The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 04, 1900, Image 1

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T HF MOKNTNO NEWS. • .Ufr - - Incorporated US' f | K ESTII.I.. I‘rr.KVnt THE FIGHT IS WON .U)M> PHfcDH T A URYA* AMI *TBVKXs*OW VICTOR V. HE SAYS NEW YORK IS SAFE. ituFOHxiA Kipr.nri) to give nnu! MAJORITY. Rrynn Will WnUf Hlg Gain* Et of ,l, r Mississippi Birrr llrllrtcil TtiOt thn Republican* Will Hr I n* 111 Hoy Vole* l-'.nnuah to < on * trot flir Kleotlon— halrsanu Jour* < i,j|m.*. lii.llnoa, Ohio, Acer Jersey nml V\ r*l Xlrglniu. i mo. Nov. 3.—Chairman Jonr* of the jc,i iii Pcmncrj’lc Committor fumlsh ro ■ Associated Pro's with the following statement covering the outlook from his *t ir .IfiOinl . Tn<- light Is won Brrin end Rteven *on w-s,i be elected. The Democratic ma jor!! fh* electoral college will be am;de Toe I leniocrats will Isold all the* siaiea tho\ arr od In IKkl with Ihe possible ex ec,cl, mof Wyoming. We will also carry N. n York, New Jersey, Delsware. Mary land. West Virginia. Kentucky. Indiana, in :,, n.I Illinois. Th* chairmen of Ihe Utah Committee of California has Just w if* >I me that we will carry that slate by 10, 0. majority. ■ln u general way I should say that there would be somewhat of a falling off , f Dryan a strength compar'd with I*S* W,s( .-f ’hi Mlsstaslppl. and thet Hast of 11Mississippi he will make overwhelm Ing gains. The corntsugn has been aplrde 1 firm the start. The Democrats were some what handicapped for want of funds while the Republicans, as four years ago had mi re money then they could use Th Republicans endeavored to Intimidate U- j tnrlr.g men and alarm these men, but not with the fierce oppression they brought to tear in b* "t if course, the trusts, the greet eg- j II Treat torn, of comttlned capital. Ihe seek ers lor franchises in Porto Rico and iht- PhUlpplnes. the promoters and exploiters general!). have spared no effort aid will f.l„it e in effort lo re-elect M Klnh-y !t I my firm belief, however, that the elec torate . it.r.ot bed. owuched t'il par to a sumcient extent to throttle the public will Th*- country Is aroused a.* R has m peeu since the days preceding me rivll War The existence of the form of government estab.Uhel hy the fathers I - e ake Whether the trusts shall gov rn the country or the country regulate the trusts must be decldej. ll will he tour,j when the votes ere coint—i thnt t people have determined with empha r that the republic must be preserved. t at the power of the trusts must be , led, that ihe man Is to he < m ..!*>rrd la-fore the doller. ami that the .„! of the peo|ile cannot he suppressed 1 teip|,t..i intimidation or rorruiitloti Th*- stales (hat will vole for llryon Will show I the people have confidence in him from the Atlantic to the I'aclflc. t, and from the northernmost to the south 'rnmosl boundaries <if the republic. "James K. Jones.’* MOV HE wild. Ht: DM Mi R %Tlf‘. Itl.-her,l*n is f Inlming " Majority of Tweniy-11. e. \\ aah.ngton. Nov. 3.-('hairman Rlch a- . on of ihe Democratic National fon r t’ommlttee to-night made the !• 'Wing statement as to the next House , ’ tepresentati ves: We are absolutely eertaln thnt the ■ “‘•""’House will lui Democratic and we .ve that the Republican leaders well l -wn It. many prominent Republican* l trig admitted 11. The majority w .11 he * rood, safe one, at least 25. This rommlt t- has not dteitiM It wise to go Into de t ~l en'.matea showing the dtstrlots they coritldenr of carrying, or those that ' are m iking a light for. forlhc reason t at we do not wish to invite greater op don, or trrouse the Republicans to •ntrate their forces In those districts -e otir Democratic randhlaiea are i iking hopeful battle. :he wisdom of rills muse be apparent very good Democrat and Is certainly a, |.r. <*t. and by every Intelligent man. “The laims of the Republicans ihai **• expect lt> carry the House hy a de t -t majority is all for poll* lal efft i The prominent men of the party have ■ -iderl for rente time past that the sit* t, ttlon wns desperate and probably hope so far as the House was concerned, t 'he * laims now ar* made l> • r spirits up." ROTH ('MIN WlitT VIHUIMA. i-t bs Social Deiwocrary Ticket May fur rums Klaure Wheeling. W. Va . Nov 3 -The closing c ’tie last week of the campaign In Wet In Ilr.b. he two great parties lined ■r the greatest political battle In tb r’ory ,>f me state, but there is anew it Iniroiluced In the placing of the I** *’ Social Itemorraev electors on the and ihe strength of the new parly ll determine. but fhut I*- is ■ ratv ihe larger pari of his support m Democrais Is believed to be n fact, tlrntan pawtmsi claims Ihe slat" for '; übHcans by ln.flno io is,no Chair -1 *n Miller shvs It will lie reclaimed for i"mocracy. but he gives no figures. imu v\ v in in noi nt. "tli the Dentoeraf* tttnil Tleptibllran. Are I lalmlna 11. ■snapoiu. Nov 3.—The Republlcan •im,ng a landslide to McKinley in ‘l l and ar* boasting that they will !■ <ll out of Ihe fhlrleei. • ng . • This esilmate concede* only the :*4 third distri -ts tot:. Dr *■'ator Beveridge say* Indian t Is He an hy *O,OOO San nor Fairbanks It ■* n< he says, but gives no figura* Democrats express themselves as tent at state headquarters, nd J ' nem, candidate for Oovernor. who wn in every county In the state, •* ' Indian* Is safely Democratic by from “ to 30,00) with th* national tlckat run ““si about th* unw. A poll by an Uwle Sd tin nival] Morning Cns, fendem R* publican paper tin 1- pub ,ir tm afternoon, give* McKinley a plurAiity o( ! in state. Another |*tper postal rard poll * Ives McKlfiley u httlf more than one thlnl of : thi* h*?**r Hettitiß is Mill 2 to 1 that M Kinlex will | carry the Mate e\>nnerv?ive Ue|uMt- ! '•me do not claim the state t> more than | i to UOiti HOTH ( ItilM rAl.|*<ltM % ( </tiervittiTe t-'.etimatee Say Mn|rHr Will He shin 11. San Francisco. Nov 3- The* . ampaiitn In i California cioMd tunljcnt. Itoth the Hem ocrats and Republicans tn > ■#vrtlent of victory. Col Rione. chairman of the He* rublican Seate <'vmrai Ownmittw claims the state by iS.Oia). while Senator Bymine, cimirman of the Democratic State On* tral Committee, shvs th* THvmorrati*c pits- . ralltv will l*c from 12 ■*> to lioth theei- estimstev are probably ex agKeraiesl i'< n>*ervai 1 * eM innte? shv the state will not go to eicnd for either lorty l\ IHIVW* Ht)MK BT4TK. Hepahllrane Are Boaetlmw but %e --liruisn la lieaiorratlc. Omah v Net*., Nov. ? - One of the most •ysternalioally"Conducted campaigns in th * history of Nebra-kn pracii* i.l’v * o: i with The final moot it h * of im portance will be on Moiiday, *‘ht*i \N Il ham J Hrvnn will make ntimb*r o si>e*ehe through the s?.i'e and atblrews -eve ral aintienc'es in cunnha In tha ♦ van ir.R, and the HepuKicans nr pi.inning monster parade .*? i *l**>r ration . ' '• I of Ihe result, but the R* |nr*lGona are rnakinv c.alnm, whim they aliepo will be trne out when the returns , e nted Kcai * 5,• tun in * (m plurality. anl tl • whole state tirket w.*h four will be , ' rd. ‘"I airman Itill ry his m*>-i conserva tive estimate Is that Bryan wl l c rry Ne braska by l‘*.flbd plurality and that four consresMonal district* on eure. with the other two. the First and t*e-ond. ver> like y to return a Populist and In-m.Acrailc plurality Trie I„eKMaiure Is rUimsl by both commitie*v with majority of tan to twenty oti Joint I*.iHot IftAUII KK.ftt r IN 11*1.1 XOIA. IlntU DeMacriim anil llcyobllessv 4 nnlUlenl if Vletory. tTilcart*. Nov. 3 The campaign in Illi nois c o with til* Republfccans a little more <enfldsnt l than the Iwm**- rrat#. The luff* r have mil*- a gr•'at hkht. particularly in ChlcaK°. an*l have of carrying the city by a sufficient ma jorltv to overcome the Itepubllcan vote in the state The HeruMl une however c.aim that they are not at el', anxious even as to Chlcsfo. their po’.l showing that a con siderable msjortsy’ of tne voters will sup port their state and national ticket. The ciiairman of the Republican Central rom mltree said that McKinley will get at bust majority in Illinois The chair man of the Democratic Centra. Commit tee said: •*Hryan will receive an in -ro.iMsl vote * t'ornparM wwh IW. In every prein't." and he had littla dotiot t iat Bryan and the f*tate ti ket vouid receive i subMan tial majority. Four \rt .iko M KlnVy hml a plurality of 142,4J8. The ib-puhh ■ ans eg|M*vt to succeed |n every "Hiprr si on a I *ll.-4 rlct they *.irrK**l two yari a*:** anl to niin two vngresfimen. The lem*v*'rats. on the other |oik for a gain of five congressmen, otie or two of tb*m In Chi**a*t. Both sides have fought h.ird for the ) Leg lain v ure. which will ‘left a su< < *■- or to Bsuator Cullom To sc urea majority o Joint ballot the Democrats will hava to carry all the districts in which th* y wre successful two >••. •*“. n*l gain fifteen others. The * ontrol of the I.cgis lature Is largely depen*lent the vme of Chicago. 4 1. A IRA |N 011 141 KIIDICFI). lt<*|iiibllrNits Itetflna Mt.tHN) lit lioml ol*l. Cincinnati. Nov. 3 The campaign in Ohio closed with day and night meeting everywhere. \Vhl’* there have l*en munv meetings In Ohio, they have not had many prominent sfe iker.- from oiher states. It waa re|*orle| that the Democratic managers thought they < uld us** leading ttat on a 1 rp* k* rs In tnor** - !•> better .nlvantag* and that ti.e national Republh in managers had s> mbch confidence In Chairman Dick that they left him without much foreign assistance. John H W* I.ean, propti* t*r of the Cln 4'lnnati Enquirer and th** l>*-mocrath * an i didate f.*r Oovernor last y ar. spent the ijst week with tho state n*l I** ;l com mittees The Republicans rave been betting m | carrying Ohio by a larger plurality than four \*ar~ ig*>. when M- Kit * v ha i * III! I ’* OaUls as high as 1 to 1 have be* n given on McKinley * urrying Ohio Mo> of th amass* i ■* antici;.ta R'putdi an gains In j ril d.strict*, and Democratic gain* in • illes. an*l n**>st of tne 4*(uialion is on th** probabllkiy of the *AtangN in the cities **a eedlng ihoe* in th** rural dia- I trlcta or vi e versa. MAR VI/AM) I* IHH Ittl VAX. Vandiver *n> till* Majority Will lt- From A.4NNI I p. Baltimore. Nov 3 Bumming up th*' situation in Maryland, ‘‘bairnum Murray Vandiver of he femoeratl* Btat* >ntial I'ommlttec. si*l th.s evening “Our tight is wn and | will iat |i lectoral vote for the Democrat ticket. The suit* wili go Democr.i • by a majority all the w.iv ffnm 5.000 up. and I* nroubl n*t be surprise if ther* houl 1 | be a veritable landsiklc S Chairman Phli.p l* * C ’blaborough. *f the Republican . wnll* *l*c|jn .iig to give out figure*. . air - that Mary land will he found in tne M Klnley col I umn when th*- vot*-i* ir* c*>*;i*te.| The “Hon**** Money*' Demo r *ti> par i I*' ■ fn*l demon td rat ion this afternoon w seriously Interfered w.tb by rain but 7.0 I men were in line. UN A % N Wild. CiET 4 4>MH ADO. Heavy Odds Are t.lvrn Mini Fu*ln Ticket Will Win. Denver. Col. Nov. 1 —This ha* been more vigorou*.y conteited than any In the *taie 1892 and both side* are claiming victory to-night, although bett.r.g is heavily in favor of the fuaicn i:cket. Four to one u offered that Bry an * plurality in the atai* will be The women have taken an unwonted n -tereit In the campaign, a*.*J a very heavy ■cola U looked for. 0 j SAVANNAH, C*A.. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 4, ISH4O. PAYNE CLAIMS ALL I'HWJK TS MrkIM.I Y Wild. GET *214 El.El Tull Al. V OTRi. HAS NO DOUBT OF NEW YORK. FITS CALIFORNIA IN THE ACRE McKINI.EN COM'AIN. Admtta llr>an Will Mnkr lalns In Nri lurk 111 %, and In the 4 tiles of Ohio and Indiana. \rl lie Tuts These States llonn as lertaln Re publican-—lie E%en lines *>• l a* ns l I iaim Rentueky by JR4,U4H> He Itlves Rryan 112 A otes. Chicago, Nov. S.—-Henry C. Payne, ch iirnnui of th* Executive Committee ot the National Republican Committee, fur nished the Associated IT***s to-night with the following statement giving the outlook Tuesday from the Republican standpoint: *'>ur latest advice* from New York are conclusive that the Mate will give a I rge majority for McKinley, lewal coiuMtlons in Oreater New Y “rk. w*ll known In th* country’, will increase Mr. Bryan'a vote in that metropolis, but w.* believe that a majority for McKinley in the state Lb a most conservative estimate. “Earlier In the campaign there may have let*n some question as t> the re*u.( In Maryland. Mr. Bryan's vndt to that state proved tnjuriou.** to hts caue** anl there has b*‘en, it the .asr thr* weeks, n grettt revival of feeling *ui*ng soutid money reriK rats, especially in Italti m*re, which presages a majority h>r M Klnley of between 6.**W and lu.ooi* Ah to Ohio, wnlle there may be s In <*uvaho#ri county anl Cleveland, and per imps one or two of fie other iara*- cities, this will be mor** than made up tn the rural districts of the state. We pr diet w;th the greatest confidence n larg* r majority jn 4ihe sata than was given in Tle Great Ha 11 1* rnnnd. "Undoubtedly Indlann has the xreat hatUeground in the states of the Middle West Every vote h*is been thor oughly contested The Republican.- will suffer losses in a few of the larger cities, but there will be gains among the far mers. and tike first voters *f the young men. <ur rei*rt* show that th*’ young men *>f th*- state ure almost untrlm pupt-ortiiig McKinley an*! Roos* > v**)t It Is understood in ln*llanri that the majority for the Republican ti k*t will be in excess of 2U.000 “In th** Rocky Mountain etaie**, ihoa that four y<*srs ago went im* t ko| lly for frc> silver there ba> been a revolution In public sentiment ami it whl not )• surprising if all or nearly ail of them :♦* verse their position of fotir veais ago It Is as cartaln as anything can l> thai K n sas. Wyoming, Booh Dak -ta and Wash ington will be carried by the Republican* \ by decisiva majorities and the states of Nebraska. 1 and Nevada ar* more likely to give their votes to McKinley than to Bryan. 'The results of the campaign indicate clear!> ttat the adtnlnlatratb n of Presi dent M Kinl* v w ill r>e su*talne*l by f.e l*eop*e. and that h will a*ue a 1 rg* r \*te than In IV*, lg'th of tl** |<pular and tn th# col'eg* t lalma E% ery tiling. “Safely Republl* n: California. 9. (’on nectlcut, fi; Delaware, 3; lkir* If .4. Indi um. 15, lowa, 13. Kane **, 10, K*mu k;.. 13. Main* 1 . Marylr.rd, s. Ma-*sachiiM*tt:-. i: . Mi hlgan 14. Minnesota. 9. N* w li.imp shire, 4 N* w Jersey 10; N*w York. R. North Dakota. 3. Mo. 23. Oreg*>n. 4. Pennsylvania. 32; B.ud* Island, 4, Houth Dakota. 4. Vertnou*. 4. Washington. 4; West \ Itglnl.i, 6; W;s*x>nsln. 12. Wyoming, 3 Total, 2N| “In tuts list Kentucky is put down a** safely Republican Th** popular %ote will show a m ajority of not 1< - than .'>'.*•> for McKinley. The oniy doubt surrounding the casting of the electoral vote is tPat realised ly the question whether th* D* m *>*Tats, acting unler th* provision of the infamous Cloebel law. will l- able to steal It. "Probably Rrpubl uui Nebraska, R; Nevada. 3. I t.ah. 3 Total, 14. "D morrutlc: A! ilom i, 11; Arkansas. 8, Florida, 4 sissippi, 9. North Carolina. 11. Carolina, 9. Tcnne*: **c, 12. T* xas, 15, Vir ginia, 12 Total 112 "Probably Democratic: Colorado, 4; Idaho. 3; Missouri. 17. Montgra. 3. Total, 27. *"II. C. Payne “ iir; t oxGßr.*giox m* ct.airb. 4 kairman Babeoek l.*li* fr 2<ni He puhilt*nn Members. Chicago. Nov. 3—Congrosman Babcock, chairman of the. Republican Congr* sMort al Campaign Committee gave t*. the As ■ > lut'd Prtss to-rdght t;a** folk wing *iat*men( covering the utp* <atlon -f th- R* pubil ns ns to Mae n xt lloure **f Rp r*s*ntatlves. “Tne Republican 'onsr** -t nal c*mp.lgn lias reached a po • t where the only ques. ! lion Is the six*- of the HepuMlcan major p> In my statement given to the pres* on the 27th. 1 said the Repul*.lean tn* m ierthip would not le* less than IX7 This ■ umber I onsl*lered at the tlm- was star* tieyoitd any reasonable doubt. Bln*'*- then conditions have continued to lmj rv- Th- Croker-Jones advice to Democrats, aug g^sting fraud by the R* puh*i aits, im* done us much good, for no one- on joint t* n ring * Instance where a Republican member has b*** n *1 u i h> fraud either In the votes * set *r tn t.e *ou t after they were cast, wliil* i|e ms Jorltv of the Democratic r**pres*r. salon in h* House com* frt m !i-ni t- wl *• *• th • Re|ubltcan vote \s driven from ihe po Is bv the shotgun, or If in my . •* It Is t. it I>* countcd for the |a*m-Hr.iii- a* dkitte and the will of (h* p** <p|* l*fe * I "Inis ■ ry of wolf corning fmm f r* that stand* apomitjr for fraud of the w.r t • y|*- will be ut the |-o| Al.'l I have every reason to oeliev that f *!lv 2"* Republicans wdl be e|e,*t*d t th- Fif . ty-seventh Congr* s. J W. Babco* k.“ REPI HLI4 %N s 4 ld|t| 4* %I \ **. Hut IP* n % Thlna* %re an Fswar f <a • Irynn \ Iclory In kniana. Topeka. Kan., Nov. 3 —Th# campaign. •%ni h practically ended here 40-n*<ht with I meeting f*r each party in every county in ' the state, has been one of •:>* .east ex* • king v* r known li Is cot** '*d mat th* Republicans have won over former member* of the party who had i*■* n affili ated with the Populists and Sliver Re* jub.kiM It remains to be seen whether *he;r are large enough to overcome the plural ty of 12.000 given Oryan In Chairman Alba ugh of <ne Republican But# Committee claims that M Kinley , vvill carry Kar.aas b> .ono plurality Secretary Curran, tn charge of fhe Pop | iiliirt tieadquartrrs. said: i • Every*lndication at this hour augurs a fusion victory In Kansas Th# immense bor vote f the state, augmenird by im migration fr->n Democratic strongh>)ds In M. >->*.i* at;l riiesrhers, mall *> slm*s> Uianimousi> f.r Bryan this year t IIAIHMIN M H|,l AND VPiXfi. I * l Is Confident Ills Ticket M ill lie Successful. New Y’ork Nov 3 In the line of fore shadowing the r<-*ult of next Tuesday a election, Jos* ph II Manley, vice chair muu of the RepuNican National Commit tee said tvnight “The tide is in our favor McKinley will get the largest electoral vote ever cast for any President. F*r the past two w*cks the trend in our fa\or haa tn rr* -• and t such an extent lhal It has made sue* eea doubly naaurel. “No one who has studied the situation atul hns w.tch***l th** development* In Ihe • Mtnpiiign an fail to #c** hw th*- tuk- has lccn setting n*waid* M*'K!nlev Vice Cbtiratan W J Btooe, of Aba Dm* o *r.ti Naii**i s Committee. In charge f the Eastern hesdquarterw dr lined t** give any table tonight, saying that all tabu lated statements were Issued n Chicago. H* said, however: “I feel confident that WUkm J Bryan will l*e rlei'ted President of th*' United fit otes The sentiment In favor of Br>sn has been lncr*-eslng during the past two wr**ks and it* still Increasing 1 have my -•.it*nient on r*i*rt** fi*m this si.ite. N* w Jersey. M aryland. Wet Virginia. In • llai.a ami **th**r doubtful sta**s From sum * -of Information that re abaolute v reliable. I feel confident In asserting that New York state will go lenn>Ta4lc by over 2f*"* plurality. With toe solid South. New York and Indiana and with the Western states that are sure for Hi)an, he will be trium phantly elected It Is useless to go into •a** matter of figures, and it Is run my prov nee to make a tabula’s*! statement 1 refrain from doing so • 1 am going round .* good deal among •be |**jl making * peer le* and hearing what Is talked of. and there Is unque*- tlonnldy a seniltnent In favor of Brvan wuifh will find expression at the |*lls. that the RffiuMiran lea<l era are not tak ing into account." KBXTIt'KY IX A SKW ROLJS. (•tirlirl 4MM*lnatloii tfkvcr.l>wto.v. PrroldrntiMl Contcat. Txnitovllle, Ky . Nov * On* of the mof memorable political cnmpalKn* ever knowp In Kontii. ky rnw io a remark* ably fpilct clner tonlrbl with bo*h l>cm o, r.ii . and Hepubllcana rl.ilintn* to l • ron*cr thjin ever before. The line*, howvv.r. cannot in- to be drawn he twrtn P< mo. ruts an<l Republican*, lor th <;,.ebe| aiuuuwlnatlon and the lost yiihcr natorM le<tion or* k**ue# which ovr ahailow ihr prei>*nt ituhernatortal race and the praaidentlat contain a* well. Hc.-kham. the licmocratic Oovt rnor. ha* mad. a nuwt vlttorous ■.imp.uKn and hi* •tumped th *ta:e from end to end John \v York**. conceded 10 b* tha *trona*i Republican In Kentucky, haa done like wise ami llv leader* on both aide* expre.s the •tncerert confident* of ucce* on Tueaday. The Republican* brouirbt their campl*n to a cloaa In I<oui*vill last night. when Yerkes a*.d other Repub'lran lander* *|.ke in \ nrta ~f me city, and to-nlthl the Democrat* ended their cnmn>il|it here, with Heckham ** the nrlndpil iker al four ineeima* throimboiit the city. Hot It canipnllin* were clorel nmld Ihe Itrciilext enthiiaUttm. with a more wdd interrt perhaps, than ever attend f| my oih* r < kt'iloti In Kml’iflcy <>n nrrount of the Goebel *.KAsMtuiloi>, there ha • I***) so nwiny break* In the rank* on both skh-s that lift!# stress run be placed on claims f either, and a Inn 1- Mild# one a> or the other won 14 not io Mirprlfli g to many. While the camj*lgns ha\e lrf*n exiting an t <ll time* unuaual- Iv bitter. theie ha* b* en very little trmi t.,.- aiai no more than the ordinary !*’* tlon-d.i) <:l rl*r I* antictfn'ed Tue*V> WANTS NO DRUNKEN ORGY. Kolirrl* tp|M*aU for n Trmprranrf Wfrlrninr for Hr It tab Soldier* \\ lirn Tln*> It *t nm• I/union. Nov I- I*rd Ib.oert* sends from Pretoria Mr.kmg appeals to hi* coun trymen to refrain from turning the w*l oome of tne homecoming troops into a drunken orgy. lli ex pr •?**•<• the sincere hop** thar the wilcomr will not tike the form of treat lug to stimulants, and "thus lend to ex cesses that will tend to degrade those whom the nation 1# light* to nonor and lower th# soldiers of the Quern In the ryes of the world, wh. h has watched with undlsgu- <*d admiration the trmvl woik they have performed for their sov- reign and country. "I therefore heir earnestly that the puh- II will refrain from temptinir my gallant < omrad* ■ hut will rather aid them to uphold th* spleti li*l repuintlon they hAve won for the imperial rmy. "I am very prou<l to he aide to record win the most absolute truth ftiai the • omluct of this arrnv from first to last ha hern exemplary. Not single rase of •k !b)iift rrlnv has been brought to my no tice. Indeed, notning deserving the nam> f • rim** I have trusted to the men's own joi’djerly feeling Mild good sense. *nd they have borne them - Ives Ilk* her>es on the battlr-fleM .nd dke gentlemen on nil other occasions. "The rmuit mall dona falsehoods were sfuead bv the author!! • * of tho Tr.m#- vas I of the hruiAiliv of tlreat Britain's * dlers but th** people w.-re soon res siitml that they had nothing to fear from the man In khaki, no matter how but tered and warstalmd his .ipf nmn "This leaflmoOV." concJmleK Ird Rob erts. "I feel sure will be very gratifying to the p<j*.pl* of <Srcit Britain and f tha? greater Britain m hn-e sonw nhnnd to the fullest extent the suffering n- well as the glory of the war and who helped -•> ma Uria y fo bring It to a successful c lass.” Ird Holx*fii expifims that he thus a|>- lert!~ bwcauae of the dtwtreswtng ami cr*d baide seenes resulting from Injudicious ffleixls Sf*e!l! g the parting soldi* rs by shoving bottles of spirits Into their hands and pockets. HOHllltra lit:I'OIll'll rifIMTA. I.iulif In One |ln) %re !>lgalflrnnt of lter %ettaify. Ig>ndon, Nov J. —lcr*l Hoberts. in a dls pt< h from Johann* sbtirg. dat*d Nov. 2. reports no |e?s than eight fights nt differ ent point*, all unimportant but significant of the activity of the lloers (Jen. Kitchener, after a night march, surprised Schcemans laager at Btsln kampburg. and then pushed on to Schalkburger* laager at Rooikrans. But he British were prevented from follow irg up the Boe r s, who trekked north. Prtsonert In the hands of the British eay the Boer loss* sin th** fight with (Jen. Barton Oot. 2b were 140 killed, wounded or miaetng. REPUBLICAN PARADE THOt A 4X1)4 MtHt lIED IN IHtl/.- 1.1 N4* RAIN AND 4<ID. COUNT SHOWED 87.615 IN LINE FAR A WM7D BY DFM4N*TH ation. 4 rowtl V4nr|ril m lltDng Cirren and N|archc| m Fortieth Xlreet-Hinwe vrll Hd‘ at the 14 **al—4. * %er •* *r lift Irani Ihe I4nr Willi llnreil Head hllr lltr Drlvalr Fell l'|in It lut |ir f llte < him put an m Nrw 1 ark State. N*w York Nov 3 Through Mreet* made stueby bv a continuous f* I of tain, which though not a dowi.pout was s ltt ciept to iani|*eti the c.othr t! oig not the sfdrtts of Die matcher?*, the parale of the Biihii ee Men's Hound V|*inc> •' and Heimtdb an a ss*sia: ton passrxl from Howling Green to Fortieth stre-t to-day The monagem of the para*!** * xptcj s th* liveliest sat Isfacttott that •h. sti>win nM*le was such a inagnttl lit one, and . their ssnllmmis may l*** l*esi vol* *<l by |4ie following ieiegiain which Gov. Ro ae velt sent to President M Klnley after tie j lost marcher had passed tha Governors reviewing stand. “New York Nov 3. T President WII- I llain M Klnley. t'anton, t In sfwte of th# unfavorable weather the Hound \l**liey , parade was an even mom magnifb enl j dcmonstrutMMt than four y arsaga. The arousexl civic honesty and btplntss lit 111* gencc *f the iidtlat) ar* i** hti and >*"i ' Th , aior* ft** i * A count of the nunt*er *f men in tine j was mok) hi th** i* \ trvvlng s:aul neir the Fifth Avenue Hotel Tin* *>unt : : tlicre %v r<* NT.4115 l4t the para<le The parml* was note worthy for the dis patch with which the different a**oclat|oi’- j form*l into line in tha lower pa.t *f ihe | city, and the quickness with which they ! droppesl oim of hn At Fortieth stl*.u. . th* dlstuuHlment wan parth ularly worthy j of pruts*. The different bh* ■* marched first eiist, then w**t, *n Fortjetu att*e., leaving always a .ear road for tn* f and ' lowing club The cxM rnlrt. which n*>at >f the limn drove directly liUo th* fa of th.* rtairehers, ll.| u*t se* ni to iim|>eti th** enthuxm* m .ne whit or i****en the num ber in line. With full ranks th* dlfr* - * nt orgsnlx.ite*iia • *rnl*l*t *• th**u t* •pecilve remkxvous pT*‘|*ar**l for a lon.* wet mar h I ,ag fiew Just a • g ill'. snl cheers wer* at* readily given as if tin* ! sun wero shining. Parade’s hiart mul I'lnisli- The pollc* were in perfect i ornrnand of | th* great Ihrottgs In all parts of the line j of march and at no time was th**r*- the j slightest < row ling or trouble of any de scription. In fall ng In. in ta** downtown i ulstrK t**, as soon as one >*r**t w.u clear ed, the police surrounded the end of tin* ! line nncJ moved up slowly to the next j street, thus ti that str**M to b* j come cleared also. Txils meth*J wot* fol lowed ail along the iin* uiHlI \Vrih stn**t wiu rr:i(*>il ami the ia! org m.xat.on w ,s In line. The head of Hie parade rrm ti* J th** re viewing stand at IV. it m and th* lasi j man passed there In r*\ *w- at 4h or o*'k The psrad** Was led by a f mount fMllc* men whb h r*uchf*l th* *l l - *lll*l - lug fer.nt at Fortieth street and Fifth av* nue at 1115 o'clock. Two minute** later the first platoon or division of the Dry Goods Republl* an Pliib, which ha*l the honor f leading the parade pro)er, readied Fortieth street, swung west Into th*t thor uiglifarc and dishanle*y at Sev enth av**nue .Neariy seven hours later the last divl ion of th rara le retched the p*dnt **f *ll I andni* nt and ai six minuter* after o'clock th** big demonstration was of ficially said t* be ovei The crowds in th** lower pan of the city beg in to gather early and ail along Broa .way. char up te* Worth street, from wh*re the psrnd** wh * to move, thousamls ir.iH-.-1 on th* id.*walk and waited n Mi drtxxiing rain un*l cold, raw wii.d, for th forrr.atlon to mov* Hsvlrwril t% Roosevelt. Shortly afier 10 o'clock, the head of the parade at whb h r< !• Gov. R<*n>*ev*dt. moved iif th* line of mot h When tne icvlcwlng stsn*l wn. r* .< 1 at th- Worth rnonutn*-nt. the <lo\**riiord carriage was haltcyl and h* took his pint** * n the stand where he reviewed the rinks *f marchers ; For seven hours Gov R*ss**v**lt st**>d on the stand, with head un*(vcr**d for - nearly al) of th** time, and greeted the marchers as they filed past by the thou sand For each divldon or organisation Gov \ Itoosevelt had a wool of praise or *c know lodgement. fn-tn each h* was give* a cheer and greeting both f**;tnil <ll I im- I rornptu There was no shelter over *.** reviewing stand arid the siradv drlxxl** cf rain mad* the raven hours a terrific f . 1. m r. . • !:..•% * I*'S Midi** *>•• •• ' l**f’ t>\* fi M though his clothing was wet and hi* hair glistened with water h* mo* I. hat In hand, h* showed no 111 < ft* * U of the arluous task at the en*i At lif!**r>nt f*olnt* along the line of ni ir h wo re wootlen poles aleml 25 *>r -S) fret In bight ere* ted hy the I>emo* rat*, on which there w**re such wnten *s - “The trusts can make you march, but they cannot make you vote against Bry an *’ “This I** a trnet parade and not a Re publican parade “ On sum# of th*-*# |m|es wer** |g*rtralts of llryan ti*l Htevenson Knell of the ** i pole-* was guarded by a policeman m w ironic 4 mpArai ovi b Hard Work Tliat Has Been l*mr >M Rotli V'artlea There, New Y’ork. Nov. ? The Republican* practically brought the pr*sibntial cam (•sign of 1900 to a close fo-'lay with a large j*ara!e. conducted under the auspices of tlie Business Men's R publican ami Hmind .Money A*•?*>( lotion At m-r of th* Tammany Hall dub* In th** city fiiuil rallk * w**re a o held by the r>emo* ral*. but the*** meetings were for metnhri of th* organisa tion only. and. eo far us the general pub* ll* I* concerned. Interest .entered in tne spectacular event* furnished by the Re publicans. • Generally speaking, however. Ibo Demo cratic campaign here may b*> said to have been brougni to a close last Monday night when William J Bryan, after making thirty apetcht* up tha stats during th# day, addressed a large mn meeting had under tire auspices of tne Hsbrtw Demo cratic organisation** on th# East Bide of the dty. afterward* speaking to eavarai mas* meeting* In Brooklyn and leaving for tha West on the midnight train. 1 fiioca U*4*i urns there have been the, usuai pro-election giithcring** at whi< D'*nn> ratio t***ak**re .if si 14* an*l nation l pr.vmineru ** have ad*!r* -*-**l r• ;* r• t \ • ludirnrcf, but puhli>* Interest , . *ete* el mot • upon Mr Mr\.u movement * 1 tv,* \\ , • thou u|hni any l , *in ga?h erlr.g tn this niar** sin • M Br> n .•*.l Id** campaign her** The c.xmpatgn ha** lee4i coiwlucfed with unueually vigor on both side** ail r *lv if ever h w more lir*l work been done in this dty nnd atate \\ the leader# ot the Republtcwn md 1 N*mo.*ratk' *i xanix.i.'l*u X|eaker nnl ll>e Itnlttr*. A* an In It it ion of the efrater of tVe rallies .*n! the sf>eaker*- it n*> be tn ntbti* I tftat fr iv ! • •*! * r.*' ex .'■**■< •nor lltli c.-ed the ampnlgit lii Buffalo to-day. Bourk* t. sp*k** at Al mi x . while J.-hn 11. Htan. hfl** 1, ttie* D* m w r.i .i iH’mlnee for (lover nor. *|*ke at MUkiletoivn arel se\ other point* up th- state F*.r the liepubli* *ns Senator pej.w Hd*lt .lu UlK* u U*l.ell c .It W al t**o un*l a's<> s,*k .i \ *wl *tiier New York slat* |olnt* .1 H >ui l a t *;*?***<l the am|H'i.*ii hi K.ndra #*\ R.-, •t. after aldre- xlng a meet tug nt tt * Produce Exchange n* da\ r** \ .exve*l the |nr.i ie B>lh !!** will irvlulgr in a breathing s|*l| G**ni now tititl* next Tuesday Gon Roosevelt w.> **xp* t**l t* mblr* late to-ntght r * irly M**nday night two -• I tons Hr*e*klvn whi> ti M* Mry.m fa*|*.i to virlt. but tt WA.H finally *4* • <l* I that bis tour had b* * n so *Xtended and Ida *n gag*m**nla so numerous during tn** past month tliat It would not le fdr to him to H'k him I** make uv |* *•< p . \ j•* those scheduled a month ago. However. h- ha** agree*! t* a*tdresfi his friends and nclghlarrs at his home ut D>stcr Bay on Mu*lny* leaders oil Uth •Ides ire r*a4lv ln -4 l*sle! In t !■ |s*s|bldt4 ■ In whal Is t* rrn'd a** the #M\* r \*t*•, •* w*-il . the I di’l* al alignment f fir i t voters and 1• w Vol* : Estimates ••*4 ■ • rtdi |* >*. |Nllte al iiction of 1 * silent *r m* ii voter.*- ar*- valueless Ho fir .im tlrd voter* and n 4 anv'allied vo|#im nr* * oii erne*i. ti ma\ I*** sl*l that the irv r * • in r* gi**tr tlon In this city ltd* var Ins been r * n .it kuNe Tn* lotti 1 • yi-ti .1’ i*>u i. r 4h* fiv* i>rough* of ii* it*r N**w York amounts t * •vt*t,t®* l ■* against I*7l. 129. .a gain of nearly 7‘*is> a* • >mpar.*! with th* i*w*idra!ton f four years g*> It i* th* \ of i’ii- iiutid**r and the silent vote that ha* ptixss cd h>* 1 2 pul IF an and the Demoid! * i**s lers THE 4 AMI*%|I.N IN \ IR4HNI A. 4'onleats tiring %lnle lit Three I os ur*■••ton lllstrlets. Richmond. \a . Nov. 3 The Virginia campaign, whb h 1r 1 • y * *scd 1 * night, ha* l*****ti c.impara tv**ly splritles-* •*• pt hi III* clos*- h iri- I * the H* cn.| Ninth said T**nh. arl ev*- in lb.**. It i < I*k**l tie old time . Ii i USl.i **iil X full v*|* .oil not I*** polk *l. t*ut the falltnt ••ft will n(Hui ev*n up ns list ween tin* iwo parlies The state will go for Rr\an by from 11mm* to H-v*'ii lYemocratn con gM-faman ar*- certain, an*l hat:*s .n the ckioa diatrtet* f*\.r th\* Democratic candidate* FI.OItIDA WILL GIVE *O.IIOO. 4 lose fa Iteinni knlile 4 nni|iNlkH In 'l lial State. Jacksonville. Fla.. Nov 3 The re marknlde state • tmpalgn ever conduct*"*! in Florida clowed to-night The Demo cratic Mat**, alccforwl and congrea-*lonal candidate*# vis.ted e\*ry nHinty an*! p** -jict tn th* -late, *p* iking t* an aget* cam* of over Sllb.hiO i*e*ipl* Tin* lU*fiut*ii t state and electoral candidate* .\*-r***l m*et f the state tn nu active canv •• At llv D**uhh rnlc heailquarters In thi* city 4*. night it Is mi<l that Itryan w li g*l a plurality of not |r# than 2M.ts# votes tn the state nnd that his coudn. William P Jennings. Democratic candidate wi I be elite ted Gv*rnor bv pi *ti ally th*- ame vat* Xiiiitli 4 a roll on la %ll ll*u*4 Columbia. H <’ . Non 3 There b* Imt no uic'ertaliity b<mt • t•* -• il *f an . to -*tt,*d in Houlh t’.irollna on Tuesday, ther** D little lni*r**t. \Vhl> • I v#t* wdl ir in and 1 I** Bryan *■ • *<• • will have about 4<*/m majority. Everv I >emrrttl • *>ngressional *>ndidale will |>e sifiiol. Th** stare ticket having al ready be *fi sctt,.| hy primary j* • well as the re-eli Gon of Bemtlor Tlllrnan, there 1# no tut err at In that. WOMAN BURNED TO DEATH. Mra. M M. 4 ut4er, .Ax* 11 74> Years, I.*! Idle In Fire TH*I Ii s4r*>- ed llrnlher’s lluim*. Rome. 4;. . Nov. 3 Mrs. M. M Cutter wa.* burned he>jrMl all aemhLin* ** of u ni in l* ing at th** home of her brother. M L. Palmer, ten mliea we§t of R*mte. nt 4 OVIO k this morning The residence was a two-story Mru lur* and Mrs. Gutter room***! In the o*l story. The family barely had tlm** t e • ftp** When awakened. Mrs. Gutter had time to escape, but hesitate*! and want l ii' k for something an I fell 11 reals the bad. overcome by smoke. When the body whs found In t ie #her* this morning only the trunk r*malne t Mrs Gutter was 70 year* of ug It was feared that the fir** ma? of in* **n*ltary o tgln, hut offii-er* Invastignted and * oul 1 find no evidence. M L Palmar was the Populist candi dal** for representative in the la?t ra< . <n*l was once at the ties*! .*f the A Ilian* • order In Georgl 1 Hi* loss wtd he about 1 2 •P*. with par 1 l;i 1 lusuiar * Ti e trag • Jy shocked Hi* entire * *4nmufdiy. ELE4 TI4IX im \\ I: %THEIt. N***x Irk and OIt• U 111 Hanll) • luxe It Fair Together. Washington, Nov. 3 Willy- L. Moore, chief of the Weather Bur •an, mike* the following statemaitt to the As?mc>iat*<l Pres regarding th# w*ather cut e(**ction dn v: ' The fall rains have now set In and. therefor* It I?* reasonable to expect that t considerable area on election day will iiiv* foul weather. Exactly which mute* Will ta* affected, however. We w It not la bl• to t* term re t*efor* Sunday night But we do not expect that both the N* w* Y’ork and Ohio Valley will get fair w* oth er at the same lime.” Prof. Moore explains that this Is eitnply his opinion at long rung** an I m4*tht he modified by rondlt ons that may develop before to-morrow night. Prof. Moore nlso issued to-night the f I lowlng •!*•• lat forecast for Tuesday. Nov ft. ‘ Prvsert eoniHltn* point la fair wea'b ♦r, w;th midera e temperature on Tues day. Nov. *. over a 1 diFHct* *a*t of t. MUaiiflpp rßei From the Mississippi to the Paelfi* coast present Indication’* ate also favorable for fair weather, except on the middie and North Pacific CMa**t, where there may be rain. Willie L. Moore. '‘Chief United Slates Weathor Bureau,'* DAILY is A YEAR . GENTS A COPY weekly : t:meh-a week 11 a tbar CHICAGO ENTHUSED DEYttM It IT 14 4 % Ml* 114.* 4 M>EH AVI 111 4.111 % L PAM AGE. BRYAN REVIEWED THOUSANDS. liItKATFST AFFAIR IN 4 lilt 4QQ IM >1414 It \C\ -s HDTORY. ThMnnd* if Marrher# t'llled the Jjlr****lx niiil 1 !*•*red l*r llem*M*racg I.mix tf4er llr *n 11 Mud l.ef4 f*r I.A •*•-•! •• llrxitfi ni *1 tlieliuJep 4 lull* U lllihiil I hull l lte uok 4 uitfy I >i- m **• i• y Will H**ll If 11 11141 'lit |**i 14 % 1111 I'nrkilnt , t t’hli g<. Nov. 3 When William J. Bryun ?iop|M*) dosii to-night frun Die r# - vl* \s.i„ * u la 4 th** Inter?** I*n ot l*ly moiitu Pit ••nnd J.* kson botib'xird from w I h ti* h*i! w i t*vl to-nlghi Demo* ■ run. poi.cle an*l I* fi for his home In Lln coln. ill*- Dt*m* * r 111 ramfai*:n In *.* 4Y*k ri.Ninty and th* state of llll n**l w.i pi a 1 *ll \ *ver lor h*ui • .if • r Mr Bryan had rone, the h • "in Ifi man l** nw* jt low 11 1•• IkiuU vurd for 1 *.u 11 gr**af |*.irft‘S** tho grc.ili I !,d til'll u* • ful affair of tha Kind ever managed t*> the Ift'il lemo -1 -racy It h.ih |IM-ti*lel to te tie crowm- Ing effort f Mr I tivnn'f fotlowcrw tn Clil <1 4l ■id t • mint \ *f GMk Hi and it lrivel In realisation ail Dat tte lno't anient Itermwrat could have desired Th* weather wns perfesa. *.* r bright rnotMillght lughi nllfi *'l lre**xe t*ow t4g off I. .*• Allcbl* * Tn* -1 r**et wera I fill#.l with heciii iniiill’u i* ** tHt p**k*| it. side walk?' tin* wil'd nd found l*.lii • vkiiin|> ut" n fop** "I -4r* *-l cars •mt tli** r**e*f> *f buildings It would I**- difficult t. tell whi*'h cheer ed the more- the row*l f marcher* or ! the crowd of <>ni>ker*. but w hfie the j parod • whs in prog *-*•# the sire* :* gave j forth one- ontlnuma r**.r **f human voices, pan. lua• *1 l*> shrill bliinu fr>m tin j horn# end the cru-ih **f music from tha i t#*n!* All a **ng the Hr*e of mat h which win* i • onfin* .| entirely to the down-town wtreeta, rn**i iia.l Im-* h dallon* I tvilh unliniß*^! I supplies of il lire and jut#Hive Injunc tions ii ' k'** p her burning ' The order* wei*‘ o.< ved to the letter, ftiwl the paia .••.low giemii* from tu* torcnei of tha r? i hers w*. th • nyhnut many f**rtlona •*f ih* r un** mad** t significant by tha { bright crimsen glare trom the many 1 fire* along the kt*w*lk. On the Review Inn Ntsud. Fi>on t.e reviewing aland s*>d Mr. Bryan. H**iat r Jumos K chairman | 'f Ihe hrmi* mile Natlortal <'ommi'Cae; i .Hainuel A aJiuhtr. the catulldate of tha j part) for Oovernor *>( Liinot*. Mayor Har j 1 1*4*n ftial a rm iilwr ..f l ** r lights of tha detnofiaey. Tho gr** Hi gs **xt#rde<l to !'■*: I <*■ 1 *ll c i it-, ii. 1 the men >n • ii* Dm* of mu h w* i*; euthu i.<stl< m tha j *xtr me. Th* pat.i le wus dlvid*-d Into three army •*f; h Diet . orp whi h lie-Id the rgt •and 1 * line, l . tug *’4rnp* I * f men from the w* nt . ,d* f the city, under tho lead •f U * f AMerman John Powarw. xf tha Nineteenth wail, who for thin p*>. lal o**- .1 am wa • •iii *i** and M/*J ti'-ti Powers a ! Htle ft**um*d ls*> by John B ihsiper, who o'ltm tnl*l the p*n-i()<| corps men from tiie ii**rth slJ*. and M G. M faui ald. who l***l the third * oii*> the va* rs from tha j HOUh aid*- Tho thieo corps w*r given precedence ' in ihe line *f march according to tna j number o f tin n th* > w*r** ahio to bring n * line. jiihl . • fh* West Bide is as inrga .* liotb tiie north and south sale# com idned, the corpH of Maj tien. Powers **as -1 y *<ur i th* i***-t of honor Directly i Ik hind tl-.** commander **t th* first eorpa earn* Deßnugh s iMird of fifty piece*, and 1 t * n the Gook Gounty Dtmvx’ratir March ing Glub, nti organic it ion that always pr** • nts a tnagnllieent j pe.ran* e. (< waa given the first round *f ch**-r nd from its first app**iir .***• until the r*r <f tho thlid orpa Imd (KiHScd, the cheering was n*ithout * • -ation. That** wr* Bryan clubs, Bryan league*. I • igti and Brvan I and Al. htiler i'lulm and leagues* seeming ly w.ihoqt limit. The great strength of ti- tuirad* . however, in\ In the ward Juf-’s. e u turn***! out with overflowing rank* Even In the command *f Gen. M Donald whose men came chiefly from wants in whh h til. el*- lion* ar** eternaMy 111*1 hope I** • \ Republican. Hie memberw r*f th ward flubs were present In full force. Great number* of transparenclea wera .irne*|, mart) *>f th. -ntlmenta evoking mn. li laughter and ai>p.*i'ise. Tti* parad** w ihr*** hours nlmoit to t minute in |Mi>r-oig a giv* n point. Illlt % N 4 4>N4 1.1 lIKW 4 INCAIGA. tf4rr 'nrrnl Rousing Meetings Ho Left fur Lincoln. Gp i(n Nov With four addressea in Ghh k'-> an*l on* a* Harvey, Whlmm Jennings Bryan t-- dj\ pru*tl* fthy closet his long < inipalgn in th* struggle for tha preakl* 4. > To-night from In front of *he Fnloa league Glub 011 Jackson Boulevard. Mr, Brvan rev.*\v.l nniil • llvi of cannon anil glare . 1 fin \\< ik* an irnm* 1 parade of 1*• ni*' rale whi 1 mirk* 1 in** close of tha campaign In Ghl .*" an*} late to-iugtit he i*fr over th- Iturlingion road for ila h .rii* in Uncoiu wh*r*. with his family, '•** will r •v* el* ion return* next Tuesbr . To-la> the third of Mr. Bryan’* spewch maklng In Ghhago. wa mirk***l by trtfr meiMkMi 1 * * r<w 1- at ** ch of th* five meat- ItU" a*!*lr. *•- .1 I*v him and the |or d<* fo -1 niifht *)•%*.• p* i lt* one long ovation, the , cheering fir the Democratic presidential - jndldate losing almost In* • am from tha tim** h* *t* ;p*l unto the reviewing stand until, rat? • r w* ar? from hi* arduous work of the jmiG thr.c days, he *t<vpad into his itiluk* and wa- driven to tha Fntoci . tillfioii. A 1 to-day the Iroquois Glub gava •1 honor of Ylr. Bryan, at whJch many of the inemie rw wno o(g>oa | l him in lttlft pledged him support on | next Tuesday. At lo o'clock Mr. Bryan began hts day's -P*. < hmaking . a big outdoor meeting In fi. *f Hi* Transit House, Forts -second and Ija;d*i ad street, the cantor of ihe dockyard* d.strict. Three other meetings were also addressed by Mr. Bryan dur ing the afternoon. At 3.30 p. m he epoke at an open air meeting at .Maxwell and Union street* At 4p. bi at an open air meeting on the lake front. Washington treet and Michigan avenue. From there van took 4 suburban train for llar- Contlnued on Eighth Pagw