The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 03, 1900, Image 14

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SAVANNAH, The Great Seaport of the South. Fen Pictures of Its Prosperity, Its Scenic Environments, Its Attractions, Its Cul ture and Growing Wealth and Importance. Unrivaled Railway and Inland and Ocean Transpor tation, Deep Fresh Water Harbor and Tributary Territory Attracting the Attention of the Maritime, Commercial and Industrial World. An Equable Climate, I*urc Artesian Water, Two Great Systems of Surface and House Drainage Combine to Make It the Healthiest City on the Continent of North America. All the Modern Facilities for Local and Interstate Communica tion by CompetinK Telegraphic and Telephone Sys tems, and Up-to-l>ate In Everything. But a years over a century nnd a fmit uco tho t.rk of the Yam.u raw Indian natcai w 1 the only craft that nav igated the rivtr Irom which Savannah take itM n.inn*. Within eighteen mil* -of the open ►*-,. m < ure from M'lrnt and tldl, dftftturbano . Tomo-chl-ahi and the tribe of Which lit l vtiiK chief habitat**!. Il*r** t*4ieath no ro*K *x*pt th*- l/ulniv Uy aid blue of th •** ml trapl * return!!., xvteh D< trophic #f for- -t **nd #***m they lived oonlent. the tippling niuci. of Hie river in th* reed*. the of j rdf In palmetto uikl pin** lulling thorn to rwpoe.i. The m.h of the Yama. r.iw HuvertiriM'iit w a well <* ►••. t'or tu uouL to the salt water the** epicures .It* w their ‘Uitii' 1 " of rru**fii< , .in*i with th* lorM at band to supply them a !th rani and yet fha location was Mich that In cj e mi *m*m> Mpt’roa’htd their position. If Hot impregnable, II would afford th* ri x c client lino of rHMit. When Gen *)gicthorpe visited th** |d.ce In 1732 he quick |\ n*a!D*-d that here wa* the* nlte for gr*nt Keafwiri til*on the bank* of u deep river that would Is* n channel of trad- and omrnuni* alln with ti aotnotlme §ii Interior. Making a friend of the Indian chief, and uu honor - uMf tr* -uty. It laid the foundation for Sa vannah. h lfy |wrl M* In lie beauty *-f It* N<*nk' environment, rich In th** his torical remlnlsc* nt? v that dlutd.r about H. #tedy and sturdy in li .mine r Mil. ■norltiin* ami Industrial growth, and to iia\ the quen city of the Hoiith Atlantic. In th*' Mioiirg*' of fli* it lur lo**! ► ome of the lxr.drn.irk> **f it* * irly pioneer lift*, but marble granite, hri *k and term • otfa have replaced them. Out Ol the scourge of war. * sled In every v* in and urt.*ry of trad*- .irxi pi • * **>n. sh** liaalid the wound.- with resolve urxl rxi *nd t ■lay h* r i*ort wat* r r* whitened w th tin* sail# >f eomniTO' from every nation •md maritime port ol Importance on th** globe, while her road* of Iron ur*- ot tered thick through field and forest pene trating mlnea und quarries In flv* prln **lpni Southern Ktirt*- ani halting at the yatca of counllem* interior cities, town* at a) vlUag* wbofe Inter* -* ure bout.a up closely with the city by the m>4 fnmi when* * comm the unsDnt*l flow >f capital to move the products of the Interior to the buy port for distribution to the market# of tin* world. But if th** growth of Savannah ha- been stimulated by railroad trai spnrtatlon and In hi til u ink mean navigation until it has reached It** proud position a* a |**er ]*.-# t*-rmlual point for railr ods that with trunk line* and connections ree h •* * th* center- of trad* <i th* North AMantic. tii** J'uclflc, the great lak* #. th** Gulf. ari l the grain and sto* k region# *f th*- VVe?t at and Northwest. and that has dotted It* harbor witti v-- I- bearing the flap?* of all the civilized nit lon t* *f th* world, tine eelfl*h greed of property acquisition ha* not stlfl***! the loft I* r and ennobling senti ment:' of fraternity. lio*p-t ility and har- Itv. It has ijt tihl*l to degenerate its citizenry Into mere money-getters for sor uid gale, it we If, nb I | irk plas.i and lawns. Its paved boulevard*. It many Ixoautifui shiiil. frees, th it have • irn.-d for It th< title * f The For* t otv of th** Hoiith, Ita ■ imfully tend*d *hrulb*r> ml wealth f flowcn*. l i** .k u love • f th** t < * it&ftil trallficcndiDg the im u* 1 v of gam. A patriotic people. Inherltti g th** ottini of th*js*' who WTi t*>| the C , *drle from fhe irr.iFi* of monarchy in*) ui tl tu*wl home g.#vertinunt In the form of n nptibllr f r t?a- tyranny of i trana-Atlan tic- kit.g. she hat* fumiahed her share upon t o- roll of fhe hra\*. wio have f ,;Un in defending the cause of liberty Sh* rc.vtred her dead from tin- time that th* gallant J taper and th* dashing I’ tl i-ki give their live* to fhe catim* of fr* e l**m f . has pr* * -v* I her military nrdnr, oil mldfary <>rganix,itlon* aince th time th*. Kngltwh army *>f o* eupatlor*. waa <om p* Ib and to *urr**nder the city of Rivunnah to the bund of (eitriot* an*t leave them free from the voke of ftr**l*n rub The *•<*■> of the-** patr oti.* f ire?* pr* .* rved th- military organiz.itlon-* intact and ahar*-d |n th** gb rp* of Amer. ban valor f.n th** •i. id of Mexico; tr.*lr e.-ma, hi tt civil strife, itiet*-i their *le voflon to h' me and duty, and their bravery, in . very gr. ut onfl|. t between tlia I *slerl for in th* *le, Irn >flng war of IStft-C*. and the *.on- *f ihe veferana of the or* w* re first To re pom) t* their country * call when Ihe haughty H; irlird flautTi- i hla flag **’ .••*’ .r * in *h*‘ fa •> of a liberty loving p*opl< S.ivannah fur m.-hhig trior ,n h* r•, iota of troop* at the flrat call for volunteers. li in tilt i*urp a of tbbs pujii.auoi* 09t *> iw<ll upon 1 1 Savannah of the pa t but to d* *1 with a* she*i • itt rgmg from fh* entury drawing to lose Whll* her nd\ m**-** ■ as mar u f.t*'tilling grid fra*!** cent*r ure her frlnci pa! r* • ommendattor . dir-cting th* pl tallat, th** and *oe n*<hanlc to * i Inviting field for develop inent md the flrqui dtori .f k*r* *t w* .lth. •I lUtSfIM tO * it* ** b**.uiflful, th* healthful, tla* e.|iintional ir.<l th* social with th* pr*i tbMl <4* merit of industrial energy. Th* f<:r* T> nr* w i.u well abadod, and the residence* are conatru*ted u|ko llno *f .ir hit* turul I* , it> of exterior, and < legate •• n*l inllary completeres* *f In • erlor The <;*or<li pine, whkb - •rnmi*i N u* h high pn * s i r interior flnlali in th* North Mtxi West **ntera Into th* finish of th humblest home* in Hnvaomah. At tractive park.*- .and pl.isaa .ffir*l recreative fday grounds for the children win have ! n*f flu* pal** faces n.| he ti' flush * f fho' in ntnpafwl rltl' is nnasured by a value gr*.ier than that of the lives of fhe llttb* one*. I*ur* water, m char -> crystal, h brought from the artelan w* II hun *lrlH *f feet Ihlowt the siiria • , where It flows ir *-xhjimll**- atream** !*w‘Ard lh* rs.. having beer* til ter* I ihrough thousandn of f*e' of rock formation in the pure mountain otr llirotighmit th* eeiHurbw* and now > .elding up fr* ii.sur* rl h. r than rn* N. , Ity of Itt* population In th*' United Httt*- *an boiud a low. r nioriullty rat. than Sa vannah sin* • th* day ihtii artesian water took the pin *of th* eurfac*- well and river water eupply. This Is why the r* ider wlli look in vain In the mortality table** pr* ent*d by otbor * Ties, for S*- v enah> rating It l* too I *wr for a diplo matic (<>mrar|son. The *rtes| in wat* r Is taken abonrd out going vessels for consumption, and was taken In tranxport•* to f’tilvt. the highest tribute* to its value that could la- paid. Th** lim it** Is as d* Dghtful ns It Is healthful. The Southern tm-cxe l refresh ing In tin slimmer, r*l temper.- the ***l.l of wlnt.-r. Tin* averng • aniuiul tempera ture ol Savannah is degree**, approx! mating that of some of the famed reports of Hjsiln. Sicily and f that of Ber muda. Thoti - inds of soldiers en rout* to f*tib. at- ! Porto Iti* o -*|m-nt of the colder montha in tints In Savannah’s • nvlrons nnd puhllc square* wdThouf discomfort, and tl**us.nd- were her* dur ing the heated term, who were Inalthful while in I* •* f*vor* and lo *ahti**s. North and farther South, their ranks were de cimated by dlseas fr.-m tmiwire water and unsanitary surroundings. The sewerage system of S evannah I* on* of the strongst fa* tors in th* city sanitation, and n • xp* n*lvi and thorough -v-teni of saniiary house ilralnage Is |*- priKichlng compl**lon which will I* iv T oth ng wanting .n the drainage pr>hicm of Ihe city The h**ol system treate 4 | elsewhere i. second to none in th* South. It not only rubra • all that i* up-to-date In the pub lic v hon| -v tm. but there ur* a numlver •*f private ► h*ls und colleges, that fit the voung men and the young worn* n for (utur* usefulness. In the w*orkhop the counting room, or th* drawing muni Nor does th* syst*m of *du ttisi r a h t >!■ white ra’e a lon* -th* * |*r*l youth ir* under the fo-ter tig an of city, co in ty and #tate aid. and then ure prosperous otored s*-bools supfiorted largely by tls *:• n*’rotis al l of privatt phll in'hrojvists S \ inrh may well challenge the world to produce a rival In her tolerance of re ligion- opinion. Her reputation dates back to th* organisation of the Union Hociet) t charity for th* education md iin of orphan*! children, with Jew • ’.itho'.l* .n*l Prot- ►iant gentlemen >n it- dire** lory -as for hi'k a •he d*x * of the colonial struggle fo* ln- I• -i < * dual rial orphan school eup|iortd by the rnemls'r* of the Union Society t*>-ly, has upon It hraiored roll of m* mb* rshlp men of all creeds. * arrylng out the unselfish of Mr founders The r* ligtou* sentlm nt j of flsvm i h first klr dl*d by the \V* - • vs. I where the hymn** of \V**s * v w re writ t**n. w* * tleorgc WMn- and. who found t*d H*'t h**hln. so eloquent I v minis j ter#*!, remains and is attested by some of j the n -si lmi*>dflK religious edifices In tn<> , <unirv Here where the exi .and Hebrew J ***W.ny-is w*-e w*l<t*med is a c.*stl> syn agogue in a duster of no ler- stately Proles tat t pi a* • -of worship; her#* where the horn* l' Sa'glmrg* r:- received a w*l com* Ia femp'e *>f Lutheran w.r- ip no I*ss Impo.dtiif t an church* !* of other de nomlrigtione. whib- th*- double-spirtd fa tiivurul, a itfucturt juzt ruon from Ihe ruins of 'b** fire th** over whelmed It. uld . . > the gensrwus help of men of dl v rg. r t f/iith attests Ursxid charitv of • p.opl*. who IM>t C>nl> bwlirve ir. e igl aj* tolerance, but tnaidfwet t by practical • hods. Here In tfavMf.nsf. wa orgurnzed fhe 'l*-* H-jr.U* -choc) In the wofkl ami in no '‘ity of i sle I- the rkiiideiy sir bool mo *• f.>r. efully fei rM than In th* city w|.i- h give p tdrth From the la* rival We.dej w • i.i hwr * fo*t> dto miperlnt* i*lt a* school he orgai iz* I. that the 1 p**or*-r and hes* *ss children mifl i not i v he’d pto r dloul*. the Bur<d *y achooi tie* been a potent factor in th* elevation of the moral a** we* 4 In a primary* edu • • ;ori of ft * vrsit w A rorni* *♦!•• -ystem *f el#v*r. f%frft rail rraver *, t- tli** city with belt lit . • that loflVty the people to th** busi* | noth* center* and txantlgaous to th* bedel: 4 * hurdles, -horda and theater i while 4ur*’- ex*#-f.d f p*>pukir resort •n th- salt to the g.,f ground- to th* ' rtf!* rang* and o*her point- of attraction within m dietsiue of t*n or tw**lve mil* from th* itv TVs this may I**- added fin* roads, etiitable fur <lrfv-s at.*l Id* y< ling w here tb- scenery U ad that I.** p * t inv* t* tn *>* of the admirer of M ini lea uty. With Tvbce by the wa, the is.pul <r watering p'• •• of the s*#iith during th* summer month or In Mu n tni 1 ' ! ~t*l in b’-ss than an hour run iy trail - Hav/annah ns a r* sidental (Nif* • h f*w r vaU. The, attractive batmng fn tr* Mirf. t Tv bee. the ex-iting rwl Invigorating yacht* in th* • ting -*' a son. tn* golf links the club life •• Itt* rar> art mud *1 n*l ttcMtri .il at traeftona on ire to romplet* s w l*l- ** range of enjoyments nnd p• u jrs a- are affordetl by few ll*of greater prten dons. * All these tempt the tourist In annual Hcmthfrn mlcTitlor to Hr < r her* unti the magnolia *p*ns ir royl white cup t>* *ltf*till Its fragranr* through the em< ral i I* avee. when winter tl.l ho i- North*Ti. e|fy und plain In c<dl embrace of i< * and MIOW. Here. then, is the I hom* ll* a th. e* nl beauty, attractive environment* surroun*lingwater i r #m hidden fountains of purity, in unfailing abundance, refinement. * ultur* an*! sw* t < >*nteiit. Th** ti.irsh* f -*mnd ar* trie nx’histlee ot t‘c- tr.ilrm that b-ing th* produ l of tv**rv sluie and cv.on over l* ir and far-reaching systems of ratlwMs. nnd the trump* l.k- musi* *f ihe Incoming *l outgidng steamshH*-* that carry from fhU rirh grunar> ne gart)-red wrolth *f the cotton and ri- e ft* Id th* pin* f*r*e- l lb** nun*. q*mrr> and the fat tory. to th*- -ug r and waiting market of ih* work!. Her* too ts u < ombinution <*f u most inviting fl* I*l for th* manufacturer, an.l a desirable home for employer und cm ployed Here is u law.-abiding city, n •onserv.itive financial center, a paarioti* Itlxenshlp preserving its military organ izattom* for more thin a century, pre pared at the ell of nsvagnixed authorit> to *l* f* •*.*! liberty nn*l law le*t us now take a irW review of wha: H.ivunr, • a is l*dng in the domain *f rnl 'omitierce and m nufa* fur* s. ami con lude by showing that the harvest s treat, ripe aid Inviting to others, woo ufil And here golden crop to reward • unentered energ) and ear new und con servative ct(*l* ivor. Tlie i't■ n* n 11*1 I its f rII llleliii f l i Nile ol i *n • ii hum !i. The people of Huvannati anl the Sou t ire a muaic loving ixsapi*-. un*i have cul tivat*d a taste for harmony of sweet rounds, on** of ta* prominent d* ulem In miifirttl mxtruments in fiinvanmih rati itmt* - the monthly a * of instruno nts of house Ml !'■* Tide does lf‘t |M* l'l*l -ring**! instrument of course ThU iw>t only em *rar<t* th*- local ir *!*• of fa*- Itv. but of three states, in which t*•- house is repr*-seiHl by commendal tr.iv • ler.-* The stranger wmikl i- surpris*-*! t tin*! pianos anl org.rie m the htimMe-t lotmr Th* higher *slu* ifion of the <•! I ore! votith in th* f*i'*t reg* \ mi h • t'• ;* I*l to lift many * former h*-* rl*-- arp*-tl*es cabin t th.* dignity of n lit I tl* hetne wi*r* th*- piano and the organ ure mu lnfr.*pi*ntl\ •hi, -*> that no , only in tn*- pa! i. <• of luxtiry and in til** well rip{dtitd r* sideti* • *f th** i alr-t*-*l * 1 hut In th* modest or.e-story cottage, in* 1 relining |nflu*ticeH >f an a*lv4ti**ei) civil isation open th*- tloor to sh* piano ntul tn organ, u rung farther up the muni al laibier than the hare pancheon floor oi the on*-room*.l >haut% whir* th** fi*Kl •f the ante l* Hum African has a potent charm, if not >n refining ut least meill (luotie, ir.- *lis|m -l,.ng und -iiJo>uble. Artistic Display* In llie Itetnll qnnrlrr. K*rotHib!y n* city in th- South has le t f**r equtp|*ed retail ami i* j:irtin*-nt #torcf Th*-te- ar*- |*rtn. Ipailv ai Broughton str*-et the retail thorough fur* of the city. Near ly all of them have mmodwtu quarters <K‘cupying buildltigs f four t* fix * wtorle> md with fin*- plate gla front's, or *h*w i window . whet* giNVI- ar* 11-*i>lnv* *1 with artlaiL tael*- and reflecting T*htablv up n tl- artist- who ar* * tnpiy-*l l h* wtmlow dr* orations and display. S*m *f Ih* ?* dis|iays are fully iqu ii to thw**-| o th** fa -!il>#* *l* *• retail *|iiurT*t* In New York and Chicago This dtspla) Is put ti* ular.y true of th** retail clothing *- a****, tli* *tv gs.**is stn* . the millinery stores Hid the lskt ii ii* I shoe Slot* A genii* man fr**m tli# North dropping in’ * one •f the fashionable n-taii othlng houses *n Biougitf*n street t• m trk* I ihut he had -e# nno retail U*lhlng stor* In New York •Ity more •ompiete in arrang*-merit and variety, and certainly non* showing u !i enterprise, last*- and sktl in its undos decoration, titling* 4 and trad* display This is true of t- other ran* !i*? of retail trade It ih observable In th* candy and iVinfectlon etor* * on Bull at *1 Brough ton Tli*- Ity has not tak n kit In to th*- •heaper or*l* r of !-w u an*l tner* fore manufactures an*l r> t.liters have atere*i to tb.- te-tt.i t. t-. nrs*l have mad* their -hoj*H Inviting wr<l Mt f N p i f>r shop jilt*. with ornam* ntal fitting ft*r * 1 and, to catdlvate th* *>• and pi* .* •h* taste, whl.e *halr- of r* tfui an.l unique fashion invite the r.itlmnd shop pe? i. make hers* If at hom* The cultivated tastes of th* |*eog • may t>* conjectured by dropping into ulrtwiet any K i *1 *>f a retail eetaMishm- r t in Ha n nnah. Th** retail nier* hunt !?• th* it.- * rpreier of the tastes of his client ig* ia**t only by the quality of hi- war* . hut i ' th*' artistic or inartistic methods with wnich they ar** displayed for Insp* non aid * *!■ Th- show wiihlow- show ..-*•* •xtinti*rs oral ehe vm of Ihe Savannah tr iad merchant beep* tk th* * u mre <>: r n-ir patrons. \Miiur.MM hi Him % it; . Itepreriitel l*x u lliislties* %uu*‘un tlna I’oiir Xtllllon Dollars- Ther* re several old and wim* n# w. iin-l <4i \%# i| # I’llpp* and r * houses wn*M*e trad* extends t.-irc-ughoat | six Hojlhern states nl -tn of | find* • i BOU< Vaar!y four mldton cf!*.•• B t o * **t volume of the whoi*--a . ha lw ir | trad# tot- isoi trade yeai cnUiog tt-p:, 1. 1 A COHON IS STILL KING. ovkr b*l.k r the: I'Ll 'J ■* V T EI-1.8 HIIJ Til Ml NMH MI • 1,1. y. Th* 1 I'lpttrli of t ortoa front the iirt-nt seaport of the sooth Atlantic j list livrr Forty Million Dollar* fr the War l.nJ*d srpt. 1. IflttO. Tn* notton industry *>f Savannah is ■iiri'M v * first cA fn* j • rmanent an*) st - M elernefit *f fcfitlusitrN. M re than one mil ai* *-otn her* mnually for dis trlbution to th* enters of t*-xMI* nrnttu fu tur; in the miiiw of thin country and Lurope. This fum!h*s .* varied rang* <f i iivity In the hurabg.g of mi* h ir. iurmo • ■ pH-.iu i of th*- i</t(uti fields Of tn* Houth A Gant! staten. Pi rat. th* -r it M|*L*rtuGon by four great systems of r ihw ays. and by inland st*mls* it -* to < on vey it to tb i**rt. with the '-otton yard for re* elying, the*ho J t. to store it md the • ompr.-ss*m to pr* iit to th*- mm imum b ilk for •v-onomr- loading. No sea p*rt in th* ifouth he- gr*siter fa-IHtiee f* " t' r* elvirur a>*l storing of rotton • it<* r *ivUig i„,tt h;- compresses tht' •dual thoi** **f .Savannah tn capacity ot m***)crn •quiprn* nt for this t.r.Mieh of the -* be Both on tii* Havunnan side of harbor t ** C. nirui of i>eorgU Half- A v* and th* l\art Hy.*um termtria.s •be t* (unship ii.d city wharves and at ' • -ct* i* *i\ * Terminals *f the Sea b<*ail Air Liti* on Hutchinson I.**Uni, op l H> it* cifv. an the (umpr**is fa* 111 ti*M ot ti. |iort ta- rivalled b> any *ot t*n jiort of the Houth.' chip br*k* rs t.av* arnng*s| for veaaeb* t* * rry th* tie# y product to fill the or der p.'a* and by th*‘ cotton factors an*l brokers *f tris busy seaport, and thou *ti*i of laborers ar* employed in un i*a ling nip-* sing n*l storing, and in r. ling m the great a tea mat) ip* that tr-.iu-port it to the market* of Bkistern and Kurofr an tr*d*- For th** year ending Bept l. IMO, thr-r.- were r* • iv*d at the port of Savannah 1 t*ai- of upland and sea i.-l ind -ctton, .ar*l there were exported 1.- l"!,]M bah.- Th:e aggregat'd In valtfe *L ai,a*i Of tin- about tw-o-thirds went • hr* -ly foreign from the f* rt of Havan • tih. and th# remainder principallv to the |s*rt of Bo“ion New York and Bair) •nor*-, which wa- !<*rx- !\ t ik*. for *-xpir* t reign from tho- ports i ‘OTTON Him It Ml AT 111) U:\KKR nil: SUPPLY OF Tin; RT iPLi:. I lie T lieoi-% l.iiul.’idl) I'rnM-nlni. Mtonins That the Soatli i tli* Natiirn) lluaue t the l,Aoni. Anl here com* s th<- forcible question. If capital could b*- induc'd to *one c|o-er t* !*. b.<*t cotton supply to mno r i ture it into txtil* f ii Tic.-, what a fi**ld f t i rotltabx- *nl permanent Investment Th* .jutwtion W l*eihg s.*rioui-ly asked why • ui i th* <-ru*l* pi**Diet I* ronwvel at lamshtp {# thorn- ti U of nt!! , *-xi*>h*- I to the *1 an c*-re of i ovik *• n to those distant field* for manufacture, when the mttura! and economic place of manufacture 1* m-ar the b. i*f stippiy ? Does it require close fig uring t* establish tit*- fa t ttwit it Kurop*-. lomote from tti* cotton ileitis, and with * i r* i-*ing fuel supply. •an Import the hulk of the cotton grown in the cotton -tales, and profitably manufacture It Into fabrics, th*- inabufa ur> can be more • oonoftilcally and tnor* pr titably condu t *• I iti and near *u'h t itle* •# - Savannah an.l In .* country where th*- supply < f . oal pra* i *1 ly • xhausfbwt*? Th* ag t. i tb n *>f * qpltaliaia is being d;r* t*-d t * !h!> inviting promise of great {wowperlty In 4-otton mantifa* tur In Its natural te! • mornic ti* Id. the Southern cotton suit os. and milk* ar** Increasing in South Barulina and Heoigla, th** uvant courier of the general tronsferrenc* of 1*0(1 on in inul a* tur* to Southern Helds. Sun j tin ah air.n* t b* overlook* and when the full tld* of rnwraifa tur*- set? southw rd II h i ev* r> thing that In* a s ts can sug k. st in Its favor *lt* s otHainab!* it * normal cost, vs a • r in abundance, un rivalled rallwuv and steamship transp.*r tation for the distribution of the nutnufac t jr.d prcalu t that it imw ha* for a* distribution *f the *thpi*- in its unmanu fu -tui. .I rial* This I? a probl* m that i- t. cnlng **f d***|** r interest in circle of lc la-trial lev lpm**nt. and the full • allxation **f it is not far dlt nl. The otion-gt<*wa c l*elt i*nl Its tributnrv mart: *f lo* ii tr ol*- ur tniillul lo th* full measure of profit that can b* leriv*d from th**lr pr**'Tu ts. und if they have pronp* r 1 by contenting ives with th*- nuiM* r jw'rtton *leriv*<) fr*m the wale t*> distant iountrles **f tlie staple pra< ti aliy i- It • • tn*s from the fb-M. h**w much c, ater the | r*v-j* rlty :it n then* wit .* id |t<l th- profit of th* mmufactured article ixnitig from wheel an*l loom. Th* genius, the industry and the ambition of progressive p opl** will n *t huig |elav the revolutlonisliur of present m*lho*ls or much longer i**-t| on* th- eta of develop ment that pr*ants*-s t** * nri h tn*- cotton •* it in county, t wn ami city. Tn* slab - t omprislng the cotton be't 1 1 a\ *• marble, granite aid stone 1r 50.i.l foundutions ’f masonry. *lay el.ipted for brick lor factory construction; min* -f or*- ftotn wt . h the lfv*n and *>:• * l of t a m. ry *an l> fashione*!, an*l **>•! to Jlu it the fir. ► in ihe furnace to k* p th. h i-s looms in motion To suy that al. ibest elemcntA will not In* utilized tn th* n*ar lut ir* •** transplant th* manufa* - flic ot textile goods IO their natuiai l , .itun t to dout-t the intelligence an*l am lililmli of a provf• “Siv# |K-uple. When th* tim* stia’l 1 rip* tor concert of action in thh dlre-’tlon Havannnh will r* a*ly to -har* In th* gr-at work, nnd as her capi tal n* w rt**w- freely through >ii*r chnn i*l of dev* I in • tii it will tw* i com mand for if* * :owning wroik of fixing the tar of cotton manufacture *1 in i the Houthern sky. I .xteJiiMlv*- I *e I'll* n t<* Tlint llroviKlit lee Dow ii to I." t enl* per DM* Ilia. Bltssed with pure water coming front deep subterranean springs, there is some | Uiing mor- warning In the heated term— l* No-place Is more favored in this re !**'■ t than Savannah. Not only ar*' ther-' two extensive plants here for th< manufacture of • but the two breweries l* iv- t* • plants conne* t<d with th* ir work-, so that an Ice famine Is not pne*i M** In Savannah On ihe contrary other *J:i- and towns In the interim* have h;ui to draw upon Savannah in times of short .l.:*-, leavirg ••n*Migh md to spare for hom* on sumption, and at prices within the reach of all. Thq pra e of Ice for the ►uni n—r of !su rub I from la to 3* cents per indixd, an*l onl> tho-** who bought in -t.*h -nvi quant iti* .- as ten pounds had t- in .nrli Tf a **rr per pound It I- j • t• *'-sttnia'* that th* averag* prtc* for • I*ollll*l It U record* i m the early history j of ifavann.ih that Ice was Import#*,! tn iai*% and sold at k 4 cents i*er pound It 1 was re* omtnended a* a good thing t > cool | I milk wit. r and wine, but those who 1 mav ntcmi I it* locating in this inv -int * • i. i) rray • -t assure 1 that the d-x of t • • „• .*• h. will n* vet be anything more tha i . r*-o!,* .on. a reminiscence >f the fitful | * ffeu t of Hi* pioneer to evolve a cooling i | driiik regardlvsii of expou*i 4 THE PRODUCT OF THE PINES. Till-: FIRST HI U. STOIICK PORT til- TUB MOHI 11. j The Price uf Their l , rdet Flxeil mv Amx m tinsh—The tiiregslc \ lu *f ll**lti mn*t Turpentine Products I msi \mr Nearly Twelve Million Dol In r— H-gnlur Fleet of Foreign Tank Ships lor exporting spirits. While Savannah rank? third In fh* rol umS) of cotton r* - -lvii g pt?-, sue stand, in un hallcnge*) pc.-it:on * th* first r. iva store# port of th*- world From tnfs torn rnarvdlng eminence sic fixes the prh* c ? t ie rest nous prlucts of rh#* yeliotv pin* for the markets of the wori*i Her * apl iil h i l* N-ei#jM-*l iid filtered ;h* iot-iii and turpentine ind i-tr,**s of *h* yellow I line he*t if Georgia Alabama, I bond* and the and her# th**y ar* tirnught by rail and river for exportation i In udditton to the pests of oatwi#a amt foreign shipping that iranefort th** rest- i nous suliptiinaf •>( the pine to Tri* woridb rnrk*ss, one company nlor* hrings tw*n ty vesaeis annually to this |srt f**r rosin .rd turpcntlr* .-came of rn*-m b*ing tank -teamens that receive 'Xirgr.f of turp*n ;ine tn ranks, cor*perage sl waste. an*i bringing **rage to an eco nomic minimum of spu * atsl maximum •f irgu Th* r*- * ipts of rosin f*-r the year -nd*d •deps 1. ]<a*M. w er#* I,ol*m*ja barrels, and of turpentine. 3IVArt gallons This ie n ag gregate business of nearly **. The -am* prooletn pr- -ii’ - r.-Hf vslth u naval atores. tuat opparent In the < a#e of aaton Murn of th* resl nou pro*iuwtA of the p:n** *ould b* profl tibly manufactur*<l int unities um ntunding higher price# wit!* the profits ol manufacture accruing here, that are now availed of in other i*art* of tnis * intr\ and ISurope Th|p has ten iitfanc' and here, in a small wav. with go*d r*-#uita and the question t i**w i*el-jg *on and t.d by tho?# quick to see th** profit**be re sults that would flow from a y -!**m.ii or KMf.iz.iGon for rh.- cstuoilshim-nt of * •;■ i industries, looking to tne conversion *-f much of th** naval store#, now exported, into refliMoi products. As Savannah hoals ihe key to the navai stores output, it nr **d r.. prop! • * * that wit hang**l condition in this industry, -n*' would not .only stimulMt* and commarwl it, but tnat bv rcaaun of th- fi t tnor*- onomi an*l |*-*a wae cfui meth• mi ■*f harv- -ting the ttiri*-nt:n* farn.- would fallow, md th- suppln would 1 -U I**ll - that the pr.sit a; ( *rn**nsnn of falling pin* forests w*uid h* eliminate*!, and hv prop* r care ni repro*lu -tion b* * > ome *? stabl*- am) enduring h any rtx* and Industry in the land. Ttirpeiif lae '•till* nnd Machinery MnnufHi-turrd n t Snvanaaii. There is a bug** plsi.t in Savannah that lift- f**r y**ars done .* most profitable busi ness in th** manufacture of turpentin* “tills *md copper work, the * aparity *>f which it has h. ,*n n-- -sarN ru en irg* from time to time *o m-i the growing demand for Its pr du f- This show- h*)w *>ne lmlustrN will l*#-g*-t un 1 foster an other The cooperage plants tlrwl ill they • in do ir. m tnufu.-rurinv: barrels for spir its and ro.-in. atal many *f th* tsirr*-!.- ar* l.rought from distant lo aim* that could . -. tnd ought to it* mufujfa turcsi b* r*- ITfi: >IM I KTI KIXU I Mil ST H IBM OF Nil \>\ VII It* present One-Tvs en t let It of flu* 1 ruili- of fh- < it?, or %bunf \ln* Million D*lliirH. The mantrfecturing Interests of Savan nah. f-miirn- inx al: branches of that .n --duatrv will approximate s*.♦<<>>! ?, gto •■* annually, or about ont tw-nti*th of •he volume of buslnews dnn* not iitclu*li g banking While this I? <• fair allowing, it annot be sat is factor, tn the fa* • of Die favorable condition** f.r manufacturing <nterpt | see Manufact ut tng ilti*- k**w rich Hint important with only * fraction of the advantage- that S in .iiiii h p<i#-es-4*# lfere It* 4 gr* .t - i|ort. an im portant trade center, with river, rail and ocean transportation unsurpassed. with .•hep Ntid avnitabl* sit*--*, with nbundanc** pur*- water; with the crude products • hat enter into the manufuc ure f he n* easties of life nnr at hand and v- Kolug abroad in a wasteful sire.m for ih genius, ambition and industry 1 A oth**r * !•* finish nd return to tis at .111 added price Manufactur* s iwjiwl up • i*i- mak* them wealthy, in*l*-{Hn*l*-ut, populoi Take an otojei t When 1 • valu able or*- fl* Ids in the vicinity uf 111 mu g h im were discovered, imagine a delea it on of gentlemen from Bitteburg visltittg Bir mingham suavely informing shorn tba they had furt • *•* and foundrl** as an I mr Flit.-burg w**ll adapreq f.*? 1.1 inan ipuialloti of #rei and C>t th-- nunufactuie of pig rnes il, ?te-l rails md caber pro ducts of the ore** and adv lstng that tn** Alabama ores* !** einp|H i t* ihm h • li*y for treairm-tif. Socti 11 proposition If niei# ind *eptel would have* nia *• Hi mm ham of to-day a villig - instead 01 tn> thriving manuf icturaig city -he is*. SavMiinab .*nl the South have practi cally accepted th* fla’tering *ffer of th cotton manufacturers of the 1 ant at *1 *f Europe, and of the manuf . Hirer* who r‘ tine tlie product# of th* yellow pm* , mi *1 coritinue t send broad the •!* ni* me > f wealth that nature pla etf her** with the 1• a -on * hi** exp* t.ition that w. would n*> be o Ih mere g*aner* <f th* field, mere denialers of thi for*-t Even a gbwners w* hav* prs|*u*i- • hat vcslerw wt woultl r*< v* an l *1 erv* . bn.a-h r and more snduiing prosp* rlty and Independence. sit %\V%IF* Itt-TTAIL TIIADF. FIFT% MILIJON UHKI.I. I lie Total 't rade of the < it? One Hundred nnd M%f?-*lx The retail trade of Hawinnah will 1-; gn gare annua*iy over and if w * • mbrace varied unclassified Un# > f trad* It will reach I>'.*Om,o). In* lading prov u tons. hay. grain and f•■•!. liquors and to Imccos, the total volume of trade for Sa vannah for the fiscal >* r * ni-d Sept 1 1300, will aggregate D* ■ • .'** Thi d** not embrace the extensive work lof tlve H* aboard Air Line Ha.lw ay on Hntchinson s Island, opposite the city 1 ir* rea hed by a C"st.y tlrawhridg** o\*r ih* Sov innah river, and cm. * >tton mpin and s!lrlt yard , storage house.-, cotton sheds, comprees, piers and slips, coaling station, and slips a -ommndating more than thirty of the largest ocean : tearners at one rime, for which extends*! Improvement more than gi #■* *• have been cxp*-nled. and whi 1 . with other pro J** ted additions, will requre an outiaj i*f probably lialf 1 million more *nme f Kflxsnns)i , Bnlerprlses nnd ittrncfloaM, Let us briefly revl* w ► an* of the enter- 1 prise** that are auxiliaries to th* city's marvelous prosperity, with others that add to the comforts, th*- pleasures or the ne cessities of her people Thorough I > Equipped I,lx cry nnd Wnle Stable*. There are several well equipped liver, end sale stab’es and tronsf*r t omionl* > \ and an up-to-date lig • n !>■ had at any time for over the many good r *d 1* idttig out from the city In all directions 1 and particularly to popular resorts on th* salts. 1 f’entnr? old Theater yindernlted A theater, built In IMS. th*' old- st !n *h- ! I’nlted Htate# remodeled to meet mod r t j requirements where su. h tra<e:tii > as tn- Boothe. Mci readj. Kemble and For est. and a long line of notable actorn have 1 been heard. d#A arouia lUcaier go,vrs have l*e*r. critical since the theater was open 'd nearly a- entury ago. and nothing but the !*ei*t on th** drama c or operatic stag - will satisfy Havannah audience. Tun Extensive Breweries. Two |:irg* brewer j pant? supply th# S home and Intert *r trade .nd the ex el- Irnce of the be* r brewed from arteeian water Is not second to the more wulely iauded brow of the Nortnw*st. Th* ■ brand- *f the li****r ma l- at Ruvannah are ti demand at hotels, cafes, on o ean lin . rs m i mu. li *1 It is shipped to the isl and? to the south. Soft* r and* ohollc drink? are man d • md find a reed j hom*- nt.*i interior market The i*>tiling omi<aiil- that put ihe.*e drinks on the ! market have founl it neces- iry tu in ! .t. 1- their aparity frequently to meet 1 • growing demand. Hrxrral tMrsm Lanwdrlea. Tiier* ir* several steam laundries equip* I p.d with the b*?t modern machinery, ani t fhe laundry service of HavaMiah will om i |mre favorably with the .-* rvlce >f any * tty In t.* North They give .*mp!o\rrvnt to 1 large number of *q*‘rntives. and if th* d< nuind -ni!mi‘*‘ increase for this of work plants that have found It n* (. •-? irv to en'arg* their cara-ily to met what the? ontemplated would serve for the next ten years wi.l have tohaNe inerea-**! f. lllile- to keep pace with th. growth of the city ami th*- demand for steam laundered service VrgHslilr, l rate, Or-mae anil Berr? ll** x Factor?. As vv. write ground l* being br k*n for 1 plant to manufa* ture fruit and vege tal... rat* s. *>rang* box*.-* and *ftier m krial fur tarrying the fruit, tarry and shipments that ar*- so extensive in and around Savannah, and in Floruit f and South Carolina, wfilch w .ll draw th**‘r box <xiil crab i‘Uppik • from thi? se* tion. In tUs *.nn < t|c.n. it may le proper to uni*, that th* gr*w bulk of the orange rop of Florida is handled at this port tor tran?fc*r to m it: . >l|m* for expon. whl.e t-. rerry ti*i tru*k rop of Savan •mh ar* important Itfdustrl* s. Savannah ttirr.isning th* Noriiiern an l Western mar ket? w 1 i early fiotato**#, peas. Man# quash and other veg* tab.e? utitil the cli mate of that Hon p*-rmlt? th**m to raise a:,l I. rv*-st the:r own veg* *abie and berry ► apply. Th* early watermelon and the rantaloupee so -ug.*riy w ntel in the North and West, ar* shipp'd from Savan. nan by tail and steamer. % Extenaftvv t nr Factory. As < ur grea- #y?vem? of railway t*r mlnate here, 1! is natural that there .-hould I)*' a f . tor> for th- manufacture >f • ir . This industry, on n large scale. of but recent growtr. but she wt-lom of tts be at ion ha? l**-en abundantly *>- • ibfished by th** flattering sue* *ss >f the • t i.-rprif. It command-* all the mate • ftil to • . - iry for car conetructton, with .fi ** ' and economic reach, and 1* ok* *-f th* busy and prosperous enferprie* - j of the city, and on Die eve of greater .-uceeap. I.nitip Black Mnniifsctory. Only re . nt4v th*- manufacture r*f limp b:.i- k nnd other articles of commerve from the residuum of resunou* produ**- duns w attempted, and *Ut **ssfully ro. fh** v*itur- proving a profit hi* one, with i*rusp*vt of immediate expansion. M l IIIV. MIM I II TI lilX Taru Out Faar Million Dollars Worth of t• o*ml■. Tn.* manuf.* ture of • lothlng at Savan tnh l* an Industry *f comparatively re *-nt origin, but It hn? proven a #ijc*-esaful and protltunb* on**. uiml ther ar** several firm? vho have enter*-*I kirg. ly into the msnu. factui*- of dothirg, giving employment to 1 gr**at numb* r f*f operator*. The whole - ile < lothlng trad*- <f Hav innwh th** j*#*ej y .r has ra h. I nearly four million dol ;r and th* inviting Held provnis<K even *rteat* r r* 11 1 r in t fntur* The W’ts*b >..*• trad* of H iv innah rovers -v* r> bran* h of stipplla# for th*- farm, the • work-hop, ihe turpentine forest, and th* j l ionic. lit II.DI lt M m.IFA. Do nn Inunnl llnxin-ii *f I'xxo Mil lln Dollar**. Her* i t *• prii< i|Ml deyiot for builders' up; lies for no b* - than four rap. Ily *i* - South A business of ov**r was *l*n*' iier*- l ist >-*ir In *i<*i>r* .1 blind* 1 , mint *-?, paints and line Ther** ur- sev.-ml large firms that upply this demand, and with th*- rapid growth and development of city m l in terior, there 1-* ample room for like enter prises. ; HOOT? AM) JHIOEM. Three Million Dollar** Trade In Thi** line. More than 13.000,0 0 business is done an nually in l?**>ts. i*iio*c ind ha>, and they* -uppHes ir* drawn from other biralltt**.- for distribution in Bavannah. anl it? trib carv trad# No m*>re inviting plac** •an i'.* four.*l for the extabli.-htnent **f h shoe factory for half u tloxeti, for that mai ler—than Savannah. A commercial center having so large trad** would support a number of .-moll fa tor lei or one on an uAD-n.-ivtt ►• ale. \% IIOLFrt %BE (.IIOTFRY TH 1I)F.. Thirteen Million lli|nr llepre*nt Thl Im|i*rtiiif llrnueh of t oni ■•*• rrr, Th** gro- -ry trade, anl by that is meant the wholt.-ale business, for the year end ing Fepi 1, HSkl. I? * iiyer\atlvely e?!imat | 1 at H3.mi usi But very trifling i-r ent of that 1? rf home manufacturt* Such a tndl l ion nnot long !e overlo .k --. j Much *f U,* ortb b'S supplied th* trade .in tw pr*|Mr*d f**r th* market at or near Savannah as well ns eloe wh r* . and the time is not far distant wh*n all that n • mmufactured near th* p int of di-tributfcm will I>. ► man ufaciurei. aid the added profits retains*! 1 wnU h must no?v te disbursed for the en- I rlehtnc ni of • b i t lotallif*? •nn Maaafaetariai rimu (• lie in- ' MM I led. That one profitable industry nurtures ' and foster? others nuiy b** yeen in the i tirw *n factory, that will i>egin opera- | non* in Savannah in November, its nu . leu? being <n order for 10.000 can? dally j from the baking powder factory* Ulth the oyster tanneries near Bavan nih ntal ' 4 \**K'table and fruit canneries j h op* rati*'r in l pr<J* ’• and. th*- sucre?.- of the *%v ln*Ju-tr\ i? no* problematical. Th* minufn mre *>f ► ap .it Savannah luih grown into a most profitable indus try. No cit\ in thi? country or Europe ■un • mp* -with Savannah in m>p man. ufictur* f*r it ha? practically ail the ln gredient? that enter Into the. manufa* ture of >op within r a* h and at the minimum of out The field | well taken here with whole salt- grocers ?. hut wish the constantly accruing tributary territory and develop ment further enlargements and capital izations ur** inevitable The history of • i* wholesale grocery trad** for the past flft* ii >eatw has iw en one of constant Ir ■ lea***, and ** nDnuou'* a*idlMon of < t|4ta| ami new*>omers to bundle the trade. Thera ure many extensive house# fn Savannah, -cm*- of which after havirg moved Into the l irgest buildings, believing their ca pl qua! to (he damand ol • uur trad*- hove found It necessary to ‘ pr..\ overflow storage houses to acoom ni*Mlat*> h* fr stock, nnd this condition a* true of nearly every one of the pnncipui whole*# lie grocery eauiMfthoienu u> Sa nunuah to-dgj, RICE CULTURE PROFITABLE. OVER Fim THOMIM) %CRKg OF BELT % LAND Equal In Fertility to the Land* er the AlD—Organisation Pe„jc*tei for Planting the Entire p rr , #f Next Vear-Txro Urge l-iaat. , ttr Milllna Hire tn lamnash. 'lhe rice industry, before th*- w Hr t ween the sections, was an ext.-i ih© 0 ►. That It has not malntninr-d it? pH ,* *lue to varied . nuses. some of whi 'h mav b~ noted The cultivation of u t I? ore that required African labor. p n .. r b. the war th#* acreag* tributary t.• M\<u nah approximated ar.hUo to ki.orp Tha crop? were cultivated by slave t*rminati#>n of this specio ~f propem was th** first blow t th** ri* #? lndutr> the worthlessness of securitie# and g.*-r • mi impovenahenent of the pe- pie waa th# -econd fa- tor that decreased the rtc* acreage; the of rit* fruen th* Indies where rl * ts cultivated by latH.rer* w!so are employ* and w ag* ? ♦ Pw H >1 50 per month, was the third factor I •its*-ouraging rl • pointing here Result .*r*f of th#?e, th* rice fields w ere no lunge an invit tig venture, at and the active a. re *g#- decreased, until, for the present ye* only ab*'iit one-fourth of the acreage, L ■■n acre?, waa In cultivation. The color'- ll borer is not unwilling raw to resun.- Ids work in th# rt * Held, the margin of tariff, although smsill. 1? sufficient to j , • Ify the planter, who ha* mean?, to cult - vat* his acreage, which is adapted to r. • ther culture than rice, and when com) tion# are favorable, ha can harvest n prof itable crop. There were milled at gsviL ii-h last year about lii.OGf* bushels of n drawn from tiu* rice lard? tributary t davannah. which 11* In th* valleys of ** Havannah. Ogaechee, Sat ilia ind Altama ba rivers T n- land? rrferre 1 to ara the mo>* f tile in the world, a sedimentary* soi! t>* deposited tn them when the waters at* ! ? an, like tnut ai'iq; the Nalley of th Ni> There is no det* rloradrai of the soi:. r.i fertilization necee.-ar>. a? th- na turul ?e*lim#ntary fertilization renew* the acdl, ao that with favorable we,n! .* condition? .a rite crop Is one of the rn* t profitable in the domain of agrlcultur* \ •• on 1 rice mill ha? been added to -• vannah's industries the past year, and in united capacities of the two mills wih am ply p ovlde for Die n**xt r: e crop . • though there are ?tep> on fool look! ? *o t. planting of all the availabb rice 1 r age referred to A combination la ta-ing with x view of encouraging the planting of jb*-a SO.iui acre# of rice next year 111 th*- val ley# of the four rivers mentioned, it tar ing understood that tho: • bchli l tr# movement will tuk*- th* entire produu. Bl.ould this arrangement fail, ther*- a room for others, for there nr* 50.0ut cr**s of Die mo?t fertile lands in the world :i th# territory under review that . jn b in rice t nominal ex|>en#. which wo jM a crop of great moneyed \*\ Rice crops tefore the war were the l-rofitable. and enriched the planters. *id the s*m * lands that were held n from i • to 1125 per acre th#*n. although having last none of their fertility or adaptability to the cultivation of rice, can now b** p-.r chased for one-fourth ttint price. r e n Rrs mainly because those who have in herit'd the rice land? have, as a ml* but little experience tn the cultivation *f ri e •Hid ar*- cngiK* 1 In profitable commerrDl pursuits In Havannah and elsewhere. 1 © t Factor? for Heel Mini lug llrn# Fma %\ Mate. There are numerous manufacturing In <lustrics Incident to the local demand ink ■ Ity of the size of Havatmuh. many of which mod* 1 1 > k**ep lh#-ir wheel# turning without any blare **f trumpets, and 1 of which .ire profitably operate*!, f* t • n** wld of*n run a< r*>? ** llttb* lave of industry out of the beaten path f or dinary reportoral travel. Such, for tn stance, is on*- th* writer stumbled ag-ourt day or two ago. A factory for r* ium ing braew from waste, and for fh*- m* u facture of lira#** tastings. This 1 a second uf Its kind in the South, th* at her being hi N#*w Orleans, and yet from tha waste cinders ati*l from scrap pil- w re ill surt# of artlcl* .<• are thrown into which bras? .liters into tlie conij*** c *n. the brass i? reclaimed, and melted u o ingots or such casting- a# an- in demar i. Here on** may learn the value of thrift, t**o much neglected among form* r g* 1 * a tions 111 tin Houth. f*>r not only ar*? *n** w aste pil*s of Die *ar shops and foun dries and Junk shops of Havannah dr.*wn upon for supplies, but even o- far < ?T Texas are wat-hful eye# kept *i t"* waste pile-*, and their mtent? pur •'based .n*t fr* ighted to 6av.ii.i iu fr tho re* lam.iDon of the nsi metal. it 1 related that tne pro prietor of an extensive plant in T*-x*s who bad been taking no pain? t# # r • •'*' Die brass waste from th#* general t: -r and Iron w ist*- pliev wax a?k*st b> # proprietor of the Savannah factory r” furred to. to save th> bias# waste. "Why there l? nothing in it. It is not worth saving, and bow do I know that you would ver come back, If I did ?v- it for you?" The prospective buyer r:■ l-d "My friend, it may not lw- worth ni ythir** to you a? it Is. it in worth somethlr.* to me. and if you will save it for in* f° r six month?, I will pay you II.V for iv •’d |v*y you in advance, so that It wii. vot make any dlfferen. e to you wheth* r V ll • ver see me again or not." The T**xati lmked aearchlngly at his visitor and m> i "No. I won’t take it m advai • but • # * save it for you.’* Six months Inter t*s Tex in received a second visit from f? man who reclaimed waste brass. per sistent creditor had been tol l by th* T *• an to drop in a few days inter as I w-o# rather short of fund? day. When Inform#*! hy the v|lfO i*' he cam* prepared to pay for six tn nths saving of the bias# waste pile-, the T* n l*oked puzzl* I ar.d *ii? 4 '* mflted. ackr • Igtng that he had not given the m ’t-r a thong ut since the former conversation. vhtrh ?!it*|e'l hi- mind **nt ’• the manner in which he promised t * * after It in the future left no doubt In visitor ? mind that hereafter the Texan w-Hi not let |lso slip through his hard' so < 4.-* leesly. Iron Fonndriea and Machine Shops. There are three or four well equiPP*7 iron work** and foundries In Bav innah thit manufacture **ngires boilers nnl in 1 cry of marly all kinds, and esp* % machinery for sugar mills, sugar ar.d machinery for turp#‘ntltie *1 Hilaries, pump? nnd general at earn •* water fitting#, and #hi pern 1 thing On* fa * tory in particular, elsewhere referred ' • has long made a specialty of th*- m*' * facture of ?**amles# tuirentine stills. f ’• ir trade embracing the naval store# has* ?ui*ply in the five Houthern state© from w nleh sptrtt# are drawn. Thera are no less than three trunk f* lories In Bxvannah. and while th*- # n * der continues to grow .? to whare * the trunks go, the inlustr> show? n • abatement, and the demand seems* to k* - P fully up with the capacity of the f<*- torlas. There are extensive planing mil! pi c*# In Havannah. drawing their supplies from mills in the pine forests along four lire* of railway, these out of town mill# * • "•* almost exclusively controlled b\ Bvan t -h operators and Havannah capt' complete I? the svstem of mi l work ' • '**. that an entire house wa? at on* tim* r _ structed a* one • f th** Hav.inrsh mi-:? * after h**lng shipped :t* tttons. was P together up>on artlval in one of the ropua? Uea of South America*