The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 04, 1900, Image 13

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PAKT TWO. Ebony and Sterling Silver Mounted Hair Bru.bea Hand Mirrors, Cloth Brushes. Bonnet Brushes 50c -erliag Sliver ,„ c „ Bel Pin*. .nti> Hiirtt. j >utton* sod wiat sew. 25c Uol l rivet -.lor Collers. ,-old >.;!ß*. rtvere fronl bacb $1.25 BruMSli Net l i bust neh cream !ee i-imtnlngs, for ereong weer. $1.25 Woman horded Silk Ties. bematlti bed effect, .11 abide* Each 50c Pure Linen Oollere, •11 the new shapes £ch I2c All-Silk Jcrbote, evening be le. lon* flowing elide E*ch 89c Turnover Collar*. enProldeied, all ai/*t Each, 10c floe Silk Tie. •11 colon, tassel ea and Each, 25c Threat Quality S. .u Stock Collars, •11 color*. Each. 25c Colored Velvet Stock Collar., all colors. F.acb. 10c Gilt Bella. fancy Buckle* Monday, 35c 1 loch leather Belt. Monday, 10c A PRINCELY OVATION. A Feast, with the Public as Our Guests, that will Please Generous Provision Has Been Hade for all Tastes. Even the poor in purse will feel rich, so low have been compressed the already minimum figures which have acted as a clearing house certificate for the outlet of the great mass of merchandise during the past week. There is no factor that contributes to pushing goods out of a store like low prices, providing great values are attached to them. Ours seem to have no drag weights. The Hat the Cynosure, and the Ladies Know It. Twenty Model Bonnets "XT $7.50 Beautiful Dress Goods. 31-Inch .Hatln-fn oti Cloth*. fancy atrip* very effective alyle* 60c quality. 35c. Old Rose, Reseda. Heliotrope, Red. Cas tor Gray. Navy Blue and the new Biscuit shade. 54-Inch Ladles' Cloth, all the popular shades, extra weight end value, 75 c. Beautiful line of Imported Flannels for Hhlrt Waists, all embroidered In dots, iViwera and crescents. In extremely aiy llsh shades, $1.50. Handsome line of Tartan Plaldj for ChildrenS Wear, brilliant shales, 50c. A Grand Opportunity for Savannah Ladies to Dress Swell, Venetian Cloths 'VioT 51.50 Wc Are Purveyors in Clothing to the Rich and Poor Both Get Lowest Figures. Men - * Homrtpun, Cheviot and t'amdmsre Hull*, light, moil HI and dark aliadra. ■trong durable material*, cobby pattern, nod well made, $6.90. Men’s Stilt*, mad#- of Kericyi, Cassl meres and Cheviot*. In light, medium and dark shades, handsome plaids and checks; very sty.ish Suita, tailored In the best of manner. $8.50. Our popular Ten-Do Ur Suita cannot be equalled at any clothing house f r i<>>* than fifteen dollars, they ore made of cither Smooth-Surface Velour- Finished All-Wool Casslmere c>r Fancy Worsteds, in new checks ond stripes or p:alda. SIO.OO. Men's Fine Silts. made of Fancy Worsteds of the finest qualll>, In neat gray stripes or pretty da-ik checks; strict ly all worsted and fast col >rs. elegantly trimmed and tailored, equal to menchant tailor make, 15.50. .floy, - Suit* of flnar ma trrtala. In medium ami dark rhaden. rn-at ■•lurks and stylish plaids, *1 # <° 1* years, $2.98. A New York Importer’s Stock of Ladies' $1 and $1.25 Kid Gloves. The #.nnon greatest bargain sensation in th* entire stock of on. of New York’, tnorl liber.l Importers. comprising about 1 ** en of "‘t *7t. k’***Vn o" i .( rvrt'cl doing KM Glover; 2-lu.p ami I-o i.r ho k in *•*• k '••n --’ -..i’1n.l white all b.ive hark., an.l every guaranteed ir|. .y i<- , ■nh and perfect; l*e* H lo*. no. . pair mate *mU I- than 11,K). and mostly KM KM Ulov.s; choice, ■—- 75c. CARNIVAL OPENS TO-MORROW. I I M' TWO W EK.K W OK KNTBHTII*. '•I NT WIU, neiilli W ITH I HI !l. (.at., will lie Thrown Open it* I o'eloclt—The C'eremonle. to He Re pented n* M u ln. When hliinltu Will lie Crew n.d kee. of the • arnltnl—One of the l.lfr Stories "C Thin ttrnnur 1.1,11* Woinnn Animal allow. In Wonderland nnd '"me of Their Featttra- Her 'bant.* lioolh. Heertvlna Final Tnnehea. morrow afternoon al 1 o'clock the *"' Of Ih* Elk. C.rnlv.l and Street * * will he thrown open to Ih. public. 1 >he two .olid week* of fun that the live promised the people of S.ivan •d thin reel lon of the *t.t. will be ( r • *lll be ceremonies .tt.nding the -of the Carnival, which will be r*- * * inn a scale much more elaborate at Tien the grounds will be .bias.' * i ght. every one of the many m— >l device, with which the ground. * h* studded will bo In operation, fes f electric light, will drape tb* mon th. .hows in Wonderland will be lr r blast, bands will b. playing and ' • i'Jeen, Chlqulta, will b Tit. ! ' ifrn who are lo enact th. parts of the eourt attendants will meet at the De ' ' for a final rehearsal at • o'clock to morrow afternoon. Thence the/, will he jsatoannalj Morning |CVto£ Pu3 Hoxe, eut-gla*. pattern, plate tops gilt Each 50c conveyed in carriage, to the Carnival grounds. Scats in the carriages will als.i be provid'd for the children's parents, nurse* or other escorts. Th. director and members of Fatrman's Concert Hand, which will furnish the music for tile ''arnlval. reached the city on the August t. from New York, last niehV The band enjoys a splendid repit tatlon wherever It has played, the director being a musician and composer of inter national reputation. About Chlqulta. "The I.lvlng Poll" a number or Interesting stories are told. She H twenty-sis Inches high and Is said to weigh but seventeen pounds. Perfectly formed In every respect, well educated, talented, and speaking several languages, her dlmtnultlve proportion" hnve served to accentuate her na'ural attractions. They tell one story about her that is al most too good to be true, but even as a pi.- ■. of (letion it I* Interesting—and It l. told for the truth. This story I- as fol lo** • Th# Inauguration of th# Mrui|M > in the Island of Cuba between the Cubans aid the Spaniards and Ih. bloodthirsti ness of the Spanish troops, caused th* removal of Chlqulta by her family to mountain fastness While there she saw her one* beautiful horn. In Yumurrl val ley fired and burned to the ground: th. vest fields of sugar rant, her father's property, nil burned and destroyed, the laboring bandt shot, wounded and mu tilated • The carnage of war raged so strong v In th. neighborhood of her refuge th.t U was with the greatest difficulty her h a nd place was kept secret uni Invloia e from the army Nothing but the attach ment of th* peasantry, who worshipped bar a* a fair/ being sent from beaver Sterling Mirer Novelties— Borns Files Blotters Hooka, Cuticle* CIO 7uc grade 39c Ekterliotr Silver Hair Hruan l a Rich pattern. pure bristi* 52.00 Swell Gowns and WVaps. Cheviot Plo ts* Suit, f u*. brown >•! hi* k, trimming of biaclr braid, with mixture of gilt, tuckcl drcua sleeve, cout silk lined, $25.00. L.idi*s’ single breaeted Reefer Pedeatrl cr.n* Suit, inrule of double-faced Golf Cloth. In Oxford, gray, brown, blue, heav ily afttchcd, $12.50. I*adi*A* Hla' k pcbhl* Cheviot Venetian •ml 1 -adtV Cloth Skirts, satin trimmed, worth 1150, $8.50. Rnln>-4ay Skirl* very heavy golf cloth, nine row? stitching, special $5.00. Lxidl**’ Tailor-mad* Suit*, all wool Venetian Satin. Serge lined caatf, n*w flare skirts, bio ure or coat effect. sl2-50. Ik>\a* Doutd*-Breasted Suita In medium and dark shad**?, also Navy Blue. Strong Durable Suits. Breeches with double scats and knees; sizes 5* to 16 years, $2.48. A line of Three-Piece Suits, made of strictly All-Wocl (‘.Mvimfre and Cheviot. In mixtures arl plald>. very nobby and eryiish. consisting of Cutaway Sc k Coat, Douh ••-Hren~r d\ . t and Knee Breeches, sizes 12 to 17 years, $4.50. Boys' Overcoats, the best values ever off**r*l a splendid Overcoat, made of Tan Colored Mi-Iten. velvet collar. Italian cloth lining aid fly front, sizes S to 16 years, $5.50. A line of Men's Hats. In either Brown. Blh k or Bight Gray, the .atest shape; Stiff. Bo ft or the Hough fiider; good qual ities. Upward from $1.25. A large variety in Boys’ and Children’s Mata, such as Derby*. Alpines, Hough lUdera. Tam O’Shanters. Merl in, Golf and Eton caps, ail colors ar.d shade* for 25c and s()c. prevr-nt#*! her being muni* rod. On** of h#r IjT ili> i* •! In 'iff rim of h-r *l*#. ►* - I rue ■'ho before her #y#. whll# unoth#r wa* *-uptur< *). fnxft for hi* r to be trav hi* family t*fl* #h* t *iawn the next morning In the cru*l fort re -of Mor. ro Caatle. "After t#n Anya of onrralment It w 1# AeckleA th it o Con An aho 1 1*1 ak** Chhjtilta mek# hi* may It hi her to . J-:JW 5g'" 1 -_p— sad freak Bus tuck. SAVANNAH, GA„ MAHAY. NOVEMBER I. 1000. Estra Heavy Dressing Comb*. Sterling Silver ba -lie for men au,l women, worth 75c. 50c Mis***' Heavy Plaid Golf j*. bright pattern*, $3.50. Ladles' Heavy Taffeta Silk Waists, hemstitched and tucked, alt latest shade*, In blues, cerise, hello, white, et. $5.00. Shaped Mink Scarf, with eight brown fox tall*, $20.00. Red Fox Animal Scarf, $0.50. Gray Animal S. arf. $3.50. Ladles’ All-Woe Twilled Flannel Waists, riegar.tly tucked, new dress I sleeves, $2..50. Ribbon and Art Departments. Scrim, with all color borders, yard . lie New and pretty ;ine of Creloni, yard 12V*c ■ Dennison's Floral tTepe Paper. full length, reduced to 19c i Dennison’s Impcilil Ciej>* Paper, roll 9*; All different styles of Haftenhtrg Pat terns In Scarf*, Tlj End , Fancy Collars, Boleros, etc. Drapery Silk In all new shade-, yard 55c Irish Point S arf* aid Square from 25 up to SIO.SO lambrequin*.all colors, with knotted fringe, from 25e up. j Cotton Ball Fringe, yard ic N* w Gilt Figured Metallic Silk Rib bon. In new shades, yard . 28c All heavy silk double faced Satin lilb bon. 4 : j to & Inches wide, in fine p.s tel shad*-*, p: l e 40. and 60r, only 2Se Fancy Ribbon, In a 1 the latest sfrlprs. 3 to 3'j Inches wide, all silk, regular price 25c 150 Bln. k and *te | headed Chatelaines. different sis*-, all the fid |1 tt Fine I ,'i dp s' pocket books In all col ors. new shape*, plain and sterling sl ver, decorated corners and edge* shc BROUGHTON fir BULL STS, Correspondence Seta Sterling Silver— •ea! letter opener sal erasrr. Set 50c Fetching Fall Millinery Big Selection of fancy Wings and Birds at 25c. Black Ostrich Plumes 25c Colored and Black Walking Hats, French Felt...-39c Children’s Trimmed School Ilats 48c SPECIAL LINE LADIES’ TRIMMED HATS, $4.00. Children's Trimmed Hats $3.00 .Violets, large bunches 19c Handsome Line of Feather Boas. Domestics and Linens. 1 cs- fast color Drew* Prints... \ list pieces best grade Api on . Value Ginghams . ) 3 3-4 200 places *Mnch Per a e* N Ct 81 in j* on K 8..n s best Mourn- ■ in* Prims ..I u Yardwlda .Boft Finished Bleach- ifllUti. e.l Whirling f Outlrg Flannels, fleeced on 1 jCp 5# W Heavy weight Outing Flantub \ If)* Dress Plaids f ,UU VflliiP Yardwide Fruit of Hhirt- i k J BJ3 M ptarmi 42-tn'-h IVpprrfl Pillow Ca in* ... . •• 80 piece • 46-Inch Pepperel Pillow Fus ing I2*ic 80 pieces 84-Inch Pepperel pillow bas ing 18c fe> pieces m yard wide pe;.|.er 1 mi u hing. lie Sites ' M-Inch Turkey Bed Damnek .... . 2fsC 54-inch Bleached Ihimak ", value 54- Inch Fan* > < *olor*d Damask | 20c 64-In all-Ili en Damask, full bl *< ..| >*■ M*-mch exifa heavy half-bleached Da niHhk . 60 > r H ail-llnen Tab'e Nnpklns. good value at sl, Monday, dozen 75e 8-4 til lIiMM! Napkin Ml tin finish, a chance to buy $1 50 Napkins Monday II .90 N* v York. He wm provided with auffl* * lent m*ney nnt *Mrtt ( hui n- o *.# I nl#* on#, mu*!. M#4lliitf m#ttlt.j|ly tonn the country for four <Uyi with little to '•nr or drink, they found nn American tl'inior whl'h had Juat landed a argo of arm# for th# lnfurir#ntii In nn Inlet An appeal to th** c.iptnln for prot#‘*Mon nnt < onveynnee to Am#rlrn w;i r#dlly granted. A few hour liter. In th# deii Sterling Silver Noreltlea. Salve Jar. Sterling Silver lop* Nall Pol labors Paper Cutter*, Bonnet Brusbee 50c of night, the steamer left, and after • 1 iath-r ioim> ,#u .-h# . ,diii>u **.ita aafe In Tampa lay/* Kver tlnre th# World’# Fair trained wild animal exhibit lona, under the direction and management of Mr. Frink C Hoa tork. known a* "the animal king." have aatounded people u> ih#lr d**mon#trat on# of th# |mtv# r of th* htirrvm ma:#r mind over th* brute creation. There will lw two of th#ae #how# on the Midway at the Carnival, both of whl h arc cald to Ih* merltorlotjs. Amotiff the thrlllitMT ad# to he seen are Fol Kr 1 Wooda, who enter* th** rax# with Wal lace, th# "untamable lion"—a ferocious brut# which ha# already killed a#v#n trsilnem and attendant#. Frof Steve I>aw ren-•. with a maxmfi ent xroup of per form.f*x Afrlran Hon-*, c’apt He I ford with hi# performing hear, Madame UOma and her troup# of performing Ilona. Madam# [.awrenee and h#r edu a*e*i pumaii. Prof. Hr!*** and hi# marvel** i#*y e*luexted box- Inx kanxaroo. Madam* Dorinna and h#r hear P ’hool. Hen-r Jo** Itarrla, with a I group of perform n* hob#; ll* rr t’anox. and aoven Wood-rhlrty leopard?, and a ho#t of <xher wonderful an ni *1 act < The ,v given In the end ateei barred arena. They blend into on# mairntfWnt picture of rar#t worth and beauty. The Australian Wild Girl Is featured among the attrartlon# of the carnival. She has about half the Inchs# end four time* tha atrength of tha ordinary woman, * and ia altogether a stranga llitia creature. On Tuesday night tha returns from tha election tn ail the states will be received at the ’ carnival grounds and thrown on a screen, with the aid of a stereoptleon Wirea have been run into the ground# and . full arrangements for the f * n - I •taivtaneoua display of tha return* bava Men a Mustache Combe. Sterling Silvet back*. 25c Marling MI v*r Noveltiea C.lovw Hook laCttrr Opener ► r*Mr, Cullclc and Each, 25c hosiery, Umbrellas and Lining’s Ladies' flml.lde Hose. In p ain, Blche lleti ribbed and fancy lace oprnw-rk. in Morocco, n* w bluets, grays and bl • k. also ihe new tom- shade* in Fieur-de-Ids, bow. . kiot*, j— dk i d*>ts and stripe*, tho tery latest novelties, s(>c pair. ljidl.s* 11. nvr Itlbbrd Hlark Colton ||o, warrant'd (ml and stainless, apo dal, 15c pair. Indies' Fancv Hurling Silver and long peat! Handle Silk Umbrellas, -a* el rod. tegular price 14.89, $2.50. I’mbrelias reo\rd with fine and g***l quality covers, fiom 85c up. Gents' Fait Black 24-Inoh Umbrellas. steel rods, | suui 75 c. All the newest oolorln** in sliesln dr-* lining* A full line ol M-rrerl*ed Baleen I,lnin* I.ustrn - and Hpun (l*as, yard ffie Hook Marks. Sterling Sllrer, •Ilk taa.rl 25c Beautiful Velvets, Persian Effects. Hannc Velvets, in Polka Dots and Persian effects, . desirable for separate waists or triminin"- $1.75 to $2.00 ••n .omi*i u. When election returns #*• n*t forth ommic. picture# of eventa of recent lntereet. that have happened througuous the work!, at 1 be h.'pla>#l on the acreen. Workmen n*r# #*ili ennoK'd In putting jinin.*- *’. *v t ROIWRU, H. FAinMAB t tr.rior of K.lriu.ii'. tunc rt Rand. flm.hlng ttAiche. lo many of the booth, provide") for th. merchant,' display, at • . late hour last night. During the morn- j Ing of to-morrow th. eshlblt. will be In stalled, am) by night the display. yvlU ba Da by Rattles, p*arl rlnr*. Sterling Stiver bells Each $1.50 Sterling H||\er Match Safe, various styles. wCrth |l '-•S Each 98c New Autumn Silks. Ali-Htlk Twff' ta*. firm w*nv*-?. In the lat' *t rnlofiug". In hiding < t 11 •*••. I*t\ endt r. Pearl Gr.iv. Blurt. PurpU\ Pink. Turquoise Blue, Jtiowrn, Ivory White, etc., 7. quality fur 50c. Fancy Taffeta* and Libert) Satina. In roi ded. crinkled and effect*, for arpar.ii* wutata, 15c quality for 05c. Black Fean da Hole, absolutely pure silk, r 00 quality. for 75c. Black Peau de Hole, reversible, e hoau tlfnl eoft quality and luetet flnl-h, worth 11.S, for 08c. Black Satin Bitches**, warranted pur. silk. II flu quality, for 85c. English Carduroy*. suitable for Welsle, ZT Inches wide, 75c. Supreme Values in Shoes. A GRAND OPPOBTI’NITY IN It ELI ABLE BIIOLH Men's Tan, Vint and Calf Bale, hand sewed welts. $3 50 4ii'l sl**i quality, all the newest shapes, this eale $2.98. Itoya - Br.allali Writs, Calf Bala., SH o $1.50 Youth’s English Welts, Calf Bala, 12 to 2. $1.25. The best shoe* on earth for the price Every |wii guaranteed Children’s ar.d Ml sees Genuine I*>ngn!,i Kid. Spring heel buttons, so. id through out, SI.J& quality. kG io 2, nt 98c. Woman's Hand x.nrd Kid Hutlnns and I.a' -d. tan and b n k, |J., |3 M anil M UO rocmlji, i.l l, and rmis, at $1.89. Women’s Turkish Hlljqw rs. In tan. bla- k nrul red, nnd mI -> bourns tfllppcra. at 44c. Woman - . Pa.em lanthar <*loh Tap Ural, mannlab ,ha|M-, n- w and nobb>, u quality. Haia $2.29. ■J" 1 • ' " if* Many of tn* iiooth. wl "• very li in levmely and aitr naively dac orated. THKV HB R IULt I I'tKT. home I’eoplr 1.0. e Their "terse Whets I affronted hr llniicer. From the t'ltn Enquirer. "f rrmrmlM-r once herring of n frlfw wlio. coming unlnjiir* -1 out of a rail war ar. k. W'jrked like • demon to aH-lsf |i|. lean frnunate fellow passenger.," said a railway oltl. ,al. '".VII the time he waa at work, however, he held one hand to hi. collar, and. *h*n It * over, one of hi. companion* dl*covere.| that he was hold ing Mght lo hi* nerkll-. which he had been Ih the act of lying when the colltelon occurred. "Pec pic act very queerly when they ar., or llilnk they are. In danger. "I know a young g rl who had leimod to iwlm quit.- w'l >tud one day he tried to swim across *a river. The.# w*r plenty of people about and the diatanoa wan not great, but when she was half way across Kutmone called out: ' H..w deep l. It?" She let hor foot down and. of co*.ir*, found wlto won out of her depth Instant:/ she lost her nerve and sank. She came up one*, tiled to icrtun but th* water choked her, and down ahe went again. "A man. reuligmg that something was wrong Jumped In. c)*>the and all. and pulled her out. He was non. too soon, for she was urn n. tiuw when he pulled her up. It wan the sheer fright *>f knowing that she was out o! her death that caued II all. an otherwise there wasn't the siigM* •it to*'^ t PAGES 13 TO 21. Honnrt Uruht, Sterling Stiver Dak, Each 98c Toilet Seta 10 pie. es deooraied Porcelain. 52.00 perorated Han.u-t Lamps, worth |i 00, 79c No 7 Oval Wash Holier*. 49c Were 75c l.argr boxes Toothpick** 3c Tin Pl* plates, au\ ai/e, Monday, 3c 19c Japanned Coal Scuttles I2c Decorated ( ottag* s*:a, 98c Worth II 90 Four row bristle iCoth Brushes, Imported. I9c I’at ker’a Tar aad Cuticura Soap. 17c Duttermllk and Gat Meal So| Monday, 5c cako l.i on sand Colgate a Tooth Powdei I7c Cokes Dandruff Curo. popular 69c