The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 03, 1900, Image 16

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OUR OCEAN TRAFFIC. |fl.%*Y MIIJF.N Or W II YRF FRONT \.l foii miipfino. THE STEAMSHIP TERMINALS. 14kb* to kii iii imi*<iiit%vi se.%- POHT AMI TO .l HIH'IL fftan y Million* *f Hollar* Have IWrn F.Yprndnl o Perfect Ihr Tfruilnnl Vyairmi f 'mnnimli. Mnn> Other linprovementa In Onr II n rhor Arr ton temp la tod > the Grrni Terminal < ompanlra. The , ,ti tr <r ; -rati n faci.itie* of Sa vannah In k*plt .g with ■* of •utgolng a 1 Inr inlmt • mmer • i< • wharve of tli* O- *in St* am-' ip ("••m --jpany at • omrncntur it* wtlh the Impr-rt at. •• of ihr l.ftfX* mile * f n! v\ f th* *#ntial rood, whlou fthem Fifty tiCMa of Improvement* rmbru 'l.r t nm •hip platform, lum >r y.*rlf ival ad for nearly • I ui* of c* tton ’ 1* provlUv 1 and the oj lty ••f * • tn I • n i Th!r fertlllx* r *• • >* • Ive a r r ar- ra|M .tv ol *• i • ;<<••* tot:- i i * 000 buahelt. Nearly ** non ~r *m ploved at t • h.irv* f the <*••**• HimnuMi' Comp*i • Ing cor .*i -1 xt**am*hli H The fV tof v c*mprt • x • .j* t • • turn and m *1 •rn uteri .* and * t *t#*um* i plying )H !n>n Savannah and New York an<l Rom. i The M*r<' k an:* an I Miner- Tnn*rw>rfi t too Oo k* xlt-rag*- ho-i • and *'!*•' Tli- r*' arr probihp r. D it* r equipped terminal* i In ir e world rmn *:..> of thl ho- It ! operate- ••• mi - rn ;• . >l has a f• ■ • .f !*,•• n ■ • I and Iron p -.*;• • dfr • ‘ • ,m. 1 l !’• Ing boiwean £• v innah arul BaUlmote m l I'hilad* p ita The w '*t terminal* of the Plant By* trm lie it li • -1 •r. ei..l of tn ell. oral mr -*tn-lv* it* naval * '*r •* and lumber w/ .irvMi being we.l * l|ic.| fr the pur|o-- Tt . with the term!: of th** t * .-,n Si* amxMp * 'omn n\, n.l i !i. Merchant!- ••i* 1 Min. r 'I *m • |-> '* l.n an-l th priMtt. I►. \. u and vv *rv *■■ of that opei ii* of n< . . it;• Kavai.nah r!\**r din w .ir\- .f lb* +’*' n plying U iwo-n Hn.n ni i I’ort Royal ari li.ttufi>rl. S A*. .n*i the pi vale tlh k in and \S f irv* <1 !h* l\ -Of.l of priv ate . .>rp<T itl< ti - .m l Indtv;)>!.u - firl.iga the harU-r frnta .*n the outh bank of fh> S iwiinui river up to ftil*> atx ml e ~f * vuiiir **f si*t On HuPdilmion I.- md. on th. north I hank of th* Savannah rive', ire tb* ex- i fenalvr terminal' f :. .■s.ii:iul A! l/i Hallway t■ .* iii• t rn id thoroughly rqul(>prl f..r nt itn- ip ot.iii.k; tnl .11 rharai'k of m.v .-,*p<*rt In rh- w.rl*l, nn l with tie t.ridk. spinning thr f.ver <o;i rtru. t. l r\ an .ul >\ ppr- x m iiir e I Thme rtnlniih ar* i* ched by an exprn'.v e - t-. . drawbridge over the Favannah river Th harbor hue l-rn Wkienexi mi Ii v per fr i .t?e e*- jred of rearly two nm* * in ength \ r sin md aptrlte turpentine \.ir*l affords t -r.a> ■ parity f*r near \ 1 • >. of roein and one-ihtrd i- manv n;riel* of turjen- : tine The n>. nd pb r for ti. *t fiiig of lumber. Iron and he.v\ freight of like character u- i front re oi o\**r h.ilf a mile The .Mt'en yard will - >mmodate Sno.Dbfi bn e*. iinl \ .x tton ompro* of . i pacify to par.- th. • t n for * • m!*- atorage a! ?•! ship ii .v; .I for o* • . r piers for general mere nan-iise niwl for th j • low ling cap i *t>• o !.*►* t n** p. i hour | leav- i. ti warning in In. etpslpment I ©f the the yard j ;olt\ iuing tnore than <ar- The ips of thl.i vaat a>>t*m will a* • ovnmuiitr thlrtv *f the t -* -n t| ? at the iu* time Ry thepe token* the r ider rn\ nm preherul th** lm|*ortn?.<-e of Bavannah when l* is kti'.wi it *w prl; *el> tii* Investment* i . tnatur of harl>or t. r vntba)*. ar.| mu 1 capital 1 Inv* -u 1 In th. transportation svutem f t. * p ri lm|holii|4 Teni|il-s •! \\ <r*lil|* Knt hrMdnu All freeda, n I riilurr of the rn?. Am aig th* manv chur< *xpe *a.*d that nil rou..| Im* a* orded |*r ti'i.lar mention No city of P sir- i a* many Imposing r* .tgim- mllfi - - < - .re In Savannah The centre gnt lon a are large Mild and. vanit The c|erg> lire •ntad. forceful and zeak<u* In n city Whore the W* •*>> Whltfleki, hithop An drew** a long Mne ..t .e ex|MMindere minlet* th** rdt. wi.d dee en.lanin of those who !IMen.t to impus* n. and -* rmon* from th* pioneers of <'nrlatl rdt> tn the New World wan’d not l* -atisfied withi |Mator* lacking either tn Intel:, i or fer vor. While aI d* nominati.>nx u r r.-pre 1n Sovoimai. aid all of th.-ee l v .ne ©r more at a tel) t* rnp. of worship, the moii • • m’.v u.d imp g, and the Largest are tiie rathe dmi of *t John ihe llatplsi. recentl) re built from the ruin- of m fAr*s. nnd whl h was rededloaied with Imposiug ie.em.mlea Sunday, in'. iv> the resident Hahop and a number of hiv . t . "leataatlcs }m* r ticipafing in th. nmw-T.i lor. the Iml. pemlent !*resb> t.-rian Church. t'!;rlat Church np * pi t' * e ng!, gallon of wh .hw lp|>-l nr th* earn M>.- in tfu* dav- wi.ev <>gi. i r* . w . h r- with I •* 111 th* coionv living in tenia; th. I'.vuigej. k I I-ut he ran *hm h of rh* Arrension ©r the sit* if wnlch the v i-utherur.a worshipped far I kae 17fe*, St John a Church iKp ■••l.'. \\ •* > M or. iiment it I, Law tor M i r . Mick I • i Trinltv Me hoiiat. the Pirn ' Church There nn* t r c or four preten tiou* ol< r. i hui 'h.s .ui mny other |l ea of colored worship The Youi cM r * ioi-’ian A•***•.elation Is repr* . t.d b\ n rig m-mb* r-nip with reading r.s m r.s rn* i. .. i.*d t,. Mr vice and a gymn •uum A IMUIi: kUTKHI'RIK.. I'he ropnlnrlti of the Medallion tl*> Overgrow th of Mllltnrg %cllit> nnd I'nrty /.nil. The medallion, it eem* haa come to ftay It la found on the watch cryatnl. in leckei*. and w rn by both aeges a- i buttonnler.* The evolution of th. m* lab lion hp he**n a .dy. until It is . well recogrilaed r*lde of every-day dcmitm Bivar.nati hn an inMltu:i*n that from Its in* . ptlon lias dot . . snrprlalngiy iarg husim The -tv was aurpr •*•1 one morning t ae the pan bans of rival fa-- lions wearing • n p ias|y tlcdr .t lapel ame lttldon purtralla of their rear***.- live i- and thl vru Iht At I •it •ral knowledge t it ti * art waa one of Savannah - t. w enterpna-s. Since then the mill la r v ardoi growing out m.Uta v htsl i v i| op. roMono . f our arm> and navy abroad, h*> made the tnedal.lon pepu nr, and the politic*! campaign, and tha mttchl(vou pranks thoi Cupid ) playing and will continue to play with hearts, will cont r.ue to locate the medal lion on the bosom of beauty, and on the left lapel of the love-lorn awaln. so that as long is there is sentiment and affec tion. whether for the ah* nt or the pres* •nt* the medallion miniature will remain the most popular feature of the artist's produou of* Tlie rtihllr Xvluhil of Navas nnlv-THe I iirollninit of Pupils Oyer fI.INMI. Kr.m small beginnings the public s oo.s have steidi.y in. reasxi m magni mde end ln|‘w>rtancc unit! thejr row im , t r.i • all la-ses *f our |>eopl. an*l sffor'l .du ul. inl idvantages *quiti to the I*. • It the.ountry Iteginnlng wl hon enroll ment of MS* pupt s in I** they now *.*- t* it an enrdimeni of *“*• flia<* I**“' the • nroliment has more that i.-übled Tner*- , i i>erho|.s no better Index o' . “It) * gnowih tium the i.c f , ~f its scho | en | tuilmeiit. Fr Hvvannan this increase is ' **tegdy and ne.r v unlfo'm. ranging from ..Vi to JMS) pupil every year St’llooL hWII’MF.N I AND ACCOMMO- j I NATION T’ntil rsffn' yars Hivnnn.ih has b**en f.'rtunate i. 1. ti-.e of *• h© and buildings provided bv the g*-ner' sltv of private .It- | IX* !- *| .it I'M'ii' .-*!••<—- h- - I r th w • Th* bull ling* .T.-ct.- l by i * j >r* >. r i H.kii.l of TUI .s l.*n -ire •-f the m 1 *an tai if ii ter uni ail t-o r ij-5 i nr,. •- x** n d-rn n<! of th< most ip| ;ov..| iyp# Tn* new s■o .1 building . lUr i ; st .**', n.w ir course of <on r rt* th>i and to be- omf.bded h\ Jan ar. '• * i! .within twelve .urge r,.**s n rn wi h .* nmo*lal 'ns f r *vo |>upiia I,ik if- \i I- 'uli and !..* Henry Hre.*t - I n 1 e-.erv let lil of r mfoft cofiven iru and f chit* * rural r e tui) has le-en arefi liv i onsidcred • ill* mi A ulernv ven rable with It-* ;y. i * -of useful history. I* a landmark j m l a -oar. • of pride to Savannah T’ uigh n* w in parMM ruins frorn • recent f ; new and moilern building will so.n ‘ rl u|M.n the pH v i t worthy of the • iii tv of the o a'ion tn A the riuse for \v ii th venerable h -tliulioci ‘• M f * r r ompi.'ted ft will afford a 'OiniTlO datlnns for ].>•* children It. the mor.agemert of the *choll“ tne h* 411 hof th* children Is very loseiy : i' lar.led The .* nttary condition **f the i \ndb g- !- irwiiiituin. and at a hisrh *t nd. r ! m.I every precaution iv .. served for the prevention <if -pr* i<l of i * • Kvery css * of snrlrl fever. llidit ierU nisi ..fber Imi ir dls. as.*s H l-r ei.j I . r p*r' 1 th* sup rin .*i and rt bv t * health officer, ad they ure krn- ; m*.lia*e v hub. ii.. i by trie phono In every f.hooi Iri the city. COrNTHY HCIIOOI^B. The rural of Chaiham county rn.* included tn the ri f.-rn with tti. *. .f i •** Mt\. in*l th* \ r i‘ivs care ful ns deration at th*- lian l of fh** scho** official' There are outside of the city twelve schools for whites with six teen t. .i **i-, ind t w *nf v-even for *'ol or•*I. with tWentv > v < n t. a' her- .4.1- ure regular v lnsf>.. te*l oral every uvolhibb m. ifts u*“si to render them erti * • !♦-• I Roar*) rf IMucntlon hi* adopted n p • *v . f building tw oor thre. i-• w li-.ii,** * f• *t th* ointrv r h. ls .-very vear, and already m.ett of ti.* fomrimnitl* have n supplied w ith eX' .-11.-nt tod.dine * Tii.w buildings were Air- full) planned bv a comiM tent archlte t and they are uniform in design The pupll of the*r schools have the *ame comforts and convenience* us those of the city. THACHBRH In the selection and appointment of I much ■ in la fakan to silninatt every *.aishl.*ratlun etcejH merit N |**.- !ii al *r p tMUiH. favoritism Is allow**! to ofeTate against r* al fitness for lb.* j*osl t lon. In point of klll and in deyotioti t* dti#y h* t* i her*- -<f Buvunnah compare favor- ; ably wltii the lx -t n the munlrv A con- i *i ii * effort i- made to impr.v • the rnefh- ■■ .■lx *>f instruction and to k*ep abreast of he rtn**e in educational work All th** Teachers meet regularly J once a week In normal ciasa 1 for Instruction and seif improvement , They posse** a II r*try f more than one •us... and volumes pertaining o every grad*- of educational work, and the num *ei i- onstuntly Increasing Ab*wit thirty of tire lending edu.wtlonal per44ys*al* of *e I‘nited Btate*. nnd ('.inad i ore regu lari' r* .iv .1 Imring the past year 177 • • h.-r* were employed tn the schools and '**: pupils were enr.ilioi Th** Hoard of uc.ition consists of t w.dvs members from the best men of the rltv The high character of th mem *re of this board carries with It j w rs <>vniz and h**n >r ird Insurer n , r.d mihl -i*an administration *f th-* •**iU' it ' affnirs of •xe oufitv No other city m the South affords bet- ' tor .hicntiormi foctiities tfian Savannah. Re id. s the sch.ols there are sev eral prlvab schools and btisin.***. college* of high grn-h A liberal spirit of cul tur* im! refinement Is cherished in the nom.f. .f the people and the street* Mpiares parks and flower gardens v fleet n cultivated taete and a love of beauty fhir eiluoatlonal pttict Is bright and every IcMcath n points to better condi tions even than w- now enjoy * bls Ahmore. Fl ltl lt Al 111 II IMM.s. The Increased lltislness of Xarnnnali Necessitated the Ofetltin of n Nexv Mnrlile Po*fnfVlc, The federal government possesses two , public buildings—ih. rustom House, a gtunite er. tsd before the <Tvil Wmi u J until last v .*ar it. coinniidatel tne sitting- of the I'nlted Htites (MrcuU *urt •.! Idstrict Courts, .r.d court ofli •dal** it now known n* the Custom H"iia bill id ll g The t'olleror of the Fort of C • t’*. J H Deveaux. ani hi- . ieri il for.-c occupy the ,t*si- t part •if th* first flooi. while **. the Federal ofll lals othtrr than these of fh* is*tHl servt. •*. th* court*, ihe flnited Btates **n glneers, the Wrather bureau, and tlie iwnslon xnnilnlng surgeon, are quartered 111 the granite building Tii* •'• ii.t\ growth of Sivnnnuh com felld tr-* government to < i urvnther oui.dlttg to u- - .tiinuxlut. the deman<l The postofh-i, th- Fnli**l States engineers ;r;d ;. W.iitucr fUirsatl had long been In Mnt*u quarters, while th* raclllfioe for coiMluotlng th courts in th** old tmilding w*er* ai liquated ami circumscribed last vor th* new I rR.d States t*ourt Mouse tnd PosfofHrif tnilkiing was .omplete*! and furr.b*li**d at m cost of more than half u million dollars. It ie a magnificent cdl fl. e of dcorgta and Tennessee marble on it cr ik. foundation, the lnterj.r marble d-.-or.iil.ais being a blending f the rloh -••t veined marbles It.t bin qnarrter The w.kvl finish is nm i canv, and the prlt tfstl furniture is muhog n> and -I rt**r and oak W ith basement ft ts of five ri h and t*wr It !. heated by steam, ;*• old nnd hot water scrvlte .inl is 11- lumlr a ted by l*oth gas and electrirlty Tit** fMi'.-cnaer e> valor Is opcraiel by electricity The bn-*m**nt is given up to the machinery and imllnr department, fuel -trag.* r.ectrlclan's room. • arrlers* wait ing room, railwnv poftofn.-e clerks and transfer clerks and toilet rooms Post •n •*-•! Joseph I>>!. . who srrvetl a post niM-'.r uruier President Harrison, Is the : to..liin *>f the building The flrt fl.aor t- .iv. t up entirely to the s.-rvlc wait nird "tne oftl s eoch for the post - rii. t. r and his as ist.tnt. Mr T A Witr lit- tii** latter raving served continuous > ns a>-h‘tnt |s?*rmiister utslcr four d -mii istr ii> • iw*. .f *a. h poilil *i) party Tiie gros* r* elpts of th* postoffl* for the fiscal y. ar ended June j, iso*, were in ex • > of ati*l were greater than for •he year when an army ranging from 10 - -••• to :•••* eoidlcrs wrre encamp'd n Savannah, showing In this Instance thAt tiie i-.-t.l hitslnet- ha*, steadily in •re ise.j by reason c-f th* pr Sj.erous growth of Savannah. The \oiuinc of ti:* money order buntatt for th- year w*ns two mil.ion do! art The reglttry division did the largest business in its history, and in or.e week 1.203 local pl*C*s were •nken In for dispatch. More tnn 2&.000 pieces of mail are handled dally The sale of stnrtxp was th<* largest In lh** hlstorv of the pest ofll re, and sales rondnue io I show a lissdy Increase The tr.*.* de livery system reqtiires twenty-three cr rjeral and uellverits ar* made dally in the business e**t! n and to hotels About 4*'" lock hues tie In service whlb* - the general <leliver) require* the * instant attendance of ( clerk from * a. m t j * p m tn the floor la found the t'lr ult Vnirt r*rm Mn I ton A Pardee presiding Judge. Ju lg* - chamber aral private ofll.’e law library pa'er.t r.iom ofllres of the Weather Bureau, of the !* * ( ffi e In s(ertor th*- Pension omitting Burgeon. *rwl the -.\eral r*m of tiie I’ttl <*• I State-* Kt gineer and hiw clerical and en gineering force <n the f ;ird floor are the I"ni e*l St ten Tistrict Court Room II ft F.morv H|teer, prepidtng Jurlfff*. I>lstri’t judge's r' ane iw-rs and prlvat* of!', #* #f the Id-trl.t At lory. Park *f the Court*. Fnl’e 1 States M#ir-l<al jury and witness room* Tlie floor above .ontalns store r.orne In whl'*b are the archieves of the courts and the r-everai FVderal fll* es l##l.w In th* first .1 . y. ; 0 . ... r - 4 ..vU #*>*!. tmf |1 AVfwihcr Bureau, while various l*s:ru mentt of th* bureau are 1 >cat.-.| on th* r*xf Kl# ru lamp r*- a* a hI t. the inwor on the T#q floor, which throw th* Ir • let oi light far down th* harbor to pilot the incoming mariner The erection *f tHI?- egpensive nnd hind <*m** marbi** building is at* elegant recog nition paid by th. Federal government to the growing Impnrt.irw*© **f Bavarnah, Much tf ti*e cr.-dlt for preentlng t*e n* —d* .f the building •• th** proper au thorities at Washington a due the mem •.'dti t I I Rufus I! I,.*ster The I niton larlntngr nnd thr Natan null*l of I rode n* l'net*ra In the t It*'* I’rogre**. A. guardian of the mercantile Interes’e of Suvantah there are *w> loriles which have separately mvl cd e. tiv* ly lo e much to stimulate the gr wth cf our com merce The Aav.innah Exotiang** ind the Bond of ’l* These ji.-t tu ti*rc have always leen foremost In alll tf enterprise** that promle**-l to of • . .** to tlie cr.y. They have particularly tak* rv • leading part in encouraging the * o dra, ih>ti of n.uv ral.was an- t*. So <irt icaii. an*l in h# • tirttg appr**pri at ion - for tfr. deepening of • h** • hannel to j*-rnit \> re? drawing iw.-nty-*!* t to f*<v*a In tial out **f the hnrbor Th* Savannah <*<P*n lixehange was organized in lv J and t* quArtere<| In i tull*ling of Its ow costing a I *ou f.'#*oo It hits an #*m *• chip cf 157. and is govern** 1 by a Hoard of fur* tors of nine meml ore. Mr ’ A Shear'.*© J.** th** presMenf. J I* Wili ams vt e president. J P Merr*h-w. up rln tondent The Savannah Hoard *f Trade w • **r- I St-.res Ehichangt i I In ilia fotloarlng *r wt* r*'**.l **s th*’ H f .l • f Trade Its ineinb*r'-blp 1 7*> and tf* g'*v . rn*d by a dir* toiy of ten rn* m r -r*apt Daniel <1 Purse is pro-idem, t.eor/a W Tiademan vt •• i*r ••"*l*‘n and C I- Chewiiuit stiperintend* r t HITF.It NA \ h.ATIOV % l.lne of kteaniboata •**) *be **ivnn nali Hltrr •* and From Angiixta. N mritter w'bnt branch f industrial en terprise mat -• proje t.*i th* r* * rl* * transportation adwintag* Savannah 4i *-■"> must I** 1 • n?ll-r**l Th* k S* . t*i nnh river, from which th** city taken R* name, to Augusta. I** traversed b> stejimhoats the Southern TANARUS tnsp*r ration Company - line, rh*t carry freight at the minimum, and touch at every m- i portiit.r piantatintt and landing 1" •*'* * * the two cities Their saeamers ply semi weekly. irrylng passenger- and fr*|ght tnd possess ample whurf un#l w \ rehottS'* ao'fltnfnolations l*th a* Bavannah and Augusta Much of tlie territory uoolering the Savannah river r*nln- t l- dev* I oped and when the ~a.g halting bond *.f '•r.terprls* is exrr*-nl*-.i to much **f • •* uncultivated arid itUuviai valley ar *1 ests that border the river, the valii* l the st*amers plying th* e watirs w II b** more fuMv r*all*ed and fit*' wi.l hive their f tsl I share In the development on.l tn the prow petit \ that is the handmablen of iv* .1 rllra iKi energy. rOTTTON nil. I Alb.l ld i%\- I P4(TI HKD \T % \ ANA AII. % Plea for Other Indnalrlea to Farth er It. One the tMI nt Home Into Inlilr %rttcles. Tha irwintifa ture of cottonseed oil i* uiv Industry pro tically in the < bry ills • fate, although extensive pants are turn Ing out a quality of cottonseed oil here whtch is In gr* at deman*! In this country and Kuro|H (i. rmany import mu h of it , direct, where R Is refined and substitutes f.r buttrr nnd lard are minttf.t t';r I from it There Is no reason why this import ant Uidustry should n a increase and Ba vannnb twixm* not only th# center >f th* manulncture anl shipment of th*- valua ble oil from th* cotton seed, but that n further process of mar ufacime h*>nM be taken up here as It h profitably been done In the North and in Eutop** If the roft art seed oil, by pro* esses of refln* metit .an be converted into tab a nril* !e elsewhere, ecoromb* condlilou* all favor tliat conversion at th* l h- mr of the cotton se-d This I* i kindred problem to th;it of the economic hamlling of the staph* Ifeif In proximity to Its place of ctiitiia s t. AM TMR l*H INr ll* %I. 11.1.1 MIN % NT. A Well Hqulpped Plant for ftapply the Ib'ii' * f)nn ml for l.luhl- Ing and ll* nflog The principal Ulutnlnonl In the res!d**n tial portions f the city is gu, which Is supplied to a home corporation, hav Inga compb telv e*|iii|>p**l plant that **n attire It t<> meet the 1 maml u|s>n i f**r heating and iightina In this climate , very few- culinary departments are con- ! aWlered either c.onfortable or c<itn|>lete without a gi’* rung* so that when it I* considered that g.i' Is used wherever elactrbdty Is used in th* business quarter, arvd In all p'illln biiHdlnga. almost x cluslvrly In private residences and large ly for cooking nnd h*ttng pur|w*s*?*. it requires a large otiFuy. ttlht extended |i!** in#*-, to meet the .l.rntrai **f . *ii\ *>t stich an ffe nisi -on tin tin II y extending area b*4b of which are fullv provided by th* i The change some years ago of illuminating the etr.ets nnd square h* not Intpalretl the enterprise, as the demand for xas as an iliumlnant and heating agency has so st*aly that Improvements and enlargements have b **n of frequent recurrence, while mains ar. being wmtlnuoliy being extend* I to wit n (be |WI The stock is principally held In Bavan rwih. tn a i in* i b tsrmnir\ t nod Honda and Drives Have in crensetl the t'arrlagr Dsmsail. The carriage and wrngort industry of Hn i v..rnah is one of gn at importan* *■. Th* re ,r<* half doxen wheelwright - uq.* in B.ivannah. ivher** vehl *es ir* mantif.i tured. but the manufacture *f carriage* ! phaetons. road-crts and wagons is not arrlcd on up*a an extensive scn*e by plant adapted to turning out l;trg. oMcrs The supply of road arts farm wagons M and vehicles of All dlscrlpttons is pr.n cipafly drawn from the factories of the North nr.4 West The large and growing demand for vehicles supports more that! ore well Stocked estah.lshmsnt tn Savan nah. as the cotfon district And rosin And turpentine forms outlaying require large supplies While tne *b*ve|r>pment of the I.*ounfry and the instruction of elegant drives or*l roadways has increased the demand for carnages and phaeton*. THE INDUSTRIAL SOUTH. IT IN MAKING ITN WAY TO ttlir.AT pitoai*Kit mr. It Is to He the t ontrollla* Influewe# In the l*rMl Metis e Industries of the I nlferf st N t#.—4 miltias All Fav orable for n Transference of lot ton Ailinufnelurr Near the Itaae of Nupply t limafe. Faol, Material snd l.ahor I'otent Faotora to Bring About the Itrsnlt Predicted. In a re *v.t arti* ,e in an Atlanta paper reviewing the probablit les of greater in du-tria, a* tivity in the South, the writer *ay. The fact that the South Is grudually . w r If-, way toward great prosperity ir* i* rn*r,str. .| n©t so much in the In r* is#* in the number of ooms and spin •l r a by the general drift and tendency which thl Increase denotes For accom panvli.g tiie new cot*on mills and follow ing them will corn** ot ier productive In •lustries in all lines in which profit is as sure I. T* *• hanl-headed builneaa men ©f tha North tirwierstai.d full w*ll that In aft, dues of mantiflacture which d*-p*nd on ■ tt**r irt n. steel and wood for tiier raw material, no section In the world ran com |.-f** with trc South Any Northern or Rast* tn manufucturer who has tkrn the tioub’e to investig.ut* the conditions ex istlng here will make hi admission prl v. though h* will IWI consent to a pub 1 m nof ht* view* with his name at t 11*bed Hut each and ev*-r> one of them kn*iv wnat Is c.vning and un<ierstxnds p.• r!eft y eel. that the Bouth in the course of time is to be the controlling influence li, t productive Industrie# of ihe I'nlted Htater. Our cotton crop 1* so important, and has been lor so k>ng llte of the trad* and business of the Bouth that it is nutur l that the first movement of the ltd a trial Bouth Is devoted to an effort io truik* that crop more valuable. This is r.attiral. Nevertheless, tiie conditions w*M i r< r ier It p.ssi* e for the to rival jta lure o*t n more profitably than it r.n h'* manufactured tn other sections npp . t. * tn<st every other productlA'e ln du*-tr> that an le mention#*!. Certainly ti *•■•• c*rKliiioriH apply t* all ti# staple * ••nitn* *Htif t ver an exieiulol region in th- B*uth. Iron *?•- evil and llm** ll*' side t) over v.**t areas virgin for ♦ t .ist t ir tio'i* ami over millions -ind million* of broad acres an equable • .lrn.e -pre.tds its sheltering and life-glv ti g wlugs N**w Ki.glmd trruinuf i'turers wrho j*er lhi in >l.utting their eyes to farts a way from ri*rn* declare that the Bouth has "ch* ap labor" This term, by .in assovi .itlon *f id* iv suggestf wag* *• as low .vs these (* •Id in Mexico and India where the liilnjr market I* full to o\**rf!owlrg This is Mr IC.iwa!<i Atkinson mans w. h** says that tlie "cheap labor" of * , South wi.l prove to b*- very co-tly in the end. Hut wuat the South bos. nr,*! what It will c. niitiue !•* have long a* th* wage r.?•* conforms to actual condition* Is du n** r labor than the North and Kav-t hii employ The wag. aof laloi are in varlab.y arid inevitably regulated by the • oi.ditt tm f living by rents, by cost of to* <l. cl **hlng un i fuel leaving out ©f vl* w th* ondl l>ns w hich prev ill w hen ther* I*. ♦ - irjkus of labor ir any given * : *-. md which have some influence on w ig*- the average rate of wages is based oi .nd le regulated by the cost of living I.vlnvr Is n*t he,ip**r in the Bouth beciiu.**- of its tneffl, i*n y liut becu*e the •••st •( ;iVI * g i* n. i **r here than in the Nor i. Take w it in * Ivilixed country is ihe v. \ first item of living lail**r must have a shelter for tis head, and this shel ter must *nforin o the cllmatf The houe* built for working |*a>| le in the North it. i I. ir-t • --j near v twice as much a- thos* built for the same purpo# tn the Bouth, t i**r-forc, renis must be higher Th* price of food is higher, and the . ost of fuel is n*.trl> twke as much in tin* Hast i It 1 in the South. The sim* 1 m*> I*#* s iid *'f clothing It must b* heavier and thi* k-r t uin in the Bouth, md therefote. it vsts m>re In *ihort. it may t** .t*l that the wage earner in th* South who receives II- a a k make m*r** that is to say. lias a la k** r niirgln of |r**flih atal eavii g> than th** V4.*k* *'arn**r in th* North who is paid |> i w-*k This is why it Is possible for th** Souihern manufacturer in any given iin*- t * nld ns much value to the raw iii.ii' rial n his N* rtl.em it a **>*t \**r> mu. h |e.4s. As his margin of sroflts If* a gteat deal wl*|er he ran. In times **f hnan* .at sres sell his goo*U or his produ* t** much cheaper than the Northern manufacturer 'lo the cilmati*' conditions prevailing ov*r r.iosi of th*- B*uth must le added the lhf ill conditions which hnve brought the r.iw n.uterlMl of Iron in contact with the ni'iirai pr.alu ti necessary to |eit It In is! ipe tor working into marketable comnvdltlcs D is as impossible for capi tal • Di * r* the*** conditions as it is for .i k* r after go and not to take advantage of .i di-covery of the precious metal. While it Is true that capital hns Ignored them for many year*, that fa* t has been due to various circumstances which time has At last over, omt T<*-lay there is but one <b#t~l* in the way. and that i the fact th*t millions upon nd.lions of <Kilnrs are tnveate*! In os.h | hints sr the North. These p ants must l* run. They cannot l>e trmsferr#*! to tae Boutn mv* it tremendous loss. an>i they will not be uhandoned until Buth etn iimj>HJMon much m* re Imisirtani than it is lik*‘i> to become for n nnv n its * shall first wltnes- the gradual trai sferei.* * of the rot ion mill inlustry .* th* Buth. * movement which r* quires tlm*. and then we i-hall see otiier in lustrle; coming hither, oil impel,ed by tn** same motives that Impedes! the Car negie S eel Company to build its plant In the iron and * ke-produclng region of Rennsy Iv itnia T- •• mention of this great romiwny calls to mt*.l the rumor that It has recently pur ‘ as'l ext* ( give Bessemer re pr**per n* at I, an**. T*x This purchase, if the rum r ther*-f s* true, was undoubted!) ma*le wi h *n • e o the future develop, ment of that region * the she of ir n ind steel wuk In Georgia th'-re are vast d* i*o*dts* of mown hem. Kite re and this wi I in and *uJ tedly invite the lexurrect tng It it I of aptta During th* first ix month* of the pr***. ent ir WB. >'*x new spindles have ieen i contracte*! for in the South. These spin. l s siHn.l for an Investment of about - it* 1 t** i #*-" g 1 which stands next to ' Bouth Carolina, with its 349.2 ft? spindles ntru *1 for sin e the first of January. FIF.II>. Ft rft >T %M NTH RAM. 'mnnnnh'a Oiilblnu Forrafa, Field* is tt l Nfrenttt* Allrsetlir to Ihr aportsmnn. Within i few hours ride by steamboat, or on horseback, may be found gam# In a him da nee Not only woodcock, snipe, •j tall, dove* and w ild ducks of all species, l ut nobler gam* . such as the red deer, b* ur. the wild cm. fox and otter, w'hlie l.t both the fresh and salt water streams and sounds the fisherman can have his choice of great varieties of game fish wttn which the waters team There are houses making a specialty of all that Is modern in equipping hunting and fishing outfits, which embrace only guns and cart ridge* 141* every hing the angler con de sire for Ashing under the shady nm*k. in the deep sound, or on tha blackflah banks • tn the ocean off Tybea bit ft-HI AM) NAFF ATABFEg. LI KE CAHBON, IJvary Btabie. Corn*otes Let by the Hour or by the Day on Rea sonable Terms. Corner Broughton and Abe ream Streat* Savannah, Qa. THOMAS F. OLE ABO N it CO, livery and Hoarding Stable, Telephone 27 1!2 Bryan Street. East. Savannah, Oa ummirA. Teieplione W GFXYItOIA BTKAM LAFNDRY, 110 Congress Street. West, Savannah, Oa Gird wood a Clifr. Prof'rtetora. savannah STEAM LAT'NDRY CO.. 11 Corigress Btrect, West. Fine Laundry Work. MFA^KN(• I7H AND lIKI.IVERY, President. Bupt md Manager. THE BAVANNAM DISTRICT MK:TSENGKK AND DELIV ERY COM I'ANY, Telephone 2 S2l Contcre** Street. West General Druyag** Furniture Packed. Mov**l and Storrd Can*'tN Taken lp, Renovated by the Latest Improved Machlner\ and Re laid in Best Possible Manner % % \ Ali 8 IOIU9B. Agency of the ANTR’ERP NAVAL STORES CO., C. Schwarz and H Wei hart. Managers. Bnvnnnnh. Oa. Cable address. Cefs hwarz. J P WUHamr. President Vice I‘resident. J P WILLIAMS COMPANY. Office. H Hay Street Has* Stores. S3 Sft and 227 Hay Street. Baal. Naval Store* fNitton. Whc*l*s I*' Grocers and Provision Dealers. Savannah, Ga. W C Row**ll. president. H F. Bullard, R B Powell. c D l^iMwln. Secretarv nnd Tr**ns \ Dr* Presidenla. SOFTHKHN NAVAL STOKES <>. Commission Merchant*, 122. 124 and l*'. Bryan Street. East. Savannah. Gn HrancheH; Jacksonvi.le. Fls, Fernsn dlr.a. Fin. Directors—C I. Bnldwin. \1 W Reach. H. F. Huilard. W. C. Powell. A Se*orna John Tl Young, C B Ellis, President. Vice President. J W Motte. Jr. Be**, m*l THE ELLIB YOENG COMPANY, Commission Meretmnt*. Naval Btore- Factors WIIO Ile fjro'ers. Savannah ar *1 Hrunewi* k Ga J W Hunt. P L Peacock, President. Ist Vice President I* McNeil, John K Harris, 2nd Vice President 3.1 Vice President. W J Kell) . Be- an I Tr*xy PEACOCK -H ENT A WEST CO . Naval S’ores Fa*'tors anl Wholaaale Grocers. Savannah. Ga. Branch t'dflc©. New Y’ork. Branch Grocery House. Jacksonville. Fla. Robert W Paterson. Edmund B. Naeh. President. V. Pres A G#*n Mngr Walter ("oney Adam G La?t*. 2nd Vice President, B**-cretars* George II Hevens. George Brlngolf, Assistant Manager. Asst B*cr*tiry, G*orge M ltoftrlmnn. Treasurer. PATERSON DOWNING COMPANY'. Huvarumh Ga. Branch Offices S' Johns N F : St John. N H . Wilmington. N. C.. Savan nah. Ga. Mobile, Ala. Correspond!, g Agent* The Downing Cos., Brunswick Ga ilu f Nnval St**res Cos.. Pensaccbi < larr.ihe'.l* Tampa, Fia. Cable Aldr**ss Putersuvi. New Yark. Oil,). HONIN'. ETC. THE SOUTHERN COTTON OIL CO. City Office. 2rt' Buy Street. East, Savannah, Go, L W Haskell. Manager. ~ s r bhotter company, (of W'es? Virginia.) Rogln and Spirit* T\ir|*entlne. Rosin OI! ar*l Pitch. E. S PLAYER, Special Agent, Prandnrd OH Cos.. Savannah Branch. PKIMTKIM AND 4TITIOXKN4. BRAID A HETTY >N. Printing Publishing Bookbin !g. Blank Book Mamifacturing. 10. 12 and 14 Whitaker Ht Savannah. Ga Telephone "Cl*. Blank Rook- Our own Flat Opening Blank Rtv*k guaranteed to !•• the bst and most dura ble mad# Telephone 417. WM. N. NICHOLS. Late of Fretwel! A Nl hoi*. Printer. Stationer. Paper Dealer, 5 and 7 Bay Btrcet. West. Savannah. Ga. JOHN W FRHTWELL, Paper and Stationery, Savannah G. PI % NOB %N D tlHti ANS. THE CABLE COMPANY, Manufacturer* of High Grade Pianos and Organs, 14* and 14S Whitaker Street. Savannah. Ga. Conover. Cable. Kingsbury Pi tnos. Chicago Cottage Organ*. Cable, Conover nn l Kingsbury Piano* Beat Made. THE CABLE CO.. 144 Whitaker Street. PANTS AND fHIIIT MFORI. AMERICAN^!MANUFACTfRXNO^Ca, Mohr Broa.. Proprietor*. Manuficturers of Pant* Shirts. Overall* *n*l Drawer*. Ca**!fn*r* an*) Jeans INnh Our Specialty. 234 to 23* Broughton St W . Savannah Ga. Factory 422 Bryan Bt, Weft PAIBTB AND VAX If lilt. F J Coo I edge. F J. COOLEDGE A PRO . Dealer* in Bruahe*. Window and Plat* Gla**. Paint and Varaiah Makarx Atlanui Savarvnan. <*a Membar* of the Natk>raal Window Glaxt Jobbers AseocUnoto. Telephone 771. SOUTHERN TAINT. GL*ABB AND WALL PAPER CO., Paint*, Otla, Etc., Savannah. Ga. *• |1 KHU. denT^^^v* Oy*ter and Fruit Packer, Cannerie*: Bame*ville, Ga.. Thunder bolt. Ga . BlufTton. S. C„ St. Helena I*l - S C. Main Office, Saxwnnah, Ga. PMO l \ Rifts %ND MFIXLLIOYN V^- FOLTV-'a CO.. Succeexor* to Franklin A Folti of 111 Bull street, are the only manufacturer* in the South who carry a complete line of ,photo Jewelry' and medallions. RICE. Geo. J. Ml,la. Secretary and Treasurer. Arthur B. Elliott, Manager. PLANTERS RICE NULL CO.. Savannah. Ga. W. G MORRELL, Wholesale Dealer In Rice, Established 1*74 H Bav Street. HNILROAD* 1(0 *TF % M*lf IP*. George INtvons, President J II Fall, First Vice Preeldent Henry F*ar*omi Be* ••nd Vice President If M L#ofton, General Mai,Mg*-r H C Bmagh. Super intendent K J Thomae. Jr.. Rer.rerara' and Auditor J H. Jehrveton. Treemirer K J Thomas. Sr , Eng4r.#*er SAVANNAH THT*NDERH< LT AND ISLE OF HOPE RAILWAY', Savannah, Ga. PLANT SYSTEM OF RAILWAYS, W. B. Denham. General Superintendent, Savannah. Ga, E S John. Vice President and General Manager. H. W. B Glover, Freight Traff Manager. Ch*. R. Capps, Gen eral Freight Agent. A Pope, Aset. Gen eral Fright Agent. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY, 1 Freight Traffic Ibqairtmerst, Savannah.Ga, Elton A. Smith. Preeldent. Law re no© K 1 ly. Vice Preaident. Geo. A Cosen* Secretary and Treasurer. THE SAVANNAH LIGHTERAGE AND TRANSFER CO. Office, 2* Bay Street. Kant. Savannah. Oa MERCHANTS AND MINERS TRANS PORTATION CO . Savannah Agency. J J Carotin. Agent. Savannah. Ga Boston Line—Baltimore. Norfolk. New p->rt News and Boston Providence Line—Baltimore, Newport New*. Norfolk and Providence Savannah Line--Baltimore and Pax-an na h j Jacob Paulsen, Presklent H. M C. Smith. Superintendent. W F. McCau !#>'. Secretary .and Treasurer. THE PROPELLER TOWBOAT CO. Office 21 Bay Street, East. Savannah. Ga Tug* with Steam Pump* and Wrecking Appurtenances. SOUTHERN TRANSPORTATION CO, Savannah, Ga W. T Gibson General Manager Steamers W. S Cook. H. O Day, Ethel, Santee. Savannah to Augutta, Tuesdays and Friday*. 6 p m. RK 11. ESTATE AND INN F.NTMBYT*. J. H Eat 111. M J Solomon*. Pr*-a.dent Sec and Trea* CHATHAM REAL ESTATE AND IM PROVEMENT CO.. Ofll re, li Br>'ti St East. Savannah. Oa. Org.iraized l*Sft C I! Dorsett. Vice President W'm. Ke. hoe. President Pro Tern. F. W Garden, Aset Sec anl Trea*. C H DORSETT, Real Estate Dealer and Auctioneer. 22 Congress St . West, Savannah, Ga. CITIZENS INVESTMENT COMPANY Officer*—E A Cutt*. President. F E K<*Utwdi. Vice President ("haa F Ful ton. Se.*reiary. H I Frank, Treasurer Ja*. R. Cain, Attorney. Muke lonr>* on real e*t.\te and buy real ! estate for investment Capital. finoon.AO. Par value #f etock. STADO per share Office. Room 4. Board of Trade Bldg. • IRCiIIAU AIIBii MBDICAL ANtT HTRiTirA?. INSTITUTE, 114 IJb-r>’ Street, \Vt , Scrnnnah, Ofc, Expert B(>r(iiU,- In All Chronlr Ttlioyw Dr J D. Prorrrr. Mnlkal Dlrrctor. ■ 1 -L --ITRDIXIIIP AE\T*. J F MINIS * CO, Pommlwlon Mrr-'han, And Slaarmhlp Agent*, Savannah, Ga. Cablr Addrrm "Minle." Savannah. BTRACHAN A CO.. Strain and Sailing Ship Rrnkrr*. Loading and Fmlaht Rrokr, Forward ink An(, Savannah. Ga c.-.hlr Addrr.,, Stnn-hnn. t"* Waikina* A. 11. C., or Sroti'a Codr?, -Churchill Line." A F CIU RCHILIa. Siramahlp and Foreign Forward ng Agent. Cable Addrr*, "IVrrlfas,” Savannah. Oa. WatktM, S:otf#ar.d A. B. C CodM. STOVES. O M ROSENORANT, Export foop.rag.. Savannah, Ga. Branch..: MobUa and Tenaacot^ thbaters. SAVANNAH Til BA ter! Tha Gnaenwall Theatrical CircAt Cos Owner. Fred O. Wat., Manag-r. 1 niiftkui. ~ ' John H. Fox Jntnr. s \\ I_l. Trlaphona 37*. FOX It VVEEKR. T'odartaker, and Fxnl^lmr, 11J Liberty Str.-i. W.,’, Savannah. Ga Tbuipho* F. A\D TBLEtmTni I. M. Hawkins, Manager, SAVANNAH TELEPHONE EXOIANMe of Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company. Savannah, Ga. WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH 00., L. J. Maxwell. Manager. No. 7 Bull Street. THE POSTAL TELEGRAPH-CABLE 0. In Connection With the Commarctal Oablo Company. Rcachv't AU Partu of the World New Line*, wulck Hervir** and rVaurte 4 Attantban. P. II Hughe*. Manager wammm mm iiii THE HI SINES* YEAH OF ("dltorlal Review of **tlf armry Reaalta. The following i* a conservative editor,*! reume of the buelncxs niuiadon at th. cloa# of the trade year fink.l Aug which appeared In the column* ©f tin* paper *>n the 7lh of fteptembar last. * k we have obtained permi*lon to re;r - due#, a* embodying, in euccinct form th* impreftion of the writer after a * ■ ;}. eratlon the trade rt-epect* for the p- ri-d under re\ lew The review of {Hannah's butineek ir the bunine** year of lW*f IF*. whi ii~x# present this morning, shvn* tha* tr* yer a*a* one of tn* moet proep* r u the city* history. Buein***- wa* iti atjout every line, nnd th** volum** of . was consider*!;*4y greater than that >' • - prevlpu* year It lea ru* that there tt • failing ©rY of h few thouaund ~.> xln the cotton receipt*, in nnqwtrl* **. the previous vmr> receipt*, but that *4* <4x Mig to the *hortiie** of the ©nap A* a matter of fact the percen’ag#* of t*> crop which Savannah received, a.*#- •Iderabiy greater than that of l v vkHj* year, ahowlng that * mor * than holding h#*r own us u n.**ai p*>rt. nnl that eiie |n #!*adily wt th# area from widch she draws • The naval More* r*cetp4* w r#> irc were al*> those of iumter Th tup a |ricen re vived for cotton during *r* greater part of th. year, and the tx . lent price* which rmvnl storett romrr.. ed. urnt the high price* which iurr.fwr brought, up to June |a*t. made trade all line* of merchandising very h ti\# Tb# wholeeaie grocery and dry good* hr i*e* had a letter buein#*** than ever and It lx eafe to xay that they great.)- widened their sphere* of tnfluen A.i of the railroad* entering the city xr-owed increase#! earning*. Owing to the pmt price* which farm product* brought, there m*.ax a great deal of cnm*-y in • ir.*,. lotion In the country. an*i con*e#|tienfl)- the countr> merchant* eere g,w-i i*- tomere <if tne city** wi,olcxale t.o'iir % . There w i> therefore .1 nod-■••able irwr>w in the volume of freight That lx one of the reaxonx why the earning- of the ra:!r.idx showed tip xo well The increase in railroad traffic n#i in the volume of bualne**. offered .ti ntloraj opportunities f4r labor. nni con*eepjently f hroughc>ut the year there %v 1* v# ftw Idle p#*op- x *qt thoe who w l to le idle There wax plent) of w k good wage*. an#l ax the rexult * r‘tli merchant* were well *mtlefled wtr‘. the year s buxineax In their res pert tv# tne*. YY hen the demand for latxjr lx etr*ng they are bound t.> proxper Tner* wax. throughout the year, mark'd activity In re*. e*uae. There w* .1 wt! 1 - Ingnea* to pay fair prices for buiMing ftotx. and the nutnler of house* #-* wax large The wtcady grwth whi ■ tr.e | r|t> ha* had I*r yearx wax w-: main tained. Probably the xuabien rt' ia i price* of building materials, which oc rurrrd aom** months agof check**#! nuld ing M>tnewhat for ihort tlm* t*v the demand for dwellings, together with more 1 moderate price* for but ding ni itena >. won gave tMiiidmg contractor* aiwu U the w*ork they couhl ik The terminal of the Seaboard Air Una on Hutchlnxon'x leland le the m**- r**.l hie Improvement of the year Avery large amount of money ha* been spent | upon tt. an l it |>rovlde* facilities ‘or handling a large amount of corrmwe. A notable imtirov*m*ni of th** |,r#fent year lx the proje. trd union depot. Work will be begun on it within a couj k of month*, and it H probable that within nn*her year Savannah will have in# flneat union niilnad de|*>t In the South. Since the I*#t annual review the S>uth* ern Raliwa) has come into Savannah. There i* no do\bt that it wll, contrlhu'e a gr*M deal to Ihe city'* bu*lne ptt*|erlty. YY'lth *uch arm* of commerce as the Ontral of Geargia Raiiwa' ‘he I’lant By*tem, the Seaboard Air Lit • '* * the Southern Railway, Savannah ought to proxper greatly, and rapidly ii err**# in |s)(Milailan ami wealth The renxux will whom !iat her rota tion haw ln< r*i| about 2ft |*er cent etnc* lwori That l* not a phenomenal lnr#a*e. Still, it 1* about th** average of .Ymer n cltie# it Indknte* a h#*althy atwi xt'Nely growth Savannah ha* nmr teen • boom town Her progrea* hae baen *t*a4>. however, ami her grotrth xoild The thing *he need# Jhi now nvre than anything ele© 1* a IfttCa*- more public eplrlt from citizen*. If they wIU but work harnk>- nlouely. energetically and alnrere;) to* gether for the welfare of the city Savan nah will *how an increaxe in populathwi of y> per cent when the ccnxux i* token : IftlO She hae the ad van tog#* for becom ing a large city. iiirvcitfs Ann AiTißkmii.F^. The Asphalt noalevard* and Ftn# Read# adopted to the Awfom<hH* and Rlcgele. With her many mile* of aaphalt. gnr I ** and vitrified brick boulevard* and adth the many fine roadway* lending out fr v 1 the city in every direction, no pia< better adapte#J for the uxe of the au * 1! <v bile and the bicycle, and probably n * • 1 of It* #lze In thl* country - n 1 bicycle* In u*e aa Savannah. Not on!) H the bicycle a vehicle ©f pleasure, but - In UR by the me**enger* of the *!•• graph and delivery companie*. p,*et.! ter carrier* and police. An autonohi* service within the city 1* projected tn city authortitea having grant*-#! a * r ® r ’_ chlze for thl* unique innovation <v metropolitan oab Aa a reault of tn moit general u*o of the bicycle, there •everai hand*om#ly furr.Jihed and •forked bicycle eetablUhment* and rr • •hop* in the city and all the 1 manufacture* of wheel* are r JP r *‘ , by the latent model* of chatnlee* other dealgn* of bicycle* Bicycle 1 ’ ment* are projected for the cooler m run*. ami bicycle parti** to the rural dl#tic a are p|ea*ing feature* of Savannah door life