The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 03, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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■y -HER AFFECTING TRADE. , v (SOMBI.E WARMTH CHECK* KK ttii ni<iTßiarnox. ( onaervatlsm •‘peew ,,n eeooii itf *► Approach , 1,,. election—An Active D. „,l |or Colton Anllrlptr4. I’nrairr* -nld •" B ' HWl* for i i,rr Prlrn—(■rriM Atnna lU4 itrrn llcnv, Importer*. York. Nor. 1-BradlllMl* to. , pr, v, Will *>'■ , tonohly warm weather continue* ,Im,: tllrectly unfavorable feature tbutlve trade because of the check r ,o rriuil distribution. and therefore r \lt r business In moat line* of dry j, wearing apparel and shoes "tatirm. in view of th near ap i of the presidential election Is un llv an element exercising consider iueniv. |**rticularly in stock tpec , i,m but a conspicuous exception to found In the reawakening of de- I and the advances In price* shown h iron iraile In widely separated aec- Xhi* is really one of the most Im *m d< veiopmenta of the week, and is is indicating not only that ronfl ,r. n election results Is felt, but that , „,u: ~■! • locks are down to a minimum r , SII.UI on the various exchanges „ r. ~jr s * her tdow In wheat the mnv r.u i i' .re has been the retieratkai of ~, Argentine crop damage which .'.rumental In Inducing some ad ui ' h of which wu* loat later. In the < altnn Market. In (■{■ •• i 'ear of frost damage has been the moving factor, and here. also, some advui hus born scored from the low mi i, . hid last Week Leading an jri: I l ’* for an active demand for i.-aer part of the year's American ,r.l pridlctlon* that 11.(O'.on hales • absolute ly needed are made Farm r . . .it- to follow the price down • rci oral arc reported holding for bet ter prices Th, • rport demand for cotton Is appar nmllllahail and this week wit .mites the heaviest tingle day's exports •torn Nr w Orleans ever rworried Nine months trade returns show n gain In •imifa I tired good* exported of 2 per nr over a year ago, while the Increase gricui'ural produe.t* wax only S per .ait tins latter Increase being entirely it vie to higher price* of cotton as eompar ■ wMh last yrer. The outlook Is for an* export of manufactured gooiis ,■ year of -,t Kb*M tie l o,l tor a total vr r heretofore approached A curious >sture is thot moat of the Increase In port trade for the nine months Is In products designed to be used by American , vnnfacturcrs so that the anomaly IS pre nteil of American manufacturers being largest importer* of foreign products Failure* for the week In the United -tate* numlier W, * against 161 last ek. 174 In this week a gear ago; IS3 In and 33 each In IW7 and !•. PITY UHEVIXIB*. If the writer of the communication 1.1.1 ,| Calhoun" will *erd his name to ,•> Morning News, his communication • i! h published The Morning News doe.* i ish . nmmunirattons coming to It c i, icons mous sources. Mr Alex M Barbee has bought the 4- ■nn piping from the (Jovernmenl - vi| buildings, and will use it for a i irteslan well that he Intends to bore place at Isle of Hope. Work on * .w.d4 will begin within a week or so. i .ve Kottenbiirg n subject of the ('jar Russia, renounced hi*, alleglanre to potentate In particular, and to all . . > in general In the Superior Court . rdav. tuck the oath to support and i I ihe , one4l tut lon of the Cnlted • - nnd avos mod* a clilxen by Judge -ant. dr Phnrlm J Heard of Augusta. Is In isy. looking after the establishment th Mill Haven s.iw mill near the Her age Mr Heard Is interested with John \V. Hickey of Augusta In the ri ' and In the Mill Haven tract In 'Hr and Screven counties, from which Umber Is to be houses! down the Sa rah river to be cut up. s.dcnr John M ligun of the Central I has returtusl from a buslne-a to New York Mr wan struck ic great (political activity that pre- In the metropolis He would not ire u fnr< cast of the result, hut and. asked iilenit It. ihnt it would lax st efforts of an ordinary man to ar it any opinion, as he would meet ■nan who would grandly declare tbit i Ide could not possibly loee, while •■ry next tnnn would show jusl as • fly that the other people could no l p bl\ win. ENTHUSIASTIC CON VERTS. Arr of Thfm Wlio mm Thin W onion llim *. Ira Knowiton of Rotte. Montana 5 u "*t enthusiastic convert to the vir f Stuart's Dyspepsia Tahltis as a f r obstinate stomach trouble She I had poor nearly all my • f now :foms to ne that for year? I knew What It was tolo hungry, to Rood natural :f‘eiltr 1 • troubled with gas in stomacn cau-*- •u. on the heart with palpitation ♦ ri htruth Nearly everything I ate ‘Hi my atom.irh. sometimes I hid in the stomach which almost re* ■ I >| asms 1 told me I had catarrh of the ’. Inf their medicines would not oral | would still be a sufferer o’ in sheer dPipf ritlon lo ll**| to iris Dyspepsia Tablets, they w>ro an advertised remedy T ' I in t believe anything I read about I Ii I no conflden in .iderrttse) but my Pieter living m Pittsburg '“r last spring telling m* how Tablets had cured her and her • ughter of Indigestion and lopp of • appetite and I hesitated no long* i hi fifty cent box at my drug 1 1 took two of the large tablets ’ meal and found tiiem delightful being hr pleasant to the tuste as *' indy Whenever during the day 1 ‘ * ‘ I felt any pain or uneasiness In ■ ’ hor oboul the heart I took one • tablets and In thre* we.k* 1 to me aa If I had never known • MICh trouble wop '"'imt'ii Dyspepsia TabletP In the M * every member of our family tn cask nal y after a hearty meal • my rare of ue have a pain or • the digest ive organa." , H laivu of Hampton. Vo., pays: j -d five years for dyspepsia, but "Months I got more benetit from dyspepsia Tablets than in five f the doctors treatment " „ I‘yspepalu Tablets Is the safest • the simp lost and most conven , ' 11 iv for any fotm of indigestion. f stomach, biliousness, sour j *!**utlng after meals, sympathetic rouble. I>vspep*|a Tablets is not a cheap J *‘ ut *n active digestive remedy r.e the pepsin and diastase which *ik stomach lacks and they cure ’ ro ble % aue they digest the v r i' l *! give the weak. ahu - e lover* 1 so bfich a chaore to rest and re u * )y #popshi Tablets are sold in Cut i . ? Mor * b tho United State*. ,iJU ana Ureal lirltlaa. ® Soldier’s Life . la one of hardship and ex posure, am! tho danger* from disease are as great a* from ihrll and bullet. Here it a orv of a life that was saved : nltstad In Company E. First Regt -1 Naw York \ oluntaars. at tba Hug of the war with Hpaln White risen duty at llaoolulu I was with nialarl*. whtob was oompll kidney trnuble. I was In tba tv-on* days, and when and tsebarged shattered. •• A week after ! aam* out of the hospital the regiment tailed for borne. I arrived home a parfeoi wreok. rodnoe.l In weight from 176 to 140 pouods , -My mother Is a strong believer In Dr. Williams link Fill* for Pal* People and she persua led in- to lake them. 1 did, and *xp*rlono*d a derided rattsf by fbo time 1 had taken three bole*. When I bad taken five boxes I was entirely cured. The pain wa* all gone, my appetite wa* good and I hud gained In flesh and strength. To-day 1 am a well man, thanks to Dr. Williams' Pink Pill* ‘ Kkaieg A. Bwisibt, r* ifniuerkojr a™ up. Williams r - Pink Pills Pale People •n* MUI hjr xll <iMicn. Of will b* a#nt P<*4-riM co \ XJfV of pMr* 40 rfn * t*i or ■( fji for % 1 fTSo. b> l' Wiluah* Mbuicixb Cos.. Hcb*nßCtJMljr. N. Y. V 4! THE WEATHER. ForwaM for Rtiurday and Sunday Owrirfc, South Carolina inti Ki*t#rn Florida Generally fair Saturday and Sunday; light to fresh northeasterly windn. WMtfrn Florida Fair Saturday an*l Sunday; light north wemerly wind* Ye#t4rtay‘a Weather at Savannah. Maximum temperature 1 4o p m 90 degree# * Minimum tfmprrdture 3.00 a m 67 degrees Mean f*mi*r#:ure 74 dagr^a Normal t*>vnpr#tur# 41 t Exce#> of temptraflire .. Udegr***** Accumulated rxrexs flnca Nov. 1 . . ... . ISdrjrw Accumulated excess fdnee Jan. 1 216 degrees Hainfall . trace Normal 09 inch Ddldiacy since Nov t. .. is inch Deficiency since Jan 1. .9 Th inches River Report —The high* of th* rtavan* nah river at Augusts at S a. m . (75th meridian timer, yesterday. was 7 4 feet, n fall of 0.1 foot during the preceding twenty-four hours Observations taken ut the same moment of time at all stations. Nov 2. 1100, h p m . 75th meridian time Name of ftta - T V Rail • .r k i New York city, clear .... 62 | a 00 Philadelphia, clear 62 j 8 f .00 Washington city, pt rldy 64 L .OO .Norfolk raining j *4 S T Hatferas. ruining i, n> Wtlmlnirton. cloudy 7> 10 T Charlotte, cloudy *i*; l Raleigh, cloudy 6*> | t Ch;irle<ton. cloudy ’72 * T Atlmta. raining | 66 | L J T Augiiafa. raining j 66 .. te Savannah raining 70 1* T Jacksonville, < ioudy TH | 6 on Jupiter, partly cloudy . 7* Ol Key West, cloudy • NO j * QO Tampu. cloudy j 76 L j .(!> Mobile, cloudy 6H 8 | .02 Monigomery, raining —| j L .46 Vicksburg partly cloudy i C 2 R N w Orleans, raining 70 j io t Galveston, cloudy 70 12 Corpus Chrlstl. ptly cMy 6S 6 rti Palestine, clear 61 j 6 .00 Memphis, partly cloudy 60 12 00 Cincinnati, clear .Vi { 6 * .00 Pittsburg, clear 52 L* Ruffslo, partly cloudy . 52 N <n Detroit, cloudy j M L .00 Chlcag >. | Id 6 00 Marquette, cloudy \ 46 12 .18 Bt Paul, clear 52 l <■> Davenport, clear f M |* 00 St Louie*clear L <* Kansas City, clear * 58 L 00 Oklahoma, clear 60 j I, .00 Dodge Cfly, clear j 54 | L to North Platte. Mear 54 a oi> “H n Boyar, 1 Lgk-al ForecaK 'ufflclwt 1,0( 41. rKRIOXAL. Mr. \V J Di'ano of Atlanta I* at thr Pulaakl Mr Abram lawry of Angtiata I* at thr 1 fV Soto Ylr J M Barrrtl of Mrßar I* a gurnt ot thr l*ula.kl Mr P H I’atrlok ot Lyons la a gur* ot tho Pulaokl. Mr M Rtoh ®f Atlanta la a guoat of thr Do Roto ' Mr. W. 14 Soharxman of Maron I* a guoat of th* Pulaakl Mr J M Maaon of Wrightavtll* la a guoat of th* Pularkl. Mr H P Davla of Statoahoro la rog- at the Pulavkl Mr F. J Kobmiwn lft via tho Cantrai vortrr.ljy for Atlanta Mr E W Harkor of Auguata la rogla- J Ir*il at *ho Rorovon. Mr \Vm Itoarh of Columbua la rogla t*r*d at tho I)o Bo to Mr Jamo-. D Nolaofl of Pharloatoti la 1 itjlittrol at tho Pulaokt. Jlr John F M> Klmurr.iy of Waroaboro Ik roglatoroij t tho Pulaakl. Mr E \V Holla loft via tho Plant Byn um y*atenlay for Now York Mr H C Erwin of Atlanta was rogla toroil at th* Pulaakl yootorday. Mr. H W Wlngard of Auguata rogla torod at tho Pulaakl Jrostorday Rlr F A Hoffman lofi via Iho Plant Bvaiem yoatorday for Waahlngton Mr John E Foy of Egypt a< among tho arrival* yoatorday ai th' Pulaakl Mr J E Smith. Jr., of Dublin, wi* among yootorday t arrlvwl* nl th Puia.-hl. Mr. W. P McO*heo loft via tho (4s-a hoard Af Line yo*terday for Jackaon ville. Mr. Chaa 8 Heard of Augusta wa* among th* arrival* at tho Do Solo ye ti rday Mir* Carolln* William* ha* rrturnod frrm a plo-aeant vlelt to At.anta and Mont- | g..mory. Mr D E. William*. Jr , of Jackaon- 1 v|||o. wa* among the gucata of the IJ. 8010 yoatorday. Mr I C Hittrhlfiasn wa* among tho pa*ongor* of Ino Plant Hytom y**tor ; ,iy for Baltimor*' -A groat motoor I* roported to have I fallen B-mgeity lake. M.ilre. on Aug. j Si exploding Within a lew foot of the ho i and dtruppeoring Not a < r * m *"* j wa* dlacovered, avo after a prolonged j 1 m reh. a THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER X lIKKI orrifUL. CITY GOVERNMENtT^ ommL PRoct:F.t>nrc* of mi H €TL. Savannah. Ga Ort 31. IHOO-Tha repu lir mcctlnx of Council wo held tht* |cvr>lnx xt a o’clock. Prmant. fhe Hon Hi rman llyera .Mayor. prcfUlnit Alder men Horrinar. Haaa. Baron. MUU. Thom a*. Jarrell, Ik>yie an I Dixon Mimitca of mrctifuc of Oct 17. IWO. were tspon motion. - on finned an published REPORTS OK COMMITTEES City of Savannah. Oct si. 19M Tho Committee on Accounts report that have xanuned and found correct. | loll* iigainst the city amounting to nln< fhoupund and acventy-Jivc dollars and nine cents, an per accompanying schedule and re< ornmead that the same be paee*d for (•aymeni Geo J Ml’.la Chairman Committee on Account a. $9.07509. Ki*lort and account* passed for payment Herman Myara. Mayor. Af iijiiti*— Board of Health— Garfunkcl & S*n $ 43 IS The Vaccine Est 24 W Jam* M Dtxon a t'o. .. .121 Time of b nd? 2 7. Tim‘ of hand* 4 IA-4 78 6J City Lampn— F.<ll eon Electric 111 Cos 54f 00 Cremator!**— 4 Time of hand# SIBO uu I fry Culture— I!. laOvell e Son* $ 2 06 TUm* of hand'-' 91 42 Tfm< of hands 287 85— 3SI ::: Fire Department ' J*i*. M. T>ixon A< Cos. . .$ 2*" 79 Oohen-Kulman C. A Cos 2*' 00 Lippmon Bros 7 17 S Ihitnt G 4n<l W F Cos. 13 75 J D. Wert! A Cos • i 92 Wa A H H Littlmorc . 9 15 ' Geo J Rarthelmeas 694 I W E Ward 313 The Gutv.i Parc ha A R M Cos 7 20 J F Furlong 352 The En Franca K. Eng Cos 36 90 ; T A Ward. Mgr 9no Herman Coal A W Cos. .. 43 30 John F Canty 13 33 I* O’Connor 24 on Fulmer Hdw Cos \ 24 83 W K Ward 19 05 T A Ward. Mgr 12 90 Mutual Owe I,t. Cos. 35 31 Electric Supply Cos 37 75 Edlron K 111 Cos 5 no Edison E. 111. Cos 1 46 Neal-Millard Cos 13 75 E L Keidllnger Agent .. 213 Mlngledorf A Cos 9 m S F Haywood A Cos 19 U> F. Lovell's Sons 496 Leo Fr ink 8 nn P McGlnahan 4h R H cu-menr* 250 John F. C inty 7 45 J H Henneafy ?63 M H A D A Byck .... 12 35 Mrs. g\nnie M- Stay pvi no— 789 91 Fire Driartmtftt, new imp— Vi m Armltogp $1.500 00 House Drainage, city— Time of hands sl4 di Incidental*— Robt Ht hnelder ..s3s) I*turel Grove Cemetery— <7eo. J Rarthelmras $ 1 25 M Dixon A Cos. 4 25 Henry A. Dreer 7 08 Palmer Hdw Cos 46 Dixon. Mitchell A Cos. .... 2 62 Time of hands 186 53 392 1! Market— Adams' Paint Cos ..$3,5 Pork and Squares— AlVl'fw Hanley Cos $ 16 90 Dixon. Mitchell A Cos 2 71 Geo J bar tin* line** sno John G Hutler 1 75 J II Heldt 70 Jas M Dixon A Cos 17 74 McKenna A Walsh 2 00 Henry A Dreer 7 W Philadelphia I*awn M Cos. 2 G Revlll 6 Mr F. M Randy 30 00 Palmer Hdw Cos 17 23 Springfield Dairy. E E Cheatham 1 60 Time of hands MU— 316 71 Paving— J W Wiggings $ 14 26-3 14 $5 Police— A Ehrlich A Pro $ 12 32 Emile Peters 3 * Overstreet A* llallford 1 fin Georg* W Allen A C 0.,. 60 William F. Reid 7 srt Southern Drug and Chem ical Cos IS p McGlashan Western f'nlon Tel C 0... 387 James M Dixon A C<x... 97*6 Knlekertrocker Ice Cos. .. 2?0 Planters Rice 31111 Cos 4 0 Georgia Telephone and Telegraph Comapny .... 118 00-$ 32*55 police rmforma— A Simon m GO) Printing ami Stationery— J 11. I! Oahorne 100 00 Public Building*— Mutu.t! Gae Light Cos $ 2 A 7 * Mutual Gas Light Cos. ... 3 10—$ 475 unvevtger Department * E. Ileibe $ 23 30 E Lovtll'a Sons ... 122 Wm. Taylor I* 35 Cohen-Kulman C. A W*. r.. '-’J st 1 Tim *'f hand- 495 s 517 77 H.iix !>eparttnant. O. E. M I>epartmcnt— I Leo I rank SOO StriHts and Lanca— J. W| W iggtof IKIIMIIM'I 1310 ornc , i 4L. P McGlaahan 4 no Wm Taylor 43 05 E Uwlt t Son# 1 96 T. J Davla mCO P M UUshan 2 '* *eo M Norton U (W Thoa. Houlihan 87 01 J H H*wlt S7O J W W'ttd A Cos r 16 Time of hand* 1,077 OS Sidewalk*— D T Elliott %• 10 96 Time of h*nd* 32 13- 1,926 30 Water Works— Rond Harrison 4 Cos $ 341 63 Bond. Harriaon A Cos 352 37 Georgia Telegraph and Telephone Complin\ 75 19 The Holly Manufacturing Company w T J Davla 996 Merchants and Miners’ Transportation Cos 436 R D A Cos 72 60 Pay roll. October isoo 1.M7 91 Time of honds 43 35 John McGrath 77 74 Time of hands 3$ Total $9.n75 The Committee of the Whole. 10 h oh was referred the resolution to request tne senator and represent at R *s from this dis trict to introduce and secure the |Mag* of a hill authorising the Mayor and Ai der men to oien Abercorn and Harnanl streets through the squaroa on said streets and to close the cross streets on said squares to the property line, beg to re port favorably to same Herman Myet%. Chairman Committee of the Whole Adopted The Committee ©n Public Health, to which was referred the petition of George H Waring, asking permission to dig privy vaults on lots $1 to 33. BouthvMe ward, beg to report favorably thereto, condition ed upon connection being made to the new aawerage system as soon as avail* b|e J G Jarrell. Chairman Committee on Public Health Adopted The Joint Committee on Public Health and Finance, to which was referred the petitions of James Doolan and W H Coleman, asking to be relieved from the payment of bills In the amount of $6 00 each for cleaning and tilling privy vaults petitioners claiming that the collection of the said amounts Is contrary to the pro visions of an ordinance adopted March 14. ’94. beg to report favorably thereto J G Jarrell. Chairman Joint Committee Adopted The, Joint Committee on Public Health and Finance, to which was referred the petition of Mary Driscoll, asking that sh<* be refunded the sum of s'. 40 aid city treasurer for cleaning and filling up atnk at No 418 East Bryan street, beg to re port favorably to same J O Jarrell. Chairman Joint Committee Adopted The Joint Committee on Public Health .tnd Finance, to which was referred th ■ petition of Antonia Robinson, asking to 1 e paid for articles .lestroyed by of heahh authorities. In the amount of sls. b*r to report adversely thereto J O Jarrell. Chairman Joint Commute#. Adopted PETITIONS AND APPLICATION* The following appl!rations to transfer licensee were read and referred to the Committee of the Whole L B Marcer. to transfer his liquor li cense from East Broad and Mclonough streets to the souihweat comer Indian *nd Ann streets Otto W Nell, to transfer his liquor li cense at 3G Congress street, west, to 9*6 riroughton street, weal J W Hearer, to transfer his green gro eery license from the corner of West Broad and Waldburg street lane to the northwest corner of Houston and Congress streets Petition of W O A R C. Harrison rel ntlve to the refunding of the f ix of $75 00 paid by petitioner* for the business of ne gotiating loans on real estate was read ami referred to the Committee on Finance Petition of the Dixie Oil Work* nsklng that they be permitted to use a roa iway immediately In front of their ple*. of business on the bluff similar 10 that iisshl by the occupants of buildings on the northalde of Bay street, between Lincoln and Habersham, was read and referred to the Committee of the Whole Petition of sundry green grocers asking a reduction In their license wits read and referred to the Committee of the Whole Pet 44 ion a of property owners on Indian •treet asking that the enid street I* pav ed with vitrified brick Instead of gran ite block was reu 1 and referred to the Committee of the Whole Petition of the Haven Home Institution asking that they he permitted to run * horse and wagon n the streets to do their own draylog without beln\ required to take out a badge was read and referred to Ihe Committee on Finance Petition rf Rimes Bros A Cos. asking the refunding of $6 paid for wagon badge, petitioner claiming to have substituted a single-horse truck In lieu of the wagon for which they were made to takt out nnorher badge, was read and referred to the Committee on Finance Petition of J F Emery, asking the re. funding of $6. aaU! amount having been paid for wagon badge, on account of peti tioner using a two-horse wagon twidce mi a one-horse wagon, was read and referred to the Committee on Finance, Petition of Ihnjgan A ftheftnl). asking the refunding of $3 for a one-horse m ogon badge, petitioners claiming an error wa* made Innocently In taking out a wagon badge. Instead of a truck had|re and m id. to pay $4 additional for said truck hdg*‘ was read and referred to the Committee on Finance. Petition of property owners and resi dents on Third street between Drayton and Lincoln, asking the opening of the ild Third street, between Drayton and Lincoln,was read and referred to the t’ovn mlttee on Opening Htreets. Petitions of Mrs 8 J Kady. A. R Ful ford and J K Fulton A Son. ag nts ask ing the refunding of $5 46 each for clean ing and filling sink.-. w read and re ferred to the Joint Committee on Public Health and Finance Petition of Mary M Clark, asking the refunding of $3 do for cleaning and filling sink at No 1311 Drayton street, was read and referred to the Joint Committee on Public Health and Finan< e Petition of E E Desverny. asking the refunding of $2 ?< for cleaning and filling sinks, was read and referred to the Joint GnmiDllfee on Public Health and Finance Petition of Mrs. II H Oroth. asking to be relieved of a bill of $6 for cleaning and filling privy vault 407 At.derou street, east, was raail and referred to the Joint Committee on Public Health and Finance Petition of Miss Mo F Coeey, asking Council to ttansfe- portion 0/ lot No. **l Laurel Grovs Crmerery to herself was read and referred to the Committee on Public Health. Petition of K. A Wall, chairm-m trus tee* Hebrew Crtnet*ry. bv 0 L I*asaron attorney, asking permission o dig a privy vault In the lot occupied by the keeper. Just west of Utewafi and Wilson streets, petitioners to make sewer connections to the new sewerage system as won as available, was read and referre 1 to the Committee on Puhll Health Petition of a committee of the Officers and Teacher* Association of the Kund.ty School of the Lutheran Church, protest ing against the proposed action orf Coun cil n cutting aireets through the square* of the city, was read and upon motion, was recaived as informsalon Petition of J M KatIII. et. al expres sive of their approval of the ordinance of Alderman Dixon proposing the renaming of the streets south of Anderson street, was resd nnd upou motion, received .1- in formation Petition of ninety-nine cltiscns amt pro petty owners living south of Anderson street, signifying their approval of AI- J Ltuutb t ‘orduuuu. kf Uu r•-I 4 oynn il. naming of afreets south of Anderson street. *4* itad un i ret elver) 11 informa tion. Petition % of h* MLae* oarah A and Grace L Harman staling that (hey era constantly* annoyed by certain partita using Insulting and offensive language to ward* them upon the stress * and inking the protect ion of thr* authorities from a further conllnuan • ©f these insults, wa* read and referred to the Mayor. ORDINANCE# The follow pig ordinance, read in Coun cil the flr*f time Oct 17. I9nn read the second time <, i 31. igop amended, plicvd upon Its latsaage and adqaed Uy Alderman Dixon An ordinary 1* io re-name the streets In the city of H.ivannah south of Anderson •treat Beet lon 1 Re it ordained b> the Ma>nr and Alderm* 11 *f the - ity >f Havanrah u. Council a**cmb!ci| concerning the street:- in the city of B‘Vtnnah soutti of Ataier son street that Janis street* shall t* known as Thirty llrst street Second Olllott and rtt Paul streets shall l*e hereafter known a* Thirty-second •tree! Third. West Third and 81 Nicholas streets shall be hereafter known as Thirty third street Fourth. Rlaniarrk. West Fourth and 8f John streets shall he hereafter known as Thirty-fourth Street Fifth. Barwh. Wilder \\ esf Fifth. Ml* hael an I Rrady streets shall he here after known as Thirty-fifth street Btxth, Willow West Blxth and Ht Thomas streets shall be hereafter known as Thirty-sixth street Seventh and East Seventh streets shall be hereafter known Thirty seventh street Eighth. Center, Janies and East Eighth street** shall be her'wftar known as Thir ty-eighth street Except that pari of Center street, running diagonally north of Eighth sareet nnd between Ogeechee road and Rulloch street, which remain# unchanged Ninth and East Ninth streets shall be hereafter known as Thirty-ninth street Tenth. Church and East Tenth streets shall he hereafter known as Fortieth street Eleventh and Lamar streets (or avenuat shall !e hereafter knowp a Forty-Oret •trset Twelfth ind Bomb Avenue streets shall he hereafter known as Forty-second street Be* 2 Re it further ordained that all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed Tho following ordinance real he first tlm Cxt 17. read the second time (Vt 31. and at the request of the alderman tnirmhidrig consent was given t or Its withdrawal By Alderman Haas— An ordinance nm*n*llng an ordinance 1 ttdopLd IV.' 13. 1*99. entitled “An ordl non to provide f*r the |*enslonlng of suprranntmied and •Hsob’ed firemen Section 1 Re It ordained by h- Ma\*or and Ahl*rmen of the city of Savannah In Council assembled, that the abov- m>n itoned ordinance be amended to read as 1 follows That any mwnbtr >f the fire department who has or shall have performed duty therein for a period of ten years and up ward# and leas than twenty \csrn, shall, uprxi a certificate from the health officer of the city of Ravannah. concurred in by ; Council, that such member has become physically or mentally permanently dis abled so as to render necessary his r'eire ment from all service in the said fire d*- iwr rmnt. Ih* placed on ihe retired roll and shall reA lve an annual pension during hi* lifetime of a sum equal o one-fourth f the full salary or < ompcnwaiton of the member so r**Hrel S*° 2 Bo It further ordained, That any me miser of tho fire department who ha* or sluall have performed duly therein 4 period of twenty v'war* or upwards and I*** than jhlrty years, shall. U|nn a fifh ate from the health offl< • r *f ih city of Ravanrah, roncurrs*! In by <’oune|l, that such member has become physi .il’y or mentttlli permanenth disabled *0 ,* s to be unfit for duty !♦• pin *) on th- retired roll ind shall receive an annual pen-ton during his lifetime of u sum equal to one third of the- full walary or com pen sat I ri of th* memis r *0 retired Re . 3 lie It further ordained. Thai any member of the fire department who has or sttail have informed duly therein for a perl<sl of thirty years or upwards shall, upon a rertlfi wte from h* health officer of the city of Huvannah. concurred In by Council lhat such member has become physically or mentally permanently dis abled m) a* to is unfit for duty, la* placed on th<t retlr*<l roil and shall receive an annual peneion during his lifMim** of a sum equal to one-half of the full salary or * omi* na.iticm of such m* mis r so re tired B* •• 4 Re It further ordained. That all ordinancesi and parts of ordinance* in con flict with Ihi ordtrum e are hereby r<e paw led. The following ordinance read the first time Oct 17. IfOb, read the second time Ort 31, 1900. |da<ed upon Its laissage and .slopl ed By Alderman lloa*— An ordinance 10 grant the permit herein mentioned for the Improvement of the property herein mentioned Beet ion 1 Re It ordwind b> the Mayor and Aldertmn of the city of Savannah. In Council assembled, Thai the |***tlthi of I’aul f ’onidi t> eniaig** workshop )< k of >tore on lot No. 1, Pen ival ward. Hol land tythlng. No 135 and 137 Dull street. 111 the city of Savanna 11. presented to Council and referred by Council to the Committee on Fire, be and the iim< la hereby granted. Rcc 2 That ail ordinances and part- of ordinance- In conflict with th ordinance are hereby repealed The following ordinal; read the first time Oct. 17. r'4l the < ond time Oct 31. and on motion by alderman Introduc ing. wan referred to the Commit let of the Whole: Ry Alderman flat An ordtnan<e to amend an ordinance <n tilled An Ordinance to Regulate El* - iric Hallways operating in th* City o' Savannah, adopted Oct. 11. itti.: flee:ion 1. ordah e 1 bv th Mayer ,and Aldermen of the cli* of Savannah In Council asaemhbd. Thai the ah.v -*n -111 leal ordln ince Is heteby amended w> toat hereafter It shall not be tiw 141 for ary electric railway <, ofreratad in the dty of Savannah, to run any * t Its • am In Ihe cor|orate limits of Ihe r!y of Sa- Aaiuiah. south of Broughton sr. * b*- twaen ihe hours of 11 p m and 6 36 1 m . city* lime, at a rate of spc*#d exceeding stg (6i miles an hour. 01. dutlng th *.,d hours, south of sahl Broughton atrset, to ring a hell or sound a gome save when it ran he shown by said company that this was necessarv to avoid an Impending col lision; the purpose of this amendment be ing to prevent as far as possible any tin necesaary noise that may disturb Die re t or quiet of Die r!tts*us of Savannah dur ing the hours named In the event this section, or* any put thereof, Is violated, the emHoye of the railway company guilty of such viola tion shall be subject, upon conviction be fore the Police Court of the r |ty of Sa vannah. to a fine not 10 ex* eed one hun dred Dtn> dollars and Imprisonment n I to exceed thirty (3f)> days either or b>th In the discretion of the court, amt. fur* ther. the railway company Itaeif | be subject, upon conviction before the Poll e Court of the city of Savannah, to a fine not to exceed one hundred 4109) <*o lar * for each and every violation of thin section. Sec 2. He It further ordaln<gl. That all ordinances an*l parr* of ordinance* In conflict wtth this ordinance are heraby repealed on th- first reading By Alderman Jarrell— An *r*llnan*- to amend ■•• hr passed March 14, !MM entitl'd ’ An Ordi nance 10 fix the charges to owners of pr jp. erty for cleansing and filling privy vault* ** tiaAUeu i. if*. M fltAtUsid Uu. Ataxor Some Tilings New THAT WE HAVE Just Opened Up, And the Assortment is Complete. VESTIBULE LACES. Sever4l quallttcw In 12. 15 24 >an I 36 inches wide, and all to mat n \V have panda Uo in Irt h P-'UIL and Arabian. MANTEL SCARFS In Jatwincse Silks, Imrorted Fra tonnt e. and reverul ch #iei qualities. LACE CURTAINS. ThD ato**k a* usual la the orly full and complete one In the dry. FOLDING DOOR PORTIERES are hard to And but aft* r hard work we got about twenty llfT* r*nt IMtterna Theac go.**!'* are extra wide Of course we have the r ar row one* from the choapvat up to sls 00 a pair. WILTON AND SMYRNA RUGS In carpet sl*e* from 6\9 up *o largest sis* The Wilton and Axrntnstei ar ftperlilly fine. UPHOLSTERING GOODS OuimfM. Bilk Cord., rlr., In .nil fra ile. COME AND SEE US. LINDSAY & MORGAN KNOWN BY ALL NATIONS. * Twice tlie price could buy no better. LIPPMAN RKOS., Savannah Agents. ~McDoi\ot T GH & BALL ANT YNE, V Iron Founders, Machinists, ti.a<a.u.l(k, ■•lltrMU.ra. bamu riur.i. •>' 't ' ;**^A*W •**< —f VBrltwl mm* ■•. •'• ® >lll*, Hr Mill r*H •!>• fiiaa. r.iltj., at*. TELEPHONE NO. 123. ? oerinui.. an.l Alil-rm.n of Ih- dty of Bavannah H Council aa.-mtilr.l, lhat (h,- aNiv,* r- t*-t ha aiwl Iho l h-r-liy am-,id—t by .Iriklnf from flrai ,lon tho ronrluitlri* nri< "In <i whoro vault* nro on,l *-w r rwino Mon* lmn,' , (i!4*-lv ma.lo ln*t.*a.l, (hero ahall b* n® ehargo for .I* tn*. Inf or filling " B— 2-Ho II furlhr, orrtaln'<l that n l ordlnanre* and part* of ©rdlnancra In ron; ftlr, with thi* ordlnanrr arr horeb> r<- paakd. ELBCTIONB. An *!<>• • lon K* had thia ovenlng of a city phyalrlan fur ,h* ** 'aid dlatrl i lo lilt ill, vacancy • au**d by Ibc rcvlgnatl n of !>r Lavl. ihcr. being only ore api>ll cation Dr E B (J*ta>rnc. *he rule, were •u(pended an,l III* Honor, th*- Mayor, l,i* alrurtcd to rt.u the Dr O*borne Dr o.born' wa. Ihrrciiin , declared duly clecle.l to fill the une*|.lrel term cauaed by the .aid rclgtwtion l Dr Levi. liBBOLt'TIONB Uy Alderman Jarrell— Whereaf, I, vacancy ha* occ„rr*d In Ihe office of the keeper of Laurel Drove Cem elery by ihe abandonment of the |lu e by the Incumben*. In view of tht- vacancy ,he clerk of founrll I* ln*tru. le 1 to adver le an election lobe held at 'he nex' r*K illur mceilng of ('ouncll to nil the vacan cy for the uriexpired lerin Adopted lly Alderman Dixon— A vacancy hav t,g occurr-d amor.g the chimney contra, lora by reason of the death of Abtain Sheftall the lerk of (•ouncll le herewith directed to a,lvertl* an election to All Ore vacancy to be held t the next regular meeting of Council. Nov iC 19f*i. at <i |> m Adopt ed By Alderman Ba-on— Besolved by the Mayor nnd Aldermen of the (Tty of Savannah lo Council a*- aemNed. That the reprt*ent.Mve* from Chatham county In the Legislature of Oeorgla and thr *entor from the Kirt Dl.trtct are re*pectfully reijueated to *up port and secure thr paemgr of a bill en titled "An Ml to n* the time for the election and appointment of all ofti er, of the city of Bavnnnih. to provide for the i.rint of offlee of all *uch officer*, to reg ulate their *alarle* and for other put po.eethe object of the said act. * shown by the body thereof, being to In clude within Ihe term* and provision, of an ad of tire Leglriature approved D*. IS. I*. the superintendent or head of the fir* deportment, the superintendent or head of the police department, the director of public work* and the supertntcndcnr of ,h,- waterworks, ind thu* fix thr term, of all officers now elective by the Council of r# tlon for two years from the time oJ then election Adopted. By Aldernyon Haaa- Hesolved. by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah In Council senihled. That the execution In the nnm* of the cl*y by the Hon llermtn Myer-c Mayor, of the contract dj‘ed June > t". between Ihe city ol Savannah and Oan W W t lord on. covering a conveyance i bv Oen Gordon of a strip or space forty I fees In svldth for street purposes, and an | agi.imeet fey (Jug ftUje yj piU 111 u IWtU- OUR CARPET STOCK . < mj>rl. th f .llowlhK I'KENCH AXMIKHTI Hh WIIVrOXB. HOUY imrstiKle'*. WILTON VICLVETB, TACLHTKY lIIU'B.SCLH aid IN (IKA1NB OUR PRICES ARE LOWER than any otn- elr*. f. r ffra'-elags good•• Wc do nlt iy Ju| s u $ I'M ln II -tn **ff it FI ftST •’L AS.4 e*i k Wh* u you l*<i> , *’.ir|v*t f'om 11a. you won't ever be sor.y bs inuiH we know it Is all right. DON’T BE CAUGHT by a meat big advertisement which l not all truth We never *:lve hitto and tnak** it upon other •*-!a \s’a want a living r*r*nt on cve ytiilnx :an't live without It. FURNITURE STOCK I. getting in sh*|K\ and we ar ehowlng 11 full line of Ldr**an an-l Put lor Siilts Si leboar<la, Tiin. Clti: •!• 1,-*Mther Pouches Iron Reds M *ttr. * Fancy Ho kers. Tablaa, et. . at prices ruitlsfa* tory (H IT, I 11.. tv-foiir-ln h drain pipe from the flood gat,, on the northern |tn< of Bt Julian .tr*. t to the drainage nuGrt on the north* er,, line of Bay street and the other Ml|m ,tlon- men(toned In the eatd con tract. he nnd the some is fully ratified and *, nffttned Adopt, and. By Aldermen Dtxon- B, —dyed by tMayor tnd Aldermen of the rlty of Havannah in Coutwll aa semhled. That the off.-, of C || Dor. set t represent 1,,* the City and Buhurhcn Betdw > p . | |o fhe city of Savannah, that certain strip of land on the HOUth side of Seventh street, be,ween Barnard and Whitaker streets. 8 xj*l k. and , • attaining -,,'44 72 square feet, nl tha lot, of the per f.pinre f0.,1 nmounting go C Old W, !• and the same |* hereby n< * pte-l. subject to the city attorney** approval of title, and to hr paid for by the nr', of the city pnv ihle in two years without Interest, Adopted MIMCICLLANKOCB ID irtng w >* had upon the complaint of Mr, El let, || itllveria vs. J. W. Mcln* tit* who compl., * lhat an unused, dl* lopPl.ired franc building situate In tha rear c,f the premises known at ll* (trough ton ►trot. ~,*t. i- a nuisance, In reusing tho ffre rl.l! and that Its condition la un sanitary and urwhn|eomc, U n,l that It ta th,i< manifestly Injurious to the publto h, altlt arid safely. City Attorney A/lame, representing the c t.v, ar l Mr J It H,tur*y, Jr., represent ing th dcfcndnnt. Mrs Ellen II Oliveira. Oils Ira Cif- Chief Maguire, Won man Bog* r- and Inspector* Well and M Donald giving testimony for Ihe plain tiff Mr M' ln'lre nnklng a statement In behalf of hifftee.f After hearing of ar gument from Mr Bsussy. conclusion was rr*i hc.l hy the adoption of the following renolut on offered hy Alderman Mills: Resolved. That the building lit the rear of the premises ilg Broughton stroeg. cast hs- removed by the city marshal, un less the owner. J W Mdntlre, places tha building within (hlr’y days from tht* date In a condition to make It unobjectionable from the standpoint of health and rtre. the Pre . hlef nnd the health ofH< er ,o report l<* rendition nt the end of -hlrty days, nrd permission to do this work I* granted ac < ordittaly. specification* - to repairs to he submltt**! to the tire chief. There being no farther business. Conn ell took a rere*s subject to the call of th# chair WM P, BAILEY. Clerk of Council. VV. ROSS GRAVENER, Manufacturer’s Aflent, RAILW AY AM) MILL 91 ITMK9, Provident Building, Savannah, Go* Tiiesetin/ Capsules nro luPfHaj X *!o Bal*am of Copaiba, V 'VI Cui>ebor!njscfionsand(MinY|3 |#J CURE IN 4d hOURS V.J/I ML the tame diseases withoufl 7