The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 03, 1900, Image 15

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LUMBER and timber trade. I \| f JIT •*! TH IMM HTHV IN *%. % %\N All. I %|t ort* of I *••• Nr*r %mnaninl to Ihr ee Million Dollar*—The t.ror |'inr In Demand nf lliimr und and lumber Industry nf Sa* V| rank?* third In the volume of #x ( . ii.iuih draw* from ih* Georgia ~r -* nol only for the extensive jn .1 growing city, hut supplier ii and West. South A merles and ! part* of Europe For durability t ♦ v el* the Georgia pin**, while fot finish It la In great demand. Th* v ~>f nun lumber and hewn tim , , it * year ended Sept. 1. 1900, aggre , . , ISJ.JITI feet, the volume of burn* money aggregating FUmum* Tins i|Mllv pin* lumber. There arc al , , , \ >austlr *# tra is of virgin cypress , ,n i drawn upon which only await . , N iti' r* # development I* ha* beer I f ,j| beg **ct#d bcc.iu*’ of the great f tne \ellovv pin** An indueiry * :ha w *1 convert Ihe cypres* into tim* l r | - .ishingles. staves nnd cooperage. v . i tn 1 inviting held* her**, with , material to draw u|*on. labor at , wage*. and all conditions favor* H to an • onomic operation of su<h n P-ar.t li v dinti 1 lion. when it t> oonslder •t i .v extensive are the* sawmill piantt ln * 'rllnas. Georgia. Florida and Al m , it is strange that the attention of mu ‘ Mirers of .'awmill machinery ha* i..i b- n directed to Savannah, where an Ini.r/rv of thin character would find a I.iid to tax the apa< itv *f a Urge plant THK MW I'AI.UKTTO. lit. \ nine for MnniifMc turinjr I'aper From tle Pulp of the l.ritf— Ita limit* It !ol in Iniinic %rld. Tr ur . at this* point. the revival j of . .• • t which wh- exploited *.m f;n.> I v tie Morning News of thi* ; *tv f.l that is the utilization of the row pa.n •!.. u scrubby sp- b s of the palm ) lov*mu thousand* of acres in South { 'ar*.:i * Georgia. Florida. Alabama and 1,/>u. ii ,t The richness in t innlc h id of its root® ir raid to equal that >f hem* |.i k l rk which latter hi b*en almoa exhausted by the tanneries. The leaf , •nd >. m nre compos**! fa fibrous lex • r• mat offer* a perfect substitute for v **d in the tnunufa* iur<* of pulp for paper Experiment*, in the latter would Ju*tif> a revival of th** consideration of ' eiaMining * palmetto paper Industry ; here that could compel*• with the Norm •rn product In the narrow limits of this < rev! w tt:. advantages of utilizing this 1 in |*>rtar. ‘ but heretofore vtiluel**** Houtn • rn fit.ints cannot h.- given In detail. Ihe t ily street* I iuHt**l In .MNI trr l.lhl*. Th- i:> is lighted bv the electric ays* t*m T:i r# i • over ■* mm lights used in th# i.aimin.i -ii nf th* *i*v The pant ■. that op. r.i#*s th- s.vMem is a private . or- I 'cati n that il*o furnish# * commercial Jights in th# business, manufacturing. , mirttim. .iii.l residential portions of the I • t>. l>* I**' supplying power for many; ii -i a oss, I several a* r* , embracing all that ! 1 m <l rn in •ctrical Inventions and giv- j ii,* *niplM'>ment t. i lug* number of 1 rkili.-l workmen and liltorer.**. An r.fiTtrir *tr**l Itfiilixiix tintrni I fi*itrpn**‘il In tlie South. *.treet railway svstem of Savannah 1- •• ectr|-\i!. operated b% th** trolley svs fem ! traverst n.• l • ii •* i—' e * *e of i • v* It y, extending t* the *-.\i**..v*. • im* ip w 1 rve .to nil ftn* de p. sand hot* ’- nd suburban an*l ru t• 1 sett'ement*. n th* * met rl to t ie g> If links, the rift* rang* and other out of-town attra>Mk>nc. A Miburlmn lire ex i*i l> to Thunl**rb*it. th# ovm. r l**i*ot of H.ivanmifi, the Savannah Yacht t*lub. t. ro’l K* t*l t'ttttl* Park Another line under th* mi* management extends to IMe of Hoj*. Ilf th* .-la. Beaulieu and Montgomery. Tfie tlniiiilfleenf tl(f*l of *M%nnnnli nml ll* r simiiiier lte%orf Ml 'I > lirr Ifclw net. Savannah Is not-l for the exce’lence of ! her hotels. ine of whl* h covers nn en tire block. nnd |s n m urnlfh *nt • hit* * tural struetur** of brick nnd terra • *tta. and • r-*c*e.l by Havann ii enterprise t. help uccommoilate the raptdl> growing Mirist trav*l southward Ti le b eared on I ull n! Liberty •‘fleets, in a residential 1 irtrr. nnd has fully Justified the exper tiitlons of the puhll' -spirt * and ctlxens who • •nt quarter of n million and liars In i >e. con'tru. lion and furnishings. Th** i • ler hotel Is situated on Bull street, ( fontlng Johnson Square, nrwl has long t*#n a lanpular favorite. Tjrbee is the m*>st popular seaside resort ‘ *f the South Atlantic, and n t only draws • tvily from Savannah during the heated . i* rm. hut from South Carolina. Georgia! *1 Alabama, excursion train** running j " I’h great regularity from the interior to ' * b* e l**n h. w here a first-clasa hotel Is ! n* n* . --nrv to the <*omfort of th* guest th#* baths In the rolling surf nre • dthful nnd Invigorating The wide p ' l oiih the music and the m* rry gather- 1 -*• it the hotel during the summer sea ' *n. wlh the salt hi* ez*'s moist with the ► Hay of the waves tJ!*>n the Fetch, have I ni ie Tyhee popular I’ncl* Sam has • >*untrd pow* rful dluppenrlng guns on ! 'her Island to k* ep Savannah - outing p! i* e from the danger of capture by a • ovetoils foe. an idjunct to the hotels Pivtnnh h • x*ej|ent cafes, where the m*nu m hi.aew* everything *hit Is templing to the 'i ur* an last** They nr< with fter-theater parilos. The wine*, aic of best importn - tons, and the general ser e modeled after the best In center- of • Mrer population The near proximity of II • game in field and forest. ar*d he • n*ues of fish in the fierh an 1 salt • r streams near S\ innah. enable the • i nah caterer io prox-ld • temp'ln* T u *h*it will compare favorably In \a ' with the best ifes of ho metrop.v 1 nd at pri #• much below the-e so fjr it from the sour*es of supply. Ibe llenrh nnd llnr of *nnnnnh lln%e font rlbuted lllnatrlon* Nome* to the Noll of Statesmen. T ' bench and bar of Savannah, from arliest inception, has added lustre to ustory of the country From th* bar -u .an nah have com* soldiers who won 1 i f *rv r*nown on the tialtlefbl ! honor '* th* national and stot* capitals, and ujiv. raisel to the bench ha\e trans 1* ‘I the Judicial ermine unsullied t* ' ‘ r successors. In the early history of *lony, the capital being located at *rf th. th** bar not only had Jnielle - ’ l nd honorable rank?* to draw from home but It attracted the young, .tm "u- an*l brilliant men from other parts ' f th -tat* The Savannah bar his *on • •*. .* fom*' of its ablest members us ‘ 'tv. . abln**t officers. Judges of the ’••I States an• 1 state courts, to the '•d Si at*-., Stnale and to the lower f <‘ongr** From th* bar of Ufa ' th was taken Ar> hltmld Bulloch as ***** of the provisional assembly of • ' r,f Richard llawley was another •’• *m* governor and who ripresent m * tn tin ContimtWal Congr#-- at.- * r George Walton, wa one of the sf t.. b< laratioii of lnde|end r( ‘ J *bn Mill'd,-., from whom tne dty j Midedgevill* tM>k Its name, was gov- ; ar *i UniteT btaics benttor; George i j Michel Troup, for whom Troup Squat, p named, tilled the hon**ra * i*-nu>n governor and t’nlted stat* * -iim lam. s Mcore Wayne, **m -late j. n- q . Fnlteti Stales Supr* m Court John ; M Thsraon R#*rr*n wh* won f t t ! the apfiellatlon of th* \iipi. tn * i **r* . I’nitedS'at* V’nator and attorney i,*. r * •. * * of th. fnli'd fust*.. B rt M * r . , lawyoi • |gi * j district attorney under Andc* w J* ks>*i. md ju*lg** of the Superior *.>- I rt John j.i w.’t \\ , lf .i Pi ted States * Georgia. presWling offl* -r of th* I liv er anc natkmal convention In K*. •nd two years .*ter nnUt.r to China. the eklet M Glister j Judge In the Cnlt*Nl STate> Courts of t\nl ifornla. tSen. A xander H Lawton rnints *'t to Ituewia. Thomas M Norw jol. I nlted States Senator, now Judg* ih** f'ity Court of Savannah while anah*** • \ Cnited State* Senator. Hon I’. p* Itiriow. is In active practice a * the t> ir Th* - .ir** onl> i few of h' lUustnoi> nrn*e hit can be r* all#.), and n** *1 >ubt nKirty ie omitted Th* bar to-)a> will rank favo* ably with thit i‘f any in th* coun iy One of ith numbers Nre a prominent pari In the constriction of hi important iln of railway to this city within t * • * ad#* <nofh* r deserves th* thak- *f S vannah for the |*-dlng prt ♦ t kln Hi establishment of the , • mm il plm* of th** Seaboard Air lane* Itatlw. v . i th Ist aiitl Just act os# ihe liver, aad b* th • interest tik*n In the large and • *-•!>* union depot on \Ve*t Hroal stre* t. th * plans for which have been a*.* pod. aid for which ground wdl be broken in a (• w days. ktatf- t nuil t mint* OfVlcliil*. The state court;* and county ofti tali* or n 'ommodated In an imp fire e ll *i*• t re fronting Court House Sijuare ere t-d In at a cost of There r two court a h* Id here, the Superior Couit Judge Robert Falligant pr-idlt.g and the City Court. Judge Thom*.* M Nor woo I presiding Court rooms f r *a* h are on the secoiui floor, with wrn > n** m an 1 office* of The Solicitor <* net al it 1 Sheriff of the two o iris on tha* floor. • and ur. rooms on th# floor above. The Court of j * trdlnary. Judge Hampton I. F* ri I 1 •mi the first floor, with th* fTI * f t e ! I* rk of the Hun rior Court, th* !*y j Court, the County Corr.mi.*> o* i t th- County Attorney, the Receiver of T x j Returns, the Tax Collector and County | Treasurer on this floor The Cou. ty Kn-l - I **er ani Superintendent of Roads *l i Bridge.' have ofll. es on the third fl<s*r The i county jail a fGO/JfiO brick and Iron miu ture on Haliersham street, is w.ll ht *d with steel and lion cells for th.* contlr •- j merit of prisoner.- and a portion * f th** j t.'iikling Is occupies! as th#* Sheriff •* r* 1- dcncc. The Iln it U n tad IliiiiklitiK ltitrri*M <il ** xnn mill Reviewed. The iNink of Savannah are prime fa tors in tin- prosperity of th** * >ty. and th* i territory tributary thereto. *l*o them is | assigned the task of supplying the sinew t* move tiie crops of • ottn naval stor* rice, fertilisers, timber. lumber, etc Fron h* time th** plow Is put In the furrow until the cotton is aboard steam, r for ex port. from th* time the boxer .- ax begins to cl* ave a trench for the dripping wealth of the pin# until the rosin and spirits i afloat, from the tim* th* tree is fallen in tne forest until the ftnlsh-d produ * passes Into th#* hands of the builder, th'' banker performs his shr** in trie work A legitimate enterprise with Indurftrtnn* • onservatlve and h*mest proje ors ha : the fostering care of the financier, who | will not permit confidence to be lost as I long as it is deserved Savannah bind nr s* , men. and Savannah manufacturers ha\ • been and are conservative, and tn** bank ,c institutions of Savannah nn* pr<*v.;b tally so: this latter may. ••nd no *lou • has much to do wh keeping their client ng. in *• meervutive ham* -s Mon* \ 1* n**t i scarce commodity for Ugitlmate **nt prises In Savannah. The Savannah bank have ample capital, and ample *re lit in th** moneyed center* of the East. Not * bank in Savant ah ha* failed Mn< e t!i wi r. mix I vet there 'ire but two bank in the dty that have the advantage ..f th* own circulating medium, the Merchant’ National and the National Bank <f S* vannah. Their circulation has b*. n i crea-ed within th** >*ar *IOO.OOO Th** f*d -1 owing represents the banking • apltal an ! suppl • s of Shv innah in approximately round numbers. _____ Capital Surplu- Merohants National .. $ '#■ •■•♦ l 1-* Bouth. rn Bank ••• * l.'<> Citizens Bank SunM !.* Savannah Itik and Trust Cos 3TAO-0 k> Nat .on a l Bank of Sa vant ah 250.** 195.0/* Germania Bank 2ftmw Chatham Bank l o*** - i Oglethorp*'* Savings and Trust Cos . &>.<**> • M. j Peoples' Savings atul l/oan Cos '30.0M j "Totals $1 .^1,0.0 %f.nnal I lesrini:* Over Tvv Hu mired vtiillnn llllir Itnnklnu t apltal Mild kurplua Nearly Four >llll lona The bank clearings for the year closing 1 Aux 31. 19ft>, aggregated the n-tonnliu4 : ,-um of over two hundred millions, tvs j hundred and evity thousand dollars, a surprise to the business and tin an* dal world on Increase of more than Stt.**"* *• over the pro. edlng year, whk h lls* If w j tbought to be n banner year fin inti mately ronnerted are the exiorts with th ft figures presented by Collector of Custom* Deveaux. show what m-irvelously pros- Im roiis year th;e has been to Savannah. The Foreign Export* for the First Nine Month* of I fMHI, Fonr Mil lion In Emeeaa of Those for the En tire \ cn r nt IM* *‘y. *. -orts tor tl> ? motifhs of IJM>. January 3 4.319..7 February t7*L\ 1. March ♦ April 3.3K*.c> May 1 1 June l.lftiHi: July , -* p - 441 August . .* 1 •.ItSI j September M.’t. g Total Pfi.Htt.- 7 Being Jw f*J9d ■* in excess of the • x(>o.G for the entire year of 1W With lir** r.f I the best month* of the year to he add* and tho increase wld be phenomenal Mmndnrd Imunare Companies Well Reported. In m city with auch iorge eommerri 1 , and maritime inter*#*-, the insuran* risks are heavy, and nil the prlnilpa! tire *n and marine insuran e ‘mpani* • of t * ,unary. Europ** and Canada, are t* pi #en:e*l by local ag* nclt* A tioard * l underwriter* regulates the bu^ln.*ni notie but >tandr*l and reliable compani#* are represented The stan*lfl |lf* iti i mutual companies nre largely represent ed, and careful business men have m w • r* ognlze.l the value of p> i de- upon th* ir ! lives ne well s upon their property Mn> out able fraternal and ’•*• nefl. .- -ocieties have branch lodg*-* her- h*# i i u |M>ti tne assessment plan, to m et th avment of death losses. Savannah ha- within the past year, lorganlsevl local beneficiary an I fraternal organization, which was * t -i#r**d and Is ofll- . red bv Hivanmh ap * Hiv, which has be* n phenom* nally uc , -,fu . This organization protec * r I ti* r*e- in ci*e of dj th nnd t r *•• t> ;t ! m* m.H r- i> th* ev*n* of permir*. • * ! • ipl *i! * ihdity. It i* an improvement on ! the itiiJ r part of fraternal otde.s a | there nre a segments upon me d*.aif ( i of mcmtK r*. j GREAT STEAMSHIP TERMINALS. till. Mo%i i:\n >|TK IMI HOT M|t IITEO Ttth KlUtt Hl' THE % t I. %N I I* . Itnilnay nml Mrnmvlitp TrrniinnU \alu*l at Elve Million Dollar*. f*4var• a i I** ihe only city of the Auih At.anti having regular and direct lin-w *'■' mit.J, .* u> New York. I*hUttlel|ihia c -I*ii aid B.itt!tmre. It n miles of vvl aiv .md Mitpa. and res of ware- j ious * to 4 ommodate th** itrets oi ' ani.i that pl> to i.I from Savannah 1 m l tr... four prm ipoi ports ‘f th** North I Aflanti. TANARUS. 1.4, ,11 tlie | a>-<*ngcr and j tr*igh tr.iffl* •• tw>en Havannab. Balti- i UH-r. I\ ,l.i i jhm li -t n on.l New York, requires tw.nty of The be** Mcel st III) I "i i |> • r* gulai > be4t% ■* n the I i*.rfe m* utiom-d. trunsp^rtmg every con- i ■ , 1,. • jN/ r'ii atul 1 k evciything pro !* *' *'* Northern ilekl nn*l 1* ti *nsimpie*n and ! r r* in | nu i • through it th*- South At i MJti. id Gulf Stile t, the west far ** t tail and ii far north was? a* ;he - .1' >f Oregon n.| Washington Time ii; !> n Utter* !fa ilitl j uu ,%,t * °f • woild for th *'ut and shipment .f tr* ights than it The i>ort of htvanr ih A gen: email who ha* s*-* n n • l.- tra\e|. aft.t .> m-p c ion t* in*>. . do. k md shits of | , M r hauls M;ner# Transportation Com- I panv i "W.IJ, 1 wouldn't hav* b - I ileved It if some on* else had told me j I VOU what inquir.d b‘.s c .tnp.inlon j !*• I n* that the steamship terminal fn Ilifi.s <.f S.iui i ,n ir*- th.- ino*t ~>*ll pa t.* ill the world. We I l can hardly 1 i* i/f niv own \ *si.n I l*.i*l not * x|ect*‘<i afi. r -f’ing th*- best and • k' m Kur and ’ tn this • •uintty to . om** k>wn Houth to Ht Vania* m) fir . 1 1 . most oomplet*- sy**- •m of *t*am*hip terminal* I And in operation by th** M i nuts and Minei* jTr <t!>|Mrtaflon * am any her* The cun j f* tmer.i '-i not unde?, rved The paiton j ago of th if* Iln** b 1 not only Justified toe j onipanv in .*n.-tructini: sti h terminals. I 1 111 rn *’U I p b ;; Its f .. f n.Th V. e| of : ' h** fin*-' pa?*• r ani in as rumptiiou-! f*v th* * mfon H i„l vciual ■* e of 1• 1 -- 1 . • - it hi- **m#| f e t •v.r\ . a.nonii t. •hi fro tne handlin'; of freight. Within ?h* pa-l f> 4 weeks th* n rvlce of the company h**> iesn xtended, 1 Iln*- .f steamer being put on b'’ w n Savannah and I'hiindtlphin The steady inrreas* in tfafl • has -how. n h- wisdom of th*- |**■■ rf• t pr | i rations mad* In ad v tn. *- to in.* t t ;j- requirements or prompt fro ns portal km. The o.uvin S. *nv-hip (Ymp.iny, with terminal f lllti- * m?r -ing nearly fortv mil' s of v ird track* dov'ke. warchous..- slip*-. cotton compress, nod naval store'. himhei. fertil izer and cotton wharves, nnd fifty res of terminals, to accommodate its fl. #i of New York and Boston framer how how thorough y rqutppe I two grear ste*m*-hir svsfem* ar* f*r handling th* !r share *f ih* commerce of i fie port This do - not. of course, In- bide th.* f1 v• mile- of city and private wharf g* from the wharves of th** Mer chant- and Miners, till the exietudv e . ot ton. 1 aval Kor* -and lumi**r WharVC of the Plant Svsteth are r*ah**l an*i where nr* fali\ two miles mor* of fa ilitir for shiiH'itig N r •!**.• it in< hide tn- Hstoun.liiig termlnaN of the Seaboard Vir Line just * r th* r'.ver, where Mj rty of th* largest tr in--Atlantic o* ao 111 #rs in i.*- provi 1 I f.u and loaded Mini ui loaded ■ the mlnimutn of lime and ex p* 1 It is 1 conservative estlmat* to pl.i* * th*- v.ilu* *f th* terminal properties •f ihe railway rind steamship liras of Savannah it tiv* million- *-f .kdiars. To f. • 1 th* •• vast terminals re*pilres f#ur fur-r.a dug trtir-.k lines of railway. nd bran ’ that w/l nggrea.ite flv thousan-i in.!* < f ic dw i.v that gridiron • very fl* Id ir|biita**v to this gateway of j ihe tv Barg** blocks of th** **toek In 1 lies.* rulwnv nd steamship enterprises ir- hekl In Savannah, ami In Georgia and other Sontt ern stat* . and th*- Impetus of H-tvannah *r t* rpr ■ and Savannah capi t ii J* indissoluble *'onnected with the first work of construct on Boa I i.ntr;*- Mi c firms have lone th*- un-ater part **f th* wharf and do. k <on pfruction. tinrU.r w, rk. such as dr.-dging ere.. nl widlt* “m- of the wrk has been •*f th** r* at t magnitude, ample skill and Ipii.ll hav. been ivalSubie 10 carry it to .-ui-'•• .*- - fill compbdlon L* cal lighter age **nm*’ ml* - hand!** *ll th* Imrlor work, 1 th-tr fleet of bat' tvejng urvl'T local 1-o*l- i t o!, and the b isin. s- rate | with home • ipltal. Thi* Home of flu- 'not Ihtii 4 out | || . In nr,i • iion w*th th- tran*|>ortatlon i*m of Savannah, the South* rn K* pr. . 1 •■4ii|-rr v I- ii f r mirv tif fitor I |wr It devolves the prim ipat rm.l !tnir of Mich fruit berth* eirly \ • c* • .**!•-**. cam*. |<>iilfry *•• Hint require .x| *d.- • :*us movent* tit Mii' h >f th* ornmcc. l*moi iivl lu rry top* *r> ih *>f Srv *n • *i arc hand!*-I by flit* * ••nipnuy, which, with i arr ing* m- nis with other express < ompanics North trxl Wed t car lies nil vtion- of th' tountrv The system has leen i* * *-nily extended to < ’tiba and l*oro Hlcn. Inrur I'ttfk lute Houses l.ocaietl Herr. Tl • * .M* r . rf ?it r. i I transports lion ha- t*— tilted ii th* i'xniion nt 8- \ innih of several pro-|>erou< enterprise*, among which may b* f artlcularly men tioned ihi- packing houses there being no le* than live of the leading •daughter house# and pa ker-* of the W>M ind Northw t who supply the iM of the fresh m<t> for the public mark* t and meat market* M attered throughout tne My Goortpa Tennessee und Kentucky *t*-k ram*he* ire alo dt wn upon, but th* bulk of fr* h rn*et* is from the W <l Thtr* mi- uum* rous merchandise broker* and * •muni-don mer ham- ivho trunsict an extensive trade In the prod ii t of marly every *’atc in th*- f'nton. makim dnlv visit* to jobber*, and retail* r <v r t idv to give n tip” nnd to . Jom- . trad* *iiuunnli I'iirnl*lies the f ii|iltnl for Mud* of t lie Ifavnnit t luiir Manu facture. Whll* the Havan i > rarely ever hive th* name of conmetfd with them. Savannah <<.ml 1- supplied for rn* of th** popular brand* and whl e th*' mmnf.i* pip- • >?.*■ i..t in Florkki not only the financier :t.g. a very . rge v*lum of the i|.fnent- *f t • niiMufn<- ittrrd irtl .* j* < ondtuted .t Havant) h. Huvannari >v -of •** w• ed nr< xc el •n* ju*lg* of a I car ind thi* taste It* < ultivated by fin*--ly '*|iil|*fo*! retail ci gar stand*. trie lluli Mreet g *r *• m*l -f itbd up ultra* lively, md *>nr- of r* •nt 4 -tabllfthrn* i t in ihe down town quarter is the 1* iu Id* a I of what or, ul tra •• retail < ►•or- .lughl to h** The • are pro. ably half n logr-r. -mail cl uir rnanufa- t ur* t ■ in S.oani *h rninufa - turlng f**r th** 1 on*l int*-rlor mark**!, hut they h and I h* Florida to huo prin <ip.iil>. th*- htgti prlc* <>f Imported to- Imi, - - dl- ■!ng the out.av. with k** prin ip liv held bv the • aruta.i/**! *\ndi • at*f The Florl*ia >-o, how* ver. very nearly •ppioximat* in quality anl Mayor themoi* * xp*-nelv* Importation, and i e**l cigar 1* made of th* Florida ‘ of i * i of the e- * .u.d l ‘oorgia is will adapt •l to ;• ti;ture of ,to -u<--o r* i* or Ida. md imihf furih-i exp* rlmenin w ill ni to eiK-oiirag** o growing, a profitable crop 1114.|0X or Till 4 %\ K IN 111 'THV. fltepa Tl*sn 4 |.nru*l> Increase the 4 line trr* uu* . There !* another induatry in which B*- vinnah i* t iking son** Intere**— the .ul fiva.uioi .u • • a I. r c a.ein Cleor . • H r.* ■■*•*! i.• •• hv ' apt I>xniel • I’ur**. pr. ehi r of the liiatl of Trade, ( ITof. Bt of liOuitlAM and Georgia I .amen, mil) anlyae* of Georgia cana i show that th. latter Is more profit ihk* In ► ugar roniiltuent* than the Louisi ana can*. and is well adapt ed to our p4n lands, and I it with bws wasteful na-thmln than ate now tmplo>*al for extia ti g i < juk *-* the cane m* * money crop Is many tim** more viluable than the e. tton crop. Th-- railways are taking *n tnl* rt*s in the inveettgaiUivia tliat *• now under wa. and those that will follow mrt of which sugar reflln*-riea at Savannah and con tiguous territory would be th natural result of any considerable inensse tn tlu* cane acreage of the territory tributary * this city. Tmii Well Equipped Telegraph *%•- femw Uraferf at *wx nh-Their l ines Honey i-oniti Ihe anti t oMMerl W Ith All Tarts of the tilnbe. Incident to the great volume *f busmees transo* ted ** n seaport nf such maritln*. irvponan- e as that of B*v innah. a com mercial city thsi? not only •listribui*'#* ?h ixixkicu of th** interior, but in turn sup plies its necessMles an*! luxuries, the n. reilty of qiit. k an*! •• ••eiomlc omnni- j nlcatlon with It. nnd with the principal ltl#*s on both sides of the Atlantic t easentlal We have seen thit I*o tel*-* -v f.rn> are extending their hu g distance xvnnecHone to conn* ? Sv %nnah with every towm and cltt of important •*. the pos'al system has been im pro veil and broa*lene!. leaving nothing w imtng in the telephonic and poetnl e* rvlce But 10 rea-h. with he |eed of lightwing. th trade centers of this country ind Europe th** telephone and the postal service in- j vain iti** in thetr own domain of catnmu nUotlon are |ni*i**quat.- To m-.e this demand two great telegraphic gvstems ar , repreaotifrd tn ftavannah with well equip ped central heakpi art# re. bran b op. is* i*r offt* *h tn the t'.vtton Ex-'bang** tti** ho teis Hnd tn other point** in he city with direct enhfe . <mmunt< at inns to foreign marts. and with their •kxmestlc j equipment. embra* ing**s. town Wy railw iv m ii.a mill itn*l tur pentine plants throughout the 4ig and tn*lustrlal belt of the Southern states directly or tndt r< tly, trihuiMi to Rivar.nah Shipping news, fluctuations tn • murk* ?c affc - | ing innah and its outlying trade *nd commer **. at e *lispat- h* and. r* • eivel and eommuni*ot**d with a system arid promp*- ness that reflr -t . rd.i iv upon the two • o/np.ete telegraphs cm* whi h find her*- a prnflturd** fleW! warranting rh*- *sj terprlwe they have manlfeM**! and tlie Investments they have ni *!• and ire making to keep the service up to the high standard tlie business Interest* of Sa vannah command and deserve. HE %l :m ATE. Desirable Properly tn lie Had nt toßaervNthr %nluntttn. It must be expected that in a < Ity where the bull ling growth has been mi sh ady aivl the iopulation showing a b* ilthftil int rease fht r**ul estate t* alers have found .1 profitable field It may be aakl. however, ttmt there have been no "booms" in real e-tate. or lot- staked off in t ie ountrv to trap unwary buyers The to* pagrahy of th# country outlying Havan nah is of such a character * • t mik* t diiirsbie fur manufa munng .*lt#w and ret il. ntiMl to atb ns As th* growth of the city has been to the south. e.-t and west, homeset kers and investors h ive bad their choice of equally desirable locations, nnd re .1 estate values hove not ie rn flciiilou*. Conservative values have Invited pur chasers and those who contemplate k*- ting here will not b- rn* t with either tmdesirahla building sites or fancy prices In th* earlier days variety of * a uses |*.| to compa* t build ing, wbt* h. with changed * oral it ions, have brought about wiser methods The crowd ing system haw given way to lawns, yards and pin zap about th** reslden • - so that homes may be b*-aiitifle#| nnd adorrvd bv *'X*erb*r surrounding-, and light and **tr in abtin !an- find ita wav in and around the borne A** Ihe city Is extended th*- benefits derived fr**n this sv-f* m of home butl*!tng Is M-*n in the health of the peo ple and In the comfort and beauty which are apparent on every hand Art Ban* And ste.*i*iv employment In thetr various lines her**, and th#* architectural design nnd finish of the public hulhlings anl handsome r*-stk-n< ee ar evkien *• that hom- artists in building and det-ora live art will comrorc favorably with those from abroad. T.iwte f<*r the icautifii| has been no more industriously cultivated in other cities than It has been in Havan nah. Two Mnili-rn Telephone I'lniiU anil I t*nix lllatnnc** Service In I ip. Savannah ** lelephoni* in tilth * are m*t furpjese*l bv nnv city in th* ' ountry. One <>f theokleat hv**tem* In theiOuntry has tmt recently completed one of the fine**? build ' ings erect*-*! ex-(naively f*>r tek-phnnh 1 service, being perfect In ever letall. It I* rquipp* ! with the nwot modern fmpr**ve. rn*nts. m<l th* ayotem In* hnfei* und* t vroutul wit* -and tngcnioua automatl* *l* • vi. ea for *ommui..* atlng with the Cun* tral ofti e. In a*lllt)on to th** local r.*r vlce It has connection with the long dle fonce telephone ayatem. whl h pute Sa vannah in dire't telephonic touch wrlth rnor*' than 12.Ofti cities a rut towns of the rnlted Slat**-, embracing not nly nearly all the lm|>ortant * Hit s md towns of tleorgia, but Including New Orleans. Mo bile. Montgomery. Atlanta. Charlewton Norfolk. Maitlmore. Philadelphia. New York anl rhi.wgo Ther* ar* nearly 2.fWi local users of the telephone of this evs lem Within the past year a se*Y>nd corh pany has been*ed awl It Is claim ed he new system has over l.hhrt tele. thon sln ue** It ontemplates extension* to the Interior to connect with towns* trlb utary to Savannah. Wood nnd Coal. Wood and coal Is the principal fuel con sumed for heating and domestic purposes and a** thr* are large forests tributary to Savannah, wood, on account of economy in Its use. I* the principal fuel f'oal Is u**d very largely, on I the prices arc within re* h of si . for *oa>twise steam ers bring it In baliaM. returning with lum ber. naval stores or mi*cellanr<ou* cargoes Flail nnd tlssfera tine of the Princi pal Imlustrles-C aniirri*** in Opera tion null Other* l*ro|eete|. The fish ard oyster Industry of Savan i nah la nn Import in* one, and there ate i four or five large house engage* 1 in Iwind- I ling fish n*l bulk oyster*. Kith are ! brought from the bock off civ*? nth and from the Gulf Ovateia a e inwn from oyster beds along the Georgia and ftoufh Carolina *-stua;le of the ocean. :he island waters at.d sounds. Oysters are exten- i slvely canned on Wilmington Island, but * few mile- from Havatnah. nnd o’h'r factories of the kind are pro}* led Fieri* of oyster ioats bring m irh of their cut h !•* Thunderbolt, in*l the dlamon l-ha k terrapin, o murh stight af* r lv epl cureg. art- prin i|*al;y reyelvt-I at Thun- ( d*rbolt and brought *• Hivanmh for shif rm-nt to llalt:morc uik) Faslern mirkct . Tills Is nn in*lus r> hit might he *oo du* ted upon a larg*r scale with great profit. Terrapin j*ens are rv>t uncommon at Thunder boll, where they are k*-pt arwl fattened like pig** for the market Tnere are. In season. * *>n*!dei able ship ments of the deep s*a. or green turt.e and turtle egg- the turtles and their nests being f<ur.d during the early sum mer mot inr o*. the l. Urd bea* he- >f me ocean. There has b -n n*> con duct of the turt.e trade, hut tk*n In hand and ptoperly conducted would pay * well for the Investment The abun4an* e of shrimp in the w iter* about Havant ah i not avel’ed of except for locnl supply F.lsewhere shrimp ha* been dried and .-ent to C*hlnvc markets, where good pri es have h-*cn re* eivod tvniie in o ner loc.t.Mies shrimp as be* ; profitably canned A* the supply of shrimp near Havanrah la prv ‘tlcally ine*. , ioiuatlble. the utilisation of it for other markets cannot long cc overiojk*d j GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. x AND IT* 1.1 Hit AHA tF 3M1.4NM1 A 411.1 XIIX. Tmateea nf the Iclfalr %radrniy of %rt miml x|cnrrs*Tbe l.arseat (ul lection if Hooks In the 4 Its. In th* • irl> i.iv -of th** year Id. Mr I K T* fft, it (hut time th- popular l'hler of t * Bank of the State of Geor gia and n well-known collector *f auto j gr.iptis vxin 1 mere than 10. 1 reputation * a trwtn final f historical r*a arch. IMtqii '.#! to two of his friend-. lr. 11l b ! rd 1‘ An - l nnd lb. Wiliiun 1* *ni I HtrVfU- 1,1. founding <f a aO> icly “fig j •dincllug |.i4-— rung arid diffuMtig tnl*r ' tnaiioti relating t• me bl-tary of the State of Georgia in parti, ulir. and of . American history generally." These thre* gentiemeu at one* took nun ut * looking ; to th*- prompt lu fiiiriMii of their ie<iit-. nil Hi** result wa- th* establishment *hi a In-ttng fotin#! itn of th** iJcorgia 111- ton ui HNity. in t?j. spring of the .aim 1 >*r. w ujte mctnhoisaip rmbr-iial men of high literary. p**lttl *t am! -• lal tatwllng throughout the whole staff. One * f th* objectr uf lhi institution wa to ci it** 1 llbtary (or the use of it.-* member.' tut tr some years th® bo>k ‘ . ode< t! wrri* ikno>t entlr* Iv f • bl-iot jl* al . tin. l ter. Heating of state an.l n * tk.nal a well .> of g. n rai history. Many valuat. mif it*# rlpt s w*r- ii -a* mils I"! • an.- of w i. n tinv t i .v* yet Ih *-n print * *l. ilthoiigti th* .*tv lc >m** • f it v ilunt* . mat* rkii In 1h- form of vol ume* of code# 1 tin. wnl' h it ha pubiishe.l The uue of 1 #. library tv th*- (mil ilea of Its memlwr - —< ti b*. amo general lot wit hs t a ruling tn. • \i.*t**r.< of a circu lating library IM-longtng t* * o Savant .ih l.ibraty fkvk*vy an 01 gantz tton f.-un.l**l tn the y*r Imz* Th*- city w* - not then Urgn enough to supp.-rt two libra rl**'. and tn 1*47 th* matter of 4 union was pr>|> **l ti vm-etsng *-f lioth .*•• t* ?u • th*’ • .awlition of tlu* ekler being to tl. language *f one of its memt • ktngui- inw ot and 1 Mirlv * oiiaias**i while ti nof th. o her. w • having 1 pr* arkxi.H pecuniary 1 001 hold The un i#i. was e|<4>#*ltiv u i happily eff* -d tv the t• vme* of winch the name <irgiM Hi*- t.n al Hu kiv %v * retained Mild the library of th* otter body, amounting to 2 •• volume.* w. merg'd jn' t lit of *he see • aor From that time the collection *f I*o*k- has steadily grown th* volumes, 4 oiding :o the lim r.jxirt of th*- libra r an. numbering mi tha- time .. ‘.*7** The hni** of the library in Mln*'Hi Hall, tnulf ly the late Mis Maigaret ’reitmr tiodgMU). .-* m memorial f her hutanl Mi William Brown Hodgson, for tnnnv > ar> an a-tiv** member of the solely, #*l for 1 time on** of Ita offlcort* Tlie binldlng. together wt’b tn* komiikl u|sn which it f-(anlw, is said to jhiv** **oss Mi Ib'lgeon f.drtio. <n,.i *.4 held in tni.-t fur tti*. *-' iiimi which unfortunately ha* no end* win* nt fun*l hut d*-|>en*l. nt fur Its running expense* ntul trie purcha se book- u|**n th* annual dues of it* number* Titer*- ie tu publl* library, properly *o-calld, in Hivannah hut this ■n great measure Mipplh - the pin *• >f one nnd i* a '.m pi .eh ing much In furnish ing r-aling matter to h lain* nmniver of ***. who, tor ft'** i< a ..iiaid*' finwoint of b a >• *r. have ill •( lie privileges, tu. hiding the* u.*u of looks at horn* **- well i-i in tsie buikling where there nr to b*. found a well-stooke*! referefi e de. part merit, nnd a larg* assortment of the •* -4 perH■! •!' lie-. le*v th*-•• tieneflts, 1 h subscriber i- given n ticket tdmlt ting t)irn or her. t the Telfair A. idemv f Arte .its! Hl*tn • -* at all time* *on * Ideritig nil 1 1 1 *e ;.|vantag* *. It 1* 1 mat ter *f w#.n*|er thri - the member-nip ti lot mu* lu* r• rrt 4n |t li dm. dm |nt.* the *# letv Im trig nn * i*y matter. A* an * dm a norm I promoter Ihe library l* a great blessing to Savannah, and It should he much more generally patro l** ! Bv the t.-rtn* of r ie will of th* late Mi * xb? • Telfair, th*- Telfair A. wlemy of Afts and S i**n * - w * -tabll-ned. nnd th** tieorglH Hist* ricwl So-|ety w.* name* I us tlu tru-t*. f.*r the testator'- iv i- he* m th#* management thereof Bv reason of th. rhoi. •* *f the Historical Ro **tv a* the truste, , many persons an* led r*. t.'llev. lhut 4b i.rter some irt'neflt from tn*- trust fund, but tills t* u great mistake Not one cent of tle I ondeniv s f*Mwl* can be um I tn pr<unottng the w mik *.f th* Georgia Historical So ■ i*4y Tin* N.ard **f rminag.i* of tin- on •odv arc nil*-*! iiimui l*. lMk after the proper care in I tnunugement of ftie other. •*fkl there tb* matter -nd *f the-.* two institution*- Svnnah may w*li !•< |*roul The Telfair Art fJallery th** only one In the stole of Ge. rgia n*id is We|| Mock* and with objects nf *rt •f great beaut\ ors! value, while the rv of fhe Georgia Historical goclerv. with it*, r tre •!** 'm*ntw, fine department of references |ooks. reading room, containing *u arlv ,|| , f the le idlng and Its large mlsc#|laneous collection, m prot. oblv e*pia| to any in the state, both In r. -p* t to the tiumter of volumes and th* value of the same. William Harden Havannsh's 4 hnrlfslilr Inst If allow* 're Many nnd \%**l| kiiatalned. In no city Of the sice of Savannah are ► many evldenres * broad philan thropy and Christian charity ns In Sivan nah The Telfair Hospital for fernuhs. one of the most .-I* ely edlfl*es In the ity. With b autlfu lawns nnd walks |g>r •brrsl bv eeml-tropi* *| bloom and verdure, i-**n. *f ih* si arranged institution* of its kind In the B*miih. It* founder w r the lot* Mrs Margaret Telfair Hr|g* n Ittd M whosa bequests * oupl*--l w iili *ona*rvative m iri4g merit tave mad* it i bl‘**hing to the nftli* and f*r many ye u** 1 h- Havatitiah Ifocpital Is an lmr>oslng bri* k stm ure with several nen-s *>f Uwn. ' • . i | crtetctl at a •t * * i j mate cost of *.>*>n This InMbu ion wa i organised by b* n* volerit *lMx* ns ar and It I h* received some valu*l (M>|u The I •*! k poor are admitted ; m* for t-* atmnt and rr ilve as ma* o ~ir. and uttti'bn |*s the pa t patient* In this, as In oilier hospitals Hav ninth an*l phy*l | *ane lend their time an I -kit. to relieve th** aftlic e i |joor wnhout < mp nr iion 8i Josepn’H Infir tn irv. or hospital I- an [eleemosynary Ins:l otion conducted tirder the auspi* -of tne Bi*t**rw *: M r v Whl e dir* y unde* the h* It rI * g , r<v ! lection of f'atholt * ntrol Its charities •nd mercle: ar* .11-mbuud wphnut refer ; rn* e to rec*l or r.c- A this a* at the other h-epttal-, py jm lent#. *re re elved hut Inability to (My does not 3p i.e the needv and the afVUcteil from * are aril at tention at the ) .ir|a of th*- m nt the ptiyei* ian- her*, a** at the rther to* pi nils giving thdr ski), and attention to th* afflicted. The (hold i Infirmary !• a w* il on* stru- tr-d building h* site *f si|**h was given for that pur pot* by Thomae F and Hi* nard T William*. It i- devoted to th relief *f |*oor an<l tndig* m negro * Three of thes hosintAi th*- Havannah llosidtal. Hi Joe* ph Infirmary and ttie Georgia Infirmary wer* pld M6MO a h last year by th* city. In addldun to t>• charity lis|*ense*l In this direcdon by the c:t> a fie? dl*p t)sary. fir * if#;dying in* di- in* s to th- poor l- conduct i by :be tit) at an am.uui average expense of from to s*.soo. In addition so these there ara homes for iged women, and for aged men. and three f* nixie orp-ban asyume 8o that Ihe old sod the voting the poor and the nfflictwl white m l bla k. feel the hi* sslngs of a Christian charity tna know* no creed. ill W'hoae pliilar. fhropist s *• *f their abundant-*. unit* jn works of benevolence and merc> Mrdlrnl und Suralcul. Tha high profesnumal standing of to | mxii* a* and surgical Iraternity of Savan nah need Fondly 9 as it is ' ktown at hotn*. ard The e*'tei j uflc rtlvan * s made in nv li* in** md sui -1g ry in th** (m*i !i id !i ip not N*n I over look* and by the cUler lu- of practl I tin*r-. who have k.'ja ui m( of th | tim# *. and have been qui. k t • avail tb* m s®lv44 of tte tr..l and trust wort l\ !*• j coveric sin th> itotn nof me*ll tin .1 j I surgery, while ihe physl Ims of th* vounger school have brmigh with them ! into th. field of pru tic* kn<>wl* .|g. tin.M l talnabi* ten iiihl twenty jm - i> Two me# Ilea I ►# b-ti* s B\< h* ilthful m*ml*crh| Ihe i!eugiw M -ti. ul !*eln4 tlie Oklewt. uiwl th* H*\utmab Mel pal H>. icty <>f recent origin M*x!l tl jmirviaia are published here nf great in t r.“t 11 I value l the pr*f. *ai*n \ nie#it it and -urgi ti Institute on Ub •*rh street, t ie most b**autifiil Nmlevurd • th*- Houtti atul whl< h h • lc* n iiken • I in g>n* t il ipivruran *• atil ultra* t|v i f'o I*l "I'nder the Lindeu** tn Berlin w i> .-(abitshed tn Ravannab in |.w With the Improvements now under pro •#w if conipleisin. If will shortly he 4 1* king in i# s-entiai to carry out the design* *f • h** pr >!*- Th*- wholesale drug trade of Ravannuh ' i vary heiw url tn**re ar- n. p— thin three* Itrg#' bun*** that supplv th* l# ti u.l trlbotnrv trail* Th** retail drug -•m* whi* n ar* <listritnite! throughout the * itv r tn tb* u*!i b m*F.*fii Iv ft' ( t.-.l uf* t h*-e o Bull -1 r’cl tb# pronif na<ie I tree! of tlie c|tv. b**lng t h** m>• in vlt ! ‘tig. as they cater m the more mitral •I 1- of sbo|pcrs The fle'ds and f.>r*"*M of tir.rgia and fiarticu irly Routheaetcrn Georgia, are Hdi In herbs, shrub- r**ots and bark® of gr it cnedi* Inal virtu* . tom*' f loci. | r**.a*gnlt|, while others are nf ne*re r* j cent disuiverv The** *lt overt* . hav** i '* *1 enterprises for the tnanuf-n I tut** of drugs and pat* nl m**d t . in* *.f creat .ur itlve qimlttl* en*l ?h*reui •* four industries *'f tlie kind in a-'*iv operutUin in Hav innah. nil of whu h flil tnct* i**ln •lemanl for thGr prepaiatkm*. and tlie most satisfactory profits from thetr tn vtNMitiettts Rome *f these prcvirations at*- now accepted all over the I'tilted States is standird remedies on 1 five v*-ae hence, with their mor* general In trod 11 non throughout the land Hivannah aid not t>n.v get all th* advert! ins It it**l . I*ut something more than u m i omieten*t will .4*lll* to thoc onducting Hi* 1 drug and n#*l) manufacture tn • *etg! . I nilertnktna t :iallilim‘iit The undertaking establishments of Hi vannah w 111 rank f i\ra!.|v wrh tho e of metropolltan it!*•** Tlie funeral of tlcorgia tiave u state 1 -oliti-in with 1 prominent membership at Havunnah where ihe annual onveritioti w 1 recently lGf The healthfulnesa of thin section • 1... nit r* quin* a- cniny in mi* tine #.f tuistness as In less favoi.d localltle*. but t here are three we)!-* quipi** #! undertaking houses that meet ihe demands for th* ily urn! irtlujt try terrltorv. The t rmrtrrlra ttntllMlna This 4 it* Ihe Mnal lleautiVnl In Ihe Stiiilh. The cemeteries where the list sad rite* ire paid the departed arc mole * of beau tv. ond the greatest .me is cxnGsed In giving them allenflon, iositlifv ing Ih'in uiml miking them aitra.ilve to the ev* laure| Grove 4'emetery. urwler the mm ugement of ihe • Ity, |o#'ated In the Mouth western peril* n of ttie city limits. I the pr in* I pal hurving ground A portion of this ir- •I* voted to the Hebrew • ongre gallons, where their dead are Interred There are som** handsome monument* nd durable nn I costly vaults In Laurel Grove. It is reach* I bv the electric street railway, and. by the system of transfitg Is in close touch with all *#**• (Wats of the t tty. In Ihe -ante tract, but a quarter of a mil*- to the south I th* .obred burying ground, ul-o under muiti cl|ia! control. H*aiaventure (Vmrl.ry I- an attractive burying gmund 11 nd* r ihe ontTol nf n private corporation. ai*l l< .t* I at.i.ul thr** miles from ftavunnah on the Thun .lerlsili shell rood, and on the line of th* Ha vannah and Thunderbolt electric rati wav. It is prolwiblv 1411* quail**l by nnv . em*tery In the country for s enlc lieautv md some very *• stlv rnraium*tils mil sta* nary may be seen th r* The i'ntho!i<- t'emetery Is on the sum# drive and railway, a Unit one and a half mil*- from Hiv.innah. and while It doe not equal Ihe iw** Just m< ntlocied In for eat beauty and scenic environments If is • uirefiilfy tended, an*! I- Iwdng l* uutiffed und anrlrhed with sysirniati*' ciillure of trees. ihrulM, flowers tutd driveways In ltd* ae In other cemeteries in and around Savannah. • la** graves him! lots n*d only hav** the closest attention ul the hands of those employed for tlie but k riivel survivor* rnuke daily visits to keep the graves of Ih** loved nnd lost green, nnd to lay U|m them floral emblems of remembrance ami affection Not only b the cultivation of fl<w*rs general in Si vannah, and largely cultivat'd fot tii- h tender tires. fait * n number of green-lions* a In the city, and In pruximKy to Ih** cemeteries are conducted most profit tly, due to the and. fnand for flow'er* for <!ecora*lng the graves with unstinted purse and hands. I'rtnllng mihl Blank Hook Msnufsc tories Kqwlpped With the I.Mteal Msrliinerr Mini %latrrlMl. Hav innah is well equipped with printing and blank hook institutions. Her mer chants have long enjoyed the privilege of buying the beat illhographir work don** at home. Whatever Improvements hav# been developed In the printers' art In the enter* of typographl*’ reenr h and in vention hav# at once been adopted here wh* n found praetb l and satisfactory For years the vast volume *.f men ant He. rail am y amt steam-hip print ng lias hern turned out at Hivannah, ami chaJlrnging <mparlson with that of the largest c|ti# - f the East There was a time when all t! la . ommerrial printing and blank imoks for the (ounttng room was obtain*.! away from Ha vannah The wisdom of th hance has never l>een que -ttoned *nl our irlfvting ofll. e* un*i binderies can In ar tistic tin!h. durability and price '-ompe'. with all rivals so that th# field has been practically abandoned to home Industry. Two Dally Papers Furnish fhr New* of Home anil Abrosil. In this conn*. Gon th# conservative ours# and the satisfactory news aervlce f the morning and afternoon pai#rs have left them an unchallenged ffeid in which ih# local Inierest* ar* a- zealously conserved, a* the new is painstakingiv gathered and attractively presented to *he public TUB BARING BOW EDI! INDtrtTRY. Enlargement nf the I'lsnl la i onlrm filnted nt tlnce. A Ivgirnlng has already b** n ma le in this direction In Ihe it*m of t aking pow der alor* the writer wi- pie-cnt when a Hivannah baking powder fa. lory receiv'd i tn Hs m*-.r* In* mall one order fiom a sin- ] gle < for of Hr pio<l<i‘l Bunin* In rmall nn,. Ihu In- , rtuntry h* ou.trrown • original (>■;,nt ( iwlro and now in.'mt'laira a further rn- ! lnra*m*nl. whlrh will nuke li lake rank with the two lariteal faelorlca of the k!n<l In the country. uinuil.B mu ..noDR. ■li nrlir n lolurne of ftevra afllllnna Annua Ily. Tho dry ood. notion*, and mllltnery itade of Hnvannah wlil aKSretrate 17.U0,- | too. The hulk o' title come fiom Euro- , K*n and Eaatern loom* and factorlee. but , with ihe intreaM of Routhern rnterprUe, of thle character within the lat three yeara Ihe product, of Bouthrrn loom* are j healnntnir (o ehow tn the ronmnn<-r lihrl'-a. and eventuate with t i- e mtr development In artlclie of Southern montt. j feciure we may look for Bavnnnah not only to ti'ke a latcc part of tne Southern product, but to IlMriDute them to more j remote territory. i FOR IMPROVING THE SOIL Itli: FI llltl.t/t It \Mi PIIOAPHATB Bill rt | | % . *a %a nit ah t npilul lias .lex eloped the t*tiiiß|tiMt* ailnea f I lurliin unit t a r*l* mm— llirr *• Million Dollars Business Done In I Ills I.Aue Ike last iear. Tm# fertilizer an! phosphate Irulustry of Hiv innah not only mbia • xisnslvt I rtili.'.u plant ,of modern *o stru* itoti her**, but Hs vannah capital hits ! n® mu. n i* (1* vGop tin phosphate min* * of Houth * * m||i.u at #d I rpt.i The cott**n belt **f * 1 it! 1 A! ttviniu. Tenn •.*■♦• an*! is rliona #*f Hm .1 * > *r>ll 1 draw th*lr supp.lcs Of 1* 1 till**!’ ft nu* Sivani. ih. while the ex- Imri' !. 1.1 *.*#• m i m-teasing In dti tr> in Hiv mi t. alone ha shown a \©l - • pi-ty ar ip -•ring t• threr -niibl.n-doll 11 murk Hi* %lex%ed. Th cltv *f Hu\ mnih is sr#iverned by a Major and Beard *f \Mermen, in addi tion a li. r* • 1 . omm <*n known as the lb.r! of Tux A* • nnd a Bark and Tr rommiMMti having . inti a* und cam of the park p! iz.i u and tr-. jof the city, Th*- pr* -nt Mayor w‘>#. is serving a sec ond term, Hon ll* rman M\- r* who e* I*. \ i*l* nt iff* *1 with 1 !;• * *a*mmerrial, tv ink ing industrial and •?•• railway In ter* -t of Savannah and other point* Th® Niu lrd <l*l*l f Rivunnaii 1 but 4-i.JJ7.TSft, at % |er cent Tin* bmlget f.r last year wa ■* l*e|ov% L‘*| ••* wul h Include® ov* r S7.> ••* in it*u-#' ilralmig. 1-011*! ruction. #ftu interest .11 lamded ileht. |.l9."tsi tn rtp*’ilnß and paving >ti.-. t*. |t...7*n to the -inking fund md -*•* wot**rw*rk, wdii. l) in lu*b I ex r • n-Uirn* *l* o**ll is oper ittng tit* plant The receipts from all ** mlr• * w■ 1*- 4- ' .’7*. Tie taxable prop erty >f lit* •1 1 v lu- v *r wis Homeihing ovt IF. *••••. m increas® of |i,**),t*in ove* tin* previoim year l it*- is• 11 . ie|■ ir 1 m*'i t of 4 'apt Thomas Screven, with th** 1 1 1 1* of *u|a>r|nten*lent H- with lit*- 801 l•• ('ummitte** >f Council and the Mayor dir*- t !•;. entire ptill. e ifluir -t • . 11 x Tit* If* order's Cigirt, * ‘'.tint; •* tn Bolk <* t‘>urt of other lib rt. 1- pt • i.b .1 over by Judge W alter c llartndg*- amew>li telegraph v?i**m i * in ii.-* Ainbulunc* ? for white and colored ar* ui tp* A miMtarv sys* tem f drill und *qulpment renders the po lk •• for. •• u it rung auxi.iarv to tb*- lasi military and th* p.*ii- .* atmotv is pro vid'rtl with modern rlflet*. shotguns ami ivo|v4f- i*r aviv em*-t'g**in v There wa* l* nver.d iiurmc tb*- yiur !’•♦' iv the d*-- II fix•% nnd paul for* c*f this branch of a* municipal gv . rnmetn I3MKM k 7 There at** two larg* md w**.l .ulaptel iutiidinga for th** ti.*" of tla-department on th*- . Ity a lri|N rlv ut liat 'f liam *H*-i and Ogle thorpe mv -n 11* Th* fir** department, un*ler the c<>ntrl *f the Mav*t **nl Fire 4’ommlttee >f tha I Tty <’**in it. la in lli* * j ’iarg*- ( John K Maguire with t*>• title of s>up*-rlnft*l ••tit lb* for* numlH-rf jh It h*n- the *lm*-w*!l fit* !itir system The depart ment cotiMstw of tlr* ngine < *mpaiiles, with it)*- tM-st m*>t*-fn engines, three tru k * ompatiiev. two chemb al coni|*anles with chemical engines, n salvag*- ivitje and bos** romfMnv The • x|H*nse of the tire d* partment lasi y* ar was I* t*s than s7l.W*> The percent ig*** of lose •f prot*crty by flr* in Havannah *a- year to \**lu of pro|erty Involve*! wa<v HI. tw > fir* w In sl*t*-s bringing the p*-i. ntage up. The SHurwork.* at* In diai-te of I t’. Klit-ey HU|*‘t Inten lent The - Ity has tw. rVAlftWr but the *>llei plant und lee tn**d • rn plant la held in rcurve for emergan <l* s The aii|*piy Is drawn from art* *Ulit wells of Inexhaustible nut fr**m I gr 11 d* p?h Tn* re w* r* two i<l.lion a*>| nt .illy one hundr* *1 onl *Ut) f**ir mlliloti tstltoni* pump* I la-t y*ar by th- *1 y waterworks. The **|ns!* *-f operating wei** ap|toxlvnate|y |.U,U‘> There w< r* nearly sixty miles of mains on *he Ist of January, last, and the ginwih of rh* city lias ad.!*-I .onsblerably t* this *lurb>g tha fire sent year It must not la* sufipotHMl that th* water suppll**! by the c|ry cover* all the wot*r consumption On the con trary ni**.*-i of the ind*>- I rial * ■•iu i-iih, auch os the it** factories, brewetle-, ferllilxef work railway termln ils an*l prin* tpal hotels have their own ait* lan wells. The streets n*l lan** s* w-r-rav* s*aven* gcr and ilry culture work and Im rove* rnents Is undei the *iif***rv Islon **f the L>e parimenl of l*m|b Works. George M. Gad ■ I4M Till dtpifl kM t has 12a mil* *f sir*-* Is and lanes to look iftrr tif thes- tb-ri me uSoi! thirty miles of sir*-* is |mv*sl with asphalt, vltrl fh I hrl* k. chert granite, shell and gravel. Th* * Ity Is llgbird by more than .'sir iro liglita at an approximate annual txpciu* **f fJO.Otn. The illy *!<? not own its own plant, hut th* question Ins been debate I. uri.l put.ll opinion N yet In ptasti* s a’a ii fi (o the opomy of th** *ity Installing o*i operating lt own plant lt *onne*tl<m with th** water work- Th** proJe<*| ha* Its partisans an*l Its op|*otents. and at this writing there do*a noise.-m m l*e a prob ability Of the renewal of the agitation al an early day Havannah Is one of the few cities that believe* In the survival of the * Ity mar ket A public market Is maintained In th i down-town dlstilet at an everage annual ,-x;**ne of about fi.fW. and from which , r* venue of fl ‘• ll > was derived Uwt year Th* market Is under th*- supervision of ihe Market Committee of the City t’oun .ii and directly in charge of L. P Man rsrV clerk of the market, assisted by Aa iMant Clerk and Foal 1 nape tor Simon The city Council. Mayor at>l other city officials ore quartered In • bulbMng erectod Ml 17Wf*. A4 * * oat of ani hoe been r* nsHb-Usl and enlarged from time to time, iut till Ih r> emfuring Imprint of con nlruction in th*- latter llm* of the 4at tntury. It Is known as the “City Kx- nange." on 1 m wind is known as tha |y,ng Boom.” %vb r- the ge- ion of the Council tre held, was wont to be tha meeting p. ice Of the * lltiens where they wre -onvoked to consider matter* of vital interest to themselve*. or to ckiee visit*<l by gtorm. tire or epWlemlca; where they met t*> dfacu.-s the Florida-Indian war. the enterprise of building the Cen tral Hatlroad of Georgia, where they m ? .rd sur> rlbe*| to *x>ntrlbutUig for suffer * ,► in the days when Charleston was al msrt exfermlnaied by the fire Mend more than half a century ago. In this room is w bfe wise portrait In oil of Gen Robert E. Ip*, who* identity with the Ist Cause, his nobility of character and mhkary gen ius will forever b* perfectiate*J in the his tory of a chivalrous people In matters **du* at tonal Ha'annah has always borne a tonspkuou* and an hon orable part. The intelligence and culture of her dlixens have been icafously guard l and perpetuated from generailon to generation • br*>ad and Mineral aplrtt. The publl bools of H*v innah were the first t* be established in the state, an.l among ilia first In th* South They were otganis***! in IkSH at the close of . devas tating war. amid scenr* of almost point .| revolution and great social unrest, and the pluck, wisdom and |>t riot ism <ll*- piaye*l bv her peoph* in those trying tlm*. re uneurpasse*! in educational blstorv. Tne new system was fortunate at the out set alike in ee< ut mg for Its administra te*) men of high and unqu tloned loyalty to tha heat tnieresHs of Sa vannah and her people, and in having them pit* <-l Iwyond the baleful influences of political corruption. kavnnnali'a Furniture Trade. The furniture trade of Bavannah to es timated at tt.OOh.iqh last year. This sufw ply Is almost wholly drawn from North *nl West, a** furniture manufac ture h i* not seemed to attract the atten tion ! ■ . hould have dot e Ther- sre amp # supplies of woods suitable to rnte in*o the manufar ure of furnbure. wiihin easy and e onomtr reach that would make Ba v.u nah an kicai place for tne manufa tuio of lurnlturc, and lor It* dUUloudw*.