivalled advantages and say Here is nu a ptojecn-d seaport hut a queenly port 1n whoso deep and fresh water harbor the shipping of ihe wrld con ho nr. am mo, in ted. and vessels of the greatest draught can pass In from and out to the . s- . yy groat ocean freighted to their fuliesi mpaclt) Here Is not a city to which exh naive Hne of rnilw.iy an looking for P pf) / /y , y terminals, hut a city where they have rontnioted terminals costing mil ions of dollars, an I commensurate with the im fv Of 1 2 4 U t ,s^ f/iX. y portange of the chief port of the South Atlantic; here Is 11 city where inducements are not being frantically launched In an y f y /~yr endeavor to secure line*; of steamships, for they are already In with hundred of acres of storohou • , miles of i w -^ar • docks and wharves, h n*i embracing fleets of elegant and capacious ocean 1 ners plying regularly to the renter# of trade. commerce *and msnufactures on the North Atlantic. X / Enjoying every esaentlnl advantage Is to the upbuilding of a metropolis. w\ the underalgned. believing y/ y 7 jtf y* that Savannah has reached that epoch In her hlstorv when a briefly detailed review of she Is should Is* brought y^r f\ /? yyr to the attention of the country not Immeliate|\ tributary to her. for the mutii il lieneflt of those who are here and those ////y ys / A /*y who may b- attracte.l her* hereh> pro’lilm that a wtlnim* awaits the ambition and the Industrious, that there are in- I D \A/1 fFTI" tf O fn vt e\ s an* -■■ w dustrlal and mercantile fields here that promise n rich and recurring hirvest. that health, comfort, pleasure and profit are ti. i • W ! LL.I A I>U 7*l rAJ TANARUS enjoyed by ua. an l there Is enough and to share. If you have never been Interested m Savannah, you should beroma jS yyy~ ri , " Intereated In It after looking over what Is said of It In th|a edition h (fT} /) / V I If there should he anyrhlng more desired, write to any one of the many who hive Joined in this proclamation. Hotter <s> // i ll Al* C/) m w _ •till, come and visit Pavannah and form your own opinions of wha: It Is to-day, what It Is destined to lw* in the next de- U / ' C\ L V .. %..v*. A TY PP| I I p.T 1f T| cade—the metropolis of the Bouthern Btat*s / * n 1 Hi AA |N| \f I * n • low of Its wondrous pmepertty we tender you the freedom of a city whore hospitality has hern the theme of m X JL. AeM AAa A A M A Jht song and story- frrwn the time It entertained Oen Ia Payette until Its recent welcome rvl royal h*sphality to the hero of fj AI /• i yf I O r Manila Hay. Individually and colle< tivaly, in the name of Savannah, wo subscribe ourwdves, Conllally Yours. | W9s\ MU'H n( *T ■ • If /<r " ‘ McMillan Bros, ~4ZI AGtNCVOf THf ANTWEOPNAVAI sToli£3 COMPANY c t tSJ^O^' y~~ SUa / s S/ -isws-v Stewart r4}> X&y Jr. ffTfy&CJ&c) SAYAHIIAHIQUHDRY & MMI CO. *~a " jrt ’ 444/rk/ UR Kgj&yp. S SUftPLY CO. ; -, M u O -T... 4 ~.C0 s V'^3^/S SflQy— wm. wbciwmct mm a. ’° .