The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 04, 1900, Page 15, Image 15

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altseld the picturesque o>t \ i' uHcwriß raurirs XVITHOIT VriOM. Horwr Petrel of Polltles-ln Ills (idler %t*v© the Roof® of ( litrago k , tR (hr r.f-Ciffnor of Illinois aH( | Twiddle** III* Thuinlia, and j imii.Hr Mukri >o Political Tit. i i*— “They Know Where to Kind *n** ,4lluel(l—llrllglil* In * i nl Kin hi lll* llutred of Minor llnrrtao* and Ks-rreatdenf ( leve land. , right 1W by A. 11. JohniDn.) ■*, Nov. 2—The outcome of thl* I , *r • ,il ramqaign mlll determine and \ t! • exiitmr# a© a uolltl. *1 force , j of, the most bisirro i.d foro' ftj! ~1, ;®na of the decade. Other party will survive the Issue of the pres •i! jttlo and girl themselvea for an • h but John Peter Altgeld, the mo j c p -sque hgtire In An©rl m pod'Da • lV j as ire eiis high up in hU Chicago •fT. middling hi© thumb* aid look: tg out \**r the ntofs of the humming cl v eeee a future of ©harp an ! dedicate *Jl visi<M* I? President McKinlev l* if si*. d|i alt geld, weary of strife, ©h.’n of ambitions, will retire to private lif perhaps the Ilf* of the thinker nd o fl ,. Should Mr Bryan win. the out jo< . t*efore the ex-Governor of Illloni© I* Vlvtd and “tiering. It in an open secret that Mr Atlgel would Ilk** well a *.bl cet p*oi!ioii. or no a|si>.nttrent as Jus tier # the l S. Supr©n>© Court. Hu? wb< r tin pageantry of \lctory or t .© r’ ’ : - J -• 4 . .* u " \ t ■ w r *. r *• V’ I '- ••‘4- X'M' K ' >f ’ Si <■ £r '*• *-• ••• -V-•' fli-Kgio ami the Chestnut*. • dust of 1< shill bo hi- i" i U' li l the end of the light John Peter A t eM, ex (Jovemor of UUonln, will Ik* remembered long wfier the i; -ue of i • pi< ut r.t-r.- hive passed into history * "i oof the mninte- and mo*t rein.i’k lle m n ( ht- time Kv* rv *? it * ir th* ur. n Is furnished it* picturesque haruoter* t • busting- American |> llt.< * perh p* more than the public life of any o n try has entice 1 varied ■*l tinuasual jk*h of men to the leadership of par > am*. Altgcld of Illinois. pile, slourhy o' ;t and ungainly of figure. wtil hold hi* n for p: ur -i i Inter* : t with Han ph of Roanoke, r.idaver us, shrill \oi e. • striding the floor of the Sona’o in high • P boots, huff riding brushes and tin** •* broadcloth coat. H will ou’live in ? • morv the most picturesque among hi* 4 temporaries. the meteoric Inxalls, on 1 vehement Tillman. Mtgeld is the gadflly of hi- party. A ane figur**. h** darts acro-s the page party history, the t* rrt>r >f the men • tom he lashes and the Idol of his fni ver*. It la probable that the . -am pa gn i w mi will w in- the last active t.arfy rk •/ Alig* i 11 h* ilth is shattered • i the bitter if petty fetal between him- If at 1 > oung May r Hart l-**n of < ’hleagu hurt his pride and weakened his am on Kvery d* ale in politics has its wi leaders ad • nlv a man hr* and t her an individuality which carries him the new Inter* -t and n*v filings <>t mother term, Rarer ‘till is It that a l tlclan retain* hi* Influence after he l h*-t hold upon the local organisation i par v This has hap|ien*d I > a I irg * -' *in the a*e of John I*. Altgeld. lit* 1 “horn of his friendship In the state. bout a vestlea ,fa mn<-hlne to back * m and yet lie n|. Ids a powerful Inside ip nee In the national council* of hi* 4 It Just be< an-e he * Altgeld- the onlv •Id ‘ *av the I s*er politicians, and i- perhaps a* Just Humming up as ’ he made of It. i ■•• Handulph of liomoke. Altgcld r ' make* visits of ceremony ll* sits . his feet ,*n a • hair In hi- rless > f*i i I office In the I'nlty Rulldlng *• l walls for people to come to him. The mat his been pressed by the fee of * v every man of great reputation in party, from William Jennii g* H. >*. 1 airman Jones. ~r Ur.tnu "Knftv Wlirrr t •rif after the dieartrous rampaicn 1 p*inx when Altjp !*l bolN the norm of Carter H Harrison for may •- u defeated en ati lwl^penl* , ntl , ’ket I v -in (mid n vlnit to ChlAir*> Then* n" h population ap to which of ih* ' l ad* r* would reach Mr Bryin 7 'to <>Kp)iiin hi* aide of flu* strife knows where to find ine." ’ l only Altircld. as ho twiddled hi** and Poked out stoically on the f the city below hi* lofty porch Al i Mr Brynn paid a JO-mlnutes* vial* * Mayor’eolflre and a L*** minutes vl** ds don. all In tho prime hour and r 1 dv * iuld !<*'| which chlof he loved th* A* tho sifne tlnv- th- ex-*loverno t r mendou* -tnirirle with tho N h'morratlp Committee which n< ‘iro In extra session. ll** had n> and no votes, but he forctnl i Botnr one carried to him .nt f opinion** wh ch a number of ommitfee had freely expr* I n ! ' i h Altgeld wii strongly opposed of nr* he asked with hi.** **<>* -vie am Ila. *! will tell you sonv* ■ ( you will promlae never to let i * out •• :*’om a# wm duly given and Alta*! ” 1 soberly: "Ifa Juat thlai I have never seen a national committeeman wlr than a mile hlah.*' 'iMi quarrel with Mayor Tfarrf* n [* *ry much like the fammia pehbawU -11 ‘“••in question *of whl h It mi eat ‘ but three men had ever umW*i®*d It—one was das-1 another had gone mad and the third had forgotten it Hu! the ewiirnt featorea of this feud are necessary to an understanding of A tgeld * present positlon Mr AJtg4d wa© A cst didst** for re-election a* Governor of Ul imd* four >©ar© ago and was defeated . In ihe following spring he atij held enough Democratic vote# to die ■ to tha paty in CMcafo. Th** choice of can‘l date lav between A S Trade aid od panv war horse and a liwy r with * reputation likely to prove helpful in arm* quarter* and prejudicial In others, and young ’arer M Harrison, th- *on of the World * Fair Mayor who had ro prestige whatever Alts* Id threw the weight f hi© ini! j* n . to Harrison remln itr*! him ac 1 He ted him. Then the str f*- began. Harrison *vwed n disposition to hui and up h m • line of hi* oat., app i tne to office Democrats not on'y ho.- i’e to Mr. AMaeld bu: all. ss.-ept In one Instance * th** A’.rgeld men claim betters from the pltiforrn of *9*. He that a* it may th* quarrel threat* n©d to result Mrlaudy to Iliinoi.- Democracy Latterly It h*i* degenerated Into . K Ikenny a affair Ali***ld coi *<l hi* phrase of "rat halt" i*oljll * t<* express his ordnion of Atnyor H rrbrti. •* while the Mayor retorrixt Vy • dling the ea-governor a srarllng old fx whoso teeth should is pulled Mayor Harrison c.mtrol* the local party r hlnerv and Allgeld, ren*fkgbe .(.••• It may seem, wields very much of his > i power in the direction of the national campaign It le on- cf the very fee* ix-rhaf** the only instance of th© sort in this country. \ riuhirr. a Sentimentalist, a Kn Is lit r.rrnnt. AUgeld is a true stormy petrsl Ho oavtr j*u:s Into port to e*< Mp* a tstupeot. H*- delights in a s*ti that rages and asks for n■■• belter than lla k storm on a spshle of large things and ho ran stoop on occasions to very ©mall thlti- ,v H oratory l* oometimr© :*n©nt in • n r us devotlati to s>arty |irlncipl’e i*r ig.iln einploytd *s o *at-o'-nlne tail© to y*a i a i :tv enemy. Ill© friend© ©ay ihc ho I© a good hater and hia enccitlaa all him vind.ctive At t-ne time or mother h© ha© ooposed 1 .im©* If to nearly all of hi© party friend© iid h*t H)llr| im©* If with hi© iarty fiam * > Nobody ever denounced "mug yumpery" more vigorously or practiced it m -re throughly. I!* has one tremendous f rce bark f him political f**arle©s m . at th* r I hi© k *ri Intellect and a third i.** hi© rntlnvnt. Alt geld th* wily. Alt gold the |<olltDal power, ih© hard tighter, 1© pre-eminently • man ff sentiment It 1© hi© fixed Idea th i. his mission is to be the knight errant of the downtrodden, ch.firman flanni, hi© shrewd political adv* rsarx would say -f Altgekt probably a h© ©aid *f Mr Bry i- *’l believe that n© in a drmagague, lut h*> 1© honest. ’* Altgeld's ©et.timent Is ;ilwa> © corning to the surfaro In various ways ntlment perhfs*©. very much more ihan any ©>mi*athy with th* doctrine© of Anar* hy, led him to pardon the condemn 1 Chi ago anarchist© Perhap® the only time that the |* ; sistent fire of the r©w- Not (lie atrntriilst He i* fomnionly Cnnalilered. paper* ever drew a reply from him was during hie term ae Governor when It was rlalnuated that Mr*. Aligeld hod fumtlh ri the a-ciitlv.- mansion tot. elegantly and artistically at atute expense. As It happened the expensive Importation- were from Altgeld'a privet.- houae tn Ghlcaao. aid he waa then a wealthy man Altgeld'- Indignant roar wae heard from the I,ake to "Egypt." lie le devoted to hla wife, an Invalid. They have no ehlldren, John r Altgeld la commonly believed to lx one of the shrewdest wire pul era In active politics This la .1 mistaken no tlon ll< ta not .1 -trate,riet hv nature, lie lea dreamer driven bv the exlgenele of the time Into tho thick of p-lltl al affairs Mis lletliem la of that etrnne Teutonic type that becomes t pari of tho warp end w.rd of chiracter It eoncea • Itself In hie old slouch hat and hla un c.drily figure and It la often'belie,! on the surfaee by hla blunt and homely spo-ch It t[* irs In countless details of n‘o public career ie for example hla lab>r lotie and Intensely human study of our penal system written while h- wae yot a atruagllng young lawyer har.l put to t 10 pa> h! oflt e rent of strategy In th" s.-nse of political finesse he ha almost none. Instead of It there I* a singular simplicity, almost ehildl keness In h a hart er It Is 'ralt |rhtp es.entlal to n certain largeness of view For ex ample In the National L>**nv<uat!c conven tion at Kansas < Ity he met all sug*e 11,ma tha. the silver plank he left out of ih) pta 1 form with the bland tenia-k. ■AVnv gentlemen, we want to put ih things that we believe In the platform " ft , 11 r as Altgeld was concern.d. that .)S all Of it. "The things we believe. 4. mlemen.” seemed to him the pro| er .tn.-menis for u platform. Nobody ever him of being < trimmer lie never ms sails to cat -h a paulng bre.-xs ■ Show no a man who has made a worse nor of hit. podtl al core r than Altgeld has. If you can." once -si t "Bob v• liurke. a local lemocratlc b:ss. In a way. the observation Is strikingly lust. For * brief space the ex-G>vernor .•Id the latnto iatic vote of his stale In , - hand He lost it; yet he has retained mo-t hla old influence In party affairs, pne of?,' e-holdlng period of AI ge'd's ca , r extended over only abuu' six year*, h* had set out with that Indention he ild s -arcsly have laid himself open to , re attack* from a.! quarters He flouted -tabllshed usage* arid displayed a eon , r -,pt for tradl lons Some of the friend* t at ne aptsdnetd 10 offlea betrayed him 1 hla term was thick set with news paper scandal*. Through It all Al'geld THE MOKNING NEWS: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1900. r!*onll!P ram* unimlrrM. Nobody os.r •ccuacd him o( brine dt#hon*i Hr w-m tu the executive choir a very rich man r.nd he left It a very p or man Altgeld hue no Intimate frlrnd.hlp* Hr | the sort of a man who look* the wond (nolle fare amt .i.eumea that ev. ryihlg worth knowing about It or hlmaclf l* ™' the aurfare Une of hi* rloerst polUlca; la I'avnl l*rnnett Hill o! New Voik Pereonally Allgeld like. Mr HIU perhai" Iwcauae there la conaKlerablo ln*ll'iual a-, mpathy between the two Alih .'i*h in Ihe aume party they have been continual! v • t lottgerheada, but AltltrUl nan forgive the cx Senator a *re,, deal > n account of HlU'a qujrrela alih ex-I’reaUent Clcve land Aligrld .Uepla.w Mr Cleveland |' ■ tup* more than he derptere Mayor Harrt aon. profiorttoning hie frcllnaa to the Im Parian of the rubje-t Ordinarily Mr. Clevrlaral la the aort of a man that Alt grid rather admlrra Hut during the Cull man atrlke riot a in Chicago ton error Alt (raid failed to call out troop* and I'real dent Cleveland himaelf ordered them to the e-ene rf the trouble ThH more than anything el*e led to the breach between them and Induced Altgcld to oiH ec Cb-vo land from that time on and lo hand!* >he convention •* I write the platform ae he did In M In that convention eotne of the h-ant em I>em*-rata Senator tlorean .m ng them. I think, eapreeae.l aurprlre at hn.l tng Aligeld the man he *• Their re mark* were 100 gor'd to keep and In dua time reached AltgeM hlmarlf. Ileallv.” aald Aligeld with ha cssflc grin, couldn’t cxi*c t *o in<i n d--<1 fool Governor of the stale of Illinois ** Altgrld. the Mss. and His Chssgrfsl Csrrf r. At first glsnce Altgrld’s Irak* |•rhsps belle his character, for the aversgd merely blocka out a flgur# lie I* ple and atoopr-d. atvnewhat aloven aiul a*k ward, with coat hunched up In the beck. Hi* clothe* ire well worn, hi* iroi**r< a I way* tepp at the kneea. hi* ehre* Mt ar.d uripollahed and he wear* a *o-t fe t hat Ilia fare and head are uncommon. Him eve* are an Impenetrable hue u<ual ly dull, and look out from under .‘roopm.- eyelid. Hla beard I* unkrmpl ■<><* hla hair grow# a* obaervlng freople aav the hair of an Anarr.hlai grow. In que r atrtnga from the hark of the crown to th forehead Ilia no** la pointer! and turn up. and there I* little aidmalto.l In rla fare or In hla figure, Takr him all In all hi* I* a atrange rnd manv-lded chararler Pharlea T Terke* the lreet car magnate. I* rjuo'ed a- -ay tug liter the iw.r men In print for w '>m he he* the moet admiralton are ea-Oo cr nor Aligeld and Rlrhaid Corker Th roupdrg of the name* of the two in'n who have *o little In common Idle Hr * Che rurlou* rajige of Altgeld e influr'ii ••• Allgrid la an omnlvorou* r.w'er md devour, literature of all aoMa from poetr.' to political economy In th** thick of -if of hie |>olltlcal battle* tt friend found tdm quietly at home one evening read ing a very light and very modern r.v I with apparent Interest No man ha* rol l ed bitterer phre In hi.* political *re*-- e* lie ha* all the force <d IMlchfr It Tlllmen with rone<lerably more edge ’o hi* weapon In hi* b->.k* of ml.rcllanco * c#.ay* on* I* struck with the nheenc if har*hne* end the sanity, almo.t mlbb eat. of hie propaganda John He'cr Altgekl 1* SS veer* old. He ha* lre*n a Ju.lae of the Suf-rlor fourl of Illlonla He ha* be. n Governor. Ir I* probe I c that he will never he anyth!, g elec politically Nothing but Atg-'l. author of th' t-hlrngo pin form hkl th.- moel picturesque ami stormy*e* n hi* time He tga* b-.rn In Oermany md wa* brought lo thl* country by hie par enm ai three months old. They .eitje l on a little farm In Ohio and the family w e very poor At 1 Alt geld enll.fd n he t nlon Armv anrl fought In ih- Jame River campaign ll* worked hi* *' thnvigh a"*demy and ta g t rotn rr hoot for a whl’e Once In K(tna* I e tramped across the state nml . I r, .- * for hi* meal* Hl* hrs- ' '* r practicing law at Savannah, Mo, w a | **tsrvAtion i'.mes. snrvfftiiuii * In 11*79 he was located In Chicago a.d h.l n tplial of *.-> Bomelhlng Ilk.- t 11 > ,., l Ilr , th t Ms fortune was estimated ■l * million Mltft* I® bu#llw i politics. Aim-Id ha* corn-Her >l.- of >" , gamblm. Instinct. When he thought lo h.ido "hunch" on g"<*l hlnr be li aml staked everythin* o.t It. Bv series of hat *T>--iHallofH In roil .*t.l „nd l>y nele*-i of btiolneo* affair- h.- has Inet Ih<- hulk. If not all of his |>r perty. His pnr.lon of the Cht aao A.,arohl*ts suu-.tla out as the most notable an In his term as Governor It ll<l more than any thliiß • lev to ruin his polltlfal o.roor. M was dubbed John I'ardon Ahgeld. His enemies called him an A. at. hi t l-U! In his message granting the pat don he a-atert In efffs-t that he tlid so h.s ause ne t. lie ..I thot ihe a. u?e.l ha< been -onvlneied up n inaufllerent evidence adding thit. > a.ill Of America l* n<H adapted to the growth of Anarchy. . There are two Altgeld*. One Is the Alt cel.l that his frlemte know, large mlndt-1. generous, willy and sensitive ai a woman herwath his phlegmatic armor The other Is the Altgel.l of party tuncor. the onto: with the terrible sling In his sarcastic tongue, the man who Is merciless In his * Apropes of the two slded-Altg M Is tills story of a sitting he one.- gave to a por trait painter The arllst Is well known •i Chicago hut th- name ncc<l not 0# men tioned here APgekl was persuaded to si j Bt th some difficulty, hut ihe |lnter found th- sg-governor an Interesting studv II made two sketrhes and submitted them for approval. Into one th- arum put the Altgeld of happier mo sis. th •'IW' I that the ragged mon loves, th- klndl philosopher and dreamet Imo the of be i somehow there rrent either a second Alt geld that the artist saw. or that he h .and heard al-out-the "anarchist." the "revo. lutlonlat." the man that coins hissing me '.aphors Which ehall I finish?" aked the |*alnt. er. submitting his sketches Altgeld started a* he Poked at the strange, uncanny twin llket e.e -Finish that.'’ he said abruptly, p int mg to the benign Image, then h- tor the Other In two and thr-w th- pieces |nt i the waetc basket. A 11. Johnston. _ CURES "CONTAGIOUS blood poison. TRIAL TREATMENT FREE. It is especially the deep-seated, obsti nate cases mat It H. B cures It mat tem not If Ihe doctors or |itcnt meyll- Cfnrs have falle.l to cure. B. It B Bo tanlc Uloo.l Halm) always promptly r•'ci' the poiwon *n<l root* oui uml 4rain It from the benlii every sor* or pimp.*'. n*op* h*lr frern f.*l.inic ‘ out. *n<l curen the mo the symp tom* ean never return H B B. cured K I*. B. Jone*. At 4uiti On . of contgglou* rlo<Ki popon, ba.i copper coioreui erurtlon* all over bp<!y. offentlve eruption*, pimpb*. *%■ eurciating ache* and pain* In l>one* and joint*, falling of tho hilr. *or* mu* ou* patebea Hi* trub.*-' r-*i*ted tbf treatment of Ihe noted do. ior*. > p* was completely cure| by ten hot He* of Botanic Blood Holm (li B. B * Hobert Ward. Maxey. Ua * jfTerd from aeeoni ary and tertiary blood polaon, f e and ahouldere a min of corruption and !H)re. eating into the kuD t>onee. eleven bottle* of U 13 13 ocmpletely him If you have ecscma ennoer acrofula., holla, ulcar*. then 13 B B will make a perfect cure. largr bottle* of B. B B for aale by drugglsti for r. with complex direr, t'.ona for home treatment. Trial treat ment free by writing Blood Balm Cos., Atlanta. Oa. IWcrlbe your trouble and we will include free personal medical ad vice. Over 2,000 cures by B. B. B. WILHELMINA’S ROMANCE. SUK ’t Htl:ll Aliy It E IV THE t nun i: nr a Ht*Dvu. nottmace Ueaatt at Potadam I). spite the Opposition of the KaUer—l.lke l.o*er* la a Voxel. The I.tike Wa* the Hero of a Car riage accident ...I the talrl let Hountl I |t tt oundrtl Hnnd. Krotn Ih* New fork World Throughout Ihdland publu- rejoicing con i.nuta over the betrothal of Queen Wll i helmlna Kecauxe the young eoverelgn I* .iilr t, live In look* and la not anobhoth in her dignity ahe la Ido.ticil alike by Iho oiliest parliamcnlarlan In her capital and ihe humldeal villager In her kingdom Kver am.-* Ihe Ural official announce mcni tit made on Tuexday flight and upon Imkr llelnilch of M>. klenburg e ar rival at th* Hague. Amaierdam. Holler dam and all the oiher rule*, though un prepared, were eponlaneouaiy and glorious * ly Illuminated aa If by maic by the Patch people The enthualaam haa been mm ifeeling itself by flag flying, firework# and general merrymaking. In many of the village* the whole popul atton has gathered dally in sing hymns and offer prater publicly for Ihe hap piness of the royal young coup> It la a ' remarkable fact that few of Ihe Inhabit ants of the Netherlanda. even among Ihe I enlightened classes, aeem to know any thing about Wllhelmina a lovechoaen fiance The inmioncement of the betrothal wa* so ur.exp. -ted that only a f* w ph dogiaph* of the tlance cou.d lie foui .1 There have been multiplying fael bul men now many liuichmen do not know how Wil heimtnn * future oonaott look. Kill they know at! about Ihelr belovet! girl Qmv.ii hat ing .uc-* ..fully r*-x!.!ed all outside pre*-ure tui.l even tnllm dallon. hat .ng f... cl the combined eff.-rta of all the Kuro|>eait couria, snapfied her Angers at all llmoroua a Ivk-.i and diplo mat!-- precedent#, now niirrle* In happ.- ni'.i, nai'lng kept her soul not to te-rnill ail)- Iradli.g of her womanh.iod Ite.-au.e the Queen woual neier give her hand without her heart The details of Ihe royal rourllng are gradually b.*cotnlng know-n link. Henri, who ian officer of the Pru wan Guard!., stationed at Potsdam wa* first presented to W.ihelming w ien ene vis.led Ihe lift man Kaiser (hare IgtM year Th* l"ik had Itule opportunity of .leaking to the young Queen that ila>. King a ,-.m|iar atlvely small |> rson.ige In the bril.ani a semt. ige. but the neat morning a slight accident linppen.d lo Ihe Queen e car rlnge. 1 iukc Henri, betrg close hy. liel|a-d Wll helnimla and her mother out. hiking Horn back to the Castle afoot Hoth were deeply impressed by the ehort conversa tion on Ihe way. The some afternoon the young Puke deeply scratched h:i hand against an Iron railing, ihe blood flowing freely, lmmc diately Wllhelmina. wno was standing few |tces away talking to the Kaiser left the German rult-l ai..l, tmpulrively niahlug up io Henri, wr n>pe,l a I o e hand kerchief i.K'Ut hi* blc.-llng hand A* she dnl thi* her look of anxiety, the I ink. h own sudden paleness m.d the dh pleasure of the Kill*, r were notleeabl# to everylobly. After that Kmperor William, vhc-e most cherished ambition was to pla .. hla se .. and ton upon the Ihrone of Hollorid. so arranged h that Ihe p ike had lit 11 *• eh i nee to display hla manly, hrll iHintly unlforme.) jiersoni to the young Queen. Hut It I* said they had r. id each other* thoughts, and the brave lleulen ant managed to approach her privately In the park at Ilerlln *,>me day# afterward and boldly and tremblingly avowed his love. l-’rom her mother, to whom Ihe Queen described Ihe se<-tu>. It was learned Iha- Wllhelmina simply answered, smiling ro guleh’y: "Hut Ihe Kaiser w ml* me to aeeep' prlnn Krederlck of Prussia - # love What af him" He love* no also." Imk. Hi nrf i o loyal to plead t.i* eeuse aga n*t hi* Prince, looked hia profound .lesi.ilr, hm ellenllv bowed to withdrew Whereupon lh> young Queen gave him her hand, waling "1 desire to know th.e better " TANARUS!,. end'd the conversation Hut ahort- Iv afterward the Queen and th. Queen anther paid a V.rlt a - Bchwnrrhurg Hu do’fsiadi to the mother of fluke Henri There the young lovers found ample liber ty to get a.-quntntrd Since that lime there ha* been a eon stunt exchange of letter* the ft ike only coming to Holland twice kirognlto rp>n the - on I visit, four month* ago their noth was solemnly p:.-IK- In the Qua. motuer's presence, wnhelmtna'* unsue pectlng mlnlaters were only not I fled then onl It wa* agreed that the lu>lroth ■ should he kept the profound, el .eeret iinail diplomacy smoothed the way for the announcement, which * i bounil to resie consiemallnn In many quarters and especially send Ihe Kaiser Into a violent ra' When the German Fmperor learned >f ihe .x.gagemer.t. w hich was r< peccnied (o him ns n mere project suhml ic.l fo hi* ippr-'V il eh. Kaiser dc -( .itched i ape rial envoy lo llollui.d with a long aulc. graph letter, colling the attention of ih- Queen to Ite impre-a.on that would *e creuif*l when II wa* known mat she hn I reje.-,e,| Ihe son of mi Kmperor f..r an In l! fl nit Tnik" He ... appraled lo 111.- Queen's prple **ylng n M'- kienburg S- .iwerlner. no miller how eligible s.nally. was not sufllelenlly eaalied In rank lo perpelunte the glorious -rrnnge Nassau line Kveryiffing was useless, for Wllhelmina prm-r'l steaidfast. A pr*4y p- # nr. ywt on# full of rranArur. vas rn< *#! wli#n th# royal pw##th#artr #xchan#A th lr flrnt klaa nla In th*- of th# whol# briliiantß* drpitpp.l 1 ourt. uniform**! * mi - fury iturtr*l of honor In th# Caafl# Il#f Ijm* at Appwl*lwfi, wh#r# fh# Qu##n an-1 Qu##n'a mth#r irrlv#d that mornln* an ! th# Duk# €h** nm# #v#nlnif ll#r.M# 1 • umiM • meaff Mi tfffnl in (In •ourt of honor outatf#. Thn th# Duk** mount#ff th# wtalr# nr<l wn* conduft#*! lmm#*flat#ly to th# lane# hall wh#r# th# rourt ainl minit#ra await **i him, ranff#*l In *‘ml*#lr'l#, with th# Qu##n Arvl Qurr-n ma.‘#r ►tnndlnx in front of th#lr thron#p. Duk# ’ll#nri rim# #oß#rly forwar.l knelt on on# kn## b#for# th# Qu##n'i I mother arl kßp**l h#r han*l Thfi h# top#, farina hi# pr#tty royal flanr##. #ho | im\# him h#r hanl with n w##t #mll# and a look of lov# In h#r #y#a Th# Duk# ; •!r#w that hand r#ntly towarA him pla##A hi# other (•# k <f th# cirl'n hPi4 hI Im pr#®f') th# first kl-t* aiifhorta*®! hr qu#fte upon th# rirgln llpa of HolUnrt'a Qu##n. Wi;h#lmlna olor#A h#r #y#a unl#r thl# cor##** anl. vud4ff)ly forx#ttlnß all a how n#r qu##n)y h#artnß. I#t h#r h#al Aroi> ( nnln#* h#r nw##theart's liono/n hkllnu h#r Mush# ajc iinPt nin uniform and look- Itiß mi#h a# anv oth#r pr#tty hrkl# Prlnc# ]|#nrl 4*OrJ#aita. on# of th# many • •Him* rA#A pultorp. t#>*rnphd hi# rongrat uatkH'.p. whlrh. ho4isrh th# rontanla r# unknown, maA# Wilheimlna laugh heart* ily l*r#flA#nt LeOubet wa# among th# first to a#n*l hi# go*il wlnhea. ll.a long t#l#* ! tram via* totirhlngly patrrnal etuflnir “Yet It 1r almost with r#gr#t I r#celv# the ##w Th#r# #a# om#ehlng so sweet ly po#tl al about flri Queen. It Is -a though 0 daughter had left us to g#t msrrf#d But you will ever remain the fair beloved wnrd of all the civilised na tions ” When the Queen Regent of Holland In formed Nr rt* ir M #r that royal person ages w#r# obliged ao marry for other than sentimental reasons, the girl Queen re plied simply an! decidedly: "Mm* Mamma, when It comae my time MORRISONS Price List Last Week WAS A PARALIZER TO COMPETITORS. All Mail Orders Will Receive Personal Attention. We have the people coming our way. You no longer hear the question asked: Is Morrison j;oiii£ in the dry business any more? Th? buyers of Savannah have found out to their advantage that he is very much in the dry goods business. Never before have the people had such an opportunity of buying new, stylish, seasonable Dress Goods. Silks, etc., at such prices as we oiler them. Some merchants are crying dull times. We have not found business dull. Our business is increasing every week, and the secret is simply this: We are giving better values than any house in the city, and • the people have found it out We are building up a reputation as a leader in low prices for new. stylish, up-to-date novelties in Dress Goods, Silks, Linens, Notions, etc., and we intend to maintain that reputation. Come to us this week and let us show you the new stuffs just received. BLACK AND COLORED DRESS GOODS. At 1214 c 77-lnrh fW#*© In Bla*’k. Or©©r. Nivy. (torn©! and Bromn. Th©* good© an w©ll worth V. our j>rDe, At 19c M-lnrh Half-Wool Fancier Th©*© good* ar© In Gr©#n. Navy llrown. Cardinal. Tan. G*m©t, taorth 2be. our pile# At 25c kHnrh Bo©ad©i Tb©*© a-wi# com© in Black. Gr©y. Tan, Oro(*n. Cardinal Navy atwl Brown ch©u|* ui Sir, our price 2V At 49c <0 Inch All Wool Silk Finish Henri ©tta* Th©© aood© ar© In Bl ck, Itruwn, Navy. N©w Blue. \i*tor, Lgavrndar. Light Blu©. Fink. Gr n©t. Cardinal and Cream iSr At 49c XS-ln©h H©avy ft it in Finlah Van#(lana in Hlttt'k. f’a a tor, Hroiln. Caator- Hrown Oxford, Light Grey and Medium Urey 4^' At 49c Sft-ineh All-Wool Cheviot and Home ©puna In Bllfk. Oxford, Navy, Light and Medium Grey 0c At 49c Hl-Inch Eitri Heavy Halnett© Cloth. Tiiia good* I* J ist th© thing for walking akirt©, needs no lining . 0c At 59c ir, Inch Fair* Heavy All-Wool Cliev- IM In Navy end Black, worth. TV; our price &V At 59c ’*4 Inch All-Wool Cloth In Hiark. Navy, Brown. Grey, Grr©n, (Taator, Oam©i MD At 69c 4-inch Kx’ra Heavy AM Wool La dle* Cloth, the K' grad© Th©©e g*od© com© In lUaok. Navy, Gr©v. llrown, tJri't’n t’ i tor. I’earl, Gr©y and N©w Blue © At 75c S4-lnch F.xtra Heavy All-Wool Chev iot In Blark. Navy. Oxford. Light nnd Medium Grey ami llrown, tho 11. On grad© TV* GVhrn you need n aim |mhrel In romr to aa. We have fn®t reeelvrd n lienullfnl !•••* "" ©till have n wood aeleetlan **f %ppll|ae*gala, Appllqae-Vrlvela, A i*i*lli ur-*IIU nnd Appllq we- !•©••. Also ©llk llrnld© In nil at)le®, ® lillli* nnd prler®. J. L. MORRISON, 23 Broughton, West. you will that I am a differ* nt kind of royal |*er*onng* I? require* two f**t *om to marry ae weli a* to mak<* a quar rel. When 1 marry I ehall marry for lave I will jM*leet my ho*hand without ?h* aid of th* ('ouall f imnt*t> r* or ny elae.*' Thl* wa* thr chat Queen WUhe.mln.i of Ho,Lind seyeral >-ura *o. when the euhjwt .f mitrlmouy w.i* hroarhwl to her Bo<* hrn just *aie**.| n *eua.itkn by announcing her betrothal • • Puke Henry of Me< kl nhur*-R t w*rln and hae incidentally taught her minister* it |e*Ofl they will rerj)*mb*r for wme Ime They now realix*- she |* Queen uni no Affair* of • ou..| :ake rare of themerlv#**, but when an af fair of ihe heart w ui at stake, th** Queen dimply announced her d* titnn and the nan**) had to m;tk* the |>#**r of It. Quren Wilheimlna l* juat 21 yearn old and ha* flirted with rverv royal e|ig|h|# of Kurope. but none awakenwl In* love which ne km w would come *nm- day ft* < au*e of her playing fiat and loo*e with th** hearts of the royal ptln •* *‘u* gain***! he name of the moat arrant flirt In .ill Ithe kingdoms. Prlncea of the Mood were warned bv all to heviafe of Wilheimlna. the 'langeroiia coquette. The girl Queen ha* vindicated herself, fthe artl in direct opposition to the ad vice of her minister* Hlc had fallen In ■ove with a han Porne young min mml w.i s going to marry him ffhe did in>f • •ire how the union ff.*c|**d etater raft or the policy of her ministry, she was In love end was going io le married and would not wait The*e grave statesmen pleaded with tier to peat pone the mnoiin-ement of her engagement for rea**':* of state They irgued that she was very youtur and might want to change her mlnl. but no argument was sufficient to stay her "Hearts Ignore crown* " says the g*rl Quern Refusing to listen to further argu ment from fer ministers the Queen toss* I her pretty head and flounced out of the apartment. She first felt love's dart at the court ball In f*ot ad am Kmf*emr Wil liam was there, and was unx otis that th young Quean should M - ome enamored of some of the princes of the Herman state® Hhe dined and flirted si h ITlrv ** Jot* chlm Albert of I'russla, and everyone thought h* was to Im the lucky suitor, fluke Henry of Mecg).>nlMirg was there, but the dainty little Queen gave him no particular attention. Ihe Puke wal'ed upon her. but apparently male no lm pr.s-lon Wllhe.mlna was then too busy carrying on other flirtations to give him serious thought. That she has a will of her own Wllhel mina has demonstrated since her earliest childhood While driving with her gov erness. Miss Winter, an (Englishwoman, the young Quaen refused to a krw/wledte the hows of her people. Tha govamaa* de- 1 ter mined to punish her tor tMa and gave At 83c. 4C-tnoh All-Wool Silk Finlah !!©nrl ©tla© In Blark Brown. Navy. New Blue, Oaater, Cardinal, Garnet, Light Blur, Crram Hr At 83c 4d-tnrh Fopllna In Navy. Ca©tor. Tan. Boyal Blue, IV.irl Gray, and Gar net Cos At 98c ! 47-lnrh Batin Finlah Whiprorda. Prunellaa. Hatln H*>lel|. Diagonal© and ll©nrt©ttaj in Bla* k only. Thru© goods are worth $1 26 W* At 98c 47 lnrh ropllna, Kxtra Heavy. RPh Colon* In Caator. Greet*. N©w Blue. Bog©. Royal Blur, Ijivendar, Block and Or©y W*- At 98c M-Inrh Extra Heavy Batin Finlah Vnnetifina In Bla k. Navy, llrown. Grey and Grom He At SI Oft . r *4 lnrh Extra Heavy Batin Finlah Broadcloth, ©old everywhere at $1.25 Th©©© goods r© In Itlark, Navy, caator. Royal Blue. New Blue. Green. Brown, TVatl Grey, Gam©! and Cattor-Brown .. li no At sftc lnrh French Flannel© Th©a© good© ,are all wo**l nnd ar© In all fh© new part©) shudei Ida A t 69c Zft-lnrh Dotted French Flannel© i Thee© rchml** m* ©old everywhere at tc*r, our prleo 6V BLACK SILKS. Is-lnrh Bi t- k Taffeta tfr* 20-1 nrh Black Taffeta 4*D 20-lnrh Bla 'k Taffeta ho 23-Inch Black Taffeta TV* 77-lnrh Blii' k Taffeta V.-lnrli 111 i. k Taffeta HD if.Vlnrh Blark Ottoman Wr 2?-tnrh Bltirk !*txor tar SMnrh Blork HHn 0c 27 tnrh Blark Du* tie©* s•<* 25-inch HI n k Armure 0* COLORED SILKS. LT-inrh Taffeta* In all th© new ©nnd*© 4K ltdivh IB ivy All Silk Taffeta In all the now pafttei ©had©©, ttn* grade 7S-- U Inch Silk Velvet©, all ©hade© $| • ii .-* ik *:i g||gd>g He, 75', sl.o> her a tusk to inake a coloretl map of Ku rop* a Th* young qii****ii appealed to her mother. Qiifui Kmma. t< keep her frinn umkii.g the map The Queen mother swV and with flic guyeruesg and tha child tied • l*rrf>rm flic task In or*ler to get even with the governess She mad., the map. but drew It nil out of prof* mon Hhe made Holland one of the largest • unirle of Kurope and drew tit Hntisfi I **a s<* that a mlcroscooa w-a* nK. wiry to find them Then with n dab t .f grav paint she obliterated them When Ml- Winter asked wnere those Blands w*-re mtw replied ' There.'* | Intlng with her finger. "Hut 1 cannot g* them*'* said Mtsa Winter. Oh, r >. th* 1 are hidden t>' the Brit ish fog." tepll* •) ill* Queen While playing with her dolls one dav. them w.® one waxen irnag* that re fused to ►it up. "If vou don't behave. I'll ni-ike a prin ce*- out t)f you. and then you'll have to live at i.e reproving y Wdhlmlr.a. Hus of laa most *irlkln* chara. terlstl a of th* yotjr.g Qu< *n. and the one which ha* ideate I her to her people, I* (ur great love and for her mother. Whl.e . girl of 14 Wilheimlna knocked on the of hr mother's apartments. "Who .s Itr* queried Qu en Kmnn. "The Queen of Holland,** rqliel tha child. Queen Kmma did not like th** assump tion of such dignity In her child and de clined to op*‘i the door Wilheimlna be very angry arid left. In about hilf an h*mr she return*d and attain knocked on the door. "Who is It?*' a*ke| the Queen mother •'lt'?* your little girl, Mina,** answered the child. Th* q isen mother ot*ened the doar arvl • hen reproved the chl.d for assuming such dignity. "I am not always ready to receive the Queen of Holland." she sikl. “hut I am alwn> > glad to see little Mina.** Whir driving In the park during eer y childhood Wl.helmlna ordered the carriage M.ppd in order that she might see a snowball battle being waged by her sub jects. Hh* became so interested In ih*® contest that she e'.lppe I out of the ar rltgc and began pelting the children of the winning skle. They promptly accepte.| the challenge and retume*! snowballs with Interrst. T.m yffwng Queen stood her graunl and when her footman attempted to prevent her being struck ah# ordered him back o the carriage. ••If 1 throw at them they have a right to throw at me.* was the philosophy of the litt.O monarch. Simplicity In everything hse marked ■ the career of Wilheimlna While she hat 1 the coat Heat of coatume* they are usually of whits or light-gray tints and mads very Visitors are cordially invited to make our store their headquarters COMFORTS AND BLANKETS. 10-4 Silver <lr©y Blonkefo 10-4 Silver Grey Bln nk eta ftti li 4 Rllver Clrey Biinkeia F 4a 11 4 Silver Grey Blanket* $2 0 10- Whit© Blankets H 11 4 White Hl.inkata $1 4 11- White Wool Blankets $J 4$ II 4 Si>rt Whtto Wool Blanketa 12 0 11-4 Soft Uhite Wool Blanket $3 4 Ift 4 Extra lleavj Wool Blanker ..$4 9© Full <*omforta 76*i Large Extra Heavy Comfort $1 49 UNDERWEAR. laodie©’ Fleer© Lined Veet© 160 Lath*'©* FI ear# Lined Yet and Pttftta ~ 2So Ladle©’ Fleer* and L tinl Vr#t and IMntii . 4s', Ladle©’ Wool Ve©4p and Fonts 750 Ladle©’ Soft Wool Ve*t© Hint Font© $1 'W Men*is Heavy Fleer© Lined Vest and | Fanta 490 .Men’s Wool Vest© and Fanis 7! Men’© S*fi Wool \’©*t© and Fanta $1 no Bov©’ Heavy Fleer#* Lilted Vests and Fan:* sn* Mi©©©© Fleer© Lined Veal© and Fonts 150 Children's Fleer® lan©d Itlhbod \ ©n© and Fant© . $;o. tic, IK 300 HOSIERY. ! On® Cam Children’s Ribbed Hom .... Wo | On© Cas© <’hiidr©lt'a Fa©f Bla k l|o©e 1o | One Cam Children's Ffst Black Hom llHo One Case ladle©‘ Seam I ©a© Ifo©® l(k On© Crt©© Hotted and Fancy Top llo©e .. .. 12Ho On© Case .Men*© 8© ain I ©a© lloaw lrto One i*a*e M< nit Fast Bla* k and Bmwn Hose 12'do GLOVES AND CORSETS. F*©i**r Fa il Celebrated Kid Glovas. hut toned and lar©|. In Blark. White. Tan. Castor, and Grey, ev ery pair guaranteed $1 fth and $1 *0 A Nl e S*ft Kld Glov© Tso It A G Straight Frml Corset sin Warner Htr itgh Front Corset ©OO LINENS AND DOMESTICS. im-lnrh I-ln*n Damask M-Inch l-ln*n r>amu*k - Sfci HA Inch l.lnsti D.tmaek Hk -7?-lnch Hle*i-h*<t I tainasak fccr 71-lncti lllce<-he<l l>.tma*k . 7Vx 72 lnrh HKach Matin latme-k. with napkins I** mat''h SIOO. $1.25. tl rax tat .nrh Ited Itamaak It*-, a*, 3? ami full Mia*- While Quill *h On* < kts* Dark OiK.n,* *• tine foe* It.trk otilliur* *'ll On* fa**- Heavy Flw*l Outln*a I'n ►'tfty Piece* Prsnrh OtlHit** UH l ’ on* fee* Heavy Canton Flannel .... So o** Cas* ll'-avy Canton Klannla ... V> One Cn*e lt<*l Tlrkln* One Cos H* Tl<kln*a Wa'i plain Quean Kmma bn* insisted that her daughter nail learn no extravagant ways. Bhopkeeper* always welcome her for the reason that ah* W easily pleased and kiiowh exactly whal ah* wants. The Queen mother has brought tha young ruler up to fear nothing and her courage arvl lndepervb*rve arc her moat marked characteristics. A few years *• h young Queen de*|red very much u ride a bicycle In the royal park. As this was a question for fhe i'oun rll of Ministers to decide these gray t he.mle.| statesmen met in solemn aeastori waring their rrdv* and insignia of office •• |l* u*s the matter After a b**salon of iwo hours they announced It aw tha opin ion of the council that the young Quest! ‘should not be permitted to rlda a bicy cle They .k* bled |t not the proper thing for n young woman to <k>. Queen Wilheimlna listened attentively to th verdict and then announced that she |>ropo*ed to ride her wheel |n the park whenever *b** wished to Only tha In tervention of her mother prevented her from carrying out this determination, min isters or no ministers. Hhe in exceedingly quaint in tha assump tion of her responsibilities All orphans of her country are especially urvler her care arvl every year she arranges fetes arvl concerts for their benefit Thgy ara allowed to room about tha pula •• an I |srk at will. Wilhelmlnn was bom Aug. 31, IMO. and h* tr lining of her character has keen her mother * only thought During her earlier* she Wv- exceedingly deli cate in health, and It wra* feure.l sne had consumption. By mean* of ou(floor sport and plenty of exercise *h- recovered her vigor, and now tM>a*e*e* phvaqu* which will compare m*t favorably for robustness with any of her subject#. (‘mi! she was eighteen the young Quean arose each day at 7 o’clock and was In b*l by 10 o'clock at night. Hhe Is likely to la as stout as Queen Victoria eon to dav. Hhe |n now a* matronly as a wo man of thirty. u Wtth-.ralßa'n (lane*. Duke Henry, to the half iinfle ef Ih* pr-.enf <ir tn,l Duke f Meckßeiiburß-Schwertfi. Duke Frwirr' s FranroU 11.. who tli—l In ISU. wae mar rle.* three time*. Henry, the <v>mln( Frlnce-Conaort. *aa the of him rMl .trrn h>- the Ihlnl tvlfe, Uran<) Ducheaa Marl. Hr was born a Schwerin, Aprn 19. I*l*' n-t hla full name la Henry Vladi mir Albert Kmeet. He ta lieutenant on the staff of a battalion of Ihe rhae aeura of the Ruaaian Ouarde anil an offi cer in the line regiment of Mecklenburg lie ta (all. bright-looking amt German in appearance. The Grand Ducal houa . of Mecklenburg la the only reigning fam ily of \Veatero Europe of Slavonic origin. It claims to be (he oldest sovereign house outalda of Asia, and trace* Its deaoaa* through twtmy-fivc genaratlODa. 15